Vtxsn WRirtm t Cmao The Stvtn mV Rpiib1tin puoliahet fht following lint en closed ia t letter of th 23J f September, writ. n tt Csrmargo, "from one well kaown In the :y"cf Savannahs M Wlf stn.t Child. The Httorp Vtt .the 1ightt ar gone The camp around In slumber lies Tbe night with solemn pace move on The thadowt thicken O'er the ikies But tVep my weary eye Lath flown, And tad, uteasy thought! arlte. I think of thee, oh ! dearest one! Whose love my early life hath bleat; Of thee and him oar early aon Who slambera rn thy jentlt breast ; Co3 of the tender, frail, and lone, Oh! guard that little tleeper'a test! Am) hover, gently hover near, To her whose watchful eye it wt, The mother, wife, the doubly dear, In whose young heart have freibly met Two ttreems of love ao deep and clear, And cheer her drooping apirit yet.' Nov at the kneels before tby throne. Oh ! teach her, Ruler of the Skiei ! That while by thy behett alono Earth a tnightiett powertfall or rite, No tear it wept to the unknown, Nor hair it loit, nor tparrow diet) That thou cant't ttay the ruthlett band Of dark diteaie, and tooth itt pain ; That only by the ttern command The battle't loit, the toldier't tlain: That from the dittant tea or land Thou bring'tt the wanderer horn again. And when upon her pillow Ion Her tear wet check ia tadly pretted, My happier vitient beam upon The brightening currentt of her breatt, Nor frowning look, tor angry ton Pitiurb the tabbath of her rett. Whatever Fate thoie formi may throw Loved with a passion almost wild, By jBy by night, in joy or woe, Cy fears oppressed, or hopes beguiled, From every dinger every foe, Oh 1 God, protect my wife and child ! Kdncats Ilia Paoplti. Mrn of wealth, men of Insrn ng, pour instruc tion upon the heads of the people ycu own ltipm I list haptmrn. Look at the) boy in the H utter .' hilles9, shueless, snd almost naked, he in a part of our king; a part of sovereignty Should he not receive a sovereign's education 1 Should h not be prepared Tor the throne our inMitntinne have given him ! There is a gem in evpry human foim ; let the diamond be pol ished, and it wilt shine in trnth and beauty. There is still in the most debased 'a beam f the- rial, though sullied ami dishonored, still divine.' And our motto should be Teach and habi utite lh rrrnJe to make a riffhl tito of the fac- nliips which God has given them, stid then trust them fearlfvely to thnvelves. Give demo- eracies education, and freedom of action, and then "lot them alone.' Uneducated niind. Is educated vice,' for God mde man to know. Ha is the creature ef in' struct ion ; for in a right education there is i divine alchyrny which turns sll the baser part uf rnao's nature into pold. We a ro told by tht ancients that as soon aa the first rays of the morning tun foil upon the statuea of Memnon it sent up music. It is after the first raya of knowledge fall upon man that his nature dis courrrs harmony all belore is the darkness of barbarism. All can see that wickedness leads to mirery, yet very few find cut that uliicn is rqually cer tain that ignorance leads to misery, and misery to wickedness. Dr. Johnson waa one asked : 'Who is the moat mirerable man)' and the reply of the tsge was: 'that man who cannot re id on a rainy d.iy.' The writer waa once putting through a psik, andssw nailed to one of tliice trees this warning: 'All dogs found iu this park will b shut,' A friend who was with us, remarking, 'unless dogs csn resd they art pretty badly cfT here. Now God has not only wtitt'ii hialuwt upon the trees, but in the stars snd in the flowers; his laws are above us and beneath us, on nur nyht and on our left, and il a man is not able to read, he is pretty badly off here worse off than the dog, fur the dug lius a master tu read for bin; but man baa no matter betn-u him and his God. A iiinxiin. of mure truth and force than any 1 remember rvi r to have seen, waa thrown off by a Britibli Mailman by a man who waa in learning vivid, varied and philosophical, snd - who m coiivrrnaiion threw out Diore grins sparkling ami brill ant as they coma, than any tMlier man ot liU spa. 11 is professed apothegm was '.hat '(uco(on is tht chtap dtfenc onotion$,' And it I might put a truism by the ;de of this, 1 would say, if is cheaper to ed ucate the infant mind, than to support lb aged criminal. Yes, beatow the ptnet ou common schools, and save the pounds oa prisons. Man was nut made lo be cent U pnsog, but to be ed ucated: snd 'the very worst uh sou can Dut a man to ia lo hanir him.' Neither ia a man a Human Poor Ux into whose moatb w are lo drop a few'renta ilaity. 1 he ignorant u-h.lH left to grow up darkening into the deeper ieno rsnce of inauliuod wuhsll its jealousies, and it nairoW'iniuddneks and its tuperstitions, snd its penury of enjoyments : poor smid the intellect Mat and moral riches of the univrraet blind in this spleudul '.cmple which God has lighted op snd tarnishing amid Ibe prolusions of omnipo tence." . '(. woe for thte who trample on the mind. That fearful thing I they know not what they do nor wnai they deal with . To lay rude binds upon God's tKjs'.erici there BANK. XOTE U1T, PCXXSTLTAXIA. The following; list show tho current value ef all Asnnevlvanni Bunk Note. Tha most Imntlnit rtv lianco ma U placed uiwn It. a it Is tvm totek trefoil compared wtth end corrected from Bick- nefl't Reporter. ' - 11aii.ii in Philadelphia. v.-. t Disc, in ",,r""" Paitat.. NOTES AT PAR. Sank of Noi'h America . Bank of the NoMhern Liliertlne . I' par pr Commercial Bunk of Penn'a. . rttTer' enj Mechanic' Bank . p.u pot psr pur fCen.irijion Bank PhiUk-Jphia li-jnk rVhiivlkil! flank SoQihtvaih Honk per Western TVinh , Mechanics' Dark Vf ftrfi-tiir r A Mechanic Bank Hunk of Penn Township . . Oiisr.l Bask1 plf pir p.r par pv l',f pir Bsnk of Commerce, Into Moyanirrniiig Bank of Penn'ilvania . . Country Hanks. Btnk nf Hinter County Winchester par Bank of Delswsre Cowy Chcs'er par Bank of Oermstrtown Oerm.ntnwn pir Bank of Montgomery Co. Norr'rtmwn per Doy It-stow o Bank D lylestown par Easton Hank nton par Farmers' Bank nf Bock ro Bristol psr Bunk of Northumberland Northumberland par ColowMa Bvnk A Mrule en. Columbia pur Farmers Dank of Lancaster Lancvs'ei par Lancaster County ll.mk I,ncaer pir I.incister pi Ki Siting psi Hjiri.lii)r,i These I..inci)slir 1 offices I(emlli) f ilo li.X Esston J i.-uen. Lancaster Bank Farmers' Bank of Reading OfUva of Bsnk of Per.n'a. Office lo do Office do do Office do do NOTES AT DISCOUNT, tank of the United States Philadelphia Miner' Bank of I'otlsvillu Polisvillo Bank of Lewiatowu Lewi-town Bank of Middlotown M.i.edlu'own S3 i 11 1-1 Carlisle Bank Carlisle Exchange Bank Pitt-huts Do do ItrsmTi of ITollidnvshurg Harrisliur Bank HarrisSurg J Lehanon lUnk Lel-snon j Merchants' & Manuf. Bink I'l't.Uira 1 Bank of Piltsliurg Pit,..uii West Bianch B..nl Wyoming Bank Norlhnmptou Bsnk Williarnsporl Wilkesl.aire A Huniown ffeailmi; Pittsburg Eiio New Brighton Chsmtierstnirg Rrttysburg Monti oas If Berks Uounty Uniik OtTice of Bank of U. H. ileU do do 1 2 Do do do Do do do Bsnk of Chambersburg Bahk of Reltyahurg Bank of 8u-quohanna Co. Erie Bsnk Farmer"' Ac Drovers' Bank Franklin Bank Horiesdule U.nk MtMiongshpIt Bunk of B. Vutk Bank Kris VVsvnesliurg Washington Hoiieml.ilo Brownsville York Mslj 'i'i 1.1 N. B, 'I h notca of those Imnks on whirli we amit quotmions, and substitute a dash ( ) are not purchased by the Pliili)rp1,ia hrnkers, with the exception of those whirh have s letter of reference. BROKEN BANKS. Philadelphia Psv. In. Philadelphia Loan Co. ekhuvlkdl Sav. Ins. KeininsiHii 8nv. Ins. A Penn Township 8nv. Ins, Manual LsUor Bank ('I'. W I'owsnda Bank Pililsilel,.his failed fnllxd f.lleJ do do do do Dvott, prop.) Towsnda failed Allejilisnv Bank uf Pa. Bunk of Beaver Bank of Swalara Bank of Washington Centre Bank City Bsr-k Farmers' & Merit Ya' Bsnk Farmers' & Mcch'cs Bank Farmers' dr. MecliVs' Bsnk Harmony Instituto Huntingdon Bank Juniata B-ink Luniliermeu's Bank Northern Bank of Pa. New Hope 1M. BiiJpe Co. Northwmti'd Union Col. Uk. North Western Bank of Pa. Oinre of 8 hnvlkill Bank Pa. A sr. 6l M .inuf. Bank Silver Lake Bank Union Bank of Pemi'a. Westniorelarul Bsnk De.lf.iiJ no sale close J closed Beaver Hsriisburg Wshington Bell, fonlii fulled cl JS d Pituhuig Pittsburg Fayette co. tireenrarti llannonv no i-ale fnilod failed failed in) nale Huntingdon no Mile I.ei-.tovn no sl Wsrren Itundnfl' New Hope Milton Mesdvilln Port t.'srbon ('a'iilo Montrose Uuiiiniown failed no sale rlised no sale closed faileJ closed failed closed (ireenshurg Wilkcshnrre Bridge Co. Wiikvstiarrtf no silo (Jj" All notes purpoitins; to i on any Perni-yl-vania Bank not given in the ahov lil, may be aet Jowo ss frauds. Bank of New Biunsvvk-k Belvideis Bank Burlington Co. Bnnk Brunswick Belvider Medford Perth Ainlx-y BmlcAt'in Mount Holly Ksiiw.iv N. Biunsvsirk failed 1 par psr r.. faile.1 Commercial Bank Uumherland Btik Parmers' Bnk rarmera' and Mechanleo Bk Farmtra and Mechanic' Bk Farmers' snd Merehsnts' Bk Frsnklin Bsnk of N.J. Mid.lUtomn PL I J.tm-v I .y Hoboken Jus. y City Pdl'ersnn ItrlUvillS Morrislown Kieeholj Iewsik Trfiitcni Jcisoy City faded Hoboken Bkg it luuiit.g Co tail, d fuiled failed failed i failed i par lersey City Bank Mechanics' Bonk Manufacturers' Bank Morris County Bsnk Monmouth Bk of N. J. M schemes' B ink Mechanics' and Msnuf. Bk Morns Canal and Lkg Cu PohI Notes no aslu Newark Lkjj cV. Ins Co Nrwaik LamfK-ruvills i i iv Hop Del Bridge Co N. J. ManuLc and like Co faded f-lUd failu.l i par par N J Piotrclnn tic LonilmiJ lk Jxix y Vvj Orang Bsnk OraiiK Patanon Bank . Pjicis.jt Peoplsa' Bank du Princeton Bank Prinrvmn balem Banking Co fe ili-ns Stat Bsnk Newark State Bank LliMlihlown i par i fnile-l t.llc-J i par i failed par par per par par par par par par Hlal Bank Camden Stale Bsnk of Morris MoriMon ritate Bank Trcnt.m Halem snd Philad Manuf Co Salrm 8ussx Bank - Nswion Trenton Banking Co' Tientun Union Bank Ier Wsabinglon Banking Co. 'Ilackeoaack DCLAWAHE. Bk of Wilm Ic Braudy wiiM Wilmington Bank ef Delaware Wilmington Bank of Smyrna Smyrna Do branch MiMord Fsrmer' Bk of biaut of Del Dover be branch Wilmington Do brooch Gorglwn Do branck Newcastle Union Bsr.k Wilmingtoa ay I'miler 6's (X7 On all li.ka maiked thus () there ar ei, ther counujrfsii altered nets f ih various da- fioolfituocs, ia circulatinn. MOUNT VXSRNON 95 North Sd st., bet. Arch & Race its., Phllndclphln. BRAUY & PAKKER respectfully Inform their friends snd the public that they hivs taken the shovs nlme.l house, recently kept by J. S. Adsms, nJ are ptepsrod to accommodate custo mer In the most satisfactory mtnncr and at rca aooalOe prices. Their ta'ile will he aupplieJ with the best vsrf. ety .he market sfTords their parlors and alrepinit rpirtmen's will in the b'-st or.ler. The house ahecll thomaghlv rcpiired and furnisheJ with a view to the emiiforl of treller and .strangers. Having had aflaa! yesrs exporlsnce in the hii'inrss, the bop lo (jive rsneisl sa'isfictinn, .inJ re'pnclrully invite t'Sfrllcr nml stianjetsto give them call. BR DY & tAI!KER. Mi Ud -Iphia. Jtnutrv 16. tS7. 'f iMill and Farm rrH12 suhscrilier offers for salo finy or a ity a X cresofl.n l with a mill erect d thereon, for merly knintn es Jou s's Mil', riltiated in Auftus's inwn.'dp Norihumlierlarid eounty, on the Litile Pli'.mokin creik, nosr the Tulpehoi-ken roiit, l. sd lug from Siiiibnry to PotUvtlle eipht miles from on'-tiry. Thirty or forty acres of ;d land ar cleared, anil in a g-iod atste of cu'tivation. TU imj rut, loei N tra a Crit Mill, a Log House snd M:.h:e, Mud an Orchard. There is alao a goid b'l r nc and ae.etsl acres of Meadow nil the premi ses. The I c ttion of the mill is nn excellent one for cuttom. For further information Inqnire of th sul.eil.r. DAVID MILLER, thsiiinkir) tewnsliip, Jan. 0, 1847. 3m CHEAP WATCHES. Tlie Cheapest Gold and Silver Watches IN PHILADELPHIA. C-i OLD Levers, full Jewellud, f iff 00 JT S Iver do. do. S3 00 (old Lepioes, Jewelled, 30 00 Silver do. do. 15 00 Silver Qusniers, fine qu .li'y, 10 00 Cold Watrhra. pU.n, Ift 00 Silver Sclarl a, 1 T5 (tol I Pencils. 3 00 (.old Bracehts, 4 00 Als-, on hand, a lirpe sssoriment of fJol.1 snd ll .ir Krieeli t, finder ri. its. biesat pins, hoop ear 'inc. gold pens, silver spoons, susnr tones, thim bles, gold n-rh, curb and fl chains, gunrd k'ys and j. well' ry of every description, at equally low ).'u. All I waul is a call to convince cuMo ner. All kinds of Watches and Clocks required and wnirm'ed to keep good time for onejesr; old gold or silver iMu-glit nr tskeo in exchange. For site, eijjhl dsy and thnv hour hrase elork', at LEWIS LA DOM US' Watch, Clock and Jewo'lety Store, No. Market stiect, above LUvinth. uoilh aide, I'hili phis. dj I have aome Gold and Silvei Lovers, atdt much cheaper than the hIiovh piic.'s. Pl.ilaJelphi. Dee. 26, 1S. Iv AUCTION STORE. No. 6 North 3d st., Hiird door above Market JStroet, FHILADBLF1IIA. SALE EVERY EVEM.NO. of a general as soriment of Foreign and IVimestic Hardware, "Tshle snd Povkrl Cuilery, Trunks, Locks, Laicheis, Bop. tJ-tws, Ksildlary, Whips, Bonis, e-ho.s, Hsis, Cai'S, Uuns, Pistols, Triinmin,!", Clothing and Fancy (!. d. The attention of city and country dealers is in vited. The Goods aie firsh, snd will be warranted equal to trie lepivsentaiinns thxt nisy he msde ot them. UAVLKS&. BKOOKKK, Auctioned, No 6 North Thud ft N. B. Poiehsseis can have their G.ioda parked. Screral ir vines of Gjotls bava b. en received to be sold at private sale, Philadelphia. Dec. 1 9th, 184fi. ly CnTlX tmsscPs I'd rrsh I SHAVING- CUE ATM. Small qunn'iiies piven viihtit Charge. .It U4 CAewuf St.. PHILADELPHIA. THIS new snd .plendid aricle, a- its hum de notes, ia pr.'ftwced to be su(eilor to any ha ving Cream in the United ftt'ea or Eur. pe. It i. tnsii'pss J f .r l.ei.uiy. puriiv si d f auranre, tho' oni 'wh.l snalicous to (a rlain's Anilin hial Cieam and other similar e. impounds. Il far sur pssses them sll hy tl.e em I lent pisty c nilPt.ry of iu I .th. r, which mi aoficna the t rsrd aa to rnub r sh ving p'easant snd eay. It further pnrsetses the advantage oei the imperial ariicl , in being fre.hly pn pnl. no skill tx-iiig wan'ing in its man iif .ctuie. E.Rou's. l h '!' ( hsd mai y year.' el l rn i.re in lbs celebrated Lahorainry ot Latigur, Peie et Fil-, now Reuxiid ft, Co., nf Paria. Beside tiring Ue I e.i, it is the ch. nH l article f.i shaving; it laetegiutlv put op in boxes, wiih I'lerdiJ atrcl engrsvcl lahe's V i-b (3 per doien. nr 37 j cent for a e'ngh- b 'X. lo sh. vc one year, It it il.o sold st ? I SO er lb. or ISJ cents per t.slh.t grnilem-n esn bsve their hoies fillrdst EUGENE KOI SSEL'S. V bolale sud Retail Perfumery and Mineral Wa ter E ablishment, 114 ('heanut S're. t. Dee 19. 1846.-- PHILADELPHIA. J. iVMTTrCTlTEPaS. lo. iii North Fourth Street, PHILADELPHIA, fls Invite Mrrchan's and Mnlimr-to ei stSTvmin their strtk ef Bonnets. Pshn Laf and Lechorn Hats. Fur snd C'oth Caps, and India liul lei Shoes. It i I b f uiid in contiin all of the most desirable binds, and will bo s Id st the licel maik' l prti e No. 21 North Fouilh Street, between Miikd and A'ch Mtieels. Philidclohia. Dee. I9di. I4fl. Cm VETCHES UEVSLP.T, st i ii a ''Philadelphia Wutch and Jivttrv Store," No. 06 North SECOND rrnt. corner i f Quarry. GOLD l ever Walihes.full V j. willed, 18 earal etse., $45 00 ' I etl """er tvr V.ICDiS, lull J 41 Pallr.l S3 no ll . oflr R,l... I .... W.I.K.. u. LiW4t?;nMS vaniewals. 18 00 V Silver Lapin - Welch., jewelled, finest quality, 14 00 Superior Qusrtier Wsleh, 10 00 Imitaiion Qusrtier Watcbes.nol wtriantad, & 00 Gold Spectacles, 0 FinHiler Cpeelsclas, 17ft Gold Brae lets with tops one, t SO Ladies' Gold Pencils, 16 csrats, I 00 Gold Filler Kings 87 rta tu f 8 ; Ws'ch Gia sea, plain, 13 J cts; piut, 10) t Lunet. t5. O ther articles in proportion. All goods wairanled to be what they sre sold for. O. CONRAD. On hand, soots Cold snd Silver Levers, Lepines snd Quartisrs, lowsr than th above price. fhllsdslrhis Dec. S, 1846.-ly i To The I. O. of O. F. J. W. & K. n. STOKES, Mnnufacturers of Premium Odd -Pel . lows' Hegalia, No. IM Market Street, PHILADELPHIA, First Clothing Btor below Cih BtreeU THE tuhscrlhera having taken the premium at Frsnklin Institute, at the last exhibition, for the best Regslia, thty invite th attention of the order to their eetahlUhment, where they will find a splendid assortment of P.O. and Enesmprarnt Ke Clia. They alo make lJ order for Lodges anil Encampments, Rega'ia, sth.-s. Costumes and Robes, snJ furnish every thins rcquisi'e for ih' Convenience of new Lthlgcaor Ent amnmenis. J. W. STOKE", E D. STOKES. Ph:ia.1e1.l.;a, D.-c. 19, 1810. ly New Firm, JtHE I'ndera'gned here'y gires notice, thai he it. baa asancia'rd with hi i scif, ss a partner in the mercantile bus ness, in his stm adjoining Weaver's Taveni, in Hunhury, John Has, and that th said stnra will hr n afier be cnducied nn J' f th Arm of Clement flc Hsu. Tb store at the 8.iutli Wist coiner of Msiket Square will bo c inducted ss heretofore, hv the subiicribrr liiinself, to which he rtSiclfuily invitee hia cuslomet and frii'inl. Ha s'so notifies all ihnae indebted to him, to cull le ween this and the 1st of January next, and set tle their accounts. Alt kinds of produce wiil lis taken on account, at c.ish prices. ' Heresfler no longer than four month credit will be tiven. IRA T. CLEMENT. hont ury, Nov. 14. 1H46 tf. CL1E1TT & RESPECTFULLY inf .r.n the public, that on the 9lh inst , they entered into partner.hip, in tl.e mercantile bnsine, at the store recetrlv rictipied by Ira T. Clcnxnt. adioiutng Weaver'a Tavern, iu Sunbury. 1'hey Iiuvh lot ly received a new stork f goods, which they will dispose of ; at the lowest prices. ! All kinds uf produce will be taken in exchange ' for goods. . j No longer thiin four mmhs eredil will 1 given. . IRA T. CLEMENT, ! JOHN HAAS. ; Suiiburv. Nov. 14, HI6. tf. I 'lit?ai?r Than Kverl .1 OHN H. Pl.'RDY. has just received, at hs New ettnre, iu Msrkel ruuiiet a flesh supply id eaaonahle Goods, such ss Cloths, Cissimrrs, tUuinelte, Kentucky Jesus, Cords, Diillinjis, Alpscrsa. Uiiigh..nis, Piinta, Moslins, Hosiery. Glovi s. Ac. , Al-o: (jueeniwat and (iroorrii-s, which vt ill be sold very low. Purchasers are invi ted to call snd et .mine bis stock tied.re puicbasing elsewhere. The bighrsi price paid for Produce, j Sin.horv. Octoher I7rh, 1H16 tf. j E XTI A O K D 1 N A 1 1 Y DISCOVERY! DEATWESS CAN DB CTJBXD II COOPER'S ETERf M. OIL A prompt erd la-ting remedy for Dttpv tsa, alsa for paina and ditcharge of instlsr from th Ears. Hundreds of run a in rs-es deemed ut'eilv hop terabave finnlv e tal.lished iu supeiiurily over vve ty former Medical discovery. . Tliia valual'ln Acoustic Medicine is a com pound of four different Oils, one of which, ihe active and principal ingredient, is oil lined fora the bark of a certain specie nf Walnut, new ai d effectual agent in the cure of l)efn-a. Persons who had been d.-af for 10, IA and even SO years, have I en petmsnen'ly curril by usu g this oil. In fact, so nil'iieioos and so imph'ilic hsve Ien the le-timemsls in it- favor, that the in ventor clsims for it the itis'iio't on of an Infalli! le Remedy, in all cases, vthen the Ear is perlict in its formoti n. Fot further pa'liru'ara, and evidence of ns grejt value, s- e printed she- Is, iu the hands of A genu. F. rsde in Hunhury, by J. W. FKII.I.NG. 8eptemler I9ih. 1 846 UNRlVALLtD AND UNEQUALLED Li ruling Isolds, Uoii;lis, A-iluna, Ii, flu.- czi. in m ma iariMairririasm a i s mr W hoeping-l'oiigh, and all Di"a-s of tl.e bi st snd lui ga. Irsdmg to (.nnstimp tion ; c.nni o.ed of the eon. enir-.led vir'U. a of ihe hrrha Horrhnuial, B lie., it, BlooJrooi, and avvrial other vege e ble si.h-ti.nrcs. Warranted PURE FROM ANY MINERAL WHATEVER. ri'HIS iiivi.iia''l Medicine i b most speedy ' J and certain remedy rvr discovered f r the s I ove coinpla ins, as thousand" who hsv utd il wi l Icsnfy. Fur a..!.', in buiihury. y J. W. FRII.INO. and in Ni.rt' un.b.rlanJ. by D. BRAUTIGAM, snJ at wholesale, n, J'hiU.l lphis, hv F. K LE I T & C, Corner nf feconl and Calloubil ilrc.ts Sepiemlicr IU;h, lb!6. ly T)e Iv tT s t ii yT JACCB HELLS?., - , rjlHANKFl'L for Ih liberal rnc. ur.emenl i which be has rece.vrd, wool I nsp.rtfullv inform bis friends and the cititena of Northumt'vr. land county in general, ibtt he has prrptrrd l.im elf with lb best Incurrupuble Teeth, (iold Piste, Gold Foil, dee., tbsl can b had in Ih cilv nf Phi ladelphia ; anJ that ho will endeavor, to the u'moht of bis ability, to render full satirfaction to s'l who tasy think proper lo engage -bi service. H will b In Hanbury at th August court, wbeis be will be prepared, at hi residence, lo insert Teeth on Gold Plata, or on Pivot, on th lalsat and most ap proved plans, snd ttnd lo all lb branch belong ing to DENTAL SURGERY. Ladie will h waiud on al their places of ri dene, if desired. Hi charges will be reasonable, and his work warranted. Hs will visit different parts ef the county, about one in thiastiBooih. Bunbory, July lth. 1840 -ten (7SSiniSSlM.bu snJ Black Cong'.; Ink, ef a tupiiior qualiiy. for sal cVssp.at th ors of HENRY MAflt?CR. July 4tb, IS4l. B. XXXlMnBR. JR.. So. 34 North Fourth Sfreej. Wcr Mer. Phil ndctpn in , a t stont at rsaia KEEP3. constantly on hand an extensive as sortment of ell klndtofSMk, Fur and Bes ei Hats, which he offers for sals on ths moM rea sonable term. His Hats are nrtdn up of th beit materials, and In ths most approved style. Pei sons visiting the city find it tn their interest to csll. July 11 th, 1840, Iv CCLTlBIil HOTJSIC, CHE3NUT STHUBT, P H I L A Dfi L P 1J 1 A. T large and commodious Hotel has recently Th sidiscrilM it ther fore solicit ths palronagaofl the public, and tiuei that their i xperieiice in the j business will enaiiie Hum to giv cnllr satisloc t ion. Terms mndeta'e. BAGLEY, McKENZIE cV Co. July 4ih, 1S16. ly FOUNTAIN HOTEL, Muht Slrt-et, fHE House has undergone s thorough tepnir. .JL The prnprh-tors solicit its furmsr psltoua:e. Perm ill S3 per dsy. WI. W. DIX. ARTHUR L. FOGG. Ju'y 4. 1818. Iv Pnprirt ra. BiTellcr 4icciiousIi, PATE1TT a.TTO?alTE70, AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERS, WASIIINaTON, Da O. DRAWINGS and Pspers f .r the Pa'ent Of fice will lie prefisrrd by them, at their ollke, opposite the Pa'ent Office. Jnlv. 4ih. 184B. I v SjILVEK medal 1V1IUIP V THE VHARKLI!! IHSTITfTS, IS43. City Dagntrrcolype E.tablislimrnt. (I.ATK rSlMuMa & I'oLl.lia.) .Vo. 100 Cheinut it., above Third, South iide, rzui.AS2x.rzzzA. M LMATURES Ukcn equsily ss well in clou. tor a lady, and a black suit for gentleman, are I n foral'tc in sitting for a pictu e. No eiira charge is tnade for coloring, and peifect likenesaea are guiraniird. July 4th, lUlt. ly i n v a ii t i . t TO ALL COUNTRY HOUSEKEEPERS. YOU may he sure of olitin np, at all limes, pure and highly fl ivorcd j By the single pound or larger quai tity, at the j a'ckliiTf uCouiHi.y'8 VnrrlioiiNC, j ao Svuth SiCund tlrttt, Lttwce-i Murkti wiJ t he nut ilretti. FXUX.ASZ:X.PHI1. Heretnfore it has been very difficult, indeed, al moat imposaihle. always lo obtain gool (ire n and III .ck Teas. Bui nosr vou have only to viit the IVkin Tea Company's Slnre. to obtain as delirious I Fa snd frsgrant Tea aa you could wiah for. A il taMcs j Ulll ue of ,ne ,,, ,niinrtlt ,nj iUcceaful Den csn heie he suited, with the sdvaulage of getting a ,is.B jn phji.d. Iphis, he helievea that he will I pure article st a low price. able lo give aatisfaciion to those who may waul bis June 87th, 1846. ! irr,i,.P, Ci L O T H I XT Osj " i 'd:e will be waited on at their place of resi 11'IIftl 11 pTvii III'"!' 411 ! dence. His chargea will le nioJeiste, and h rl",ME ulsrsiticra ar constantly manuftcturing -a- fiom th lest Fn nrh, Engliah and Ameiiran msnufsrtuied Cloths snd Casaimera, CLO TilLNti in a very superior style, cut and workmanship. I'eraons buying to sell sniin will find one of the largest and moat f i-hionat.le stork of good lo select from iu tl.e city, and nl imp ecedented I w prirei. J. W. A. E. D. STOKF.s, If 4 Market st. Phllad. N. B. A Ivre lomlniii t of Odd Fill. wa' Re psla rnnaianilv on hy.nd, and a'l order, from lo.lpes or indivi.lusls pui.ciuul y attended to, on Ihe mod literal terms. J. W & E. D. S. Philadelphia. June S7th. lSltl ly DANVILLE WOOLEN FACTORY. DANVILLE, COLUMBIA COUNTY, I'cnii Ivtinla. riHE Danville Steam Wooten Partly, foimer. JL ly owned and cccup ed by Dr. Ptsikii. h a rertnl'y hern nubasf d hy te suhrriber. wh respictfiillv ann unce to their friends and the puh lit general y, thai they are now prepared to do all kinds of w jik in thrii line of business, at the shot it st notice, sec ml ing U orJei, and iu ths best com parative; n.annor. Hi'in gone t con.idrrshle eipen.e in n pa'rit.g ll.i it nichiiiery and aj sratus, end tuing vtr par.irnlar inn curing the aervice of rxpeiienced mecbsuica, they feel couSJent lhl Ihey are c.pa' ln ol evcjlmg all kinds of work in a a'jie superior to tl.y oiber rs'sb.'isbment in the coumry, at the old custom .ry n icea. CLOTHS, SATIN ETTS. FLANNELS awn BLANK ET8 cunatan ly on hand, and for sale at reduced price, for C or Bsr'er. eTAItllllVCa AM) FILLING will be done in the best manner, at the usual pri C' a. All kinds c.f country produce taken in pay m.nt foi woik, si D nville pivrket prices. For ihe accommodation of ihoso who live at di'Uiio, Wool and CtoTS will le taken inst, and, whru f.ni.linl, reiurn.d to lbs following pis ces. Plain written directions must aeconnpany each psie 1 1 Columbia County. Roup St Mair's store, Wa tbmgt. nville; R. Fruit's store, J rs.eyt.own ; Yea gei'a inn, Roaring Creek; Shsrpli ss' atoia, t'slts-is-s; C F. Msnn's ore, Miflllnvi le; Miller's toie, llaiwuk ; J. C line's Miil; Rickr.t's lore, Oisngsville; Derr's store. While Hall. Xcithtimbcrland County Michael Reader's inn, Turl utville ; Ireland 6c Hsv's store, McEwens ville; E. L. Piper's shoe, Wstsonstown ; S. I, Oemly & Go's store, Milton ( Gibson's inn, Cliil lisqusqoe ; Forsvlh't sto , Northumberland ; Young' stoie. rijnbury. Luzerne County. Rt ynold's store, Kingston Gildersleevs's slot. Wilkssharr ; Gsvlord's ator. Plymouth - 6tyr' tor, Nantieok ; Jodg Mark' Mill, Huntington. Lycoming County. D. Clapp's store, Money; Hhoeneaker's store, bmith's Mill. GEARIIART cV KOWNOVCR. Danvill. May f), 1646. Ulitim SPUUTi Or4 ciflAH. for eg. trading Grass, Dry Paints, Varnish, Tar. Wii.. si, dec. from clothing of any description, war. ranted not to injur th cloth or Ihe most delicate color. This liqo d hss lo bn usJ with great auccest in ctses el Bams. Scald, Tatur, Pimples on the face, Chapped bands, (Sore lips, Rhsoms lism, Hard or soft Corns, Alc. ty Prte. 16 cts, pi boil I.. Tot sale st th sto is ef July !9, 1840. B. MAS8ER. H.B.lsIASSER, -ATTORNEY AT LAW, tTmBTjav, pa. Bualneas attended to in lbs Counties of Nor thuml erland, Union. Lycoming snd Columbia. Refer to I r. & A. Hovocst, Lows a dc. Baaaov, Sostxa dt Ssonsaiss, FMkJ. KtTVOLDS, McraattRB St Co. Hetamo, Ooon it Co., PREMIUM SCALES. L'ale'a Celc' rated Rail Road Sc.lss, Coal and Hay dj Iron Manufac's' do Portshls Platform do SO different sites, r Dot motor Floor du 6 different sites Counter t). 13 different sizes. The abov Scsles t mads either sing' ul double beam, and err decidedly the most du able, accurate ami convent ent e .ha ever inve .ted. We alao have Platform and Count r Scalr, Patent Balances and every kind of Weighing Mai bines in use forssle,vb"l, ate and retail, at low price. All Scsles sold hy at to go out of ths city, sre ho ted free of charge, enj nantntid to g ve satisfaction to tho ptiii-h eer ia. every pnrticul .r. GRAY A. BROTHER, Manbfsctuict snd Dealers, No. 84 Walnut streM, Ju. e 87. 1946. ly Philudtljjhia. SALT. New Yoik Salt in barrels snd bags.fm sal at insiiilfac uina' prices, bv GRAY & BROTHER. Jun 27, 1818. ly S4 Walnut st. PhiU HOUSE SHOES. Burdcn'a Pat.nt Home Shoes, for ala at manufacture!,' p. ices, by GRAY ft BROTHER. 34 Walnut l. I'lnlaJ. June 27. 1B4C ly PENNSYLVANIA HOUSE, DANVILLE FA. HE stihsriiher, late nf the Union Hotel, Mon ey, Pa , respectfully informs the old snd nu inerous customers nf the I'? nnsylvmilu IIouic, imd the public generally, that he hss leased th i : i av. ruMtund of John Rhodes, in Dsnville, whi r lie is now prepi.red lo entertain travellers, and per sons vi.iiinii the town, in the Very best style. Tim accommodations will be u -h as a well rnudurtr.l puhhc bouae ahould sfTord, and no effort wilt he spared to render s iti-f.n tion, in every respect, to sll who ii sy csll. The t it:en nf Lycoming county aie invited lo put up with the undersigned wbt u they visit Dinville. HENRY WEAVER. Daiivi'le, May 2. lSlfi. l'KTKU H. MAS SKI?, RECENTLY PROM PHILADELPHIA, TT ESI'ECTFl'LLY informs the ciiin-ns .f I . funhurv snd viciniiv, that he hss 0ened an lltce at the re-idence of Henry Mas-rr, in Msiket striet, where he ia prepmed to execute all kinds of Drutil ScHdiaT. Piste Work, Sit , on the latest and mn.l atwirmiid nlana. i n-t,n- l.-.i , .inerlenre and insirnetion. I wora warrnnien. Hunbury, March 38th, 1 S46. To I'urchiisors or DRY GOODS. Ao. 111 Pearl st., NEW YORK. HAVING emhli-hed a Branch at No. 144 Ch- . nut St.. Philadelphia, ia now periing. snd be consisntly receiving from the New York Auc tion, sn eitenaive assortment nf FANCY 4k STAPLE DRY GOODS, which will t sold at the lowest New York pi os, at wholesale and Retail. Among h i stock will he found a good aetortmrnt of the following articles: Jaccnneta, Plaid, Hair ('old, Lace, Siripe, Book, Swiss and Tsilaian Muslins. Bih p and Linen Lawns, Fancy CapNetts, Fancy and Ball Drese, Thread Laces, Applicaiion Do., r.ch B'ack Siik Trimmii g Lace, In.h Linens, Linen Cambrics, Linen Caoihrr Hdkfa.,Cuituin Fringes, Csshmei d'Ecos-e, Muusehne de I. Bice, Silk and Cotton Warp . Isees, Quel's 1,'loth, Gala Plaida, Funrh Meiinos, 111 k silks. Gloves tSi k H se, bhiw's, Crsva's, Rihhon. Emhroiileri- s. Sir., Ac. Courtrv Merchant and o'hera visiting I'hil.i.lel phia or New Yoik to purchase, ar respectfully in vited to ell and examine tba aUx.ka. Nov. 1, 1 H 45. ly Ii E L I E V E A NL7 L 1 V E . TIIOIYISON'S Conipouud Syrup of Tur tV IVoosJ Niiptlm. flHE unpiavedonted rtie.-e- of this medicine, in th re.toration ef hal h, to thos who, iii des do dj d) do do do do do dj Jo pair, nail given up all nope, Baa gien II an ex1 led rrpu'ation ahove all other remedies, furni-hing evidence of its intrinsic valoxand power, aa the on ly agent wh ch can be rebed open for the rure of Pulmonary Consumption, Bronchiuis, Asthma, Pain in th ride snd Breast, Spitting of Blood, W hooping Cough, Croup, Ac. Attention ia uquesied lo Ih following ASTON ISHING CURE.bv Tln-maon's Compound Syrue ol Tar and V oud Nsptba ! I Philailelphia, Nay 3i, 144. MR. THOMSON Dear 8ir With grairful feelings I inform y"0 of the astonishing effecis of your methcins, which ha literally iaia d m from dealb-bed! Ml ditsi-e, Pulmonary Conaamp lion, had rlucd m so low that my physician pre. nojnrrd my cas hopeless I At thia junction I hs tsn to n your medicine, snd miraeuloat it it may seem, it baa completely rnred me to health, after everything tlte hsd failed. Reapertfutlv yours, WASHINGTON MACK. Charlotte atreet, above Gcorg street. Th onderaigned, being personally eequaintej with Washington Msrk and hi sufferings, bevr wilne to th astonishing f?c4s tf Thomson" Compoond Syrop of Tar, and the troth of ths t boss statement. JOS. WINNER. Bti North Third atreet, DAVID VICKERS, 41 Almond atreet, HUGH M'GLNLEY, . Z. corner Tsnany and Foonh atraeu. Prepared only by 8. P. Thomson, N. E. cornsi of tUh and Sprue street, Philadelphia. Agents. H. B. Masacr, Boabcry i D. Gross, and Dr. Macphareoo. HarrUburg t Jao. G. Brows, Potuville i Gen. Earl, Reading Uouaton ck JVtf oo, Towanda, Biadford county, Ps, Traps 0 cettat pr bottle, er f H pi doxea. (y Bmtmrt ef U imitation rhtlsittphis, June XkUb, 1I45.-I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers