ANOTHER WAIl BPKKtM. Mr. O'Counell, under certain conditions, of fered tho servic of all Ireland to the Brtti-h crown, in tlio event of a war with America prowinjf out of the Texas and Oregon question. It would seem thit the Premier find joint il hinds iind taken the amicable ofler of I ht agita tor to "briny down the American flig to the (lii-it tind dirt," under the lion 'a paw. Bit it .lk" t'vo to make a bargain i and uHhoughthe conciliatory policy of ministers mny train the heart of the Iiish people, will be for the Amer ican to alPee to the dejjradntinii in More for llmm under Mr. O'Connell's conditions and pusibly they might revert the ilt'cUiun in practice. We have now an assurance that the polvy of exasperation towards Ireland, cither by real or THIS AMERICAN. hfttunlny, ytay 17, 1845. it. i:it..nKlt, '., at hi Ileal .' tale un'i Cmtt Otllre, .V. 59 lUne Stritl, I'M Inilrlthla, In aitthorizfrt to art a .If ml, ai l rcrrlpl tor all mnnlr tlue I hi a offirr, for euo tcrlttlon or nilvrrttalnft .Hurt, at lila twice .V. 100 .Vai Street, "inpisod ii-juriee, will be finally abandoned, and I iMw IWfr, all p-rievsnccs will be removed, eaviiip the u f.ion. The minister, indeed, felicitated himself .Inri S. E. Corner of Baltimore mid Culvert tie , Ititttfiiime. on hia concilintoty Irish policy taking place in B'lv.iiice of hw Oregon speech. UHin this to p e we have a little extra additional news, which 'tales that the Maynooth College Dilld.d pas, Jt.:l to 173, after an exciting speech by Sir Ro bert I'cel. Wo Fiihjoin extracts Irani tlio fp'-f-eh ; they w all repay a perusal : lie denied that ministers hud consulted with any nfthe political leadvrs or clergy of Ireland, iinr had any ministers ever entered into any ne it"icistiiiiis with the l'ope, relative to this grant, ii-itlier wna the tjrant any part of a general ays tern fur the endowment ot the Roiiian Cutholic Church, although lie S.r Robert would noi fetter minister by a pledge not to propose the endowment of the Roman Catholic clergy he would make no eurh declaration, but he wished lion, gentlemen to draw no unfair inferences from his refusal to commit himself l,y hiicIi plrtfe. He considered the permanent endow ment olthe Maynouth College jiiht to the Roman Catholic of Ireland. It would produce a kind ly ftf' linjr in Ireland, among the people it would produce great good. 1 know nut vhat the consequences may he in respect to the kind ly intentions between Ireland and thin country. 1 do not rest the measure on any question of more compact. I say without hi-Kitat inn, ymi mil- break tip that formidable confederacy which exists in that country against the Br.libh connection. And I believe it i essential you should break it up, in order that you mny carrv nn tlip work of good povernment in Ire'and cheer" and that ynti mny ntren-ion the con nection between the two countries-, and main tain, unimpaired, the power and dignity of the I 'nited Kingdom. Renewed che-'r'.' On the Imr 2on of the west there is a cloud hear, hear a cloud small, but threatning future darkw-s. hear. While we were most anxious fur an adjustment of the impending difference while we would leare nothing undone tocflect an iiiux.ible adjustment of I lie Oregon ques tion yet I did Ic-pI it to be partot my duty of the duty of the liwi milliliter of the Crown to state that, if our rights were invaded, we were determined and prepared to maintain them. Loud cheers. 1 aver that when I was called upon to make that declaration, I did recollect, with aatifac- tmn and connotation, that the duy before I had sent a menage of peace to Ireland. liud cheers. The honorable gentleman, member for Canterbury, thought it not impotable that the lime would come when this country would be compelled to summon all her energies fur ac tion. I heard that eppfch with great Fatiafnc tion. Cheer. . . . Now may Cod avert so great an evil as war. Imd cheers. May Cod forbid that thisi time of general peace should bo so awfully disturbed. Hear! hear! But if it is to be so, if war is to come, I doubt much, considering what is now before me, alluding to the opposition to mini.-ters on this question, whether the vindication of our honor and our intercuts will not be confided to other hands. Hear, hear, hear But to whomsoever they may be committed, I shall take n.y place Iteaide them, encouraging them by any support I can give an honorable catlap. Loud cheers And if that calamity should IicImII us, it id my earn- " hope that when it shall occur, it shall find the (copied thin empire united in loyalty to the throne, BJ j, determination to support the common interests tremendous cheering I hat irelai, ehall tuud ranked with us. . . And the energien f'hn united people w ill ensure a glorious triumph, in a jiM catue. The premier remi'iied hia seat about three o'clock in the morning, amid llintiJtrs of applause which las led FPveral minutes. O'Conio'll, it one of lite Reppal meetings, in lulepd in the following romarks : lie eernidered 1 he appropriation for the Ro- nish college a a triumph. While we thank ?ir Robert Peel and hi two Immlred myrmi on, we ought not to forget whBt il(ie to our gitation. There is one delightlul thine in onnection with ihiaart of justice. On Thura ay, St Robert IVe! brnuuht in the Maynnot Silt, siid passed it by a njorty of KI'J, and on e follow iog day (Friday) he ct the Americana t defiance. (Cheer1) Ye, finding himself i a vtrong position, and by this act orjiiKiice to eland, fie addresses bnguage to Ammea Si-- mg a Britl-Jt ininiMer. I say go on in the me way, and we w ill et the Amerieana at de nice. (,iotratted diet ra.) The quarrel i a eerone us it tdini. The Auienrans are unking away un the one aide, and I'eel is Hiding iu un ultiiudo ol defiance on the other iiietluiig like two fvl'ows anxiuua tobealoue uther, wtli their frienJs holding them, each laiimng 'b t me at him.' (Laughter.) 1 say Robert IVcl, givo the Inali their Parliament i to ilia Amoricaot I would say, don't dare to ick England. Uain. On Wednesday afternoon lat, we were favored with a copious and most refreshing shower, which was much wanted. A little more would do no harm. Zy Monday last was a regular blazing July scorcher. There were but one or two days during the whole of las-t summer, when the thermome ter roo higher. If we are to have any more, we hope they will be few and far between. fiT- In eoneipincp nfthe low stae of water in the Su-ipiehanna, a large amount of lumber is now curried to nrniket on the (.'anal. Quite a number ol boats are loading at Noi thumliel land, and on the basin opposite this place, for l'hila ik'lpliui uml lSaltiuiore. Viter-powtr, Iron, Cool and Limestone. The Simbuty Canal Company affords an abun dance of water power, that can hardly be equal led in Pennsylvania. Surrounded, as we are, with Coal, Iron and Limestone, no better lo cation can be had for manufactories of various kinds. The immense water power of the Canal Company, which has the North and West branch es of the Susquehanna for a feeder, is admirably adapted for rolling mill and other machinery, requiring great power, at a cheap rate. But even where steam power is preferred, we have many superior advantages iu the cheapness of fu el. For instance, Shamokin Coal, and there is none better for making good iron, can be deli vered at this place at ?1,')0 per ton. At Potts ville, Coal is Worth $2.2.') per ton at the landing. At Harris-burs Cnv. Torter pays 52.10 per ton, for his Coal, and will conume, in his furnaces, a- bout $12,000 tons per annum. The difference hi price, between this place and Ifarrisbntg. is just 00 -ts. per ton. or flO.MtO in the amount required per annum, in favor of this place; a very hand some income of itnelf. As records the differ ence between this place and Pottsville, the sav ing would be $'.1,000 per annum, on the same a mount ol Coal. In regard to iron ore and lime stone, our advantages are fully equal, if tint supe rior to either of the two plares. We do not in tend these comparisons as invidious, but in order to show the creat advantages of location ic this region of country. Iron, we ar" confident, can lie rr nnnfaetnred with great profit at almost any point on the Susquehanna, hetwepn Columbia and Wilkesbai re. though some locations afford advantages superior to others. I B .'I! .'. i 11 I - . . 1 1 .11 lilt11. Th Nrw PoUt Ulll. For the inlormation of our readers, we givs, in a condensed form, the rates of postage upon letters, newspapers, and pamphlets, as reguluWd by the new bill, by the last Congress, which goes into operation on the first day of July next: OS I.KTTKRS). Single letters, or any number of pieces not exceeding half an ounce, 300 miles or less, fl cents, If over 300 miles 10 " Irop letters (not mailed) 3 " For each additional half ounce or part thereof, add single postage thereto. osj NKivapAr-Ktia). Newspapers of 1900 square inches or less, sent by editors or publisher, fiom their offices of publication, any distance not exceeding SO mile. Free. Over .10 mites and not exceeding 100 1 cent. Over 100 miles, and out of the State, 1 All sizes over 1000 square inches, post age same as paniplets. ON rUMPIM-FT. &C. Pamphlets, Magazines and Periodicals, any distance, for one ounce or less, each copy, ! " F.ach additional ounce or fractional part thereof lj " osi riDci'iAR. Quarto pot. sincle cap, or paper not larger than single cap, folded, direct ed, and unsealed, for every theet, any distance. 2 " "Jll".!'f-'ai -it ? 'n - E7" rnt'sirnraw on nil NonnirMn:tti.ANr Hank. Our leaders will find, in another column, a description of new counterfeits on this Tank, the first that have ever appeared of their regular issue. The genuine notes can be easily dis tinguished from the counterfeits, if a little cau tion is observed. Cy Ipo Oi:r. Our neighbnisof Northum berland, we understand, are making search for iron ore, in the neighborhood ot that place. We have no doubt that iron ore abounds on both sides nf Mounto'ir'a Ridgp. Noi thninberl ind is well located for manufactures. It would be well it s,ome of her capitalists would embark in the bu siness. They would not only profit by it them selves, but confer great benefits on the pljee. The mines, at Turtle Creek, about two miles a bove Northumberland, are now wui ked and the ore carried to Farramlsville, about seventy miles up the Wefct Branch. Mr. Lemon, about half way between Noithunibcrlaiid and Panville, has also opened a large bed, which is used at Dan ville. CC?" The Panville pemocrat thinks we arp somewhat mistaken in our calculations iu legard to the cost of a furnace, ami the profits in the tnn mi I'm tu re of anthracite iion. In our calcula tion we did not include the steam engine, as we have unfailing water power at this place. A steam engine would be an additional expense of il or 0,000. Put, iu either way, a furnace would clear itself in less than u year, at the pre sent prices. CZ The Panville Intelligencer ay, 1 00.000 tons of coal will be required the present year, for the iron woiks at that place. OCT" Hon. Benjamin A. Bidlack, of Luzerne comity, has been appointed by the Piesident, as Charge de Affaires at New t.'ieiiada. CT7" Fifty or sixty different kinds of letter balances are now before the committee, at the General Post Ollice, in competition for the prize the contest for 15, 000 letter balances, for the use of the different post offices in the I'nittd States. CT" Cen. Brady bus given I00 to the Pitts burg sufferers. CT" CooKiN'j Fi.-iiS. T.very body Monks they know bow to cook egns, and yet there are few who cook them propeily. And as editor are supposed to know a little of every thing, they would probably confer greater benefits by dis cussing matters belonging to the kitchen proper, t'.nn those of the kitchen cabinet. Miss Leslie, who has- paid more attention to writing tales than to rook inc. has published a bonk upon rook ery, which contains a number of recipes that are neither new or useful. Her nin le of cookine egn is to li t them remain ju-t three minutPS in boiling water. Now, to boil eggs as they should he, put them into hot, or boiling water, and us soon as the wa ter commences boiling they should be tak n off the lire un.l let stand iust five minutes. The philosophy of this mode is, that the yolk will have time to cook before the w hite becomes too hard. Poached egus should be cooked on the same pi inciple. They should be put into hot, not boiling water, which hardens the white be forp the yolk is properly cooked. Then take them out and season with butter, pepper and salt, to suit the taste. Gki. Jackson. (!en. Jackson informed Fran cis P. Plair, in a letter dated April H: h, that he bad lett all his papeis to him, and requested him to use them in vindicating his character, should it be assailed. Puf.imbi.N'! roa War. The t'nited States squadron, under the command of Com. Stockton sailed from Hampton Roads, with sealed orders, earlv on Sunday morning. Its destination is supposed to be the (oilf of Mexico Wk Cakrihi tiik Pav The Phil. Gazette (Whig) an impartial spectator of the meeting on 'I hursday sas Yi me inrlmr'l, huwtvtr uxni iln whole, Ik ml, nil llial the 'Yuung lknu-erary'' rinrittl the duy." Mimsikr to r..i;i..Mi It is said that Pre sident Polk has otlered the mission to Fnglaml to Mr. Pu kens of S. C. w ho ha refused to ac cept it. A siati k or Fr.ANKl.iv. Mr. Powers, the A nu rican sculptor, is to execute a statue of 1'iank 1 in, for the i iti.ens of New Orleans, lie is now in Italy. U7 There are rumors that Mr. Calhoun is to be sent as special envoy to Kngland, w ith extra ordinary power to adjust the Oiegon question, and form a commercial treaty. There has been another foul murder at Hoboken, N. V. A Mr. Scudder bus been poi soned by his sister, a widow, living w ith him. His money and watch, w ith some uiscuic, Were found on her person. E7" The Baltimore Repeal Association, has been dissolved by the unanimous consent of the members, on account of the scurrilous language of O'Count'll towards this country. The gn at "agitator" having feathered his own nest with .c , I.:., r. i I i.. ,t UIB I llll, IIUW BIISJ'S MI3 IIHTISHIIU lUjjll9 lllllll j to scorn. Tcxav From the lutp information from j Texas, there can be no Imigei any doubt in retard to the people of Texas being iu favor ol the an nexation resolutions of Milton Brown. The Texas Congress, w hich wll meet on the tilth of June, will, of iouiso, but reflect the opinions and sentiments of the people on this subject. ZZT It is thought that Mexico furs aHeady is sued letters of marque agaiiiot our commerce. One of our merchant vessels has been attacked by a vessel with the Mexican ensign. It may, however, have been a piratical vessel. y The great race, between Fashion and Pey tona, took place near New York, on Wednesday. Peytona, the Southern mare, took the purse of $20,000. It is said not less than $.S0O,O00 de pended on the result. The following is the sum mary of the w hole affair : Tlio New York Tribune corrects a statement which we copied lat week, in rehit'on to the Mount Savage Iron Works, as follows : The civt of Raihaail Iron in Kngland, at the late! adv'ces (.CM) would bring the price at thin port, under a 2(1 per cent, duly, nearly lo SjsMTJl a ton, instead ol'f'i7J,ai printed in yes terday's paper. We should hive t-lated tho a mount now made at the Mount Savage Iron work at 1(10 tons per irrA, which i to be in creased to 30il after A igust iiPXt, instead of so much pori'iy. Tin" Mount Sava.'P W. rk have supplied KM'O tons of Rails for the Fill Ri ver Company at $fi9 per ton delivered in Balti more. They are now asking fi7). which is just aUuit the pre.-ent cost of imimrting English J Rails trillion! the duty. The Rails made at the Mount Savage ork have be n tor some tune exhibited at the Men-hant'ii Exchange, ami are pronounced fully iqual if not superior lo the best British article. Among the pissengern who arrived in the llihernia was Mr. Ilealy, the young American artist. The Boston Alvertixer states that he is commis-sinred by Louis 'hilip to take for him the aortralla of (Jen. Jacknon, John Q. A damp, Daniel Web.tcr, Henry Clay and other r!itin!Miished Americana. lie will proceed at once to the Hermitage, a the precarious health of Gen. Jackson may render him too unwell to sit, should 'here be any delay. Nkw Coi NTrru'MTs The Philadelphia V. S Gazette says, "we say yesterday a roll of spuri ous bank notesof the denomination of live did lar, altered from th Tenth War I Bank of New Yoi k, so as to convert them into counterfeits on the Bank of Northumberland. The alteration was skilfully effected, except that in some of them the word "Northumberland," where it was introduced, had a muddy, indistinct appearance. They were dated Janitai y lfeth and July 2Hth, ofvaiions numbers, and signed John Taggart, President, and J. R. Prfestly, Cashier The entire vignt Hp represented a reaping scene, with a mother and her child resting against a sheaf of wheat in the foreground. On the left end of thp note, Greennngh's statue of Washing ton, on the rieht end, n female figure, with a square tablet, and at the bottom a tiain of cars and a locomotive. The bill is caculated to de ceive the incautious. Bteknell's Reporter gives the following de scription of counterfeit 10's and "0's, on the same Bank : "10's. Vignette, Peclaration of Independence. Right end Pat. Lyon at bis forge. On left end sailor 'lolding the American flag. 20's. Vignette, Pat. Lyon at his forge, rail road cars in the ilistance. On right end cattle ; on le.t train of cars. AM eegraved by I'ndei wood, P.ald, Speicer & flufty, Philadelphia, and Panforth, Cnderwoodf Co., New York." Ronerr.T n A Rats'!. One of the canal boats on the Pennsylvania Canal was robbed last Sa turday of a lady's cloak. The passengers, with the exception of ane, submitted to an examina tion, but no cloak was found. The one whore, fused afterwards bad his trunk searched and the cloak was found, together with a variety of arti cles for house keeping purposes, a couple of horse halters, lamps, ic , also, another lady's cloak, supposed to be stolen. He was according ly committed. When be came to be examined in the prison, a letter was found in the toe of his boat, containing drafts ami checks, supposed to have been ttolen in Pittsburg, or from the mail. Some of them w-pre draft for large amounts, contributed to the relief of the suffer- I ers by the fire. The drafts it w ould appear bad i liMen ptir'nsp.'l Thv fr Ilnwe e.lst.ier in Pitts. burg, to P. Thomson, cashier, in New York, and the letter wa then stolen, but how or by whom is not yet known. The theft appears at the last dates not to have been discoveied at Pittsburg Vhila. Uder. hi .i mil i j. . i it Tht Right Language. The Dublin Freeman's Journal holds the fob lowing language respecting the present difficul ties between England and America. It is some what different in its positive and relative retal iations from other British authorities : "The receding of England from the pos'tion she had taken about Texas is deeply significant, and history may hereafter use it to mark the point at which the flood of her fortune began to ebb. America is no ordinary power. Her great est strength can be put forth upon England's own ocean domain. A quarttr of a century ago, when England was supposed capable of annihi lating the little marine of America by a single stroke of her fin anil the relative dimensions of their navies justified the supposition Hip young er nation seized the knife between her teeth, dashed to meet her enemy on her enemy's own element, and many a ponting vein of the mon ster of the seas ciimsoned the deep on which they struggled. "America is better grown now. Her com mercial navy cover every sea, and in it quali ties leaves all rivalry far behind. Great as have been her advances in population and in wealth, her progress in commerce ha far ou'stridden these. The maratime strength of nations is no longer measured by counting their ships of war. but bv sounding the depths of that source w hence the military marine is to be supplied their com mercial navies. England is mightier at sa than France, not because that for every 100 tons of Louis Philippe's royal navy, Victoria's navy number 120 or whatever else may bp the pin pottion of the excess but because the commer cial tonnage of France bping but oOO.OOll, that of England amounts so 3,000,000. By the same standard the maratimp strength of England and that of the I'nited State may be compared, and they stand thus England ha 3.000.000 Ame rica has already 2,000,000! This is the rela tive position, not of countries w hose distance has long maintained a stationary proportion, but of count rie. the second-placed of whom i gaining upon the first by strides almost incredible Fif teen years, perhaps twenty years certainly will reverse thpir position in the race. "England will no go to war with America on account of Texas, nor on account of Oregon; t'nprrrtdi tiled Trotting. The Albany Atlas gives a recapitulation of the time made by Fanny Jenks, at the recent trot ting match over the Bull's Head Course. The last mite was made in -t min. 23 see., the quick est mile run, showing the good condition of the mare to the last. She was walked to the course from Gen. Dunham's stable, 3 miles, in the morning, anil returned at night, making 107 miles of travel without rest. The driver in the sulky canied a light riding whip, but had little or no occasion to use it. At the end of each ten miles, the course of the marc was reversed, causing slight detention ; and a delay was caus ed by the tire of the sulky breaking, which made it necessary to substitute another grid heavier one For these delays, however, no allowance was made : 1st ten miles !' m .'id sec, stoppage 0 m. 30 . 2nd do 59 " 0t " " 1 " 01 s. 3rd do 57 " 15 " " tr,t s. tth do 6S " 33 " ' 1 ' OS s. 5th do 53 " 5 j " f " no s. Cth do 57 " IS " 1 ;s s. 7th do 53 " 11 " " 2 " 00 s. Sth do 51." 31 " " 3 " 30 s. !lth do 50 ' 3! 'If " 1 " 30 s. 10th do CO " 20 " " 30 s. 101st do I " 33 9h. 25 " 21 " 17 " 29 s. 17 " 20 " Whole time Oh. 42 " 57 " including stoppages. anu scarcely on account ol anything else that the mnr"in allow- New World contains. "England will he especially cautious ol going to war with America, or dashing herself sgainst the compact constitution of her States, when she reflects that America is a country with whom foreign nations are ambitious to become united, w hile she herself is a country from whose mer- cib ss gripe kindred nations stiuggle tobe releas ed. "England ! keep cool don't goto war. Be content to show your abhorrence of slavery by robbing your people of two annual millions at home, to put them in the pockets of ex-'ave-dealer of the West Indie. Po not exhibit philanthrophy by dashing your brittle empire a gainst the iron-clamped federation of America." Trotting time fin ion mile, according to wa ger, th 3Srn. 3ts. Deducting stoppages, tdi. 21m. 05. In October last, the mare made ten miles in side of 30 minutes, on the Centreville Course; and her reputation wa such, that in this instance time had hut few backers. The only instance in w hich this running ha been npinmrh-if, are the cases of Tmn Thumb, (an American horse.) which made 100 miles in 10h. and 7m , on Sunhury Common, England, on the 2 I Feb, 109. There was nn allowance of 37 minute for steppage, so that thv whole time J taken was tub and t Im ; and that of Mr. Th all, j who in June. lll. trotted a pair of horses in j harness inn miles within 10 hours, on the Cen i treville Course, But in that case there was a i d for stoppage. I'nllril Sln'n and Miles. Fisit, Second, Third, Fourth, First Heat. 1 51 I 51 1 if I 05 J 'fetal, 7 JOJ Second Heat. 1 58 I 5 1 51 1 58 7 41 Ir l stated that there are two thousand acres of land in the State of Delaware devoted to Peach orchards. The crop last year was 100,000 bushels. Coal has been discovered in the Highlands of New York. A Pattern Letter scale, of admirable construc tion and sensitiveness, w as exhibited yesterday at the American Institute, and received a certi ficate of approval from the officers. It is con structed nn the principle of the spiral spring, and is adapted es'cially to the new Postage Law. The proprietors are about proceeding to Wash ington to procure a contract from the Depart ment the Postmaster General havinj already expressed his appioval of the instrument. A'. Y. Tribune. Tf.i.kc.hapii Comtanv. The subscription book for the establishment of a line ofMoue's Tele graph bet ween New Yol k and Philadelphia has been opened at the Telegraph office.. All the stock has been taken at Washington, excepting f 1,5(IU0. Istigtr. Making plants grow by Electro-magnetism is one of the wonders of modern science one of those fragmentary facts of electrical phenomena lying scatteied by hundreds all about, and which will one day be erected into a theory beyond con ception sublime, both in its operations and re sults. We yesterday saw a little plant in a jar about the size of a coffee cup, furnished with the electro magnetic seeds (copper and nine) planted beside the roots. In the last twelve hours it had grown three quarters ol an inch. A'. IT. Tribune Bad roa Wine uiuuurs The vintage in France is very backward, and considerable portion of it has been destroyed by the excessive cold of the winter. The Jersey apple orchards ran supply the loss. Ma. Van Boben will accept no foreign mis sion. Tin: Tk.i.i srneic Disrovrr.ics We publish ed in the foreien new s yesterday a notice of the disenvefie which have rcently been made by the immense telescope of Lord Posse, from which astronomers are exp-cting so much. It is said that Regnfii. instead of being a sphere, is ascer tained to be a disc ; and that the nebula in the belt of Orion, is an universal system, a sun, with planets moving round it. Professor Robinson, nf Armagh, who, with other scientific gentle men, has been staying some weeks with the Earl of Rosse, has communicated a few p;irt I, ul.irs respecting the first achievement of this great telescope. Of forty-three of llerchel's nebula, consul -red unresnlvable by him, all were found to be composed of stars. The bright centries w hich some of them have, and which ll-rschel considered proofs of condensation, prove to be central globular clusters of much larger stars; and this seems to be a general arrangement No planets were visible. It defines very well, show ing Gamma and XI. Virginis, under very unfa vorable circumstances. I'hil Ltilger, Exeithov Hardy Carroll, a notoiiou of fender, was hung at Louisbuig. X. C . on Friday last, pursuant to sentence, in the presence of a laige crowd. Perhaps there never was a case which more strongly illustrated the want of a Penitentiary than this. He had a mtriiiittnin for stealing, and had been convicted capital')-, we belieVe, three several times, ler Horse stealing, but escap.'d each time, either by craving the ben efit of Clergy, or through some defect in the re cord He was finally hung for Grand Larceny, the article stolen, we think, being a pair of Sus penders fionia store. A't "g'i Hcj,ifttr. Tiik Sr:i ci-tary okWar William L. Marcy, with his own hand, captured the first British flag taken during the last war ; since which tiuie he has had every post ol honor in his State, and those commanding a great variety of talents. the V. States. It is as follows : , , . .... i t- , , ,, , HU.TIMOrtH MAItKKr, Let not thp London 1 mvs first blind')' ile- ceivp itself, and then deceive the Mexican. We OJJlreufthe Ittt iimokk Ankbicas, May 12. should not want twenty-five, or even twenty i GRAIN. No Maryland Wheats at market. thousand men, but ten thousand men would be j Sales were made to-day of 3000 bushels Penna. sufficient; and such gallant and enterprising spi j red at 93 a !7 cts. and of f.00 Penna. white at 113 ritsaslhe teeming Valley of the Mississippi ! cts. We quote Corn at 37 a .'(si cts. for white, Mexico. I i il 'a-.iiiiii., , (II. 'II ', II1.I3I1U, t' .I'll, 11. in publishing the late foreign news, takes occa sion to correct some of the misapprehensions of the London Times as to the want of preparation in the Tinted States, for war, which the Times considers a good opportunity for Mexico to take advantage of in anh r to prevent annexation. It is amusing to read these diatribes of the London paper, and see how little they know of the spi rit, enthusiasm and unanimity of the American people w hen war is talked of. They have no i dea that, in the Cnited States, every man is a soldier, and that every man would be found bat tling for his country and his fireside. The Times lays great stress upon the fact that we have but 0000 troops the standing army. Not one of these men can be spared from the garrisons on the coast, and of course we should not have a single soldier to send to Mexico ! Where, then, it asks, are wp to obtain the twenty or twenty five th iirsaiid men which would be necessary to march to Mexico ? The answer is furnished by the l.'nion, says thp Ledger, and it is worthy of the consideration of those who profess to be friends of Mexico, and do not wish to see the whole of that beautiful country "annexed" to Filial ArretTiON. At Mew Castle, Eng land, lately, a man and his two sons in a boat were run foul of, the boys threw the father over board to lighten her, as they knew be was a good swimmer, and the futher himself thought it a great act ol presence of mind iu hit sous I could send forth, iu less than three mouths, would be usfficient to overrun the whole coun try. What! not men enough? Why, let the Cnited Slates but sound her clarion and display her flag upon the banks of the Mississippi let ! cts. and bbls. at 22 cts. her but say to this man, 'Go to the capital of Mexico,' and to these men, 'Go with your wives and children to the region of Santa Fe,' and to another, 'March w ith your neighbors to the de licious banks of the Colorado, of California,' and they will not only have volunteers enough to an swer to the call, but more than enough. The dilhVulty will be in keeping men back, net in sending men forward. Does England really de sire, by thus fanning the flame into a Mexican war, to see us take California ; and not only take it, but keep it ' A worse than Egyptian darkness has come over her land, if she is ruled by such infatuated counsels as this oracle of the 'London Times' would preach up to her people." Opikion in Cermany A letter from Hamburg, dated April Hth, eaya : "So much ia certainly believed, that if Great Bri tain and America po to war, the French Go vernment will find eoine pretext or other for joining the latter, and if the French are cnce at war, they will not rest until the Rhine forms their boundary. A war, therefore, in which France is involved, must toouer or later impli cate the whole of Germany and probably the entire continent ot Europe." and 10 a II cts. for yellow. Sales of Oats at 27 a 2S cts. WHISKEY. There is a slightly improved de mand and moderate sales to-day ofhhds. at 21 Til a Bramhrkth Pitts ask sstihict Vs- getDhrV, snd m de nn those principles which I '06 ip-rienre has proved corrC', Il i no no spec ul when t'ley ant restored to in sickness, f it they are known l,i he the ! t cleanser of ihe st. much and dowels, sn I in all dvsjieiic a id bdliout caees they re a greit blessing. Let every family keep these Pi U iu the house. If iahhfully used hen Iheie is occasion far m vlu ine, it will lie very teldom that a doctor will he le.pi r. d. Iu all cas of cold, cough, or rheumatism, the alllictej owe i lo their b.hlica to use these Pills. (Xj" Purchase of H. B. Msssrr, Sunhury, or e the suetiis, puMished in another part of this paper. 1 1: i, On the 0tj inst., Mrs UOWER.wif of Mr. John flower of this place, aged about 2 years. LAST 1TCTISE. ALL PERSONS indebted l.i II. II. Ms er, o bok senium, or otherwise, are requesteJ I call snd settle without delay. eiuubmy.May 17.1815, H B. MASSE II HI?, of a snrierior quality, cn now he h i at ih Li ue Kilns of Henry Masser, in Sun. bury. May 17, 1816.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers