Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, April 12, 1845, Image 1

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S pRortuaTeas.
B. MJISSEIt. fitlitor.
OJJict in Centre Alley, in the rear of II. B. Mat
ncr't Snre.
THE" A M EKlTrTspiililTithcil etery Satur
day at TWO DOLLARS per annum to be
paid half yearly in advance. No paper discontin
ued till all arrearages arc paid.
No subscription received for a less period thin
six months. All communications or letters on
business relating to the office, to insure attention,
must be POST PAID.
3.E3T FElTlTEEi & CO.
Mantifiictnrcra of
JVo. IP! Market Street,
BNVITE the attention of Metchants, Mantif-ir-turers,
Ace. &c, to their very extensive, ele
gant, new stock, prepared with great enre, anJ ot
tered at the lowest possible prices fir rash.
The principle on which (his concern is establish
ed, is t'i consult llie mutual interest i.f their ru-ln-merg
anil themselves, by in .nufiicturing a good r
tic e. selling it at the lowist price for cash, nnd
rcalizinff their own rcniiiucrution, in the amount of ;
sale? and quick reiums. j
Possessing inexhaustible facilities fir mnnufac- ,
ture, they are prepaied to supply orders to anv ex- j
tent, anil rt sp. cifttlly solicit the patronage of Mil-
chants, Mimulactiircrg anil Dealers.
dj" A large aMiinmenl of the New SStjlo Cur
lain Pniasnl.
Philadelphia. June I. 144. ly
FOimi:ill,Y tkkmoxt noisn,
.o. lift Cli-iuit Street,
. . rpiH ritS:i:ll)Kli. recently of
jJJfjJ?J A ,.nding, la., would inform the pub
" M'tA. lie that be has fitted up the above cap i
!?tJ... ,,, cnnvi'iiielil i stalilisliinent. und
will alwnv he r sdv loenteit in vi-ilors. Hues,
ttblislie.l 'reputation in the is hoped, will
afford full arfurmirc, tint bis guest will be sup
plied wi h cery minf.rt and nccoinm.d I'ion ;
whils' bis house will be c- i.iluc ed ui der t
tiniieniei t as will si cu-e u cli r t. r lor ihe first
responsibility, ami sii-lacl..r cnlerlainiltei.t lor in
tJivii! ai d taoid e-.
Cliaryo for boarding ft peril v.
DA'MEL II err.
Philadelphia. Mav SSISII 1v
To on it try .Tlcrthanl.
Uoots, Shoos, Iiniiiicls. Leghorn and
I'itlm I a at Hals
(J. W. & L. U. TAYLOli,
tit the S. E. citrmr of Market ami Fifth Sis.,
l.oieai!.rl..oll of which they sell at unusual.
Iv low pi ices, nnd particiil ilv invite ti e u!teiiiii.ii !
AflTP 1 . ..,..., .i.u .i. nl nl fin I
tFFKR fi-r sa e an st-oruin nl
ot is vMiu.g the ciu. m nu . iau. iy.ti hi oi ,
(Heir HOi K.
Ci. W. I.. II. TAYLOR.
Pbiladelplew, May '-'. 181 1. Iv
T11.K.I l OIi S.t .'- The small ,rm. i
U cut noil, ( nboir Kilt air.-s, about 2 nn'es j
utiue Noitbum eil inl. .I' tut l.iods nl Jesse L. i
II. ,.,.,,, Jo!,., l.eitho.t an.i oiU.s, wdi be j
th up. it ai i Inn inn i- ina. e s i t die sui-scnber. :
iui.luiv ik 21. II It. M l-'l!. j
J" ''".'"". ' . " m., '. Z, 7 I
T371I,i. M.l:l The l.igl.est price will be !
en l. r Fiat !cej I v 1
Auc :M. IH-U. II. H. MASKJ!.
M)IT.A(iK I'l It L1-!S. Fin- copies oft e t'ot
Kj ;r 'de.ihe, look over , uMtshed,
cenni'ntl E llie cooirnen'srv on uir. iiu iii'i ,r
Tt staiiienl, ji-t ii ci ivi d .n.d Lr s de, fur six doll irs,
bv June If,. II. 11. MAORIS.
DOC TO It .1. II. MASSKll,
C3fg$!m RKPIX'Tn i.l.Y informs ihe cii
yiff of Suiibury and its vicinity, thai
Jliii be h removed bis ollice In ihe white
t&ZX buildin in M.i ki t SSpi oe, e.isl of Ira
T. I I. nil m's -Inc. an I im.rd au Iv oppo-ik ll.e
J o-t ollice, w in re be wib be happy to l.ccive ca'.U
in the line of bis pro ession
Simlmiy, Mav ! h. 1.
I) A V I i r. V A X s
Patent Fire nnd TliitT rrnf Iron
Cliots, Slaie linod Hofrigoraturs,
wiili Fillers attnclied wlit-n
ST AITS ?t, VA7S01T,
Ao. 70 S'liiththiril St., oppnsitr the F.xrhaiige,
MM I'Aini ur, ml
'"!' een for sale l)vin F.vaih'
ili'ibt cLv.-.-S-.niumr'ire und Thirl I'n
C3iy?dWi;;'u'r'' ;i"-i-, f,,r !'V'
V .-r!Tnr- Hooks. I'speis. I) .d. le
-'" .-1 (inld, tMlvcr, Ace., &C, !
-i rrr-
I ' ..I.... n.i.l !'... ii Pr.
if .mum r'ire und Thi.t Proof I-
. f II. .1 , ! r,.l ..... over Plank n nelV-five
.ut of every one loin. bed now in use and lor sle be purchased cherry stones highly polished with
are made.) Hi lirsl L icks and David Lvan : ivory screws which contains euch one hundred
Pan in Kr bole ( 'overs similar to Ihe one eiiiinit- : . c . i
i . ii! i . i . ,. . r .. .,!,., and twenty perfect silver spoons; an tngn
rd t the Philadelphia LichaoRe. for ihree months j ' r
in the suinnier ..f when ail the Keys weie at nious bauble worthy the patronnge of the jitve-
Idieriv Ik lie used, and llie t'liest not oiened. al- n,H parj 0f P coiniuunily. We are tuld that
Ibootih ihe rip, ,i,n; nt was lii.d ly h. least 1500 j Merlmger made a cup of pepper-
persons. One of the SHine Locks was Hied by
Itobliers, at (be Delaware L'.ml Otlice, in WhIiiuI corn which held twelve hundred other little
street, above but di.l nut sucre. d. cups, all turned in ivory, each of them being
(3 Hoisting Maehines, Iri n Doors, supem.i
Locks, and all kinds of lion Had im. s''l slid (-'"
pyinp Pitsxes, and !S:iuiboik grin rally, on baud
ur IWiiiul o liirrd at the sliottesl iiulico
fXjT t.' AUTIOX I do h. re'.y e .uii.m all per.
sons ugliest makn t! ikihc, selling, or causing to
tie mild, nv Ke) bole Covets for r Ire Pruol t h. W,
or Doors, of anv kind similar in piiunple to my ,
Pa'ei.t, of lOlh Ju'y. IS4 I. and also gii.i Lmiiig ,
K.frirrato.s wnh Mate, tin winch my Patent ut For Yoi'Nti Men. Mr. DeUvon, the I em
dated Sfiih March. 1K4 1, any iiifungemei.t will j p ,rance tefnner of Albany, was, in youth, a
bo dealt wt;h according lu law.
Philadelphia, April 13, 1844 ly
rOIIK sutiscrirwr has jtul nceived, for sale, a few
I of (be above relrbraied Eight Day Clocks,
which will be sol I si very irducrd pricr, for r-h.
Alao, supeiior 30 hour Hocks, of (i e t est tusks
end quality, which will be sold for ra-h. at $4 tO.
Also, superior Un al hour LM., $ 00.
Dc. 21 4 3. ll-U-MAWKK.
"oTO N E VVAItE f.r le.
15 825 Hume Jugs, from I quart to 3 gallons,
50 Kione Jrs, from 2 to 8 gallons. For stle,
hep, by ei. 14 11.13. MA8SEK.
Absolute acquiescence in the decisions of the
lly DIasscr & risoly.
From Scars' Magazine.
Minute Womlera of Nature mid Art.
I.EivKNiioKcK, the great micrscopic observer,
calculates thnt a thottsanil millions of animal
cula; which are discovered in common water,
are not altogether so large as a grain of snntl.
In the milt ofa single codfish there are more an
imals than there tire upon the whole earth ; for
a grain of sand is bigger than lour millions of
them. The w hite matter that sticks to the teeth
also abounds with animalc-tila; in the shape of
eels. A mite wag anciently thought the limit
of littleness ; bi.t we ore now surprised to be
tolil of anim-ils twenty-seven millions of times
smaller tl.nn a mite. Mnnsisa de I'lsle has gi
ven the coniptitation of the velocity of the little
creature scarce visible by its sinnllueps, which
he found to run three inches in hnlf a second ;
supposing now its feet to he the fifteenth part
ot o line, it must make five hundred steps in the
space of three inches, that is, it must shilt its
let's five bundled limes in a second, or in the
ordinary pulsation of an artery.
The prohosis of a but'.erfly. which winds
round in a spiral form, like the Fpring ol n
watch, serves both lor month and tongue, by en
tering into the hollows of flower and extracting
their dews nnd juices. Thn seeds of strawber
ries rise out of the pulp of tlx; Iruit, and appear
themselves like strawberries when viewed by
the microscope. The furina of the sun-flnwer
seems composed of flat circular minute bo
dies, sharp pointed round the rdges ; the mid
dle of them appears transparent, and exhibits
some resemblance to the flower it proceeds
from. The powder seedsof cucumbers and me
lons. The farina ot thrf popv appears like pearl
barley. That of the lily i" a great deal like
the tulip. The hairs of the bend are long titular
fibres through which the blood circulates. The
sling of a bee is a horny sheath or scabbard that
includes two bearded dsrls.- the stinir of a wnsn
has 8 beards on the side of euch dnrt, somewhat
hoards of fi.-h hooks. The rye of gnuts
nre pearled, it composed of many rows of little
8mj protuberances ranged with the ut
most exnclne-s. The wandering or hunting
I spider, who spins no web, has two tufts of fro-
ther fixed to its fore paws id exquisite beamy
nnd coloring. A grain ot sand will cover two j
Mln)r,.H scales of the sk in. and also cover tw en-
, . ,
ly thousand pmces were perspiration may issue
forth. Mr. Riker has inslly observed with ies-
, Tx , .. ..
PlCI Deity, that with hnn"an otom is a
world, and a world is but an atom."
Mr. Power says be Fnw a golden chain at
Xrc.).fcf M.i'seiiin, of threi. hundred link,
not more thnn an inch in length, fastened to and
pulled aw ay by a fiva. And i myself says ll.i
ker, in his Kssay on the Microscope have seen
very lately, and hove examined with my m;cro-
J scope, a chaise made by one Mr. Roverick, a
j wutchsnakur hnvinL four wheels withull the
! proper npparatus belonging to them, turning rea
1 dily on their axles, together wilhanian jetting
in the chiise, all formed of ivory, and drawn o
long by a flea without any seeming difficulty.
( weighed it with the greatest cire I was able,
I and found the chaise, man and flea, were barely
' equal to a single grain. I weighed also at the
! same time and place, a brass chain made by the i
i same hand, about two inches long con'aining two
i hundred links with a hook at one end, nnd a
j padlock und a key at the other, and found it less
i than the third pari nfa grain. I likewisehuve
j seen a quadrille table, with a drawer in it, an
i outing table, a sideboard table, a looking glass,
; twelve chairs with skeleton backs, two dozen
', plates, six dozen knives, nnd as many forks,
' twelve spoons I wo salts, a Irame ami castors, to-
t gethcr with a gentleman, lady, and root man, all
f.,,,, i a ntl in a rhet ru stonr. and not fillinr much
! ,
I "r? "' ' " ",r P"1 "'7 nre
git on the edges, ond standing upon a foot ; and
that so far Irom being crowded, or wanting
room, the pepper-corn would have held four hun
dred more. One pennyworth of crude iron can
hy art be in itiufiiclured into wutch-sprinjjs, to
as to produce botue thousand pound.'.
member ol a club nuinbering fitly members,
who used to meet at a Public House to enjoy
a tdciul glass. One evening while on his way
to llie club, he suddenly stopped and exclaimed
aloud, Right utiout fuce ! And he did right a-
bout face ; and suid to the gentleman to whom
he related ihe circumstance, "ihe first block of
buildings I ever erected in Albany, was erected
on the corner directly in trout of where 1 formed
that resolution."
Forty-threo of his companions became drunk
ards, and otokt all ol them found a drunkard's
majority, the vital principle of Republic, from which
SuulMiry, XurthiimbciiniKl C o.
An ICxtrnortllnary Case.
A MuiiDKRKtt no Murderer We lenrn
from the Hillsborough (Me.) Recorder of the
"(Ith ultimo, that at the Superior Court, held at
that place the preceding week, a most extraor
dinary case was tried before Judge Caldwell,
which is perhaps as singular in its details as any
thnt have yet been recorded.
A little girl, exactly twelvo years of age, and
described as really beautiful in features, form
and figure, was arraigned for the murder of her
father. There was no one present at the time
the deed was done, except two small children
not competent evidence and consequently
there was no evidence against, her but her own
confession, nnd the fact of her futher being found
dead in his own house, nnd no one there but
herself; and it could not be proved, b It houoli
exertion wns made to do so, that any person
else had been there on the night of the murder.
The father was a drunken wretch, and the mo
ther was known to have a pnrainour, to whom
suspicion was attached, but he proved clearly
thnt he was somew here else on the night of the
It was proved that the father was at a grog
shop on the evening of the murder; that he be
came so intoxicated that the keeper ol the grog
gery had to put him on a horse, ond send him
home. On thp morning after the murder, the
owner of the house happened to pass near the
door, and discovered the corpse lying there.
The mini was lying on a pullet before the lire,
with one arm under hit head, in a sleeping po
sition. The head was severed as with one blow
ol an axe, and the severed part had rolled down,
exposing the brains and whole interior of the
skull, the axe having gone through the head,
through three thicknesses ot the qinlt, and halt
an inch into the floor! The owner of the house
above mentioned immediately summoned the !
I ii l i . , I .
" ami ne.o nil in.,
nest over tin.' hodv.lbe I
girl und two children being there all the tune, i
The mother of the girl, nnd a son, 19 years of
age, had loll home the evening be lore, and stuid
all night at a neighboring house.
The girl immediately confessed that she had
killed him. I ler fir-t confession was, thnt her
father came home drunk, and beat her with a
s irk, and told her to pet a knife ; h was going
to kill himself; hut she could no! finds knife.
On being asked to show the stick wiih which
he beat her, after looking about she pointed out
one which one of the neighbors bad brought;
and on examining her bodv. no bruises were
found, which showed that tint part of her story
wvs untrue. She then said that be eaiue home
and laid down, and told her to kill him, nod on
her refusing, he swore he would kill her ifshe
did not; thnt she went and g-.t the axe, and he
laid down, but .die slill refused to kill him, and
he sworp hp w.iuld kill her. at the same time j
raising himself up, ns if to get on Ins feel, nnd ',
as he raised up sh struck him the lick but
ihe evidence proves that the blow must hnvf
be.-n ffi v.n when llie head was en the fl .er.thns
proving more untruth en her part. The varia
tions in her evidence nre singular, and excited
much speculation. They are the i-flecl of n
disturbed and excited Mate of mind, produced
either by fright, or an over anxiety, poih!y, to
I excuse the real murderer, if she did not commit
the deed herself.
She further stated, that having commuted the
bcI, the sight made her sick, and to avoid faint
iiiL', she threw a part of the quilt over the corpse
and went to bed, first, however, telling her
younger sister that si, n bad killed hrr daddy,
and iIip child immediately started up nnd went
' 1
and laid in her read lather's arms a'l i.ij.t.
I be murderer slept !
The evidence of medical gentlemen was, that
a girl of her age and size had not tlrength to
strike such a b'ow. This leads many to the
belief that the real murderer is yet undiscover
ed. While onp can scarcely realize that a child
wool.) or could commit such a tleed, it is seen,
on the oilier hand, that she confessed from the
first moment that she did it, nnd no entreaties
could make her alter her statement ; not even
the loathsome solitude of a dungeon, through
night and through day, or the persuasion of her
counsel to disclose the truth, if she had not done
it, in d Iheir (solemn admonitions that the gibbet
aw tiled her unless she recanted. Nothing could
move her.
The jury retired but few minutes, ond re
turned a verdict of "not guilty." The case has
produced gteal excitement and speculation.
She was released immediately. The heart
less mother left town and went home after the
trial was over, and before she hoard the verdict
of lite jury !
Pompeii to Run. Accounts fmm
Naples repre'ent tho excavated city of Pompeii
as going rapidly to decay, through the want of
easy precautions to prevent it from lite corro
sive influences of the atmosphere. W hat a
shame it will be responsible, jf, after be
ing wondrotisly preserved for many centuries,
these instructive relict should perith of neglect
in few year '
there is no appeal hut 10 force, the vital principle and
Ia. Saturday, April VI, IS 15.
, . II- i . ii . UI..JI .j
(jAMut.v.its. The following paragraph is a
translation trom the Gorman of Lichwehr. It
is n bold picture and forcibly drawn :
'A man who hid gone over a great part of the
world returned at length home from his travels;
his friends came and requested him to relate
what he hnd seen. 'Listen,', said he. 'Eleven
hundred miles beyond the llurons there are men
whom I thought very strange ; they frequently
sit tit table until lute in the night; there is no
cloth laid, they do not wet their mouths ; light
nings might flash around them; two armies
might be engaged in battle ; even the sky
might threaten to crush them in its lull, they
would remain unmoved on their scnt, for they
are deaf ond dumb. Vet now and then there
escape from their lips a hnlf broken, unconnee
led. and unmeaning Found, and they horribly
roll their eyes at the same time. I often stood
looking ot ll.ein with astonishment, for w hen
such silting take plice people frequently go to
witness them. Relieve mebrethern, I shall ne
ver forget the horrible contortions which I Ihere
saw. Despair, fury, malicious joy, bihI anguish.
were by turns visible in their countenances.
Their rage, I assure yon, appi ared to me thnt of
the furies ; their gravity thnt of the judges of
hell ; and their anguish Hint of milefsctnr?.'
'Rot what was their object V asked his friends.
'They attend perhaps to the welfare ol the com
munity !' 'Oh, no!" 'Tbfy are seeking the
philosopher's stone V 'Von are mistaken.'
'They wish to discover the qurndratiire of the
circle V 'No.' 'They do penance fur old sins!"
'Nothing of all this.' 'Then they are nmd ; if
they neither hear, nor spenk, nor feel, nor see;
w hut can ihey bedding !' 'They are Ci ambling ;'
The Paris Correspondent of the Newark Dai
ly Advertiser, hvs been to the (irand Opera,
n'"1 he is revere upon the Duchrsg D'Aomale,
"d Prir.ressde Joinvillc, whom he saw there.
menu owing lerrns ;
"Anion the distinguished
spectators were
the Duchess D'Aumale and the Princess and
I'i nice de Jomville. The keenest apircr lor
rank nnd station, unless totally devoid of taste,
won'd hesitate to accept tin eminence of the
young I'i inc, if he were obliged to take with
it tin.' Princess also. To be sure he would pos
sess a Princess of Brazil, and a heap of gold and
diamonds, but w ith them must be included a
face, n hose most prominent cliararteristic is a
long nose, which does pot uppror less longer
ujly, because it is princely ; a tkin probably
rolored bv contact with Brazilian gold and a
neck, which, thouoh rivalling the swan's in
1, ,v-',h- c- rtainly does not in white ness, or in
1 ""1 fW of fV.ming colors wnsdefi.
' "nit ' " "'" u-u'' w,,'rl' "'""!' " "very
r r. wi ii imi i f the ie;i'ni. I lie Duchess D'
A ii inn If, tin oli coming 'ruin the extreme south
l,H V- '"""" c""1!' x '" '" r
, ,:,r,' ",,v""1 "" '"1"r H 1 n"
; which, syinp-th z ng A.lh l.-r
I v n i r s'
i"';biir's in
length, had apparently rcreivii s'lin
which rendered it somewhat ot a puj."
Pkisce Ai.mi:hv asutiu: SrorciiMVN. The
following nnecdo'o of Prince Albert ami a
Scotchman is told in a foreign paper :
' On the occasion of lo r M ijesty's recent vi
sit to Scotland, the Prince win taking n lorn
upon the deck of the royal ya' lit ; und on Bp-
proiching tht) caboose or Conking-hoiise, the
! olluct iry nerves of his It.iynl lliohnes-s were
i sensibly b Heeled by the 'sweet smelling savor'
1 iMoertriniT from tin bo luor cauldron. 'VA'lint i
' . "".,,,. .i , .. .,
! ill de pute : asked the royal consort ot tli
Qiiei) ... yim ke (((, ,(.
I ( Cale.lo,..-
! .. . . , ,, , , .. ..
i on. le lioodgo pootlge ! rxclntmed the I r.nce;
I , . . . . , ... .... . . .
chei'de cusine, ignorant of the rank of his inter
rogator; 'nw'll be telling you enough ; there's
tmiriieps inlelt, nnd there's carret intelt, and
there's ri.nolten inlelt, ami there's water intelt,
and them's .' 'Yh, yah,' inteiruptid the
Pi nice, 'but what ess enutreh !' 'Am aw no
toiiiii ye a' the time !' said Ihe gastronomic art
ist : 'there's toorueps intelt ;' and again repeat
ing the category ol ingredients, he was a second
limo slopped by the Pi nice, who wis pcrjdex
ed to know tho meaning ot inlelt . The tvot,
losing all patience, exclaimed, 'ye tlul't gow!, it
ye ennna underslan' ine, maybe ye'd like to put
your nose intelt.' The Prince, somewhat dis
concerted lighted his meerschaum, walked aO,
descended into the saloon cabin, and requested
his secretary to refer to Ihe latest edit mil of Ihe
Scottish dictionary, in order to find out what
was 'intelt.' "
A Petrtfiko Cokph was found ol Berthier,
Canada, a tew days airo. Some wotkinen who
had occasion to remove several enflins. in exca
tiling for the enlargement of (ltd church at
that place, came upon one of unusual hardness,
and on sinking it it split into pieces, 'Ji.chumig a
body thoroughly preserved and turned to stone.
The remains ne llio-etd a Mrs Morrison, who
died about twenty years sgo, and was buried be
neath the floor of the church. A small roiininc
stream passed beneath the coffin, and to its ef
fects this singular preservation ot the corpse ie
to be traced.
immedia'o parent of despotism. Jarriensoa
Vol. 5 o. till-
Whole o, 23?.
Mrs. r.uillr's Cnrtatn l.ortnrr..
rAlml.K JOINS A llXll "lilt SKYLARKS "
'I'm sure a poor woman hnd belter be in her
grave than married ! That is, if she can't bo
married ton decent man ! No; I don't care it
you are tired, I shan't let you go to sleep. No,
ond I won't say what I have to say in the
morning ; I'll say it now. It's all very well
for you to come home at what timi you like
it's row hnlf-past twelve, and, rxpct I'm to hold
my tongue, nnd let you go to sleep. What
next, ! wonder ! A woman had better be sold
for n sluve at once.
'And so you've pone and joined a club! Thn
Skylarks, indeed! A pretty skylark you'll
make of yourself! Bull won't stay and bo
ruled by you. No: I'm determined on that.
I'll go and take the dear children, and you may
tet w ho you like to keep ynnr house. That is,
as long ns you have a house to keep and that
won': be long, I know.
I low any decent man can go and spend his
nights in a tavern ! oh, yes, Mr. Caudle ; 1 dare
say you do for rational conversation. I should
like to know how many of you would care for
what you call rational conversation, if you had
it without your filthy brnndy-and-water : yes,
and your inorj filthy tobacco smoke. I'm
sure the Inst time you came home, I had the
hendnrhe for a week. But 1 know who it is
who's taking you to destruction. It's that
brute, Prettyn.nn. lie hns broken his own
poor wife's heart, nnd now ho want's to but
don't you think it, Mr. Caudle; I'll not have
my peace of mind destroyed by the best innn
that ever Oh, yes ! I know you don't
cure si long ns you can appear well to oil the
world but the world little thinks how you be
have to me. ItFhall know it though that I'm
'I low any man enn leave his own happy fire
side to go nnd sit, nnd smoke, Bnd drink, and
talk with people who wonld'nt one of them lift
a finger to save h.m from hanging how any
man can leave his wife and a good wife too,
thonoh I sny it lor a parcel of pot companions
oh, it'H disgraceful, Mr. Caudle ; its unfeel
ing. No man w ho has Iho leost love for his
w.fe could do it.
'And I suppose tlvs is to be the case every
Saturday ! But I know what I'll do. I know
it's no use, Mr. Caudle, your calling me a
good cri alure ; I'm not such a fool as to be
coaxed in that av. No; if you want to go
to sleep, veil should come homo in Christian
tune, not at half .last I . elve- There was a J triers, was playing about the house with a fish
tiu. e when you were as legnlar at your fireside ing tackle complete, pule, lino nnd hook, wli-j
as a kettle. That was w hen you were a decent when he discovered the old lady w ith her mouth
man, nnd didn't go with Heaven knows who, widely distended, thought it was a fine oppor
thinking and smoking, and making what you , Utility to 'catch a fi.-h.' Accordingly, in order
think jour jokes. I nevtr hcitrd any gooiM
come to a man who cared about jokes. No re
spi elah'e tradesiirill ilo.-s. But I know who.
I'll scare awav votir Skylarks. The
IniiiM- sells I ipior n't. r twelve of a Saturday
ii'el i ; Mid it' d.-ii't wrdn to the magistrates
ni.d hhve the licen-e taken away, I'm not
Iving in this bed this night. Yes, you may
call me a foolish woman ; but no Mr. Caudle,
n ; it's you who are the foolish man; or worse
than a foolish man, you're a wicked one. If
yon were todip to niorrnv and the people
who i.'o to pubi c houses do all they can to short
en their hves I should like to know who would
write up.iit your tombstone, 'A tender husband
and nil nfl.'clionale father.' 1 I'd have no
such lalsi'lio ..Is told of you I can assure you.
(J ing nnd spending vour money, and non
sense ! don't tell mc no, if you were to ten
times sweur it, 1 woul.l'iit believe that you on
ly sp -nt eighteen pence on a Saturday. You
can't be nil those hours and only spent! eighteen
pence. I know belter. I'm not quite a fool, j f!.t or two o! the mouth ortho patient ; then to
Mr. Caudle. A great tleil yru could hnve for j drill a hole through a r file bullet and dro it o
eigbteeii pence. And all the Club married j ver the line, down on the hook. Li order lu fix
men and 'nthers of families. The more si. nine the bullet on the point of the hook, and main
for Yin ! Skylarks indeed .' Tiiey should cull lain it firmly in that position, a reed wns pro-them-elves
Vultures ; for they can only do as cured, fie joint punched out, and then passed
Ihey always d' by robbing their innocent wives J down over the line, and pressed firmly over ilia
and chtldien. Hightecu pence a week ! And j bullet. In ihu manner the hook, bullet and
it'll thai tin yoti knotv what filly two ( repd were all withdrawn at once, very easily,
eighteen-peiices come loin n year ! Do you j without any injury."
ever think of that and see the gowns I wear?:
I'm 1 can't, out of the house money, buy A 1-,VE SKrtl. In exhuming te bones or
myself a pin cushion; I hough I've wantid one j Mar-hal la'ely. who v a eon.rnde nfMnrif,
these six months. No, not so much as tall nJ f"Ill'y nnw wished to tn. sf. r l is
of cotton. 15ui what do vou cure .o you can remains to another cemetery, the sku'l suddenly
eet v.inr und water !
There's llie girls
too llie things tie y want ! They're never . r)'M W,P8 hr,' e'e' "t'fi-ry liht! Ti a
t'ressed like other people's cl.ild.eii. But i.'s ! "i-TSers fled in a'l directions, but the stinerii,.
all tho same to their futher. Oh ye ! So he j tendent went to the spot, and discovered that
can go w ith his skylarks they may wear sack. ' " enormom snake had coded itself in to com
cloth for pinafores, ond pack thread for garters. 1 ntih!n hollow of the brain, ond looked out o''
'You'd better not let Mr. Prrtiyman come
hare, that's all ; or, rather, you'd better bring
him one. Yes, I should like to see hiin. He
wouldn't forget it. A man who, I may say,
lives and moves only in a spittoon. A man
who has a pipe in his mouth as constant as his
front teeth. A rt of tavern king, wilhalot
of fool like you, to laugh at what he thinks
bis jokes, and givo h'tni consequence. N ), Mr.
Caudlf, no ; it's no use your IvUir.g oio to go
toflfrp, for I wcii't. Go t lcr p, indeed! I'm
rnicEs or Auvuirisiiva.
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(Jiitecn linei make a square.
sure it's almost tune 1 1 get up. I hardly kuov
what's the uso ot coming to bed at a'l now.
'The Skylarks, indeed ! 1 suppose you'll bo
buying a 'Little Warbler,' and ot your time of
life, bo trying to sing. Tho peacocks will sinij
next. A pretty name you'll get in the neigh
borhood ; ond, in a very little time, a nice face
you'll have. Your no.o is getting redder al
ready ; and you've just one of the noses liquor
always flies to. You don't see it's red 1 N
I dare say not but 1 son it ; I see a great
many things you don't. And so you'll go on.
In a little time, with your brandy and water
don't tell nie that you only tuke two email plns.-i.
es ; I know what men's two Fmnl! glasses nre ;
in a little time you'll Itovo a face all over as it
was made of red currant jam. And I should
like to know who's to endure you then 1 I won't
so don't think it. Don't come to mc.
'Nice habits men learn nt clubs'. There' j
Joskins, he whs a decent creature once, and
now I'm told he has more than once boxed his
wife's ears. He's a Skylark too. And 1 sup
pose some day, you'll be trying to box my ears!
Don't attempt it, Mr. Caud!e; I say d n't at
tempt it. Yes it's all very well for you to sny
you don't menn to but I only say again, don't
attempt it. You'd mc it till the day of your
death, Mr. Caudle.
'Going and sitting for four hours at a tavern !
What men, unless they had their wives with
them, can find to talk about, I can't think. Nu
good, of course.
'F.iehteen-pence a week and drnking bran-
j dy-nnd-water, enough to swim a bint ! And
smoking like the funnel of a steamship ! And
I can't afford mvc!f so much ns a piece of tape.
It's brutal, Mr. Caudle. It's vc-ve-ve ry bru-
And, says n no'e in Ihe M8. by Mr. CaiicMo
'Here, thank heaven ! yawninjj, she fell a
sleep.' Swamowino a Hook -The following, which
the Boston Traveller thinks good enough to b-j
nhnost a "fish story," is related in the New Or
leans Medical Journal, by Dr. Kilpntrick, of
Woodville, Mississippi. Tho case occurred in
Barnwell district, South Cirolina :
"Mrs. was enpving her usual sistn, in
the afternoon of a warm day, on a pallet spread
upon the floor in n cool part of the house, and
while she wos lying on her back sleeping plea
santly, no donb' dreaming of past pleasures, her
; grandson, a little urchin of three or four sum-
tl5 effect his purpose, he cautiously depos ted ihu
barbed hook, (I believe there was no bait on
it) into his grand-dame's open mouth. Thn
titilalion caused her to awake suddenly, ond r.s
her mouth wau dry front exposure, sl.e closed
it, end swallowed the lunik two or three inches
below the avoln. So soon as she discoved lex
situation, the whole family was assembled l y
her calls and cries ofdistress, except little Char'
ley, who had dri pped his pole in a panic on I
run off.
"Some gentle efliirts were essayed to remove)
the hook, both by the patient and some of llie
family; bu', being apprehensive of fixing lie
barb in the thtoiit, tliey cms- ! i." f r:.,
despatched a me;-s. n. r f r Dr. C I. -i ".
tony, who resided in the W'leti
he arrived, and found 'hat t'.e honk waa nl fas
tened into the flesh, the fertile brin siigtesteij
a plan fcy which it could he removed safely, ea
sily, an without an ope alien.
"The plan was to cut i ff the line within a
beeamp violently agitated, and from one of the)
his left eye as out ot a window. An argument
put into the old soldier's ear drove the thing opt
of his head, and the skull was once more d epos-ted
where it mijit give o'er its 'nid, ml, nt el
ding.' A Hoosira and Mcsmi.f.ism "Where yo'l
ever in the tnesrrerie ttte ?" said a believer itt
the seience to a flat-boat Horsier. ' I n?vcr u,
stranger, " said the Uooier,' I raaic ficn th
State of Indianry myielt, fut I've hveti ia tin
Iowa territory '