Northumberland Right Side DEMOCRATIC MEETING. Pursuant to adjournment, a large and enthusi astic maeting of the Democracy of Northumber land and Point township, met on Saturday even ing, April 20th, at the house of Joseph Vandyke. The proceedings of last meeting were read, after which, the committee appointed at last meeting, through their chairman, Geo. A. Frick, Esq., re ported a preamb'e and constitution, which were uanimously adopted, viz: Whkrea, Feeling deeply conscious of the great and momentous issues involved in the ap proaching National contest for President, hy which is to be decided whether the Protfctivk Tariff, yielding sufficient revenue for an econo mical administration of our Government, is to be retained or abandoned whether the proceeds of the public hinds are not to be distributed among the States, according to original contract, and in accordance with our Constitution, or placed in the cotters of the general government, and from thence transferred to the pockets of corrupt of fice holders and political demagogues whether FEDERAL MISRULE, in all its hideous forms and insinuating aspects, shall reign and rule over a free and enlightened people whether HKNRY CLAY and hi fever fee and long cherished scheme of a UNITED STATES BANK shall be per mitted to distress and beggar the WIDOW and the ORPHAN, and bring ruin to tlie very doors of our CiTir.EN, and cast AutIc and nnliallowed shade over enr whole country whether vir Government is 1o cease to be governed tiv ikt pure Democratic principles of a JEFFERSON, MADISON, or the c1rivtic JACKSON. Know ing, therefore, s we do, that these great ques tions now at issue, should be maintained, cherish ed anil protected with enthusiasm, by every de mocrat and lover of bis -rwrrtry's best inte rest, it becomes u, as unwavering Democrats, who spouse the REPUBLICAN iPRINCT PLES OF JEFFERSON, and prize the tr1 f our country lx-yontl nil other selfish considera tions, to have an efficient organization ;md con cert of action, by orcn'iciiiti ourselves into a Ci.ff, that we may meet nnd fight our common federal enemy- Having full confidence, there- j fore, in the' ILLUSTRIOUS STATESMAN j AND SAGE OF LINDEN WOLD- as the firm and unwavering exponent ami representative of the principles we cherish, and by us held wcrert ; -is the only sure harbinger of prosperity for oar j Country. We, the undersigned, as n evidence J of onr low of country and devotion to its best interest, do hereby unite ourselves into an aso- j ciatin, to be called 'THE JEFFERSON. DE- ' MOCRATIC AND TARIFF CLUIJ OF NOR- T 11UMBERLAXD AND POINT TOWNSHIP.'' j Jin eonseque nco .f the lng?b of the Coustitu- tion, it is here omitted The Piesident appointed the following persons ' a committee To tseWt .atiWrs for the permanent J ogaaizalion f t'tie Club, viz : John Leisenring,! Wm. Wilson, Henry S. Tiro ma s John Young- roan, JosepK f.-hiylc. !sc 51 JarTft, John ! HumraI, Gorge Apslcy, J. Henderson Turk, j Thomas M. Wi.hingf.on, J-ohn Cox and Henry Oossler, who retired for a slsart time and report ed the following officers : AREA C. BARRET, President, Wy. McC.vy, Hknry Gossi.T.n, Daniel Robmns, John Fkick, John LrisERicn, Jacob Kiiai'kr, John G; I lick, Anthony Watson, Robert Curry, Sami el Cox, James Hu.iiocr.N and Ciiarle-1 Stokr, Vice Presidents, JJin W. Stiles and John Cor, Recording Secretaries, 11 S. T.'uininsanA Ceo A. Frith, Corresponding Secretaries, John Young man Treasurer. After tin' officers were elected. Geo. A. Frick, Esq., was called on to address the Club, who a rose and entertained the meeting for the space of half an hour, in a very able and eloquent manner. J. W. Rrewer being pres-tit, was then called on, who came forward and addressed the meeting for some time in a very able manner. Roth speak ers were listened to w ith profound attention by the audience. The President elect then took his seat., and an nounced the following as an executive commit tee, viz: James Dieffenbacher, John Van.lling, John Peters, Joseph Hollepetre, Joseph Moist, Jacob Reiter, Jacob Leisenring, John Cuke, Ro bert Leslie r, William Wilson, John W. Statiim and Henry Dale. On motion of Henry S. Thomas, it was Resolved, That when the Club adjourn, they adjourn to meet at the house of Charles Stoes, on the first Saturday of May next, nt 7J o'clock, P. M. The following persons were then appointed a committee of vigilance, to obtain signers to tin Constitution, &c, viz : A. L. Dietlcnbachrr, Ja cob Hine, Isaac. M. Cake, Jonathan D. Waters, M. I. D. Withington, Joseph Purse!, Geo. Apsley J. H. Turk, J. C. Curry, John Heck, Edward Troxell, Jos"ph Schuyler, T. J. Stamm, Daniel Lesher and Henry Morgan. On motion of G. A. Frick, Esq , it was Resolved, That she proceedings of this meet ing be signed by the officers, and published in all the Democratic papers in the connty. Resolved, That we do now adjourn. C Signed by the Officers. J BALTIMORE! MAItKBT. j Office of the BAtTtMom Ansnicix, April 22. GRAIN. We nolo sale of Pennsylvania red Wheat to day, having considerable smut in it, at 1 1 0 cenis per bushel, fur shipment to a British Pro vince. A ssle of another parcel of Pennsylvania, red and white, was made to-dny at 112 cent', On Saturday there wsi a sale of Pennn. wheat, thin grain, I13cts. There are no supplies worth na. ming, either of Md. or Va. wheats. A sale of 1 200 bushels Pennsylvania Rye lodny at 62 cents. Sales of Md. while Corn at 44 cents, and of Md. yellow at 48 cents. A sale of Pennsylvania yel low to-day at 50 cents. WHISKEY. Sales of hhds. at 21 cents, and of tibia, at 24 cents. To Sramkiv. Why dn Seafaring Men and Wi terman ue Dr. Urandrcth's Vegetable Universal Pills in pr Terence to any, and all other medicines! For the following good substantial tenons: Reason 1st. They are entirely vegetable. 2d. As puiificr of the Mood, and cleanser nf the stomach and bonels, they stand pre-eminent. 3d. They are the most innocent and invigorating purgative in use. 4th. No care required in using them. 5th. Nor change of diet ; eat and drink what you please. 6ih. The body less liable to cold aft. r thin be. foie a dose. 7ih. May be taken mnrnmg, noon or night, with a certainty of good result". 8th. Time nor climate hITccIs them not. 9th. They give universal satisfaction. All who use them speak in 'lie highest terms of them. O.ill. try them and be convicted. Rem nibcr, none are genuino sold by Diuggi-ts, Doctors, or ApothecnTics. Purchase of H. II. Maser, Snnbury, or of '.be agents, published in another part of this paper. mlJJ'-P!1-1." '. 11 n - ! .. 1 "- It It I K , On Thursday the 1 St h inst . by ttte Rev. A. R i- i lain, Kr.l-or 1 1 1 i f. Ut Miss Emily CiMrm.LL, ; both ot Rutditwiuip. l'HICE CURRENT. Corrected weekly by Henry Vtutlhttmer. Public Sale. KY virtue nf a Decree of the Supreme Court of Penn'a, will be offered at Public Sale, in lots to suit purchasers, at the house of Jacob Leisenring, (Bear Gap Tavern,) in Shamokin township, Nor thumberland county, Ps.on Wednesday, May 16th, 1844. at 12 o'clock, noon, A Valuable Tract or I.nnd, situate in Shamokin township, Northumberland county, Pa., at the intersection of the Outre and D inville Turnpikes, adjoining lands of Jacob Lei senting, William Krieghhaum, It. Tilghman and others, containing 340 acres, 15S perches, and al lowance. The above Trsct corwists chiefly of a red shale soil, of superior quality. It is well wood ed and watered, convenient to mills, tttc, and in every respect worthy the attention of persons desi ring first rste firms. A lo A TRACT OF LAND, situate in the sime township, abmt a miln and a half we-t of the above, on both side of the Celine Turnpike, and adjoining lands of George Strrr.el, George Ditmnig. It. Tilg'im.m and others, contain ing tort nrres. 43 p r hes, and allowance. This land is of similar quality w ith that above di'scii' e l, A branch of Shatnrkin Creek, on which is a xite for a 8aw Mill, passes through Ihn tract. The terms of sale will be as follows: One ihi'd of the Purebn e Money cash, of which f 50 must lif paid when the property is struck dow n, and the halmce on the 15th dav of June, when a iteed will he made, and pnae-ion given. Of the remaining ttto.third nf the Pnrehn. Money, one half, with interest from the said 15th nf June, is to bo psidin one year, and the balance, with inletest, in to venrs; said two-thiuls to lie secured by Bond and Warrant, and Mortgage upon the prortv. (Xj For further information, apply to Mr. Adam Gilger, of Shamt kin township, who re ides adjoin, ing the premise, and will how them to peis on drsiious of purchasing, or to 'he nibcril er st Phi ladelphia. BENJ. T1LG1IMAN, April 27th, 1S44. 3t Trustee. IS hereby given that die ciih-criber pun-hamd at Con-ta'lile's Sale. m the 20th day f April, 1814. of Andrew John-inn. which he will leave in the possession of said Johnson, until he sees proper to tnke it away, the fi'lnwing property, viz: One bav Mare, 5 SO ; one hiv home, 9 00 ; one Cow, 4 40; one Hcill'er. 2 25; one Hull Cult, 1 (10; two-thirds nf all the Wheal ami Ryx n the farm. 15 00; one S'ed, 2 50; two sets HI ir-e Gea's, 1 65 ; ot.c two horse Waggon, t) 00 : Tot .1. 50 55. JOSEPH READER. April 27th, 1811. -3t J) XOimiUMllKRLAND COUNTY Treasurer's Sale. 4GI1EE ABLY to an act of the general asem. bly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, pa-sed the 13th of March, 1815, and the supple ment thereto, emitted an act directing the mode of selling unsealed lands for taxes and other purposes, will be expnted to public sale, at the Court HntHO in the Borough of Snnbury, on the second Tues day in June next, at 10 o'clork, A. M., the follow ing described tricts of land, for arrearage, of taxes due, and the rosts accrued on each tract respective ly, unless previously discharged, to wit ; AUGUSTA TOWNSHIP. Wheat, .... 85 Uvr., 50 Co hn, - - - - - 40 0T, ...... 25 Pom, ...... 5 Fnxsru., ... - 100 Bl'TTKR, ..... )'i IIkkswax, .... 25 Tallow, .... 10 Dm m Arrt.Ks, - 75 Do. Pkachcs, - 200 Flat, ... .8 Heckled Flai, . . ; 10 Eons, .... 7 lVrrrrnrf! Xameg. ' Acres. Tor. Dering Frederick 30 1 07 Dering Frederick 8 21 Donnel Chirles 200 7 70 Jones William R 4 55 .I-mes William K 10 1 i Levy Daniel f,3 fi 73 Miller John V4 7 33 Mcl'heison Samuel 40 2 01 Rankin John 2071 22 f.5 Rve'sm John :0 1 10 Rankins Rlmnds 183j 5 II Smith John Dr. 77 2 0r Smith J.-hn Dr. 42 141 Webb Abraham 307 30 52 V Y I I) PRICES OF ri.OVR .1.VO GIL1I.W The following were the prices of Flour, Wheat, Corn and Oats, at the several points named, at the latest dates received : Fb'Hr. WA7. Corn. Onts. Philadelphia. . . 4 02 1 04 53 32 New Yoik, ... 5 0G I 12 44 34 Buff-ilo 4 15 90 50 28 C evel and n 50 6 & - Wilmington. Del. 4 50 I 00 50 27 KcSmond, Ya. 4 62 1 01 45 30 Cincinnati, ... 3 75 80 25 17 Trenion, N. J., 1 00 4fi 30 Si. Lont, .... 4 25 6 1 22 17 Maltnnore 4 75 1 10 4S 27 Mobil-, 5 00 56 42 Albany 4 C9 1 02 50 27 Al.xaiulria. D. C. 4 50 U5 4t 30 Ind., . 47 25 15 1 umee City, . . 4 00 70 25 25 Honon. ..... 5 00 60 35 New Orleans, . . 4 3n 82 40 30 I'iilshnrg, ... 3 6-1 71 37 20 Luii-ville 3 75 P5 22 H Hnger-'own, ... 4 50 P7 32 22 ti oipetown, ... 4 50 07 47 30 ZaricsviMe, Ohio, 3 12 50 - Alton. Illinois. . . 3 75 CO 20 1 1 S,.iingfie!d, LI., . 3 3S 48 12 10 Chicago 3 50 5H 37 25 Itoch.hter 3 80 81 Delr it 3 88 1', 3 50 00 30 2fi Mdwaukie 52 50 34 Reading 4 50 95 4(1 30 August.. Me., . . 5 75 93 5 30 Memphis, Ti-nn , . 4 50 32 fe?S; Death or Jvvnt Raldwin. Henry Baldwin, one of the Associate Judges of the Supreme Court cf the United States, and presiding Judge of the third Circuit, died about 0 o'clock, on Sunday night, at his lodgings, the Merchants' Hotel, in the 65th year of his age. Judge Baldwin was a native of this State, commencing his career as a lawyer in one of the Westerncounties,and he sub sequently became one cf the most distinguished jurists in the Cornwonwculth. I'hil. hedg. The Leprosy in New Uhcnhwick A me dical commission lias been investigating the nature, origin and extent of the Irtohtful and lo&ihwune disease now existing atTracacie.Ta bis'iutac and Neguack. These putulcmen have decided that the diseiso it the Greek Elephan tiasis; mt the Elephantiasis of the Arabians, but the leprosy of the middle affes of that de scription, which the French designate the Tu bercular, ana winch riged over nearly every part of liu rope between the tenth and sixteenth centuries. The disease is contagious, and no person in mat rrovince, wno d&s been uwortti icenollLucon,'"' ';' '- vetbeea cured. Hairy S. Haul man, bl.cxsi:it:-:, BEGS leave to inform the citizens of Sunhury and its vicinity, that he lias commenced the l.l.ACKSMITIIIXd lirsiNKSS, in the i-hop formerly occupied by Daniel Yarrk, in Market i.tre t, rSunhury, east of La 'I'. Clement' store, and directly opposite (tie punt office, where he inien.U to cany on the business in all its various hr. .nches. Orders will be promptly and punctually attended to, and work done cheap, for cash or country pro duce. -rjj" Horse SShoeing done at f I per sett. Sunbury. April 27th, 18-14. ly. Orphans' C ourt Sale. IN pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Noiihuml'crl.ind county, will bn eipo-rd to nuldic sale, on Friday the 24th dy of May nut, on the, In wit; a certain trad of bind si tuate in Augiihta township, in said county, a 'join ing lands of William Retser, Sninm I Tucker, Dan iel Zimmeimau and others, containing one hundred and seventy-fivs acres more or less, on which is e reeled a two tory frame house, and a frame and Ing barn, late the estate of George Long, sr., dee'd. (Sale lo commence at 10 o'clock, A. M., of said day, when the conditions of sde will be mule known by HA MULL GO.NE RT, JACOB SEASHOLIZ, Sunbury, April 27ih, 1844. 4t Adm'ri. Caution. RAN AWAY, on Sunday last, fiom the sub seribet, nsding in the town of Muui'.kin, A:URBW JACKSON UOLGHNER. en in dented apprentice to the Blscksmiihitig hu-iness. .All person are therefore cautioned from harboring or ttusting him on my account. JOSEPH ZERN. fShsmokin, April 27ih. 1844. St. E A A X S ' Patent Fire and Thiff l'ronf Itrin (Ilicsts, Slate lined Uefrijrerators, will) Kilters atlaclied when t crjui red. ET.1TS ?t, V" AT SO IT, .Yo. 70 Smith third St., opposite ihr Jh cliungr, PHILADELPHIA, M A.N I r At; I t ' U E ami jT-"'Jkeep for sale Daviii Evaj' ceict rati o Hier hiki rrnvt nion (! oliT, and Patent Pre mium Fire and Thief Proof I ron Che-I, for prp.prving Docks, Papers. Deed-, Jewelv, Gobi, Mlver, Ap., ic, made nf Bod r Iron, (and not over Plank ns nmeiy.five out of every one hundred now in u nd lor i-alo are made.) fh first riite I. irks and David Evens' Patent Keyhole ('overs, similar to the one exhibit, ed at the Philadelphia Exchange, for thiee months in the Mlinmer of ISti, when all the Keys were at liberty to be used, and the Chest not opened. a. though the experiment was tried 'y at leant 1500 persons, tine of the ame Lock was nied by Rohlters, at ihe Delaware Coal Office, in Walnut btre'l, shove Third, but did riot mcreid. (Jj" HotHiing Machines, Irnn Doors, superior I.rekf. and all kinds of Irnn Rail H2. Seal and Co pying Piesses, and Smuhwork pen-rally, on hand or manufactured at the shortcbl notice. (Jj CAUl'IOX I ilo hereby c-utton all per. sons ngiinst muki 'g. using, (selling, or rau-ing In he s.ilil, any Keyhole Covets for Fiie Proof Clients, or Doors, of any kind -iniilnr in principle to my Patent, nf lllth July, 184 I, and also ag hi i Lining Ri friueratorn n nli SUie, for wb ch my Patent is date l 21ih March. 18 44, as any infringement will he Jcalt wi h accorJingto law. DAVID EVAN?:. Pbili.b lphia, April 13. 1841 ly Acw irina: Dry (soodr. A. U. MAIISII AliL, WHOLESALE AM) DETAIL DEALER, An. lsi Vhctnvl ftrcft, brtwrrn 7th audftli sts. PHILADELPHIA, S in regular receipt nf ihe in-west and mots' Far-hional le Pris Fancy anil nqicrior f'aple tiouils, including splendid and medium drcs oilks, R.ireges, U ilzorine-. FouUn.l Nilk, Hrocule and P'a d Oigaml es, Printed I.nwiis ind Jieconet', M'luseliii ile I, aim s. Flora ( 'ashrneres, French an I EarUton (iinahnms, Rich 11 rrege and Cashmi re Shauls anil SSc.irfs, IJmche Thihct Shawls, Paris Emli'd Collars and Cheini-ell-i, Linen ('Hmbiick IMktfs, Silk and Cotton Ho-eing, (il rvi-., Iri-h Lmens, Thle (.Moths and Napkins, fine Mii-lio-, cheap American (Calicoes, and othir denrjhle (oods, which will be sold at low prices. Cj- Strangers will find it particularly to their in te est to call, as the goo Is are all warranted, am! the LOWEST CASH PRICE named Cr-t and no aha'ement. Philadelphia April 13. 1814 4'. IVrrf?ri'rc A'rrmcs, Acrr. Hcttrrton lleirpmiitt 3!tsJ Rarron John jr. 4 1 0 Hr.vlin William 20IJ llen-on William 4 I 1 J Pilnir WiPi rm 300 llnnly Vt illiam P 4I2J II yd John 105 Coi'per Isaac 200 Cooper Martin 100 ('rage Joseph 250 Divi l John 413 Frickle Charles G. 30 5 J CinirH.n-v 162 Gardner Wi li -m P I2J Grrduer ArchihalJ 411) Gastn Jiimes 01 Hall William 3' 0 Hoddinot James 33 Jnckson D ,vid 412J Jones Ann 01 Kinting Miraham 43oJ Lake Richard 4nl Lew A r ui 20H Maikel John 227 Morn r .1 D 50 N otinoti James 3:t:1 Piatt J. hn 220 Sarvis John 421 Soloinom Mver 300 fSHAMOKLV TOWNSHIP, Ui7ryrirYe Names. Acres. Kinlev ('aiheriue 405 Luke Richard 415 Red John 30 Seott Abraham 342 Taylor William 67 Wilson John 204 LITTLE MAHONOY TOWNSHIP. Ho, rnn.fc Names. Ilhiin John Gardner William P Hume' James Hull Charles Ki.M John K.dd John Lvon Joseph Lake Richard Pntery Peter Richie John Itees Thomas Rifemine Vslcnline Reed Leonard Raker John I' rnkins Rhoads Smiih John Dr Smith John Dr Smith John Dr rjPTEll MAHONOY TOWNSHIP. Tax. S G 'J 12 40 ( 22 3 08 73 31 55 Acres. Tux. 200 2 m 400 15 8 4201 I? 77 437i 13 10 377 J 11 32 312 9 M7 SO 3 82 408 12 22 145 10 88 305 J 11 79 33! 14 07 24 1 16 73 7 21 64 f 2!1 307J 5 40 50 85 154 3 50 81 1 29 CHILLSQUAQIT,. POINT and TURP.UT TOWNSHIPS. 7'n.r. 22 ns 24 12 IS 20 21 2tt 10 f,S 21 45 3 M 11 30 5 72 14 01 23 4 0 17 32 9 19 2:1 55 22 15 1 17 I'l l 53 25 01 2 40 21 AH 22 no 7 70 15 fin f. 45 nu 10 01 10 55 Warrantee Names. Acrrs. Tar. Retierlon Uenjainiii 425 10 37 IS. is 1 Samuel 83 C 20 lteis.4 Daniel 94 7 30 lleiset John 59 4 39 Smith Jacob 115 8 66 Tboruhury John cfc Wm, Gray 23 2 15 JOHN FARNSWORTH, Treasurer's Office, Treasurer. Match 30th, 184 4. 5 A A.4Is 1IOAT, capable ef carrying 70 tont, about hall worn, will bs solj chesp, and on reisonable Umn. Enuirsat this office, April 27th, 1S44. AT Kit l'4l.l,.11i:it Resecilully into.m her - In- Il ls un.l Ihe puhhc g iicrally, that she will open, on Monday ihe 21lh inst,, a new assortment of F.-ncv Dry GiimL un-l Spring Mill. n. ry nt the latest fjhions. Stiaw ll innets bleached and al tered to the neAe.-t faliiriia, upon vrr moderate n mis. April 13th, IH4 I. Hoot t$' Shoe IMAKING. nr. c k & it it o s i o i' s m J'Ol'LI) inform their fiiends and die pubpc T generally, that they have coinnienccd the above I u.iness in all its various branches, in the shop lately occupied by Xavi.-r Eggirl as a wat. h maker shop, al nf thu Red Lion Hotel, in Market street, Sunbury, where they are prepared to exe cute all ordirg in their line, with PROMPTNESS AND DESPATCH. They hope, by t-trtct sttenlioii to business, mode rate charges, and the durability of thcii wor' j merit and receive a chare nf the public stiufiBge. Sunbuiy, March 30ih. 1H44. lv Printers Ink A few kegc for ssle, at small sdvtu.ce for ra4i, ly Dec. D, ). U. MASSER. TTAMS u hHOI'LDEKS for s.fe. cheap, fcr cs.h. h - j Dc 30th, 1813. II. B.MA8SER. COAL TOWNSHIP. W nrranir c Nanus. n'is Fre.'eiuk A nt in lleniv A huns W.liiam Adams Thom is Adams Robert Hnuiigum Daniel Row er ( Mir.siinii Urown Nathaniel ll.iib y J .hn N lllark WiPiam C Ur ght Jacob lljlt 'ii Samuel Hetterion Ui njatnin II. gar John (.'ou-ert James Caii'pl.iiii Robert ('auiplain Thomas Cook John t "owd. n J bn Dau-ou Mary Deri g Charles D. ring ( 'hailes Ehoil Willinn Foster Thomas ( .skins Thomas Greer James Giec Thomas Gjsa Jacob I i ray Rot ett day William I i-Hlit Tho .'s Gardner Archib .Id jr. liar.hier ArchihalJ senr. Ilelri.k Philip II li IV I'.liliinuel H is-rncli tier Mary Hepburn James flench William Hotl" v Ah ah-llll llauiilloii 'I hom .s Hunter Alenn.ler Hepl uru J.iines Hamilton I'homas Hun er A'cxiunler Hiiiiin. beicb Henry 11 rinmelreirh Henry Jenkins Jatjies .lord n A 'ex in.b r Kiinmel Samuel Kit hi (! orge W Krieg' baurn John ft Henry Reed L.uigalelt Frederick Manning R rbard Monis.n McRenin hls John Miner Henry McKeui.a's Aud.ev Muriiii J hi. (i Mark cy Edward G Marun John G M er (ieorge Myers Mary P.ilcba'.l W'illiam Prince ( Price John II Price John U Rtes Daniel Rus'on Ch .rlotte Reyuohls John Husioti Thomas Ru-l-ui Mary Kusioii M ny Slnini.ou W illiam Sohn-.n Richard Sliul'. r Andrew Si, ph ns ii J.unci S.iar Meirick Si.ects ( ieorge Scott Abraham Seott Samuel Sus-!er Henry Sroll Samuel Scott Samuel Sitffii. d S imut 'Pugg u jolio I'ri'.'Kle Cha. O Walker Lewis WiUon Wiibam Waders (io.lfrey NVetse J-icoh jr Young I'.-nj .ruin Dr Young John, Merchant Young II. n nu. n K Your.ij Ssoio. l Voxin niirr llnry Yo hc.iuer Henry YXutiiue Hemy Zimmerman M.ithuu eighr Isjat; crrs. 4 tot 353 300 4 3o3J 4l:t 31. H 844 2M1 1 SI J 12t ISM 31-t 2 1 2 J 110 2001 425J 425 3o(H 412 50 32! 105 361 42:t 30(1 41t 3!iri 1 50 410 4 M 4H7 433 400J 131) S57J 331 209 l:tC 20!) 405 31'J 4I3J 4t2f 41 1 159 451 4V.) 124 3S7 1 12 200 123 414 450 313 311 2C'J 1(0 Kit 17 1 CO 200 4044, 117 IH 74 200 200 200 2(H) 2l.l) 209 415 300 410 407 150 440 34 2 412 K-.', 42 193 103 153 J 405 371 3l:'l 120 103 35:1 J :N'i 150 307 1 U'J 105 173 273 T..-X 1 1 51: 7:1 20 I 3 :is j 41 r.i i 3. s 21 54 4 CS 5 15 in 22 R4 33 22 33 fi t 12 t'O I 75 23 :t2 31 30 31 36 17 :is i.2 15 5 i5 20 55 20 23 8 76 IS 01 3S t-7 35 17 39 4li 9 05 4'.l :tl 67 09 22 19 2:t 57 .... i;y I 31 01 j 20 9( I 16 04 I 5 1 2 25 6S 1131 31 13 41 ,4 23 49 32 n- 51 CO 41 15 14 23 5 49 12 71 33 .13 TO HOUSEKEEPERS. ()()() POUNDS FEA THERS, for Fale - ' jvJWV7 fj(.y Wi in iny q.ianii'y to suit purchasers, for rash, at prices from 10, 15, 25 and 30 cents per pound. made Herls, Roisters and Pillows, Curled Hair MaOra'ses, Moss do., and other kinds to suit any nine lteaitsteals, always on hand. Curled Hair and New Orleans Moss hy the bale or single pound. Also: Ulnnkets, Marseilles Quilts, Comfortables and He'lslrads of hII descriptions. Q-'f Country Merchants will find it to their ad vantage to call be fine, purchasing. FIN LEY Sc CO, S. K. corner of Second and Walnut sts. Philad. March 23d, 1844. 3m HOTEL. 'PIIK subsciiUf respectfully informs bis old cus- turners, snd Ihe puhhc generally, that he in- lei .Is 10 continue in his old s and, opposite the (hunt House, in Suiihcry, Northumberland cmin lv. Ph., where he is will pieiareil to give satisfac tion to all who may f.ivor him with their custom, lbitii thankful for past favors, he hopes to receive a continuance of public patronage. CHARLES D. WHARTON. Sunltuy, March 21, IS 14. 3t I9 lib lie Sa le: 9.000 Acres of Land. soi, at mihlie auction, at the house of Daniel Herb, in Cptwr town ship, Northunihcrland county, on the 1st Monday of J utic next, D.OOO acrei orTimlier Land, -itu ite.l, cbiellv, in ('oa( township, said countv. The Mahonoy creek pas-es through a considerable portion of thu proK'rty, allording several excellent mill seats I he taxes have a'l been panl up, ami an indisputable title, clear nf all incriinhriiu'es, will be given lo purchasers. The sale will be continued lion, dsy to ilav. until the whole is sold. The terms will be made known on the day of s.le. A. JE Ni:EAi;i, PEI EK UOCStjUKT. Feb. 10, 1814 If WM. McCA Y, Agent. fXj- The Poitsvtlle Emporium and Danville In telltger.rtT will continue the above until forbidden, and charge ibis office. lnitoi ii'iN ami ltViilt'rs In S E G A It S. B 11 A N D I E S, G I IN, W 1 N E S, &c. No. 21 Commerce St., near Fifth St., PHILADELPHIA, C. J. o lb r.n'r, jr. W.m. A. Jaxkkt. $ inixnm, srnARS. Pi. let, ('nstilliou cV Co. I Woodville. llnrranco. Pernet Freres. 1'gues, Loidllyron January 20lh, 1S44. 6m OAKLEYS IM.I-LH4TIVI: Slltl'P. fllHE valunb'a properties of Oakley's Deptvs. L tive Hytup of Sarssparilla, ss a purifier of thsj blond, is so well known to the public generally, that it is unnecessary to occupy much see in ( ting forth the advantages to be derived from in use 1 whereTer the rne.licine has once been intra duced, it tskes precedenc over all others; evety onethat has taken it, have derived so signal In 10 . ficial results from it, that It is recommsniled I " (hem will) -the ti'most ennfidence. Physicians f the litghest standing in the profession, prescribe it lo patK'uts under their rare ; containing noihirsj deb but being composed o! the most n-il yel efTicae.iows vegetable materials, it is offered confidence, as the cheapest and moet rfficietit ). rifier rT tlw blood now known. The use of a fer bottles, especially in the spring months, will be sr.. tended with a most derided improvement in the ge neral strength ofthe system, eradicating any mc.! of disen-e that may have been generated, giving health and vigor to the body. For the cure of Scrofula or Kings Evil, Rheumatism. Titter, Pimples or etuptions of the Skin, White SwrllinJ, Fistula, Chronic Cough Asthma, tit. The nu merous certificates in the possession of Ihe subsrrU her and hts agents, from physicians and others, re sufficient to convince the most skeptical nfiihu perinrity over all preparations of Sarsaparilla. Sold wholesale and retail, bv the proprietor, GEORGE W. OAKLEY, North fith street, lles ding, Uriks County, and to be bad of the following persons : In Northumberland County. II. B. Mass?, Sunbury; Ireland & Mixel, Mt'Ewcnsville ; D. Krauser, Milton. In 1'n ion Caimly. J. Genthart, Scliitfgrove ; A. (iutelius, Miflliuhurg. In Columbia Cuunty.U. W. McCny, Wash ington. Reading, March 14, 1813. Mil. Oakiv.t : I believe it the duty of every one to do whhteverin their power lies, for the b fit of their fellow man, and having had po-i ive prool in mv own family, of the propi t'i.s of your D' puralivo Syrup of Saisapurilla, I n st conscientiously recommend it to the afflicted. Wo had the misfortune to lose two of our children, by the breaking out of ulcerous sores that covered tho face, bead and neck, although we had some ef the most scientific physicians to attend th m and had tried all the known teuiedioo, including Swainn' Panacea, without avail. Another of rny children was attatkeil in the same manner, her face and neck was completely covered; the discharge was tu offensive, and the disease at such a height, that we despaired of her life. Seeing the wonderful effects of your Dept.r.ittve Sytup of S .tsaparill i, wc wcia induced to make trial ol it, 11s the last risort; it acied like a charm ; Ihe u'eers commenced healing immediately, a f. w bottles entirely restored her tu her htv.lth, which she h, is enjoyed uninterni tedly ever since. As a putitier of the hloi d.I verily hu- liivo il has nut Us eipnil. JOHN MOVER, Tailor, Walnut street, near Foutth, Reading. Douglass. i!le, A 1 r .1 10th, HI 3. Mr. Oakt.kt : My son Edmund Leaf, bad the scrofula in the most dreadful and distressing man ner for three years, dining wh-ch tune be was de prived of the use of his lim!. hi and neilt were cohered with ulcers. We tried all the differ ent remediis, tut to no (fleet, until recommended by Dr. Johnson of Nonistown. and also Dr. Isaac Hi.ster. ot Reading, to use your Depunilive Sy.up of S.irsapurilla, of which I obtained sever al honb"i. the use ..f which d'ove Ihe di-ea-e entinly out nf his system, the sore healed up, and the child w .4 restored to perfect health, which he has enjox d uninterruptedly ever since, to the sstenibbmein of nianv persons who seen I im during his 'iflliction. I have thought it my duty, and send you this certi ficate thai others who have a like affliction in tho family may know where to obtain SJ valuable it uiedl inc. Yours truly. AMELIA D. LEAF. Sept. 10, 1813 ly 1 Tlirt'Mliiii? Machiitc 1'or SnU: rilHE subscriber oilers for sale a THRESHIMi J. MACHINE, now uiul in good order. Tho Machine has been tried, and proves 1.1 be un excel lent one. It will be sold at a reduced price, ami warranted. Apply to II. ti. MASSE l. July 1st, IS 1:1. s tp wr a rsntiT? 14 lit ' PK-'r-TFI'LLY informs, ti e public that be 11 ir ! has made Northumberland his place of rest- I 1 1 : . 1.. ...... ..I ...II., I., ,l. in 111 r, nno it noy iu oici.u tu on vans 11, ,uu line r.f his profession. iTj' He may at ull times be found at Mr. James Lee's Hotel. Northumberland. Dec. I6ih, IS43. tf. rORESTVILLB IIK 4sS r.lf.HT II 4 Y I LOI HS. f I -HIE subscriber has just received, for tale, a few 1 of the above celebrated Eight Ilav Clocks, 45 51 30 Ml 43 83 31 24 1 S 92 II 15 13 M 3 fit) 10 43 42 3 b 15 00 19 14 13 92 15 13 15 13 15 11 15 13 15 13 16 87 25 til 32 04 2S I!) 10 91 7 10 27 1U 4 03 44 00 21 61 47 04 7 87 17 03 6 56 22 05 8 87 ES 12 15 Oil 15 60 100 f.M 30 84 5 40 6 01 11 32 17 Co 27 13 20 Hf 16 tO w hich w ill be soil at very reduced prices, for Va-h, Also, superior 30 hour Clocks, i,f the best make and quality, which will be sold for ca-h, at f- 50. Also, superior I!rass30hour ' f, 00. Dec . 2 , l4 3. H . jM A SS ER . v 1 ..y jTmTvh t i, SUNBUH V, PA FVlCE, in the budding occuiieJ by J. lHoom, on Ma ki t street. Oct. 21st, 1813. O'l'DMl WARE fr sale. 225 Stone Jugs, from 1 quart to 3 gallons, 50 Stone Jars, Troiii 2 to U gallons. For sale, cheap, by Oct. 14 H.U. MASSER. AsiiiiTv v imiTTiV HAT iV. CAT MANUFACTlMlEltS, South T.ast corntr if Marktt and th lMiihiilclplilu, TF.SPF.CTFI'LLY inlorm ihe public that they Will I'olistatit'y ''en on h-'i.l a larg-i assort inent ol Hats. Caps and Furs, 0 suit the tall trade, nf the be-t quality. Hy sttii t attention to hui ness. and ly selling their stock at the lowest piiees, Ihov flitter themselves in being able to give entire ,tii!et on. Augusts. 1813 ly TlllE siibsciiher will sell ell his mock of Heaver, 1. Kuss a and liiu.h lists, of the best qualpy, at iery reduced ( rices. Sunbury, Aug. 5, UIX H- U, MASKK Culuiiet-3Iakiiig tcu ISIalli.liiiienl.1 viLLi.itC :-:cctz?. REsi'ECl'FlT.I.Y informs tho citii.-ns of Sunbury and vicinity, that he has rec.-i.tly cuiiiuieticed tho CAIUXKT-MAKlXr. WrsiXKSS, in all iis branches, in Market street, Sunbury, im mediately b.low the post office, where he will he ready to receive and execute all orders in the line of bis business, with promptness and despstvh and in the best style and manner. His prices will l low, 111 accoulaiice wuh the times. Lumber and Country Fi.rIucc liken in Ex change. May Sith 1843. .n cTty" TlMlX lTilllr A i'l'TI ox , AND PRIVATE SALES ROOMs, Xos. yt and :U Xotth Thiul Street, Near I li c City Hotel, PHILADELPHIA. MACKEY, Auctioneer, especllurv in vites tho atli ntroii ol peTS.n. uesiroos 01 por- chashig Furniture, to his extensive S.drs Rooms . (both puldir slid Private,) t r every ilesf of Household Furniture, Whin' can If ohlained at all timvs. a large assortmr-tit of fashionable and well manufactured Cabinet rurniture, ReJs, Malliiie, &.V., at very redvirH prices, for rash. (t- Snhs bv Auction, twice a week. Mav 27th. Il3. lv CO. Ml Ink. JOSEPH E. HOVER, MniHit'acttiror nf Writing IiiJli Ulc Ink, No. ltk! North Third Strict, six diHirs below 11 ico, (east side,) PHILADELPHIA, 1 1 EsPF.CTFl LI.Y inb.rms country merchant) I k- siiil o'hers, that he con-tanlly kee.s on l.nn.' h large stock nf bn aoperier Itluck, 11!. le slid Kei Ink. and 11U0 a superior quality of linlflliMe Ink His ink is put up in bottles varying in sire, fien 1 to 32 ounces, and Will be sold on ressnnahl... terms. The ex.-ePri't qualities of this ink bus s thoroughly ehiMi-hed Its c'l .racier, that a u 1,V-cileii-uily used throughout thi country, For sale at the stoic nf H. 11. Msssr, K'un bury. Pa. May 27ih. 1843. lv t IIAUI.KS . lir.lilNS, ATTORNEIT AT LAW, SUNBURY, r A. AS taken ih" . Il'.ce torn.f lv ot eutii.d In the Hon. Charles (i. DopO- I, oppofile.lbe t'oilli . He Mil a tctid to bi.'it.ess in the Curl of N'orihtiniheiland, I'ldon and Columbia Countifs, May tOth, 1643, IloUS,.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers