iwn".' hup 'Jiii? Fca-rcr for alt Men. Bf VICTOft HIICO. My daughter, go and pray; tee, night ii come : One golden planet pierces through the gloom; Tremble the misty outline of the hill. I. uteri! tin- distant wheels in darkness glide All e1e ii bushed i the tree by the road side Shakes in the wind iti dutt strewn branches still. Day ii for evil, weariness and pain, ' Let iif to prayer ! calm night it comt again ; The wind among the ruisvd tower to bare Sij;hs mournfully; the herdt, the flocks and streams, All suffer, all complain ; worn nature seem Longing for peace, for slumber, and for prayer. 1 1 i the hour when babet with angelt tpealc, While we are rushing to our pleasures weak Ami tinful, all young children, with bent knees, Eyes raised to Heaven, and tmall handt folded fair, Say Ht the self-tame hour the selfsame prayer On our behalf, to Him who all things teet. And then they eleep ; oh ! peaceful cradle tleep ! .!! childien't hallowed prayer! religion deep Of love, not fear, in hnppineirt expressed ! So (he young bird, when done its twilight lay Of praise folds peacefully at shut of day Its h.-ad beneath its wipg, and sinks to rest. Pray thou for all who living tread Upon this earth of graves ; For all whose weary pathways lead Among the winds and waves : For him who madly takes delight In pomp of silken mantle bright, Or swiftness of a borse; For those who laboring suffer still ; Coining or going doing ill Or on their heavenward course. Tray, though, for him who nightly tint Until the day dawns bright Who at eve's hour of prayer begint The dance and banquet bright ; Whose impious orgies wildly ring, Whilst pious hearts are offering Their prayert at twilight dim ; And who, those vespert all forgot, Pursues his tin, and thinketh not God also heareth him. Child ! pray for all the poor besides ; The prisoner in his cell, And those who in the city wide With crimet and misery dwell ; For the wise sage who thinks and dreamt ; For him who impiously blasphemes Religion's holy law. Pray thou for prayer it infinite) Thy faith may give the scorner light, Thy prayer forgiveness draw, Gr.a. Tavlor's Titles. The New Orleans Sadonal find, on examination, that Gen. Tay lor hns as ninny titles as the Duke of Welling ton, and thry all defipnate tome great event in his liibtory, or mine striking peculiarity of bin mind. They have been conferred by different bovereigna ot the United States and foreign po tentate at ditb'rent time, and when Gen. Tay lor is in full dree", with their eneigna hanging across his breast, it makes him look like a plain uld gentleman of the olden times, that does the people good to look at. Air. Marcy calls him 'Major General Tay lor, commanding.' The People generally 'Old Rough and Rea dy." The Mexicans 'Don Zachary.' The Teamsters in the Army 'The Old Man.' The Merchants and Artists in the Army The Old Boes.' The Mexican Women 'Mucha Burnt.' Santa Anna 'Old tool, don't know when he is whipped.' Gen. Scott 'My dear, dear General.' The 'Sovereigns' Our next Presidetit of th L'niltd Stairs ! Lawtkb OiTwnTtD Several years sgo (mo runt the etoiy)a young gentleman went to i unsult a certain attorney how he might carry ,1 on heiress. 'You cannot do it with safety,' .nid the counsellor; 'but I'll tell you what you nay do; let her mount a horse, and hold a bri- and a whip, do you then mount behind her, nj you are fhfe ; for she runs away with you.' Tha counsellor, however, was sufficiently punt innl for hit quibbling advice, when next day he t-.md that it wet his own davghUr who had i ..n away with his client. An old, Tsggptt, red-faced, forlorn looking Irish woman, accosted us with, 'Plaize rur, for tin luv ov heaven, give me a f) p lo buy bread wid. I am a poor lone woman, and have two young twins to upp"rt.' 'Why, my good wo man,' we replied, 'you eeem too old to have vi ung twins ol yourowf.' 'They are not mine, inir. I km only raisin' Ym.' 'How old are your twins !' 'One of 'urn i seven weeks ould, nd t'other is eight months ould !' A boy was atked what meekness wss! lie nought a moment, and said 'Meekness gives mocth answers to rough questions.' An Indian was questioned: What is original ami He quickly replied Laziness. 'Are you fond of tongue, air V I was always loud or tongue, madum.end 1 like it still. What weapon does a young lady resembl whose acquaintance pass her without uoliciu hr A tut lass. BANK NOTE LIST'. The followine list shows the current value of all ennsylvania (tank Note. The most implir.it re liance mat l plonrd upon it. as it U I very ivtek refully computed with and corrected from Kick nail's Reporter. Haul., til Philadelphia. M , Disc, tw PU. t.orAT.o. pmt NOTCH AT PAR. Bank of North America , , psr Bank of the Northern Liberties . , par Commercial Bnnk of Penn'a. , par Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank . par Kensington Bank . . par Philadelphia Bank . t par Schuylkill Bank . . . par Sonthwark flunk . par Western Bank . par Mechanics' Bank . p Manufacturers' At Merhsnica' Bank psr Bank of Penn Township . . rr (tirard Hank. . . par Rank of Commerce, lite Moynmi tming par Bantj of Pennsylvania . . pst Count r j Ilankts. Bank of Chester County1 Bsnk of Delaware County Bank of Ocrinantowii Bank of Monleomcry Co. Doyleslown Bank Ksston Bank Farmers' Bsnk of Burks ro. Bank of Nnrlhumhvtlnnd Westchester Chester Gi'rmantown Nnrris'own Doylestown Easlnn Bri-tol par par psr par par par par Northumlierland par Columbia Bnnk A Hride ro.'t-oluinnia psr Farmer Bnnk of Luneastei Lancistci par pir pjt pHI These ollices lo not Lancaster County Bank Lancaster Bsnk Farmers' Bank of Heading Office of Bank of Perm's. Ollice do do Office do di Office do do NOTES AT Lancaster Lancsster Reeding Harrishurg' Lancaster Reading r.sKi.m j iKsue n. DISCOUNT. tank or the United States Miners' Bank of Pottsvillc Bank of Lewistnwn Bank of Middlctown Carlisle Bank Cxt-liange Bank Do do branch of Hntrishurg Bank Lebanon Bank1 Merchants' & Mauuf. Bank Bank of Pittsburg West Branch B.mk Wyoming Bank Northampton Bank Berks County Bunk Office of Bank of U. 8. Do do do Do do do Bsnk of ChanihorliMrg Bank of Gettysburg Philadelphia Potisville I.ewUtumn Miililleiuwn (JarlKle Piltsbuip S3 i ' J Jul i i i i i 3 i i ii llnlliilsvsbarg Htrrisburg Lebarmn Pirtaburg Piltkbutg Williamiiporl Wilkeshane Allenlowa RiaJitig Pittsburg fsibd do Erie New Briffhtnn Chsmberahurg Gettysburg Montroti i i Bank of Susquehanna I'o. Erie Bank Fanners' & Dtovera' Bank Franklin Bank Hotiesdale Bsnk Mnnnngaheta Bank of B. Vork Bank Erie Wayntisburg Washingtm Honesdula HeowDHville York ij.ij N. B. '1 he note of those banks on which we omit quotations, and substitute a dash ( ) are not purchased by the Philadelphia broker, wilh the exception of those which have a letter of reference. BROKEN B A N IC S. Philadelphia Sav. lira. Philadelphia failed da failed do failed do do Dyott, prop.) failed Towands Rettford tt sale Philadelphia Loan Co. Sclnrvlkitl S. Ins. Kensington Sav. Ins. A Penn Township Sav. In. Manual Labor Bank (T. W fWanda Bank Alleghany Bank of Ps. Bank of Beaver liank of Swatara Beaver clneed Hanisburg ilosod W IsliiuKtoil failed Helltf.iiite rbsii-d Piltubuig no fale Pittsburg failed Fayette ci. failed (ireencastle failed Harninny no snlu H .intintiJon ni sale LeMi'istowu no sale Wan en failed DundtifT no salo New Hope rinsed Millon no salt- Meadtilln cloeed Port Carbon Carlisle failed Montrose closed l.'ninnlown failed Greenaburg closed Wilkeabarre no sale Bank of Waaliiiigtu Centre Bank City Bank Farmers & Mech ca Uunk Farmers' & Mech'ca' Bank Farmera' & Mech'ca Bank Harmony Institute Huntingdon Bank Juniata Bank Lumbermen's Bank Northern Bank of Pn. New Hope Del. Bridge Co. Northumb'd Union Col. Bk. North Western Ilauk of Pa. Office of Schuylkill Bank Pa. Agr. & Manuf. Bank Silver Lake Bank Union Bank of Penn'a. Westmoreland Bank Wilkcabarre Bridge Co. try All notes purporting to he on any Pennxyl. vania Bank not given in the above lint, may be set iown as fraud. NEW JERSEY. Bank of New Brunswick Brunswick failed Belvideie Bank Belviilere Burlington Co. Bank Meilford par Commercial Bank Perth Ambuy Dumherland Bank Bridget. in par Farmera' Bank Mount Holly par Farmera' and Mechanic' Bk Rahncy J Farmers' and Mechanics' Ilk N. Iliunsiik failed Farmer' and Merchants' Bk Midtllttown I'U Franklin Bank of N. J. J.rwy l.'ity fuilud Hoboken Bks 4 Giaung Co llob..kon fail.d failed failed failed i failed 1 par no aale Jersey City Bank Jersey City Patlcrson Bt llevill Murriktown Freehold Newark Trenton Jeisvy City Newark Mechanics' Bank Manufacturers' Bank Morris County Bank Monmouth Bk of N.J. Mechanics' Bank Mechanics' and Manuf. Bk Morris ('anal and Bkg Co Pot Note Newark Bkg & Ina Co New Hope Del Bridge Co N. J. Mauufac and Bkg Co i t failed fulled i failed i LainberU-vill Hoboken N J Proiecton & Lombard bk Jersey City Orange Bank Orange Psteraon Bank Peterson Peoples' Bank do Princeton Bank J'rinralon Salem Banking Co Saleia Stale Bank JVewaik State Bank Elizabethtown Slats Bank Caouluu Slats Bank of Morris Morrislowo State Bank Trenton Salem and Pbilad Manuf Co Salem Suasei Bank Newton Trenton Banking Co Tientuu Union Bank Dever Washington Banking Co. Hackenaack Bk of W lira AY Braudywine Wilmington Bank of Delaware Wiluinglua Bank of Smyrna Smyrna Do biancb Millurd Farmers' Bk of Stats of Del Dover Do branch Wiloiiugtou Do biancb Georgetown Do branch Newcastle Union Bank Wilmington tT Under 6's par par i i par i failed failed 1 p., failed par par par par par par par par par J rjjr On sll bsnk marked thus f ) there sre ei ill.. ... .i. i ..... ).. j. i wnwum vi iiwnu UOM9S Of IAS VSsiOUS S aooiiiiauofis, is cuculsdon. IOTJCB2TakZ Spring Goods. fTlflB subscriber has Just received his Nrv X Hiring Goods, lo which he invite hia frierv and eustomere to call and examine for thsmjsi e His sli ck consi-ts in part of ths following t ' Superior Cloths, of all colors; Cssimrs ef difle -enl patterns; Patin and other Yrstuigs j Ca licos, Lawns, Ginghams, Cheeks, Tick ings, and summer wear of all kinds -snd prices; nlso, Leghorn and Palm leaf Hats; Umbrella - and Parasols, fr..m 25 cents upwards ; l-o, Grocoiies, Queens Wnre, Hnrdwnre, tdarware. Oils, Paints, Fish, Salt, &C..&C Ac, and in fort, everv article usually kept in a coiiii'.i-' a'nre, wl.ii-h will l sold very low. f'r rns'i ol w kind of ire. JOHN BOGAR. Sunbuty, May 15ih, tS'17. nt4y More lcw Gooils! rilllE last arrival is at Pu-dy's Hlore, Market A Square, where viill b found a handsome as- aorimrnt of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, of the htett sud m st approved siyles, consisting of Clulbs, f'si'imers, Veslings, Sunuaer StufTi, Mous. d- laincs, Liwns, Gii gliain. Calicos, Muslins, Jeiin.4, fir., cVc , ftc ; also, a full assoitrnent of Gmcrrii, all of which will be sold lower than ever ofleied in t1 is mnrk t. t?all and examine fur vnursoNe. Sunbury, May 15 h, 1S17. If Flour, Produce, and General Commis sion Merchants, No. 116 8it' WtiAiir, BALTIMORE. OFFER tbeir services lo the Meichanta and Fs'iaers nf the SumH hnnna Va'lev, for the snle of Flour, Grain and Produce generally, in the ll.ilum re market, and fnt n thru txu-iiive ac ijii linlsnre among purchasers and shipjrs, can safely w rrant iiisfai-tury sstin. Curresponileiils will be constandy kept advised of the stale of the moike a, Jtc. K.fi r to Mi-aar. Wm. Wilaon &. Si n. " l-.ac Rey.ml,UAaon. I Diiviilson cc faui don, f Rrynnlda V Smith, J and Messrs. Tincley, Caldwell A English, Phils. Mav Ifi'h. 1847. 2m SOMETHING NEW! T SHE Sul scriber have lhi r c'niive tight of vi ...king J. M. THATCHER'S Hot Illawt Hot Air looking In li e c. unt es of Northuinberlan I, Ciduinbia snd Schuylkill; and from the encouragement met with already, they expect to do a larce business. This stove is conslruded on an entirety new prii eide, and on the only principle thai cm makn both a good wood and coal sine. The inventor has over come all the ditricuk es thai s. frequently belong to other stoves. He has by his arrangement, con stiucbd a broiling fCjO?!! Ill Troilt, where in broibnii, roasting, frying or baking may be done, and all the ami-II that arises th,efroin must pas into the combustible chamber, and ia not at all thrown out imo the room .fJD Bee-dee this, there Uan oven only two inches less than the whole sice of the stove, wherein baking or roasting may be done as vell as it can be in the common brick oven. This even is alwavs fit for it when the 'ove is heated, as the whole draught of hot air passes a lound it constantly. I'ubl c attention is particularly called to this stove. Ii can be si en at our Store and Tin Estab lishment in North Danville, st the sign of the Co lumbia Tin hhop, and at the Found' y of Ifohrl srh & Ch-inent in funbury, where its particular quali tii will be fully thown and eip'ained lo an person wikhing to K nnine it. The sul'scribers continue In have on h ind all kinds of parlm stovrs. such ss radiator, cy lenders, fancy and plain, suitable for all who may favor us wiih a call; also common sbcrl and Russit Iron, which can tie made in any desirable shape; tog,, ther with a gerural assortment of tin and jipinned w are, wholesale and roiail. Country liter, hants are invned to call and etainiue our iock. as our Wurk csnnot be surpssM-d, and pi ice mndoerate. N . B. We can lately recommend the above men tioned stove to person who wish to ernhsrk in a good business Tbe patentee will sell either coun ty or stale rights, to suit purchaser, and on rea son able term. He or hi agm's mav be found in Danville, Pa. J. & J. ARTE It. The undersigned, having seen in operation the hot b ast hot air cooking stove, invented and pa tented by J. M. Tbaichcr, certify that we believe, from the manner of it cmistiucii in and 0ereinn, that it is the best one ever offered to the pi.blie. The airaiiRi merit iao complete and ihe construction so judicious, that there i a saving of one half the fuel and lime, in doing any given amount of s- rvice, over other celehraled stoves. In short we recorn n ent it in pielerence to all other, for the aim pie reiion thai it embrace everv branch of economv. Samuel Garrett, John V Garrett. D.vid Chat- j field, W F Knch n, John M Giay, E Thompson, Smith Tlioni on, J D Hahn, Jhn Oakes, Hiki- I ah Rear, I.lus F Cooper, tten M buhrt, Daniel Hufr.i.an, Hemy H Riaael, F H Carver, Daniel Dri iabach, J-eph Yanknk, Brook Epley. Danville. March 6, 1817. ty P A R M THE subscriber olU-r for sale a cheap Farm, situate in Shamokiu township, Nonhumber land county, about eight mi'es from Sunbo'v, ly ing lt ween ihe Centre turnnike and Irirh Valley, containing ICS acres and allow incea. Said f inn ia in a gxd etate of cultivation, with reasonably good buildings and eicelleut waltsr near ihe dool ; and all kinds of fiuit. Ac. JOHN FARNSWOKTH. Suribsrv, Feb. 30, 1847. WHS Clothing Establishment OPERATIONS in Ulaibiis seem to be lh order of the day, at ths Philadelphia Ward Robe, 105 Cheanut street, where every article in Ihe line is kept, and sold at asionUbiug low prices, embracing Cloaks, Bangops. Over Sack Coats, Short Ssck Coats, Super French Cloth Diess Fiock Coats, Pantaloona of every grade and style, sny of which will be sold either by the garment or doten, st pli es that will justify ths most economical in buying. Wi advise all who want good snd chssp Clo thing, to call at No. 105 Cbesnut st.-set, Philadelphia, Fb tin, IflT. fsj TO WATCHMAKERS J. L A D0 K U S, Importer of Watches, Watch-Makers Tools and Y otch Materials, Wholesale &. Retail No. 26. .Viref sfrrel. PHILADELPHIA, HAM constantly on hand a large assortment of Lunette, Patent, and Plain Glass; Main springs Verges, Dial, Watch Handt, and a com plete assortment of ell Tools snd Mateiisls belong ing to the trade; with a large assortment of Go d and Silver Lever, Lepiue, and Plain Watches s all of which he will guaranty to sell at the lowest Nevt York price. All orders from the country punctu allv executed. N. B. Country merchants and other are invited to c II and eisruin his stuck, at No. S46 Matkvt at'eei. Ph la lelphia. Jan. 23. 1847. Bra CITY ATJCTIOIT STOPaB, No. 81 North Third street, (fitm t eiTt aciTrt,) PHILADBLFHI A C. C. MACK K.Y, Auctioneer. TO COUNTRY STORE KEEPER. f71ViiNING SALES of Hardware, Culleiy, BJ Saddlery, Whip. Boots, Shoe, Hats, Caps, Guns, Pistols, Clothing, WHtchea and Fancy Goods, At Msrkry's Auction Store, 31 North Third street, near the City Hotel. The stieution of Country Merchant is invited. The Goods will be s -Id in lot to suit purchasers, and nil Goods offered will be wairan'ed equal to the representations that may be made of them. N. B. A large as'oriaient of Good at Private Sale. Jan. lfiLt9l7 ly " MOUNT VERNON 15 North M si., bet. Arch & Uace sts., 1 Ii i I a 1 c I h i a . BRADY A. PARKER respectfully inform their friend snd the public that 'hey have taken the shove named house, recently kept by J. S, Adnirw, an I are prepared to accommodate custo mer in the moat satisfactory manner and st rea sonable prices. Their table will be supplied wiih the best vari ety -ho market alTords their parlor and sleeping apirtmenta will tie in the beat order. The hou-e has been thoroughly repaired and furnished wilh a view lo the comfort of traveller and stranger. Having had seve.al year eiperience in the business, thev hope to give general satisfaction, mid reapectfully invite traveller and atrancera lo Rive ihem a call. BRADY & PARKER. Phildlphia.Js.nury 16, 1817. if The Cheapest Gold and Silver Watches IN PHILADELPHIA. gi OLD Levers, full Jewelled, f 45 00 ff Silver do. do. 23 00 O.ihl Lepines, Jewelled, 30 00 Silver do. do. 15 00 Silver Quaniers, fine quality, 10 00 Gold Watches, plain, 15 00 Stiver Sircticlt a, 17ft Gold Pencil. 2 00 Gold Bracelet. 4 00 Alan, on hand, a large assortment of G..ld and Hair Bracelets, finger rings, breast (tin, hoop ear rings, gold pen, silver spoon, tugar tongs, thim bles, gold neck, curb and fob chains, guard keys and jewellery of every description, at equally low prices. All I want ia a call to convince custo-oier-i. All kinds of Watches and Clock repaired and warranted to keep good . time for one year; old gold or silver boi;lit or taken in exchange. For sale, eight day and thirty hour brass clocks, at LEWIS LA DOM US' Watch, Clock and Jewellery Siore, No. 4I3J Market r-treet, above Eleventh, north aide, Phila phia. Xj" I have some Gold and Silvei Levers, still much cheaper than the above price. Philadelphia, Dec. 26. 1846. ly SHAVINO CREAXK. Small quantities given without Charge. .11 114 CAefnu St.. PHILADELPHIA. fl'vHtS new snd splendid srticle, a it name de ll note, i professed to be superior lo any Sha ving Cream in the United States or Europe. It is unsurpus. d for beauty, purity and fragrance, tho' somewhat analagoua to Gu-rlaiu's Ambrosial Cresm and other similar compound. It far aur passes ihem all by ihe emollient pasty consistency of it lather, which so softens the beard as to rend, r shaving pleaaant and easy. It further possesses the advantage over the imported article, in being fre-hly prepned. no skill being wanting in it man ufacture. E.Rousael having had many years' ex perience in ihe celebrated Laboratory of Laugur, Pere et Fil, now Renaud Sc cn., of Paria. Beside brine; Ihe best, it is the cheapest article for shaving ; it i elegantly put up in box, with splendid steel engraved label. Price f 3 per dosen. or 874 cent ' single bos, to shave one year. It is also sold at ft 50 per lb. or 124 cnts per ox., so that gentlemen can have their boxes filled at EUGENE ROLSsSEL'S, Wholesale and Retail Perfumery and Mineral Wa ter r.s'abhshmcnt, 114 Cbesnut Street, Dec 19, 1846.-. PHILADELPHIA New Firm. rjlHE Undersigned hereby give notice, that he 1. ha associated with himself, aa a partner in ihe mercantile business, in hi store adjoining Weaver's Tavern, in Sunbury, John Haas, and that the said store will hereafter be conducted un d. i ihe firm of Clement & Haas, The store at the South Wi st comer of Market Square will be conducted as heretofore, by ihe subscriber himself, to which he respectfully invites bis customers and frienda. He sls.t notifies all those indebted lo him, to call between tin and ths 11 of Jauuary next, and oti tis their account. All kind of produce will be taken on account, at caah price. Hereafter no longer than four month credit will he given. IRA T. CLEMENT. Sunbury, Nov. 14. 1H4S If. CLZIOITT & EAA3, RESPECTFULLY inform ths public, lost en lbs 9tb Inst., they entered into partnership, in ths mercantile business, at ths store recently occupied by Da T, Clement, adjoining Weaver s Tavern, in Sunbur. Thev kava Utal reMiut a new stock of good, which they will dispose of ai me loweai pi ices. All kinds of produce will be taken ia etchings for goods. No longsr tbsn Poor month credit will be given. IRA T. CLEMENT. JOHN HAAS. PiiAUry, TW. If, :M9,-tf. "USl --. L I , U - TCkT3LE2"TKtir AUCTION STORE. No. fl North nd 'st.i-' third 'door above Market Street, 9 Btt ADBLPHX A. 1 ALE EVERY EVENING, of a general as nortment of Foreign snd Domestic Hardware, X'able and Pocket Cutlery, Trunk, L'ick, Latchet, Bops, Saws, Saddlery, Whips, Boots, Kbor. lists, Csp, Guns, Pistols, Trimmings, Clothing and Fancy Good. The attention of city and country dealer is in vited. The Good srs fresh, and will be warranted equal to the representation that may be made of them. BAY LIS & BROOKER, Auctioneer; No. 6 North Third t. N. B. Purchasers can have their G 01 ids packed. Several invoici a of Goods have been received to be stdd at piivate sale. Philadelphia. Dec. IVth, H46. ly To The I. 67oFo. i J. W. & K. 1). S T O K K S, Manufacturers of Premium OdJ Fel lows uogalia, : No. 194 Market Srrrt, PHILADELPHIA, Firal Clothing Store below Cth Street. j TlHE subscribers having taken the premium at j 1 Franklin Institute, at the last exhibition, for 1 the best Regalia, they invite ihe attention uf the order to their establishment, when they will find a splendid assortment of P. G. and Encampment Re iralia. They alo make lo order for Lodges and Encampments. Regalia, Sashes, Ootume and Robe, and furnish every thing requisite for ihe Convenience of new Lodges or Encampments. J. W. STOKES, E- D. STORES. Philadelphia, Dec. t'.t, tSI6.-lv EXTRAORDINARY DISCOVERY! ! DBafiPirSSS CAW BIl Ot7KHD II COOPER'S ETERIAL OIL A prompt snd Issting remedy for DaarKKss, ulso for pains J and discharge uf matter from the Ears. Hundreds of cures in caei deemed utterly hope- ; le-shave firmly e tablibhed its aupcriority over eve- ; ty former Medical discovery. This valuable Acoustic Medicine ia a compound j of four dilTerctit Otis, one of which, iho active and ' principal ingtedieul, is obi lined f.oru the hark of a , certain sp cue of Waljvt, 4 new and efliclual : agent in the cure of Denfiie. , Persons who had been deaf for 10, IS and even 20 years, have been permanently cured by using 1 this oil. In fact, so numerous and so emphatic ' have lipell ihe. leatininninla it, it fiivnr lht the in. ! ventor claims for it the distinction of an Infallible K.r ia i- rfw-i in J' " - - - I-'-- it foimatii n. Foi further particulars, and evidence of it great value, see printed sl ctts, in the hands of Agenu For sde in Sunbury, by J. W. FRlLlNlt, September 19, h, 1846 ty UNRIVALLED AND UNEQUALLED In curing Cold, Cough. Athms, Intluenxi, Whooping-Cuugh, and all Dinenses of the biejist and lungs, leading to Couaump tion ; composed of the concentrated virtuea of the herbs Horehouud, Bnnestt, Bloodroot, and several other vegeta ble aubtat)ces. Warrant! PURE FROM ANY MINERAL WHATEVER. rPHIS invaluable Medicine is the most edy - and certain remedy ever discovered f r ihe a bove cumpla nta, a thousands who have used il will testify. For sale, in Sunbury, bv J. W. FRILINO. and in Northumberland, by D. BRAUT1GAM, aud at wholesale, iu Philade lphia, bv F. KLE'lT & Co, Corner of Second aud Catlowhill ttrecte. September 19th, 1846 ly DENTISTRY JACOB HELLZPv, THANKFUL for the liberal encouragement which he ha received, woul I respectfully inform hi friend snd the citizens of Northumla-r-land county in general, that he ha prepared him self with the best Incorruptible Teeth, Isold Plate, Gold Foil, Aic, that can be had in the city of Phi ladelphia ; and that he will endeavor, to ihe utmost of hi ability, lo render full satisfaction to all who may think proper to engage hia services. He will be In Sunbury at the August court, where he will be prepared, at hi residence, to inaerl Teeth on Gol.l Plate, or on Pivot, on the latest and moat air proved plans, snd attend In i tbe branches belongs ing to DEN TAL SURGERY. Ladies will he waited on at their places of resi dence, if desired. Hi charges will be reasonable, and bis work warranted. He will visit different parts of the county, about once in three month. Sunbury, July 18th, 1846 fun FOUNTAIN! OTE Mlflit Mi eft, THE House hss undergone a thorough repair. The prnprietora solicit its former patronage. Terms f 1 J5 tier dsy. WM. W. DIX. ARTHUR L. FOGG, July 4, 1848. ly Proprietors. Keller Ac la'reeiioiiRli, FATIEIT? ATT0R1TEY3, AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERS, WASXIIirGTOH, J. C. DRAWINGS anj Paper for ths Psteni Of Bee will b prepsred by theoa, at their office, opposite the Pstsnt Office, July. 4th. 1848. ly ITVEXTER'H SPIRITS OF SOAP, for eg Ul trading Greaae, Dry Psints, Varniab, Tsr, W at, Ac, from clothing of sny description, war ranted not to injure the cloth er tbe mot delicate colors. This liquid has also been need wKh (rest success in esses jt Burns, Scsld, Tetter, Pimple on lbs face, Chapped bands, Sore lips, Rheuma tism, Hard or soft Corns, eVc , rj- fuc, lb ct Ler boitjav , Tot sale at lb store et - . -JolyH, mi. kL MASCTJt. J H. B lA33E?s, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 60XTBTJR7, PA. Business attended to in Ihe Counties of Nor thumberland, Union, Lycoming and Columbia. Kefer to 1 P. tt A. IJoVOCBT, Lowan & Btanov, Scat. . SifonoBias, PMlu(t. RatHOLDS, McFAL4SI) & Co. 8f saino.Goon 61 Co., J E. KIIvlBER, JR., iYo. 31 Murth Fourth Street, under the .Wer rJirmfs' Hotel, V h 1 1 a 1 e 1 1 li I n , 4 La Jto tin nc raaia. "TT" EEPS constantly on hand an extensive as mt. snrtmeut of all kinds of Silk, Fur and Be vil ft (, which be offer for sale nu the most rea sonable terms. His Hat are made tip of the best materials, and in the most approved atyle. Per sons visiting the ci'y will find it to their interest to call July 1 1th, 1846 ly SI LV Eli INI 15 DA L7 AwaanKD sv the ra.xni.i-i ikstitcti, 184S. City Da'nrrrrotypf Establisliracnt. (I.htk Sikons Jt Colli is.) No. 100 Chrtnut $t iAote Third, South side, .PHILADELPHIA. M I MATURES taken equally as well in clou for a lady, and a black suit for a gentleman, are r furablu in aittiug for a pictute. No extra charge is made for coloring, utid perfect likenesses are KU'irantK-d. July 4th, 184R. ly CHESNUT STREET, V II I LA I E E I II I A . flHIS Ijrpe and commodious Hotel has recently JL been lilted up with entire new furniture. 'Itie subscrilH-r therefore solicit the patronage of the public, and trust that their experience in the business will enable them to give entire satisfac tion. Terms nioderste. BAGLEV, McKENZIE & Co. July 4th, 1816. ly ESlTTISTr.T." I'HTKK 11. MAS81.lt, UF.CF.NTLY FROM PHILADELPHIA, ESPECTFULLY inlorms the citixens of Sunbury sud virinilv, that he has njirned an ollicc at the re-idenre of Henry Mas-er, in Mmket street, where be is prep ned to execute all kinds of Um ru SuunxnT. Plato Work, &.C , on the latent and most approved plan. Having had ome tXerience and instruction, under one of ihe mo-t eminent and successful Den tist in Philad- Iphia, he Udieves that he will be able lo give satisfaction to tUofe who may want hi service Ladies will be waited on st their place of r.-si- ! dence. His charge w ill be modei ate, and his 1 woik warranted Sunbury, March 28th, 1S16. To I'litrlianrrs or D KIT GOODS. i i Vn. I a I Pearl, t., NEW VORK. Tl AV1NG established a Branch at No. 144 Chs- J--- nut St.. Philadelphia, ia now opening, and wilt be constantly receiving from tbe Ni w York Auc tions, an extensive assort incut of FANCY fc STAPLE DRY GOODS, which will be sold at the lowest New York piicca, ' al wholesale and R' toil. Among his slock will be I found a good assortment of the following articles: Jacconets, Plaid. Hair Cold, Lace, Stri, Book, j Swisa and Tarlatan Muslins, Bishop and Linen j Lawns, Fancy Csp Nells, Fancy snd Ball Ureases, I Thread Laces, Application D.v., rich B'ack Silk Trimming Lace, Irish Linens, Linen Cambrics, Linen Cambric Hdkfs., Curtain Fringes, Cashmeie d'Ecoase, Mouseline du I.. line. (Silk and Cotton Warp Alpacca, Ju 'en'a Cloth, (Jala Plaids, French Merinos, Bl ick !ilk, Gloves, Si k Hote, Shawl, Ciavats, RililKm", ErnhroMleii- s. &c, Ac. Country Meichants aud others visiting Philadel phia or New Yoik to purchase, are reajacifu'ly in vited to call aud examine the stocks. Nov. 1. 1645. I v K Is 1 K X K A XD LI V THOMSON'S Compound Syrup of Tur & Vood Nuptlia. flHE unprecedented success of this medicine, in M the restoration of health, to those who, in des pair, had given up all hopes, hss given it an exal ted reputation strove all other remedies, furnishing evidence of il intrinsic va'ueand power, as the on ly seen! which can lie relied upon for tbe cure ol Pulmonary Consumption, Bronchiitis, Asthma Pain n tbe side and Breast, Spitting of Blood Whooping Cough, Croup, Ac. Attention ia requested lo ihe following ASTON ISHI.NG CURE.bv Thomsoo'a Compound Svru of Tar and Wood Naptha ! ! Philuilrlnb.ia, May 9d, 1844. MR. THOMSON Dear Sir Wilh rtefu feeltnga I inform you of ihe astonishing effects o your medicine, which ha literally rai d me fron a deatb-bed ! My disea-e, Pulmonary Consump tion, had reduced me so low that my physician pro nojoced my case hopeless ! At this junction I be gan to u-eyour medicine, and miraculous as ii ma seem, it baa completely retoieJ me to health, al'te everything else bad failed. Respectfully vours, WASHINGTON .MACK. Charlotte street, above Geoige street The undersigned, being personally acquainted wiih Washington Mack and hi ufterini!. be, wiliice lo Ihe astonishing effects of Thomson' Compound Syrup of Tar, aud the truth of lbs a bove statement. JOH. WINNER, 3lH North Third street, DAVID VIOKERS, A'i Almond s r.-el, HUGH M'GI.M.EY, S. E. corner Tarns a and Fourth street. Prepsred only by S. P. Thomson, N. E. come of 5th snd Spruce streets, Pbi'adelphis, Agent. H. B. Maeaer, Sunbury ; D. Gros snd Dr. Mscpheison, Ha.-riaburg ; Jno. G. Browi Poltsvnle ; Goo. Earl, Reading i Houston V Mi on, Towanda, Biadfurd county, Pa. Price 50 cen per bottle, er $5 per doxen. (Tj" Bewart of all imiJaiiotu. Pbilsdclpbia. June 88th. 1845. If CJeorge J7Vcaver, HOPE MalZSB eV BBZP tmANDLES No. IS Nert. Water Utrett, Philadelphia. AS constantly on bsnd, a geueral asso men! or Cordage, Seine I wines, &., n Ropee. Fiehina Ropes. White Ropes. Man la Ropes, Tow Lines for Canal Boat. Also, complete sasortenent ef Seine Twines, eVe, such Hemp Shad and Herring Twin. Beat Patent G Net Twine, Cotton Shad and Herring Twine, Sh Threads, cVc. Ac. Also, Bed Cords, Plough Lit Halters, Trace, Cotton sad Linen Carpet Cha cVc, all of whicjj be will dupoea ef on reeeojul sarma. F luJsdeifBia, Xttmt H, 10. ly.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers