Oi.n HoiniiAND Hkadt.' Vtlisve heard several very good aneedotca related iiffiencral Taylor by n frnlleman who nerved tinder liirn in Florida. The following in one of the mini hot : Durirrf; th wnr wilh the Seminole, the nriVy was. frequently supplied with rorn wliirli linl becXimn datnnge'! by expos'tre to damp nir. icn. Taylor had hone which wm culled i 'Clay bank,' a very pood animal, but lm did not i particularly fancy Undo Sum' musty ration. The fiencral uaod to partake of the name fari ng the. soldiers under liitn. and an did 'Clay bank,' an far aa the corn was concerned, but In R'9 a liltlo dainty. The General waa very fond nf lioininv, and minty corn made anything but a pleasant diet, lie would not lay himself liable to the suspicion of 'picking' to the prejudice of the rn!"""1'; ,0 old 'Clay-bank' would be let bmse anionp the sacka of corn, anu un? ling very carefully, the aaacioua animal would commence gnawing a hole into one which pleased tiiin. The General wmild watch the tiiana-ovre until he saw 'Clay-bank' h.nl made a choice, then, calling his servant, would direct fiim to have 'Clny-bank' atnhled immediately fir fear ho mijjht do mieliif t but, ho would nay, 'as the Rnimnl has gnawed 0 hole in the hnir, take out a quart or so of the corn and make a ilish of hominy.' The trick was played several times, hut by and by it became knov.Ti that whenever 'Clay-bank' gnawed into a Mck, eweet corn was to be found, and the incident be rauie a tamlin juke, during the war. Lan caster In ion Ijnokvity. Doct. Casprr, of Ecrlin, taya, that the longevity of females ia greater than that of malts, lie bliows that the med um or average duration of life, ha increased consider ably in most European and American citiea nf Into years. No doubt the Temperance cause ha liml ltd influence. Another important ocnt or influence on the probable duration nf life, in Marriage. It it proved by Cupper, that the married tne is fa vorable to longevity, and especially in reference Vi the iTMe sex. He adds The eo-ctille'd climacteric periods of life, do not seem to have any influence on the longevity of cither sex. Tho medium duration of life, at the preseiit time, is, in Russia, about 21 years ; in Prussia, J9 ; in Switzerland, '.VI ; in France, 30 ; in Belgium, W; nud in England and tho United States, !H years. In reference to the influence of profession or occupations on life, il beema flint ecclesiastics arc, on the whole, the longest, and medical men the shortest, livers. Military men are nearly between the two extremes ; but yet proportionally, they, morn frequently than oth ers, reach very advanced years. The mortality is very generally greater in manufacturing than agricultural districts. The mortality among the poor ia always grea ter than among the wealthier classes. A Good R Kei, y. A SabSath School teacher, instructing hia class on that portion of the Isird'e prayer, 'Thy will be done on earth as it h in heaven,' said to them, 'Von have (old mo, t-iy dear children, what is to be done the will of (ht.l ; and where it is to be done on tarth ; and how it ia to be done as it is done in hea ven. I luw do you think the angels and happy spirits do the will offiod in heaven, astl.ey are to be our pattern .'' The first child replied 'Tin y do it immediately ;' the second, 'They do it diligently;' tho third, 'They do it al ways ,-' the fourth, 'They do it with all their ht arti ;' tho fifth, 'They doit altogether' Here a pause ensued, and no child appeared to have an answer; but, after some time, a little girl a rote and said, 'Why, sir, they do it with out ashing any questiims.' Dn Voc Evkp. ! We select the following paragraphs from the Ronton Mail. J)ul you ever knorv a lady with very whito teeth to put her hand over her mouth when she laughed ? Kid you ever know a boy to keep a piece of plum caka till it was mouldy 1 Did you ever know a money dealer that did'nt expect a panic and grat distress in tho money market ! Did you ever know a person to believe yoti when you explained how you got a black eye! Did you ever know a young lady that did not have some very curious pieces of tewing, that the cnuld'nt let Iheyoun gentlemdn Fee! Did you ever know a young lady who was too weuk to stand up during prayer in church, who could not dance al nit' lit without being tired at all ! Did you ever know a young man to hold a s kein of yarn for hit fuvorite without getting it strangely tangled ! A NVoaus'sj Auvantauks. A woman may t-sy what ahe likes to ymi without the risk of getting knocked down for it. She can take a snooze after dinner, while her husband has logo to work. She can dresa herself in neat and tidy cali coes fur a dollar, while a man has to fork over ut least forty to gel a respectable wot. She can go forth into the streets without be K'C invileU to treat al every coffee house. .She can inml her face if too pale, or flour if it be too red. She can slay at home in timo of war, and wed aguin if her hu.-baud is killed. She can wear corsets if too thick.other 'fix in" It to thin. She can can, drink, and be tnerry, without its c Muig her a penny. She can get diorcd from her husband, whenever the sees any one the likes belter. She can run in debt, and (nuke her htibbacd pony up the cash. And she can wear hIkh-s, while her huubaud liU to tug to gel hi buvl tin. II A It NOTE LIST. The Mlnwim; list shows the current. "nine of nil Pennsylvania Hunk Notes. The most implicit re liance m ly lie plncril upon it, as it U every lorek -arrfnllv complied with slid Corrected fiom Hick ncll't Reporter. i::ink lii Philadelphia. N.Mr. Location 1- Philip. NOTES AT PAR. Hank of Nniih America , flunk nf the Northern l.i'.Mrtie , Commercial ll.wik of I'enn'a. . , Farmers mid Mechanics' Bank . Kensinirton Bank . Phila,M,hia Hunk Schuylkill flunk oulh-.vark Bank Western II. ink , . Mechanic' flunk . . Manufacturers' A Mechanics' Rink Cjl.k of Penn Township . Uiurd finf Bink of I "nnimerrJ, I ito MnyanicriaiiiR Dark nf Penney Ivnnii Country Hn!' Hank of Chester Count Westchester par par par par par par par par par pal par par pjr par par Hank of Delaware County Unk of (icrmarit'iwn Rank of MontBoinery Co. Doylestown Hank Kasion Itmik Karmeis Hank of Duck ( Chester (ierniaritown Noiriaiown Dnyh-ti)wu K!!t0lt pit i par . par ! Ii-r I Uri-tol par 1 j Hniik nf Nur'tVuinWiliiinl nrlhiimlcrUnd par '"iima H uiK Ttrulne cn.'tlolnmlit Fnrmcrs' Bank of LanCaslei t.nncistei Lancaster Ouinty ll;itik liancoster f.ancasier ltnnk Lancaster Farmers' Hunk of Resiling Heading par par pir p.i liai ! OnVe of II ink of Penn a. Orficn do do tl..rl..,.n Tk. 1 , " " " l.aneaster I nffices ntlice do do Pending Office do do Fusion NOTES AT D I SCO FN P. "ink of the United flutes Philadelphia Miners' Hank of Poltsville Pottavillu Hank nf l.ewistnwn l.ewihlown Rank of Middletown Middletown Carlisle Hank Cirliale Exehnnge Hank Pittgliuir Do do branch of Hnllidavsliurg llarrishuit; Hank liarrisliurg f.etianon Hank I.elanon Merchants' V Manuf. Dank Pittsliur Bmk of Pitulmrft Pitt!mii West Pianch It ink Willianipirl WyoininfJ Hank Wilkesharto Northampton ltmk Allentown iieiks ('outity Hank i!eadtiig Ull'.ce or Hank of U. S. Pittshurg Di do do Erie Do do do New Hriihtnn Dank of ChumU'mburg Chumhcraliiirg HiiNk of liettyshurft tSeltyiliurg Batik of Hu-ipiehaiina Co, f r.ntroe ih. il 3 'J IJalj H n Erie Bank Erio Faimer'& ','rovcra' Hunk Waynralmrg Ptan'in Hunk WashiiiKton HoliesdnlH Ditik llonivd.ile Mononc ihela Bunk of II. Hrnvumtville Voik Hank York 3-i N. B. 1 he notes of those banks on which we until quotations, and suhstitute dnsh ( ) are not purchased by the Philadelphia brokers, wilh the enceplion of those which have a letter of reference. UKOKRN B A N K S. Philadelphia Sav. Ins. Philadelphia failed Philadelphia Loan Co. do failed richuvlkill Sav. Ins. do filled Kensiiiflton Sav. Ins. A do Penn Townhi Sa. Ins. do Manual Labor Hank (T. W Dyolt, prop.) failed l'wanda Bank Towandu Allegtiany Bank of Pa. Bedford no sale Bank of Beaver Beaver i-lnned Bank of Swatara lluruslnirg c lieil Bank of Wushington Wa.hingtoii failrd Centre Batik Belli forila closed City Bank Pitishuii; no i-ale Farmers' ft Mech'ca' Bank I'lli.tniru failed Farmera' & Mech'ca' Bank Fayette co. faded Farmers' & Mech'ca' Bank lireeiieaslls failed Harmony InmiUitu Harmony mi sale Huntingdor. Bank Huniinxilon no sale Juniata Bank l-wisiown no sale l.uinhermvn's Hank Warren failed Northern Bank of Pa. Dunlatr no sale Now Hope Del. HiiilRO ('o. New Hope closed Nortkunili'd I'nion Col. Ilk. Milton no ale North Wsstern Bank of Pa. MeaJtille closed Office of behuylkill Bank PtuH'srlion Pa. Agr. Sl Manuf. Bank (Carlisle fuiletl Silver Lake Hank MuuttoMi closeil Union Bank of I'enn'a. Uuiontnwn f.ulcd Weaimureland Bank fireeushurg close, I Wilkcihaire Bridge Co. Wilkcsliarre noaalu QfT- All nolea purporting tu te on any Penn-yl- vania Bai.k nt.l given in the above li-t, may ha set low u aa frauds. xvav ji:iisi:y. Bank nf New Biunswick Belvidcie Bank Burlington i'o. Bank Jnmtuercial Bank "un.lt rl.ind Ujnk farnieis' Bank Parnirrs' and Mechanics' Bk Farmer' and Mechanics' Bk Farmers' and Merchants' Bk Franklin Bank of N. J. Huboken Bkg V Crating Co lersey City Bjnk Mechanics' Bank Manufacturers' Bank Morria County Bank Monmouth Bk of N, J. Mechanics' Bank Mechanics' and Manuf. Bk Morris Canal and Bkg Co Port Note Newark Bkg A Ina Co New Hope Del Bridge Co N. J. MauufttC. and Bkg Co Brunswick Belvidere Med ford Penh Amboy Bridgeion Mount Holly b'ahway N. Biunswick Middletown Pi, Jer-ey City Hoboken Ji tney Ciiy Patterson Belletille Mornstown Freehold Newark Trenton Jeisey Cily failed i par J 4 i ar i pa i i failed 1 failed failed failed failed failed i failed 4 pur no tale Newark i i failed faile.1 i failed 4 par par Lambeitsvillo HoUiken N J Prolectoii A. Lombard bk Jersey t.'ily Orange Bank Orange Paterson Bank Paierson Peoples' Bank do Princeton Bunk Princeton Salem Banking Co ' Salem Stale Bank Newark Slate Hank Ehzabrthlown Stale Bank Camden Bute Bank of Morris Mornsiown State Bunk Trenton riulein and I'hilad Manuf Co Salem Sussex Hank Newton Trenton Banking Co Trenton Union I'ank Dover 1 i par i failed laded J failed Wabhiiifct in Banking Co. Hackensack eL4WAni; BknfWiiinA Brandy wine Wilmington Bank of Delaware Wilmington Bank of Smyrna Smyrna Do blanch Miltoid Farnieia' Uk nf Stale of Del Dovel Do branch Wilmington Do branch (ieorgetuwn Do branch Newcisilo I'ninn Bank Wilmington Qj' Llider .Vs par par par par par par par par par GO" On all marked thus () ihers aid ei" lhr tfntit(eli or aeied notes of the various ds- 4 -.. . 1...1 ' c do : f rinsl;ot.s1 it) cirruUtioo, Tgr?w ". il, i. ..'1-u.s WHITE SWA1T HOTEL, live k Stkect, I'hikapklpiii a. iiy j. iki i:ns. 'T'lII.S Incatinn is convenient for Uusiness men visilinit the city, Evpiy pains ia taken to se cure the comfort of travvllcra. Jdarch 7, 1 H 10. fy Hemoval. DR. D. T. TRITES, f . nESPF.t'TFUI.I.Y Informs tho ri- f"" t'xi-ns nf Sunlmry and vicinity, that ho lia rctnoveil his lesntcnco ti the Brick House in Mnikel street, one iloor we t nf llie Ited I .inn Hotel, where, th'ilikful for past fi ver, he hopes n receive rnntiniMtiitn of the liber al pitronnge which hm hcrrtofore I eon rttcmh'd In him. Fi b 28, ItilG. fini iMONTOUR UOUSK, LATE HWADY'S IIOTKIj, (tpjmtile the Court House, DANVILLE, PENN'Ai THE i!"u!i-critrr, who asia'ed for ae- vi nl years in the minaueincul of the a-lio'-e Hotel, lately ki pi by Mi. S. A. Bra dy, In le.ive to infirm the travelling politic, tint be has Ukcn the establishment on hi" own accnimt, on the first of January, 1810. The House has, of late, undergone many impnr- lant alterations, and the present Conductor promises o h ave nothing n:;Juc IA make it a e mfortol ': , el agrffaMe. as well as a cheap ntil arc.mm ili- ting stopping place (or stranger 'Sbn may visit our flouri-hing village. No p'.ins nor ripense will be spand to fill the table and the bar wilh the bel the muket? afford, and with th! deteiniiiiaiiou to de- ,.0 ft.1 atif. .n,j,.n .1 -lli.nlinn lit lit funifnrl nf . . I . " ' ' those who mav make his house their temporary a- ; ,,ol,,.( ,m, Me l ,iy Mivt rlrrfn, .,j 0,it(in(, trT. j I vants, he hos-s In give genil.il sititfuction, and re issue n. rpjv(, , iir,i ,are f mstnm. fr"r" Laree and e.immoilious STAB!, ES are at toched to the establishment, which are attended by careful and obliging bo tiers. i.iueo.n M. snoop. Januaiy 51th. If lfi. if EVANS & WATSON7 Ni ?i Soi'tii Tiiirii Strkpt, Opposite ihe I'hihultlphitt Exchange, Manufacture and ktfep con- j-lantiv on lismi. a large as- snrtment nf their Patent Im proved S.ilamaniler F I R E OOF SAFES, which a.e constructed aa to set nt re-l all in inner i f iloulu a to their W5rV 4J-v lieing strh tlv fire liroof, und that they will resist the fne of anv building in the l world. The outside case nf the Safes ate made of boiler iron, the inside c ise of so.,p-tone, and be tween the uler case and inner case is a space of si'ine 3 inches thick, and is filled in with inde-ttue-tible nnteii.,1, so as to make it an imposnbility to ever burn any nf ihe contents inside of this Chest. These S.inpMonc Sul.itnanders we are prepared and do challenge the world lo produce any article in the shape of Bonk Safes that will stand as much heat, and we hold ourselves ready at all times to have them fairly tested b public bonfire, should a ny r.f nur rompctilors feel diposid to try ihem. We also continue t mannfnrture and keep con stantly on hand, a large and general ss-oriinriit nf our Piciuium Air tight Fire Proof Safes, i f which we have a large quantity in use, and in every in tance ihey have given entire sntisfaetion lo Ihe purchasers of which we will refer the public to a few gentlemen who have them in nue. I N. A ti. Taylor, I5! north 31 at.; A. Wright & N' phew, Vine al. wharf ; Aletanilei Caror, ('on- v.yanrer. corner nf Fill'tl and Ulh sis.; John M Fi'.rd, 32 north 3d st.; Mvrr Huh. 20 nonh 3.1 I I.; Bailey ,V Brmher, 13S M 'ket i.; James M. j Paul, IIH south 4ih si.; Dr Daid J.iyne, 8 south j 3d st.; Matthew T. Miller, ?0 sootli ild st.; anil i we could name some three or four bin do d othets if it were necessary. Now we invite lh ail. iition of the puldie, and particnl irly those in want of : r ire Proof Sales, In call st our store In lore puirlia sing cUewhere, and we think we can svtisfv them that ihey will gel a l-ettei ninl ehear article nl our store lli in any other estabbi-hmrnt in the city. We also continue In manufacline heal and Co pying Presses, made in such a manner as lo an swer both purposes : Hoisting Machines, Foe Proof Honrs, wilh our own manulVlure of locks on them, with D. Evans'e Patent Keyhole cover attached lo the same ; plain ami ornamental Iron Railing, Ac. N. B. We keep constantly nn hand large as sortment ol our Patent Slate Lined Rrfiiger t-ns. Water Filters and Coolers ; and we have also on band several second hand Fire Proof Chests taken ill eiehatige for our, which we will dispose of at vei low prices. Philadelphia January 2t h. IMfi. I WHOLESALE & P.ET.IL JIAT & TAP WAItr.IKH'Sl So. Ulli. Market StreA, uhovc .. South air, PHILADELPHIA, a THE subscrders respectfully call the alien lion nf their friends and dealers to ibeir large . and well assorted stoc k nf Hats and Cat s of every ( description, well adapted f r the si ring rrade. Be ieg made of the best inslcri .1 and by the mn-l ex- ' penciled! wnikmen, Ihey feel confident lo give urn- I versil satisfaction in nil who may favor ihem wilh ! a liial, as they offer to sell as low aa anv house in ' theci-y. BAR PALO TP A BLYNX. j riiliadi Iphia. .lanuaiv 3. 1811) ! ! TO I'lll f lltlM-l Of DRY GOODS. T HIE subserilr, No. 131 Pearl street, New V oik, having established a Branch at No. "3J , South Second St., Philadelphia, is now opening, j and will he constantly receiving from the New , Vork Auctions, an extensive assortment of FANCY ft STAPLE DRY GOODS, which will be sold Hi the lowest New Vork puces 1 al wholesale sod K lail. Among h'S slock will be found a good assortment nf the follow ii g articles: , Jacconets, Plaid, Hair Cold, Lace, Striie, BMk. j , Swi.js and Tarlatan Muslins, Bish- p and Lim n 1 i Lawns, Fancy Cap Nells, Fancy and Ball Drcsse, I ; Thread Laces, Application Do., rich B'ack Silk 1 'Primming Lace, Irish Limns, Linen Cambrics, j Linen Cambric lldkfs.,Cuil.iin Fringes, Casbmeie 1 d'Ecos-e, Mouhclnie de I. sine. Silk and Cotton ; i Warp A l accae, lju eu's Cloth, (Jul Plaids, French Merinos, Black Silks, iovei. Si k II ise, Shawl, Cravs's, Rilibuns, Embioiderii a, Ac, Ac. Country Meichaut an.l oilier, visiting Phil .del- ; phia or New Vork to purchase, are respectlully in viled lo call and examine the stocks. Nov. 1, 145. ly . H. MOORE. YTIIK.tT I he highest price given lor y W heat, at the store of H. MASSEK. i A new suppl of Rose Ointment just received. ii ; K M 1 1 Not. 8th. 1845. BAR IRON Just leceived and fjr sale, cheap forcash, by HENRV MASSER. Sunbury, Kept. SO, 184ft. OUPERIOlf Porl wineo!deria and Lisbon wine.. Also superior Brandy and (in, Lemon Syiup. Also a few barrels of Bli'K Fish, for sale by HENKV MASSER, Sunbu'y, July Hth, I e) !, rT--! i- ..J.. ATTORNEY AT LAW, SOIIDUnY, PA. Uusfneaa allemlcd In in the Counties of Nor ihiunlerland, Union. I.vcominj and Columbia. Itrfrr lo I I . A: A. PnvoriiT. l.owin ,V Hasiiot, SoMr.ai ft Snniwa as, l'Mlnd, KEtwoLiis, Mel- Anitan He Co. SriatKn, Onun &. (;n HERR'S HOTEL, II4UUI.SIURG, PA. T BEG h ave to inform the public ihst I hare left ', J'1, ''"''"us. but being composed of the most mild, A Philadelphia, and am now located in Harrin- ' ,p' , r'-'c'Hs vegetable materials, it is offered wilh burg, Ihe seat of the Eiecutive ami Slate tiovern j .",l",,'',,, as the cheapest and most efficient pu ment of Pennsylvania. I .1,.. 1 "f""' "f the blood now known. The use of a few sfi.icions Hotel, recently kept l.v Mr. Matthew it . ... . . 1 ilson. This spacious building, having been pntpnety plinnrd and ireited for a Hot. I nf the first class, i not snrptvacj if equnlled, by any similar estab lishment in Pennsylvania ; and having uiiileigone a thorough rennvition, the parlors, rooms and chamhirs ere now filled up in a style that coin bines t le-tance wilh comfort anil convenience Mv TAB1. bebt fare Ihe the t ime lime regulated astal liah exettions nil e ' . ,l hould of eve'-; memher be. in tl.e (oipil.il of one of the most pop ulons and interesting Hiate of the Union. With these prmists, nccnminodations and faci lities, nnd the but that tbo Hotel is tno't eligibly situnletl, I wi'h confidence, mnt respec tfully boli cit the patronage of tho Public. DANIEL II K If I!, Late of Herr's H.itel, ('hesnut tt., Philad. Herri-burg. Nov. 2'i. 1H4. rot kti:i: V it Ut i D I r SI v t ( c I c t . 1. Drinxch's Visstri'cK- t r-rdn cirre norms inc and very jilrusant lo lake. for 2. drum's Etiiits, which remove (!reBe of all kind", Dry Paints, Tar, Vamii-h nnd V, from carpels or from clothing, without injuring the color nr the cloth. 3 Limnn Flv Pspib the best thing know n for killing flies and musqii.toes. A. A ceitatn Destroyer of Rsls, Mice, Koacbis and A nis, and an nber of Bid llu.ts. ft. IJi'sji's Sereirie for s ur stomach. Heart Burn and Water Brash, by one who hud siilli red thirteen years, In fote be ilicovere l the cure. Dm. Stm ks's (inKKS Oixtiet for llie Pib s. It has never failed to cuie. 7. llAHMisni's TsTTrn Wash. 8. llnKsiitii'i NuilMulk Imr, without a rival. 9. Tu a Cowrnrun CosricTtn or Fn;s just the iiii'dicine for children 4iul for women, il is so pleasatil to lake. 10. Hun's YMitTAni.a A sti an nu s Pn.i.. 11. lii a.s's Emoi.i.ikmt Wa ri H eHoor Pss-rr, for Harness, Boots, Ac. Il softens the leather, and keeps mil the water. I.. Poor Mas s Str ksothxiv i so I'lhstkr. 13. J i Rum's Diianiui't Mii ri Rt, which . curr-s ibe wort Diacihipa in a few hours. 14 Jc.sin ' Dvsktiit MiXTiRs, a eer tain and speedy cure fur Dysentety and Summer Complaint. The Mbnve valuable articles are si Id wholesale and retail, bv L. C. (il'N.N, Ao. I South Fifth ilrert, Vhilndi Iphia wheie Stori kei -r and n tin rs will be supp iel wilh pure African Cayenne Pepper, Arnica Floweis, Drugs, Paint", Oils, (Jlas and Varnishes, at ihe lowel prices. Terms only cash. Cut out ihe adveitinement, and bting it with you. Philadelphia. JulyO'h. II5. I v. I. I V. V. AND la I V K . THOMSON'S C oiiioiiiil Sy nip of Tin & W ootl .ltli. riHE unprecedented success of lhi medicine, in L the restoration of heal'h. to those who, in des pair, had given up all hopes, has given it an exal ted reputation above all other remedies, furnishing evidence of its intrinsic va'uc and power, aa the on ly sgcnl which can tie relied np"ii for the cure of Piilmoniry Consumption, Brouchiltts, Asihmn, Pain in the tide and Breat, Spitting of Blood, Whooping Cough, Croup, Ac. Attention is niuesied lo the following ASTON. ISHINfi CI.'KE.bv Tlmmso-i'a Compound Syrup of Tar and Wood N apt ha ! ! Vhilo.lrlphia, Mny 3r, 184 4. MR. THOMSON Hear Sir With grateful feelings I inform you nf ihe astonishing effects nf : your medicine, which has literally lais d me from a deaib-be.1 ! My disea-e. Pulmonary Con-uuiw i lion, had reduced me so low lhat my physician pro. no.incrd my case hnie!ess ! Al ibis iuuciion I be gan lo u-e ynur medieiri', and miraculous as it may seem, it has completely restored me lo health, alter i erylliing Ue had failed Ke i-ctfiillv yours. W ASHlXi PON M ACK. Cbarlulte street, aUite (icnige street. The undersigned, being personallv acquainted wilh Washington Msek and his sufferings, bear witness lo Ihe astonishing effects ef Thomson's Compound Syrup of Tar, and the truth nf llie a hove statement. JOS. WINNER. 318 North Third street, DAVID VICKERS. 43 Almond street. Ill fill M'OINLEV, S. E. cornrr Tsmany and Fourth streets. i. is 1'ienueu in ee siiiiiilio.l wit i I lie I - " '""i ""i" injinin son nuirrs, re , . :i. I . i .l. i... ,. ... ... .. upr mi.. t . r. . a Ma.krt can proJuc: the tburci a al "'J'cieiit to cn ,,ca ihe m.it skeptical nf it. su- ,.,.,, Vs,bs IV.vi. 1 t, being ss m-.Vnle as anv of the best I'""""' "v" preparations of 8jrsspar.Ha. I . f , ,;,',.. :..!, 1 ,u. '-..nit elsewhere. In shml.no ...?'''! .,,,.T'"'. by the proprietor, j ... '..,. ,u. .,..,: u ne si..rl on mv n ,rt. or on the nrt V1'" ,,t' VL- "AM.EY, North 6th M.eet. Itea- . .V r . ... , . .' ... ,""'" of mv household, to make it what '"" "'y. "d to I ba.l of the following . . ... . ' n. , . . Prepare.l only by W P. Thomson, N. E. corner rph, .,u,.jc wjM p1.4sp ohserve that no Bramlrelh j of ftlh and Spruce stre.ls. Pbi'ade'phia. j 1 pj, , un.M the box has three h- 1 Agents. II. B. Mss-er, Suid.u-y ; D. Or.ss, , ,, jt. (the lop, the side and ihe bottom) and Dr. Macpherson. H inishurg ; Jn .. (5. Brown, t pfcrh enll,miB , fJC-siinilt signature of my hand Poltsvi le ; tie .. Earl. Re .ding ; Houston A Ma- , wrjling, thus II. Batunatra, M. D. These la. on. Tow anda. Bi.d.ord county, Pa. Price SO cents Mt , engraved on steel, hcaolifnlly designed. pi r bottle, or $5 p. r dor.en. lit ware if till iinilntiotis. Philadelphia, June SHlh, IH4.V 1 P I A N O S. r 111 IK SCBSCRIBER has been appointed a sen l, I for ibe sale ..f CONK AD MFVKR'S CEL EBRATED PREMIUM RUSE WOOD PI ANOS, at this place. These Pianos have a plain, massive and biaiiiiful exterior fii.i h. and, for depth and sweetness of tone, nnd elegance of workman ship, are not surpassed by any in the I .'staled Stales. The following ia a recommendation from Ciai Di i ts, a celebrated pcrfo'iner, and himself a man ufaciuier : a cm n. Hsvian had the pleasure of trying the excel lent Piano Fortes manfaelurcd by Mr. Meyer, and exhibited at ihe l ist exhibition of ihe Franklin In slilule, I feel il due lo the Uue merit of ihe maker lo declurc thai theso instruments sro quite equal' sud in some respect even f iiieii.i, lo all the Pi ano Fmtes, 1 saw at Ihe capitals of Eutope, snd duiing a sojourn of two year al Pari. These Pianoa will be told at the manufacturer's lowest Philadelphia prices, if not something lower. Persons are requested to call and examine fur ihfnisetves "I the residence of lb subscrilier. Suiihurv, May 17. 1845. H. B. MASSER. of a superior quality, can now l had althe Lime Kilns of Henry Master, in Sun bury. May 17, 1816. - . U'-l I. . I . IX IB. L OAKLEY'S inarnATiTc svnrp. THE valnah'e properties of Oakley's Depnra live Syrup nf 8arsaparilla, as a purifier of the blond, is so well known tr the public generally, that it is unnecessary to occupy much spare in set- i nng tori ii the ailvantnces lobe ileriveil from its use; wherever the meitiriue has once been intro- duced, it takes precedence over all others : evcty one that has taken it, have derived so rifnnl bene ficial results from it, that it is recommended by j them wilh the u'most confidence. Physicians of j the highest standing in the profession, prescribe it ; to patients under their care : containing nnihiim luttilfta .:..!(.. :.. .1 : l :ii ft . " i" i ibiijt in me siinig rnniuns, win ne hi tended with a most decided improvement in the ge neral strength nf the system, eradicating an seeds nf disease that may have been generated, besides giving health and vigor to the body. For the cure nf Scrofula or Kings Evil, Rheumatism, Tetter, Pimples nr ritiptions of the Skin, White Swelling, Fitula, Chronic Cough Asthma, Ac. The nu merous certificates in the ponsession of the subscrl- pet sons In Karl humlter land Vminty. H. B. Massrr, ; Sin, bury; I, eland fc Mnel, McEwensville ; D , Krauser, Milton. In Vnion County, J. Ccarhart, SeliinErove: ' A . fluti lius, Mirflinburg. I In Columbia Cuunty. R. W. McCay, Wash I ington. ; Reading, March 14. 1843. j Ma. OiKl.Rf : t believe it iho uty nf every one In do whatever in their power I tes, for the le in fit of their frllow man, ami having had poHve proof in m own family, of the wonderful properties ' of ynur Depuralive Syrup of Saraaparillt, 1 m st i conscieiuiouiy recommenil it lo Ihe anlieteil. e ; had the misfortune lo .se two of our children, by the breaking out of ulcerous sores that covered the face, bead and neck, although we had some of the most scientific physicians to attend lh. m ami bad tried all the known icmedies. including Swaim's '' Panaci a, without avail. Another of my children wa attacked in the same manner, her face and j neck completely covered; the dischatge was so offensive, and the disease at such a height, that we I despaired of her life. Seeing ihe wonderful effects nf your Uepurative SViup r.t S iisaparida, we w eie induced lo make trial of it. as the last resort; it acted like a r.- arm; Ihe n'cers commenced healing i immediately, a fi w bottles entiielv restored her In ' her health, which she bus enjoyed iininteriuptedly ever since As a purifier ol the blood, I verily be lieve it lias not its equal. ! JOHN MOVER, Tailor, Walnut street, near Fourth, Reading. Douglafaville, April 19th, 1813. Mn. Oari.kt : My son Edmund Leaf, had the t scrofula in ihe most dreadful and distressing man ner for three years, during which time he was de . privrd nf the use of his limbs, his he.d nnd neck ' weie cow-red wilh ulcers. We tried all the differ cut remedies, but In no iffect, until recommended by Dr. Johnson of Nonislown. and also Dr. Isaac n: . . ci r it n Hiestei, of Keathr g. to use vour Deiiurntive Svinu f v.... .n. . ri; 1. 1 i . i i i '..I ol arsapurilla, of w Inch I nhlaineil several bottles. ,i .... r l i i- .- , . t Ihe use nl which drove the ilicae enllri Iv nut nf hi. system, the sore healed up, and Ihe child wa, restored to perfect health, which he h, erijoved uninterruptedly ever since, lo Ibe a.l..nishmrnt of many jeisons who seen him ilu.ing his silln-tion. I have thought it my duty, and semi you this certi ficate that oil ers who have a like affliction in the family may know where to obtain so valuable a medicine. Yours truly. AMELIA D LEAF. Sept. ir,. I a t 3 1 A S II II V Si It 41 i) A I1 WHOLESALE &. RETAIL II'!' i. 'il M i M'I.Mr'1'IHM.'lis: HA I (,A1 Al AM. 1 AC 1 1 KhUN, Sunlh l'.asl rnrwr of .Market and 4th sis.. riillailelpliln, T7HERE they always keep no hand nn eiten . ' ' sive issortmeiit of HATS if CA I'S of everv j description, got up in the best ami most approved st; le. Peisons derirous ef purchasing superior sni cbs on the most reasonable lernis, will find it to their advantage to call before making purchases i elsewhere. Philadelphia, Oct. ftth, 1844. -ly CITY FII.M'I'CHK AUCTION, AND PRIVATE SALES ROOMS, 'J1I and :U IWth Thud Street, Near the City Hotel, PHILADELPHIA. V. MACKEV, Auctioneer, respectfully in- VS VII, vites the sttention of ersoiia desirous of pur- i , vi . . . . , . I chasing Furniture, lo his extensive Sales Ritoms, (both public snd P.ivate.) for every description of ii ! , , .. . i' . . , . ., Household Furniture, wh.re ran he obtained at all times, a large assortment of fashionable and well manufactured Cabinet Furniture, Beds, Maltrasses, Ac, at very reduced prices, fir cash. 07" Sales bv Auction, tw ice a week. Mav 57th. 1843. Iy fouuterfTrllrrtt' DEATH BLOW. I and done al an expense nf over f 2,0(10. Therefore ; it will he seen lhat ihe only thing necessary to pro- 1 i cure ihe medicine in its purity, is to ohserve these ' IsMs. ! Remember the Inn, the side, and the bottom. ' The following respective persons are duly auihori xeil, ami .'iot.1 f CERTIFICATES OF AGENCY ' For llie sale of Hrandreth's Vrgetade Vniersal Fills. Norlhiimhetland count I Millon Maekey A Chamheihn. Sunbury 11. B. Masaer. M'Ewens ville lielandA Meixell. Northuinliland Wm. Forsyth. Oeoieetown J. A J. Walls. Union County. New IVrlin Bogar A Win- j ler. Seliusgrove fieorge iutidrurn. Miihtle- ' burg Isaac Smith. Beavcrtnwn David Hubler. 1 Aduinshurg Wm. J. May. MifHinshutg Mensch ! A Ray. Hartleton Daniel Long. Preehurg ' (!. A F.C. Mover. Lewi.burg Wall. A tiieen. ('olumbia county : Danville E. B. Reynolds ti Co. Berwick Shuman A Rittenhnuse. Cat- ' tawissa C. li. Brohts. Blooin.burg John R. ! Moyer. Jeisey Town Ievi Biael. Washington Rubt. McCay. Limestone Ball'? k. Mr.N'nch. Ohserve lhat each Agent haa an Engraved Cer tificate of Agencv, containing a representation nf llr BRANDREI'H'S Manufactory at Sing Sing, and upon which will also be seen exact enpiea of Ihe nu labels now Uitd upon Ihe Itrandreth J'ill Rare. Philadelphia, office No. 8. North 8th street, B. UKANDKETH, M. D. .JUI1C sjBlUt ICTJ, J ROSE OINTMENT FOIl TETTKIt. RINOWORM9, riMTlla ON THE FAI'C, AND OTHER I'M ANFOl'a rRl'I'TIONK. 0) The following eertifmi't dfsrrihes one offit most ertrmtrdinarif oiirej ever effi-cteil liy on application. Piiii.inripniA, Fetuusry in. 'H'OR twenty yeais I was severely afflict, d with Tkttkr on the Face and Head: the disease commenced when I was seventeen years old, and continued until the Fall of 1830, varying in vio lence, but without ever disappearing. During most of the time, great part of my fice was rovered with the eruption, frequently attended with violent itrh ing ; my head swelled at times until it felt as if it would burst the swelling was so great, that I eon I, I scarcely get my hat on. During the long period that I wassfllicted with the disease, I useil a great man s plication', (among litem several celebrated preparation") ss well at taking inward remeilies. including a number nf buttles of Sinum' Panacea Extract nf Sarsnpnrt'Ha, fie. In fact, it would bf impossible to enumernte all lbs medicines I ust-d I was also nmler the care nf two of the most dis tinguished physicians of this city, but without re ceiving much benefit, snd I despaired nf ever beiriit cured. In ihe f ill nf IS3n, Ihe ilisea at the timi since, and there is not a vestige of Ihe disease re maininc. except ihe scars from the deep pits forme, by the disease. It is impossible for me to desc.rib in a certificate the severity nf the disease and m suffering, but I will be pleased to give a fuller at count to any person wanting further satisfactior who will call on me. Al Ihe lime I commonce using ihe Rose Ointment I would have given hun died of do Inis lo I rid nf the disease. Since t sing it, I have recommended it to sever il persorn (among Ihem my mother, who had ihe disease hat ly on her arm.) who were nil cured hv it. JAMES DCRNELL, No. lftfi, Race St. The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. I Vatican, SoR'h East corner of Third and Rac streits, Philadelphia, and sold on agency in Snnbi ry. bv H. B. MASSER, May 14th. 1813. rn IIgkc Ointment, tot7 Tetter. A I' lit Hit' OF ITS KFFlt'At'Y. PHii.niiPHia, May 27th, IM.T.l. 'PHIS is to certify that I was severely aflbctf wilh Ti Iter in Ihe hands and feet for upwar of torty years ; the disease was attended general! with violent itching and swelling. I applied to number of physicians, and Used a great many app' cations without effecting a cure. About a ye since. I applied the Rose Ointment, which entire stopped the itching, and a few applications imrmV atrly cured the disease, which there has been i riturn of, although I had never been rid of it any time for Torty years. RICHARD SAVAM Eleventh. Iielow Spruce Street The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. i Van'han, S )uth East corner of Third and Ra Streets, Philadelphia, and sold on agenrv in Sunb' rv. by H. B. MASSER, May 14th. 1843. Ao MEDICAL APPROBATION OJ the. litiSF. t)l.XTMi:.T,fr Tetter i A . . nm, " "V I'"','"'-'" I 4 I 'I 11 . v f r- I .1 r.i over a niners is iu y es'ao isnen, me nronr . . , , . . tors take pleasure in laving before the public t , ,, . 1 - , .. '. . billowing) certificate from a respectable phvsicia , I. . . ! ''hA"T "f ,m; '"'TT e""vmu- ' ""1n having found in ibis remedy that relief I ! ' .' -.n. ...... within the range of his profession failed to stf.n has not hesitated to give it his approbation, althou the prejudices and interests of that profession a epposed to secret licmcdics. Philsiiklcuii, Sept. 19, 183fi. I was recently troubled with a tedious herpe eruption, which coeied pearly one si 'e of mv fn and extended over the ear. Mr. Vauiihan, propr lot of the Rose I liniment, observing my face, ins led on my tijing his preparation, of which he hr ueii me a tar. ntiouun in common with the me . ,,(r of nv , ,iw,inlrllllI)re and dit, ded me a jar. prove of the numerous nostrums palmed upon I i public by icnmsnl pretenders, I feel in jusiice hou lo exci pi the Rose Ointment fiom lhat class of r dicims. and lo give it my approbation, as it enti ly cured ihe eruption, although it had resisted 1 usual applications. DAM.. BATCH, M. 1) Cj" The Rose Ointment is prepared by F. Vaughan, South Fast corner nf Third and R Streets, Philadelphia, and sold on agrncv in Si j bury, by . B. MASSEK May 14th, 1843. Agt EAGLE d as it: a Corner of' Third and Vine Streets, i WILLIAMSrORT, PA. ; riHE sol.cril-er r.-sieclfully announces to ! X public, thai he has opened a Hotel in the Ci ! mmlinus brick building situate on Ihe corner I 'l l,i..l ....i it. . i i. l- i iimi no ine pirrrii. wnerr or win or iinnp- . . ' . . 'i. " """ 7 ' 1 eompanv. I he hagle Hotel is la'ge and convi .,'. f f ...... , . . ' , , eni. sini iiitnikhsa th i.i n,.i.n .i l- i I provided wilh a large number of well aired j comforlahle sleeping apartment", rooms, pri I parlors, Ac. Persons visiting WilliamsHirt on ! sines or pleasure, mav rest as-ured thai every I rruon win ne useu to remier meir sojourn at "Eagle Hotel" pleasant and agreeable. HisT will lie supplied wilh the very best the market fords, and his bar wilh ihe choices! wines snd o liquors charges reasonable. The Kajle H possesses greater advantages in point of I oca than any other similar establishment in the boroi being situate in the business purl of ihe town, within a convenient distance of the Court JL and WilliamsMirl and Elmira Rail Road Depot Sufficient Slabling provided, and good and tn osllera always in attendance. Attentive, accommodating and honest Sen have been employed, and nothing left undone will add to the comfort and accommodation of guests. There will be a carriage alwaya in attendane the Boat Landing tn convey passengers to and I ihe House, free of charge, CHARLES BORROW: Ma I4lh. 1843. ir .Vlicliarl VI caver V fton. DOPE MAKERS cV SHIP CIIANDLE Air. 13 A'orA Water Street, 1'hiladclphia. Il At r. consiaull on hand, a general as ment of Cordage, Seine Twines, Ac, 1 si d Ropes, Fishing Hopes, While Rois's, M : la Ropes, Tow Lines for Canal Boats. Al 1 complete assortment of Seine Twines, Ac, sui I Hemp Shad and Herring Twine, Best Patent ' Net Twine, Cotton Sliad and Herring Twh e,: ! Threads, Ac. Ac. Also, Bed Cords, Plough I. ! Halters, Traces, Cotton and Linen Carict Ch i Ac. all of which they will dispoee of on rr asoi I terms. Philadelphia, Novemher 13, 1843. ly. " sriiliING, GOOD CO. No. 1 :iS Market Street, Pliiladelp INVITE the attention of Country Merrl lo their extensive assortment of Bntiih Fl and American Dry Goods, which they nffer fo on the mot reasonable terms. Philadelphia, November 13, If 13. ly.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers