"M 'tl Tiiims or Tim " amukicax." SUNBOTY AMB1ICAN. i'uicks or AovrnTisixca. I square t insertion, . f 0 f0 1 do 3 do . 0 75 I do 3 do . . . I OA Ei"ry snbceqnent Insertion, 0 95 Yearly Advertisements: one column, f25 lialf Column, f IS, three squares, f 13; two squares, f 9 j one square, jSft. Half-yearly i one column, half column, f 12 ; Ihrcs squares, f 8 ; two squares, f.r; one square, f.1 f0. Advertisements left without directions ns to llm length of time they ro to be published, will te continued until ordered out, and charged accoid inejv. efj'Sixteen lines make square. I .... u , i i . . I . I . told "to buy cne " No body would lend Fuch folks. Good credit is almost as good as reil money to any man ; and just so it is with a fa mily or a nation. Small vessels, Cutters, Schooners, and Lor-Old uncl Ebenezer used to say that as long as he paid interest promptly, he never knew the day he could not borrow all he wanted. And that is a notion 'I wish our Stato would think on; for that is all lenders It. H. MASSKK, JOSEPH KISKI.Y. PuBLIAHRHS IDS Pner-niBTons. n. jn.issnii. iuuior. Office in Centre Alley, in the rear of II. D. Mas ter's Store. THE AMKuioAN" is published every Satur day at TWO DOLLAKS per annum to be paid half yearly in advance. No paper discontin ued till all arrearage are paid. No subscription received for less period than mx mo.ithm. All communications r letters on business relating to the office, to insuro attention, must be POST PAID. AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL Absolute acquiescence in the docisions of Ihe majority, the vital principle of Republics, from which there is no nppcnl but to force, tho vital principle and immediate parent of despotism. Jr.rFRns.if. My Masse &, Klscly, Sunbiirj-, XorUiumbcrlaud Co, Pn. 8a(utclay, .llarrh 1G, 184-1. Vol. 4--X. 25 IVIiolc Xo, 11. ,3 Ov " - ' Frem the Kctcark Vital. Tim followin?; beautiful find toin-liiii!! lines otithe I ii t lamentable cntr rophc lire from tho pen of a lady in this city. Tlie linflcr on noniil Oir Vrlitcetoii. Till morning sun shone brightly In on unclouded sky. Ami lovely tonus nnd far fit fair Were pas'sinc c:iyly by, And words ofiiladr.ess nnd of joy Ilwi- on the zephyrs mild, From nsjed siro, and diluting youth, From m.ilion, maid mid child. Hail ! country of our Nut ion's joy ! I .mill of our benefactor's birth ! II lull rose tlio patriotic imi2. And high tlit- shout of clef till mirth. form to flip suiilini: liver, A jovu band was borne. And fraught with beauty and with grace The fat ml hark moved on. Then pas. "I the merry toast around. Where jiroalH: 1 the 'noa rd beneath iT- cheer. Then rang the merry burst of joy, Like niiiM.' fallini on the ear. O ! tle-re were eyes that sparkled bright , Am.niL' 'hat tray end happy thionir. Atel h-ait that bounded hifih and litht Mid wit and mirth, and joyous sou. A wail upon the wal.-is . A loud and ptereirvi cry "5s minded witlm booming sound That echoes through 'bosky! A shower of hu-naii blond is now Jli-rh on the pennon- spread. And e'er the sha'teT.-iJ deck is strewn The ilyiii!! and the dead. Then rose, the loud and bitter Vail, The rry of a"rry As when a woman vents her crief O'er sights which lend the heart to see Amidst that stricken "hand, Whose siuhs and tears were blent, Two 1 doniviina maids, in anguished tones, A father's fate lament ; And mingle with the cries that pierce The iiot i-'ilphni-eoils air, Tleir shrieks of snothless. boundless, fiiief. And harrowing despair. Put lh"ro is one wlio feels the point Of soi row's spear more keen than they, Who sinks beneath a heavier weight. I f diii ji, lire rt -rending aip-.ny. She sits upon the deck. In silent, tearless wo, Jler Vosv.ii! rrtf. with pangs of grief Which none but she t an know, JVishcx elVvl f.v.i 1 1 her inarldeluow, Her silken let i r is flung. Put the la-t kind ih op of soothing m iff, Is i'rrm its fountain wrung, "It cannot 1e. it cannot he. My husband's life of bliss is e'ei .'' Alas' the sad reality' lie to her side returns no more March 1. 1MI I V From the Democratic Review for February. AN 1XCIHEXT IX T1IK FICXIXSl MR W.MX. nv Mns. f. t. Ki.t.K-rr, It we n Mom!)' nnd critical period oft'nn wnr j in tho. IVninsiihi, that Mori'ilo, then coinmnnd- ing tho fiPih Fpnni:--!i nr.ny, nlmut four thousand i pt rone, in conjunction with lYniio Viiluinur, passed ilown tho Portuuosp froiitirrlothp Tiw , cr (iuirdinna, inten !insr to fall on Seville; ns j food (nuiiiI clioiiM n.lvanro to tho mcctir of i Ikulajos'. In tho bi'pinninfr of April, while tiic J French wcro ditihenrtcnod by tin; sudden news I oftlm fall of that city, I'enne Villoniur nnd Mo i rillo, issuing' out of'Purtvijnl, crossed the Iiwcr j (iiutrdinnn urd pi'iy.pj Sun I.ucnr lr Mayor, j This plac? wtmlcn riilcs from Sovi'lo, which j a? only corrisoncd by a f!j)inis!i Swiss lia ' lalion in Joseph's Fcrvic.c, nidrd by 'F.scelrr : or nnd by sick nnd convalescent men. Tiic I Sp'ininrds rrKVi occupied the heights in front of j the Triiinn liridpo, tmd nttacked the Fi cue.1! entrenchments, hopinej to rei?e a popular com ; motion, r. illasteros. on the other side, had nd j vnnced with eleven t liotin ti'i men, intending to j la 1 1 on Seville lYcim Ihc left of llie Gamiaiijiii 1 vir. lint the hope entertnined by the Spminrds, '1 kill whom I choose, tlinndered Mortlloj nnd I hate the French. Toy, thy fattier shall die. I hive said it; l;r?nne.'' The of.icer made n pilent sign to the peti tioner, to intimate tli.it there was no hope, and thnt ho must lief one. Hut the hoy' connte- lo the Constitution, contrary to human natur, and contrary to the rights of nil free white ci tizens oft'ie Slate or Mapseysnp and travellers in gineral. "1 knowed a genelmnn a right penteel gen fdmin too ho was. I do as-sure you gencliuoi., nance fiiddetily chapped, lie -walked up to' who was travelin in this State with his wife the fcnnnl, who had turned away, ami placed j nnd a hull crowd of leetlo ones inn wamjin' and hitnselfdireclly before him, with a Link of calm j Ins hidy was tuck with tho shake?, and his Uot rcsnlution worthy of a murtyr. j tie was run out. Time was n fix to ho in pen- Hear mc, renor, said he ; r.iy father is pray- I elmen ! he. did'nt want to buy a pulkm ofardeut headed ; ho is wounded ; his strength is fail- j ?'r,'"f' ' "'' rnnvr nient so ho asked the ir,p even now, though ho stands up to receive landlord to fill his bottle at a fair priceand the fire of i-onr men. T am young-, nnd strong 1 hiniilord, who whs a clever ioller, r.r.d and we'l. " Iz-t them shoot mi: in l.is plnce, Rnd '. l"Wed what it was to l.av: the shakes and he let my father po free.' on' 'l'ekcT, w hy he filled tlie penelman's hot- It was impossible to doubt the sincerity of j lc ni filir Prlco- ,v,,,,n ""other penehnan who this oflcT, for the face of the devoted child was vvnf" f'nndinp by, says, "you" vo a poinp conlrrry kindle J with a holy enlhusiasm. A dirk flesh ' to fi.e laws of Masseysip," and then this penel rushed to the brow of Morilln, and fur a moment ! froes out and hiforms agin the landlord Tor he l:kcd on the boy in silence. j f'dlin licker by less than a pallon, and if they Thnti art willing to die,' at lenglh he said, had'nt knowed him well nil ar.irtnd them pnrts '(or thy fither!' 'J'lien, to sutler piin for him i he'd r been fined nnd iinf.riroiied for doiu' as will he nothing-. Wilt tho'i lose one of thy any penelmaii wrsi'd like to be done, when carslo savehiinl' bottle is run out, which is contrary to Ihc ' rights- of any w hite man, traveller or not. ! of beinp speedily in possession of Seville, were cut ofl'by a piece of deceit. j adroitly given by a Spaniard in the French in terest, led Ha'kistrios to indict e Poult was at 'I will,' was the firm reply. Lend ino thy sword, Pablo; and, in an tit- knowed another pcnelman whose bor e slant, at one blow, the peneMl struck ofl' the ; waH took right sick, and lie was told that a little boy's ear. The victim wt pt, hut resisted not ; brandy and a hilf pint o' camp;i"rc would cure II: t T. .1. i ( False inforin.it ifi ' 1 ' " " away uio eircain- , i;,0 it, ti-1. iow, i,r :u ternpeninre ann never i nip blood. 1 drinke d hut for all that he was ob.icd to buy a gallon when he only wanted a Ornp to mix 'So far good ; wilt tlion lose the other car?' i band, whoreupnt) he immediately relume! to 1 the I'ond.i, while Penne Y.i'emnr, niso warn j tci that the I'ronoii would soun return, retired i to Ciihr.i'.-im. ! 'I will, to sat e my futhcrl' a.iswcretl the with the camp-.frr. Is tliis law for tiy white Ir.y, conclusively. man to live by ! MorilloV eyes flashed. The )ioroii ef r. 1 Vhy, ;;nse1f, penrlmen, were once Irn child compelled even his admiration ; but un- vedin down there by the YcHerlmsiier, with n riitrnd nt m I-MIrr from Tnnkreln Lon Dgli, tu Ills I Vleiitl nt lininc. I1NDON, Feb. 1st, it. IKn CorstN : I enppose you know how much our folks have complained nt the York shire folks who have imported their goods tn- Irrfnushrd into the United States, and sworn to invoices, too, an all true ; and yet somehow the laws of the Tariff were exactly not answer fil, -that is, innko 2 thing half tray, and only requiring'.Zm'Ain' to make it complete, but leave (Vic finishing till after the duty was piid. Well, I was considering anxiously about that, nnd seeing no way to correct it by the law, I ihonght I would try my hand in seeing how the tint tor would work in the shape cf retalia tion ; and that comes as nigh reciprocity as the J Pr'me Minister can make it. I pot safe here on the packet on 8th u'timo, nnd landed my cases of clocks. The duty was 25 per cent on the value ; and I put down on the invoice nix shillings ami ninrprncc sfrr Hmr, each clock. The officer started, and looking at the invoice; and then at my clods. "What," says he, "only Gs. 9d for those clocks .mahogany cases,three feet high, and warran ted In no !" "That's no po," says he ; I must seize 'em." "Very well," says I, do. But the l-i'.v rays you must pay the invoice price and fn per rent, additional ; and that is all I care for, so go ahead." And so I left him. Not caring to seem very anxious about it, I didifi go lmck to the Custom House for ni;h upon three week? for this is mtch an rtnrnal big city, it takes nigh upon three weeks to walk This disappointment nnd f.iiiure. in the cxe- ' 'noved from hi.T ciuel purpose, ho smote off the friend, 1-csidc myself, when I (e!t like tnkui' a : cut ion of a la'.orite project, cherished fe r many J months, irritated beyond control the naturally !.T .-vi- 1. ... . : I M'vcru u-iupcr 01 uiunijo. 11 was evening ; 1 and the division of tho nrmvr.ndcr him were! j encamped s-vnc hour' march on tlieir retreat. Preparations might have been seen for a milita ry execution, and a couple of prisoners, captur ed in their lr.s?t skinnish, were, according1 to I 1 rr .it rrt-i.-f .f Croint. elii.iC in 1 tirw li.nj to be put to death. Tlie captives were guard ed by a file of soldiers, and the cKcciitioners, waiting the word of command to draw tip, wrrc leaning on their weapons, and talking over the events of the last two days. Just then one of the inferior officers return ing to his tent cfter pivitijj some order to the men, was interrupted by a boy apparently ten years of age, who, seizing his hand, and speak ing in nn accent blight!)- foreign, besought him, j with piteous entreaties, lo procure liiiu admit tance to the penernl. The officer fom-.d, on I inquiry, that he was the son of one of the pri j tamers, a soldier distinguished for his eminent i personal braveiy, w ho had not been taken, even when overwhelmed by numbers withont giving and receiving many wounds. This soldier, weary and wounded, but in vincible in courage tnd spirit, for he scorned to ask the clemency of his conqueror, wns now to suffer death w ith bis companion in nii.-f.irtune. j Tho terrible order had been given, fur Mori'lo j would rsot bo irrpi'dcri1 hi his march by pr boner?-; j and he to hated his cimp.try'o enemies, that the , bravest and most generous among them eoti'd other ear with his ft ill reeking sword. small horn, bavin' been r.mt in right smartly There was a dead silence. '.And now, so- ! through the swamps the hull day, which my nor,' said the boy, breathing quickly, and look ing up into the general's face. 'And now, answered Months 'depart. Tin: FATurn of sri-ii a cmi.n is iiANurnov to Spain; i:e must tay the pour tit it iii-sj life ! ' friend said was correct, and unanimously agreul i with tire in Ihc same. Well, 1 ms'lf was o biiged to piy for a gallon when I otiey wanted lo fill a three half pint bottle which is my size , as it f.ts well in'.o the side pocket of my bp J coi', though some pene'i-.nen carry a buttle b;g Tho maimed child went forth from the pve- enough to hold a gallon, sencc of hia inhuman foe. Presently there-! Tin j speech was lotidly cheered throughout, had wit- port of fire arms annotinced that ho ncsscd the execution of his father.' Must we blame the cruelty of individuals for such enormities! or not rither I tie relentless spil it of war, that b-.iilds up the plory of its he roes on a scalliilding of denfh, and sacrificed daily lo the projects of uinbitiou the prompting's of humanity. and Mr. I.'s solemn ennieslra ss of manner con tributed materially to heighten the effect. The best of the joke wis that his bug-l-ear, "the gal lon law," as it is railed, has been repealed lor some considerable length of time. A member moved to si i ike out "altlrolous and vinous," and insert ' table beer." An amendment was moved and seconded and I nit on paper the Clerk vend it aloud, nnd it proved to be a parody on Russell's song, "A want Love toall.. Your friend and cousin. AMOS D00L1TTLH. Tiik Camdf.n N. J. Cotton Factoiiy Com tanv, recently chartered by the Legislature, will employ a capital of r.OO.tXK). The, facto ry building and someone hundred small privaM dwellings have been contracted for. The Cam den Eigle of Saturday says -. "Tlie stock booki of the new factory were open on Wednesday, according to law, and shares to tho amount of $l.j(O0O taken." Aiwr.niCAN Snr.rr IhsBANnnY. According to recent calculation, there are nt present Hl, (KK),nOO of eheep in the United States ; exhibit ing an increase of upwards of 0,000,000 durinj the last fivfl years. These animals at a mo derate and reasonable computation, nre worth at least S70,0r0,()00. The anntnl amount of wool is estimated at 9(1,01(0,000 lbs. worth a bout &10,000,000. Of the whole, number of sheep in the United Stales, New York owns nearly one fifth ! Novel Divorce Petition. A novel di- r.bout it and find out any thing consarning the ' vorce case was brought before Council to-day. clock trade so I went back : Well says 1, Mr. I ter CI. Ohert, of New Bruns vick, represent! officer, what have von concluded on regarding j "V petition, thst having once petitioned tho La- them clocks of mine, are you rendy to pay me the invoice price of (Is. td, and ten per cent, according to law or what say 1 1 lie walked pislalnrc for a divorce from his wife, beieg in formed that a bill was passed lie married ano ther woman ; anl be now learns tohissurprisa aside with me for a n pel', nnd savs he, "arc you j ' nitsmmrmeu, anu nogs mat uie i.o nnv relation of Mr. Slick of Slicksvillc 1 Yes frWnturc will relieve him by nullifying his first .... . i says I, considerable on the mot tier s sole, tor she is the second cousin to Sam Slick." "Now," savs he, Mr. Dooliltle, I want to know if you really think those clocks are worth no more ihnn six shillinps and nine pence for if that is the case, the duty is only one shilling and oijht pence haif-penny." Well snys I them clock", if properly tiUrratril, are ra'y worth more but I don't think if Sir Tlohort Peel, or the Duke ot Wellington, or even the Queen ber--e!f mid Prince Albert, were to try. they make them marriage, ami ssvc him from the penally of tho law. The case was referred to a special com mittee. Scwark AJirrlisrr. Women-. That noble eulogy of John I.-r'yarl the American traveller, on women should never be forgotten. How simple yet eloquent is tha liincnaae. The Queen and the p-a'aot c'ul can alike undrtand it. It was written, while on hi Journov in Siberia. ' I have observed arnona all nations 1;I (h womn ornament themselves mare than the men ; worth more as they now stand." Well, says that wherever found they are the same, kind, he. to tell vou tlie truth, I have had them ri- : eivil, oldicin. humane, tender bins ; that l!: V I.rgUInlive l-nn In ?IIklkiiit. A correspondent of the New Orleaiu Tropic , Life on the Deenn Wave," beeinr.ing "A day gives an account of some queer proceedings in , muddy swamp." tho lower branch of tho Missis-ippi Legislature. , Another "ninendmcpt" introduced the f.pi It is highly amusing, lie says : , r,.alTl ,low p,.m;, t. r,.nds ofthe pipers almut "At tlie evening session, ctery member of the marring" of a Mr. lice to a Miss Fowler, the House was in his r!ac, nnd a crowd ef Is- ending w ith - j have found no mere) at his hands. The prion- IlAKr-rns' Ptv.i.r. The Trdmne says Ihe j er's little boy, Tei'using to be separated from his first number of Harpers' Pie'oirial Ttdile has ! father, had beon sull'eied by the Spaniards to reached '10,000 copies, and a sale of MI.OOO is 1 fjllow him. anticipated. The increase of bn?iness rone- 'You shall pee the gencrnl, boy. since yo-i quent upon the adoption ofthe cheap re-piihn-; wish it,' said the officer in reply to the chil-.1V dies graced the gallery. Some rare fun was expected, as it was known that Lindsay, tho Representative from I'awsmba county, was to speak. This person is uncouth in his manners, ungainly in his person, nnd illiterate in his dis course. Some of this man's fitness for his po sition may be gathered from the following ver batim report of his speech on the motion to re duce Ihe salaries af the Judicary, a measure in troduced a few days since, end opposed bv the respectable ofbolh parties. '-Where I was rai sed, in Old Altirbiirm, we never gin a judge r.f any sort more nor filteen hundred a year and "And po m there will, if Heaven pleases, IV n sr.'irin of little 'looses." Here the fun prew fast nnd furious the ladies left the gallery the chairman rap;ed in vain, and Mr. Halfonr ro-o in great heat and said 'Mr Speaker, look st the chandelier ! look at this splendid pile of budding hxik at every Ifrly u'lKilit us i '.his the place to play the fisil ! I look upon the. bill proposed ns a di: ;race to the nation -a disgrace to the Stato a disgrace to the house of Ciod !" The committee reported process the bill was ordered to lay upon ti-.e table, and the llousv j noi ed by some of our CloA-rnalera, nnd they say tl.ey are like 'imtr's razors, "made to; K'U," "Why," saj s I, "you cunning critter ; do j tell now," snysl, "I want to know." j So you see these English Custom House i fa cers are up to a thing or two. This critter now bad been trying my clocks, by some of are ever inclined to be pay and cheerful, timor ous and modest. "They do rot hesitate like man topeiferm a hospitable orpenerons action , not Lau;:hty, l-it arrotai.t, noi snperciUious, but full of com te and fond of society ; industrious, economical, iu penions ; more liable in general to ei r than man. their experienced clock makers, and to usehiS""xln ''"nrr:i1 more virtuous, and p rto. m.nx avinrr. it was "no go." Well, says I, Mr. Off.- I mnr" oo1 Iir,i"n" I addre- I eeV ),.. do vou rone'mdn on 1 Whv. savs he. i m'4,;U 1,1 ,h" lW?i ft decency and fnendsh... ' tho Iirds t'omniissioncrs of her Majesty's to a vii,.an whetbei civilized or $irae, without. if I may be allowed tr, conjecture, I ,la p-ckon ndjoi-.rned ah ml ten o'cl.f k at night. cation sy-tein, and upon tho largo sale of the passionate et trenties ; -but he will not grant j that we had jcFt as good judge in Aluilurm ns Hihle. Teonires more accomtn-idation than is at- your father's life. Son Lucus ! but these f irded by tho immense- buildings occupied by ) French dogs have given e.s too much trouble Ibis houe, and they are about to put up a four already '.' story building, extending from the rear ofthe! They en'ered t'.e funeral's tent; Morilln, Clifl street building t. Pearl street, covering by the light of the lamp burning en the table, a plat cf ground about M0 by "0 feet. Ivfht ' was reading a despatch ho had j'ist received, new presses of grent capacity nre to be pla-ed Two of his officers stood near hiin ; there was in this building, lo bo c inploycd mainly on the . t)o one else in the tent. The brow ofthe chief you can raise in Mustrysup. My on.-ti-cKcte sent mo here t i prac isc "conomy tharfore, I goes fiir economy ; and sorry r.m 1 to observe that tunny o.hich I thet.ght knowed better, are a h'rs'.nin' and a vcachin' utter the high puse"1 -(purse.) The Iclrr.ed legislator on thUovenirg.Thtir.j- A P.OMTf. C AM- A I'l l K'iVM KN foNvlelrii or CaniE. 1 lie Klyi ia ( 'ui.) Atlai pives t"u sentence r f II C Tr.vlor. a ctcrtu man. and edi-ter.-.fa reli'-.Oiiv paper in the Wt vt who plead p.-.ilty to the crime of s - b.rticn. and UMnp ini preper means to cover bis u: lit, and al.io to the .liai se oi stealing Th" Court si-ntein-ed him 're -plendid Diblo spoken of. Roman Catholic Chcrch. Hulls from tho iloly See have been received by the Bishop ot Quebec, erecting into nn apostolic, curacy tin; -ft hole territory beyond the Rocky Mountain lying Ninth of the California, and BP'-nuting M, Francis-Nohert lilanchet, A'.'',rolio Vicar, with the title of BiMiop on'iludelpiiia in par- tibus infiddium, one l!ia IUOj;t ancient sees yo-t'ul supplicant. w as roiitracteil, and his- ryes f.,,s'ied as if w hat ho lead displease-'. him; .nj jie llHlIej ,.p an iuip'itiee'.exc l,i-.1.ati0 ns Ihe oncers entered with V.ic boy. Tho chil l, Cfsc.ui as .Monllo was po.,iTc,l out lo bin, vv.s'.icd forward and l".if !t at feet. 'What 'J.;cs ti,:.,3 mean V demanded the general. Fpareliim! spare my father!' s-:bbj-" the be i v.nvis ined in the jail of the ce,nty one year. day, IutroducuS a bill, which the Cierk of the . pay a line of two hundred dollars, and t'ne co.-'.s 1 House severiil liniCH attempted to read, but wns ofrrrsecuiiori, and fined twenty-live dnlhii ca-'i. : prevented by hisow n fits of iaagiitcr and tho to- '-n tlner. c'nr.rpes of jrc. ri I he Alias says 1 miiltuous enchinations ofthe ITiembrrs. j ' His aip.-ai.mce w as hniniliatinp in the ( xlreir.e. r'vro nut lorn were these who l d r..-ecisti'd with. Treasury conclude yon may pass yo- at yenr invoice." And so I paid the duty ac cordingly nnd carried my clocks to the city. Now, it seems that all the Custom House offi cers f-H the clock makers, and all the Iirds of tho Treasury, did not see that only one small wheel not bigger than a shilling, was wanting in each of theso clocks, and that I had in my i bests, and without it, the clocks, was "no go," but with it, every man, women and children can tci; where tho sun is, a great deal more acci-.. r-.tely than they can thro' the fog and euio'e 0f this city; for if it hadn't been for my clocks I never could have told clay from night 'dere. our clocks ' rrceiv'nB a decent and friendly answer "'in it has been quite otherwise. Willi Co to Wohk There are thousands anl tens of thousands of young men among us whoi only resource against the accumulated mise ries of a destitute manhood, and a disgracef.il old age, ;.g tha workshop or the farm. It is use less, at this day, for every younj man to aspir i Ihe lot of living by bis wit, for it is a taV; in which few who undertake it have the ta'e .t requisite to ensure success. How many then are nt present "lolling" away the precio 1 1 yeass cf youth in our cities and villages, win j ought to be acquiring the rudiments of sou:- c-HUbliibed in 4sitt. Minor, A writer in the Nashua Telegrapli saya : "1 do v.ot blama an Englishman for loving England, but an American who prefers Eng Tlie officer explained hia relationship to one of tho prUotiers about to te executed. 'Ah! that reminds rr.e, said, the chief looking at his watch. Pedro, nine is the hotlr. Let lish labcr end English manufacture to Amen- I them be punctual, and have the busincsB soon cae, to thtt made at his own door and by his over. ... ,,,, lynin, wiui moving ruircaucB uie t.inu ui- own neighbors, is at least an American with Fnijlish feelings, and should expect honor from Eegland, il he got them any where." And we tay eo too. Yankee MANirActi rks ! Mexico. In tho District or Stale of Durango, Mexico, there are 21 cotton factories. They were got up principally by emigrant from Massachusetts and Rhode Island, at the head of which ia "Philip Tillinghast, of Providence, R. I. The facto ries are opeiatcd by native Mexicana. sought his father's life. 'Did thy father send thee hither!' atked the general-, sternly. 'No senor, lie did not.' And how darcst thou, then My father has done nolhing to deserve death, answered the lad. He i a prisoner of war.' 'Ha! who taught thee to question my just ice ! anawer me !' ! 'No one, senor, but brave generals do not al way kill their pntoucrs.' "A Bill to-roVleve tlie Free Citi.ens of Mis- : sissippi r.nd Travellers, tin ilheriVy inarted, -thr.t it ii lawful for any white citizen of Mis-' i-iiippi to sen aicoiioioits, vinins, Rna oilier ter- ; .icplir.g liquors in any quantity over n quirt, ' provhd t.c keep oidir in tho house w'.on tlie ; tame is (Irtn.k." I Air.id.t tho heartiest ItiUghtor, the Speaker left the chair, and the IIouso resolved itsv'.f in to a committee of t!i0 w hole, to consider the 15.11, which was again and egain read over by the Clerk. Dr. I was dctired to explain ir.;,n was to keep order tr.d, who Was to bo drunk 1 ' He rose and made tho following Smtc1i : "Well, railly aint no objection wiy-elf, to 'splain the bill, becas think tho bill 'eplainsit self. Wo all on u like a Ice'.lo diap o' euttm' ardent somegencltnen Carries a boltle some genelmen don't 7 alus carries a bottle myself, anJ I ki.ow many gcnelineo now stundiu' and ailtiu' round mo who takes a drap whenever they kin and these genelmen, as, well as my. self, it now by law'obligeJ lo buy a gullon when we oiiey wat.ta a half pint, which is contrary loin in former dnys. aii.i ii.id placed un;lici con fidence in hiin who had le-tenvil to , Ii'jr;il ii-istin tious, to bis preitebing .".ut t'nk now were to listen lo h; sentence ns a v;le criiinnal 1'e-cain? int Col.it W'alas. head down puili depicted in his i-oiiMe-a'jC th- wreck f.f r. :.t- ress - a feai fu". war,,'ins n.r all to shun the p.,-,h of tempt-.tion ,,,1 vice. I'ponVeinp asked by the Jui'pe if '.,(. ,aiJ Hiithinp to say why sentence thou'.rt ,ot be pionouiiccu, not a word vs utter ed, not a palliatir." i ircnnislance offered puilt whs too plainly visible, too deeply felt the "law had Lceu pr,.sly violated, and its penally could not be w ithheld " Ai.f. of Mb. Clay Mr Clay was born on the l'.'th of April, 1777, and w ill rejnsc.piently be sixty-teven years old ontlte 10th day of April next. Not so IUn A young thief iMin. d ticerge White, w ho wai ordered to be committed at Pio vidence, in default of bail, on Monday, demanded rn.iee, iiiiMtiri that the luw did net . gatknitn lo walk to pruoit o. I, U warn t long aucr i got ii-.y clocks honorable atvi useful trade. Learning is by r-i through the Custom House before I'.ey were ail j moans incouipntiblc with tho practice ot'tl-j going as true as the sun. And the way they Rrt., f,,r t,e more one "knows," the more lik regulated the lime here is a caution to lius- ' y xvin m, bo to succeed, and to do honor b-"i j to hiniulf and the profession in w hich he i en There is no people on airth cf.n beat us in j gnsed. clock making. I r,ont one ofn.-no to the Queen, j " and she ia tir'K,C(1 1)0,t der.perateiy with it, and F.m.iu isu.' Walking,' said Jefbjrson, 'ti re-M.lates a!1 10r bi-incss, by it, and don't al- j ''e I'oss.blo exercise. Habituate yourte'.f low 6ny body to win,', it up but Prince Albert, to walk very far.-We value ourselves on Inn- 1 am pom to send one to II-v. S. S.nith, f.s , S fu.Kii.eu u.e .ior-c 10 our us.- ; uvu u... t sru as I can .'et A. D. paii.tcJ on it, in lienor j wl'-ther we have not lost more thin we l.av of old Conneciicul-rneanir.g no Its. But j S"t '.V it. No one thing has reckoned so a i.i cuiibiderablc riold up just now ah .ut the """''' degeneracy of the human body. An In- i ...,-Aere of Pennsylvania. Ho lost forty per ; " "l "CRry " ,nr " Bn i ... ... ... nn'ee'.'n.l iiln'o a' if h KnrsA : and he w il i tirei cent, on Ins investment in Pennsylvania stock; . but.l hopoanr ho gets one or r,.y stock, ho j " MrM- m will regain hisconfidence in American tihs. ,j To(n YOl- ro. 'Wife ! wife! our cow's This business about State debt is very bad ' dead clicked w.th a turnip.' here for all Aniericnns and inakea us feel j I told you so. I always know'd the'J choke small ; and goes considerable against my busi- j herself w ith them turnips.' ness, and all kinds of business with America. 'But it was a pumpkin a darned big one.' I believe I could sell twenty clocks w here I 'Well, it's all the sa mo. 1 knowed all alon- eell-our-, ifa'.l our States paid up promptly. ; how it would be. Nobody but a ninny, like y..-, Folks here have pot a notion there is no depen- would feed a cow on pumpkin that wasn't deuce upon us , and that our clocks can't keep j chopt.' poHl time, if our SlateB don't keep good time 1 'The pumpkin was chopt. And 'tw asnt 1 jt0 pumpkin neither, what choked her, 'tas M Nation are like families. Vou know bow j tray the end uu'l i at.ckmg out of her mo ' . Ihe Stilts family went to ruin on account of not J now.' payini their debts. No body would trust them. 't'yh ! Tgh ! There goes my bread tray. mpel And when Mrs. Sulea at la,t tent lo borrow i No longer ago than ycicrUay. I uuajou u.o 'our but- kittle to bile arp'.c I", tlie waow would i;w Uuy !' J
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers