Tha Horror of MlllcrlsM Trial or lenata Daoj. -We leiwn report l' die trial oft wan who it termed El der Dammon, it Dover in thi Stale, commen cing the ITtli ult., before Moses Sweat and Si-Hi, E-qr. The trial devolopes mot chuck ing particular?, and convinces u morn fully than before, tliat town end city authorities should interfere and arrt these sensual and demurs I izing proceedings Tlipy are as bad as the worjt days of that arch rcoundrel and fanatic, Cochran, who "led illy women captive," and despoiled the domestic peace of many a peace ful and respectable family. A part of the evi dence we have omitted, il being too gross fur publication. Damrnon was charged with being a vagabond, common railer and brawler, neglecting in support his family, &.C. He plead not puil' v, and numerous witnesses were examined during the time ofthe trial, which lasted two day, borne of the witnesses testified that they saw nothing at the meetings improper, andnthers detailed whnt they saw showing thut the con duct of prisoner and hia associates was abomina ble. To this point Mr. J. W. E Harvey teeti fled that he had attended their meetings two days and fjnr evenings. Firit meeting lusted eight days; hive known Dammon six weeks; Dammon, White and Hall were leaders. Dim nion aaid the sinners were going to hell in two days. They were hugging aiid kissing each o ther; Dammon would lay on the floor, then jump up ; they would frequently go into ano ther room. Dammon haa no means to support himself that t know of. The meeting appear ed very irreligious ; have seen him ait on the floor with a woman, his arms around her. The room they went into was a back r,om ; don't know what was in it ; I was in two rooms where there was a fire. In the back room they said the world's people must not go. Dammon said the meeting was to bo a private meeting, and they wanted no one to come in unless they be lieved ss he did in the advent doctrine. I did go to them ; I went to satisfy myself what was done. I had no hostile feelings against them. I'risnner lived on his followers. Wm. C. Crosby, Esq , teutified. He was at the meeting on Saturday night, from about 7 to 9 o'clock. There was a woman on the floor who lay on her back with a pillow under her head ; she would occasionally arouse up and tell vision which the aaid was revealed to her. They would at timea all be talking at once, hal lowing at the top c: their voices ; some of them raid there was too much sin there. After the cessation ofthe noibe, Dammon got up and wa more coherent ; he complained of thoeu llmt came there who did not believe in the advent doctrine. At one time Dammon said there were hogs there, not belonging to the band, and poin ted at him and said, t mean you nr. Subse quently he addressed him again ; aaid you can't drive us out of the town ; he stared him in the face and 6aid, I am an honest man, or I could not look you in the face, and you have hell's "brass or you could not look me in the face. Dammon ea id if he was owner of the house, he would compel all unbelievers to leave it ; they were sitting and laying on the floor promii-cu-rusiy, and were exceedingly noisy. By spells it was the noisiest I ever attended. Ho had een them in groups hugffing and kissing each other. Oiice saw elder Hall with his boots off, and thn women would go and kiss his feet. One girl made a smack but did not kit his foot with her lips. Hall aaid, "He that is ashamed of me before men, him will I beafhamed of before my father and the holy angcla." She then gave his feet a number of kisses. Loton Lambert testified that he attended a meeting one evening lately, and that Dammon was very abusive ; called all other dsnomina tinna liars, murderers, &c. A woman was pre sent who pretended to have visions, and who waa blasphemously called the Imitation of Christ. She was said to be from Portland. Her name waa Ellen Harmon. She told Mr. Wood bury she must be baptized or go to lull. Mrs. V. concluded to be baptized. A Miss Dorin da Biker, of Orringlon figured largely. She told Lambert he waa the devil and would goto bell. She subsequently wcot into the bed room with a man whom they called Elder White, and when they came out were hugging each other. Miss D-tkur then went to one D xire. and they kissed each other. This night they went to the water and baptized. The vi ionibt, Miss llar.iKin, lying on the floor several hour from 7 to 1 o'clock that night. Tart of te time Dammon lay on the floor on his back, i Elder White said if the Almighty hud any thing to reveal, ho revealed it to Miaa II. He acted as mediator. Deacon Jainei Rowe testified thai prieoncr stood and said, while 1 stand here, men nor de vils eannot hurt you. He had known him for twenty or thirty years, and his character waa good till recently. Much other testimony was received, pro and eon, of a similar character, and the prisoner o- i pened his defence, lie cited Luke 7, 36; Jnhn HJMIIUI i il i l ill I mmmmmmmm A Man Klllnl by on Klehant. The large male elephant belonging to Hop kins & Co.'s mnnacerie at Baton Rouge, la., on the 6th inxl , killed the person who had been employed for a long time to take charge of him. It appears thut the two rlephanla and a camel had been sent in advance of tho other animals, en route for Clinton, tho female elephant and the cnmel chained together. When about four milea from Baton Roiiee, the male elephant re fused to cross a wain II bridge, and the korper, who was on foot, procured a horse, (one which the elephat was m t accustomed to) for the pur pose of driving it over, and in attempting to mount, the horse t-hyei', and threw the man in the road. Tim elephant immediately rushed upon him, caught him upon its tusk?, and threw him forty or fitiy teet in the air, which was re peated a great number of times, the tusks fre quently paosin? through his body. It then car ried the body from the road towards thn woods, toftsing it in lh air at intervals, until it fell be tween two fallen trees, which saved il from fur ther violence. The infuriated animal then returned to the road, where the female elephant and camel had been chained to a tree by another kecer, and rushed upon them, his tusks passing through the camel, knocking down the female and break ing the chain in two. The enrnged animal then made off toward the wooda, carrying the camel by its trunk, and throwing it at intervals in the air with iia tusks. The oi her portion oftheca ravan now coming to the bi idge, the elephant returned and made demonstiitiotia of an attack upon it, when fire.jrms were brought into re quisition. A number of shots were fired upon i, but without any cflect. Wotd as then sent to the U. S. garrison, and some thirty or forty of the soldiers were sent to despatch it with their muskets. The neighbors also turned nut with their rifles and shot gun, and some fifty or six'y shots were fired into or rather upon him, for the balls here frequently flattened noon stri king, and fell to the ground. At length it was determined upon to sr nd to tin garrison for a field piece to despatch him, when o-ie of the keepers procuring a spear, mounted a hors wand succeeded in wounding the elephant until he caused it to tcresm with pain and finally to yield to subjection, when it was driven nfl with the balnnce of the animals. This is the aime animal which killed one r.f its keepers, some two or three years ago, at Algiers, I., and was only stayed from further nrschief aftf r fourteen shots had been fired into it. THE AMERICAN. Saturday, tlarch 52, !8I1. E7" U. S. Sknaior. We announced in our last paper the election of Gen. SIMON CAMER ON, to this important and honor ablq atation. The news of his election was received with the moat lively satisfaction by his numcroms friends in this county, but especially by his friends in this Borough, where the General has been long known, and not only known, but esteemed, by all w ho knew him, from his boyhood to the present time. The elevation of (Jen. Cameron to this distin guished post, affords another happy illustration of the principles ofonr Republican form of Go vernment, where merit alon! confers d stini tion, and w here the poor boy, aided only by his talents, his industry and intepi it y, ran aspire to the high est office in the gift of the people, with equnl confidence and hop, of success, w ith the child V, ft. r.lIs.llElt, Ki,'mt Mn llent Kg. tat and Coal Office, ,V. 6 fine Strttl, tadrlpMa, f atithoritfd to act at .Ifrnt, at A rrcrlt for all mnntf du tht fflcct Tor sufr icrlt'tlon or advertising ... at hi OITlrt ,X. 100 .Msia Afreet' who has been reared in tin? hip of luxury and aid .Ww ' ''-v wealthy and influential friends. TheGcn- , era! sp.-nt the enrly pat t of his life in this To- Cy" We are lnileiiteo ?o .Messrs. norion, r.yer, r.right and Lautniin, of the I.enislatiire, and Messrs. riurhannnn, Ridlaek, Pollock and ulnars, of Congress, for documents. 1 1 1 - "jut. (Ej The Lancaster Intelligencer and Ponn-1 sy Iranian have ears launched forth brutumful mm against Gen. Cameroai and the Democratic members who voted fat him as IT. 9. Senator. The Harrisburg coi respondent of tho Intelligen cer modestly says, t'he does not know how to treat them with that severity they seem to do jcrve," and stigmatises them as traitors, who hove disgraced themselves and the party. W presume these members, w ho are among the most independent demorats in the legislature, will not feci themselves entirely annihilated under the effects of this thander. Messrs. Bright, Morton and Kyer have acted in accordance with the wish es of a luree majority of their democratic con stituent. The caucus nomination of January lat, was well calculated to create distrust in in tore (aliens iinminutiona. In regard to th - ful minations of the JV-nnsylvanian, we presume they will injure no one out of Philadelhia coun fXj-Subscribers changing their places of resi dence, on the 1st of April, should notify us ac cordingly. roiih, a poor, but not a "friendless boy," so far , '"Id "ven there, we believe, none suffer so much as a sympathetic regard and cenerons feeling are ' ,rotn ,'l(,'r te themselves. fiynr'mrtmA f. . 1 . I I f . I I ... . I , "" u iienii in almost all wlm i ,, . ' knew him: and atfl...l. .1 ..J M"- 1 " Jo. C. Cmi.m-.v It old enough to have any but an indistinct recollection of him ! " 'I' l"" r,;r",,,,r,eJ pr-viona to the election "name loin but to praise him." ! K7 The weather during the past week has i J here are some, we are aware, who would l.i.nn nf ilia nint liniil Alcl nl firfnf fnlil ULin m tin; uni'i uiiiMi aniii .! i . . .vt.. , . ( I -1 a!.. r - onrself. We have often heardother, speak ofhim. , , ' ' t , " . "' "' Vl" sndbave never beard a citiren of lhi3 r.l.t-o. ,,J,,"I V.'"1 pcnn'y,v'"" cninhe! nncl-r AIT I Illhflllli . I n 1(11 Aiiria ...1 (I - ' I ,1 ..... ...... ,,i iff. -Hi. i , v iiu, Mirv HiUO, WOUItl be the presiding g-nius in .Mr. Polk's Cabinet. Put Mr. Polk has seen proper, as we alwavs in order to unite the whole democratic vote. T.ut ; thought he w ould, to act for himself, and dons not I even conult Mr. Calhoun. The Charleston and boisterous rain and snow, with an occasion -i r l: .-. ..i... .. i this cannot always bo effected. In tl.i nmni i ful that the fruit crop has been injured in the i ras " was impossible. For Judge Woodward, j .Mr'. f ",on" " " VPry m,,rh bm, who was nominated in a caucus of foMv-eicht 1 ,,',,a,,!,"l, w"h Mr- k s views ofthe Mri.r, - - ! democratic membeis, we have p-rsonaily the i"'"1 "I'ressea itself as follows : tr7"Kr.i.v Navioatiom. The first Pack, t highest regard. lie Is a g"ntleiran of talent anj ' r "1,'""",ir prr,'n 'Pm on a horse and P.oat of the season arrived at Xo.thumWIand. . ,,exeenti,al,!e el 1 1 iT?'?. ,,."n W"h may do f.-ronce. " " " : "u ni" iont' run urn nn ass won d re he n. MatiRiAr.f: on Roarp a SrrAMnoT. Rish op Chaste in a lately published letter pives the following account of a marriage service per fotmed by him whilst sailing recently on the Ohio river. On Tuesday, says the Rishop, I proceeded down the Ohio river, and a very long strerm it proves to be, navigation more than a thousand milea from Pittsburg to its mouth, pouring its pure waters into the muddy Mississippi. How sweetly did we glide down its placid current, the weather mild ard the company good. Relow Sliawncetown, a license was t-hown me by some one who had been on shore, from the Court at Klizabethtown, (Illinois) to marry a couple who were on board. rinding, after due examination, all things lawful and correct. I perlormed this holy rite. It would have done your hearts good to witness the Fnlemnity per vading the whole assembly of cabin p.issengers while they beheld the heart searching matrimo nial service ofthe Church. Scarcely a person cm boird had ever seen it performed before, be ing accustomed to marriages performed by Jus tices ofthe Peace. In this im-tnnce. being so requested, they all kneeled down und to join in the prny rs, and with the minister im plored a blessing on the newly married couple. from Ilarrifl.urg. on Friday, the I Ith inst. This is the earliest opening of the Canals since they were constructed, if we recollect rightly. C!7" SlIAMOSIN, MtllONOY AND Si III.'VI.RIT.I. R.Ml.RrtAli. We have received thn repoit of Mr. Cleaver, thtf F.nginecr, who made the survey ol this important improvement, and will lay it be fore our readers next week. The report is nn interesting one, and shows conclusively that a Kai'road, w ithout inclined planes, can be made between the Schuylkill and Shan.okin, where it will connect with the llailioad fiom this place. I niurini iuiis t nn ii pre ven i eti many 01 ine demo- ' gainst it. j eratic members from yielding to him their sup- "With whnt purpose then, on this overshn. port. They refused to co into caucus, and we 1 ,,,tt '"- Mll.j"et, has he clothed hini-e'tin word ! do not think that a convention of members loss '' 'mbiirnous import, phrases that have been inner uie inasK 01 every nenrru ol impist 1 r i . I than is necessary to effect their object can pro , perly be called a regular caucus. There are se j venty.three democratic members in the Legisla I tore. Twenty-five refused to go into caucus. If the action ol the remaining IS would be deem J ed binding, then, upon the same principle, twen , ty, or less, miulit claim for themselves the same ' right. We heard it stated that Mr. Woodward s j views ofthe tariff, among other reasons, render ed him objectionable to some. What his views are we cannot say. but it would have been incon sistent to elect any but a decideJ tariff man to the I". S. Senate. K7 The following are the ballottings fur 1". S. Senator, the election of which took place in ti-iii and unconstitutional protection ? Wl.v Irs he clefiVd his spe, oh wj;, running equivo cal inns alioiit inritletitnl protection !" C7 Movino The fust of April will be a ! great day lor moving. We understand, however. that it will come in the wrong time of the moon, and those who believe in lunar influence will j move, as some have done, before the close of thp nrpapnt oim rter nthnrs. we nresnme. will i -. , . ,i . ,i r . i the Representative Chamber at Harrisbur", on wait for the next new moon on the ( th of A- 1 ............. n, I hursday the 1.1th inst (Jen. Cameron, it will j be seen, was elected on the fifth ballot, having received 07 votes, a majority of the whole con vention . U.M.l.OTS. 1st pril. These arc great times for "signs. in the Almanack if not in the Heavens. The only wonder is. that people should make any mis- j takes at all, or have any run of bad luck, w hen it j might all be avoided by consulting the Almanack. . I Si mo C ini tciv, IT" Poor Hoi sk. Petitions are in circula- ,;po w Woodward, tion in the upprr end ofthe county, in favor of j0)in Pj,,,, th erection of a P oor House. Application is to j i,, Thompson, be made for a law providing for a vote upon the j j- ( Hci-art subject, at the next general election. I i Cj" The Legislature for the last week has not I been doing much business of any importance . The School appropriation of $200,000 was still , under discussion. J Taxfs. The Foard of Revenue Com- ' missioners. at Harrisburg, have adopted the ! valuations for this county as they w ere made by j the Assessors, without alteintiou. An attempt was made to raise it 10 per ct. on the three mill tax, which was, however, properly defeated. Real Kstate is now valued, in this county, high er than any ofthe neighboring counties. Ilarmar Penny, Walter Forward, John K. Kane, A. C. Ramsey, James Cooper. James Irwin, S. IV Ingram, Joseph It. Ing -rsoll. Peter A. Rrowne, Willian Hosier, John Sergeant, Townsend Haines, i llnrrace Itinney, M- I). Magellan, George Shai swpod, Daniel Staunard, C7- Gen. Cameron, our new V. S. Senator. ap peared in the Senate Chamber on Monday last, ' John C. Kui.kle, was duly qualified and took his s-at The Sen- J Ingersoll, ate probably adjourned on Wednesday last. ' Richard Rush, j Henry W. Smith 7" Death or I'. S. Sinator Hon. I. ! C. Tates, on of the Senators fiom Mai.-achu- Poetical. Under the commercial head of the Ruflalo Pilot we find the following : e are standing on the confine s b twpen nn navigation and navigation. The voice of spring birds and raps ofthe caulker resound in our cars. The fragrance the teeming earth and kind ling shrub mingle with the odoriten us scent of tho piich kettle. The lawn are receiving fresh coats of greenery, and the standing t igtr ing licks setts, died at Washington on the 10th inst. Mr. Webster, his colleague, next morning announced his death in a beautiful and most eloquent ad dress to the Seriate. i Pavid R Porter, Thomas S. Hell, ' Wm. L. Panning, i Chailes Gibbons, J John M. Scott, ; Goige Chambers, Wm. Hollingshead, Zy Ja. Clark, the President of the Foard of j Theodore 1). Cochran, 11 10 I 1 1 u n n o o n o o ad. 21 .VI 9 o i 0 (I 0 0 n l t o 0 i 0 II 0 0 0 0 1 I o 3 i 1 0 0 0 0 0 Id. n .5.1 t! o t 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .') 5 0 0 (I 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 n o 4th .'i-'i 0 0 II (I (I a o o o i 7 (l 0 0 0 (I 0 0 0 0 I 0 n o o l a o 1 0 QTv lneread valuation nf property. a fixed i by the Foard of Revenue Commissioners : Al'egh'y. incr'se. to the r. mills item $l-inin Redfoid, 10 perct., do do .'t'.i.VM i Cumb-rl'd. 0 do do do .')lo-J'.e. j Pauphin 1?J ito do do .Horn-' Lancaster 10 do do do 2ISI0:S I Lebanon S do do do .Vi'1007 j Fucks. .'i do do do CyP'Sl ! Pradford S do do do 220 ldy Luzerne S do do do n.Vi.'ii'i'i : Columbia S do do do D I :W.'iS Montgom'iylO do do do 120I07S Philadelphia do do :inniinno Lehigh l.' do do do l()VIln! ! Do to the 2 per cent, item ,'u;(ii) j lo " 1 do l.'idon j M Kean " 2 do .'uil Somerset 1 do 3000 Clearfield 1 do 00 j JclTeison " 2 do COI) ' Potter " 2 do Sdll LEGISLATIVE PROCEEDINGS From the Phil. Ledger. llARRisaiitfi, March 13th. The General Appropriation bill occupied tho remainder of the morning sessien of the House, and wa progressed in as far as the fourth divi sion The items passed upon are as follows : For expenses ofexecntive department, vi : . salary ol the Governor, 1,000,- the satary of the Secretary of the Commonwealth, $1,200, and the further sum of $300 as superintendent of Common Schools; the salary of the deputy Sec- 1 retary oftbo Commonwealth, $1,000; the salary j of the Auditor General, S-t.-lfJO j the nalary of the Surveyor General, f 1.200 ; the salary of th J Attorney Geneial, M0Q ; the salary of the State I Treasury. Sl.K'0 ; Clerk hire in the State I)e 1 partment. S7 000 : Cferk hire in the And. tor Gem-rat's office, f. I.. inn ; Clerk hire in tho State Treasurer's othce. oho ; Ch ik hire in the j Surveyor Generals office. 't..70l) ; salary ofthe State Librarian 5'iutl For the payment ol th" .Tudgpn of the Supreme Court, to wit : for th- salary ofthe Chief Justice I,ni;ii e;; ; for the salari es of three Associates, 57,200; one Associate. fl UOO: for the per diem ; pay ofthe said Judges, ., '.IS I ; for the payment of the Judges of the several District Com ts and 1 Courts of Common Pleas, to wit : and fomtecii ' Associate Judges of the Courts of Common Pleas, (jnarter Sessions, &c, SI.'l.llllO; for the pay ment of the mileage ofthe said Associate Judges !S210; fnr per diem allowance of President , Judges in holding special Courts. S'JOO. ! For the payment of gratuities and pensions, ' -517.0(10. The Ith division, appropriating $200,000 for the Common Schools, was pending at the ad journment. Mr. r.rndy made a sally against this appropriation, and .Mr. Cooper bail jn-t secured the l!oor when the hour of adjournment arrived. It is stated as a singular f.ict that since the for mation of our government, no Speaker of the House of Representatives has been absent a whole day from bis post. Rk ins ik Pi:wm.v.u. In Alsace town ship. Feiks county, about live miles from Read ing, a lat g" body of magnet ie iion ore has been discovered. It is found in great abundance. Tim Mktii-iihst Pro i kt r Cunff.rkmf. At the M-tho list Prot-stant Conference, now in sessional Fallimore, all tin members present, with very few ec -ptiotis. declared their attach ment to and th-ir determination to support the svt--m of itinerant m;ni-t"rs ami preaeh-rs. There isa distinction between these ; the form er are ordained ami th" latter lic-nsed. 1 I7.720 Whole amount of increase tax. about SXVOOll 0 1 ! 0 o ! Canal Commissioners, in a letter to the Collector at Fasten, says that the Canal Commissioners have never given any orders to the Collectors to Ln.n tHimm n n n 1. Wul.l,..tK Vaf ia ' of tar. Nature and art are sing inr; jocund pttiu'8 . , . ,, , ,' CJ it his dusire that they should any longer do so On the ith and laxl ballot the vote stood as fol lows : For SIMON CAMF.ROX Messrs. isbbitt, Carson, Cornman, Parrah, Parsie, Pimmick, Fhalleh. Kver. (filihnnt. llnrtun Klini Morri. to welcome the advent of spring and nnva- . , lon I,dlu) UoiS) aud wilc0Xi lfthtStnu,e. tion. Kverything is poetrC, and hy shoukJ not C7 The "Miltonian," for the last few weeks, j Messrs. Adams, Amer, Fanning, Fayard, Big we be K) V I ias been urging the xvhigs of that plate to stick ,am Bishop, Foyer, Brady, Brewster (Hunt'don.) . to the ticket in their boiongh election, for Jus- j Brewster (Phila. co.) Bright, Brown. Cochran, A SlNfirLfcR ClRC-ma-TAM E. We are told j t ice of the Peace. Kt ; just as if justice could I Cooper, Cuiininghain, Pickey, Punlap, Gilder, that on Wednesday last, while some bnya witc "ot be proper ly administered by any ofhcr than Hall, Harper, llazlchurst. Ilerr, Hilunds, Hoff- flying a Vile nn Federal Hill, a flock of wild a whig Justice. It is not more than a few months since that the same paper called on the voters of the 13lh Congressional district to support the whig candidate for Congress, because, as they contended, he was a better man than his oppo nent, and would make a better representative. fjj Samuel P. Patternn has been appointed Navy Ag nt, at Philadelphia. Gen Favis. ot Bucks. Sin veyer of the Port, and J. W. Forney, F.sq.. ofthe Lancaster lnt -lligencer and Journal. j Deputy Surveyor. Mr. Forney retires from the j proprietoi hip of the Intelligencer, having o'd j, j out to Vr. Holhrook. his partner. I KoR TIIF. AMFRll'AN-. Mr. Msssfr. Sm : In looking over the "American" of last week, my attention was di rected to the following editorial aiticle : "The bell of the new Presbyterian Church, n in Northumbei land, ran be heard in this place, 0 ! on a calm evening, a!mot as distinctly as one of 0 j our own. Our neighbors have reason to be proud 0 of one great litl't, at all events." n j Ofthe former part of the article I shall say no- 1 thins, as the hell is invested with power to 0 j ",jeak" for itself, lint the unjust rrjlfctinti that 0 j is contained in the close of the paragraph ran 0 not be looked over without a correction, w Inch 0 ' the truth so loudly calls for. It was hoped that 0 since yon have come out and taken a decided 1 I stand in favor of "unite jralion," you had aban don cd your envious bachelor notions, and was candid enough to give us that credit which our meiits justly require. The established charac ter of the females of Old Northumberland needs not the pen of praise in theii behalf. They stand beyond reproach, notwithstanding our envious Mr. John C. Rives, ol th" Globe office. Wash ington, which so narrowly escaped detru tion by the late fire, has tendered th- Fianklin Fir Company one thousand dollars for their services on that occasion. Gkv. J.ii Saturday las' was the anni versary of Gen. Jackson's biith. He entered on his 70th year. The Globe says : "The Presi dent had a letter from him last night, fraught with more true fore received, not worse." elo-pi-Miee th in any he ever he. This argues that his health is Tknvscf. The Pemocrats of Tennessee have nominated Aaron V. Brown as their candi date for Governor. Mr Clay has returned to the bar, and is again practising the piofesion ofthe law in Iyxing ton. P.roon ok Lftt. Governor Wright, of New York, has pardoned Fenajamin Lett, who has been in the State Prison at Auburn for several years, under a conviction for arson in burning the steamer Great Britain. Tiik Weatiicr. A Philadelphia paper says one or two of our friends who went into the country a week ago ' to pas the !imim"r." cama back yesterday "to pass the winter." Tim Lkhioii Coai. Company have contrac ted to deliver PJSIMX) tons ot coal tho coming season, the proceed of which will he devoted to the payment ofthe interect due in Ixmdon. The Dux providing for a S'atc Lunatic Asy lum has ptssed the New Jersey Senate by a ; great ninj irity. geese came along, the leader of w lrch by some means became entangled in the tiring 4 the kite. The boy drew the kite down, and with it the goose, which they secured ami have now in potisew-ion. We venture to say that never waa wild oosn caught in tuch a mariner be fore. IUAl- Sun. man (I'hia .) Hollingshead, Kennedy, Kunkel, Larkin, Magellan, Meloy, Metzger, Vorely, Muse, Ni'Farland, M"Kmley, Nicholson, Parke, Paxson, Power, Price, Riddle, Sanderson. San key, Shuman, Smith (Beiks ) Smith (Fan..) Sni ; vely, Steuait, Struthers, Trego, Walton, ami Donation. Samuel Appleton, of RoMon, has presented fifty thousand dollars to the Roalun Aiheiiieuin fur the purchase ol a library. Rf.vival ev RixmioM in Ti'rkkv. -Rev. Mr. Tioodtll, in a very recent letter from Cim- stantinoDle. sava: 13; last chapter in Romans j 4 h ; .-So,e aiite. n villages have been recently Jt The-., 5th chap. J. S. Holme, assisted , ed , - . t- ... . ... g - no'- : la breathing upon few individuals, and making them living men. Now, we think, if there are any omoes in the : lnm,eriIiani ,f ihe ll.uit if eift of the people which should be left iintrum- j fi7. melcd by party fetters, it would be the otl'ues For GFORGK W. WOODWARD Messrs where justice is, or onght to be administered 'Anderson, Jaily, Bigler, Black, Chamnneys, with impartiality ami without any prejudice or j Chapman, Knue, Fegely, Fcilkrod, Heckman, farty predilections. Bo t the principles of eur ; Hill, Hoover, and Sherwood, of the Senate. neiehbors across the water. , Distinguished for their beauty, intelligence and industry, affable in their manners, kind and pleasant ignorant ofthe art of flirting strang ers io coqneuy ami tree from being "fusfo-. Tub Ai.abxm v CoM t Btxt k of the Metho- jtwmn never assail persons behind their backs ; ,1,1 Episcopal Church commenced its annual i they are blest w ith too much good sense, ami session at Wi liimpka on tho '.'7th ult. Bishop j find better employment. Andrews presiding. I By giving this due notice you will much o- ! - j hlig KATF-. , The Ohio Legislature has passed a new militia I Northumberland, March IS. ( bill, which reuuires everv man tniurnn rr- i r i.i ' a fine of fifty cents, or work one day upon tha Our fair corresnondent iloes lis vrp in. .. ' n justice in supposing that we bail intended to cast any reflection upon the ladies of Northumbei land. him in his defence. C. L. Chandler and Morrison argued the cause fur the State. Priaoner again arose, and read the fiO and 120ih Psalm: lie argued that Iheday 4' grace had gone by ; that the believiri were redwcod, hut that thejo were h many yet, and that iho end of the world would come within a week. The prisoner waa stnii-iicej to ten (!)' )" the Houie of Correction, from w hich sentence he Bpealed.,orlan( ArgUM, .March 13. They are waking op to a life and happiness w hich belong exclusively to the children ofthe lijjht.' " Poudre de Vtuveja is tha name sow given by t'ns Freneh toarsenu, (widtfw's powder ) Wit ntrii llM.tAso. Some one in Illinois prsye that the war party in this country may be modem! e 'till (Iter the Knglioh have advanced them Jl.OtHi.ClNJ ' i,r her canals. A Qt'ADttfLf ALtUNCt The English pa per call tha Siamese twins and their helpmates tls "(j.jadnpW allianrs " whig rotemporaries are perfectly enigmatical. They never get out of one act of inconsistency without slipping into another. In thia Boiough we think that party predilections and principles have nothing to dowith the administration of jus tice, and therefore never ask whether the candi date is a whig or democrat. (XJ The following is a translation of an epi gram, in Latin, on Morse's Telegraph, which late ly appeared in a southern paper : "What daring men, ciies Nature, will ye spare 1 - of Senate See Franklin force the clouds their bolts to i bury ; The Sun resigns his pencil to Daguerre, While Morse the lightning makes his secreta-ry" Messrs. Armstrong, Hailcy, Barber, Brush, Burns, Burnside, Burrell, Campbell, Cross, Cum miugs, Dotts, Dowling, Lldrcd, Elliott, Funston. Gray, Hallowell, Heck, Hill, HotTman (Berks,) Jacoby, James, Keller, Knox, Merrifield, Mor gan. M'Bride, M'Caslin.O'Bryan, Painter, Rider, Samuels, Smith (Clearfield,) Smythe (Clinton.) Smith (Monroe,) Stettler, Taggart, Tice, Vlict, Wilson, Worman.and Patterson of the House of Representatives. ."iS. For JOSEPH R. 1NGF.RSOLL Vr. Crabb, Mr. Connor of the House.?. We can assure hei that our "envious bachelor public roads Properly in Boston, called the Union Wharf; I has been sold to rnniiani; i t... notions," if we ever ha f any, have been entirely I ,io ooo dissipated, since we left the ranks of that unfor- I tunate class of our fellow-citirens, whose fate It is said by the New Bedford Bulletin that weare always moie inclined to cornmisserate i Mr. Coleman, wh Us ,li..rf ....... - than to censure. The subject of belUt, we know, is rather a delicate one for an editor w ho has from his .I'.olian attachment, has, we learn, a new instrument in progress, which is represent- For THOMAS S BELL. Mr. Sterigere 1. For T. 1). COCHRAN Mr Sullivan 1. For PETER A. BROWNE. Mr. Sheets I Tor JOHN BANKS -M Mutrie J. been for several veara a linMti.r Ia l,.n,li. r I . .. . ---...- i-, euio oe .tie greatest musical wonder the worlj ter we penned the paragraph in cpjestion, we has seen. half suspected, from its equivocal nature, that it would probably uring out from our neighbors a ftal, that would come booming "across the wa ter," in the shape of a missile, to the editor. We cheerfully concur in all that our fair correspon dent has said in behalf ol tha ladies of Northum berland, and hope they may never be deprived of that inestimable privilege of woman, the i right to speak for herself. A British soldier accidentally f into the water at 0.uebe-, Canada, a few days since, when a sentinel walking by, Lardly attempted to get him out by reaching him the butt of his musket. The drowing man grasped the weapon, and in his struggl-a it was discharged, the contents of which entered the head of the Sentinel, and kill ed him instantly .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers