V 0 SS 7 PtOtT-lTAt IIKS. Hi p"rlulii dedicated t thone trtm finvr "ore hair upon the face than brtint in the I: r!(t. His tawny beard wan th' equal grace, Rot!, of liis wisdom anil Lit face. llimra V. hit's them are tiling grow-in? out of your tipper Hp, Mister !' asked a country Yankee, hi coxcomb, whnm ha mel with the other day. 'Sr.' exclaimed the dandy, fiercely raising lis r.-ifnn, and bristling up to tiin interrogator 'what business, in that to yon, ar.' . ., 'Oh, no business nf any enns-quenee, to speak on,' implied the? Yankee ; 'I just axrd for infor in . 'ion, not being much acquainted with them it r t !i ; ' 'W'd!, sir.' returned the gallant a r jrily, whit i' yn-i Hint acquainted with cm.' Must a follow 1 nf your cloth have the impudence to question n i;iit ,ci!Kin of mine V N-t.'i if really your cloth, Mister, or ia it the tailor's,' asked tlie countryman. 'The tailor's' exclaimed the coxr.omb, fierc'y 'what do yon mean by that V aOn you mean In insinuate t.'iat I a' death ! ear, I'll not .' j 'We!!, I thought as much,' returned the Van- i k"f, carl. Fsly sticking his hands intohisbrrech- ' pur I; els and standing still before the dandy ; I !liout'ht you never intended to pay for Ihrm.' 'Wlmt is that to yeu whether I py for them i r nr t Haven't I a rilit to manage I as ploase ' I'h rny own tailor to pay him or let it alone V i 'V.'i v, .Mi.'ter, tint depends very much on : v i: a:, s-.rt rf a bargain you made. If yeur tsi- j !- - -rr to let you chert him, why that's his ' ' '; ' not nine. Hat you haven't told mo li if yen railed them ore things on yuiir tipper 1 :i' j ir, ymi re nn impertinent puppy, Far.' j Ik.' . I 1 I K r . i i - i i iieiro you Fay. .m-w, laniers pel a M-i.-r do- bti he dr.n't tarry mi'di I canlell :i I.n'i! kill three rats in two Fccondi but. i .v-. aavinc, father's pot n tarrier doi' that's ' ;-?"d t-'f. and hairy about tin month bu! 1 i'i'I a cireii,n!.nice to yon. II "! c'ing h's I ...! : 'P..n P!rg j(H, xv,j06cfl ,.0lli nnij I ' ti-' -i ! find run to the end of the world wit'i- j "it toppinir. My gracious ! how like the old' ! v,,,i d.i look with them are thin pa. M. t.k ! why ear they arc all the go now. T'lerp'n r, flnis!.,l gentleman now but what "i.rs inou-lnches.' Mu-tv-hers, do you call tbeml Well, by j hoky, tf.ry are musty and rusty too. They look ry much like the latter end of our dog's tail, I a hen he brushes it on the floor. Faugh ! i' w ouldn't touch them no more than- .' j Tonrh 'em sar. if yeu offer to put a finoer on j :!ieni, I'll cane you within nn inch of vour life, j I will, Far. 'With that thcr switch, MiFter 1 I shouldn't mind it more than I should en oat straw.' We!!, Far, touch my moustaches, and tee if yon don't pet it. 'Touch your MuFtychers. Why, I'd aa lieve 'ouch two chaws of tnbacker that have been fpit "it. Touch Vm indeed! Why, Mi.-ter, I v onliVt touch Vm with the tonjrp. I can't ..neeive, f,,r my life, wh-it should induce any i nan critter to wear such darned nasty thing : i-t:'in. ! '.V;iis'y lor.kir,?! doyen call Via! S-.r yon ! i.-:ve no tr.ste. Nasty lix.kin;!, indeed ! why f:r, t! ey are the admiration of the ladies. 'ladies ha! ha! ha! They must have a o-ieer not km any how. Tut. there are women a ho are unacciiur.tnUy tond of puppies and sinh animals; and I h;,ve seen 'em fondle and kis ' i.i as if they were human critters. But I d.mt ee how any woman rould let her lips come w ithin a gunshot of yeur'n. Admiration of the Ldies! i).i ynu q'leition what I say, Far! Why Mis'er 7 don't know what kind of la t! .i's you have in the city here. But one thing 1 ran tell yi:u uur country !als would no more lot you touc'i Vm than they would a toad ' -y'revtry particular what comes in contact nh their lips. lljf, Mu-ter l.ow in the name n( h i:r. an 1 hritlca do you eat ! How do you .') to work to pet the victuals into your mouth. vith them are things bunging over the tide of a j iiteh! Io you ent meat and eieh like! ordoyou live on Fpnon vittles ? 'I'ts none of your business, far, what I live i n. I hoard at even dollars a week ? and eat what I please sar, and drink what 1 please. S.-ven dollars a week! my gracious! we ?et board and wn.-liinqr and all in our country for :i dollar and fifty cents; but I Vpose tliey asdt y ou live dollars and a half extra for them Bre inyetachers. 1'iusli ! I wouldn't have them nt the table for ten dollars. 'What a fool 1 am to stand here talking t5 a loan of jour clo'h. Thus i-avour, the man with the moustaches ll nirisln d his dnpy switch, wheeled about and walked on. lie had gone tut a few bteps whin ihe Yankee bawled 9)irr tiini . Iluilo! MMer, doi t vim want to buy a curry eeioli!' I have F' 'ioe real fine onr with teeth on b ith sides. They are bang up, I can tell you. l'ur your currycombs and you too.' 'Don't swear .Mu-ter nor good in a passion 1 meant noi-lli in e in whit I've said. Put 1 mui-t declare, you're the darndi rt iigly looking mun in the f.ice I ever did see in all my life It ia (aid that, at the wet, a three i'nry iioue' means th pij nn the floor, the victim of insect persi-cution on the bed, and a row of :utv!i rontiiii- on a blick above. "Jane what letter in the ulphubet do you like heel !" Well, I don't l.k lo Buy." r0uh, non-t-euse ! tell riohi out Jane winch you hka beat !" "Wfcll, (bltislniij; and dropping her eyes,) I like V tlio tel." II A X E XOTIl MS T. Tlie follnwioi list nhnwa the current value of all 'i nnsvlvaoia Itntik Notes. The most implicit re- leiner mof h ptaeed Upon it.' as It hriwj ti'rek nrefully coinmeJ wuh anil corrected from liiik- ncll'i Keponer. . i:anUn In Philadelphia. nr. Lor.vno. V.'"" " I HiLtn. IV OT EM A T I A It. annk or iNnrlli Ameica" , , 3nok of (he jNorlhern l.ilterties , I'ommercial It ink of PcnnV . , I'Hrrpeis' and Mechanics' Hank . Keii:ninn Hmlt . . par par par par par par par pnr par fur par rhil:illel)ln Itnnk . , Sfbnvlkill U.i;ik Siuiliwmk Ihwik . i VVeetni ISank . , Mechanics' l'ank . . Manufacturere' fit Mechnnirn' B.-nk Country ItanCi. Hank o' "'Veelrr (?eiin'y "siik of tM.iware t'onmy U.ink cf (lerniantnwn Hnnk of Motitcomery Co. D y!t town Ilniili Raslon Vnok F aimi rs' Itaok of Hecks cO.' I 'ln.-e ofCnkof rct.n'a. Oi';i-b do ihi Oire d. do Wiles !. do Wc.itchrsVr riieshT (iei tuanlotvn Norrisinwn T)iivletown I'liSKItl nri,to par par par par p,.r pur jnr Ilarrislnns" The Ite.n'inn (do not E i'oii J issue n. N O T E M A T Discnr.N t. r'apk of the I'tiitp,! States Philiil.ipiii, r?o ar I' r! t nk of I'enn Township (!i'rj II ink MiivaU'ei:'ii5 15 "'k Hir'k uf I'eiiiiKylvt.oli Mini-rs' It.,1, k of Potihville1 Hank of I.ewisiowu !!.u.k .TMiddl-towi ll'inlt of Xiirthoiiilii il.'in.!' fohinit i'i I oik vV I'lidge i I1" Potisvillo Lew istinvn Middlotowu N rihiunlii'ilaiid Ccdiirnhia Carlisle Piit"!'iuj i I ' i .ar l",r I jj par p ,r I pir i i::rli,!e li.ink Eiiliange Dank D.i dii b'aneh of Farmers' IS. ink of I. am aster I .sneaker ('ouuty Il.ink Funeers' Eank of Kvadmg ITarrishur Hoik fanras er IVink I .libation U.uiK Merrhants' t Man of. Dank 1'uiik of l'iiu.liurs West rt.anrh II mk V'vo!ning Dank Norili iniiitou Ttie.k llolliliivs'.iiiig Liiur.isiei I .ane.islcr It' Kling Itarri- Surij Lancnter Ltlmuoii I'lilslurj po i i U PiltsbuiR W illiaiiisiort Willi eliarie Alleiiiowii iteadoig lieiks Comity Hank Olliee of liaiik of U. S. Do do . do Do do do Keusineioti Kav. Ins. A Penn Townsbip fav. Ina. Hank of Chainlierstiuri: Uiink of Getty sliuri It.oik of Susquehanna ('o. Erie II ink Farmer & Drovers' Dank Franklin Hank llonel.ile li.i k Moiioncalifla ljjuk of 11 Vork Punk Pittsburg Erie IS'ew Driijhton ilo do t "liimbersburg (Jiltysliutg Montrose failed I I hi ii ii U Erin Waynrsliurn Washinalori Honesibile lirovMisville Yoik IV. Fl. 'I he notes of those banks on which we .mit quotations, and substitute a dali ( J are not purrhasi d by the Pbihuh Ipl.ia hrukera, wilh the exception ol those which have a letter of it fen nee. 1) R O K E N HANKS. Philadelphia Sat. Ins. J'hiladelphia failed Phihidelphia Loan Co. ilo failed Sehuvlkill !Sav. Ins. ilo f,i!cd Manual Labor Hank (T. W Dvolt, prop.) failed I'owanda liank Towanda Allenhany Hank of Pa. Hidlord Ben vi r llsrriliurfj 'a!inptoii Jit'ill fonto' Pi'.il'U'H Pituliurt; FayetlH co. ireenrnst e Hiniioiiy 1 1 a 1 1 1 1 1 1 r I o 1 1 Lei i.-lown YVitricn I iiiinio if New Hope Mill. in Mi-adiillo Port Carbon Car. Mo Monti. e I'oiuntown (irrHiisliUfU no sale closed rlnse.l failed I!;mk of Heaver If .ink of Su atara Hank of Washington Centre Hank City Hank Fanner & Merh'cs' U.ink Fanners' & Meeh'c' Hank Farmers' cV MeehVa' Hank llaiuiony In"iiliito Huntingdon Hank Juniala Hank Luiiiberuien's lijnk Nurlheru Hank of Pa. New Hope Did. Uii.lk'e Co. Norlhurnli'd Union C'ol. Ilk. North V est' ru Hank of Pa. Oflne ol St:hu)lkiil Hank Pa. Ar. & Mjtiuf. Hunk Silver Lake Hank l iiiou Hank of IVnn'a. U estuioiclunil Hunk Wilkesharre Hmlge Co. r..ril i no sale ' f.iled j filled j failed j no hale j no sale no sale faded j no sule closed no sale closed failed clo.-ed faded closed illo-aharre nosule Cj- All notes piirKrtin(j to lie on any Pennsyl vania Hank not given in the ahove h.-t, may be t-et Jown as truuds. Hank of New Biunswick Brunswick Uelvideiu Hank Bi-iudero Burlington Co. Hunk Mcdfird Humniercial Hank Pirih Aroloy 'Jumlierl.ind B ink BriiL-elmi Farmers' Hank Mount Iloily Farmers' and Mechanics' Ilk Labway Farmer and Mechanic' Hk N. I!iuiisv'uk Farmers' and Men hanu' Ek Middittowu Pi, Franklin Hank of N.J. Jersry City Hohuken Hkp & (Jrazing Co Ho!i..ken failed 4 par i P" par i faileil i filled fail, d tailed faded faoVd i fail.il i i"i HO sale l-rsey City li ink Mechanics' Hank Jer.y t;ny PatT.'is.ui Pidl.-rilie Morristnwn I teeholj Newark Trenton Jersey City Newark Manufacturers' Bank Morris County Bank Monmouth Bk of N". J. Mechanic Bank Mechanic and Manuf. Ilk Morri Canal and Hkg Co Post Notes Newark BkK & Ins Co New Hone Del Bridge Co' i 1 failed lulled 4 failed 4 l.ami.i'ilsvilld llol.. .ken N. J. Maiiufar. ai d HIck Co N J Proleclon A. Lombard l.k Jersey City Orange Bank Orange Paicrson Bank Puie-iaoii People Hank do Princeton Bank Princeton Tallin Banking Co tSatein State Bank Newark Male Bank Lluahelhtown State Hank Camden State Hank uf Morris Muriistown jstale Bunk Tr.nton alem and Philad Manuf Co Sulem Sussex Bank Newlon 'I'reiilon Banking Co Tientun Union Bank - Hover Washington Banking Co. Has kenaack m-isiwiitr.. BknfWilmrV Brandy wine Wilmington ' Bank of Delaware Wilmington Bank of Hucyrna Krnvrna par par i i par i failed tailed i par i failed par par jar ar par par par par par ! Do branch Miltord Farmers' Bk of late of Del Dover Do branch Wilmington Do brunch lieorgetown Do branch ' N'eweiatle I'nion Hank ' Wilmington IT r- Under S'a OJ" On all banks marked thus () there are ei tier roiinteiftit or aliered notes of ihe varioua J. neminations, in circulation. WITAIt mi.siiu or wn.nciir.RiiY, , A CompnniKl rtiitanmle Prei"esllon from U'llftChrrry llurk unit Tar, 77ie bent rrmrry kwtWn In the fnrfil fnr the rrty nf emiifhs, cnMs. aithmrt, ermrp, hfirinsr nf tlie wni, whnnpinz cmtgh, hnmrhitii, injlrf tnza, fhnrlnr ffbrtath. paht anil Wiknrsn in l)it hrtat or tide, liver enrnfialnl, nnif tlie first KtagM nf CONSUMPTION. We will not assert that this BALSAM will cure Consumption in ist unr.i form, but it has cured many after all other means of rlief d.l heen tried in vuin. And why not ? It seems lhat the WILD CHFRKY was destined by N'ntute to be our PA NACEA for ihe i'avarina iliseae of this c 'Id h lilu.te. Lei not the despairing invalid wieiie his money and loo.-e TIME, to birn s all important, in txjitrimrntiny wiih lb" trashy nostrum of Ihe dav. Init at i.nre. n mrdirine that will cure. If a eiire lie p s-ilde a in. dirine thet science app'ovrs, and many years of experience h ive demonstratnl lhat H tilwiy relieves. "77; ere r no nrh thing n.i f'H'' in the h'.!nrv of this woiulerlid BALSAM. Evi.lenep the rnnsl convincing -vp let ce lhat no one doubt, fully c!a!.;i hps llos fact, for the sake of brevity we se'eel 'he fol'nwins from thousands. f.-onc Pla't, Eq., Editor of the Pofccepoe Eaale, one of (he in 'st influential journals in t'ie siB'e of New Voik, Stan undei the sut'mfitv of bisonnj iism'C, tint a young lady, a rel itive nf his., of cv delicate ronstjiuiion. attaeke.l in Fr!i. 1812. wi'h seere cold, which irnmedialely produced spit tin i f Mend, couch, fi rr, mid olher duneerniis and atarmirfr symptom. Thr.mch medical iiealn rnt I'd cue she paitially red vered dnrinn sireine-. But on ibe return of w in'er she was n'.t u k d more liolently limn at first, she In came acm-ilv aide lo walk and wa tioulded with couch, chills and fever evmy day, and appealed to he eoinrr rapi.l'y wilh rnPMtimptjnn nt ihis lime, w hen there was n i sicn i of impruvf mi nt, Mr. Pl itl prorund a ho' tie of; Wis i aii's Balsam or Wii.n Cm n o r. w hi. h s!ie j took, and it S'pii'innlv restoied her. fche eta ' I coml, and luTote it was half i;.l;tn she was restored I to prrfect hialth, hicb sl-.e has i nj iyed to the pre- j scut lime, wid.oul the alightcrt symptom of her for mcr di-e sr. I Mr. P. alt snvs "the cure c .me under my own olw ) sctvation and I cannot be mist .ken as to the fao's." j EXTRACT OF A T.ETTFll MOM A POST, MA STL 11, 1) A TED PrMaaoKF, Washington co., Maine, Apr. 20, lull, i MR. ISAAC Biri TS. Dear Sir: At the re-j quest of many of my friends in this place and vici- j niiyho are afflicled wilh ronsuo plion and liver ' roirtp'ain's, I lake the lil'cr'y of sskii e you lo sp. ; point someone in this couri'y a:i nf;rnt lo sc'l Wis- j nit's Balsam of Wimi Cim imit, and to send him ! a few d. zen. as there is none of it for sale within 200 miles frcm this I have no doubt that il would . me. t wilh a reedy sale if il wrre where il could le ' I loeored wilbnut too much expense and delav. j My wife was ot'ckid about six m -nttis since wiih what the physicians called the fu-t e'ageofi Con-miiption a Comnlaint v. ry prevalent in this j 8. cion of country. Having see n ihe Ba'sun ad- i verrsed in Aucusta. j C7 200 MILES FROM HERC, j I t'i k the pi ns to tend there for a toille of it, whiih she look, and which helped her so much that i I sent f .r t a o boldis more, w hich she has also la- ken, on.) she now g.s a'.ie lias not fell so well for six years as she does at this time. All ib.'S-' who hae inquired of me and ascettaiucd what eilect the Balsam li.d, are anxious lo tuve some f.r sa'e in thi- vicini'y. which is the cause nf my writing you. Plca-e inform me by n-tu'ii ot null whether' nil conclude to send some, and il so to whom, in ordt r that it may be known where it can lie bad. I am wilh re-pect vours, t ie. P. C. FAUNS' WOIiTH, P. M. The whole country is fast learning thst i.o niedi cini no phvbician -no pieparaliou of any kind whativir chii equal Da. Wistau's I'il-im ur Wilii Ciuaar. a 'hum' ivoirriri is ( i nr. V'iTr;nv!i.LV, Oneida co N. V. fcpl. 15, 18 1:1. Dear Sit I owe it lo tlie alllu ted to inform y. u lhat in January la-l I was ntuu ked by a very vio lent cold, caus-d ly woikir g in the water, which j n'lt'cd en my luns. It v.ai ai cnnpanii il bv a ve- ry severe pain in luv breast mid sides, and uUo g J eis'iessinc cough. I had in attendance ail the lest lo.'.oc.il aid in our village ; but ufier exhausting all j their skill ' no av..il. I hey pronoiiiice I my di-rase a , coFiKMi.n cus'i'Mf rniv, and ihiy one nnd al! j P'ivt mevp tn iff. Alter n.uch pirsu .sion I got ibe toiisi'i.t of my physician to use the Balsam il ' Wii.n Cm bhf pr pari-J by Du. Wiscaii. I pur-J rlias. it o! ti.e i.t in our place one hoiti,., t.rrure Using half . f which I 1 1 an to g.iin s'.reng h, and it w .s very evident ir.y couuh wa mi. eh hett-r and my sy loploo.s ui eta ry way impr ii n. I hue. n iw used tlnee ho' I lis, and ant mtoral.la pcrful hnik!:. This re-uli in h. lie owinrj to ibe o-e i f I Dlt. WISTAIt'S BALAAM OF WILD CIIEfN UV; mi l I ti'ke this method nf giving yon ih i in f. mi. lion, partly to pay you the debt of grititmle I ewe yeu, and partly that others similarly afflicted may kn. w where, to apply for relief. Vi-iy trulv yoois, JAMES K.f;E. Mb, P41.n1 ii. Druggist, under dale nf Wuli nii'e, !. pt. Cllh, ISHl, wrilis; The stab meiit (li en yeu !'V !r. James Sn.jp is will known to be true .y tl.is teoic ciiinm'tnttv. II c. rt inly was a most reinaika le cure. The sale of d.e l!a!-:ini ia very (iood, and iia success in cures !ru y Caaeiiii. Yours r. sp. ctfuHv. D. D. PALMER. TIIH ?.IOST KKMAIIKAnu: cuiii-: i;vi:ii iihcoi:i)i:i). HiinioNFiFLi). N. J , April SO. 1 e-1:1. On or about the lath ihiy if October, LSI 1, I was taken with a violent pain in Ibe side near Ihe liver, w Inch continued lor a's.ul live da s. and wi.s fol lowed l y the breaking of an u'nr, or l scess, in- waiilly, which relieved the puiu a little, bt.l cau-ed j me o throw up a ureal qiuiiiity of idlensive niattri i and also much b!o,.d. Being ),r ally alomd.it ihls, I npphed lo a bysician, but be said he ih-'Ug' t br cotilj do but Ibtle lor lae except g'e me s uie fthrcury Fills, wh.ch I refused to tike, teelin rbtislted lhat they could d.i ir.e no good ; many ci ther remedies were Iheu r icuted by my wile and fi lends, but none did rne any gotHl a d the i!is charge of blood and coirupti in still conlinutd every fi w days, and at last become so ollonsive that I cud scarcely breathe. I Was also seized with a vi. olent cough, which at times caused me to raise much more blood than I had done lsfore and my disease continued in this way, still growing worae, until February, w hen all hops of my recovery was given up, and my ti semis all thought I woulJ die of a (itiLoriso Coxae Mrnoa. At this moment, wiien my lite waa apparency drawing near il close, I beard of DR. V IsTAU'S U A 1. S A M OF WILD CHELKY, and got a Mile which at iitvin mk iMMiDitTSLi ; and by ibe use of only three b Idea nf this med cine, all my pains were removed my cough and i iniog of blood and cor rupiioii entiiely mopped, and in a few weeks my health was so tar restored as lo enable me to work at my trade, (which ia a car-nttr,) and up to this lime I have enjoyed good health. THOMAS COZENS. CrorritTia Coi'STr, N. J , aa. Peraoaally came before me, the subscriber, ene ef tho Justices of the Peace in and for the said coons ly, Thomas Cozens, and being duly affirmed c. cording in law, saiih the ahove statement is in all thine true. Affirmed before me, on the 20ih nf April. 1813. ? J. CtFMF.nT. J P. S Such ia the unprecedented success of this BAL SAM, NATURE'S FAVORITE PRESCRIPTION," prescription eongrnid to nor wants, as it is pre pared from chemical extracts from substances which Ihe siithur of nature has placed in our own find for wife purposes, ihnt manv who knew nothing of the mode,, f in prepnruion are endeavoring to reap pecuniary benefits by si llioe. sn atticle similar in name, or in appeamnre, or by representing their own trash as superior to tbis B ALSAM, or by put tine up a mixture and solemnly asseverating that it is imported from a f.ireien country, which i not the rise. All these ilereptivo arts goto show that Wist!,', tt.tn is known ti the world to lie "Tim cm: at ukmfuy," n,i that t. soy mixture it must he tike, this i;i name, or pur po.i to be like it in su' stanee. Believe not iho cunningly wronchi fabrira. 'one nnd laki on'y 'bs r.ricinal and genuine WisTiii'i B-iLsiM or WiLn CiiKant. NO CTEEII CAIT BB LIS1I3 IZ". Address all order to ISA AC BU ITS, No. 32 Ann St., New Yoik. Agents, JOHN W. FriLl.NO, Sitnlmn, D. BIMUIIIJAM. fcrlftunbcrhnJ. 3. K. MO Y Fit. lilonnuhum, J. WACCONSF LLLI!, Srlhis-Crove, BROWN A CUE AS Y, M flmvillc. Feb. 2Cd, 181.) ly oakjFjYs tir:i'rniTiVK sikit. r'lIllj vahish'n pioper'ics r.f Oakley's Depuia 1 live Syrup of S irsij aiiilB, as s purifier of ihe blond, is so well known to the pu'dic generally, that it is unrecc.-seiy to occupy niocli spu e in set ting f.nh tho advantages lo '..s derived from its use; wherever th medicine has once b.-en intro duced, it lakes precedence over all o'lieis: evciv one that bus taken it, have derived eo signal bene fil ial results from it, that ;t is recommended by iheni with ihe irmosl confld. nee. Pliwieims of the highest stan Imp in the profession, prescribe it to pa'ienU under their care ; containing holding deleterious, but beine composed ol the most m'ld, yet edirieious vgeiable maierird-.it is nlT. red wi'h Conndenre, as the cheapest ond inert e.'Ticient pn vi il ' r of the blond now known. Thn use nf a few hollies, especially in the spring months, will be al-t"tid.-d with a tnosi decided imptnveinent in the ge neral strenclh of the svsiem, era lic.iiii.j any seeds of disease that may have been generated, beside d'ving health ami vi'.'. r to the body. For the cure of Scrnlula or Kings F.vil, nheum r'ism. Tiller, Pimples or eruptions of thn Skin, White S-vellins, Fistula, Chronic Ooueh Asthma, Ae, The no- ! merou reriifira'es in ihe possession of the subseri- j ler and bis agents, from physicians and others, are sufficient to convince the most skeptical of its su periority over all preparations of Serssp.irilla. ' Sold wholesale and retail, by the proprirtor, CEOKOE W. OAKLEY, North ..th street. Ilea dine, Beiks Cuanty, and to be bad of the following pel sons : In Xorlfiumbrrlnnd l'ouutt.11. B. Masssr, Sunhury ; Ireland Mnel, McEwensvilie ; D Krauser, Milton. 7n Vninn Cimrity. J. Gearhart, Soliiisgrove : A. Gnteliu. Mitllinburg. In Columbia Cunty. R. W. McCsy, Wash ington. Reading, March 11, lStrt. Ma. OiKir.r: I believe it the uty ef every one lo do whatever in their power I te, for the bene fit of their fellow man, and haviue had positive proof in my ow n family, of the wonderful properties of your Depuraiive Syrup of i?arstiprilli, I m"t conscirntioufly recommend it to the afflicted. We hail Ihe misfortune to lose two of our children, by the breaking out of ulcerous sores that covered the face, head and i.eck, ulthough we bad some of the must scientific physicians to attend lh m and had died all ihe known leoieilies, including Swaim'a Panacea, without avail. Another of my children was attaike.l in I lie same m.u.uer, I er face and neck was completely covered; the discharge was so i il'cnsive, and ihe disease at such a height, that we despaired ot her Lie. Seeing the wonderful effects of your Depi.raiive Syrup ol S irsspariil.i, we weie induced t.i make trial of it, as the last resort; it acted like a rharm ; the u'cers commenced liealing lluiiic.luileiy , a few bottles euliielv restored her to her health, which she In. s enjoyed uninleriUI tedly ever since. Asa puiilier of the blood, I verily be lieve it has not ils rcpial. JOHN MOYEIJ, Tailor, Walnut sired, mar Fouilh, Beading. Doiigl.siville, April lOlb, IS44. Ma. OiKLtr: My son llilmuud Leal, had the srtolbla m the most dieadlul and distressinj m .n i cr for ll.r.e yeais. during which lime he w i .de prived of the use of his limbs, bis be .d and neck weie covered with ulcers. We tiied all ihe dilfer. rut n-ini'dii s, but to no ilf.ct, ui.t I recommended by Dr. Johnson of Nonistuwu, and also Dr. Isaac Hiester, of Reading, to use your Depuralivn Syrup of Sareaparilla, of w bich I oblaiued sevual hollies, the use of winch drove the disease enliu ly out of h:s system, the sore healed up, and the child was restored to ierhct he.dih, which he has njoved uiiliileriupte.lly i vsf1 sii.ee, lo the Bstoriislnneiit of many poisons who seen him dii'ii.g h.s aiibetioo. I have thiumht il my duty, and send you tins certi ficate lhat olbers who have a like affliction in the family may know where to obtain ao valuable a iiir.li. inc. Yours liulv. AMELIA D. LEAF. Sept. Ifi, 19.13 ly To Counlry Jltrtliaiit. Uuots, Shoes, Rounds, Leghorn and Tahn Leaf Hats. C. W. & L. li. TAYl.OIi, at the ii. E. curat r vf Murket and i'iltk Sis., rillLADEIiPIIIA, "ijFFER fur tale an ulensive nEsoiiment of the -'above ei'.icb s, all of which they s. II at unusual, ly low piices, and p olicul.nl y inv te the attention of . un eis visiting the citv, loan mnnnatioii ol th.ir "stock. (1. W. cV L. B. TAYLOR. Philadelphia, Mav 25. 1841. l y city it iTnitui.k auction, AND PRIVATE SALES ROOMS, Noa. 20 and ai North Thitd Street, Near the City Hotel, PHILADELPHIA. r O. MACKEY, Auctioneer, respectfully in vites the attention of persona desirous of pur chasing Furniture, to his extensive Hales Rooms, (both public and Private,) for every description of Household Furniture, where can be obtained at all limes, a large assortment of fashionable and well manufactured Cabinet Furniture, beds, Matlrassea, 4c. at very reduced prices, for cash. fj Kales bv Auction, twice a week. May 27th. 1843. ly TUaiX K.HI.D The highest price will he given (or Flat Seed, at Ihe elore of Aug. 9. 1841) HENRY MASSE R. LIME, of a superior quality, can now be had t tlie Li rne Kilos of Henry Masser.in Sun bury. Miy 17,116. ROSE OINTMENT FOIl TF.TTEK. nocwoHMK, riMiM.ea on tub tack, and othek rt'TAIFOrts KRtfM'NlNSI. (Tj The fnUmiinifctrtificn'edreribenne nflht mtt rxirarirdinary mru ever ejected by any application, PiMLAnM.rtm. February 10. 18HS. TOR twenty years T was severely afilicted with TaTTEB en the Face and Head: tho disease commenced when I wat seventeen years old, and continued until the Fall nf 18:16, varvieg in yio lence, but without over disappearing. During nvt of ibe lime, great pari of my face was revered with the eruption, frequently attended with violent itch ing ; my be id swelled at times until it fell as if it would burst the swelling wa so g'e.it. that I couM scarcely get my hat on. During the long period lhat I was afflicted wiih tho disease, I used a ere! many ai plier.lions, (among them several eelehrated preparation-) as Well as takintf inward remedies, inclndituj a number of hot ilea of Sicnim' I'linncm. Lxtracl nf Sarmpnriila, Ac, In fact, it would be impossible to enumerate all the medicines I used. I was also under the Care of two nf the most dis. tinsrnished physicians ef this city, but without re ceiving much benefit, and I despaired of ever being cured. In the fall of 1 SUfi, the disease at the time helrg very violent, I commenced Usine the finse Ointment, (preparid bv Vauuhan & Davis.) In a few applications the violent itching censed, the swelling abated, the i rupiion began to disippeir, and bef. re I had used a jar the disease was entiiely cured. It has now been near'y a yiar arid a half since, and there is not a vestitte of the disease re mainine. except the scars from the deep pits formed by ibe lihense. It is impossible for me to describe ina certificate the severity of the di-easo and mv suil'ering, but I will be pleised to cive a fuller ne count tn any person wauling lurilier satisfaction, who will ci.U on me. At Ihe lime I commenced using the Ib.se Dintinnit I would have given hun drcds of il'illa-s to be rid of iho diseas,'. Since u sing it. I have recommended it t i several persons, (among them my mother, w ho had the disease bad ly on her arm. who were n I cured bv it. JAMES liCRNELL, No. 15c, n,,CeSt. tYjr The Rose Ointment is prepared bv E. H. Yauhan, S.m'h East corner of Third and Race stre t. Philadelphia, and sold on acenev in iSnnbu rv. bv H. IJ. M ASSE R, M.iv 1 1th. IN 13. Aent. Uofce OiJiliJK'iil, JV'SVlVciT' A I'RUOF (IF ITS t.FFH'AVV. PiiiLAiii LrHiA. May S7lli, lls3!. 'PHIS is to certify tbat I was severe'y all! cted wilh 'Fetter in the hands and f et for upw ar Is of forty year ; thn disease w as attended Generally with vio'ent itching and swelling. I appl ed to i.umbi r of hysieians, and used s great many ppli onion without effecting a cure. About ay.ar since, I applied ti e Rose Ointment, which entirely stopped ihe itching, and a few application immedi ately cured the disease, which there has been no return of, although I had never been rid of it at any time for forty years. RICHARD SAVAt.E, Eleventh, below Spruce Street. Tho Roeo Ointment is prepared by E. II. Yauijhaii, S )Uth East corner nf Third and"Rare Streets, Philadelphia, and sold on aseury in Sunbu ry. by II. R. MASSER, May 1 1th. 1843. AmI. MSDICAL APPnOBATIOII Of the HOSL ()LTMi:.T,far T'tlrr. LTHOL'IjII the superiority of the prepaiaiimi - over all others is fully cs'abli.-hed, ihe ropr;e tors take pleasure in laying before the public the following certificate from a respectable physician, a graduate of the University of Pennsj lviiina. Dr. Diueh, having found in this remedy thai relief f.r a tedious end disagreeable affection w hich the means within the ratine of his profession failed to aiford, has not hesitated to give il his approbation, ahhough ihe prejudices and interests of that prolcssion aie opposed to secret Remedies. PuiLAiiKLrun, Sept. 19, 1KST pi. ir.ir. tedious herpetic se!e of my I ice, I was recently troubled wittia eruption, which covered nearly one anil extend, d over the ear. Mr. Yauahan. nrotirie tot of ihe Rose. Ointment, oliseiving my face, insis ted on my trying his preparation, of which he han ded me a j.ir. Ahhouuh in common wilh ihe mem bers ol my profession, I discountenance and disap prove ol the numerous nostrums palmed upon the public by iunomnt pretenders, I feel in justice bound to except the. Rose Ointment fioni lhat cla-s of me dicines, and to give it my approbation, as it entire, ly eurcd the eruption, although it hail resisted the usual applications. DAN L. UAl'OH, M. D. (Xj The Rose Ointment is preparej by II. I. Yaughan, South East corner uf Third and R ice Streets, Philadelphia, ami sold onsgtnev in Sun bury, bv H. U. MASSER. May 1 1th. 1 HI It. Agent. EAGLE .eth: a:s ja. .mx; et Cornrr of' Third nnd Vine S!n t ts, WXIaLIAKSPORT, FA. FjHE subscriber respectfully announces to the L public, that he h .s opened a Hotel in the com modioli brick building situate on the corner of 'I hiid and Pine streets, where he will be happy to wait tip. -ti ihose who may fivor him with their company. The Eagle Hotel is lurge and Conveni ent, and furnished in the be-i modem stile, li is provided with a large number of well aired and comfortable sleeping apartments, rooms, privnt arlors, A.c. Persons visiting WilliainsMirl on bu siness or pleasure, may rest ns-ured lhat every et iriioii will le usej to render iheir sojourn st ihe "Eagle Hot. I" pleasant and agreeable. His 'Fable will lie supplied wilh the very beat ihe market af fords, and his bar with iho choicest wines and other liquors (baiges reasonable. The Mai-le Hotel possesses greater advaniajres. in point f location than any olhei similar est iblishnient in ihe borough, being siluiilu in Ihe business part oflheiow n, and within a convenient distance of the Court House and Wiiliain.-pi.rt and Elmira Rail Road Depot. Suificienl Stabliiic provided, and gooj and Irusty ostler always in attendance. Attentive, accommodating' and hnne-t Servants have been ernploved, nnd nothing b fi undone th n will udd lo the luinl'orl and accommodation of his gue-ts. There will he a carriage alwavs in attendance' at the Itoat Landing to convey passengers to and from the House, lite of charge. CHARLES BORROWS. Mav 11th. lS12.tf liclinel taver V Moil, COPE MAKERS & SHIP CHANDLERS. Ao. 1 3 A'orA l'ucr Street. I'hiladelphia. A t. constantly on baud, a general assort ment of Cordage, Seine Twinea, Ac., via: laid Ropes, Fishing Ropes, White Roriea, Manil la Ropes, '1'ow Lines for Canal Boats. Also, a complete assortment of Seine Twines, Ac. such a Hemp Shad and Herring Twine, Best Patent tiill Net Twine, Cotlon Shad and Herring Twine, Shoe ThreaJa, &c. Ac. Also, Bed Colds, Plough Lines, Halters, Traces, Cotton and Linen Carpet Chains. Ac all uf which they will dispose of on reasonable teims. Philadelphia, November 13, l4.. ly. si'j':niNG7GobLrsr cd No. m Market Street, I'hiladelphia. INVITE the attention of Country Merchants to their extensive assortment of British French and American Dry Good, which they offer for sale on the most reasonable terms. Philadelphia, November 13, 1841. Yj, Wl. EEXL1A1T & CO., Ml sa aa atw lam " Commission ifc Forwarding Merchants, Foot of IVitfaw Strert Rail Road, on Tim iikiswsmr, HAVINO associsled with them Joseph Barnef,. late of Esstoii, Pa., respectfully inform their friends and the public generally, that they have ta ken tht Urge Snd wet known store and wharf at font of Willow Street Railroad, lately occupiel by Jacob Martin, where ihey purpose doing a (ieneral Commission and Forwarding Business, and fiom the local advantases of Ihe place being connected with all Ihe public improvements that have their outlet in Ihe citv, they flatlet themselvea ihey will be able tn do business to a great, if not gieater ad vantage, and upon as reasonable terms ss any other house, and Ihev assure their friends that any con signments made to them shall have their strict at tention, and no eteilions spared to give entire satis faction. They are alsi prepared to receive and forward poods lo any pninl on the Delaware and Lehigh rivers, between Mauch Chunk, Easion and Phila ileh his, via Delaware Divisieii and Lehigh Canals; also, to any point on the Juniata river, or Nnrih and Wit Dranrhes of the Susrpiebanna via Srhuyl kill and Union, or the Chesapeake and Tide Water Canals. For the accommndntinn of Boats coming or go ing via Schuylkill and Union Cannjs, a Sieunlmat will be ki pt expressly for towing boats from iho Schuvikill around to the Delaware and back, which will eri'ibfe merchants to have iheir produce deli vered on the Delaware, and their goods sl.ippid at a saving ot 50 to 75 per cent, on Ihe prices for hault' B acos, wiih these advantages they le apt clfully solicit s share nf patronage. . 11 L.ilo.ll.V.1 l,U, liarn Iteilman, liam W. Keyser, i. ph llarnel. rhilaiL.May 14. lfsJ3. 1 W. HEiLMAN ot CO. William Iteilman, Willi Joseph llarnel. 3 Philad.,May 14. IfMS. ly J. IrSAYLANB, JR. & CO. Nniiir ninl Tuluicco iMnntitucttirers, ,o. !!) Aorti Wrat corner nf Rare and Third St r fits.' PHILADELPHIA. j rT",Iin undersieup.l have formed a Co-partnership ; under the firm of. I. MAYLAN 1). .Ih. cV C.. s successors to ihe late firm of Jitcnh Alnyland Co., nn.1 will emtinue the business at theold esta 1 Idisbmenl, on their own account. In addition to j iheir own close attention and ev'rience for many , years, in the manufacture of (heir cefcbraled snuffs. eve, the long experience of the senior partner of the late firm, will also be devoted lo the interest of ihe new concern and as no exertion and care will be spared to insure their poods, at a'l times of the ve ry I est quality, they solicit a continuance of the confidence ol the li.ends and customers of llo late firm. THOMAS ADAMS. J. MAV LAND, Jr. Philadelphia. May l llh. 184:). ly To ( oimlrv FtlERC HANTS. '"I'MIE Subscriber, A cent of Lyon cV Harris. Hat Manufacturers, for N'. w York. Philadelphia, Baltimore and other larj;e cities, whoso lints are highly commended fir ttnd covr wirr ihfn'.ility, has on hand a first rate assortm ent of HA I'S and CAPS, suitable for Spring s des, wh ch will l e sold verv low. fiM cash or appioved credit, al the ni tfd cheap store. No. 40, North Third stre-t, opp isi'a the City Hotel, Philadelphia. ROBERT D. WILKINSON. .t,"-i,r N. B. Orders (of Hats in ihe rnufh. promptly atteniWI to. The highest price in riWi or trude given far 7'r;r iWn.r. Philadelphia, June 11, 1813.--ly BOLTON & CO. C.rnrral 4 oiniiiiiioii .'leiilinnts, For the Sale if Flour, Cruin, Sird, c. por,. CHT? v,i,'-A-J i Ij i.r r.t i he Mere FULLY i form their Ir ends and bants ccncrallv. that they hue la- ken I hose lame and commodious harvr s, w iih to I Doiks, north of Closnul street, on the IMawtre, together with the sloie No. 19 South W harves, where ihev would he p!eaed to n c. ive coii-in-mcnts of (iram, Flour, Seed, Whiskey, Iron, e. Ac. Being also well prepared to foivvar.l all Kinds j of Merchandise by ihe Schuylkill and Union, or by ! the Chesapeake and Thle Water Canals, as tmv j boats are kept expressly for the purpose of towing I boms by eidier route. j Merc! ants will please be particular to send their ; goods drained bv either canals, 1 1 No. 19 Souiti j Wharves, between Market and Chesimt streets, on ! ihe Delaware, with directions accompanying ihein which route ihev wish ihcm to be shipped. I tX- Plasier and Sui for sa'e, at the lowest mar I ket price. BOLTON" A Co. j March 19. ISn. No. 19 South Wharves. I housh, .Yo. SM, Xnrih Third, eWe ( 'uthichill St., I PHILADELPHIA, j TIOHN DUNCAN, hue from the Pennsylva- 9P "ia Farmer, and Samuel Pike, jr., bre of A ! int rirao Hotel, Cidumbus. Ohio, lake pleasure in sc. quan. ling their friends and the public jener.dlv that I they have taken the large and romm odious Hoiti, licemly huiil by the Missia. 11 art, on the sar.ie site l once occupied by the old established Hotel known " the Bull's Head, in Third stieet above Callow- hill si. This Hotel i finished in the very best poss.hle manner, and of ihe be-t inn'cria's. Its location is very desirable, pariicularlv f.r country merchants; the airangemenis for l.ea'ii.g anil veniilaling each room is such as to secure any lempeiature. The brdroomsare all light and .urv, all lumishcd ina neat style, so a to insure lomfort. 'J'he receiving parlors are also fun. i-he.l in a su perb style, the windows aie on the Fundi style, forming un eniiaiice to u b deony in front, hu.lt make pleasant recess. Purlieu!! stienlion has been given to Ibe beds and bedding, which, wilh ihe furniture, are entirely new. r rom yea's' cx eriei.ee in hntel business, we trust, by strict ass. doily lo husimsi, to make this bouse a desirable stepping place. Our tilde will always be supplied wuh li e very bisl our market can aiford, and our barweh the bcsl h.j jors and w ines nf the most appioved brands. P. S. There are first rate stabling and carriage houses attached lo the hotel, stlmded by ct lfal and soler hosilers, and our charges will be low, in accordance wilh ibe present haid I lines. - Philadelphia, Oct. 7lh, l4'J. G'OLDKN" SWAN S BtfS Ui3 D '- s No. M .orth Third, above Arch Street, I'HILADKLPHIA. ACCOM MOP AT IONSJ FllB MVENTV rHIIOM. CHARLES WEISS, late of ihe "White Swan," end Mount Vernon House," respeclfully in forms his friends and customers, that he has become Ihe proprietor of the aboa well known Hotel. Country Meicbsnu will find the above Hotel central location, and the best of faie. Persona Ira veltinc with private conveyance will find a large yard and good stabling for horses, and Ihe best of ostler. Boarding fl per day. May Mtb,! U. , , , i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers