n A X K xoti; LIST. PEWSYI.V.4XIA. The following I'"' hnw the current value of nil nnylveni Bunk Note. 'Die ovs-l irr-plicit re snce nny he placed upon it, , il i etrry trr k srcfully compared with ai d corretieJ ftotn Bii k .ill'i Reporter. lianks lu lMiliadrliihh). t Hum I1AMF, I.BCATIO-. 1'iiilad. par par par . par pur t pur pur . pur par par par NOTES AT PAH. 'link iif North America . Junk of llm Northern Libertie . ' Jommcrciiil Bank of Penn'ii. , r'urrnera' and Mechanic' Dank , Kensington Bank . I'hiladclphia Bank "Miiivlkill Bunk . . , H-mthwark Bunk . Western Bank . . , Mechanics' flank , Manufacturers' & Mechanics' Hunk Country llnnk. flunk of Chester County Wratchra'M pur par pir par pur psr par Hank of Delaware County ll.ink of Ocrmnntown Hank of Montgomery Co. Ooylesfnwn Bank Kaslori Bank Chester Germantown Norrislown Doylestown Faston Farmers' Rank of Buck co. Bristol ' fW of Bank of Pcon'. fhVe Jo do Office do Jo Office Jo Jo MOTES AT 'ar.k of the Uniud Slatea' ;iarik of IVnn Township -bard Bunk Vovamentiing Bunk itfiiik of Pennsylvania Miners' Bank of Poltsville i 'auk of Lewit.wn H ink cf Middle-town P ink of Nnrlhumbeitfini Harrihurg These Lnticng'er I offices Renting f do riot Esston J issue n. D I 8 C O U N T. Ft. iiaJtj.hia 25e2fl . . par 6 . . pir par 1 Potlaville l.ewistown Middletown i Northumberland par 'olumli Bank k Bridge co. Columbia Carltrle Rank Carlisle Exchange Bank Pittsburg Do do branch of Hnllidayahuxg Furmera' Bnnk of Lancaster Lanc-iitci Lancaster County Hank Lancaster Farmers' Bi.nk of Heading Ri nding llarrivhuig Bank - Harriahurg !, .ricas i'r Bank Lancaster Lebanon Bnnk Lebanon Merchants' At Manuf. Bank Piitshurg II ink of Pitteburg Fhiahuig West Branch Bank Williamsport Wyoming Bank V i'keshaite Northampton Bank Allentown l!otk County Bank leading Office of Bank of U. S. Pittsburg i i i i 3 i i i i 4 5 n failed do Do do do Erio Do do do New Brighton Kensington Sav. In. A do IVnn Township Sav. Ins. do Bank of Chamlmrsburg Chambcrsburg flank of Gettysburg Gettysburg Bank of Susquehanna Co. Montrose l.'rtp B.ink Eri Farmers' Ac Drovera' Bank Waynrshurg i'rnnk in Bank AVaFhinp'on lloncsdale Bank Honesdale .Vlonnngihela Bank of B. Brownsville i'o-k Bank Yoik do i i nti 3 Sa3 "i i M W. B. The note of those bonks on which we niit quotations, and substitute a dash ( ) are not purchased by the Philadelphia brokers, with the exception of those which have a letter of n ft rente. BROKEN BANKS. Philadelphia Sav. Ins, Philadelphia failed do failed do f.iiled Dyott, prop.) failed Towanda Bedford no sale Piesvei rlnfed Harrislmrg cbxed V'alii.'(iiii f.iiled Belli fi. nte i-bcd ' tlbu'.' no tale PlUsburg " f.iiliJ Fayette co. failed tirreneh.n failed I'hllndelphia Loan Co. Sebuylkill Sav. Ins. Manual Labor Bank (T.'W I'owanda Bank Allogl.any Bank of Pa. U.ink of Beaver .lank of Sualura Hank of W'wiliiiigton 1-ntie Bank i'ity Bank r'armer' & Mech'rs' Bank Farmers' iV Meeh'cs' Bank Farmers' & MechVs'cBnnk Harmony Inaiiliita Huntincdoi, Bank luniata Bank -tinibernien's Bank Northern Bank of Pa. 'ew Hope Del. Bridge l'o. Northuinli'd Union Col. Bk Norih Western Baik of Pa. (mire of Schuylkill Bank I'a. Apr. & Manuf. Bank Silver Lake Bank Union Bank of IVnn'a. Westmoreland Bank Wilkesbarre Bridge Co, Harmony no pale Hontingilon no sale Lervistown no sale W.-rren Dninlnff failed no file closed no tale clrsed jVew Hoj A'.iiton Meailville Port Cbrbon Carliie Monitor 1niontnwn failed closed failed closed Greeiisburg Wilki akure no sale fXj" A" no,rli I'urportine; to be on any Peimrl vania Bank not given in the above liet, may be set iown as frauds. new ji:ksi:y. Rank of New Brunswick Brunswick failed i ar i par par failed . i llelviileie Bank llelviJere Uurlinpion Co. Bank Med lord Commercial Bank Perth Amboy Cumberland Bank Brldgetnn rarmeis' Bank Mount Holly Farmer' and Merhniio' Bk Bahway Farmers' and Mnliouio.' Bk N. Biunswick Fanners' and Mt rt Iibih' Bk Middle-town Pi Franklin Bank ofN. J. Jersey City f-iiled failed failed fallerl fulled 1 llouoKen ukgiV tjrazing t o Hutioken Jersey City Bnk JeimvCiiy Mechaniia' H .nk Paiii raon Manufacturer' Bank Belleville Morris County Bunk Morrmtowu Monmouth Bk of N. J. Frmbnld MechauuV Bunk Newark Mechanics and Manuf, Bk Trenton Morris Canal and Bkg Co Jciaey City Pol Note failed i pur no s.tle Newark llki( rV Ins Co Newark New Hope Del Bridie Co Lamlu'iUville N.J. Mutiuloc. and Bkg Co Hobokeu i i failed tailed failed par par N J Protecton & I.uuitwid bk Jern v City Orange Bank ( Irnuge Paiermn Bank Poteraon Peoples' Bank do Piiureton Bank Piiiieeli n 8alrui Banking Co Kslem rStsie Bank Newark Hiaie Bank Lliialethtown Htae Bunk Camden . Slate BaiJk ot Morris Moriiatown fclute Bunk Trenton falem and Pbilad Manuf Co Halem 8usaex Bank Newton Trenton Banking Co Trenton Cni .n Bank Haver Washington Banking Co, Hackensack ii:i.Aii'Aiuu i i par 1 b.iod failed i pur fubd BkofWilmA Brandy wint Wilmington par par par Bank of Delavkait Wilinii.etun Bank of Smyrna Bmyin Do blanch Millord Farmers' Bk of Mate of Dei Dover Do br-ndi W.lmington Do branch (iemgelown Do brancU Newcastle I'nion Bank Wiluiington try I'uilcr 6'a par par par pr par par 07 On all bank maiked thus () there are ri. tbrr counte-lVit or lurrd note ofiln var.ou de nomination, in ciiculatiOii, ysnni & uocap, HAT CAP MAMUFACTUULRS, South 77i.f cornrr of Marhtt and 4th .. IMillndrlphln, I r l'F.CTFI7LLY inform the public that they - wilt rotn'ant'y keen nn hnnd a larga assort ment of Ha's Caps and Fur lo suit the fall trade, of the be t quality. By strict atiention to burd nrs. and by selling their stock at the lowest prices, tbry flitter ibempejvts In being ab'e to p;ivrentir sntisforl'on. Aunust 6, 1843 ly .A Thrrshlns: Mnchlne Tr Sale. rnpHE sobrnber olfera f r sale THRESHING A MACHINE, new and in good ord.r. Tbe Machine ba l en tried, and proves to le an exrcl Icrtt one It will be sold at reJnced price, and warranted. Apply lo H. B. MASSE I?. July l IS 13. - 'ollllf,llOl's, D 1CI A T XI BLOW. rPhe pit' lie will plcflsn observe that no Brandreth Pills are peni.ine, unless the box has three li bels upon it. (the top, tbe si.le and the bottom) emh containing a fie-slmile signature of my hnnd ritinq, (bus B. BR47innETH, M. D. These In. bel tiie engraved on steel, beautifully desirjned. and June Ht an evppiife of over f 3.000. -Therefore ft n ill be -ecu that the only thing mcesnry to pro cure the medicine in its puritv, is to observe these labcU. Remember the top, the side, and tbe bottom. The following repeclive persons are duly nnht-ri-Zcd, and hold CERTICATE3 OP AGENCY, For the sale of Urandrnh't Vegetable Universal nil. - Norlhnmbeilni'd eonntv : Milton Mn key A Chambcilin, Sunbury H. B. Masaer. M'Ewcna. ville Iiel irid A. Meiel. Nnrthuiu' eiland Wm, Forsyth. Ueoritown .1. oV J. Wills. Union Cuitnly: New Berlin Bogar tc Win ter. E'elinsgrove George Gitndiuin. Middle burg Isaac Smith. Beaver'own David Hubler. Adami-burg Wm. .1. May. Milltinsbursr Mensch &; Ray. Hartleton Daniel Long. Freeburg G. cV. F. C. Mojer. Lpwisburg Walls & Gieen. Columbia county : Danville E. B. Rej nobis V Co. Berwick Kliitman A. IS tlerhouse, Ca' tawissa C. (j. Brolitt. Bloomsliurg John R. Mover. Jeisey Town Levi Biae.l. AVasbinpton Robt. McCay. Limestone Biilti'o M:Ntirb. Observe that each Aneiit has an Engrnvul Ci r- ificste of Aeency, conlaitiing a reprt s-ntntion of ir BRANDBE TH'S Manufactory at Sing Sine, and upon which will also be seen exact copies ( fbe new labels nnw ued upon the Ilraiidrclh 'ill More. Philadelphia, office No. 8. Notlh 8th street. B. BISANDIiETH.M.D. June 24th. 1H4.1. Hover's int.. JOSEPH if HOVER, Manufacturer of Writittj; nnd Inrlelli ble Ink, No. HKi North Third Hirer t, ei. liKirs below Riicp, (cBtt si(ii,) nilLADELPHIA, I) ESPEOTFI LLY inform country merchant and others, lhal he constantly keep on hand a large stoc k of his superier Black, Blue and Red Ink. and also a superior quality of Indi llil le Ink. His ink is put up in bottles varying in size, from 1 to 32 nonces, and Will be sold nn reasonable terms. Tbe excellent qualities of this ink has so tbnroiicbly established it character, that il is now extensively used throughout the country. For sale at the store of H. B. Manw-r, S'un- hury.Pa. May 27lh, 184.1. ly CirAltl.KS AV. llF.C.lXS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SUNBUIIY, PA. OAS taken tbe olliee lonneilv occupied by tbe Hon. ( -barles (5. Doom I, opposite the Court House. Ho will a ti nd to biisini'KH in the d-iiit- of Norihumbeibiiid, I'nion and Coluiubiu couu'ies. May 2(llh, 1S4U. MERCHANT'S HOUSE, A'o. 2.'J7, Aor'i Third, above Ctlou hill St.. PHILADELPHIA. TTOHN DUNCAN, late from tbe Peoiir-ylva IJp nia Farmer, anil Hamuel Pike, jr., la'e of A nierican Hotel, Columbus. ihio; lake pleasure in ac quainting their friends and the public cent-rally that thry have taken the large and roiiimndioua lloul, recently built by the Mei-si. H ut, on the same site once occupied by the old entahlMicd Hotel known as the Bull' Head, in Third meet above" Callow hill st. Thia Hotel is finished in the very '..et-t possible manner, and of the best material. Its location u very desirable, particularly for country mi reliant; the arrangements for heatii.R and ventilstinir i nch room ia such as to secure any temperature. Tbe bfdronmaare all bel t and airy, all lurni.lud in a neat sly'e, so as to iin-uie conduit. The receiving parlor are aho Ion isbe-1 in t su perb style, tbe windows are on ibe French s'vle, furmii g an entrance to balcony in front, nbi. b makes a pleat-ant recess, Fiolicnlai atlention bait been given to the btda and bi ddii-g, which, with the furniture, are en'inlv new. t rorn yea'-' xi eriei ce inb li-l businrss, ve t:ut, I y ftrii t ax dnity ti. bus oes', lo make tbi house a desirable strpnin place, tiur table will always I CMipplicd wi'b the vi ry I" si our inaiket can allord, ami our barwoh the best lupous ami wines ol tbe linul apiaoveit binmls. P. S. Theix are tii.t laic slal-linc wi.d cariime Iioiim-s att.n bed lo tbe hoti I, tl.i o.b d l.y i a I II and solei boileis. and nut chart-e will be 1 1, in accordance w till tbe resent baid liu.ts. Philudtlphia, Get. 71., IM13. UiNION HOTEL, ( lent rut .S'l-e l,.r 3ssr "utj iawj" sc2 -r LYCOMING COUNTY, I'diitk) It iinla. riHE Si.Weriber respecifotly int'oims his friend. L and tbe public in general, that he ha taken the above LAItCi: AND rOMMODlOl'S HOTEL, I N T H E B O R () U G 11 (l F M V N C Y, and that be i now well pierej lo sccommodatc all who may fator him with tbeir custom. H i rstrria Afrtm.nt ire well aiiej, nd coinforlable. HisTtaLs n Ba will a't'iy b tipphid with ihe best Ibe Diaiket can afford. Hi SrAiLiaa, which i goid, will l under tbe charge of good and careful hostler. He ft els confident, by strict attention to buainrsa, nd an earnest desire to render c mforltble those who may patronize him, that he will not fsil logiwa i general satisfaction. H. B. WE A YE II Muncy, Oct. 1st, 1843 tf. The lt mrthncl for the Abolition of Difeate is to cleanse and purify the Body. witirciiT's ' INDIAN VEGETAtlLn PIL.1.S OPTHR JWtrth American Colttfe of tlratth. Are now acknowledged to he the hest Medicine in the World for the cine of EVERY VARIETY OF DISEASE. B B EC A USE they completely cleanse the sto fj J maeh and bowels from th se h'lliona and cor rupt humors wbleh are tbe caue not only of Headaebe, Giddiness, Palpitation of the Heut, Pa'ns In the Bone. Rheumatism and Ooiit, but every nislmW ineidert to msn, SAID INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS are e.-nsin cure for in te'mitient, lemitti d, nervous, inflsmalory snd pti'tid Fevers, heciune (bev cleanse the P'w'y frem tho-e morbid hnmors, which, when confined to the circu lation, are the cause of U kinds of FF.VEH!.- "n, also, when tbe same impurity is deposited on tbe tnembiane and muscle, c.iusinfx pains, inflama tinns and swelling called RHEUMATISM, GOT T, Ac. Wricht's Indian Vepetalde Pilla msv be relied ijn as alwavs ertiiin to cive relief, and if persevered ith, aeeoidli'F to directions will mol assuredly, snd without fail, make a perfect cu e of the above nalnfi l n titadies. From three to six of said Indinn Vi petnb'e Pills tiken eviry niahl go it g to bed, will In a shoit time so completely rid the body from every thing that is opposed to heabh, that Rbenmnti-m. Oont. and p-.i" of every descrip tion, wi'l be literally DRIVEN FBOM THE BO DY. For the I'mc reason, when, from sudden change of atn.opheie. or any other cause, the pcr spi-ation is checked, and tbe humors which should p-o-s eft' bv the sliin are thrown inwardly, causing HEADACHE GIDDINESS, naue and tek nesa, pain in the bnni-a, waieiy and inflamed eyes, aore throat, hoarsene-s, rniigha, consumi tion-i. rbenmat'C pain in various parts of tl-.e body, and many other symptoms of CATCHING COLD, Wright's Indian Vegetable I'i.'h will irivnriably eive inmedi ite ri-lief. From thiee to six of said Pills takrn every niubt on goirm lo bed, will in a short lime, not only remove all tbe above unplcas nit aymptoms, but (he body w-ll, in a short tune, be restored to even sounder beal btban before. A.STllMA.oi. DIFFICULTY OF BI.'EATH IN. Wright's Inilli'i Vegetable Pills will loos en and enr y off, by the stnmaih and hnweia, lhoe tough phbgmy humor -, which slop up all Ihe air cells ol the lungs, ami are the cause, not only nf the l-ore dis'.fi sH'!i c -rnplaint. but when m clceied, olten lerrnii ates in ilia' mo eihcadliil nis'ai'v called CONSUMI' TION. Il h"u'd be alsoreri emheinl that Wright's Indian Vesftubif are a certain cure for PAIN IN THE SI 1)E. tppns ion, nu sa, and sickness, o-s of apta tiie, costivenrfa. a yellow tinge of the ikin si d eyes, sml (Very other fyniptom i f a ti-rpid or dirarri siale of the liver; because lin y puree Irnm the body those impurities which if di posited upon this important organ, are the enn-e of cery varieiy of LIVER COM PLAINT. W hen a nation iseomulsed by riot-, ombre like and ri hellion, tbe only means nf prevent, inn the dreadful consequences of a CIVIL WAH, is lo expel all traitors, and evil disposed ones from Ibe coumry. In I ke manner, when pain or sick ness of any kind, indicate that the body is strug gling wiih inti ri hi tor s, the true remedv ia to EX PEL ALL MORBID HUMOh'S, (Tiaitoia lo health nd bfe.) Health will be the certain result. That ll.e principle of curing dieai-e, by cleansing nd purifying the hotly, is strictly in accordance with ibe Ian which govern tbe animal economy; and if properly carHed out by Ihe ue of ibe ahove named Wlil'liHT'a INDIAN VEGETABLE PILI.f. will eeiiainly rrsull In the enmpbte Abo lition of Disease ; we oRer the following testimoni als, fmm person of the highest respectability in New York, who have lecenliy been uied of Ihe most obstinate complaints, solely by Ihe use of Wstnur's I.vnitN V rn k rs hlr Pills, of the North American Cvlltgt of Health : Jimjica. L. I., Jons bih. IR41. Doctor Wil'iani Wriphl Dear Sir It is with grei-t sati fsi-tioii I inform you of ,-.iy bavioL bei n int'relv cored of Dyspepsia, of five years standi! g. I v the use ot your Iiukh Nidiiiiiik 1'im.s. I'll vino- to inee 'iig with your relehrated rmdi cine, 1 hid been unilei ti e bands ol sevpisl Physi cians, and bail iried vaiions medicines; but all to no rfTeel. Afier uii one 25 cent box of jour Pills, however, I i ip. ririx e.l so much bei efit, that I ie-ot i d lo a r-ei cic in ll.e use of them accoidinv lo direction, w!-b b I am hai py lo slate, 1ms result id in a p. i fi ll cure. Ingratitude to you foi the prei fieiiifil I fiavp teceited, and also in the hope i It 1 1 nl hi i niniilailv sflhctnl may be induced to inuke liisl of your extra, rdinvy medicine, I send you Ibis stateimrit with lull hheiiy to publish the same, it you think pr. -e. Yours, oVc. New Yoik. June I W. Ill. (i. C. BLACK. Mr. Richard Dei nis, ageul for Wright' Indian Vegetiible Pills. l)i ar Sir I have been afflicted for scleral years wiih inward weakness sod gent rat debility, accom panied at limes with pains in Ibe side and other distressu g complaiioa. Aft-1 bsvimj (r ed various medicine wi'boi leflicl. I w as perso-nlcd by friend lo nuke trial ef Dr. W light's Indian Vegetable Pills, which I m happy lo slate, have ielieeJ roe in a most wi-mb rlul m inr cr. I have used ihe me dicine, as yet but a slmii tune, and have no doubt, by a ja rseeranee in the ue of Ihe mediri.ie accor ding lo direction, ih t I shall in a short time be pi Hi ctly le -lined. I most willieglv recommend (aid pills to all per sons similarly stllicted. ai d in ihe foil belief thai Ibe same beneficial n so U will follow their use, I re. main youi sinceielv, 1IENKV A. FOOTK. Waiwarsingi Ulsier co. N, V. N w Vi av. S.-i.l. In 1 1 Vliis is to certify lhal I lcte used V n ir; HTa Ninv 'MiTii.r I'u.i 4 with the greatest bene fit: havii g in'iiilv cured in-ell of the freiiuent at Isiks ot Sick Hesilaehe, In which I UA previously Umisoljeel. AAA M A lil A I 1IO.M I St IN, SJSI2 Greenw ich street. N. Y. To Mr. Richard Dennis, Ageul for Wiiuhi'a In dian Vegetable 1'ills, c.i r r i .v. As there are t ibis lime many wicked persona bi.sily engaged in stl'n.g coiioit rfeii oo il.cinc un der the tisuie ot tbe linli.-iii Vegelalde Fills slid as ll ese i'i( crate im n sre so utieily n-ikless of eon i quences, thai many valuable I ves may be b st in consequence of using ll-eir dreadlul compounds, ibe puhhc are chuii. iiciI against puicbaing any I'i'ls. unless on ibr t nlcs of ibe Imxe the following w oriling is found : WlilGHT'H IVDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS. (Indian Purgative.) Of THC aORTU tMLIIICiN COLLlnt or HEALTH. And a'-se to be especially caieful against purcb iue said nieilicine of any person except the regu lar advertised agen's. A VENTS FOR NORTHUMBERLAND CO , Pennsylvania. H. B. Maser, Kunhnry V m. Forsyth, Nor. thuniberlsnd- Jacob Hi-is, Sbamokiu Samuel Herb, Mahonoy Bverly Si D. Haa, Augusta 'I boms Fullmer, Milton Ireland Sl Meiiell, McEwenavHIe E. S. Pr, Turbulsville James Peed, Poltsgrove H. Kluse, Snydi rslown II. II. Kuwtrel, P. M.. Elysburg P. O Wm. Leisenring, P M. Union Corner. Office and General Depot for the sale of Wright's Indian Vtnelable Pills, Wholesale and Retail, No. 189 RACK fcTKEET, PHILADEL PHIA. May 31, 1843. ly UOSi: OINTMENT, FOR TKTTEIt. RINOWOHMS, riMPJ.KW On THE rACK, AND OTHF.U rUTANKOVS ERt'PTIOKa. (T5 The following ctrtifca'e describe one if the tnnt extraordinary cures evrr effected by any application. ' PnitAtitt.rntA, Februaty 10, 18.19. TJ'OR twenty year I wa severely afflicted with T.TT(tu on tho Face nd Headt the disease commenced when I w is seventeen year old; and continued until the Fall of 1836, vnrving in vio. lenee, but without eer disappearing. During most of tbe time, great part of my face was covered with the eruption, frequently attended with vio'ent itch inct my head swel'ed at timrs until it fidt s if it would burst the -wellini was so g'eat. thai I conld scarcely get mv hat on. Dunns the long period that I was afflicted wl'h the disesve, I useit Rreat many plication, (among them "veral celebrated preparation') w II as taking inward remedies, including number of bottle of Siviiim's Pannrra, Extract of Sarnnptirilln, Ac, In fact b wnild be impo-sible lo enumea'a all tbe medicine I used. I was also under the cre of two of ihe most dis- tincuished physicinn of lhi city, but without re- j reiving m eh benefit, snd I despaired of ever being cured. In the fill of 1 9:10, the disea-e at he time being very violent, I commenced using the Rout Ointment, (prepared by Vaughan At Divis.) In f w a plicnlions Ihe vio'ent itching ceaed, the swelling aba'ed, the eruption began to disappear, and before I had used ajar the di-ease was rntirely cuted. It has now lieen nearly a yiar and a half since, and there ia not a vestige of Hie disease re maining, except the acr from the deep pits formed by the difpase. It is imp'-ssible for me to descril-e in a certificate the severity of the disease and my snfTcrinp, but I will be pleised to give a fuller ac count to any person wanting further satisfaction, who wilt call on me. At the lime I commenced using the Rose Ointment I would have given bun dled n of do lata to bo rid of lb disease. Since u sing il. I have recommended it to several persons, (among them my mother, who had the di-ea-o bad ly on her aim.) who wi re ad cureJ hv it. J AMES DURNELL, No. lf.fi. Race St. rJ Tl.e Rose Ointment is prepared by E. B. Yau,;haii, Sou h East corner of Third and Race stieits, Philndclphia. and eold on agency in Siinbn ry. by H. B. MASSER, May Mih. 1843. Agent. ICoc Oiiidiiont, for 'I f I It r. A J'ROOF OF ITS FJ'FIVAVY. 1'HiLimirniA, May 2Tti, l:tf. rPHIS j to certify l at I was s. erely afllicied wiih Tetter in tbe bands end fiel for upwards of forty years ; the disease was attended gelier illy with violent itching and swelling. I applied to 4 number nf physic. na, and used a great rnai y nppli ca'ions without effecting a cure. About ayar since. I applied the Hose Ointment, which e-.iirc lv stops?d ibe iteling, and a few applicati-ma tmmedi alilycurtd the di-ease, which there haa been no return of, although I bad never la-en lid of il at any time for forty years. HICH.AIU) SAVAGE. Eleventh, below Sp.uce Street. fj The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. B. Vaughan. S nit li East corner nf Third and Race Streets, Philadelphia, and aold on agency in Suiilni ry by 11. B. MASSEU, May 14th. 1843. Agent. MEDXCAIi APrnOBATION Of the ROSE OINTMi:.T,for T'tUr. LTHOUGH the superiority of the prppaiaion over all otlu rs ia fully es'shli-hed, ihe pr-'pr-e-tors take pti asure in lay ing la-fore the public the following certificate from a respectable physician, a graduate of the University of I'enrisv Ivania. Dr. Baiigb, having found in this iemnly that relief f -r tedii-u and disagreeahle aflivtion which ihe means within the range of his profession failed lo afford, has not hesitated to give i his appiobation, although the prejudices and interests nf that profession aic opposed to secret Remedies. Piiila oi teun. Sept. I!), I ws recently IroubW-d witli tedious herielic eruption, which coveted ncarlv one ai 'e ofmv fice, and extended over the ear. Mr. VaUL'httn, proprie loi of the Rose Ointmenl, oliseiviug my face, insta ted on my I ymg bis preparation, of which he han ded me jar. Although in common with the mem ber ofmv profession, I discountenance and disap prove nf ihe numerous nostiums pnlmcd upon the .public by iunoiant pn lenders, 1 feel in jus-ice bound lo except tbe Ri se Oiotminl from that c s-s of me dicines, and lo give it mv approbation, as il lit i re ly tured the eruption, although il h id resisted the u-u d application. DAM. BATCH, M. I). Xj' The Rose Oioiin.-. i is piepaml by I' B. Vanuhan, South Ea-t con er of Third and Race Sneeis, Pniladelphia, and told on sg, ncv in Sun- Lurv, Py 11. B. MASEH, May 14 th, 1843. A ent. j. KiWjTscc o. JSnufT and Tobacco Manulaclurers, No. U'J .ori Yt$l corner nf Race and Third Slrcrts. PHILADELPHIA. rPHE nnder-'igiied have formed Co-partnership A under Ihe firm of J. MAYLAND J. Ar Co.. a successors lo the late firm of Joe ah Alaylnnd 4' Co.. and will e mlinue tbe business at 'he old esta blishment, on their own account. In addition to ibeir own close attention ami experience for many yeais, in Ibe manufacture nf ibeir celebrated sntilV-, &.C., ihe long experience of the senior paitner of the late firm, will also be devoted to the interest of the new concern and a no exertion and ca'e will be spared lo insure their goods, at all tim-sof the ve ry l-esl quality, they solicit a continu-ince of Ihe eonfulei.ee of the ft ends and customers of the late firm. THOMAS ADAMS. J. MAYLAND, Ja. Philadelphia, May 14th, IH13. ly BAttLE Corner of Third and Vine Strirts, WILLIAMSrOUT, FA, FIHE snhseriler respectfully announces to the .1. pill be, lhal be In opened a Hotel in ihscom rnodtou brick building situate on the coiner of 'I bin! and Pine street, where he will be happy lo wait tp- n I hose who may favor hiiu wilt, their company. I be Lagle Hotel is lige and conveni ent, snd furnished in the l-e'l m-nleiu stile. It i provtded with laige number of well aired and comfoiluble sleeping apartments, rooms, private ilors, Ac. Peisona visiting Williamsport on bu smen or plea-ure, may iel as-ur. d lhal eery ex ertion will be used lo render their sojourn at the "Eagle Hotel" plesaanl and agreeable, Hial'ahle will Ih- supplied with Ihe very hi si the market af fords, gnd his bar with the choicest wine and other liquors t barges re .s.uiahle. The Eagle Hotel possesses greater advantage in point of location than any olhei similar eatahhshmeiit in the borough, beinic sttuat in Ihe business part of ih town, and within a convenient distance of Ihe Court House lid Williamsport and Elmira Kail d'oad Depot. Sufficient Sisssing provided, and good nd trusty ostler always in attendance. . Attentive, accommodating and honl Servants have been employed, and nothing left undone that will add to the comfort and accommodation of hi guest. There will he a carriage alway in attendance al the Boat Landing lo convey passengers to nd from the House, fie of chatge. CHARLES BORROWS. May 14th, 1842. if 3. B. MASSEIV ATTOKNEY AT LAW, BUITBUHV, TA. Buslnesi attended to in Ihe Conntie of Nor-thurr-lerland, Union. Lvcomlng and Columbia. Ixefer tot I nnla Ht 6l Co Iinwgn At Banaoiy. Hat, CpMMtnn & IIawt, yPhilad, KttrnoLn. McKabuhb ct Co. Sexain, Goon Aj Co., To fount rr MERCHANTS. '"PHE Subscriber, Agent of Lyon Ac Harris, Hnt -- Manufacturer, for New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and other large cities, whoao Hats are highly cnmtnindt-d for good tnln and dumhilily. ha on hand a first rate nssorlm',nt of HATS and I CAPS, suitable for Spring des, wh'ch will be sold very low, tot cash or appioveil creilit, at Ibe mteil eheap store, Sn. 40, North Third sro"t, oppisi'e the City Hotel, PhitaJelphia. ROBERT D. WILKINSON. Arcit. N. B. Order lor Hula in the rituh. promptly attendej to. The highest rice in tash or ra-'e given fjr Fur tkins. PhiUdelphia, June 11, 1813.--ly rr qd ru ia cc, n: A LI. person indebted to the firm of Lvon At A Hatria, under Ihe agency of ft. N. Thaeher. Hut and Cap Manufacturers, No. 40 North Third, street, Philadelphia, are requested to make immedi ate settlement of ilnir accounts with the subscriber, Iheir legally auihorixed agent, who i fully empow eted to selll and collect the accounts of said firm. ROBERT D. WILKINSON, June 4th, 1842. tf Agent. G O L DETTS WTn . H E C rBTJLXH B m No. GU North Third, above Arch Streit, PHILADELPHIA. ACCOM MOnOtONS FOR Str.VENT V rTRSONS. pHARLES WEISS, late of the "White Swnn," v and "Mount Vernon House." respectfully in forms his friends and customers, thai I e ba become Ihe proprietor of the abov well known Hotel. Country Metchanta will fi nd the above Ho'el a central location, and the best of fare Persons tra velling with private conveyance will find a large yard and good stabling bit horses, and Ihe ostleis. Boarding ft per day. May 1 1th. I S IC--if. icet nf l HErLlCA.1T & CC., 13 Commission it Forwardinc Mt-rcliantu, Foot of Willow Slrrrl Hail Road, tiik iri.WAic, TTAVING associated wi h them Joseph Barnel, late of Esstoii, Pa., f soei tfollv inform their frieods and Ibe public generally, that they have la. ki n Ih t larpe nn-l we'l known store and wharf al font of Willow Street Railroad, lately oecnpiel by Jacob Martin, where they pii'pose doing a General Commission and Forwarding Rii-iue, and fom ihe local dvaniaup of the place being conn-cted , norE TYIAIICRS t SHIP CHANDLERS, wiih alt the public improvement lhal have their j jy,,. 13 North Water Street. Philadelphia. outlet in the city, they flatter themselves they will ( TV AVE consanlly on band, a p-nerd assort be able to do business to as great, if not g.eaier ad- J J n.lt , ; Pt" e s,-ip Twin... A.C., viz: vantage, and upon as reasonahle terms ss any other j Hr'.l ,. es. Fishing Hop. a, White Hopes, Main! house, and they assure Ibeir friends lhal any con- I a R01t 'j'ow Lines lor Canal Boats. AUo, a aignments made lo them shall have their strict at- r,r,,,,.p Ms,.rtir I f S,iP T i.,e Ar. ....!. lentioii, and no exeitions spared to give entire aatis- taction. Tiny are also prepared lo receive and forward goods lo ny point on the Delaware and Lehigh rivers, tietween Mauch Chunk, Fusion and Phila i!el bia, via Delaware Ditish-n and I.ehiuh Can da; tso. lo anv point on Ihe Juniata river, or Nor-h and Wist Branches of the Susquehanna via Sehuyl. kill and Union, or Ihe Chesapeake and Tide Watei Canals. For the accommodation of Boats coming or go ing via. Schuylkill nnd Union Canals, a Sieonboat will lm ki pi expressly for towing boats from ihe Schuvlklb around to the Del.iwaie and back, which will eu hie ini'icbaula to have their piodin-e deli vered on the Delaware, and their goods sl.ipp.dat a saving ol 50 to 75 per cent, o" the price for hauling across, with these adhutngea they re- spectlully solicit share of patronage. W. HKU.MA.X & CO, William Uellmsn, ilhain U . hcyse' Joseph Barnet. 3 Philad.,May 14, 1S43. ly 3 riiila.l .T BOLTON & CO. r.rnci ul I'oittinlsMlou Men hauls, For the $ilc if t'li'iir. Grain, Seed. A,c, 4 c- 1 RESPECTFULLY inform their friends nd k ;hn Mercbnnls eener-Ilv. that thev have la ken those large and commodious barvrs, with two Ihirks, ninth of Chesnul street, on the Delaware, together with the store No. 19 South AVharves, wheie they would he pleased lo receive consign ment of Grain, Flour. Seed, Whiskey, Iron, 4c. Arc. Being also well prepared to forward all kind of Merchandise by the Schuylkill and Union, or by ihe Chesapeake and Tide Water Canal, a tow boat re kepi expressly foi the purpose of towing boats by ei tier route. Merchnnta will please lie psrticular lo send their good destined by either canals, to No. 1'J South Wharves, between Markel and Chesnul street, on the Delaware, with directions accompanying them which route they wish Ihem lo lie shippe.l (rj Piaster and Salt for sale, at the lowest mar- einriee BOLTON Ac C kit price. March 19, 184:1. No. 19 South V naive. IlOlll.HT CMIll r.u & s. PAPSa MANUrACTUIlEnS, Lombard St ret t, Italtimorr. T I AA'E coiisiaiitly for sle. Printing Paper of al. ' ' sizes arid qualities. Cap Writing Paper, rub d ami plain, Letter Paper, white and blue, ruled and plain, Hanging Paper, fine and common, Envelope Paper, do. do. medium, double ciown, crown and ext. sized Wrapping Paper, Coloied Medium and Royal Papeia, Bonnet, Binder and Stiaw Box Boards, Tissue Paper, and all article in their line, which they will tell on ccnimodating term. Highest price given for old rag. KOUEKT CARTER At SON, M arch 19. 1M3. Ej k Ion. Md CER7SCLXTS PCLISH. N riic'e unequalled for cleaning and Btving a highly durable and mosl brilliant polish load ver. Germsn Silver, Brass, Copper, BitUunU ware, Tin, Si. el, Cutlery, and for restoring the lustre on varnished carriages, Ace. 'I K V II. Prepared an-l sold al wholesale and retail, by ihe Sustpiehann Chrysolite Polish Company, Owego, Tioga county, N. Y. WM. FORSYTH, Agent lor Nnnhum J, II. B. MASSEU, Agent for Sunbury. November 80th. 1848. PJ.TEU DLWEJ'S. LAST MAKER, No. 74 Callowhiil Street, Philadeljhia ("Three doors above Steond.J SHOE Findings always kepi on hand, which he offers for sal on tha lowest term. Country Merchant are particularly to till and judge for themselve. Philadelphia, Novrtaxr 13, 1843. ly. G. V a L. B. TA7L0P. IkFFER FOR SALE, at the South Easl Cnr 1 f net of Fxfth and Market Streets, Philadel phia Mena' Calf-skin Boot, stitched warranted, do do do pegged do do do do water proof, double olc ml ilnuhle upper, do Calf-skin do do nd uppers, do Heavy Water Leather Bonis, do do Neat do do. do High quarter Shoes, Calf-skin, do do do Crocker do do Fine Monroes warranted do nailed do Kip do do Calf do do Coarse do do do Slow do Fine do do Kip .to do do do do do do do Calf nnd Seal Skin rump, do List Rocks with and without sole, do Carpet do dn , do Patent Warranted Wotcr-proof Moccasin. Ladies' do do do do Lmlies tanned India Rubber shoes, f lent'emens' do I iver shoe. With every other dee iption of hoot and shoes. Fur Cap of every description. ! Trivellinrr Trunks of every description, j Veneiian Travelling Bags. Patent G um Elastic Shoe Blanking, j Bonnets of all kinds. Palm Leaf Hats. Philadelphia, Nin ember 13. tS12 ly. 6T 2 BT lET-s sty j OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. ! NHW ENGLAND OIL COMPANY No. yo North Wnler Street, Phila. MANUFACTURERS and dealers in Oil of every description both for burning and manufacturing purposes, which will lie sold much i lower Iban they can be procured elsewhere, and ) warranted in quality lo emial nv in the citv. Anv oil sold by the company not proving as lepre seritej, ! ny returned without any expense to the pur- chaser, nnd the money will ! refunded. Their slock now in store consists ol the following oils, viz : 30,0110 gallons Winter Blenched Spetm" I Ml, 0000 do do Clinics Oil, lo.OUO do rll and Spring Sperm Oil, 10.000 do Winter Sen Elephant, 20.0011 do ,b Pressed Whale Oil, fiOOO do u n iiner do do do ? 15,000 do Common Whale Oil, 200 Barrels supe rior Stra "s Oil, 3U0 lo Cod Hank Oil, 60 do Neil's Fool Od, 75 Ca-ks Olive Oil, Tanner's bis. rjj'This Company bn a number of Vessels en gaged in the (old I'lsberv, ami Tanners may rely upon pelting at all tones Oil as pure as imported. Philadelphia, Nov. I i, 11'.. ly. Mitli.irl Wcivcr V Son, Hemp Shad and Herring Twine, Best Patent Gill Net Twine, Cotton Shad and Hening Twire, Shoe Thread, etc. Arc. Also, Bed I'oids, Plough Lines, Halters, Trace, Cotton and Linen Carpet Chains, &.C all of w hich they will dispose of on reasonable letms. Pl.ilade'phia. Nnvemhei 13, 14-12. ly. Ju oh I'l isnmlli X. Son- p ESPECTFLLLY informs th. ir fru n.'s and sciuaintences ge terally that they sti! con tinue to keep nl the old stand, No. 216 N oi ill 3d street. Philmlf l,ii.i, all mds nf 'huiacco um rr ap sevars. Which they will si-1 1 -n the m . ai commodatin and leasoiiit le let ins. N. B. All goods sold will be uuai uitced and all orders promptly ittcnd.dlo Philadelphia, NVvcinhei 13, I M 1 2. ly. SI'LTJNG, GOOD & CO. No. 13S IMarkot Street, Philadelphia. NVITE the attention of Country Merchants to their extensile assortment of British French and Anieiiran Diy Goods, which they otl'cr foi aula on the most t as. -liable l rms. Philadelphia, November 13. 1 S 12. ly. J . W . S W A 1 N , Umbrella and Parasol Maniifar.tnrer. A11. 37 Kooth Tim it ttrert, two doors below Ihe ('itv Hotel, Philudi Iphia. COUNTRY Meiehai.ls and othert. are solicited to examine- l.i asroiti.u-iit before purchasing elsewhere Phila-'el liia. NnvemUr 11. 1K42. ly. ?CS SALE. B 1 )R sale sma'l Farm, containing about one huiidied and It n sens, nioro or le-s, situate 111 Point township. Nor'huml 1 rlaud ci untv, about two mile above Noithumheil ir.d, on Ihe main roid leading from lhal place lo Danville, adjoining lands of John Leghou, Jesse C. Ilorion and others. now in the occupancy of Samuel Payoe. About forty acrea of said tract are cleaied, and in good slat-' of cu nvation, on which there 1 a small ham ereetrd. The property will lie sold on reasonable trims. For further particular, peison are request cd lo apply lo tbe rubscrihi r. . H. B. MASSER. Agent, Nov. 27h, 1 842. if. Sunbury. Pa. list or ooTcs, roa sal r ZJLl. SX3. bs3 Llli . ANTHON'S (Massiesl Dictionary; Lemprier'a do.; Ainswonir do ; Cobb' b. English ami German do; Aiilhou'a Cesar; Anthon' Grammer; Anthen' Ciceio; Mail. Latin Header; Ogilhy'do.; Andrew' Initin Lessons; Donnegau' Lexicon; Fisk' Greik Exercie; Davies' Legendet; Graeca Majora; Adams' Roman Antiquities; I'innock' (toldsniith' England; do. Greece; Lyell's Element of Geologv; M 1. Lincoln' Botany; Element of Botany; Bridge's Algebra; Porlei' libeloricsl Rea ders; Emerson' Geography and History; Ob ey'a do.; Parity's do.; Smith' Grammet: Kirkham' do.; Kay' Readers; Cob! ' do.; Cobb' Arithmeiick; Pike' do.; Emerson's do.; Cobb' Spelling Books; Town' do.; Cobb' Tsble Book; Evangelical Fa mily Libtary; ('ullage Bibles; Family do; Collater al do.; Sraull Bible and Tealaments; Parker' Ex ercises on Composition; Fruit of ihe Spirit; Baxter' S.-inl'a Rest; American Revolution; Marry tt' No vels; Mr. Phelp on Chemistry; Iliad; Catechism of Americsn Laws; l eHerson Natural Migic; Che mistry for Beginners; English Exercise adapled to Murray' Grmmer, Sequel to Comley' Spelling Book; Amirican Class Book; Daholl' Schoolin tai' Assistant; A great variety of Blank Book, A.C August Sit, l42. "BLANKS FOR SALE AT THIS OPF1CC
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers