Kltraol-4lunry Iimlnner of DliCMt mil (.nf ming. The Norfolk fiszetto furnishes the following account rfan extraordinary instance of disease ami wifTrrinrr : Wo have to rccoru"(Sne of tho most remark able iiitdnncca of human distortion that have coma within the Benpo of our observation and reading. The subject of our remarks is Mr. U riali Ambler, who died in this town on Thurs iliy morrdng last. Mr. A. wai-a house carpen ter, anil hy exposure when in a heated and cx rited state of body, tboni nino years since, be mine a prey to that racking disease, the rheu matism. During nearly the whole of this long pci iixl he was confined to his room and bed, en during an amount and intensity of pain nod suf fering which have seldom fallen to the lot of hu manity. His disease in its progress dislocated nearly, or quite, every joint in his body, causing the lionea to protrude from their places, and in some instances to project nearly an ine.h fioni the sur face, and for the last four years deprived him entirely of sight. It was but an evtry-day bu siness, and not (infrequently, wc believe, rrca ted many times a day, to replace tint joints which were constantly flying from their natu ral positions and relationship. After death we h.id a slight examination f the body, and a de soription of it will convey to the inmdoftfce reader some idea oftho nature of that disease, which could produce such a pitiable piece of deformity. Wo found it in the position which, lor a long time previous to death was the only one in which it could lie. On the right side the head and shoulders curved forward, ami the legs drawn up. The bones in the feet and logs were displaced and distorted, the spine much curved, disfigured and disjointed, the shoulders out ot place, the arm at the rltwws in the same situation, while in the case of one, if not of both the hands, a right angle was formed with the iiiiddlo joint in opposite directions, Ike upper hulf being drawn inward towards the palm, while the lower half formed a complete curve outward. The disfigurement extended even to the nails, which scarcely had a resenibl.inro to nature. One of the attending physicians his in firmed ns that the only place he could fiiid to get at the pulsation of the body, was at tl.e carotid artery of the neck. Not only was our subject a monument of hu man suffering, but we learn from several sour ces that he was equally a monument of meek, pilient and uncomplaining endiiranre. He murmured not at his hard lot, but with a soul imbued with the elevating and sustaining con solations of religion, lie nnnrUed himself en tirely to that God who is gracious 'm the midst of affliction, but whose ways are inscrutable and beyond human intelligence. Poor manl while we drop a tearof commiseration overhis earth ly sorrows, we rejoice intjod for the hope that his is a blessed immortality AN l.NF.VLLAhl.E Cl'RK FOR De A FN ESS. Ye arc informed by a friend of ours, tsvlw has tested its effect upon himself, that the follow mgri-cipe will cure the most obstinate cases of deafness: 'Take n pint of pure clarified honey, put it into a strong glass bottle ; insert the bottle into the centre of a loaf of bread, first taking care to stop it tightly, and bake the whole thoroughly in an oven. Pour a small tjuantity of the ho ney thus treated, into your ears, and protect them from the action of the external air by the use of raw cotton." The remedy is simple, cheap, and nt all o vents, harmless, and is Ocssrving ef a fair trial. Maonetical Disco v eh if.s. Prof. I,ocke.of Cincinnati, has received a letter from Col. Sa bine, It. A., Vice President of the Royal Soci ety, congratulating him upon his inagncticnl discoveries in the regions of I,afce Jiuoerior. Col. Sabine informs him that Lieutenant Se boy was sent out by the J3ritit.li Government last summer to make magnctical researches from Toronto along the frontier npon Lake Su perior, and thence by the usual route to York fucttry on Uud'-on's Bay, ami that the results reported by Lieut. Seboy coincide, in a "re markable degree" wilh those obtained hy I'rof. I. oil the United States frontier, on the botilh t-ide of tho Jjike. Col. Sabine intimates that the Britibh Government will not extend itssci entitle researches into the territories of the U nitcd States, but he urges that the citizens of the United States make a magnet ical survey of their .ll'n lAlil.n a ... I iinilA tl 1 1 ll tlm IWilit 1,1 ,. J' . , . " . . his government lu completing a magnetioal chart of the nrnst iutcreM ing part of the globe ; tor it is now piite settled that either in, or about J ji ke Superior, the earth's oiipnelic.il attrac tion is greater than at any other tout on the face of the earth. R.,.n.. au..uu.,ti. foliMiurr n.lver. tisement appeared in a New-Orleans paper, Bhowing the tone and nature of iterating a- musement in that quarter: Cock FtGwr-lteu, fit oj Fhe Company Ao. 1. Laayitte.-A Cock Fight will take place on Sunday, the 17fh itwt., at tl.e well-known '-.-" --.. house of thu subscriber. As the entire proceeds j M wieima. Sumo aa the Sherry, with an ad are for the benefit uf the above Tire Company, i ditional quart of water and a jwir of old leather B full attendance is solicited. Adam Isb amj. dippers. GoowtuKnav Foou Take two quarts of ve- Beaitifcl Spntiukvi'. We live in the rv rjj,e rr,iHeberrics, stript of the stalka and midst of blessing till wo are utterly insensible ejes, turn ihein carefully into a damask cush of their greatness and of the source from nmed chair, und tit upon them, whence they flow. We spi uk or our civ i'.i.i- j i.fcl.K Vulk homo from a ball on a wet tion, our arts, our freedom, our laws, and forget u Ja with pumps on. how large a portion of ul! is due to C'l.ri.-tiani-! . .. ty. Blot Christianity out t-f the page of mni's Cupidity, when accompanied by courage, history, and what would our laws have bsui makes the biigand; when accompanied with what our civilisation ? j cowardice, it makr the miser. PIi-Iuiic linl? anil Singular SMlcMr. Yesterday, James J. flirtiam, locksmith, in Sixth street, below Cherry, committed suicide, nndet very singular ami melancholy circum stances. From what we could learn, at a lute hour hist evening, it appear that on Thursday afternoon ho made a visit to his mother's resi dence 111 Kingesiing Township, and that the act was committed yesterday, about dinner lime, in the vicinity of her house. The state ment is, that he had by some means prevailed upon a man to retire with him to the spot where the act was per pet rated, for the purpose of dig ging a grave, and that the man had proceeded in the undertaking according to the desire of the deceased, and that while so engaged, he heard the report of fire-arms, and looking tip ho saw the deceased falling upon the ground, or into the hole, as far as it had been made. The man alarmed, raw to him, anJ found him a corpse, the contents oftho piece having taken ifli.-ct in the region of the heart. The fatal act was done wilh a rifle, which he must have concea led under his clonk, nod hence unperceived by the individual who accompanied him. The deceased was ah.' .ut twenty-five years of age, of sober and industrious habits, honorable ia his dealings, prosperous in business, moder ately wealthy, and had large expectations, lie is represented as Vteinu rather singular in his views upon some subjects, nml somewhat eccen tric in his mi oners. It is raid he was engaged to be married ; fho nuptials to have been cele brated on Tuesday next; that'lto had purcha sed a dwelling somewhere in Callowhill street, niid hud it partially furir'thcd. No can.-o is. assigned for tlio rash act, as, so far ns regards earthly, present and p'oqitctive good, he was in the enjoyment of it. J-r seve ral days he was observed to have been in rather a melancholy mood, which was however attri buted to his complaint of the want of his usual good health, V-'jthin a week or two past, a young lady to whom he was devoutly attached previous to paying his nildresses to the latter one, was married, which circumstance is con ceived toluve worked upon his mind. Vlnla. Ledger. Ni:w York. The expenses of thecit y of Xrw York for the year 1MI, are estimated at .'1.7o0,- Of which 5 I'.O.'KK'are to he mot hy the reve nues of the rity, uml f-J.o3.ll3 01 hy taxation, say about one per cent. 011 the valuation. We notice in the list the following it'-ms : Fixed salaries, Cleansing tdrcets Fire department, -Ollicer's fees, Printing and stationary, $'.'S,3y-l -10 100X10 00 - 3.i ooo no 4s,ono no vo.ooo oo An Fxr.otrME.NTon the Princeton "battle ground in July next is proposed. A meeting is to be held at Schenck's Hotel, in Princeton, on Monday evening, to consider the propriety of inviting military companies to encamp there on the 1st of July, for a week, and thus celebrate the anni versary ef Independence. I'nl. ledger. !ok (Ht, Boy. Young women arc being employed in all sorts of duties now in Paris. They are even assuming the place of clerks in counting houses, tirunt, in his new work, says : "Indeed the young Parisian women arc be ginning to be trained as clerks for banking and commercial houses. They are found tobestea-vIkh-owI more attentive than young men. In one of the first and wealthiest banking houses in Puris ynn may now see every day two inter esting daughters of the principal partner, one of them eighteen years of age the other twenty, at work at their desks during business hours, and discharging their duties as clerks with des patch, correctness, and cheerfulness. Indeed, the plan is working so well that tho Govern ment itself is beginning to employ young fo males iai the public offices." The S:m.v:T Fevf.k. The January num ber ot the Medical Sciences mentions the fol lowing efficacious antidote to the Scarlet Fever. Two grains i rue recent aicouonc extract 01 j Ilcllmlouna are to be dissolved in an ounce ot any aromatic infusion, and of this mixture two drips should be given daily to a child of one year okl for nine or ten days. An additional drop fur every additional year of age, not ex ceeding twelve driija in any case. YAi.i'Ani.K Rmiife. The Ixindon Punch . fortiishe its readers wilh tho following Recipes j : tor innkino; various ojjrceable drinks. Com in if I Iruut Mich a MHirre, we are satisfied that a trial is all that ic noccbsary to eotablitdt their genu- j incut's : j To makf: Pour Wink. Tbke logwood chips ' ' lh., rusty nails lb! white vinegar 1 pint, water tiiur tinarts, treacle 1 lb. simmer tho i uliole for rii hour, then set to nml. nnd ktritiii and bottle. Snmuv. Tuke brown vinegar 1 quart, moist ! f,,!rnr - .'-' iuarls-siminer tl.e whole -or day will, a cast-off Wellington boot, and THE AMERICAN. Sat writ nyy Jnn. 27, !84t. .' g rj--"f V. IJ. Palm Kit, I'sn.. it his Ileal F.slRle and CdiiI ofTice, No. .! Pine Sired, Philadelphia, is au thorised to act as Acent, and 10 receive mid receipt fjr nil tmmir due this oilier, for subscription or ad vertising. D7 Ilat-vir.a Typi:. 100 lbs., or more, of sec ond hand brevier type, for sale tit this office, lit is cts. per lb., cash. The tj pe are tin: same as those used in our advertising column Abuse of the Franking Prhilr?'. It is not to be wondered tit that great com- . , . , , pl.iinti lire uiado lit regard to the rat. ol postage 1 " 1 ! and the ubusi! of the franking privilege, when, as ; " '. ? . will be seen by a statement III tniot tier coliiinll. that there Were mailed ut the Wa-lniilon City po' t ollice in three weeks, diii iii!; the session of ColM'tess in Is 10. no les tliiin I (HI . n I . l'ieelet-1' '" . , . ter and I, .'I I I IS lit e dociimelits, Weighing .'.1'...'";.I pomnls. According to the uhove. we find that -'07 letters were franked every day din ing that time. The number of public docu ments despatched daily, diuiiig that term, not in cluding Sundays, nnioiinls to the eiioiinons sum of "J !! 737 And supposing that those w ho lire ent itled to tin- fiankilei pi n ilee.es. including Se nators. Menihers ot the House, Heads ul the De partments. Clerks. amounted to live hundred persons, this would give to each, ut un average. I I letter an ! 1'.' public documents, per day. the weight of which would amount to :n.li(HI pomnls. or ten tons, daily. N wonder, then, that mail conliactors complain of being broken dow n with documents, papers. Kc. which go lice, nine-tenths of which are not woith more than waste paper wheiith varriveat their place of destination. Alltliis.it must be recollected, is done at the exp'-nse of business men and others, who must pav increased wistage on their letter- and pap r 1.1 keep up this odious monoo1v. We s.iv, let nietuheis of Congress pay their own po-tage. Their daily pay of eight dollars is nmply Milfi ciilit to coverall the expenses they may incur in this wav. Pcsid-s, if imstag Was reilneed to i live ceu'ts on all le!te,s of less than a half ounce ' in weight, correspoiiii.'iits would willingly pay that sum themselves. 17" A large Johnson meeting 'was held at Har risburg on thend inst. Gen. Cameron presided nt the meeting. Resolutions, denouncing the at tempt to transfer the interest j of Johnson to Van litircn, were unanimously passeiL CUT" The Clerk of the Home of Representa tives at ll.iirisbiirg has resigned, nnd Win. .lack has been elected in bis place. It is dillieult to say what is the true reason. They are enacting strange scenes in the Legislature. LV There have been several rumoiirsth.it Gen. Jackson as la-t sinking to the unite. A letter. dated the -Ji.lh of December, from the Ceneral, j was received at Xew li leans. in w hich he sp-aks j sit the jo of Chi into MS, und appears in excellent spirits. "Iholher Massrr of iheSnnhury 'American, makes ipnte a funny mistake in his last. Spea- King ot int. new surwy irvan na .mo,,.. ... ... . place, he says : "the e,.gn..s-r nml . hi cnrprn IIII-11..I1I in 111;- in in. .,rii i.inii iiiiik,iiivriiiii and one thut set U6 u!fin wrth Isuehter, MinrtK Journal. D"V" A .yrotr error tiuly. but wiihal a very Mtilurtil one. when it is considered that we were busily engaged ut court during that Week, trying a man loi murder , C"7" X.-w Povt Ot-iU F. Iiii.t.. The follow ie- is the outline and suhstai of the new Post t"f- fn-e Poll, Mibmilted by Mr. Merrick, Chairman of the Si'iiMte Committee on Post t Ulices and Post Routes. W'e think then-should be no distinct ion in the rates of imstagc on letters. 'i he reform should be thorough to he effectual. Persons living a few miles over the inn, will think it hard to pay double the amount of o.-.tuge. vVe sav let it he 'i cts. throughout. The increased num ber of letters w ill nuke up the ditl'crence : Postage on all letter under ItHI miles, "i cts. do. do. over t'.o. 10 All newspaper free within the county where they are publu-lied. )o. out of Ihe county and of the sizn of the Courier & I'nqoirer, (say I'l'i Mpmre un hes) limit r 1(1) miles, 1 Do do over 1(H) miles, 1 All pamphlets and other printed matter of every description, per ounce, 'JJ The franking privilege totally alsdished. A limited and reasonable number of Iree Mumps allow ed to M. CV Ail teller-, tVc. tree to M.C- t ranking ni.owtu to the 1 res molilalia lieails ! ' ' I'urtim Ittf.. . . ! AinioinliilfiiU lv llir llitiirtl uf Cn mil fnnimis - Kit) .UTS. Sam. it. IIolmav, F.s.j. lobe Supervisor of the j n j J JJ Lustcrn Di isiou, linm Columbia to the Dam at Island on the Juniata, to lake clfect cm itiktunt. F.vr.KAKo Oi.i, Fsij. to be Supervisor on the Juniata Division, from the Hum at Xorth's Island, to the Dam at Xcwtou Hamilton on the Juniata, to take effect on the '.'.'lh instant. Jackson M'FAimvx, F.sq. to be Supervisor on the Siisipich.ililia Division, Savii ri. S. Jvmisox, I'sij. to be Supervisor on the Western Division. Cv-r.-.a Di 1. 1., I'si, to be Supervisor on the Upper iurt, Jniiiuta Di ision Too v. s Hkxnett, I'.sq to be Supervisor on the West Hianch. Dvvin Watsov, Fs.j. to be Supervisor on the upper jwrt, Wt-otcrn Dimjiou Tlie Ynn Eiircn & Johnson Hireling nt Ilarrisbnr?. The creat Ynn F.tiren and Johmon meeting was held tit Ihirrisbtirg on the 17th. Tim "LTniol, say, it was one of the miwt imp rng meeting ever ln hl at the seat of Government. We rnrdi nlly concur with the '-Union," in regard to its imposing features, ns we sincerely h.Micvo no greater imposition could be practiced upon the )eiiuicracy of Pennsylvania, than by imputing upon them Martin Ynn Puren, as their candidate for another defeat in 1st I. SanrJio Punza Salis bury, who professes to be the Chairman nf the Johnson State Central Committee, und who, u few weeks since. published a regular hill of sale ' and transfer of nil Join. son men tind Johnson in- ! terests in Pennsylvania, to Muitin Ynn Pinen. 1 submitted a series of resolutions, in which are j embodied many curious things. The- first rcso- j lotion pays u merited Compliment to James P.n clunan, and says, ' his claims are not cancelled m"-M miscellaneous poems. mcnming ins 1. ai but only postponed." The second resolution ''"P1'0' IVnocrn-o, Couiu?, mid the most beautiful argues because 'Maitin Yuu I'.uren fell w ith his nioniMlies. party in 1MU," they should give him another The lh-v. Mr. Sibthrope. who left the F.pisco chance in is 1 1. AVe should have olTered, hud we , palian Churchill Knirland. to join the Roman iF- rii L.n a' iH, uu innr i- iii mi 1 111 a i esuiii i ;i 111 it . . 1 lolluu's: '-.As Hie ttrtrt ti ll u itli Mttrtti. ntt , I ......--.... I .1 : . ...I... : .. . ,.,',-, ,, ,, ! lliiren i IS 10. (not us Martin t an Pun n fell ..... . , . . . , ., I won me panj. which unpiopeiiy ascrines I lie ( r7.cto Ihe rflrt.) therefore it is unwise uml im- 1 j jKilitic to incur that r i.-k again in IS I I." Anolln r ; . , .' ' ; ' of the resolutions favors a ' judcthUi tarilf," i , J j 111 in.- .imi ii. ill. .! lis a -.r ii.-i 1-.llll oil 1 i ! all nrticles without distinction, nnd at the Noilh i ' means a discriminating duty, and which in fact, ' ; means anything. Th I-. ., . . . . 'n-sid -nt ulso rend n h t- ' ter from Mr. Yan Pnren. to a meeting held at Shoceo Springs, in relation to the tarilf, entirely ' overlooking Mr. Ynn I'tiren's more recent nnd 1 graphic letter to Mr. P.itchie. of the Kichinon l I'.nipiirer, which runs a follows: Ai.iiwv. Feb. is. is 13. 'My Ur.'.n Sit: : I thank m kindly r your .. it - - - irien.iiv ieu-r. i it we at Mnnii:. mui aw i wiiiri: in siT. tin to cm-hiss w i.i:iiiii:ii iusr- missionary of the Free Church of Scotland, who I'lioivw nix uk i pik TAtiiiK a-ti- l.vsr si.ssmv, as ! arrived a few days ago. wi i.i. in i:i si-i: r in tiis ruin no: Po wuieii j . . , , " , ' , , ,. lTiirniM.i l. it..itsi,i I m Ill goo I time. ' " ,,!'t"' Xhiit ' he M"Ss rs. Ha r pers ha ve .1 is von will have my views in r-sp'-ct to that and posed of their edition of ten thousand of the first other subjects before the public. In the mean . numb -r of the Pictorial liible. and that th.- le- t line, iieiicve me to li. veiy sincerely, your friend and obedient servant. j MAR I IX VAN RURFX." The most s nihle resolution ntfen-d was the following, by Henry lYtrik'ii. lirtilviil. As tlie sense of this meeting, that I the existing TarilF nothing more or cs than mi!'. ! licientlv nrot "cts the manufacturing, mining, ag- rii'uitnral mid laboring interests of Pennsylva nia ; and that lor Us passage, we ar" mainly 111- d dited to the Hon. .I.M-'S lil'CIIAN" AN", and fr its H-rm.nienry we mnt rely chi. lU- on his , well known consistency nun uncnangaine ue o- tion to his native slate an I its ital interests." James I'm banal!. Gen. Ca-s. or Col. Johnson, could easily carry Pennsylvania, but Mr. Van Rnren. we predict, never will. Z'y Among the items of news brought over by the steamer Prittania. we find the following. The last item in regard to the sale of wives. Wttld appear altogether impiobable. did we not j know that such occurrences are frequently no ticed in the Fnglish sipeis. Such scenes, of course, are generally confined to the lowest ir- : ders of society : "Another threat has been made to shoot the (iueen the ninn was mad. I Mar-hull Reitrain! hud arrived in France from this country. j I'.-parlero was to lenve Ixindon fir Rmssels. The French nnd fiigli.-h paMrs have been cxclmled from Rome, in eonseiiienee.il' the ul- 1 lacks they have lately contained on his holiness, j the Pope. roiirierism is making great and rapid pro- j press m Germany , - A riler bus been received by one house in j , m()nn fnr .,- ,, vvut)....) r, ("lima, mid every hand in 1 union is ill aciiv. employment. Solomon & Co. have tho only contract to cut ... i . . i ri a canal llirniigu tue isinoius oi rami urn. Jano'S Isranker s .'Xlenivt- Fttonr works in ii i i .i i ...n. Liverpool have been burnt clown. Jx)ss ss.tMl - mi, Wives, with halters round their neckscon- tinuetobesoldinKoglaodatoircfhillincein.lt.: . . - i- ; R:mi-. tio oFSrvvTott SrR A'UF. We learn from the Providence Journal, that the Hon. Wil. , lism Sprugue has resigned his seat in the Senate ; of the Uniteil States, in conseipience of the Mid- I den und melancholy deceiise of his brother nnd j I partner in business, the late Amasa Spragne, I'.sij. J Tiik Powk.r or J. ST. i E if hik IV: n r. TO i Disi ii r.iiK fkovi Pi!si It has been divided by , j the Supreme Court nf Pennsylvania, that a com mitting magistrate bus twiwer to admit a defen dant to bail at any time liefore conviction, not withstanding he may have finally committed the licensed. This decision is in opposition to prac tice which has hitherto prevailed. It came up on a writ of error from Montgomery county, and th" opinion was delivered on the Kith int. . Klalrmrltt of lle lol msstf r Cirltrral. The I'ostuiaster eiieral sent to the U. S. Sen ate, on Thursday last, a statement of the various matters which pused thloughthe sit ollice of the United States, during the month of October ..... ...,,.,,:,.,,,. ,.,r ,i, ...... r i,a., ilreon. j The lollov. ing is ail abstiact if the statement and 1 estimate: I t)i Toio:R. The Yi:ar. Xuiiiher of letters sub- ' ject to postage, ?.n?o.ofj ot.O'n.-Vil Xnmbei ol free letters, Sai.ljll 3 01 S.C.'l'J Xiimber of drop letters for delivery, ti,.'l 1,0JC,'i0 I Regular Newspapers aubject to rnifctage, 3,(l-.'7T'J Ort.t'O, .')' Free, 5l7,70 ".lt'.l.l-'O Occiisionul or irregular, .i 1 s , T 0 C.'.'it.llJ Pamphlets and maga zines, periodical, 131. Ml 1 'l '" Ihi. not periodical, .M.svi ifi.'.,0.16 From a stuteuicnt traiisinittcd to the Senate with the above, it appear thut there w ere mailed nt the City Post Ollice in Washington, for three wecksduring the sen-ion of Congress, in Apul, lStn. l.j.i.lll free letters, and l.Ml.'JtS J'reo document", wcielnnj 'j:,'.. '.'70 pound, BISCEIUM. Kitltnrlal, ( nndiniril and flrlrrtl. The new York Tribune says 'TVrsico can re ceive VJO, 000 for two statues to adorn theCupi tol. that un American arti.-t would have better made for half the sum." It is stilted hy those w ho profess to know, that the Rending Railroad will have cot, when com- pleted, 8,000.000, or M),oiin per mile with dou ble tiack. A gentleman who visited the President on New Year's day. hud his pockets picked ofStO. We m.r-t pay for luxuries. The fast hank in America, was established by the Legislature of South Carolina, in 1711. It issued .C1M.II0U in bills of trust, which were lent out at interest. Milton at the age of twenty, bud written bis .1 I : 1 a I ... .1 . 1 j 1 i u( iioi ics. nns rci ii i iicii in i ne mac" ii 11111 vwicnrn 1. ..f.ti.. ' .,.,.. ,i.,... r,. -... i...t ' " . if! t,.ri.,l so since he left home, that his old -ft ,-reilitois would not know him. I he name hv which Sir niter Scott tiaeil to ,. ' ., , address the poet Hogg, was tlie more enpliniiniiis ... . one ot the f.rimter. Pv the recent census returns of Ohio and Ki I, .......... ,1..., :n I'..-..,..- I ii i oii. -,ii- iikii i ii- ir -.ii.- in in.- imiii'-i .. .. . I Mate .S-.'I.'I IS white male inhabitants, ntnl in the latter 13 I.70H. I A J.:ilt- Anr: child wa lat-d v horn in ! Toronto. 1'. C.. with three ey-s. h.-iving two hall" I an inch apart, on the right side of the fare. Three thousand dollars have been raised al- rea lv in New York citv. hv lr. Cinminghani. a maud for th" work is very great. There is u society at Mobile, called th" Co'vb llions,'" whose sole duty consists in hav ing a jollification on Xew Year's eve. The small pox is raging with much severity in many of th" western v ill.ige.; of Wiscon-in. A Michigan paper estimates thf emigration in to that State, the Mst season, at JO.U00. A West -i n po. t compar -s b.ve to a ' hat with out a top, out in a thunder storm." Th -re are 'J', pupils at Dickiii-on College, Car lisle. Pa. P'pe-'a''ng. There are 117 miles of water pipe in Philadelphia nil. I its suburbs. Roses from Italy Were first planted in F.ngland about l.lj.l. und were consecrated as presents from the Pope, and placed over confessionals ns i symbols of secrecy about 15."'. ll -nc" the phrase originated ot un l'-r tie" rose." to imply secrecy. There are about four thousand men engaged in the lumbering business in the State of Maine. They are employed eight months in the year. A writer in Silliman's Journal, says that about t.-u years since, a tortoise was taken in th Sound of Xew London. Conn., which weighed about 700 pounds. The shell was nearly livefe- t lone. The Rritish ship Provinciali-t." which re cently arrived at Xew Orleans from I.on loud -rrv. brought among other articles, several tons of Po tatoes. Turnips. Currotsaud Onions alo. k--g of Herrings and Salmon, and a few bales of li i.-h Moss. lu J. Wi, Sir Humphrey Oilhert made a voyagi; In Aiiitii ii. and perished. .luring a storm, in at- l .... . , tempting to return m the Siniirrel. a bark ol only " ' ' ' The Cranberry is cultivated extensively in Michigan und North Fast'-m Indiana. About two thousand barrels were exported from D -tioit la-t year, and huge ipuiutities arc sold in Cincin nati. Ax IxrttiF.NT t tui: Loss of Tin: Snrriiuni ss. The St. Louis Organ mentions the follow, ing incident, occurring on board the Sh pherd -ss. Among the passengers was a lad, alwuit fouiteen years of nge, named Casely or Casey, front Shelby County, Ky. When Ihe boat began to sink his first movement was to drug a younger liy, who was asleep, from state-room, an I carry n.m on in- upper .i -c. ivu.ie ,e cunin . I I . 1 I- ' w as fast Idling with water. On the upper deck , sion had been h it ahno.-t nuked and without a protector. The young hero caught th -m up. tripped himself ol the mo-t o his clothing, which hewiapp d urouu.l lie in. and took one und.-r each aim. and commenced breathing iijx.il their faces, altci nat-ly fioni one loth- other. II--staid upon the wreck wilh oth'ls of the u-sen-Cers until taken nil" by one of ihe boats from this city, with his infants still under his arms, alive and well, and he still engaged in frequently breathing iqion their faces. Those children should be taught to lisp their deliverer's name among their earliest words."' I ' Roiint b y or the Gkkat Wksthhx Mvii.. It seems that the Great Western Mail from llu Ha lo to Cleveland, which was put on the stage at 1 Fredonia, Chatauipia county, was taken from the boot either at Northeast or West field, on Satur- ! day week. No trace of it bad been found on Wednesday. It is rumored that an unsuccessful attempt was made to rob the rear loot of the stage on Monday night, between Salein and Fre donia. The cll'ort to loosen the Uiugago wa er ceivedbythe passengers, who gave the alarm, and the rujuei got orl" These aie bold robbe ries The entire content of the mail are gone I What it contained is uf course not yet known F mm Iht ft illimtre American. TWEXTV-KIGIITII COXOIIKSS. WAsuiMiTon, Monday, Jan. 22d. SKXATK. Mr. Hl'NTINCTO.V of Conn, presented tin memorial of .1.70 citizens of Middletown, Conn, praying Congress for a reduction of postage. Mr. Huntington reminded the Senate of the interest his constituents had in this subject, nnd express, ed the hop-that it would receive the favorably consideration of the Senate. Mr. Dl.'CTIAN'AN presented a memorial from citizens of Phibid -Iphiu, asking Congress to pur chase tl,,. United States l'anking House. The memorialists state that it ran ho had for SIOO. 000, and that it will cost $70,000 to repair the present huil. lings. The momorialists also say that the Panking building w ill not cost on third the summit of the New York Custom House. Mr. IV spoke favorably of the purchase f the building, and then presented n memorial from the son ot tli" Count d1 ( Irasse a son of ties French Admiral, whose circii-tanees are reduce I. nnd who a-ks Congress toaid hiin. l'.eor. tlier- was any action upon Mr. P.."s first memorial Mr. 11 AXXF.tiAX asked il the U. I S. U.i uk had not been sold. Mr. l'd'CHANAX did not know, but thought it might have be -n bid in by the ti listers. The Paiikiag House was for sale. Till-: TARIFF IX YF.RMOXT. Mr. PIIF.LPS nf Vermont presented the joint Resolutions of his State in favor of the TiirilFus it is. Laid unoH the table and ordered to be I nriiiTeil I"'"" "' rw i un n r. sr.m n i.. Mr. MF.RRICK pn-s -nted his long exp -ct d "I-" V""f l'h" I,r"" poses a l.irg ' reduction of the pres-nt rates of po-tag All letters not exceeding j oz. weight it is proposed shall p.iy ."i cents for 100 ni l -s. ami 10 cents for a-iy gi -at -r distance, and th pay for increased weight to he in proportion. The Hill proposes an entire eh inge in the pre sent system of franking, und the following aie a mong the- clauses. that th" Pr -siil-nt. Vice Pr-sid -nts. and l'.x-Pr. siilents an I Vice IV -si-d -iits. with the II e.i Is of Departments, uliall re tain it. ( th r Gov. -mm 'lit functionaries invest ed w't'i it. are required to ke-p accounts of its exercis" by tli.-m. Mi-nib rs of Congress it is projios.-l ,l.a!l r c -ive a liin'le I unnib -r of free stamps fi-.i n the Po.t (:-. D.-...i I ni -nt. X -t to this t!i most impoi taut feature of th Rill is th-' plopoi il r -din lion of the p i-t ig 'S upon n-wspap-rs an 1 p imphlets. Th Hill was reel an 1 takes it- p! ! upei t!i calen.l.-r. Till'. TARIFF. Mr. F.YAX"". (rii.iirm.v.i of the Committee on l'iii.me .) th 'it a I dress -1 th S -n it - nt length in reply to Mr. McDuili -. an-l in defence of th great principles of the existing Turin which ha I b-eit a-sailed hy the Senator from South Carolina. Mr. l"vail spoke until thr-e o'clock, wli 'ii, ut th silgg -sti-m of Mr. Rates, he gave way ton motion. ... .1.. 1 1... ' l-IIHIIlll ICO ! Mr. AI.l.l'.X of Ohio, that the Senate go into Fx lit I e S- ssion. Air. A. said that it was lie c essary that th-Senate act iihui some Hitters to day wlrch coul I not b- considered at any other tine. A It r .-oni tlm sp nt in Fxecutive s-ssion the iliiois Weie op.-n -d and the Senate adjourned. P. S. Th" Senate, it is said, of n c-itainty, will rej -ct th" iio'ii'iiation of Mr. Poit i r.r. as Sec ret irv of War. Th-Committee having charg nf the noiii'nation have rport -d against him. This iiom inution may not he act-d u;on to-day. lli)!-F. OF RF.PRF.SF.X TAT1VF.S. It h -ing th ' order of the Hons to receive m morijls cv vv alternate Motilay, memorials were received to-dav. Mr. GI DDIXGS ol'OY-n pr 'iite.l a memorial fioni X"W York, praying Congr s that if 'I'exas t..int.t t. i umi .V ,.-1 to tb . Ciiio'i .il1:it:l lilietit , , , b" annex-d to X -w ork an 1 th I mon. , Mr. DRMiitM.F. r.iis-d th ipistnn ot re- ception upon tiiis memorial and moved to lay it upon the table. Fifty-nix voted in favor of this motion and fifty in th- iiegutive. This wjs the s -cond vote, und no ipiorum were present. A iplorum w ere found at tie" third li ial. and tie mo tion to leceive was laid i.nu. th- table. Oth'-r memorials were received and several w ere assign-. I hack t- in mh t" pockets under the : J.'ith Rule." FRF.F.TRAD1. Mr. RIIF.T T presented the reinon-tranc; of th-- Ftce Trade Association of Xew York, asking Congress to ren-il ull ban r-strieting the priu- j , . .- ,r .... . .1IIr:.1i:u .,,.. sent mankind as a trading animal, and as such ,,istill.,msi1(.( ,r. ., oth-, animals. Trade it is .id, .-hoiibl be entirely fiee. A part of the re. i moii-train e wss rea l, when objeclious were ma.lt! j t(, ,,,;,, j , j(j 1,-n-vt li. j -j k,. house voted to b ur it. and it was read at I ,., i, i,v ,., C,.rk. It was a veiy long mper : y,,,.",,,.,.,,,.,! the House .-..me time, j w RIIIITT moved the ininting of the ivip-r. and that it be ret -l ied to the Committee of Ways and M mih. Ohj M-tiieis were in id to th Printing. Mr. RUl'.TT moved il, . Pi.-vi-ius t 'u -tiou. Iut 'I'! in "iiber voting in tlie udim.itive. Mr. JOli.VSOX iave notice that he intended to de bate the proo,itioii. nnd the wholo snhjecl, therefore, bad to lie over. Mr. I'LACK of Oeorgia presented a letter sent hi in by a citizen of Florida asking that the terri tory of Florida may be permitted to elect a Go vernor of themselves in place of the piesent in cumbent. Objection were male to receive a letter as a petition, but alter debato it was recei ved and referred to tho Committee on Territo ries. Mr THOM ASSOX of Ky. presented a memo rial from a citizen of the West, who thinks he ha discov ered an improvement by w hich Snags may le more easily raised. I'OSTAOFS Numerous mrnioaial were received during llr day for reducing the rate of Postage tout 1 x.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers