Forgive and Forget. cv mi AtTiioa or "frovcrbial philosoph-." When streams of unkindne-, as Utter at gall, Hobble up from the heart to the tongue, Am! Meekness ii risintt in torment ami thrall, fv tl, hands of ingratitude wrung, In tin bent of in justice, unwept and unfair, While the anguish is festering yet, None, nona but an angel of God can declare "I now can forgive and forget." I'.-it if" the bad spirit it chased from the heart, .And the lips are in penetence stccp'd," With th wrong- so repented the wrath will depart, Tlionnh scorn on injustice were heaped; Tor tin? best compensation is paid for all ill, When the cheek of contrition is wet. And every one feels it is impossible still, At once to forgive and forget. To f.Kjrct ? It is hartl for a man with a mind, However his heart may forgive, To blot out all perils and dangers behind, And but for the future to live ; Tii -n how shall it be? for at every turn T-rnlleotion the spirit will fret, And 'lie ashes of injury smoulder and burn, Thnujh w strive to forgive and forget. ". t. :n!;en ! my tongue, rlall the riddle unseal, - I ninrl shall be partner with heart, V.'IrV then to thyself I bid conck-nce reveal, An I how thee how evil thou art : Ii -m -rnb.-r thy follies, thy sins, and thy crimes, Kow vat is that infinite debt! V'-f M"rcy hath seven by seventy time T.een svift to forgive and forget ! Fiood rM P!1 insults or injuries old, Tor thou ait injurious too. C un t not their sum till the total is told, For thou art unkind and untrue : And if all thy harms arc forgotten, forgiven, Now mercy with justice is met, Oh, m ho would not gladly take lessons of heaven, Nor learn to forgive and foiget! Yes, yes, let a man, when his enemy weeps, Ee quick to receive him a friend; For thus on his head in kindness he heaps Hot coals, to refine and amend ; A nd hearts that are Christian more eagerly yearn, A a nurse on her innocent pet, Cver bps that, once bitter, to penetence turn, And whisper, Forgive and forget: Anecdote of General Jackson. The Frederick?bur Record give the follow in;; lury of Gen. Jackson: In thoyenr lSQi our informant met, at the thble of Sir Gt-orne Attrey, many distinguished ruirlishmen, then in Paris. The conversation !.:rm'd 011 the; then pending Presidential elec tion, and fours were expressed that should Gen- J.ickon be elected, the amicable relations b'Mvren the two countries might be endanger ril, in cnnsi qurnce of his h li-lia ndtd exercise i ' pmer, rn evinced during his command at Nw Orleans. The necessity on the part of iif informant, of replying to these observations, wr.s fciiipcndtd oy the prompt and generous out h. tak ot one of the ueiis, Col. Thornton, of the ootli, an officer well known tor his gallant char net, rr, and whose regiment suffered severely in ti.e ulirack on the t-Ut of January. I'm testified in the haiidanineat term to the oticluct ot Gen. Jackson, as on amiable and faithful eointnaiub r on that occasion, and de clared, that hud lie not used the power confided to him in the hih-haiuled way alluded tD, New Orh'niis would probably hnve been captured. As to the charged imptacahlo hostility, Col. Tl i rntoii (iechirt d that in all intercourse by flag or o'.ln rwitie, between the hottile commanders, Gen. Jackson ha been peculiarly courteous owl hi ;'nne, and pr-mr-ded to state, that tho day af ti r the battle the Tlrit i!i were permitted to bury tlifii !i u.'l 'ws before n (vrUiii line a hundred ynr.U wi m uji'C' of Gen. Jackson's embank ments nil within thi.t'.iue being buried by the Amer icans i!h-iiim''vi'.. A i' mi n.- the melniu-lioly duty was perform e 1. the L!:i;i.-!i General was surprised at seeing :i ili.uitii P'Vi r.iS, 1 pnulette and watches of t!:e ii:'iier.4 v. ho had fulleii, and a e.oie from Gen. .!;.ek:-.iit, couched in the most courteous hn .iii.i.'e, h-iyinj tint one puir ot epaulettes were iiii-.-iiij, but th'it diligent teartli sac ii.nKing, biel i ion flood iln "'V slimild lie tent in. These i.rt.eles' lUvh vs cniitodert 1 lair o! jeets of p III 11 vb r weft' icM ii. il by G.11. J11 k:oii, bikI Win- liuiud to fil .tiv. s of t!,e iul!ui)t oll'.eers to i ( In-V l.ud b- luiiaed. This bio (:!.. le, u' J tin; finnk, soldierlike nriuoer 111 w!, cti it u,is (.iven, tutotdtlie V. bolt; eurrontof feeling in favur ol Ihii Guneral, snd drew h rth hi exprf ssion of applause from all parts of tiiu la'jle. "For myself," said our iu'or tou t, '-I fe'.t a flaoli on my cheek, and a thrill of pride through my bosom, sod in rny heart 1 tliuiikcd the old Generul fur proving, by this chivalrous act, that the defenders ol our coun try were above the sordid fcelingsor mercenary warfare." As Kxiessive Affray. At bill in Frank. fort, Ky., a young gentlemen, says the laiuia ville Journal, look an undue liberty with lady's rmL'let. The lady niade her complaint to the gentleman will) whom the was dancing. There iiK)ti the Ust named gentle-nan knocked the first namea gentleman down 111 the ball room The fiht extended until fitteen or twenty per sous were eiiL'Sfced in it. Fists, pistols and knives of all sorts were flourised, and some blood was spilt, t ( 1011 tr ti noiaaly was killed. An UnL'lisli traveller, who was anxious to see a "Kentucky row," and weut to the ball on nur- po., was deprived of that plessure by having vuii iih ijv. viwD. m vijvu.B ivu w UBl, BAXK NOTE LIST. The f illnwitiR list shows the current talus of sll ?entiylvania Hunk PMes. The most implicit re hance mny ) plnced upon it, as it is every tvtek sreftilly compared with Slid corrected from Dick ncll's Itepor'er. IlankN In Philadelphia. NAKS. 1-OCATIO!. V,'"0, I'M I LAS. NOTES AT PAH. Rank of North America , , Bank of the Northern T.ilierties . Commercial U-nk of Peon's. . , Farmers' and Mechanic' I3ank . Kensington Bnk . . Philadelphia Hank Sehuvlkill Hank M.iuthwark Hank . VVentern lUnk , , . Mechanics' IJnnk . , Manufacturer' fit Merhantes' Hunk Country ItaiiUN. rtink of Chester County Westchester Hank of Delnwnre County Chester par par par par par par par par par par par par par p-r par par par of (Sermantnwn ' (iermantown Rank of Monlcomery Co. Nurristown Dnylestnwn Uiink Dnletown Kaslon Hnt:k Rssloit Farmer' Hnnk of Rucks co. Hrivtul pir Office of Dunk of Pimiii's. HarrishuTg"! These Office do ' do I.nncuster 1 olfices OlVire do do bending j do not Ofllce tb do RiMton J issue n. NOTES AT DISCOUNT. "snk of the United Mates Philadelphia llauk of I'enn Township . . (iirarl Hunk . . MoyrtmeiiHinir, U ink . . Bsnk of i'eiiiinv Ivanii , . 30 par par psr par i Miners' II. ink of Pottsvillc' Hank "f l.ewistowrt Hank nf Mulill -tiiwn Hank of iSnrthuinbetlanil Pottsvilln Lewitnwn Middletnwn Jul N'irthiimberland par I'oluinl.ia Jiitik Ac Uridge CO. Columbia par I arlisle li.u.k Carlisle i J Cxebaiige Hank I) do branch of Farmers' Hank of I.anrastei Lancaster County Hnnk Fsmieis' Hunk nf Reading Morrisliuig Dank Ijancns'cr Bank I.elmoon Hank Merchants' fc Manuf. Bank Hunk of Pittsburg West Hianch H.nk Wyoming Hnnk Northampton Umk Pittsluir? Hollidavsburg Lanci'tel Lancaster Keading Harrisburg Lancaster Lebanon Piitsborg 2 par pir par 2 par i I i n if Pittsbuig Wiiliamsport Wilkesbarre Allentown Heading Pittsburg Berks Ciiunty Hank OHice of Dank of U. S. Do do do Do do do Kensington Sav. Ins. A Penn Township Sav. Ins. Hank of Cliamlierhlmrg Bank of Gettysburg Bank of Nu-ijuelianna Co. Kric Dank Fnrmers' St Drovers' Bank Franklin Hank Hoiiesdale Hjnk Motiongahela Bank of B. York Bank failed do Ivne New Brighton do do Chsmbershurg Celtyshurg Montrose do i i u li.lj H ii 1 1 U Erio Wsynesburg Washington Ilonrsdale Brownsville York 2.1 N. B. 'I he note of those banks on which we omit quotations, and substitute a dash ( ) are not purchased by the Philadelphia brokers, wiih the exception of thoe which have a letter of reference. BROKEN BANKS. Philadelphia. Snv. Ins. Philadelphia Philadelphia Loan Co. do Schuylkill Sav. Ins. do Manual Labor Bank (T. V. Dyott, prop.) I'owanda Hank Towmida failed failed filled failed Alleghany Bank of Ps. Bank of Heaver Hank of Swatara Bank of Washington Centre Hank City Hank Farmr' & Merh'cs' Dank Fanners' ct Merh'cs' Hank Farmers' Merh'cs' Dank Harmony Institute Huntingdon Bank Juniata Dank Luniliermen's Hunk Northern Hank nf 1'a. New Hope Del. Bridge Co. Norlhuinb'd Union Col. Hk. North Wet-tern Hank of Pa. OHice of Schuylkill Hank Pa. Aur. Ai Mitnuf. U.nk Silver Lake Bai k Union Bank of Penn'a. eMmoieland Hank Bedfoid no sate Heaver closed ilarrisburg closed Washington fa lie J Belli f into cluHcd Piti.-bur; no sale Pittsburg failed Ftiyelta co. failcil Creeueastle failed Harmony no sale Huntingdon no sale Lewistowu no sale Wanen faded Dundstf no sule New Hope closed Milton no sale Mesdtille closed Port Carbon Cr!iilo failed Montrose closed Unionlown failed (ireenshurg rioted W ilkesbarre no sale Wilkeshnrre Bridge Co. fXj" All notes purpoiling to he on any Pennsyl. vunui Bank not nen in the above lii-t, may be et Jown as frauds. XVAV JLItSi:. Bank of New Hi una wick Uelvideie Bank Unrlintiin Co. Bunk J.miincrml Hank JinnU rl iiid H u.k fiwiii. rs' Bank Brunswick Helviilere Mc.lford Perth Aniboy Hridijeton failed J par 4 par par Mount Holly Farint 1' and Mechanics' Bk Kabwav r'urim r' and .Merhaiiirs' Hk N. Lliunnwnk failed I ariners and Merchants Bk Middletown Pi. J r ranklin Hunk of IS. J. Jersey City failed Hobokcu Ukij A dazing Co I lob . ken failed failed failed failed J failed 4 par no sale lery City Hank Jeiey City Patterson Bdlewlle Morriktown FrecholJ Newulk Trenton Jeisey City Michaincs' Hank Manuf icturer.' Hank Morris County Bank Mi'iinmutli Hk ol N.J. Mi th aiiliV Hank Mecbunica' and Manuf. Bk Mortis Canal and likz Co lV-t Notes Newaik Hsc & Ins Co .Sew Hope l liridite Co Nenaik i i failed 4 failed 4 l.ainln'ilnilla Hoboken N. J. Maiiut.ic. and Big Co N .1 1'ioiec'on & Lombard bk Jerrey City I trance Bank Orange l'aleri-on Bunk 1'alitson Peoples' Liunk do Piiticelou Bank Pniirelon par par i pur 1 failed failed 4 P., failed par par par psr psr par par par Salem Banking Co iSalcin Male Bunk Newark state UitiL F.hzabrthtown "stole Bank Camden Htate Bank of Morris Momlown fcute Bunk 1'renion Salem and Philad Manuf Co Salrin Kuiwei Bank Newton Trenton Bunking Co Trenton Union Bunk Dover Washington Banking Co. Harkensack DELAWARE. Bk of Wilm it Brand) wins Wilmington Bankof Delaware Wilmington Bank of Bmyrna Smyrna Do bisnch Milloid Fsrmt r Bk of htate of Del Dover Do branch Wilmington Do branch Geuigttowa Do branch Nswcasile Union Bank Wilmington (T Under 6's J rxj" On sll hauls market thus (') there srs eu ttier counierfril or sllcred uetes of lbs vsrioes 4s rjeniinatious, in circulstWu. WISTAR'S , DALSAIrf OP WILD CHERRY, A Compnnml rialsamle Preparation from Wild Chtrrjr Bark unit Tr, Vie bett remedy knnttm to the world fnr Ihe tnirt of caught, cold, aillitna, croup, bleeding of I lit lungs, whooping cough, bnmchitit, tnjtw tnza, $hortrtei of breath, pain and wtnknen in the breast or ide, liver eomlaitit, and th first stages of CONSUMPTION". We will not sssert thst this BALSAM will cure Consumption in ist worst farm, but it has cured many after sll other means of relief hs1 been tried In vain. And whtf not 1 It seems thst Ihe WILD CHKRKY was destined by Natuie to be our PA NACEA for Ihe rsvaging diseases of this C"ld la titudc. Let not the despsiring invalid waste his money and loose TIME, to him s i sll important, in txbrrimenting with the trashy nostrums of the dav, but use at mice s medicine that will cure, if a cure he possible a medicine that science spprnves, and man years of experience hive demonstrated thst tt always relieves. ''There is no suth thing at fail" in the history of this wonderlul BALSAM. Evidence ihe most Convincing evedenco that no one can doubt, fully establi lies this fact. For the sake of brevity we solect the fol'owing from thousands. Isaac Plait, Esq., Editor of the Pokeepsie Eagle, one of the mat influential journals in the slate of New Yotk, states undei the authority of his own name, lint a young lady, a relative of his, of very delicate constitution, was attacked in Feb. 1842, with severe cold, which immediately produced spit ting of blood, cough, fever, and other dangerous and alarming symptoms. Through medical tientment nnd cue she puilially recovered during summer. But on the return of winter she was atticked more violently than at first, she became scarcely able lo walk and wu tmubled with cough, chills and fever every day, and appealed to be going rapidly with consumption; at Ibis lime, when there was n sign of improvement, Mr. Piatt procured a bottle nf Wistah's BttstM or Wnn CHKnnt, which she took, and it srtningly restored her. the got a se cond, and before it wa half Isken she was restored to perfect hra'lh, which she has enjnyed to the pre sent lime, without the alightrrt symptom of her for mer iliesn, Mr. P att savs "the cure enme under my own oh seivation snd I cannot he mistnkrn ss to the facts." EXTRACT OF A T.KTTER FROM A POST MASTER. DATED PiMBRnnit, Washington co., Maine, Apr. 29, 1 84-1. MR. ISAAC BUTTS. Dear Sir: At the re quest of mnny of my friends in this place end virl. nity who are afflicted with consumption and liver complaints, I take the liberty of asking you to ap point someone in this county as agent 10 sell Wis tau's Balsam or Wild Ciikrrt, and to send him a few dozen, as there is none of it for sale within 200 miles from this. I have no doubt that it would meet with a rrady sale if it were w here it could be piocured without loo much expense nnd delav. My wife was attacked about six months since with what the physician called the first stage of Consumption s complaint vi ry prevalent in this section of country. Having seen the Balsam sd vertised in Augusta. VCT 200 MILES FBOM 17ERB, -CO I took the psins to send there for a bottle of it, which she look, and w hich helped her so much that I sent for two bottles more, which she has also ta ken, and rhe now says she has not felt so well for six years as she due at this lime. All those who have inquired of ine and ascertained what effect the Balsam had, are anxious to have some fir sale in this vicinity, which is the cause of my writing you. Please inform me by return of m il whether you conclude lo send some, and if so lo whom, in order that it may be known where it can be had. 1 am with re-pect vnurs, etc. P. Ci. FARNSWORTH, P. M. The whole country is fast learning that no medi cine no phvaician no preparation of any kind whatever can equal Da. Wis tab's Balsam or Wild Cuerri. A Tltl'LV WO. UERlTIi C X'RE. Wa rsnviiLt, Oneida co.. N. Y. Sept. 15, 1843. Dear Sir I owe it 10 the allbcted to inform y u that in January lu.t I was attacked by a very vio lent cold, caused by woiking in ihe water, which settled on my lungs. It vas accompanied by a ve rt severe pain in my breast and sides, and also s ilistiessing cough. I had in attendance all the t est 1ne1l1c.1l aid in our villnge; but after exhausting all their nkill 10 no av.,il, they pronounced my di-ease a cosriHMEn ini'i vrrin", and they one and all gave me up to tlie. After much pirsimsinn I got the consent el my physician to use the Busoi or v ilii I'M 1 hut pr pared by 1'h. t istar. I pur chased of the Agent in our (dare one bottle, before Using half of ul.irh I tegan to gain sireng:h, and it very evu'ent rny cough whs much latter and my sMnoloins in every way imnrovincr. I have now usd three hoitles, and am restored to perfect health. This re-ull is nine owing 10 Ihe use of DR. WISTAH'S BALAAM OF WILD CHER RY ; and I tnke this method of living y .u the in formation, partly to pay you the debt of gratitude I owe yuu, and partly that others sinilarly afflicted ma) know where lo apply tor relief. Very trulv yours, JAMES RACE. Mil. Palmer. Drugt;itt, under due of Watcrville, Sipt. .1th, Is 13, writes; The statement gicu yen by Mr. James Sage is well known to be true by this whole communttt. It ci rtiinly was a most remaikal le cure. 1'he sale nf the Balsam is ery good, and its sucress in cures duty flattering. Yuma r apictfu!lv, D. D. PALMER. THE MOST KKMAilKAliUi turns Kvi:it i.Kcoiu)i:i). H.inioxsikLD. N. J , April 20, On or about the 13lli day of October, 1H tl, I was taken with a violent pstn in the side near the liver, which roti'inoed for about five days, and was fob IoamI ly the f reaking of an u'err, or ul scene, in- wardly, which relieved the pain a little, but caused me 'o throw ups ureal quantity of ollenive tnaltel and also much blood. Being greatly al timed t this. I applied to a physician, but he said he ihougtt be could d but li'lle for me except give me some Mercury Villi, wloch I refused lo take, feeling auslicd that ihey rould do me no good ; many o 1 Ik r Mnidio weie then procured by my wits snd fiiemls, but none did me any good sod the dis. charge of blood snd corruption still continued every few days, sod si last heroine so offensive that I rou d scarcely breathe. 1 was sUo seiied wilb a vi. olenl rough, which at limes caused me to raise mui h nioie blood than I had done before and my disease continued in this wsy, still growing worse, until February, when all hops of toy recovery was given up, and my (iieitds sll thought I would die of s Gallon so Corsumptioh, Al this moment, when my life was spparenily drawing nesr its close, I heard of DR. VV IS PAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHELUY, end got s bottle which -likvsd si iNsiDitTEir ; snd by the use of only three bottles of ibis medicine, slimy puns were removed my cough snd spitting of blood snd cor ruption eulirely slopped, snd in few weeks my health wss so fsr restotcd ss to enable me to woik st my trade, (which is carpenter,) snd up to this time I have enjoyed good health. THOMAS COZENS. Glsvcistir Copstt, N. J , ss. Personally cams before tue, the snbscribst, erte ef the Justices of th Pesee in snd foe the said conns j ty. Thorns Cozens, snd being duly afljrmej sc. tordmg lo Isw, ssith the above statement is in sll thing true.' i Affirmed before me, on the 20th of April. ISIS.? J. Clsmsrt, J. P. 5 8ucb is the unprecedented success of this BAL SAM, "SATIRE'S FAVORITE PRESCRIPTION," i prescription congeniil to our wants, s it is pre pared from chemical extract from substsnces which the author of nature hss placed in our own land for wise purposes, that many who know nothing of the mode of its prepsr ition are endeavoring to reap pecuniary benefits by selling sn silicle similsr in nsme, or in appearance, or by representing their own trash as superior to this BALSAM, or by put ting upamixtute and solemnly asseverating that it is imported from a foreign country, which is not the case. All these deceptive arts goto show that Vitar's Haham is known to the world to be "THE a RE AT REMEDY." and that to sell any mixture it must be tike this in name, or pur port to he like it in substance. (X"J Believe not the cunningly wrought fabrica tionsand lako 011'y the original and genuine WiSTAn's Balsam or Win Chsrht. NO OTHEIX CAM Bn X.7K2 XT. Address all orders to ISAAC BUTTS, No. 32 Ann St., New Yotk. Agents, JOHN W. FRILt.NO. Suntnirv, D. BKAUTIOAM. Northumberland, J. K. MOYF.R. ninomtlmrg, J. WAfiGONSELLER, Selins-Crovc, BROWN Sl CREASY, Mifjlinville. Feb. ggj, 1845 ly OAKLEY7 DrrrnATiVK sirtp. flHE valuable properties of Oakley's Depura I tive Syrup of Sursaparilla, as s purifier of ihe blood, is so well known to the public generally, that it is unnecessary to ocenpy much spare in set ling forth the advantages lo he derived from its use; wherever the medicine has once been intro duced, it lakes precedence over all others j eveiy one that has taken it, have derived so signal bene ficial results from it, that it is recommended by them with the u mnst confidence. Physiciins of the highest standing in the profession, prescribe it to patients under their care ; containing nothing deleterious, but being composed ol the most mild, yet efficacious vegetable is offered with confidence, a 'he cheapest and most efficient pu rifier of the blood now known. The use of a few bottles, especially in the spring months, will be at tended with a most decided improvement in the ge. neral strength of the system, eradicating any seeds of disease that may have been generated, besides giving health and vigor to Ihe body. For Ihe cure ofSrrofulaor Kings Evil, Rheumatism. Tetter, Pimples or eruptions of the Skin, While Swelling, Fistuls, Chronic Cough Asthma, &c. The nu merous certificates in the possession of the subscri ber snd his agents, from physicians and others, are sufficient to convince the most skeptical of its su periority over sll preparations of Sarssparilln. Sold wholesale and retail, by the proprietor, GEORGE W. OAKLEY, North 6th street, lira ding, Beiks County, snd to lie bad of the following persons : In Northumberland County. 11. B. Masssr; Sunhury; Ireland &. Mixel, McEwensville ; D Krauser. Milton. In Union County. J. Gearbart, Selinsgrovei A. Gutelins, Mifflinburg. 7r Columbia County. Tl. W. McCay, Wash inglon. Reading, March 14, 1843. Ma. Oaklet: I believe it the uty of every one to do whhteverin their power lies, for dm h-rie-fit of their fellow man, and having had positive ptoof in my own family, of the wonderful properties of your Depurative Syrup of Sarsapnrilla, I most Conscientiously recommend it to the afflicted. We had the misfortune to lose two of our children, by the breaking out of ulcerous sores that covered ihe face, head and neck, although we had aome of the most scientific physicians lo attend them and had tried all the known lemediea, including Swaim's Panacea, without avail. Another of my children was attacked in ihe same manner, her free and neck was completely covered; the discharge was so offensive, and ihe disease at such a height, that we despaired of her life. Seeing the wonderful effects of your Depurative Syiup .t' S irsaparilla, we were induced to make trial of it. as the last resort ; it acted like a charm ; the ulcers commenced healing immediately, a few bottle entirely restored her to her health, which she has enjoyed uniuteriuptedly ever since. As a puiifier of ihe blood, I verily be lieve it has not its equal, JOHN MO YE R. Tailor. Wslnut street, near Fourth, Reading. DoughfsMlle, April !9ih, 1843. Mr. Oarlei : My son Edmund Leaf, haJ the rcrofnla in the most dreadful and y'tresng man ner for three years, dining whVh lime he was de mved of the use of his limbs, bis snd neck were covered with ulcers. We tried all the differ, i nt remedies, I lit lo no tflVel, until recommended by Dr. Johnson nf Nonistown. and also Dr. Isaac H lister, ot Reading, lo use your Depurative Syrup of Sarsapnrilla, nf which I obtained several btlcs. the use of which d'ove the disease entirely nut of his system, the sore heiled up, snd ihe child was restored to perfect health, which he ha enjoyed uninterruptedly ever since, to the sstotiishmenl of many peisons who seen him dming his affliction. I have thought it my duty, and send you thiscertt ficate that others who have a like affliction in the family may know where to obtain so valuable medicine. Yours trulv, AMELIA D. LEAF. Sepl. 16, 1943. ly To Country Merchant. Hoots, Shoes, IJonnels, Leghorn and Talm Leaf Hats. i. XS & L. IJ. TAYLOIi, at the S. j:. corner of Market and Fifth Sts., PHILADZliPHIA, "VFFER for sale an extensive assonment of the "abuve articl. a, all of which they sell al unusual ly low pi ice, and particulaily invite the attention of buyers visiting the ritv, loan -lamination of ibeir stock. O. W. &. L. B. TAYLOR. Philadelphia, May 25, 1844. ly CITY IHXHTRE AUCTION, AND PHIVATB SALES ROOMS, Nos. V29 and 31 North Third Street, Near the City Hotel, PHILADELPHIA. CC. MACKEY, Auctioneer, respectfully in- vites ths attention of persons desirous of pur rhasing Furniture, lo his extensive Sales Rooms, (both public snd Private.) for every description of Household Furniture, where csn be obtained at sll limes, s largs sssortment of fashionable end well manufactured Cwhinrl Furniture, Beds, Mattrsskes, &e., st very redured prires, for cash. fitT Sales by Auction, twice week. Msy S7th. 1843. ly F LAX. M'LD Th bighen price will I given for Flsx feed, sl ins store of Aug 0. 1845 HENRY MASSER. LIME, of s superior quality , csn now I had a I trie Lime Kilns of Henry Sun easy. MsyJ7, tMI. ROSE OINTMENT (1 FOR TETTER. RIMOWOKItS, FIMPLM ON TH tkCK, AND OTUU CUTANIOUS ERUPTION). (Cjr The following eertijimt describe one of In most extraordinary sure frer effected by any application. PHiiAnriraiA, February 10, 1833. T70R twenty yesrs I wsa severely afflicted wilh Tkttk on ths Face and Head: the tliscsse commenced when I was seventeen years old, and continued until the Fall of 1836, varying in vio lence, but without ever d isappearing. During most of the time, great part of my fuce was covered with the eruption, frequently attended with violent itch iug ; my head swelled st times until it kit ss if it would hurst the swelling wss so great, that I could scarcely get my bat on. During the long period that I was afflicted with the disease, I used a great many at plications, (among Ihem several celebrated preparation) as well as Inking inward remedies, including a number of bottles of Swaim's Panaern, Erlrart of Sarsapnrilla, Ac, In fsct, it Would be impossible to enumerate all the medicines I used. I was also under the care of two of the most dis tinguished physicians of this city, hut without re reiving much benefit, snd I despaired nf ever being cured. In the fall of 1836, the disease at the time being very violent, I commenced using the Rose Ointment, (prepared by Vaughan & Davis.) In a few applications the violent itching ceased, the swelling abated, the rruptinn began to disappear, and before I hud used a jnr the disease was entirely cuied. It has now been nearly a year and s half since, and there is not vestige of the disease re maining, except Ihe scsrs from the deep pits formed by the disease. It is impossible for me to describe in a crrtiflcatn the severity of the disease and my suffering, but I will be ple ised to give a fuller ac count t any person wanting further satisfaction, who will cull on me. At the lime I com.'.isnced using the Hose Ointment I would have given nun dreds of dollsis lo be rid of the disease. Since u sing it, I hnve recommended it to several persons, (among ihem my mother, who bad the disease bad ly on her arm,) who were ail cured hv it. JAMES DC KNELL, No. 156, Race St. The Hose Ointment is prepared by E. B. Yaughan, Soeth East corner of Third and Itnce slrei ts, Philadelphia, snd sold on agency in Sunhu ry, btr H. B. MASSER, May 14th, 1843. Agent. ICofcc Ointment, lor Tetter. A PROOF OF rrs F.FFICACY. Philadelphia, May 27th, 1839. 'PHIS is to certify thai I waa severely afll.cted with Tetter in Ihe hands and feet for upwards of lorty years; the disease was attended generally with violent itching and swelling. I applied to number nf physiciiina, and Used a great many appli cations without effecting a cure. About a year since, I applied Ihe Rose Ointment, which entirely stopped the itching, and a few applications immedi ately cured ihe disease, which there has been no return of, although I had never been rid of it at sny time for forty yesrs. RICHARD SAVAl.E, Eleventh, below Spruce Street. Cj" The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. B. Vsughsn, South East corner of Third and Race Streets, Philadelphia, and sold on agency in Sunbu H. B. MASSER, May 14th. 1843. Agent. MEDICAL APPROBATION Of the ROSE OLTMFyT,for Tetter. LTHOUtill the superiority of the prepaiation - over all others is fully establihed, the proprie tors tnke pb nsiire in laying before the public the following certificate from a resectable physician, a graduule of the University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Biiugh, having found in this remedy that relief fir a tedious and disagreeable affoetion which ihe means within the range of bis profession failed to stford. has not hesitated lo give it his approbation, slthough the prejudices and interests of that profession aie opposed to secret Remedies. Philaoklphta, Sept. 19, 1836. I was recently troubled with a tedious herpetic eruption, w hich covered nearly one side of my f.ce, and extended over the ear. Mr. Vauqhan, proprie loi of the Rose Ointment, obseiving my face, insn ted on mv liying his preparation, of whick he han ded me a jar. Although in common with the mem bers of my profession, I discountenance snd disap prove of the numerous nostrums palmed upon trie public by ignniant pretenders, I feel injustice bound to except the Rose Ointment from that class of me dicines, and to give it my approbation, aa it entire ly cured the eruption, although it hid resisted the applications. DANL. BATCH, M. D. fXj The Rose Ointment is prepared by 1'. 15. Vaughan, South East corner of Third and Race Streets, Philadelphia, and sold on sgencv in Sun bury, by H.' B. MASSER, May 14th, 1813. Agent. EAGLE!" t'orncr of Third and Vine Streets, WILLiAMSrORT, FA. rr.HE subscriber respectfully ennounces to the .1 public, that he has opened a Hotel in the com moilioua brick building attuate on the corner of 'J bird and Pine streets, where he will be happy to wait rpon those who may fivor him witli their company. 'Itie Eagle Hotel is large and conveni ent, and furnished in the het modern style. It is provided wild a large number of well aired and comfortable sleeping apartments, rooms, private parlors, Ac. Persons visiting Wiiliamsport on bu siness or pleasure, may re.t as.ured that every ex erlion will he used to render their sojourn st the "Eagle Hotel" pleasant and agreeable. Hia Table will be supplied with the very best the market af fords, and his bar with the choicest wines snd other ljijuors charges reasonable. The Eagle Hotel possesses greater sdvanlages in point of location than any other similar establishment in the borough, being situate in the business purl of the town, snd within s convenient distance of the Court House and Wiiliamsport and Elmira Rail Rod Depot, Sufficient Stabling provided, and good and trusty ostlers always in attendance. Attentive, accommodating and honest Servants have been employed, and nothing left undone that will add to tiie comfort and accommodation of hia guests. There will be e carriage always in attendance al the Boat Landing to convey passengers to snd from the House, free of charge. CHARLES BORROW8. May !4th,J842. tf iTIieliaei Weaver & Son, BOPE MAKERS & SHIP CHANDLERS. Ao. 1 3 North Water Street, Philadelphia. . n A YE constantly on hsnd, a general assort ment of Cordsge, Seine Twines, tc.t vist laid Ropes, Fishing Roiies, While Roiies, Manil Is Hopes, 'l ow Lines for Csnal Boats. Also, e complete assortment of Seine Twines, Ae. such ss Hemp Shad and Herring Twine, Best Pstent (Jill Net Twine, Cotton tShad and Herring Twine, Shoe Threads, &e. Ac Also, Bed Cords, Plough Lines, HsIters.Trsces, Cotton and Linen Csrpet Chains, Ac. sll of which they will dispose of on reasonable teims. ' Philsdelphis, November 13, 1842. ly. isiR Hi ng.goolT&' ca No. 13ft Market Street, Philadelphia. INVITE the attention nf Country Merchants to iheir extensive assortment of British Freceh ud American Dry Goods, which they idler forests on the mutt reasonable terms. ' ' rbiladvlpbis, November 13, 184 y. EEXL1A1T &, CO., Commission & Forwarding Merchants, Foot of Willow Street Rail Road, . ON TUB MLAWABt, TTAVINO sssociated with them Joseph Barnet, ' "late of Eaalon, Ps., respectfully inform their friends snd the public generally, that they have ta. ken thst' large and well known atore and wharf at foot of Willow Street Railroad, lately occupiel by Jacob Martin, where they purpose doing General Commission and Forwarding Business, and from the local advantages of the plsce being connected with all Ihe public improvements thst have their outlet in the city, they flatter themselves they will be able to do business lo ss grest, if not greater ad vantage, and upon as reasonable terms as any other, house, snd they assure their friends that sny con signments made to them shall have their strict at teulion, and no exertions spared to give entile satis faction. They sre slso prepared to receive and forward pooja lo any poinl on the Delaware snd Lehigh livers, between Mauch Chunk, Easlon and Phila delphia, via Delaware Division and Lehigh Canuls; also, lo anv point on the Juniata river, or North and Wst Branrhes of the Susquehanna vis Sehuyl kill and Union, or the Chesapeake snd Tide Water Canals. For the accommodation of Boats coming or go ing via Schuylk'll ami Union Csnals, a Sie unbost will be kept eipresslv for towing boats from the Schuylkill around to the Delaware and back, which will etishle merchanta to have their produce deli vered on the Delaware, and their goods shipped it a asving ol 50 to 75 per cent, on the pncea for hauling icon, with these advantages they re spectfully solicit s share of pstmnnce. W.HEILMAN&CO. William Heilrnan, William W. Kryser.C Joseph Barnet. 3 Philad., May 14, 1813. ly J. IrlAYLAND, JR. & CO. Snull' and Tobacco Manufacturers, No. 91) North West corner of Race and Third Streets. PHILADELPHIA. rPHE undersigned have formed a Co-partnership under the firm of J. MAYLAND, Jb. & Co., as successors to the late firm o( Jacob .Maytand Co., and will continue the business at the old esta blishtnent, on their own account. In addition to their own close attention and experience for many years, in the manufacture of their cefebrated snuffs, Ac, the long experience of the senior part net of the late firm, will also be devoted lo the interest of the new concern and as no exertion and cars will he spared lo insure their goods, at all times of the ve ry best quality, they solicit a continuance of the confidence of tho fiiemls and customers of the late firm. THOMAS ADAMS, J. MA VLAND, Jr. Philadelphia, May 14lh, 1843. ly To Country IVIEItCHANTS. '"PHE Subscriber, Agent of Lyon & Harris, Hat Manufacturers, for New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and other large, cities, whoso Hats are highly commended for good col'jt and durability, has on hand a first rale nsscrtm-nt of HATrf and CAPS, suitable for Spring e:ile, wh'.rh will be sold very low, foi cash or appioved credit, at the nrled cheap store. No. 40, North Third atrert, opposite the City Hotel, PbiU.lelphia. ROBERT D. WILKINSON, Arent. N. B. Ordera tor Hats in the ruiio, promptly attended lo. Ths highest price in tush or trade given for Fur skins. Philadelphia, June 11, 1843. ly BOLTON & CO General C'omnilsKioii Merchants, Fur the Sale nf Fluur, drain, Seed, V., Ac. pEM'lXTFCLLY inform iheir tnends snj ihe Merchants generally, that they have ta ken those large and commodious Wharves, with two Docks, notth of Chrsnut street, on the Delaware, tncether with the store No. 19 South Wharves, where thev would be pleased lo receive consign ments of Grain, Flour, Seed, Whiskey, Iron, Ac. Ac. Being also well prepared to forward all kinds of Merchandise hy the Schuylkill and Union, or by the Chesapeake and Tiile Water Canals, as tow boats are kept expressly for the purpose of lowing boats by ril her route. Merchants will please be particular to send their goods destined hy either canals, to No. 19 South Wharves, between Market and Chesnut .tree's, on the Delaware, wilh directions accompanying ihem which route they wish them to be shipped. (Jj Plaster and fait for sale, at the lowest mar ket price. BOLTON & Co. March 19. 1813. No. 19 South Wharves. MERCHANTS HOUSE, -Yo. 237, North Third, above Cutlvwhill PHILADELPHIA. JOHN DUNCAN, hue from the Pennsylva. nia Farmer, nnd Samuel Pike, jr., lale of A rnencan Hotel, Columbus, Ohio, lake pleasure in ac qtiainting Iheir friends and the public generally lhat Ihey have taken the large and commodious Hotel, recently built by Ihe Messrs. Unit, on the same site once occupied by the old established Hotel known ss the Bull's Head, in Third stieet above Callow bill st. This Hotel is finished in the very best possible manner, and of the best materials. Its location is very desirable, particularly for eounlry merchanta ; the arrangements for heating and ventilating each room ia such as to secure any temperature. The bedrooms are all light and airy, all lurmshcd in a neat style, ao as to insure comfort The receiving parlors sre also fun iishe.1 in a su perb style, the windows are on the French style, forming an enlrsnce to s balcony in front, which makes a pleasant recess. Pnrltculai attention hss been given lo the beds snd bedding, which, wilh the furniture, sre entirely new. t iom years' experience in hotel business, we trust, by strict assiduity to business, lo make ibis house s desirable slcpping'p'w Our table will always be supplied with the very best our msrket ran srtord, and our bsr with the best liquors snd wines of the most approved brsnds. P. S. There sre first rste stabling and carriage houses sttarhed to the hotel, attended by csreful end sober hostlers, snd our ehsrpes w ill be low, ia accordance with the present bard times. Philadelphia, Oct. 7lh, 1812. G O I7D E NS"WTN Ao. titf North Third, above Arch Street, PHILADELPHIA. ACCOMMODATIONS, FOR SEVENTY rERONS. CHARLES WEISS, Lie of ihe "White Swan," and 'Mount Vernon House," respectfully in forms bis friends snd customers, thst be hss become the proprietor of Ihe sbovs well known Hotel. Country Meichants will find the above Hotel a central location, snd the best of fare. Persons trs veiling with privste conveyance will find s large yard and gooj slsbling for horses, and Ibe best of oetleis. Hoarding $ per day, May 14th,l4. if.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers