JSa wit I kmM raot Live A I tuft. BY XCT. DR. JUHLtMlKRO. I would not lire always : I ask not to stay Where storm after storm rise dark o'er the way. The few lurid morning that dawn on in here, Are enough Jor life's woes, full enough for its cheer. I would not live always, thus fetter'd by sin, Temptation without, and corruption within ; K en the rapture of pardon is mingled with fears, And the cup of thanksgiving with penitent tears. I weuld not live always ; no welcome the tomb, Since .Testis has lain there, I dread not its eloom ; There sweet be my rest, till he bid me arise, To hail him in triumph descending the skies. Who, who would live always away from his God ; Away from yon heaven, that blissful abode, Where the t tvers of pleasure flow o'er the bright plains, And the noontide of glory eternally reigns : Where the saints of all ages in harmony meet. Their Saviour and brethren transported to greet : While the anthems of rapture unceasingly roll, And the smile of the Lord is the feast of the soul. DA XII 1VOTC LIST. The f dlowlng list shows the current value of all Ynnsylvsnia Bnnk Notes. The most implicit re liance may he placed noun it. as it U every week jarefully compared will) at d corrected fiom liiik nell's Reporter. ltnukn In Philadelphia. A Stange Lore SI or-. Fredcrifca Bremer tel'slhe lol lowing declarn lion of love story, which msy serve to "w hip up a dull moment pleasantly. ' A young farmer loved, at the same time, two young women, and, though strange enough loved both with the same a fleet ion, and they both of them warmly relumed his passion. I5ut one of them showed for him an almost bnundlrts devotion ; and perhaps this might be the cause that at once, with more determined sentiment, he turned towards the other; but she answered him, "1 will not be married amid the sighs of any unhappy ne, and it is your duty to wed Xirstin. To me thou wilt ever remain dear, but now we must part." What a field would there have been fur the French romantic ! What a'ony, raving, ex plosion, and explication without end? Here had been sacrifices and poisonings, and at last three corpses. But how simply did the genius of the Dal people resolve this knotty point ! The young man obeyed the exhortations of the serious damsel, obeyed that of duty; he married Kirs-tin; and, as they were both truly good and excellent people, they were happy together. They had lived happily together for four years, and had three children, when the wile died. But as she lay on her death-bed she said to her husband. "I would ask one thing of thee, and that is, that thou, after my death, will marry Anna, who was once, and is still, dear to thee and that thou inakeet no other the mo ther of my children." "The husband mourned sincerely the loss ot his wife; lut, when the customary period of Mourning had expired it was not difficult tor him tj endeavor to fulfil her last prayer. lie went to the still unmarried, the still beloved Anna, b nd told her the with of his wife; and his own. "Thou art still as dear to me as formerly said she, "and willir.ply would I be thy wile, bull fear for thy children. I fear that I could not be to them such a mother, that I could ans wer it to my conscience and to the dead, and that would make you dissatisfied with me." And by that reply Anna stood fast, stood fast pite of all arguments of love and reason that were employed to move her. Quite distracted came the young man, one day, to me and implor ed my counsel, and begged rr.e to talk with the cirl, and to endeavor to persuade her to become his wife. "To seek to persuade her 1 cannot promise tkee, "I 6aid,"for lift so solemn an affair a wo man should make a resolve in freedom; but speak to her I will, and tell her what I think, and advise in the matter." J.s&nlior the young woman, talked with her of her future duties, and succeeded in pacilying Jicr all too sensitive -conscience. Soon alter wards I had the pleasure of uniting the two 'overs. A few years afterwards I came on a journey into the district where they resided. It was a dark autumn evening, and cold and dull 'without ; but when I entered their room, the fire blazed cheerily, and in its light -on the floor played four children, full of pleasure, husband mid wife arose to meet the enterer, but when they recognized me again they became deeply moved and began to weep. "Ask her, oik her," said the husband, and .pointed to the wife, "whether she be nut satis fied with niel" But I did nut ask her I taw warm and hoppy teat already shaking. .PORTRAIT OF THE AsSIHTAHT EDITOR. It chanced, during the late Summer, that a coun try Editor fell ill ot a t ver. The tnvt was an nounced to his rvedoTS, along with the notice, to the effect, that during tin imlixposition the edi torial otaeagemeiit would be confided to an as sistant. Well, it turned out Out the assistant contrived to please the readers of the journal better tiiao the -chief himself, and they demaded his name. The convalescent edrtor intoMiied them would be imposible fur him to drvulge the name ol his aid-de-cainn, but that he would, in the next number of the "Squatter's Thun derbolt and Settler' Family Guide," present his patrons with a coir eel portraii of the assis tant. Expectation balanced itself on tiptoe lor a week, and when the anxiously lonked-tor guide appeared at last, lo! and behold! at the liesd of the editorial column appeared a full length engraving of a portly pair ol season. Underneath were printed, in stsring capitals Korrtkt Pourrait ov .( Aisttunt AUiitur from lift." Nsm. I.ocatio. N O T F. 8 AT PA K. Bank of Nm'h America . , Bnlik of the Northern Liberties . Commercial Bank of Penn'a . , Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank . Kensington Bmk . Philadelphia Bank Schuvlkill Bank . . . Sonthwark Bank . . Western Bunk . Mechanics Bank . . Manufacturers' Si Mechanics' Batik Country UnnkR. Bank of Chester ('mint Westchester Hunk of Delaware County Chester Bmk of Ocrinaiitnwn (rermaiitown Bank of Monluomery Co. Norrisnwri Doylestown Bunk Doylestown Eas'on Bank fission Farmers' Bank nf Burks CO. BrMnl Disc, i Philaii. pnr . par psr . pr , par . par par pnr par pm pnr Office of Bmk of Peon's, Office do do Office d,i do Ollice di do NOTES AT Rank of ihe I TnilOtl States Sank of I'eon Township Heard Bank Moyamening U ink Bank of I'cunsylvauia Miners' Bank of Poltsvillc Bsnk of Lcwistnwn Bank of Mi.MNnwn B.-nk of Northumberland par pur pir pnr pnr pnr Ilurrishurg",; The-e Lancaster I offices liculing f tin not r.it(in J issue n. I) I K CO IT N T. Pl.il.nl. Iphia DO . par . ' pi- . . pa- . . pi' Pot-K'ille l,ii.,iwn Mi.l.lle'nwn gat V-rihumhciland par I'lilnmli'is D ink & Uridge en. Columbia Carlisle Bank Exchange Bank D.i d i branch of Farmers Bank of l.aornstei Lancaster County Hank Farmers' Bunk nf Reading llairishurir Bank Lancaster Bant. l.ehanon Bank Merchants' & Manuf. Bunk Bank of Piilshurg West Bianch B.i.k Wyoming Bank Northampton Bmk Beiks County lintiV OliVe of Dank nf 17. 8. ('artiste Pittshuig lln!lid.ivslurg Lane islel l.nncnstrr H ilin( llarri-burg Lancaster I.f liHIIl'll I'lllsI'll'g Pi'ls'tng Williamspnrt Vv iik .I'srie AlleniKwn IJ i-;nl ; Pittsburg Emc New itriuhton ,la do ('hamliersburg (ii tly.sl'iirg Mi'.ntioie i par p.r pflf i p.r J I Hi faii.d do do !. do 'o Do do do KeniiiBlon sv, Ins. A Penn Township Sav. Ins Bank of Chamliersliurg Bank ot (Jrltysl'urg (ii tlysl'iirg I Bank nf Su-ipjelianna Co. Mr.ntioie Ij Erie Bank I'nw 1 1 j Frnier' & Plovers Bank Wayneslmrg J i j Franklin Bank Wajliinston ijj Honesdale Bnk Honesd.de l Monmigahela Bank of B. Brownsville Vork Bank Yo.k .1 N. B. 1 he notes of those banks on which we ami! quotations, and shImIiIiiIp a dah (-) are not purchased by the Pliil.silrlpl.ia tirokers, widi the exception of those which have a letter of I. d rnuo. B K O K U N I Philadelphia Sav. Ins. i'hiladelphia Loan Co. Schu Ik til Sav. Ins. Manual Lalmr Bank (T. W I'owanda Bank Alleghany Batik of Pa. B ink of Beaver Bank of Honiara Bank of Wusliingt m Centre Bank City Bank Formers' Si Merh'ca' Bunk Farmers' &. Mech'cs Bank Farmers' & Mech't s' Bnk Harmony Insiiluto Hunlingdoii Bank Juniata Bank Liinilierineu's Bank Norlhern Bank of I'a. New Hope Did. Bridge Co. Northumli'd Union Col. Mk. Noilh Western Bank of Pa. Office of Schuylkill Bank I'a. Aot. & Manuf. Bank Silver Lake Bank Union Bank nf Penn'a. Westmorland Bank Wilkesharre Bridge (To. ijj- All notes puriOili'itj in ,e on any Pennsyl vania Bank not given in the aliove li.t, may le set Jowu as frauds. kcw ji:ksi:v. A N K S. Plnlad. I, hia failed tin filled ilo f.ileil Dvrtli, prnp.) filled Ti'Wsi'd.i Iti'ilfiird no sale Ite.i'ir iliwd ILirrishurK (l'ii-eil Wu-tiinutoii fmlrd I 'tl f.niie cliisi d Pitisl'iug no sale Pittsliurg failed Fayette o. filled (reel, a.-l e fiilrd llariniiiiy no sale Hunliniluii no sale Lest i-iotvn no f ile Wsrien failed 1 Inn, I. ill' no nlo New Hope t!,(l M iltnu no -aW Nlrail'illu ehsrd l',.il Chi lion Caililo failed Montr e rinsed I'ninnttiwn filled (rcciisSurg rinsed Wilki sliarie inisulu Bank of New Biunswit k Uelvideie Bank Burlington Co. Bank Commercial Bank LTumlierland Bank .""armors' Bsnk Parmt is' and Mechanics' !'k Fariner,.' and Mechanics' Ilk Farmers' and Merehaiil' L Franklin Bank of N.J. " !njn.vi, k lli-imlrie Mr.it .rJ Pi rili Aiiilmy l!rul-eiuii Mount II. illy Kahwiiv N. Biiiiiswii k Mid llit'iAii Pi, Jersey tlity Hoi " ikon Bkfi& (fazing Co llnliikeii lersey City Bsnk Mechanics' Bank Maoufiieluri r Bank Morris County Bank Monmouth Bk of N.J. Mechanics' Bank Mechanics' and Manuf. Bk Morris Canal and Bkg Co' Fust Nates Newark Bkg & Ins Co New Hoi-e jKd BriiU-e Co N. J. M.nuiac. and BkgtVi J, r y City Pallersori Prll.Aille Mirrist,,un I il'rll l,l Ncivjik 'I'ri iil hi Jeisey C.ty Newaik 1. ni!n il-ullrt llolinkm N J Protecton Si. lollil sld Ik Jersey t'ly Orange Bank Orange Paierkon Bank Fat. fmsi Peoples' Bank do Princeton Bank - Prim-cnm Salem Banking Co Kjlein State Bmk Newurk Stale Bank Liuuneihiowa Stale Bank Cam, leu Sialo Bank of Morris Mnni-iowa Stale Bank Ttrnum Salem ami Philad Manuf Ce Salem Sussex Bank Newton Trenton Banking Co Trenton Union Hank ltnvor Washington Banking C. Hackensack failed J ai i par I" i failed i fail. .1 fail. .1 l.ulnl lulu! I.lll.l J fail.. I i I'.l kali-i i fa.i.. i la.lej i fjiinl W I STAR'S II 41.8 A!I OF WII.e CHERRY, A Compnnnd tlalssmle Prpralon from WH.I Clicri s- Unrk nml Tar, Hit best rtmnly knnwn lo the world for the cure of eonh, enhls. alhmtt, erniip, btrritin$ nf Hit hing, tvfwnping eoiign. bnmcn'tii, tnlit eiiDi. thartne of breath, pain and wenknes in the brertxl or it'de, liver mm f da! nt, and the firtt ttflgr if cnxsuMri'iov. We will net assert tl'at this B ALSAM will core (Tonsumpiion In 1st teors form hut it has en red ni-MlV after all nth' r means of r lief had lieen tried in vnin. Ami v hv nut ! It seerns lhat the WILD OHKIMtY was destined by N itiiie to he our PA NACEA for Ihe ascina diseases of this e Id la liitide. Lei nut the despairing invalid tin's his money nml lo.xs TIME, to him s nil itnpor'ani. in .rfrrimrnlirft tviih the Imshy notnims nf the d.iv, tml use at once, a medicine thst will cure. If a cure he p s-ihle a nvdicine that science anp-nves, and manv years of rxperieuec h ive di monstrated ; lhat tt ahrtiy relieves. 'There if nn rh 1hin ns fttil." in ihe h 'story nf this wmnlertul BALSAM. Evidenre the mm-l j eoi'Vitieing eve l..i c,' that no o ie ran doiibt. folly estaMi he th'S fact. For the s ike of lirtvity we ! se'eci ihe fnl nwino from t' nimnils. Isa ic I'la'l, V.'i., Editoi of the Poke, pie E icle. ! one of the in t influential j .um ds in tl.e s'a'e of j e Yoik, si il.s undci il e rnt'iority of his own name, ih it a young lady, ri I itie nf his. ol erv . lelieale consli'iitioo, wa Bitarked in Fell. IS 12 i will, severe cold, which immediately produced cp;l ' litH f hlood.eooEh. fever, imd oilier i! ilirerous and alarmii a symptoms. Throuch medical iieat-i.rn' nd cue iie pi-tial'y ice ver. d durinir smnme'. But on ihe return nf winter she was ntl . k'il more i 'lenily li nn at first, she became scarcely shle to wa!k and w.i- I'niihlc.l wi couth, chi'l and fever every day. and appealed t. he going rnpnMy with eonsuii.i i in ; at l i time, when ihete a n sipn of tmprovrini-nl. Mr. 1 ill pr- cun d a ho-lle f, 'i r )ts i m n i in I ii:nnT. whn h sin look, and it s en inplv tel ired her. She I I cond, and hefo-e it a half tk. n ,he was re-lored !o pi r fret health, which she has i njoyed ! the pre sent time, wntioiit the slight, ri symptom ofher for mer ili-e :. Mr. P nil ssv "ihe ci re c me under my cwn nh seivstmn and I C iniMt he mist iken as lo the facts," EXTRACT OF A LETTER FROM A POST MASTER. DATED I'lumi'ii r.. W:.fh-nion co., Maine, Apr. SO. I t. Mil, IA C BUTTS. IVnr Sir: At the re tjncsl of rmiliy of my friends in thin pi ice and vicl iiiy ln sre nniicteil whh connri'iiiin and I. ver eon p'aiii's, I take the lii er y of risking yn to Si I n ii I someone in this ronriiy as agent to ee I Wis rau's Bti.sisi or Wi in Ciimsr, ami to send bin i few ih r.cn as there is none of i: f r sali" will. in 'JOO miles fi. m tins I have no il,,nht thai it would ineit with a rcaily snle if it were where it .-.Hl'd 'e I'l.a-ored without to i much eTpeese nml delay. My wife was aHsrked ahnut six m 'iiths since with what Ihe p! ysic ans ralleil ihe fn-t s age of c niim(iiin a complaint v. ry p'ev.ilei.t in lhi s ciioii of country. Having ae. u the Hi's nn ad vert sed in Augiistj. 2C0 MIXES FROM HEItE, I I n k the I uns to ml there fur a I oiile of il. whii h he tiHk, and h;ch heliierl her s . much that '. I sent f. i I vn !ni! h i nmre, w hiih he has i n la ken, sud -he now stys she has not fell o well for fit years os she dues at this lime. All thus-who Imve inquiied of ine and (iserlat(ied what ellecl the BnIssiii h id, are aminos to have oine fir sale in It.!- v ciniiv, which is Ihe cn e of mv w run g you. Plea-e inf.uni me hy u lu n of null win iln r you conclude to send some, and it so l. whom, in nrdir dial il may he known whi te it can he I. ad, I mil with re-pee t vours, etc. P. (S. FAKNSWOUTH, P. M. The wh h' Country is fisl lean ing it. it i o medi cine nn pin sic anpn preparation of any kunl uli.it. vi r ran rqnal Vn. Wisrsa's IIiluji or Wilii Ciuuar. i trim vo.fjr.ri i. (Mtr, WaTsaviiLr, Oneida en.. N. Y.SepI 1ft, I R 13. Ieai N r I we ii in ihe srllictevl l inform y u ih..t in J .nuarv I i-l I was Hiia.ked hy a vev n... lent cil.l, rsusi d hy wo ki' g in ihe wslcr, wl.i.h settltd on my lung. It v as 8' romp ini ! hv a e ry scirte pain in my h rl mhI i-iiles, ami nisi a .ttsiies-tiig Cough. 1 had in n'ti'inlmn e. a'l llie test rnei'ird anl in uiir v.ll.ge; hul afier eihaiisiing ,!! lheiiiki l o no s ol. ihey ,roiioiim e l my I'i n-ri co Fitt Mn i iii-i MrTiiii, an l ihey m r ami all giire me t'p to t'ie. Alter mm h piraun-ion I got ihe ron'enl of mv phvaiciau In use ihe Duns n Will. Chihsy pr pared hv Dr. Wiarsu. I pin chas. il nt the Agent in our pi n e one li .tile, hrfore usii g half of which I lagan to g tin sirengh, and il wis verv evident my cmigH was much t-eti'-r and my sy nipioma n every way impr ting. I hive now us. d Ihtee hmiles. nn.l am rrlred lo perfect health. This re-nli i nl ne owing i the u-e . f Wlst AU'S lUL-sAM tiF WILD CIIEH h'V ; nn I I lake this niclh.'J of e v i e y oi ihe in f .1 in hi, n. par ly lo (my you llie d. hl nf cr.i ioile I owe yen, and illy that mher. t,i i-i'aily slllictvd may kow where in npp'y Inr le'ief. Veiv I. nl. youis. J AMES S CE. Ma. Pal Mr ii Druggirt, unJei dile of Wsti rville, S.pl. Sllh, Kl:t, wriiis; The l..t mem nien y u hy Mr. J um a Sage well known In he i.ue hv this irhnle community I' c-rt inlv w as a most remaika' le rnre. The sale f ihe llal-nin is cry poo.l, and lis success in cures uii y fl iileiing. Ynuis ri Si cltu'lv, 1. 1. PALMF.lt. the Justices of the Pesee In and for the said coun ly, Thomas Cozens, and hring duly affirmed ac cording In law, ssilh the ahovs statement is iu all things true. Affirmed before me, on the SOih of April, 1813. 3 J CLrwr.'T.J P. Such ia the unprecedented success of this BAL SAM. ".NATrRE'S FAVORITE rRESCItIPTlfi" a precripiinii c nigcni ,1 io our want, as it is pie. pared from r hemicil rxtiaets from stih-t mccs wh.ch he author of ni'ure has placed in nurownliml for wise purposes, that manv who kn..w liothing of the in.iiie ..f i's nn-pnr oi in sr. riidei.vnring to reap ieciiniary henefi's hy serine, nn aiticle similar in name, or in appearance, or hv repre.enting iln ir own na-h as superior to this II A l,S M. or hv put. ting up a mixlute and s h'niii'y asseverating thai it is imp irte I fr .m a foreign country, which i- not Ihe case. AH these deceptive arts go In fhow that Wit' Hilsiw i- known In ihe world to l,e "THE f RE AT REMEDY." anil that to erl any mimure it must he like this in name, or pur port In he like il in substance. ay lli'ie.e not ihe euiininglv wrought falniia ii , ns ,n I lake nn'y tlin nrioinnl and genuine Wintaii's Bai.sm or Wn.n Ciunnr. NO OTHER CAW BE TiTKB IT. Address nil outers to ISAAC BUI' IS, N j. ti'i Ann St., New Y ok. Agents, JOHN W. FIMI.t.NO Sunburu. V III! XU 11(5 AM. XurlhitmherlunJ, J. K. MO YE It. IVumnnhun;, J. WACOONSF.LLKIt. Hilii'-nrnvr, BROWN Sl CUE AS Y, Mh,iviile. IVI . SfJd. 1815 ly FITTY DOI.LAHS ilKWAHI) ! CANTFa,ELX.'3 Celcfirnlcd E'auiily .llcdiriiirv 'KYTTI'L not cure evrv Ihii g. hut slid rem un y y iiiicipi illi .1 in ihi-ir several d. pnrtmei N hy vi ry thing t ver oirered to the pnhlic who have voluntary came f irwar I and nfT. red nume'ons and hig'dy rispcclulila tes.im mials nf tin ir sujn riot i flic cv. C antreir Compound Mediratrd Syrup of Sat enpnr lia i or, Auti-Sroihiitir Sy tup, for the ci.re ol fcnrfiiia, Chronic liheo.n ilisin, (Mironic Swel lings or ihe Joints, Eruption- nf the SUm. Mid ell DiM'O-rs siting from the slmse of Menu v, Vc, iinrmrpasseil hv soy thing in the nia ket, comhi. ning all li e virtues resident in the Sar ep iri la w ith a modi rn in ilicsun-ot, ou'v lately hrouglil out hy ihe in, ml ii special. Io tuidical ai.llioritn s. Price, fiO cents er h Hie. Ciinli fU'ii .inti-Dyi'prpl'e fV (.'( r, f. r 'he re lief ai d eronun nl core nl' lhat m it-l .'!..! i .sii g i innploint, I)y-pcpsia, in nil t f.nm- n I s ng -. It is iiuly a innsi a1u I Is rcimdy. 8 il.l iu I utiles ai 25 and fit) cents each. Ciintrrll'i .Iguc Mixture rnd Tun'e MnHrn. mrnta, stands ill the head nl llie lil uoi v.i l. .1 hy : ny, or nil the inni:inern' le medirin s in n-c ihroiighoiil the I. ii c 1 1 nml Irc.ol h nf the lard, for Ihe ci. re of Fkviii nl'rl Am i: iu all its Mages, and Ir. .in nil ils eo:,neiucnces. Ke-ideiits in Fever and Ague districts should never he without it. The suhsc i'r will forfeit EIFTY HOl.L !,S where I n medicine lulls to sifoim a cure in the nmsl nhsiina'e ca-e. S Id Whr.es. In nrl Kelail ,v CALEB CUES. SON. at l i rtiuj Wa e'lou e, No. i Noiih Thud Stwet, Pl.ilndelpl ia ; al-n, hv the ncul irlv np-noini.-.l ng. ni. SE'l'H W. BOliEltTS, Wl.ul-.-ac Diuggi-t, No. St Water StreO. Molnle, Pn pared oi:K hv t'ie Suhn r.lier, corner ef O I. PENTER nod SECOND Sir.cis, heln.v ('hriMi an, Philadelphia, where ii is also ielnile.1. (J!etvc, n.uie are g -rmine wiihnnt tte sii'i a'uie .f JOHN A. CAN TK ELL. TIIK MOST IJK.MAUKAHI.i: .lJIsK 1.1). par par i i pur 4 f.iilej Uiled i par J failed Bk of WilrnA Brandy wiite Wilmington Bank of Ulvware Wilmington Bank of Smyrna Smyrna Do branch Milford Farmers' Bk of Stale of Del Dover Do branch Wilmington Do branch Cemgelowo Do Uaiub Newcaalle Union Bank W tlruington ff"i Under fi'e Oj- On all Unks mailed thus () there srs eit tOr rouularleit or altered nutes of the various ds ootuiuslkxis, iq (iiculsliuu. par pat par r par par par par par vvnv. v.vv.n ijkcowdi t lliim.Fit lii N. J . Apiil SO, IKl:t. On or ah.. in the KM. i'i.v of I h i.Ih i, IS 4 1. 1 wa taken w i h a violent puiu in ihe ! le i.e..r the livir, wli'ih (on inueil lor 'i,'il f.veil.ya. ninl wis f..i I. mid ly toe hreiknc nt an ii c r, or l t, in wanlly, ulnch lei cv.-d ihe pain a li'lle, hi, I rao-e.l ie v, throw up a great ipiiu'ilv nf olTeiiMve uiaiter .ilnl a's . iniii'll I Io.hI l!,ii, gri .i ly aliiiindt hi-. I nppl.e.litia phy si. mn, hut In- s.i.l l.eih -ug't he could .1 i hut li lie for me ee-p g e m s, n.e Mnniry VitU, wheh I irfused lo lake, l.elitig .B elied tl al ihey could do me n gn.nl ; man) -ih. r ritn ilie were tin n rocured hy my wdeaiid fiiemU, I ul none did n.e anv good ai d ihe dis charge of lilnixl and comipi'i ni si ill e.sntinu. d v. ry f w days, and al last Income so nil'enwve that I cou'd scarcely hreaihe. 1 w .s also seite.1 wild a vi olent rough, which st times cau-rd me to r.ise niu.h more iha.l than ( bad done Is fore and my disease eoulinued in this way, suit growing worse, until February, when all hops cf my recovery was given up, and my lunula all thought I would die I a Union so Cussi'wrTloa. At this moment, when my lite wasapparro ly drawing near ils cle, I heard of Dlt. VX ISTAK'S B A I. 8 A M OF W1LUCI1ELKY, and got a bottle which si litvio mk makDiATru ; ami hy ihe ue of only three (Miles of this med cine, all my pains were removed my cough and slitting- of blood and cor ruption entirely stopped, and in s few weeks my hri.hu was so far lestoied ss lo enable me to wmk al my trade, (which is a carpent. r,) sud up to ibis inns 1 have enjoyed goes! health. THOMAS COZENS. tiLorrssTsa Copstt, N. J , ss. Penmuslly csins before air, the subscriber, one f C'untrcll'N tfiiti' ?llliite,oi Tc!ilf Itlcdicaiiiciitu, Far the cure nf nil It Units affections, if taken ae curding to iltetct'ous. It is a neier tailing remedy winch no fami'y I'ltghi I be wi.lioul, i-t.pt cially in taw niarl y couetries. As this medicine is put up under the p-opric. tor's inimi ilia'c inspection "n the mo-t scicn'ifii pii c pies, he ng Pur. ly Y.gelahle, ami having Irie.l us rll'icaey on lion. and-, fir U wards of l'i years, and In Ins knowledge wl rn taken K'ri. t'v ac enrdi g tn dnrciioiis, iheie lis- not In en lie ft hire. Under am h nrciini-lancea I recommend it lo the public, adding a ccriifi.ati in supp.ut nf iny s-sei-llon. I, John l!tirn, ' ceM'fv thnt 1 ns in the hip I'nli ri-n I'lal'l id' I'hll.del, I i t, Capl. Belli, in June, ISJ7, houn l io I iver,.ool , io ihe lev. .. and ague and laid ill l.iveijo I miii.i; t me nnil i the ilocmr' I amla, wi-nt limn li en It l!s'tni re, 'ay in the Infirmary lor loin nrfivewitks limn theueii to Philadelphia; was sir mouths under Dr. Coals ; fniiii tiarnce to Nev Yi-rk wuit lo li c Hospital, leiea-n.d 'h-re about fnir weks wilhont urn ii liel tiled neiy ih ng wilhoul snv benefit, for five yea is. lie iring nf Cautrell's Ague Mix lute f in a fneid, I went to I i-Mon. t dd him h w I was siUicli'd. and got a bottle nf hl mixlufe and i s. d it cr ling lo l,r lions. It made a per led dire, and I have mi had ttio Irnat r.lU'ii -u ee. I do wnh t'oufiJi nrc iiioinmci d i to the public. JOHN LUIi.NS. Ulcdic-aird Syrup rsariapntilla. Phd id. Iphia, Ard lUih, IK4I. Mr. Jomi A.CivTSkii, Dear fir, Having I n afllic'ed for upward nf Iwo rar- with ulceration nf the Ihroai, de-lrojii g the whole nf he soft p idle, then ihrnugh lheupr part i f mv mouth inin my nose, from which seter i.l piece- of hnj e rsme cot, which pai'islly de.tiov- d mv speech, ihrnugh a kind Pro idem e arid your Mi dialed Sv tup of Sjfs pnil i,I sni now lei-ior, d In p-if cl he.lih.snd my i-ichl. w h ch waaso much mil air d, is as itrong as wheu a I ov, I thought it a duty I owed in you and ihote simi larly utiei-t d, t" make U public. Yours, R sjiec fulK', SAMUEL KIKK. ! Con er nf Tenth and C. a'es Siiei ts. 1. Oahfil Jofint an, Nn. 6 Ite-kless Slrrel, do d'r I f thai mv wife, J toe, was afflicted for Iwn years with litreuma im. anil al la t wa iitnety di-a' leil, s lhat she was nttbge,! In beeonfioed tn h, d , I ra il. j if Cant ell's Melicaled Symp of Sia .parilla, or Ami Scoitu'ic Siup. I jtr.auiel fun ii.libs, whieh fomfdiiclv reinnvi-d all her pain- and slill r.es. from lierlmhs; two ni,re tmilk-s made a p. r fecl cure. Sl.e ia now able to n'lcnd m hi i ho up hold ilmi s a uaual. ( ABUIL JONS I ON. Philadelphia, Ju. S2.I. 1844. OAKLEY'S ncrrnATivn svritp. fl"HE vnluab'e properties of Oakley's DepO'S 1 live Syrup of Sarsaparilla, as s purifier of the hl.Mid, ia so well knnwn tn jhe public generally, that it is unnecessary to occupy much space in set ting fori h the advantages lo he derived from its use; wherever the medicine has once been intro-dui-ed, it lakes precedence over all nlheis : eveiy one that tins taken it, have di rived so lianal bene, filial fe-nlls from it, that it is recommended by idem wilh the u mnsl Confidence. Physicians of Ihe highest standing in the piafes-inn, picscrihe it In pa'ients under their care c irilaining rolhing del lerions. hut biing composed ot the most mild, yet rdicaeious vegelnhle malenals.il is offered wilh Confidence, as the ehenpest and rnont eiricietit pu. rifier nf the blood now known. The use of a few bulges, especial'y in the spring ninnths, will be at teriib d with a nmst decided iinpinvement in the ge neral strength of the system, eradicating anv seeds nf diseae that msy have liecu generated, besides giving health snd vigor tn the body. For the cure of Si roful.i or Kings Eil, Rheumnism. Teller, Pimples or etuptions nf the Skill, While Swellina. F.-lnla, t-'hrotnc (Tough Asthma, &C. The nil mcrons eerijl'rdics in Ihe possession of the suhscri tier and his agents, from physicians and others, are siiflieient to rmiv lice the most skeptical nf i s su per imilv over all preparniinns nf S irsapirill.i. S ..,l whole-nle end retail, lv ihe proprietor, CEOIICE W. OAKLEY, North 5lh slre.l. Ite.i I'ing, Beiks Cehmy, and to be had of the following petai, ns : Al Northumberland t'aunty. II. B. Mas, Snnbtny ; lieland Sl M xel, Mi E .ve.isi ille ; I) Krnus. r. Mdn.n. In Union County. J. Oearhart, Selin-grove A (ill'elll.s. Mifilllihurg. In Columbia County. It. W. McCay, A'ash ingtnn. Pn ading. March 14. I 1:1. I Ma. Oakist: I beiieve it Ihe uty of every one In do whiileverin lln ir power I ie., for ihe le ne. ' fitoflheir I. Mow man, and having had pn-i ive ; proof in mv ow n fimily.of the woinleiful 'roicrlies 1 nf yetir l)i pur.i'.i.e Syrup nf Sarsap ifilhi, I in st ! cons lentiou lv recommend it to the a.'I'.iried. We j had the niUfutiine ti lose two of our children, hv ! Ihe br, aking nut ol ulcerous s ires thai cove-ed the face, l ead nml ic k, although we hud some i f lh inosl n ii'iiiific phyricianii lo attend ill in mi l had tried nil the known len.edies, including Swaim's I I'anncia. wilhmit nv ail, Ano'her nf my childicn j waa attarke I in Ihe same mariner, her face srd ' neck was con p'eiely covered; the d si hargnlis as so ! nll'ei live, snd the ihse.ie nl sm h a lie ght. that ive j di fpnreil nt her life, r-'eeing the wonderful elTei-la nfymir I lepnrative Syrup nl S , imparl i, we wetc indiieed lo make t i il nl il. n l! e la-t nun; il ' need like a claim; ihe u cers ci inn. -net d Listing , iinmed alely a f w b.iitles en'm lv re- ton d ) r In l.ir he.,h!i. which she hiseijuid nn i leitu. led'y ' ,-ver since A n piniCi f nt ll.c h'o d,I verily he- ; hi ve il has Hot ils i ipi'il j JOHN MOYEIt. Taih.r, j Wuiiint slretl, neiii I'liniih, lo-.i.ling. i Douglmsville, April lOili, !?Uf. y.n. Otui.ir : My son E 'in.iud Leaf, ha I the : scrtilnln in llie innsi dnnd iil and ilntns-iug mill-. I er for thr e ears, ilininj whuti lune hew.sih prive.l of Ihe use nf Lis litis s, Li , .e d and ink weie enured wi'h iilccrs. We III ,1 a'l he ililf r. entrenodi s, I ul lo tin IT. r t , u r 1 1 I recoiium u.leil by Dr. J,.hlinri nf Noni-town. and nl-n Dr. Isaac. Hi' stel, nl licathi g, to use your Dcpurnlive ."sy'llp nf S.maparilla, nf which! obtained siveial hollies, ihe use nf which d'ove the dreae entinly out of Ins iy stem, the sure Leil. J up. and the chil l was restored In infect health, which he ha- nj. ncd lilitnlt riUledly evi r since, to the astonishment of many pcisnns who seen Liiu du ing Ins ain i'tion. I have ihoueht it my du'y. and send you this ceitl ficale that otlcs who haves like afiliilinu io the fnnily may know where tn nhtu.n s.i vslnahle a mcdii ii.e. Yuurs IiiiS . AMELIA D LEAF. Sept. -r,, 8srt.iv To C oitnlry .lltrt haul. Ducts, Sl.njs, I$oii!icls, l.cjjlitirn and l'iilin Leaf I!:i!s.' (5. Y. A; L. Il.i'AYLOK, at the S. F.. rornir of Marhil and Fifth Sts., PHILADILrHIA, f FFER f-r s e un ulen-ne i,ts,.tiinnt nf the abi.ieaii f l s. all nf w bit h in y si II at iinusiial ly low piicev, nml partscul ally invite tl e attention of bums visiting the ciiv, l i nn nri nili n ol h. ir Vl.K k. U. W. .V L. B. TAYLOR Pliiladelphia. Mav 25. IStt. lv 4 4uiiti U-licrs' ROSE OINTIYIENT FR T UTTER. R I MO WORMS!, riMPl.rs ON THR fACR, AND OTIIKat ritTANBOltsj RRt'PTIDNS). (CT The following cerliica'e describes one of tht most extraordinary cures ever effected by an) application. PmtAiirtpntA. Fehmsty 10, "H'OR twenty years was severely s (Tlict.il with 1'kttkh on the Face and Head: the disea-e Commenced when I was seventeen years old, and continued until the Fall of ISTtfJ, v irving in vio lence, but without ever disappearing. During most of he time, great part of my face was covered with ihe eruption, frequently attended whh vio'ent itch ing; my bend awtd'cd at times until it Ml as if it would hurst the swellin t was so geat. that I cou'd -csrcely get mv hat nn. During ihe long perie.J th t I was afflicted with the disease, I used a great many a plications, (among them s vera! celebrated preparation) nn wi II as taking inward remedies, including a number nfbolih s of Sioaim's Vanacra, Extract of SumnpnriHn, etc. In fact, il would he iinpn-sible to enumerate all the medicines I used. I was nlsn under the ore nf two nf the most dis tinguished phyicians nf ibis ei'y. but with out re ceiving nn rh benefit, and I despaired nf ever being cured, lo the fill of I MM, ihe dnea-e nt the time being very violent, I commenced using the Rote Ointment, (prepared hy Vaushan Si Davis.) In a P w applications Ihe violent itching ceased, the swePiug abated, the i runiion began In disappear, and la-fore I had used ajar the ill-ease was rnttrelv euie.l. ft has now been nearly a viar and a hi'f since, nt. t there is not a vestige: of llie disease re maining, except the scars from the deep pits formed by llie di-ense. It is imp aaihl.i fur nie tn ilescnt e in a rrrlifieaie the severity of the i!isea.-e sud my Midi ring, bill I w ill be pie ised to give s fuller sc. count tn any person wanting further satisfaction, who will call on me. Al the time I commenced using Ihe 1! se Ointment I would have given hun. beds of tin lais to he rid of ihe disease. Hi nee u. ing il, I have recommended it to several persons, (among them my mother, w ho had the disease, bad ly on hi t ann.) who w. re a I cured bv it. JAMES DI JUNE LI., No. lM, fiaceSt Xj" The Rose Oinlimtit is pr -pared by E. II. YnUtihnn, Sou h East cmner nf Third and l!ace stre. t, Philadelphia, and sold on agencv in Sunhu rv. bv II. B. MASsElt, May 14th. 113. A-frnti tlvnv criistiitctit, (or 'IcfiirT a rnoof or its efficacy. I nn aim i.riu a. May 'J7Ui, IHd'.t. TIIH is (o certify H at I was severely sill cied ' w nil Tetter in the hands nml f. et for upwards of forty years ; the diseise was attended giiieriity with i:n i i.l it, lung and swelling. I uppl id tn i nunilii r i f physiei. ri.s, and usi d a great 1 1 1 a -v uppli ca nms wiilnnl ili'.-ciing a cure. .V'ont a y nr since. I upplied il.e Bn-e Ointment, which entirely -lopped ihe itch ng. and a fi w upplic.ilt ni inline li. all ly cured ihe disease, which there has been no return nf. although I had never la-en rid nf it at nny lime for forty yens. BICHAliD S.WAt.L', lib venlh, beb.w Spruce Street. j- The Koe ( liniment is prepared by E. II. Vail Jinn. S iuih East corner nf Third and Race Stieeis, Pliil.n'elj I. la, and s Id on auencv in Niiii'hi rv hy 11. B. MASKER, ' May l-lth, IS 1.1. Age-t. MEDICAL ATPnOBATZON (if the ROSF. )l.TMF.T,J'or Tnter. I, I' II 1 1 1 '( i ! 1 ihe si perionlv of ihe prepaiai n over nil nl!n rs ia fully es abli-hed. ihe r -pr e tors li,ke ph ns-ure in lay ng before 'he public the following certificate from a respectable physician, a graduate nf the University nl Peonsi Ivania. Dr. Bingl , having fou.id n ibis ene'dy tl.ai lehel f ,r a tedious and disagree ihle afTe Inin which ihe means within the range of l is prices -ion liiled to alf ird, has nut he.ii an d lo give it his appiohali -n. ulthough tie piejmliees and intcrcsla nf that protessinn ate pposeu lo secret Remedies. Puil.Aiir.LPUt a, Sept. 19, IS:1. I was rereiitly Irmih'ted witd a ledi nis herM'lic erupii n. which c,ie-ed nearly one si 'e of inv fic. Hit exn luh d over the ear. Mr. Yuiigh.in, pnipric lol ol llie I iose I Ijntineiit, nbseiviug my ta,:r, ui-n-led n my Vying his preparation, nf which he han ded nie a jar. Although in I'ouinion wilh die iuh.ii hcis nf mv profession, I iliaciiufHen.ini e ..nd ilisai piove ol the numerous nostrum- palmed upon the pul, lie by jaimiant ri tender-, f, ,1 in jus ice I. ut.J toricept the ISose Oiuiunni fmm lha c'a-s of me tl ctnes, ami tn give it rn spprobaliun, lis il entire ly tured the eruption, ahhoiigu il Ii id resisted t'ie u-u. I application-. DAN I. BAIdll.M.D. (Xj-"I he Ito-e Ointinei.t is p eo .nt) by E B. Vauuhsn, ,."-iiiilh East cnri rr nl Thi'd a d Haca Sweets. Poiiudclphia, and s..id nil ngi nev in Suu Itury, ly tl. U. MA.SK It. May 14th, ISIH. Aent. rj De-cripiive Paitiphhta mav be had of the agents. (Oiatis.) J. W, FRILINlS, Sunhuiy. Nov. 9, 1 844. If .lijent. A S II II Y & It O V A I, WnOLESALB & RETAIL HAT & CAV MANUFAC'nntKRS, South East earner of Market and 4th $tt., lMtlladelptiia, "iniEetE ihey always keep on hand an eslen- V tire assortment nf DATS U CA I'S of every description, got up in the best and most approved st le. Peisoiia drrirous of purchasing suH-rior uni chs on the must reasnnahle terms, will find it lo their advantage la call before making purchase else brie. Philadelphia, Oct. Mb, 1844. ly DEATH BLOW. n'Mie pu1 lie will please observe lhat no Uraiubeih - Pills are genuine, unless ihe I ok has three la la's upon it. (ihe top, the su e and the holt 'in) eih eoiilHining a fir-simile signature of my h and wriling, thus II. ISmaxuncth, M. D. Tlu-se la. bel aie engraved on steel, beautifully ileiun,d. ami il.ine at aneipeuse nf over f 2,1(1 tl. Thercfoie it will la-seen lhal the only llii'ig nce-eary to pr cure ihe iiittliciue iu its purity, is lo nlwue li.ese lain Is. Ibnnemhi r the lop, the side, snd the bottom. Tim following iepix'live persons are duly au h.i zeil, and hold CEHTincATrs or agency For the sale of Rrandreih't Vegetable Vnirertul V.lls. Norlhumbeilard countv ! Mihon M ickey S. Chamheilio. Kunbury II B. M iseer. M'Ewvinv ville lu-l.nd Ax Men. II. Noiihum'astlaud Wm. Forsyth. (seoigtHiiw'ti J. 6i J. Wails. Union C-.uuty; New Berlin hogai It Win ter. Selinssrnve (ieorge (.'undium. Mid 'le Uirg Isaac Smilh. Beaver own David llulde'. Adamshurg Wm. J. May. Milduishuig Mensch Ac li'av. Ha tlclon Darnel Long. Freiburg O. cV U.4. Mover. I.ewistnirg Walls A tiieni. t.'olumhia (oi niy I D.unille E. B. IteMsoid. 4 Co. Berwick Shumun It ttenliouse. Ca lawissa C, (!. llroUs. Bhioutshurg John I. Mi-ver. Jeisey Tnwn Levi Bis. I. Waaliiugtou Bnl4. M.Cay. Limestone Balji-r M?ich. Ilheeive ihal each Ageul lias ail 1'ngravi.l Cer ificateef Agency, containing a lepu s utaiiou nl lr BltANDKE TH'S Manufaclorv at King Sing, and upon which w ill a so be seen eiaet copies nl the new luLcit now used upon the lirandrelh l'iii lioltt. Philadelphia, office No. 8. Nmih 8ih street. B. BltANDiiETH.M.D June 24th, 1843. CITY FUHMTUIIK AUCTION, AND PRIVATE SALES ROOMS, Nos. sl and 31 North Third Street, Near the City Hotel, PHILADELPHIA. CC MACKEY, Auctioneer, respectfully in- viies the attention of persons desirous nf pur chasing Fumiiuie. lo Tiis eitensive Sales ItiHims, (l-oth public and Piivate,) for every desciiplion of Household Furniture, whi re can l nbtained at alt tunes, a large assortment of fashionable and well manufactured Cabinet Furniture, Beds, Maluasacs, Sic al very reduced prices, fur cash. Of Bales by Auction, twice a week. May 37tb, 1643. ly Vomit uf Th-rd and Vine Stricts, : wiLHAKsroar, ?a. jriHE subserlber respectfully annoiinees ti the A pill-lie. thui he h -s niued s lintel in ihe ruin- : minimus brick building s mate on Ihe corner of I bird sed INnc streets, where he will be happv lo : wail ip n ihose who m-av fivnr him wit their ; eoinpai y. The Eagle Hotel is la-ge and convent. i-llt, and furnisluil it, llie he I m ..'ein sle. It is : proi ide.l with a large inlnilier of ell aired and eoi.iforiahle lei ping apartment-, r.ioms, private i pallors, Ac. I'e.soin v .siting i!haiisairt on bu ! siiM-ss ih plea urc, mav ie.1 as iirnl ihil every ex i ern.ai w II i used lo render ihcir soj nun at ihe "l'ti);le Hot, I" pleaaanl and agreeable. His Table ! will be supplied wilh the v, ry hi si the in nkct sf ' fords, and his bar with -he choicest wines arid oilier liquors (.bulge re .sonaUe. The , Eaglo Hotel pnsKi-sMca greyer a.lvaiiiages in point nf location than snv oilier alunlar establishment in the borough, j being situate in the husiniss part of ihe town, and within a convenient distance of the Court House ami Wiliiamspnri and Elmir Bad lioid 1 1 pot, ' r-ullicieul Stabling provided, and good auj Irusty , .ulleis always in ullt iniau.e. Alti'ulive, se.'oo.iiiiHliiiing and ltone-t Servants . have K'en i mplni ed, ami noil ing left nudouethat ; wll add to the coiulnit and siT.niiinodaiiun of his gue-l. 'I hue wi'l Ih- s rarriug" a'wavs in attendance at the Holt Landing to convey paaseugers to and from I the House, fee of rhaige. CIIAIU.ES BORROWS, j Mav I tih, 1843. if j .TticliacI Weaver C li, ; ROrB MAKERS & SHIP CIIANDLEKS. An. 1 3 North Water Street. Philadelphia. 'TT'H A VE consisnlly on hand, a general assort. M.B. nient of Cordage, Seine Twines, &c, vizi lard Ropes, Fishing Ropes, White Roja's, M anil la Rom?s, 'i'ow Lines for Canal B.ials. Also, a coniileie assortinent of Seine Twines, Ate, such as Hemp Shad and Herring Twine, Best Patent liill Net Twine, Cotton Shad and Hen ing Twice, Shoe Threads, fce. &c. Also, Bed Cords, Plough Lines, Halters, Traces, Cotton and Linen Carpet Chsins, Sic sll of which they will dispose of on reasonable lei ins. Philade'phia, November 13, 1843. ly. iSPK KING rOOU & CO. No. 13S Market Street, Philadelphia. INVITE the attention nf Country Merchants to their eitensive assortment of Briliib French and American Dry Honda, which they offer for sale on lha most reasonable terms. ruiledelpbia, November I3? 94, Ijs. I.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers