Fram the Aurora. TIIK TRAVICLLRHS. Air "The Cork Leg." Two travellers one November's day, To Washington City took their way; They footed it ofT, and the people say, 'J lint one was Polk ami the other was Clay Ri tu, tVc. Now when thy came to the White House door, Thry saw each other, they had'nt before; A 'id Clay exclaimed as he turned up his nose, "Why here' a fellow whom nobody knows," Ri tu, &c. Says Tolk, nays he, 'T have heard folk tell There' such a matter as knowing too well " And Clay replied, with oath so strong, 'Co home, Go home, to where you belong V Ri tu, &c. Then Polk exclaimed, in a rpiiet speech, "Suppose you practice the deed you preach For out in the West is your home that's clear, While the people have made me a nice home here Ri tu, &.c. So with that they rapped at the door, and out Came Captain Veto, with honesty stout, And said, "Cood folks, pray what's the matter, Vuu're kicking up here such a deuce of a clatter ? Ri tu, &c. fays Clay to Tyler, and smiled with glee Dear Captain John, don't you know nie?" "O, yes !' Fays the Captain, "that same old coon, Take my advice and you'll clear out soon," Ri tu, &c. Then Harry he groaned and groaned and swore, And stamped and raved at the White House door. Hut Tyler he hinted that 'twas of no use, If he didn't clear out, he'd let the dogs loose, Ritu, fcc. Then Tyler turned to Tolk, who stood And looked on the scene with a pleasant mood, And said, "step up, my good friend Jim ; Ml lit you in, but 1 can't let him. Ri hi, kc. The people won't suffer this ruler of Clay, And what they command 1 in haste obey, torn in, and get warm in the nation's hall ; Oil the fourth of March you shall have it all Ri tu, c. Together they entered, while down at tiie gate, The lawyer Clay bemoaned his fate ; While Tyler to Tolk inside did say, "The people have given a poke to Clay." Ri tu, Ac f , - , VI I'll vnisiiA.iu i. vimDiigiiujr, uncu liiiki, jwit wandering1 over the world, tearless in its in- nocenco, it is not abashed before princes, nor confounded bv the wisdom of synod. Before it , , , . , the blood-stained warrior sheathes his suonl, , , , . . . , , . , , . , and plucks the laurel lrum lna brow ; the mid- riitrht murderer turns from his purpose, and like the heart smitten disciple, goes out and weeps r neriy. it urings jitieny to me captive, joy to tiie ir.uurncr, freedom to the slave, repentance mid forgiveness lo the sinner, hope to the taint- ? . , . hearted, and aisuranco to the dying. It enters the hut of poor men and f its down with them niwl Ihntr i-bililrpn it ion L-Pfi tbpin rnlitentoit in the midst of privations, and leaves behind an everlasting blessing. It walks through great ci ties amid all their pomp and splendor, their ima ginable pride and their unutterable misery, a purifying, ennobling, correcting and redeeming angel. It is alike the beautiful companion of childhood and the comfortable associate of old e. It cntK.hlea the noble ; gives wisdom to the wife, and new grace to the lovely. The pa triot, the priest, the poet and the eloquent man, all desire their sublime power from its influ ence. Mart JIuirit, ItRl'NKARIIH KlIAt.L HAVE tiO WlVE. An t xcellent provisioii of law, though it be under a Cennan principality. We know of some Re publics in which its enactment wou'd do more good than hnrm. In Waldeck, a decree has been issued that no license to marry will here, after bo granted to any individual who is addic ted to drunkenness ; or having been so he must exhibit full proofs that he is no longer a tlave to this vice. The same government have also directed that in every report made by the ec clesiastical, municipal, and police authorities upon the petition for license to marry, the re port shall distinctly state whether either of the parties desirous ol entering into the niatrinio- dial connection U addicted to intemperance, or otherwise. Call at tub Cap'.n'h (hrtt-E. f)n board of the steamboat a few days 6ince, skiii af ter leaving the warf, the bell rang, and with it came the well-known cry "All what haven't paid their fare, please call at the cap'n'a office and bet-tl-l-l-l-l-le.' Shortly after, the supper ball rang, and a passenger not altogether sutis lied with ins furc, called out 'Waiter-r-r-r-r, take this cup of collie to the cap'n'd ollku and have it set-tl-l-l-l-td.' riqvAKT Disc tssitiM. 'No, Catharine,' said Patrick to his wile, 'you never catch a lie mm- ng out of my mouth. 'You may well say that,' i-nlierl Kate. Mlu-v flu nut so faot that nobodv run catch 'em.' 'Pa, doca the world turn round ?' 'Yes, my dear ; it turns on itaaxig once in wenty-four hours.' 'How olten is that V 'Why, once a day.' Well, 1 thought so; for Mr. goes liiwn to Bondsville most every tloy with a ju ud before he gets home he his to stop and lay own beside tho rode, and hanf on to the round to keep from falling off." liA.YK 74' OTIS I.IST. ITAXSl 17V .4X1 1. The following lil show the current value of all Vmnsylvania It.nik Note. The mod implicit rc ianco may he placet! upon it, a it U every week Jirefnlly compared Willi Hi d corrected fiom Biik lell's Reporter. Hanks) in riillnilrlphlii. NaU. LoCATIO-.. V,'"' HI LA ft NOTES AT PAR. flank of North America . , Bank of the Northern Liberties . , Commercial Hunk of Perm's. . . Farmers' and Mechanic' Bank . Kensington , Philadelphia Bank . Schuylkill llnnk Soiithwatk Unnk . . Western Bank . . . Mechanics' Rank . . Manufacturer' & Mechanic' Rank par par pur par par par par par par par par par par par par fin r par par f'ntitiiry ItatiUst. Dank of Chester Ciiuniy Westchester I Dank of Delaware County ' Hank of (ierinantown Hank of Monlcomery Co. ! Doylcstown Hank I Easton Hank 1 Farmers' llnnk of Ducks co. Office tif H'tnk of Pcnn'a. j Ollice do do Office tlo do ! OH ice do do Chester (termantown Norris'im n Doylcstown Easton Bristol Harrisbiitg"'! These Lancaster I office Reading f do not Eastoii J issue n. I N OTES A T I) I S O O I ' N T, J "ink of the United States Philadelphia Bank of Penn Township . . j (iirar.l Bank . . j Moyameusing I) ink . . I Hunk of Pennsylvania . 56 par par par 1 ! Miners' Hank of Potisvillc ! Hank of Lcwislowii Hunk of Middletown Bank of Northumberland Pot'svillo Lcwislown Middletown Northumberland par Columbia Rank & 15 ridge co. Columbia Carlisle Dank Carlisle Exchange Hank Dj do branch of Farmers' Bank of Lancastei' Lancaster County II, ink Farmers' Bank of Reading Hatrisburg Bank Lancaster Bank Lebanon Bank Merchants' & Manuf. Bank Bunk of Pittsburg West Bianch B mk Wyoming Bank Northampton Dink lieiks County Bank Otlice of Bank of U. 8. Do do tlo Do do tlo Kensington Sav. Ins. A Penn Township Sav. Ins. Hank of Chambcrshiirg Bank ol Ccltyshurg Bank of Susquehanna Co. Erie Dank Farmers' A Drovers' Bank Franklin Bnnk llonesdale Bnk Pittsburg Hollidavsbiirg Lancastei Lancaster Heading Harrisburg Lancaster Lebanon Pittsburg Pitlshuig Willianisport Wilkesliario Allentow n Reading Pittsburg i 2 par par i P4i f i i i failed do I. no New Brighton tlo t!o Chambersburg (cttyshuig Montiose Erie Waynesburg Washincton lloncsdale Brow nsviile York tlo i i 4o i! H li 1 1 I'UIIR IH LJ . Vork Uailk i B. 'I'ho note or those banks on which we ' uotations, and substitute a dash ( ) are not j I"'"'1"""''1 ri'?ljM,hi J-r-'kers with the 1 feepiion of those which have a letter ot reference, ; , ., , t il O K L B A N K S. j Philadelphia sav. In. Philadelphia failed i Philadelphii Loan Co. do failed Schuylkill av. Ins. do fiiled j Manual Labor Bank (T. W Dyoti, prop.) failed , rwamu I owaml.i ) Alleghany Bank of Pa JJ"",11 of jir"v"r U ink of Kwalara I i,, o) Washingt.n Centre Bank ' City Bank Bedford Beaver no sale closed closed tailed closed no sale failed filled fulled no salt- llairisburg Wa-liiugtoii lit llel.lllte Pltlsl'Ulg Pittsburg Fayette co. tireencast'e Harmony Farmers' At Met h'cs' Fanners' & Mech'cs' Bank Faimers'cV Mech'tV Bank Harmony lustiluto Huntingdon Bank luniata Bank lumbermen's Bank Northern Bank of Pa. New Hope Del. Bridge Co. Xorthumti'd Union Col. lik North Western Bank of Pa. Office of Schuvlkill Bank Pa. Agr. & Manuf. Bank Silver Lake Bank I'ninn Bank of Penn'a. Westmoreland Bank Wilkesharre Bridge Co. Huntingdon no sale Lenistown no sale Wanen Duiidall' New Hope Milton Meadtille Port Carbon Carlisle Montrose I'nionlnwn failed no sale closed no sale closed failed closed failed closed fin ensbiirg Wilkesli.ure no sale (Jj All notes puriorting to tie on any Pennsyl vania Bank not given in the above li.-t, may be set iown as frauds. wax .ir.iisr.v. Bank of New Biunswick Brunswick Belvidcie Bank Delvjdere Burlington Co. Bank Medlord 'Jommercial Bank Perth Amlioy Dumlierland Bank ISridgrtnn Fanners' Bank Mount Holly Farmers' and Mechanics' Bk Bahway Farmers' and Mechanics' Bk N. Biunswit k failed par i par par failed Farmers' and Merclianl' Bk V.uhlletou ii I't. 1 Franklin Bank of N.J. Jen-ev City failed failed tailed failed faded failed i par no sale ilonoKen ISKsdi iirazing l o liotiokeu lersey City Bank Jelsey City Mechanics' Bunk Manufacturers' Bank Morris County Bank Patterson Belleville Momstown Freehold Newdik Trcnlon Jeiscy City Monmouth Bk of N.J , Mechanics' Bank .vieclianic ami Manut. lik Morris Canal and Bkg Co Post Note Newark Bkg & In Co New Hoie Del Bridge Co N. J. Manufuc. and like Co Newaik Lamfierlsvillii liotiokeu i i failed billed i failed i Ni J Protecton & Lombard bk Jersey Cly Orange Unnk Palerson Bank Peoples' Bank Princeton Bank ISalf m Banking Co Stale Bank I Iramje Painfull do Princeton Salem Newark Kllia'allaowu 'liniilell MornMuM n Trenton Salem New Ion Trenton Dover llackensack par par i i par i failed tailed i par i failed State Bank j State Bunk Slate Bank of Morris j tiute Bank i fculem and Philad Manuf Co Suwi Bank Tieninn Banking Co ' "Ion Bank Washington Banking Co. i'i:tLtiVAiii:. Bk of Wilm Si. Brandy win Wilmington Bank of Delaware Wilmington par par par par r par par par par Bank of Smyrna Smyrna I D.i branch Milioul Farmers' Bk of Sisim of Del Duv, i j Do branch Wilmington Do branch (leoigetown Do branch Newcastle. I'nion Bank WiltnuigUn i flj" Cnder 6' (J. J" On all bank ni''iej thus () there are ei, thrr roontttili it or tilt ml notrs of ths njr.ous d aotiiinslinns, in cirriiUlion. OAKLEY'S iniruATiTK sinn. ri"tHB aluab proprriir of Oakley' Depura L live Syrup of Snrsaparilla, a purifier of the blood, is so well known to the public generally, tbat it is unneeessaiy to occupy much spare in set ting for'h the. advantages to be derived from its use; wherever the meilicino has once, been intro duced, it take precedence ow all others : rveiy one that has taken it, hnve derived o signal bene, ficial results from it, that it i recommended bv them wilh the ii'most confidence. Physician of the highest st-inding in the. profession, prescribe il to pa'iciiN under their rare ; containing noiliing del. terious. but being composed ot the mint mild, vet efficacious vegetable materials, it is offl-rcd with confidence, as the cheiipest and most etlicient pu rilier of (lie blood now known. The use of a few bottles, especially in the spring months, will be at tended wilh most decided impiovcmint in the ge neral slreneth of the system, eradicating any seeds of disea-e may have been generated, besides giving health and via.-r to the body. For the cure of Scrofula or Kines Evil, Rheumatism. Telle', Pimples or ciiiptintis of the Skin, White Swelling. Fistula, Chronic Couch Asthma, eVc. The nu merous cernliea'es in lie poesion of ihe subscri ber and his agents from physicians and others, are si.Hieient to ronv. nee tin- most skeptical of its su periority over all preparation of S iranparilhi. S..ld wboleiale and retail, bv the proprietor, t.'EOi:;E W. OAKLEV, North .Mb stre.l, liea iling, Bsiks (.Motility, and lo lie bs.l of the following peison : In Knrltiumhrrftirtrf Cn'tnti.M. B. Mssr, Siinbiirv ; Lehnd cW. Atucel, McEwensille ; D Kraim r. Milton. In Vninn Ciiunty. J. Rearhnrt, Selinsgrove J A. (lUti lius, Miflliniiurg. ' Columbia Cinfy. K. W. McCay, Wash ington. Reading, March M. MX Ma. Oaklft: I believe il the utv of every olio to do wliHlever in their power I ics for il.e h ne. lit of their fellow mac, and haing bad po-i ive pioof in mv ow n famdy. of the w-oii tcifid propertit s of your Depurative Syrup of Saisspirilh, I m -st conscientiously recominend it to the artbcte.l. We hail the ini-f utime t lose two of our children, by the brrakinv eut of ulcerous res thai covered the face, head and i eck, although we had some of the most scientific physician lo attend tlvm ami hud tried all the known len.eilies, including Swaim's Panaci a, without avail. Another of my children was attacke.t in the same manner, her face and netk was cooip'elelv covcreil; (he d'scliarge was so iitVensiv,-, and ihe disease at su-di a heinht, that we despaired ol her life. Seeing the wonderful effects j of our lVpur.oive Symp c! S irsapariil.i, we were induct il lo make trial nf it. as tl.r last resort; it ac'eil like a charm; the u'rer romnienci il bealinp tmniediaiely , a f v bottles entirely rei-loret! her to her healtli, which she bus enjoyed iininteri uptcdlv ever since. Asa purifier of the blood, I veilly be lieve it Ik.s riot its erpial. JOHN MOVER. Tailor. Walnut street, near Fourlh, Kradmg. Douglasstille, April 19th, 1843. tn. Oaklet: Mv sen Eitmund Leaf, bad the scrottda in the most dreadful and ititres-irig man ner for three jears, dining which lime he was de prived of the use of bis liml.s, bis head and neck weie covered with ulcers. We tried all the ibller. erit reint dies, but to no t fleet, until recommended by Dr. Johnson of Nonistown. and also Dr. Isaac II tester, of Reading, to use your Depurative Symp of S,irsaparilla, of w hieh I olilained several hollies, the use of which tbove the dii-cae entirt ly out of In system, ihe sore healed up, and Ihe child was restored to perfect health, which he ha eejoved uninterruptedly ever since, to the aslonishrm m ol many person who seen him du ii g his nflliction. I have thouuhl it mv diry, and send Voii this certi ficate that otic who have a like affiiciion in ihe family may know where to obtain so valuahle a medicine. Your irulv, AMELIA D. LEAF. lfi. 1S43 ly ( iiiu1i ''l Irr) DEATH BLOW. '"Phe pu' lic will please ubseive that noitran. belli Pills are genuine, unless ihe box has three 1 1 tiels upon it. (the top, Ihe si.le and the bottom) eit h containing a fir-aiinile signature of my hand writing, thus B. HHxnnrrn, M. D. These la. bel- are ennraved on steel, I eautifully designed, and done at aneipense of over 2,000. Tht refoie it will be seen that the only thing n'ccssaiy to pro cure the medicine in its purity, is lo observe these labels. Remember the top, the side, and the bottom. The following respective person are duly auh. ri zed, and hold CERTICATE3 Or AGENCY, For the sale of lirantlwh' 'ei;r!iihfe I'nivermil I'ills. Norihiiiubeilai il county : Milton Mat-key k t'h.imheibu. Sunluiry H. B. Masser. M'Keiis ville lieland A Menell. Norlhunil eiland Wm. Forsyth, tieorgetown J. & J. Wills. Union tJounty: New Berlin Bogai V Win tt r. Selmsgrove (ieorge ('iindiiim. Middle burg Issue Smith. Beavtr'own David Huhler. Adamsburg Win. J. Mv. M itllinshuri! Mensrh I Ac Ray. Hailleton Daniel Long. Freelmrg I li.A F. ('. Mover. Lewhurg Walls & (Jreen. I Columbia county : Danville E. B. Reynolds A- Co. Berwick Shuman & K'ttenhouse. Ca'- tawissa C. (J. Droits. Bloomshiirg John R. Mover. J ci scy Town Levi Uisrl. Washington Rohl. McCay. Limtvtoiie Bailie : MrN'nch. Observe that each Agent ha an Engravid C r 'ificste of Agency, containing a representation of ir BRAN DUE I ll's Manufactory at Sing Sing, and upon which will also be seen enact copies of ihe iMt lulitis ulW Ufifil upon Hie Krandrtlh I'HI li.irr. Philadelphia, oiTiee No. S. Ninth Bih street. B. BRANDIiETH.M. D. June 21th, 143. city i i KMri iii: autiox, AND PI11VATB SALES HCOMS, Ntis. till n nd III i(.rtli Thittl Street, .Near the City Hotel, PHILADELPHIA. ('. MACKEV, Auctioneer, le-peclful'y in tiles ihe a t til it Kilt nf peism.s desirous of pi.r-eha-iuil Furniiure, lo his tmeu-ive S di s Rooms, (loth pn' lie and 1'iivate.) tor tvery dieriitioii i f Housthold Fun mire, win re cm be obtained l ail times, a Urge a-sortiieiil nf fastiionable and well manufactured ChIiiiii I Furniture. Beds, Matiiust-t s, vVc, at very reduced price, for cis!i. 07" Sales bv Auction, tw ice a week. May 2Vih, 1813. ly WILLIAM J. MTiri'LN ATTCS.1TST jt-J? L.V", SUNBUH Y, PA. FFICE, in Ihe second story nf iLe building oc cupied by Dr. J. B. Ma. sir, on Maikel street. Oct. 21-t. I8H. A Tlirt'fciiliitr .Hat liiiie lor Sale. rpHE subscriber niret for sale a THRESHIN'tJ l MACHINE, new and in good oidii. The Machine ha been tried, and proves lo be ail excel leut one It will he sold at a reduced price, and warranted. Arply to II. B, MASSER. July 1st, 18IJ. 1 ROSE OIJJTIVIENT, foii ti:tt!:u. rinow'ohm.s, riMri.t-s om tub rAtu, and otiiek riTAMrorsi f.ri ptions. (Hj1 The fiillnrainq rrrtificn'e drtrrilir nne nflhe mint extraordinary ourts ever tjfi cted by any application. pHii.AiiairitiA, Fcbinary 10, 181S. TOR twenty year I was severely afflicted with TltTTHit on the Face and Head: the disease commenced when I was seventeen years old, and continued until the Fall nf 18:10, varying in vio lence, but without ever tl isapa,aring. During most of Ihe lime, great part of my face was covered W'ith the eruption, frequently attended wilh violent beh ind j my bead swcl ed at lime until it felt " if it would burst the swelling ws so g'eit, that I cou'd carcely get my hat on. During the long period that I was afllicled w i'h the disease, I nseit a great many S plication, (among them several celebrated preparation) as w. II as Inking inward remedies, including, number of b itth of Siraim'n Pi:nnrrn. l-'.xlrnrl of Sarsop'irilht, Ac, In fact it would be imposiblc to enumerate all the medicines I used. I was also under Ihe Cure of two of ihe nnt dis tingtiishci! physicians of thi ci'y. but without re ceiving much benefit, srul I despaired of ever being cured. In the fill of ISIIO, the disease at the time being very violent, I commenced using the A'nse Oinmint, (prepared bv Vatighun tt Davis.) In a few application the violent itching ci a--ed, the swelling abated, the fruition began to disappear, and before I hud used n jar the di-ease. was entirely cured. It has now been m arty a viar and a half since, and there is not a vestige of the diieae re maining, except Ihe scars from the deep pits formed by the di-ease. It is impossible for me to describe iua certificate the severity nf ihe disease and my fullering, bill I will be pie ised to give a fuller ac count to any person wanting further satisfaction, who will rail on me. At the lime I commence J using the Rose Ointment I would have given hun dreds of do lars to lie rid of the disease. Since u sing it. I have recommended it lo sever il persons, (among them my mother, w ho had ihe disease bad ly on her anil.) who were ad cured bv it. JAMES DI'RNLLL, No. 15fi, Race St. Cj" The Rose Ointment is prepared bv E. B. Vaughan, SoH'h East corner of Third and Pnre Mrci ts, Philiidt Iphia, and sold on ageucv in Sunbu ry, hy II. B. MASSER, May 14th, 1843. Aenl. ltoc Ointment, lor Totter. PROOF OF FI'S FFFICACY. Pin i. a nt i nil a. May 27lh, ISW. rPHIS 14 to certify Ibal I was severely alllic'td - with Teller in the hands and fi it for upward ol lorty years ; the disease was attended generally with violent itihmg and swelling. I nppbed to I number of physici ns, and Usui a great many appli cations without etVcfiiiiR a cure. About ayiar since, I apihed the Rose Ointment, which entirely slopped the itchmg. and a few application att ly cured ihe diseaie, w hich there has been no return of, although I had never bet n rid of it at any time for forty years. RICHARD SAVAOE, Eleventh, below Spruce Street. fXj' The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. B. Vauuhan, S iiith East corner of Third and Race Streets, Philadelphia, and s.ddon agency in Sunhu ry.hy H. B. MASS EE, May 14th. IS LI. Age. ITIEDICAL APPROBATION Of the ROSF. OI.TMF..T,fur Tttr. LTHOl'tiH the superiority of the prepatati. n over all others is fully ea'ahli-hed. the pnprie tors take pleasure in laying before the public the following certil'ca'e from a respectable physician, a graduate of the I 'niversity ol Pennsv lvan'u. Dr. Buiigb, having found in this leinedy that rebel f ir a tedious and di-agrccable alTci tion which the means within Ihe range of his profes-ion failed to afford, has not hesitated to give it his approbation, although the prejudices and icicresi of that prohsion ate pposed to secret Remedies. If), l:li. I was recently troubled with a tedious herpetic eruption, which rove-ed rn arlv one si 'o of my fid-, mid extended over the ear. Mr. Vaiighau. piopr'n--loi nf the Rose Ointment, nhseiviug m face, in-l teil on my t'yuie his jm paration. i f nhicS he hon tied me a jar. A. though in common with die mem bers ul mv profci-sion, I discouutenance and disap prove ot the numerous iim-trum palmed upon the public by ignoiant pri tender-, I ft 1 1 in justice hound lo exci pt the Rose Ointim m lioni ibat c'a-s of me dicines, and to give it mv Bpprohation, as il entire ly lUrt-d the eruption, ahhougli it h id resisted the uu.d n plications, DANE. BAI (ill, M. D. fXj- The Rose Ointiuent is prepared by E. IS. Yaughan, South Ea-t coiner of Third anil Race Streets, Pniladc'pl'.ij, and sold on agmcv in Sun burv, by H. B. MAss Ell, May'l4ih, 181M. Arnt. Hovels Ink. JOSEPH X3. HOVER, MatiulacliHer of Wriliiiji nnd Iudelli bio Ink, No. ItKi North Third Street, nix thaira below K;ico, (east Mile,) PHILADELPHIA, I ) I'.sl'EOTFI LLY intorms cunnirv merchant k others, thai he con-tantlv keeps on hand a large stock nf hi soperier Black, Blue nnd Red Ink. and also a superior tpi ably of Indcllille Ink. His ink is put up in In (ilea vaiying ill sie, fiom 1 to 3', ounces, and will he sold nn reasonable term. Thcexieleot qualities nf litis ink has so thoroughly esttthli-hed its ch iruc'ei, that II is now extensjvtly used Ihrouphoul tl.u conniry. For sale at ihe store of H. B. Maer, S'un bury. Pa. May S7ih, ltft:t. ly ( HAiii.i.s w. iii:t;is, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SUNBUHY, rA. R A" taken the nlVice tonnlllv Ol Copied liv the S H Hon. ( liailes (i. I, opposite the Oollrl House. He will a t. n, I tu husintx in ihe ('..uit of Niirthuml.eilai d. I'nion ami Columhia coiimirs. May 2nth, H4:l. UNION IIOTKL. " lam, ii.t,' j (ilrntrat Staut- tlQ.rr,', .rati 12LT -TQa.'" CLZ m LVCOtlJNTG COUNTY, Ititiisi aula. riHE Suh-crilier respecifully Infoims his friend. L and the public in general, that he ha taken Ihe above la nun An couuoniors HOTEL, I N THE U O R O C (.' II O F M UN C Y, and that he is now well pit pare t to accommodate all who may favor him wilh iheir custom. Ids SLM.rmo AriarH it ire well aiie.l, and comfortable. Hi TiBLt in Bta will a'vay be aapjilnd with the beat the uisiket can all'ord. Hi SriLio, which i potd, will la under the charge of good and carelul hostler. He feels confident, hy strict attention lo busincs. and an earnest desire to render c mforUhle those who may patronize him, that he will not fail to giro gential satisfaction. II. B. WEAVER. Muney, Oct. I!, IdlJ tf. WlfT. HEILIAIT & CO Commiinn (fc Forward intr Merchants. Font of W illow Slrrrt Rail Road, oa th a tiniwmr, TTAVINfJ associated wi'h tht m Joseph Barnet, 1 1 1 tte of Easton, P,i., n stiertfiilly inform their friends and the public generally, that they havf. In. ken that large and well known store and wharf at font of Willow Street Railroad, lately occopie J hy .Iscoh Martin, where they purpose doing a (iem ral Commission and Forwarding Business, and f om the local advantages of ihe place being connected wilh nil ihe public improvements that have their nutlet In the city, they flatter lhrmeve they w ill he able to do business to as great, if not g'cs'er ad vantage, and upon as reasonable terms as any other house, and they assme their friends that any con sigriments made to them shall have their strict at tention, and no exeitions spared to give entitc satis faction. They are also prepated to receive aril forward goods to any point on the Delaware end Lehigh river, between Mauch Chunk. Easton and Phila t!el bia, via Dela ware Division and Lehigh Oinils; also, to anv point on Ihe Juniata river, or Norh and Wt st Branches of ihe Sinqnehanna via Schuyl. kill and I'nion, or tho Chesapeake and Title Water Canals. For the accommodation of Boats coming or go ing via Schuylkill and I'nion Canal, a Steimhnat will be kept expressly for lowing boat from the Schuvlkil! around to ihe Delaw are nnd hank, w hich will enable merchants to have their produce deli veied on the Delaware, and their goods shipped at a saving ot 50 to 75 per cent, tut the pnecs fir hauling ncio-s, with these advantages ihey re spectfully solicit a share of patrotiare, W. HEILMAN & CO. William Ileilman an. tysc, V. 5i William W. K Joseph Burnet. hilad , May 14, 1813 I. v J. ESAYLAND, JS1. U CO. Siitill' ntid Tobacco Manufacturers, .Vo. V.l Aorfi Wi st rnnur of Rare and Third Struts' PHILADELPHIA. rpilK nnder-isned have formed a ('o-pnrtnersliiji under the firm of . I. MAY LAN I) .In. A Co.. as successors t,i dip lute fi,in of Jnroh .Wiitlani t Co., nnd w ill c iniinue (he business at ihe old esta blishment, on their own account. In addition in their own close attention and experience f i many years, in the manufacture of their cefehr itcd snuff-, iSrc, the long experience of the senior j.a'ti er of li e late firm, will hImi he dt voted to the interel of the new rnneern and as no exertion and c.i'e will le spared to insure their good, at all times of the ve ry best quality, they solicit a continuance of the confidence of the fi.ciid an I customer of the late firm. 1IIOM S ADAMS. J. MAY LAND, Jit. Philadelphia. May 14th. ISl:l. ly To ( nuiiti'v KSRCHANTS, rP!IE 1 Mi Subs, riher, Agent ol l.yoniV Harris, Hal innf icturera. for New York, Philadelphia, Ballimoie and other large fit it, -a lose Itn'.i are highly comuundeil lor (n-nl fof and dur'i,iity, has nil hand a fir-t rale nssnitm nt of HA I'S and OA PS, suit t e for Sprinp s ite. n h rh w II I e sold very low, foi cash or anpioved credit, at the m trd eheap store. No. 40, North Third n'lert, o p ;si'e the City Hotel, Philadelphia. HO BERT D. WILKINSON. Ainvl. N. B. Orders lor Hats in rheri'i"V promptly attended lo. The highest rice in tush or trade given far I'ur ti'n.i. PliiUdelphia, June 11, 1811 --ly BOLTON & CO. (. omiiiisioii Her limit. For the. Sole of Flour, drain, Sttd, iV- 4 c E.-PECTFl'LLY inform their tri. nd and t k h,. Merchants generally, thnt ihey have ta ken those large and com mod ions What vrs, u ith l o Hoiks, moth of Chesnul street, on the Delaware, together with the store No. l'J South Wharve-, where ihey would be pleased to receive consign ments nf (train, plum. Seed, Whiskey, Iron, Ac. Ac. Being also well prepared to forward all kinds of Merchandise hy the Schuylkill and I'nion, nr by the Ohe-apeiike and TiOe aler (.'ana!, us tow boats are kept expressly foi the purpose of towing boats bv ei her route. I Merchant will please be particular lo send their ' gonds destined hy either canal-, t No. lit South ! Wharves, hr-.wten Market and Chesnul street, on ; ihe Delaware, with directions accompanying I hem 1 which mute ihey wish them lo be shipped. I Plaster and Suit for sale, at tin lowest mar- ' ki t price. BOLTON it C . j March 19. I HE!. No. 1 9 South Wharves. i i:oiii:iiT iu i sox, PAPER MANUTACTUHEKS, I Lombard Street, Italtiinore, I T I AYE constanilv for sslr. Printing Paper of al, j - sizes and qualities, Cap Writing Paper, ruled I ami plain, Letter Paper, white and blue, ruled and ; plain. Hanging Paper, line and common. Envelope Paper, do. do. medium, douh'e ciowu, crown and extra sized Wrapping Papers, Colored Medium and : Royal Pupeis, Bonnet, hinder' and Shhw Box 1 lbiaids. Tissue Paper, and nil article in iheir line, ; which they will sell uu accommodating terms, j Highest price given f .r old rags. I ROBERT CARTER A SON, ! March 19. IK-!:). E!ltoii. Md AIEItCllAXT'S house. .Vo. 's!:i7, .Nor, A Third, ulnae I 't.llou htll St., PHILADELPHIA. JOHN PI "N CAN, late from the. Pennsylva nia Fiimer, and Samuel Pike, jr., la e of A mi rican Hotel, Culumbu. 'bio. lake pleasure ill ac quainting their friindsand the public generally (h it Ihey have taken the large and roiiitiiodioua Hotrl, recently built hy the Mi ssis, on Ihe same site once occupied hy the old established Hotel known as the Bub' Head, in Third slice! above Callow hill st. This Hotel is finished in the very best possible manner, and of the best materials. Its locution is eiy desirable, particularly forcnunliy mere-hauls; ihe arrangement for heatii g and ventilating each room is such a to secure any temperature. The be diooms are all light and airy, all (urnished iua neat style, so as to in-uie tomfort. The receiving parlor are also fun ished in a su perb style, the window are nn the French lyle, forming an entrance to a balcony in front, which make pleasant recess. Pmtirulai attention ha been given to Ihe beds and bidding, which, with the furniture, are entirely new. l'rom years' experience in hotel business, we trust, by strict assiduity lo business, lo make this house a desirable stopping place. Our table will always be supplied with Ihe very best our maikel can afford, and our bar with the best liquor and wines u f Ihe most apptoved brands. P. S. There are first rate stabling fcnJ ranisge houses atlarheJ to the hotel, attended by ea sful and sol-er hostler, and our charge will ! fom, in accordance with llie present ban! I truett. PhilaJtlphia, Ott. Tib, 1 HI?. ATTOUNHY AT LAW, suiisunv, FA. Business attended to in the Counties of Nor thumlerland, Union, Lveoming and Columbia. 1 f fV lr.1 Thomas Hbt ck Co., Lnwrn A- Bitnnr, HnT, CrtMtnos A; IfinT, PMfaJ. RsTsioi.ns, McFAntAKi! &. Co. SrF.atiit, 'itioii A Co., GOLDEN S WAN Ao. VA) AorA Third, above Arch Street, PHILADELPHIA. ACCOM MODAI IO.S FOR HF.VEKTV rLflHO. HARLES WEISS. ief the "White Swan" c J and "Mount Vernon House," respectfully in forms his friend stnl customers, that I e ha hecom the proprietor of the abov? well known Hotel. Oiiiintry Meicbant will find the above Hotel a central location, and the best of fare. Persons ira velhng with private conveyance will find a large i yard and good stahbng for horses, and Ihe last of nstlets. Boarding fl pet day. ! May ltih.lHl'.'. if. EAGLE Conn r of Third and Yinr Slrcvtt, wir.LiAivisroi'T, pa. . fllllE subscriber respectfully annourieei ti Ihsj i L public, that be bus opened a 1 lo'cl in the com , modious brick building situate on the coiner of i 'I bin! and Pine streets, where he will be happv lo wait tip ,n ihiisc vvlni may favor him with iheir I company. The Eagle Hotel is la'ire and conveni i en', nnd fori, ished in il.e bet ns-ilern st) le. hi provided with a large number of well aired and ' coinfcrtahle sleeping sparlmenl', room, privjts) ! pailors, A c. Peison visiting Willi:nnmrt on hu ; siness oi plca-ure, mav rest as-un d that eerv n- ertion wll le used to rer tier their sojourn at llui "Eagle Hoti I" pleasant and ajreeahle. His Table will he supplied with the very b- s' the market af ' fords, and his bar with ihe choicest wines and otaer Ihpiors charge re .soiiahle. '('he Eagle Hotel possesses greater advantage in point of location than any other similar establishment in the borough, I being situate in the business part of ihe town, and I wiihin a convenient distance of the Court House I ami Willianisport and Elmira Bad Road Depot, i Sufficient Stnhliiip provided, and good and trusty J ostlers always in atlt iidance. 1 Attentive, act-on. miniating anj lnnr-1 Serrani ban been tmt-loied, ii'd notl iug left undone that , i ill add lo the t-eiiiloil and accommodation ot his gue-ls. I There will he a carriage alwav in attendanoe al I the Boat Laiiiling to convey passenger to and from ! the House, Iree of charge. ! CHARLES BORROWS. ' Mav 14th. 112. tt V N artie'e unerpiallod for e'eaning and g.vinj a J V highly durable :n : rnosi l.:i ! trtut polish to sib i ver. (lerimm Silver, Brass, Cupper, Bntlunia ware, : Tin, St. t l, Cutlery, nnd for re-toru g the lustre cm ; varnished cairiage, Ac, TRV" IP. Prepared an ! sold al wholesa'e and retail, by the i Susipiehanna Cry,ibte l'oh.-h Company, Owe, i Tioga county, N. Y. j WM". Ft iP.sYTH, Agei t for Nnrthuni'd, ; II. B. MASSEIl, Agent lor Sunhury. I November 2!Uh, lPJ. j .ISicliarl WVavcr X. J'o, ' norE makers & suir CIIANDLEns. AVi. I:) AoeA Water Slrrrt. I'hihide phia. BH A E constantly on bund, a general nsaorl jg nn nt of Cordage, Seine T ine. Ac., vi. : 1 I ur'd Ropes. Fishing liops, bile Ropes, Mantl la Ropes, Tow Lines lor Canal Boat. Alsn, : complete assortment of S, ine Twine, r, such ; Hemp Shad and Herring Twine, Best Patent (iill j Net Twine, Cotton Suad and ilenitig Twii e.Shi Thn a 's, eVe. Ac. Also, Red Cords, Plough Lines, Huiiers, I race-. Cotton and l.'iien C irpet Chain. Ar. all of which they will dispose of on leims. Philade'phia, Noviinhei 1:1.1s!';. ly. SPKUINC, IIOOD vS: CO. No. HIS Mntk'n Strot'l, Philadelphia. NVITE Ihe atteiition of Country Merchant lo their extensive assortment of Briti.h French and American Dry dotal, which ihey oiler for side nil the most reaaoniihle ti nils. Philad, Iphia. November 1:1. Itl2. ly. J . W . S V A 1 N , I'mlii'dhi ami I'arasul .Maiuifaclurcr. .Vo. :)( .Y(oA 7'ni ftirrt, two dmrt ltUu- tkt Cilu liottl. I'lii hid, Iphia. COI"NTR Meii hauls uud oihei are solicttej to rxuuiitie hi usiiu.;cnl hefnie purchasind t Isew here Phila 'elpbia. NnvriuUr H. IMCly. fTOR sale a sma'l Faun, conlaiuing about nne bonified and ten acres, more or le-, situ it in Point towush'p. N or huml erland count , about tv.i miles above Noill umber! ml, on the main road h ading from ihat la.e to liitivilh-, adjoining lands nl John l.eghou, Jivse C. Morion au4 other, now in the occupancy of .Samuel Payne. About forty acres of said tract are (hand, ami in good slat - ul co livali'in. on which there is a small bain erect, d. The property ill he sold on n asoiiahle teinis. For further pai tit ulars, posons arc rcipin ed to apply to the ml sciiln r. II. I). MASS SR. Agrnt, Nov. 27'h. l42. if Sunhury. IV LIST OF BOOKS, run stii; hy 1 i2J 32 S2J . NTHO ' do.; At Disxiouurv; l.empner's tnsnotlh' do ; (,'ohh' do.; English and Cieiman do.; Anthon's Casur; Ambon's (ir.unnieri Alithen'a Ctceio; Man's l.a'io Rcadei; Opilby'do4 Audiew' Latin Lessons; D'' Lexicon; Fisk's (ire. k Exercise; Davies's Legendei; (iratn a Majoca; Adaiii.' Koiiiuii Alitujiiitie-; Pinuock' (ioldstiiith's England; do. (ireect; 1. jell's Element nl tii-ulogv; Mis. Lilit'uln' Bolaiiy; Elements ot Botany; Bridge' Algebra; Porter' iiln toncsl Ri a tiers; Emerson' Ciogiuphy and Hisioty; Olney' do ; Parli y's do.; South', (iramuiei; Kiikham'a do.t K' Reader.-; Cuhl'a do.; Cubh' Arillimeiick; Pike' do.; Emerson's do.; Colli' Spelling Bonks, 'Pawn's do.; Cobb' 'I'ahle Books; Evangelical Fa mily Library; Cottage Bible.; Family do ; Collater al do.; Small Bibles and TesUmcnls; Parker's Ex eicie on Composition; Fruit of the Spirit; BaHei's S.ini' Rest; American Revolution; Marryall'a No vels; Mr. Phelp on Chemistry; Iliad; Catechism of American Laws; Letter on Natural Magic; Che misliy for Beginners; 1'iihsh Exeicist ad spied lo Murray' lirainmer, Sei)Uil to Comley'a Spelling Book; Aim rican Class It, .ok; Dalmll'i Schthdms tei'a Assistant; A great variety ol Blank Book, Ac. August 2H, IH43. TOR RALF. AT THIS OITR'C
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers