!M Hrgfnr NBfl Banker. "St(id out -ot my .," a id a rough voice under my window, one day 1 Mt musing1 over the Willing gcenei telow me, at my lodging. ' "'Your honor will pleata recollect," replied rhnrp tut somewhat indignant -voice "your honor will please to recollect that 1 urn a bejr pur, and hsve as much rijrhtto the road as your seif "Audi am a bsnlter," wet retorted still norrnTipTriy. Amuaedat thif ftranire dinlojrijo, 1 lrnnrd over the cusemcnt, nnJ beheld twociti s.er.s in a position which a pugilist would do nominee squared, their countenances somewhat mensem, nnd persona prcacntinj: a contrast at mice ludicrous and instructive. The one was a purse -proud, lordly mannered man, apporontly . silk, and protecting a carcase of nearly the fjirciimforeince of a liorshead ; the other Mcped flud dirty, but an equally impudent and sr-lf-itn-pnrtant personage ; and from a comparison of ttioir countenances it 'vould have puzzled the nv!t profound M. D. which of their rotundities '.vaa stored hapitually with good victuals and drink. Upon a doso observation, however, of the countenance of the banker, I discovered, almost ns Bonn as my eye fell upon it, a line bespeak-'.n- romothing of humor, and awakened curios ity, and he stood fixed and eyed his antagonist ; and this become more clear and conspicuous when he lowered his tone and said, ''How will you make right appear.'" said the beggar, "Why listen a moment, and I will teach yon. In tbo first placedo you take notice. God has piven to me a soul and a body just as good for all the puposes of eating, thinking, nnd drink in?, and taking my pleasure as he has you ajid then you may remember Dives and Laza rus as we pass. Then, again, it is a free coun try, and here too, we are on an equality fur you must know that hure even a beggar's dng may look a gentleman in the face with as much indifference as he would a brother. I nnd you dare the same common master; are equally True ; and live equally easy ; are both travel ',:ns the Mine journey, bound to the same plsre, olid have hot!) to die and be buried in the end." "But," interrupted the banker, "do you pre tend there is no difference between the beggar and a banker I" Not in the least as to rssen (ia!s. l'ou swagger and drink wine in compa ny of your own choosing I swagger and dring . .i.r, which I like better than your wine, in c o.Tij'ar.y which ! like better than your compa ny Vrn make thousands a day, perhaps I, ;r..:l: s!i ''iivs, perhaps ; if you are contented, "en, we art equally' haopy at night. Von (jos in new clothes; lam just as comfortable in t;iy c..'d ones, and have no trouble in keeping tiicin from soiling; if I have less properly than you, 1 have less to care about ; if fewer friends, i have less friendship to lose ; aud if I do not make as great a figure in the world, I make as great a shadow on the pavement ; I am as great as you. Besides, my word for it, I have few er enemies, meet with fewer losses, carry as light a heart, and 6ing as many songs as the best of yoir.J'- "And then,"" said the banker, who had all along tried to split in a word edge way, "is the contempt of the world nothing !" I "The envy of the world is ai bad at its con-1 tempt you have, perhaps, the one, and I a j rhare of the other. We are matched there,) too. And besides, the world deals in this mat- j ter equally unjuct with us both. Vuu and I live j by our wits, instead of living by our industry , and the only difference between us in this par- j ticular worth naming is, that it costs society J more to maintain you than it does me I am ffm'.ent with a little, you want a great deal. Neither of us raise grain or potatoes, or weave cloth, or mnnuftcture anything useful, we there fore add nothing to the common stock, we are only consumers, and if the world judge with tt.-i:t impartiality; therefore, it seems to me I would be pronounced the cleverest fellow. Some pawer-by here interrupted the conver sation. The difputants separated apparently pood friends, and I drew in my head ejaculating Fotr.ewhnt in tlte manner of Alexander in the r.lav, '"Is there no d:florenc5 between the beg ger and the binkor." But eeveral years fcave einoe passed away, nul cow both these, person have paid the last lektif nature. They died as they lived, the one a beggar End the other a banker. J exam ined both their graves when I next visited the city. They were of a similar length and brtadth the grass equally green a'boveach, and the sun looked as pleasantly on one as on the other. No honors, pleasures, or delights, clustered round the grave of the rich man. They were both equally deserted, lonely, and forgotten ! I thought, too, e,f the destinies that had passed ; of that state in which temporal distinctions ex ist not ; temporal honors are regarded not. Where pride and all the circumstance which srtmotind this life never find admittance. Then the distinctions of time appeared, indeed, as an atom in the sunbeam, compared with those which are made in that changeless state to which they both had pasted. Jones' Lant. Jones saya that the other day be wit in a steamboat above St. Louis, and titers was a raw Iloosier on board. At night, when the folks went to bed, Mr. lloosier lay !own with Ins toot on. The steward aeeing this walka up and politely says, "Sr, you have lain down with your boots on." Mr. IIwtMcr calmly raises bis head, and look ing dorn at the boot, innocently replies, "It won't hurt Vm they ire not the test pair." Een the smaller people, when in love, be come people of great light. HANK NOTE LIST. The f dlowing Kst shows the current Tslun of all Pennsylvania Bank N.4m. The mm implicit re liance rosy be placed upon it. as it every r.tek avpfully compared with and corrected from Dick nell's Reporter. ltniiks In Flitladelphln. TA M t " I" PuilAD. TVOTK8ATPAJJ Bans of Nor'h Amerira , , Rank nf flip Northern Li'ertips , Oommcnr-ial Hunk nf Perm's. . , Firmer- and Mirhanics' Bank . Kensington H.ink . . Philadelphia Hank . . Schuylkill Hunk 3ntithwarl Bank . . Wcslorn Punk . . Mechanics' 15nnk . . Manufacturer?' & Mechanics' B.mK Country Hank. Bunk of '"'heslor County Wcslchcstrr Unnk of Drbiware County Chester Bank nf (Scrmantuwn (ifrinantown Rnnk of Monteomery Co. Norristown Doylrstnwn Bank Doylrstnwn Ration Bnnk East.m pir . par pr: . pr , par I -. par ! par ' par j par ' pa.! par' par par p-,r; par . pr ! mr 1 Parmers' Flank of Bucks eo. Rri-lol par Offire of Rank of Peon's. Office. do do Office ilii do Oilice do do NOTES AT llurrisliiiriO Thrp t . 1 ... I.rinennicr 1 officesi ' llt'ndint; f do not i l'iiiii J ii.sue n. DIHCOI'NT. i Rank nf the United State flunk of Penn Township Gi'ard Rank Moysmcmmig Bank Rank of Pennsylvania Miners' Bank of Polisville Rank nf Lnwistown Rank of Midillotown Bank nf Northumberland Philadrlphia :t) ' par I p.r! . pa' I pur ; i I '1 ; Pot'ailln l.ewitfiwn Miildleiown N'trihiimhrrlaiid par (nlumt)ia Bank & Bridge io.(!olumhia Carlisle Bank Carlisle Bxohange Bank l)o do branrh of Piitsluirg j i i ; par j Pr I 1! P" ; ?! i ; ii i H olliilnvaliiirg Farmera' Bunk of I.ancsstet LanraJtei Lancaster County Bank Lanrastor Farmera' Bunk of Reading Readine; HarrinhiHg Batik Harrislmrg fjimcns'er Bank Ii.inr.is'nr I.nhanon liank Lebanon Merrhanl'& Mnnuf. Bank Piitsloiri; Bank of Pittshurg Pittlitog Wrat Brnneh Bniik Williamspnrt Wyoming Bunk Vt ilkeshane Northampton Bank Alleutotvn Berks County Bank Reading Office of Baiik of U. ft. PitUmrg fai'ed ! do j T)i do do Erin Do do do New Brighton KenniiiEioii Sav. Ins. A ila Penn Township S:iv. Ins. do Bank of Chamhershurg Chambernhurg Bunk of Oettysburg tii'tivalmrg Bnnk of Susquehanna Co. Mr.ntroae do i H i,ij Jal Ii U U Erie Bunk Er Farmer' eV Drovers' Bank Wanestmrg Franklin Bank Washinstoo Honesdalp Doik Honeddle MonnngaheU Bank of B. Brownsville Vork Bank Yn,k 1 N. B. '1 he notes of thnae banka on whirh we omit quotations, and sutititntp a daah ( ) are not purchased by the Philadelphia linkers, wiih the exception of those whirh have a Inter ot nference. BROKE X B A X K S. Philadelphia Suv. Ins. Phil.nl. I..hia failed filled filled fjiled Philadelphia Lonn Co. d. Schuylkill Sav. tna. do Manual Labor Bank (T. W- Dvott. prop.) I'owanda Bunk 'I'owiindd Allrghany Bank of Pt. D inh of Beaver Bank of walnra Rank of Washington Centre Bank City Bunk Farmer' & Mech'ca' Bank Fsrmrra' & Mech'ca' Bank F miner' & MerhYs' Liauk ifannony Insiiuito lluiitingdor. Bank Juniata Bunk Luitihermen'a Bank Northern Bank of Pa. New Hope Del. Bridge Co. Northumh'd Union Col. Bk. North Western Bank ol" Pa. OlTice of Schuylkill Bank Pa. Apr. & Mnnuf. Bank Silver Lake Bank I'ninn Bank of Penn'a. Westmoreland Bank Wilkeabarre Bridge Co. Bedfoid no sale I Boiiver rlitaed I Hairistmrg ch'sed N a-hiiiRtiii) laded Beib 'finite cloat'd Pitl.-hlilg lio halo Pllt.-liurg filled Fayette co. failed (irt-eiiCH-tie failed II itrinoiiv no hale Hunting. Ion no tale 1 Le iioii no bjle j Warirn failed ' fuii.lrtiT no kale ' New Hope closed , M ilton no (.ale 1 Meadtille rljM'd Port Carbon I Cnriile foiled j Moiitri.ao rloaed ! I'liiontcwn filled ! (irr eliiil lHg closed I Wilks!urie noaala ) (J3 All notes purporting to be on any Penney I- j vani Bank not given in the shove list, may be act iown as frauds. keiv Ji:itsi:v. Bank of New Biuoswick UeKideie Bank Burlington Co. Bank ommercial Bank Uumhorland Ujnk Farmer' Bunk Brunau irk Belvuli'ie Medtord Perth Ain'ioy Uridge'on failed i! par ( i p.r par I .Mount Holly Parmer' aud Mechanics' Bk Railway i Farmers' and Mechanics' Ilk N. Biuniirk failed Former' and Merehanu' Bk .MiiKllet.ovn P(. 1 Franklin Bank of N. J. Jrr-ev City failed fillhd tailed failed f..iled failed Huboken Bkir& lirazing t o Il.ib iken lersey City Bank Jersey City Pntlerson Bell.ville Mornslmvn Krceliold Newark Trenton Jersey City Newaik Mechanic' Bank Manufacturers' Bank Morri County Bank Monmouth Bk of .N.J. Mechanics' Bank Mechanic' and Manuf. Bk Morris Canal and lH.g Co Post Note Newark Bkg & Ins Co New Hope Del Bride Co i ! par j lio sale. I I : failed tailed 3 ! failed 4 I.aui!.eilkill) Iloliukeii N, J. Monufac. snd likg Co N J Protecton &. Lowbatd I k Jersey City Orange Bank Orange Palermo Bank Pa'cii-oii People' Bank do Princeton Bank Princeton Salem Banking Co Salem Stale Bank Newark State Bank Llizu! elhtown Slain Bank Camden State Bank of Morria Monistowii Slate Bank Treiitou Salem and Thilad Manuf Co Salem Suaaex Bank Newton Tienton Banking Co Trenton Union Bank Dtver Washington Banking Co, llarkenssck Bk ofWilm& Brandy wine Wilmington bank of Delaware Wilmington Bunk of Smyrna Smyrna Do blanch Millord Farmers' Bk of State of Del Dover Do branch Wilmington Do branrh Georgetown Do brauch Vwclle Union Bank Wilmington ay Under 6't par j pir , i I , par , i : failed ! failed 1 par i failed par par par par per par par psr i rrrOnall btukt maiked thut () tbert are k tner countetleit or t lured no let of tht vsiioim da noouualious, in ciiculsliaa. WISTAR'S xi us im op wii.b ciicnnv, A Compnnnri nnlanmln frpprtlon front Wild Cltrrrx Uark nnrt Tar, Tht Imt remrily known tothetvnrfiffirr the out' of totifhf, coltft, asthma, croup, hlrfding of-tht uf?f t, tthnopmti cough, lirtmthitit, in?ii tnza, thvrlmu ff breath, pain end iotnhncn in the breatt or tide, liver tnm'ilninl, and the Jirtt ttogrs nf CONSUMPTION'. We will not wrt llat this BAf.SAM will core Citiompiion in it wot it furm.hnl it hsa rured nunv sflpr all othrr means of relief hsil- bpen'trird in nin. And why not ! It sppms lhat the WILD ('HKRHV was dopiitied by Natuie '.o lie our PA NACEA fir the ravaging i1iea-e nf this e !d la tiludp. I, el not hp (1. utiairing invalid watte his mnnrv nnd liixo TIME, to him si all important, in trjitrimtntinir wiih the tranhy nnlrum of ilia i A it, lull one at oner a mrdirine lhat will eii'P, If a rure hp p"S-ihle -s medicine thai seienre apprnvpn, I ami many ypara of ejperienee have demnnslratpd that It miviiS relieves. ) 'Then if nn Mich thing an fail" in the h'story ! of tins wnndertul BALAAM. Evidenc the nml i ror.vinrioe rvpiletip,. thai no oiip Crt'i doubt, fullv p.lalili firs this fart. Tor the sike of hrevity we ; Bpiprt ihe f.il'owini; f'nm tl'Oiiini1t. j Isaac Pla't, Eq., Edit.tr of the P. ksrpie E:icIp. ; one of IIip ni'iat inllupotinl jmirnaN in lle aiaip of j New Yoi'k, st.ilr tindei iho authority of liia own i name, th it a yoiniff Inily. a relative nf his, of verv ih'liralr eoripli'Bliciii, wa nilarki'd in Keli. IS-12. i with Fcvorp ritld. whirh immeiliatrly proilured fpil 1 til it; rf It I noi, roil git, fpvpr, and nthrr ilnnerrnu and j nlnrmii (t evmtitninn. Thruah mpilirl neat men' ; nnd rue .ie pn'tially rre.ivpnd dn'ine summer. lint on (he return of winter b!ip wh att irk.-d iochp i vi.ileiuly tlmn at lirs', stie licramp srarn ly aMe to l waik ami wa tmolilrd with ritueh. chill!1 and fpvpr every ilay, anil appiMted to he irning rapully with 1 rnnaiimn'i'in : at tlii time, when there hi n niirn I g , , i'i iiiiiiiiiv.'iiii-1, .ill. I i:iu imniiiru i'11'iin "l ... ' , ,,. '.. , 1 i niTAii a JWt.sAM ne W itn I.hchiit. whirh i-hp took, and it si eniinglv retoipd her. Nip g l a se- , , , , , ir . 1 r . , eonil, anil trfoin 11 a half laden he wan rPHtoreil r .1 1 1.1 1 1 1 u 1 . .1 lo tirrfrtJ htclth, whlrll n!ie ha rrjoved lo the pre- ' . . artit tuiiP. without the slightiTt symptom oftvr fir mer di-e a, tr. P'a't aava "the rf.re purne under r.rv own oh- eivntion and I cannot he mist.i.cn aa to tlie farts." v.xtract or a j.r.Trr.n rrwxA rosr; MASTER. DATED Pfmrkork, Washington co., Maine, Ar. 23, 1 ;t !. MR. ISAAC BUTTP. Dear 8ir: At the re-J quest of ninny of niy friends in this plare and viri niiy who arp afflicted with consumption ami liver j romplainis, I lake thp liheny of asking you to ap. j point some one in this county as agent to sell Wis th's Bai.m or Wu.it Ciir.ttTiT, ami to send him ', a few dozen, as there ia none of it frr aale within j 200 miles from thia I have no doubt that it would I meet with t reoily aalp if il were where it nnild le piocnred without too mnrh rrpersp and delav. ' My wile waa attarked abut ail m nlh ainre j wiih what the phvsirians railed the first s'agr of, con-ump'ion a complnint very prpvaleut in this si c.ioii of country. Having seen the Balsjtn d- j virlisrd in Aucusls. . 200 ItllLES PSOM HERE, C3 I took the siti to tend there for a hoille ol it, whirh she look, snd hich helped her an much that I aent for ISO bolib'a more, whirh fhe haa !.t ta ken, and he now S'iy ahe has nt feltso well for i-iz years as she does at thia lime. All those who have inquired of me and as'-eitaioed what etlirrt the Balsam h id. ore aniioua to hsve some for sale in this vicinity, whirh is Ihe c:iue nf mv wrun g you. Plra-e inform me hy relu n nf m ill whether you ronrluile to send some, and if so to whom, in order thai il may he known where it ran he had. 1 am with respect voura, etc. P. (. FAUNS WORTH, P. M. The whole country is fust learning that no medi cine no phvsirian no pieparaiinn of any kind whrtti ver ran eqnal Dh. Wibtak' Balsam or Wilu Chshrt. A TIU LV lVOl)i:RM L (1RF- Wit v I LI.T., Oneida eo.. N. Y. Sept. 1 5, 1 843. Dear Sir I owe it lo the afflicted to inform y.. lhat in J.inuary last I was attacked bv very vio lent cold, rausrd hy wmkinj? in the water, which settlrd on my limns. It was aicoinpanii'd hv a ve rv severe pain in my hreasl and sides, and also a dim irsMiig r. ugh. I had in a'tendnnre all the I rt j metliesl aid in our viIIibp; hut after exhausting nil j their akill io no aviil. ihey pronoun' e l my di-ease a '. rosritF.o ronsi-MPTtoN, and they one and al! ' pure vie tip to tlie. Alter mnrh ruoinn I got I ha consent of my phvsirian to use ihe BtistM nt j W iti t'sianv pfi pared by Da. WtarA. I pur- rhsi-d of ttie Agent in our plare nne Itoille, before ; using half of whirh I l-rv-;in to gain strength, and it , w;i very evident my cough wn mnrh hrttr and i my vmptom in every viay iiiipT viitr, I h ive now tued three hmtlea, nnd am rmtnrtd to prrfcrt health. Thia renli ia !"iie mvina lo the n-.-of! DR. WISTAR'S BALAAM OF WILD CHER- UV ; and I Ink" thia nirthod nf a ing you rim io fomaiio,,. panly to p., - y, the deb. f rrt.t...le owe vnu, and partly lhat others similarly afflicted max know where to pr'y relief. j Yety trulv youts, JAMES RAGE. Mm, Palmer. Druggist, under date of Wuter ville, ; Sept. 21th, IS43, writes; j The slit.uieni given yi u by Mr. Jnme S2 is! well known lo he true by thia vhnle cnmmwnly. Ii c. ruiidv wa a most remaika' lecnre. The sale nf ihe BaUam ia very po"l, and iis success in rure j truty ilstteriug. Youra n-cpietfullv, ' D. D. PALMER. THE MOST I.KMAl.KAlJI.i; (Ti.r. kvf.u itKConnr.i). j IlAiinoari ti n. N. J , April -0. 184.1. On or iihuul the 13th day of Oct.-bei, 1811, I taken wi'h a violent (mill in the si-la ( ear ihe liver, j which ron'inor.l for about fivcdiy. and wa fob i lowxl by lli breaking ol an u'or, or al seen, in. wardly, which relieved the pain a little, but cau-ed j me 'a throw up ureal qoitilitv of nllrnsivp matter 1 -mil also iriuell Hood. Being grra'lv al nmed at ' this. I applied lo a phy-ii ian, but he said bp 'hougM h could tlo but II 1 ll- for iiip except give ine mil' Mercury Villa, which I refused to takr, feeling ' ing f t'antiell's Medicated Syinp of Sars iparilla, ausfieij that they ciuld ilo me no good ; many o or Ami Seorbu'ie Symp, I proruied four hot lbs, ther remedies were then prorured by ny wif and which comnletelv removed nil her pains and still Ii lends, but none did me any goo.1 and ihe iIik j nes from her limbs ; two mure hollies made a per charge ol blood and coiiupli ni still continued evi ry 1 feet cure. Khe i now able to attend to her house- few days, and at l ist become i otfenaive that cu d ccsrcely breathe. I Waa also seized with a vi olent cough, which at lime caused me to rait much moie blood than I bad done before and my disease continued ia tbi wty, dill growing worse, until February, when all hop of my recovery was given up, and my fiieads til thought I would die of ttiAiLoriso Cosauxr-rio. At this moment, when my lift wss tppareody drawing near ila close, I heard of DR. W STAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHELRY, and got a bottle which at nsvt o raa immadiatxit ; and by the us of only three bi-tilrt of thu medicine, all my pain were removed my cough and spilling of blood and cor ruption entirely ttopped, aud in a few week my health wt to far restored tt to enable me tu woik at my trade, (which is a carpenter,) and up lo lhi note I have enjoyed good health. THOMAS COZENS. CLorciaria CocaTtr, N. J , ss. Fersi-ntlly cams Ufi.rt n-, tht tiibtcribtr, out of the Justices of the Peart in and for the said conn ty, Thomas Corens, and heing duly afTirmed tc cor Jint; to lawj sailh tha above itatement in in all thine true. Affirmed befure mo, on the 30th nf A pril. 1 fi4.1. ") i. CLtiltNT.J P. . J furh it the unprecedented succeat of this BAL SAM, "SATIRE'S FATOMTE PRESCWPTIM," l prescription Cnnuenl.il toour wanrt, an It is pie pared from chemical elret from snhstances tahirh the author of nature hat placed in our own lnd for wise iurpofc, that many who know nnthing of the mo.le of iis prrpar iiimi are endp;,voring to reap pecuniary benefits by svllinri an aiticln similir in name, or in aptrearinre, or by reprr-eniina their nam nr ru trim, in linn ,) n 1.01,11, or OV pni- tin, op.mixtuie rd solemnly severatint; th t it i. i.nr.,rt,l fr.,m a f.irei.n enonlr. ,hinK niii . i. e . . . l cai All It-.pae (life ptive aria n to ahow tht v. it : , . .. ... , itii a Hai.w i kitonn l.t the world to be i.t'iiv r-r r.' it uriipiivi i . . , "77 fillr.AT Jtr.Mr.DY. anil that to us1 :. . , ,-. ... anv mmiirp it must lie tike thla ii name, or p'jr- i ii..,' i . ' port to he like it io aulialanee. I, o . .i i l , , . tY r lli'IlPV lull II.A pniininii u irmn.hi r.l.,,.. ti n HnJ lake only the oriitinal and genuine istah a litr.sAM or Vt n.n tiitasr. NO OTHTin CAN DI3 I.t2S IT. ! Adilrrs nil or.lrra to ISAAC lit i'Trt, No. 32 j Ann M., New V,ok, , i Agent,, JOHN W. FKILINO. Sut,hrr, j 1). BRMI I'KtAM. Knrthumbtrhmd, J. K. MOVnif. Ilhmmihun;, J. WACtiON.SKLLKi:, SrHitt-f trove, , BilOW.N A CREASY, MjhuvHU. Feb. 22d. 1845 ly I FIFTY IiOI.i,AHS UKW.Uil) ! ! CANTRELL'S i f'lolrnfof! Intnlly It'diciiiCM j 7ILL not rure every thing, but still rein do uueuuaileii in tn.-ir arvrrjl iP partmenti lv i evi ry thing ever oiTered to the public, who have ...i.,m .... . c i t . ir. i i ' -"hiiii ii it inuir i.iinaiu bihi niieii-ii iiumrr 11119 nun 1 1 11 .11 . - 1 r .l nietily reapectuh e tesiunoniaU of their superior ! j ' ' I '. ,r r- j ,- , , o r o i nntrtlis f nmiiiitnd Mrdtcatul Surup of Sai- ,, , ' . . , ' ,-' 1 "tpnrilUl s or. Anti-Srorliutic rt rup. for the n.rf, t ' r ' ,,. . . . ;. '1 Ol r.riirlolM l.hrriii.e I. hfin.n it turn I .limine f.i&nl. "iga of the Joints. l",iuption of tlie 'kin. niul oil i Disea-es aiii-ing from tlie aliuae of Mereuiv, Vr., uiisurr.asse.l .y any thing in IIip mti'ket, roiolii. nii.g all the virtuea resident in the Sr-iip irill t with s modern nteilicament, onlv bttelv hrought out hy ihe immt respertahlo medical authorities. Prire, fit) rents per !i.,ule. C iiotrell's .inti' Dyspeptic t'nwder, fr 'hp re-lii-f nod prrmutit r.t cure of I h it in.. ft ilistiessuijr eimpl.iiiit, Dypepsi i, in all it forms and sing-os. h is tiulv a mosi vahi thin remedy. M.iM in tutiles aio and r0 cents rieh. Vuntrrfl'i .Igor, fdijeture mid T.mic Ncitirn. nivntu, stand l tho bend of the Kst iinrivalhd ly sny, or Sil Ihe itmiimeralln Tnedtnn in ti-e ihrooirhniil the leni.tt and tm.n.hli i.f llip lnt.it. fur ine cure oi r r.Vf mill am t. in all its auges, sou from all ita consequences. Re-idents in Fever and Ague districts should never he without it. Thp suhseriher will f.itfeil FIFTY DOLLARS where lr,s medirine tat! to peiform a cure in the moat nhaiinaie case. , .M V lioesus nn.l Ketail tiv U.M.Cil Ul.l i ar ins iiru-T i, areuouse, on, o ivorui i nun I Street, Vhiladelphir.; lso, hv the regularly ap pointed aceni. SE I II W. ltOilEUTS, Vliolesaie Druggist, Xii, S4 Water Street, Mobile. Pn pared oi:lv hv the Sr.lwrriher, corneT of CAR PEN'TKR snd SECOND Streets below Christi an, Philadelphia, where it is aleo retailed. Observe, none are genuine without Ihe siannture . f JOHN A. CA.NTRELL. C'mttrcirN A sho MUOira, or Tonlr rtlftltcuiiieisla. For the cure of all liiliuun njfcelio'ix, if taken at ruriliw to directimm. It is a never failing remedy which no family ouL'h' to be without, especially io low -marshy countries. A this medicine is put up under the -proprietor' immediate insction on the most scientific principles, being Purely Vegetable, snd having tried iis rlhrsry on thousanda, for upward of It years, and to hi knowledge hen taken s.rirtlv ac cording to directions, there has not hi en one failure, I'mlei such circumstances I recommend it 10 the public, adding a ceriificals in t-upp.irt of my asser tion. I, John Burns, do certify thnt I was in the ship Tob icro Plmit of I'hlliileli I i i, (wipt. Heed, in June, 127, Imon l to I.iv.rpiHt ; took Ihe fever sod iiiue and la'd in Livei-iil some time under the donoi's lan's, Wi "it liom there to Paitunere, lay in th Infirmary for four or five weeks from , -thence tu Philadelphia; was six mouth under Dr. ' Coat from thenre lo New Yi.rk went lo the j uosp tnt. iei.ia.neu men. aimui .,ur w. eK. wur.oui any reh(-t. ted every thing without any ber.el.t. Id! live yrnis, iicainiK in vyaiiiicu nur iini- lure from 4ieud, I went to his store, told him hnw I waa aJllicted, snd got a boille of hi mixture and ted it arr.ir.ling to drrertions. Il made ier- leri cure, and I have, imthadthe h alt return sit re. I , dj W0IJ,me,.d it tori, public. JOHN BURNS. .tJtMlUaU'd Syrup ofSarNapartllit. Phdad.lphia, April 10th, 1 K4 I. Mr. Jon A.CnTiiti t, Dear ir', Having lie. n afflicted forunatords of .. : r.i.i . lii ears wun uireraiion u tnp inrnsr, ue-triiving it., .hot nfihn i. ...I ,i. then ihioni.h the on.,. - -ii - part uf mv mouth into mv nose, from whirh err- ' nf pieces of rone rame out, whirh partially destroy- rd my srwerli, throuah a kind Providence and your Med.raied Syrup of Sarsapaiilt a, I amiuiwie.ior.il to pert, ct health, and my siu'ht, which was so much impair, d, is aa strong as when a boy. I thought it s duly I owed loyou an 1 those simi larly allecti d, to make it public. Yoina, Ri spec'fullv, KWIUEL KIRK. Corner of Truth sad dale Streel. I, fiabril Jorston, No. ti Re.-kless Street, do cer tify tint mv wife, Jane, was afPiicifd for two years i wiih Rhetinia'isui. and al la-t was entirely ili.aMtd, o thai she was obliged to be r. inline. I to bi d , t ear- hold dmiri as usual. ( ABRIL JONSTO.N. Philadelphia, Jan. 21d. 1841. fXj" De-eripiive Pampblet may be had of tht tgei.ts, (Cirati.) J. W, F RILING, Sunbury, Nov. 9, 1814. ly .Igent. A IIIIYtV UiTcJaI," WHOLES AX. S & RETAIZ. HAT & CAP M A MJ F ACT U J IE RS, South F.ait corner ofMarkvl und 4th .. Pbiladclphla, 11 ERE they always keep on band an exten- si iMortroent of HA TH U CA VS of tvery description, got up in tht best tnd most approved style, peisons derirous of purchsaing superior trtl clt on tht iuut teaaonihle lrm. wilt find il lo their advantage to call btfurt making purchase else where. Pbiltdelcbit, Oct. Sib, 18U. ly OAKLEY'S niTi HAini: svni r. THE v.rtuahle prnpmies of Oakley' Depura. livefyropof Haraapnrills, aa a purifier of ths Mood, is so well known to the politic aenerally, that it is unnecessary to oernpy mnrh spare in set ting: firth the advantages to !e, (terived from its osp ; wherever the medielne has once Ven intro durrd.lt takes precedence over all others-, evety one that has taken it, have itemed o ,gnn hene firial rennlta from it, that it ia recommeiiilpd by them with tbe uimrmt Cimf,derf:e. Physirlaoa of ion uiRnem stanuins in trie irolen.n, prpgrrihe it to paiipnls under their care ; Containing nottiing deleterious, but lieina compone.l of the mosi miM. nnuin vi-ifniniiir, maipna IP", II IS OltiTPll won I conltdenre. the ehe,,t and mnat .fficirit ,. I rifier of it,. l,loo,l nom Tk. -r . L.. i j.i ii .l. . ..i . : botiles. espeoiallv n the stirina mnntba, wi tip at- , . i , . '., -i , . . i , tended wtth a most dernlril uniiiovemem in tho bp- i . r., i , ; , neral slreiiKth of the ayaiem, eradicaunt anv we. U 1 r , .7 . , , . , . ., . l of i!twae that mav nave heeu DPiiernted, Vieiil(- , i.. , . . . , i giving health nnd viaur to he body. For Ihe rure , t , , -.,.' . , I It I ,11,1a r U innm ! . I l!!,,.,,,.!,. 'I'..,!,.. , i iinpiea or riiiputKiH in inr c-kiih line -wi-uinc, Ii: 1. - t ti'li.-O Ii- r. . , ... . m,. nni:iiiiirii iiuv-n i.uiq in mi iti v, oui wunoui re- Fistula, Chronir Cough A.lh.-na, &c. 1 he. mi- : (.(,tva ,,'.,, , , airpj nfev . mer.Ni reri.fira.es in the posaeetnon nf foe subsiti- . rrr(, , ip f of , ,he tj lrand hiagei,ta,r,ornphyfir.anaand others, are,,, Hni, V(.rv n,, , eII1IIirncA u,ine th(! .,we sofTirient to convince the m.t k. pt,tt1 of na eu- 0;nlm, (irqnlTrf , Vauh..n cV Dtvi..) In perior, y over .1 preparalmn. of 8,rs,pa,ill.t. , f(.w yjtm,n ,hp vi(,Vflt il(.M , h.ilil wlliile-aln ml ret all. ti the tironrieliir. ,, .. . CEORCE W. OAKLEY, North 5th streel. lien iliiiki, Beiks Couiiiy, and lo hn hul of the following peisons in ft'itrt'iumhrrhmd dotitit'.H, B. Massrf, Suiihury ; Ireland ,V Mixel, MrEtvensville ; I) Krau-n r. Milloii. in Union County.. Oeerbart, SrKnsgrove! A. (Jtileliiia, 'MirHiiilmrg. In CulurMa County. H. W. McCay, NVasb ingion. Reading, March H, 1 irt. Mn. Oaklet: I believe it flip nty of every one lo do wlihtererin their power I ie, fir Ihe h-ne. fit of their fellow man, and having had positive proof in mv own family, of file wotiilerful properties of your Depnrative Syrop of Snrsitparilla, I mtst conscientiously rerommend it In the sffiirted. We bail the misfortune to lose two of our children, by tlip breaking nut of ulrerout tore thai covered the fare, bead and neck, nllhouch we had some of the most M'ien'ifir phyi-iriaiw lo atlend th'n snil hail ,rit.j ,, ,tlp known telie,. inrlu.ling wailns Panarea, without avail. Another of my ehitdreu was. aiiai ko'l in Ihe aame manner, her fare and neik was romplelely covered; Ihe d'ihnite was so nlleimivp, and ihe diseaae at such s heicht. that we dei-pVired of her life, treeing the wonderful ellerts nl vour IVpur.tlive Syrup ot i$ itsaparill.i. wp iveie indiirrd lo ninke tri.il nl il. ns the !.jt rea ir!-; ii aeied like a charm; the u'cers rommencd healnm immediately, a f w hollies eiiitielv re-it oredJur lo j ,., h,,a whirh ahe h..s enjoyed ' tiniiilenui-ledly ever smre. Asa punlier ol lue hloml, I verily he hvve it has not ils equal. J 1 1 H IS M) tli. I si'.or. Walnut streel, near Fourth, Kea ling. Dotiglasavillp, April 18th. Ms. Oaklet: My son Edmund Loaf, had the arrofela in the mosi dreadlul and di-tresing man ner fir three years, during wh'rh time be wjs dr. ur n,, o(- tit liinhs, his lie.d and neek were covered with ulcers. We tried all iIip dilf. r pet remediea, but to no elTect,,uiilil recommended I-. 1 1. i r v.,..: .. ..i .1.. n. i..... , i'V I'I. juililim 111 . in I li.ui w ii , nun 111.1, i.i, innni . ; . , i, i . in . u . I iuI.i aI l.'u.li,,.. 1. I, am fni.r 1 1.,, .,. pa ll.'A Sivrllli ..10.1 I, ,"l IIIUUII.H. 1. IUUI ,r.UI..,.l. I ! of iSursnpiirilln, of which I obtained si tpisI bo'ilea. i , rite use of -which d-ove the disease -entirely out nf I ' hi nyftetn, the aore healed up, and the child was , ' restored to perfect health, whirh be has enjoved -; uninterrurted!y ever tince, to the antonishinenl of , , many ieisorm -who seen him during hi affliction, i I kave-'hounht it my duly, and s-nd you this certi- ' 1 firdte (hat others who huvet iPse sflliction in the ' tsuiily maty know where to obtain so valuable a meiluine. Your truh , i AMEITA D. LEAF, ! Sept. 16, 18-13 ly To Country iTIcrciiantM. ! ijoots, Sltrtcs Bnwnets, Lcj'.)orn antl I'alm Loaf Hats. ! ! r,. w. I,. r. tavmik, at thr '.S'. K. corner Tar,rt mid Fifth iS?., ' PHILADELPHIA, i tFFER for sle an extensive nssoriinent oT tbe ' -"ahovp articler, all of which t-hey sell st unusual- -Iv low puces, and 'particularly invrse the altenU.Ki nf buyers visiting the ci'.v, to an rTammation -of . : their siork. Xi. W. A: L. B. TAYLOR. Philadelphia, May 1814. Iv i ; " t'ollltcIllorl, DEATH BLO W. , rph ,,ic W1 mw, oll,erw thllt rm Brnndrelh 1 ,.;, c pennine, unles the box has three I t- ! bet upon il, (thn top, the side and the bottom i 1 ewh containing a fir- simile signature of my hand : writing, thu B. Esajtosetb, M. D. These la. 'bel-aip enuraved on steol, beautifully designed, and done at an eipense of over 2,000, Therefore ' it will he seen that the only thing nrreary In pro , cure the medicine in it purity, is lo observe these j label. Remember the lop, the side, snd the bottom. The following respective persons are duly aullu.ri i red, nnd hold CERTIFICATES Or AGENCY For the sale of Hrundrtih i I ttcetuhle Universal Vilff. Northurtiberfand eountv ! Milton Mackry Chimin! tin. e'unhury H. B. Mar. M'Eweua , ville Ireland Meixell. Northuml eiland Wm Forsyth. (leorcetow il J. At J. Willa. Union County ; New Berlin Bogar cV Win- ' ler. Selinsgrovp flenrge (iumlrum. Middle bur? Isiae Smith. Beaver-own liat'id Hnhlc. Adamsburg Wm. J.May. Mitnuiahurs Menarh iV Ray. Haitlelon Daniel Long. Frethnre (i.V F. C. Meyer. Iwiburg Walla At (irecn. Columbia cm.nty I Danville E. H. Reynold Sr. Co. Berwick Sbuiniin A R Henhouse.. Ca' lawissa C. U, Brobl. Blootnsburir- John R. j Mover. Jnsev Town Levi Biael, Washington t Rohl. Mrt'ay. Limestone Ball'e1 M:tnch. i Observe lhat each Aeent ha an r.ngraved l-cr- itiealp of Agenev, containing a repreaentalton ol , lr BRANDRIITH'S Manufactory at Sing Kin, and udoii which will alao be een exact eopie of; ihe went Met nw tired umu tht lirandreth Pill Wore. Philadelphia, office No. 8. North lh atreel. B. BRANDRETH, M. D. June 24lh, t43 CITY T'UKN itukk aucti ox, AND PRIVATE BALES ROOMS, Nos. ay and 31 North Third Street, Near the City Hotel, PHILADELPHIA. CO. MACKEV, Auctioneer, respectfully in- vile the attention of perinni deairou of pur chasing Furniture, la hi eileoaive Hale Room, (both public tnd Piivate.) for every description of Houwhold Furnituie, where can be obtained tt all timet, a large assortment of faahionab'e and well manufactured Cabinet Furniture, Bed, Matirttxes, Ae., it vtry reduced price, for cash.1 - s fj Kale by Auction, twice a week. Mty 37th,- 813. ly ROSE OINTMENT ron TKTTr.u. R1MOWOHM, M1PI.K On TK fAC P., AND OTlirE rt'tANEots rnt'iTtofw. (C5 Tle fillnmnrrrtijiraie Herrihn one nfthe mmi extrarrdirtffrif frr ever effected by any ir7rwjiofU Piin.ntifctrfiiA, Febroaty in, I8:t8. IOTt twenty years t was severely afflicted with TsTTsn on the Eace nd Head: the diaease commenced when I Wts tf venteen years old, ami continued until the Fall of varvinR in vio- lence, but without ever disapprarine. During mot of the time, ureal part of my f iCp was covered with ! the ernption, frequently a'tetiied with violent ilrli- ma ; my bea.1 swelleit at tiiwa until it tell aa if it in' ,i ,. .j. . f w"u,,""ir" ,,ie'wel,m 7. T n1 ' C0,.,,,J rt m ,,"t on- 1,,r,n lonS P"",J that I was afnicteil wuh the ilutpane, I se:l a arpat .... r ., , ,, . , Many ai piraion. (Utionij them several releliraej . h 7 i i t t'tppaiatmr,! w. I ttx tnkinu iiiwaol remeiliea, T ' . . f. ,,, . f .. ' inrluilun a number of pottles of Switim ranacrn, . . , r -n s t c . . n, r-drart of Sarttprillii, &c. In fm-l, it Wou d he .' i n .i t i iir.poilile to epumerate all tlie medieines I used. 1 , .... .. r .t..t ..t r .1.:. 1 ... ... . sv-iwiini Bi"i'i'ii. iu .iiii'iiiiii in-uaii i nisappeni i and beCre I hnd usril jnr the disease was enttrrlv , ruiPil. It lias now been inally a vear and a half I illre, and there is riot a vetige of the disease re- maininc. except the sears from the deep pits formed ' hy the ,1ieae. tt is impnssihle for me to desorihe ' in a ce rtifirme the severity of ihe disease and my ' sulfrring, tirt I will I ple-isr-.l to give a fuller ac l ronnt to any person wanting further Saliafartion, j who will call on me. At the lime I commenced j using the R isp Ointment I would harp given hun ! dieds of do'lius to he rid of tho disease. Since u j sing it, I have recninmer.deil it M sevetnl persona, (among them my mother. ho had the disease Vad Iv on her nrm,) who were n'l rmrd hv it. J AMES Din.NF.LL, No. 15fi, Rare St, (Jj The Kosp Ointment is prepared hy E. B. Yau.!han, Sumh East corner ff Third snd Rare ! streets, Philadelphia, snd sold on aeenev in Sunhn I rv. hv If. B. MASSER, j May Uth, 113. Arrt I BIovo Oinliiitiit, lot 'lelifi'. j ft j'liooE of ns r.i rivAVY. j I'm i.Ant.LPHiA, Miiy 27lh, 18M1I. , rPniS is to certify lhat I vt severery alllicte.l ( with Tetter in the harjds and feel for upwards nf forty years ; the dirv-ise was attended generally with vio'eiil itrhili? Oli.l htvrlliiig. I applied to 4 niimhirof physinaiiR, nnd card a great many apple ra'i'tns without rU'ei-ting e rure. Ahent a year sinrv. I uppl'ed the Rove (hiitnirrt, whirh entirely . stopped the itching, and a few jppttratinn immei'i aiely i-ure the disease, which there has hren nn j return of, although I had never fieen rid of it at ; any lime 'for forty yenr. RICH A liD S.VrA(.v, I Eleventh, Mow Hprnee Street. cj- The Rose Ointment ia prepared by E. B. j Vanuhan, ff-iuth Kn-I corner of Third an1 Riira 1 1 : . i .La . . i ... . Streeia, Philailflphie, mid sold on aenrv in Sunhu rv hv H. B. .M ASSER, ' M:ty 14th, "IMX Alt!-. KEDICAIi AITROSATlO i OJ tho ItOSF. 01TMT:.T, fr Tetur. I A LTIIOUtJH thu superiority of ihe prppaiaiion 1 . 1 It .. e il t ! L I .1 1 v over all otlietM is fullv es'ahhsheil, the pr.ipne - I lom take pleasure in hiving before me public tha following certificate from t respectable physician, a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Biiugb, having found in this emci!y that relief f it a tedious and diisgriivihli' affci-tion whirh ihe means within ihe range of his profession fatled to Btrnrd, has not hesitated ta give it his apprnhtri in, although the prejudice and interests of that profession aie epposed to secret Kt-iuediea. Piiilahklphia, Scpl 19, ISrtfi, I was nrenlly troubled with a tedious herpetic rrupti'in, whirh c.-.ter-d nearly one si le of my f ice, and extended ovt r the ear. Mr. Va'-ilhuO, propru tot cf the Rose Ointment,., ubsctving my face, uii led on my liying his preparalion, of which he han ded me a jar. Alih.iuizh in common with ihe mem bers of my profession, 1 discountenance and disa prove ol the numerous nostrums pptheed upon the public ly iunnrant pretenders I feel m jttsiire hound to except the Rose Ointment from lhat cla- of hie diritn s. and lo give i mv approbation, as it entire ly fured the rruptton, a'lhouah (t had trsirtcd the uual appliratioiis. DANE. BAUOH.M. D. lj 'I'he Rose, Oititinent is prepared by E. R, Vaughan, South East ciiri.er nf Third and Race Streets, Philadelphia, sir! soM on gi ncv in Sun hurv. bv H. B. MASSER, May Hth, IS4:t. .4,,, EAGLE .n: ciiij Ma? as rr 9 I'ornrr of 'Third nnd Vine Streets, WIIafclAMSrOItT, PA, rjjHK anliM-riber resiertfully announces to the i public, that he h 'S opened a H.!vl in the com modious brick building annate on the corner of Thiid and Pine streel.', w here he will be happy to wait up -ii those who may favor him witli their company. The Eaule Hotel ia large and c uiveni em, and furnished ir, Ihe he-l m-nlein style. Ii U provided with a large number of well aired and comfortable sleeping apartments, minni, private parlors, A c. Person visiting Williamsport oo bu siness or pleasure, may rel iis-ured lhat every ex ertion will be used to render their s-tjourn at the "Eagle Hot. I" pleasant and asm-able. Ills Table w ill lie supplied with the very b st the loi-krt af fords, snd his bar with the choicest w ines ami other liquors (hnrgrs re .s.uuible. The Kajle Hotel possesses xreater advaninges in point nf location than any other similar establishment in the borough, being situate in the buriness part of the town, and w ithin a convenient distance of the Court llouso and Williamsport a. id Lhmra Rail Road Depot. Sufficient Sishlitiij provided, and good and trusty ostlers nlway fti atiendnn.-e, Attentive, arcon.moiliiting snd hone-t Servants have hern tuiplotrd, and nothing left nnd. me that will ndd .lo the cumforl and scrommodatlon of hit BUertS, There will be a carriage always in attendance at the Boat Landing lo convey passenger to jnJfioin ihe House, free of charge, CHARLES BORROWS. Mav 14th, 1812. tr .TI icliat I VVt'.'ivt'r V Son,"" , HOrE 1MAIIERS SHIP CIIANTDLEK8, .V. 13 Kurth Water Street, Philadelphia. WAVE consiantly on hand, t general assort' nient of Cordage, Seint Tt inet, Ac., via i laru Ropes, Fishing Ropes, Whit Ropes, Manil la Ropes, Tow Lines for Canal Boats. Also, a complete assortment of Seine Twines, Art, such aa Hemp Shad and Herring Twine, Best Fatent Oill Net Twine, Cotton Shad snd Herring Twine, Shoe Threads, Ac, Ar. Also, Red Cord, Hlnugh I.ines-, Halter, Traces, Cotton and Linen Carpet Chains, Ac all of which Ihey will dispose of on reasonable term. Fhiladtv'phis, November 13, 145. ly. No. 13.S Markt Street, Philadelphia. INVITE the attention nf Country Merchant to thtir extensive assortment of British French nd American Dry Good, which ihey offer for aale on th most retaonahle term. rhiltdilphit, November 1.1, 114!. ly. i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers