WA8IIIXGTOV. KY BRYANT. Great were the hearts nrnl strong the minds Of those who framed, in high debate, The immortal league of love that binds Our fair, broad Empire, State with State. And deep the gladness of the hour, When, as the auspicious task was done, In solemn trust, the sword of pewer, "Was given to glory's unspoil'd son. That noble race is gone ; the suns Of fifty years ha'e risen and set; Put the bright links those chosen ones So strongly forged are brighter yet. Wide as our own free race increase Wide shall extend the elastic chain, And bind, in everlasting peace, State after State, a mighty train. O, Xo-Xot e'en when first wi Loved. BY THOMAS MOOBK. Oh, no not e'en when first we loved, Wert thou so dear as now thou art ; Thy beauty then my senses moved, But now thy virtues bind my heart. What was but passion's sign before, lias since been turn'd to reason's vow ; And, though I then might love thee mare, Trust me, I love thee letter now. Although my heart in earlier youth Might kindle with more mild desire, Believe mc, it has gained in truth Much more than it has lost in fire. The flame now warms my inmost core. That then but sparkl'd o'er my brow, And, though I seem'd to love thee let, oh, I love thee idler now. Comic Song for l.rvdlrs, Gayly still the moments pass, While I sit before the glass ; Care can never reach the las Who thinks her face divine ! Chobis. Who thinks her face di.vi i-i-i-ine, Who thinks her face di-vi i-i-i-iue ; Cure can never reach the lus Who thinks her face divine? You may call me vain and pert , You may say that I'm a flirt ; Nothing can her feelings hurt Who thinks herself divine ! Cuotu's. Who thinks, Ac. Funds may sink, or banks may fail ; Ta, perhaps, may go to jail ; Care can ne'er her soul assail Who thinks herself divine ! Chorus. Who thinks, kc. Let me, then, my tresses braid ; Be my form with taste array "d ; Grief can never reach the maid. Who thinks hersell divine ! Ciiokis. Who thinks, kc. Pi cu. Wlio ami have buen W bat 1 kmc c 1 ItlCfiJ! Live llonsier,' and , I have seen a farmer's wife, take tho lud twenty bushel of wheat from the oranary to purchase u new dress, wlicn her liui-hdnd,al the Kanie time, hud au execution, btanding against him. I have seen farmers that could go twenty miles toa political incrtin;, but would not go five miles to an agricultural one. I have seen tanners that had hut little ex cept 'dag fence' hut I rouM not see tlintthry had better crops than those that had good rail or board fence. I have iveeii farmers that burned their straw w hen thrashing their grain in the tall, and go begging the same article before spring to keep their stock alive. I have seen o farmer that travelled one hun dred and lour miles in the course of a year, to use his neighbor's grindstone, when two days' labor would purchase one that would last ten years. I have seen a fanner's wife that would prefer sour cream and a 'visit,' to sweet cream and home. 1 have seen young men that pay ten dollars fu, a 'spree' that would nut pay one dollur for the Sewspaper.' I have been a mother that called her child a 'brat' in the cradle, and in two years the child called her u harder name. Wise Savinok. A Miturmn, writing the life of deceased brother, says ttiut he early got the world under his feet. Thai probu'.dy means that he wus uble to go ulong sooner thun babies in general, as the world is under the leet of t e- , ry person that stands erect. 1 If any man doubts that "public opinion go verns the world," let him look ut two men go. in" out totshiHit each other lor tear of w hut peo pie will say ir. ease they refuse to do so. A soldier who hud lost the best pot Hun or his nose in buttle, consoled himself w ith the obser vation that he should no more be told a thing was as plain "us tho imse on his face," Fear is the most s. Irish of all passions. A varice may pity, and ambition may sparu ; but fear seek nothing but personal sbli ty at uy expense to others. There is a lady down East who lets her win dows get so dirty that she is obliged to break out a pane of glass to let in the light. A false friend is like (he shadow on a dial, which appears in fine weather, but vanishes at the approach of a cloud. II A N It NOTI2 1,1 ST. PFA.YSYIA'AXI.I. The following list shows the current value of ell 'ennsylvania Bank Notes. The moot implicit re liance may 1 placed upon it, it i ever) week larefully computed with ni d corrected from Bun nell's Reporter. Haulm In lMiilnilrlpliln. , Disc, tw Nam,. Locat.o. (tAi)i NOTES AT PAH. Bunk of North Ameiiea . , pnr Bank nf the Norlhepr I.i!rtics , , par Commercial Bank of Penn'a." . , par Farmers' nod Mechanics' Dnnk . pnr Kensington It ink , , , par Philadelphia Bunk ... . par Schuylkill Hunk . . . pnr 3u(hwark Bank . . pnr Western Bnnk . pnr Mechanic' Bnnk par Manufacturers' A Mechanics' Bunk pnr Count ry llnnkR. Rank of Chester County Bank of Delaware County Hank of (.crmautoivn Rank of Montgomery Co. Doylestown Bnnk Westchester Chester (ermnntnwn Nnrrismwn Doy lest own Enston pnr par par par pttr pnr Enston Bnnk Farmers' Hnnk of Burks CO. Office uf Bunk of Peon's. Ollice do do OHire do do Office d do Bristol pir Harrishurg". These Lancaster I ollires Bending f do not Enston J issue n. DISCOUNT. NOTES AT nsnk of the United State flank of I'enn '1'ownHhip Philadelphia 25 par .' I . . par Girard Bank . . .' Moyamensing B ink Bank nf Pennsylvania . Miner' Bank of Potlsville Pottsxille. Bank of Lcwistown Lewis-town llnnk of Middle-town Mid.lletown Bnnk of Norlhninheilnnd Nnrthiiinhciland Columbia B ink & Uridge co. Columbia Carlisle Bank Carlisle Exchange Bank Pillshuijr I),) do branch of Holhdavsbuig Fanner' Bunk of Lancaster Laneistei Lancaster County B ink Lancaster Farmers' Bank of Heading Bonding Hurrishurg Bank Harrishurg Lnncas'er Bank Lancaster Lebanon Bank Lebanon Mcn-han's'cV Mnnnf Bank Pittsburg Hunk of Pittsburg Piilshuig West Branch 13 .tik Williuinsport Wyoming Bank Wilkeshnrro Northampton U.nk Allenioivn l par pnr 1 i i par pir pnt 3 V" i i i H n Beiks County Bank Reading Office of Bank of U. S. Pittsburg failed do Do do do Erie Do do do New Brighton Kensington Sav. Ins. A do Penn Township Sav. Ins. do Bank of Ohnmhcrsburg Chninbersbiirri Bank of Gettysburg Gettysburg Bank of Susquehanna Co. Montrose Erie Bank Eriw Farmer' & Drovers' Bunk Wsynesburg Franklin Batik Washington Houcsdale Bnk Houesdale Monnngnhcla Bank of B. Brownsville Yotk Bank Yoik do N. B. The notes of those hanks on which we omit quotations, and substitute a dash ( ) are not purchased by the Philadelphia brokers, wiih the exception of those which have a letter ol r ference. B ROKE N B A N K s. Philadelphia Sav. Ins. Philadelphia Loan Co. Schuylkill Sav. Ins. Manual Labor Bank ( T. W I'owanda Bank Alleghany Bank of Pa. Bank of Beaver Bank of Swatura Bnnk ol Washington Centre Bank Philadelphia do do Dyotl, prop.) Townnda Bedford Beaver II arrishurg Wa-hiiigtoii Bell, finte Pitishuig Pittsburg Fayette co, (ireencasl e Harmony Huntingdon Letvistow ii Warren Duiidatr New Hope Milton M ends ille Port Carbon Carlisle Montrose 1'iiioiitown failed failed fold failed no sale closed closed failed t iseil no sale failed failed failed no sale no sale no sale faded no side closed no sale closed I'lty Bank Farmers' tV Meih'cs' Hank Fanners' Jt Mech'c' Bank Farmers' & Mech'cs' Bank Harmony Institute Huntingdon Bank fuiiinla Bank lumbermen's lUnk Northern Bank of i'n. New Hope Del. Biidge Co. Nortbiimti'd I'nion Col. lilt. North Western Bank of Pa. Office of Schuylkill Bank Pa. Agr. St Manuf. Bank Silver Lake Bank L'niou Bank uf 1'inii'a. W estmoreland Bank Wilkesharre Bridge Co. failed closed failed closed (irt-riishurg ilki sl'arre no sale Qj" All note puipoiting to he on any IVnn-yl-vama Bank not giteu ill the ulue list, may be set Juwn as frauds. i:u ji:i:si:y. Bank of New Biunswick Uclvidcie Bank Burlington Co. Bnnk '.yominercial Bank Sumticihiiid Bank Farmers' Bsrik Farmers' and Mechanics' Bk Farmers' and Mechanics' Ilk Farmers' and Merchants' Bk Franklin Bunk oi'N. J. Iloliokeu BU cc liiuiing Co lersey City Bank Mechanics' B ink Maliufacluri rs' Bunk Morns County Bank Monmouth Bk uf N. J. Mechanics' Bank Mechanics' and Manuf. Bk Morris Canal and likg Cj Post Notes Brunswick lt.lvuleie Medtord Perth Ainboy Bndgeiou Mount Holly Uahwuy .. Piiuuswiik failed i par 4 par par i failed Mll.l)rton Pi. J Jersey City Hob. .ken Jersey City Patterson Belleville Morristown Frevhold Newark Trenton Jeisey City failed tail. .1 failed failed lulled i faded i pur lo sale i I Newark Bkg & Ins Cu New Hope Del Undue Co 1 N. J. Munuf.iC. and l!kg Cu Newark Lainhei l villa I lohokeri i faile.i laile.l b faile.i 1 N J Proli cton A Lombard I k Jersey Cny I Orange Bank t trance I Pulerson Bank ' Peo It s' Bunk Princetuli Bank Pateisoli do Pliriet loll S i. hi Nevtnrk Eliiahelhlowii ( 'am. leu Mori islow n Trerilou Salem Nev ton Trenton Dover Harkenssck par par i par Salem Banking Co Slate Bank Niate Bank State Uank Slute Bank of Morris jitnte Uank Salt in uud l'bilud Manuf Co Sussex Bank 1'renton Uai.king Cu I'ni. n Uunk Whshin(ilun Banking Co, failed laded i par i failed li:i,AVAItl' Ilk of iliu A Brnndy wine Wilmington Uank oT Delaware Bank of Smyrna Do branch Wilmington Smyrna Millord Farmers' Bk uf Slate of Del Do v et Do branch Do brunch Do Uaiictt I'nion Bank fjrj" Coder ft's (jJ'Onsll bunks mm kid Wilminijton ( ieorgetown Newcaslln ilunnuton thus () thrro ire ther counte l. it or altered notes of the vjr.ous J i lioiiiliisliui.s, ill lirculaluu. OAKLEY'S ii:ii:nATm: si'itt r. 'pilE vnlunh'e proprriies of Oakley's Depnm L live Syrup of Snrsaparilln, as purifier of the blind, is so well known to tha public generally, that it is unnecessary to occupy much spare in set ting forth the advantage to be derived from its use; wherever the medicine has once been intro duced, it tnkrs precedence over all other evny one that has taken it, have derived so signal bene, frcinl results from it, that it is recommended by them with the u most confidence. Physicians of the highest standing in the profession, prescribe it to patient under their care ; containing nothing deb terioiis. but hi log composed ol the most mild, yet efficacious vegetable materials, it Is offered with confidence, ns the cheapest and most efficient pu rifier of the blood now known. The use of a few bottles, esecial!y in the spring months, will be at tended with a mosl derided improvement in the ge nernl strength of the system, eradicating any seed of discn-e that may have been generated, besides giving health and vigor to the body. For the cure of Scrofula or Kings Evil, Bheumatism. Tetter, Pimple or eiupliotK of the Skin, White Swelling, Fistula, Chronic Cough Asthma, Ac, The nu merous cenifica'es in the possession of the stihscrl- I'cr a id n serins, iroin liny c ans arm nirrcrs, are t ,,. . ' ' ' , . , ,. , stiflicient In convince the most skeptical ol lis eu- . . , , . , 1 .., i ieriontv over a I iiiepiirntinns nf Sars ipntills. 1 , ., , , 1 . . . I S..il whole- nnd retail, hv the proprietor, I iMWipr:- m Mlt-i rv v..i. b.i. . ...... i , a . . It. , .. ' ... " '" ' . ' . . i.iii, i;rin, iudii, nilu IU ml ii. ill ,lb iiiiiui.iii(, i per SOI t : In Knrlhuniherlund Vvmittf. II. B. Mns', ) Siinhury ; belaud cV Mixel, McEensvile ; D Kratiser, Milton. . I'n inn Ciitnilif. J. Gcarhatt, Stliiif grove ! A. (luleliu. Mitllinhuig. hi Columbia CnUiilj. U.W. McCay, Wash inglon. Beading, March I I. 18.13. Mn. Oakit.t: I believe it the nty of every one to do whiileverin their power I ies, for the b ne. fit of their f. llow ins1', and having had po-i'ive proof in mv own I'hiiiiIv. of the wninlriful proprriies of your D purative Syinp nf Saitmpi.rill i, I m st consrientiou-lv recommend it to the nlllietcd. e had the luisfoitiinc l lose two of our children, by the breaking put ol ulcerous sore that covered the face, bend and reck, although we bad some of the most scientific physician to at lend th in mid hn.l j tried all the known leinedies, includiiig Saaim's Pnuacia, wttboot avail. Another of my children wns nraikc l in the same in iiiiier, l.er fnre si.d link ns ron pieti ly rovrrnl; the d sihnige wns so olli'lisive, and the ilisense at Filch a height, that we despaired ol her life. Seeing ihe wonderful elfects ofvonr IVpnralive S nip .t S iisapnritl i, we were iniliind to make trial ot it, as the lust nsort; it se'ed like a charm ; the li e rs coinmeneid healing immediately, a f. w bottle entirely restored In r to In r healih, which she In s ei joyed iininlrri U -tedly ner sin.e A a puiifirr of the bio. d,I verily tir lieve it bus not ils equal. JOHN MOVER, T..il,.r, Walnut street, near Fourth, Krading. Douglissville, April 10th, I8!:. Mk. Oakit.t : My son IMinninl Leaf, bad the srrofela lit the most dreadiul and ili-tres-ing milli ner for thn e yes', dii'ing wh'rh time he w is de piivrd of the use of hi limhs bi he id and ruck were covered with ulcer We tried all ihe dilfer. entremedns. I ut to no i licet, utitd recommended by Dr. Johnson uf Nonistown. and also Dr. Isaac II nstel, of Beading, to Use your Depurative Syrup of Sarsnparilla, ol which I ol. turned several bonles. the use of which ibove the disease eminlv out uf li s system, the sore healed op, and the child was restored to perfect health, which lie has rnjojed Uliiuteriupledly rvi r sii re, to the astonishment of many peisons who seen him du h g Ins nlllirtioii. I have thouiiht it mv du'y, and send y..u this ceni licate that ulhe.s who havri like atlliclion ill the family niny know where to obtain s.i xaluul.Ie a medicine. Vuur tiulv , AMELIA I). LEAF. Sept. 10, mn.1y ( Mllll4'l l'll l H' DEATH BLOW. 'Ihe pu! he will please observe that no Brnmlielh Pills are genuine, unless the hoi ha three li bels upon it, (ihe top, the sn'e and the bottom) cm h eonlaiiiiiitf a fic-siuule signature uf my hand. writing, thus B. ISii an mil ru. M. D. These la-lel- are enuraved on steel, beautifully desietiril. and done at an r n'iise of over f'J.OOt). Tin rf foie it w ill tie seen thin the only thing necessary to pro cure the medicine in its purity, is to observe these labels. Bememher the lop, the side, and the bottom. The following respective persons nre duly tulhi-ri red, and hold CERTIFICATES Or AGENCY For the sale of llrundreih's Ve!rtu!ile Vnirtrxat Ml. Northumheilat d roimtv : Millon M ukey iSi Chamheitin. Sunbury II. B. Masser. M'Eisens ville In land iSr Meixi II. Northuinliland Win. Forsyth, t.eoicetown J. .V J. Wnlls. Union County : New Berlin Bogar cV Wn ter. Selinssroe tleorge (iuudiuin. Viibtle burg Iaue Smith. Beavi ruiwu David Hol ler. Adaliisburg Wm. J. May. MitlliusbuiK Meusch cV l!ay. llaitleton Darnel Long. Freeburg t..& F. C. Moer. I.ewishurg Walls & (I'leen. Columbia county : Danville E. B. Hex nobis I vV Co. Berwick Muimaii A. B tleiihous-e. Ca' tawissa C. C Urol. Is. Bloomsburg John B. Mover. Jersey Tow n Levi Bisel. Washingtoii j Bobl. Mct.'ay. Limestone Ball'"! h McN'och. llbseive that each A cent has an I'ugravid Cer I 'ilicate of Acncy, containing a representation of ' ilr BKANDKE I ll's Manufactory at Sing Sing, anil upon which will also be seen enact copies i t the urn' luliris rum' utxd upnn the llrandrtth J'ill Hhju. I Phil-idelphia, o.Tice No. , North 8lh street. 1 B. BltANDIiETH. M. D. I June 2 tib, tVl. CITY IT l!MTl III-'. AITTIOX, AlD rniVATE SALES ROOMS, N.rs. v.". ninl :il Nr. nil Tbinl Strcfl, X c a r the C i t y Hotel, I III). Mtl'l.rill . f'i O. MACKBV, Auctioneer, re-peclfiil'y III- Mies the all. litTII ot erso. s itcsiroiis i.l pur chasing Fiuni'uie. to his extrusive S il. Booms, (both public snd P.ivHti' ) for every desvriptiou of Huusiiiold Furniture, whi re tan be obtained at nil i tunes, a large assortment of fashionable and well ' manufactured Calam i Furniture, Beds, Matirusses, - &c. t very reduced prices, for cish. OF" foU'n bv Auction, twice a week. May SVih, Ik43. ly AMI.I.IAM J.MAIITIN, .TTC?slTE1r AT LAV", SUNBURY, FA. OFFICE, ni the second .lory of ihe building oc cupied by Dr. J.U. Masstr.ou Maikul street. Oct. it I t, 1813. A TlircMliliiK MitK-liliic lor Sale. par par par par par par pr par par I '1 IIE suhserilvrr oilers f r sale TlIKESHINti MACHINE, new and in good order. The Machine has been tried, and proves lo be un excel ei- lent one It will b sold at ifduced price, and warranted. Apply to II, B. MASSEK. July 1st, 1M3. UOSE OINTIVIENT, ron TiM i RINOWUIIMN, riMPl.KN OJI TIIK FA K, ANI OTIIEK rt'TANKOISl KRt'MIONS). fXj The fnliiii'iiitr eerlijien'e derrrilif one iiflhe mnrt rxinnrriliimry cures ever rffrrtetl fcy any tipplicatiim, Phh.aif.mmu, February 10, IMS. TOT? twenty years I was severely afflicted with - Tiitthii on the Face nnd Head! the disease commenced when I was seventeen yenrs old, and continued until the Fall nf 18:lG, varving in vio lence, but without ever disnppenring. During most nf the time, great pnrl nf my face was covered with the eruption, frequently attended with violent itch ing ; my head swelled at times until it fell ns if it would hurst the swelling wns so g'eat, that I could scarcely get mv hat on. During the long period that I was afflicted hh the disease, I used a great many n plications, (among them several celebrated preparations) as w. II as taking inward remedies, including n number of hot ties of Siriiim'x Vanncra, l'.jctrnrt nf Samupurilln, cVe, In fact, it would be impossible to eiiumeiate all the medicine I used. 1 was also under the care of two of the most dis tinguished physicians of this city, but without re ceiving much benefit, and I despaired of evei being l 'H' H. Ill HUT I III cured. In the f ill of 18:10, the diseae at the time . . , . . . j, being very violent, I commeneeil using (no Kmc , ' . . , , ., . . , (iiiitmenr, (nreimrrd bv nnghiin cV Davis.) In . r. . r . .i. i . . i i s fi w applications the violent itching censed, the ... 1 1 . . . . . .. 'welling abated, the . rui tion began to disappear, slid before I had iiKrd a jar the di-ease was entirely cuii d. It has now been nearly a yiar and a half since, nnd there is not a vestige nf the disease re maining, except the scar from the deep pits formed by the dieas-e. It i impossible for mc to describe in a certificate the severity of the disense and my fullering, hut I will be pie .si d to uive n fuller ac count to any person wanting further satisfaction, who will c.ill on me. At the tune I commenced using the Rose Ointment I would have given bun died of do'lais to be rid of the disease. Since u sing it, I have recommended it to sever it persons, (nuiong them my mother, who ha I the disease, bad ly on her aim.) who wi re a I cured bv it. J AMES DEKNEI.L, No. lot!, Pace St. iXj- The Hose Ointment is prepared by E. B. Yau.'liaii, Smu'Ii East coiner of Th.rd and Bace hUp, if Philudi Iphia, and nold on agency in Snnbu ry. Iiv May 11. B. MASSEH, Nib, HiX Aaent. ICowc (liBilmciit, t'uv Tviivr. a moot' or its nrricACY. I'm tin I rill t. May V7th, HM!. rPIII is to ceriily that I w si vere'y atllic'ril A with Teller in Ihe hands and f. el for upward of lorty yea's ; the disease wns attended generally with violent itchini! and swi lling. I tippl ed to a rinnil.i r of plivsici nis, mid used a great many ..p. Il ea Ion without cllccting a cure. About ay-ar since, I applied li e Ko.-e Ointment, which entirely stopied ihe tchiin. and a f i w applications immedi ati ly cured the ih-ense, w hieli there ha been no return of, although I had never Urn rid of it at any lime for forty yenrs. lilt'llAHl) SAV.M'E, Eleventh, below Spruce Street. The Hose Ointment is prepared by E. B. Vsuthnn. S ruth East corner of Third nnd Kace Stieels, Philadelphia, mid Id on a.'riirv in Siinlni rv by H. B. M ASi:i, ' May Hth. IS-1.1. At. MEDICAL APPROBATION Of Hie ItOSF. H.TMi:.T,for Ttier. VLTHurt.H the superiority ot the prrparaiioti over all othr is follv es'abli-hed. the proprie tor take ph n-ure in laying iM'f. re 'he public the following certificate from a re-pectable physician, a graduate of ihe I'niversity of Prnusv Ivania. Dr. Baimb, having found in this icinedy that relief fir a lediousaud disiigreenble allei tion which the means wiihiu the range of l is profession tailed to all'ord. has not hesiiati d to give it his approbati n. uhhouh the prejudices and interests uf that profession aie i p posed to secret Remedies. l'HIL4lI.LPUI t, Sept. I!, l.tti. I was recently tioubled w itli a tedious ber'lic erupii' ii. w hich c.ne'cd in arlv one si te of my face, and extendi d over ihe ear. Mr. Vuuiihun, proprie t.. uf the Bose tlintineiit, obseiving 111 fair, 'lists ted mi niv t. j int: his prepauitiou. f wbicl. he ban detl uie ajar. A i though in coininori v itli the mem bei uf my profession, I discounti nance uud disap prove ot the numerous nostrums palmed upon the public by inoiant pn tendi rs, 1 feel in jus ice bound torso pi the Kom' (hutim m lioin thai c'a- of me diriiies, mid to give it my spprohution, as it entire ly lUretl the eruption, although it h ..I resisletl the Usual applicalions. DAM. U.M'I.H, M. D. Qj' 'I he Rose Ointment i piepand by E B. Vuuthan, South Eustcomir ol 'I'hirtl aid Bace Streets, I'niludelphtu, and sold on agi ncv in Snu burv, by II. B. MAssEU. May Hth. IH:. Ji.t. Ink. JOSEPH E. HOVER, Maiuiracliiicr of Writing ant IndeJIi- hie Ink, No. KM! North Third Street, eix door below Kace, (east side,) PHILADELPHIA, IIEH'ECTF! I.LY inlonn coumry merchants ' k udier, that be eon-l'intly keep uii bni.d large stuck nf hi superier Black, Blue snd Bed Ink. i. rid also a superior tpi ihty of In. I. Hit le Ink. Ilis ink is put up in bellies varying in sie, fr..io I lo 3i ounces, and W ilt be sold on n as. 'liable terms. The ei. licit ipialilies uf this ink basso thorotiuMv estnbli-tied its ch iracter, that it is now cti iisivety used ihruiighuut the rountry, . For sale al the store of II. It. Mas-ir, Suir bury. Pa. May 2lh. ISI:. ly CIIAIM.KS W. HKCINS. ATTORNEY AT LAW, SUNBURY, PA. H AS l iken the nlliee formerly ncrupi. d bv the Hon. ( harles ti. Donri. I, opposite the Court House. He will a'tend lo business in the Courts ol Noribuml.eiland, I'nion and Culumbiu couniies. M tv VtUh, ISCt. UiNlON YlOTKL, " ((it in In! Miiye I I'.e,) .?OEa: VLJ 721 t3S m LYCOMING COUNTY, rciHi) Ivtuiia. rplIK Sutiscnber respecilullv iiitorms his frieud 1 and Ihe public in general, that he has taken the (bovn la uai: Ar couuodiofs HOTEL, I N T H E U t B O I,' (i II O F M I'N C Y, and that he is now well prepare! to tct'oiiimodatc all who may favor Inn with ibeir cusioro. HisSi.nriKo Artmattu i.rowtll aire I, and comfortable, llnTmr mn Bta will aUays be si,iphtd with the best theniaiket ran allord. His Stisliku, which is giad, will l under the charge of good and cart ful hostlers. He feel confident, by strict attention to bu. inrss, and an earnest desim to lender c. ml.rthble ill ise who may patronize him, that he will not fail tog.vo gerieiat s.nsfa. (ion. . 11. WEAVER. Muticy, Oct. 1st, If. HEXL1A1T & CO., Dommissinti At Forvvnnlinrr Merchants, Font of W illow Street Rail Road, on TH k r.sr.AWARr., TTAVINO sssncintrd wih them Joseph Bnrnet, A- late of Enston, p8,, rcspertfully inform their friends And tha public generally, Ihnt they have tn. km that large and well known store alfd wharf at foot of Willow Street Railroad, lately oecupicj by Jscob Martin, where ihey purpose doing a (Setiernl Commission and Forwarding Business, and bom the local advantage of the place being connected with all the public improvements tbnt have their outlet In the city, they flnlter themselves they will be able to do business to ns great, if not greater ad vantage, and upon as reasonable terms ns any other u i .i - ., : r: i ...use, ,. roe, , I " T 7 . i I . signment made to them shall have their strict at- . remain, nnu no exenions spareu lo gie riiure saus faclion. Tin y ure also prepnied lo receive nnd forward goods lo any point on the Delnwnre nnd Lehigh rivers, between Mnurh ('hunk, Enston and Phila delphia, via Delaware Division and Lehigh (an d; also, to nnv point en the Juiiintn river, or North ninl st Uranrhe of the Susipieh innn via Schuyl kill nnd I'nion, or the Chesapeake and Tide Water Canals. For the accommodation of Bonis coming or go ing via Schuylkill nnd Union Canal, n Sto.rnhimt will In k t expressly for towing bonis from the Srhuvlklll around lo the Delaware and back, which 1 will en .hie merchants to have their produce deli- ' veied on the Delaware, nnd their goods sbippul at a saving of fit) to 75 per cent, oo the prices fir hauling across, with these sdvantages they re sprctlully solicit t share nf patronaee. . W. I! Ell, MAN & CO. William H.ilmnn, William VV. Keysei, Joseph Burnet. J Philad .May M, 181:1. ly J. MAYLANr, JR. & CO. Sniill" rind Tobacco ManiilJictiirors, .Vo. !)!( .Xnrth Wist corner of Rare and Third Street. PHILADELPHIA. rpilE undi T-icned hive formed a Co-partnership under the firm of . I. M A Y LAN D. J. A Co.. as successor to the Inte firm of Jiieuh .Miiilmiil V ( a., nnd will c uitinue the busine-s at ihe old esta- j blishmcnt, on their own account. In addition in their own close nltenlion and experience f.. runny ! years, in the manufacture nf rheir reft brated sniill-, I A c the long experience of the senior partner of Ihe late firm, will sl.o be devoted to the interest of ihe I new concern and ns no exertion and care will I e '; spared lo insure their goods, nt all linn's of the ve- j rv best quality, they solicit a continuance of the : runti.lence ol uie inenus aim cu-tomers ol ine late firm. TIIOM s ADAMS, J. MAVI.AND, Ja. Pliila.lelphia. May Hth, Nl:Wlv 'I'O Olliltl v MERCHANTS. rPHE Siibm-riber, Agent of I yon .V lla'-is. Hat j - Manufacturers, for New York, Phil idelphia, I llallimore and other large cities, 'a! oso ,;. me hinhly comuirnded for iiir' cilu and dwi',iliti, has on hand a tir-l rate ris.ertnint of II A I'S and CA I'S. suitable f..r Sprinp s iles, wh ch w. I e soil very low, foi cash or a.piove.l credit, a I the ueted elitnp stare. No, 40, North Third s'f.- I, o p isi'e the City Hotel, Phil i lelphia. UOIIEBT D. WILKINSON. Aret. N. II. Orders for Hats in hvrnuih. prooipllv attend... I to. The highest rice in tosh or trads given far Fur ikin.. Philadelphia, June 11, IK13.--Iv BOLTON &. CO. .iirr;il oitutiiosioii Sl-i Iianfsi, For the Sale nf Fluur, Cruin, S,rd, r., .r. ") EsPECTFCLLV inform their In. ml. and I k ;he Merchants generally, thai they have la ken those large nnd coiiiinodiou Wharv. , ith two D.Mks, north of Chesnut strict, on the Delaware, together with the store No. I'J South Wharves, where lliev would be pleased to receive consign ments of (train, Flow. Seed, Whiskey, Iron. Ac. oVc. Being also well prepared to forward all kinds ot Merchandise bv the Schuvlkill and 1 'riioii, or by ihe Chesupr ake and Tnte Water Canals, as to- I boat are kept expressly foi the purpose of lowing bouts bv i i her route. Men bants will please be particular to send their coed lies-lined by either cannW, to No. I'J South Wharves, between Market and Chesnut street, on the lb la ware, with directions accomp inyiiig ihein which route they wish them to he shipped. fVj- Plaster and Salt for sale, at the lowest mar ket price. BOLTON , C' . March 111. IHCi. No. I'J South Wharves. itoitr.itT i iit i r.it so, PAPER MANUrACTUKEItS, t.omharit Strett, itullimorc. HAVE constantly for side, Printing Paper of ah sizes and Ipialities, Cap Writing Paper, rub d arid plain, Letter Paper, white and Hue, ruled and plain, Hanging Paper, line and common, Envelope Paper, do. do. mcilium, doub'e crown, crown and extra si.ed Wrapping Papers, Colored Medium and Royal Papers, Bonnet, Binders' snd Snnvv Box Boards, Tisaue Paper, and all urtit'les ill iheii line, which ihey will sell on n cmuiuilaung terms. Highest price given foi old ran. ROBERT CAR FEB A SON, March l!. IK4.J. Elkton. Md HOUSE, .Vo. "J.I7, Aorr Th h d, ulnn e Cultnu hill St., PIIII.ADEI.l'IUA. flOHN Di'NCAN. late from the Per.i.sxlva nia Farmer. nml Samuel Pike. ir.. late of A- mi ricsn Hotel, Columbus. hio. lake pleasure in ac vpiuu.iing their friends and Ihe public generally that lloy have taken the large and commodious H.ilrl, iccciiily built by the Missis H ill, on the sar.te site once occupied by the ul.l established Hotel known as the Uull a Head, in Third stieel above Lullow- hill st. This Hotel is finished in the very best possible mauiii r, kiul uf ihe best mrt'erials. Its locution is very desirable, particularly for country merchants; Ihe arrangements lor healing ami ventilating each room is such as to secure any temperature. The be .booms are all light and airy, all luruUhcd ill a urst style, so as to iiisuie comfort. The receiving parlors are also fun ished in a su perb slvlc, the windows ate on the French style, forming un entrance to balcony in front, whuh make a pleasunt recess, Piuiiculai attention has been given to ihe beds and bedding, which, with the furniture, are entirely new. from years' eiarunce in hotel business, we ,..,,, ir, v- rust, bv strict ass.duitv Ic. busillest. lo make this . ... . ... ... .' i ..... . ,, alwuys I e supplied Willi the very hist our maikel can all'ord, and our bar with the best h.pjurs and wines ol the mosl sppiovetl loan Is, P. S, There are first rain slabbng snd csrrisge houses attached to the hotel, ktt tided by ca t foi and solr hosilers, and our charges Mill I low, in accordance with the present haul times, Philadelphia, Oct. 7 lb, A T T O N K Y AT I, A VV , SUIIBUIIY, PA. Business slterided to in the Counties nf Nor thumt erland, Union. I.veoming and Columbia, liefer tni Tnnis IhnT A (Jo.. " l.owrn At BANrin, Hat, CfMMiwns A IIaht, f-l'hilud. Kkioms, MiFarlaxii dc Co Srnnufi, 'Jim n ft Co., c lO L DENS WAN -HGID TI JZ An. (i'J iVori Third, ntmve Arch Street, PHILADELPHIA. ACCOM MOtl 1 IONH FUR SEVENTY PERSONS. pHABLES WFISS. .c f ,he White Swan." ,,,, ,.Mm)rit Vnrm ,Jou, lfM " ' resi.rctfully in- forms his friend and cuslorners, that he has become the proprietor of the abov well know n Hotel. Country Meichnut will find the above Hotel a central locntion, and the best of fnre. Person tra veiling with private conveyance will find a large yard and eoo.l stabling fur horses, and the best of ontleis. Bonrding f 1 per day. Mnv Hrh. IHI'2. if. jCAGIiU en: qd w: a, 9 Corner of Third and Vine. Sin tin, WILLIAMSPOIIT, PA. rilHE subscriber r. spectfully nrmounrrs t. tho 1 pul.lir, that he h s opened n Hotel in the com modious brick building situate on the corner of 'I bird and Pine streets, where be will be happy to wait up .n those who may favor him witi their company. The Eagle Hotel is larije i, i,, conveni ent, nnd furnished ir, the be-t in idem slvlc. It is provided with a large number nf well aired nnd conif. rtal le sleeping apartment, room, private ; parlors, cVe. Peisons visiting Wilhanisport on bu siness or plen-ure, may rest ns-ur-d that every ex j erti..n will le used to render their sojourn at I lie : "Engle Hot. I" pleasant and mineable. Hi Table will be supplied with the vi ry b. si the market af fords, and hi bar with he rl. nicest wines and other liquors charge re .suitable. The Kaijle Hotrl possesses greater iitlviiu'aes in point uf I. .cation than any other similar establishment in the borough, br ing situate in the business part ol the town, and within a convenient distance of the Court House and Wilhamspiirt ami Elmirn Rail Road D. pt.t. Sullicient Sinhlmg pruv ided, and g.i.l and trusty o-tl. is iilwav in at;i n. lance. Alieniive, ne. i i . in. i t ut 1 1 1 q nnd honest Servant have been i niflov eil. and rn.it ing left undone that will add to the ciimfuil and accoiniiiodulion uf hi guests. There will be n carri an. nlwny in attendance at the Boat I. an. In. i: to convey passengers to .Hid from the House, tree of riar-! CHARLES BORROWS. M iv I tih, I w t i. rl TTT "r "ITl"? TST TP" N nrlic e Ulieqiialle.l fur eleaninu anil gi nig a - v l.lulilv durable and mosl bri li int p. I sii in sd ', v,,r, ( ierm i.i Silver, Ilr a-s, C,,pp, i, Bnttania ware Tin, St. el. Cull, ry, and for rc-iorii g the lustre oi varnished carmine-, e. TI!V IP. Prepared an 1 s 'Id at vvholesa'e and retni ', by the SusqiiebauiM Chrysohtc i'ulish Coinpauy, Ovvego, Tmga county, N. V. WM". Fi IRSVTH, Aaent for Nnnhuiii'd, II. B. MA.-ssER, Ag.nl lor Sunbury. November Slllb, I w I'J. .TSitliai'l Wciivct' V oji, norE MAKERS & IIir CIIAMBLEnS. An. lit.Vor Willi r Strn i. I'liiludi liilna. IS E corisiimllv on hand, a uener-.l assort mint ot I'or.liigi', Seine Tvvii.es, Ac., viz lui it hopes, fishing hope. While Rope, M.niil la Hopes, l o.v Lines I. r Canal I! .ats. Also, i complete a-soilroent of ."vine Twines, Ac, such a Hemp SI, ml and Herring Tw me. Best Patent Oil Net Twine, Cotton Si.a.l and Ik-ring Two i", Sim, Threads, Ac. Ac. Also, lle.l t 'urd. fi..uh Line--Halters, Tr.ic.-s, Cott.m and I. men Crpct Chains iVr. nil of which they will dispose of on n jsuuali! let ins. Phil idelphia, November CI. ' t PJ. ly, Sl'llllIM;, I'.O'Jl) ,V: CO. .'.. M.nk'-t Siivi't, l'liila.lclj.hia 0: NvIIE the attention uf Counttv Merehani to their extensive ussurlmeiil ..f Itrtltsh Freuc md Anieiican Dry (.'oods. which they . it, r lor sal Hi the in .-t reus.. liable t. nils. Philadelphia, November I t, loi. Iy. J . W . S A 1 .N , I'liibft'lla ami I'arasnl Mariiifarmrr-r .Vo. '.ii A. mlii 1'liiirf ,'((r, rrco rA.,.r,v Irlntc th ('', Ji.ttil, I'hiUnli ijy'ua. Nl'lii Meuliaiits and oil, ei ure soliittc lo vanillic I, is ussoi ii.ii nl bi lore puichastiii i Isew here Phila Vb, bit. Novrnd.er H, Jy. FC?. D.LS. "JOK sale a sma I Fa-m, contaii intr about en hiindie.1 and ten tier, s, more or Ie s, situ it ; III I oii.t tow iislop. Nonhunil i rlaud c. unt , abou two llillrs Ihivh Noil: umbeil .ltd, on ihe mail ; roa.l hading from that place to D .nvill. , m.ljoiiiiii ' land, ol John l.euhou, Jc-se ( '. Ilornai and other: ! now in the uccupHiicy of Saiuin I Piyne. A hoi i lorty acres of said 1 1 it. 1 are (li and, and ill goc ' slut-' of cu tivati.iu, on which ll i re is a small bnr creel' d. The piop. rty will 1- sold on reasonab leiins. For further particulars, persons are rrijui I ed lo ajiply to ti e- sul scrib r. H. B. MASSiJK. .1:r-rif. Nov. ?7th, tx-PJ. if Sunbury. P LIST OF BOOKS, I IllH SILK Mr ! T ' rm 113, ' C . N V- T"" VNTHON'S Classical Dictionary; l.enipner do.; Auisivorih's do ; Cobb's do.; English an (ierinan do ; Anthon's Ca siir; Anthou's (iriimme Aiilhen's t'ici'io; Mail's Latin Reader; Ogilhy'sd. An. Lew's Latin Less .i; Doirnegaii's Lexicoi j Fisk's (ire. k Exercises; Davics's I.CL'eiulct; (iraei i Major. i; A. I. ins' Roman Antiquities; Pinnock' i I i...Uuiilh's England; do. lireece; I.J ell's Element ,ut tieologv; Mis. I. inc.. Ill's Bolnnv; Elements r Botany; Bridge's Algebra; Purler's Rbeioncul Ret j ilers; Eitiirsoii's (icogiaphy and History; Oluey' ! do.; Parley's do.; South' (irainmer; Kirkham's do. Kay s Headers; Cob! 's do.; Cobb's Arithmetick; Pike's do.; Emerson's do.; Cobb's Spelling Books; Town's do.; Cobb's Table Books; Evangelical Fa mily Library; Cottage Bible-; Family do; Collater al do.; Small Bibles and Testaments; Parker's Ex ercise, on Con. position; Fruit of the Spirit; Baiter's S.int's Best; American Hcvnlution; Marryatt's No vels; Mrs. Phelps on Chemistry; Iliad; Catechism r , , , , ... .. I ........ . ' . .... rnislry tot Uegmners; t'.nglistl I'.xercrses adantetl la Murray's ti rammer, Sp,iie to Comhy's Spelling ll.sik; American Class Ui.ok; Daboll s Schoolmas ter's Assistant; A great variety uf Blank Books, Ac. August !i8, lril?. I'Ull KALE AT TJJISOmCE.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers