I., ..I... II , I I .J II I II Ml I Ml. Ti:im or tiikj amiiricax." If. 11. MAssi:i, ircltir. Ann iosuvn i:isi:i.y. rH,rn,rrn. ir. ti. .n.issvit, rumor. Office in Centre ,ittt, in thcrrarvf 11. li. Mas wtV Mnrr. THE" AMRRKUN" is published every Satur t1uy nt TWO 1)01.1. A KM per niinnm to be paid half ye arly in advance. io paper discontin ued till am. arrearages nro jniil. l'o subscriptions received for n less pprind than si musthh. All communications or letters on busim-aa rclatim to the ollice, to insure attention, must l.o TOST PAID. .Li:XAM)i:i! I.. JI1CKKV. TRUW 11 KIASSS, Xo. I..0 Utrsiuit Sim I, niir.A'osLPniA. "TriTKRTl nil kinds nf leather trunk', vrdisrs nml rarpct-hajs, nf every stylo and pattern nro Inantif ictmrd, in thr bfst manner and frjia (lie best rnaieiiuls, and sold st tlir .u pt rite. Philadelphia. July nth. 1 1.1. ly. 7). I GVlinniA y a A 1.1. Ell Y nf 1'a'm! Premi um Cnhirtil lilimmr. nnd Photographic IYo. inC Cliesnut Street, l'hilaticlphia. IS'o. 551 Tirnadrrsv, iVm York ; Na. (5 Court .Stud, Uo-'on ; Zin. 130 Chcsrnt iSircel, Pliila dclph a ; Balli-nore Street, n.ilmniite ; I'roul- t way, Parana Sprlnss ; X ,i fifi Carird Street. w-OrlMfis ; Main rsirrrt New port, R. I. Anil Main Street. l!n rtuqii.", Iowa. CMi.NiNTlTlTlM; tlie oldest sn.l nml Kxt'ii ' five fist ll'li-hmcnt nf the kind in ti e World, nnd eoniaiiiina mo-p than a TMullSAMi POli TRAITS, ptnl-rari'irr those of some of the must distinrruislied individuals, in tho I'niied fit ilea. Admit'tince free This F.str,hl-hniriit InvinT hrrn award, il tin" Tdrduf, f'rar I'itff l'reniu;i?, nnd tun ' Ihahrtl JluHtir' at tlirt Fxhitiilini'S nt I'ostnu, New-York ni-.d rhilndelj. hia, resp'-i tivi lv, for lu-.-t rie:iur and J Apt anttlH, is thus oliiei.dly ' es'.Miie.l in the p.i. ! nr....i...nA.ll.. (...(..firA n;.'l....lv .le.-l.Tni..! tt . IMII ....-..(..,... l.y the pnbii", ns "" ' tltc WW..-' ' June CSih, ISi'i. lv IT'ZP'jr C-1 "-f "PTT, rniHE siib-criri.rs have received, nnd are now JL o;m iog a s: I m'.id n.-s..t!:ni ut ol il-i' fiidowiiig C 101!.- ixnnv. Wilton slid Velvet Farppiir.ps llruscis And l-mv-ri il II olv d 1 (' AU- llxtri s-.tpeifiM.- tied fine Ii-cr:iii do I K I' Jhiiidi -hid. d A Miiak Vein liall do l-NCi. An.i ricm tvidlid sp I I'c'd do J Fneh-h lru?;r ts nti.l Wo Jm Fl -or (,'l.iths !tnir snd Pvssjp I'nrk-nes F.nd.'.'-scl Piat.n r nd Table ('overs l.ondnn t'lielii'lc .-.nd Ynfipl Ru3 Jljor Mttts of pvp'T d. s.-riiti.iii. '-.M.s'l- A la-ee nnd pxti-n-ive esorlir.ent of Finer Oil ('loin-. Item ene to piaht yards wide, cut to fit eve ry .'i crij lion of ro mn or p s a;es. At o. low f li.-p.l li ijrin Can ptifrs fiom 31 to t' -l rents pi r vard, toceiher viih a laitjp and exien . ivp iii,it!xcut nf pttSs a ually ki 1 1 ly raippi rner.-hants. The above pmls will hr sold wV.nlcsale or retail nt the lowest mr'thM prices. Cniiiiiry merchant and others arc particularly invited to call and exa mine our slork bi fore ir.al.ini theii s. lec'inns. Cl.ARKSON, RICH .S: Mn.l.lUW, '.K-cpR-nrs to .l.wph liWUwood.No. 1 1 1 ("hesnul, e .rner of I'riii'.lin Flare. I'hiia.b l, hia, Feb. I15. L'MliRl'.UiAS & PAUASOLS, ens at r o 11 CASH. J. rT. SVAIIT'S Utiilirulla and Tarns'il Miintilactniy. n. :37 'cii Tmil Hftf, nro dfnrs In lute the JTY HU P It i I a i c I p ti 1 n . A TAVAYN on luml. a larffp stork of I'M- JJ J. j . 1 .1 . 1 .1U.li "I..1, Illl lll'ti-n '" ul n.w snip of I'iiikr.l n.lm'd l'ara-uls nf th , wnikiinn--liip mid materials, at priees that nib i;.!;p iun ubjeri inC.uuitry Mcrrhan's and nther 1 cull and pruiii his st.N k betorr puiclia-iii sc-Ajjerc. IV'. SJ, 14.''.-1 1, 11 1-1 1 w ... j u 1 1.1 1 vi 1 1 :i...i;Hn v... snrdi'.in' s ivn:vr J-HIS Machine hs ro t-.pn 1p-ip.I by mnrp 1 tban it.inv faiol cs in ihi nPtphSnThnnil, nd is Eiv.-t PiiMre .iH-1arOon. It in so sini) lp in Us rstrueti.-n, thtit it raor.'vt cp' out of nrdir. It nlHins no iron ti in-t, ed no -piinrs or roll, rs In t out ot 'repair. It oil do twice a murh tsh a, wi:h rps itutn halt thp wear and tpr of an, ef t late lnvcnM vn-, and what in of pvi'pr in.per 1. -p. it iiv-w bulla Ic oxer I. alt s much as other n dun); mvchinp". The snt.-ri'-PT has ihe exclusive riehl for Nor umbeiland, I'ninn, l.v oraiiit;, Cnlumbia, I.u rue and Clinton cuur.tips. Priea rf sinelp n ripffi. H.B. VASER. 'i'he fnliowti cclifirat" 's dora few nl thoo ju Lave th roaehinv in cap. runVvntT, AJe.!, 144. Vp, tha fSMhvrt'tw's, prrofy tt'at e harp bit u--e, fn our fanilii-a. h'lpprt'a fatPiit W.kH j Mact .in." and do not hoitaia faying that il i rmA ntcrllTit invctvi-m. That, tn Wi -hing, will apmoi than one halt thp nal labor. :al tt Hoop not YPiuiie innrp than one thirit thp il quantity of wr and walpr ; and that thpie nn rohrmig, ant conrqiwn'ly, I'ttlr or n wpr ; or teaiina. -That it knex-ke ofl'n bn'ioris, and t th finest e'n.hev-, pi-p". ascellati., lrra, turVs, Is, &r., may bp Trashed in very short timp ' bout the ra! ii.j'lty, and m fait ilh"tit at.y .aieiit vvrar an 1 ti ar, whatevfr. Wp therrf.irn ertnllv rpriininicnd it to nur friends and t tha die, a a inoet usi ful and lab.ir savii c marhirat. CHAlU.i:s W.HUlilNS, A. JORIi AN, 1 cits wi:.t.r. tills pl.12 a S A NTH, ill)i:n M AliKl.Vl, Hon. (il'.O. t:. WFl.KER, HI'N.1. lir.NTiRlCKS, (illiFON l.l.lSKNKINfS. nn'a HoTrt, (formerly Tn-mont Hmi-P. No. 10 Chrsnnt meet,) Phihididphin, tS-ptcrnhfr tat, lHlt. bavc used rvhtiffprt'a P..tint V ashint; Machine ny hoiii-e upwards of titjht months, and du not late to ay that I deem it one of the ino-t use and xahial.ln I ibor-FavinR machinca cvpr invt-n- fiitmprly kept two women continually or jed in tanshiup, who now do a much in two i as ihcy thi n did in one week. Tlipre ia nu r or tp.ir in ar-tiiui. and il rt'ouirca lint more 1 ,.ii-tliird the usual quanlitv ol aonp. I hae montier of other m.ichinca in my tamily, bu'. is so decidedly auperini to every thing else, and lit! balila to ePt out of If pair, thul I would not viitinut on if they fhould cost ten trniea the e (hey ' sold fur. WA Iti. JltltK. Sl.lX M.l'.l 'lU hinbpst price will he inven for Flax N id, at the store nf r ,,( IHi:, IICNKV MAfi.EK. UN Absolute nciuc.ccnce in tho decisions of the Hy Masscr & risrls". Mnjor KIhckoM. From the Rnltimore Amerienn. Tho following hrirf sl.rlel. of the lntr. Ma-j MAJOIt RINtitU)!,!). The foMrwmjr let jor IlincpoM wo ropy from tho Bultimore . ,r t(rri, nn (,milirnt s,irron in the Nr.-.vr,"rnn-un: J vrya the pnrticulnrfi of the nVnth or mtr Int.- "Ry the nttention ofnfrienfl, we nre nhle to towns-man, tliepnllant MajnrPvMfri.RiMirioi.i). pttsrnt the render with n brief nnd nnPin!!- , liched Fkrtrh of th parrntace and cureer of j mo lato major Kinffffotn, wnn.fi tall nmtilsl llie , pallnnt nnd heroir deeds of the Sih nf May. on the field of Palo Alio, has thrown the hue n-id ! cist of mrlancho'y even nrotind the plotjoiis ! achievt-men'P nnd splendid victory nf that 00 cifinn. II is late si cad, his fame fo brilliant , has nwnhened n lively interest in nil that re- ! lutes to hint, especially m this city, where it in I now apparel, t that he was known only to be j loved, nnd where his memory will continue to , . , ,, 1 be Btr.-ctiunatoly revered. 1 he present sketch isfiom an authentic suurco.nnd in every res-. . pect entitled tn entire confidence, and we ne- Cordinnly adopt it in preference, In one rener- ally coiTCFpnudini; therewith, which had bei;:i selected trom another channel. The deceased wns the eldest fou nf the late General Samuel Rinirolii, of Washington county, Md. 1 Fs nn thi-r was a diiiiMhter of I :,.., I I,,!, (,!,, i:.,, I,., f P!,i!.l,.!.,i,; 1 distineuisl.ed citii-.i-n in the days of the Revo lution, lie entered the army as Liei.tomm! u!' Artn.ery, 111 .lu.y, bavine; praduate I nt U V"wX u''1' ,ilucl' lionor beinjr on" o! t!,e live whose namcii were recorded as t!ie j most distinguished of a c!a-s. lie was at once j seleclcd hytienera! Scott as one of his aids, ni.d I served in tint capacity for several yearp; rnd I ever erijoyed, in n very eminent decree, the ! eonfidencennd friendship of that di-titv-ui'l.r-f 1 .... . . soid.er. l'end;nn the ('I'turhanees in Sou'h Cnrolina, the deceased vn there on dutv. and b" l-.ns ficipiently expressed his heartfelt L'riti t'xation at the peaceful torniinatii.it of the i:n. hnppy (hll'.eulties between n portion of the jral Innt peep'e of that State and the (leneral Co verement. When lh Indian war occurred in Florida, the derpa.rd llirn n C'li'iin ..f Awitl. ..- ... ...'.' mere on ntny, ncuvciV cmployni in various services, tint il the wnstirrr eflccts ef the cli- mate bad so impiired hi.i health that bo v as prostrated by disease. I'or 'ineritoriniis cer vices' in t bat campaign, be was rewarded l y the rank ot Rrevet .Major. IF; was nfterwards selected by the M.-.jur (leneral Conimundino; in Chief to f.rjanizo a corps of tTy i 11 r crtiliery. and he paid every pn-sib'e attention to the in struction and discipline of this arm nf ihoser vic. Mow fa illifiilly he executed hiscuty in tliis respect, thp wonderful perto nuances of his admir,".b corps ot Fort Mcllenry 0111I o'her lilaces, and 011 the field of Palo Alto, (till v at test, never recovered from th r tlects ot !,i pxprsure during tho I'lotidi campaiirn, nnd when ordered in Frt Mcllenry to i .in the armr in Tei, the exricrienre.l F.iri'e "1 at t i;s post strenir'v irsisted upon bis; fdivsicial i ;tn - t 1 ' - bility to no thri.ii;!h v ith t!ie campiin. II, :t be Ftn rftliet.ed h m.-i !: b.r duty, and, as far as known I.i re, lie was mur lor an hour unfit for H-rvife sii ce be :', the 1'oit. lie fill in the fierce ba'tln of the r"h in-tant, the same ball liillirp; his hrirst1 tinde.- bitn and wouiiding liim mortally. The deceased was an accomplished petit!.'--man, hi lrvi il by bis !i iei,d, and truly respected by all. Hp just'y appit t iati ri the hiyh rrs. pnnsihililiea of n rfficrr in command, lie j rieid'y rnrorcrd di ciplire, at all times and in j !l thinpa ; and yet, prt hardy, lira ofTicrr had 1 root entirely lh respect, the ccnfulrncp, apd ! the fTflptir nate rppard rf all his ofrirora and j men, tVtin th pillant Foli'itr of whom thin brief t-kctch ia piven. Tha pcpaaprl, in a letter to tbia itnmedii'c fripnda, wnttrn ptst as the army waa ahotil to rrarch from Camp lutH. (but which letter w recpivetl only cince the i-ad intelliprnce of his fall.) Fpekp of the extremp probability of a sppoua roncer.trp taith lit enemy; and ex pressed mirif ronfidenca iti the tnnmph rif our pallant littl" army. Hut wi'.h charact'ris'ic coolness, be al-n advi rted to the prrat jnoha- bihty of his own fall in battle; and, ia antici pation of that even', hi? made a brief will, which was enclon d in that letter. Hit patrio tic wotds to bis assistance otipht not to be fir- potten- Don't Uny with me ynu hivo Work to do fro ahead.' tiuch was tlie lito Major Uiuppnld ; nnd many such brave and patient men malco our ar my, biuall as it is, au invincible hot-t.'' Watu.iKi: 1'asiime. Tlio lion of the day at New Orleana id tl-.e llarrneks, where, on tiio .'(Mli inst., about oho thousand men were con prepated. Of course, in such a gutberinp, thero iiiu-l he stranpe scenes, and amonp other auius-.-mental in vopue, is that of ridinp upon a rail a round the l'.iirai.ks, to the tune ot thn "Itopuc's March," finch as are otleiidprs apaliibt the prin ciple ot the tm it in and tun in rieht. One man was ridden upon a rail for Menlinij a pair of pan taloons, and another, who had appropriated a coat, was escorted to the Farrnck gate, to the sound of the delightful mart-It above mentioned, and then and thero dismissed, thus shuUmp out 1 f.uevcr Ins hop.s of acllievill,' glory on the Kio j Urando. IDTTTITDW" A AND SIIAMOKIN JOUKNAI.. majority, the vital principle of Republics, from which Siinliury, Xortliiiniltcilunil Co. It will l.o rnd with melancholy inlrrest, mpe. cinlly in this quarter, where the deceased ivns 1 E0 well known nnd m iinivcrsnlly eHeemeJ : Tie ,Mc C;iu,,i Mnj..r KtntiRoi.t. Cmi Imaiiki.. Icnr tlio oiontli of the Rio Rrnv-o Del Norte, 11th May, T',c numerous friends of Major llmeenld will dmihtlers bo anxious to know the partieu- iaT" ai'oni.inji liisinelanrlinly end, nnd I hasten f-''Ve t.iem to yon. I'ln; enr;a?eme.at .r tin- '''' W!8 entirely in Hie hr.nds of the artillery. M, m . 1 . .. '" "l-J"' ' a most active ami important . P''" with it. About (. o el.eK he wns Mrncls j I'V a six-pound shot. II- was mo-inted, snd 'hp 'hot struck bun nt rijjht nns'es IntiinL' nun in the ripht ihi'h, passing throng!! the bolster ntld tipper part of the shoulders of his Imr.-e, nnd then striking the lell thiyh, in the saui" line in whic h it first struck him. On the even in" of the !!h he reached this camp under charo of Dr. Ryrnoof the army. He was im- tnedaiiely placed in cum.'urlahle cpiarters, and ! his wounds dressed. An immense mass of mti-eles and int'-j.'i!uietsts were carried nwav from both thighs. The arteries were not divi ded, nei'her were the bones broken. I remain 1 d with him all tii-ht. lie had but bttle pun. and at intervals had some sleep. In dressit'? h:s v.i iMid.s in t!ie niori.in, 1 1 : v pre-er,led a most unfavorable aspect, nnd there wn--b.it lit tle react. on. DuriPir the niej-.t he ave tmrv incidents if the bittle, and spike wrh inneli pru'e of the execution of h;s slut. He ! : r-st d his sin t not f.rtlv to erours and masses of th. enemy, but to p-iiticiilar men in tl.e-r line; he n -V them fall, their places orcii'.ifd by others, who in their turn were shot ili-wr, printing his , puns to the same places, and he f. It. is coiilldenr j of hitting bis mark as though be bud been u-ir-; ' 1 a rn.e. lie lial Lin ore tlimp; to regret, nml 'hat war- the una mimber ot'iiien iti h.s com- at,y. Ile said that he bin! lua.le use of all ln.s exertions to have bis company increased to l('t) ' men, tint without succi ss. 1 n.iu ll.d H'"''' number of bin men, as they wire disabled at I their oun--, he w as without others tn lake tin Ir j places. Durii.ir ;he day be contiuued tn lose strei.jlb, but was f,-ee trom pain, and cheerful. 1 lie spoke constiintly of the i-lVieiepev of h.s ! uiiiis, and the brave conduct of bis eliicers and i men. He continued tn prow worse, and a medical oiliccr irmaincd coii.-tan! lv bv L s side. Dr. ilyrne reiniiimd witii bun liurin"; li e tii.h', ' u.-ine; every means which co-i'd be tievised to j save bis valuable lite, but without et'.'ef. H- j cit.'.imird tor.iw vwrs. until one o' ,-',,,!; la-i j nii'ht, when tie expired. II. survived his . i .i . , , , i .nolo-i ;i ooiirs-, oiir'u an inis lime ne m i . nut litt.e pun -pi nvere:l cherr'ullv, and n.u 'e j alt los arrant' inents b.r his appror.chie end . with t!ie pn atest coin.osu-e and resignation. ! lie will lv; buried o-.'ay nt :! o'c'nek, P. M.. l.imi'iited bv the whnlo cam Tin WlAllHll'l aii' oeneriuiy it 'ipp icry well. I am y.).;r ohrdient fervan', J M. I "O I.'I'.. Surpenn United States N;.vv. Cum vi i: or M tvmo;s. Tiie Washington I'nioti .,1 Saturday my 'We are informed by an in!l.r,ei.t physician, who as- a native or tbia city, hut who resided tor n:vprl years to th cst of the Rio lirande, who married Mexican lady , w ho wis an Fniicd States cen- ul. practised physic t-pvpral years in the vicini- ty nf Matimoras, and is intimately acquainted j rPni, ,- an exprpe ha I arrived from the nor- i nothing' and "'! to the Mexican p nr rn with the climate, it well the hahtts of the ,;)prn frontier with a call from the antli'.rit n '""' Their pov.d-r, to., is eoiiully as bad : in Mexicans, although at rertam spaon ol the year it i nnheal'riy at Matamoras and on i!ip immediate holders, of the river, M't tf.Ht peveral tnilpafrom it the ipue find fever is unknown. The climate for several miles beyond, aiy i f to the west, i remaikublv healthy, and n 'hiiin- buj as t-iyrllor (ever, aickness, c. ., ojpiit to prevent the troops of the 1'nitcd States tr,.ui visiting this interestine; rcpim of tho earth.' Wealth oi- Mi Xican Out r.enis The wi al'h ol" the Mexican chinches ia ulinnst incalculable. j athii.ial itsell which o.cpie. the tf of the idol temple of M inteiinia, cnul I fiirni-h Sol I i-iionpii to mjipoit a powerful army. Tin altar men is ni.aue oi tare silver, oimiiiiente.l wit!. yuni ami sui roiiinieii ny u lam-ti.u!e surmuiuite I i ii i ... .... with images- thesp l..st und tho lailiin nre eon strurted o u compound of .d 1, silver an 1 cp per more valuable than silver. An oti'er a mude recently to take this balustrade, und replace it with another of the fame si .e and workman ship of pure silver, and pive a million of dollars besides! Besides this, the church posscsaea im mense endowments in gold and silver vases, wai- ters, candlesticks, precious stones, l.c , the nio--t valuable of which are stored aoay in chests and elosets. Mexico is said to be the only count t in which tne chunh pioperty remains in it mi- touched entirely; and the property w hich the eharch ho'ds in mnituiaiii is estimated at fifty million. there is no appeal but to force, tho vital prin- iplo Ia. 8(iirIay, .Imie , lsl;. I'hom nir: Sf.xi- of V.ii Th" N'.O. I rnynne nf the 'JOth p-ihlinhew farther letter? fr mi the Army, by the .lames I,. I),iy, but they cn tnin i-othin nrntiy roni cpienee t'nt is ne-.v. The entnp opposite Mntomnrn Ikw hecti ehri-i- tened 'Fnrt Rrnwn,' in honor of tho brave Ma- j j'T Rrown, of the 7li lufi-.ntry' vVho toil it i u.-.once. i no i icayuno ,.-ny.. .- HM, M'.i U.ree maxmis ns to ca.vnry, r .r, inn. , wp ,.,,,,,,, ,,r mfi, fl,r ,,c ('Hlifr. 'From nn nir.cer who was in the fort from a ravalrv eertwshnnhl never be charged nynn, J rxpctliti,)tl, x trom the landing the l.-l t.ll the Iriih inst. we leitrn tint while it but fl.milil nlw.iv make the charge. S-eord, i w)(,r(, wp ,L,;l't!l,, rtrnm!Mnt. U ,n, n pnp.j was invested durii'L' t ion. TaylnrV ulr-eiice with i t lint . in a charge of ei.valry, they were not po. )a-im fi,v i, j.,.,,, Ril, w!l.i0 w? wrr0 t!irr,-. theereuter part of the army. (;,.. Artsti c.-i-.t 1 w' l.i-t enoML'h utiles, wh-n halted, the troth J wn, 0Iir 0-,, bus.ost small phiccs I ever saw. in to it n rmnimmo ti surrender ihr sere j !rmt the Month of the hor-. Mrncl; the rider in , ,nr:r0 ruttil r-t ? of riilifomia ami Orepon t rni- .' Liniwnit'i'. 'I'his was niter the netn i of the fiee ; and Ih'rd, whieli rither the piiiu- 1 fJ ,...,. ,.,,1.. ,.;, , n,l ,V,v,riiv. sti, n, he!..ro the istie nf it wa known ' (,y tiri:J,, jn thefi.rt. The greatest anxiety wa 0f course felt bv them n to the result, her an" i ,,pir (;.,,,. w.,9 , ,!,.;,o. main'v n:i-:i the mic : c-sof the army. 1-jnornnt n' what h-.d lvn:.e:i. i ,t f,n,j n,,P,,, (;.,t n 1 ir 'e army aw -i iv.l ! Ti:!or. and thrt it Wenld hr imp., to reach tho fnrt thus cwnved V nnxio'v. hope, confidence and fi-nr tin r:ot fear tint wou'd cover twice as ueieh L'roimd, and the oh brave baud refused to surrei -der.' stnu.' i.-n 1 l!" ri-1 by the M. .c-.ins on their smull j and .-cr.iwny ponn-s wiuld scarcely cause their Catt. MvyV CuMtor The editor of the ' r.0. tt) ..tumh'e m rd:n,' nvrrthem; to fay New O, lean '..:iri.r I. as se-n n letter 'r -m ,..;.t',,r ,f th- im einhtv of the men themselves May to his brot'ier, dated I'.iint Isaln-l, May Fl. The captain tells, his brotl.i r tl.r.t th in ro.i nt the head of which he charged the enemyV; battery, coptaip.ci! l'. mni ;and ot t!i 1 . Hi :-r 1111. 1 I'l pr.v.ites I... e l nnd i i wound'1 1 i h Ms-.s killed an! F) w.mnd.-.l tint I-'. ! no irly ivie-tli r.l of U: i.r-n nod I'lu-.o-t l al'o'1 '-!, ni ' i.'i' !, ft. Tie c.t'r.i.i I. p.-s'-ll' . tint tolled ed. whieli f.irtoii.i lo rtru:ii stnm e w as n.v 'vn to h s vi"? alvittt 10:1 yard- 111 Biiat ce i t I. s Kji.-.i'ren 111 the cl r.t;1'-. J Captain M.- y :s f v I'eni'v a 'roi'jh r'-.!er.' A ; R.ltimore pap'-rsavs 'be is I'tie if t'o1 fin.-- ,-j.etiien in the nnev.pn.l a' w-. ys i'.ni!,'. ,1 to exhibit hiss';. I! in the ira-'ijeio. nt of tint 10 ,,. f , 1 1 i r , n 1 . ,i:!,-r was t.i ditVi.-ult t..r l.un to ntte-npt. 1!" ba two or three tunes b'.-o M.veie'v in hired lv his drt'ie 0,1 ,.. .-c-i- in tins ci'v, for a bi t ol wme wiin s.eiie pcn 'emeu, be rod'1 bis horse up the steps and into the nai-sae of the City Mot. 1.- bavin;: pc mp ,pd this, it w .if Ti .;n, 1 1 1 nt hi en!. I not rule down aain. lie immediately turned 1W ,,,r!, BMl roleilowu. iumi'iii'r h's bor-e ! over tin iron ra lni''. T.'.o-o w'm K' '.In feat. We also rec eiiiber the " ill nit c i 'iivini' j lienti fund tor the breae'i o'' an orlmanee in j lei pin J his horse over a cord nf wood nn tin j p-i finei.t i:t front of tin1 City lintel, s.iiuet.me n.'.i: m il i' ivmIi'iI iiiit-ii;' 'i' to tie M lyr I tin1 propriety of remitting .'".''(.' iiistai.'o'r.' I 'Oi n Fviu i.tl su 1 1 i:kv .' This is the a ,'cll.ilioii by winch tit1 ftilai.t !eti. Tayh.r w ill hereiitter he kutf.tn. We have beer, r x- cei'diiiply s'ri.cl; w.lii one M-i.tt nee in his no'- cal di spatch, d it'-d M-iv 7th, u.-' I e'l r" h- left point Isah'!. an i the d'ly pr.'Ci'ili.ij h 'i-.t i battle. He kivs : It the rnemy opp .- my I Iliirch, in whnurrr f't'Trr, J shall f;':t h'l.i. , Toere is p'.-uit and direct punt in t :.s im. t--f.ee winch ini.icatcs tlie. cl.anii'ii-r nt me writer a tnanot lew words, at.d of prompt t;,l f. rii a ac tion. The crisis lieinan Jed that Iip .-hoiild jl,t without regard to disparity of number- or en-i-p- ipimice. His iron hurt met the crisis; and be 1 obtained the victory, which the brave army de- served ut. Jor hiii ;a'.'.nii'. lead. War with the Immans.- .There seem1- to j OTm. apprehnii.tt enlertaim-d of disuiban. 1 ,p am. in" portion of the C!.i-ro!.ees The I ,,rt intellipe-nee from tVoino, Texas repr- on the rnuntv of Sabine to raise forthwith a I Iff -' hetw-no S-if-i Anna and Rusti conipany of mounted wen, and send them ...i to i ''. w!l"';' ' !:' '!il'. "ol "'' ArJ t l.. fr.n.i.erot the Ind-a-i n.iiin'tv "i :.io ! canti"'! h i'! in a thoti-4-i.l rcael.e,! the eii-iny the Clicr.'kees. who w ere np in arte-, or fr -in when, at b-f-t. Iin-Ti!i'.ps were antiei .a'e 1. Art . order tor mother comnanv of ' 'iio'ii.'e. I men wis! j ,,., wjt, t-p au'hurities vf the town 1 1 St. An. t cnstiii. Their- was "uat e.vi-iteti.et.' tibmp I ti Indian frontier. It ...near, that a nartv of the Cherokee J. . rl . ........ dians s hip vi'Ts a-'o boti'jht trot i a .New Vor's i ....i .. -,.,,, ,.i iu...i ti... r.s it., .il.,..., j ii niniyiin ii iiuoi'i ibii'i in .i, ' , , ,.rJVXi,t , .r wh:cu l!..-)- tn,.'. i'MUm. yppiaru also tliat the i-evetntiieiit nt T-xss was v nrt! h'ss to the n.o-t nt t!.en. I .tit with llii ! t.nily luu'tin'.i.-.l tliioti lietit lae entire repni-ntw-ivs o"t. i.aed to their set' i.u r hi re, and that , d is u!v m' i :'' to hieli 1 have adverted, the rea- ; lie. About Fittv New p persare piihiisiu d in ... . , .- . , , ..... ' 1 1 . i u in in st rv , ir. ( in.. iio if hit kiiii imp i served fr.end.1H1p was te ver es- aid sl.ej In f ween the pirttes. (In the break- mp out of hot tilitn.'c at the U.o ( iruude, the I Ciicti'Kees, or that portion ol' thmn on tin; nor thern frontier of Texas, oil .'red their services lo(ioeri!ir Henderson; not huvin lullc.nti deuce in tliir b ally, ho refused to aivcpt their sirvicis; an 1 now it is believed I'.ut they take advunt iee of tiio exiatitw state nl thiujs wno- ! ,!,f'r ' -Mi-Xicans have intripueil and tamper..! 1 w ith them is not Known to assume towards tho . . . ... . piH pie of liXas a hostile altitude. A friend w li j i i--.ii!.-.l in the tow n nf Met.inior os si'iiii' Jrais.i;ii, informs us tb.it tho tow n is ubniit the si.eii Wilmington, lel. nnd immediate parent of ilcspotiMin. Jm 'I'l'P Mr1i au Aim). The Mi. n-in army, nnil inure particularly heir e.nlry, may do very well to lilit each ether, h-it in tiny conl'ict witli our one orl'.oro nenn trnn:u, it would not ho n lriUl but a mas- pnere. Frederic the ( ireat, who was the author. in n prnt ih-;;ree, of the tn idern sy'Ptn of tac- mio" n-.i ef the first two. that the fpur wns more important than the Fwnrd. In other words, that the impuNo nnd momentum of the hor.e was of ' m-r.' ciKeo i-nee tlr.tt t!ie armnm1 blows of the rider. What th-.t must be the murderous fii-;'i-i.ty I-twern a corps ot .American cavalry md mi t nl toiiiihrr of Mi xie in-! The Ameri can corp--, from the superior size of their horses, nn loniitv ol ttie men tlicniseives -live to tie nt least in iiid.vidtnl combats, anil I,, ,. !,.,, 1 twice liiat i:i a b.tt'e. The infan- try wouhl !. fo'itid -veti more impntnnt- 1 '.. not think that t!." Mexican men Law 1 mor;1 pl.y-icul strertli than our wetnen, Ti Taey nr. 1 v nn:o- Mi 1, as n nor i '.v 11 !. e i'-et of V. V 1 . e v ot 1: - in motive st-.liire. w bol- e l ( 1 I ib .r i r 1 . -reise of '.ny sort; M-'o- ve pr.i.i! ol tli r lt 'erior.ty to .!,: : -, ! u il! ii;oM'i,.!) the f.ict that 1.1 'it-. :' are t.-; ie into the interior in' i;r.r iml.ii-i. i',ils of ( 'am itiuiies, W !l li:-. n i.'.iek in-.;! In an e'r inrdiuary cxtt'ii' in- t.or-li.-r 1 trot im-' s i'f Mexico. It i 1 ;io. y i'U-'i 1 I t! t;s to p,- i N ",:" ! c:i, V n as I r l i!: 's o! a l.u'i.'n 1! ( 'a a.aiiclies i' tr.if1 mm r.i loiinlreJ miles into cart v oil '- m 10V lior-'-s, cattlo, and thev 1:; ,- 'h' 1-" are not lu.-s than t. e i iii-ii.-ih 1! .'of XH iHe- ill tli-s 111 'inent S .aVCf. tb if' tin-t'-.tnanch.-s, tie! id ail our W. stern triln t .1. -1 ... .1... ... . 1'.. , ,,.,1WHrre ,r,,r,.P,'v w,,ir) ,,om r,v(, ,nf e. ill' 1 .. . r i'l 11., 11' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ill itiii.v 1 1 1 it 1 be Piihhci ot the lcv r.'ia nrmv are pencr al'v eolb c'eil fern1. tor mil recruit tprj detach no I1'-, mtotl.e ieeoer..:i' I r re they hunt the In.io'i's ir tl e r io tw i i'd c,.vi rns, ar.d lirinjj them in ei"iir to Me 'e. : si r-r-ely a day paes i I. .! ..i .i tit. ,.,t ........ I'll . i.i' li ''I'.., i I . . ' - in . mi' i: .1 li.. 1 1 1 .1 t: then I.-'' te.lii'd v r-ti'l.es are not seen thus. : cl.; :i;i .1 'neither nnd in .ireliinp throt'.'ili the I tr-ts t a tin- 1 ,,rr ie!;-, w here they are acotnej, ir. I tin u dres.-e.i in a ciiitorui icaih; of linen.; e'otli or o! ser;;-1, nml are n.-eaio:illv drill d I uhii-'i cm; ists .ii t."ie!niiir thorn to inarch I t,ri!t. ti. Greets. TH",r military bands nre . ;..), n,.j thi tin n learn to mirch tmlillcrt-ntly , v. el! l et in'y in i':. ren' y well they put : t ;n ir !" t d uvn as it feel i"-tor the place, and do ivt -top with tl. at ) rm'y, erect and pracefu! nir vvl.cti is so benittittil in well drilled troops, j , t., 1 1 viiee!:iii;s t We! ' tlie i perti-i I.' 1 nn 1 t u-t f x.vutii ii o: ii'ln-r evolutions they lii-i,' ah-vti: them, 'i'l, ere is ti -t one in , imow i -:i i tl s rs ii ie ever seen a p-'iii, ;iis ever lired one be- nor ! f. r ; ibis i i'j a hiin.lr i! v.' e was liui'i. ,it m'o tin l-..rr;;i..s. it is in this way that ru !.s ot'the army are pener- j The California emigrants v.-i!l rot leave fura ally li'.i'.l up -it; p-ir'i.-ti'ir emergencies the i 'cvv '" p priM i.s are tin.wn r.p-n. which always contain j A timnber crt5:ttite Fo companies have Come u. re pri.-. n rs ibi.t, ii, Lrmy numbers, and j " this Sprin-, and i-ome ,Me r;one out. Ma-ihe.-e f. lons be.Miee so' hers and foiiic of them j Pdtii' cmpaey will he in to morrow or next eflir.vs. Their arms. t.,, ,,r,. pcnenlly worth-1 '-' lr("" Cliihuhun. Ncar'y doub.i; tlicemmmt less il,, -t.J. ,:; ''S vvl I.. avt been cof.dem ! n,,' r"'1 'Lrowi, s!..e. ami nre pnrchaed torn!- 1 i-emri!!y t. nut ii'l V b -tween the " p nr s W (-'t'"li li'':!s as we had would they llll'ik of : i tlie northern hues, ; win n M ;!'..' ! ivln-i, m lin r .! riin-il 1 :n lii I ' i'A l ii buns F ijli-'i b-ittery, or t t;:t. Urown, '(: r - I !,) d-s-np -I, e.n .1 l.im--ll to Ins tnends in a sheet 1 ,.' tiro." tint think that the Mexicans are d'-l'.-ient i:i eoura .'e; or it i'iijlit be more pro- i ii,.r'i' i.i tint fiev are ieditmreot to ilniu'er i.r - ltltiie pr.-s-va"..,. t , .if., which is reaMy so i ..... ,,.;t .,., I,.. . .;...,! ti,t i,. .ill th. r.ir,. ' " i - ,i . .. , t .1 l .. 1 : c s with our neon e. in winch thev have been ' ' m .re i r )e.-s enpapod for the l;u-l thirty years they hive always been d.-feated. 11.i,,.i. i Pi i.i. fcitrn'inlniT ciis1on'r ' ' .7 . . . V.Tio ImiHei: ed as it he cn'i.d 'cliiW ii'i lull a dozen MoXiC.iiis nt em nii'iil witliniit bcinp nt.tlied, l.e.l it ip e.tv vest, rdav lil,.ri.i:i" IV. .til a.l react.eit our c.tv vettiriiiv in 'rump irom .i interior comry, (lfnj;ii) :n Iiitiiaii.i, for llio purpose nt j iiii.np mio of toe vo'iit.fcr Ciu:ji- mi's. S i anxious wa - !.o t ,i fiiti r into sen ice, that !.o wi.l'.fd tho entire liistoc from I.i liniiic, winch was nuoo than a hundred luih s. l.un i'o, 7. lie is olio of tho right kind uf 'b'lii'j-s.' Indiitnu r. 1'iiif i:s or ivr.UTisi;. I sipiaro I iiiMertioti, f" I do 2 lo ' 7' 1 do 3 d I J' llv.'ry mdioipient iner!t n, -0 -' Yearly Adprti?rt,irtil( : one column, f 2S ; half cidiimti.flrt, three F-.piHrex, two u:ires. IV ; one niinre, f .". lla'f-yearly : one co'imin, f H ; half column, f 12 ( three Hipiarc, f S ; two Fquarer--, f .i; one wpinre, ?:? '(. Advertisement It 1 1 without directions n to the leiujth of time thev re to be pubii-hed, ill 1"' tontinued until ordered out, and chiryed ucconij injly. r Sirteen lines or lew mnl;e t rptare. MSMBMHPM I. I HI, WIHIW I KWW, I 'WMPMWPI Vor rnlir.irnla 'il )rrvon. fori epondenee nf tin' Louisville Courirr. l!-. -.t !! t e it 1 mm . n "i:i:rt.. I i.l miles lioin Irnl-j'.'ii'let.ce, M.iy in, ISi'i. We arrived at this point in ti.e I nil no terr.- j tory yesterday, and fcba!l remain here until wc mak'l our final nritii:'.ati,n ntul departure fr our Inns journey. l-.tdenet. donee, t!; place j w) p Santa Fe tnditi" comnaiii.- ; ' ' .,!''., 1, 'inllr, ,i,Ttl,.,. ',,,, tn tiiat are now II 1 m J c.u' .11 1 '. iei)i ..in in 1 , n " ; ., , , . . ..... I ,!ivtircifj,,(J pnulation We rrii.ainrd there alter having nmipii ted t..eir tirr men-.en' three daF, during which tone the s'rrcts f.f the town where at times ch' l:r. I tp with lor i x am! um'.e. Iths, soiii" bro.vrl-t hi for sub1. Other? to h 1 li tehi i tjlle: v.-.. .1 -n.-. !ur tin; ftlii igratinjnud Santa Fe Ciiii,;i..n.e--. W ithin a mile o! w lit re we i: mv eecamped, tliert- arc some, l'.i'l wcotis, louml t'..-r.';t'.iiirii.a , .,, ,.,r,..ir,. ,,, ( a oil inort: nro 111,01 .1 1 i .n , .. j-.. j : . , :.,.,, ,, ..,,,.,-.- tv.H take III (It lit '1 III .'I It-'i't H ' V' " p'neeon Mot:d. y nc.v'. It's:", we shnll f'.art nn Wednesday. 'I'l." w h'.i. numb -r of wagons i'..r Cahforuii will pr-in'-'v b" ah -it V' at.d the number o enn 'rants nv 11 ..1, ;r ar short of -l-.:i.'l ;. : 1 Mi b aro"! 1 in)!). These rr evp'-i ive ol i!e r tor t lre -.n, so:. ot ii.i It 1: ive u : ',. tho.ian.l is dive cr.i .'., vv li-i. we 1 :iri River at I .1- wit vr.'cee.t tins year in s ill" :m n ,.i tli: 1 1' te it. ver.ud there ro il.' a rr : we sl.all I.1M1 a l.'.r.i.'ii trowd, i( Hoi a ot:e. ( 'orn.rp-i'ii'i'ii:".1 of '.lie S':, 1 :i i'i--.i!fv f. ('! 1 Tiie fii". hi r of cuii jt' :i 1 y II io. v I -!' 1 - nor cne.it '? ni"''! t'i'y r -mit't::eot oil U:.o--.f -. .vit, ut 1 st of this r.hce. w in re a c":i .1 t,i- 1... t .- U. I. . C r. tS- ii.rni.t 3 f'-Oti l! Ken. A tiner body of emierants than t ' 1. mi .1 1 1 1 1 1 r i.i 11 M ill , 1 11 . .' 1 .1 1 1 ...... RPnt I have never fccn-rcanly and t old in their appearance, and cer.or.iiiy cqiiipnc'i for rn lonf; and tedious a journey as t!:ry Lv.- before them. Amnn? them are prrsons of n i n;:es, even to the old man follow ii; bis r."-aml-cbildreti. I saw a venerable man, 7'.' years r f ...i . i-....., .-.-1 ..-,o t.-i-w , j '-O, IV H1 l S .1 I O II r- .1 .' J '' ti " '. " i ' " ." upon a Cape ol' our Allar.tie co-i-f. p"w n-..---r to bury his bones upon the. shores- of lii" I'.-.e fl.1, Ie is a patrlarc'i :ir.?; l;a Ids children .-. i'h. him, nnd ten tHjus '.j cn'.iver tlicr.i a sm;.!! lleet tor the p.'i.li.s '. Some of the cmi 'rants l.r.V' v. rnrs f.t'cd up . ;n the best pos.-'lh s'-, In. carp, 'tid, with clniis, ! lied nnd liiokit'-'ss.., for the convenience if ! tamllies. There ur tin. i:er. '.:s your, j; p rls j ist : bhat'iiittj into ui:n-s.il.e!, and many of tiiftn i bi-aiiti'u", i.ea'.le dn s-cd, ar.,1 bound fiir Ore.Mti i and t':i!i:iiriii.. -n. men po,n.r to these ills- I trained troops, hke , t int comitncs need I: .v.; no fear id not bcinj a I i rate, or tr,'ii:;d bb; to ir '. a w .V. lor I p.-f.ir.- ti.em tht tiiL cs- r.iiicut of .; iri in the prc-n,t c.ir.paiiieJ is by j no m-aasitiduleri-nt. Fart o! the Or pon cmi- , pr-.ti'-s have s'.art" I. end others will etart to 1 morrow ; their pr.Mt cam-) ij IS miles Sjutli- west of Independence. - i d poods will be taken nut this year to any j ra tions vear. It is tiicirrht tliat upwards of four hundred wapons u ill leave liid 'peitdcneo f r Mexico tins year, nn I they may bo safely et dow n at four t'.eusr.nd dnllurs per wapon. Mo-t ofthe traders nr-1 her; imle to take tlie benefit of t'o1 draw li'-.e'.-, p.ir.-'iasir, f ire 'pti pn"i!.s in ; t!ip oriina! pai-!'.ape. .n v 1 1 i. Aecordirp to tlie best aii'!ior'ti"3 we b-'ve 1 been alile to eonsn tt tin nop'ila'inti of Mm"-'1 ; in 1 !. was 7..V., Viti, of wh-.-n l. f :t 'l were e-tima'ed as Indians, 1 tUHi io ,ii whites; .) b.icks a-id .,11. 0,1 H". I nl various cisti', ' sucli as Tambtis, Muhittnes, .'ie A e. ' In the city nt .Mexico there ar- several ... r ... .. . , i . i . , ';, , H , ; iy ,, .. s, ,,Kli, ! the I .ties anil var.ous irnimces. tlie Iiouilitl'.iou ni '.it- l.i'l.o u,.c it, inauo u i ' r . 1 ' ' in ri.i ii l in ut. ,. r i.i r. s : I M'"..ii) I .lalnico , I'm-Ma 1 . t' '.' '-'''Sinalea '"'.' ni C!i:.;p..j f';e lino Son, n . I i'l' i,oi. i.'on C !' o ,i'i ,, on 1 " 0 I i I 10 O' 1'JO I i 1 '.' " . 1 1 It'll I I I tl ' I . iu . it. oi ! ni.o.a;iia!o o;,,., il mil) T.ni:;..!,, MS. Mieb-iacan ,r.uo no. i o.iV.Int s oi I u l'otesi sin is '.;! .ci.tis 7l' I . I o 10 i i. v o M,.i,-o (" l i!..oi n. a It" !" ,.rl (,., ..ca'i'i - l. ,0 i" Fi-t.ieu 1 " To j'.xp .r's tr . i t'1" I'eivib in. i, ml to t;l... t -. '.! ,,'.-,t 'I ii sstiian I'-iF.' !'i'i (Hill oi M.v. r the various Mints. of wbuli or cijht in tho Fn-juibiio. ie i f v CO " .e cii n d , 0 'ilC touiC i i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers