Th LMnsM in 1n it Armv. The Vera Cnu F.a;;le, of lit date, thm discourse about Iht wonderful operation of this wonderful age nt : VVehad the pleaiure of enjoying an invitation tube present on the occasion of the amputation eft wo lug above the knee, on Saturday last, Mrhere that great assistant in surgical cases, (the lelkton) was used. The subjects were (wo men vho had been conveyed to the Hospital of San Francisco, and the success was a triumph over physical pain. Dr. TJarton'f administered the Ltthton, and Dr. Torter and a young physician (whose name we are eorry we do not recollect) were the operators In one rase the limb was removed in live minutes and half from. the commencement of the inhalation to the close of the amputation. Ia the other few seconds over that time. Doth declared they bad felt nothing during the operation. One of them rather play fully observed, (on recovering consciousness, and perceiving that it was done) "that it Ihe way yon do it, is it " ' This- ia' surely a wonderful agent, and may be regarded as the most invalua ble dilcovery in relieving suffering humanity, that ha yet been revealed. The Letheon is now used by surgeons, dentists and accouchers, and we expect to hear of it be ing used by disappointed political aspirant. A Laros: Raft. A raft, from Canada, nine hundred feet in length, 39 fet in widih, and drawing 3 feet water was towed into Buffalo a few day ince. The raft was composed of spar and pine (awing opon which whs 170,000 feet of awed pine lumber. A Movstk Tbt The Chicago Convention was held wider a tent, made large enough to ac commodate twenty thousand persons. PHILADELPHIA MAHKX.T. TrtsoAy, July, 13. Fixmjr asn Mkai. The market cuninoe inactive. Small ralie of Western Flour al $." ; fresh ground I'.mna , Corn Meal, a fc3J. No mi Ira of Rye Flour. ;ai. Wheat, Fenna red $1 10, mixed $1 1(1, and white $120. Corn F. mm yellow, 70c Oit 42c a 4-i. No inquiry fur Rye. Whiskey. Sales in bbteat'Joc. , nAL.TIMOIlBC MAItKKT. Qffic of the Rain mob a AvKaicaa, July 12. FLOt'lt SuMpmharina Flour ia held at .. GRAIN. There were a number of Iota ol new crop Md. Wheat in market to day, a lee of which of good to strictly prime reds, were made at 1(X) to 11X3 and 110 el per bushel. lVnna reds, old, are held at 100.105 ete. We note aalea to-day of Md v. Intr Corn at 6 1 iCa eta and ol Md yellow at 6406 cent. Md Rye ia nominal at 75 cent none here. Kate of Md Oata to day at 3740 eta. , 1 WHISKEY. Market quiet, and nothing of moment doing. We continue to quota hhda at 25 eta and bbla at 20 eta. . , Oar Choir. Ma. EniToa. Your paper a few week ainre gave a lit of the name of the democratic candi date in the field for the A -semi ly. Among tbem we noticed, with pleasure, that of Mr. 8ILA8 II F.NCEL, of Sunbury. Aathatiioe in app oarhing for the nomination of candidate, you will pinch oblige many of your democrric friends in this lowuahip, by per miring us toripre our prefer ence for the gentleman above named, a a varia ble per, n to leprceer.t tie in the next Lcgi.-lat.ire We know Mr. E.mol to wim the r iiniuil-- qualifications to nmke mill a representative a the drm. crnry of Old Nor humlierliiiid desire, l.nd hall, therefore, c-.r. eatly urge upon the party hir nominal on. In hi democracy we have full fjiiih, knowing him to be identified with the leatliug measure of ihe pnty. In hi knnwbdge ef ihe affairs of the Stale, complicated as they are st 1 retent, we have the assurance that he still I able to rr ruler imporiant service. Besides, he ia :ruly and mphati ally one of the )enile, in every sense of the term in sympathy a well aa in e linn and cone qneii-ly can command a vote which few other will lie able to do. The convention, vie are peteuaded, could put no person in nomina tion for this rlT'ce who would rendrr more snlis fnrlion, arid who would n licet mora credit UMu the county, lhau Mr. Eng.). 'J ai Von 1 or Ai'ursr. Legislature. roil to AMEairta. Mr. Ehitob You would confer favor upon many of your dem-eraiie fiends, by allowing us to bring forward, through the medium of your paper, WILLIAM D. I. EAR HART, of Kuh towu.hip, til candidate for the Igialature. Mr. (ieaihart is a gentleman of sound judgment, correct habits, and worthy the support f the Democratic paity. We know of no pi ra n nioie suit ihie to fulfill the riutiea of that high and rraiMMisihl-) olure. Shou'd ihe people are pioper to elect him as their Repre Kentalive, we feel confident that they will find in him a public servant f di-tinguiahed abilities, and n intalbgeut, firm and unwavering Democrat f he Jcll'eiiiuian school ' ' Miir Voraaa or tua Fuaas. Oar Srxt Slrmbcr. Ma. F.piioa The time ia approaching when a should think about (electing a candidate for I Legislature. We have beard of a goodly umber of perii wte have keen mentioned a audidatet, and the claim of thi person and that lexson, Mid of tbi ule and Ihat tide ef th liver. iow we, wbe ere not oflica buntei. think tan 'le al habitation' of theeandidateieefmueW leas im rtanc than bi ability, hibooety and iotegri y . And a for the claim of eny one to office, ia look ! it m a bembug, as well aa anti-re- ubliean. Oflicea were made for the people and et for the benefit of officeholder, w ho are, r at least ought to be, tb aervant of the people, f there are any claim or right in thee matter, icy Ulonj to the people, who bve a libt, and should exercise that right in selecting nch per son who are beat calculated to promote their in terests, a well a the interest of the public. Such a man we think 'we find in the person of ALEXANDER JORDAN, Esq., of Suebery, ami a he ha contented to serve if nominated and elected, let every good democrat and eitieeiv put hi ahonlder to the wheel and insist upon his nomination. Hi election Would follow of course, and would allay all excitement and division. ManiofOm Tuaat'T. Bowti. Co'wri.Ai.iTs occur more frequently du ring the ommer mmiths than at any other period because at thi teasoti of the year, the system being debilitated, digestion i not sufficiently ac tive to dispose of food before it becomes putrifi-d; hence a peculiar acid i cenenerated in the sto mach, which is the cause of those horrid disea ses called dysentery, cholera morbus, inflamma tion of Ihe bowel, Itc. Wright' Indian IVjjr. table Pill area natural remedy, and therefore are a certain cure for all kinds of bowel com plaints; because they cleanse the stomach and bowel from those putrid humor which are the cause of the above distressing complaint. They aim aid and improved digestion and purify Ihe blood, consequently, as they remove the crime of every form of dieease, it is absolutely impossi ble for them to fail in making a perfect cure of dysentery, cholera morbus, inflammation of the bowels, ttt. 15i ware of count! rfeits of. all kind ! Some are coated wilh sugar ; oihera aie made 10 lescmhle in outward appearance the ordinal medicine. The afel course is, In purchase from the regular agent only, one or more of whom msy be found in eveiy village and town in the Slate. e " . Q -Agent for the sileof Wright's Indian Veg. t i hie Till in Sunbury, Haaai Mam'sh. For oilier agencie see edvertixemcnt in another column. No Cnsaaaa is th Wanrrsa will materinlly afivet the body if the blood ia pure. Every Indi vidual, even the most diseaaed, bas within bim a germ or root of . that original pure blood of our common mo ber Eve; which germ of pure blood i the supporter of his life, and is in constant strug g'e to throw off the heterogenous, corrupt burnora, which are the cauaee of discese in the individual. By purging the b.aly of this dieaed individual A its bad humors, you allow the germ of pure blood to gain ground and to make blood of a better quali. ty. I.el all who wish lo be of a line, healthy hab it, and who desire lo lie able to stand wiihout inju ry the continual ch.mge of this climate, ue tho Uiandrcth Till, which will effectually cleanse lh blood of all bad or corrupt humors, and restore the human body to the atate of health enjoyed before the Introduction of mineral mrdiiirirs. Qj" Purchase uf H. Masse. Sunbury. or of the gent published in anal ber part of thi paper. dii:, . InJD(tita township, on the 7th inst Mr. FREDERICK R I KG EL, agen almut 38 year. ia Jackson township, on the 30lb nit , Pol. JOHN HAAS, aged r9 year. . In Ibis place, on Wednesday last. ROBERT DUNCAN, aon of Mr. Robert D. Myers, aged 7 month. riUCE -CUKRENT. Currettfd weekly by lleitry Nimer. Wbsat, - 1 10 Rva, - 70 COB'S, . .... ',(1 Oat. . . HrTTKN, ISJ Eons, - 8 Poan. . 5 Fltr.n, ... lit rtsrswAT., . - 2f Tallow, ... 10 Klax, ... .1(1 Hsi KLan Tlax, 10 Dei km A rr !... . . 7S Do. PrAcaK., . IftO II ANCE'8 SARSA.PARILI... oa BLOOD TheCheirsl apd let Mwlicine in eiieleiM-e! Every person who ia subject to Bilious Fever, should purify their Idjod and system by . ning a boa f the s 4 iisa pa mi. 1. a or r.Loon riujif Persons afllicled w i'h t'oativenesa. should iry the llfsca'a SARSAPARILLA.01 BLOOD PILLS! Young ladies and gentlemen troubled with Pim ples on the Face. ahouM try the SARft.1PAMLLA, OR BLOOD PILLS Singing in the Ears relieved by the Htara'a 8ARSAPARILLA, or BLOOD PILLS'. Headache and (Jiddinese cured bv uainj the SARSAPARIL1.A, OR Rl.OOD PILLS Drow-iiiesa and (ieneral Debility, curel hv the HAMCK'SARSAP.RILL.or BLOOD PILLS! Dypepsiacan le rnreil by using the S.1NSAPAR1LLA OR BLOOD PILLS' (Jj-Persona who have token considerable p illions of mercury, and in convenience have paina in the bones, r-hou'd ne fieelv the II. sen's SXRSAPARILLA.or Rl.OOD PII.L-! (jj- Poisons in want of a Pill Ihat is Vwtly YfKeliilife, and is warranted not to emilain a purlt elt uf Mereurif, should Uae the SARSVPAKILLA.or W.OOD PILLS (XT Till: tSKKVISK FOR SA LF. fiY 1$ SETH S. HA NCR, 108 Raltimore st. and corner a a I I ..a 1 -Is 1 .... ui u. ... . """ """ - .J by C. LORf.E BRIC II T. Sui.bury l. tlw.- KJ t l".lt UI a li It 111 Itlll'l July 17, 1847. HANCE'scnMPnnvnsyRueoF hoke hound for Tin: ri'Ri: of Cuunh, Culdt, Cuutumjiti -n, Spitting nf '.'., Puin in fi S'de und Rrentt, HrwitiU 1, Crmin, Atthina. and till derate uri- tmg frvm a dirvtderrd ii".l'i , ; offhelti':givrnrcfretrdrild. TAKE TIME BY THE FOIIEU)t;K, Is a piece of advice which is suitable to all seasora. and applicative to all fwrpoeeaC tlMMigh lb re is no instance in wnich this piece of advice 1 more valu able, than le persons who bave a coogti or cold, for if they neglect what aaay appear to I ham very trifling .V THE M.VINNLSU, it may lead to (inflammation of Lungs, end fiaally Com-amption t To all who have a ceugh, we would aay, prnrure a holtle of t NANCE'S COUPOIST) XYRVP OF JI0REHOVND. The medicine ia pleasant to take, and H may save you year of suffering. Price 50 Cent per bottle or sly. hntirea for Mr. Pre,. red and sold by SETH M. HANCE, 108 Da hi mm st.and corner of Charlea A Pratt at, and by OEORCIB PRIOH r.Sunhury. D. BRAtTIUAM, Northumberland. July W, let. nn, suati: in thi: mwtii. rrilf E following tel'er just come to hamf, and .1. wi J be reml with tntereH. The patient aitfTer ed intolcrsNy, am' could Bod no relief until ha need Dr. wm' Gowenvirn Stare of Wrirr CrrsRar. It i eertairdy tho most wondcrrul cure on rteotd ! Head h. ., . , Wilminfrttn, C, Jan. 13th, 1847. Da. wft Dear Sir i H iving been almost miraculously cured by your vatushlo medicine, I think it not more than common graiirmfe in me lo make one siljitkm to the long list f certificites which yon have received of remaiksb'e cures by your medicine. During the two years prrrcding last Auanst. I was very much ditreeif bv a soy bad fold and rseM"g roinsh. and during the latter p"n of the time it rontinued to grow w rse, and inde d, in July my friend gsve me over, hiving tried all kind iT medicine, said to be good for such disease, with. nil the lea-t good 1 fleet. I wa re duceil almost to a perfect corpe, r.nd bnd scarcely any f, non my, anil for a long lime ne ver thouchl to rio fioin my bed sgain A fiicnd one d .y ked me if I had tried Dr. 8w ai s r.'s t'nmponnd Hymp of Win CiiKnat, and advicd toe to do en at once, as he heard that it hml worked a treat many wonderful cures. I took bis advice, and nfior oxiuc up severs! lo'tV of i', I grew so much belter lb it I w ennbled to loave my bed, and nfierw.irds to walk a1out Ihe house, arid ffo out into the etreet. I wa eneonraaed bv lhi, and ( continued the nee of your medicine, and now, by mean of Its wnml.-mil curative powers, I am per f. ctly wrtl, and enjoy the use rf a'l my fnenliie, jti!t s nmch as if I had never Wen afflicted In the wny I described to you. I have written this not thinking that it w It nt all interest you. but humhlv hoping that it will have its mite of inrluenee in cau sing ynor vUihlu medicine to he ep-e.-id am ng mankind, and in assisting to raise you to thtl sta tion which you richly deecrva, f r your persevering t'lV.irls for Ihe p-iMie eood. K spi C'fu'ly your friend and admirer. James k. mainland. Comment on such evidence as the nb vc is un necessary. A single trial will place Dr. cvt'i Cimrmin Stare or Wnn I'lmnar heyoud Ihe reach of compel lion in the estimation of every pa. tirnt. U it its healing viilui) will he its- heat re commendation. ' . ' Harare of tmpmit'on Ailemp'a bate often Iveu made I y unprine pted indiv dunla In imose upon Ihe community a iuro article. Stealing neirlv the whole of the name of my prepiration. To fully guard auainat such base and palpahle iio- mition, the poMie shool.l rhon all prepiriti ms purporting to contain Wild Cherry, eieept that learing the sign tore . f Da. II. Swsvia on eich bottle. The name of Dr. Seittr, in e nneetion wilh ihe Compound Syrop of Wild Cherry, has never yet been coun'erfei'ed. So ifgpersona would , lr in mind the name of Da. Swa vae. lliey mav he eure of ublaiuiiig the o iginal and genuine arti- cle. Beware of the worhle-e TtaNams. 'Ilitrers. Syiopv Ae , aa they r filsin noli of the virtue of the original preparation. '' . ' The (.oiin.d and oolv) g.tiuine article is pre pared by DK. SWAYNE, corner of F.ighth and Kare street, Philadelphia, and for aale by amenta in all p-rt of the Foiled Slatra, and aome parte of Europe. Only A gen's in Sunbury. are HENRY MASSER. OEORCE URKillT. Dr. J. A. Moore. Dinvillo; T. S. Mack y A. Son, M lion; M D. A J. Wells, Muncv; C. A. Wyatt, l.ewiahnrg; Dati A Schnnie, Sclinsgrovc; John C. Kenn, Line Mountain P. . I'hilaJ. Iphia, jeiac2m.ffi-ly To the Electors of Northumberland County : 17EI.I.OW CITIZENS At the r-quest of mv friend', I otPr myself as a lanlidule for the ofli e of County C'oninilaloinT. Should vnti belli ve me worthy of your conli dence, and confer thi olliee upon u.e, 1 hall apaie no eiertions to give gcmral eansiartinn. JACOl) HDKKA. Fppcr M.honoy, July 17, 1847. KNlale of J amen llusled, dee'd. TaVTOTlCE is I er'y civ-n, ihat letters leal ineniary no sa d eaiate have l ien granted to the sulweriltrr. Peraori having ileinaii-w against eaid estate, art requested lo prevrni them for exa mination mid nleinf n', and t'loae know iug Ibein- selves indebted are reqne tel 10 muke imioedi .te payment. SARAH Hl'STED. Sunburv. July 17. 1817. 6t Ei'rx. I'auxc Header!!! Thi good advice conies from a friend, an eda ratid phvsic;an, and one who ha been cured of protraced illnes-. bv THE IMPROVED INDI AN VEGETABLE PILLS." (Si uw Coat ) which are al thia moment effening some of the most remark' le cures on record, and tin y w ill con tinue to fii-ul the kk as long aa they are rcsoried lo bv ihein. This ia no noairum, made merely to sell iiierpftive f its ipialitie, but a valuable med leini', made by a well inf.irmed Physician . uf Vege. table lugredb nt, ;iiee. rfficnciait, and hiirmesi. In a f w day, we -hall m.ike a public report of se veral more ra-es of n.ritir.n cure (fur ire note m olhert) and the public miy know on what medi cine to rely in time of need. (jjr- CAUTION. As a miserable imitation bus been nude, by the name of ,-Sugir Coaled Pills" it is neei-sa ry to be sure that Da. t! Be.vj. Smith's silina'ure is on every box. Piice '2!t rents. I'niu ipal CHI'ire. 1 !) I ireenw ieb at. New York. Soldl-y JOHN W. FISll.l.Mi. Sun!, my. WM. rORnYTHE, .Y.a-Au,V. Jn'y 10. 147. V ioticc I S hereby fiven to :dl b'Ratee, creditors, and o- - tber person interested in ihe enntea of A.I 1111 Sotlrer dee, willed by his eir Prle Kun-: of Di- j ,i,l Kre, dec, . tfed bv hi. Pet.-r Kun.; of Mgn ,;, hy hff fw Juhn . j Mary Sia.ulen uee, -at' lot ny her er Juhn ts:aJ 1 ) den and I'harles Riddle; of Wm Hni.hlcn dee, set . . I tied bv hi errs John S'a.M.'n and ('lull 'a Riddles; of Michael Crea-incer der, settled hy bi admr Da 1 uiel hthwartx; of Win Retst-r dec, e lied ly his ' irs Samuel and D.ivid Rree.; of Snnnel DoIkoii ' dec serlled by hi admt ("nthaiine 1oImoi j ef Ni I eh.das l. 'nn dec, reilled by his admr Piter Dietil; j of Josi ph K. ff r, nr. dee, settled by bra rir Joseph i Keirr, jr ; ef Cnhvine Michael d. c, sett'ej by her I almr Lcnker; of ChrUtain B. - der, aeiib-.l ! . n ' II'.. .rn..:iL' . i l.y nisrir umtamin inor, o. ih.m rvar nian u.r, . . . - , . I -L. L- r settled t'V liia aomr rr.-o. rica nismin; 01 uer nard MrGee d. e, aettled by hi aire Michael Me Gee and Dennr Buo';'uf John Moyer dee, settled by hii cr Dr. John K ker; of John Hile, dee, art tUd by hi admr Wm lilo of Samuel Bloom dee, a. tiled by hi xr Jacob nj Daniel Bloom; the account of Frederick Shell, guardian of Mary Eli- ibetb Hull; tbe account of David Eahhaeh, Iroate of lire ef Philip Eshhach, dee'd. Lat of Nonhuurlrlaiid eonnty, dee'd thai ihe eiecetora, adra nisiiatoi. and auaidian uf the aaid deceasta! eaistis have fi ed their accounts with the Register of thi county, and that they will be presented t" thaOiuuaiM' Court el aaid county, on TucaJay. the 3d day uf August nest, fir confirmation nd allowauco. EDWARD OYSTER, Regislci's Orlice, , b gittr- tunluiy, July J, lb if. S LIST Or CAUSES. IOR trial in the Court of Common Pleaa of Nor. -- thum'etland County, at August Term, 1817, commencing the first Menday, being the 3d. J-00 B and Andrew Fetzer va Charles O Dntt J W Seiliinger, alienee orRarvar vs J Garner's haire William Simenrnn va J Bhlpman A K Hreenoogh Wm H lleineman va Hartman II Kt.erble Petor Richter's exr'a va Dodge A Barret J din A Lloyd va Wm E McDonald Wm II Pomp's assignees va Wm Welch Reniamin Robins Valentine Klaxe Henry Masser James Merrill., ex'rs Virkary A Viekery Mah'on Hanilen el l Charles II Krick v Wm MrCarty rt l v (tanrge Wat ado.'ra v Peter llrosius et nl va John linllem in et al va Waiiam Krirk Wimd A Rhawu'sena Divid Hanpt Jttinel II t'onncr Uenrge C Lilly J din Hine CtHii'th f ! J Jenkins (forge Ecki rt Pram-i. Hall'a adnna lta!t r Uarnhart norough of Miltnn va Dani. I Weidner vs Jacob Lilly's adm'ia vs Eliz.ihcth lime vs T A llilliogton t al vs Jacob Shi a vs Samuel fllair va (jeorge Ovster vs Samuel Ulair va William Carr J icoh W Sril7.iiiB,er Henry Manner va 11 K M ieser A Joseph Eisely lialtxer tiarnhart n Cenrge 'lytir John Mans. Eqr Jacob Reed William II Cilbrrl Whiiall A Brown v Rob. it A Parish s D N Lake et al va Pctei H.inahiw.oit vs II Itovd'a ens va Namtt Wil ion Napsn va Yardliog A Ln er et al vs Moil A Schoebcr i t al va Sma ame Daniel S While llul. l SiniMi vs Itcnjamtil lioloua a AuviiRtiia A John llurv Freeman II Clatk v ,t.liu Sehriner l-aao llmf vs Henry EUloii DA P Railroad eo v H ywond A Snjder Hush D Oika'e adm'ia vs J nnea Oika Wi!Him Dale v John Follmer'a e'r William tiilifon va David ilodlen Wm A II Fege'y A r va (Scoigo He, kert Willi im Albriuhl vs Haac V Uryant vs Jaoie. Row. el a va Abraham Siraiib va lluh McFall vs Same vs J din Mntehler'a a.'m'ra va Win H Frvmue co t'liaih'a PliBKaula F II WiUon John N l. sti r Harlow Prior Ee Mulchler Sarah II Cornlcy Miuera' Bank ol Pottsville Ia wia Dewarl Charlea Pleasants va Same Philip llillmeyer va taeorge (od William Muiray " 1) ihir tia.uhart JOHN FARNtsv OR I'll, Prothonotr 'a olliee. ) Vrnth'y Sunbury, Julv 10. 1817. S OF Norlliuiiilrand Comity, fr August I'.roi. A. W: 1847. ' dirand .lurortx. 1wi. David Wat, flenrge Wagoner. W.iwwr. Rolieit, David C. Watson. Willia n Ireland. - - Chitlhqtiarite. Wil'iam Blair, George Tiolel, William Durham, John Caul. Point. Francis Oibson. Simhtrtf fleorge P. Ituver. Shanuikin. Jsc -b Conrad, Joseph For.. Ruth Oolfrey Pockt feller, I'eiry Patton, Ro ller! Amm rmn. Vpprr Mnhimny Daniel lleim, David Clark. Elia tteixt. Daniel Fnl. ljawrr Alahnniiff. William Fiog'ono. Jttekton. Micbjcl Spatz, tieo. fJei. Mich set Kui.-ai. Traverse .furors. Tiirhut John Siadden. Istfii --Daniel Dienbach. Michael R.i Vr. Ir!nwir. J icob Hii ret. Jo'ph Hammer, E. L. Pifer, Moara M. Bonier, J.eoh lln wn ,liltil Seih t'adwalader, Israel Kepler, Soml. Te-e, J.Mei.h Anita'ad. John S Pcteriu.iii. ChiWrquaque. t'hartea Fot, John Housel, J.nnea Ro.wl, Willi on Krnmer. PiiiiU.-tjeo, Leaher, Peter Foutt, Micha.l Am dd. A'oriMiT.V;rn John Rower. A. C. Iltrrctt. lpper A'iuta. Ceo. nbenl -rf. Ilerir K'ine aiaarr Auiruita rsml. Lan'r.. Jereminh Wet icI. Johu W , Mali. h. Henry Folk, O-o. Bum. Suinmkt'n. Win l!aa, J nnea 1' rice, Conrad V' St, Wm. Martr Valentine Klaie, Jarob S'loll, John Rotheiniel. jr. Riuh. Reberi" Camplll, Philip Hile, Win. M. Kse. I'pper Mtilumny.- John Baum, Abriitnm Kun- H-blisll. 1ttrrr Niihinnyy.tlvit. Leriker, John Lower. Hill Midmnvt l.eonai.l Peed. Jiclttim. Dan'l Sehail, Peter Brown, Pm'l Bobrer, Samuel Malieh. To Ihe Electors 0 Northumberland Comity : AT the ,,l! ten the solicitation of a numlcr of my frienda in nt part of the county. I have coutcutr ' lo be a ranuidale lor the thee or T It K A 8 U H K It- Should 1 I elected, it will be my p'eaaure e wll a duty, lo ait. ud to the buinra if ihe olliee with fidelity and pnncHiililv. iSI'.ORfiK WE HER. Sunbury. July 3, ISt7. GREAT 3.?vGA'flTsV S K 1.11 X (i o F b fll. PI RUY, Market S.juare, Sunloiry. h ia , a large aioitinei.l ol Dry (iooda, (ir.a'ene, Qnm na Waie. Ae , which he will n-ll at reJuC'd prices, for rarsli or country produce, runl urv, JoU 3d. 1847. if DICKSON 6c CO., No. HO Market St reel, fivciloors licluw ThirilSouih riXXX.ADCI.FKXA, Impoi ivi K niioUsulc I-alcrai In w TATCHF.S, Watch (.la aea and Marenola. ' r 11 ... I...... u...l Jviveirv n an oe-cni'ii orrs ii.iii"" S'y'. s, cmpil-iiig ail me aniciua cniiii r.r.i w ill) t'.ie TraJc, Dillon A '' Driiannii, O. rmm Si'var and Sib ver-PtateJ Warea. ShrlKiilJ and Uiruiingham PI Hed Fancy Ait i le.. R uluers A Sou's and V..sJ. nholrri'a Cutlery, II us. He saora. Erae.a, Dc.k Knues. Ae. Dory II.n.lledTttbletJmlery.i.fibe iiii. at, medium and roinm an quliie. A la ce assort aienl of O jIJ Piiia, Perif,H-ul Sneciael. . Papier Math auJ J .pinned Tray, varmua shajie. and e" 'lines, at la-lured latea. ; Gold W atch Cases, Dials and Sjlver-VVare, of all dcseriiiuona, manufacliwcJ to erdrr. DICKSON A CO havine. recently removed into tbe large sud commialimu warehutise tjnuerly occupied by Mts- U- Asaai aar A Sua, aud more recently by .Aee"T Kaninntee, beg leave lo liJorm Watch Dealer, Country Menhsn's and others, thai they ds gn having et all times a large eaortmenl of Uooila, of their own iinMrta tbm, which they ere determined to ekl at tbe luwest ratea. ' Every afenllon will be pai.l 10 Ihe Parkin of tloiNla, and in the eiecution i( Ord. ra, th ,u ill tic and piice will bi fully gv)iantid again! all comiwiitiou. I'hils'.M'hil, juiie li.b, lbii'. ly OPINIONS OF THR TRfciSS. tiktirrvt to TTRicni'S mm vecstabie ruts,. From Ihe Camden Dtmncrat. VyRlOHT'S UniAir Vr.TAit,a Pite.-Tht celaUated Pills, o eniversally uaej and ad. mired, have become to I a considered almost ae & cessary In familrea aa water or flial. In fct, Ihe principle upon which ihia medicine ha estal.l'shrd ita repeta'ioo pirpali;i- now retty generally cknowledie.l lot the only hue on. bvvbi.H he.ilih may be p es tvJ, 01 restor-d when impair, d. Wright's Pills erenow a universal fsvnrite. From the rnlndilphia Saturday Evening Pout. Wmiomt's Nona Vnr.TAat Pitts, are at taining great Ci I. b-ity in .New England, aa wi H a other part ol the United States. The attempt of pereona to defraud the public by the ail of spurious S'tieles meets with general reprobation. Dr. Wright ia an indef ilipable bindncsa man. and show an arrav of cures bv Ihe merteetne which warrant cnntVltMcn in the tirlueaof bia li.dian Vegetable J Pills. From the Ph'hffrfphia Sp'rit of the Time. Waiour's Nana) V;o.Tiat Prti.s. Pen pin are pretty well sa'i fied by this time Ihat calo mel, -and the ether thousand and nn mineral pre para'ions nf ihe ,hoai, are In t:er adapted, 1.' a gen eral rule, to kill lather than cure Ihe patient ; aa a m.l'er of cnjr o, vegetable medicines are therefore in great request. Thet are mmv bemhuga how eve, among the littler, and we would alvie all lliosn who Ijave the le-.t rcvard for Ihcir healih, to i.y Wright" lud an Vrgrhdite Pill nf Hie Karth Amirirnn Colli ge nf Health, aa (hey are Ihe pre paration of one in imately acquainted wih the healing art. From the Birt'tn Du'ly Time.'a Inoiai Vi,r.KTAHi.. Pii-ta. .Of all the public adveriisd mrdicities ef th dny, we know of none thai we r an more s ifely recommend f w the "ill that flesh is heir to." than the Pilla that are sold nt the ileoot nf lha North Amii-an Col li Be "f Healih, No. I'M I remont street, Boston. Seveial insl.iiices we know of where they are used in families with the higbeai s tihf o linn ; and no nicer ago than vesteidav, we h' rd an eminent physi. iau of this city recommend them in high terms. The loll wiog highly respectable Hlorrkerper have tei n duly npaiiiied ac els for the Sale of Wright 1 Indian cgdulilc I'i'lt, in iNorthumlcr I old county : Henry Meaner, Sunbury. E. V J. KaulTinan, Auaiinta township. Samuel Herb, Little M ihonoy. William Deppeo, Jackson. HiMievillrt Holshue, l'pa-r M.ihouoy. John ti. Renn, I'pi er Mahouoy. fumuil John, Shamokintowji. Forxylhe, W1I-011.V Co.. Noithiimboilaud. E. L. Piper, WalMinburg. Irlaiid ,V Hsyoea. McEiscii-ville. Jam.-s Peed, Wm. d fv-oll. Rur-hvdlc. Hartman Kinrble, Elvhurg P. tj. Am-'B T. Beieael, Turbutsville. ti id- oil Sha.lel, L'par Mshnnov. Rhode & Farrow, Sny.lsilown. John King, Farmervdle. SiUs (7. tlo.'k. Martin's Cre. k. J. De Young. Hieksvide. Abraham Nberer. Ri. bmoii.1. Samuel Taylor, Kliteforl. John II. Vincent, Chilisqnaqne. Wm. Hemen A: B.other, Milton. Iliwist sr ('orartsiriM. Ihe public are cautioned against Ihe many apuriou medicine. which III order In deceive, are c .llej by name SI milir lo Wriuht'a Indian Vegetable Pilla. The s ifeal eoure it lo puichaf of Ihe tegnlar eg'ns only, who are gentlemen that may be re lied oa. rr Itlfice' devoic.l s. liisive'y lo the sale of WKIOHI 'H INDIAN VEliK TABLE PILLS, of the No-th American College of Health. No. 28 tSreemvieh Street, New York ; No. 1118 Tremont Street. Hovon; and PRINCIPAL OFFICE. No 169 Hu e SrasiT, Philadelphia. June llMi. IHI7. slfy. To the Electors of NorthnmZcrland Count o : BEINO .ohriteJ by many of my friend,. I h iv cnn-aiiied to etVr inys. II a Vulun lo.i c.iidi.ialu for the etliee ol T II i: 4 S IT K i: R f Northumberland county. Should you ee pro. Ir to elect me. I pledje mvae.flo perforin the duties of .aid otlice with lib lilv. HENRY WEIE. Sunbury, June t9 h, IK 17. THOVfl MEXICO! Mima MUIY . niCCAY. of f the bniotm'i of Noithuml-erUn.l, auc re-sor to Daniel llMittigam, ie-p.ctlully inform the public, that, although Ucn. Scoti'a armv h tak n Jalapa, f imooi lor it pro duction of Jal ip, she still bas enough nf the article to sii ply the wants of her cut.mci, beside every other variety nf .'ruga and medicine usually found in an epothec.ry shop. Having purchased the slock of Mr. nraut:gatn, ehe has opened a new e elmocl posite hi old stand, nd irtisis, by t-trirt a!t n lo business, to merit the iilr.i.ince of ll.B Vli illitV i nJ Il'lblid She mil eoni-tan'ly i-ep on band eve-y variety of Dnia. Paints. Sj.ic. a, Palei.t Medicines. e q ih t ia ii.iut'y f und in a dieg store, wnicu ane will di-w)ae of st rea .liable prites. Phynciuns and otliers, from a distance, supplied st wholesale p-ice. N ..itbumifiland, M..y SI. 1M7- tm. rir( l'ri'iiiiiim AVriliir lnU. No. Hi North Thinl Slieet, IMllIrADF.l.FinA. 1-P,I1M D'. Hare, the c. le'irat-d Profe-aor id Chemistry in tbe I'niver-ity ol IVnn'a. -LM.i', ..M hil. Oct. 1,14.1. sir H.viri t -.! our Ink. I ill lhiik you to send me another bottle, sa 1 find ll rt be . Ji. ll. ii!. 1 iim your, tiulv. ' . Ruhr Vlina." From Dr. L.:cVe, of Cincinnati, diailognUhed f. l hi nei.-ntiflc reaea'ehe. ' 'Medical College ol tlliio, Cinrinil, January 17, t44. Havine ued Mr. Hover's Writing Ink, I rtl sttiefie I that ll Is the whith ever eorhe Irt my no U .I ue, and esi ecially it unxrllerit for the ua nf .vrr Frits, nftrf unti not earrbtf? thfcin.even in long use. .';"' M Jona Irficka. Frof. of CHemM.V. HOVERS ADAMANTINE CEMENT. From a well known scientific' gentleman, Philad. li hie. Fob. S7. 1841. Mr. Jos. ph F. Hover Sir 1 A oa of yonr 4. mtit, and anas practical test of It aupeiteiily. ha Induced mo to raeommeud it 10 others e an invaluable article tor mciidnig China, tilaaa, or Cabinet Ware. Cixeaatt M6ti, Anivte Cheoii . Frle t tbe Msnufactoryi WUoletle and Re tail. No. 8 Noere Tuian Xftt. oppoit Cbniy slietl, FbiUdelphia, be - JUSFrl! V- H'HER. I May 22, lew. jau ly aunuisr s-.. ia iji. Indian VesctabSc Panacea. HEREDITARY TETTER. tji -jt, It ia now ix moniha !nce my J " youngest child. daughter, had a cutaneous affection, which made ita appearance over It en tire body, h wa t c of Hereditary Tefer. an4 so virulent wa. the disease, that we wished, ia case it cou'd not be speedily relieved, that it might l anon laid in ita grave. At ihta stage of the dis ease my siror-in-law called upon you In advise as to the bei-t preparation of Sarsapaiill that could be pr.vcutedj, aa an alternative; when, you recom menced the use of Dr. Cnllen's Indisn Vegetable Panacea, ani I am pleased to say that the good effects of the medicine were perceptible w hen it had taken but a few doses; and by the time we had used one sin ale bottle, tbed seaae hsd entirely disappeared, and from th .1 time there has been no te.sppearauee. I really f el thankful to you fir having recommended the Panacea i'l this casn, for I feel confident that had not the diwase la-en ar rested, my rhdd would, ere Ihia, have been the tenant of the eold and silent tomb. Rei-peelfullj yours, Rswi-s A- Waltok, JOHN V. HERS. Phil. Doc. 0, 1845. 85 N. Seventh St. WHITE SWELLING. Mr J.T. RowAvn, Phil. D e I0.1RLV Deat Sir, At your renneat I cheerfully giv vou an account of the wonderful cure effected tiiwin me by Dr. Cu lien's Indian Vegetable Panacea. At the age nf 14 yeara I had upon my right knee a White Swelling, which a'ltlenea tho junt. ana caused some seventy or, more pieces nf the bono pieces of the bone to come away in the ore, anil which waa temporarily relieved hy tlie usual reme dies, but nol entirely cured. At limes sorea would again break nut. ami Income o (list rea ing anil p.m fill that 1 could gel no rest night nor day. In thi way it continued until lt spring, when, having witnessed the eilraordmary clieeis of your Panacea a an Hltornative, upon a daughter of mine who was using it for a chronic disease, I conclude.! lo make a trial of it in my own case; Ihe result ha licen an entire cure. I am now 67 year of age, and have suffered 5.1 year with the sore. I cheerful. Iv add mv teitiinoiiial to the many o'hera I have beard, of the curea performed by your cebbratid Panacea. THOMAS WAl.TIW. 490 N. 3.1 st., Ald. rman 7ih Ward.N. L. BCORFULA. To whom it may concern Thia may certify that my child, almost from bitlh, was afllicled with Scotfula, which covered most of 11 bony with aorrs ; an.l that lor IH month, ttiougn constantly under medical treatineut, nothing afforded relinf till I was induced to make trial of Dr. t'ullen In dian Vegetable Pansce. The attending phvaio cin, on w tnewmg it eflecl, recommended it continuance according lo directions, and by n- ing a (ingle bottle of the Panacea, the child wa apparently cured. It is now slxnit 4 monttis ainca the medicine was discontinued, and I have no d uibt but tbe cure ia complete. Yours truly, RnwAan etc Waltov, M. MeCLEAS, Fhila.l. Aug. 8, ISIS. U80 Market t. BARBERS' ITCH. Mr. J.T. IWisi-Sir. Som-timo lat spting I wa so unfortunate as to get the "Jacks'iii, or Barbers' Itch," by nhaving after aome one affected by that troublesome and obstinste disease. You cannot have forgotten the swollen and i.n tsled condition of mv face at the time you recom mended "Dr. Cullen Indian Vegetable Panacea." I have now the pleasure to inform you, for the benefit of all who are similarly afllicled, that the use of a single botile of the Panacea cured me en tirely. Yon msy well judje ef my gratification at such a result. aeT hid so often known the disease lo continue for year under the usual mercurial re tnediea. (Signed) T.L.SANDERS. Philal., Aug. 6, 1845. Fledge Office. SCORFULA. Mavara. Row A an 6t Waitos. I have been lor two year or more severely afllicled with Scorfula, and "af:cr having tried three eminent pf.y3ici.1n without any relief, I had come to the conclusion that I muat .lie. I had fourteen open ulcer on my face and body at the same time. While in ihia condition, a friend procured me a bottle of your Dr. t'ullen' Indian Vegeleble Panacea. This w bout two month since. I have taken ii bottle and cm completely cured. My general health i also better than it has Wen for yeais. E. W. MAXWELL Mary's Court. Certiflratea of cure, in pamphlet foim, may be had (iratis, st the offices of the agents. Ti ls medicine is prepared and soi l by th proprietors, Rowand &. Walton, No. 376 Market Mieel, Phil ulelpl'ia. Mieel, r hi . rw ?Jj 5 C w lNJ W W Danenbower. NoJ Murray t.t. W . W Danenhower. No 1 OF Hall. Cin.O. T Jenkins. No in Canal st, N Orlena. N Robinson, cor Gy Saratoga ts. Halt, Agent: H. MASS bit. Sunbury. I. Im: II. Mr. R..aer, Milton; J. Seebold, New ller Musaer, Millbeim; Sharp D. LewU, WilkesSarre. Sold also by Druggiata llir.iiiRboul the United Slates. June 5, 117 2in. f6y " HAYDE1T & CO-LE, Flour, Produce, and General Commit sion Merchants, No. 116 Sj-itu' Wnaar, BALTIMORE, OFFER tbeiT' aervicca ti the Merchant n I Fanner of the Su.ijuehanna Valley, for the sale of Flour, tirain and Produce generally, in the Dultiraute Uiatkct, and from their etten-ive ac iii.inthce among pua-hasers anJ tbipi-crs, tin afely W in an I eatUfaelory sale. t;orrexmdrnta will lJ constantly kept adviBdl of the state of the niaiket, &e. R. r. r U Messrs. Wm. Wilson A Son. " J-eee Revnolde A So,,. Ualtimorc. DaViddUl AC Saunder. I Reynolds & Smith, j and Mer. Tincley, Caldwell ck Kltglish, Phil. M .y Iftih. I84T. m 'More IVuw Goods! flHE last rriva ia at Puilly'a Slore, Market 1 Square, where will 1 foUnd a banJsoiM sortmelit or SPRINfl AND SUMMER COOT, of tbe latet nd nvrl upptoved eiy tee, consishng of CliHh, Cssaimers, Vesting, Rummer Stuff, Moua. tie lainea, Lawn, limghain. Calico. Mulin. r Jeans. Ac. Ac. Ac ; slso, a lull awoitineut - l.rncerie, all of abich will be sold lower lb- offered in t'.ie mark. !. , , Call and eaaiuioe fot youiaelvc. S.iuhorytay J 5 h , I WI7 tf fESTF.RN HAMS and ' ' v.d au.l f..r sale, by June 19. 147. iRESII MACK'"- ' ' 1 and f r sale June 19. ' I?"'"
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