isahu koti: list, rcxxsixYAxtt. Ti e f .Mwin lit hows the current value nf nil Pennsylvania Uinlt Note. The mo-t implicit re iance nnv be placed upon it, a t U every ttMr garcfully compared with ni d corrected Pom lti k nell's Reporter. ICauliM In riillatlolpliln. NE; LllPATIO. Dtc. tw Fun n. par . par par . pur pur . par par , pr par pal par NOTE8 AT PAR. Rink of North Amnrirn . , , Honk of the Northern I.ittcrtim . Commercial Bank nf Penn'a. . , Farmers' ami Mechanics' Bank . Keiisineton Bank . Philadelphia Uaik Schuylkill Bank . . , Sotithwsrk llauk . . vY-irm M ink . . MrrliJitiifH Rank . , Manufacturers' fc Mechanics' Bank Country Ttanlis. Bank of fhptcr County Wpatchcster Bank cf Delaware Conwy Chester It tub of I Jcrmantown (iermnntown Hank nt" Montgomery Co. Norritoivn ll.ivlfsi.nvn Hank DoyU'stown F-ision Hank Easton Farmers' Bank of Rucks CO. Bristol pnf p.r par par p.r par inr I llhVe i Office office Office f Rank of Penn'a. lo do do do do do Hairisburg" Thee Lancaster 1 oilier Rending f do not Easton j issue n. NOTES AT DIscmiN r. "ink of the United States Niilad. Iphia StalC . par : 1 . par flank uf Pcnn Township Cuard Dank , Moyauirrwinu Bank Hank of Pennsylvania Miners' Bank of Pottsville Dank of Lrwistown Hank uf Middletnwn Bank of Northumberland I 'ulumhia Bank & H ridge co. Cm lisle Bonk Exchange Bank Do do branch of par I Pottsville Lewislown M i.ldlctnwn Northumberland par Columbia J Carlisle Pillshlllg Hollidayohurg u 5 Farmers' Bank of Lancastei Lnncistei l.nncaster County Bank Lancaster Farmers' Bank of Reading Rending Hairishurg Bank ' HarrUhurg Lancaster Bank Lancaster Lebanon Bank Lebanon Merchants' & Manuf. Bank Pittshurg Hsuk of Pittsburg Pittsbutg Weal Branch B ink illiamsport Wyoming Bank Wilkcshario Northampton Bank Allentowu Berks County Bank Reading O'Vice of Bank of U. S. Pittsburg Do do do Erie Do do do New Bii;lilp.n Ken'-incton Sav. In. A do t'enn Township Sav, In. do Bank of Cliamhcrshuig Ch.anibers.hurg ffo.t.k of Cetlysluirg Oettyshtirg Hank of Susquehanna Co. Montrose I In.- Bank Erie F inner' Ac Drovers' Bank Wnyncshtirg Franklin Bank Washington Hr.iresd.ilo Bank Ilooesdalc Miinonrraheli Bank of B. Brownsville V'oik Bank Yoik fai'ed do do N. B. The nolo of those bunks on whieh we emi (flotation, and substitute a dash ( ) are not ,-urcliasedj by the Philadelphia brokers, with the exception of those which have a letter of n ference. BROKEN BANKS. Philadelphia Sav. In. Philadelphia Philadelphia Loan Co. do e't liuvlkill fav. Ina. do failed failed failed fiiled M.uinal Labor Bank (T. W- Dyott, prop.) I'owanda Bank Towanda Allei;bnny Bank of P. I! ink of l!eav-r Hank of tSw atura i'ank t Washington ( 'i ntro Bank 1'ity Bank Farmers cv Mci:hV' Bunk Fwiim'tb' St Mecli'cn Bank Fiirmera' A MeeU'es' Bank ll:irniony Inntiluto JintitioLrdor. Bunk lunidtu llauk '.uiiil'vrmeirs Unk ."V.iihern Bank of Pa. t w Hope Del. Bridge ('n. Moiihuinti'd Union Col. Bk, iSoflh Western Baik of Pa. Oiine nl Nhii)lkill Bank Pa. Aur. cV Manuf. Bank Silver Lake Bank Fnion Bank of Penn'a. ivtinoitluntj Bnnk Bedford Beaver H nrisburn Wacihinrjlon Bellefonlu Pittnliuin Plltbbtiru Fayctlt! co. (iieeiieastie llarinony no sate ilowd rioted failed rinsed no tale failed failed failed no Kale Hunting. Inn no sale Lewistoiva noaaU Varren Dnndrttr New Hope Milton Meadville Port Carbon 'arlilo Mniiliose 1 'iiionlown tailed no stile closed lio sale closed failed cloned failed rloed WilUf .-barre Biidgtt Co. Wilki sluirie no Rale QTj All notes purporting, (o be on any IVnin-yl-vania Bank not given in the ulune li.-t, may be set iowii k fraud?. xi:iv .ii:icm;v. O.ii'kofNew Uiuiibwick Bnilibwiek Belvidere Medlord Perth Amboy Bridgeton failed i par ' i par par lielvideie Bank Kuilinyton Co. Bank C'oriiinercial Bank "umlierland Bank fanner Bi.nU Mount liully Farmer" and Mechanics Bk Kahway i Farmer and M cellulites Bk N. Biumiwiik failed Fanner" and Merchant' Bk Midilletown I'l. i Franklin Bank of N. J. Jersey City failed tlol'oken tikg A. Urazing la Jioboken faded failed fall. J lulled i failed I par lio kale lereey City Bank Jerey City Micbaiiii' Bink PatterMOii Manufaitur. rs' Bank Bellwilla Mnnii County Bank Morriht..n Monmouth Bk of N. J. Freehold Met harms' Bunk Newark Meehanic' and Manuf. Bk Trenton Morn Canal and likg Co lei try Cil; Pott Note Nrwaik Bktt A; Ins Co Newark i i billed iNew Hope Del Bildc,u Co Laiiil.e'rtsvilld N. J. and !ka t!o lloboken N J Piuleeiiiu o Loinbald bk Jersey City Oiunge Bank I ranio PalerMin Bank Pat.isoll tailed failed People Bank do Print eton Bank Priiieetun ."all in Banking Co tSalem .-...( Bank Newark Hlate Bank " Llizabelhtown Hate Bank Camden Hato l,ik of Morris .Monitown eilnte Bunk 'Frenioii Kid. in and Philad M.anul'Co Jalem !-!uhsx Bank Newton Trenton Banking Co 'Frentou I'uiuii Bank Dnver Wdkbiiigtou Banking Co. Hackeusaek i:MMi'4iti:. BkofWilmA Brandy win: iliningl.m Bank of Delaware Wihningtou Bank el Smyrna iniyiua Do branch Mdlord Farmers Bk of Male of Del Dover Do branch Wilmington. Do branch, (ieoigetown Do brunch Newcastle I'nion Bank Wilmington IT I'ndei 6'a par pur I" failed tailed 1 par failed par par par par par par par par jar Ij-Onsll bsnk riHiked tb'jn () 'hern are i i r couiitrifeil or aline. I u. itt i f ih vi,uu uV -nii.alioiis, in tircula!i.(i. OAKI-FiY'S ir.rfit.iTivn svm i tllTtK vnbiatiV propeniea of Oakley's Depma I live Syrup nf Hirmpa'illa, a 1 purifier of the bl ind, is ao well l.rnnvn 11 the public generally, dial it is ui'iirecr iry to ncrupy mnrh pare in set tinpt f ir h Ibr) odvanlaees to be derived from it ne j wherever the medieine has onrf hpen intro duced, it take preredrupp pver nil other! evrty oi.elbat ba taken it, have derived o innal bi ne, ficial renlt from it, dial il i rrpnmmpuitej by them with 'he li mnnl eelilidenee. Physieiin of the h'ttbe-t xtin line in the piofeion, prewri' e it to parent i under their rare ; pontainino; noibinn deb terioiM. but beinp pomjmsed ot t lii rtvmt niild, yet ellieieioii" vrgetable material , it N ntTered with ennfidenre. a ihe cheapest ami mn-t rfl'ieient pu rifier if the blood now known. The use of a fpv buttle. eiieei illy in the apiintj months, will be at tendrd wilh a mofl decided imptovement in the pp. nlrtfujili of llie ytem, eradicaiinR any eccd i f disnae that may have been generated. In nide Kivine health and viunr to the body. For the cure ot Seroluli or Kinr Lil, nbeumiiicm. Tetter, Pimple or eruption of the Skin, White Swelling, F.flota, Chronic Cmmh Ath:m, Ae. 'Ihe mi mer.m certificate in the pO'iesnion of the Mibecrl I er and hi acent, from phyaician arid other, are sufficient to convince llie moat ekeptieal ofi'u. perioritv over all preparation of Sar.nparilla. S .1,1 whob'-nle and retnil, bTlie proprietor, fiEttrtCC W. OAKLEY, North fire. I, Ilea dinir, Betk Ctinnly.and to lie hil of the following pel son j lit Korthttmh-rlmul County. IT. B. M.irr, Soiibwy ; Iiel nid fi. Mixel, McEvvensville ; DJ KrBtner, Milton. hi Viiim) Vmmtif. J. Go.irhart, Scliii'grovp A. t.'uli lio, Mtfiriliblirg. In Columbia Cfittty.U. W. MeCay, Wash ington. Readin, March 14, 181:1. fB. OiKitr: I believe il the duty of every one l. do whatever in their power I ips for I lie b-ne. fit of their f. Mow mm, and having bid po-i ive proof in my own family, of the wonderful properties of your D pur itie Syrup of Sa!apivilli, I m t eonieienliou Iv recommend it to the alllieted. We had Ihe tub-fortune to bme two of mir children, by the brral.iii" out of ulcerou orei that covered the face, head and i.erk. l(bour;h we had some of the most scientific phyMcian to ofend thi m and had tried all the known lemedie. ineludiug SwaimV Panacea, without avail. Another of my children wa stta. ke.l in the s.nne winner, ber face and neck wast completely covered; the discharge wna o ntTensive, and the disease at tii h a hpight, that we despaired of ber life. Seeing die wonderful etl.-cls of your Depuntive Syrup of S usnparill i, we weie induced lo make ttial of il, n Ihe last resort; it acted like a charm ; Ihe ulcer commenced healing immediately, a ft w bottle entirely titored her In her health, which she has uninterui tedly ever since. As a purifier ot the blo.-d,l verily be. litve il ha not il opinl. JOHN MOYE1J, Tailor. . Wuluut street, near Fourth, Heading. Douglassiilli., April J9lh, Mb. Ojki.vt: My son Edmund Leaf, had Ihe scrnfida in ihe moot dread In I and ditreinir man ner for lltrro year, during which lime he w is de prived of tho use of his limb, hi head and neck were covered with ulcers. We tried all the differ ent remedies, but to no effect, unlit recommended by Dr. Johnson of Nonistown. and also Dr. Isaac Iliester, of Beading, to use your Depurativo Syrup of Sarsaparilla, nf which I obtained several bo'tles, the use of which drove the diea-e entirely out of hi system, the sore healed up, and the child wa restored to iiprfect health, which he ha enjoyed uninterruptedly ever since, to the astonishment of many petson who seen him du ing his affliction. I have thought it my duty, and send you thi certi ficate that nlhera who tiave a like alllictinn in die family may know where to obtain so valuable a medicine. Your truly, AMELIA D. LEAF. Sept. 10, IS-jn. ly 1 in port mm anil lc;iloisi In s k ci a us, U n a N d i i: s, c i n, WINES, c. A'o. CI OiiiHiprcr St., near Fifth St., tIIir.ADEI.rHIA, C. .1. Woi bkht, jr. m. A. Jan.mli. iiBtNiiir. sroAii. Woolille. Barriuro. I cii.-s. Lord Byron Pinct, I'nsiiMion tc Co. Pernel Frere. January 'iOh. 1811 Oin "S T "!' "TJ fnflTITTI T EPECTFrLLY informs H e public lb.,t be ha made Nonhumherlaiid hi pl.ic of resi dence, ond is ready lo attend to any calls in the line of hi profession. (T7" He may nt all limes be found at Mr. James Lee' Hotel. Nr.rthumberb.rrd. Dec. K.ih, HI V If. FOR STVI LI IMtiSS i:igiit lAV tAH KS. riHE suhsciila.r ha jusl leceivcd, for ssle. a few I of ibe above celebrated Eight Day Clocks, which will be sold at very reduced prices, for ca-h. Also, silta'iior 30 boor (lo.ks, ot He I e-i to Ac and .piality, whiih will be goM for ca h. at i Also, superior li rasa 30 hour I'lorks, si A I'll. lec. a, 11). H. B. M St-KK. AVI 1,1.1 A. M .l. MAIiTlX, S TJ IT B TJ H Y. FA. FFB'E, ill Ibe second -lory of the biiildiinr oc elli jod by Dr. J.B. Mai-r,ou Mai ki t rl e. l. Oct. 211, IS4:1. OTO.NK WAI'K fir sale. S2" Stone Jug, from I quart lo .1 gallons, 60 Stone J.ns, from 2 to f, gallons. For sale. cheap, by Oct. M II. B. M SsEK. 4 LJ ii J lLlkJ.J3i I rilllF. sohsciiber a j) sell l ib bis stock nf Beiiver, 1 Kussia and Hiu-h Hats, of the best quality, at very reduced pi ices, Suiibury.Aug. 5, 111. H. B, city i thm TiliVr a rri AMD riUVATE SALES ROOMS, Nos. '-'!) at)J 1 Norlh Tliinl Sliei:!, Near tho City Hotel, PHILADELPHIA. GC. MACKEY, Auctioneer, respectfully in- vile lb alienlion of peisoi.s di airou of pur chai-iuii Foiniiuie. to In extensive Suh-s Kisuns, (l-oili public and Piivate.) for every deaciintiun of Itjusrhobl Furiiiitiie, win re ran be obtained at all time, a large assortment of fasbionuble and well manufactured Culmirl I'liintHiie, Bed., Mattias&es, Ac., at very mimed price, for cisli. 07" Sales bv Auetiuii, tw ice a week. May 2'idi. HI.). ly t I I'riiifcra . A fir s.le, il a small dvnn.e for cash, D. . H. U. MAssEK- IIAT.& CAV ArAMJFACTtJlinitS, South r.anl comer rf Mnrl.i t mid 4th tie.. riil!utfellilnf p ESPECTFCI.LY inform the public that they will pontiintly keep on listnl a lurg asort mpnt of Hit, Cspsnnd F'urs, to suit ihp fill trade, of the be-t ipinlily. By Flricl alienlion lo btisi. nes, and by selling their stock (it thp owet price, they flitter Ihemselve in being iblo to give entire salisfaetion. Aliens! fi, ly A Tin rsiliiiis: ItliK IiIim lor Snlo. 1IIE subriber olli-r f.r sale a TH RESI I I.Nti MAt'HIMI'i, new and in pond order. The si I..- . -.. i . - . . i.'-iiiii.- ii..- i.eeo irieu, iin.i proves 11, si nn excel- . . i. i. i i , , , . , I. ..II t.nrt II C ill I .a u I a ro. I r-. I v.r,..A ah. I w.irrnnted. to July l,:t, If l:j. II. B. MASSEI5. ( imiiiI ri f'i( i s' D 21 AT II BIjOV7. 'Phe pu' lie will observe that no Brniidrelli Pills are gpiiuine, unlesi the l o his three li bel upon it. (the top, Ibe Hi.1!' and ihe bi.!t-'ni e-u h conl lining a fie-siiiiilesignnitne ot inv hand writing, iIiiik B. P.r nn k rn, M. D. These la. bel- are eiinnived on steel, la siitilollv ileinned, and done at an ctpeii-c of over f '-.llittb Tin it will be seen tbal tho only thing iircrvsary to pro cure the medicine in it punly, is lo tilisprve lliese labels. liemcmber the top, tho side, and Ibe bo'toiu, The follow in.; icspei live persons are duly atdu-ri a il, arid bold cuhticates or ageij-cy, Tor thp sale of llrimilri ih'x Yi if' tu ir I nii t rsiif Norlhun.heilii d eoontv : Milton M ukey o Ch.iuibeilin. Snii!nir II. B. Masser, M'l'ens ville In l Hid or Mem II. Noiihiiinl-eiland Win. Forlli. Ci orcelown J. ,V .1. Walls. Union County; New Berlin Bgar oV Win. ter. SelinscMve (o-orgc (iiindillm. Miib'le burg Isme Smith. Be.ivu own David Hubler. A.biiii.-herg Win. J. May. M ililiii-burg Metiseh cV If iv. Ilarllclon Daniel Loin:. Freeburg C.VF.tJ. Mover. I.ewi:biirg Walls A tSiPen. Columbia) county : Danville E. B. Ileynolil ,V Co. Berwick Shtimaii A H-Henbouse. Cn--tawis-ia ('. !. Brobts. Blooinsbun; John If. Mover. Je i ry Town Levi Bisfl. Washington Uni t. Mi ( lay. l.inie-toiie Balbf. r Mi'N'i'ch. Observe that each Agent has an Engravnl Cer tificate of Agency, containing a repres -ntation nl lr BKANDRETll'S Manufactory nt Sit.g Sing, and upon which v. ill also he seen exact copies of ihe new luMs new n..r upon the Itrumintk I'M t'lU.7 i. Philadelphia, oflice No. 8, North 8th street. B. BUANDI.ETH.M.D. June 21th, 1S-11. ;. JOSEPH E. HOVER, Alnmifacturcr of Writing oiiil Imlclli hlo hid, No. I flfi N.Htli Third Street, Bix iltxir. Ih-Iow Race, (east nido,) PHILADELPHIA, T" ESPECTFI'LLY informs country merchant a and others, that he constantly keeps on hand a large sliM-k nf hi Huperier Black, Blue and Red Ink, and also a superior .piality of Indellible Ink. His ink is put up in buttle varying in size, from I to .12 ounce, nml will be sold on reasonable terms. The excellent (publics of thi ink basso thoroughly established its character, that il is now extensively used throughout 111 country. . For sale at ihe tore of H. B. Masser, Sun bury, Pa. May 27lh, 181:1. ly (MIAIil.KS ivAl IX S, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SUNBtJIlT, PA, fijj AS taken the office foriueily occupied bv the S Hon. ( diaile (i. Doiiii. I, opposite Ihe Court It--use. He will attend lo business in the Cmirls of Northuuibeilaiid, Futon and Columbia counties. May 20th, Hid. HOUSE, AY-. 2"7, .Yi.7i Thiril.i'lton ('ttfulill St., PHILADELPHIA. "B'OIIN DL.Nt'AN, ,ie from die Pnnsvlva jf nia Farmer, and Samuel Pike, jr.-, hue of A mi rican ILrt. I, Coluiobus, 'bio. lake pleasure in ac rpiaiuiiiig their fiiemls and Ibe public teller. il'v dial they have taken the larrje mid coiiiiiiodious Hot I, reeeiilly Ulill bv tire M.ssis. Il .lt. on the site oiuv oei upie.l by the old establi.-hed Hotel known as the Bull's II, ad, in Third stud aUivo Callow hill St. 'Fit is Hotel is finished in the very best possible maimer, i.nd of the bet materials. Its local. on is very di suable, particularly for eouiitiy tin-reliant ; llie nriani.'i tin ms for lieatiigaud vei.iilating inch room is su h as to secine any lemperaiure. The bedrooms are all li-'l.t and airy, all luriii.-hed ilia neat style, so as to ni-uir n-rnfoit. The receiving parlor are ul-o tun ifhe,! in a su perb style, the window are on llin French style, burning an entrance to a balcony in front, chub make a pleasant ricess. I'niim.Ui stti r ioii has given ,i itie bed- and bidding, which, with flic furniture, are rutin ly now. From year.-.' tiperictiee in I. te business, we I'lisl, by strict as dully to busineu., to make thi house a desirable slcpi ilia place. Our l.ibb' Will always l-e siipplnd wilh the v. ry l si our inaiket can alTord, mid i ll! bnrwrh llie bcl Inpiois and wine of the most appioved P. S. There are lirl rate -tabling pariiice I hou-e alt ii bed P the hot. I, Hit tided t y ca-i tut j and soler bo-iler. mid iiir ehai av will be low, in or, l..nce wnb the pr. -cul h aid liir.Cr. Pluladelj'hta, let. 'iih, H42. UiMON IIOTKL. ij. ((lent ml Stae ljrv,'t mu: kl't -jtsj- LVCOMIirG COUMTV, l'C'iiiiili;iiiia. Mllll" Snbi-erilier respecifully inform his friend 1 and die public iu neneial, dial ho baa taken the above LAKUF. A.D CHUMOMOIS SOTE L, I N THE BOB O I! ti II () F M U N C Y, and that he is now well prepare J to accommodate ul! who may favor him with iheir custom. His Sir.risa ArtuTH r.x-r wre well aired, and romforlable. His Tist-i Aan Bta will alvays la supplied wilh the best tlienutiket can atVord. Hi SriBLisn, which i got d, will V under the charge of good anj carelul hostler. He feel confident, by strict alienlion to business, Slid an earnest deviie to tender comfortable those w ho may patroiiite him, dial he will nol tail login general wiisfaclioii. H. B. UFA VLB. Muncy, Oct. Ul, 18 tf. ROSE OINTMENT, rnu ti:tti:ii. RINOWdHMS, riMft.r! ON THE FAT, AND OTtttM fTTANI'lll'SI I'RI'l'rtoVS. 0"' TiP fillowiiiifeertififa'e ihsr itf fine nj'lhe mit. (rtrmirtlhiary mim trrr rffrded by any ti'jiictition. Piiii.ii.rrettiA, February 10, IMS. TJ'Of! twenty year f wa severely nfflicti d w ith - TkTTRH in the l'ace and Head: the disease poinmeneed when I w i seventeen year old, and continued until Ibe F ill of ISMfJ, V irving in viiv. lenee, but without cer disappearing. During most nf Ibr time, eronl part of my f.icn wa covered w ith the eruption, frequently attended wilh vio'ent itch i . T ing ; my lieail swi I'e.I at lime until it fell an if it i . n. , ,, . . t i i Would burst the i.wi llin . was o g'Pit, thai I could i n . I scarci ty get niy hut on. During the long period I lint I wa afflicted wilh the disease, I tise.l a great many n plication-, (among them several celebrated preparation') is w II a Inking inward remedies, j including a number of bottle of Snuiim'.i I'muicm, J I'.i trnrl nf f-'arxiipiirillt, A e. In fart it would bp i itnp.esible to eiiuineia'e all the medicines used, ! I was nbo in. dei the c re of two of ihe mv-t dis. ; IniHui -hiil physieiau of this city, but. with. ait re- e. tvini' mi ch benefit, niid 1 despaired of ever being i etirnl. In d.p f II ol H:b'., the disease t.t the time i beii'c very violent, I coiniiienced us'mit llin wire (Unliiaiif, (prepared bv Yaughan .V. Davis.) In a few application the violent itching ceased, tl swelling abated, the i ruption began to disappear. and iH I had a jar the di-eisn was cnfirelv t cured. It ha now been nearly a viar and .1 bail inee, ainl there is not a veslipe of the ductile re maining, except ibe sears from Ihe deep pits formed by (lie di-ense. Il is iinpi sible for me lo describe in a certificate the severity of the diseae and mv sntVi rini', but I will be pie ised lo givn a f iller ne count to nnv person wai ting further itisfnSion, who will Call on me. At Ibe time I coienu;i-e. Using the I!.'c Ointment I would have piven hun .beds nf do lat to lie rid of the disease. Since li ning it. I have reeommendi d il lo sever il peron, (among them niy ntniher, who had ihe dieaso bad ly on her arm.) who wi re a I cured bv it. JAMF.s Dru.NKLI., N, ir.f,, i;,-e St. iXj' 'Flip I'o.. ( lint iik ii l is piciarid by E. 15. Yaujliao, S.-u'll East corner of Tli.rd slid b'are -lieil-i, Pliiladi Ipbiu, and sold mi aueney in Siiubti rv. bv II. B. .MAS.-EH, " M..y 11th, ln. Affiif. Itovc Oiitf liit'itl, for Ti'llt r. a moor or its i.rncAcY. I'hii tm.i riiiA, May 'J?tli, 1 w:i'. rT,llIS is to certify tl at I wa severely alllirted with Tetter in ihe hands and feel for upwards of forty years ; the disease w a attended generally wilh violent ili-hing and swelling;. I applied to -i number of physicians, and used a great many appli cation without ilVecliiig a cure. A Ism I a year since, I applied Ibe Itose Ointment, which entirely topd the itching, and a few applications immedi ately cured die disease, which there ha been no return of, although I had never been rid nf it nt any lime for forty year. IHCHAI'U SAVAt.E, Eleventh, below Spruce Street. Cj The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. B. Vaui'han, South East corner of Third and Pace Streets, Philadelphia, and s.-fcl on agency in Siinbu ry. by H. B. MASSEU, May 14th. 181.1. Agrmt. MEDICAL AFTItOBATIOX Of the IIOSK OlM'MF..T,for Tetter. LTHOVtH the superiority of the preparsti n J over all others is fully established, die proprie tors take pleasure in laying before the public the following certificate from a respectable physician, a graduate of the Vniversily of Peniisvtvania. Dr. Ilnnuh, having found in this temedy that relief for a tedious and disagreeaMe atU'cliou which the means within tho ranee of bis profession failed to all'oid, has nol hesitated lo give it his approbation, although the prejudice and interest of that prolessiou aie opposed to secret Remedies. PlIILAUtll.rUlA, Sept. 19, lS.iV,. I wa recently troubled wilh a tedious herpetic eruption, which covered nearly one si 'e of mv face, und extendi d over the ear. Mr. Yauuhan, proprie loi of die Rose Ointment, uleeiv'mg my face, insis ted on my trying his preparation, of which he han ded me a jar. Aldiouuh in common with the mem heis of my in-ofossioii, I discountenance and disap prove ol die numerous nostrums palmed upon llie public by iuoiant pr. tenders, I feel injustice bound locxcipl the Rose Oinlmrnt 1 1 0111 that c'a-s of mc ibciii.. and lo cive it my upi.,l-ation, ns it etiiire ly Hired die eruption, althouuti il had resisted the 1i-11.1l apphcaiioiis-. DAN L. BM D. fjTj- '1 he ltoe Ointment is piep.rcd by E. B. Vaubati. South East corner of 'Fliird and R ice Stnvts, Philadelphia, and oldi on bi ncv in Sun bury, by 11. B. MANSER. May 1 1th, l: A-e. J. 1VIAVL ANB, JR. CO. Snull nnd J uinicco AJ.iiitttacMtirt'rs, .Yo. .Yn71 ' st enrmr f llace und Third Struts. PHILADELPHIA. rPHE under-iijned have formed a Co-partnership under the linn of J, M AY LAN D. J 11. Ac Co.. a successors to the lute firm of ' Jaeuh Aliiymul V Ca., and will continue the business at die old esta blishment, 011 their own account. In addiiion to their own close ullenlioti and experience for msny years, in the nianiil o tine of their celebrated snull-, Ac, the long experience of ibe senior partner uf the Lite loin, will ul-o be devoted to the interest ot' the new concern and a no exertion and caie will be spared lo insure (heir fronds, at all times of the ve ry lie-t quality, Ibey solicit a continuance (f the confidence of die Ii ei.da and customers of die lute lii 1.1. THOMAS ADAMS, J. M AY LAN l, Ju. Philadelphia, May 1 lib, ts;l. ly EAGLE (U.t vi U '.tl . rci. tJt m, ('(.;' r nf Third und Vine Sin 1 Is, WlXLIAMSrOllT, TJX. rilHE Kiibsenber r. specll'ully aiiliounees I t lint 1 public, that be h is opened a Hotel tu tin cotii modious brick building satiate 011 die corner of Third slid Pine streets, where he will be happy lo wait rip. -11 those who may favor 111 t il witli I lie il Company. The Eagle Hotel is luige mid coiiveni eni, and fuini-hed in the Lc-l iii-.lciu h If. hi-, provided with a huge number of well aiied and comfortable sleeping ap.11 1 merits, rooms, private pailors, Ac. Pi-i-on visiting illiumsport on I ll sinews or plea-uie, mav re.-l as ur. d that every ex erlion will be used to r. i iler iheir sojouni at the "Eagle Hoti I" pleasant and agreeable. His 'Fable w ill be supplied wilh die very hi si the market af fords, and hi bar with the cl.oicest wines and other lupiors vhargen reisonable. The Eagle Hotel possesses greater advantages in point of locution than any other similar establishment in the hoiough, being situate in the busini s purl of the town, and within a convenient distance of Ihe ('unit House, and Williamsporl and Elmira Rail Kovd Depul. Sullicient Stabling provided, anj good and trusty ostlers alway a iu atteiidunce. Attentive, accommodating and honest Servant have Iwcn employed, and nothing left undone (list will add lo the comfort and accommodation of bis guests. There will lie a carriage always in attendance at the Boat I. soiling to convey paM-ngeio lo and Irom ihe House, lice of thai nr. CHARI.Eis BORROWS. V iy Mib, lsl'.',-t( ATTORNEY AT LAW, suiTBumr, ta. Business attended to in the Counties or Nor. lliiitnl crland, fidon. Lvcomitig and t.'ohinibia. llefir lot 1 iiom 11 a ht cV. Co., " Lowrn A BAnnr, Haiit, Ci'sstvru A Haiit, yr.'iiftut. Rr.ot.ri, Mi FnttNti A Co. Semin, 'ioon A Co., To ;oitiifrv MERCHANTS. HE Snlmeribcr, Agent nf Lyon A Harris, Hat Manufacturer, for New York. Pliiladehihin. Baltimore and other large cities, wl ns Hal are highly commc-nded for t;m,rl cojf mill durability, ha on band a lir-t rale nsortmniit of HATH and CAPS, suitable for Spring siles, wh'ch will bp sold very low, foi cash or appioyeil credit, nl die m trd efifiip xlnrf. No. 40, Norlh Tliinl H'ro-l, o p .si'e Ihe City Hotel, Philjlelphia. ntlllEiri' D. WILKINSON. Arml. N. B. Orders tor Hat iii ibermi"j. promptly nttende l lo, The highest rice in rlsi ir trade civen far Vnt thin. Phil.nlelj.liia, June 11, "' :rttTS73Bf.a:f2:n.i3a"''" A LI. person bubbled to Ibe firm of f.vnn A ' Hiir:, under thp agency nfO. N. Tbaeher, Hut and Ciii Miinufnelurrr; No. -10 North Third, street, Phil id. Iphia, are requested to make inline, !i ale settlement of ih, ir nccoi.nts with die siibicriber, their locally nuthori7ed ficent. who is fully empmv cred to settle and collect die accounts of said firm. liOBEKT 1). Wll.KLNsoN, .Line-lth, H12. tf tgrnf. G ( ) l7i) N SWA N Ao. (i'J A1111 'Third, uluwr Arch Strut, . PHILADELPHIA. Ar'r-oMMonTioN run isF.vrvrv rrnwiN). pIIAUI.ES WEISS, latent die "White Swan." and "Momit Vernon Hi-nse," reciee!fully in forms his friends arid customer, that be ba- become the proprietor of die abov-! well known Hot. I. Country Metchalits will lnd the above Hotel a central location, anil the hesl of fare. Persons tra velling with private conveyance will find a large yard nnd eond stabling for horses, ni.d the best of ostlei. Boardina f I perdav. Mav Mill, 1HI2. tf. ' (. Ai rorwnrilinjv MiTcliiints, 1 out if Willow Slnrt llttil lloud, 01 Tirs iim-ayahe. TTAV1NC Associated w I'll lllem Joseph Barnet, late of Easton, Pa., r speilfully inform Iheir friend and the public generally, that they have la. ki n that l.irire and well known store and wharf at foot of Willow Street Railroad, lately urrupie I by Jacob Martin, where they purpose doing a tJeneral Commission and Forwarding Business, and f.oni the local advantage of the place heinn connected with till the iuWic improvements that have iheir outlet in the city, they flatter themselves they will be able to do business to as great, if not g, eater ad vantage, and upon as reasonable term a any other house, and they assure their friends dint any con signments made to Ihcm shall have Iheir strict at tention, and no exertions spared to give entite satis faction. They are also prepared lo receive ami forward goods to any point on the Delaware and Lehiijh rivers, between Mauch Chunk, Easton and Phila delphia, via Delaware Division and Lehigh Can d; also, to nnv point on the Juniata river, or Norih and Wist Blanche of the Susquehanna via Sehuvl. kill and I'nion, or the and W.itci Canals. For the accommodation of Boats coming or go. ing via Sihuylkill and Union Canals, a will he kept expressly for towing boat from the Schuylkill around to the Delaware arid back, which will en isle merchants to have iheir produce deli vered on die Delaware, arjd their good shipped at a saving ot fit) to 75 per cent, o'! llin price for haiilii c acio.s, wilh these advantages they re spectfully solicit a share of patronace. t, ii 1.1 3 Philad . X V. HEILMAN & CO Willistn H. ilman, William W. Keysor loseph B .niet, 3 Philad . May 1 1, l ft 1.1. I y BOLTON & CO. Ccnn al omuitvsion .lici t limits, Fur tbe Siilr of I' lour, (train, Stul, ,e., f. EsPECTFVLLY inform their friend and die Merchant Generally, that they have ta ken those large nnd com modioli Wliarvr s, illi two Doiks, 1101th of Chesuut stri, on the Delaware, loueilier wilh the store No. I'J South W harves, where ibey wotdd be pleased lo receive consign ments of (irain, Flour. Seed, Whiskey, Iron, Ae. Ae, Being also well prepared to forward all kinds of Merchandise by the Schuylkill mid I'nion, or by the Chesapeake and Tbte Water Canals, ,is low boat are kepi expressly foi tho purpose uf towing boats by ri' For mule. Merchant will pte.iso ho particular lo send iheir coed destine ! by either canals, to No. U Soudi Wharves, between Market and Chcsnul street, on Ihe Delaware, with direction accompanying them which mute they wish Ibein to be shipped. rjj' Plaster and Sail for sule, at Ihe lowest mar kel price. UOl. t V CO. March 13, ln. No. lit South W harves. lared 1:., ROIII.RT ( IRiFR .-. SOV, 3P A l E R M A IT U T A C T U II K K S, l.aiiituuil Stmt, Itntt linorr. HAVE con-tantlv for sale. Printing Paper of al. ! si.e and qualities, Cap Writuii Paper, rut. tl i ami plain, Letter Puper, white and blue, rultd and plain, Hanuing Paper, lino and comiiloii, Envelope Paper, do. do, medium, doub'e ciown, crow 11 and extra sized Wrapping l'aa-rs, Colored Medium and Royal Papeia, Don tut, Binder' and Snaw Box I!.. aids, Tissue Paper, and all article in their line, which they will sell on accommodating terms. H.ghcst price given for old rait. ROBERT CARTER A- SON, March I'J, M.. Elklon. M l N article unequalled for cleaning and giving a highly durable and nio.-il brilliant polish to sil ver, (ierin.iu Silver, Brass, lipper, Biittauia ware, 'Fin, Suel, Cutlery, and lor restoring the lustre oil varnished carriage, Ac. TUV IT. Prepaied and sold at wholesale and retail, by the Susquehanna Chrysolite Polish Company, Owego, Tioga county, N. Y. W M'. FORSYTH, Agent lor Nonhuru'd, H. B. MASSE It, Agent for Sunbury. Noieml?r 20th, 1812. rn:ii "ni-iwiTilsr LAST MAKER, No. 71 Callow nil! Street, I'hiladcljiliia C lliree doors uhore Siroml.J SHOE Finding alway kepi 011 hand, which be olVei for sale oa the lowc.-l terms. Country Merchants are prtnuUrly la c ill andjudj-u foi themselves. Philadelphia, NviMxr IJ, Dili. ly. G. V. & L. B. T.TLOR. OFFEn FOR SALE, al die Koulh East Cor- -ner of Fifth und Market Street, Vhihtdd-jiliia- Mens' Calf-skin Bool,slirhed wflrratited. do do do peiiged do do water proof, double soles sml double tipper, do Calf-skin do do do nailed and upper, do Heavy Water Leather Boole, do do Neat do do. do lliuh quarter Shoes, Calf-skin, do do do Crocker do do Fine Monroe warranted do Kip do do do do do do do do Calf , do Coarse do do do Shoes do Finn ib, do Kip .to do Calf nnd Seal Skin Tumps, do List Sock with and without sole, do Carpet do do ,,, do Patent Warranted Water-proof Moccasin. Ladies' do do , , Ladn s' tanned India Rubber shoe. Ccntleiiicns" do ter shoes. M i'li every other dee iplioti of boot and shoivi. Fur Cnps of every description. I'rnvelbng Trunks of evt ry description. v enenaii 1 ravelling linn. PalPiit Cum Elastir Shoe Blaekinp. I Bonnets of all kinds. Pin Leal Hals, j Philadelphia, November I :!. lr. y. i OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. I No. a) Nortli Water Slrcl. l'ltila. I 7 jj 'ANVFAtn'CRERS arid denier in Oil of I IV every description both for burning and I niiumfien,rinir purposes, which will be sold much lower limit they cut be procured elsewhere, nnd i Warranted in quality to equal any in the city. Any I oil sold by die company not proving as lepreseuled, ' may bp returned w 1I1011I any expense lo the pur- j chaser, and tbe rm y will be refunded. I Their stock now in store consists of the follow-in.' mis, viz: iti.uiMt cnllons inter Bleached Spetm" 1 nt, filHUI do do Coloiless Oil, lo.ntlO do Fail and Sjiriiiff Sperm Oil, 10.000 ,hl Winter Hen Elephant. 20.000 do do Pressed Whale Oil, tiOOO do Summer do do do ) ; l.i.t'iiii , l ommoti WhaleOil, .200 Barrel 3(10 do :( do s superior Sira s ( lj, Cod Bank Oil, Neats Fool Oil, 7Ti Cask Olive Oil, Tanner's 1 ill. Cj'l'his Company has a number of Vessel" en gaged in the Cod Fishery, and 'Fanner may rely upon pelting nt all times Oil a pure a imported. Philadelphia, Nov. :, 1S-IS. ly. Hit liar I Weaver V- Son, norc makers & smr chandlers. Ao. l:t AorA Wiihr Streit, rhiludi Ijdiia. : 1 r. constantly on Hand, a general assort ment of Curdnge, Seine Twines. Ac. viz : I aril Kopes, I islnng Hopes, While Ropes, Manil la Ropes, 'J'ow Lines for Canal Boats. Also, a complete assortment of Seine Twines, Ac. such as Hemp Shad and Herring Twine, Best Patent (Jill Net Tw ine, Cotton Shad and Herring Twine, Kline Threads, Ac. Ac. Also, Bed Cords, Ploutdi Lines, Halter, Traces, Cotton and Linen Carpet Chains, Ac. all of which they will disuse of 011 reasonable teims. Philadelphia, November 13, It 12. ly. Jacob riisiitiitli f. Son- 1 " ESPECTFVLLY informs their friend am -a k- acquaintances geierally thai tb still con tinue to keep at the old stand. No. Slli Nortli 3d street. Philadelphia, all . md of TintAcctt s.xt . .lA'f si:;ai;s. Which ihey will sell hi the iiiji '. uccouimodatiiit; and ici-ona e let m s. N. B. All eonds sold w ll be gua. mteeJ and all orders prompt!) (trended to. Philadelphia, Ni veinliet 13, 1SP2. l y. srr.uixc., good & co. Xo. l.S Market Street, riiila.Ic!lii;i. NYl'I'E the attention of ('outitry Merchant to their extensive assortment of British French unl American Dry floods, which they olU r for said oil the most reasonable t rm. Philadelphia, November 1.1, I R 12. ly. J. W. SWA IN, rnilirt'lla and Parasol MuiuifarMutTr. Ao. 3" Mouth '2'hilil t'rrtt, tint ioor hilvw the Cit v Hull I, Vhiludi Ijilmi. COl'NTR 1 Meieh-.tnls and other are solicited to examine ,i nssorti.ti-nl before purchasing elsewhere Philadelphia. November 11, '.fi 12. ly. J wJ7. OX.liJli. fTTOU sale a small Farm, eont-iining about otic liumbed and ten nert, more or less, situ ito in Point towiisbip, Norihiiml erlaud Ci.uuti, about two mile above Noilbumbeibuid, on the nu.iii road l.-Hiling from that place to Danville, adjoining lands of John Leghnp, Jesse C. Hon, ,11 and others, now in the occupancy ofKamiul Payne. About I forty acres of said ttact are cleat, d, and in u'oo.l . ! slut.' of 111 t'nuiion, 011 which there is a small bam erect, d. The property w ill be sold on n asonablo tonus. For further natticular. ix-isons arc renncil J ed 1,1 apply to the .ul senb, r. H. U. MASSER, Air.nt, Nov. 27th, IS 1 2. tf Suiiburv, Pa. list or books' ion silt MX OS. 1X3. ii -Al. 3 liU LS2 . N'FlION'S Classical Dictionary; Lempriet's do.; Amswordi's do.; Cobb's do.; English and (iermaii do.; Anthou's ('resar; Anthon's (irainmer; Anlheu' Cieeio; Mail's Latin Reader; Ogilby'sdo.; Aniliew' I. aim Lessons; Dotinegan's Lexicon; Fisk's lire, k Exercises; Davies's Leceiulei; tiraeca Majora; Adam' Roman Antiquities; Pirmock' I loldsmidi's England; do, (.recce; l.veU' Elements ol (ieolony; Mi. Lincoln' Botany; Elements uf Botany; Bridge's Algebra; Porter's klielorical Rea ders; Euirou's (ieogrsphy and History; Olney's do.; Parley's do.; Smith's Crammer: Kukham's do.: Kay'a Readers; Cobl ' do.; Cobb' Arithmctu k; Pike's do.; Emersi'ii' do.; Cobb's Spelling B.aiks; Town's do.; Cobb's Table Books; Evangelical Fa mily Library; Cottage Bibles; Family do.; Collater al do.; Small Bibles and Testaments; Parker's Ex rrcises on Composition; Fruit of the Spirit; Baxter's Saint's Rest; American Revolution; Marry all' No vels; Mrs. Phelps on Chemistry; Iliad; Catechism of American Laws; Letters on Natural Magic; Che mistiy for Beginner; English Exercises adapted to Murray's Crammer, Sequel to Comley'a Spelling Book; American Class Book; Daboll' Schoolmas ter's Assistant; A ureal variety of Blank Books, Ac. August 2H, Dm. BLANKS l'OH 8 ALE AT THIS OFFICE.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers