WB'I.. . - LI HI . II -i Mild. CAUDLE'S Cl'ItTAlX l.liCTtniC . MR, rU'IM.K HAS VENTtJRF.D TO 1NSINCATK TIMT Mlt9. C RKTTGR NOT Rt'N ABROAD SO MICH. MRS. t'Al'DLG 'FLARE UP.' Mr. Caudle, it would (ry the patience of saint. tJi) nbrnid too much you might well say that, if I stayed out with the skylarks, or other pre cious Fellows, till midnight, spending more than I earned. But it is just so, always with poor women. She must be s elave, and found fruit with besides. When I am dead, Mr. Caudle, and I shant live long when 1 am dead, yon tinleeling man, then you will have this to re fl-cl upon. Don't tell me you'd be sorry to have me die! I don't believe it. You would be jrlad, you know you would. Then you could marry some flirt of a girl who would not bear with your errors as I have. Don't tell me I'm n good girl, and you love me. I'm act an though you do. Once you did. Then I wis your ileur Margaret, your dear honey, your s veet love ; now you tumble into led at any tiinn of night, nod if I just venture to say that I don't like it, you go to sleep before 1 finish the sentence, you li. Caudle, you're a wretch; and if ever I citch you marrying any of these flaunty things shout town to be mother to my children, I'll haunt tho house till she leaves it. What yon tlun't mean to marry a second time ! Don't tell mn tlmt, you unfeeling man. It is just as much as to say I lead you such a life that you it -j re not. Don't say to nie you wont marry a tain. Have you no regard for your family ; for my tender children, that will be motherlessaud almost Tut herlcss for I'm sure its seldom the sweet things ill see you. Caudle, if you don't marry again when I'm dead it yon don't pro vide a mother for my darlings, I'll huunt you till you die ! will as I'm a prudent Christian. What! do you say you'll marry aguiu before I die, if it will p'ea.c me ! You wicked mun I shouldn't wonder if you were to fall out of rod. I am afraid to sleep with you fur fesr we shall be swallowed up. What are you doing, Mr. Caudle ! getting out of bed ! Don't tell me its to relieve my fears ! It's no such thing, It's to go and swill with the prettyiiiun. Don't he a dunce, sir. Get into bed again or I won't live with you another dtty. I'll "O home to mother's and pine in solitude; and die a vic tim to your treatment. Once it vi us not so. You used to say, my dear .Mrs. Cuudlr, 1 fear you shut yourself up too much at home, you will bring on a decline and early death, and then what will your devoted Caudle do ! He will pine and die too. Go abroad, my dear, you would say, and let the healthful breezes kins that lovely cheek. Now, because I venture out only four or five days in a week, you call me a 'gadder about.' Precious good care you take never to 0 with me. What are you tossing sbout in that way for, Mr. Caudle. I don't wonder you are in pain. If your conscience isn't made of alabaster, it must burn you. Don't tell me you w ant to go sleep ! Don't you suppose I want to go to sleep too ! But I can't sleep; such treatment takes away my appetite. It makes me wish I was an Arabian savage, on the deserts of America, wandering about in the tropical climates of the north, rather limn the wife of so unfeeling a ninn ! And so you won't marry again to please me ! You shall marry 8irin ; My children shall hve a mother as loig as they live and she shall be a good mother to them ! None of your foolh chits, who think they know more than their parents. I'll tell you who to marry. A prudent, respectable aged woman, that will have a bright eye to your fooleries and not be so weak and forgiving and kind as 1 have been. You t hall marry Mr. Caudle and these may be my last words. You shall m a-r-r y the w-i d-o-w Here, says Caudle's manuscript, my wife dropped off, and I was spared the pain of hear in? the name of some antiquated lady as my se lected second wife. Never was I more unfeig-n-cdly thankful for any sleep than I was fur this. Sealiger says that the flesh of a peacock ne ver corrupts, and that he himself made the ex periment. St. AojMistin, speaking of the re surrection, cites the same circumstance to uruve that there are certain myateries of which it is impossible to understand the cause. Bother imq a Withers. A Little Rock pa per tells a story of a youth put upon the wit lit so' ttatid, who was bothered to death by the counsel on the opposite .ides one complain ing that he could not understand the witness, suit the other claiming tho protection of the court "If you'll jur-t stop 'tin both, I'll tell my story so thut the liict foul in the house will uudirtQitd it ull !'' A Dot'OLE 1'is. The new City Councils of N'ew Yoik took pofsion a few days ego. hiring ihu coiumotiou and excitement that pre ailed about the City Hall, the late Mayor liar er is said to have remarked, that although he ieer kipt htuluuiary, yet in this instance he v ittj (iiH).-fd to lucti-vwlion. The double pun ;as well received. l!t sirtiss lhoke 1'lesibe. An ipotheca I ol IWton a few years since, who was very miliar iu his notions, and remarkable atten ve to buMucts, hud the tniafortuue to loee his ife. At the hour of burial, he pluced the fol ding label on his shop door : 'Gone from home to the funeral ol his wife. buck in hall an hour." The Schoolmaster at hove. A ballot was ind in the box at a township election in Ohio, dorsed, "No Sliule Tacki !" 111 ..11 11AXK SOTE LIST. rrwsixrAxi. The f .Mowing tUt shows the current value of all Vnnsylvsnia Bank N tcs. The mnt implicit re- lumen m iv be placed upon it. a it U every trrek larefultv Compared with ai d corrected from Biik- no It's Itrporiftr. i:ankn In Plillnilclpliln. N.V1K. 1.0CATIO. I'm LAD. NOTE8 AT PAR. flank of Nnr'h America" , , Bank of the Northern l.i'-ertio- , Commercial Bank of Peon's . , Farmer,' ami Mechanics' Bank . Kensington Bank , , par par pur pur pur pur par par par ptr par Philadelphia Ttnnk Schuvlkill Hank Snuthwark llaok Western Hunk , , Mechanic' Dank Manufacturer A Mechanic- Bank Country Hanks. Hank of '"hestcr County Bank of Delaware County U.mk of liermanlovvn Hank of Morileoinery Co. Dnylestown Hani. Easton Bank" Farmer' Hunk of Buck co. Office ofBank uf Perm's. Office do do Office tin dn Oflica tl do Westchinier par Cheater par (icrniantnwn par N'niris'oivn par Dovlcstown par Easton par Bri-lol par Harrishorg" Thee Lancaster I nrlice lie uliug f do not Eatnn J issue n. D menu nt. NOTES AT tank of the United tauten" Philadelphia 31.1-12 . "ir J i . pr ftatik of Peon Township (ii-anl Bank Movamensing B ink Bunk of i'eiinv Ivanta Miner' Hank of Polisville Hank of lewistown Hank i f Maldletown Bunk of Northumberland P.it'Kvilln Lewi-town Miihllu'own i il i N rlhiiinlietlaiid pat Columbia II ink & Bridge co. Columbia par Carlisle Hank Carlisle I Exchange Hunk Piitshtirr 1 I) d branch of llntlid ivshurg I Farmer H-.nk of Lani nlet Lancisiet par Lancaster County II ml Lancaster par Farmers' Bunk of Reading I! ailing pi llarrishitrg flank Harrishurg I Lancaster Bank Lancaster par Lebanon Hunk Iehann J Merchants' A Manuf. Bank Pittsburg I II oik of Pittsburg PiUshutg t Weal Bianch Bulk Williainsport 1 Wyoming Bank Wilkeitane lj iirthitniptou U ink Allentown lieika Cuuntv Hank Heading Office of Baiik of U. S. Pittsburg failed Do do do Erie ilo Do do do New Brighton tlx Kensington Suv. Ina. A tlo Penn Township Sav. Ins. do Hunk of Chamla-rsburg; Ch-imliersburg; I Bnnk of fiettyshurg (-ttyshurg I Bunk of Sti'tpjetianna Co. Montrose 35 Brie Bank Eric 2 Farmers' & Drovers Bunk W aytieshorg 2 Franklin Bank Washington I Hnnesdalu Uiiik Honesd.de I J Monnnrriilirla Hunk of B. Brouiuville IJ Vmk Hank Yoik 1 N. H. The notes of thoae haiika on which we tniit quntaiiona, and stilixtitnte a dnwh ( ) are not purchaurd hy the Pt.ilidi Iphia hrokern, wnh the exception of those which have a letter of rtft-rtnee. BROKEN BANKS. Philadelphia Sav. Ins. Philadelphia Philadelphia Loan Co. tlo Schuylkill Sav. In. do Manual Labor Ban's (T. W Dyott, prop.) failed fftllfll f.ite.1 f.olct I .'Wanda llaok I owanda Alleghany Bank of Ps. Bedford no aale Bank ol Beaver Heaver closed Bank of Swalura Hniriihurg closed Hank of Washington Washinutnn failed Centre Bank I it'll, foute ti.uK d City Hank Pitishmg no -a'e Farmera' Ac Merh'ea' Hank I'ittahurg failed Farmer' iV Mech'ca' Hank Fayette co. failed Farmers' A Merh'ea' Hunk (irt-eni'ast.e failed Harmony Inaiilutu llarmony n sal. Huntingdon Bank II ontinutlon no sale Juniata Bank I.eni.io.wi no aale Luniherinen'it Bank Waneri faded Northern Hank of Pa. ltniidatf no aale New Hope Del. Bridge Co. New Hope closed Norihuruh'd Union Col. Hk. Milion no -ale Norih Western Hank of Pa. M.a.Uille comI Oll'ue of Sihuylkill Bank Port Carbon Pa. Aur. &. M.nuf. Hank Carli-le failed Silver Lake Bank Monii..ae closed Union Bank of Pcnn'a. Uiiioniown failed eminoielanil Hank (iri eiial.urg rinsed Wllkesharre Bridge Co. llkegUarie no sale All nolea purporting to he on any Penn-yl- vania B ink not given in the ahuve list, may be el lowu as fraud. m:w ji:usi:v. Bank nf New Bruuawick Uelvideie Hank Burlington Co. Bank 'Jommerciul Hank Jumlierland Batik Farmera' Bank farmera' and Mechanics' Ilk Farmera' ami Mechanic' Hk Fanner' and Men hani' Hk Franklin Hank of N. J. Bruiiawit k Helvid. rt) MedlorJ Perth Ain'my HnJiei..o Mount Holly Rahway N. HiuiiKwick Mltldlt'towlt ft, Jersey Cily failed I par i p.r par failed i failed fail, d failed failed (ailed 4 failed i par 110 sale Holuiken Bkg.& (irasing Co Hob kro lersey Cily Hink Mechanic' Bank J n y Cny Pallet.)!! Ih llexille Moirmlown F toehold Newaik Trenton Jctaey City- Newaik Manufitiuri r' Hank Morris County Bank Monmouth Bk of N. J. Meehaiilta' Hank Mechanic' and Manuf. Bk Morri ('anal and Hkg Cu Post Nolea Newark Hkg & Ins Co New Hope Del Bridge Co N. J. Manufuc. and Hkg Co l.amlu iisiille llobok'-n I faded laded i failed 4 N J Piuleciun Si Louilutld bk Jery City Orange Batik Orange l'aierson Bank Paieiuii Peoples" Hank do Printeion Bank Priticelon Salem Hanking Co Salem Stale Bank Ncwurk Hiie Hank r luala ihlown State U ttik Cam leu Slate Bank of Morria Mornion llute Hunk Treuioii S.iloin und Pbilad Manuf Co Salem Susm'S Hank Newton Ttenlon Hanking Co Ttentoii Union Hank Dover Waahitiiitoii Banking Co. Hackcnsaik ii:i,4 -Aiiia. Bk of Vt'ilm A. Braudvwuiit VViuiiiugton Hank uf Del maie W doonglon Hank of Smyrna Sn.yina Do blanch MiltoiJ Faimet' Bk of Slate of Del Dovei par par i par failed failed 1 par j failed par par par par par par par par par Do branch Wilmington Do brunch CeoigetoMQ Do Iramn Newewtls Union Bank Wiluunglon (ty Under 5'a tXJ'Onall hanks maikt j thus () triers srs eu Iker csuotsrftil or altered nates of the various V nsinination, in cirsulaiiua. H.B.IO-SGEP., ATTORN F. Y .AT LAW, 6UITBTJHY. PA. Buslneas ftttentleil to in the Counties of Nor ihuielerland, Union. Incoming and Columbia. Hffer lot Tnntita 11rt A Co, I.nwrs iV Btannn. Ila-r, t'l'MHtna A HT, RutsoLna. MrFatsn 6t Co Sraaiin, lonii A (Jo., r.ww. "Vll'TY DOLLAItS KKWAM) ! CANTRELL'S rrlrhralrd E'ainily llcilicinc 4ftfll-l. not ttire rv.rv thinR. hut siiil r-m.io tiiieqiinlh il in thi-ir arver.il il- parlmet U hy etr.rv ihing ever offered to the politic who have "liintnry came f irwanl and offered nnmer.ina nn.l hiffldy r. upertalile ttaiim'iniuU of their auperinr t flic cv . CiintrtW Cofupininrf Mrtllmtttf Sinip f Sir. Mipnr lln i or, Aiiti-!cnrltitic S nip, fur th- ct.re ol Pcorlnla, Ctirmiic Rheo.n itiam. Chronic Wwel ol i he J.iiiii, Euiption- of the kin. and nil Dint a-ea aiiinrt frum the slmse of Men U', rc.. unaurpameil hy any thing in the ma'ket, coinlii. long all the virtues re-idcnl in the Hnr-np irti. with a m ih rn in- thcanient. onlv lately Imuighl mn hy ihe in .at reapeclahle mtdical aulhorito. Price, fiO cenia i rr h tile. CimrcH's .liiti-Ditprptic Puiritrr, f"T ihe re lief a' d rr-nnO' lit cure i. ih t iti"at tliatreaaing comptainl, Dypepai i, in all t fnrm and a ag-ii. It is Mnlv i nni talu 'hie rcim dy. S.ild in hotllea ai 25 nd JiO cult eich. Cuntrclf'i .1gie MiTtttrr and Timtc MrtHca menta, at hkU ni the head of Ihe IM unrivalled hv ny. or all It e uuinnicrnMe meiiicin a in u-e hr 'lir'i"Ui the h ni;lh and hread h of ihe hn d, for the C'.rr of Flirt s and Aoik in all its al.igea, and (ruin nil it conn quei'ic. Ce-ident-' in Feer and Ague district should iii v. r l e wnh. 'lit it. The f-uLuc il er will forfeit EIF I'Y DOI.I.R where I is niH.lirine l.tilx to ifiirni a cure in the ninat nl-atina'S CM-e. S Id Whne-.lr ami Retail hv CAI.EH CRES. 0. at ) i- Dru.j WVeLon-e No. fi Nonh Thir.1 treet, l'hihidetihia ; alao, hv ihe r. pnl irlv Bp l oinie.l osetti. SE I II W. ROBERTS, W'holesa e DtUBiii-t. No. S4 Wair-r Sir.'i-t. Mnhile, pird oi:lv hv t'-e Sulocnher, corner nf CAR PENTER and SECOND Sir. elf, hel.t Christi an, Pliil.idelpl.ia, taliere it al. retailed. OLicrvt', none are (lennine uiihoot tl e iir aiiire ..f JOHN A. CAN I REI.E. CniitrclI'M llfiir?, or Tonlr il'lir:iiiiontn. For the curt nf i.ll H Imu iifficlmn, ifltiktn ae curlini; lo tlinttiun. It ia a never i.nli. a rem. ily h'ch no fnmi'y i tiolt i he niihoui, especiilly in low marsl y cou. tr'e. A thi medicine i i nt up under the p'npric. lot' iiton. iliaie ii.apecii. ri on ihe niot aeieii'ifi ptiicple. he n; Pur ly V- (rel.dile, and having tried il rlficai-y on ihoo-iind-. for upward of 12 vi ar. anil loh kimwh-dve wl.en laken siriet'v cor.lii'i! to dneciiona, there ha not hi en i lie fit lure. Under ueh crcntn-lancc- I recommend it la the public, adding a cenifkaU in supp-trl of my asser tion. I. John Horn-, do eertifv that I ra in the hip Tnh.cro Plant of Phil . del, t ii, dipt. Re.d. in June, 1H27. hound io Liv..ri"i; took ihe f.-ver and aaue ami laid in Lierj-o.. nm me nnd i the tlocnii' I anda. went f.o.n I' ere to Ba'tun re, lay in the Infntnarv for lour or five w.ek fmm iheuce lo Phila.h Iph i i ; wnaan n.. nt'. under Dr. Costs ; fioin thence in New V. rk w-nl lo II e Hospital, lemain.d 'h. re ah.-ut f.tir w-ek withoi.i any telief tiled very th'ng without anv lnifit f.u fivti year. Heiring of Cantre I'a Ague Mn iu e f oin a ft eid, I went to I i. store, fold him h w I wa ntn del. and got a tvnle nf hi mumre and used it aecor 'iiig to dirx lion. Il made t er leet cute, and I have not had ihe h ni r-tunt since, I do wnh confidence rctoimnend it t-.lhe p. hiic. JOHN BURNS. Mrdlc al o1 i irsarpai IMa. I hd nl. Iphia. A r.l lUlii, Mr. Jon A. C ra n , Dear e-ir. Having he n afllic'ed for upward- of two ear-" w ih ulceration nf the throat, de-trovi B ihe v lode of he toft p.l.te. then ihiouuh the uppet narl. f iitv in outh un.i tnv u..ae, from which eer- n piece of hoi e ciime . tit, h.ch ar'il y ilc-lrov. ed rnv speeeh, through a kind I r..idi me ..ltd v.mr Med caie, I Svrupnl M.,rs p oill ,, I am nowte-lor.d to pert, cl he ilili.am! my siaht, Inch Wasao much impair it, i a- slmng n wneu a l.ov. I ihonehi it a duty I owed to you nd lhoe simi larly aMett. d, to make it ptihhc. Yuui, R pee fnliv, SIUEI. KIRK, Corner nf Tenth and t.',i ri Slit-elf I, Oal ril J, eat ,n, No. C Rikhs Street, do cc,. t fv that niv wife, J n e, wa hill iced for two years wiih Rheum i-in. mid at la-t wa- enl relv di-a led, so thai l't' wa obliged t he coi.fii ed to ! d , tea itig if Cant ell' Me i,led Symp f Ha ,psrii!, or Anil Scort'U'tc Siup. I pr.a uie I fot' Iv- tll which e .inpl l.lv removed all her pain-and lil1 nes from her I nib : I worn., re honle made a i. r led cure. Si e i now able to aHemt'o her house hold dm, a a tistt.l. MIIUL JO.NSI ON Philadelphia, J.u. 22 1. I A 1 1. De-cripiive rainphht mav he had of the agent (fi.atis) J. W. FRILINC, Su hoiy. Nov. 9, IStl. Iv .infill. ITpaniTh hides TAXNKKS' OIL :000 Dy I., l'l.u Hid,. fir-i qualiiy. :.( Dry I.i (Juna. do IOOO Dry Salnd La Cnira. do iU(IO Diy fail d Hr ail Hide, do ;." Ilii n tire.n Slied Pallia Kip. iO Hah li V Pa im Kips. I'Ht Harie Taunt ' Oil. 'l aiiner.' and Ciinler' Ton!, For sale lo Cnunliy Taiiiiet at ihe lowt'kt price and upon ti n bel . tin. N. H. Tli. highest iiMtkel price piid fr all kinds ul leather. D. KIRKPATI K K A SOs. No. 21, Son. h I bird St. Phil deli hia. Septembei 14, 14. ly. NOTICE to miiti ii i. i s x iii,mi:rs. M. M. & JUS. K. MA ULL, MAM'FACTUREI S AND DEO.KRS IN FOKEHiN AND DOMESTIC STRAW tiOODS. .Vo. J30, A'orA Smmil Sirett, f oppotile the Auiiioit Utmtf,J PHILADELPHIA, WHERE will be f und a general aanrt- lW nieiil of Florence Braid-, APeri. Rui.sSaJ lai, d. Peildles, il.ow Plait, Rice St aw, and ihe much a, Inured N- apoliiau I. ace, a' d Fancy Bon. nets, manufactured by ua, and for sale a the loe-l manufaciU'S pucra. Merchants and Milliner are iuviied to give ua a e.h upon viaitiug the ('ity. N. B. Wa hie Imi con-tan lv mak'iig . ut superiss hair nd oil .1 eJging, al! uf sihlch will be o'd t hrsp, for rath. Philsdtli hia, May S6, 184U ly OAKLEY'S ii:irn atIvk sviu p. 'IHE vahinh'e prnperiie nf Oaklev'a PepU'a I live Syrup nf S iranpaiilla, aa a purifier of the blood, ia a.t well known hi ihe public generallv, tnat it i unreeessiiy to iTctipy much "pare lo et t'lig forth the advantage to he derived from its nherever ihe meilii iue h once been intro duced, it takt precedence oer all othera: ev.ty one that ha taken it, have derived ao inl hene. ficial re-nlia from it, that it ia reeoiirOJed hv them wiih ihe u m..l e. nfdenee. PrrJanan of Ihe highest atan l ng in the ptnfeasinii, prescribe it to pa'ientH under their rare j cnl lining liothina deli teriou hill h. i g comim-cd nf Ihe m -at mild, )et rfTicaeiou vegetable maienala.it I nfT. red with Confidence, a ihe cheii.eat antl most elficietit pu. nfier of ihe blood nmv known. The use nf a few botiles. especially io the apring month, will he at tendi d with a niol decide I imptnvenient in the ge neral strength nftbe ayaiem, eradieaiing anv seed of disrate Ihnt may have been general. heide giving health and vigor to ihe hndv. For the cure of Serntubi or Kmga Evil, Rheumatism. 'Ti tle', Pimple or eiuplii.n-of the Skin, While Swelling, r -lula. Chronic Cough Anh.it. Ac. The nu meruit centfica'es in the possession nf the sulm rl her and hi agenla, from phyaician and other, are snftifieiil to cm v rice the m.i skeptical nf r su perimitv nvei all prep.iraiion of Sraparilla. S .hl bole-ale an,! ret til, hv the proprietor, liKdKtlK , OAKLEY , North 5th sired. He. 'log, D'iks Conniy, and lo Iwi bad of the following pi iaon : In httrlhumbrriand ('imnty.. B. M?r, Sin, bury ; I, eland A M xel, Mi E Aensville t D Kraita. r. Milton. In L'umn Cimntif. J. Gi nrh .rl, Stliosgrove: A (iuli lni. Mifflu.hti'g. In Columbia County. R. V. McCay, Wash lliglnn. Reading. March 14, 1 8 X Mb. Ohki st: I believe it the tit v of everv one to do whatever in their power I ie, for ihe h m-. fitnfllieir f. How m- , and having ha I po-i ive ptool in mv own family. of the wonderful prota-nic of your D purati Syrttii of Sa,ap irilla, I nt al ens, irnliou-lv recommend it to ihe a fill. led. We had Ihe nit-fottiine to ..e two nf our children, by the breaking nut ol lib emu ..rea thai coveied lb" face, head and neck, although we had aome nf Ihr moat ric ntific physician lo al'ei.d lb m ami ha I tried all the known lemediea. iuchiding Swaim' Panaci a, wilhnul avail. A umber of my children vrg aliaike,l in Hie same m inner, tier Ince ai d neck coii'p'elely covered; ihe d aeht'gc wa o lleitsiv,', antl ihe diHease at so, h a he ghl, Ibat we despaired id her life. Seeing the wondeiful etieet f votir 1'epnr.nive Sy rup ol S .raaparij i, we wete inilnreil o make trial nl II. a ti e last n a-rl J II aced hkeacKaim; the u Cera commenced healing uninediaiely a f w hnitle einirelv rel.ueilo r to I er he .llh, tahieh abe h ei joyed iiinnteriui ledly ever since A a pinilirr of the b!o tl, I verily be lt ve it has nut il equal JOHN MOVER. T ib.r, W alnut sired, near Fomlh, lira. linn. Dotigt sum Me, April 19th. 1R4I. Mn. OaKt.r.r: Mv n E 'ninri.l Leaf, bad the acmlnla in ihe niutil dread'til and di-tre-ing man ner for 111 r. e year, dining wh eh time he w de prived nf the use of hi limba, hi- he d antl neck Were covered with ulcer We tri d all ihe thlf.-r. ent remedn , I ul lo no i ft. ct, until recoinin.lnl. il I V Dr. John-mi of Nnr.i-loyvn. and d-o Dr. Nn ic Hie-let. ot Readu g. to usi yolii Depllriiiive Sy.np nf S iraaparilla, uf hich I o'.lained sevi tal bo des he use ot winch tl'ovr the di-e-e ei iiii Iv nut nt Ins system, tbe sine heilcd up, and the clnl.i wis remo.ed to filed health, which he ha- enjoyed iiiiinleriui le.lly ev. r an.ee, to Hie a -I nwhm.nt of many ppiaon wbo seen him du ii g Ins .illl ciion. I h ive thouthl it mv dii'y. and -end V ai Ibis ceil i ficaie thai ol' e a who have a like Mill, -non in ihe I in. ily may know where lo obtain so valuable a medi ine. Your I. ul . AMELIA D LEAF. Sept. IB. lv oiiiit-ir'it('i-N' DEATH BLOW. 'Ihe pu he will pleaae observe that no Itrainbell, J Pills are gen. me, unless ihe hoi ha three li bel upon it. (ihe tO,, tlit- an e and the holt on) em h coulHiniiig a f .c--iniile sign autre of mv h nid wnting, thu H. HninHr.TH, M. D. 'The.- la. bel aie engraved on steel, l eant fully ile-igned. and done al an eypen-e of over f 2 (11(1, 'I h. refo.e it 'A ill lie seen Ibat ihe onlv ihing nee- uy to pr t ure ihe medicine iu its pun'y, ia to observe these label. Rememh.-r the lop, the side, and ti e hmtom. 'The following respective ,"raon ate duly sutln ri led, and hold O RTiriCATES Or AGENCT For the aale of llrunilrah'i Yticlable Universal 1'tlls. Norlhnmbeilai d counlv : Milion Mickey & Ch iinbeilin. unbury II U. MaMer. M r.wena ville Ireland A. Men. II. Nurihuin1 eilaud Win. Forsyth, licoigelowu J. & J. Wills. Union O.iinlv: New H.rbti Hogar & Win ter. SelitiHgntve CenrgA (iuihIiuiii. Mid-He-I. urn Isaac Smiih. Ueavcr'owu David luhle. Ad imsburg in J. My. M illlinsbuig M enact, Si Ray. Haitlelon Daniel Lung. Freiburg t!.i F.tJ. Mover. I.ewisburg Wall Si (ireen. Columbia eoniity : Danville E. B. Reynold iV I o. H. rwirk hunt in R tienhoiiae. Ca'- lawiasa C. (J. Hrobls. Hlootnsliurg John R. Mover. Jeiscy 'Town Levi Risel. Wsshiugtou Robt. MiC'ay. Limestone Haih fc HcNmch. tlbseive ihat each Agent haa an Kngrav. d I 'ir ificale of Agency, conliuning a reprea-ntaiinu ul Ui BRAN DUE Tll'S Manufactory al Sing Sing, and upon which w ill a'so he seen enact cop e of ihe ntw lubeU now ustd upon the brunJrith J'ill Huxtt. Philadelphia, o,Tire No. fl. Ninth R:h street. . B. UHA.NDKE I'll. M. D June 24ih, IH4 I. city f r 1 1 i ' i ' i t'ii k a i T ( ' r l ( x , AND PB1VATE SALES UOOIMS, Nits. "JB iiml 31 North Tltittl Sfrctt, X e I r the City Hotel, riUL MM'LPHI O C. MACKI'.V, Auctioneer, re-pectful'y in- it ihe aid nlion nf pcrsm a di irou nf pur cha-ilig Ftiinnnie. to hi rxiensive Saha R,Hiina. (lauh pul lie snd PiivRtc.) for every description of llousih. 1,1 Fun liure. wh. re ran le i bt lined al nil tunes a large assortment if fashionable and II manufaclured Cabinet Furniture, Ued, Mallraases, Ae.. at very rnluced price, for c ih. 0" Sules hv Auetion, twice a week. May 27i h, 1 843. ly fPV EED LOTH, a han.la.yms article, all wool. I gbt and elasne, fur Summer Cuais and Paula, fo aale, very low, by June 15 H. B MXSSER. 1) Al ZiRTNFS, handsome .Hide" for LiiditV Dreanea, lor sale cheap, hy Jun. 15. II. n. MASSER. 4 Tlirrwliliiar !la hlne for hale, rpHE subscriber nll'era f r .ale a THKESHINC M. MACHINE, new and in s.mhI oubr. The Machine ha leen iried. and prove to he an excel lent on Il w ill h sold St a reduced price, and warranted. Apply to II. B. MASSE It. July 1st, IH43. ;jr. j EXLE10.1T & CO., slaT1afas a. S Commission 5t Forwanlintj Mt-rrhants, l oot of W illow Stnrt Hail Uaud, oj ths t rtwr, TTAVINfl anciated wih them Joseph Burnet, --Slaleof Eastnti. Pa., snectfitlly inform their friend and the public generally, lhat they hnvr, ta. ki n th -t large and we'l known store and wharf al foot nf Willow Street Ttn itroml, lately neeupiel by .Ucoh Martin, wherp ihey pti'poe doing a Ceinral Coniinission and Forwarding llu-itic--, and fom the local advamaL-ea uf ihe place being conn- eled wiih all the pnhlie Improvement that have their outlet In the cilv, they flatter ihi mselves ihey will be able to do huaine to aa gre it, if not g-eaier ad vantage, and UKin a reaaotiable term a any other house, ami ihrv assote their fiiends that ny con signmcnt made lo them shall have their airict at tention, and no eiettion spared to give eutiie satis faci ion. 'Tin y are also prepared lo receive and forward goods io any point on the Delaware and Lehigh rivers, between Maoeh Chunk, Easloo and Phila ilcll hia, via Delaware Divisi. n and Lehigh Can .U; also, to anv point on ihe Juniata river, or Nor-h and Wist Hianchesnf ihe Su-pichanna vis Schuyl. kill and Union, or the Chesaieke and Tide Wutei Canals. Fur the accommodation of Boal eoming or go ing via Schuylkill and Union Canal, a Siemibnat will he kept expressly fur towing boal from ihe SchuvlklH sround to ihe Del iwate and hack, which will en .hie merchant to have their produce ileli veied on ihe Delaware, and their gond sbippid at m aiving ol S) to 75 per eenl. or; the prices fir hauling aco-s, with llnse advuotagc they re spictfully solicit a ahare nf patronace. W. HEILMAN 6l CO. William IL llman, -) William W. Kiyse'.C Joseph H .met. J Philad ,May 1 i, 1S13. ly J. BIAYL ANr, JR. c CO. JMitm nnrt I nhnrco .Mannlactiiiers, ; An. )'J Aorfi UVsf rnrvrr nf Race and Third SirrrtK. PIHLA DELPHI A. THE underpinned have formed a ("o-parlnership 1 under Ihe firm of. I. MAYLAND Jit. A '.. i n siueessors to ihe late firm of Jiieab .Mnilnnd j Co., nnd will c tnliuue the butnesa at ihe old es'a- 1 hlishinetit, en their own account. In ad.liuon lo i heir own close atteniion nnd experience f,u uiany years, in the manufacture nf their celebrated annll"-, j Sl c, the long experience of the senior paituer ol' I be j late firm, will also he devilled lo ihe interest of the , new concern and aa no exertion and care will be j spared lo insure their good, at all tiin of ihe ve rv let quality, they solicit a eontiuuauee of the confidence of the fi.cndi and customer of ihe late firm. THOM AS AD WIS, J. MA )' LAND, Jr. Philadelphia. May 11th, IS13. ly To ('oiinirv MERCHANTS. TH K Subneriber, Agent ut I yon & llir-is. Hat f :inuf..eliir.r f.ir X.-ni Vork. Plot oleli ,lii,i. It nil, more snd other large citie, i- lints are highly eommended f ir e.iod eovr and tlurif.itify, has o. i land a fir-t rale itssoitm-nt of HA TS nnd C A PS. suit n le for Spring des, all i-h wdl I e sold verv low, fia cash or atipioved credit, al the ni tfd ) cheap store. No. 40, North I lord ntrvi, o p isi e the City Hotel, Pbibi Iclphia. ROIH'.IIT D. W ILKINSON. Ai-ent. N. B. Onlei I, if Hat in be rmn-h. pro.nplly aiiende I lo. 'Ths bihesl rice iu tuh or trade u ven f ir For ikin. Philadelphia, June 11, I843.--Iy BOLTON Sc C67 fsrnrral t iuiilslon .lleu liiinls, 'i,r Ihe Sole if Fluur, drum, Herd, 4c 4e. I ) F..PF.CTFI l.t.V inform ih. ir I. . nils and - k ihe Merchnnl cener.llv, that Ihey have la ken those large and com modioli harv s, w ilh I wn Dotks, n. olh ol Closliul -In el, on tbe D law ire, together with the store No. 19 South Wharves, where ihev would be plea-ed to receive consign ment of (train, Flout. Seed, Whi-key, Iron, Ac. Ac. Being also well prepared to foivvar.l all kinds ot Merchandise bv 1 1 it ibuyiUII mil Union, or by ihe CbesaH ake and Ti.ie V'aier Canal, as low boats are kept expressly foi the purpose of towing hni by el Lei touie. Mett bants will ple.se he particular lo send their go. ds destined by euber caoiil-, ti No. l!IS,,,ti Wh.irve, iH lween Market and Chesnul ntr.es, on Ihe Delaware, with directions accunip uiyin j them which mute ihev wish litem lo lie shippe d. l'lasler and Sail for sale, al the lowest mar ket price. BOLTON vV C-. Maich 19. 1H43. No. 19 Souih Whatvea. MEUCIIANT'S IKHJSB, A'n. 287, Sorth Third, above Cttovhill St., PHILADELPHIA. fOHN DUNCA N. late from the Peno.ylva ma Firmer, and Samuel Pike, jr., la e of A ina ricHii Hotel, Cnlumbu. I hi, lake pie isure iu ae quaii, ling their fri, nds and the public generally ih.il Hoy have taken the large and coiniienlioiia Hon I, i sines oi pVa-ure, may re-t nr. d ihit every et lect nily biiill bv the Messr Hail. on the same site , erlion wdl i e used to lender their soj nun at the nee nciupieil l.y the ul.l established llxlel knuwii ss the Bull a tit-ml. in 'Third slieet above Callow. hill si. 'This Hotel is finished in the very best possible manner, and of the best maieiala. Il location i very di suable, particularly fur couiitty tni r.'bsiita ; the arrangemenia for lna'lt.g and VeiinUling raeli room is such as to secure any temperature. 'The htdioomsare all light and airy, all luinislnd iu a neat sty e, so as to in-uie too, tort. TI.e receiving parlors are al-o fun i-bed ill a su perb sty le, the windows aie on the French a'yle. f oilin g mi entrance lo a balcony in front, wlil.h in ke pleasant reees. Tn'l ciilai sin UU..U ha been given to the bed and bidding, which, with ihe furniture, are en'ir. ly new. r mm yea's' experience in h ilel business, wr trust, by strict as. dully It businesi, lo make lln house a desirable slrpi llli! place. I'ur I ible w ill always I e supplied wnh ihe very hi si our maikel ran alford, and our bsr wiih Ihe best liejUursaud wines of the must approved hi an I. P. S. 'There; are fir.t rate .tabling and erriae houses attached lo the hotel, attruded by ca I fill and snl-er ho-ilers and our charges will bs lJ", iu accordance with the present haul liuits, Philadelphia, Oct. 7th, 1842. GOLD EN SWAN r 9 n a o r a : u. Ao. OU AorA Third, above Arch Utreet, PHILADELPHIA. ACCOM stop AT IONS FOR SEVENTY TFRtaDNS. CHARLES WFISS, lateot ihe -White sm," and "Mount Vernon Houve," rep.clfully in form Ins frit ud and euaiumera. ibai be bs bi-coine the proprietor of Ihe ahova well known II. .til. Cun'iy Meiehant still fnd the above Hotel a central location, and the besl of faie. I'ersou tra velling wnh privsieconveyai.ee will find a laige yard and good ktahhug tor hurst, l.d the best uf ostleta. Hoaiding fl per day. May I lib, 1 843. if. i lia " ROSE OINTMENT FOR TETTER. ntNOWOHMS, PIMPl.F.SI ON T1IR tKVft, AND OTHEtt I'l'TANKtirS FRriTIIINS. (Ty The fiJlotvni(rerttfraedrirribrnneoflh mint extraordinary ouret ever tffceted by anjf application. PHtlnnripttt., February 10, 1839. IOR twenty years I wa severely afflicted wiih - Tsttsm on the Pace and Head: the disease enmmeneid when I was seventeen years old. and continued until tbe Fall of 18 16, varying in vio lent e. hut without ever disappearing. During m ist of tbe time, ereat part of mv fire wa covered with ille eruption, frequently suendeil with vio'ent iich iug; my head swel cd nt time until it K-lt as if it would l.nrt't the -welling was no g e .t. that I cotiM scarcely get mv hat on. Dining the long periuj that I wa afflicted i h Ihe disease, I use, I a great many n plication , (among them vera! celehraled prep nation-) ns w. II a-takma inward remedies, including a number of h .tlb a of Siraiii' '(urifefi, F.xtract if Sar.iiipnrif'.i, Sic, In fact h would he impossible lo enumerate all tbe medicine I used. I was also under the e ire of two of the most di tiiiguished pbyician nf this city, hut without re ceiving much benefit, and I despaired of ever being cured. In the f ill of 1 H:lft, the diaeaxe nt the time being Very violent, I commenced using the Rime Ointment, (prepared bv Vaughan St Davis.) In a f w applicalinua the violent itching censed, the swelling aba'ed. the i motion began to disappear, and bef.re I hml used ajar ihe di-ease wa enlnely cured. Il has now been nearly a yi ar and a half since, nnd there is not a vestige of the disea-e re maining, except ihe scars from the deep pit formed hy the disease. It i imp- ssiblfl for me to di senlas iu a reriificat the severity of ihe disease and my sulb rine, hut I will 1-e pie . tl to give a fuller ac count to anv person wanting furiher satisfaction, who will c ,11 on nie. Al tbe time I co nmencej ti-ing ihe R. se Ointment I would have given hun duds uf do lais to 13 rid of ihe disease. Since u sing it, I have recommended it to severd persons, (among them my moiher, who had the disease bad ly on her a.m.) who w. re a I cured hv it. J4MKS DI KN 1.1. 1., No. lofi, Kaee St. ryV Tbe Rose Ointment is prepared by E. I). Vaujhan, S,,y h East comer nf 'Third and Race site, I', Phiiiith Iphia, and sold mi aueucy in Snnhu ry. bv H. U. MASSEH, May Hih, IP 13. Ascot. Itov tfiislmciil, for 'If Iter. A rilUUl' OF IT.S I'l'FlCM-V. Pun tnt i.chi a. May V 7 1 1 1 , IS.I3. rT,IHS j to cerill'y thai I was severely atll ced - with "Teller in the bands and fi et for upwards nf forty years; the disease was attended generally with vio'ent itching and swelling. I applied to t nunihirof physici ,iih, and used a great many appli es ion without eH'i-ciing a cure. About a year since, I appl ed li e Ro-e Ointment, which entirely stopped ihe ilch riii.and a few application immedi ately cutcd ihe disease, which there hn been no return of, although I haiT never been rid nf il at any lime fur forty years. RICHARD SAVAI.E, Eleventh, below Spruce Street. gj- The Roe Ointment is prepared by E. B. Vsukhan. S njih East corner of 'Third and Race StTcetK, Philadelphia, and a.dd nn agency in Snnhu- ty t-y . u. mass Eli, May 14lh. 184.1. Aseit. MEDICATa APPROBATION OJ the IKiSi: ()lTUr.Mfor Tetter. I. TIIOt (ill ihe superiority of ihe prepataimn over all olh. r-. i fully es abli-hed, the pr ..pne inr take pi. asure in laying before ihe public ihe following ccrtilira'e from a respectable phvsician, ' a graduate of ihe I loversity of I'eous. Kama. Dr. i Hand', having found in this emedy thai relief f r I a leihou and di-agree aide a Hi' t ion which the means 1 wilhiu the range of bis prof, s-i,.n failed to nll'ord, has nut hesiiMled lo give il hi .ipprobali n, although 1 ihe prejudice and interests uf that pr.ile.-slon aie pposed to secret Kemedie. j l'HILiinruiA, Sept. 19, lHMfi. I wa recently ImnbWd with a tedious ll.-rlic ! t rupii. n. which c.ive.ed nearly one i e ,,f inv f.ce, i and exiemh d over ihe ear. Mr. Vuujhan, proprie j lot of the Ruse (liutineot, obselvinj niv 1:1. f. iii-K-j led on my liymg I, i preparation, of which he han ded me a iar, A lb .null in eoiniiion w ilh ,he mem- I beis ul niv profession, I discouiin n.ini e .,nd di.-ap-: prove ut Ihe iiuincr iti nosirums palm, d upon the public by i.jnniaiit pr. tender-, I feel in jo ice h .nnd to eici pt Ihe Rose I liuiiii.nl horn iha c a- of me d enies, and lo uivc it tilt appr billion, us it ell'l-e. ly. tired the ertipttun, ibhoitgn t h ul resisted Ihe u-U I application. DAM. U Alt ill, M. It. ! Qj- 'The Rose Ointinei t I pieinred by E f. . 'ai,L-ll .n, .oiith '.a- c-ri,ir id 'Tblid a"il R ue ' Mi eels. I'lillade.phiu, und sold mi ag.net in Suli ; bury, by II. U. MANSER. May I4lh, I8-:. .4en ! EAGL33 i Coi inr of Th'iil and Vine Struts, WXLLTAMSPOIIT, FA riHE subscrdaT ri sia'i'lfully annouiii-i .i ihe Jl public, lhat he h is opened a Hotel in th- com liuidiuus hiiek building s m ile on the coiner uf 'I hiul and Pine streels, where he will he happy to wail up -ii those who may favor him wit . their company. 'The Eagle Hotel i la-ge and Conveni ent, and furnished II, tbe I? t nvilern l-le. i i provided wnh s large inlinher of well aired and Comfortable sleeping apartment-, room, private pailor,nc. Prison viKiliug ilhamsport on bu 'r.sgle Hot. 1 pleasant and agreeable, lit Tai ls will lie supplied w iih the very hi si the market af fords, and hi bar wiih he choices! wines and oltier lntinrs charge re .sonnble. 'J'hii Eagle Hoir possesses preaier ad vantages in point uf l.aalion than any oihei sundar i slalilishiiieiit in the borough, being situate in the business pari of the town, snd w iihin a Convenient di-l . nee nf the Court House and Wilhainspnii and Elmtr iin I b'o.d lb pot. Sullicienl Slubhng provided, and good and trusty ostlers ulway in utlcudau.-e. Aliet.tive, sccoii.mndatiug and hone-l Scrvanis have been employed, snd noil ing lefi undone thit will add lo the cumlott and accommodation uf his gue.ts. 'There will be a earring.- alway s in attendance at the lloal Lauding to convey pas.-engcr to and from the House, lite of chatge, CHARLES BORROWS. Mav 14lh. lSl'i.lf Jlifliael Wt.iUT Cioii, COPE MACCnS & SHIP CHANDLERS No. 13 Xirth Wuter Street, I'hiludt Iphia. MAVE const sully on band, a general assort mint of Cordage, Seine Twines, Ae., viz I ai u Ropes, Fishing Ropes, While Koiies, Manil la liois, 'Tow Lutes for Canal Boat. Alao, i complete assortment of Seine 'Twines, Ae, such a Hemp Shad and Herring Twine, Beat Patent Cil Net Twine, Cotton Shad and Herring Twice, Shm Threads, Ae. Ac. Also, Bed Cords, Plough Line I I alters. Traces, Cotton snd Linen Carpel Chains Ac. all of whieb they will dispose of on rr asonabl leims. Philade'phis. November IH, IMS. ly. isi'Kui xc;rc.coir& co. No. iris Market Slrvet, IMiiladelpliia INVITE the altention of Country Merchant lo iheir exienstvs) assortment of British Freud and American Diy d'ooda, which ihey offer lorasb ou the most reaaonahle term. Ptuladelpbia, November 13, 184?. Iv.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers