Tli Portiinc tt Itnval Iltnnri. Almson has the following in relation lo the Kinjrol the Belgians onJ his rebitiims, Prince Albert and others : 'At Paris, durinj the stay of the allied Mon arch?, there wsa Lord , who had filled with acknowledged ability a high diplomatic situa tion at their bead-ourirtors during the latter period of the war. His lady, of high rank, had j joined him to partake in the festivities of i brilliant period, snd with her a young relative, equally distinguished by her beauty and talents, I then appearing In all the freshness of opening ; youth. A frequent visiter at this period in THBAMERICAN. Salurtlav, t)fe. 16, 1843. A fresh supply of printing pa- roslmnstrr nmrral'i Report. Th Uepoit of tlie Postmaster General, is the most interesting nTrill the report emiimting from the Cabinet officers. The present report is pe culiarly so, inasmuch as the whole country has become awakened iikii the subject of the oner ous taes now imposed upon the public, in the shape of postage. The Postmaster General is opposed to the reduction of postage, believing that if any considerable reduction is made, the receipts would not lie sufficient to meet the ex penditures. If any reduction is made, he ad vises that provision bo made to meet any de fy V Fen Siit. pel, viz! inn roims similar in sire snd quality t. j licieiicy from the public Treasury, and advises fhinilc wis vouncr officer, then an the sheet on which this is printed. Also fin reams olo, the abolishment of the franking privileges. nide-de-camp to the Grand Duke Constantino, a younger brother of tin ancient and illustri ous family in Germany, but who, like many o thcr scions of nobility, had more blood in his veins than money in his pocket. The young of super royal, 21 by 58 inches, nil of which will be i ll I at the mid price. rrj- V. f - Paimf", Ka. t bis Heal Tula's snd Coal olTue, No. 59 Pine Street, Philadelphia, is au thorised to scl as A cent, snd to frceivo and receipt or at least a nstiiction of them lie thinks the example of J'ligl.ind. in reducing the postage to n p-Miny, (2 cents.) on ull letters, weighing less than half an ounce, to any part of the Kingdom, could not be sal'-ly follow. -d. The fates of post age there, until 1 10. ran from I to 'js i ts., ae- RiisstTs riniiilaiinm. I'll. I.AKusrn. is now lecturing on Astronomy at Philadelphia. His lectures are extremely in teresting, and are finely illustrated by diagrams, and by Russel's Phinetarinm. In bis lectures lie gave a history of the invention of the Planetari um by an bumble artisan, a cabinet maker of New England, who ('migrated some seventeen years since to Columbus. Ohio. He explained the difficulties under which it was finally com pleted, and spoke of the astonishment which its invention must exc'.ie in Europe, where there is nothing to compare with it in magnificence and ingenuity of design and execution. The Europe an philosophers, ho suid. will not be able to re alize the fact that an instrument of this kind and extent should be invented and constructed with such perfection in all its parts, by an obscure mechanic, in a Western town of sonic two or three thousand inhabitants, which has always been associated in their minds with semi-bar- OiUe-Ue-COtTip speeillly was captivated ny the fof o,, nonjM t)u( ,,,-, ,l(riCr for subscription or ad- cording to ili-tance. The anticipated increase of barism. as being the mere outposts of civilization. letters under the penny system was estimated as For his part, his astonishment and delight when live fold greater than under the old rates. The j ho first witnessed this triumph of astronomical . I I - l. . I I 1 1 1,1 nciuai increase, nowever. lias oo-ii nnij iv.itiuu i iiicciiauism. is ticvnnu all conception. ' J am vcrtising. graces of the English lady; and when the so-1 vcreigns were about to set out for England, whither Lord was to accompany them, he fLT" Pnrvni: Tvrr 100 lbs , or more, of sec- bitterly lamented the scantiness of his finances, brevier type, for sale at this office, at which prevented him from following in ,lc ! IS cts. per lb , cash. The type are the same as train or such attraction. Lord good-hu- i ,Wo u""1 in "''l"'8 r"''5' moredJy told him he should always find a place j a?'-Tur. Mi-ss.r.L. The Danville Int. Hi at his table when ho was not otherwise enga- J goncor of Friday the Mh inst., says : god, and that he would put him in the way (if; "Wo ay before our reader's to-day tho Pre a hall told. 1 or example, the number ol letters sorry to say," continued Dr. Lardner. that the in lVi'.l was about millions, in IM-J the num ber was increased to 'JO A millions. The increase, we think, in this country, with reduced rates would be much greater than in England. The people in this country, ns u body, are vastly MISCELim. I Kdltorlat, Condensed mid Srlrrtrtt. 20.000 pounds of wad, nfthe growth of Mm is, have been sent to market the present season. In New Yo'k, fine large sheep miy be bought for twelve shillings, Diikcns his cut out one of his wisdom teeth trying to "gnaw a file" of American papers. The steeple of Trinity Church, New to be 237 high. A very largo quinti'y of counterfeit Mexican dollars, admirably well executed, are in riicul.ition in New Orlcins, At New Orleans, Chas. P. A, I.snnin, found guil'y of stealing a slave, wis sentenced to six years of b ird labor in the penitentiary. To our RsAiir.ns. It is not often we have any thing ti say upon the subjnt of medicine, but from the experience we have had in witnessing the nu merous cure performed by Tlrandreth't Veiretabfn Uiiivrrant Pill, we e innot do less than recommend them lo the special notice of the public. In removing pulmonary affections, ssihma, and all disorders of tho lungs, they are the mist pov erful remedy ever yet fmnd, nnd the relief they have afforded, even in the last stage of consumption, is without a ami el, With regard to their effica cy in this baneful, and unfortunately too prevailing disorder in ihis country, (consumption.) thrir su periority is such as lo have supplanted in every o ther medicine. Those in advanced life, who feel the consequence of youthful bcccss, will find themselves restored to health snd strength, and all (hose melancholy symptoms removed, which are the general effects of A sheet iron factory has been estahli-hed at Bran- ton, N. .1. It pays out f'JOO.OOO annu illy to its ' such causes. Alexander's Weekly Mrencr. workmen, j Pur.h.ise of II. D M.issrr, Sunhury, or of An infant was recently smothered in its crjadlc, '',e "icnts, published in another part of this piper, in England, by a cit making a pillow of its tiny j f.irp i " A liiilfi lectures the men for putting their h inds in their conl pockets she s iys it inakea them There are m inuf.ictured anniially in ("incinnati, : ., . .,.. r n ingenious inventor has no longer any interest in j 1 S3 000 bids, of fl .ur. ai.d about 190.000 gallon this apparatus. 1 mean pecuniai v interest, lor of linseed oil. he certainly has a deep interest in its success, so far as his fame is concerned, but so far as its pe cuniary interest is concerned be has parted with seeing all the world io the Dritisli metropolis, j sident's Message, in ndvance uf the press out more intelligent, and information would be. and the proprietorship, and it is now in the hands of ut I'liil.iitc lplna city nnu niirrn-uurg, anil in js nnieh more extensively disseminated, i other perons.M i-.ntn srrninSoehnn offer omp.i.,1lw : tr- Tb.s y be rea-lily seen, Horn the tact that! - -i j sv vania. ' which he would probably never eeo to sttcli ad seconded by puch influences, proved irresiatiblo, i and the young German gladly followed them to J London. lie was there speedily introduced to, j and ore long distinguished ny the rrtneess Charlotte, whoso projected alliance with the Prince of Orange had recently before been bro ken off. Though the Princess remarked him, however, it was nothing more, at that time, than a passing regard, for her thoughts were then more seriously occupied by another. Ha ving received, at the same time, what he dee med encouragement, the young soldier propo sed to the princess and wos refused, and subsc- tli..ri !H', nnu l.'itlmlv it:nters in f'ieciioint t i 1n K WAitnrv Til in tnr. CiirlrF w.,s mil nn This is crowing pretty extensively. Put not J in jn ,, in N,.tt. Ul, . ! ,ri;,, , fPn,j ,ne u,.,,,,, on Fli,,ay, fur lllP so fast, Mr. Jones e commenced the Message , X).w Yrk . ,,,. i.ot,oll. CWIo murder of the Ca-loer f.milv s but defendant's :.. .1 ,T!..n f ,1, 11 U,i,r!og,l " nn Tlmreilnv !...... .... Vi ' v of England, and tlie centre ol her liteir.ture and morning, after 9 o'clock, and had a number of i in,j,.11(,,. a population of over l.iin.. copies ready for distribution by C o'clock in the , mii ,,. ,,,, ,,lmii ,. mll ilU tht. n. evening, of the same day. In dispatching a job of this kind, the "American" fears no rivalry from any office in "Northern Pennsylvania." The Message arrived here on Wednesday night, ami by a little extra exertion, we might have supplied our neighbor of the Intelligencer, with a 1 copy by breakfast time on Thursday morning, j ZIF" The Shuriit, of Columbia county, last! quently went to Vienna, during the sitting of I week conveyed to the Penitentiary, at Philadel- Congress at that place, where his suseptible j heart was speedily engrossed in another tender afliiir. Invincible obstacles, however, presen ted themselves to the realization ofthe Princess Charlotte's views, which had led to her first rejection of the gallant German ; he received a friendly hint from London to make his at tention to the fair Austrian less renrarkable ; ho returned to the English capitul, again pro posed to the English Princess, and was accep ted. It was Prince Leopold of Saxe Cobourg; and his subsequent destiny, and that of his fa mily, exceeds all that romance has figured of the marvellous. He married the heiress of England ; after her lamented end ho espou sed a daughter of France ; he was ofiered the throne of Greece, he accepted the crown of Belgium. In consequence of his elevation, one of his nephews has married the heiress of Portugal, another the Queen of England ; and the accidental fancy of a young German "Mi rer for a beautiful English lady has, in its ul timate results, given three kingdoms to his family, placed on one the greatest empire that has existed in the world since the fall of Rome, and restored to England in hazardous limes tho inestimable blessing of a direct line ol succession to the throne." phia, six prisoners. Five of them were members of what they termed the 'Calithuinpian rand," ind were convicted of larceny, malicious mis chief, and burglary. Several others belonging to the Paiid have made their escape. The Eclectic Mi-ski m of Fokeujs Lit erati nr.. fur Decanter, 1813. lUiteil by J. If. .1t;mv ami published by E. Littill, 272 Cumut St., J'hUaihlphia. The December number of this valuable work is filled, as usual, with selec tions ofthe choicest articles from the best Iiritish I Periodicals. The Eclectic Museum, is a work that should find its way into every reading fami ly, and would be doing essential service if it were made to supersede the flippant trash of some of our light periodicals. The present number contains among other articles, ' Theodoret's History ofthe Church," 'Reminiscences of Men and Things," " The English on the Continent," " Revolution in Greece." " Esparterro," " France hove ll.ilni d cities, only 10 daily papers. Resides, the proposed i eduction in tins country is only to a uniform rate of five cents on all let ters weighing less than a half ounce, without le gurd to distance. We are confident that the number of letters would be increased at least three fold, ill less than two years, which would, at that rate, a (Told a revenue equal to that which is now received. Flanking piivih-ges should be abolished, oral bast very much restricted UT Wm A Phkti:!!. Esq recently delivered an address before the Literary Society of Lafay ette College, at Edstou. The address is an excel lent production, highly creditable to the charac ter and abilities of Mr Poiter We have no room for the whole address, but the following ex tract inculcates so useful a lesson on the neces sity ofthe practice of virtue in ull the relations I of life, that we should like to fee it in the hands of every American youth : I coun-el ti'ged that the defeediiit hid tdrealy been tried on nn indictment fir ihe murder of a member I of lint fiinilv. and admitted. Thev ins's'rd that i .., i .i .i i . ! eilv an apparatus used fr counterfeiting R.iuk Ih.R sa it luir In Hip other milielmpiOa . - 11 '""h ."niA .7 .1 it it 1 1: n Theie sre 1 10 000 persons in indigent rircnm- On the 1 2th iusi.. hv the Rev. A. Briiinin, Mr. st.incrs in Paris, 00,000 of whom are inscribed on ' (!koiuib I'i i iikii, t i Mi.s E i.iz 1 11 ktii Dm mi.ii, nil the public books as a plirants for charity. : of this j.hce. ,,.... 1 3 On ihemiiied iv. by the Rev. J. P.SIiindel, Mr. llinu in a liunrh. Sit notorious villlnns, eon- " ,ul" Khamkii, to Mi-s Rachel Dkkhiib, all ii ted of murder and mbberies, were executed at Havntii on the 14th ult. An exchange says it is dangerous for widows and lone women to sleep in a house without a man, these burglarioiu times. It is certainly. Tho Phil ulclphi.i Police have discovered in that PRICK, ClTKUnNT. Corrected weekly by Henry Ynxthnmer. The rose was ordend to the Supiemo Court for dec si. in nn ibis point. Unmiii roiiT, Coim rrnci 7, is still in dilVicul tv. The Ci y borrowed 0.000 to an the con notes. The apparatus is believed t i be worth from 10,000 to flS.OOO, and was stolen about three years ago from Mr. M ison, a bank note engraver. Miss Farley, the Editrrs ofthe Lowell Offering, s.iys; I should judge that about seventy ofthe jstruction ofthe I loo-tonic Rjilma-.l. which ml- n)i sill, Uve (vrjll(.n fr odcring since ils , road has not turn of si greit benefit 1 1 mid city as j commencement " was expelled; when fire the city dies not piy ei- I ' thcr pritnipd or interest f its drtit. nod the rond. i' j is feared, mu-t be old to pay the it deb', leaving i Rr'.iUi i r minus h r ivh. b- ;100 OtKl. The bond ' held, rs m e for th. i- pav. nnd a'liirb public a- d e- Thc E"Sli1' arc bnita'ing American manuf ,c ! ven i rivaleiiroi crtv. The -'u.ircme Ceurt of the I ,"r,', co""n R,," ls and stamping ih- mwith the StHte will soon be calbd to decide whether private "'ars mid s-ripes of our irmon, with an American m.inul iclmer a name tittuchetl to Ihem, in outer lo v HI. AT, Rri:, t'onv, - . Oats, Po m k , Flaxskkii, lie i t kii, Bki.swax, . . Tallow, I)hi m Ari-Lrs, . lo. l'ticiu.s, Flax, Hkcklkh Fmx, Enos. . 8.") fit) 4(1 25 fi 100 10 25 10 75 200 8 10 f. Mr. Win. Spencer Wis shot in Li' erty county. Mo., hrin$ mistaken by one of his neighbors, for a wild tuikey. property can be bidden for the c'ty's obliu'ilions. A (Iiifat Rail Roah. The New Yo k Tribune says that the gie.t rhaii: of lailroad between 1) s ton and IhilTdo is f25 miles in ler.gth. The J,-. tails of cost are an follows : Host on nnd Worces "The doctrine, that virtue is necessary to ,rr 41J X',P r,t f2.0iHi(mO; We-tern IjTiJ. the Mabiltty of society, is hardly truer than L noo 0l0 M.liik. ir. mi'es. ft ..'.00,000 ; trite. Ihe whn;! history i men speaks on ! . , Hits subji-et. .1 voice that can never be other j 1 " I Schener t ulv , 8 mile--, f ,000 000 ; Sy. than wilfully m;Minile-r.stood. The pre-emi- rscuse. S3 miles, JI, 000,000 ; Auburn and Syra ncnt necessity lor its cxibtenco in a Republic, I r0.e, 20 miles, f 700,000 ; Auburn and Iturhester, is 11I-0 inscribed on the past ns by Ihe hand j 7H niiles,l,7.ri0,000; IJtavia,32 miles, f 100,000 ; of a giant. When those who compose the go-j iV . . .... ., -,...,, ... . . 1 -, i 1 ; ,. Hurt do and Allien, 33 miles, M)0,000. uh vrrntiH'tit are vicious, how can it be? Miliums-j ' ... tered! When the laws are invaded, and the r0 '. ? I R.So.nno. Average in Massachusetts, and Creece," ' History of Egypt under the Ro- 1 muroerous arm is raiseo. ami propr.riy ni-coines nun iu-avy 1 ran, roi.ouo. .wcrage m .lew mans." ' Recollections of Sir Walter Scott," be- , , . ' , " , ., 0,k' l"""c f--.u"- nano, oesio'ving 11 guas;iy Millie upi.n tin1 hcrnc, sides Pi.:vrv, Miscr.u.ANV, Si-icnck and Aiits, I who p, 1(,n , ftorll) , )t, n( .e. E.ach minibcr contains 1 1-1 large nages em- , iinimorli the unlo.t ? That is jweonied he the bellished with a handsome engraving. ! peop!, and ll gl, a peculiar poop!.. si',11 by ; '-'"".lle Journal. South,-t. in Wisconsin Te, ...... t. .,, )',.. I),, vim call noon the nress to oneti tit. TV, contains a population ol 1 J(l 1 he 1111111 , 1 . 11 1 Its urtiiU ry ! That is controlled in a high do- t her of boii-es is .'hi I . of hich l'l'ihav e b.'eu e gree, by tin pnpuiar wnl. H,i youc ,:i upon r(.t.t,.,l this year. It contains Ut dry goods . 1. it'.. . i-:.. 1 'IM -.......,.,-1 1... i i I li: l.l l I S l'l 'IS III l. . 1 M tl I fl I'.lll I'l III': . .. . . ., J ,- 1 , .... land manufactories people. i"i you turn 10 no- army : 1 ia y j gt belter priies foi their fabrics in China. The bi'e of an enraged cat will produce hydro phobia, without ever having been bitten so snys a la'c medical work, and p'oves the ussi rtion, by citing some frightful inst inres. Eto:ci'(.!i b:di v j. TIIIIE Cit 7. ns of tlip b.r ujh of Suntiiiry nro Q rr.pies ed to meet Bt the Court II u-p, on s-aMirdav ihr 23.1 d iv of Deeem'ier, nl ti o'clock, 1'. M., to disapprove by their v ites, (if they seo fit.) an ordinince passed Nov, 2.1, I H 11, granting a lease fr die term of 30 years t 1 Id'tij uniii Hen. ibieks. of UiO feet of the River 15 ink. Also hii ordinoiC1' pis-ed Dae. 1st., IS13. ennt ing lo John 11. I'urdv 150 feel of the River lly onler ofthe Chief Rinuess. PKTF.R W. (iUAV, Clerk. Sun' tuv, Dec. K.. IS 13. It. T.STI1TZ, ,, .... 1 1 ll'Et-"l'FrLLY informs tie public that be .11 Honrs Snort In Mwinli"lit. Mr. thorn, 1 I . . .. . , , .. , , ' 1 A ,fi to nlii A otthnitihcr nn.l 1ns tit rssl- the e.litor of tho Concordia, Li., Intill gencer, not ; lh.nce Rn(1,y 0 ;lttL.tlj to nnv C,,U j ,,o I a go, killed by mnonhght, in 0110 hour, four ' line of Ins pr fesston. ToMNS oui-vilh IN Till' "iiiiw Aeeoiding to the Intoxicatino'.ous in Fuam k are chief ly wines, brandy, beer and cider. Tliesr, in 1S30, were in gallons, respectively as follows : W ine, Gl 1.400,0(10 ; cid.-r, 231,1-21,0(10 ; beer, r24,OtKl,000 ; brandy from wine, etc., 15,07-1,000 ; brandy from cider, potatoes, cher ries, potatoes and prain, 2,900,000 total 07, 531,HlO trillions ! The amount rxnortod how ever, is laroo. It is now estimated that there is annually made in France 111,(100,000 gal lons of brandy. The quantity of intoxicating drinks consumed there has been estimated in the proportion of 32 gollons for each of 32, 51X1,000 persons the population of 130. The amount of beer in France is also enor mous. The excise duties on beer alone in 1S21 were 1,00,000. The use and manufacture nf beer and cider are chiefly in the norlh of France. The amount of alcohol in Burgundy wines is estimated at from 8 to 10 per cent., and by Hrande at 11 to 1(1, and Chanipaijjne ot from 13 to 11 per cent ; Claret at 15, and the common country wines from -1 to 5, and cider at from 7 to 5) j strong beer, (which forms four- fifths of the malt liquors mode in France,) 5 to 8, and brandy 50 per cent., so that the sum to tal of alcohol drank or produced annually in Franep, at a low estimate, is G,."i70,70, or more than 0J gallons for each person. Fe (hieting, a s consuming none of ibis, one third of the pnpnhlion for children under twelve, and pay all the women, which is scarcely supposa ble.nnd there will be foiisnmed by each ofthe 10,107,000 males over ten, between 7 and 8 trillions of alcohol. Hut from this should bo de ducted, say one third for exportation, and the amount then consumed hy each would lie above live pallona. This, though not bo apparent in its effects to a stranger a in most other coun trius, ii eiid to be appal ing to residents, cspe cially in the north of France, where it ia chief ly drunV Drunkenness ia aaid to he "the enrse of the laboring classes; and of the insane, it appear! that a largo proportion are made so by CrT" Rut little business of interest or importance has thus far been transacted in Congress. The seats of Mr Jones, the Speaker, and Mr. f-'ilnier, both of Virginia, are contested, and a committee to investigate the matter has been appointed. The House, after romo debate on the points of order raised last week, in respect to the protest ofthe Whig members against the admission of tho members elected by general ticket, finally ordered that the protest be stricken from the Journal. The proposition to annex store: rob the votary of letters ul nil chance of fmnl Texas to the Union seems to have few friends ; triumph. In the pur-nit of any branch of ii- ! teralnro, nnd particularly that ol poetry or cl i oipienee. there nn ho little doubt, that purity ; o! tilling lit is inn; of 'he first ( dements of sue- ccs--. Impurities ofthe blood prostrate the bo dy, not more speedy nor Min lv, than grovel I almost eveiy description. form another .rti,m. How, then, can a Ke-! i,,,"-"""r "'"' ;' ' ''l'"-" v'"' public sustain Itself, unless siist.vnod by virtu- j IHiiing September and ( Ictober. 7 I ."iOO bushels of mis members ? Hut it is net hi much of ,.his i wheat were exported, and "Jills.f I pounds of lead I speak, ns of the tendency nl virtue to pro- 1, t,.ls ,-llr ,.jmr,.., .1 I 1 ... 1 ..I... ..,... 'I'l. inn 1. 1 1 10 1 ii lie 1 1 in i'1'i 1 1, r o tiou , .hiiiiii. j ii- ',11 .1 . I I s mo Moor ivneioi III n siioie I .rritnre eon position is ns tine 111 the om: case, ns m the " other. Nut It mention physical results, the i ,ill"s " puhition of 1 . 1 0:1 poisons, and has J J I time consumed in the practice of vice would 1 houses in it. 1 beats, one buck, and a wild hog. , A llisiop's Snnry Jiaisid. The salary of j llisho,) Ondcrdonk, of the E.t-tern Diocese of New 1 York, was raised, on his application, at a recent ! meeting of Trinity Church, from f 3000 to ffi.-'OO, by 11 vote of It to 6. The rece'pts often night of Mr. Micready's performance in Uostoo, were somct'iing bkc $7000. The number of letters received for delivery at the ('incinn ni Post OHiee, during Octo' er, was 2 ', :)'J0, of which number 1 ,:UiU were fiee. fTY He liny at nil times be found at Mr. James Lee's Hotel. Northnniberl mil. lb c ltoh. Hit. tf. TWO VARUS TO UvT, IN UNION COUNTY. them fi miles west of Neiv Rnibn, on mis Creek, occupied bv (ieo-g.' Yulientill, li eu' ! acres r!e.ire.l, s sv.v ind', ti-nber I n ', ive. The ot1 er 3 mi'es wc.-t of Nort'onn'ierl .ml. near lirown'sTiveui II. UELLS. Dec. Kith. Sl:l.-2t. v ' Pen n s i ter vs James 1J ar I ! Dougd ev McCf ery v Christopher II D iker .lo'an Huiiioiel vs I. P.hinnan l'o nt'h. of Pa. for D. Yauv dah J bo lintfen S-Q. The elements of party strife are such, that no one is willing, at present, to agitate tho subject, unless some "dire discord" might unexpectedly spring up. injurious to present laid plans. Tin: Takitt Refore the last Taritf, com mon glass tumblers were imported from (ier many. A heavy duty was placed upon them, and the same article is now manufactured in this country and sold at a price nearly one half less than they were ever sold at before. So also with the article of Pins. A duty of .IO p'-r cent, was laid 011 foreign pins. Our manufactories are now making a better article than those imported, and what is better, they are sold fnteen per ct cheaper than before the tariff was adopted. We might go on and enumerate a number of articlet that are now manufactured in ibis country, not only better, but cheaper tbun the imported arti cles before the late taritf. A fool tare for one hundred coven igns csnie otr near London, ubout three weeks since, between Jmics Ovron, a cell brilcd English runner, and T. Jac k-on, w ho has obt lined the designition of the "Ame'ican Deer." The race, which is described ns a very benutiful one, wus won by the American the fit ipicnt contemplalinn of the beanti'ul in I Deer, who beat his competitor by about 20 yards, tho physical world, will even leave its traces -J ie ,jsim,, rlln wu, . ,nlc, which the winner ac on the human countenance. by should not 1 , the eon-emphttton and the practice of virtue, I co...pb-bcd m f,...r mtnutes and lit.y-two seconds. . i 1 1 .1.. ,i 1 1 i. : r... ' uimi i'.x.iil noo piuoy 110- iiiiijii, unti in 11 1 Rovai. Pun:. It is suid that the bare plate lu g thoughts, the mind. Ye are told that higher lli::lils r I hat there are tiiosn who pur- .-11.; the opposite course With succes, is no i;ihhI I argument to the contrary. This is an instance ofthe ino.-t common, as well nn the most fatal, i errors in human logic. The result is: hi re 'produced, not by means of vice, but in despite ; of it. If a steamer, be'iriiHr 11 burden of 11 thousand tens, ntitslnpil merchant ressel I cttri ving but ."srtl bow absurd wetoit In nltri lin'o it to I ho excess of the cargo'. In one respect, tin; cases an' parallel. As a matter j of mere policy then, the t-tudmt ought to be a XjIST OF CflUSES. IOI, trial in the Couit of Common Pleas of Nor. tl. 011,1 eilii,l ('0111, iv. tit luiiuirv 'l'e 111 . D The Hom.eipithie nieihod has been culled by, H t.,mimeiicing the first Monday, miny respectable persons a humbug,, .lC,,t, Shi 7. s J hn Stmt doubt, has had the r fleet of leading numbers to con- ! SI r nhen Wilson vs K A Kracht ilemn it nitboot further inouiiv. ltllt. saVS Ilrv- ! faillUel K Hula large Catholic church ,,, ih ,,oel 1 and mm of its ereilest votaries. v - 1 'One of the worit of all humbugs, one of ihe most di plorablo delusions, is that w hich leads men to shut their yes lo the truth." The C,.,'. H ater Cure. Thev are about to get up a medical establishment in New York, upon the cold water, or hydrophobia system. Some of the most a-tonishing cuies on record have been per formed in Europe, by the application of this sim- Kli Probst plee'cnent. M'" ''" 1 ' D unci llrnutigam 0 for Slntiiie Cincinnati papei tells nf 1 f.ivid V (i udou a young giil in Vbe ling, 'n., who frightens her; Same f. nude by dreeing in men's clothes ..ed ' VVi'" ." '"'i''!'!"1 t p . . . . . , .1 II ughi nd ildci iVC g ang Into their rooms -shiU the inin-jlcs are asleep ,, ivi(, vv,lt.oll in the night. Phil p Weiser C.ipt.llertrjnd, son of Count rii rtrsn.l, dt.l not ,, A singlo goltl service of (icnrgr? IV, contains 1 8ai in ihe I ws, but remains in this country for j t 1, i. i,,.,., , xr all the utensils requisite to dine one hundred i fevers! months, lie has seen scivice in A'shr, Ahrab nil Sir tub and thirty guests. There is in this collection, and has been badly wounded. n'' 'IV's'n'm 11 vessel which belonged to Charles Nil, of I Very Cieup Indeed. The London llooksellers y j t,,r advertise a i-hkap edition nfthe Mysteries of Paiis, The Com' h of Penn'a at 25 rh'.llings Heilit g, ubout C Jacob I.eiser sr. r.noeh Mower's eir J H KlunigJii c W K llrown Joiin A Llovd I'he Hank of North' J. of Windsor Ca.-tle, is valued ut .i-,.')000,(Kit). Sweden atinther taken from the King of A vn. Otheis were taken from the Spanish Arm inda, Cy ITor.N, the murderer, who will shortly ! executed ut Paltimore, for the murder of his wife, bad murdered bis former wife in Ohio, for which he was tried and sentenced to prison, lie escaped after 11 months confinement came to Pennsylvania and married the wife he lately murdered. C.7 The Pnn.rEi.piiu Lfpcfr speaking upon the subject of making Stockholders of Hanks ba uble in their individual capacity, says : "Anions? other new converts we now number Daniel Webster. During tho recent trial of the Ime officers of the late I'ho nix Hank at Boston, Mr. V. ia reported to have borne down 111 the course of bis argument with great sever ity on the carelessness and negligence of tho sleepy directors,' as It termed them, who, be man ul'innre than S'.eirtan virtue. His drug' pies and his hopes demand ibis. When how. ever, by the practice of its kindly nlfiees, bis kindred and biseountry are made Imppier, and he is rendered more able to bear the ills that flesh is heir to: when ho reflects with St. IN. erte, that 'nothing is iluiable, virtue alone ex cepted. Personal beauty pis-os quickly away; fortune inspires extravagant iuelinat inns , gran deur fatigues; rrputation is uncertain; ta lents, nay genius itself, are liable In be impai red ; but viittie id ever beautiful, ever uivcrsi- fied, ever equal, and ever vigorous, because it is res gned to all events, to privations as to en joyments, tolilo as to death.' " and others again weie brought from China, j idiiiona are 50 cinta. Ibirniah and India. There were also thirty 1 The 'otal increase ofthe Methodist Episcopal dozen fold plates, worth one hundred andthir- I Church in the United Stites mid 'IV .s, during ty dollars each, besides splendid gold shields and snufl-boAf, worth from thirty to forty thou sand dollars a piece. These are always some in the editorial corps who never fail to vent their spleen ogainst " old maids," as often as an opportunity occurs. Ho must have been some crusty, disappointed old averred, had framed their testimony on the oc- bachelor, who invented the following new me. casion to cover up and conrral. They bad ' (ilod f making lemonade, which, it is suid, is now " ' sworn thai mey nan examined mo paper in me 1 .,.. . ... . : rti.ston t what their drinkinjr wineCHpiVf Handbook of Plant: bank, and yet they were ignorant ol it. charac j V" ,,h,V ' l"-l,,,c,', ttt lwt. ihey . tfr 'rlJU(,t jsh(.y nter did examine, in ' ,,r"' " I-einoii.ide ,t,e 1 be followmg is W find by a Kt. Peter.burj journal that duiiiiR the yen 1810. t.-i' died in Pus i i irr.l persons, aged more thsn a 'hundred )', "30 of thsin had reached the ago or 105, 1 OH hid turned 110, b9 raiched 1I5,5 Jil l W. t '"!, 1 died at 130, iid S '(:! d m I .. ... . tl... . any proper sftir.e ot the woni, lite sectjtntes in the bank ', nnd, said Mr. Vv., 'it is scandalous infamous tliutstich men should seek to swear away the liberty of fellow man solely upon af terthonplrt. recollections, in order to cover up their (',vn neplipence and unfaithfulness, as " A Isrtre punch bowl of water ia provided, which is sweetened by voitng ladies hold in their lips to the brim. The old maid r :.' J .1 1 1 .. . " --II IOOR una 11, sou 1110 lemonuuu " I'rvxck. A lew days ago, while the great bell of Ihe Cathedral of Notte Dame was being rung, the clapper gave way, and the enormous mass fell down through two fliwrs ofthe tower. and lodged in the third. Three persona were injured. An interesting communication wss read in the Academy of Sciences. It was relative to a substitute for white lead for domestic purpo ses. The author, M. de Ruolz, states that the flowers of antimony give a finer white, mix more freely with the other colors, and are more durable, and cost only one-third of tho price of white lead, and neil'vr in pro cess of manufacture-, nor -0J use, affect the health, tnubt bo taken nf oone did.' Care j ict the old maids look in . . , j' . 1 , , ,,, , . , , 111 111a um inaifia i tbeae drowsy directors have attempt to do, J u . jnp, K , ,f lvrem9 , (our. The receipts on the Western (Mass.) ltiiltoid, during Ihe week ending on the Snd instant, were $13,008. The rrceipls duiing the corresponding period last yesr were enly f 7,1 37. ihe present year, as announced in the ulhVial report, , i 151,021. ; All the manufsrtoiies in h iwell, Mass., are Jo. , lug thnvtni tiusines. 1 arus 01 cioui per r,. 51 331 250; linlea of cotton used, 1.09." ; and 8, 750 I eiaons are emplaye 1 6,375 fennlcs and 2, :H5 miles. That very tallest of humbugs, the Missouri Mas. todon, has leen told to the Dritih Museum for fSOOO. The Mistodon speculators are doing a j good business. I Five bears were killed ilbin a short time of rach other in fcandgite, Washington c.iunty, N. Y. The last was a victim weighing 400 lbs., who made at bit pursuers a;, j got the muzzle of iheii guns in bis mouth, which on being discharged, tore away the jaw, The wreck of the steam fiigate Missouri t-till re-, mained at ihe last dates, ubpfrfr,f j gl Q.nraltar. Active operaiiona had b'jen carried on for raising her contents. The magazine batch had been cleat ed, und the whole of the magazine gotten up, con kitting of 60 costly copper tanks which rilled the hip. I'he powder was damaged by sail water. Here the chetp Agst " n I I ho Aglcr Step'icn lerr Conrad Raver Isiac 1) 011 Josei h LioingirJii'T vs John prii k vs S T Iturrows vs J II M I) ivisaii vs John Knorr vs W 1 Mousel vs Peter Uurlieu vs Hi tx'ceii Wells vs Paul (ieildrs Ac vs Simuel iV I! McKee vs H Fuck t-t nl vs John Cmvden's eir vs Hugh liellas vs Same vs John Ii Miller vs Packer A Cuinmings vs Patrick Moniaaiie vs Joseph WjIIis jr vs S.nie vs McCariee Purdy vs J ihn Peal et hI vs Joea han Ad ims vs Nicholas Laiii-'s admr vs John T Ma'hias vs V II Frvraier vs Felix Mail'er et ul vs J.ihn He diemail v t " 1 1 1 1 1 e s Cmig vs (Scivge Lawrence -i J hn 15 u lil vs John flower vs John Murray S ML'EL U. JOi:lN. I'roth'y. Prothonot irv's Dllice, Stinhury, Dec. 16, IS-13. S IS hereby Riven, that I have purchased the foil tw ins articles, fold ai Shciiff's sale nn the bill iiift , as the propeity of Samuel Driirkeuull' r, which ar ticles I have loaned lo the siid Samuel until 1 see proper lo remove thorn, v,c 18 Hats, al t'i Mamie Clock. 26 yds. of Carpeting, ol 31 cts. p.r yd. 15 vds. do 1 Dining Table, j d zen Chilis, 1 Bureau, 10 cts. " I'J 00 1 50 4 an 5 27j i 00 ffi.r 6fsA VrANini. DRUCKEMILLEK SunburviVc. 9th, 1813 3t . rORESTVILLHr HK.4SS i:k;iit nil clocks. TlIIE subscriber has just received, fur sale, a few 1 of Ihe above celebrated Eight Day Clinks which will be sold at very reduced prices, for cah.' Also, i.Ucrior 30 hour Clocks, of the best make and quality, which will be sold for rash, at f 4 60. Alan, superior Bras 30 hour Clerks, al g 00. lc.a 1813. II. V, MASfEK.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers