i 4 rt k o t i: i, int. The f illowing list show:! the current value of nil Vnnnvlvanirt bank '.id-. The m.-l implicit rr iance m ay I placed upon il, as it i- nrry irtrk arrfully compared Willi ai J corrected tiom l'i k li'll's R. poller. Ha II Us In lMiikKl. Ilil:i. , . ' lh Mr. Ii kiuc. i.ocatio'v. NOTTS AT I A R. rtitilt of North America Hunk of the Northern l.ilwrties Commercial pHiik of Penn'a. . Farmers' ninl Mechanic' Ballk . Kensington Il.uik Philadelphia. Hunk' . . Schuylkill l!:ink . . mil!ivnrk Hank . Western Rink Mechanics llnnk . Manufacturers' A. Mechanics' flunk Country ICiinks. I'll I L A I). pnr . nr r i par par . l'ir pnr . par pur pnr par AsriHY fit IIOCAP, HAT iV, CAP MAMIPACTUHUUR, So ii lli I'.nsl eorutr rf Market and 4th fits.. Philadelphia, I I'SPECTFl'LEY inform the pul.lic that they ' will poii-tunlly krei on hsnd n Inrgs assort ment of lints, Caps and Tur?, to suit the fall trade, of the Let quality. Hy Ft riot attention to luifi ni m, ntul by selling their stork at the lowest prices, they fUtn r themselves in being nhlp to give entire satisfaction. August .r, I P 1:1 ly T Rank of Chester County Hank of Delaware County H ii. k of Ocrmanlnwu Hank of Montgomery Co. !. lesion n bank E ion Itiitik Fanners' Hank of Rucks CO. t M'irr of Hank of Penn'a. Ollico do ilo OllVe ilo ilo Office tli ilo NOTES AT "irik of the United States I'.atik of IVnn Township Ji'nril R ink . MoyumcnsinR H ink 1 n i k of Pennsylvania Miners' Hank of I'oll.-villc Hank of l.i Wigtown Hank of Middlrtown 1 : 1 1 1 U of Northiiniheil.itiil Westchester Chostor (crmanlnwn Norrisiimn D..Ul.nvn Easton H.i (il Harrisbnrg 'I 1. minister 1 otliccs Reading (do not Barton J n-sue n. DINCOrN T. Philadelphia 2.r,a2t'. pnr liar p.r liar 1 par I p ir I Polisville Lrwistown Middlrtown lu2 pnr par I 1 Nortliniiibeil.ind par 'olninlan I! ink A Hri'le.e co. Columbia i ('nilislo Hank Carlisle I I : Ti liangn Hank Pillshuifj i Do ilo branch of Hnllidayshni g j Farmers' Hank of Lanrnstci I ,am-ist. t :J l.iinonsler County Hank Lancaster J Farmers' Hank of Heading Ri ading Hairishuig Rank Hirrishuri; 1 Lancus'cr Hank Lancaster J Lebanon llnnk Lebanon J Merchants' V Mnnuf. Bank liltfturs f Hank of Pittsburg I'itt.-I'iiit; West Rianch b ink Williamsprt ft Wyoming Hank iikeshano li Northampton bank Allcntoun lli'iku ("ounty IJank ileniling tl!ice of Uaiik of U. S. I'ittslmrg fai'c.l Do do do Krio do lo do do ISevv ririhton do k'ensiiiL'ioti Sav. Ins. A do I'enii Township !Sav. Ins. do i! ii. k ol ( 'haniliersl'Urg I'linnilieislmrir 1J I! o k ol (icttysliury (iettyslnirg 1 I! mk of rSuMjiiclianiia Co. Montrose on Krie IS. ink Kric I' lHiirr-.' iV Itrovers' IJank Wayiie.slmrg C.i:i 1'iaukliii II ink Washinulini l.t llonrsij.ile Iljnk Konesdale l MiMioiit;aheU liauk of 13. l!r.iwnsvil!e 1 Vork Dank " ork I J IS. U, The notes ol those hanks on ivhiili wo .nil .lootaiiniis, and siihsliliiln n la.-h I ore not pun hnsed hy the I'liil idrlphiu I rokcis, will) the i f.mi Hull ol those whiih have a letter ol ri (erence. 11 IS O K KM U A N K S. Philadelphia failed do failed do filled Dyolt, prop. failed I'liiluih lphia Snv. Ins. I'lul nli ! liin Loan Co. "eliulkill tSav. Ins. l'oaniJj Hank lli (! any Hank of Pa. I! ink of ISenvi r !! ink of Naatura I'.tnk ot u-lillit HI i hire liank i'lly L'aiik I'ttrmei.' Meili'cs' ll.mk Kaiinrrs' & Met h'ts' llnnk Fanners V Mci liVs'"-!' jnk H iiinoiiy liisiituto iluiitiniloi. Hank Juniata liank ..uiiiIk iiiii-ii's U.iiik nrihiTn bank of J'ii. New Hope lii I. Uiide I'o. .Siiiil.niiili'd l.nii'ii t'ol. Ilk. ...nli i Mi m li t ,k of Pa. IHIm ol Nihil) Ikill Hank Pa. Aec .V Maiuif. bank Mhil Lake ll.li, k I iiimi ISaok of I'rnn'a. W i stuioielaiid Hank Vi!k.;-.aiie bridge Co. All note puipoilin" to he on nny Peunsyl unni bank not given in the aliove list, may he set iovvii an liauds. m:iv ji:i:si:v. Tuwaiida lii'dford no sale b"aer ch t-td I II arrislmrs i IhmmI ! a-hiiiftoii failed J I !i IK f mil' i loi-i il j Pilt-liuii' no Mile ! 1'itti.huij' lailod Fayette i". I oli il Creenea-t'e failed llannonv I fair I I iintiuiluii no salt; I.cnMoiwi no sale W'arieii tailed Duiiilall' no sale New Hope tlued j M illon no sale i Meadtille closed J Port Carbon ; Carlisle failed ! Montioie closed ' lliiulitown failed (reenshurg closed W'ilkesharre no sale t TIik-sIiIiis: rlacliiiie lor Salr. 1111' siil.-rril.er ollirn for nnlo n THRi:SHIN(i MACIIINM, new and in good order. The Machine has hem tried, nnd prove to hp nn eteel lent one II w ill hp mild at a redured price, and warranted. Apply In II. H. M AffEK. July Is', IS1:t. C ouul rli ilt i ' DKATII BLOW. f Phe lie will plrase ohservc tluit no Hrnndielli Pills nn k'i'ii.iiiir, unless the hox hnn three li hels upon it. (the top, the niile and the holtnii.) i"n h cout aiuins a fie-siinile signature of my hand wrilinc. thus II. Hhisuhktii, M. 1. These In. hrl nie en.;rivid on steel, lenutil'ully tlesiuneil, ninl done at nn expense of over f'J.tUKt. Thcrcfoie it will he seen that the only thinn nrcessnry to pro cure the iiii'.hnur in us purity, is to unserve, these labels. Keinenihi r the top, the side, nnd the hottom. The fnllowiiu; respective prrsons are duly aulu ri zed, ninl hold CEHTICATES OF AGENCY, For the sale of ISrundmh'n Yeiielolife I'niri.rstil Pill. NorllimiilirilaiMl rnuutv : Milton M ickey A C!i iniheilin. Sunhiiry H. II. Masscr. M'Eneus ville hrland St Meixell. Noilhunil eilainl Win. For-yth. 'Jeorm'town J. Si J. W alls. I'liimi l!.iiinty: New llcrlin Horrnr oV Win ter, reliiisuruve (ieurt;e (iiiiiiliiun. Middle hnra Isaac f-Mnilh. lleaverlown 1 n i t Huhler. AdaiilshlllK Win. .1. May. Mililllishuic Mclisch V liny. Hartleton lanie Eon-;. Fiecl.urg U. A- 1.C. M'iit. l.ewishlirij Wnlln A (ircrn. C-olmn'nia county : llimvilli E. II. liewiolils iV Co. Hcrwicji hutnaii A- II ttenhouse. Cn' tnwissa ('. (J. Hrohts. Illooinshuri! John P. Mover. Jeisey Town Levi Hiscl. Wnsliinutoii Kohl. Mti 'iiv. Einiestone llnili- VrN'e-rh, Uhserve ihat each Ai;eut his no F.iiifravrd (!ir tifieatp of Aeenev, eontainina a repies'-ntalion of Mr bllANDIil", I ll's Manufactory nt Sinn Sii.u, ninl upon which will also he seen exact copies of the new labels now uel upon the Ilrumlrith 1'ill lllJV.H. Philadelphia, office No. 8. Noith 8th street. II. HliANOHETH, M. U. June 2 llh, 1S-P1. JOSEPH U HOVER, Manufarinrcr of Writincr ninl link'lli lilc Ink, Nd. UN! North Third Street, eix dimrs helow Ilace, (enst siile.) PIIILADEtPHIA, j)E-sPFCTFl EEY informs country inrnhatits and others, that lift rottantly keeps on hand a large stock of hi t Ktiperier Ulack, lllue nnd lied Ink, and also a superior (pnility of Iinlellil le Ink. His ink is put up in hollies varying in size, from 1 to 3'i ounces, nnd will he sold on reasonable terms. The excellent ipjalities of this ink hus so thoroughly cslabli-lied its character, that it is now extensively used throughout the country. . For sale at the store of H. II. Master, Sun hury. Pa. May 27th, 181:1. ly cn.VKLKS W. IIKCIXS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SUMBURT, TA. AS taken the olhre loiineilv oecupinl I'V the Hon. ( hailes ( i. lli'inn I, opposite the Colnl ll'iiise. He will a'tcuil to lnisiuess in ihe Ciairl ol Norlhuinl eiland, ( uiuii and Columbia counties, M iv 2(lth, ll:l. r Hank of New liiuusvvick UeKidiie Hank Huilin-toii ( 'o. I! ink I'ouiiocrriul bank -oiiiUilaiid liank rami. rs' ll.mk Karon la' and Mn lianii s' bk briiusu ick lb Ivi.lcre M.d lord Perth Atnlioy bridelou Mount Holly l.'ahway fai J 1 par i par par i Knrini rs' aii.l Mechanics' t;tc N. biunswirk fjiled 1 nrioers' ninl Men l.iniii.' Ilk Middletown l't. laded failed failed Fiankliu bank i: . .1. Jersey City Holioken lSkutV Ihiiiiiu U Hubukrn Ii .si y City 11 mk Med anits' b ink Maliul aiiiiriTs' bank Morris County Hank Miiiuoouth Pk ol N.J. Mu liaiii. s' H ud. Mei hami and Manuf. Pk Monis Canal and Uky C Post Note. Niw ok liku A li.s Co iVuv Hoie I'll briiLv Co N. .1. Mauiitac. and IJki! Co Jersey City I a'lersou It, II, -Mil,. Moiristou ii KieellolJ New ark Trenton Jeisey I ily Nevvaik l.aiiilieitsiille 1 loliokell failed i failed j i ! lulled i i ..l I II Sllll I s i hlileil lulle.l failed t pii'r p.r N J 1'rolecton A EoUibatd bk .lersiy City ( tiani-e bank I Iranye Palel-on bank' Put, i. ill P.oplm" li n k do Pllliiitoli bank Piiiicelon Salt in llauklii Co Salem tate bunk . Newurk Male Hank Eluahcllitow Ii Stale bank Camden Mate HaiJk ul Morrib MoriisloHii eilali) Hank Tlrlitnii i-' .l in i.n.l I'hilad Maiiuf Co Salem .v:i.set Hank Newton Tiinloii bbiiking (o Trenton l iu. n Hank nver a.-luntti'ii banking Co. llacktiuack ii.i.iiv iiti:. Ilk of Wilni V Pi.iihI wint ilinii'nton Hai k ol lliliwau lbnllit,.ii bank ol Sinviiid Sinvrr.H l'o I inn, h Milloiil Kargur' l.k ol Shi- .1 I), I l'.n..i l'o I'l.iin h V ilimniiion l'o Ihhiii h (ifOlp-IOVMI ho I rani h Neviristle I'nion bank Wilniinti.n Qj' I'lu'ei 5' () (In nil t anks uiaiki d llum llim- ,r llur c oiilileileit or alien il tn u B ,i ih var.i-ua nuuiiliatioii, in i litulom i;. UOUSli, A. 2:'T, -Vor Third, ulna r ( .(lnu l.iU St., PIlll.AhKI.l'IIIA. JOHN 14 "N CAN. late from the IVim-i lva nia Farmer, and Saninel Pike, jr., late of A nn rirnn Hotel, ('uloinbus. ( lliio. (ake pleasure in uc Uiiir.'tinu (heir fiieiids and Ihe public ncncrallv that they have taken the larte and coniuiodious Until, iccintly built by the Missis. II.. It, on (he same site once occupied hy (he old established Hotel known ns (he bulfa Head, in Thiid slicct above Callow hill st. This Hotel is finished in tin' very '.est pos.-il le manner, and of the best n.Mrials. Its location is very desirable, particularly for euiindy no rchanls ; the arranpemi ms lor In aiu n iih.l v. milating each room is such as to secure any temperature. The bedrooms are all lip ht and airy, all luinislnd inn neat style, so as to insiiie loinloit. The ri rriv ing pallors are al-o lull ii lied in a su perb sty le, the window s aie on the Fn-nch s'vle, loimioK an entrance to u balcony in front, whiih makes i pleasant reeos, Pinticulni Bttinii ni has been uiven to Ihe la da an-l In ddii-t;, which, with the furniture, nre emiri U neiv. f rom yea's' expciience in I. d I biisii.es-, e fust, by strict Bssduity Ii: bus'iiesf, lo make this house a desirable strppuia pi ice. ('or t die v .11 always le supplied wi'h the v. ry I" si our inniki t run utliird, and oc.i bar wi'h the best lupiors and wines of thr most appiovcj loan ls. P. S. Thcie are first rale stablinii ur.il cuiriite h.ul'-i s attached lo the hoti I, f lu I..1. d by i a 1 1 il and ii'kr ho.-llei. and oin cb.ii'e will be I ID acconliiiie wuh tLeprcse.it haul tiiia.. I'loladi l l.i.i, (let. ih, I is 1 V . UNION IlOTKl,. A The hrst nut hod for tin Abolition of iJitirast! is to cleanse and purify the Ihnly. WltlUIIT'N i.ni i vi:ji:t aiu.i' riM.s OF TUB Jtmcrtran folltff or ttrntth, Are now acknowledged lo he the best Medicine in the World for the cure of VXV.W Y VARIETY OF DISKASF.. ECACSE they rompletely rlcanse the sto inni li nod howels from llo re billions and cor rupt humors which arp the rniisp not only of Headache, (iiddincs.t, Pnlpilation of the lieirl, Pn'ns in the Hones, lihcumntistn and (tout, hut everv nmhidv incident to mnn. SAID INDIAN VEtii: l'AHI.E PILES are a ccrmin cure for in tetmittpiit, leniiitcd, nervous, inflnmiiloiy and putrid pevrrs. because thrv cleanse the p.idy frem those moihid liumors, which, when confined lothe riicu lation, nre ihe muse of all kinds of FEVEIIS. So, also, when the same impurity is deposited on Ihe mcmhtni.p mid miiselo, raitsinc pains, inflama t.ons nod swclliiiL's railed I'll El "l A TsM, C('l T.cVe. Wrifhi's Indian Vcrjclalle Pills may b relied i ,n ns alwnvs i erbiin lo cive relief, and if persevered ilh, nceoidli.r to directions will most nssuiidly, nnd without fail, make a perfect cu e of the above painful n nlmlirs. Fiotn ihrcp lo six of said Indian Vrprtnh'e Pills taken every tiiuht po ii.R to bed, will in a shnit time so completely rid the body from everv thine that is opposed to health, that Ilheiimatism, (lout, and pain of every descrip tion, will he Ui. rally DIM YEN FliOM THE HO DY. For (he same reason, when, from sudden chances of ntirosphere, or any other cause, the per spiration is chicked, nnd the humors wh eh should pa i. IV bv the skin nre (brown inwardly, rnusinR HEADACHE. (ilDDINEsS, nausea nnd sick ness, pnin in the hones, w aieiy and inflamed eyes, sore throat, honrsene-s, coukI s, consumptions, rheum itir pains in vaiions parts oTtbe body, and many otlnr symptom of ('ATCHINti COl.l), Wright' Indian YiittilJe 'i'.x will invariably cive iinniedi te n lief. From thiee to six of said Pills takrn every nitht on p.iini! to bed, w ill in a short time, not onlv remove nil il p above unph asmt symptoms, but the body wdl, in a short time, he restored to even sounder I eal b ll.au Is f.ire. AS THMA, on DIFI'ICl I, FY OK P.ltEATH IN(i. Wrii'ht'x lixl.mi 't;itair '.twill loos en and ear y oil', by Ihe stomach mid hoiveis, those (ouch plihcmy humor-, which stop up all (he air cells of (he luces, nnd are (he cause, not only of the al oie distressing r.'inilainl. but when neglected, olten Ii rn.inntes in that mo e do adful nialodv called CONSI'MPTIO.N. Il shi.u'd be n'-o lemeinhcn-d Ihat Wright's Indian Yirtnli'r I'ilh are n certain cine for PAIN IN THE SIDE, Oppression, nau sea, nnd sickness, ,.-s of appetite, coslivcnrsa. a yellow (ince of the tkin at d eves, nnd every other symptom of a torpid or disiased slate of the liver; because they pitrue from the body those impurities w hich if ib posited upon this important oruan, nre the cim e of every variety of 1.IVEK COM PLAINT. W In n a nmioii is convulsed by iio(s, outbreaks and n hellion, the only means of prevenl inc the drea.lfol ronseijuenees of a C'lVIL W.MI, is to i x pel all trniiors, and evil disposed ones from the country. In like manner, w hen pain or sick ness of nny kind, indicate Ihat the body is striic ehiii! with internal tors, the true remedy is lo E. PEL ALL MOKH1D 1M MOUS, (Traitors to heal'h and l.fr,) I It tilth teil lit tht errtmn result. That the ))rinciple of curitiB disease, by cleansinc ami purifying the body, is stiictly in nceordanre with lie laws which Govern the animal economy; and il properly eariied out hv the Use of the above named W PK i Ill's INDIAN YEOETAHLE PILLS, will ceitaiiily result in ihrconiphte Abo. Ittion of Di-rase ; we oiler the fnllowinir, testimoni nls, fr. rn persons of the highest respeclabilily in New Yoik, who have tecentiy been euied of the most obstinate con, plaints, solely by the use of Wiiiomt'r IxMix iiii riai.r. Pm.s, of the Xnrth American Vulhgt' if lha'ili .- Jam 4 i c a L. I., June Oil.. 1811. lh.eb.r William Wright Dear Sir It is with creat ta'i faclioii I inform you of ,-.iy hnviug l.ei n entirely cored of 1 ly sprp-in. of live years slandii c, by the u-e ol your I ni n 1 1. F. i a r. t i. Pills. Pn vii.us to ineniiis with your celebrated mid; cine, I had bu n under the hands of several Physi cini.s, nnd had tried vaiious nu ihciiies ; but all to no ellict. AlUriiMiir one ".i cent box of jour Pit's, liowevcr, I expiiiii.ccd so mm h lien lit, tint I ic -uvi d to pi isim n- in the use of them acroidinn lo din ctioi.s, which 1 nm l,a py to state, has result ed in n perfi ct cure. Ingratitude to you for the ureal 1111 fit I have received, and also in Ihe hope that I'tbi is similarly all'icleil may be induced to make tiinl of your extra, iitinny medicine, I send you tins sluti nn lit well loll libe IV to publisli the same, if vou think pr. per. ours, c. New Voik, .luiie ly, ik). ;.c. HLCK. Mr. I'ichaiil Dem.i:', nyen( for Wright's Indian ftnable Pills. DcBr Sir I have been alllicted for seteral yeais with inward weakness and ceneral debility, actum pnnied at tiiites with pains in the side and other distrcssit R complaints. Aftd having tried various medicines wi'houl etl'eet, I was persti nh d by a fiicnd to make trial rf Dr. lighl's Indian Vegetable Pills, which I am happy lo state, h ive relieved me in a most woinliiful in, in tier. I have used the me dicine, as yel hut a sln.it tune, and have no doubt, by a perseverance in the use ol the medicine accor ding to ilireclious, ill I I shall in a short time he peitecily ie-toie,l, I most willingly icniiuni i.d said Pills to all per sons similarly iiltiu ted, ai d in the full belief that the same bene lie nil rcsu'ts will follow iheir use, I re main viiuis sincerely. HI'.NKY A. FOOTE. Waiwaising, l ister co. N. Y. N w Yi iik, Scj t. 1X11. This is to ccitify that I liato iis-,l Willi, Hi's tvi.liv l,,l l i hi 1. Pi i.i i with the gieate.-t bene fit: havit'U in'ii.lv cured my. elf of the frupuut ut links ol Sick 1 lex. I. n he, to whiih I had previously ben suljc.t. ANN M APIA THOMPSON, '.Ji (ireeiiwKti sue', N. Y. 'l'o Mr. Picbuid Diiu.is, Agent I'm Wiiglit's In dl Hi Yi triable l'ns. p.r i failed laded 1 par fail, d par par par I'" par I" I-' C" par I Mm ((It nt rut Stait fft,rt;'j LVCOMINO COUNTY, I'ciiiitj It aula. ritHE Si.h-criber respectlully infonns his fiiends I and (he public in general, thai he has taken ihe ahovn i.Aiun: AMI COMUODIOI s I N III E 11 (i HO I till OF MK NOV, and that he h now well pirparel lo iiccotiiniodale ul, who may lavor him Willi iheir rustoio. IPs Si. i ri i Ai-Aii i H i.m i re wi II aiic I, And con f.irtable. IlisTAiu.r ami Par will n'wnyj he fapplml w ith the best the untiket can alliud. Hi Si a hi. i hi, which U got J, will le under Ihe rl.arge ol (oi,d and caiclul hostlers. He 1. 1 Is coi.lide i.t, by sirii I altentioii to Luuiiif .s, mi l an eari.csl ir i-r lo reinh-r r mfi. ruble lln.f who n.ny pa'r .iue !.iin,i!iat he ill not tail to g.vo prnrral satista, lion. . P. U EA Elt, Muiny, Oct. 1st. isr.'. ti. '.! I" ' O .V. A ihere 'm- al this till.r lilNHV WI.'Ked ersolis busily i liu'iic, J in si tin g a c noli i Ii I' ineibcine un ,1. i the paint ol l l.t' liahaii Vegelal lf Pills and lis tl esc iU s ci aie un u are so ulti i ly r. i kli ss of con s, ipicnces, iliul many valuable I. vi s may be ,sl in i oi.s.iif nee ot (.ringilpir dreadful compounds, the public me caini.,,e,l npmi -t purclia-ii g anv I'llU. unless on ttie i i,!i of ihe bull, the lollowil-g w oiding is found : PUillT's lDI N YEfiETAHLE PILLS. (Indian I'urgtttire.') OI 1IIF. Ml in II AMIHICAV ll.llll.K OF HFAITN. And alse to l e especially carilul against purcha sing s lid medicine of any person except the regu lar adverlised ngen's. ACILXIS I'Oli AOKTHCUm Jil.AM) CO., l't nnsijhtiniu. II. P. Masscr, Sunhiiry Win. Porsyili, Nor thuiubi rland Jaculi llj is, Shauiokiu Samiii 1 Herb, Mahonoy Hvrrly ci. D. llaaa, Augusta Thoin u Folhncr. Milton Iri-I in, I A Meiiell, MrEwensville E. S. Piper, TuihuUville James Peed, Poitsgrove II. Kluse, Suvdirstuwn II. 11. Kiiahcl, P. M.. Elysbursj P. O. m. Lei-enriiif, P M, l iiion Corner. OHice and (isncrul Depot f.r the sale of H ('( Indian Ytttudr 1'iils. W holesale and Kctail, No. tt'j JiACk 1ST It PET, PHILADELPHIA- May SI, 1M:J. ly ROSE OINTMENT, rou ti:th:ii. niMiwnuvs, rtMri.r; on tiik fa n, ami ointsit fl TAMHII '! l:Rtfl KtNX. fj TUe ftdltiwinntertiftea't dtscrilirx ont of the mn.it rxtruardinari) euret ever effected ly nny application, Piilt.Ai.vt ptti A, February 10, 18:1S. IOM twenty years I was severely alllicted with 1 TtL-r-rirn nn tbn ln.-A nn.t lfcait the disensp ' rommeneed when I was seventeen years olJ, and . continued until the Fall of 18'lfi, varying in vio j lence, hut without ever disnppenrinif. Durinir most i of the time, great pnrl of my face w as covered with (he eruption, frequently attended with violent itch- ing; my head swel'ed nt times until it felt ns if it I would burst the swelling xvns so g-pat, that I could ; scarcely pet my lint on. During thp long prriod that I was afflicted wild the disease, I usej a great j many a plication", (among them several celebrated preparation-) as w. II ns taking inward remedies, including n number of bottles of Sn-uiiii'x I'anacea, I'j fract of Sarsaparilht, e, In fact, it would he I itnpossilde to enumerate all the medicines I used, j I was nlso under the c ire of two of the most dis : tinguished physicians of this city, but without re . reiving nntrh benefit, nnd I despaired of ever being cured. In the fall of 18:'f,, the disease nt the time , being very violent, I commenced using the liune Ointment, (prepared by Vaughan fi Davis.) In j a few application the violent itching ceased, the j swelling abated, the i ruptioii began to disappear, 1 nnd before I had used ajar the di-easn was entirely ctited. It has now bi-en nearly a yar and a half since, and there is not a vestige of the disease re maining, except the scars from the deep pits formed ; by the disease. It is impossible for me to describe I in a certificate the severity of the disease and my suffering, but I will bo pleasid to give a fuller nc- count to any person wauling further satisfaction, : who will call on me. Al the time I commenced using Hie Rose Ointment I would have given hnn j dieds of do'lais to be rid of tho disease. Since u I sing it, I have recommended it to sever il persons, j (nniong them my mother, who hud the discaso had i ly on her nun.) who wi re a I cured bv it. i J AMES 1)1" KN ELI., No. lofi. Pace St. ffj" 'Phe Hose Ointment is prepared by E. H. i Yaughan, South East corner of Tlurd and Pace J stre. ts, Philadelphia, and sold on agencv in Sunbu ' ry. by II. b. MASS EH, I May 14th, 1813. Ai;ent. i ltoc Ointment, for 'IVttcr. i a moor or jts r.rnc wY. Phii.ahm.I'hia, May SVlh, H:i!. ; rPIIIS is to certify that I was severely alllicted i with 'Fetter in Ihe hands and feet fir upwards of lorty years ; the disease wns attended generally j with violent ibhing and swelling. I applied (o niimber of phvsiri .ns, nnd used a great many appli cations without cllicting a cure. About a year ) since, I applied the Hose Ointment, which entirely stnpied the itching, and a fi w applications immcdi- ately cured the disease, which there has been no l return of, although I had never lieen rid of it al j any time for lorty years. HlCH Al.'D S.WAt.E, Eleventh, below Spruce Street. Cj' 'Phe Hose Ointment is prepared by E. 1). Yauglinn. S jutli East corner of Third and Pace Streets, Philadelphia, and sold on agency in Sunhii ry. bv II. li. MAssEH, May 1 1th, 1813. Agmt. MEDICAL APPROBATION Of the KOSll Ol.TMi:.T,for Tetter. LTHOLf'II ihr superiority of ihe prepaiation over all otln rs is fully established, the proprie tors take pleasure in laying before the public the following certificate from a respectable physician, a graduate of the I'niversity of Pennsylvania. Dr. llaugh, having found in this remedy that relief f.r a tedious and di-ngrerahlr affection which the means within the range of bis profession failed to afford, has not hesitated lo give it his approbation, although the prejudices nnd interests of that profession ate opposed to secret Hemcilies. PiiilaiiKI ru I , Sept. 10, 1 S:t0. I was recently tronl leil w ilh a ti dious herpetic ertipti. n. which coveted nearly one si 'e of my face, and extended over the ear. Mr. Vaughan, propric toi of the Kose Ointment, observing my fnee, tnsis ted on my tiying his preparation, of which he bun ded me a jar. Although in common with the mem bers ol my profession, I discountenance and disai prove ot the numerous nostrums palmed upon the public by ignoiant pn tenders, I feel in justice hound to rxc.pt the Kose Ointment from that c'ass of me d.ciins. and to give it my approbation, as il entire ly cured the eruption, although il had irsisted the usual applications. DAN L. HAl'tiH, M. I). Q'j' The llo-e Ointment is prepared by E. I!. Yaughan, South East corner of Third and Pace Sticcts, Philadelphia, and sold on ngi ncv in Sun lury, by II. Li. M Ass EH, May 1 Ith, IS:i. .-1 J. MAVL AND, JR. & CO. Smit'i ami Tobacco Manufacturers, .o. '.Ill .ortk Yi st cornt r of Race and Third Struts. PHILADELPHIA. f PHE uridersigned have formed a Co-partnership 1 undi r the firm of J, M A Y LAN I). J ii. : Co.. as successors to ihe late him of Jacuh .Matland V Co., nnd will continue tho business at the old esta blishment, on their own account. In addition to their own close attention and experience foi many yeais, in the manufacture of iheir cefi braled siiull'-, Vc, ihe long r xpeiieiice of the senior pailncr of ttie late linn, will also If ilcvotnl to the interest of the new concern and as no rieition and care will be spared to insure their goods, at all times of ihe ve ry U-st ipialily, Ihey solicit a continuance of the confidence ol the It amis nnd customers of ihe late firm. THOMAS ADAMS, J. MA YEAN D, Jh. Pbili.lelphia, May I Ul), 18PI. ly EAGLE i 'orntrol Third and Vine Stru ts, williamspout, fa. TIIIE subscriber r. spei (fully announces to the I public, thai lie has opened a Hotel in the com modious bii, k building situate on the coiner of I hiid and Pine streets, where ho will he happy to wait i p ai those who may favor him with iheir company. The Eagle Hotel is large and conveni ent, and furnished in the It l modem stylo. It is provided with a large number of well aiied and Ciiiifoit.il, le sleeping spartmects, rooms, private parlors, A r. Prisons visiting Witluiinsport on I n sines oi plea-ure, may ret as-urcd that every ex ertion will le used to lender their sojourn at the "Eagle Hoti I" pleasant and agreeable. His'I'able will he supplied with the very best the market af fords, and his bar with I he choicest wines and other liijuors i barges reasonable. 'Phe Eale Hotel possesses grcutvr advantages in point of location than any other similar est ablishment in ihe borough, being situate in the business part of the tow n, and w ithin a convenient distance of the Court House and Williamsport and Elmiru Pail Hnad Depot. Suff.cient Siahling provided, Slid good and trusty ostlers always in alien. tun, e. Attenlivp, accommodating and honc-t Servants have been employed, and nothing left undone thai will add to the, comfort and arcommodulion of his guests. There will he a cariiage always in attendance st the boat Landing (o convey pssscrgt r to and from the House, free of charge. t HAPLES bOHKOWS. V iy 1 -t tit, IHa. if" yiViilad. K, B. l.!3CJILs?., ATTOKNEY AT LAW, SUITBTJRV, PA. Iluslness attended to in the Counties of Nor thuipl trland, I'nion. Lycoming and Columbia. ltrfrr to I I no h as Hat & Co., "i I.owr.n rV. 1! a ri nntff , Hart, Cim minus & Hart. Hktwoi.iis, McFariawd &. Co, BrF.nt'o, Conn cfc Co., To ru ni rv MERCHANTS. rPHE Suhsrriher, Agent of I yon A. Harris, Hat Manufarturers, for New York, Philmlelphia, llaltimorc and other large, cities, whoso llat.t nro highly commended for good tnlot and durit.ility, has on hand first rnto nssortuvnt of HATS and CAPS, suitable for Spring a.iles, wh'ch will be sold very low, fot cash or appiovcd credit, al the nt tcd cheap stare, So. 40, North Third strct, opp isi'e the City Hotel, Philadelphia. POHEHT I). WILKINSON. Afent. N. II. Orders f,if lists in the rouh, promptly attended to, The highest price in uih or trad given far Far ikinn, Philadelphia, June 11, 181.T-.ly A LE persons indebted to the firm of Lyon ft v Hr G. Vf. & L. E. TAYLOPt. OFFER FOR RALE, at the South East Cor ner of Fifth and Marhet Streets, Philadel phia Mena' Calf-skin Hoots, stitched warranted, do ilo do ppgged do do do do water proof, double soles and double uppers, do Calf-skin do do do nailcj and uppers, do Heavy Water Eenther Hoots, do do N'eals do do. do High quarter Shoes, Calf-skin, do do do Crockers do do Fine Monroes warranted larris, under the agency of O.N. Tharher, do Kip do do Calf do do Course do do do Shoes do Fine do do Kip do lo do lo ilo do do Ilui and Cap Manufacturt r, No. 40 North Third, street, Philadelphia, arc requested to mnke immedi ate settlement of their accounts with the subscriber, their legally auihoiizc.l agent, who is fully cmpow. eie.l to setlli! nnd collect the accounts of said firm. HOHEHT D. WILKINSON, June 4th, 1812. tf Arrnl. GOLDKiN SWA A (ill Aor'i Third, atiore Areh Strict, PUIEAnF.I.rillA. ACCOM MOI1 1 IONS FOR 8K.VK.VH' TKItSONS. MIAHLES WEISS, late of the "White Swan." - and "Mount Yernon House," respectfully in- i forms his friends and customers, that he has become the proprietor of the ahov well known Hotel. j Country Metcliauts will find the above Hotel a j central location, and the best of fare. Persons tra- ; veiling with private conveyance will find a large j yard and good stabling for horses, and the lust of ostleis. Hoarding fl pcrdnv. May llth, 1812. tf. VriC. HE ILLCZ IT &, CO.. do Calf nnd Seal Skin Pumps, do List Socks with and without soles, do Carpet do do ib, do Patent Warranted Water-proof Mocrnsins. Ladies' do do ilo do Ladies' tunned India Rubber shoes, (leiitlemeus do Over shoes. With every other dcsciiption of hoots and shoes. Fur Cnps of every description. Travelling Trunks of every description. Venetian Travelling Hags. Patent Cum Elastic Shoe Marking. Hoiiurts of all kinds. Palm Leaf Hats. ' Philadelphia, November n, 18-12. ly. 1'ommis.sioii Forwardinu Merchants, loot of W illow Street Hail Road, ON THK llV.t.AWAHr., TTAY1NCJ associated with them Joseph Darnet, late of Easton, Pa., respectfully inform their friends and the public generally, ihat they have ta-k- n t!i it large and well known store and wharf at foot of Willow Street Railroad, lately occupicl by Jacob Martin, where they purpose doing a (ienrral Commission and Forwarding Husiness, and f-om die local advantages of the place being connected with all ihe public improvements that have their outlet in the city, they flatter themselves they will be able to do business to as great, if not greater ad vantage, and upon as reasonable terms as nny other house, and they assure their friends that any con signments made to them shall have iheir strict at tention, and no exertions spared to give entite satis faction. Thi-y are also prepaied to rereive and forward goods lo any point on the Delaware and Lehigh rivers, between Mauch Chunk, Easton and Phila del hia, via Delaware Division and Lehigh Canals; also, to any point on Ihe Juniata river, or North and West Uianrhrs of the Susquehanna via Schuyl kill and I 'nion, or the Chesapeake and 'Fide Walei Canals. For the accommodation of Pouts coming or go ing via Schuylkill and I'nion Canals, a Steamboat will ki pt expressly for towing boats from the Si hu Ikill around to the Dclawaie and back, which will enable merchants to have their produce deli vered on the Delaware, ami their goods sbippid at a saving ol () to 75 per cent. o'i the prices fir hauling across, with these advantages they re spectfully solicit a share of patronage. W. II LII. .MAN V CO. William IE ilmin, William W. Key Joseph Unmet. N, Philj.l., May I I, 1 s 1:1. ly BOLTON 8c CO. (Cruci al oiiiini.loii .ilci- liauts, I'ur the Sale tf Flour, tlruin, .SV, 4 c, iVr. ESPEOTFl'LLY inform (heir friends and OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. NF.W KXCU.ANnoiL COMPANY I No. 2!) IXorlh Water Street, Pliila. j m "ANT'FACTrnEKS and dealers in Oils of I If H every description both for burning and uianulariuring purposes, which will he sold much j lower than they can he procured elsewhere, nnd warranted in quality to equal any in the city. Any oil sold by the company not proving as represented, may be returned without any expense to the pur j chaser, and the money will Is- refunded. ' Their stock now in store consists of the following ! oils, viz : .1(1,(1(11) gallons inter Uleached SpemH ( hi, do Coloiless Oil, Fall and Spring Sperm Oil, Winter Sea Elephant, do Pressed Whale Oil, Summer do do do Common Whale Oil, superioi Slra.ia Oil, Cod Hank Oil, Nea's Foot Oil, (.011(1 l.i.noo 1 0.000 20,00(1 noon 15,000 lo do do do do do in, ysc, V 3 Ph li l :he Merchants pi-nrrullv. ills! thev have Ill- ken those large nnd commodious Wharvrs, with two Doiks, noith of Chesnut street, on the Delaware, together with the store No. ID South Wharves, where they would he pleased to receive consign ment of Crain, Floui. Seed, Whiskey, Iron, Ac. Ac. being also well prepared lo forward all kinds of Merchandise by the Schuylkill and I'nion, or by ihe Chesnpeako and 'Fide Wuter Canals, as tow boats are kept expressly foi the purpose of towing boats by cither mute. Merchants will please he particular to send their goods destined by eiihcr canuls, to No. l'J South Wharves, lielween Mniket and Chesnut streets, on the Delaware, with directions accompanying them w hich route they wish them to be shipped. (Tj- Plaster and Suit for sale, at the lowest mar ket price. bOL'I'ON A CO. March in, I8P). No. l'J South Wharves. IlOItl'.KT rillTLll v SON, PAPER MANUrACTUREIlS, Lombard Street, llaltimorc. j HAVE constantly for sale. Printing Paper of al, ; siv.es and qualities, Cap Writing Paper, ruled ! and plain, Letter Paper, while and blue, ruled and ) plain, Hanging Paper, tine and common, Envelope I t aper, ilo. do. medium, double crown, crown and extra sized Wrapping Pajers, Colored Medium and Royal Papers, bonnet, binders' and Stiaw box boards. Tissue Paper, and all articles in their line, which they will sell un accommodating terms. Highest price given for old rags. ROBERT CARTER A SON, March 19, 1843. Elklon. Md CHP.YSCLITE FCLirS."' N article unequalled for cleaning and giving a -Y highly durable and most brilliant polish to sil ver, (icruiau Silver, brass, Copper, biiltania ware, Tin, Steel, Cutlery, and for restoring the lustre on varnished carriages, Ac. TRY IT. Prepared and sold at wholesale and retail, by the Susquehanna Chrysolite Pohh Company, Owego, Tioga county, N. Y. WM'. FORSYTH, Agent for Northum'd, H. b. MASS EH, Agent for fcunbury. Novemlier 20lh, 1812. Yl-TKll I )V.K LAST MAKER, No. 71 Callow hill Street, Philadelphia ("Three dutirs abnee Steond.J CHOE Findings always kept on hand, which ha 7! oilers for sale on the lowest leruin, Country Meichanti art particularly to till and judge for themselves. Philadelphia, NovMBaar 13, 1842. ly. 200 barrel :ii0 do 50 do ?.' Casks Olive Oil, 'Fanner's )ils. fj"This Company has a number of Vessels' en gaged in (lie Cixl Fishery, and 'Fanners may rely upon getting at all limes Oil ns pure as imported. Philadelphia, Nov. 1:1, is 12. ly. .Tlicliacl Weaver V Son, ROrE MAKERS & SHir CHANDLERS. A'o. 13 Xnrth lYaltr Street, Vhiladtiphia. ( AYE constantly on hand, a geiiend assort ment of Cordage, Seine Tw ines, A c., viy. : 1 ar d hopes. Fishing Ropes, While Ropes, Manil la Ropes, Tow Lines for Canal boats. Also, a complete assortment of Seine Twines, A c. such as Hemp Shad and Herring Twine, Rest Patent Cill Net Twine, Cotton Shad ami Herring Twice, Shoe Threads, Ac. Ac. Also, bed Cords, Plough Lines, Halters, Truces, Cotton and Linen Carpet Chains, Ac. all of which they will dispose of on rrasouuble tetms. Philadelphia, November 13, IS 12. ly. Jacob I'i isiiiiitli Son- "I " ESPECTFl'LLY informs their friends and acquaintances generally that they still con tinue to keep nt tho old Hand, No. 2 10 North 3d strrt t, Philadelphia, all Viiuis of TollACCO SSI TF AM' SLt.AIIs. Which they will tell n the mot '. accommodating and reasuna le terms, N. b. All goods sold will he guanntecd and all orders prompll) attended to. Philadelphia, Nevemhei 13, IM2. ly. SPKUIXG, GOOD & CO. Xo. l.'fs Markot Street, Philadelphia. NYITE the attention of Country Merchants to their extensive assortment of If ri! is h French and American Dry floods, which (hey otter for alo on (he most reasonable terms. Philadelphia, November 13, IS 12. ly. J . W. S Y A 1 N , Umbrella and Parasol Manufacturer. A'o. 37 Sooth Thitd street, lira dinrs bilmc the Cit v Hotel, l'hiadilplita. C1 )l'N"l'li Merchants and others are solicited ) to examine his assortment before purchasing elsewhere Philadelphia. November 13, 1 8-1 3. ly. jjBk ibv. jac jn. DALE. OR sale a small Farm, containing about one hundred and ten acres, more or less, situate in Point township, Norlhuml erland county, about two miles above Northumberland, nn the main road leading from that place to Danville, adjoining lands of John Leghnu, Jesse C. Hortoii and others. ! now in the occupancy of Samuel Payne. About forty acres of said tract are clcatcd, and in good state of cu'tivation, on which there is a small haul ;ereclid. The property will be sold nn reasonable l trims. For further particulars, prisons are request ed to apply to the nut sciib. r. II. II. MASSE II, Azent, Nov. 27th, 18a 2. tf. Sunbury, Pa. LIST OF BOOKS lull salk ar VNTHON'S Classical Dictionary; Lemprier'a do.; Ainsworth's do ; Cobb's do.; English anj German do.; Authon's C.vsar; Aulhou ' Crammer, Anthen's Cicero; Mair's Latin Reader; Ogill y'sdo.; Andirw's Latin Lessons; Donnegau's Lexicon; Fisk's lireik Eiercises; Davie's I.rgeudei; Uraeca Majora; Adams's Roman Antiquities; Piunock's (ioldsiiiilh'i England; do. Creece; I. yell's Elements of (ieology; Mrs. Lincoln's botnny; Elements of botany; bridge' Algebra; Porter's Rhctoiical Rea ders; Emerson's (ieogruphy and History; Olney'a do.; Parley's do.; Smith's Crammer; Kirkham's do.: Kay's Readers; Cobb's do.; Cobb's Arithmetick; Pike'a do.; Emerson's do.; Cobb's Spelling books; Town's do.; Cobb's Table books; Evangelical Fa mily Eihrarv; Cottage bibles; Family do.; Collaler al do.; Smail bibles and Testaments; Parker'a Ex eicises on Composition; Fruit of the Spirit; baxler'a Saint's Rest; American Revolution; Marryatl's No vels; Mrs. Phelpa on Chemistiy; Hiad; Catechism of American Laws; Leitcrson Natural Magic; Che. mistry for beginners; English Exercise adapted, to Murray's Crammer, Sequel to Comley'a Spelling Hook; American Class Hook; Daboll's Schoolmas ter's At.istanl; A rcat variety of blank books, Ac, August 2 112- KLANKS POU SALLAT THIS 0 J;'1CE.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers