Tot the American. T lit HHtnnne nnJ Bncvirut Inhabitants f Jtorthouibcrland County. We address yon upon th inturetting subject of establishing in Pennsylvania, an Asylum for the Intuit. You liave been generally informed, we pre sume, during the Inst winter, the attention ofthe Legislature was affectively attracted to (hit sub ject, by n lady, named D. L. Dix. Her Immaflu filings had induced ber to view the prison of this, and other states, with the purpose of ascer taining nud am diorating the condition of those sufl'iring ii ml ;r this d ptorable malady. ft n act cf .A ;.'ttr.Wy was passed, by which .'si. Tt.'r Ecr:i;macher, Haldcrman, Camp-b-'l and Trco, were constituted commissioners t piiri'i.i':' ; trj.rf, of not less than one hundred aer-soi' !ar..i, : i:hin ten miles of Harrisburg. This pi'ii'ha!, vvs understand has been made ; among other things, they were empowered to 'appoint a committee in every city and county ef this Commonwealth, to solicit and receive pri vate euhscijitioui for this laudable and benevo lent object. Those Commissioners have accordingly ap pointed us as a committee for this county; and addressed to us a letter, of which the following i,m extract. "We earnestly solicit your ptompt and efficient notion for this important and bene volent object. Let us speedily redeem our belo ved state from the opprobrium which now rests opon her from immuring in dungeons, and in ma My instances, chained and manacled, a portion of our bellow citizens desiring our kindest regard and sympathy. Let it no longer be the reproach of Pennsylvania, that while they have munifi cently provided for the advancement of the sane part of their population, they refuse to give of their abundance, a small pittance lor those whom .the Almighty, in his providence has deprived of reason, thus disqualifying them for providing for themselves." Various circumstances, fellow citizens of Nor thumberland county, have too long impeded our responsive action to this afTecting appeal. But, sve now, most seriously and earnestly invoke your charitable aid and co-operation, in the per formance of a duty sacred and imperative in the .'.I'f om of any human being, who is not callous to the emotions of kindness and humanity. V.arly relief, as Miss Dix proves, to these sub jects of the most terrible afllict on, is of the first importance. "When the duration of the dis ease has been less than one year, from eighty to ninety percent, will recover ; where it has ex isted from one to five year, from twenty to thir ty per cent.; from five to ten years, about twelve peT cent.; and when of longer duration, not more than five per cent." Miss Dix's memorial, p. 7 Causes in confirmation of this may have fallen un der your own bbervations as they have under ours. Thus, even the selfish and sordid man, were we to apply to such, might find it a sa ving of his hoarded wealth, to provide for the in sane, prompt and judicious relief in the assylum, rather than turn his back upon a disease daily be lomingmore obstinate, and creating a long tKid lingering charge upon the township. iit we appeal to hieh-r motives, and nobler considerations. The law of our nature calls up on vs to relieve the sufferings e-ven of irrational animal ; how much more powerful is the im pnlse of the human heart, to hasten to the relief of the kindied h'-srt of man. lie who holds back where he can deliver the innocent in distress, vi rl it-s the instinctive emotions ef his own breast. A nd the Author of nature calls upon us in a more exidiei' roice, to be merciful, if we ourselves won' i obtain mercv. The municipal law enac- ! !.- v:r repes T'ativ s calls upon ns ; a pru- o-; r-i;:u.! 1 1 th- y Sf.n-fv. an I of ti-rbi;!.. in p'or-.. ! ,.t aid Ii nivel",:t coimbit and security of "ilie. calls upon ns to con 1 1 j our ability, to this great I.-t no i.-ien i. ..f-ien or excuse, vpon the ire-tence rlut. Ir.' f-w of these distressed and flih'ressing obj'-cts hre ever seen An examina tion of Miss Pix's niemorial will show, but too truly, alas! how gi eat were ,,lcb self-delusion! Such sufferers are commonly secluded from the T'ii'iiic eye ; and this is done with the greater vi gilance, as the mental derangement is made vio lent and revolting. Yet, within a few-of the last toQii'.lis, have we not seen three or .four misera ble maniacs roaming through our streets, diffu eing alarm and ditress around them. The-rich, it is true, can bear the expense of supporting .".heir children or friends at oilier institutions, but w hat is to be done by the poor ' Must they keep their wretched relations chained ia some -miser-able corner, guarding them from violence and sulcida, until at last, incapable of the consola tions of .religion, they take the dismal step into tbe grave, delivered from the far more dismal ruudition ofa living death ! Let no man delude himself or stive to stifle ihe calls of a charitable -conscience, by the -notion t hot hit little contribution -an do no good, and, therri'tre, he will give nothing. Let him do his duty, and leave the event to Him wbagivethand win Uketh away ; not nieredy wealth, but those attributes which partake of his own divinity. lUit the whole of our prent state, numbering a third o a million lamiJie, is to unite in this b ni-ficent institution; and a small sum fretn each will b siiflirient. Dauphin county ts showing a mot liberal spirit to jw emote the work; other counties are doing well &Imi ; and we ardently hope that ftortliiiinberiaiui will not shun the ho nor of proving, that she is concerned in this call upon the humanity and justice of the people of Pennsylvania. Fellow citizens, we are about 1 forward without delay, to some respectable and benevo lent individuals in each townvhip, suhsrription hooks or papers, requesting them to rail town ship meetings, appoint collecting committees, and adopt such other measures as may appear effective to obtain and transmit, as early as prac ticable, to the undersigned eommitte, such pe cuniary contributions as can be procured in an undertaking sanctified, we trust, by the bles sing of Heaven, and most grateful, we are sura to tvety fueling heart. lll'GH BELLAS, J R- PRIESTLEY, R. H. HAMMOND, JAMES KAY, Committee. XortaurcberUnd soasty, fp- 13, II to. as?? THE AMERICAN. Saturday, September 27, 1845. DEMOCRATIC TICKET CANAL COMMISSIONER. J a tiic UtiriiK. SENATOR, William I.- Elctrart. ASSEMBLY, Edward V. IWigXit. SHERIFF, Tlionia) A. ttllliiitftoti. TROTHONOTARV, John ruriiMWorfli. REGISTER AND RECORDER, Cdtvnrd OjNler. COMMISSIONER. Charles Weaver. TREASURER, Jesse H Simpson CORONER, Jacob Yordy. AUDITOR. Peter ItKlcr. 1 it. i:ii,.rn:it, i:q at hu timi f;. latt and t'onl Office, turner of.iit and Cimntil Street at I'lillailrlfilita, it authotittd to act ns Igent, and receipt tor nil mnnlea ttue thin office, for mbicrltlton or tulverHnhtf. .H10. at hit Office .Vti. lfiU .Mmisu Street, ."Wit- Mark. .Inrf S. n. Corner t lialtlmore and Calvert tt., lialtlmore. KA meeting will be held at Wharton's hotel, this (Saturday) evening, to appoint delegates to the rail road convention at Danville. C7" We bad intended to publish the address of the convention of the Danville and Shatnokin rail road, which has been crowded out by a press of political matter this week. In another column our readers will find an interesting article, on the subject of th" contem plated Insane Asylum, by a committee of gentle men from this county. It is a subject which ap peals to our warmest sympathies, ami should re ceive the support of every good citizen and phi lanthropic heart. The SrNSToriiAt. CoNFErrr.s. n ano ther column will be found the proceedinss of the conferees of this Senatorial district. These pro ceedings afford the best evidence to show who were most in fault in not making a nomination. The Harrisburg papers comment with great se verity upon the conferees, in not aereeing upon a third man, saying, that they were the represen tatives ofa party, and not thcautomaton delegates of an individual, and ask for the ballottincs to see where the fault lies. Th-'se balloUinsrs we now publish, by which it will be seen, that ibe Dauphin Conferees were wholly in fault, by re presenting an individual, instead of a party. We also ask the attention of our readers, to the statement of the -conferees of this county, w ho, it will be seen, offered to agree to almost any terms to effect a compromise, terms, which none but those who are determined to role or ruin, could have honorably rejected. The statement of th- Dauphin conferees, that none were willing to j yield, is incorrect, and only applicable to th"rn- selves, as the proceedings willshow. The Nor- thumberlaml county conferees did every thing j servation convinced us ot the (act. We offered that con Id be done by honorable men, except to ' frequently to yield Mr. Deweart, if the confer listen to the dictation ofa few who caied more ee from iirliin, would yield Mr. Foster. This for tbeir man than the measures ofthe party. We have nude room for the piocee lings ofthe meeting held at Northumberland, on the 19th inst., which, as we are nt present crowded with copy, we have inserted, not without some inconvenience. We publish the proceedings in accordance with the request of the meeting. Ol their propriety, people w ill of course have their own opinions. And whether a few persons fiom a few of the neighboring townships, have a i ight to annul the pioceedings of a County Couv.-n-lion, will aleo be deemed a matter of doubtful propriety, by some. But w e are willing to let every portion and every fragment of the party ' sibility. have a hearing through our columns, always te- j We submit these facts to the candid judgment serving to ourselves the right of expressing our ' of ourdemocratie fellow-citizens. We rely np epinrons upon the subject. In doing this, it is on the result, w ith the utmost confidence oftheir but just and -properto say, thallhe meeting was a j approval of our course. We have acted un very small one, considering its object ; the w hole ! der a due sense of our duty to them, and we be assembled force, not numbering ia amount half J liee that w e have performed our duty honestly the democratic vote of the barougk of Northern- ' and fearlessly, and believing so, we have not the berland alone. eai Jcsire to shrink from the repnsililitv. tic nave iiuii knui iiiis n crfc m 111911 ii-t j proceedings of the democratic party of the bo- I rough of Northumberland, for the puijmse of de- cidiflg what action the denioera'ie party would j take in regard to Ihe election ofa Senator'" in this district. W think, however, that ourdemocra tie friends ofthe borough of Northumberland, are somewhat Quixntical, in supposing that they constitute a large majority ofthe democratic par ty of this cour.ty. lLAa You AssEs&iD ? Voters should remem ber that if they have not been assessed ut leatt ten duyt before the next general election, and have not paid a Stuteor Cuun'y tax within two years past, they cannot vote. Let every voter make it his especial business to examine tha as sessment in person, and see that his name is in serted. The duty must be performed on or be fore Saturday, the -lib of Octwber. After that date 7 will te too lalt. K7"The !ast Mnncy Olive Branch contains letter purporting to be from Harrisburg, abusive of Wm. F. Packer, which we should not no tice but for some ttatcmentt which wt know to be untrue. Ai we were one of the delegates to the Canal Commissioners' Convention, and had some thing to do with the nomination of Mr. Burns, we know that Mr. Pucker did not "try to get up ! an opposition to Mr. Burns," but was on the con . trary, a warm supporter and friend of Mr. Burns, The idea that Vr. Packer could not get himself nominated, is too silly to require comment. We ' know that he did not desire it. Mr. Packer'! con duct during the whole proceedings, was such, a to meet with the approbation and respect of all liberal minded persons. The idea of the enemies of Oeneral Cameron claiming the nomination of Mr. Burns as a victory, is truly ridiculous. Those who have any knowledge of the doings of that convention, know that Mr. Bui ns was under no obligations to therevilers of Gen. Cameron for his nomination. 0"7 Joseph Nicely declines being a candidate for Sheriff. CT7 Hon. Levi Woodbury has been appointed to the b-nch of the Supp-me Couit of the IT. States, in place of Judge Story, deceased. Address of the Confcrrcs, I To TIIK 1)R.Mnc-RA1tC Ei.t.cior.s of NomnrM I iiKKi.AMn fin vi y : J The undersigned conferees, appointed by the i Democratic county convention, to agree with the j conferees fiom Dauphin county, upon a eandi date to represent this Senatorial district, deem it i due to their democratic f-llow-iitizens, to sub 1 ... : i,- i-., n. . . ill 11 iit.7 ij 1 1, v 1 1 m . 1 r 11 it'll 1 . The regu'ur proceedings of the conferees ap pear in another column of this paper, and it is therefore, unnecessary to state them particularly. This is a new Senatorial district ; the counties have never b"en united before, and, therelore. neither, could with truth be said to have any su perior claim to .the no-nira'ion. Your confer ees were instructed by a large majority of the delegates, to support the nomination of Wjr. L. Diiwaht. Esq. However much disposed we were to carry out our instructions, we were im pressed with the d'Miioeratic motto, ' peine, 'pirn, n'it men," and went into the conference with a strong determination to sacrifice our instructions, the claims of our county and our personal piede lections, to ii cure the union and success of the democracy of the district ; and we fearlessly a ver, thit if we had been mi t in the same spirit of conciliation and sacrifice, a candidate upon whom all weuld unite, would have been nomina ted. At our first meeting at Georgetown, after a number of ineffectual ballots, the conferees from Da.iphin moved to break up the conference, which was defeated hy our votes, thus evincing a disposition at the very outset, on their rart, to decline another opportunity for coming to an a greement, and at once to put a nomination out of the q 11 -st ion. At the same time, we proposed to nominate A. Jordan, Esq., who would have nni ted the entire democracy of the district, and insu red its success. We proposed to nominate E. V. Bright, Esq., and thus unite and harmonize the party in this county. Both thes offers were re jected, with the answer that either Mr. Fosterer I N,r Dewart must be nominated. At our subse- quent meeting, we proposed to drop both Mr. Foster and Mr. Dewart, and nominate a person in Dauphin county ; yi t they refused to dothis, or to name any person that we might consult about and agree upon. It may be asked, why under the circumstances we did not agree to the nomination of Vr Fos ter ? Our answer is a short one, and true as it is j short. He never could be elected. His nomination j would ensure the defeat and ruin of the democratic Tar,y r ,l,is district. Of tSese facts w e were by many of the stronge-t and most infill- j cntial democrats of Dauphin county, both before i alld wnil we were among them, and our own oh- I " aM ,t,r' co,,IH ,iiir,y ask' More ,,,im "n- tier tne circumstances, it would have been trea- j sou the democracy to have granted; for we j firmly believe it would have resulted in its de- feat ami entire overthrow, in the district. After the cwnference adjourned, youi conferees j met and nominated Wm. L. Dewart, Esq., the I democratic candidate for Senator, in this district. ; He is honest and capable intelligent and ac j live energetic and untiring in his advocacy of democratic principles, he is a candidate upon i whom the staunch democracy of Northumber land county can proudly unite, and if defeated by j a fictiou -, upon their heads re.ts the respon- ISAAC CAKE, C. W. HEGINS. Sunbory, S. pt. 2:id, In 15. A Pxwtori letter publish! iu Richmond Whij says that the Micddlescx Manufactory at Iow ell turns out each week 2.200 yards of broad cloth and 12,000 yards uf cassimere, the latter comprising the greatest variety of plaid and fancy goods. The manufactures of this etab lishmentare in great demand snd are disposed of as soon as finished. The same letter sppaka of two ready-made clothing stores in Boston, each of which pays to sempstresses, on an average, from $1000 to l.'00 per week. One of these stores pays to the ltueton Atlas alone upwards of $000 a year fur advertising. There are many similar estab lishments in Boston doing a largo and profitable business. Proceeding! of the Democratic Conferee. John Stahl, John C. McAllister and Gen. C. Seiler, th conferees from Dauphin county, met at the house of Jacob Spati, in Georgetown, Nor thumberland county, on Tuesday, the 9th day of September, inst., and organited by the appoint ment of JOHN STAHL, Chairman, and Get. Sivti.rn, Secretary. Two seta of conferees from Northumberland county appeared and claimed seata in the confer ence, and presented their credentials, v'tt : John P. Pursel. Isaac M. Cake and C. W. Hegins, I composing one set, and the Hon. John Montgo- mery, Wm ilsnn and Ceaihart, the other set. j On motion, it was resolved. That John P. Pur- j sel, Isaac M Cake and C W Hegins. are the rcg- , ularly appointed conferees from Northumbet laud ! county, and that they be admitted to their scats Whereupon the conferees appointed JOHN ' STAHL to presiile, and C W 1If.;ins secretary. On motion, the conferees proceeded to ballot for a candidate to be Mtppnited by the Democra cy of the Mth Senatorial district. j Upon 42 successive ballots, John Stahl, John McAllister and (Jen. Seiler, voted for Major Jon M rosriR, and John P Pursel, Isaac M Cake and C W Hcgins, voted for Major Wm L Dkw- ! r- j A motion was made by Mr McAllister, that . the eonforess adjourn nine ,lie. And the yeas and nays being called on the said motion, were Ykas, Mr Stahl, McAllister and Gen Seiler T Nays. Mr Pursel, Mr Cake an I Mr Hegins 3. So that it was determined in the negative A motion was made by O W Hegins, that the conferees adjourn to meet at the house of Joseph Smith, Duncans' Island, Dauphin, on Thursday, I the ISth day of September, inst., which was a greed. Di ncans' Im.and, Sept. 18. IS 15. Th" conferees met agreeably t. adjonnrment Wm Kline, Esq appeared in the place of Gen j Seiler, and on motion of C W Hegins, was ad- I mitted as one of the conferees from Dauphin I county. ' On motion, the conferees again proceeded to ''a"'- ' On 20 successive ballot. Mr Pursel, Mr Cake j and Mr Hegins voted for Wm L Dewart. and Mr Stahl, .Mr Mine and Mr McAllister voted fol John M. roster. On motion, it was resolved. That th- confer- i ees adjourn to meet at the hotel of John Stahl, in i Harrisburg, to-morrow morning. Friday, Sept. l'.ith, the conferees met agreea bly to adjournment, and proceeded to ballot. On the ballot. Messrs. Torscl, Cake and Hegins voted for Gen R 11 Hammond. Messrs. Stahl, Kline and McAllister voted for John M. Foster. Clth Ballot Messrs. Tinsel, Cake and Hegins voted for Wm Forsyth. Messrs. Stahl, Kline and McAllister for John M Foster. 6.,tti liallot .Messrs. lake ami Uegtns voteil for Wm L Dewart, Mr Pursel for A Jordan, Esq. and Messrs. Stahl, Kline and McAllister for John M Foster. 0th Ballot Messrs. Pursel, Cake and Hegins voted for A Jordan, Esq. Messrs. Stahl, Kline and McAllister for John M Foster. C7th Ballot Messrs Stahl, Kline and McAl lister for John M Foster. Messrs. Cake, Pursel and Hegins for Wm L Dewart. Ballot Messrs. Kline and McAllister vo ted for John M Foster. Mr Stahl for Hon. Wm Dock. Messrs. Pursel, Cake and Hegins for Win L Dewart. CDth Ballot Messrs. Kline, Cke and Hegins voted for Hon. John C Bucln-r. Messrs. Stahl and McAllister for John M Tester, and Mr Pur sel for Wm L Dewart. On the next 1 t snceessiveballots, Messrs. Pin- j sel. Cake and llegins voted for Wm L Dewart Messrs. Stabl, Kline and McAllister for John M Foster. Adjourned to meet on Saturday morning, tbe 20th. Saturday, the C'Oih, met agreeably to adjourn ment. The conferees again proceeded to ballot. 81th Ballot Messrs. Stahl, Kline and McAl lister voted for John M Foster. Messrs. Pursel and Hegins for Wm L Dewart, and Mr Cake for II B Masser, Esq. S5th Ballot-Messrs. Stall', Kline and McAl- lister voted for John M Foster. Messrs. Cake and Hegins for Wm L Dewart. Mr Pursel for F. ! Y Bright, Esq. j Sfilh rt:1lln f.r (il.ihl Vi;n n,ttit. ' lister voted for John M Foster. Messrs. Pursel, fake and lleeins for I". V. flrieht. Fso. STth Ballot-Messrs. Stahl. Kline and McAl- I lister voted for John M Foster. Mr Ib gins for Wm I. Dewart. Messrs. Pursel and Cake for Samuel D Jordan, Esq. j tSth and Mth Ballots Messrs. Stahl, Kline and McAllister voted for John M Tester. Messrs.' Pursel, Cake and Hegins for Win L Dewart. 00th Ballot Mr. Stahl voted for John M Fos- , ter. Mr Kline for John II (biggs, Esq Mr Mc- : Allister for David Pool, Esq. Messrs. Pursel, j Cake and Hegins for Wm L Dewart. j 01st Ballot Mr. Stahl voted for John M Fos- ter. Messrs. Kline and McAllister for David j Pool. Messrs. Puisel, Cake and Hegins for Win ! L I't'Wari. 9M Ballot-Messrs. llegins and Pursel voted lor liuvul I'ool. Mr l ake for Hon. Jesse Mil ler. Messrs. Stahl, Kline and McAllister for John M Foster. 03d Ballot Messrs. Cake and Hegins voted for Peter W Shaffer. Mr Pursel for Wm L Dewart. Messrs. Stalil, Kline and McAllister for John M Foster. 91th BallotMessrs. Pursel and Hegins voted for Joseph W Cake. Mr Cake for Peter W Shaf fer. Messrs. Stahl, Kline and McAllister for John M Foster. On the 6 remaining ballotr, Messrs. Stahl, Kline and McAllister voted lor John M Foster. Messrs. Pursel Cake and Hegins for Win L Dew art. On motion of C W Hegins, it was resolved, That as there is no prospect of the conferees a greeing upon a candidate, this conference adjourn tint die. JOHN STAHL, Fres't. C. W. iUi.iss, Secretary. Democratic Convention. In pursuance ofa call for a convention of the Democratic party of Northtimberland county, to assemble at the Town Halt in the borough of Northumberland, on the lOtb of September, 184 ', a number of democrats from various parts of the county met. and came to order by calling A. 1). PATTERSON, of Milton, to the chair, assisted by Daiml Robins of Point, Geo. W. Kiehl of Son bury, John Robins of Milton, and Hon. John Montgomery, as Vice Presidents. Jacob Leisen- ring of Noithumberlatid and H. M. Davison of Milton were appointed Secretaries. On motion, Resolved, That a committee of se- ven be appointed by the chair, to draft a prcam- j ble and resolutions expressive of the sense of: this mectin. Whereupon the chair appointed Geo. A. Trick, T.-. T T . : (V . . I 1 . .1 a t n . e .,,,.,,,,.,. . , - ' I J W Stamm of Point, Charles A Kutr of Turbut, iiiiiiiiiirriann 11 m .1 n ail n 1 mti m iiniiiiri- and Wm C Wilson, Esq. of Milton j The convention then proceeded to nominate a suitable person to be supported by the Democra tic party ef Northumberland county for the Le- gislature, Whereupon Stephen Wilson, of the borough of Milton, was unanimously nominated lor that office. Aftr wlli n tlic convention nrocceded to make a nomination for Prothonotarv. and John W. Miles, Esq., of the borough of Northumberland, was unanimously nominated. There being already several volunteer candi dates before the people for the various other county offices, it was, on motion, decided that the convention make no further nominations. After a short absence, the committee appoint- ! ed to prepares preamble and resolutions exprcv ' sive of the Sense of this meeting, reported thro' ; their chairman, (5. A Frick, Esq., the following : Wmk-rka. an unfortunate division exists in the democratic ranks of this county, caused, we believe, in part, by unfounded jealousies excited by political demagogues for the purpose of ad- vancing their own private interests, and in part by an unequal apportionment of the delegates f,., ,y,(r..r..nt r ii,. ...;;., the townships and boroughs west of the liver ,i, :.. nnr..iinn;n ,i,.t .,i;;..,.i ,;..l,t are not duly weighed and respected bv their bre- ir(,n of th p:is1(.rn portion of the county; and hereas. such nnnrehensions an.l jealousies, whe- ther justly or unjustly founded, exercise an un- J bcrliuid and Dauphin could not agree upon a favorable influence upon the harmony and united ; CBmj!n,0 flir State Senate, it now becomes the action of the whole party, we deem it the duty j,lty fth), ,t.lni,-r;u. p!,r,v to take such mca ofthis convention (being composed as it is of de-j BrJ win eP-.lire tlm eli-clion o'l democrat. mocrats from each section of the county) to do ( all that lies in their power to conciliate and bar nionize, if possible, every sectional interest and : all existing conflicting prejudices. Our aim, and i only aim, is to perpetuate the pure principles of .1. ii, e.;,.i..i i r I i f,.lntt.K1in. nil those of everv nart of the count v. i uhose talents and energv are at all times devo- ted to the same glorious cause. We have met here this day, not to foster the seeds of sectional jealousies, not to array one part of the county a gainst the other because the waters of the Sus quehanna flow between ns, but for the nobler ; purpose of conciliation am! compromise, for the i purpose of enabling our whole party as hereto j fore, to present an unbroken front against the ! ranks of our common foe. at the ensuing election, that we may once more rejoice in our union and strength, and the defeat of the w hig party in old Northumberland. Men mav claim the name and t(llk (M1,1). ofthe principles of democracy, yet if they are unwilling to surreiidertheir own personal prejudices and sectional feelings, that the princi ples, nsages and union of the party may be main tained. They are hypocrites in profession, and traitors to the party to which they profess to be- long In our selections of men to fill the various county offices, we hol.l that a fair and reasonable propoition should be given to each side of the ri ver, that all jealousies and sectional feeling may hereafter have no cause to exist between the two divisions of the county. Therefore, Resolved, That the ticket formed by a per- j tjon r thft j.te Licmncrstie. county convention, j ig 0i,j,.c,ion(1ble to a large portion of the J vllm,',mmM. r,,. , il.. f,.n win b urnmrracv ni inr couniv. iroin me laui. " i - that the nominees for nil the important ofTlces, are resident ofthe tame borough. Ilesolved, That rotation in oflice, is one of the I cntAin1 1" democracy, and in cm for niity to mat principle, tne miiccoi uepresenia- ,ive (Md l K,,wr,, X" RriShl. of n,b(iry.) ; ,most '"lanimo.isly been conceded by the j ''''mocrats ofthe east side ofthe river, to that : nortinn of the cxinnty lying west of tho river,' snd even Mr. Hright himself acknowledging 'be principle of rotation, did declare again and a;;ain, that he was no candidate for re election. Yet in the face of these oft-repeated declara- i tiotis and usages ofthe parly, he did se'k, and ' obtained a nomination, and now iinblnshingly I declares his intention of being a candidate st i the expense of his own integrity, and the (lis- I traction and disunion of the party to which he 0we hi seat in the legislature for the last two j I , -r- rami kitj nuin nrt-Btsit mlitiniil at m nil 1 ilif. j Kl'jveJ, That in view ofthe above facts" in , conjunction with many others that might be , named, we pledge ourselves to oppose, by every : fair and honorable means in our power, the elec lion of Edward Y. Bright to the legislature ; believing, as we most eoliiienly do, that his elec tion would be detrimental to the interests ofthe party, tending not only to compromise principle, but to distract and disunite us hereafter. Raolced, That this convention, being a con vention ofthe people, and not a delegated few, hat power to rescind and undo all that the late county delegate meeting did do, and in virtue of that power always inahentble in tne people, we declare tho proceedings of the late democratic county convention null and void, and no ways binding upon the democratic party of Northum berland County. Wjiibeas, A report, w art informed, baa been put in circulation in the Irswrf port of thff cminty, that if the niembi'r for lire pgretalure ahould be taken from the Forks thnr (Wll, ho would ufc his influence to effect a divisive Ibo coonty. Therefore, llennhrd. That Raid report has no foundation? in truth, and that wrr pledge ourselves to op pose such a measure, and aim promise that our representative will oprxise such a measure if brought forward from any quarter this win ter. ,T. T!..,.i:n. f . .,t ,t, - 8rf compolleJ to omit this week, for want ol room R, ,(,;,.r,f TM W)? coni,er tnst , pJrfc, arp ,lV ,vrtv .:-:, i . ftf ,, .,: i tied to the Meniher and Pruthnnotary this fall. snd thnt we will use our utmost exertion, hy alt lair and hi nma ilo moans, to insure their elec tion. llrxnlvtl. That the proceedings of this meet inir be signed by the officers of the meeting-, and published in all the pspi r.s in the comity. ("Signed hij the. oJJicrrt.J Kcctin; at Halifax. In pursuance of a cull, a meeting of tha IVniocratic citizens of llalillix and the aljin j inc tih(n, wns held at the Xorih Soli'l-room, on ! Wulnesday evening, the 2tth. (iEORCJIi N. SIMPSON, F.q. wns clvifen President, Jons I Sriuw and Gwuhik Dcskm., Vice President!!, 1 .1. II'. Lomf.s, secretary. O.i motion the fol ': lowing preamble and were utvini i monsly adopted ; Vm:tu:i, The co:if re"s of Ditiphin an I : .Northumberland counties not having agreed upon s candidate for Senator, fur the district j composed of the above named counties, owing ' to the determination on the pvt uf the cotife r?es of Diiuphin county to persist in the nmnins : t ion of Mij ir Jnhri M. Foster, and whereas from ! first ti) la.-t tin) Dauphin county conferee ad ' hered lotheir tleterminaiion to nominate John M Foster, and no other man, alter the Nor'.hiim- h. rlnnd ciui'V-rrrselmdndi red to l ike a now man nun iMthrr cnun'v, it then-Sire devolves upon ' the m rude nf the district to lake this matter into their own IwnN, and fey who they will ; support for the State Senate. Therefor, I Itnnl.rJ. Tl.,it .the ronfL-reea nf Noithum and continue tha ascendency of the democratic party in the Setinte of Pennsylvania. lit solved. That we beleive the natety ofthe democratic party requires that Dauphin County i choiild vote fur the candidate of Northumber land, inasmuch ax that county can and will give a democrat from t-CO to 1000 majority over the federal pandidite. llrmdced, Tii'it in ordor to secure the elec tion ofa Senator in llti.1 district, and to contin ue the democratic psrty in the nvijurity in the Senate of Pennsylvania, we will use all honorable mennri to secure the elec tion i.f Major Win. K Dewart, of Northumber land county. li tidied. That the proceedings of this meeting he published in nil the democratic pa uers of the district. GEO. N. M U'Mi., rrea i. .,,N S"!,VV' Vice Prcsfs. A. U". l.omi-; Secretary. f'nRfOu In ntieor two instance where i r,1!irpil( ,r(,n B1,,i,.( lo ..vimer wheat in . the Si.ite of Ohio, at the rute (if tilty husli.-N to the acre, it ban evidently prevented the injury , rf . ", ,!r""-,,' wl"cl' huH "tar,y rumen anjtiiuinjj wiiubi iii-Hi;". .n .1 n it i k n , On Sunday last, by Christian Bower, Tsq., Mr. j Wm. to Miss Hk.ikr Bkk.iii, both ol" . Northumberland. At f-'lvwhitrtr tafiink in Idin nnthi.Oltt, utt . . bv John HofT E-q.. Mr. John Mvkks to Miss Sarah Dm ;, both of Puttsville. ! t""" v' lamtaaTaraa- ii i ii ir. j 0n th, ins,t t llcar Kreeport. Stevenson 'county. III, Mr. THOMAS YOLTNGM.N, Ibr- nerly of Fuion county. Pa. ; - " .,. "tiy"a-l 'fST T irt C WEI. I. qilslified Teacher is wanted for iha JVL I i tcismirg e-chool, in eh imokin ln-tnet, AoiihuniherUnd e ninty. Anv person wisSina; l be employed in said in-hn d, wilt p'ease make rirly npphcatn n lo John Rusdirinel, Elyshurit nf fiee. or Klids John, Be.rtSip pos' n'fice. Tha is expected lo he kept open five months, l.iieial wajes will he paid, and that at ihe end of eveiy mm th, if By order i f the Uo.r.l. JM'OU H A AS, Attest: Tres't. U. 8. D. Sham. DisL EtlPA Jon;, Secretaiy. Sep-emVr '.'7lh. H4S, .It STRAIT COWS. C AMi: lo ihe pumisea of the siitircr her, in ltuh t.'wns'iip, Nonhuinl eiland county, a In ul ihe first of Mepiemlx r instant, mea UL At;K COW, with a Ixll on. having a white simik on her back. 'I'heo her RED CO VV, wnli a whiie Irtii hmh upper lo l-e nld (7ws. I he owner is r. qui sled lo call fir them, p.y char ges, aud take ihi m away. WM. d. K1PP. Bush township, Hepi. 27. 1 84 A. 3t FrumtheN. Y. American Republican.) 'jiugnr Coated IMII." I BARENTS having d.flicuhv in admlnisle ring medicine to their childien, wid find a valuable f.iend in Dr. Smith's Sug.r Coated Pill, which ia sold at 17!) (iieenwhich Mlreel. Adulls will also ha pleased win th s kmd of ' medicine-taking made eay." Ths Pill is a good medicine, its noveUy aside. fXy CAUTION. As a miserable imitation has been made, hy tha name of -Sugsr Coated Pill," it is neccssiry to besurs that Da. O Usxj. Smitu's sigua'uis is on every but. Pue 25 cents. Pnncip.l UlBce, 173 Greenwich St. New York. Bold by JOHN W. FIULINO. Sunburv. WM. FORSYTH E, NferfW'si SeptfinUi 27th, 1643.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers