"i-r ,fflwniij'-j-muj-T';ri1 1DIA It l It II bill Oil (U M MIOKS. The mode in which India rubber, or gum rdmes nro manufactured at Pur, in Hrazil llie place from which, wc believe, thry nro obtained exclusively is (litis described in letter to the N. Y. .liMirnnl of Commerce from nu Auieiicnn citiaen who visited the interior where the ope ration is carried on ; "We found Sohnor Augehra's fini!y, like himself, very hospitable nnd very talkative. Af t r dinner we were shown over Ihe place, ami enterm? the neighboring forest, were shown the canulrhonc tree. Thry crow, in general, to the height of forty or fifty feet without branch es, then branching, run up fifteen feet liiylmr. The leaf is about six inches long thin, anil shaped like that of a peach tree. Tim tiers shew their working by the number of knot, or hunches made by tapping ; and a singular fnrl is, that like a row, when most tupped, they give most milk or snp. An the time of operating is early day, we were obliged to content ourselves ivi'h viewing the utensils and moulds used by the shoemakers, awaiting until next morning to sec the moil us opera n li. Accordingly before sunrise, we were on hand. The blacks are ti ret sent thro' the forei-t, armed with a quantity of soft, clay, and a small pickaxe. On earning to one of the trues, a portion of the soil clay is formed into n cup nnd r.tuck to the trunk. The black then striking Ins piek over the cup, the sap oozes out slowly a tree giving daily about a gill. The tapper continue in this way, tapping per haps fifty trees, when lie returns, n nil with a jar p-iss-ug over the same ground, empties his cups. So by seven o'clock the blacks came in with their jars, ready for working. The sap at this singe resembles milk in ap pearance, and somewhat in taste. It is also frequently drunk with perfect safety. It left standing now, it will curdle like milk, disen gaging a watery substance like whey. Shoemakers now arrange themselves to form j the gum. Seated in the shade, with a largo pan I of milk on one side, and on the other a logon, in ; which is burned a nut peculiar to this country, rmitinjja dense smoke, the operator lnv:ng his list, or form, held by a long stick or handle, previously besmeared with soil clay, (in older t. slipolV the shoe when finished.) holds jtoier the pan, and pouring on the milk until it is co vered, sets the coating in the smukc ; then giving it a second eont, repents the smoking ; and so on with a third and fourth, until the shoe is of the requiied thickness, averaging from six to twelve Coats. When finished, the shoes on the forms are placed in the sun tl.o remain der of the day, to dry. Next day, if required, they may lie figured, being so soft that any im pression will be indelibly received. The na tives arc very dexterous in this work. With a quill mid sharp pointed stick, they will produce finely lined leaves and flowers, such as yen may have seen on the shoes, in an incredible abort space of time. After remaining on the forms two or three days, the shoes are cut open on t"ii, allowing the lust to slip out. They are then tied together and slung on poles, ready tor i :i r ket. There, pedlars nnd Jews trade fur tie in with the country people ; and in lots of a thou sand or more, they are again sold to the mer chants, who have them stuffed with straw, mid -ac THE AMERICAN. Saturday, .lugust 21, 1841. lcmo riTlk- fc'omliialloii. FOR PRF.SIDF.NT, JAMES XL POLK, OF TKNMKSISFE. i on vicf. prf.sipf.nt. GEO. m. DALLAS, OF PENNSYLVANIA. FOR GOVF.KNOR, V A H C f 0 It. SlUIUU. fSulijrrt tu the decision of lie. Convention J FOR OA N L COMMISSIONER, I. II. l'.ll..lli:H, ;., at hi Hint Vs. late ami rout OtUir, .V. .VJ I'inr Strut, -laiUljiliia, is aulhnriiiil to act ax .Igtut, u d receipt lor all tunnies due this oilier, tor n tcrljftlim or aelrirtlsinf. .llso.at his Wtice.Vtt. Hit) .VttiM Street , V re 'ork. The "A-mhuc-a V run nn: Caitaion. A it has become fashionable to furnish news papers from this to the elections at a low price, we propose to furnish the " American." or our Herman paper, until the elections, for 3.Vts. for one copy, or live copies lor one dollar. FnANci K. Snout. We are pleased to see that almost every democratic paper in the state, ns far as beard fiom, has renin out in favor of Shiuik. The Faston Sentinel, alone, recom mends another person. There can be no doubt of his unanimous nomination and triumphant elec tion. The more candid whigs in this quarter, acknowledge that Slum k is too much for the General. The following papers have declared in favor of Shiuik : The pemocratie Press, the JefTeison Democrat, and Reading Adler, of l'ei ks ; the Spirit of the Times, Pennsylvania, and American Sentinel, of Philadelphia ; The Norristowii Register, and The Montgomery County Ledger, of Montgomery ; The Jefl'ersoniaii, ol Chester ; The Intelligencer, The Plaindealer and The Democrat, of Lancas ter ; The Argus, the Democratic Fnion, The National Inquirer, and the (ierumu Democratic Paper, of Dauphin ; The Volunteer, and The Statesman, of Cumberland ; the two Gazettes, Foolish and Herman, of Vol k ; The Gazette, of I 1 1 i r 1 ; I he limes, ol I raiiklin ; I lie linlle tin. ol .elii"li ; I lie I'ennsyivaiiui t.a.eue am The F.aton Argus, of Noithampton ; The Potts vilb: F.niporiuui. of Schuylkill , The Pittsburg Aurora, the Morning Post and the Mercury, of Allegheny ; Siiubiiry American. The Sutibnry Aniet ikaner, (German, i Sunbnry t lazette, Milton Ledger, of Northumberland county ; Danville Intelligencer, l.erwick F.iiqui rer, Columbia De mocrat, of Cobunbia county; Lewislmtg Chro nicle, f'nion Times, of I'nion county ; Wilkes harre Farmer, and German Paper, of Luzerne county ; T.vcointti!! Gazette, Clinton County De mocrat. There are about 11 more, for whicli we have no room. "Ri:itoN oFpiATAiit. A New Yolk paper sueaests that candidates for Congress shall be re quired to give pledges to vote lor a reduction of postasre. A good idea." I'hiln. Timet. OtT" We have frequently made the same, sug gestion for morn than a year past. The mem ber of this, (the 13th district.) whoever he may be, must go in for it. In less than another year there will be a quarrel about the disposal of the surplus revenue, and in the meantime our go vernment officials, in their wisdom, are break ing down one of their own departments, by keep ing up an odious and oppressive tax. in the shape of postage. We say, make a uniform rate of postage of five cents, throughout the Union, on single letters, and even if some of the surplus re venue should be used for a few years, i'. could not be devoted to a better purpose. Forthe whole community would be benefitted, instead of its being squandered on swindlers and defaulters. It would not only confer a great blessing on the people generally, and the poor in particular, but would, in time, repay all the expenses incurred. MISCElim, Rrillnrlst, Condensed and Selerled. Coi,. R. M. Johnson has written a letter to the Kentucky Yeoman, in which he dot hire that be will cheerfully use every exertion to se cure the election of Tolk and Dallas. The Whigs cannot have tho "Old Tecumseh" yet. OrtF.vr Pisfovsnv. The "P)tickeye" has late ly discovered the name of "Capling Murlrfc'' in history. In Mr. Clay's district the Whigs have lost our hundred nnd eleven votes since IS 10. A beautiful and fashionably dressed woman at tempted suicide by jumping from Cambridge IOR Till AMERICA. There is a story told somewhere, of one who, by the influence of some powerful drug, slept for the space of a century and a half. He bad com menced his long slumber in those days when the whole world was wrapt in the midnight of ig norance and superstition. When he again open ed his eyes, the world had so changed that he knew it not. Walking forth from the cave in which he had slept, be found a city standing, where before the wilderness stood, strange sights met bis eyes, and unfamiliar voices and sounds struck his ear. He looked in vain for some spot by which to recognise the land of his former wanderings ; in vain did he address those who C.V" Tiik Willi; Catufi-Im: T Miiinv On Thursday morning, about ! o'clock, we b it here, umbrella in baud, for Nm thuiubei land, intending to t.ke thr Packet for Milton. The Packet was Put.ks. About ten days since tbe whig ! ,t(1lt, nl, w to. bovs of this place raised a pole with a flag and a i stuffed coon mounted on the top. On Friday List the democratic boys raised a tall hickory, in maiket square, with several llas, on oik? of which was insciibed "Polk, Dallas and Shiuik," "Tai iff and no V. S. Hank," "Democratic T?nys of Sunhury." In the tap branches of the pole, was placed a cock, with head erect. K7 The funeral of Ma. Mi UMcvrirnrj, who j was buried on Thursday, loth hist, brought toge ther a larger concourse ol people at Reading than was ever witnessed on a similar occasion. The stores were all closed and a general suspension of business took place. The Court was then in session, and on Monday the 1 1th inst., the death of Mr. M. was announced as follows, by David K. Cordon, F.sq : "I rise nt the request of my bretbern of the Uar, to announce to the Court and the citizens assembled here, the decease by a sudden and iilllicting dispensation of Divine Providence, of the lion. IIF.NKY A. MI'IILi:NHi:iC, a man w hose elevated public career lias made him known extensively thronahout the Union, who has lived long enough aiming us to heroine well known to nil the inhabitants ofnr Country, and to secure for himself the affection and respect of till to whom lit-wns known. His removal has been so sudden, ns to give a shock of no ronimon rbaracter to every person, nnd to atti ct with the proloundest recrel t'ie minds of those of his friends and associates muting us, if there were any whom the liirreof circumstan ces had for a moment removed from the accus tomed habits of social intercourse and converge bridge into Charles river. Her clothes buoyed rapd llim on cr0W(rj gtrRpt for lip spokn nerup nil some men came w,u. a noai to ner a ,ong,1(, lollesinre forgoUr.n. The people were rescue. A beautiful woman wish to die! It ,,. r . ,.... i . i ,i i ,i not more or a wonder to him than he to them, seems almost as wonderful as the resignation of fori i,v ,omfi trai,g0 influence, his dress had not a public officer. Jocayeil during his dormant state, but seemed as The Savannah Republican receives many com- ! if jt 'too bad slept, and been refreshed by its plimetits from its Whig coadjutors, on occasion J 8rf,n ,p look,.(1 at himself and thought the of putting on anew dress. That is the print world fools for assuming the dress, language and which says " We r;,.y that Mr. Cli,;, or the deportment of strangers; his heart sickened at Whigs of Georgia, irho.se candidate he. is, seek fur their seeming heathenish piactices. He stood the istnhtiMhment of a protective tariff" ! n)oof fr()IT1 the crowd and in his heart pitied them, A coon paper before ns, which "anticipated a ; and determined to pursue a philanthropic course mojority of 11,0110 in North Carolina," before the ' with regaid to them. He would civili.e them election, is now crowing lustily, at having bare- and teach them what his father had taught him. ly escaped defeat by 2. HOD. i In the goodness of his heart, he set about his (iraham, tbe Whig Covetnor elect of North ; -jreat work, but alter many years of toil be sue Carolina, voted against tbe present tariff, asdid ceeded in convening a few with whom be with- John i Adams, and is in favor of annexing Tex as. A manufacturer of wooden combs at New Ha- i ven, it is stated, has nowon hand orders for no less than fourteen million four hundred thousand of these articles. A Iiannfh Sroi.i N. We regret to state i: - 1 ..;i .i:. i . uiiu miiiii' omniums dim t 1 1 losuosru 'i.isohs entered the dwelling of Mrs. Finney, in this place, on Monday night Lit , through the cellar, and rairied away a banner, nearly completed by the young ladies, and intended for the Sunhury Clay Club. KT" Tur. Hivkkvk Ri.Ai'KsHiTit. 'I'll is noted w hig orator made bis appearance in our place on Wednesday afternoon, and addressed quite a re spectable audience in number and appearance, that assembled in the Court House. The ladies were out to swell the number, as wi ll as a num ber of democrats, led thither by curiosity. The liuckeye commenced by excusing himself for want of a grammatical education, that he knew but little of grammar, stated that be bad, how ever, a good head, which he preferred with a bud education, to a bad head with a good education, .mil thought, withal, he was as capable of tell ing the truth as a Philadelphia lawyer. He then commenced on the tariff and read a few extracts from free tiade papers to shew that the democrat- ige in the boat containing the whig delegation and a number of ladies fiom Suiibni v. It had been raining, nod llie clouds wore n threatening aspect When we arrived within a mile or two of Milton, the ram came vv,, Mm The kindly sentiments and beuevo- pouring down in torrents upon our devoted heads, i lent heait of the deceased were attend) d with which were, however, pretty well protected I j noi r iia I u ra I elleel in a l inch mrf lolomnll ' ' Millerites are noticed to take nlu. c . . ' li.'ul 1 1 m hnrmttii'K4 nl lut new inn in n nf mwl I i u1li uintiiv.liis. N listed a imniU.-r ol the I .'... . 1 .... ..... in vai-ious narta of tin roni.lrv. ,i(lu s throuiili tho lam ami mml to r. loua. s n i. ..ioi.ii lin i,:, t,rtt .n ittH (rn,ir i(t I , c.... : .:a.. J (- . .... .... . 1 II,- 'lltll,-l . ,1 I II l 3 l 11 U I' ilid not have an enemy on the taceot the r.iirth. ! I move that ns a mark of respect loins memory. ! this Court do now adjourn until Thursday morn- j At rising of a Whig Flag-Staff, at Spring ing, the loth inst." j field, Illino's. the tackle broke, and one young r. ... n "... t, , ; man was killed, and others were wounded. K 1 iik I.iri,r:vK III. . krmi'i it. I Ins great ' gun of the whigs, who is expected to iierfoinii In Massachusetts, in old times, the young men wonders among the democracy by ihe roar of bis thunder, a few years since prowled not a lit tle at those with whom he is now acting. The lluckeye, in IS in, stated that he did not want olice, and alter the election he would return to lie was not, however, satisfied to residence, where thpy as well as ourselves were ! kindly received, and where, shortly alter we arrived, e weie entrapped into a room contain ing a table groaning under the good things of this woi Id. around which were seated about twen ty ladies, as merry a a bevy of conns in a corn field. They complimented us as a Incoloco of undoubted courage, in venturing solitary and alone, among so many armed female coons In the meanwhile, the streets were pai ailed with pioc essions. carrying banners, badges, tree tops live coons, poke bushes dragging on the ic party were opposed to a tsi itf 1 le said nothing. packed in Ixixes to export, in which state they however, about whig papers advocating the same nre received in the lT. S. In the same manner, , doctrine in the South. He also showed that any shnpe may be manufactured. Thus toys i'apting Markle's name was once mentioned in ground. ' Ids trad. and all the paraphernalia and mun ries pecn- j work, and considered lunisell entitled to a share liar to whig processions. 'I'be poor coons, many i of the sxils in Ihe general scramble of IMO. He ol" them having shed their winter coats, looked) received an appointment from General Harrison, like so many drowned rats in funeral procession. I Receiver, we believe, at Sandusky, Ohio. He The lluckeye was entertaining a crowd in the held the office hut a short time. The reason street. About 1 o'clock the piocession began to why, we don't know. He became dissatisfied move to the island, nearly opposite, a beautiful j with the whigs proper, as he called the Clay spot for such an occasion. We seated ourselves j paity, and leaned very strongly toward the Ty on a pile of timber near the place of crossing, j ler party, as the following letter, w ritten by which wa u. bridge of flats. We honestly count- j him in June, I .p, w ill shew, promising to go ed, as conectlyas possible, each section as it I lor Tyler "teeth and toe nails." It is said he now abuses Mr. Tyler whenever an opportunity oilers. I',, drew, sick with the folly and ignorance of the world. There are those, at the present time, who seem to regard tbe world with much the same feelings as our friend above. Like him, they have had their faculties of perception and re- A manufacturer in Cincinnati has forwarded j flection lulled to sleep, by the narcotics bigotry to St. Louis a plough that is to be driven by steam, i and obstinacy, the first fruits of ignorance, for turning up the prairies of Illinois. "The old way is the best way," is the voice of An undertaker, in New Vol k, hopes to meet j their every action, "the world has pot along a liberal share of patronage in bis line, from his j " r" enough all this time without any of your old friends.'' j new-fangled notions, nnd it ran flourish just as Young thriving trees will actually resist flame, j Wf,H hereafter without them." With minds so and are the best protection a tenement can have : m" "row ,1,at ""'' m'VPr Wond the littb? against the assaults uf fire. : circle of self, and hearts that have never felt the ,. r., fust warm rav of benevolence, they aim their A o less t in n I went v.t wo mm it nipi'l i infs nf I he 1 - J i t v. ; .. I r !'.. .'.. .i . . . f i. l ., . : i di.Miau guns oi iiisunciion ai ine svsiem 01 .0- this month : . , iication. and attempt to frown down, beat down ! and vote down the very means that are to raise in the hea- i ,i1Hir , l,i,irp ahove the foul atmosphere of ig- Jupiter i also to be seen at a late hour, j 1)oram.. in ,,.,, tl.v ,,iivc AxaetH ollt lPir worse than useless lives. Because they hav lived without education they think it useless, j and even go so far ns to say that "if things went on in the w ay some people w ished, their children ! would kiuu more than thene!ves " Arid it would I be a shame il'they did not. How low and degraded j must be his mind who ran strive to bind others i down to the same miserable level with himself ; ! the line chords of his soul must be swept aw ay ! by the rude hand of the black demon selfishness ; he must be lost to every thing that is ennobling in human nature. Here is a town containing fifteen hundred in habitants, and yet not one Academy. And w hen, by the exertions of a few, there was one established, it was not supported. The very public schools are closed, ami what is still worse at a recent liorough election, they escaped total suppression by ,firi votes. What a state of af fairs! Citizens should blush at such conduct. C. some history of the last war. in connection w ith some other Captiug. He also contended it be was but little known in Pennsylvania, that the people of Ohio knew all about him, and talked much about (iov. Mai kle. The people of Ohio are certainly a knowing people to know o iovern or Mai kle, w hen his own citizens baldly knew, until a few mouths since, that they had vich a man, even as a fighting Vuptuiii. He may, per haps, run well in Ohio, where, it seems, he is already made Governor, but be will never be honored with that title in this state. The Puck eye also alluded to the Tyler letter, published in another column. He says u vt big friend wiote it us a hoax. Election I!i turns. KiiNTi (KY. The whigs have not done as they expected in this state, (hv-lcy's majori made over clay forms. After drying the clay in broken and extracted. Unities, Ac, in the enine way. According as the gum grows older it becomes darker in rolor, and more lough. The number of Cauutrhnuc trees in this pro vince is countless. In some parts whole for ests of them e.visl, and they nre frequently cut down for firewood. Although this tree exists in Mexico and the East Indies, there appears to ba no importation into the United States, from those places. The reason I suppose must be, the want of that piolifiicnestt found in them here. The caouthhoue tree may be worked all tbe year; but generally in the wet season they have rest, owing to the flooded slate of the woods; nnd the indk being watery, requires more to manufacture the same article than in the dry season. This, to these verv reasoning neonle. ! '. the w big candidate lor Governor, will hardly ... ., . . . reach fllHKI. 'I'be Lieut ( .'oi , i nor w ill li.i ve or ! guarded moment he as iieliu ed to deviut is sumcieiit io ueier mem irom woraing in win I ter ; extra labor giving the in unpleasant f'etl- , logs. The Law ami JVkwm'ai'i.iim. '1. Subscri bers who do not give express notice to the con. trary, are considtretJ as wishing to continue their subscriptions. 2. If bubaenburs order the discontinuance of their papeis, the publishei may CJiilinue to tend them till all urreurages tire paid. 3. If subbcnbers neglect or refuse to take their papers from thu ollice to which they are directed, tlit'y are hell responsible till they liuve tetllod their bills und ordered their pa pers discontinued. 4. It subscribers remove to other places without informing the publ irdiera, hu1 their pa per is bent to the foiuivr direction, they are held responsible. i. rlieiAiurls nave decided that ri lusma to take a newspaper or peruslical from the ollice or removing, and h aving it unculled lor, is 'prima facie' evidence of ivi hshonm. hai i !'' Nations w inioir i'liiE. It is said that fire was entirely unknown to many tH (he nations of antiquity, and even at the present day it is unknown in smne parts of' Afi ica. Th inhabi tants of the Marian Islands, which were disco vered in l.Vil, bad no idea of fire, and expres sed great astonishment on first beholding it believing it to be some living trrBtuie which fed on wtMxI. Tho inhabitants of the I'lnllipine and Canary Islands were equally ignorant. reach oUOO. The Lieut, (iuinimr wi ;iU0U more. 'Ihe whigs confidently expe Id. tmo majority, at least. The legislature is 1 whig about three to one. i Missoi Rl. hxl wards, the llcnti n candid Me, is elected, it is supposed, by about -IUHI nnjori- : ty. The democrats have curried 7 Senators ami : a prospect of another ; the whigs have elected : II. Added to those w ho hold over, the Senate j will stnnd democrats to W whigs. In the House, the whigs have gained il members and the democrats 7, which leaves a wing gain of; 1 1, and 10 more to gain of the thirty to lie: heard fiom in order to make a tie in the House, j rIAA. The Legislature stands "J.") demo- j passed, and made the number t"6 sections, a- veiaging four men in each, making in all l'.M'-' j Tbe procession was, in addition, headed by about j .'JoO ladies, .10 or l.il little girls and as many lit tle boys. A considerable number passed outside the procession whicli. w e presume, were mostly democrats. There were also a number of per sons alieadv on the island. It is proper to say that u number of w bigs w ho counted on the bridge state ihe whole number that passed, as varying from Cl'.OO to .TTUO A gentleman opposite ns made the number I SI ecl ions, or twelve more than ourselves A lair estimate of (on the i-laed, would probublv be something over .'iOOft. Judge Davidson, of Lycoming, was called to preside over the meeting. John S. Richards, of the Reiks and Schuylkill Journal, w as then called on to address the meet ing. We felt somew bat indignant w hen w e saw j biin speaking, and thought we could see. in his maimer, the vindictiveness that prompted hint to ,. i publish the gross slander upon tbe character of '. the lamented Muhlenberg. We have reason to I believe, however, that he regrets that in an nii- ave ',' or ! guarded moment he was indiued to deviate Irom ted i ""' "'t liueol justice and duty. Ir. li also alluded to the pm honing and dist met mil of the whig banner of" this place, and charged the lead- ir, it seems, though too lazy to woik, is no fool, and like a true Swiss soldier, is ready to enlist in any set vice that will pay the best. The ! following is the letter "l'lin.ADixi iiia, June Oil, Col. Sandy Harris : Dkaii Sih: I received your letter on behalf of the committee appointed by the friends of Mr. T)ler, inviting me to a festival to be held nt McArroti's (iarden on the lib of July. Ha ving performed, as I conceived, my duly to the people during thu campaign of 1 Hi, I had intended to retire altogether from the field of were not allowed to kiss the "gals" except with the advice, consent, and in piesence of some dis creet old aunt. A mob broke in the windows of a church, in Troy, N. York, on Wednesday night, and broke up a meeting of Abolitionists. There is to be a foot race over tbe Feacoii course for 51000 on the 1.1th of October. Dr. Conelly and other Santa Fe traders have reached St. Louis, with SU,000 in cash, and a large quantity of buffalo robes. A Postmaster in La per county, Mich., has been arrested for purloining '.'uuo out of the mail. Mr. Van P.uren is to have a dinner given to him at Saratoga next week. A woman followed a fellow named White, from Louisville to Cincinnati last week, for stealing a watch and breastpin of her. There she found the fellow, seized him in the street. The .Money Markt-t, On Tuesday we spoke of the expansion of the tore out his shirt bosom with ihe pin in it. and I ''"'ncy and an increase of imports, and intima ted that the consequence would probably be an exportation of coin. If we look back a few years we shall find that an expansion ol" the circulatioi and increase in the imports took place simultaue ously, and on the other hand a contraction of th circulation and decrease of the iinnorts occurrei A few day, ago, a Hickory Pole was erected , ,ogrtW. Th Mowi Wf contains the a at Fort Lee, on which occasion there was a ! m0mt 0,-, ra,(.tl,.,tioIl of ,.. r,.lnks in thl. strong muster of the Democratic forces. Hard- '. recovered a part of the watch chain, which part ed. The fellow then escaped. A bold woman. Siv 'Riot's Sv.w.r. Coin. A Isige number of counterfeit fips and levies are in circulation in Philadelphia. They are of the Mexican stamp. : I,. I....I ti,.... , 1 1. I ... I .. .,.1 ... , , , , 1 it nu'i uir, ?i uui 1 1 u. rtiii-ii u I'liiii'i nun piuiriv politics, but recent events have aroused tne up, ! ' nnd. il'they have not brought me back into the j Ka?1 Parched upon its top, and ever since re- field, have at least "iven me a strong incluia- turns at intervals from his high mountain eyrie lion that way. 'They talk about Mr. Tyler's broken pledges. It is a notorious fact, that during ihe Presiden tial canvass, those whotook the stump for 'Tippe canoe and Tyler too,' tried to impress upon the people, on all occasions, the fact that the Nation til Hank w hs not one of the measures before the neoole. When the onoosition cried out 'Hank parly,' we denied it I, for one, (and I believe, ; smoke w hich hovers over the city of London others alto.) from honest convictions. The ' from the use of sen coal, is not only healthy i to his lofty position, to have a smell of pure air. A coal mine at the lleaufort Iron Works at A berganenny, recently ignited, and is now on fire to the extent of three miles. Many serious nc- I cidents have already been tbe consequence. Smoke Heai.thv. It is contended that the year from is.'! I to is. 1 1 : and also the import and exports ol the country for the twelve month ending on the .10th of November in each ofthos years : j Years. Circulation. Imports. Fxports. l.it us,s.',ii.."i:ii i?ri,.v.M.i.i'3 04,!'ie.'i- lS'j.'i lon.fiii5.1M Mt.S0.".7.5 153,r.!i:t..'? j ism; i in, ,int, oris isii.'.isn.o:i.- i5s,iii-..i.(i i I is.17 1 I'.i.is.-.S'UO 1 t0..isy.5l7 1 17,-t km: ! is'it iifi.i5s.mo ll.i.'lvim i os. istj. fit ; IS'l'l 1 '!'.. 170. '.I!..'. lfio.(i!e.1.13 137.li5s.4 1 . IslO 1 in,. 175 7i"0 1U7.1 II,.'. I H l.'H.ITl.'."' . Ml 1 IVKi.'i.'i 12 137.tM.'..SS lil.S.M.Si ! 1S43 no returns 100.lfi5.0K7 10-1,.'.91..'.: Daily Tropic is of the same o- crats nnd 25 whigs in the Senate, nnd in the ; Tariff The lluckeye then amused the audience llnnuu til ,l..o,oeml noil T, vvf.iirs 7 nmii.rilv i for aholit filteeii lnililitcs. when the meeting ad- fur whigs, Alahama. So fur as heard from 2(1 demo- ing men of our pai ty in having applauded the ai t This was ne t by a piompt denial fiom S. IV I gross under the popularity ofthe good old man .Tonlaii. I'sq , of Suiibni v, who very properly stated that the asseition was untrue Mr. K. then apologised, and was happy to stand correct ed. These aie small mat ter to elect ioneer with, but they ill he Used forthe V ant of better ca pital Mr. Kit-hards was followed by Mr. Gib bons. of Philadelphia, in a speech lather longer than desirable, for those who waited to bear the Kuckeye. His theme, like that of the fust speaker, was on the evei lasting subject of the that lltrrison was not a hank man ; they were ; .... .,, , ... , , . . ., . , .-, . li .- i 1 he Pittsbur I..J I ... !.,. I...l,.,l l,t, In. nii'.t il rtl ii r t t.iti w and hecM.se Mr. Tyler, who was on the t.cket j P'ni"" of that city. There is nothing like tx- , with bun, was und always had been, an nnti- : acting a benelit from a disagreeable annoyance. j bank man. So stain, however, as the Whigs, (, i tino a Hroao Swartu Isaac Harris fit. . i 'i ... - i u P T ' 'I V U ' I'll a in ii iiy hi hip . . , , x , - . . 1 . " . . r . . i natl p(l two arrps and ei-'lit roils of vhnt in two now gone to heaven, they tried to enm tlown a , "0,,,s " ,e '. ' " iisuury isse.i , hank upon the people ; and when John Tyler , and bound it in tho same tune, in the town of vetoed it, they cried out broken pledges. They j Goihain, Ontario county, recently. ! were the idme breaker and acted like the , . . .,, , . .. ,, ! i . i, - . ,i ; ......i., rr:,i I Ixn arn. Judge ( hambers, residing in Alle-I mil 't II II.., ,iir. .i.n.i.j .: n. i . ...... ..... The amount of cash receipts during the la week at New Yoik, was ?'.)75.0no If we su; pose the rate of duty to be only thirty per cer. on the value, then the value of the importatioi ibirinu tlie week could not be far from three an a half millions The question now of most in portance is, how far upecie must lie export e. The indications of a call for its exportation hav already had an influence on the stock marke anil the moment it becomes evident that a co map Ihiif: loud, r than Ihe rest of the crowd, j pheny city, was seriously if not fatally injured Mporfl,,i011 mmt ,ake place, the ban! lint ullow me to think you for your kindness, i at the raising of a hickory pole, in Allegheny, will instantly contract their operations. TI ..! li.,, .iii,ln..j ,.f lli I'.in rrtnmc. tit ini.t.i.. ..t:. I... I. St . ri mi" ni.n'.i. h.k-. j. -f. - iirur ins resiuence, on aiuroav wee. nue tu . r i . - . - I ...1 . - i. ii - . 1 ! iffirt nf lmnlf rnntraction at this nerioil. U't . I - - - - join neil, and tbe great mass left as tney came, m a ten rent of ruin. It is due to the citiens of vii mg me to join you. it woui.i give me proai ,.gg was broken, and his sides and ribs were pleasure it I could comply ; but I cannot, for 1 . , . . i . -.ill i i - i.. ! crushed in. ine uesi reasons in ine woini. i inn mn-nn i under promise to be at Co'uinbus, Ohio, at the, Tur. FiNrBAi. of IWnry A. Mmt.t surar; j Slate Convtnlion iihi Ihe 4th. and I start lir ; s;0 (u,hU mv-like was the appearance of the nun place lo-morrow. nut oi huh nunc;, up ns- ' .,..1 I .... ;n !'.. I, '(..-litr O.-,. ,lii nml ton crats and 20 whies are elected to the Le-'isla- Milton to say, that tliey enteiiaiueu suani-eis ture. Those counties to be beard from, are ' nearly nil denuicrntic. In this Slate there is a decided democratic gain. Illinois; has gone bodily for the democrats. In Congress, 0 democrats, 1 whig. fT The New York papei s announce tbe death of Col. Stovf, long known as the able editor of the N. Y. Commercial Advertiser He died at Saratoga, on the 15th inst , aged 52 years Col. Stone was the author of a number of literal y works He commenced his course as un ap prentice to the printing business at an early age, in Coopcistown, N Y and visitors w ith great hospitality, and never did poor fellow s stand a greater need of it. 07" John Tvim has, in an address, formal ly withdrawn his name as a candidate forthe Presidency. Poi.riiiAi. 1'NtAiliNns. The whig papers are publishing a line from Mr. Poll "My own o pinion is that wool should be duty free.'' The sentence appears in his report in Congress, fiom the Committee of Wuys and Means, and is : "My own opinion is that wool should be duty free, but as wool-growers think otherwise, we have retained a duty ol 15 per cent on the im ported siticle." nails,' just so l.mg ns he arts as he has done hi therto, and proves liiuise'.l a representative of the people, and not the tool of a party. Yours, JOHN U UKAPv." Joe Smith Rinf.n. The St. Louis New Era says, a Mormon has arrived in that city, who reports that Joe Smilh has risen from the dead, and has been seen in Carthage and Nauvno mounted on a white horse, and with a drawn sword in his hand. He says that as Joe is thus restored to life, every thing will go on prosper ously with the Mormons. Thus it is with this body on Tuesday evening, that a doubt was lai sed in the minds of many persons who viewed it, us to whether life was entirely extinct; and in consequence, the funeral, w hich was to have ta ken place on Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock so many large enterprises are on foot, and su. a current of business is sweeping along at tl same time that every man is more or less bom by pecuniary obligations w hich are to be fullilb ill tbe future, can hardly be imagined. From returns made up to the 1st inst , it w be seen that the importations into l.oston f July this year, eompared with the last, have be. j very large. was postponed. Iiy the same evening, however, -rota value ol'Imports for July, 11.1 f ltO.Ofil undoubted signs of dissolution was evident, and on the following (Thursday) morning, the mar tal remains of our lamented citizen were follow ed to the grave by an immense concourse of re- 1M1 013,077, Increase in July, IS II. $101,111. The revenue from customs received at the P.i ton Custom House, from July 1st to A lit; list lit lativesand friends. An eloquent and impressive ; amounts to $1, 050. 000. The rash receipts fr. funeral discourse in the German language, was ' customs at the port of New York, for the we . . ,, i , i ending the afternoon of the 10th inst, amor preached by the Tvev. Jacob Miller, in the Luthe- j tr( so.- ()(l(, i.;IU, mor(1 than jmo ooo larj. ran ( hurch, of which Mr. Muhlenberg was for t(,nii th receipts lor any single week, this ye; deluded neeule Tbe tody of Joe was hidden 2fi years pastor, and continued a subsequent mem- 1 II appears from these returns that the revenue I r J 1 .1 lll;.r,;'ikiiifl at r.rirllvt an atot At this rnts t at Xauvoo, and none but a lew knew where it ' her. As a mark of lespett to the memory of the deceased, all our places of business were clo sed fiom 10 to 1 o'clock. Heading Gazette was. Now thry pretend thut he has risen Irom the dead. increasing as rapidly as ever. At this rate t total receipts tor August, at the port of N. York, will be larger than any previous month J'hilu. Ledger.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers