Interesting ' We invite fh attedtioh of birr 'rentiers to the subjoined httereirting l-wr'res'pondence between veral nisnh.guiahed tit Item Ifthts placa and 'WMelibothoncl and fheTfon. Simon Cameron, Who nbljr ami disinterestedly advticalen' the inte rest of Pennsylvania 'hiring the 'dcDales (in "the British Tariff BrtVin fhe fj. H. Sena'te and while we wit that hi Sense of propriety Hoe's not permit him to meet hii many friends in this re (ion at the festive hoard, w tun not but admire the plain ind forcible manner In which he alludes to the beneficial inflnenceof a protective Tariff on the jnHtietry and .prosperity of the country. Danville Democrat. Danville, Aug. 1?, 184C. T.i (lENOtAt SiMon CaVeuon. Dfar Sib : Tlie recent cnango In onr im post or revenue laws, has filled the of eve ry honest-hearled, thinking mnn, in (lira stare, with apprehension and dread ot the results of the practical operation of the new system. To you, air, we tender the oblation of grate fill hpartf, 'for the patriotic, wise and manly conduct you displayed 'in your place in the nrftP.'in making a very tfb'letfcrnigli ttnsuccess- tifl resislsnceln (he passagem '(heUrtlrsh tariff hill of '40. tVhtle others, Whoso fltonritms we rtr7ilor,'hirve'beeii twrfblelo withstand 'the in fluence df '(he 'remunerating power, anil litrvo sunk themselves, as Waaempluftlcnlly expressed by a democratic Senator from tho Went, "so low that the arm of resurrection 'Can 'never reach lirem,1' youarf, 'inawed'byiirfWnee nd nifbriVeti "by gain ha'Ve titooil erect, fhe sb'le Champion df fhe poor laboring mnn's rights, and of The grerft rrfterefts ef the Key-Slone Btate. This wc offer you aa the eflusion'o'f'WBTnincari, flowing with recollections 'fresh and "verflawt of M that you have done 'in ftie glorious cetrsevf iprmec'lioTt eor howte fodtrstrry. fleBrrwnsnswe rre,1iy some public demon vtraTion df our sense of your merits and otftfn stave attd countTS'',8 obligations to you, we,yowr fri.nds and admirers eYIfre frontegioa ttfTbe rimnty of Columbia, wiTfhsinrtion-ef par ty, moat cordially invite yon to tpartallce "of a jrtiblic dinner in the town of Danvfllo.'tfii file enrlireiA'day you may designate. And we most earnestly aMl respectfully entreat that you will not deny to yonr tramerotis friends here, the anticipated plessurwf meefmgycni face to face, t a festival, in honor of feet tffrinent public worvices and private worth. With great respect your fellow citizen, Wm Donaldson, J G Montgomery, J P Grove, J C Ilorton, D N Kownover, Simon P Kase, Elw Young, Tboa Woodeicre, Thus -Shepherd John (J Crier, David P Davis, N McCay, Jno McReynolds, A Jordan, David Blue, lohn (2 roves, Josef h Maus, Samuel Oaks, Iram Derr, I li'-f JX!' " I J-J --' 1 few months will shew tlie want of wisdom in its pri ciplrs and details, and prove iti failure as a revenue Tnensure. The very men Who have forced it upon w, all of whom deny ta pa ternity, will probably soon seek ail (excuse for its ehimgn. All thriftless persons are discon tented wtfh their own situations, and envious of the prosperity of their more frugal neighbors. Neither men nor States who du not work'csn be prosperous; and otir Southern fellow cititerw will find that no reduction of the TarifTwill malte them rich, nor bring in down to their condition. They may retard mir on watd pro gress for a time, but no system yf laws which thry can force upon ns, will destroy the uiti male pro Bert y ot vcnnfvlvani. Until we rnn apetmip'IrKh fts Tepca! in a enr.stittrtinnal Way, ve "nrtiut nia'ke fhe beit of fhislaw'; and by greater economy, and hinre intmso labor make irp, in some degree fifr the advantage which it lakes Vtam t, and gives tothe Work men of fi)Tcim countries. The farmers of the West will soon see thai tlrey ta've'been fit-cri- ved by the promised British marktt for tWir ag ricultural products ; and that instead of higher prices, they will find them reduced with the prostration of the home market, hitherto furni shed them by the manufactories of the North- Hrvinff thus learned the troth of the old fa- drrioned democratic doctrine, that agriculture, nmnufadtntw, nrrrrrc, and the mechanic arts are mutually dependent on each other, we may expect to see "them sgiin acting with their natrrrat afMiea df tho North 'for the common good. With many thanks, vrtteinH,trtr the honor you intended me, I pray yofl to eTclwetnay ac ceptance of it. I shall, sometime belitre the re-assembling of Congress, fay tny CcBomed annual visit to Columbia cenrntv, and it tsmy intention to spend some time ataft DarrviTIe, a mmg your wirrkmen, and in yoirr tiiitres and tnamfactones, tof lean such facts and tnforvnv lion n may bu tasefal in the labu? of ttie next session, and I anticipate while Intra, the plea sure of taking many fyoa hylh hand, t your own fireside. Wrthrrmerfts of respect. Sic. &e, SIMON CAMERON. To Messrs. Cooper, Boyd, Montgomery, Vas tine, Donaldson, Petrikin, Mfcfteywolds, Crove and others. THE AMERICAN. Saturday Serfemfrrr, 12, 1840. irenrocrntlc KoWiilnntlons. ALLISON WlfiTE, SfllJltlt.Y, SAMUEL T. BrwOWN. comhtssioVf.b, WILLIAM FOLLMF.R. AfWroR, r.MANUKL ZlMMKRMAN. tatt anil Coal Office, toner of'&tt emit Vhcnul Sttetty)y t'hUaHtlfihta, authorized la act aa Agent, tmd rrerlftl tor nil mnle due thtt fHee tor tnbteriptttm or adrertlalng, Jllto, mt hit Office M. 100 .Mtssau Street, ,1ml 8. E. Corner of Baltimore tmd Calvert ola., Baltimore. 7Vrwi Set j with Santa Ana at .rWs The New York Tribune of yesterday trtn the followinic letter from Havana : (Special Correspondence of the Ttihune.J Havanx, Atfgtrst 16tn, 1816. VM are probably aware that Santa Ana and Almonte embarked on board tTie ttrglih steam B R. Gearhart, J N Fisher, Martin McAllister, er Arab for VeraCnii, in raYiswiuence of their William Delong.G M Shoop, Michael Riseel, having obtined information of pnmuneiumento John Cooper, John C Boyd, Lewis Vsstine, Geo in their favor, onte other diplomatists and Gen ltebrick, John McQuhae, Iluch Mc Will isms, erals of the same stanw t!errted thesanre day Jonas Wolf, Henry Crawford, Thos C Ellis, in the packet for the same tKt but perhaps M Fornwald, W G Gaskins, Eli Trego, VV G you may not have heard of the rt-porWil a'gtee Scott, Jno D Petrikin, Jacoh Gearhart, Paul ment between Santa Ana and certain agents of Irf-idy, Jacob Eyerly, A W Frick, Jno D Colt, the British and American Governments. The (Vcar V Moore. C II Frick. J W Sheriff. rraemec.t is said to be as follows : The Mex ican Federal jverninent of !Ri4 to be re-eita blisbvd turder the ptarantee of the United States; so that, in case of fctare pronticiameiitos, the United State Clovernwiwt shall have a right to interfere in support of the Constitutional (Govern . rri r. - r. . i . . i i ,: . rnreived and. I attribute the hiirh honor me"1- oe m " me oowusi; ui.e vou design lo comer on me, to your kindness nd U California, to be org.niarf a. a di.ti . , . i ... , . Territory, under the pmtrction of the Uui W II llaxenplug, Jas J Stcbbins, Jno S Wilson. MlPDLETOWM, August 31, 1810. Gentlemen : -Your letter, inviting mo to partake of a public dinner at Danville, has been and the partiality arising from early aseocia lions ruilier tlmn (o any merit I may possess, or any services I may have performed, I am etill profoundly grateful for it. Such a public demonstration as you propose 14 only due to the statesman of high reputation, earned by long and important services rendered bis country. I can lay no claim tJsuch distinc tion. The recent session of Congress was the first occasion of my connexion with public af net Territory, under the pmtertion of the United States, but not governed by Americans until the inhabitants shall think fit to annex themselves to favor which purpose the country will be al lowed to carry on a free trude with both Repub lies, ami admit colonists Irom all countries, and of all religions air1 vietds. All this seems in deed very incredible too much for Mexicans to cede, and too little to satisfy the craving maw of your extenders of the area of freedom. "Ver emos !" I can only sy that I have the intel iinm. 1 had no desire when I entered upon its ligence from very respertabh: authority duties to remain long in (he public service, ii nd I have now no ambition connected with offi rial station further than to perform my duty t-arhstfly and faithfully to the best of my abil in s during the continuance of my term. It was Kewafrnin Santa P lUtriMORB, Sept. 7, 8, P. M. By the Western mail, arrived this evening, w hove news from Santa Fe to the 3d tilt , coulai my fortune to be in Congress when this revenue ned in the St. Louis Republican. At that dat measure, which aflccta so Vitally the interests 'here were only 130 Mexican soldiers garrisoned if my native Slate, was under discussion, and ,h'i but the authorities stated that a reserve o connected aa I am in all my sympathies with 700 "y t"iateb at a moment's warning, I r I.hnrpr. and merhanira. I rm.l.t nn ,1 "Pel he invasion of Uen. Kearney. This, .Ltiaraiu ik.n ;ih .11 ,n ...I .a .....i. however, was generally lielieVed to be but ann 1 1 - ability as I have, a bill affecting so detrimen tally their comfoit and happiness, and through iheoi the prosperity of the Commonwealth. I only regret that my exertiona were not more successful. My rule through life has been not to despond fur the past, but to look with hope and confi dence to the future, and to "persevere unto the end" in a good cause. If the friends of domestic industry pursue this course, we will compel a ther specimen of Mexican bragcadoria. No tidings had been received from General Kearney (or fifteen days, when tome Mexican spies reported Ihey liad met him. W. '.. Swan, of Northampton, Mass., had been murdeied on the Frairie by Indians, who were committing great dt-predatiuns on all the travellers that they met. An immense number of government wagons were on the prairie, which ronld be captured by small parties of Mexicans, and the supplies for change ot Ibia obnoxious ana lli-fligeetea law at he troops in this manner cut off if the enemy the next sesdton. A little reflection will teach were aware of their exposed situation the pure but mistaken men among ita advocates Indians were at Santa Fe, offering their servi of their error, and the others will have to yield, ces to the authorities to attack General Kearney Pennsylvania has strong claims upon the sym- and rob and disperse the American travellers, but nathiesof ber sister Slates snd she is too iin- I the Governor, to his honor be it said, refnsed to portanl to ihe interests of the confederacy to entertain the proposition. permit any ol them to continue this wrong upon I Tl,e Sr k" " " (,0Tn i i-.ui. d..l. Ra l... Nauvoo to lbs 31st ult. An atlaek Was at that ... ..... n.x... time momentarily expeeted. " " ' . 'I The Southern mail brings no important news. no ID 18.M WOUio ..... ....royao n v, from ,b, he,t th, we4, A K . SJ . I . I II but for the.nrujnesi Ol uen. aexf.n, snou.u so ,her which eoMiBUet wjthoB ,ny waiibl, , boon alter bis ilcatn, nx upon k tae very priaci- temeat plea upon which she Used l.t7 nullification, and while we cannot approve her threatened trea- A titn Piatt. A new party has taken the son, we may, with profit, follow the example of field in PiUaburg, called the National Kefor her determined perseverance. We have only mere, and it has nominated a full tlcksf for Ca to b true to ouraclves aod we cannot fail lo I nal Commissioner, Congress, tit. What they succeed in procuring repeal of this Isw. A I wish to reform wc do not know. QPRinii.i Ink. A fresh supply of superior unimer ink just received, anu lor sale at l'liiia- vlphia prices. K7" It will be seen by the proceedings of the Democratic county covention, that Gen. Came ron has Wen nominated for Governor by that bo dy. Gun. Cameron has a host of friends in this county. His foterae on the tariff in the L , S. Senate has made him wrusoally papurar. trT-tSg. Carok's Larraa, We refer out VeaAers to Gen. Cameron's letter declining a Tutlc ditmef tendered Vo hrm Vy the ritirens of PanVilh?,i acconnt of the teal and ability "with KM W defended the interests f Pennsylvania in the United States 'Senate, m oppositron to Mc Kay's tati bill. The letter ia rerilete with good sense afnt food advke. rjWe refer our readers lo an article from the llarrisburg Argus, which fully rastainsns in re gard to Mr. Foster's free trade principles. Mr. Fotfter hiimelf wonhl not Aare to deny the trharge. ifhe does, t" Tpromia to oferw-trelm him with proof. CThsOs Txrm PaiwirL. We refetoOT readers to an excellent article on tfet IRtA tg'i froni the natmWg ArgMs, tn the principle of one term-. It will he leen that Hen. Jackson, in seVen out of hiTght messages, rerA)Vnmend- ed the one term twinciple. President Polk has also declare! hinrtelT in faVtrrnfthat principle Ven. Jackson plainly saw the mrnytt Vendencie) of otlite holVr, using the patronage and power of their office ro re-elect themselves, as is now the rase tof Mr. Foster, the candidate lot Ca nal Commissioner, who heM bV the aptlftiht ments of the canal board seVerat months, m or der to use them to effect his nomination, arid then appointed tleVen out of fourteen of the dele' gates, who were appiiratils, Va Comment nrmeccsary. ' Mr. Foster Wawted delegates and the delegates wanted an ofrite. They hap pened to vote for Mr. Water, and Mr. Foster happened to appoint them to office. A most re markable coincidence. We presume Ihe Sunbury Gaiette round a satisfactory answer lo their aiticle, in our last paper. We do not suppose that Mr. Foster ever made "a public- declaration of his tariff princi pies,' for Ihe simple reason that he dare not do it. But we do know that he has made many pri vate declarations to that effect, and always in favor of free trade doctrines. The Cuaette'a ar guments about "the Sheriff's otfive, the froth noUir, lit. is a'.l gammon, and has nothing to do with the matter, or if it has, it only proves the correctness of the mic term principle. The fact that our conclusions appear strange to tlieGa ectte, is no evidence that they are not correct, as, lo some minds "Truth fs stiange stranger than fiction." OCT NOMIHAtlOV FOR t ONO I tlllS III TUirt. The demorratic conferees of the 13th district, met at Muncy, on WednesiUy last. Th double set of conferees Irom Lycoming was com Promised bv then. sell e, by the admission of two of I lie number. u the llh ballot, Uen Wm. A. Petrikin Was httminated, Who decline being a candidate, wheh, after a number of in effectual balloltitigH, Allieon White, of Clillton Comity, Was nominated. tin motion of C. W. Ileitis, , the fallow- ing tariff resolution was unanimously adopted by ihe conferees : Resolved, That the tariff of 18 Id does hut meet with the approbation of the liertlofrary of the 13th congressional district, and thai Ihe rahdi- date this day nominated by the Congressional conferecsj be pledged lo vote for such a modifi cation of it, as will BfTt'rJ adequate protection to home industry and domestic niauufai-ulnres. 07" Thk WnTHica has beeh excessively hot fur the last week. On Sunday the thermometer stood al 90 in the shade. The mttt, and the Dafy of ibe Ijciaocratie 1 - - , the filaelt 'rWlff. '"J' "it lias been 'flefnonstrated by the report of hi are among those, Who oenevs that the the Secretary or fire TreksirVr, that the annual supremacy of thebemocralle pr'y in Pennsyl- s'fhftrtnt'paid by the people of rhis Country by the j tii- . .u.t. ....i . .-j rffterrflion of the 'bltfck tarffi".' ia'eiohm one mil. Tama win uepenu uiwh .ur.r cav.iiuii hiiu uf- ir r . ' . . . !...... . A , .!,. .. . ,. I lion of dollar IWrtity-seVen fnirlionsof which 1W .ai... ..... ... ,re p,id in,o the national ireastrry.'drtived from coal, the great interests of the state. Our whig dlieion jmrKfrra nfj fftty.fnftr Tnillrons to the friends, we Vnow, are anxious to enlis't'tftrr arty protective claiwes m enhanced prices on good." in opposition to such a tariff, :n order to defeat os ; 1 V4 fr sShilanethVih IteV. Which they most UndoHhedtly wbi.hl So, if they ,totie, which, with probably a half dozen more coum oring about sucn an fssat. iraiever may aperti-,Ye all fhat can e found who have adopt be the policy of the democracy of Other "States, ed the .above idle and ahstird views of Secretary in rennsyivania the democracy, With a very lew Val1feT. We had intended to make some re- exceptions, have always been identified w.ih m teUton to the W,r(.ty '6f Mr. Wl policy, in isio, When xew ker.s roiitioni ,ien w came across the follow was battling in ravor of unrestricted free rraue, Wm iiauUrg Union the venn.yivania ue.egat.on in Congress was ,i1ruly rich joke, t tell the people of nUly..voca,,or pro.eciron, m n.Cn PiMlfcnTgi lhat because there is a duty or ff 1. 75 she was aided by tte drtnocrcy of Ihe South. perton foreign coo,( ,hpy M nnw r,ying Al mat inn. onn . uamm.n ,en. .... poWer.ui ,hat mtlch for theircoa ,han if th(.re w am, wnnai kan.e, eU,er, no du, y when ,be fact jg ,hpy mre eVy ,Iay wfihevjnat real and ability, opposed It. The imying ,heir C0Bj , ,bm.t erghty rents per ton. i.ritt b.n oi .Kt was au.y sustain. u woulJ )go bl rich jokeM ,fi 0 ftf eo oytne .ate JUnge iomu, at tne neau o. trie ,bi, neighborhood, that ihey are ravirrgtt duty Pennsylvania delegation in Congress. In fact, of ppf on on M whpn it uas ueen tne policy oi I ennsyirania ever since the formation of the Government. Whatever may have been the chnnges in the Southern and Northern states, Pennsylvania, in regard to this measure, has always been firm, ni.yielding and 1-otisistent. Let her sous but remain true to her ancient policy, under wbrch she has been pros perous and happy, and her democracy will al they are buying it daily at a"boit that price, or, in other words, if there was no duty they could get their coal for nothing. The following is the ai ticle from the Union : 'Tint Last FRrK-TBAriKltKronr. Thefteport of the Secretary of the Treasury of Ihe 2?d of Ju ly, which our friend of Ihe Washington Union .... i..:u ft. j... .t.- .... . ... Hts mil uc Iff. lirtu, ui tiio iitrc- W-ays maintain the ascendency J but let them v , . . " v. . , , ' , , - , , trade party in every portron of the country, ad vances such novel doctrines lhat We feelconstrat- onee yield to the syren songs of Southern free trade theorists, and the democratic party will in the language of a distinguished Western Sena tor, "sink so deep, that the aim of resurrection never can reach it." We are confident, arid know-, that her honest yeomanry her independent far mers, mechanics and laborers are still true to her ancient faith, notwithstanding the heresy of a few partisan leaders, who, with the few presses whom they control, would bssely truckle to Southern ititerests Let them stsnd firm, and adhere to the principles that heretofore govern d the party the principles of Jefferson, Monro and Jarkson, and all will yet be safe. But let them, at the same time, show their abhorrence of these free trade innovations, by some public act or declaration that ran dolro haim tothede mocratic party; and this can be dons by ppo sing Mr. Foster, the lree-trad candidate for Ca ned to take a brief notice of it, With a View of exhibiting its utter absurdity. The broad and sweeping assertion is made in this report that the people of the country are laXed, in cons- tfuenc of the tariff, from three lo four limes the additional amount Of the duty, and a most singu lar table is prepared to proVe this fact. The Secretary lakes sixteen of the leading items of manufacture and consumption in the country, vis : free, snd the manufactures thereof ; the manufactures of tobacco, rotlon, wool, and leather, coal, salt, sugar, molasses, glass, paper, cordate, cotton bagging, hats and caps, atraw hats, bonnets, and braids, and earthenware, a mounting, in the sggregste, to S331.197.S50, and lays down tbe position lhat, npon these items, lohring a nett revenue 017,031,289 into the nal Commissioner. His defeat would show that Treasury, there was irraTmseit by the rami oi the democracy of Pennsylvania was still true to 8 a lex of 94, 120.857 upon the people of r.;. ,;V . JW.Mi.;. these Unite States, of Which was it : and it could do no harm, aa the office ia not a foss revenue, and the remainder. $75, 784,105, polnrcat one. Besides, il it was, the democrats constituted the enhanced price of these protected would stilt have a majority in th hoards and domestic articles.' The mode or proving the some oToUrWstdemocrstshsVeheen of opinion, bove extraordinary position is this: The See that a mixed board would he hest for the mte- re,"v ,he nol "l he above rests of the people, hy exposing the corruptions named manufactures adds, thereto the duty, assu- incident to power and patronage. Let, then, th n"n "'' lhe "or.est.t article is raised in price iJemecrats tX Pennsylvania tememher, that to r'.seiy that extent, i mis ne sets in con- save the party from utter ruin and defeat, We sumption or coal at s.jJ7.oa ions, vaiuea at iv, wnftt stick to our principles and show an urrcom- hl6,sD7, and adds thereto the iluty of $1.75 per promising hostility to McKsy's free trs.1 bill. ton. ertingthat the consunrer is taxeaso.aus,- If we do not, we sfrall again be tanned in the U. USB w,Ul ' r bringing into tne i reasury S. Sehate, that PennsylVahni rah he whipped 1J0 l ,M moUBl 7 ro.iecteu on toe into the IWe tnrces whenever she is heeded. tott' x brewh, tfc 1,rt V"r- In other work th Secretary lays down that a K?" A CaY-WaL Hoax. The Pctirisylvaniarr, I ton tofcoal at the Harrisburg wharf is raised in one f tbe free-trade papers Which are endeavor- price jl.'iS hy the tariff of 1S-C3, and lhat its re- ing to ho1ter Up MrKays taritt hill by publish- peal would lower the price ol a ton of coal to ingall kinvhttorextiavagant and idle tturivs, late- tba extent Now, is there sane man in this ly published a letter from Lehigh county, in borough, or any where els throughout the length which a wag iUfornied the editors liat one ahd breadth of the UoWlWiWrl wealth, who will say nac In lhat county had received an order lor lhat coal is ftisfed one Copper t this place, r al 40,000 tons of pig iron about as much as the Philadelphia, or PittshYiV'g, by the rariff law of furnace ws able to make in 10 years. This lf)42? The fact is, that the ptite of coal has is almost equal lo Mr. Cooper's letter, raising decreased throughout Pennsylvania since 1S42, the wages of his men in his iron works, inconse- and we might, if we chose to advance Bosurd quence of the passage of McKay's bill teduting theories, declare that this reduction wasowhig C7" The peaches of this neighborhood, and town particularly, her been Very much Injnred by ihs bees, which perforate them ss soon as they commeaee ripening, thus causing them to rot be fore they are perfectly ripened. We see that one of the New Haven papers complains thst nearly all the peaches in thst city bate been de stroyed in th same way. (sJ The one term principle seems to find general favor. Many of (b County Conventions have passed resolutions la favor of the ons term principle. In Danphin County it was adopted, and David Pool and Dr. R- H- Awl nominated for Assam- bly. Judge tidied was Geminated fei Gettreor th duty on iron. fr?Wre warranted iri stating that, altho' the address of the Sunbury committee, upon the routes of the contemplated railroads between Philadelphia and Pittsburgh and F.rie, was sent to three papers iu Philadelphia for re-publica-tioi., by a citizen and subscriber, Ihey all refused to republish it. Those papers are the V. S. Ca zttte, the J'hilwl. Inquirer, and Ihe Kurih A mer it un 1 it (tot then, a fair iiifeience that those prints are Conscious of Ihe superiority of the route by the Schuylkill and West Dranrh, and therefore, exclude from their columns th views Ol both sides, keeping their citizens in Ibe dark? "The Sunbury and F.rie Kail load project has agaitl been abandoned The t'otninittce appoin ted to address the people of Pennsylvania on the subject, have giVer) up (he matter, and assiun as a teason that the pastiice of Ihe New Tariff Hill lias shut the door upon all hoie with respect 10 this enterprise. We afe sorry for that. The Sunbury and F.rie Hail Komi, if only pushed If) Completion, would deVelnpe the resources of a portion of this Common wealth which needs it greatly. Some enterprising Capitalists ought to take this road ir. hdnili Snd finish it speedily. We believe that it would be the most Valuable stork in the Slate in three years Irorn the period of its Completion, Tariff or no Tariff. "Colittnuia Spy. 07" The project of making this road is not a- bandoned, but only suspended for the present. The lime Will come, when ils great importance will be properly appreciated. $ons of Trmprratife'. A gfahd gathering of this order is expected o'fl Thursday fhe 24th inst., at Northumberland. The occasion will bath presentafihh ftf a Bible and Bander, ty the ladies bf Northumberland, Iti the Division at that plate. All in ahy Wise favorable to the cause, evety man who feels an. interest id thk gfeal Work, which, tho' so lafefy beguu, has already bQ crowned with such glorious results, will find a hearty welcome. The Divisions from Sunbury, Lewisburg, New Berlin, Danville, Milton, Ber wick, and tVifliamspor( are expressly and cor dially invited to be titer. Procession will form at 1 o'clock, P. M. at the Town tfalf, , J. W. MILES, GEt). APSLEY, DATID TAGGART, North d Seat 9, 1SI, tn the parage of the tariff bill. The books of our coal dealers show thst Wyoming anthracite coal retailed at Ihe lUrrirburff wharf as follows : In 1841 st ST; 1815 st SA.2.; 1S13 st t5; 1841 st $3 i and 1645 at tn I'hitadel- pli the redurimn in prices has been in a much greater proportion. It must be an exceedingly rich Joke to our neighbors of Pittsburg, who gel their boat for about eighty Tints a ton, la be told that they ale paying a duty of fci.tO upon it. Again, In the item of tolloh manufactures, tho riecMary contends that Ihedtliy is to lead did lit tho Value of I lie country, and licnfci" the oeoplp pay S lax of flO.O.t i'i in order to pet into the Treasury $3,3 1,00a. N'ow, by Ihe report of the Secretary on cortlmetCij and navi gation, it appears that We exported lust ear ot domestic inahufactured cotton goods, namely, printed and cotfored cottons, while natikeene, twist, yarn and thread, and other manufactured goods, the heat little molii1t bf f4,!7,fc!S wnrlli; and, if we can export these cottons in compbtition with all the world, Will liny rhun in his srhes believe thst the duty can be added to the consumer dri iin tff tlie aUoe harried ar ticles of tot ton goods i Again, in regard to iroit, add the' rhsnitlsctu res of iron, llib Becfetafy BBscfti that the fcnnsii mer is taxed some twenty five Irfiltihhs of dol lar fhr the pnrphse br fJUttinjy into tlie Treasbry about thren hiillions snd a IjUaher. As to what eiteht the Secretary's1 tneor fria apply to these manufactures, We are Unable lo si pre cisely! but We venture the assertion lhat it is ss grossly erroneous as iri the Case of cotton goods, ldsnibty ftihre so; for we sre vefy certain thst the hest iest machinery how made of iron, sdeh at statibnf ry ind loeomotite' engines, printing machinery and hoavy eastings, tfra Cheaper at the preeefit time (hart (hey were in iS3 under the operation of the compromise act. fflhls cebfated thebry will apply iri any case, it will apply in the following, which we pot by way 6t exhibltintf the aosurdfty of the 6ecretr-'s poSiti6o.--Ourihg the yesr 1837 there waa imported into the United State up- wards of foot million dollars worth of whsa't. Cmrriittt. I vT do Dot know wlrat the duty mountesl l on this wheat, hut wo presume it paid 20 per cent under the compromise act, which yielded t re ventre to'tlte Government of $(9,000. As ther waa produced and consumed in the Unitei States that year about one hundred milliom bushels tf wheat, sccording to the logic of thi Sicretary of the Treasury, the people ol the V nited States were taxed siO.OOO.OOO to get inti the Treasury this t300.(X of revenue. Am ifiotfmuc'li as there ia now a duty of 24 cents t tmshel on wheats the people were taxed las year opa'ards of f.-2o,'00(l,(KMI without giving i dollar of reveiifto to the Government. VV. venture the assertion that there is not a farmc or brcad-enlCr rn any part of the country when free schools have been established who wil beTieVe this doctrine; and if the free trade par !y is to sustain itself upon such principles, w. apprehend its race will soon be run." lie moeratie f ounty Convention. The delegates elected to represent the differ ent townships of Northumberland County, i county convention, in obedience to the call . the democratic standing committee, having at sembled in the Court House in Sunbury, on Mot day the 7th day of Sept., on motion the coiivpi tron -as organized by the appointment 'of Hoi Jesse C. HorHon as President, and James Bear and F.m'an'uel Zimmerman, Esq's. Secretaries- when the following delegates appeared, presents their credentials and took their ea'.s : Turbut Geo. Kut., Wm. Wihtrofi. Delaware Sot. Nicely, Jno. McKinney, Jamc Beard. Lewis Michael Sec'hler, John Clapp. Milton Wm. WileOn, Frederick Strieker. Chillisquaque D. P. Caul. Tunis II. Fisher. Northumberland Jno. Leisenring, Samuel . Klliot. Point Anthony Watswi, Jess t5. ilorton. Sunbury S. D. Jordan, Wm. L. Dewart. L'pper Aognsta Peter Ctllp, Peter Vanillin; Lower Augusta Samuel Lantx, Wm. Bcttli yon. Rush Jacob Gearhart, Wm. D. Gearhart. Shamokin E. Zimmerman, Jacob Rose, Joi Hoortr. Coal Franklin A. Clark, John Hine. Upper Mahonoy Jacob Hoffa, John Malirl Little Mahonoy Isaac D. Raker, Robt. N Bickel. Jackson Adam Daniel, Peter Reed. Lower Mahonoy None in attendance. On motion of W. L, Dewart, it was unan monsly Kesnlvt't, That A. Jordan be nominated b this convention, as the candidate of this count for Congress, and that Charles W. Hegins an H. Reader, Esqrs. be the conferees, to represer this tonnty in the conference to meet at Muncj on Wednesday, Sept. 9th, lSlll, with instruction to Use all honorable means to secure his nominj lion. Om motion RlKtil) that Ihe convention proceed to bal lot for a Candidate for the Legislature. When, Upon the sixth ballot, it appearing tha Samuel T. BroWn, F.sqr. had received twent votes, being more than a majority of all the vot polled, he was declared duly nominated. On motion. Resolved, That the convention proceed to bnl lot fbr a candMate for the office of County Con mission er. When, open the first ballot, William Follow having received a majoiity of all the votes po (ed, was declared duly nominated. ... .la. Un motion, tmannel Ximmerman, J-.sq, wn unanimoesly nominated as the candidate fu Ctiunty Auditor. tin motion of Samuel D. Jordan, Esq , Hesolrtd, That the Senators and members c Congress of Pennsylvania Who voted, and b there elections manfully endeavored, to defet the odious TAriff Bill of IS 10 are deserving th Warm gratitude of eVery true hearted Pennsy' Vanian nnJ this single act has placed them hi in the esteem and respetl bi every rttan Wh ha ttby regard for the prdsperity ofhis country, an the interests of the laboring community. Krsulved, That we are proud to hail the Hor Slmdrt Cameltfrt as a worthy son of Old Demc cratic Northumberland a true scion of her it: dependent dertldtracy a trde. hearted Peniusy vftnian, able, fearless anil unflinching in deft-no bl her rights and her interests. We owe hit mueli, f.iid ttc now evince our appreciation of hi merits by nominating him as the cdtididate of tl. demotratic party for the gubernatorial chair t the State in IS 17, subject to the decision of th Deitiocratic State Convelitlnh. Jteioh'td, That Cbatles W. llegitii; Josep 5itel, jScob (Jearhart, ilL'gh II. teats, Jesse C Hortbn; Johri B. Packer, and Fell Maurer, F.s t'e ttppc'inted S co'irunittee to forward a copy the foregoing resolutic'ii to the Hon; Siii:bn Ce meron. t Hesotvett. That A. Jordan, Jesse C. HortoY Abraiiarh Shipman, Jacob D. Hoffman and Wir Porsylhe, F.sqra. be lb Democratic Staudin t'omtriitte lor the ehsdirig year. tin motion bf Wm. Wilson', it wai iietolveJ. that John Montgomery, Jame Biiby, t'hSrlei W; Hegins, ifid Charles J. Br hef, he a' eorhmittee toapportion (he nthnber c Delegates 6'n esc'h side fc'f the riter, among th Respective toWnsbips, agreeably to' (he list c votera furnished by the assess b'ri to the commit sioherj, a'hd to make report it the Wovembd Court, add which report shall he published i the Democratic newspapers' In his tou'nfy, an, (o proieed! bpori the basis' of allowing eaci township one' delegate, and then to apportidi the remaining delegates among (hii differen (o'wn'ihips, fktitMj t& thi numbef of Votefs. Ruoived, That th proceedings of this co'nven (ion be published in the dem&cratie papers o (his county. On motion, Adjourned', tine die. JESSE C. HORTOX, Trcsident. s Secietirie. ' J a si is Bx;.i6, EataKbci ZiatMsixAN
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers