II A X II X o t n LIST. ri:STiiVAxi i. Tha following lint show the current value of nl' cnnsylvania Rnk Note. This most implicit re lance may I placed upon it, ii i efcry irA rarefnlly compared with aid corrected from Ubk ticH' Reporter. tank In Flillatlclpliln. . . Disc. IW Namk. Location fWA) NOTES AT r.n. Rank of North America . tank of the Northern Lihertie . Commercial Bank of Pcnn'a.'1' . Farmere and Mechanic' Bank Kensimr'on Bank Philadelphia Bank fed uv Ik ill Bank . S.nithwsrk Bank . . Western Rank . Mechanics' Bank . Manufacturers' & Mechanics' Unnk par par pnr pur pnr par pnr pnr par fml par Country Itankx. ftmk nl l hester I ounly Hunk of Delaware County Rank of Germantnwn Westchester pnr pnr pnr pnr pur pnr Chester Gcrmnntown Nnrristown Doylcstown Enston Rank of Montgomery Co. Dnylcstown Ilnnk Paston Bank FHrmers' Bank of Dork CO. Office of Bank of Penn'a. Off, cp do Jo 1 lore do do Office do do Bristol par Harrishuig"" These Lancaster I oflices Beading f do not Easton J issue n. DISCO UN T. NOTES AT Bank of the I'niied Plates Rank of Perm Township Girard Bank , Mnyamcnsing Hunk Rank of Pennsylvania Miners' Dank of Putlsvillo I'nuk of Lcwistown Hnnk of Middlctown Bank of Nnrthumleilnnd Philadelphia 25a2C pnr 12 . . par . par Pottsvillo 2 Lcwistown 2 Middlctown Northumberland 11 par Columbia Bank & Bridge co. Carlisle Hank Exchange Hank I)o do branch of Farmers' Hnnk of Lancaster Lancaster County Bank Formers' Dank of Heading Harrishurg Unnk Iiiincnsier I3ank Lehanon Unnk Merchants' & Mnnuf. Bank Bsnk of Piltshurg West Branch Bank Wyoming Bank Northampton Bmk Heik County Bank Ollice of Batik of IT. S. Do do , do Do do do ICcnsinuton Sav. Ins. A Columbia Carlisle Pittsburg Hullidnyahurg Lancasici J 1 i j i i 3 2 2 J i 8alO 2J 7ft failed do Lnncnster II I'Biti ti p Harrishurg Lnncnster Lebanon Piltsbutg Pi'tshutg Williamsporl Wilkeshane Allentow n Rending Pittsburg Erie New Brighton do do ChamWrsburg do Penn Township Snv. Ins. Hank of Chnmhen-btirg Hank of Gettysburg Ilnnk of Susquehanna Co. Erie Bank Farmers' cV Drovers' Bank Pinnklin Bank Moncsdnlc Bank Monongnhcla Bank of B. York Bank H o 40a50 3 3 1 li 14 Gettysburg Montrose Erie Wsyncsburg Washington Houcsdale Brownsville York IS' . 15. The notes of those hanks on which we umil quotntions, and substitute a dnsh ( ) are not purchased by the Philadelphia brokers, with the exception of those which have a letter of reference. BROKEN BANKS. Philadelphia Sav. Ins. I'hiludelphii Loan Co. Schuylkill Sav. Ins. Manual Labor Bank (T Philadelphia do do Dyoit, prop.) Towanda Bedford Beaver HarrUburg Wahiiiiton Belli fonte Pitti-buig Pittthurg Fayette co, (ireencastle Harmony Hu nlingilon Lewisiown M'arren Idimbitr New Hope Milton MeadtiRe Port Carbon Carlulc Montrose I'nioiilown failed failed failed fulled 68 no cale closed closed failed closed no title fniled failed failed no sale no rale no sale failed HO sale closed DO sale closed W I owamla Jiai.k Alleghany Bank of Pa. Bank of 15eaver Hank of fSwatara Pank of Wellington Pi nlie Bank 'ity Bank Piiriners' iV MpchVs' Bank Knrniers' ic Mech'rs' Bank Kaiii.crs' eV Mc h'cs'-Buiik llariiionv Insiitcte l)iM.liii);ihir, Bunk luniuia Bank 'iUnilx nni'ii's Bank ..,r'brrn U.ii.U v( Pa. New Hope Del. Brid5e Co. NuMhiimh'd Ciiioii Col. Bk. Nn'th Wivl rn Bir k of Pa. i Mine ..I iS hnvlkill Bank I'n. A sr. & Mai inf. Bank SmKci L.,ke Bank I'liion liui.k of Pcnn'a. We-in;oie!aml Bank Wilke.-bnrre Biidjjr Co. failed closed failed closed fireensburg Wilkesbarre no sale fjj" All notes pui porting to be on any Pennsyl vania Bunk not given in the above lut, may be set lon n as frauds. m:w jrnsi:v. Bank of New Biunswick Brunswick failed i ,., pnr par failed i failed lail.d fuiled failed failed i failed i par Helvideie Bunk ISurliuiiton '. Bunk Couniiercial Bank Cumberland Bank Farmers' Bunk farmers' and Mechanics' Bk Farmers' and Mechunics' Bk Farmers' and Merchants' Bk Franklin Bank of N. J, Unix. ken Bke& Grazing Co Jersey City Bank Mechanics' Bank Manufacturers' Bank Morris County Bank Monmouth Bk of .. J. Mechanics' Bank Mechanics' and Manuf. Bk Morris ('anal and Bkg Co Post Notes Newark Bkg & Ins Co New H01 lk Bridge Co N. J. Manutac. and like Co Belvidere Medford Perth Amboy Bridgelon Mount Holly Haliway N. Biuusw'uk Middlctown Pt, Jersey City Hoboken Jersey City Patterson Belleville Morristown Freehuld Newark Trenton Jersey City no sale Newark i i failed lulled Lambcrtsvillo Hoboken N J Protecton & Lombard I k Jersey City Orange Bank' trnnge Paterson Bul k People.' Bank Princeton Bank Suleiii Vaiikllig Co Male Bonk Mate Bank S:te Bunk State Bik of M orris State Bunk S-'i iii i r.d Pbi'sd Manuf Co i '. I a: I.' Tifiiiiii Bui king Co Ui i. n Bsiik Washington Banking Co. Pali isoU fuiled i par par .lo I'rinceloo Tallin .Newark MirsU-thtowii Cjindrn Vurristown Trciitcn Sal. in N w ion Tiei.ton Diver HackensiKk i i fail.t fuiled i par i fuil.d llll.HViltl' I'.k of Wilm oV llrandywint i mingtori I'm k of 1 if law an M ilminglou Bank if Sii vn Smyrna Do bianrh Mi fiord Faun, la' Lk of State of Del Dover Do bcanrh ilmingltm Do li anih Georgetown Do Ir.'i.th Newcastle Union Bnik Wiluihigtun efj- I'uJer 6' ny tin all I ai ks matkrj thus ( tlre are e i tlifcf coontsift it or alt. red Dote of lLa vsr.oua tiv Cvu.iiisittt.a, iu cucuiaiion. The best nut had fvr the Abolition cf Disease is to iLansr nnd purify the Hotly. t If' "SJ I? ICillX-S I X I 1 .1 X Y KCJ F.T A II LIJ PI 11.8 OF VHK .AVer tlntfrlcan CutUge tC Itrnlth, Are now m VnnwVied to be ihe let Medicine in the WorM for the cure of TA KllV VARIETY OF DISEASE. KCAt'SF! lliry completely cleanse the sto- ma' h and bowels from those billious and cor- ropt humors which are the cause not only of Headache, Oiddiiicss, Palpilxtion of the Heart, IVns in the Bones, Rheumatism and (Soul, but every malm'v Incident to man. SAID INDIAN YF.tJETABLE PILLS are a ccrinin cure for in- j leim ticiii, lemitti d. nervous, inflamstory and putrid Fevers because they cleanse the p.idy from those moibid In mors, which, when confined lotheciren- j Intion. are the cause of nil kinds of FEVERS. So, j nlso, when the same impurity is deposited on the membni e and muscle, causing pains, inftima-. tions and swellincs cnlled RHEUMATISM, ; CO! T.Ac. Wright's Indian Vegetable Pillsmay i be relied r.n as always i ertain to give relief, nnd if: persevpied w ith, neenidlitg to directions will most nssiiiedly, nnd w ithoul fail, mnke a perfect cu e of ; the nbnve pa'mfol n.iilndies. From three to six of J said Indinn Vrgelnblo Pills taken every night go- ing to tied, will in a shnit time so completely rid I the 1oi'y from every tiling that is opposed t health, j ll at Rlieomati'ini, Gout, arid p iin of everv descrip- j tion, w ill be literally DRIVEN FROM THE BO- . DY. Tor the a line, reason, when, from sudden! chances of atmo' phne, -or any other cause, the per spiiatinn is checked, and the liumnrs which shnulJ pa-s oil' bv tin' skin ore thrown inwardly, causing HEADACHE. CIDD1NESS. nnusea andsiik-: ticss, pain in the bones, watery and ii flamed eyes, sore throat, hoarsene s, roughs, consumptions, . rheumatic pains in various parts of the body, and j manyothir symptoms of CATCHINfJ COLD,, Wri'pht'n Indian Yttttable l'Ula will invariably give immediate relief. From thiee to six of said , Pills tnken every niyht on going to bed, w ill io o ' shoit time, not only remove all the above unpleasant ', symptoms, but the body will, in a short time, be . restored to even sounder henbhtl.an before. I ASTHMA, on DIFFICULTY OF BREATH IN(5. Wright's Indian Vegetable I'M will loos- en nnd cany otf, by the stomach and boweis, those . tough phlegmy linmor, which stop up all the air j cells of the lungs, nnd are the cause, not only of tho j above distressing complaint, but w hen neglected, often terminates in thai mocdieailftil malady called j CONSUMPTION. It shou'd be also remr'uibeied j that Wright' Indian Vegetable Villi arc a certain cure for PAIN IN THE SIDE, Oppression, nati- sea, and sickness, loss of appetite, eostivenrsa, a : yellow tinge of the rl.in nnd eyes, nnd every other symptom of a torpid or diseased stale of the liver; lecnuse they purge from tho body those impurities which if deposited upon this important organ, nre the cause of every vaiieiy of LIVER COM PLAINT. When a nation is convulsed by riots, outbreaks and rebellion, the only means of prevent, ing the dreadful consequences of a CIVIL WAR, is to exK'l all traitors, end evil disposed ones from the country. In like manner, when pain or sick ness of any kind, indicate that the lody is strug gling witli internal foes, the true remedy is to EX PEL ALL MORBID HUMORS, (traitors to health and life,) Health will be the certain retult. That the principle of curing disease, by cleansing and purifying the tody, is etiictly in accordance with the laws which govern the animal economy; and if properly enrried out by the Use of the above named WRIGHT'S INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS, will certainly result In ihc complete Abo lition of Disease ; we offer the following testimoni als, from persons of the highest respectability in New York, who have recently been cuied of the most obstinate complaints, solely by the use of WBlflllT'a IsilllN Vt'OKTAKLK PlLLS, of the North American Colli ge of Health t Jamaica. L. I., June 9th. IP 11. Doctor William Wright Dear Sir It is with great satisfaction I inform yon of fny having been tiitiiily cured of Dyspepsia, of five yenr standii g, by the life of your IxnivM Vcobtarlr Pill. Previous to meeting with your celebiated mrdi cine, I bad been under the hands of several Pbysi cis. i in, nnd had tried vatious mcdicii.es; but all to no efli'ct. Alter u-irg one 25 cent box of jour Pills, however, I ruptrienced so much benefit, that I icsolndto persevi ie in the use of them according to directions, which I am happy to hfatc, bus result ed in a perfect cure. Ingratitude to you fui the great, benefit I have received, and also in the. hope 2 lhat others similarly afflicted may be induced lo make tiinl of your exiraoidinvy medicine, I send j you this statement wiih full libeity to publish the j same, if von think pr- r. Yours, Are. I New Yoik, June 19, 1811. G. C. BLACK, i Mr. Richard Dennis, agent for Wright's Indian Vegetable Pill. Dear Sir I have been afflicted for several yeais with inward weakness and general debility, accom panied at times with pains in the side and oilier distressing complaints. After having tried various medicines w ithout ellect, I was persuaded by a fnend to make trial of Dr. W light s Indian tgetabl Pills, which I am happy to slate, have relieved me in a niost wonderful manner. I have used the me dicine, as yet but shoit tune, and have no doubt, by a persevernnce in ihe use of the medicine accor ding tu directions, thut I shall in a short time be perfectly restored, I most w illii glv recommend ssiJ Pills to all per sons similarly nrllu ted, and in the full belief that the same beneficial results will follow their uo, I re main joins sincnely, HENRY A. FOOTE. Waiwarsing, Ulster co, N. V. N'rw York, Sept. SO, This is to certify thnt I have used Wiiihiit's Ixman Vloftahlk Pu ts with the greatest bene- fit; haviini entirely cured myself of the frequent at- tacks of Sick Headache, to w hich I has! previously been subject. ANN M A Rl A THO.M Pst IN. ' 392 Greenwich str. el. N. Y. To Mr. Ricbnid Dennis, Agent for Wright'a In dian Vegetable Pill. c.i r r i ?.v. As there are at this time many wicked persons busily enunged in selling a cminifrfeit medieine uii- , 1 der the name of ihe Indian Vegetable Pills and ss these lestrute nu n are so ulli ily rei kless of con- sequences, that many valuable bves mny be lost in j j foiieqn nee of using their dreadful compounds, i ihu pubi c nre cautioned against purchasing any S Pill, runltsH on the tides of the boxes the following , woiding is found : ; WiilUliro INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS. (Indian J'urgatite.) ' Of TIIK KfiTH AMIMlC'AI roLLFCE Of RfALTII, , And aise to be especially eai.ful against purcha fit' aid rtirdicinr of any person except the regu ' hr H.Urrii.ed agi'n'S. ACFSTS FOR a'0I Til VMBFRLA AD CO, Pvnnsyhania. II. B. Massf-r, Sunlury Wm. Forsyth, Nor thumlw rland Jacob Haas, Sbanuikiu Ssmui I Herb, Muhonoy Byerly & D. Haas, Augusta 'Itioriiaa Folluur, Milton Ifelulid & Meiitll, MeEwensville E S, P per, TurbutsvrlW James Reed, Pottsyrove II. Kluse, Snyderstow n H. II. KiimWl, P. M., Elyaburg P. O. Wm. Iisenring, P M. Union Corner. Ollice and General Depot for tha ak) of Wrighi'i lmdian Vtgelaile Fills, Wholesale and Retuil, No. 16ir RACE STREET. PHILA DEL flllA. May 31, IH3. ly par par par par jr pat (nr par par I OINTMENT, on Ti: rTi:n. ! RiNnuortMN. riMfi.m ofi the fAC E. anu otim:k , iTANKois i.ui i-no. , fjj" Tlit ft'lhiU'iniirrrtiJicti'edrMvihrtontitflht most txtriiurdinary curct ever rffvcttil hy any . application. t PHtLAliEi.riilA, February 10, 18MS. TOR twenty years I was severely afflicted with X Tkttkm on the Face and Head: the disease commenced when I was seventpen years old, and continued until the Fall of IsriG, varying in vhv ! Pnee, but without ever disappearing. During mist I of the time, preat part of my face was covered with thP eruption, frequently attended with vio'ent lien ing; my lieail swel'eil at times until it tell ns u it would burst the swelling wnsso great, thnt I could scarcely pet my hut on. During the long period that I was afflicted w i h the disease, I uspil n great mnny n picntion, (among them s. vernl celebraled preparations) ns w. II a t akintr inward remedies, including a number of bottles of Riraiin'.i Vannrea, F..iiracl if Sar.iiipurila, Ac, In fact, it would be impossible to eniinieime nil tho medicines I used. I was nlso under the Care or two tr Ihe most dis- ; tinguihed physicians of thi city, but without re- j ceiving in' eh benefit, nnd I despaired of ever being cured. In Ihe fall of 18110, the disease nt ihe time being very violent, I commenced using the Ji'oe j Ointment, (prepared by Vnughnn .t Davis.) In ; a few applications the violent itching ceased, the swelling nbatcd, the i ruptioti began to disappear, nnd before I had used ajar the disease was entirely ! cured. It hns now been nearly a ymr nnd a half since, nnd there is not a vestige of Pie disease re mainiiia. except the scars from the deep j'ts formed by the disease. It is impBsiblo for mc to describe , in a crtifirn!e the severity of the disease and my J soil', ring, but I will bo pie ised to give a fuller sc- ; count lo nny person wanting further satisfaction, who will c.ll on me. At the time I co-ntneneeJ using the Rose t fiiiiuient I would have given bun dicds of do'lais lo bo rid of the disease. Since u- i sing it, I have recommend, d it to several persons, ; (among them my mother, who had the di-ease bad ly on tier B'nO who vv. re a'l cured hv it. .1 M ES DU RN ELL, No. l.'.C, Race St. fjj" The Rose Ointment is piepaied by E. II. ' Vnughnn, Sou'h East corner of Third and Race ; strets, Philiid. Iphia, and sold on ngenev in Suobti- 1 ry. bv H. B. MASSF.R, May 11th, 1813. Agent. Iloc (fiislim'tif, lor TcKtr. ,1 PROOF OF FJ'S I'.FFU'M'Y. I it i a n Ki. en i a , May 27lb, IS:)'.). 'IHIS is to certify that I was severe'y atllirted wiih Ti't'cr in the hands and feel for upwards of fortv years ; the disease was attended generally with violent itching and swelling. I nppbed to a numbi rof physicians, and used a great many appli cations without effecting a cure. About ayar since, 1 nppbed li t Rose Ointment, which entirely stopped ihe itching, and a few applications immedi ately cured the disease, w bicli there has been no r.turn of, although I had never been tid of it nl any lime for foity years. RICH A 111) SAVAGE, Eleventh, below Spruce Street. ey The Rose Ointment is prepired by E. B. Vaughitn, S mill East corner of Tbinl nnd Race Streets, Philadelphia, and sold on agency in Sunbu- rv. ny u. i. masslh, ' May Mlh, 1813. Agrt. MEDICAL APmOBATIOM Oiic ROSE 01.'FMKST, for 'Fitter. ALTHOUtill (he superiority of the prepatnlion over nil otln rs is folly established, the proprie tors take p. asure in laying before the public the following certificate from a respectable physician, a graduate of ihe University of Pennsylvania. Jir. Baugh, having found in ibis icrnedy that tidicf for a tedious and disagreeable affection w hich the means within Ihe range of bis profession failed to afford, has not hesiinted to give it his approbation, although the prejudices and intercuts of that profession aie opposed to scent Itetncdies. Pint.AM i.i uiA. S.pt. 19, 183fi. I was recently tiouhlid with a !diou herpetic eruption, which covered nearly one si.le of my f ce, mid i mended over (he cur. Mr. Vnughan, pioprh -I.. i of the Ri se ( lintri't'i.t, n'oseiviiig my face, insis ted on my ty ino bis prepaiati .in. of which he ben ded me a j ir. A iihough in cominon w ith the iiietn beis of my profession, I dis ouiitenance nnd disap prove ii ihe iiunicrou lostiunis palmed upon the public by ifiioiant pr. lenders, I feel in jus'ice bound tii exn pt the Rose Ointni, nt fioin that c'a-s of nic dvincs, nnd to give it inv np'robation, ns it entire ly Hired ihe eiuplioll, altlo.ugli it hid icnistcd the UsU il applications. DAN L. BAUGH, M. D. Qfj' 'I he Rose Ointment is prepared ly E. B. Vaughan, South Enst corner of Third ai d Race Stre. ls, Pliilad.'lphia, and sold on ng ncv in Sun burv, by 11. B. MA-sER. Slay 11th. In. Agent. J. BIAITAND, JR. Sl CO. Snuff ami ToIkk'co Manulaclnrcrs, .Vo. I1'.) .Xorth Wi st corner r(" Raci and Third Struts' PHILADELPHIA. e ' 'IIIE nnd. r-ignrd have formed a f 'o-partnership ei I i.o.l.r llie I'lrm off- f V I. A N 1 1 1 1. X I'n.. as succcssois to the Inle tirm of Jiieali .Mai.land A Co., uli I will c I in lie ihe busine.-s nt 'heold esta biishmei t, on their own account. In udiliiion to iheir i" n close attention nnd experience foi many yeais, in the niai.uficlure of tlieir refibrated fiiutf-, iVr the long ex pet it nee of tie senior partner of Ihe late firm, will al.o he devoted to the interes t of the new concern nnd i no exertion nod rare w ill be spared to inMiii their poods, at all tuns of the ve. ry best quality, tiny solicit a rontinuaiice of the confidence ol the I. .ends and i u-t uners of ihe late firui. TIIOM s AD WIS, J. MAVLAND, Jb. Philadelphia, May 1 lib. lt-13. ly 1 j , i I2ACrL31 a a a ru a-a n Comer ol 'Fh n il and I ine Slri i ts, WILMAMiPORT, PA. riME sol seidu r r spectlullv niinoiitiecs to the 1 public, lbs! be Ins opened a Hotel in th com mo boi;.; bin k building s'tuate on the coiner i f 'I lutd mi l 1'iue str.'i Is, where be will be bappv to wot ip u l'i -c who niav favor bun will. Iheil i on 'pa 1 1 v . 'Ihe Eagb Hotel is la'ge ,-ind coiiveui- in, and fin i.i1ii d in Ihe let lie ('em iti b. Ii i prov i.h d w itli a I iiK'p imuiber of vcll aiied and j i -iiifi-rt.il.il m ej log sparlineiils, rooms, private pallors, Ac, Peisons veiling W illiau, snort on bu. s:ncss or pii a-ure, may re-t us iir. d lhat every ex ertioii will le used to r I der their sojourn at the "Eagle Hot, " pleasant and agreeable. His Table Will In- supplied with the very beat the market af fords, and his bar with the choicest wines and other liquors charged reasonable. The Eagle Hotel possesses greater advantages in point of location than any other similar establishment in the borough, being situate in Ihe business purl of the town, and within a convenient distance of the Court House and Williams-port and Elmira Rail Road Depot. Sufficient "Maiding provided, and good and trusty ostlers always in attendance. Attentive, accoii.modntiiig and honest Servants have been enislovcd. and nothing left undone that will add to the conduit and accommodation of bit guests. There will be a carriage always in attendance at the Boat Landing to convey passenger to and from the House, free of charge. CHAIU-ES BORROWS. May Uth.1842.-lf TJ O S E I ,( ' H. B. lAS5?s, ATTOItNKY AT LAW, stmBUiiY, rA. Business attended to in the Counties of Nor thumberland, L'nioi. Lveoming and Columbia. Refer tot TttA KilllinvArf!!,. Lowf.ii cV llinnoi. Hast, Ci'MMta-ns. RKtoi.n, Mr Far t 4 n i oV Co. SerniKo, 'Joon cV Co., ' To 'unlry MERCHANTS. PHE Subscriber, Agent of Lyon fc Harris, Hat Manufacturers, for New York, Phil ulelphiii, Baltimoro and other large cities, whos llal nre highly romtntnded f.r tnnt oht and durability, has O'l hand a fir t rato nsorlm"iit of HATS nnd CAPS, suitable for Sprinp sites, wh'ch will be sold very low, foi rash or nppiove.l credit, nt the nr ted eh ea n stare. No. 40, North Third s'ro't, oppisi'c the City Hotel. Philadelphia. ROBERT I). WILKINSON. Arent. N. B. Orders f.if Hats in the nmpK, promptly ntteride.l lo, Tht) highest rice in '.ask or trade given fir Fur hin. Philadelphia, June 11, 1 811,--I y " iwaijrn7:ircri2'iarai" " ALL persons indebted to the firm of Lvon t. Harris, under the ngency of O.N. Timelier, Hat anil Cap Manufacturer, No. 10 North Third, i-1 reel, Philadelphia, are requested to make immedi ate settlement of th ir at counts wiih the subscriber, their legally nu'hoii7ed iigent, who is fully cmpow. eied to settle and collret the accounts of said firm, ROBERT 1). WILKINSON, June 4th, 1812. tf Agent. , y--v T "11 " CJ T "X' i VT U Iv J i li 1 V i Ao. tilt .Xorth Third, atmrr Arch Strut, I'llll.ADKl.l'lllA. ArtoMvonnioNx hk sf.vi'M'V rt:ttso. 1 pHARLES WEISS, late of the " bite Swan." - and "Mount Vernon House," respectfully in- , forms his friends nnd customers, lhat he has become I Ihe proprietor of Ihe ahov" well know n Hot. I. 1 Coiiu'ry Mcichnnl will Pud the above Hotel a central location, and the best of fire. Persons Ira veiling wild private conveyance will find a Imge yard nnd good stabling fot horses, and the last of osl'eis. Boarding: if 1 perdav. May Mth, 1812. tf. ' (.'ommissioii tVi I'm w arditiLT Mcrtlianl?, Pool of W illow Slrrrt Rail Road, Tl-N TI1F. I'M. I W IIF. T "I .WING assoeiulxl yi li iln ni Joseph Darnel, 1J it. of l.nston, l'a r. snci tlully inform their frier d end the public generally, lb it they havr ta. km th it large and we l know n store and wh i;f at t foot of Willow Street Railroad, I iti ly occupie by Jacob Martin, where thev pu'pose doing b General , Commission and Forwarding Business, and f.om j the local iidvanlapes of the place being room etc J , with nil the public improvements that have iheir 1 outlet in the citv, they flalter themselves ihey will , be able to do business to as great, if not g rater ad i vantage, nd upon a reasonable terms as any other ! house, and they assure their friends thnt nny con i signmcnts made fo them shall have their Ktrict at I trillion, nnd no rxcitions spared to give entiie salis ; faction. Tiny are also prepared to receive and forward 1 goods lo any point on the Delaw are utnl Lehigh ' rivers, between Mnoch (.'hunk, Enton and Phila delphia, via Delaware Division nnd Lehigh Can .ls; also, to any point on ihe Juniata river, or Nonh ' nnd Wist Blanches of the Sii-qtiehanna via Schuyl ; kill and Union, or tho Chesapeake and Tide Wntei Canals. i For ihe accommodnti in of Boa's e .mirig nr go ing via Schuylkill and Union t'un.ils. a Siennboat : , will be kept expressly for towing boats from ihe i Srhuvk!li uroui d to the Delaware nnJ back, which i will en hie merchants to have their produce deli- ! vncil on the De'nwnie, and their goods st.ipptd nt ; a siving of f0 to 7.1 er rent, o" (ho prices fir haulit g ncoss, wiih tin se ndvHiitages they re-j 1 sprctfully solicit a share of ntr 'iiae, I W. HE1I.MAN oV CO. i . William Hellnian, j dl nm W. Kf ) sc, v. i Joseph Bari.rl. 3 Philad .May 11, 1H43. ly j TOLTON Si CO. I C.!i r;l ( otiuiilKshiii lr liantx, Far the Sale if Flour, tirain, .Stat, e., iVr. j mum. jFi i ' - E.-PECTFULLY inform their friends nnd be Merchants generally, lhat they have la- ken those I irge nnd commodious Whai vr s, w nil two Doiks, noith of Chesiiut street, on the Delaware, together with the store No. lit South Wharves, where ihey would be phased to receive consign ments of Grain, Flout. Seed, Whiskey, Iron, e. Ve. Being also well prepared lo forward all kinds of M. r. han.lise hy the Schuylkill nnd Union, or hy the Chesapeake and Tide Water Canals, s tow boats nre kepi expressly foi the purpose of towing boats by ci.her rou'e. Merchants wdl ple-se lie particular to send their goods destined by either eanuls, I i No. l'J Soulh Wharves, between Market and Cbcsnut streets, on the Delaware, with directions accompanying ihem which route ihey wish lliein to be shiped. Pliisier and tS.ll for sale, at the lowest mar ket price. BOLTON .v C". Maich 19, I is 1.1. No. l'J South harves. ! iioiti:it i' ( tR i i R sS- so, 'paper MANurACTUii:ns, l.niiiliin it street, ISaliiniorr, HA E coustaullv for sale. Printing Paper of ah , sizes and qualities, Cap Writing Paper, ruled i arid plain, Letter Paper, w hite and blue, ruled and ' plain. Hanging Paper, tine and common, Envelope : Taper, do, do. medium, double crown, crow n and rjli.1 sired Wrapping Prticis, ( 'ololed Mediuui and li'oval Pnpeis, lloonet, Binders' and Siiaw Box ; Hoards, Tissue Pupcr, and all articles in iheir line, I which they will sell on nrcoiiiinodaiing tunis. II ghe.-t price given f .r old rags. I ROBERT CARTER .-v SON, March 19. 1813. Elklon, M.I N arlic'e uuequulled for cleaning and giving a highly durable and most bnlliant polish lo sil ver, German Silver, Brass, Copper, Briltania ware, Tin, Steel, Cutlery, and for resioiing the lustre on varnished carriages, Ac. TKV.' IT. Prepaied and sold at wholesa'e and retail, by the Susquehanna Chrysolite 1'ohsU Company, Owcgo, Tioga county, N. Y. WM. FORSYTH, Agent lor Northum'd, H. B. MASSER, Agent for Suubury. Ntvemler SUth, INlj. rl-. ti:u 1 I: vi: F is. LAST MAKEIl, No. 74 Callow I, ill Street, l'hiladelt'liia C Three duort abort Second. J SHOE Findings always kept on hand, which he offers for sale on the Ion est terms. Country Merchant are particularly to (ill and judge lov themselvea. Philadelphia, Novaru-ter 13, 1843. ly. Gr. V". & L. B. TAYLOPs. OFFER FOR SALE, .t die South East Cor ner of Fifth and Market Streets, Fliilaihb pi in Mens' Calf-skin Boots, stitched warranted, do do do pegged do do do do water proof, double soles and double u oners. do Culf-skin do do and uppers, do Heavy Water Leather Boots, do do Neata do do. do High quarter Shoes, Calf-skin, do do do Crockers do do nailed do do do do do do do do do do do Fine Monroes warranted Kip do Calf do Coarse do do Shoes Fine do Kip do do do do do ib) do Calf nnd Senl Skin t'timps. Lint Socks with and without soles. Corpct do do do I ntent W arranted V nter-prnof Moccasins. Ladies' do do tin do Lailns' tanned India Rubber shoes, Gerillcmcns' do Over shoes. With every other description of hoots and shoes. Fur Caps of every description. Travelling Trunks of every description. Venetian 1 ravelling Hags. Patent Gum Elastic Shoe Blacking. j Bonnets of nil kinds, Pulm Lent' Hats. I Philadelphia, November 13, I81J. I v. 1 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BOOKSEL LERS AND STATIONERS, No. I'J'J (lic.enut Street, below lth, Miilatlcl)liia. "H7"EEP constantly on hand a general assnrl ment of Books and Stationary ; comprising Theological, Law, Medical, Classical. Miscellnlie ous and School Books, Day Books, all siites. Led tcrs, do.. Family Bible, Pocket Bibles, Writing Papers, Wrapping Papers, c, vVc, which they ol trr at the lowest piices to Country Merchant' Pre fessional (.tntlemen, Teachers, and all othera that may favor llieni with their custom. i'biladclpl.iii, Not ember 13. 1812. ly. .Ilicliacl Weaver cV Son, KOrE MAKEnS & Sllir CHANDLERS. A'o. 13 iVWi Witter Street, I'hiltitli lpliin. I AVE conslantly on hand, a general iissnrl- I ment of Conhige, Seine Tw iiu s, etc., viz. : I ur'd Ropev, Fishing Ropes, White Rones, Manil la Ropes, Tow Lines for Canal Boats. Also, a complete assortment of S. ine Tw ines, A c, such as Hemp Soud and Herring Tw ine, Best Patent Gill Net Twine, Cotton Sluid and Heriing Twit e, Shoe Threads, c. cVc. Also, Bed Cords, Plough Lines, Halters, Traces, Cotton nnd Linen Onrpct Chains, Vc. all of which they will dispose of on r asonuble leinis. Phibule'phin. Novemlier 13, 1 12. ly. .I:if fill I'liMiiulli & Son. 1 ESPECTI'ULLY informs their friends and --- ncquaintonres ge icrally that they still con tinue to keep at the old stand, No. -10 North 3d street. Philadelphia, all V mils of TUIIACCO S.XI J'F ASP SLCARS. Which they will sell n the mat . uccoiiiniodaliii and reasoiia ile let ins. N. B. All goods sold will be guaiantred mid all orders promptly attended to. Philadelphia, N,-.vemter 13, 1812. ly. FETES," CClfCTE?-Y Wholesale and Retail Shoe, l.onnet, and Palm Leaf Hat Warehouse. .Yo 00 Sortt "d tfreet, a fuv ttours above .lrch, Vhiludilfdtiti. A I.SO Trunks, Carpet Bugs and V nlices, of ev rv dcsciiption, nlf of which he offers for sale on the must reasonable terms. Philadelphia, November 11, 1812. ly. j . w7s w aTa- , Umbrella aixl Parasol Manufacturer. .Vo. 3V South 7'hnil ttrtrt, lira doom below the Citii Until, l'hiladt l'iia. 'iOUNTRN Meichauts and others are solicited to rtaiuiue his assurti.ieut before purchasing elsewhere Philadelphia, NnvrmUr 11. ISIC ly. P. v A. 1U)VC)1T1)T'S China, Glass and Liverpool Warehouse. ' So 1C4 Sorlh Third street, third dtor Lelnw Vine . street, Vhilinti Iphia, ATrilERK thry constantly keep on hand a large ; ' assortment of China, Gliss and Liverpool, Ware, w hich they will dispose of on the most rei- : s liable terms. ' Philadelphia, November 11, 1812. ly. j TllLOPIJ.rs l l'I.P. ; Manufartnrer and Importer of Sad dlery, Hardware, &c. i .Vo. 6 South Third street, ftur doors below Market I lllllidt pl.lii, 7 EEP constantly on hand a large nnd general assortment Coach Lamps, Cartiage Bauds, Axle Arms, Eliptic Springs, Patent Leather. iVc. Country Merchants and saddlers w ill be supplied at all times on the most reasonuhlu terms. They will find it to their advantago to call and examine his assortment Iwfore purchasing elsewhere. Philadelphia, November 11, 1812. ly. IIKYNOI.DS, MeTAULAM) vV CO Wholesale Dealers in Foreign Iiritish nml American Dry (lomls. .Vo. 105 Market ttrttl, FhHadi Iphia. COUNTRY Merch nits, and others can be sup plied at all times with nn extensive assort ment of the oest nod most 1'ar'aionablc Goods upon the most reasonable terms, PUiUk Iphia, November 11, 1.12. lv. l.OWDIl iSr llAPvUD.X. Imjiorters and Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Hardware, No. 171 North Tiiirh Si ai it, PiitLirrn-HU. A T II ERE their friends and customers will always find a large nnd general isiorlnient of Foreign and Domestic Hardware, which they will sell at the lowest prices. Philed. lphia. November 13, 1842. ly. i:sllKlilCK7 HA.NSFLL & CO'S." WHOLESALE DRY GOODS STORE. Mo. 1' l-'i Market Street, l'ltila, (fit low Fifth South side.) A LWAYS keep on hand a full and general as sortment of Hosiery, Lace, and Fancy Goods, Country Merchants are respectfully request ad lo give them a call anj examine for themselves. Philadelphia, November 13, 1842. ly. sp j: ii i xc.7 g ood" & ca No. 13 Market Street, Philadelphia. INVITE tha attention of Country Merchants to their ei tensive assortment of British French and American Dry Goods, w hich they oiler for sala on tha most reasonable terms. Philadelphia, November 13, 183. ly. WINSLOW'S BAMLSOrA II ORK HOUND. N unparelleled remedy for common Colds, (!oughs, Asthma,Influen7.a, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, nnd all diseases of the Ereast and Lungs, leading to consumption j composed of the concen trated virtues of Ilorrhound, Bonset, lllond Root, Liverwort and several other vegetable substances. Prepared only by J, M, Wikslow, Rochester, New Yo-k. The innocence and universally admitted pectoral viilues of the Herbs from which the lliihiun if llorehinind is made, are too generally known to re quire recommendation ; it is Iheiefore only necessa ry to observe that this Medicine enntnina the whole of their Medicinal properties, highly concentrated, and so happily combined with several oilier vege table substances, as to render it the moat speedy, mild and certain remedy, now in Use, for the com plaints nhove mentioned. The llalsain removes nil imflnmmntinn and sore ness of the Lungs, loosens tough visid phlegm, en anting me patient lo expectorate with ease and free ! dom, ns-uiiges cough, relieves nthmntic and dill'i I cult respiration, heuls the injured parts, opens the ; pores, n ml composes the disturbed nerves, ntul gives strength to the tender lungs, nnd thus produces a ; speedy and lasting cure. IxtiiA-rn I HE IS TIIK BAM" ST CniME t!f Man. I Wc uro not among that class of Editors who for a ! few dollars will, (at the expense of truth and ho : nesty) "crack up" an article nnd bring it into rapid j sale ; neither nie we willing to remain silent, after having tested the utility of nn ini rovement or dis 1 covcry in science or ntt. Our readers will recollect : we told them we were unwell with a sore throat and ! vioUnt Cold some few weeks ago. Well, we pur chased two bottles of WLNSLt iW'N UALSAM ; OF HOREIIOU'ND, nnd so sudden wns the cure, that we forgot we ever hnd n cold. Those who , are ntllicted, mny try it upon our recominendjtion. 1 I.twihtvn T'-lt graph. For sale hy 1 HENRY YOXTHEIMER, Sunburi, JACD1I BRIGHT, Northumberland. ! Also, by Druggists generally throughout the . country. (J j- Price, SO cents per bottle. August Mill, IS!.'. ly. ; J. 'JI DC f7"OR sale n small Farm, containing about one " hundred and ten acres, more or le-s, situate in Point township. Northuml erland cnuntv, about two miles nlrove Northumberland, on Ihe main road leading from lhat place to Danville, adjoining ' lands of John l.cghou, Jesse C. Hortnn nnd others, now in the neeup'iuey of Samui I Payne. About forty acres of said tract nre eh and, and in good slate of cif livutioii. on which ihere is a small burn erecli d. Ihe property will be sold unreasonable teims. For further particulars, pr isons are reijuest ed to n ply to the tut cril" r. H. B. MASSER, Agent. Nov. 27lh, IS 12. if Sunhury. Pa. Q D E3 EI &K&m GF EVERY DEM'RlPTItlN. m;w i:.ci.am) on. company. io. J! North Water Street, Phila. ANUFAC TURERS nnd dealers in Oils of every description both fur burning nnd manufacturing purposes, which will be sold much lower than they can be procured elsewhere, nnd warranted in ipiality to equal nny in the city. Any oil sold by the company not proving ns represented, may be returned without any expense to the pur chaser, nnd the money will be refunded. Their slock now in store consists of the follow ing oils, viz : 3(1,000 gallons Winter Bleached SjieinH Oil, fiOOO lo.nOO 10,000 20.00(1 00110 1 o.OOO do do Culmlcs Oil, do Fall and Spring Sperm Oil, do inter Sea Elephant, hi do Pressed Whale Oil, do Summer do do do do Common Whale Oil, 200 Barrels superior Stra a Oil, 300 do Co l Bank Oil, f)0 do Nea's Foot Orl, Casks Olive Oil, Turner's liU. (JjThis Company has a number of Vessels en gaged in the Cod Fishery, and Tanners may rely upon getting nt all times Oil as pure as imported, Philadelphia, Nov. 11, l.sli. ly. McCALLA & HERS 17, No .I, Noilii S oiit stlrt't'f, (ioiini r hk ceoM h's allet.) Whi le ihey constantly keep on hand a gener ii assortment of CLOTHS, CAESIMERES, VESTINCS And a gru.t raritty ifartic'm if a mperior quality, which liny i-tler to dispose of upon the most icasouihlc ti rms. OUNTEY MERCHANTS and others will find it to theii advantage to cnll and examine tlmr stock U-fore purchasing elsewhere. Philadelphia. Nov.fi, IMS. ly LIST OF BOOKS, I oh mil. in "TV j. SSi2S3U2i 12 VNTHON'S Classical Dictionary; 1 .einpner's do.; Ainsworlh's do ; Cobh'a tlo English and German do.; Authou's ('a'sur; Anthon's Giamuier; Anthen'a Cucio; Mail's l.a'in Reader; Ogilly 's do.; Andievv's Latin Lessons; D.miieg.iii's Lexicon; Fish's Gre.k Exercises; Davies'g Legendei; Graeca Majora; Adainn's Roman Anliquiiies; Pimiock ' (ioldsmith's England; do. (ireece; Lyell's Elements of Geology; Mrs. Lincoln's Botany; Elements of Botany; Bridge's Algebra; Porter's Rhetorical Rea ders; Emrrson's Geography and History; Oh.ey's do.; Parl y's do.; Smith's Gramitifi: Kirkham's do.; Kay's Readers; Gobi's do.; Cobb's Arithmelick; Pike's do.; Emerson's do.; Cobb's Spelling Books; Town's do.; Cobb's Table Books; Evangelical Fa ll ii'y Libiary; t 'on age Bible ; Family do ; Collater al do.; IMnail Bibles and Testaments; Parke's Ex ereisi s on Composition; Fruit of the Spiiil; Baxter's S .'nil's Rest; American Revolution; Maiiyatt's No vets; Mrs. Phelps on Ct.einistiv; Iliad; Catechism of American Laws; Lettirson Natural Magic; Che mistiv lor Begidiiers; English Exeicisia adapted to Murray's (.'rammer; Sequel to Coinley'a Sjlling Book; American Class Book; Dnboll's Schoolmas Ici's Assistant; A great variety of Blank Books, iVc. August SU, IS 12. ATTENTION, .i . s i i . i: i j - 1.) KijLEM'S the attention of his couutty fricn J- 1 who are in want, to his very kirge stock o ! Carpeting, Oil Cloths, Mattings, Rugs, Bindings. Stair Rods, cc, Ac, that he has just opened, at ; Ids warehouse, No. 18 North 2d street, and No. 2 1 Uurch Alley, next door to Christ Church, Phila delphia. July 31, J84'J: ly. SPANISH HIDES. TANNERS' OIL AND LEATHER. D. K 1 K K P A T 11 1 C K iSc (V S'n. 21, A'o7A Third ttreet, y (itTTrt) mxxiT Atn hissct krirt, ISl) PHILADELPHIA. HAVE for aale a large and excellent tmoitmrn ot&panith Hides, Futna Kips, Tanners' Oil 4c, at the lowest maikel pricas, either for cash, in exchange far Leather, or upon ciedit. Consignment of Leather received for file, purchased at tha highest maiket price. fjTy- leather atoied frea of charge. Apii! 17, 1846, ly
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers