SB' U.J.-JB 1- X1.LJL .Ml "BWggMJJL-M K7" The Baltimore Methodist Episcopal Conference, now in session in the city of Wash ington, is said to bet very large one, both in the number of its members and in the extent of ter ritory comprised within its limits. The following are some of the appointments made by the con Terence. They are those embra ced in this diotrict. NoRTHVMBKRLANn District G. Hildt, Presi ding Elder. Sunbury A. Brittain, J. W. Tongne. Danville James Ewing, G. A. Cofley. Berwick F. M. Mills, W. O. Spotzwood, Bloomingdale J. W. Houghawout, (one vacan ?y.) Luzerne S. L. M. Conser, (one vacancy.) Northumbcrlond B. II. Crever, Jas. Guyer. Milton Geo. Guyer, A. Wiles. Williamsport Joh Brown. Lycoming Jas. A. Roue, John J. rurecl. West Branch Thomas Tareyhill, S. G Hare. Lockhaven W. R. Mills, T. W Elliott. Bellfonte John Ball, X. O. Bucking ham, Clearfield Robert Beers, J. Montgomery. Penn's Valley James Stevens. Or Canals. The Jlarrisbtirg Telegraph ays : ' We are informed by a respectable sotircefhal one hundred tons of merchandise from New York, es daily on our canal to the West. New n.vMrsHinK. The New Hampshire pa pers give the votes for Governor ky -which it ap pears that Jno. II. Steele, democrat, is elected by 2,5u0 majority ever all competitors. The re turns are not yet complete Marble is York Coi ntv. The York (Pa.) Republican says that a quarry of marble, which jcars a fiue .polish and ie handsoniiy variegated, ias been opened in the vicinity of that borough. AiiinirA Improvements in Machinery. The New York Evening Post an rn ;enious artisan in Massachusetts has lately in ented a meT'noS of making Marseille quirts with s much facility as the common brown sheeting vhich costs .nine cents a yard. A power loom 'riven by great regularity -aiA symmetry, flie aised figures on its surface exhibiting almost very imaginable variety of pattern. A little irl, or any inexperienced person may tend sevc il looms at once. The price cf the fabric can nly exceed that of common brown sheeting by le cost of the material, inasmuch us the labor of roducing it is no greater. The same person has ivented a power loom for weaving ingrain car ets with the sarue xepidity That ithe looms of our etories ttsrn out the plainest and coarsest fa ics. A certain rui'ii capitalist at the eastward, is expended eighty Uiousaiid dollars in assisting e inventor In liie various experiments to bring to perfection, which 'he lias at length Hueceed in doing. A little girt slants al the machine and tends four or five looms, which jerk out e finished fabric with incredible rapidity. As e principal expense of making this kind of . car ting has hitherto been the cest of the labor, the .ce will be creatlv reduced bvdiiis invention. t4. author 'hasteer-'efTered, the Post says, eighty ATOusand psnindu for tire patent riglit in England, but this, liis bliga1 ions to the capilalist who bar furnished him with the means of bringing it to per fection, forbid hiiu to accept BALIlMOItE MARKET, OJjflreof Me Baltimore Amerk-, March 25. GRAIN A load of Pennsylvania Wheat, ha ving smut i it, ithe first received this season has been put into stere, the price being limited at lO.1) cents. The tmall receipts of Maryland red are selling a.t 9-5 a 105 ceifts, according to quali ty. Sales to-day nf white Corn at l'i a -Ifi rents ; and of yellow at -la 19 cts. We quote Oats at 26 cts. A sale of ."WO Injsliels Pennsylvania Rye at n cts. WHISKEY The demand continues vctv 1i n'rted. Small sales to-day at 01 cts for hhils .nd22a52lcts forbbls A Few Worwsir Fator or Dr. BRawnst-TH J EG RTARLE TJivr.RsL Pi ll.s. This valuable ledicme is so well known in the United States, and particularly in this cry, (Philadelphia) a nve'cicn remedy in lh cure and prevention of .disease, that we scn:ety know what to ssy that ill l received in its favor. One thing is ci rtein, th.y possess this eminent sdvantage over meat o ther (KKgairvea, w bile I hey operate gently they produce neither co-tiveness, debility, nor too great excitement; whenever there is a prrJ,enH"n lo diaeuse, wiving fim ms'sh effluvia, or too pi oivaef ardent spirits, oi a vitiated state of the idle, they are turr to relieve. JVnfy Chronicle. Pur base of H. B Mister, Sunbury, or of the agents, puMished in another part of this piper. .Tf .1 It It I E II , On Ihe 7th inst., by the Rev. William J. Eyet, Mr. HavnrKsr, to Miss Euxafkih. se ond daughter of Stephen Baldy, Esq., both of ta 'awitsa u i i: i, On Tuesday morning last, Mrs. MARIA IIAUPT, wile of Mr. Henry Haupt, of this bo rough, aged about 20 years. IMtlCE CURRENT. Corrected weekly Ikmry Yuxtketmer. Wbeat, . 85 Rss, ...... so Co air, ...... 40 Oats, ...... S6 Pork, ...... 5 Flaeseed, ... . 100 IJottsr, ..... 10 Bskswae, .... 26 Tallow, .... 10 Drier ArriEa, 75 Do. Peaches, 800 Fiae, ... .8 Hscelsd Flax, , . J J0 Ea- . s "Wil.ingtOa Flr3 Company." ,nf mUrs of the "Washington Fire Com pany . are requeaud to meet at the otata Houaa. on Monday Evening, Auril 1st. at 6 clock, precisely. Punclual attendance is required. March 30. JACOB YOUNOMAN, Set. Boot Shoe MAKING. nncK , iirosiovs WOULD inform their friends and the public generally, that they have commenced the hove husiness in all "rt various branches, in the shop lately occupied by Xavier Engirt as a watch maker shop, on the rt side of the Red Lion Ho tel, in Market street, Sunbury, where they are pre pared to execute all ordars in their line, with PROMPTNESS AITS DESPATCH. They hope, by strict altenlion to business, mode rate charges, and the durability of their work, to merit and receive shsre. of the public pationsge. Sunbury, March 30th. 1844. ly " (ootl Intent Fire Company-." A STATED MEETING of the will be held on Tuesdiy evening neit, ai 6 o'clock, at the Court House. Punctual atterulanre is re quired. CHAS. J. BUHNER, March 30, 1844. Secittartf. JTri'RTiHiiii"i;ii.c5iET To the art entitled "An Act rtlatinff to coun ty rates and levies and township rates and levir paused the 15(A y f Afrit, 1334.. PrcTio! t. Be it enacted by the Senate sn I House of Representatives of tlirt Comm.inwellh of Pennsylvanin, in (5enera1 As emldv Ret, and it is herel enacted by the authority of the rsme, that it r-hnll he the duty of the Supervisors of the highways of every township anil Inrush in the counties of Schuylkill, Norlhumherland, and Car bon, annually to select one of ihctr number, or np. point some suitable inhshitant nf the towRh-ip or Vonwiih, t.i lie collector of the Rod taxes levied or sssessed for such township or borough, which Supervisor oi other person appointed collcrti aforesaid, shnll eive bond with two or more sulfr ienl securities, to le apiiT'iveil bv the Township ir Bo rouih Audit era, nira deposited with them, which s iid hoiiil shall he in lbs name of surh township or botniigh, and the condition thereof shall be such collector shall well snd truly collect and psv over to the Towrwhip or Borough Trtssurer, if one he elected ir apointi d, nnl if not, then to the Su pervisors, or account for, aoeoHlioj; to law, the whole amount nf the tate charge.1 and ai ssed in the duplicnte., delivered to such collector; l'rovid-d; Thst nothing hitem contained shuHl he cnnst'tied to prevent all persons mted for rad tuxes from WiKl:ingout their respective taxes in the m inner now provided hy lnw. 8ectir t. ' it shRH snd rsiv I Iswt'nl fur lb electors of every Township and Boriuah, in tl e counties of Schuylkill and NoMhumherhiud annu ally, at the time and nhice of eleeting Sunervis .r-, o elect Township or Hornugh Tieasurer, who shill jn such lnil anil perform aueh ilirties and be subject to ihe like pi nalties, as Hre proviileil for in the ninety fifth, ninety sixth, ninety seventh and ninety eighth s ct one oi set of the ft teen h April, one thousand eight hundred and thirty four, en titled "An act reisdrng to Counties nn J Township and County nd Township officers." Skctioi 5. That so far a' wny biw as is hereby nbered or s.'pjlied, be, and the same is btreby r pesleil. fENNSTLVANlA, S. Skcretart's Orncr. I certify that the above ami foregoing is a true co py of sections 1, 3, and 3 of the origlnnl act, ap proved 'the llih day of Maich. 1844, as the came remain filed in this office. fvV Wkiws mv 'hand, and (lie seal of said i ffice at Harri-hurg, Ihe Mill day L. S. V. of March, A. . 1844. 3 THOM AS L. WILSON, Vey-v Dep. Sec'jf Commonwealth. W.nh 1844. TO HOUSEKEEPERS. OC C)(V) IMIUNIrS FEATHERS, for sale iCtvVV v(-iy low, in any quantity to suit purchasers, for cash, at prices from 10, lb, 25 and 10 cents per pound. Ready niaile Beils, Bolsters and Pillows, Curled Hair Matira-ai'S, Mo-s do , and other kind to suit airy trze Beailteals, atw.iys on lisml. Curled 1 1 air and New Oilcans Muse hy lie bale or single pound. Also: Blanket, Marseilles Quilts, Comfortabrce and Bedsteads of nil descriptions. Jj" Country Mrcbjls will find it to iheir ad vantage locall hcfoie uichaAiiE. HLEY & CO. S.E.eorrrer of Second and Walnut sts. Philad. March 23J, 1844. Urn LIST OP C AUSBS. TT'tK trial w the t!ourl of ('oiiimou Pleas ef Nor- thtiini'erhiiid Coinitv, at Apiil Teti 1814, commencing tire 6r si Moirday laceb Sin r. Srenhen Wilson S imui l Keefer Com'ih of Perm,a for U Va'ivaVah John (irilfiu's adm's 3 coh l.eiser er Enoch Howet'e r"r Ms John Stunt vi F A Krscht vs J sine B.atd v John Frii k V Ssinuel 'P Burrnwa a 3 6l H M Davison vs John Knore John II Flantgaii's gunnlun v XV m t, IIu-el WmK Brwn vs Pe'er Uu'lieu Jettin A Lloyd Bank of Nor thumb' J Eh Brolisi Kolurt Miner's admV Daniel Brautigtm va lt:lwcca WeHs vs Pul Gebles Ace vs 8 & li M.Kee vs V illiam llihler et al vs John Cowd.'ii's rx'r vs John B Mi lev Christian I'hifts J.iseph Hoaglieiidebler Ac vs Psekei A. Cummings David Watson va 1'airirV Montsguo Dr KnSe.t Pbrtips Jonas Kelchner's n't Abrahsin Slraub Eve bill; Ac Charles F Shuffle W 11 Mi ler The Ci.m'ih of Peuira Mshlon liainlui John Aiih r a M'Cartee A Punly va John I' et al va J.'iiaihaii Adams vs Nicholas Long'a adm'r vs John T MatltirfS et al fs W H Frywiirecl l va Felix M sorer i t vs John Birdlemtin vs Ch uh-s Cr iig va John Budd va John Bower va John Murray va Harriet Jenkins vs Jscoh Mrixi'li'a rxi va Daviil Garner a V. If. Ssnderson vs A Kisingei'a n'r vs I), t W Pest vs Henry Fornwalt vs Augustus Hoey et al vs Mrs J C B Noiitsc vs Samuel Be1', vs William Siitiel vs William McGinness s Jk1".,, M. liouatl v. John A Lloyd va John C. (iiier el al vs Hirhaid Henshaw va K Fsgely el al va William McCay vs John Hummel vs Hr.iwn A Uiosius Conr id Rawer sa c lis Joseph Bomgardiier J Penny Daiii.1 Hill J W S. i'aii'ger Ac John llaidingjr Mary Seller Auilrew Suiitk Phihp Fol John Furman et al Maslera A Mathers Thomas Huff Mi. hael Evert Jacob Bainhart Anthony Watson Susxnuah Zerbe Peter Baldy et al John C liojd F lissarug ,,u.;'o Bellas Ae Thomas Thatcher J Wolf Heed for Murray vs James F Muirsy Abraham Troutraan et al vs C I ecltupp J .cob W Smith vs Joseph WciikI George Prince s T A Oillinginii's aa James Barret's adon'r va Peter Snyder SAMUEL D. JOItDAN, Prothonolary'a office, 1 "A'f'y Sunbury, Msrcb , lti 3 NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY Treasurer's Sale. A G REE ABLY to an act of the general aem bly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, pa-sed ihe 13th of March, 1816, and the supple ment thereto, entitled an act directing the mode of selling unseated lands for taxes end other purp,ea, will be exposed to public sale, at the Court House in the Borough of Sunbury, on Ihe second Tues day in June next, at 10 o'clock, A. M., the follow ing descrilted tracts of land, for arrearages of taxes due, and the rosts accrued on each tract respective ly, unless previously discharged, to witt AUGUSTA TOWNSHIP. Warrantee yamet. Acres. Tux. Tiering Frederick 30 I 07 Tiering Frederick 8 24 TJonnel Charles 200 7 70 Jonea William R 4 fS Levy Daniel 6.1 6 71 Miller Jhn 74 7 33 McPheison Ssmuel 40 2 l Rankin John 507 21 fiS Kve sm John 30 1 10 Rankins Rhnads 18:1 6 41 Smith John Dr. 77 t 9h Smith J. hn Dr. 42 141 Webb Abraham ' 3G7 30 5t CllILISQUAQUE. POINT and TUB. BUT TOWKSllirS. TVrrrrrrnee yamet. Aercs. Tax. Betterton BenjamiR 22 8 Barron John jr. 410 24 12 Bradie William 2fll 18 ttl Ben-on William S.11J 21 28 Blair Wstliirn SOU 10 fi Brady William P 4 12 J 21 45 Boyd John 10 3 51 Cooper Isase. 200 II 30 Cooler Mania 100 IS 72 tlraRe Josem CtO 14 01 D.vnl J,.lm 413 21 46 Frirkl- Charlie G. 3tiri 17 32 G-alTHrnrv 102 0 19 Gardner Wi It tm P 412 2:1 5ft Gardner Archibald 4llj 22 15 (last 41 Jamee 61 1 fifi Hall William 30 17 04 llodilinot Jam. a 31.1 18 S3 .larkson D.vid 42J S3 ill Jones Ann fil -2 40 Kintzng M.rabam 430 2t 48 Like Richard 40lj 22 Btl Levy Aaron 200 7 76 M nkel So1m -227 15 4S Metiner J li J50 ll N .tinntt James "SS3 6 45 Piatt J hn 220 11 14 Srvi John 424 16 04 Siiloiuoia Myor JJ00 10 hi COAT. TOWNSHIP. Warrant e Nanus. Acres. T:r. Ansis Fre'eiick 45 41 54 Amis Henry 353$ 7.1 2(1 iis Wiliiam 3t6 36 38 Arisms Thorn .s J IM J 41 61 j A.lams Robert 441 35 (H Brauiigatn Daniel 314 21 54 Bowor Christian $44 4 69 Thrown Ntftl anit4 -Cifl 5 H8 Ilail. y John N 152 15 10 Blai k Wil iam C 121 22 84 Bright J.icob IS8 83 25 B .Kon Kamtiel 318 S3 61 Bctterton Benjamim '212 12 06 t'ou-ert James 2'JOJ 23 32 Camplain Rolert 425j 34 30 Campl n Tlremas 425J 34 36 Cook John 300 17 38 (Worn John 412 52 15 Davison Mary -M) 7 '15 1 Deri, g Charres 329 26 55 1). ring Charles 105 20 23 Ehoit Willi ra 368 e 76 Foaler Thomas 42.1 IS 09 .sVins Thomas "30 38 87 GrrrrJames 441 35 17 Greer Thomas 396$ 39 46 Gass J.icob 1511 9 95 Gray Ro'rct 440 49 31 Giay WiH. am 4 10 67 !r$ li ant Thomas 4.17 2t i Gardner Ar. hib ,1.1 jr. 4.13 23 57 GafiUier ArohrbaJd oonr. 400 22 t7 lletri. k Philip 110 ft HA Huff Emvmnl SS? 31 61 M is-encleiier Mary 33 1 26 81s tfettmru Jmn'i 2l'j 16 94 I loach William 1:6 5 R1 Moir e Ab ahain 2 25 Hamilton '1 honna 405 31 fiS Hunter Ales audi 3HJ 14 31 Hepburn Jaes 4IHJ 31 03 Hamilton llioinas 41 Sj 44 74 Hunwr AVtaruler 414 23 49 llimmelreich Henry 159 32 R2 j Minmeln ich Henry 458 51 CO Jenkins Strmes 449J 44 85 Jord .n Alex .nder 121 14 23 Kimm.4 Samuel 387 5 49 Ki. til G orge W 412 12 71 Knel baum John ft Henry Reeaf 200 3.1 33 Longafell rrederck 123 14 1G Mannine R chard 414 31 4 5 Morris Wrt iam 156 45 51 McRer.nolds J. dim 313 30 31 Mover Henry 311 43 83 McKenna's And rw CCD 51 24 Muslin J n (4 M0 18 92 Markley Edward 404 13 15 Martm John U 174 13 44 Mur Ge.irgo J0 3 60 Myers Msry 2n0 19 41 Pntcha d Willism 404 42 36 Prince Ueorpe 117 15 9 Pri.e John II 1 1 A 19 1 4 Price lohn 11 74 13 92 R.eslV,uie4 ton 15 13 fius'ou Ch itloitts 200 15 13 Rey nobis John 20(1 15 IS Th im..s 200 15 13 Rul,.n Msry tort 15 13 Kul.i Mary 209 t3 7 Shaiii.on William 415 25 64 Solmno Kiel, aid 3$6 32 HI Shulvt An.lrew 410 28 19 Si. phmsoii Jatues 467 19 91 Saar Me.riik 0 7 10 Sheets Georie 440 27 19 Scott Abraham 342 4 02 Scot- e-ainuel 4I2J 44 90 Shiailer Henry 150 21 3 Scott Samuel 421 47 94 Scott 9amuo 193 7 87 Siufrl.d Samuel t03 17 93 Scoit Abraham 32j 20 6. Tscnait John LVJj 6 56 Trickle ChasU 405 22 95 Walker Lewis 371 8 87 Wil-m William 313 88 U Waiters Go.lfrey 15 go Wrise Ja. ob 103 15 53 Young Benjamin Dr 35:ij 169 08 Young John, Merchant jigs 30 84 Young Benjamin F 150 6 4il Young Samuel 361) 6 94 I YoE.hi imer Henry 89 14 33 Yoiiheirow Henry 103 17 60 YbXihtimer Henry 173 27 13 . Zimmerman Mathiaa 273 U 86 Zei(ltr Isase . 120 10 DO l f, I "WW""-"??-- . L.J . SIIAMOKIN TOWNSHIP. Warrantee Names. Arret. Tax. Kinlry Catherine 405 5 60 Lake Richard 415 12 40 Reed John SO I 22 Scott Abraham 342 3 08 Taylor William 67 73 Wilson John 804 J 31 5 LITTLE MAHONOY TOWiNSHIP. IVinrrfinee Names. Acres. Tax. Blai.i John 26 2 08 Gardner William P 409 15 89 Hunter James 42AI 12 77 Hslt Charles 417); 13 10 Kbld John 377 II 32 Knl, I John 312 37 Lvon Joseph 80 3 82 Lake Richard 408 12 22 Petery Peler 445 10 8 lu. hie John 895 U 79 Rees Tlma 319 14 07 Rifcnvne Valentine S t I 10 Reed Leonard 73 V 2t Raker John 64 6 29 Karrkins Rhna.ts 307 5 46 Smith John Dr ft 6 ft Smith John Itr 154 3 56 Smith John Dr 84 1 29 UPPER MAHONOY TOWNSHIP. Wurrantre Names. Betterton Benjautiu fleis 4 Samuel Beisel Daniet Beisel .lhn Smith Jacob Tbarubury lohn A Wwi f3ry Arret. 425 3 SS 58 115 28 TVi.r. 10 6 7 4 fi 2 J(M1N FARNSWORTH. Treasurer's OlhVe, 5 Treasurer. Maich 30th. 4814 $ Jarwls SrrvrsH KsUtle. N JO I'ICE is fcereliy geven, thtrt Letters ef Ad- mimstrarion unoR sat. I estate have hern gian ted le the suboriler. All persons having ci lima against s iid 1 state, are requested In present them for 1 1 am 1 r wn rid srtlernil. Vfcose andebti 0 will please make iiRm.diite pavment. WM. DEPPEX. Jsrhson kiwreiMi, March S3. 4 814 81 Public Sale. fPHE subscriber off rs fot s de s put of hia farm. Jl ,irrt lining ah.ut thirty acres more or lese, tu ated on the Mo low ing Bun, about 5 miles below Sunb.iry, adjoining 4 mds of Ata-aham I. v:te. Hen ry Malieh and mVters, tr.i which are erocl.d a saw mill and clover Rrsll. N. B. If the pioprry is ot said Inore, it will heipo-il for stiie, at public venlue, on the 16th of Ail next, on the premta. a. The terms of sale will be reasohable. PETER DJ'NKEI.BERGER. Augusta. M uch If. 1814. 3t iXotiee. Ifi hnre.Sy given, (bat Et'a S. Hayhurst, assignee uf William (e iseming. has file.l Iris anrnuirt in ihe offioe of Ihe Prothonolaty of Nortbumberland eocuty, and that the faswe well he f rrcutcd to ihe aj.ajrt, 011 ihelirst flay is April Term next. Vir con- flrmarion and allowauce, iiule-a cause be sh -wu to -theconirnry. SAM L'EL D. JORDAN. I'roihonotarys ORice, i Proth'y. Sunbnrv, Mrch 2, 1814. J tc IN IboOourt of Common Pleas of Northumber land . runt j. January tith. 1814. On mofon of Charles Pleasants, Rule on the Judgment rredi tors 1 f John (!. Boyd, to apear by ihe ml day of next term, and shew cause why flie money raiseil from the sale of John C RoyJ's life e-lste in cer tain lani's in Rush township, should not I .M-lri. lRted according to itri.triiy nfLien. Rv the Court. StlMLXL D.JORDAN, rrothonotarv's OfTice, 3 PrefA'y Sunbury. Maic'ht, IS44. , t. HOTEL. 'T'lIE sul-sciiher resperrfullv informs his -e.i l cm- - toiners, n.i ine inline piieiany, in .1 ne in tends lo continue in bis old a anil, oppocitc the (Vittt House, in Suiilnrrv, Northumbeil .rid Coun ty, Ps., where be is w It prep .re.l lo give satisfac tion to all who 111 icy favor Irim with tbeir custom. Bcin lliankful for cast favors, he hopes to receive t continuance of puWie prtr uisge t'll MILES D. WHARTON. Smihury, March 2d, 1844. St NOTICE Estate ol'JaN. lA-inon, jr. tJcc'd NOTC'E whereby giv n, lo all peis.4s having 1 la 111s or demands ngainst theestnln of said d-reaed, tu tfiake them known lo the Kuleriber, and all persons iink-Ued to come fit ward mid sit tie the same without delsv. JOHN N1XO.V Point towuhiH March 2,1811, f.t A.lin'r. Public Sale. 9,000 Acres of Land. V'VT'ILL be sol, I. a put. lie sucii ki, at the house ol Danwl Herb, in Vpper Mshonov lown- bi, NortliumleilanJ c TJnty, on the laiMond.y nf June nest, 0,000 ncrrs ot'Timlicr l.nnil, -ilu .ted. rbii fly, in Coal I wnsh p, aaid cuniv. Phe Mah.inoy isruk pis-cs l' r..uh a consnleraMe i.(i.1 of ihe properly, airoiding seveial i XceSent miM seats The (axes have al been paid up, ami an iinlispet ilAe Rtte, cloar of all incambrancea, v ill be given ioputehaer. TIms sale mil be Continued liom day re ilay, until ihe whole is a IJ. Tlje li-tnia villi be innln known on llita day of a4e. ' A. JE N HEN Al l), I E I EU BOUSED KT. Feb. 10. 1844 if WM. XlcCA V. Agei t Qf j" I lie l onsMlle l.o poiium anil ll .nv II.- in ti lligencer will cm tinuo the above until birbiJileii, anil chaigaa this otrvve. .VorlliuitilM'i IuikI iuiinty, tt. In the Orphan Caatrrl vJKiid count 1 t Jan. 7Vrr A. I). 1M1. '' f"N nniiion of IMiatlea W. Hcgi,t 1J q,, i!ie - (Vjurl award Rule ,r,,n Long, Urorge Long. John Long, 4(,1Wiin-.,, inu-imarrird with Samuel Gonseit, Krj, in'.ennarned with Jonathan Kathennan, Harriet L-iog anJ Jane Long, of whom Lot Berir'irPl,arr l4 BUar,ian, Saiah, iuieimariiid with Wllham Cnuntner, Elisibeih, inteimarntd V.ith John Malich Catherine, iutcrmarriej with Da vid (libsnn, Polly, int. rntanied with William R.'ioaJs and Lydia Ami Shearer, being the ch.Mren and hens at law uf George Long, sr., d. c'd , daugh ter Elizabeth, intermarried with Peter Shearer, and who decease,! previous to the death of aaid ml. state, heirs and of George Long, sr., lale of Augusta township, Nonhumlrland county, dee'd., lo appear in our next Orphans' Court lo be held for saiJ rouniy, lo witt on the ftr.l day of April, 1841, snd srcenl or refuse the estate of said George Lour, sr., dee'd., or show cause why the same should not l sold. Certified from ths records uf cur said Orphans' Court, tbi. 1 81b day of January. A. D. 1844. EDWARD OYSTER. Feb. 14tb, 184161 Ci'k O. C. SHERIFF'S KY virtue of sundry writs of venditioni expo nns, fieri facias and levari farisa. issued out of the Cotirt of Common Pleas of Northumberland county, to medirected, will tie exposed lo public sale, at the Court House in lha Borough of Sunbury, on Monday the 1st day of April next, at 1 o'clock, P. M., the following deeriled property, to wit I The one ttnilividided sisth jtnrt, the whole into six equal parts to he divided, of a certain tract nf land, situate in dial township, Nnrthumherlaud county, lining lands late of Valentine Brohst, dee'd. and others, containing two hundted acres more or less, aliout fifty acres of which aie cleared t wheieon are erected a Tavern h. e, a barn, sheds, Ac, now in the occupancy of Paul Roals. Also: The one undivided sixth i part of certain other tract of land, situate in siiil township, surveyed on a warrant in the namo nf Jeremiah Paul, contsining 204 aces i,nd 18 J Perthes more er lew, on Sharaokin creek, adjoining lands late of Valentine Brol'nt, dee'd. and others., taken in execu'ion. and lo be aolJ as the ur.erty of Charles A. Bradford. Awoj A certain lot or ptece 01 grrund situate in the town of Shamokin, Coil township, Northumberland county, in that pail of said low laid ORt by John 0. Boyd, bounti es' in the south by the Danville Ac Pottsville Rail Road, and en the eaat by Shamokin atreet, en the west by Rock e'reet, end on the north hy a street ; whereon are erected a large two story frame Tavern bouse snd kitchen, painted white, an ice house ami fountain pvmp. f Also: Two oliier contiguous iJli lo's of ground situate in the town afon said, and milked in the general plan thereof Nos. 1 and 2, b .tinded on the north hy Lot No, 3, on the south by a or alley, snd fronting en Shamo kin street on the eat, containing each 28 feel liont. and in I. ngth or depth 190 feel ; whereon are erected a two story frame houae and kitchen, painted white Mil two frame stables. Se xed, taken in execution, and to be sold as the .'o.eity of Jacob Kram. frTfj AJsoi Three certain lots oi" . JUL ground aituate in Chillii-quiKrao township, Northumberland county, No. 1,2 ct 3, adjoining lainlsnf John V ncent, and including all the land het wren lot No. 3 and Ihe Canal, containing each of an aero iRore or less ; whereon are erected a two atory frame dwelling boose, a store and ware hon e, stable, shed, fie. Siized, taken in execution, and to be sot J as the property of J tn V. Mathiae. QAlso : A certain lot or piece of land aituate in Shamokin township, Nor thumb, riand county, aitj ,ining lanila larte of Ann I'im'i. Hon, and land of now Lewis Vastine, con taining 12 ncres more or less, shout nine seres nf a hieh are cleared i whereon is erected a small two story ftsme notice. Siie u.tik. n in execution, end to be sold as the properly of Henry Fry. Also: A certain lot of ground situ- J ste in the lorough of Northumherlnnd, and maiked in the geneial plan of said town No. 23, bo inded on the fiorlh east hy King street or Mar ket square, on the north west by ihe Episcopal bu rying ground, on ihe south we by an alley, and on the eouth east hy lot No. 24, containing in breadth sixty feet snd in length 20 feet. Also: The one-half (or tlierea- lieuts) of lot No. 18 ss marked in the general plan of said town, hounded en the sooth east liv a lot of Mrs. Weirlcs, on the south west by lot No. 17..wned hy Daniel Brauiigam, on the north west hy Er.iRt street, and on the Rnrih east br an alley, c ntaining in breadth CO feet and in length 240 ft. Seised, taken in execution, and to bo sold as the i.roiierty ef Joseph Hoffman. Also: A certain nan lot uf groatnd a'rtuate in ihe borough of Sunbnrv, ami marked in the general plwi of said town No, 28, bounded on tire east by a lot of George Wriser, lvV, on flio west by a lot of W tllltim tsulnlt, (tie. 11. g ihe western hslf of lot No. 28,) snd on the south by an aRey, containing in front 30 feet and au length 240 feet, wheieon are erected a I we o- ry frame huuse and kitchen, we.ilherboanled and ntviitcd white, a frame stable, smoke house, Ac. Seired, taken in rxeculien, and lo be sold as ike property of Edward Y. Bright. Also: A certain tract or piere of land, situate in Urer M. .honey township. N'nrthumlicrlBHd conntv, S'tjomins lands of Barba ra Bo-iin. Geoige Felternlf and ntlrers, containing me hundreil acres more or less, about 60 acres of which arecleated ; whereon are erected a small log house and a log stable. Seized, I'.keu in eiecaftion, and to be sold as the nroivrtv of David Hess. Also: A certain tract ol land situate in Coa' township, Noithumber and c 'Uiuv, ailjoining Mahonny rreek, an I lands of John Kerstetler, t'hristian Kramer ami others, con lairing one hundreJ sees more or less, about 75 'cres of which are cleared ; whereon are erected a two story log house and a large new bank barn, and a targe orchard. Se iced, taken in execution, and to be sold as the propi r'y of Abraham PunVclherger, dee'd. Also: All that cerlatn tract of mJZ land situate in formerly Tuibut, now Dela ware township, Northumberlsnd county, onun.led and desciiled as follows, vie: begtnninr tt , m,. pie. thence south 90 degrees east, 1, perches and seven tenths ; thence south 70 degrees west, 5 perches and nine tenths 5 then'e south 76 iVgrees we-l, 10 perches lo the Su-o-j, hanna river; ihence Inwnihe saine, eouth 4 degrees east. 03 ierehes ; theni-e south degree. west, R5 perches and six lenitis to t corner nf Inndi of ihe heirs of J,,hn Boyd; thence ,y aaid I jnd east, 125 perches to a .iwt on the 0d officers line ; thence slcng sa'd line north CJ Jegre-s west 218 perches to the Warrior Ron ; 1 hence down aaid run, the ever.1 courses a'ol distsr.rrs thereof, lo the (.lace of beginning i nntr'.ning 93 acres ami '90 erehes, and allow "oce ; where, n areerecltd a h.tuse ami barn, spring housj, an inch aid, A.C A laige portion aif said lanJ is cleared. Knuil, tskeft in etecution, and lo lie sold a the pmm ity of John Gutty. jrw-V Also: A certain lot of prounil aLJt-aL aituate in the town of McEwensville. in Turhut, now Delaware township. Nor thumherland county, hounded on ihe north bv an alley, land of Daniel Frymire on ihe south, an alley on Ihe eai-l and Ihe main street on the west, con taining in front or widh CO feet, and in length 120 feet; whereon a e erected a two stoty brick dw.l ling house and a fiaine siable. Seised, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of I 'hriaiteua Robins, n. f Also: On the 2Rth day of March i I insl., at Ihe house of Michael Kremer, in Milton, al I oVImk, P. Mm a certain tract or piece of land situate in Chilisquaque township, North umbeiland couiiiy, ailjoining lands of John Shan non, Fiedenck Fiedler and othera. containing 3 a cies more or less, all of which is cleared ; whereon are erected a one snd a half story double house, arl log and part frame, a cooper shop and a log siable. There are also some f.ul trees on sai l prembes. Siesed, taktn in siecutiun, anJ to be sold as the piopeny ef Samutl Bell. Also: At the public house of Henry Wasscr. in Shamokin township. Nor thumberland county, on Saturday Ihe 30th day 1 f March inst., at 1 o'clock, P. M a certain tract or piece of land aituate in said township, adjoinint lands of Caspar Adams, Peter Adams, Daniel Fe gely and others, containing seven acres more or less, about one acre of which is clesred whereon Is erected a small log house. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as ihe property of Samuel Slertzrl. MAlso: At the same lime otui place, th'ee certain contiguous lolsof ground situate in the town of Shamokin, Cosl township, Nithumherland county, in thai part of said lowrt laid out by John C. Boyd, and marked In ihe gen. eralplan thereof Nos. 121,122 and 123, boun l. d on the north by Independence street, on Ihe souilt by Shakspear street, on the east by lot No. 124, and on the west by Franklin stieet, each lot eontniniig; 28 feet in front, and about 200 feet deep 5 where on are erected a funndry. Casting house and fini b ing shop. Seized, taken in egecution, and to be sold aa the property of Jacob Bair and John Trego. FELIX MAURER, Sheriff. Sheriffs Office. ? Sunbury, March 2, 1844.) relate of Solomon Pcrslng, dct'rl. NOTICE is hereby given, that letters of ed ministration on the estate of Solomon Per sing, dee'd., lale of Shamokin township, Northum berland county, have been granted to ihe subscri ber. All perlons indebted to said estate, ss welt ss sll those having clsims against the same, are r- quesled to call on the administrator far settlement, who will l e at home every other Saturday front this date, for that purpose. EMMANUEL ZIMMERMAN. Feb. 17th. 1844. Ct A.lm. For Rent. rTMIE large and cnmmodiousTAVERN STAND in the town of Shamokin, Northumberland ro. now occuied by the subscriber. The above pro perty is situated in the Shsmokin Coal Region. For lerms, apply lo JACOB KKAM. Shamokin, Feb. 10th, 1844. tf. VOLSEP.T & JiLlTlTET, Importers nntl Dealers In SEGARtS. BRANDIES, G I N, WINE S, &c. No. 21 Commerce Sc, near Fifth St, PHILADELPHIA, C. J. W OLRF.RT, jr. ) W, A. JaR5ET. J ravtiixs. szeins. Pinet, ('nstillien it Co. I Woodville. Bsrrance. Pernet Freres. I'gucs. Loid Byron January 20 h. 1844. fim II A MS anii SHOULDERS for ssle, cbean, fot cash, by H.B.MASSER. Dec. .'Kith, b4Tt. EP.. P. E. T.STI1TE, RESPECTFULLY informs tl puhlic that he has made Norlhumherland his place nf resi dence, and is ready to attend to any calls in (ha line of his profession. G3 He may at aM times be found at Mr. Jarao Ie's Hotel. Nortrremherlsnd. Dec. 16th, 1843. 4t Printer's Ink. few kegs for sale, at a small advance for cash, ly Dec.. H.B.MASSER. FORESTVILI-E mt ass i:iaiT iw tui.oc u$. THE subscriber has jest Teceied, for sale, a few of the above celebrated Eight Day Clocks, which will be sob I at very reduced prices, for cah. Also, superior 3! hour Clocks, of the lajst mi.k and ejiinltty, which will be aold for cash, at ft 50. Also, enperiiir Brass 30 hour Clocks, at f 8 00. Dec. 2. J2: H. B. MASSER. TltNE WAKE for sale. 225 Stone Jugs, from I quart to 3 gallons, SO Stone Jais, from 2 to 8 gallons. Forsyte, cheap, by Oct. 14 H. B. MASSER. TTijAM J. IAUTIN ATTOP.1TE7 AT L.V, SUNBURY, FA. O FFICE. m the building eocupied by J. Bloom, on MarVet street. Oct. 21 t, 1843. ASiHItV -.V IIOCAI, HAT & cap MANUFACTURERS, South Eutt nrnrr n Market and 4th sin.. riills.tU'lpliln, T) FSPECTFULLY ii.h.rm ihe public that (l ey -s-- will conint'y keen on h,nd a Inrgs asui't ment of Hats. Csiand Furs, ui suit the fill Irn.le, nf the be-t o jality. By strict attention to bu.-i n.TS, and by selling their stock nt the lowest pri. es, ihcy flsl'.er themselves in being sb'e to giveen'iie satisfaction. August 5, 1843 ly TlllE sulwciiber will sell oil his stock of Bt'in r, X liUssta and BiUsh lists, of ihe best qualiiy, at very reduced ,rii-es. Sunbury. Aug. 5. 1M3. H. B. MASSER A Threshing Machine for Sale. rplIE subscriber oilers for sale a THRESHING JL MACUINE, new and in g.wid ord.r. The Machine has len tried, ami proves to he an ec. U Ienl one. Il w ill be sold at a reduced pnre. sod warranted. Apply to II. U. MASTER. Julyjst, 1813. Cabinct-3Iakiiig Ilalililiinciil.) WZLLIAlvC HCOTEP. RESI'ECTFULLV informs the citizens of Sunbury and vicinity, Ibat he baa recent!) commenced the CA 111 X I'Vr-MAKING I.US1 XKSS. in all i's branches, in Maikel street, Sunbi.ry, mi nvdiately hi l"W the post ntnee. where he will he rea 'y 10 receive and riecute all orders in the line of his business, wiih promptness and despatch, snd in the best style and manner. His prices wiil be low, in sccordance with the times. fy Lumber and Country Pr.aluce tsken in Ei change. May 7ih city ruRNirFiTi: auction. AND PRIVATE SALES ROOMS, Nos. 2t nnJ 31 North Third Street, Near the Citv Hotel, PHILADELPHIA. CC. MACKKY, Auctioneer, respectfully 111- vilea Ihe attention of persons desirous of chasing Furniture, to his eilensive Sales Roums. (Uih pu' lie and Piivale.) for every descri4ioii o' Household Fuiniliire, whi re can be obtained at 'i" limes, a large assortnif nl nf fashionable and w II manufactured tbinet Furniture, Beds, Matlraawa, Ac. at very reduced prices, for csh. (y- Salee bv Auction, twice a week. Msy S7th, 1S43 ly
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers