SltOC'MNO OoCI'RHRVRS O TUB PllTISVII.I.K Railroad. The Miners' Journal mentions two shocking occurrences on the Tottsville Railroad last week. One was the death o( a on of Mr. Millens, of Schuylkill Haven, who was killed while talking to his mother, in consequence of the backing of the train. The other was a more lamentable affair, involving probably the lives of three persons. We copy the occurrenca from the Pottsvillo Journal : "On ThursJay, as a coal train was going down, coupling broke and the train became detached. After the engine and part of the train passed through the first bridge above Tort Clinton, the watchman, supposing the whole train had passed, went to examine whether any sparks had fallen in the bridge, according to his usual custom. One of bis children followed him, and also his wife. After they were on the bridge some distance, they observed the balance of the train approaching, when both parents rushed to save the child but unfortunately too late to make their escape the cars passed over all three, completely severing the head from the child, cutting off the leg of the ma and the arm of the woman. The child, of course, was killed instantaneously. We have not learned the names of the sufferers. IIonnim.K Atfiut I Ohio hetwf.en somk Nrorq HrxTKlt's ano Ahoi.itiomsts. A slip from the Georgetown (Ohio) Telegraph gives an account of a desperate and deadly a fTray which ocenrred on Monday last between some Kentucky negro hunters ami a number of abolitionists resi ding in the Red Oak Settlement. Some run-away staves, belonging to Col, K. Tewser, of Mason county, Ky., had run off and concealed themselves in the house of Robert Miller and Absalom King. Two of them were discovered in King's house, and Miller while at x tempting to aid in the escape, was repeatedly stabbed and died of bis wounds. Four or five armed men, friends of King, declared their deter mination to resist any search of the house. Both parties being well armed, a most horrible conflict ensued. A son of Col. Towsers was killed im mediately. Kin;;, while reloading some of the in r-n ins in in'- miliar, wii Mini iiy tuiut; unu i J through a window in the back part of the house, . " . . . . ! ... ' and was not expected to survive. The Sheriff i i i i i .t - . ,! nml his posso arrived ami checked the riot, and the ring-leaders of each patty were arrested and escorted under a strong guard to Georgetown. Another band of Kentuckians arrived and re commenced the war. They hung O'te if the i fovea on the spot for resistance, burnt down Milfrr and King' hnusct, beat a Mr. Alexander Gillard. and left him for ilea. I. and committed o- ther outrages. The last int lligenre given by j the Telegraph shows the excited state of the I community. It says : 'The number of the Keutuckiuns is increasing hourly, and the whole neighborhood is up in arms. The Sheriff is actively engaged in at tempting to quell the riot." Movements at Warsaw. The Quincy (Illi nois) Whig of the 4th inst. says, on the author ity ot a gcntleinnn from Warsaw, that "On the Thursday evrninjj previous, fien. I)enning, the Slier ilTd' Hancock, came to War saw with writs for the purpose of apprehending Messrs. Sharpe, (I rover, Williams, Aldrickand others, against whom indielmr-nts wi re found ot the lat.; term of the Hancock Court for kil- ling the Smiths. Tlio arcusod, however, kept out of tin way of I ho officers, and the arrests j were not made. Punni; the night nfl htirsday, . ., , . , ' I while D.'niiiiig was in town, smite thirty or forty i i i , ' .f , " 1 Mormons were observed in Warsaw, it is be- .. . . . ,. - , ; llirvL'il won ill.; linvntt': iiiiu'-rsiniiiiio' 01 ien- ! niug, lo aid him hi making the arrests. Don- i ning left the n'xt inoriiitig, with the intention, as he declared, of rttirnin with sufficient force to search every house in Warsaw. It is suppo ' . i ecu it ne attempts to carry ii is tnrenis into rxe cution, the conseqnencre will be serious." The authorities seem to meet with much trouble and difliculty in ihoir attempts to ar rest the individuals uccueed of being concerned in this outrage. Axotiikk n I.xiKKKSTiiu Ai'Pl.iraTioN or the Tei.c'.RAru. The National lut-lligencer says : "The parental anxieties of a gentleman of the Tost office Department here were yesterday re lieved by a telegraphic despatch at one o'clock, P. M., announcing that his daughter-ill-law, now in Baltimore, had then, within live minutes, hap pily made him grandfather toa fine boy. 'Mo ther and son doing well.' The grand parents return thanks to Mr. Morse for his instantaneous uinl polite communication of a joyful event that otherwise migli! not have reached them for many hours by the slow process of the railroad mail coining at a rate not much over twenty miles an hour !" The N. Y. Evening Minor states that nothing since a young lawyer canvassing for a political party, was flogged by three persons of an opM site party so severely, that be wus for sometime obliged to keep bis bed. When he recovered he went to a meeting of the Club to which the as- sailants were attached demanded a hearing and Ibis and lbs adjo nil g counties desirous of the pro insisted upon having a ring, and two. one at a ' '"' " ( a better ob-rvance of the .1 .y, time. His request was acceded to, and he gave each of the fellows a handsome dressing. The N. York Herald has been shown an old Queen Anne musket, w hich was picked up by some fishermen on the south side of tang Island, a lew tiays since, in about '-l feet ot water. It was entirely encrusted with gravel, pebbles, oyster shells, and such like marine productions about two inches thick ; the barrel and lock was completely eaten a way, but the stock re mained almost as perfect as l!u first day it fell in the wattr. Lksson or a Peach Skin. We onco mw a young lady (and a beautiful young lady she was too) step out of her way upon the sidewalk in Broadway, to do what the Cincinnati Quaker did, as mentioned in a paragraph in the Ameri can, lately namely, to brush from the walk a piece of orange-peel, upon which a gentleman walking before her, had nearly tell down.. It was a thoughtful, womanly act, 'and we blessed her unaware' for it. 'A bit of peach-skin or orange-peel upon the side-walk would seem to be a very trifling matter,' said a friend, on read ing the paragraph to which we have referred ; 'but it may prove of very serious consequence, I was walking down Broadway,' said he 'one bright June morning, when I met a young friend whom I had not seen before for s couple ot months, walking with some difficulty between two other friends. He stopped me to exchange salutions, and I was at once struck with the change in his appearance. 'You seem ill, H.' said I ; 'what has been the matter V 'Haven't you heard of my accident V said he. 'Not a word.' He opened his frock-coat, and exposed to view the cause of all his suffering. 'Two months ago,' said he, 't was walking in the st., when 1 stepped upon a piece of orange-peel, slid forward suddenly snd tell. I experienced a dreadful wrench f my limbs, and the next day a soft substance began to exude from the upper joint of the thieh-bone. It was a source of great annoyance, but not of serious apprehen sion, until at length the substance began to as sty, which it has continued to do until it has reached the size you see.' (The mass, judging from its apparent size, must have been eiht or ten inches in circumference,) 'I am going,' said he, 'to have an operation performed for it removal, to-morrow, with every hope of com plete success.' I expressed a fervent hope that his expectations might be realized. Two days after, passing his store in Broadway, near Cort land st, I suw that the shutters were up, and that there was a note wafered upon the door I ln consequence of the death of Mr. H , I this store will be closed until Monday.' The , t i i . .1 i , i ennnrr linelifiml anil fnllmr l.n.l n.ail nmlnp a . , . surgictilopcrntum a victim toa piece oforangc , ' peel, thoughtlessly thrown upon the side-walk, I Important to the Laihek. The Parisian ! modistes are alioiit getting up a style of female dress, which will send til our bel'cs back to first principles in plain English, bustles and other extras arc o be entirely dispensed with. HAl.TIMOIlK MAHKKTl Office of the Baltimhrs Americas. Dec 16. GRAIN. There wos not much Wheat at mar. ket t.'.,lnv. Sales of good to strictly prime Md. reds were made at 87 a 90 cents, and of inferior t i good at 75 a 87 cents. Sales of Corn st 38 cents f r white, snd .19 a 40 for yellow. We quote Rye at fi7 cents. Oats are worth 7 a 33 cts , the latter for strictly prime parcels. WHISKEY. The di manJ continues very ac tive, and prices of bhls. have advanced a trifle. Sales of hl'Js. were made to-day ul 21 cts, and of Mils, at 2G cts. Li mis ot Dr. BaiMnnr.TH's Pills. He came fiom afar, lo tt'C land of the brae, ' cu,e our ""', "' '"k i !""' ' B'avc. Lon' '""S h'' Columbia her sulf. ring sons mour- no J, But now she rrj lices, for lieabh has return. d. vi i... i..,ii u.a .... ... ..I,.. i i. i. ....... t .... , , , ith what wreath shall we deck the Philaiiihro- . . lusts brow ! I hy name, Dr. Ursndreih, s insciiU'd on our souls, And thy fame shall ettend from the line to the pules; Bewaie of nil Druggists, who strive lo deceive '1'lieir inisMt utile iiniiHliaim t an iw vir teli.-ve : .... , . . . ,, ,. , ' 'l0 Atcnls advertised, sell the genuine Pills, Whuh remove from the body the Cause of its ills. Purchase of H. B. Maser, Sunbury, or ,.f the stents, puhlihed in another part of Ihisp qs'r. .11 .1 IS It I K it , On the 12th inst., by the Rev. A. Hriltaiii, Mr. Jkssk Vori M to Miss ILsitit Li.nvillk, Ulh of Cuttawisu, Columbia county. On the same day, by the same, Mr. Jim:i-ii Hi m vu.k to Miss Maky Kam;, both of Ku.-h town ship. rmci: cuuiik.nt. Corrected wetity by Henry Yoxthruncr. Whkat, .... H.'i Rt, -on Cob, 4ll Oats, 'iU Pork, ...... 5 FLAismii, ... - ll?J Butter, I- Bekswax, .... Sft Tallow, .... 10 Drii.ii Aerins, . . fill Do. Peach ks, . 150 Flex, ... .8 Heckleii Flax, 10 Eoos. .... .10 Hnliballt Coiiveiitiua. ri'lllE fr ends oflhe Ssbhath will hold a Sabbslh M. Convenlion in the Piesbyteriaii Church in the borough of Milton, on Christ ms day, the 25th of December, at 10 ot lock. A. M All persons ill are raieciiuiiy invncj to auemi, m.I.M. Mdton, Dec, 21, Hit I?ecntor'sj Male. rill IE Execuiois of the rslate of Daniel Levy, L Esq., dee'd., will offer for sale, at the Court Mouse, in Sunboiy, ou Moiulsy ihe Cth January uetl, Tour C'oni Ikhouh of iaoiiiid, including the dwelling house lately occupird by Mr. Levy, friMiting the liver. Also: Four other contiguous Lois of Ground, flouting on Deer and streets. Conditions will ho undo known on the day of slc, i-y LEWIS 111. WAR I , ALEX. JORDAN. Saiiaury, Dec. 21, ISH 3i Ecvutois, ltulc of Court. IN the Court of Common Plcss of Northumber land Counry. November 16, 1844. Rule on the execution creditors of Thomas and Charles A. Postley, to show cue by the first day of next teim. why the money in Court, raised from the sale of defendants' personal properly, should not be paid agreeably to priority of levy, as reported by the auditor thereupon. SAMUEL D. JORDAN. Prctbonntary's office.? Proth'y Sunbury, Dec. 14, 1844. J 4t Call mid Setllc. PERSONS knowing themselves indebted to the subscriber, sre requested lo call end settle their accounts, on or before the 90th day of Janu ry net, after which time those of long slamling will be placed in the hands of a Justice, f r colli c tion. H. B. MASSE R. Dec. 14th. 1844. LIST OF C AUSES. 1?OR trial in the Court of Common Pleas of Nor thumtrland County, at January Term 1815, commencing the first Monday, being the 6th. Srilzinger, alienee of Gsrver v John Carver et nl vs George Lawrence vs J P Harkenberg v Wm M'C.y vs John F Murray vs Joseph Weilil vs Isaac Itoa.larin. I v Martin A Slock Stephen Deir Frymire for Evert Bellas A Ellis, Ac Reed for Murray J W Smith Daniel Zerho ft Wife W'm A I.loyd Sam'l Swinehart ft wife s Peter Feraler Conrad Desher's ex'r vs J McKinney et al Applrton, endorsee of Ldwanls A. y crree vs m I)onuldon Dimmig for Camp vs lacob Wortley Joseph Weiticl John K Keliler Benjamin Robins Prentice for Welch Stephen lerr Haas A Druckemiller Wm A I.loyd Unlet Smith vs tyhsrles ICuch vs John Painter vs Abraham Lawrence vs Joseph Keller Vi Hnry Sleinmett vs John W Peal vs J C B NoU'SA vs Augustus A John Huey II T Hollingshead & Co vs Peter I.ntarus Charles D Wharton vs Henry RariMicr E P Shannon vs Dennis Waters J A W F Waggnnselhr vs Eli S iter A W Johnson el al vs John C Boyd et al John Ross's cx'rs Chnr'es (isle Christian 1. Wcimer Daniel Bmsius Jo-eph Miimsn Fowles ft Diei-bseh vs C S Wallis i t al vs Sime vs Hob.irt ft M'Coy vs John A Shissler vs Shatnokin Coal A Iron Co vs llogendoblcr ft Dreisbsch Fsgely. Cleaver A Co vs Thomas M'Fall II It Grarhart vs John C Young Dai.iel Mover A Wife s Daniel Frymire Abraham Troutman et si vs Christian Tchupp John B Miller vs Wm M'Cy Clsne Genevieve Dssipie v Daniel Duuklebcrgcr Same vs Ssme George Oyster vs John Girnhart el al John Bolih s Daniel Dornseif Welsh, IVmp A Friik vs George Oyster Folcer for Troxell vs Henry P Follmei William Farrow Chsrle A Towar Liehl A Hoffman S ft J Bird JtVJK Trrgrt Hayes, Elliot, Lyon A vs Abruham Klsze vs Grorce Eekert va J fi. P Montague vs John N Lain el si vs Wm M'Cleery et si Gosh vs Miller V Frvmire Jacob Seiliert (ieorge Leihrich Henry Rupp Henry Masrr Jordan A. Purdy Henry Hnchman Georee Eekert I) M Sechter Mitchell f, r Raber John A Housworlh Burns fc Eisely Elizteth Wfiizel (Jeoifie Eekert David M'Kii'ght 1) S Spare Henry M .s-er vs ti.'OTge C M'Kee vs Henry MBsser, Esq. vs George Sluley v Henry Folk vs Jow-ph Allison s (ieorpe Ku'z vs (Seorge W Towar vs James Th irp vs Jared liwine vs Georce lleckert et al vs Sime vs D Levy's cx'rs ti.ori;.' W Towar vs It RiehstiUoii et ul Vs Henry Hi. tiler vs Win M' 'Hr'v el l S iMl EI. l. JORDAN. Pro'honolnrv's office, Sunbury, Dee. I 1th IH t I'roth'y. lalST or JURORS OF NorihuinlM'flund County, for January Term, A. D. M15. lira ltd .Iiiror. Turhut. Unac Duokle. Delaware. Wm B Irwin, John Beard, Abra ham Siaruer. Milton. Lewis E Evans, II J Eekbeit. Chilit'umue. Joi-cph Fordesman Surthuntlx rlnntl. Youngiunii, llenj I loin. Augusta Henry Mslieh, snr. Shanitilin.i" Holfman, James Yoeum. Hush. latsc Kase, Win Itolliermel, Jacob Ar'er. I pper Mnlnmoy. Gideon Adam, olIloll Folk, Samuel Wea-t. lancer Mahonoy. Jonstbin DiK'key. George Iloii, Andrew Deny, J .cob Snider, jr., Elijah llyer'y, Jubii Bowman, jr. Traierst Juror. Turhut. John Foi, iuwi. Adam Khuyler, J irob Huusieker. Ihliware. Junes K allien, John lliule, liasc Viiieeni, John Fogelman, Daniel Nitholas. Milnit Michael Kramer Chiinmiiur. Thomas Hul h- o, Jolin llellrr, Wm, Kobeit Lyon, Edward llu vy. J'oin". John I'lou I, Alhin Newbr'iy, jr.. Win Dentli r. ,iirlliniiilnrliinl. Win II Wapples. Simliur i. lames Hu.led, John II iteuisii, (ieo B YourKinaii. Aiiifuxtu. Jacob lilioid-, CliS'les I! bios, Jss l.ylb', I'lubp liilil. Amlrew Kailn iiiikii, 1'ilei Vsudliiig, (ieurge hiler, John Yonlv. SliniiDikin. Morosn Hughes, John Huff, Fur man r.inuwor.h, John K Campbell. JiusA Ge.nge A Duoii, Benjamin M'llius, Jacob Snider, Alexander t'umpls 'l. Con. David Thompson. Michm-I Dvrk, snr. l'pcr Mnhanay. tieorue Haa.. Ijnrer Motionm. Iluh Kru.ble, John Mes ner.iiir., Henry Wia-I. Jackiuii. Daniel Unhner, jr.. J.ibu Kiehl, Hen ry I. 'l-lia, Berjmiu Heim, Jacob Weiser.jr. l'ctit Jurors. Turlxtt. Jsines Armstrong. Iaiiuh. John Klupp. Ihlounre. Jacob Do bier, snrn Geoine FeX. Samuel Dcaruiund, David TMait'), Jartxl Ir wme. Milton. Isaac Hous,l, Henry Willi. Im, George Ellen, Michael jShoeumker. Chilitijumpic. Thomas Allen, James Jordan, Audiew i'.Uer, jr. Iint. Daniel Yankirk. Surlhuiiilicrlatid. Abia'ism llollopoler, Jacob Rider. fitinbtiry. t'liuil.w Weaver, Piier W Grsv. Augnrta Jacob Evert, Joseph Lytle, KoImiI G Pursel, J acob Hew ill, Thomas Wulf.jr, Kuh. Joseph Pallen, Ablaiulei Mooie, Cas. per Rerd, Jacob I'ctd, jr. Little Mahonoy. David liunklclietger. Jiu kst'ii Cl aries Rolbcrniel, Mi. bail Crea.ii). gel. Peter l'.r-ler, RevJ, Jacub Uohi cr. .Nov, yu.h, isiV FIFTY DOILAKS ItKWAUl) ! CANTH.ELLS Celebrated Family Medicine WILL not cure every thing, but still rem tin unequalled In their several departments by every ihing ever ofTered to the public, who have voluntary came forward sod offered numerous and highly respectable testimonials of their superior liicscy. CantreWa Compound Medicated Syrtip of Sar aaparilla or, Anti-Scorbutic Syrup, for the cure of Scorfuls, Chronic Rheu.n itism. Chronic Swel lings of the Joints, Eruptions of the Skin, and all Diseases arising from the abuse of Mercury, c,c, unsurpassed by any thing in the market, comhi. ning all the virtues resident in the Sar-apnrilla with a modern medicament, only lately brought out by the most respectable medical authorities. Price, 60 cents per bottle. CantreWa .1nti-Dypcpt!e Vnwder, for the re lief and permanent cure of thai most distressing complaint, Dypepaia, In all its forms and stages. It is truly a most valuable remedy. Sold in bottles at 25 and fit) cents each. CnntreWi .lirue Mixture and Tonic Mcilica' menla, stands at the head of the list unrivalled by nny, or all the innumerable medicines in use throughout the length and bresd h of the land, for the cure of Kr.vr.a and Aries in all its stages, and from all its consequences. Residents in Fever and Ague districts should never be wilhout it. The suhscril-er will forfeit EIFTY DOI.LUtS where his medicine tails to peiform a cure in the most obstinate case. K.ld Who'es.le sod Retail bv CALEB ORES SON, st bis Drug Warehouse, No. ti North Third Street, Philadelphia ; also, by the r. gul irly -pointed agent. SB I'll W. ROBERTS, Wholesale Druggist, No. 54 Water Street, Mobile. Prrpnred only by the Subscriber, corner of CAR PENTER and SECOND Streets, below rhristi an, Philadelphia, where it is also retailed. Observe, none are genuine without the signature of JOHN A. CANTRELL. C'anlreU's Ague Mixture, or Tonic MctUcaiiiciiln, For the cure of all lidioxi ajfrrlinna, if taken ae torilinir to direction. It is a never failing remedy which no family ouuhi to be wilhout, especially in low mariby countries. As this medicine is put up under the proprie tor's immediate inspection on the most scientific principles, heng Purely Vegetable, and havimr tried its efficacy on thousands, for upwards of 12 years, and to his knowledge when taken strictly ac cording to diicctions, there his not been one fa1 hi re. I'nder such c.rciim-laiices I reeoinim tul it to ihe public, adjing a lenifnal) in supp irl of my asser tion. I, John Hurn, do certify that I was in the ship j Tub.icco Plant of Phila.leli Ilia, Capl. Reed, in 'June. IS27. bound lo Liverpool : took the fever and ague and laid ill Liverpool mine lime unit. I the doctor's I amis, went f'oni there t . Baltimore, lay in the Infirm irv for four or five weeks from thence to I'hil.i.b Iphi.i ; was sit month under Dr. Coals; fiom theiu-e to New Y. rk went lo tl.e Hospital, remain, d ubout four wicks nitbont any relief lued every thing without snv benefii, for five years. Hearing of Caulrell's Ague Mix tuie fiom a fiiend, 1 went lo bis store, tol.l him how I was sfllictrd, and got a b,. tile of his mixture Hi). I used it aeeopling lo itireelions. It mule s per led cure, and I have Hot had Ihe less) return since. I do with confidence recommend ii to the public. JOHN BCR.NS. 3Ii'Ilt'atrtI Ssrupol SarKapiirllla. Thdad. Iphia, April I Oth, IS41. Mr. Joii A.Csntreli, Dear Sir, Having Wm afllicied for upward ol two ears with ulceration oflhe ihioat, ile.-troying I ihe whole of die soft palate, then ihiouch the upMr pail if mv m ulh iiuo my nose, from which sever- 1 ul piece, of hot e csme cut, which partial y destiny, j eil my speech, ihrniiiih a kind Prov ideme hii.I jour i Medicated Sviuni.l tars p iriU i, I am now re-Ion d I lo prffcl health, and my sicbt.wh'ch was so much impair, d, is as as when a hoy. I ihouglil il a duty I owed to you and those simi larly alfeet' d, to make it public. YuUis, It. sine lul'v. KAMI EL KIRK. Corner uf Tenih and IVb'cs iSluits. ' I, Gal iil J 'listou, No. fi It. ekb ss Street, do eei lifv that my wife, Jane, was atlbcied lor two years with Khcuiniiisui, and at la-l was entirely .li-a'.le.l, so 1 1 .a I she was obliged to he confined lo bed ; leai iug of Caut'i'll's Me licated Syrup of Sa.s ip.irilla, or Ami Scoil'Utic Syrup, I pr.M Uie l lour s. which coiniil. I. lv removed all her piin-1 and slill- iiis- from her limbs; two more hoi lies made a per- fei I cure. She is now able lo au. ti.l to her lioii-e hold duties as usual. G AIIRIL JUNrtltl.N. PhiludclphiA, Jin. Mil. Qj De-rripiivu Pamphlet may be had of ihe aenls. ll.rtis.j Sunbury, No. 0, I "I I. ly W. FRILING, . li ut. AlGME WHERE l iweeli ihe resilience of the aiib-cnber, in I'h li-qii que lownshif, Noilli uuib rland, and the iHirouuh i f Su'i''uiv, on 'Tuesday, llie lUth inst., a sin ill I'ui k v t).',,Ki coiii uiiing a li'ilu ol b .ml Irom Tobias oi. i',,oii alll John Murray to aub-ciiber, ss Ihe a,l'.,,ni-tr.itnr of Tlloin .a Muirav, dated in M-urv. I nv!:i : nn.l Hiiotbrr n.e ol band t. si ,.t r' f s, l.ii.-.l in j 18111; a riibpoiiU I'.i v ..nissi s.e, and alive dot. j I si bill on (lie I!.,,), f NoilbiintU ilaud. 'The ' lin.b r, br nlriiinn it, will be soil .b v rewrJed; j o' oy Laving the p.pei at the P.m. Olliiv, Sui bu I V, r r f 'iws'dni lb. Ill to ll.i 'Ui se l i. u.A keep I li.e five dollar bill. J.ME V. Ml It It AY. I Chdisqu .que, Nov. MOth, 18 1 1. if (-ui,;e ;ollIial' ltaf, TBOTU'K ! hereby given thai l.iei. ol a.lniin J isliaiioli have liieii gianled lo the sub-nlfr. uu iho i si..le of li.orge Gotti-hal, dic'd. Adja'r sons m.'rt I. d lo said estate, or having claims sg .nisi ihe same, sr. reqMe.led lo ea'l on Ihe tubn-ribei and settle the same without tl. I iV. I ll) ItEEsEII Augusta. Nov. 23, 1814. Cl Adm'i. Julin i:t'i t's I'silate. TO'Tlt'E is benbv given that biters of ad- lliiiiistr lion live U'eo granted lo I he suli- m rilier, on the i.i iie of John Evert, of Shauu.kiii township, d.r'.l. All persons indebted or having clu ins sain.l ksid e.iaie. uic requested lo call on Ihe subseiil el I. r n ill, uu nl. on or before ibe fust da ol December next. JOHN EVERT, jr. sihaiiiok'ii, Nov, il, 1814Ot Adoi'r. g L ASS 9 by 10, best quality, H Cut Nads, all Sail, by the suck sud bairct, HaU Si U t'ap., ol llie Usl quality. All for sale al it--lined pi c., by tuuLurj,Oit. '.I'., ll J. 11- II. Jl.VosLu. J . 1 . 1 I OH' "T"T"" i:u i:t a iii.u von vovx i, for thr eras or I) YSl'Kl'SI A. THIS Medicine is offered to the public gener ally, from a full conviction that ii is superior lo any other medicine now in use, for the cure of Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Nervous Debility or Bodily Weskness, Ae. Its effects have been tested in a private practice of near eight vena, and it is now more e flensively circulsted, at ihe solicitude of many who have re ceived the most signal benefit from the ue of it. The following is one among a number of certifi cates received in illation to the success of this me dicine: Lancaster Co. March 18. Dr. Gkoror W. At.i.r.M, Dear &'i . It is with great pleasure that I in form you of ihe success attending your Dyspeptic Medicme, while employed in my p'mlice. From past experience, I firmly believe lhat in eight cases nut ol ten, the Dyspeptic, by the use ol ymir medi cine, may emir, ly rid himself of ibis (horn in the pathway of life: not only in dyspeptic cases, but in all rises of constipation, and diseases depending mi a dibililated state t.f Ihe nervous system, tope, ther with a Impid ft do of the bowels, will your E lixir befoundof inestimnble value. Numerous in--lances wberrin Ihe usefulness of the medicine has lieeii realised, may I foi warded, if required. I wi.h you great success, and recommend the medi cine to Ihe suller. tig part uf mankind. Youis, with great respect, . ROBERT AGNEVV, M. D. Gfj For sale at Ihe store of II. B. Masser, agent for the proprietor, Sunl lirv, Pa. October 2fiih. 1814. ly NEW GOODS. flHE sabseriber has just received from Philn'el JL phni a fre-li supply ot Nr.w Goons, consisting in part, nf Munslin Drlainet, Crape Delaines, Cathoirre ite Ecoe Shawl, Uandkcrcheifs, ifC. Also, Hearer and Silk Hat, a good assortment of Mrn't and Hoy Copt, Crnccrie, IJquora, Salt, ic. Vc, all inf which will be sold at the most reasonable terms. Stone Jura und Jun, cheap. H. B. MASSER. Sunbury. Oel. Tub, 1811. 100 BAGS Salt, 100 do al f 1 75 c-ish, f'r sale by Sunbury, Oel B. HENDRICKS. I9lh. 1811. imussrci.s, ingrain and vknetian C a r (j t i ii g s . Joseph it ivt c:k WOOI, AVi. 1 1 1 Chemut Street, Corner Franklin Sjuare. Fini.ADr.i.viiiA. UAS jusi reciivi d mid is now opening a very extensive snd beautiful assortment of CAIi I'UTlSfiS. The good are fresh, and of new styles, and being purchased principally for Cash, they will be sold l the lowest prices; they consist in im!, of Si.hWul Bnis-e!s. - CARPET- Be atmlul impend Ilplv, I l.MiS, uper uxira limrain, l.olors war- i:o 3 1, I I. 5 8 Twilbd Venelian, I ranted Plain do. J DURABLE A hrge stock ot well seasoned 1)11. CLOTHS of all width, ItriiK, Bimhinum, &e., together with mi extensive a-so'lmeut of Low prieJ Curptling of all ile-eriplions. j j' Purcha-i rs sre ri quested to call and see us, when t'.iev will And nni-xunsive assoilmcut al tl.e most seasonable price. Phil ..lelphm, Oel. U b, 1811. tf A WHY A: ItOCAr, wnoLnsALi; Sl retail IfATiSc C.W y I A iS V F A CT U 1 1 C U S, South Hunt corntr of Markrl and -l(7i ss.. IMiilatUlDliia, "HCRE thi v always keep on hand an exlen .ive j-s,.rta'i. nl .1 11 A TS 1 CA I'S of every .h -ct ipiiou, got up in tin- be-t and most approved htv le. I Yim 'lis .1. nr. u- ot arii ebs on ihe inoi-t reiiM.u .ble terms, will find it to ibeir ud'Hiilage Ij call Inf ra making purchases el-,1' In re. Pbilaib-lpbia, Oct. .rt!i. IS I . 1 V su'i liV.K ts r.v rkNT j-WsSHIXTG- 1C.CHI1TE. ifllll.S Machine b .s now been tested by more 1 limn thirty families in this neighborhood, and I has given entire f alif letion. It is so simple ill its coi.slroelii ii, ll.ut it cannot gel out of order. It ! coiil'iins no iron to ni l, snd no spiiugsor rollers lo I eel out ol repiir. Ii will do twice as much wssh- i in, w nil less than hull the wear and tear uf an) of ' .1... 1.... ..i.l n I. ,1 id .f iri'sIM in. nor j ,.- ii. ..... ...... ...... . ... .... ... . j lance, it costs bin lii'le over half us much as wa.huu iii.'ii.ines. i The subsi riber has ihe exclusive rihl ior Nor- ibiiuibei land, Onion, Lvcoining. ( ''.,ui!titii, Lu ; ierne and Ciioioil counties. l' of single m i j I'o i.e Jti. . 1J. .M ASSER. 1 'Ti e f.'lioing cea',.-:..,. ;B f,om a jew of those wi'oba.e the.eina.-lii ,,, U4.. Suiibuiy, Aug. 21, 111. j e, io' si .',4i. tibeis. ivruiy Itial we have not, 1 III Uo in on, Uunli.s, "Shuynt's t'atelil Wash , '..ichine."and do not hifitsle s iug that il is .oot i velbiil iiiveii'i..ii. 'That, in Wa-hmg, il will . uve in oe than ..lie half the usual labor. ! 'That it if us not re.piiie more than one third ihe I iisuul tiiaiiiiiy of so .p nil. I ater ; and lhat ihere is u r g. sil l c.'tis. .pieuily . Intle or no wear I ing i t ii rhn!. Th .1 it knoeks ' ir no buttoix, n J , lhat the finest clo h- si.e i uscoll.irs, laces, lurks, Ird's, Ac., may be wast ed in very short time without the least injtiM , a..d in .'set without any . app neir wear sud lew, v hatev r. We therefore eii. eilnllv recommend it t our fi slid In ihe i id lie, as a moM u.-.ful m d lab r saving machine, i H ARLES W.HEU1NS, j A. HllilUN. I ('lis WE VEIL i i lls PI.EXSANTS, j ;i:iin MARKI K, , Hon. lil.ii. C. WELIvER, t BENJ. HENDRICKS, I GiDEO.N LEISENKING. 1Iimw' . ith, ilniii.rlv Tieionnl 11 'U -a.. . tlH Ch.sioil siiivi.) Philadelphia, Sejai-ih.( .'Is., 1811. ) I have used Shugerl's Pal. ill W'uslilug Machine ! to mv bou-e upw ir.U of eight months and do not h. -iiatc to lay I'miI I deem It one of iha m t u.-e-' lid and vsSu ible labor-i.viug machines ever inven : t.vl. I formerly I,.-,,) iwo wotncii coi'linuully ts -: cupied in wssh'.cg, who now do as much in two days as thc. then did in one w.ik. 'Theie is no ' oi i.i.r in washing, and il re, puns nol unne lli.iu nue-tliird ll.c u-ual qilMtitily ol snip. I h.e . ha. I a nm.iUr ol u'lni in i bines ill my lam l, but 1 lb'. i so ik eidiilly snM-ii..i locveiy Ihineli'. and so Ii lie liable lo grt out nf lepoi, lhat I would lint I .lo without one il they ifioul l ni l. ii limes the pine ihey uie s .ld lor. DANIEL HEIiii. , 'PW LED 1 LK 1 11. a haii.lsoiia srilde, all w.iol. ! 1-uM and nJ rl.-siic, lot uu iuei Lia saiol I unls. In. s.le, very I, w, by i Ju..r 1 5. II. U. MAKR. CHEAP CARPET STORE. ON TZXC CASH PLAN. At An. 41 Strawbmry St. Philadelphia. flHK Rent of lbs subscribers in their preset! JL situation being vary low, and their terms CA9II, they are enabled to sell at such low prices thst rusl'imrrs cannnt fail to be satisfied, and they invite the pr.iple nf Northumberland and the ad joining counties lo esll and examine their stock, as they offer an rxiedlent assortment, comprising Beautiful Imperial, 3;!y, "j Superfine legrsin. Heavy Twilbd Venetian, S-CARPETING8. Finn English Worsted do. Plain Striped do.J With a large Slock of well sensoned Floor Oil Cloths of sil widths, fur Rooms, Halls, Door Pie res, Ac. Also Furniture Oil Cloths, Beautiful Hearth Rugs, Table Covers, Floor Buiie, Bag Car pets, Matting. Ac Ac, together with a largo Slock of low priced Ingrain, Entry and Slair Carpets, Wholesale and Retail, at Ihe lowest prices in thn city. ftLDRIDGE A BROTHER. No. 41 Strawberry street, one door above Chos nut, near 3d street. Entrance, also at No. 50 South Second street, Philadelphia. Sept. 28th. tail 3m S IP ANI SliH IDES TAN NEKS Oils. J000 Diy Li Pint i Hides first quality. :i."00 Dry La Guira. do IOOO Dry Salted La Guira. do 2000 Dry Saltid Br.ail Hides, do Bales Green Sailed Patna Kips. '20 Bales Dry Pa'na Kips. 1MO Barrels 'Tanneis' Oil. 'Tanner-' and Curriers' Tools, For sale lo Country Tanners at iho lowest prices and upon Ihe best terms. N. B. 'The highest mnkct prices prid for all kinds of b ather. D. KIRKPATRICK ft SONS. No. 21, South Third St. Phil .delphi. September H, 1814. ly. TO Country Merchants. riHE Subscrilars respectfully invite Country JL Merchants who ere about to purchase Fall and Winter Supplies, to an examination of their respective Slocks, believing that their several as sortments are as complete as have ever been oflin ed in ihe Philadelphia Market. With stocks ot Goods in their several Depart ments of the choicest kinds a determination to sell on terms which cannot fail to prove satisfacto ry and a disposition to please old rind new cust.i mers, will, we hope, be a suflicient inducement lo purchasers to rail at our iesvcctivo establishments. Silks and Fancy Cloods. W A R P Remington 80 Market Street. Ashhurst A Remington 51 " Buck A Poller 1 16 Yard A Gillmore 109 ' Domestic and Foreign Dry Goods. Reynolds, McFailand A Co 105 Market Stiect. Buinelt, Withers A Co 120 " Scott A Baker 150 " Wise, Puscy A Wiso 154 " Hardy A Hackers 46 N. Second St. Importers uf Cloths, Cassimers, Vest ings, &c. William H Love 147 Mukel Street. Lambert Duy lllrt " Hardware and Cutlery. Michael V linker 215 Market Street. Edward S 11 -.mly ft Co 1)3 - Importers and Manufacturers of Sad dlery Hardware. Horn A Kneass 21SJ Maiket Slice'. Hoots, Shoes, I'onnets, Caps, Leghorn and I'iiltn Hats, &.c W E A .1 G WheLin. 15S Maiket Street. I.rvick, Jenkins A Co !.'( " M Conrad A Co bO Manufacturers and Dealers in Drugs, Medicines, l'aitiis, Oils, vN.c. Thomis P Jam" 212 Market Slroel. Polls. Linn A Hani 2K'i Rol inson, Coll us A Co 87 Edward Colo 51 Thompson Panoist A Co 40 M Hats, Caps, Furs and Trimmings. I. Kenton l'.f, Maiket Street. John Sauerhier A Brother ii'i " r.o.hs and Stationary. IiiBt A Ell ou 9 N. Fvurth Street. H'jgmi vt 'Thomps hi 3(1 Importers of I'ritish and French Fan cy Staple Stationary. L I Cohen A Co 27 S Fourth Slreel. Henry Cohen " Importers uf Hosiery. Gloves, Trim mings and Fancy Coods. Selley A Seveiing 21 N Tniid Sucet. Parker A Lehman 3 Cuml'S, 15ruhes. Ilrounis, v.Vc. 'Thomas Cooper 3 N Front Sireet. Importer of Toys, Fancy and Staple (luuds. A F O t MonrosJ 1C S Poiinh Sneet. i Manufacturer of l'atcnt I.ard Lamp. ' Ed.a K Archei :'J N Second Sfet i f -i mif:i.-!iirrr r.f Patent and Furniture Oil Cloths. l-aae Maeunley, Jr. C N Fif'll Street. Mantifacttirers and Importers of Ta per Hangings. II. w. II A. Broiln is S3 A 1 12 Chesnul Si ' PhiUU Iphia, August 21. lull. 3m. NOTICE TO Mi:!U IIlM miixii:ii M M. M. JOS. K. MAL'LL, MANI TAl"TI l.'ERS AND DEALERS IN roiiEHi.N AND DOMES TIG STRAW GOODS, .No. : VI, .orth S cund Stru t, ( opposite the Madison io.iir, .) rillLADEIiVHIA, Hj)), WHERE w.ll l-ef nnd a geneial asul ' -Ar "' Floreiie Br .ids Aliens, Uul-af. laiuls, IV.hlles, WiP..v Plait, Rice St.w, an.l ti ... much s.lmirc I N.apoliim Lace, ami Fancy II. m liela, u liire.l bv lis, all. I b.r sale al the !- maiiiilaclu'i pines. MerchauK and Milliners in i in vile. I lo give i. a a c ill upon visiting the City, n V' N. II We bse wUo con-Ian Iv nisking i snpeiior ba r o her i Jings, all vf which v.. I he soul i hrap, lor csh. Pbils.l.l, hia. May '.'.', Kit. ly Tl M.'.l)RIM'S, baiul.ome sit.ele for I.sJ.. .' - Dr-ra, b.r sie cheap, by Jviiu 15. H. B. MASSER.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers