Cpt. aantMl H.Walker, This officer is one ofthoM rsre spirits which ft state of war will bring nut from our citizen aoldiera. Ilia late xincrjtialled conflict with the Mexican, in which hn lost nearly every man iindar liia command, and hia dsring heroism in cutting hia way to Gen. Taylor's ramp, have excited in the public mind etrong desire to know more of him. He ia the earne gentleman co frequently and honourably apoken of in Gen. Green's journal of the Mier expedition. He is a native of Washington City, from whenco he went into the Florida War, where in sevenl campaigns he distinguished himaelf by hia in 'trepid bravery. In 1842 he went to Texas, nnd during the invasion of that republic by Gen. Wol!, he was marked for hia bold and daring conduct After the Mexican General had re treated from San Antonia, and when he lay n non the Rio Hondo, Walker and Captain Mc Cullough crawled through hie camp one night and spied out hia position, and the next day, , with the gallant Hays, led the attack upon hia rear guard. He then joined the culebrated ex pedition against Mier, and on the morning of tliat sanguinary battle, he, with three others being the advance scouts of the Texan was taken prisoner, and carried with hia hands tied behind him to the head quarters of Gen. Ampu ilia. The Mexican General questioned him as t j the Texan forces, and when Walker inform J him that theTexana had only three hundred men, Ampudia poirpouslf replied : 'Does that audacious hand full of men presume to follow me into this strong place and attack ine f 'Y'es.'aaya Walker, 'make yourself content u pun that subject. General, they will follow you into hell and attack you there.' He was, with his comrades, then inarched prisoner to the city of Mexico. At Salado, with the lamented ("apt. Cameron andajDr. Brennen, he led the attack upon the ruards, overpowered them, and marched for Texas, when, after eating up all their horses and mules, and living for days upon their own urine, surrendered to the Mexican Generals Mercier nnd Ortago. He was again marched to Sale do, where with his comrades, he waa made to draw in the celebrated black bean lottery, and every tenth man was thot Those that remain ed of tho Texana were marched to the Castle of Perote and the city of Mexico. Here, while working on the streeta in that city, he was struck by a Mexican corporal for not work ing faster, when with bis spade he knocked down the corporal, which caused the guards to beat him nearly to death. His life was a long time despaired of, and upon hia recovery, he with two companions scaled the walla of hia prison after nightfall, and made his way to Tex as, over a distance of more than a thousand milea. Before however, they got out of the country, they were twice more imprisoned, and each lime effected their escape. When he reached Texas again, he joined Capt. Hays, who, with 15 others, armed with Colt's repeating pistols, fought ninety-six Camanches, leaving thirty-six killed upon the ground. Here Walk or was run through the body with a Comanche spear, and his life again despaired of. We now hear of him, with 24 Texans, attacking 1500 Mexicans, and all perishing in battle but himself and six others; and then, to crown hia wonderful life of daring, he cut his way, single handed, into Gen. Taylor'a camp, from point Isabel. To such men Texas is indebted for her eman ci pat ion from Mexico. Fewaa they are, they have won her liberty, and have miraculously maintained it for ten years agaijist the hoisted power of Mexico. We trust that the President of the United Slates in making his appoint inents, will not overlook them. Texas has a host ol heroes, whe not only from ten years experience, understand the Mexican mode of warfare, but who know every hill and dale, river, paasand mountain gorge in the enemy's country. Such men as Generals Burleson, Green and McCleod, Cols. Cook and Hays, I apts. Walker, McColleugh, Gillespie and oth ers should be promptly called into the service; and we are decidedly of opinion that the gal lant and distinguished Com. Moore ahould have the command of the liult fleet. In addition to his high qualifications ss a naval commander, Com. M. ia better acquainted with this coast than any pilot on the gulf. 2V. Y. Globe, Ges. Taylor's Bithm.ai. Since Gen. Taylor has so gloriously distinguished himself in his country's service, state pride has been arous ed to discover which of our sovereignties haa the honor of giving him birth. Ilia birthplace seemed to be contested by Virginia and Ken tucky, but a correspondent of Philadelphia Led' per domes the honor to both, and give it our own good Commonwealth. He says : 'Gener al Taylor said he was born in Pennsylvania, near t e borders of Virginia, and at the age of three ) oars, bis parents removing to the Old Domin ion, he apent the greater part of bis youthful lays in that State, but be looked with pride on the great State which gave hi.n birth.' Gshebai Jacksoj's Swobp. A correspnn- dent of the New Orlcana JefTersonian atalea fiat Gen. Jackson, by will, bequeathed to the " an who, in the next war in which this coun try might be engaged, should distinguish biro- -elf moat by heroic deeds, the stcord which ke trore on the 84 o Januaiy, 1815, the people i tit United States to make the sward. The r, rent victorious battles on the Rio Grande will v ithout doubt entitle the gallant General Tay lor to the pnaoettsion of this priceless bequest. News roe Vclumtesks. In marching, sol dieia take 1i steps per minute; io quick march- iug, 160; sad lit charging, 150. NOTE III ST The f .Mowing list shows the current value of all rVnuaytvania llsnk N.ites. The mort implicit re liance may be placed upon it, at it l every ueek wrefully compare,! with and corrected from Bltk nell's Reporter. Hank In Philadelphia. Nas. LocATtotv. I'hilah. NOTES AT PAR. Bank of Notlh America . , Rank of the Northern Litarties . Commercial Manli of Penn'a. , Farmers' and Mechanics' Dank Kensinrtnn Bank , . Philadelphia Bank 8rhulkill Batik . . , Smith wars. Hank , . Western Bank , ' , Mechanics' Hank . . Manufacturer' As Mechanica' Bjnk Rank of Pcnn Township . Girard Bank Bank of Commerce, lata Moyamensing Bank of ."etmnlvanis , . par par par par par par par par par par par par pv par par Country Banks. Bank of Chester County Westchester par Bank of Delaware County Cheater par flank of Germanlown Oermantnwn par flank of Montgomery Co. Norristnwn par Doyleslown Bank Doyleslown par Easton Bank Eslon par Farmer' Bank of Bucka CO. Bri-tol par Bank of Northumberland Northumlrciland par Columbia B ink it ftridge co.Columhia par r armrra ISnnk of l.ancaatet" l.anciatei par Lancaster County Bank Lancaa'rr Bank Farmers' Bunk of Reading OUVe of Bank of Penn'a. Office do do Office do do Office do do NOTES AT , Lancaster jur Lancaster pit Reading par Harriahurg' These Lancaster I offices Reading f do not Esston J issue n. DISCOUNT. Rank of the United 8tatea Philadelphia 2.1 Pottsville j l.ewitown 1 J Middletown at Carliale Pittshurg i Hullidavaburg Harrisliurg 2 Lehanon j Pillahurg j Pitlahuig Williamsport lj Wilkesharis lj Allnntown Miners' Bank of Poltsville Bank of !ewilown Bonk of Mkldlotown Carlisle Bank Exchange Bank Do d. branch of Harrisburg Bank l.chanon Bank Merchants' A Manuf. Bank Bank of Pittsburg West Branch B..nk Wyoming Bank Northampton Bank Decks County bank Reading Pittahurg Oir.cc of Bank of II. 8. failed do Do do do . Da do do Erie New Brighton Chamhershurg Gettysburg Montrose do i Bank of Chamhersburg Hank ot Gettysburg Bank of Susquehanna Co. Erie Bank 2 U lj.ij i'J u u u Erie Weynesburg Washington Honesdnle Brownsville Yoik Farmer' A Drovers' Bank Franklin Bank Honrsdale Bank Monnngahela Bank ofB. fork Bank . Yoik 1st N. B. The notes of those hanks on which we omit quotations, and substitute s dash ( ) are not purchased hy the Philadelphia brokers, with the exception of those which have a letter of reference. BROKEN BANKS. Philadelphia 8av. Ins. Philadelphia Philadelphia Loan Co. do Schuylkill 8av. Ins. do KenMnglou 8a. Ins. A do Penn Township Sav. Ina. do Manual Labor Bank (T. W- Droit, prop.) failed failed fiiled failed rWamla Bank J owamla Bedford Beaver Hariishurg Washington Belh-fonte Pittahurg Pittahurg Fayette co. (Sreencaatle Harmony Alleghany Bank of Pa. ne sale closed Bank of Beaver Dank of 8watara Bank of Waahingtorr cloned failed closed no sale failed Centre Bank City Bank Farmera &. Mech cs flank Farmers' Y Mech'ca' Bank Farmcra' ot Mech'ca' Bank Harmony Institute failed failed no ul Huntingdon Dank Huntingdon no sale lerilown noe.de Juniata Bank Lumbermen's Bank Warren Diindsft" failed Northern Bank of Pa. New Hope Del. Bridge Co. Noilhusntr'd Union Col. Bk. no sale chwed New Hope Millnn Meadtille Port Carlton Carlisle Montrose UiiiiMitown no sale closed North Western Bank of Pa. Office of Schuylkill Bank Pa. Agr. & Manuf. Bank failed Silver Lake Bank closed failed close I Uniou Bank of Penn'a. Westmoreland Bank Grrenslmrg WilkeUrre Bridge Co. Wilkesharre nnssle fjrj AH notes purporting to be on any Penm.y vania Bank not given in Ihe above list, may lie set lowo frauos. Bank of New Brunswick Brunswick failed Belvideia Bonk Belvidere i Burlington Co. Bank Medford Oomniercial Bank Perth AmWiy Cumlreriand Bank Bridgetirn farrotrs' Bank Mount Holly P . i par r failed . I failed Fermera' and Mechanica' Bk Rahway Farmera' and Mechamra' Mk N. Btunswit k Farmers' and Merchants' Bk Middletown Pt. Franklin Bank of N. J. Jersey City Houoken Okg & Oraung l-o Hothtken railed failed failed failed I leraey City Bank Jersey City M tetanies' Bank Manufjielurera' Bank Morria County Bank Monmouth Bk of N. J. Mechanics' Bank Mechanica' and Manuf. Bk Morria Canal and Bkg Co Patterson Belleville Morristown Freehold Newaik Trenton Jersey City failed par Post Notes no sale Newark Bkg & Ina Co Newark New Hop Del Bridge Co LainbeftkvilW HoUtken i N. 1. Manufoc and Bkg Co failed failed N J Proleclon dr. Lombard lk Jersey Cily Oraoge Bank Orange HANK Peterson Bank Paterson I Peoples' Bankt do Princeton Bank Princeton Rafem Bankiog Co Salem Slate Bank Newark Stale Bank Eliiahethtown Sjata Bank Camden Stale Bank of Morris " Moriiatown Slats Bonk Trenion Salem and Philad Manuf Co Salem Suaaex Bank Newlon Trculon Banking Co Trenton Union Bank Derer fail. par par faile.1 failed 1 P.; failed par I' par par r par par par Washington Banking Co. liar ken sack DELAWARE, BkofWilmeV Brandy wine Wilmington Bank of Delaware Wilmington Bank of Smyrna 8myrna I branch Milford Farmers' Bk of Bute of Del Dover Do brsncb Wilmington Georgetown ' Newcastle Wdmingloo Do branch Do branch Union Bank fr Under 6's Q3" On all hanks marked tbus () there are ei. Inar counterfeit or altered notes of ins various de ouauuaikwa, la circulation. WHITE STRAIT HOOTL, Race Stsret, PiutAncLpuiA. flY J. PETEnS. TIII3 location ia convenient for Business men . visiting tho city. Every piins is lakrn to ss cur the comfort of travellers. March 7. 1840. 1y ... Removal. D. T. TIUTES, RESPECTFULLY informs the ci t'tens of 8unhary and vicinity, that he I has removed his residence to the Drtrk a Hours in M trkel street, one door we-t of the Red Lion Hotel, where, thankful for past fa snrs, l.s hopes In receive a continuation of the liber al patronage which haa heretofore It-en etlcndid to him. Feb 28, 1846.-6m lr6NT()Uir"HOUSE; LATE BRADY'S HOTEL- Opposite the Court House, DANVILLE, nmMT'A. THE Subscriber, who assio'ed for se en I years in the management of the a bove Hotel, lately kept hy Mr. 8. A. Bra dy, b- g leave in infirm the travelling public, th-it he haa taken the establishment on hi own account, on the firal of January, 1846. The Ilnufe has, of late, undergone many impor tant alteration, and tke present conductor promises lo leave nothing undone to mute it a comtortaWe nd agreeahle, a well as a chrnp arid accommoda ting stopfitng place for strsnaers wbo may vmii our fl urii-hing village. No paina nor expense will be spared to fill the lalde and the bar with ihe het the m uketa afford, and with lh dcteimtnaiion to le o'e his entire rersonnl attention to the e.-mforl of hose who mav make hia bHie their temporary a. Hide, and niileJ hy active, careful and nhhuing aer- vanta, he hnpea in give gan ral S4tifction, and re ceive a litieral share of cn-tom. rrj" Large and eammodioue STABLES are at- tached lo the establishment, which are attended by careful and obliging ho tiers. tSIDKON M. HHUUK. January 24th. 1846. if EVANS & WATSON, No. ?H South Third Street, Opposite the Philadt Iphia Exchange, Manufacture and ke-penr stantW on band, a larse ss- ortment of their Patent Im proved S damander FIRE PROOF 8AFS3. v.hich are so constructed as to set at rest all manner of doutv a to their Jlreing euirtlv fire proof, and thsl l hey will resist Ihe fire of any building in the m!d. The outside cse of the Ssfes are made of boiler iron, the insole esse of eonpMone, and tie- tween the i uter cose and inner esse is a space of me 3 mchea thick, and ia filled in with indetruc- tilde m ilerul, eo as lo make il an impoihility to ever burn any of the conteuta inaide of this Chest. I bese Snapstone Sal.imandeta we are prepared and do challcnga live weild to pro.1uce any article In Ibe shape of B.x Safea thai will stand as much heat, sod we hold .ourselves ready at all limes to hsve them fairly teste.) hy public Itotifire, should a- ny bf our comiietitors feel deposed to try Ihem. We also continue to manufacture and keep con-. otanlly on band, a large and general ae-ortmenl of our Premium Air-tight Fire Proof Safea. i f which we have a large quantity in uae, and in every in stance they have given entire aaliafaciion to the puichaaera of which we will refer the public lo a few Kenilemen who have ibem in use. N. 6l IS. Taylor, 139 north 3J si.; A. Wright dc Nephew, Vine ai. wharf t Alexander Caror, Con veyancer, comer ef Filbert and 9tb a'a.; John M J-iird, 33 north 3dot.t Mvrrs Hush. 20 n.win 3 st.; Ilailey & brother, 13S Makel M4 James In. Paul, Iflt aouth 4th at.; Ur Daid Jayne, 8 south 3d st.; Matthew T. Miller, 30 south 3d si.; and we could neme some three or four hundred others if il were necesssry. Now we invite ihe attention of the public, and particularly those in want of Fire J'roof Safss, to call at our at ore before purcha sing elsewhere, and we think we can satisfy them that they will get a beuei and cheaper article at our store ihsn any other establishment in the city. VI also rontinoe lo manufacture ceal and co pying rreasre, nisde in such a manner aa 10 an swer both purposes t Hoisting Machines, Fire Proof Doors, with our own manurVturs of Incke on them, with D. Evana'a Patent Keyhole cover attached to iheeame; plain and ornamental Iron Raiting, A.C. 'i '-. j t" N. U. We keep constantly on Kand a large as- sorlmenl t our Psient Hlnte Lined Refiiger t'Hs, Water Fillers and C.olers; and we have also on hsnd several fccnnd hand Fire Prof ('heats Isken in exchange for ours, which ws will dispose of at very low prices. ' . Philadelphia, January 34h. 1846. ly , WH0LS3ALIC k HAT & CAl WAIIK1IOUSI5, A'o.' 304. Market Street, mbote Qth, South stir, PRILABIXrVXXA, H THE subscrdere respectfully coll the alien sa4 tion of their friends and dedera to their large and well assorted stock of lists and Cspa of every deaetiption, wrll sdipted f r Ihe spring trade. Be inar made of Ibe best materi d and hy the mot ei- perienci-d workmen, they feel confident lo give nn! vers.l asliafjctton lo all ho may laver ihem wnn a trial, as tbey offer to aril as .w aa auv house in l!,eei-y. BAR PALO IT it BLYNN. Philwb Iphia. January 3. 1816 ! - T PiircliititerH of , DRV aOODS. T MIK sulwrrdwr. No. 121 Pearl alrerl, New York, having eslsldithed a Branch ai No. 33 Sooth Second at., Philadelphia, is now opening, and will be constantly receiving from the New York Auctions, an eiieaisive assortment of r AIfCT sV STAPLE DBT OOODS. which will t 00M al the lowest New York pi ices at wholesale and Ri tail. Among ha slock will be found a good assortment ef Ibe following articles: Jaccnnels, I'lsid, Hair Cold, l.ace, Kirtpe, Hoot Swiaa and Tarlatan Muahna, Bih p ami Linen Lawns, Fancy Cap Netts, Fancy and Ball Dresses, Thread Lsres, Application D'.. rich Black Silk Trimming Lace, Irish l.inrns. Linen Cambrics, Linen Caroline Hdkfs., Curtain Fringes, Cashmere d'Eeoere, Mouseline de Laise. eilk and Cotton Warp Alfaceas, QuWs Cloth, Gala Plaids, Fr.n h Meiinos, BUck filks. Gloves. Si k Hose, Sin wis. Cravats, Ribbons Embioideriee, &c Ac. Country Meiehanta and oihera viaiting Philadel phia or New York to purchase, are respectfully in vited lo call and examine Ihe stocks. Nov. h IMS. ly O. H. MOORE. Tl TIT II K AT I he bighrat price given fur "T f W beat, st Ihe at ore of H. MASSER. A new supply of Kose Ointment juat received, Nov. 8ih. IH45. BAR IKON Just received and for asle, cheap forcab,by HENRY MASSER. Sunbury, Sept. 30, 1845. . . IS inut (OUPERIOIt Port wine, Msderia and Lisbon wine. Also superior Brandy and Gin, Lemon Hyrup, Also a few barrels of Blfs Pisa, for aale by HENRY MASSER. Sunbury, July I9tb, 1845, ' S.B.llAs33EPaf A T T O R N 13 Y A T - L AW , uifBanv, pa Business attended to in the Counties of Nor- thuml erland, Union, Lycoming end Columbia. iitnr tot I . ft A. Ravounr, Lnwta St Btaaotr. SoMtas & Snnn ., )'Mlatt. Rktwolds, McFiatann A. Co. 8raniKs, Ooon Ac V:, ' hbrh's hotel, iiAnnisnvnG, pa. T BEG h ave to inform Ihe public ihst I hsve left -- Philadelphia, and am now footed in Harris hurg, the seal of ihe Executive and State Govern mcnt of Penney Ivenie, where I now occupy the spncioua Hotel, recently kept hy Mr. Matthew Wilson. This spacious building, having been ru.nelv planned and erected for a Unti l of iho fun class, is not surpassed if equalled, hy any aimilar estab lishment in fYnnsylvanu t and having undergone thorough renovation, lire parlors, rooms and chamtrers are now fitted up in a style that com bines elessnce with comfort and convenience. My TABLE is i. leaned t he supplied with the best fare the Markets ran produce! the chsrgea at the a i me time being ss moderate as any of the best regulated astal lishments elsewhere. In short, no eieitions shall he f pared on my p irt, or on the part of every member of my household, to make it what it should he, in the Ciipital of one of the most pop ulous and interesting Stste of ihe Union. With these pnmis' S, acrnmmodsiiona and faci lities, and the fact that the Hotel ia moat eligibly aituated, I wih confidence, most respectfully soli cit the patronage of the Public l DANIEL, nr.nl!, Late of Herr's H,)tel, Chesiiut St., Pbilad. Harri-burg. Nov. 22. 184.V FOl'llTEEN iTitlualilc tt(ctC0. 1 Barmsra'a Vaaiirvn. a errfain mrt for s worms safe and very pleasant to take. 3. CiinsoVs EtTaacTa, which remove Grease of all kind, Dry Paints, Tar, Vainish snd Wax, from carpets or from clothing, without injuring the color or the cloth. . 3 I.n!no ftv Para the treat thing known for killing flies and muqnit.rs. 4. A cetlsin Destroyer of Rats, Mice, Roaches and Ants, snd another of Bed Dujs. 5. Gcsk's Srrcirie for sur stomach. Heart Burn and Water Hrah. by one who had aulTi red thirteen ye.trs, liefore he diocovere l the cure. Da. StkvsVs GtiKKir Oixtmrmt for the Piles. It hss never fniled to core. 7. Hamrisoj's Tsttkh Wssn. 8. Bainovn's IsinntiLa las:, without a rival. 9. Tnt Com rtc sn CovrrcTin o Flos juHt the medicine for children and for women, it ia so pleasant in take. 10. Brett's Vrorraata ATiaiuora Puis. II. Genu's Evolliest WaTitR-rRnor PaSTR, for Harness, Boots, Ate. It softens the leather, and keeps out the water. ; 1 " 13. Poor Man's KTRr.!iaTHr.tn PlaStsr. 13. JscKson'a DuasniRt Mixti-rk, which cures the worst Diarrhtxa in a few hours. 14 Jics.sni'a DrsiaTSKT MiXTVRr. a cer- lain and speedy cure for Dysenteiy and Summer Compl.iint. 1he above valusMe artirlea are sold wholesale end retail, by L. C. GUN N. Ar. 1 South Fifth street, Philadelphia where Slorrkeepers and o bers will lie ,upp ied with pure African t'ayenne Pepper, Arnica Flowers, Drugs, Paint, Oils, Glssa and Varnishes, at the lowest prices. Terms only cash. Cut out the advertisement, and bring it with you. Philadelphia. July 19th. 1845. 1 y. 1IELIEVK AND.LIVE. THOMSON'S Com pound gyrup of Tar A Wood Aatba. THE unprecedented success of this medicine, in the restoration of health, to those who, in des pair, had Risen up all hopes, baa given it an cia' led reputation alove all other remedies, furnishing rvidence of its intrinsic value and power, aa the on ty sgenl which can be relied up-n for the cure of Pulmonary Consumption, Bronchitlis, Asthma, Psin in the side and Bres, Spitting of Blood, Whooping Cough, Croup, Ac. Attention is requested to Ihe following AM It). ISHINO CURE.bv Thomson's Compound 8yrup of Tar and Wood Nspths ! ! t'hihilelphim, Mav 3d, 1844. MR. THOMSON Pear Sir With grateful feelinge I inform you of the astonishing effects of your medicine, which haa literally raie- d me from a death-bed! My di.-ea-e, Pulmonary Contomp. lion, had reiluced me so low that my physician pro. no.tncrd my esse hopeless I At this junction I be gan to ue your medicine, and miraculous aa il may m, it haa completely restored me to hesllh, after everything else bed fsited. Respectfully yours. WAHltl.MJIIJ.M MACK. Charlotte street, above George street. The undersigned, being personalis acquainted with Washington Mack and his sufferings, hear witness to Ihe atlotiiahing effects of Thomson's Compound Syrup of Tsr, snd the truth of lhes bove statement. JOM. WINNER, 318 North Tl ird atreet, DAVID VICKER8. 43 Almond atreet. HUGH M'UINI.EY, 8. E. corner Tamany and Fourth streets. Prepared only by H. P. Thomson, N. E. corner of 6th and Spruce streets, Philadelphia. Agents. II. B. Masser, Sunbury D. Gross, and Dr. Mocpheraon, HarrUburg ; Jn. G, Brown, Pultavitle ; Geo. Earl, Re xling ; Houston A Ms on, Towanda, Bradford county, Pa. Price SO cents p r bottle, or $5 pt d.-ien. (J beware of nil imitation. Philadelphia, June 38th, IR45. ly PIANOS. THE SUBSCRIBER has hern appointed agent, for ihe aale. .f CONRAD MEYER'S CEI EBRATED PREMIUM ROSE WOOD PI AN08, at this plane. These Pianos base a plain, iiiasaive and beautiful riUwkM finish, and, for depth and sweetness of tone, and elegance of workman ship, ere not aur patted by any in I lie United Stales. The following is a recommendation from Cast DiSTe, a celebrated performer, and himaelf a nan ufaciuieri - I CARD. Haviaa had tho pleasure of trying the excel lent Piano Fortes manfaclured by Mr. Meyer, and exhibited at Ihe last exhibition ef the Franklin In stitute, 1 feel it due to the true merit ef the maker to declare that these iaatrsmente are quite equal and in some respects even superior, lo all the Pi ano Fortes, I aaw at the captuls of Europe, and during a oojourn of Iwo years at Paris. These Pianos will be sold at the manufacturer's lowest Philadelphia prices, if not something lower. Persons ers requested lo call snd examine for themselves, at the residence of ihe subscriber,' ' Sunbury, May IT, 1846. H. B. MAM8ER. IT 1MB, of a superior quality, esn now be had U 4 attho Lime Kilns of Henry Masser, io Sun burf. May 17,1845. OAKLEY'S DEPURATITB SYRtHP. 111 E valuable properties of Oskley's Depura . live Syrup of Sareeparille, aa a purifier of the blood, ia so well known to the public generally, that it ia unneeesaary lo occupy much space in set ting forth the advantages to be derived from its use ; wherever the medicine has once been intro duced, it lakes precedence over all othera t eveiy Mrethat haa taken il, base derived so signal bene ficial results from il, that it ia recommended by ihem with the U'most confidence. - Physicians of Ihe highest standing in Ihe profession, prescribe) it to patients under their csre containing nothing deb terlous, but being composed of the moat mild, yet efficacious vegetable materials, it ia offered with confidence, as the cheapest and most efficient pu. rifier of the blood now known. The use of a few hottles, especially in Ihe spring months, will he at tended with a most decided improvement in the ge neral atrength of the system, eradicating any seeds of disease that may have been generated, besides giving health and vigor lo the body. For the curs of Scrofula or Kings Evil, Rheumatism. Tetter, Pimplea or eruptions of the Skin, While Swelling, Fiaiuls, Chronic Cough Asth.ws, Ac. The nu merous certificates in the possession of the subscrl Iter and his agents, from physicisns and othera, are sufficient In convince the most skeptical of its so iieriority over alt preparations of Ssrasparilla. Sold wholeanle and retail, by the proprietor, GEORGE W. OAKLEY, North 6th street, Rea ding, Berks Coenty, and lo I bad or the following persons 1 In Northumberland County. - H. B. Mssnerj Sunbury t Ireland A Mixel, McEwrnaville ; D Krsuser, Milton. In Union County. 1. Gcarhart, Seliusgrovet A. Guteliu. Mifflinburg. Columbia County. K. W. McCay, Waah ington. Reading, March 14, 1843. Ma. OsRttv: I lelieve il the uty of every one lo do whatever in their power I ies,for the tvne. fit of their fellow man, and having had positive proof in my own family, of the wonderful properties of your Depuratise Syrup of Sarssparill, I moat conseientino'ly recommend it to the afflicted. We had the misfortune to lose Iwo of our children, hy the breaking out of ulcerous sores Ihst covered the fere, head and neck, although we had some of the most scientific physicians lo attend lium and had tried all the known te medics, including Kwaim's Panacea, without avail. Another of my children wsa attacked in the same msnner, her face and neck was completely covered; Ihe discharge waa so offensive, snd ihe disease at such a height, ihst we despaired of her life. Seeing the wonderful effects of your Depuratjve Syrup ot Sursaparilla, we were induced lo make trial of it, as the Inst resort ( seied like a charm ; the u'cera commenced healing Immediately, a few bottles entirely restored her to her hesllh, which she has enjoyed uninterruptedly ever since. . As a purifier of Ihe blood, I verily be lieve It haa not lis equal, JOHN MOVER, Tailor, Walnut street, nesr Fourth, Reading. Dooglasaville, April 19th, 1843. Ma. OaKLtTi My son Edmund Iesf. had the scrolbla in the moat dreadful and dtstresaing man ner for three years, during which lime he wjc de prived of Ihe use of his limba, his be.nl snd neck were covered w ilh ulcers. We tried all ihe differ ent remedies, but lo no rffect, until recommended by Dr. Johnson of. Nonistown, snd sUo Dr. Iaaic Hieater. of Reading, to uae your Deparative Syrup ol Elaraaparilla, of which I obtained sevrrsl hot ilea the use of which drove Ihe disease entirely out of his system, the sore heated up, snd the child wss restored to erfecl heahh, which be haa enjoyed uninterruptedly ever since, to the astonishment ef msny persons who seen him during hia affliction, I have thought it my duly, and semi you thiscerti ficale that otbere who nave a Irks affliction in Ih family may know where to obtain so valuable a medicine. Yuurs truly, AMELIA D. LEAF, Sept. 16, 1843 ly ash 11 V t it Tc; A v, W1IOX.TJSAX.TJ & BUT Alls HAT & CAP MAM'FACTUKBRS, South East corner of Market and 4th st.. Philadelphia, T.TT'HERE they always keep on hand an exten aive assortment of II ATS li CA PS of every description, got up in the best and moat approved at) le. 'et sons uerirous cf purchasing superior an clea on Ihe moat rcasopahle terms, will find It lo their advantage to call before making purchases elsewhere. Philadelphia, Oct. 6th, 1844. ly CITY FURNITURE AUCTION AirO PRIVATE SAXBS ROOMS, Nos. 20 and 31 North Thitd Street Near the City Hotel, PHILADELPHIA. rt C. MACKEY, Auctioneer, respectfully in -'s vites Ihe attention of persons desirous of pur ensuing Furniture, lo bis extensive Sales Rooms (both public and Private.) for every description of Household rurnilute, whire can bo obtained at all limes, s largs assortment of fsshionable and welt manufactured Cabinet Furniture, Beds, Maltraoaee, Ac, at very reduced prices, for cieh. Or Hales hy Auction, twice a week. May 8Ylh. 1843. ly Counterfeiters' DX2ATZX BLOW. Tha public will please observe tbst no Brsndreth Pills are genuine, unless lbs box has three la bels upon il, (the top, the side and the bottom) each containing a fae-simih" signature of my hand writing, thus B. BaannaaTH, M. D. These Is. hel- are engraved on steel, beautifully designed, and done at an expense of over $S,HK). Therefore it will lie seen thai the only thing necessary lo pro. curs the medicine in its purity, is to obaeis these lalrela. Remember the lop, the aide, and the bottom. Tbe following respective parsons are duly authori sed, and hold CSRTITXCATSS OT AOXOTCT For the sale of brandretk'i Vegetable Universal Pill: Northumberland county t Milton Maekey it Chamheilin. Sanbury H. B. Maaser. M'Ewene ville Ireland A Meixell. Norlhumlwilaml Wm. Forsyth. Georgetown J. dt J. Walla. Union County 1 New Berlin Bogar A Win ter. Selinsgrove George Gundrum. Middle hurg Isaac Smith. Beavertown David Hubler. AdamsburgWm. J.May. Mifflinshorg Menaeh At Ray. Hartlelon Daniel Long. Freeburg O. A P. C. Moyer. Lewisburg Welle it Green. Columbia county i Danville E. B. Keynolda A Co. Berwick Sbuman A Rittenhouse. Cat tawieoa C O. Brobts. B loo snsburg John R. Moysr. Jnsey Town Ivi Bieel. Washington Robt. McCay. LisBSetons Belli- fc MsNlneh. Observe that each Agent has an Engraved Cev tiflcate of Agency, containing a representation of Ur BRANDRETH'8 Manufactory at Sing Sing, and upon which will also be seen exact copies of ihe imm hbei Note used upon the Brmndretk Pill Boxes. Philadelphia, office No. 8, North 8ibstieeL B. BRANDRETH.M.D. June 24tb, 1843, ROSS OINTMENT FOR TETTER. RlflOWORMS, PIMPLES ON TRK FACE, AND OTH KB Ct'TAHKOtJS SRDPTIONS. (Ty The following eertifica'e describe one oflht most extraordinary cures ever effected by any application. rsjttincr.riifa, February 10, 1838. OR twenty years I was severely afflicted with. -- Tirrsa on the Fees and Headi the disease; commenced when I was seventeen years old, snd continued until the Fell of 1836, varying in vio lenee, but without ever d iaappearing. During most of the time, great part of my face waa covered with tbe eruption, frequently attended with violent itch ing 1 my head swelled si times until it felt aa if it would burst the swelling was so great, that I could. srareely get my hat on. During Ins long period that I was afflicted with the disease, I used a great many si plications, (among them seversl celebrated preparations) as well as taking inward remedies. including s number f bottles of Swrnim's Pmtisenm, Extract of Sarsapnrilla, Ac, In fact, it would be impossible to enumerate all the medicines I used. I was aleo under the care of two of the most die tinguished physicisns of this cily, but without re reiving much benefit, snd I despaired of ever being cored. In the fall of 1838, the disease at the time being very violent, I commenced using the Rose Ointment, (prepared by Vaoghan A Davis.) In few applications ihe violent itching ceased, the awelling abated, the t ruplion began to dieappear. and before I hnd used a jar the disease was entirely cuted. It has now been nearly a year and a half since, and there ia not a vestige of the disease re maining except the scars from ths deep pita formed the dnease. It la impnsailile Tor me to describe s certificate Ihe aeverity of the diaesss and my suffering, but I will be pleased to give a fuller sc- connt to any person wanting further satisfaction. who will call on me. At the time I commenced using the Roee Ointment I would have civen hun dreds of do'lata to be rid of the disease. Since u- sing it, I have recommended it to seversl (rersnns. smong them my mother, who had the Unease bad ly on her arm,) who were all cured by it. J AM to LIU KIN EM., No. IS6, Race St. CCr The Rose Ointment Is prepared by E. B. Vaurfhan, South Eaal corner of Third and Race streets, Philadelphia, and sold on agency in Sunbu ry, by If. U. MASSER, May 14th, 1843. genf. Komc Ointment, for Tetter. A PROOF OF ITS EFFICACY. Pmt.ATiM.rHiA, May 27th, 1839. PHIS ia to certify that I waa severely afflicted with Tetter in Ihe hands and feet for upwar.li of forty years ; the disease was attended generally ilh violent Itching and swelling. I spotted to number of physicians, and used a great many appli cations without effecting a cure. About a yea' since, I applied Ihe Rose Ointment, which entirelj stnpied the itching, and a few spplicationa immedi ately cured the disease, which there has been n return of, although I bad never Ireen rid of it a any time for forty vears. RICHARD SAVAt.E bleventh, below Spruce Street. cry The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. B Vaimhsn, South East corner of Third and Rac Streets, Philadelphia, and aold on agency in Sunbu ry. by H. B. MASSER, May 14th. 1843. Agei MEDZCAXi APPROBATION OJthe ROSE OINTMENT, for Tetter. A LTHOUGH the auperiority of the prepataiioi over all others ia fully eatahlished, ihe proprii tore lake pleasure in laying before ihe public th lollowing certificate from a respectable physicist a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, D Usugr, having found in this remedy that relief f a ledioua and disagreeable affection which the mesi within tbe rsnge of hia profcasion failed to affor. has not hesitated lo give it his approbation, althoug the prejudices and interests of that profession a opposed to secret Rcmediee. PHtLintirait, Sept. 19, 1830. I was recently troubled with a tedious herpet eruption, which covered nearly one ai,le of my f.ic and extended over the ear. Mr. Vauhan, propri tor of the Rose Ointment, ohseiving my fare, insi ted on my tiying his preparation, of which he ha ded me a jar. Although in common with the met beta of my profession, I discountenance and disa prove of the numeroua noatrums palmed upon t public by ignoiant pretenders, I feel in justice bou lo except the Rose Oiulment from that class of rr dicines. and lo give it my approbation, aa it enti ly cured the eruption, although it had resisted I usual spplicationa. DA.NL. BAI'GH, M. D. (J The Roae Ointment is prepared hy 1". Vaughan, South Eaat corner of Third and Rf Streeta, Philadelphia, and aold 00 agency in St bury, by H. B. MASSER May 14th. 1843. Age EAGLT3 bbx n rnr U33 :m. Corner of Third and Vine Street, WXU.XA1USPOKT, TA. THE aiihocribcr rraitectfully announces to public, thsl he hss opened a Hotel in tbe ec modious brick building situate 00 the corner -Third and Pine streets, where he will be happj wait npon those who may favor him with tl company. ITie Eagle Hotel ia large and const ent, and furnished in the bet modern style. I provided with a large number of well aired 1 comfortahlo aleeping apartments, rooms, pri parlors, Ac Persona viaiting Williamsport on siness or pleasure, may rest ss-ured ihst every rrtion will be used lo render their sojourn at "Eagle Hotel" pleaaant and agreeable. Hia Ti will tie supplied with the very best the market fordo, snd his bsr with the choicest wines snd 01 liquors chargea ressonsble, Tbe Eagle H poeaesace greater advantages in point of luce than any .rlber similar establiahment in the borm being situate in the business part of ths lown, within s convenient distance of the Court He snd Williamsport and Elmira Rail Rosd Depot Sufficient Stabling provided, and good and In nstlera always in attendance. Attentive, accommodating snd bonel Serv hsve been employed, and nothing left nndone will add lo the comfort and accommodation of gueala. There will he a carriage always in attendant the Boet Landing to convey paooengera to and lbs House, free of cbsrgs, CHARLES BORROW May 14th. 1848. If Michael "Weaver Sc. Son BOPS MAXSES A SHIP CHAND S IV a: No. IS North Water Street, Philadelphia. AVE constantly on band, a general ai merit of Cordage, Seine Twines, dec, Roiiea, Fishing Ropes, White Ropes, M Is Ropes, Tow Lines for Canal Boats. A complete assortment of Seine Twines, Ac, su Hemp Shad and Herring Twine, Beat Patent Nat Twine, Cotton Shad and Herring Twice, Threads, Ac Ac Also, Bed Cords, Plough I H altera. Traces, Cotton snd Linen Carpel CI Ac all of which they will dispose of on maso terms. Philadelphia. November 18, 184t. ly. SPKRi NG, GTjoirs" CO. No. 138 Market Street, Thiladelr INVITE the attention of Couulry Merc to their extensile assortment of British F sod American Dry Goods, which tbey offer k on the most reasonable terms. Philadelphia, November 13, 1843. ly.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers