era mmmfsan f.s:'..r r . ...J' rA" I WANT A BEAU. I went bcnn ! t want a liati t 'Ti swet, at lcat they tell me ao, T.i waltz or walk or sail or row With him yon mvan to rr.arry. And Ihfn tut 0! it mint br aweetl To have one kneeling at one'e fret, Ar. 1 hnr him there hit vows repeat ! By Jnve, but I will marry ! I'm r.M enough to have a bau ! Anil oft I tell my mamma ao : A oi'ie'i sh fvii!, 'Oh no! Tit'i ar? too young to marry !' O M Z"-nk ! 't' r.lwsys thin with those Witlvr. wlintp bosom coldly flowa Th strums of love, to Li-lles anJ beau Who have a mind to marry. M,vi' w ho have their hearts for tat ?-ti' fmly year whose charm ara atale, ." iv nn J they have came to rail At those who wish to marry ! And ma'n who. by experience fsrrht, nov all the U:s with which is ftaught Th wrihlnl lifej T think should nought Object when girl would mairy. From the Xew Orleans Delta. I an State House mlilnktu for tits Insane A ay I u nt. 1: i? to lis regretted that there dors not cxint 1 i!-k oics nfarcliitcctural phrenology or phyaing- LT V ly which the purpose of public buildings eviiM to known by a survey of their exterior. The ntiotico of such n science-, nnd the fact that ' 1 tare cities public buildings arc very often M' -tcd to ufcs difloretit from their original de- -i, KT..I to queer mistakes to droll nvssp- -!i:iiMons. Tlie following occurrence of yo.s - r-'iy. will wo any. "' strnnsfors from the Buck-eye Stat", whoe '. -! visit it was to the city, went 11b ut to take II v t v cf the Crefcert. nr i to Fee wl.ft ws to ' ." rn. Al'tr.r a priiinifci'ntia walk of hn hour r fo they founil tVm- lvrs in C:inil street, '' k'I'T pn'sinj tlioir individual opinona on ''f ampli' pu'ii c avenue, the demi-ililiipidated '. j.'e llinifo in C.innl i-trert, with its dusky 'iu!ows and ru.iy w:i!I, attracted their atten r. We cannot f.iy meimeric infliiencn oprr ' 'er! on their mini' nt the moment, but certain '.: i, Hiiit they joit.t'.v or iin"nimou?!y concluded '' t it inn. t bf !:! Insnno Ayliim, and, a? they lid themselves, that it "vaVt nothin' rise." "liere was hut on eirrum'ancn threw a iloiiht " 1 their opinion, and tint waa that iho door and ' rate leading to jt were both thrown open. ; "in,; a third pnrty coinin up, whom they "ht'y judjed to b.? a resident citzen and who h is in fact one of the know ineat too, they T'ntht they would have their dnubta anlved, : 1 o, when h" nnpreiehed, politely put the '-ti.n to hi'ii : !a t Jti-, sir, the law AkV !'rn.' Ilejtitiitin only n mo'n-'nf f!r h ! "ifjiit the q ierita wera not 'Ion; in town.' he "idiff'l, 'Ve? Oyep, thai is the Inme that )'. it a'Hue.tiinea iaan 1n?ane Asylum of rirxli eiilr, erniienn, periodically it is u?cd for that 'i:rp'i..' 'V.'by. the? (Wtever let the mad folka out, '(i :h' v 1' siid one nfthe Oliionn. Why, je, thry do,' raid the quizzical cil , it ta thought that a chanje of pcme tbe cmin try air ia rather beneficial fur their malady ih.ini'thcrwi-H. 'Some of them very wicked, cli!' (aid one of the countrymen. Why, mi. not very not very wicked,' raid quiz: '- r 1 nt: .u tay, the majority t'flinr ; . 1 1: u nier 'i liiil tnnnomnuia ; they funry t ip'ii4'Ivi.4 Wirt and Veb?1Tj, Henry Ciays in.i i)i'nton, an I generally puts their time in , .ikin r frothy ppe'xhe', a!l 'inund and fury aij. tyioif nothin'.'' e,r at least hut little. This .'oo'ire wniiid h11 be very harmlpfP, if the pro p'e -a ho-e riffhla and inti rwt, thry fancy they )!:' I.', h-d not in the man time to pny for tloj nii' Tt of these luna' icH.' Why, Wo' my soul,' n'd one of the conn, tiywri, 'it r.jiut be a TVdlarn indeed, if they all i ive such an opinuin of their oratorial powers '...! legislative importkRce na you represent .''Hi to lnve.' Oh, not all not all,' unya the taw-running r t ti 'I did not mean all. Some of them ucely ever litter a word. They fee in to be vnppod up in their own idea all the time, and never tqii-ik unlesa aunie question ia put to them, when they oiiber eye or no, and again wrap Uieiont-hiM up in the cloak of silence.' 'I KAcur to guodniM! said one of the country fen, 'if lh-l ain't the way the mad folka act in Onio. Troy, what tune ut the year ero they re, and bow lonjj V Tiiey are generally here,' laid the cit, 'from Jinu'iry till April ; Uih year, I bavo been told I y t!i:ir keeper, tin y i!o nut come hert till next in'Mitli. 'Uut, gentle men,' said our qirzziciil !' lend, lookini; at h'H watch, "you will eceae ,-,v 1 inn l h ' ttl 'liir liirther pailicuUrii, 111 re within,' a-, the real on the It-lter aitid to the )uii v, inn in to v. tn 1:1 it wan direclt'd." Ilu '.ouclit d his bat and let', and the two country mtn said be waa an 'all find civil fellow.' CiTTixo ci'r a Soil A coirespondent oftbe Sunday Atlas writin; from Spain, aayt : The hspe of relcajiej a lud'eri r from the fire extract t'8 last roiteftom Spanish poverty, to pay for holy water. What atruik meea particularly fun 1 y, was a printed notice on a flat board attached t9 church doors, readies aa follows : 'Tbii day yon ean get out a sonl.' Waa ther ever each datp, tunning Kt tt fellows aa tkaae prisita ' ' DA1VK XOTE LIST. PLWSTLTAKIA. T! e following ltt shnwe the current value of all VnnsyWanis Hank ."Vote. The mii implicit re- tiHtire tniv be placed upon it, as it I every week ari fii'lr compared with corrected fiom Biik- nell't Reporter. irnnks In Philadelphia. LocaTio. Disc. 1 Penan. NOTES AT TAR 8nk of North Aroetira . , Bonk of the Northern MVrties , Coinmerrii) Bank of Penn'a. . , Firmer' ami Nfechanic' Bank . ffeminion . . Philadelphia Hnnk , Schuylkill Kank . . . dituihwark Rank . Western Hunk , , . MechititrV tark .Vlannfacturera' A: fechanlc, TJ.tnk Conntrr UanH. Rank of rneter County Weslcheater Itnnk of Helnware Coi.niy ("hcfter II ink of nrrmntitown (icrmanlowu Hank of Monii;omery Co. Miirria'oivn Dnyleetown D ivletown Kni'on rtnnk limlon par par par par par par par par par pir par par par par par pur .r par Prmrrn' I'erik rf Rtioko co Rri-tol (llti. of Rink of retiii'a. Harrnhurg' Thee offices OfTire do do I.ineaater OiTica do do Heiding lo not OfHca do do F.nston J i.iiue n NOTES AT DISCOUNT. mk of the United State ThiUdi Iphia Hank "f Penn Township . . Oirar.l Bi-k . . i !oyami !iini Bmk . . flank of !'ermvlvania . . 30 par p.i par p'tr '5 Jul Min-ra' Hank of Poltsville M ink of I .en Mown Dank of MiiIiIIpI m n Bank of Nnrthunibciliind Potiavilla I.ewii-tiiwn Middlciowtl Ik- . t . . .'rinnmiiriland par ('olumhin B'ltik Si CriJgs co. Columbia lar i;arliKle liank Carlisle EndiaiiKfl Hank Pilt.jlmry I)o do branch of Hollidnvshurg Farmers' H mk of I.ancater I.ancistci l,ancater County Bank Lnncnsler Farmers' Barik of KcaJii.y Ueadiiiff Harrishurir Bank Hnrrisimrg .aocns'er Bank I.ancnster I.elinnnn Bank I.ehsiiun Men banin' Sc. Manuf. Bank Pittnlurg i i par pur par 2 P" i i i n n 01 ruisnurg" j'lUa'.uisf Went Branch B .rik Williamaport W yominc Bsnk W ilkevharra Ni.tthnniptori nink Allentown Herks CiMinty l':iiik iiradinj; OiVice of Bank of U. 3. 1'itn.l.ura failed do Pi do do Hria l)o do do New Brighton Ken-iiiij'nti Sa. Ins. A 1I0 Peon Town-hip S:iv. Ins. do Bank of t'hvnhcrsliurg Clnmherslmrg ll:o k ol Celljwl urn Crttys!urg of Sn-nuelianna Co. Mc.ritrose do 1 i u ljali U 4 U Erie Bu.k Kriu Fiirmer'oi Drovers' Bank VVsyneshurg franklin Bank Washinaton H.iiiend .le Iljnk Hoiipdale lo' onjii eh Bank of B. Brownsville Vork Bank Yoik N. B. 'I he notes of thoFe I auks on which we uiiit qun'ntions, and autiMitiite a dash ( ) are not purchasid by the Philadelphia. Iirekers, with Ihe fxception ol these which have a letter ol n fen nee. BROKE N B A N K S. Philadelphia Sav. Ins. Philadelphia Philadelphia Loan Co. do V'hiix Ikill Sav. Ins. tin failed fulled filled failed Maiuml B ink (T. W Dyott, prp.) fowanili Hank 1 hwhihU Mleahany B 10k of Pa. II .ok ol Braver B ulk ol Satnra Bank ol Wm-hington Centre Bank 1 'it v Bank Farmer' ct Mer b'ca' Bunk Farmers' & Mecb'e' Bank Farmers' V MechVa'iank Harmony Insiituto Huntingdon Bank .lurdata Bank Iiunilicrmeu's Bank Northern Bank of Pa. Beitfurd no sale Beaver closed H ar.i'iuri; closed Wa-liinpton fulled Hell, f.inte ( ..s d PituhuH no i-ale Pil'-hurg fiiiliJ Fayi tie co. failed (rencate filled llarmony no rale Huulincdon no salt! Low uo sale Warren failed UundalT no ssle New Hope Del. Bridpe Co. New Hope closed Nonbumti'd Union Col. II k. Milton 110 ule North esiern Bank of Pa. Meadfille cl.ifrd Port Curium CarlUlo failed MunlniM cloud Uriinn'owii folcd fineiiKlairg cl.ed Office of Schuylkill Bank Pa. Aur 4 Manuf. Bank Silver Lake Bar k Uiii- n Dm k of Penn'a. eiirriie!ariil Bank Wiikesh irrt Bridge Co, ilk'sS.arre no ale All notes pnio lin? to he 011 any IVuii-jl-viiiiki Bu.k 11 a given in the shove, I i-t, may be stt low ci as frauds. xcw jci:ss:v. Bank of New Btunsvvick Brunrwiek Urlvideie Bank l!f!vuler Uurlinu'ton Co. Bank MeJI'or.l j.imimrcial Bank Penh Atii'my Juml-erl in J Bu.k Bridjetmi '.mill r' Bunk Mount Holly ?ariiiers' and Merbanict-' Bk Bahwav failed i par j pir par rnrnirrn' and Mechanics' Ilk N. Biunsi(k failed farmers snd Mercnania Bk Mid.lletown Pi. 1 Franklin Bank ot'N. J. Jer-ey City llotioken Bkcox Grazing Co lloli.iken lenity City Bank Jrrwy Cily Mechuniis' Bank 1'atinaon Maiuifieiuri rn' Bank Belleville Morris County Bank M.irrikt.iwn Monmouth Bk of N.J. FreeholJ Mechanics' Bank Newark Mechanics' and Msnuf. Bk Trenton Morris ('anal and KLg Vo' Jersey City 1'iv-t Nolea Newa'k Bkr 6c Ina Co Newark failed fail, d failed fniled fuile.1 4 filled i par no sale i j failed tailed i failed 4 Aiew Ho Del Bridti Co l.auitipiuville N. J. Manufjc. and Ukc Co HoUiken N J Prolccton & l.oml srd Ik Jersey ( iiy Oranite Bank (lrane Paierson Bank 1'atetson Peonies' Bank do Princeton Bank Princeton Salem Banking Co Salem Stale Bsnk Newark Xiate Bank F.lizahethtown Suite Bank Camden iute I! ink of Morris Monimown Si..te Bank Tr. niun .ih'tn mid Philad Msnuf Co Salem SimM.i liank Nrwton par par 1 par 4 fsile.l failed 4 par i failed par par par par par par pr par par rretiii.n Bkiiking Co 1'rei.ton I "ill 11 Hank Ilsver Wa.humtoii Banking Co. Hsckensstk B'-iofWilmcV liraiidywiirt Wilmington Usnk of Delsw ate Wilmington Bank of Smyrna Smyrna Do branch Millord Farmers' II k of State of Del Duvet Do branch Wilmington Do bramh (eorgclnwn Do branch Nrwcssila Union Bank Wilmington (Tjf Under 5'a i Hjr Ou all banks marked thus () there are ri. Itier rounte'teii or altered UDW4 ul iba vnotta tia rawatnsisaca, m etreulsuna. rOLItTF.KX iilu.itilr Slttfclrc. 1 Banana's Vsnnri'oa- crrtaiti cure for worms inff and very pltaiant to lake. 9. ftissnVa EtTaAcrs. which remote Urease of all kind-, Dry Pa'lits. Tar, Vatnish and Wa, from carpets or fr.ira clothing, without injuring the c.dor or ihe cloth. 3 Ijonni Ftt Psfra the beat thing known for killinc flies and musqnit iea. 4. A certain Dee'myer of Rata, Mice, Roaches and Ants. ami another of Bid Bu.;s. fi. (Jcia'a Setcirtc for soir stomach, Hean Born and Water Brash, hy one who liidsuflired thirteen yeira, before he i'icoverel the cure. Da. Sticvki's Grckw Oia rmaT for the Pdee. It has never filled to cure. 7. Htaatsoi's Tkttkr Wasrt. $. BatMoau's IanitiaLS lac, without a rival, 9. Tna Covrenpan Cofittios; or Ftoa Jiit tl e medi. ii.e fur children and for women, it is to pleasant lo tiike. 10. Btra'a Vcor.Ttar.a A"Tinitinr Ptt.t.s. It. fScaa's EMoi.LituT Wri.n.eaoii Piste. f..r II .rni s. Bo. us, Scc. It softens the leather, and keeps cut the water. 12. Pmin Mta's TtisaTur io I'ltSTra. 1.1. JCKin's DunilHrKA MlTTCRK, which eiir- s t' e wort Dia'rhoca in a few boors. 14 Jacksiu's D t s k t a 11 t MUTi-ne, a crr tnio mid speedy cure for Eysciiiety and Summer Cornjil .int. The Mt'ove valnal'I' nrtiiles are setd 'ko'esate sml retail, hv I.. C. GL'NN, ,V. 1 Soitlli F.flh itrrtl, riiitadtlplim where S'on keeper snd o. ther ni l be U ied with pure Afriran I'avnne Pi pi er, Amies Flotveis, Druas, Paint, Oils, (!lat.s snd Varnishes, nl the lowet pr'cea. Terms only cah. fXj-Cut out the sdveiti-ernent, and biing it w.tli you. Pbil.idili.hia. July 10th. I91S. Iv. B E iTTe V K A X 1) LIVE. THOMSON'S Compound Syrup of Tar & Mood rilHE unpreredented teoe.s of thi medirine. in .1. Ihe retorati.m 1 f heabb, 'o those who, to de. pn . had piven up all hoie, hss civen it o 1 Ji'. ted nputalion at ovu all mher rcin. dies, fnrni-hinis evidence of it intrinsic va'u and power, as the on 'y scent whh can he relied open for the cure of Pu'monary Consumption. Br.mehittis, Asthma. Pnin in the fide ml Brea-t, Spitting of Blood, horpine Conch, ('roup, A:e. Attention is requested to the foil. twine, ASTON. I.SHI NO ('t"Kn. hv Thomson's Compound Syrup of Tar and Wo-d Napil-.a ! ! rhlfiHlrtp'tla, May M, 1P4 t. MR. THOMSON Dear Sir With cr.tcful fre'tnc I inform y"ti of the atonistiir.i efTc ol ymir me.licine. which his literillv tan id me from a deitb-beil ! Mv di-ea-e, Pnlmon itSr Cnn;un p. lion, h-.d reduced me -o low lhat my phv:eian fru. r o Hired my cie ho.eles Al ihi jm ci ni I be gin to n eyour m-d'Cin-, riuI miracol 'U t.s it mav -eem. it has eomphtelv r.-tured me to he ilih, alter 1 vervtbii'g ilsf lud failed. Ite-pectfullv vnuri). WASHI.OIO MACK. CHa-lotle street, aliove Cieoice r-trret. Th' nndersintieil. beinjj pero-ia'lv nrquiiinted with Wahinc.tnn M 'ck and hi sulTerinus. bear witness to Ihe avtofihns itTecl of Thiimon's Coinponnd yrnp of Tar, and the truth of Ihe a hove stHtPrrcnt. JOS. WINNER. 31 North Tl in! street, D WIl) VH KEIIf. 4'i Almond street. HUUH M'CI.NI.EY, S. E. corner Tatnany 1.11. 1 Fourth S'lect. Prepared ot ly by S P. Thomon, N. E. corner of Sih and spruce streets, Phi'sde'pbia. A cents. H. B. Master, SuiiIhi'v ; D. firos1-, and Dr Mac heron, H i-rirturg ; Jn'.li, I'ms n, P. ttsvi le ; tJo . E rl. Re dins ; Hoo'ten et M i on. To-anda. Br td.'ord count) , Pa. Price 50 cents p r li.iule. or 5 n r il..en. (Jj" Brtrnrr nf nil imi'af'on. Ipbia, June 2th, 11.1. 1 t 1 1 1: iA,""riTi3 c s i n n c r s . v riHE ful' would ref pertf.illv inform the JL Cnieii ofSunhury and ihe ut ile cener illy . th .t tl.ey h ive purcliuM-d die shop of Mr. WilliHin Ho..vei, in Ma.ket nr. 1 1. one do r wel of luc P,,t Utrice, wl ere iliev will rootinue lint ( nhiitrt-.EaKin Kiimiicsm, in all it hr .nrhes. The pulihi: 111 iv X cl llieii work d lie in ihe la'est -t le. 'I'hey bo' e, hy sun t nttetoion to bu-in a , Ij meiit shire of publ.c pstrnnHfje. q3" Cotr.e.s mrido to order on the sYirter.1 no'ire. and contrv 1 lukeu in eichaoce for woik. WM. 'VOUMiV .. & H c. MARTIN. So il.urv, Mav I7'h. IS1V 1 . A bi st v at 1; o c: a i WHOLESALE cV KETAII HAT & CAP .M AM FACTUlilallS, South Hunt rorwrnf Market and 4(i (s.. I'hil:inlIila, TTniERE they alwavs keep on hand an eaten ' ..ivf i,,rtiii, in ,.f II ATS (J C.t I'S of ever description, got up in the bet and niot approved tjle. Peis..n derir. us 1 f purch oine superior ri. ens on me most team I'al le terms, will eml M to iheir advaiitHge to call btfora making purchaics ebew here. Philadelphia. Oct. .'.th. !4l. It (oiiutei fclteraj DEATH BLOV7. 'The pu be will pl-.ue observe that no Bratnbeih Pills are Rem. ine, unless ihe hoi has three 1 1 hels upon it. (the top, the ai.'e and the hoit..m) eth rnntsiinne a f.c-siniih njnature of mv hand' writiiiR, thus B. Ba uiiiMtTii, M. D. These la. bel aie engraved Oil htett. Im'SiiI iflil Iv iltfim.,..! and done at an eMMite of over fi.tluO. -Th it wiltbe seen that the onlv 1 1 1 1 r n'11-siry to pr--rure the medicine in ils purity, ia to obsene lhee UI..I-. Remember the top, the side, and ihe bottom. The f illowintt respective persons are duly suih. ri zed, and hold CERTIFICATES OF AGENCY For the sale of Itrundrrth't Vrgtlublt Vniwnal 'il!. Northumberland countv : Milton Mm key & Chamlieibn. Sunmiry H. B. Masser. M'twens- ville Ireland A Men. II. .Norihuin1 eiland Wm. Forsyth. Georgetown J. &c J. Walls. Union Ciunty: New Berlin Bogar cV Win tir. Selinsgrove (ieorge Cundium. Middle. burs Isaac Smith. Beaveriown avid Huhler. AOamidiure Wm. J. May. Mifllilishuig Mensch oV Bay. Haitleton Daniel Long. Frerhurg ti.A' F. C. Mover. I.ewi.lnirg Walla 61 Green. Coliunliii county J Danville E. B. Reynolds k l'o. Berwick Shuman vt R tienhouse. Cat. tawissa C. G, Brohts. Bloomshurp John R, Meyer. Jeisey Town Levi Bisel. Washington Roht. McCay. I.ime-tooe Ball'-? k. Observe 1 hat each Agent haa an Kngrav.d Cer ificateof Aeeney, containing a representation ol Ur BRANDRETH'S Manufactory at Sing Sine, and upon which w ill also be seen eiact copies of the new label now ustit upon (he Drandrtth Ml Boxen. Philadelphia, office No. 8. North Rih atreet. B. BRANDU'1'H, U. D, Joae Msh, mi. WI STAR'S HUiSAM OF 1TILO CHERRY. A Com pon ml Ttalsntnlc Preinrm Inn from Willi Cherry Hit r It stivil Tar, T7ie bent remnriy knnwn lo the ivorfjfnr the eurf of CutiirAa, cora anthma, croup, blading of th ' lung., whooping cough, brtinchitit, mfiw tma. tliortnen of breath, pain and tvrnknes in the or m'de, liver eomiluitif, and I lit Jiryt itnpe of CONSUMPTION We will net assert that this BALSAM will rure Consumption in ist wortt form, but it haa cured many after all other means of relief hal been tried in vain Andwhvnott It aeema lhat Ihe WILD CHERRY" wis destined by Natuie to be our PA NAt'KA for the ravaeini diseases of this e 'Id la tilude. I,pt not the despairing invalid was-e his m..ney and looa TIME, In him so all impor'ant. in ulierimentini with the trashy nolrnm of tlie dav. hut use at once a medicine that will cure. If a cure lie p 's-ilile a medicine that science approves, and many years of rxperienco have demonstrated that it nlwnyn relieves. '1'lirt it no unrh thing aifntl." in tha history of this wonderlul B I.SAM. Evidence the must ennvinrinrr evedeece lhat no one fan donbl. fully er-tahli hes this fact. For the sike of brevity we ae'ect the fnl nwim? from thouoands. Isaac Pla't, Eq., Editor of the Pokeepie E iale. one of Ihe m si infiiiential journals in the ata'e of New York, stati a timlei the authority of bis own name, lint a young lady, a relative nf his, nf very deltcale cnneti'tuioii, ws attacked in Feb. 18t'i. wiih fevere cold, which immrdiately produced spit- ting i'fhliirKl,coiirh. fever, and other danaernus and alarmirg symptoms. Through medical iiestnerit ml cte she pa'tially rec verrd durinir summer. Mot on the return of winter she was attacked more violently than at first, she became scarcely side 10 walk and sn liouhled with cough, chills snd fever every ilay, and appeared to lie going rapidly with ronsnmp'ion ; at tti lime, when there wa n sign of improvement, Mr. Plait pr. cun d a bo'tle i f Wistsm's Btsii nr Wilo CuraaT. which Fh" look, and it s eieinglv ret red her. She g t a se cond, and bifoie it nii half iken he wo rclored lo prrfrct hratlh, whieh he has ei j .ved t the pre sen! nme. without the slight! rl symptom other for mer di-e ae. Mr. P att sav "the cure e ime under mv ewn ob seivstion and I Cannot he mistaken as to the facts." EXTRACT OF A LKTTER FfOMA POST MASTER, DATED PiMaaour:, Washington co.. Maine, Apr. 29. 1 61 1. MR. ISAAC BUTTS. Dear Sir: At the re- quest of many of my friend in this place and vicl- npy who are alilicted with consumption and liver comp'ain'a, I take the'y of asking you to sp. poinl someone in ih's county n aaent tor-ell Wis tub's Uit.M or Wn n Cnr.iiBV. and to send bin a few dozen, as there is none of i! fer sale wit! in (10 miles from this. I have no doubt thai it would liio.t with n riai'y fale it it were where it cou tl le locured without loo much and delay. My wife was attcked ahout n m nlhs since with what the physicm called the fir-1 s'aps of Consumption a comnlaint v, ry prevalent in this si cioti of country. Having aeeu the Ba'aam ad vert sed in Aucusta. ct-200 iniz.Es rnoM n ere, -co I took thet s'ii to send there for a I utile of it, whii h she look, and which helped her so much that I sent for to botiles more, whiih he has a'ao ta ken, snd he now svs she lias not felt so well for -n vears as she does at this lime. All those who hve inquired of me and HSi-eriaincd what effect tlie BaUam h id, are anxious lo hsve -ome for sa'e in thl vicinity, which is the rau-e nf mv wriiii e you. Plea-e inform me hy ietu n whether you conclude to tend r-ome, and if so to whom, in ordir hat il may he known where it ran l bad. I tm with re-pect vour, elc. P. C. FA RNS WORTH. P. M. The wh"le country is fist learning that no niedi- citn no plivsican no preparation of any kind whatever can equal Da. W isrin a Balsam of Wilu CiiKiinr. A TRI M' WOXUr.RM'L C I RK. WATr avtLt r, Oneida co.. N. Y. Sept. 13, 1813. Dear Sir 1 owe it in the afflicted to inform y. u that in January la.t I was aiiaiked by a very vio lent cold, raud by wmku g in 1 lie water, whiih settled on my luna. It ai cornp.mieil by a ve r aevete pain in my I rrust and sides, and also a ilistiessing c.'URh. I had in aiteudance all the lest neilic-l aid m our village; bul after ehauiing all their ski I o no av ol, ihry prononnre I my di-eae a CovriRMCn riitirriu, and ih. y one and all gnre me tip to itie. After ninth p rn .sion I Rot ihe consent of mv phvsinan to use ihe BisM of Witn (,'n 1 11 11 r pr. pared l y D11 Wisria. I pur. chned of the Agent in our plare one bottle, before Using h a'f of which I legan to g no si ten eh. and it ws very evident my cough whs moch heller and myavmptoma m every is ay impr .vine. I have O.'W Usui three Ixiiths, arid um restored lo perfect health. This re-ult is ul one owing to the ue of DR. WISTAICS BALAAM OF WILD CHER. RY ; and I Iske this tnelhod of g vir.g you ihe in fiimiiion, partly to pay you the debt of ("riiilude I owe yuu. and partly that oilier- sm ilaily afllicte.l may kn"W where 10 apply lor telief. Very t-olv your., JAMES 8 ACE. Mil. Psiiara. Druggist, under dile of W.ttrville, 24th, li43, wr.ies; The ststrment Riven you by Mr. Jamca Sage is well known to be true hy this whole community. It c. rt diilv was a most remarks' le core. The sale nf ihe is very good, and its snrcen in cures Uu'y Haltering. Yours reap, ctlullv. D. D. PALMER. THE MOST "TTkM-UsKAMsE CUKK KVKIl lKtOIl)i:i). Hinixririn. N. J , Apiil 20. 1P41. On or nboul the I3lh i'sy of OctoU-i, I S 1 1. Ia laken wnh a violent pun 111 the side rear the liver, wlni h (ori'inned lor a's.ut five daya. and w.iafol- lo a mI ty tlie trekking ol an u'cr. er .iiS'e. in wardty, wlnc'i relieved the pain a h'lle, liut csu-ed me o throw up a great qu mnty of olfeiisive uiattei and also much Hood. Biing gnady I applied 10 a physician, hut he said he ihoug' t hs could do hut little for me eicpt give me aoine Mercury P1II.1, vh ch I refused to lake, feeling satisfied that ihey could do me no good ; many o ihir r. m.die were then procured by my wife and ftieiuls, but none did me any good and the ills, charge of blood and corruption still continued every f. w days, and at last N-come so offensive that I cou'd scarcely breathe. I waa also seized with a i oleiit cough, which at times caused me to raise mm h nunc blood lhan I bad done before and my disease continued in this wsy, siill growing worse, until February, when hIS hope of my tecovery was given up. ami my II lends all though! I would die ol a GALLoriao CuaarmrTtoa. At ihis moment, when my life wsappren ly drawing near it close, I hesrd of DR. W IS PAR'S BALSAM OF WILU CHEERY, and got a botile which B Liivto mb tMtsf.oi Amy ; and hy the u-a of only three h ides uf this mcd cine, all my pains were removed my cough and slitting of blood and cor. ruplinn entirely stopped, and in a few weeks my hrnhh was so far restoied as to rnahle me lo work al my Hade, (whieh is a carpenter,) and up lo this time 1 have enjoyed good health. THOMAS COZENS. GiouciSTia Cocbtt, N. J , aa. Parax aally csn btfur sue, lb akahba M of the Justices of ihe Peace in and for the said conn ty, Thnmaa Coaene, and being duly affirmed ae. cording to law, aaith th above atatement ia in all things true. Affirmed before me, on the 20th nf April. 1813. ? i J Cir.MsaT.J P. S Such ia the unprecedented success of this UAL. 8AM. SATIRE'S FiTORITE TRESCRIPTIOV' prescription concent .1 to our wanta. aa It is pie pared from chemical extracts from subtances which ihe author of nature haa placed in our own land for wise purpose, that many who know nothing nf the mode of ila prepay itlnn are endeavoring to reap pecuniary benefits by selling sn aiticle aimilir in name, or in appearance, nr hy representing their own trah as superior to this BALSAM, or by put ting up a mixture and t demnly asseverating that U is imported from a foreign country, which is not the ease. All these deceptive arte goto show thl Witam's Hai.aH i known to the world to be -THE (! RE AT nEMEDY." and lhat to ,rll any mixture it muat be like thi in name, or pur port lo he like il in suhstauc. (Tjf Believe not the cunningly wrnuuhl fabrica tions nd lake on'y tha original and genuine Wistab's Balsam ut Witn Ctirnnt. NO OTHER CAN" BE X.IKE IT. Addres .ill nnlers to ISAAC II L ITS, No. 32 Ann St., New York. Agents, JOHN W, FRILING. Sunlmrt, D. BR AU no AM. Snrthnmberland, J. K. MOYER. RtonmBburg, J. WAGGONSKLLER, ivVnu-Grovc, BROWN Ai CREASY, MifiUnville. Feb. 22d. 1845 ly DF.Pl'RATIVC STRIP. riHE valuab'e properties of Oakley's Depute 1 live Syrup nf Karsaparilla, as a purifier of ihe hhwid. is so well known to the puhhc generally, that it i unpecessiiy lo iceupv mu h pa'-e in set ting forth the advantages lo he derived from its us.-; wherever the medicine has once been intro lakes precedence oer all others: eveiy nnelhat haa taken it, have derived so signal bene. fieial rpulia from it, lhat it ia recommended hy litem with ihe 11 most confidence. Physicians of the highest standing in the profession, prescribe it to patients under their rare ; Containing nothing deleterious, but being composed nf the most mild, yet efficacious vegetable material, it is offered with confidence, aa the cheapest and most efficient pu rifier of the blood now knnwn. The use of a few botiles. especially in the spring months, will he at tended with a most decided improvement in the ge neral strength ofthe system, eradicating any seed of disease that may have been generated, besides giving'heallh and vigor lo the body. For the rure of Scrofula or Kings Evil, Rheumatism. Tetter, Pimples or eiuptinn nf the Skin, White Swelling, Fistula. Chronic Cough Asthma, &c. The nu merous certificates in the po-session of the suhscri her and hi agents, from physicians and others, are sufficient lo convince the roost skeptical nfiis su periority over all preparations of Sarsapatilla. Sold whole-ale and retail, hy 'ihe proprietor, GEORGE W. OAKLEY, North 6th street. Rea- ding, Beika Ciienty, and to Im bad of tha following pels in : j In Xorlhumhrrland County. H. B. Masr, Sunhury ; Ireland it Mnel, McEtveiisville ; D Milion. In Union County. J. Gearhart, Scliusgroves A (intelnis. Mifliinhurg. In Columbia County. R. W. McCay, Wash iugton. Reading. March 14. 1R13. Ma. Oakixt: I Micve it the uty of every one to do whatever in Iheir power lies, for the b-ne. fit nf their f. llow man, and having had poshive proof in my own family, of the wonderful properlie of your Depuralive Syrup of Sarsaparilln, I m 'St conscientiously recommend it lo ihe afflicted. We had Ihe misfortune to l e two of our children, by Ihe breaking out of ulcerous sore that covced the face, head and nerk, sltbough we had aome uf the most scientific physicians 10 atiend th' m snd had tried all the known ten, edict, including fMvaiin'n Panacea, without avail. Another of my children wa at'nrlie.l in 1 lie same manner, her lace urd neck was romp'elely covered; the discharge waa so nlti'nsive, and ihe disease at such a height, that we despaired of her life. Seeing ihe wonderful ellect of vour Depuralive Syrup .! S irsapari'la. we weie induced to make trial of il. as the last resort ; it acted like a charm; Ihe u'cere commenced healing immediately, a b w bottles eniirely restored her to her heahh, which ehe In.s enjoyed unintcriuptcdlv ever since A a purifier ol the blood, I verily be lieve it haa not its equal. JOHN MOYER, Tailor, Walnut si reel, near Fourth, Reading. Doitgl issville, April 19th, 1S43. Mb. Oak try: My son Edmund Leaf, hail the scrofula in the most dreadlul and distressing man ner for time years, dining which lime he wis de. privrd of the use nf hia limh. hi be.d and rrrk were covered with ulcers. We tried all ihe differ, ent remcdiea, but to no effect, until recommended hv Dr. Johnson of Noriistown. and also Dr. Isaac Hiester, ol Reading, to use your Depuralive Syrup of Sarsao irilla, of which I ol.lninrd eeveml hollies the use of which d'ove the di-es-e eniin ly out of hia sys'em, Ihe aore hen led up, and the child was restored to perfect health, which he ha enjoved uninterruptedly ever since, to the astonishment of many petsons who seen him during hia affliction. I have thought it my duty, and semi you this certi ficate thai others who have a like affliction in the family may know where to obtain so valuatile a medicine. Yours truly . AMELIA D. LEAF. Sept. Ifi, 1843 ly To Country Mcrchaiils. Hoots, Shoos. Bonnets, Leghorn and l'nlm Leaf Hals. C. "NY", at L. B. TAYLOH, nf the S. II. corner ofMirkit and Fifth St., PHILADELPHIA, OFFER for sate an riten.ive nt-ornnent of the ahovear'.tcl. s, all of which ihey sell al unusual, ly low pi ices, snd particularly invite the attention of huvera vi.iling the cilv, loan eiantinsti hi of ibeir stock. G. W. & L. B. TAYLOR. Philadelphia, May 2S. 1844. I y CITY FTI.MTUUK AUCTIOX, AND PRIVATE SALES ROOMS, Nos. V9 and 31 North Third Street, Near the City Hotel, PHILADELPHIA. CC. MACKEY, Auctioneer. repectfuly in s vitea ihe attention of persona desirous of pur chasing Furniture, lo hia eilensive Hales Rooms, (both puldic and Piivale.) for every description of Housi hold Furniture, whi re can I obtained at all tunea. a large assortment of fasbionahle and well manufactured Cabinet Furniture, Beds, Mattraasea, &c. at very reduced prices, foi cash. rv7- Saina by Auction, twice a week. May 2T'h. 1843. ly LAX (sI'-KU Ihe liighesl price will aiven for Ha ceeu. ai rne store nr " iiHatntF 11 iDOtan An 9 1B4" ntivni Aoor,ii. I I'll". 'f a atiierioi quality, ean now he had ialloe 1 ime KUna o Henry Sun bu. MayIT,l46. ROSE OINTMENT FOU TETTEIl. - , RINGWORMS, rtMPLKa OM TUB TACK, AND OTUUI CttTANEOUH ERtt'TlllMa. (Jj 77ir ftlhiuiing crrtijie.a' describe one nfth tnonl extraordinary cure ever effected by any application, PiiiLAiiF.irntA, February 1ft, 1833. IJOR twenty years I was severely afflict, d with Trttfh nn the Face and Heads the dtseasw commenced when I waa seventeen years old, and continued until the Fall of 1836, varying in vio lence, but without ever disappearing. During most of the time, great part of my f ice was covered with the eruption, frequently attended with violent itclj. ing; my bead swelled at times until it fellas if it would hurst ihe swelling was so great, that I could scarcely get my hat on. During ihe long perioj that I was afflicted wih ihe disease, I useil a great many a plication, (among them several celebrated preparations) as Well as taking inward remedies, including a number of In.ttlea of Swaim'i Panacea, Extract of Sarsupnrilla, eVc, In fact, it would be impossible to enumerate all the medicinea I used. 1 waa also under the cure of two of the moat dis tinguished physicians of ihis city, but without re ceiving much benefit, and I despaired of ever being; cured. In ihe fall of 18dfi, the disease at the time being very violent, I commenced using the Rote Ointment, (prepared by Vanchan & Davis.) In a few applicaliona the violent itching ceased, ihe swelling abated, the rrtii'tion began tu disappear, and before I had used ajar ihe disease was entirely cuied. It has now been nearly a year and a half since, and there is not a vesiig of the disease re maining, except the scare from the deep pits formed by the disease. It is impossible for me to describe ina certificate the severity nf the diseae and my suffering, but I will be pleased to give a fuller ac count to any person wanting further satisfaction, who will call on me. Al the lime I commanced uing the Rose Ointment I would have given hun dieds of do'lata to be rid of the disease. Since U tng it, I have recommended it to -evi ral persona, (among them my molher, who had the disease bad ly on her atm.) who w.-re a l cured hv it. JAMES DL'RNELL, No. 150, Race St. rj The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. B. Yauhan, South East corner of Third and Race strei t, Philadelphia, and sold on acencv in Sunhu ry. by H. B, MASSE R, May I4lh. 1813. Agent. Uosc Ointment, lor Tetter. A PROOF OF ITS EFFICACY. Piin.tni.Leiiia, May '2 7 1 1 1 . 1839. 'PHIS is to certify that I was severely affl.cted 1 with Tetter in Ihe hands and feet for upwards of forty years ; the disease was attended generally with vio'ent itching and swelling. 1 spplicd to a numlxrof physicians, and used a great many appli cations without iircciing a cure. About a year since, I applied the Rose Ointment, which entirely top ed the l'rli ul;. and a few applications immedi. ately cured ihe disease, which there has been no return of, although I bad never lieen rid of it at any time for forty years. RICHARD SAVAGE, Eleventh, below Spruce Street. fTj" The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. B. Vauuhan. S mill Eat corner of Third and Race Streets, Philadelphia, and sold on aeeney in Sunhu ry. hv II. B. MASSKK, j May 14th. XTCESICAIi APPROBATION Of the ROSE OiyTMEMT, for Tetter. LTHOUGH the superiority of ihe prepaialion J over all others is fully ea'ahlished. ihe proprie tors take pleasure in laying before the public the following certificate from a respectable physician, a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Bau&h, having found in ihis remedy that relief for a tedious and disagreeable, affection which the meana within the ranie of his profea-ioii failed to allord, has not hesitated to give it his anprohati m, although the prejudices and interests of thai profession ate opposed to secret Remedies. I'hilaiiklpuia, Sept. 19, 1S3G. I was recently troubled with a tedious herpetic eruption, w hich coveted nearly one si le of my face, and extended over the ear. Mr. Vauuhan. proprie tor ofthe Rose Ointment, observing my face, Hun ted nn my tiyirig his preparation, of which he han ded me a jar. Although in common with the mem bete ol nn profession, 1 discountenance and disap. prove ot liie numerous nostrum palmed upon the public by turini ant pr. tenders, 1 feel in jus:ice bound to eici pt the Rose Ointment I'mm thai c'a-s of me dicines, and to give it mv approbation, as it entire ly tured the eruption, although il hid resisted the usual applications. DAM,. BATCH, M. D. CjT The Rose Ointment is prepared by 11. B. Vauuhan, South East corner of Third and Race Streets, Philadelphia, and sold on sgrncv in Sun bury, hv H. B. MASSER. May llih, 184:1. Agent. EAGLE IT IT CC "JOT1 HZ3 UL. 9 Corner of Third and Vine Streets, WILLIAMSPORT, PA. rilHE subscriber respectfully announces to the X public, that he has opened a Hotel in the com modious brick building situate on the corner of Third and Pine streets, where he will be happy to wait npoii 1 hose who may favor him with their company. The Eagle Hotel ia la'ge and conveni ent, and furnished in the be-t mmlern st le. Ilia provided with a large number of well aired and comfortable sleeping apartments, rooms, private parlors, Ac. Persons visiting Williarnspnrl on bu siness or pleasure, may rest as-ured lhat every ex ertion will be used to render their sojourn at ihe "Eagle Hotel" pleasant and agreeuhle. His Table will he supplied with the very best the market af fords, and hi bar with die choicest wines anil oilier liquors ihsrces reasonable. The Eaale Hotr possesses greater advantages in point of location than any other similar estanhshment in the borough, beine situate in the business part of ihe town, snd within a convenient distance of the Court Houae and Williamsport and Elmira Rail Road Depot. Sufficient Stabling provided, and good and truaty ostlers alwsjs in alieiidari. e. Attentive, accommodating and hone-l Servants have lieen employed, and nothing left undone that will add to the comfort and accommodation of hia guest. There will be a carriage always in attendance at the Boat Landing lo convey passengers to and from the House, free of charge. CHARLES BORROWS. Mav 14th. 1812. tf J?i iniaelVe:iver fc on, ROPE MAKERS & SHIP CHANDLERS. Ao. 13 Aur A Huer Street, Philadelphia. HAVE constantly on hand, a general assort, ment of Cordage, Seine Twines, die., vii: laru Ropes, Fishing Rope, While Rupee, Manii la Ropes, Tow Lines lor Canal Boata. Also, a complete assortment of Seine Twines, &c such aa Hemp Shad and Herring Twine, Best Patent Gill Net Twine, Cotlon Shad and llening Twine, Shoe Threads, &c. Ac. Also, Bed Cords, Plough lanes. Halters, Traces, Cotton and Linen Carpet Chains, &c. all of which they will dispoee of on roaaonabla tei ma. Philadelphia. November 13, 1842. ly. SPi: llfNGrGOOLTAi" CO, "" No. 13S Market Street, Philadelphia. INVITE the attention of Country Merchants to their extensive assortment of British French sod American Dry Goods, which ihey offer fmaaie on the most rraaooehle terms. Philadelphia, NevwMter 13, 184X ly. t
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers