li A A K X (IT V. I, I ST. rr.WSVIAAMA. Ti p f-llowine list r!n w the current value of nil ('cnnr-v Ivania Hank Note. TIip mnt implifil rr if dec may ho placed I'dmi i, a it I ferry link iftiily cntnpaiej with ai il cnrrec'cl from Biik aril's Reporter. IlnnliM In ri!ln1rl:ii:i. i t l'ur. t Nam. Loci-no. Vmi NOTES AT P A If. PnnV of North AmeiifB . . I'nnk of tlic Northern Liberties . I 'on, mere ial of PrnnV1 . , .''am-crs' unci Mechanic' Bank . KerHntrton Bank . . I biladt iphia Hank chuvlkill Hnnk . . , Soiithwark Hnnk . . , Western Hnnk ... Mechanics' llnT V . , M iniilaclurcrp' & Mechanics' Dunk found y llnnUn. Hnnk of Chester County Wcctchefti-r Hnnk of Delawnre County Chrstcr H.tnk of Cermantovvn Ocimnntmvn Rank of Moiiteomrry Co. Norrisnnvii Doylostoivn Hnnk Dovlcstnwn Eeiton Hnnk Fusion par par par par par pnr pnr pnr pnr pnr I'' pnr pnr par par pur pnr par Farmers' Bmik of Bock co.1 Bristol ilPifc of Hnnk of ri-tiii'a. rf!ice do do flHre do do OlV.ce do do N OTES A T llnrri-bnrn" TIip-p J.nnrnsUT 1 oilier Ivrndilig j tin not j Fnftoii J issue n. j DISCOUNT. i ' ri.ila.l. 2.r)a2fi ' Hnnk of t!iu Fniled t-tntej,' Hank if IVnn Tuntisliip iirard Bank . MoyninenKing Rnnk Hnnk of JVnnylvniiin Minora' Hank of I'otlsvillc of l.pwintown Hnnk ( f Middletuwn R:mk of NorthunilipilnnJ Columbia Hnnk & Bridge co. pnr 12 . , pnr pnr o 2 1 PntlRvillo I.evnMonn MiilillcloH n Norlhunilierliiiiil pnr Columbia Carlisle Hank Kxcliange Hank Da do branch of Farmers' ltnnk of I.nnrnstei l.niiraster County Hnnk Farmers' Rank of Reading l(arribur? Bank I.nncnster Bnnk l.rlinuon Hnnk Merchanls' iSc Mnnuf. Bank Hnnk of riltburc Carlisle Tiltsburp HollidnYburg I.nncastPt H 1 i i i i i 1 i p.iiti 7ft failed do I.nncnster Reading Harrisliurg Lancaster Lebniu n Pittsburg Piltshing Willininsporl Vi'ke'l ni lu Allentown iu ndim Pittsburg Vct Hrnnch Hank Wyoming Bank ortlinnipton Hank IVrk County Hnnk Olli. e of Hank of V. S. Do do do lo do do Kenviuctoli Sav. Ins. A Penn Township Sav. Inn. Hunk ol Cliainlieriihurg Hnnk of (iettyhurR Bunk of SuMjuclinnna Co. lirie l!:mk Farmerh' A Drovers' Bank fianklin Hank KonrFilale. Biiik Mononi;alirla Bank of B. Vork Hank New Brighton do do Chnmbprsbiirg do (i tlysl'Urg Montrose Krio Wayncsliiirg Washinaton llonesdale Brownsville Voik 2 40a50 3 3 N. B. 'J'lic note of tlioe banks on which we omit ipmtaiions, and substitute a dash ( ) are not purchased by the Philadelphia brokers, with the exception of those which hne a letter of nlcrcnce. BROKEN B A N K S. Philadelphia fSuv. Ins. Pliiladrlphia Philadelphia I.onn Co. do ' 1 1 1 li Ik ill Sav. Ins. do MmiiujI Lab(r Bank (T. W Dyott, prop.) failed failed failed failed 68 no sale closed tinted failed closed no sale failed failed failed no sale I'owandn Hank Towanda Alleshany Bank of Pa. Hunk Of Beaver Hank ol Swataia ;'auk of Wiishington t Vniie Bunk City Bank Karnitrs' V Mrih'cu' Hank I'nriiiiis' A: Mech'ci' Hank Farmers' A' Mech'cs'iUank Huimuny Institute Wunlinedur. Hank luuiala Bank t-und'or men's Hunk Nui l ein Bank of Pa. New Hope Del. Bridge Co. Xoithiimli'd l.'nioii Col. Bk. Noilh Western Ha'ik of Pa. Hl'.re ot Selnivll.ill Bank Pa. Agr. Ai Manuf. Bunk Silver Eake Bank I niou Bank of Pcnii'u. estmorcland Hank Bedford Heaver Harrisburg Washington Belli fouto Pitlsbuig Pilthhurg Fayette co. lirrencastle Harmony Huntingdon no sale I.en istowu no sale Warrpn failed Dundair no sale New Hope 1 1 used M illon no sale Meadville tiused Port Curl-on Curli.-le failed Mont lose closed Fniolitown failed ( urg cloced ilkcsb.irre no sole WilkesliHire Bridge Co. O'j- All note puiporting to he on any Peniisyl uiua Hunk not given in the above list, inny be ct t low ii a Iraud s. way .ii.i:m:v. Hnnk of New Biuimwiek BruiiKW ick failed I par i .par par Lieivideie Hank Hiutingtoii Co. Hank l.'ominercial Hank Cumberland Bank Funnel' Bnk Belviilere Mid fur J Perth Aniboy Hiidgetoii Mount Holly Faimirs' and Michanics' Hk Rahway i I'armers' nnd Mtchanick' Hk N. Hiunswiik failed Furmir and Mirchantk Bk Middletouu Pi. Franklin Hank of N.J. Jersey City I loli. ken BkpA Crazing Co Hobokcn Jersey City Bank Jcucy City Mfcbaniis' B ink Patterson Manufacturer' Bank Hcllctillo MorrU Coimiy Hni.k Morristown Monmouth Bk of N.J. FieiholJ Mchunicb' Bank Nrwuik Mechanics' and Manuf. Bk Trenton Morris ('anal and Bkg Co Jeisey City Post Notca Newark Blig A- Ins Co Newaik failed fail-. I failed failed failed i failed i pui DO klile i i fsil-.l Jailer1. i failed Ne w Hope U l Bridge -o l.ambcrtHvillo N. J. Manuf ic. and Bkg Co Hobokeu 1Y J Troti f tcii l.wialard I k Jers. y City Orange Bank " Orange PuttTHW Bank Pnlerson People' Bank do Pitnietou Hank Pnnceton Ssh ui Banking Co c'ali ni Klute Bank Newark Suit- Bank F.lixahclhtnwn Mule Bank Camden htate Bank of Mori in Monistown flutes Bank Tri nlon tsjlem binl Philad Manuf Co Salem rijM'X Bank New ion Trenton Banking Co Tin, ton I'ni.-u Bunk Devvr AVasliinj-toii Banking Co. If ackemtat'k ii:i.4iVAiti:. P.'i of Wilm ti Brandy wiik: i'mingloii Jisnk of Delaware Wilmington Bank if ui)rna Smyrna Do bianch Mdtoid Fainu-ia' Bk of State of Del Dover par par i 1 par I failed lulled J pur i Crtl. el par par par pnr par par p.r par par Do bran. !, branch I riKh it ii in . ton o-oiyi tow u Nrwr mile Wilinun;t-m Do Do Union Bnnk 03" 1 :inlci b's rrj- On nil banks mn.kd thus (') llare are iU thai roiinttili it i aln rcl notca if the vjr.oui dc JTiWfl.d fX.i.i, ii eiliwla iu. Th li,st,n,lhod for Ihr. AMilhn nf In in mi.-p. v purify the Hotly. I M I I X X r. u r, T A II I. H 1 1 1. 1 s OF TUB i7r Jtmrrlretn (tilleer of frail h, Are now acknowledged In he Ihe best Medicine, ill the World for the cure of FAERY YAUIKTY OF DISEASE. EOAl'SE ilii v coinn'ctelv icanc the it fl it) mn, h nud bowels from thi-ae billion and cor rupt humor i ich are the catl-e tint only of Hondaihc, f it, Mini ., Palpitation of Ihe Heart, I nTis mi llii- Pours, Khctimat sm mm limit, inn pvnv innliii'v ii riilri t lo mun. Afl) I.MHAN VFCi'KTABI F PII.I.S arc n rrrtnin euro in leinrt'ei.t, irmiMrd, ncrvou. inllnmr.tnty and pu'rid Fpvpr. bcc ime tin v p'ennfe the p.'dy firm those mntbtd hi mor, w hicb, w hen cunfinrd to (So cirru l.tinn nrp il-.p rnu-p of nil kinds of FFVF.Ii. !o, nlf.-i, hrn the rnni- in -pu'itv i deposileil on the n prnl'in e and tniicle, rnn'tiif pi". tlon sn,l iTr!;itlc palled RIIFFMATISM. fid T.r. Wrinhi's IndiNii Ver.rtnlp Pill may 1 1 relied .'i ns n!ny prl:iin lo tivp n lief, ntnl if pcr-'pve ted with, nrroidlnc lo direction will most (issu'i il'v. nnd w ittioni f ill, ninhe n perfect cine ot iic nlu'vr pninfel n id.idie. From three to six of nlil Ii),liin Vi celnb'e Pill taken every niuht pr it p to bed, will i'i a sboit time so completely rid the l'.i.'y from every thing that i opposed lo health, Hint, (lout, nnd p iio of every derrip ti.m.wiil be literally URIVFN FROM THE HO 1V. For the s -me reason, when, Irom slid. ten ehnrrc of ntnio-pbeie, or any olhrr cause, the pcr spi.'atimi i checked, and the humoi a which fh-ud l pa- off bv tin- skin are thrown inwardly, causing HEADACHE, lilDDINKJSS, nausea and sii k ms, i ain in Ihe belies, waicty and ii flamed eyes, sore throat, honrscnoi-s, pour!:, consnniptions, rheumatic pains in various part of the body, nnd many ntln-r svuiplomi of CATCH Ifi COED, H,V,' hiiHaii Yrerfnfilr 1'Hm will invariably Bive imineiiiatc relief, f rom thiee to six ol sanl , Pills taken every ninlit on going to bid, will in n ! short time, not only remove all the above uttpli n ant synitoins, but the body will, in a short time, be j restored to even sounder hcnl'h ibati before. ASTHMA, on D1FFICFI.TY OF BREATH- IN(!. Wright' Indian Yigrliilitc l'il.s Ions- : en nnd rany olT, by the stomach nnd bnivois, thorc tough dilrgniy humors, which stop tip all the air J celts of the lime, and arc the pause, not only of the j above distressing complaint, but when neglected, j often terminate-" in that nunc diradful malady called ' CON-S'I'MPTION. It shou'd be also ten embeiod ! thai ''r!t;hl'K Indian Yrgelalilr Pils are a certain j cuie for PAIN IN THE SIDE, Oppression, nau sea, nnd sickness, loss ef appetite, coslivcnrsn, a ', yellow tinge of the skin nnd eyes, mid every other : symptom i f a torpid or diseased slate- of the liver ; leeause they purge from the body thtise impurities j which if ih posited upon this important organ, are j the cause of every variety of FIVER COM- j PLAINT. When n nation is convulsed by riot--, i outbreaks and rebellion, the only menus of prevent, ing the dreadful consequences of a CI VII. WAR. ; is to expel nil traitors, nnd rvil disposed ones from i the country. In like manner, when pain or sick- : ness of any kind, indicate thnt the body is siruc- ) gling with internal foe, the true remedy is to E.Y- j PEL AM. MORBID HFMORS, (Trnilors to j health nnd life,) llnillfi tcili be the certain result. That the principle of curing disease, by cleansing j nud puiifyiiig the body, is stiictly in accordance with the laws which govern the animal economy; nnd if properly earned out bv the use of the above named W RK HIT'S INDIAN VF.CETAHLE PILES, will eeitaiuly result In the complete Abo lition of Dbcnse ; wc eificr the following testimoni als, from prraont of the highest rcspeclnhiliiy in New York, who have rccentiy been cured of the most obstinate complaints, solely by the use of Whiohtij Isuiii Vkletablk Pills, of the AurA American College of IhaUh : Jamaica, T,. I., June Dili, 1S41 , Doctor William Wright Denr Sir It is with great sati-faction I inform you of siy having been entirely cured of Dyspepsia, of live years standing, bv the use of your I ni am Ykdktaiilk Pill. Previous to meeting with your celebrated nndi eine, I had been under the hands of several Physi cians, and had tried vaiious medieiues; but all to no elt'ect. After using one 25 cent box of jour Pills, how ever, I expt rieiiced so much benefit, thai I resolved to perseveie in the use of them aeeoiilmg to directions, which I am happy to state, In.s result ed in a pel feet cure. Iugmtitude to you for the great bent fit I b-ive received, and abo in the hope that others similarly afllieted may bo induced lo Itinl of your exlruotdiii-ny medicine, I send you this statement with lull hl-eity to publish the same, if vou think proper. Yours. A c. New Yoik, June 19, Its 1 1. u.C. BLACK. Mr. Rii hard Dennis, ngent for Wright' Indian Vegetable Pills. Dear Sir I have been afflicted for several years with inward weakness and general debility, otvoiii pnnied at times w iih pains in the side and other distressing complaint. Aftii having tried various mri'.ii ines w i'lionlf ll'icl, I was persuaded by a fiieinl I.i uuike trial ef Dr. Wiighl's Indian Vegetable Pills, which I am happy to fclnte. have ielieve.1 me in a mobl Wonderful uninio r. I have used the me- ulcine, ns y el Put a rlioit tiu e, nml liave no iloulil, by a perseverance in the ue ot the lin diciue accor ding lo diiectioua. ih.-l 1 shall in a bhort time he perl-eily le-toie-l. I most willingly re-comnicnd said Pills to nil per sons timilnily nlllicled, and in the full belli f that Ihe B-inie benelieial results w ill follow their ue, I re ii. tin )ouis binccrely, HRNIiY A. POOi'E, Wniwarsing, L'Uie-i co. ., V, Nmv Yon k, Sept. '.'0, 1MU. This is lo certify that I liave used Wiuiiin's I Mil am Vm.i iaiilk Pi lis with the greatest bene fit ; huvinc e ntirely cured myself of the frequent ul lacks of Siek Headache, lo whhli I had pievion-lv lein fubject. ANN MARIA THOMPSON, ' 3U3 Creenw ich strcei. N. Y. To Mr. Richard Dennis, Agent for Wright' In dian Vegetable Pi, Is. f".I f T I .A. As there are at this tune wicked (firoiis busily iniiuged in felling u Counterfeit mediciiu- un der the name ef ihe Indian Vegetal. le Pill and us these desperate men are so util ity recLles of cnli- ntqucnccs, that ninny valuuhle I. vi s may he I,, si in consequence of using tl eir dreadful compound-, ilm pul l c lit i caum-ned naiust purcha-iog any Pitl, nihil i Oil llie mlciof the boxes the follow ing wording is found : UKICilli'S INDIAN YECCTABLE PILLS. Indian Ptirffcifirf.) 01 TUX K Oil Til AMLHICAN Coll.l.r.K or HlAl.TII. And alse to be espetiilly caielul against ur ha ting aaid medicine of any pereon except the regu lar advertisi J ngcnii. AGM'S FOR AOA'77r.UI'A7..4A7 CO., J'riinsyliania. II. B. Masst-r, Sunbury Wm. Forsyth, Nor thumberland Jacob Has, Shamokin Sannn I Herb, Mahonoy Hverly A D. Haas, Alii;u.-ta Tbornus Folliner, Mill-ni frclaml V Meivill, McEwrnsville E S. P. per, Tuibulsviilt James Reed, Piittsgrovp II, KUse, Huydir-luwn H. 11., P. M.. Elja,burg P. O. Win. Leisenring, P M, I'nion Corner. Oibce nml (ieneral Depot for (lie sale of MViV'ii'e ladinn Ytgf.ulde Fills. Wholesale and Retail, No. li'J RACE STREET, PHILA DEI. 1HIA. May SI, 1813. ly j R, o S E OINTMENT, Villi TII'JLTTIl. nivnvoiiMft, riMVi.rsi on tiik fur, Am ouirtt I Tlit fiilliiii'in: errtifea't dici ihe nnf if the I iihoI rj-lrtwrdiitary cure ever tjfected ly any application. PinmiTiruiA, Fehtiinry 10, 19!1S. IOR twenty years I was severely iillliclcJ with Tuttkii on the Fnco antl Head: tlip disease commenced when I was seventern years old, and continued until tlie Full of 18:lll, vaiyinj in vio lence, lull without ever disappcarine. During m ij-l of llie time, prrnl purl of my fi-ce wr coven J with j the rruption, frrqiirnlly nMiiiilcd will) vio'ent itcli ing; my lieail snrePcil -at times until it felt as it it would I'tipl-the swelling was ft g'P it. thnt I con'd renrcely pet mv but on. During the long period thnt I wa nll'ielpl with the diene, I useil n erenl nnnv at plication, (mi tut thein s vend celeliralc.l prepaii.tmn-) n- w II a taking inw.itd rciin dierf. in. li:dinii a i ti idu r ofl-.-tili of flu-trim's Vnmifni, 1'iiracl i f .'( riHii illit, tie. In f ict it w. nU be i;t'piipi'-p to enuuipin'e all t'ie medieiues I iim-tl. I was also ut iler the c re of two of llie most dj liiii;uished pbysieian of ilii ci'v. but will) -lit re ceiving nvcli iH-iiefit. and I despaired of ever brine cured. In ll e 1 .11 ol IS'.Wi, the disea-e at the time l-eipg veiv violent, I commenced llsini! tho Uimt I Hutitifn', (picpar-a! bv Vaiilnn A: Divis.) In a f w a plications llie violent itching ren-ed, ihe welling abii'ed, the Til pli-m U-gan to disappear, and before I hud used .i jar the disease vn entirely eincd. It ha now l ieu nearly a vuir nnd a hall since, na, I there is not a vcli,-e of the disrate re-iii.iii.iiiL-. except ihe scam from the deep pits forme-! by the disease, ll is iinp- ssil'le fir me to deseril-e in a cirtilienli- the severity of ihe disease mil my ki:V. rim;, but I will l-e pie is d to uive a fuller ac count ,i nnv person wauling further satisf, who will oil on me. At the time I coinrm need using the I!, sc Ointment I would have iven Imti- i 0f ,! p, - rnl of ihu di-ase. Sim sing it, I base recommended it to srn-r il persons, (among them my mother, who had the di-euso bad ly on her n-m. who wvroa l cure. I bv it. JAMES IH Il.NHU., No. l.'.n, R.ceSl. 'lj'- ' lie Rose Oiiitim-nt i.i prepared by E. H. Vnuuhnu, Soii'li East corner of Thiid nnd Race stu-i t, Pliiiadeljiliia, and sold on nrenev in Simbii- IV. bv ' Mr.v 11th 11. B. MASER, A iff ul. Ito-r Oiiif ntt'iif, Tor 'I'cIHt. a moor or its r.rncwY. Pun ami run. May UTlli, I :!!. rP IHS is to certify thnt I was si vercly .!!! cied , - niih Tetter ill the hands and f- et for upward of loily eais ; the disc isp w ns attended c ner illy with violent iti long and swelling. I applied to i nuinbi r of!, anil ustd a great m any npp'i-ca-ions without elVeeling n ci:re. Ala-ut ny-ar since, I applied the Rose Ointment, which entirely stopped the itching, nnd n b w application' unincili ntiiyeurid Ihe disease, w hich there hn bi en no return of. ullh-u'ch I had never been rid of i' at any time for buy ye.u. RICHARD SAYAt.E, l'.li ventli, below Sptuce Street. j The Rose Oinlioenl is prepared bv E. H. Vuujjhnn. S mth East corner of Third and Race Streets, Philadelphia, and sold on aireiicv in Siinbii-rv.l-y 11. B. MASSER, ' May 11th. IS 1:1. Agrst, MEDICAL APrifCSATION Oflhr ItOSi: l.TMi:.T, fur "lt!r. AI.THOFGH the superiority of the prepniuiioii over all others is fully csnMi hed. the pr -pr;e-lors take pleasure in laying In fore ihe pul-lic the following cerrilica'e from n re-pectnble physician, a graduate of the I'nivcrsity of Penna Ivania. Dr. Biiiigh, having found in this remedy that relief fir a tedious and disacreeal-l-' all'eetion w hirh the mean within the ranee of hi profcs,iiti failed to atloid. has not hesiiati d to cive it his approbation, although the prejudices ai d interests of that prolesMon aie opposed to secret Remedies. Piiii.ei.K.i rui , Sept. 10. HM. I wns recently troublid w ith a lidious herpetic erupti" n. w I i, h e.opird nearly one si !e of mv face, ami extended r vpr l!;e ear. Mr. Vauyliati, pioprn -lot of the Rose t 'iutinent, ohscivini; my facf, insis ted on my tiyine his prcpaiation, of which he han ded me a jar. Alihouuh in common with ihe inem-l-eia of my profession, 1 discountenance and disap prove ot ihe numerous nostrums palmed upon llie public by innoi nil r. tenders, I feel in jus-ice b- iind to exci pt the Rose 1 1 it n o nt lioni that cla of me dicines, and to uive it my appn-l-atiou, ns it emirp. Iv urrd ihe eiuption, iibln-u-! ii i hid resisted the li-u ,1 iippheations. DAM. HA I (ill, M. D. The l!,is- Oiiiimei.l is pu-p.iri.l by 11. II. auiili an, Soiiih lln-tc -ii ir of Tl.iid and R-ice St iei 's, I 'rtl'ailepl.ia, an J cohl on nu" nev in Sun l u.v. l-v II. 11. .MA.-SER, May 1 Mi, i :t. Jgnil. J. XVZAVI AND, ' JU. Sc CO. SnuU' ;itul Tul-iiccu MatitiliicUii cr.s, .No. '.'il .:tit li'i .si rnriit r if Hurt and 'J'liinl Sin i Is.' PIHLADEI.PH! . ''UK lil.ih r-iin I have f.-rmeil a Co-parlm rship under the lirm ol .1. M V I . M . .1 a. A: Co.. ! a successor,, m ihe lute linn of .Inmh .Wniffinnf - ' i)., and w ill c imuiue the I usines ul ihe old esla- l lishmeiit, on tier own arrouiit. In ad.liiion lo their own close nnd evperi- nce f.-i lounv veais, in li e niaioil'ii line i f iheir cefebr.ili J Minll'-, A e.. llir I. nu cxpeiience of the senior pinlner ol the I ile I". rm. will til.o l e ilevoled to the interest of the I new cot cein and ns no exertion and caie will le I spared lo iu-ur. tin ir goods, at all tinn-s ot the ve ry I est quality, they solicit a Continuance of the ! eoiil'iih i ,ir id the I, ends and I iisl.imers of ihe late j I'u in. 'J'HOM s ADA MS, J. MA VI. AMI, Jr. Philadelphia, Mav 1 1th, IS:l. ly '. t'ariuri't 'Fhrdinid mr Sin , wtLriiAircsi-'oiiT. rA. T llll si. I i i ilar r-Mei iliillv ailh'Uni ; I i t;- pill In-, thai be b ., i r,i d a Hod I ill lie- cou-.- mnilious bii-k I oil.liog s in it i li e comer i f I bin! anil Pine r im Is, wt eie l e u i!1 be l appv lo Wail np ll llii-si- who may favor him wil l ttn-ii coiiq-anv, 'J he Kaule Hotel is laitfp nud c. un ni- ni, and furnisl.i il ii, li e I e t in di in sl le. ll i- i pr ivided with a l uge uiuolu r i f well aiie.l nnd ; comforlafle t'e- pin:: upariini nts, rooiiis, piivad' ailois, Ac. l eisoiis visiting ilhainsport on l u siness or plea ore, may re-i us-und thai every ex ertion will le used lo render their sojourn at the "Eagle Hod I" pleasant and ngrcruble, HisTuhle will be supplied with the very hist the inaiket af fords, nnd his bar with the choicest wines and other liquor e barges reisonable. The Eagle Hotrl possesses greater udvanlHijes in point of location than any other similar establishment in the borough, bring situate in the business purl of the town, and within a convenient distance of the Court House and Williamsporl and Elmira Rail Road Depot. Sufficient Stuhling provided, and good and trusty n-.t'eis alwav, in utieiid anee. Attentive, accommodating and hone-t Servants have been emplove.l, nnd nothing left undone tint will add to the roiuhut and m-coinmodatnm of his guest. There will W a e-nrr'nige always in Btteinlance at the Boat Landing to convey passenger to and from the House, free of charge, OH AIRES BORROW-"?. M .y 11th. 1F1?,- if H.E.lfiAOOEPa, ATTOItNHY AT J.AW, tvunvnv, fa. HusiiiPiis iittpnded to in the Counties of Nor thuii'l i rland, I'hioti. Lv coming and Columbia. lteOr In i Tiinvre IIaiit V i'o., Lowtn V BAnnox, r, "ip.'ZAr,. IIaht, CuMiirin A: IIabt, Rir-voi ns, Mi-Fa it t. sit ei Co Si'kiii a, 'Jooii Ac Co., To 'oimli y IVIEtt Gil ANTS. rPIlE Suhscriber, Agent of 1 yon A; Harris, Hat Manufacturers, for N'-w York, Philadelphia, Hallimore nnd o'her large cities, w! os.- Hals nre highly comuii nded f ir iimd c-ivr and tlur'ililili, ha on l.nn.l n lir I rite -lsnprtuvi t of HATS nnd CAPS, suit-i! p for S ruin s de-s, vh i li will I p s.,1.1 veiy low, foi eas'i or nppinvr I credit, nt llie ml id eh'iip stare. No. North Thud Hlrevl, o p is'pe the City H -t- l. Phil i lelphia. ROBERT I). WILKINSON. ,l.-ci(. N. B. OrJeis for Hals in ibeiuri-'i, pr-nnptly ntlcnde I to, The Idghi si ) rice hi wjA jr tra-'o given fir I'nr tkin. Philadelphia, June 11, : ri a i r n ? a z : ' ra A Ll. pcrsni-s in Ji bled to t! n firm of Lvou A: Hair's, under tie .igency of O.N. 'I'haehcr, Hut and Cap Manufacturers, No. -1( North Third, street, PhilaJi Iphia, arc ri'iiiested to make immedi ate settlement ofili-ir nicni.nt ilh the subscriber, their locally authorized i-senl, who is fully rmpow en d to si tile and collect ihe necount of s lid firm. ROBERT D. WILKINSON, June 4th, !!?. tf Agent. GOLDEN SWAN An. ti'J A'orA Third, ulinrc Arch Slrt il, PHILADELPHIA. MVtlMMtiP M IONS 1 111 SlVt:TY fKKUONS. f '11 A ilLES WEISS, lateol the " bite Swan," -y nnd "Moii'it Vernon House." respictfully in (onus his friends nnd cusii-mers, that be I as become the proprietor of the abov well known Hod I. ("oiiii'iv Meichant will f n-l the a'-ove H.ecl a central location, and the best of fare. Person tra velling with private conveyance will find a laige yard and cood stal ling for horses, ni.d the la-t of ostli-i. Hoardiii!? 1 perdav. May I Iih, 1H12. tf. twAf,U-, ffj:il ('innnii.ssiiii) A;. rVrwarilin Meiclmiit:-, 'on if UV.'.W .SV -( Rail llad, " rn i: l i i w ii :, 1 T AVlNt i ps-oeiati d wi h them Joseph Haterl, J I.i i o of Easton, P.i., ri si fitfully inform their fi.Ciids and the public gel ciaMv, that they have t:i. kii th ,t l.irire nu 1 we'l known store nn.i wlii.-fat foot of Willow Sneet Railroad, lad ly oerupie I by Jacob Martin, where they pu-pose doing a liemral Commission and Forwarding Business-, mi l pom the local advantage of the place being connected wbh all the public improvement tl.nt have their outlet in (he cilv, they flatter themselves they will be able lo do business In as great, if not a ea'er nil vantage, and upon as rciiouahte terms as any other house, and ihev nssuie their friends thnt any con signments made !c. tin in shall have tin ir strict at tention, and no e xcitions sj and lo give cutiie satis faction. ! Tiny ure also prepared to receive and forward goods to any point on the Delaware uud Lehigh livers, between Mauch Chunk, Easton and Phila- : dclphia, via Delaware Division ami Lehigh Can .L; also. In nnv point on the Juniata river, or Nordi ' and Wi st Blanches ot the Sii-ijut hanna via Srhuyl. ; kill Hlj I 'niuli, ol tlio Chesapeake uud Tide Watei i tlanals. For ihe accoinuioda'-on of Boats Coming or go ' ion via Schuylkill mi l I'nion Cull ds, a Sienn'-oat will b.' k pi cxpre-slv fr towing boat li-nn the i Si li tt Ik ll ' aiound 1. 1 the Del.iwaie and hack, wlii h will en ,b!i- inetchanls to have their produce d--!i-veieil oil the De'awaie, and their goods si ippi d nt a saving ol Till to 7ft per cent, oo the pi ice f -r hauling mcioss, with tin sel ndvhlit. ge they to spi etful!v solicit a share ef pair, na-. e. W. IIEILMAN A: Cl), i Willijin IL ilmrn, ) ' Wdl.nm W. KiVM-f, y loseph B iruet. ' J Phil ul., May 11, 181:1. ly IOOLTGN Sc CO. (oik ral (tiiiiiivsitii :n hitnfs, j l'ur the Stt.'r if Flour, drain, Stid, A,r., r. -1 .;:Al.h-rA U? lPi:c f 1 I LLY ii.f.irm their Iti.nds nm g IJjL, .he Merchant cenciullv, that lln-y have la hen those larce nnd com moil ions Y ban. s, vv iih t w o Doik, in ii I It ol Ch.sunl stint, on the II- law ire, d-fi iher w ith the stoie No. '.) South Wharves, vvbeie ihev vvnnld be plea-ed to receive consign-ii'i-nts of (ir,:n, l'l- iu, Set d, Whiskiy, Iron, Ac. Ac. Helm; air, i well picparrd to foivvard nil kiu-ls ol .Merchandise .v the S. huvlkill and I'nion, or by the Chesapeake and Ti.'e Water Canals, .is tow boats nu: kept cxptcs-ly fin the purpose of towing l o.,ls hy ei Lei loii'e. Men hauls will j le -se be panii ular to send their a-v! iles'incd Ly ei'hcr c.uial-, t i No. l'J South W h ii vi s, ht tvvt i ii M.ul.el an I Chesnill stree-t, on the llehivv ire, w ith ihu -clioiia nccompaiiviug thein whiih rond- tliev wish them In be shipped. 'r Ptaslcr nnd Sail lor sulc, at ihe lowest mar kit price. Bil.Ti. A '. Maich 1 p. It. N-. Soulh U h irves. itom ie r i in i cit a. s, P A V 32 II MANTJrACTUl'.EliS, j l.anilntril SI ml, Itvlliniorr, MAVE cou.-tanllv fir sale, Priii'iug P.ipi r of id. sizes and qn ilitn s. Can Wr-liua Paper, nihil ! and plain, l etter Pup, r, white and line, ruled nnd ! plain, Hnngiog Paper, t'.il'' and 10,1,111 ,n Envelope ! Papit, do. do. mediirm, doul-1- taovv 11. i-row 11 uud ; iiiasi;-.l I i p,li Paper-, Colon d ' 1I1U111 and , lloval Pape s, IT 1 1 1 - t , Hinder' nnd Slnivv I'ox It.iaids, Tissue Paper, and all art eh in Iheir I no, whiih lliey Will sell oil ,11 jilng tirinr. Ilighe-U jikc given f i old lai-s. I ROBERT CARTER A -SON, I ! March P.). IK LJ. Elklon. MJ CHSCLITS PCLICiH. i N article uneqiiulled for cleaning mid giving a highly durable and most l.iilliaut polish to sil ver, tiermaii Silver, Brass, Copper, Hiillaiiia ware, Tin, Steel, Cutlery, and for restoring the lutre on varnished carriages, Ac, THV IT. Prepared and sold at wholesale and retail, by the Susquehanna Chrysolite Polish Company, Owego, Tioga county, N. Y. WM. FORSYTH, Agent for Northum'J, II. B. MASSE R, Agent for Sunbury. November 20th, 1812. ri.TKii Di:vi:r.s, LAST MAKER, No. 71 Tallow lull Street, l'luladclpliia v C Three doura uhaist Stcond.J SI It IU'. Findiiigit always kept on hand, which he olli-ra for sale on the lonc-t term. Country Merchants aie parucululy to (ill and judge lot' thcmselvcfc. PhiUJ.fljhia, Novtin hi J, 1813. ly. I G-. Vr. & L. B. TA7LO? d FFER FOR SALE, nt Ihe Soulh East Cor H. P ner of Fifth and Market Streets, fliilndcl jili in Mens Calf skin Boots, stitched warranted, do do do peuged ib do do do water proof, double sole and double upper. do Calf-skin do do and uppers, do Heavy Wnter Leather Hoot, do do Neat do do. do High quarter Shop, (, 'all-skin, do do do Crockprs do do Fine Monroes warrantrj do nailed do Kip do do Calf do do ('enrse do do do Shoe do Fine do do Kin do do Calf ami Seal Skin Pump. I do List Socks w ith and without sole. j do Carpel do do do 1 do Patent Warranted Water-proof Moccasins. , I iridic' do do do do j Ladies' tanned India Rubber shoe. 1 (ietilleniens' do Over shoe. Willi every other dcseiiptioii of hoot am! shoes. Fur Caps of every descrip'ion. Travelling Trunk of every description. Venetian Trnvi lling Bans. Patent (ilim Elastic Shop Blacking. ; Bonnets of all kinds. Palm Le.nfll.its. Philadelphia. NirvemLrr 1:1, ls-pj. Iv. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BOOKSF.L l.ERS AND STATION III!-', iU. t'liesnut Stroct, liclow ltli, ,hi!;lll.-.ia. T"EEP cnnstatitly on hand a general nssort ment of Hook nnd Stationary ; comprisina Thi ol, ipiral. Law, Medical, Classical, Mi-ce!lar.e on and School Books, Day Hook, all sizes. Led- ' hits, do.. Family Bible.-, Pmkcl B.bles, Wiitiiiy : Papers, Wrniping Papers. Ac. Ac., whii h they ol Icr nt the Ic .vest piicrs to Country Merchant's Pre li s-i,mal (fintlenien, Teachers, and all uthera thai 1n.1v favor il.cni with their custom. j Philadelphia, Nov-mber 1:1. lsli. ly. .i !: I Wrau'V tt Koai, norr; makers &. skip ciiANDtrns. .Yri. l:t A'orr Wafer Street, Fliiladi Ijdiia. TJ" f-j AYE constantly n:i hand, n general assort Q ment of Cord.igi, Seine Twines, Ac., i7: TarM Ropcp. Fishing Rop.v, White Hopes, Manil la Hopes, Ton- Lines for Canal Hunt. Al-o, a complete assortment of Seine Twines, A c. Mich as Hemp SI ail and Hi rring Twine, Best Patent Oil! Net Tvv ine, Cotton Shad and Heriius Twice, Mn c Thn a !s, A c. Ac. Also, Red l.'ord, Plou-.'h Lines, Hal'ers, 'i'races, Cotton nnd Linen Carpet Chains, Ac. all of which they w ill Jlsjiona of on n isouable trim. Philuh-'phi i, November 1 .1. 1 H 10. 1 v. JlUllll I'llMillllll X Soil- 1 F.SPKCTFFI.LY informs their I J- acipinintenpca ge lerally that Ihe; friends and ey stnl con tinue to keep nt the old stand. No. S-Iti North :d street. Philnd. Iphi.i, all lonls of TOllACCO S.Xi ' AF SFf.'AHS. Which they will eell m the in A acconimodiitinf and icasoiia ie term. N. H. All coods sold wil be gum inteed and r.ll orders prompt Ij At 1. 11, led to. Philadelphia, Nevcml-er 1:1, ISP). 1 v, m rETS? CC1TCTE?., VIiiiIcm:iIo ami Retail .Shoe. Riiiiiiet, ami Palm I.caf Hat WareliuMse. .Viz liti Mjrl.'t "d tlreit.a ft w dnur.t uhave .licit. I'liiiidilfdiia. A I, SO Trunks, Carpet Bags ami alices, of cv "' d.-sciiption, nil of which he oilers for sale on llie most reasonable term. I Philadelphia, November 1.1, IS 13. ly. j J . W . S V AhN, I'mbrclla ami Parasol Iantiractmvr. j Sn. Hi' Aoo.'i TIiitiI tlrnt. Hen (oii .toio he J Cilv linti I, Fhiluili Iphia. CMOl'NTi; Meiihants and otheis ;,re solicited J to e xamine his auM-itLiciit before pun basing ) rlsevv hern i Phila "elpl.ia. November 11. '.H-li. ly. j V. A. UOVUUDT'S China, (Mass ami Li iTponI Wari-hniisc, Ao 101 Airi Third licit, third door hilulu Vine flili I, Fhihlih Iphia. "IXrilERE they const inlly keep on band a lane a.-sorliiielit of China, (,la.s nnd Liverpool Ware, which they will dispose of on llu niusi re i soiud.le teitns. Phil 11 lelphi.l, Novem her IH, IK IS. ly. TliKlUMI.iS ( Vi.W Manufacturer :titil lmporler of S;ul tl lory, Hardware, vS:c. No. 5 Suuth Third sln it,f,,ur th.ars helotc Market FhihiJiluhiit. T" EEP constantly onhaiul n large nnd genera! X nssortmeiit Coin h Lamps, Carriage Hands, Axle Arms, Eliplir. Sprinus, Patent Leather. Ac. (oiinlry Meichants ami saddier w ill l e supplied al i ll times on llie most reasonable terms. They vvill liinl it to their ndvaut.n;e di call and examine his ussoiliin 1 t l efore pun hasina elsi-w here. Philndiiphia, November l.f, ISIS. ly. RIIVXOLDS. Me-FARI.A.M) vc C( W'hulesalo I'ealers in I't i t-I 'u Riitish and American Pry ( In. ids. .V.. IO.'i Murkrt .-net, Fhi.adi Iphia. "Ot'N TRY Merch nils, nnd others can be nip J 1 lied nt all liinciwith an extensive a soil- liii-ut of the oesl and most fashionable CuihU Upon ll'e iii'M icasoiiable term-'. Pwiladelphia, Novem! er III, ly. l.OWT.R xS: RA RRON, lnimrters and I Valcrs in Foreign and IVuncstic llaiilware, No. 171 Noil I II Til I II II S H 1 IT, Pill I.AMLllll A. I r II EK 11 their liiends and lustomeis will nKviiy find a large and general assortment of Foreign and Domestic HjiJwaie, which they will sell at the low'st price. Philedclj.hi, November 13, lull, ly. KsiiKRicK, h.nsi:ll"&. t'O'sT WHOLESALE DHY GOODS STOHE. io. lCti i.'i Market Street, I'liila. ( IU law Fifth Suuth tide ) A LWAYeS keep on hand a full and general as J& 8crtment of Hosiery, Lace, and Fancy (ioods, Country .Merchants are respectfully requested to give them a call and examine lor them-elvcs. Philadelphia, November 13, 1612. ly. Sl'KUI.NC. GOOD &"i'L7 X- lot- 1 . C . VXI -1 III- NO. 13S ."Market Mrcet, rluIaiJelj'hia. INVITE the attention of Country Merchants to their extensive assoriinent of Ilriti.h French and American Dry Cioods, w hich they eitlcr or U on the most reasonable terms. I'hilaUilphu, Novcniter 13, 1813. Iy. WIMSIOWS IJAMtSA Or noRnnouND. A N unpnriileled remedy for common Cold,. 1 Coughs, Asthma, Influenza, Whooping Cough, llronehitis, nnd all diseafeof the Breast and Lungs, leading lo consumption; composed of the eoncpn tratpd virtue of Hon hound, Bonsit, Blood Roof, Liverwort nml several other vegclnhle substance. Prepared only by J. M. Wissr.ow, Rochester, New Vork. The innoernep nnd universally admitted pectoral viitnr of the Herb from which the ISiitxam vj llnrehiniiid is rnade, nre too generally know n to re quire recommendation ; it I ihetefore only necessa ry lo observe that this Medicine contains the wholn of their Medicinal properties, highly concentrated, ai d so happily combined with several other vrgo tiible substnnee, n to render il the most speedy, mild and certain remedy, now in use, fer the com plaint above mentioned. The Balsam remove nil imdammation nnd ore-rtos-s nf the Lime, loosen lough vis'nl phlegm. cti -idling the patient to expectorate with ease and free dom, assmije cough, relieves nlbinatic and diffi cult respiration, heals the injured parts, open tho poies, and compose the disturbed nerves, ami uips sirenath to ihe tender lungs, nnd thu produces a speedy and lastimj cure. IvilllAIITIIIK IS TIIK 11 t.ST CntMF 15 M I V.- We are not nruoi-g that elas nf Editor who f-r ,-t few doll ii will, (at the expense of truth nnd ho nesty) c rack up" nn article and bring it into rapid -ale ; neither nie we willii- g to icmaiii silent, afti r having tested the utility nf an im rovement or dis covery in science or ml. Our reader will recollect we I old them we were unwell with a sore throat and vi. b'iit p, d some few week niin. Well, we pur chased two bullies of LN'SLOW'S BALs.M OF I iOIIF.i IOI . N D, and so sudden was Ihe cure, that we forgot we ever hnd n cold. Those who ate ntlhcteil, may tiy it upon our recommendation. Liu-A-Vo'i 'I'rli irruph. For snle by HENRY VO.VT1IE1MER, Sttnlmri,, JACOB HKilillT, A.irtiititihrrlnn,!. Also, by Dru?ei-t generally throughout the country. Cj- Price, Ml cents per bottle. Aur'ust 1 Ith, 1 !'. ly, uj .TOR -ale a smi'l Fa'in, c-intaining about nnc l' huiiihe l nnd ten ucri, more or le s, situato in Point township, Noriinml erland county, about two milis above Noill unihei I md, on the main road leading from that pla- e tn Danville, ailjoiuing hind-, ol 'John;hoii, Jesse C. lloitoii nnd others, now in the occupancy ofSjmuil Payne. About f.ily m res of sad arc (hand, and in goal slat ol' cu tiv a' inn. on which theie is a small barn in et-d. The prnpeity will be sold nn n asoi able ti-iins. For further paitii uhirs, pei.-oi.s arc rcqucsl e,l to n ply to ll e su! scrili r. H. B. MAt-SelR, .tire,), Nov. '.,;tb, 1-aii. if Siii.lmiy. Pa. i"ra rTi -r?- OF F.VEMV DESCRIPTION. NF.YV i:CI. AM) OIL CUMWNV. .o. -J!) N,'i-r:!i Water Street, 1'hil.i. Tfy M ANlFACi'rilF.RS and dealers in Oils of liSi every de.-criptiou both for tunning and inanulai-iuriiii puiposes, which will be sold much lower than ihev can be procured elsewhere, and vvaiiauicd in quality to equal any in the city. Any oil sold I v the company not proving as represented, may heretiirmd without any expense to the pur chaser, and the money will Le refunded. Their slock now i. i store consists of the follow ing oils, viz : gallons inter Bleached Spenifl OH, filHItl do do Clotlcs Oil, , l.'i.l'UO do Fail and S rinu Sperm Oil, 1 11.11111 do Winter Sea Elephant, iO.rt'll do do Prcsed Whale Oil, (ilMUl do Summer d-i do do l..,li(lt) do Cniiunoll W hale Oil, "(HI Barrels supeiioi Stra.'s Oil, ! ai'O do Cod Pauk Oil. ! fill do Ne.ii Fool Oil, ',' Cask OhvcO.I, Tal ner's his. Qj This Ceii'pn-v has n number of Vessel en gaged ill the Col Fnlnry, and Tanners may rely upon I'ctiing at all times Oil as pure as imported. Philadelphia. Nov. 1 .1. ls,l'J. ly. I r&cOALXiA Sc IIERSU, .Vu "l, N ti til St com! sire 4 (, j (COII.M.II or COOMIl' All.KY.) hcic lliey coiistiinlly keep on hand a geni-r il nssnrinleiit of CLCTIIS, CASS.II'lX:ilES, VESTINCJS And a giint iuriili ufarticltt if a tvpinnr quality, which lln-y ll r to dispose nf ' upon tlie mos,l leasonable t rm. 10INTKV M F.liCH ANi'S and oihers will yiind il lo llnii advautage to call and e xaiuiuu tin ir stock bi b, re purchasing elscwhcie. Pblladel, hi.i. Nov. li, ltP. ly LIST Or BG021S, loll AUt lir ' Ni'lION'S Clissi-.-al llielioiiary; l.cnipricr'a do.; Aiiisvvorth's do ; Cobb's do.; English and Ceiman ilo.; Anlhon's Casar; Anlhoii's tiiiinimct; Antheii's Cuvio; Mali's Latin l.'eadei; Ogilby's do.; An. ben's Latin l.e.-s.iis; D,'iiiicg,in's Lexicon; Fik' lirck Exercise; Davie.-. 's Lcgcndei; (liaeia Majora;'s Roman Antiqui'ici-; Pinnock' I I'olilsinilh's England; do. Oreece; Lyell's Element i f (iiolov; Mrs. Lincoln' Botany; Elements of Botany; Bridtn's Algibra; Porter's Rhctoiicat Rca di rs; Ennrson's ticofiaphy and History; Obey' do ; Parli x's do.; Srnith's (rauimci: Kill, ham's do.; Kiv's lleahrs; Cold's do.; Cobb's Arithmetic!,; Pike's d i ; Fun rs 'li's do.; Col b's Spelling Books; Tow ii" do.; Ci-l h'i Table Boeks; Evangelical Fa mi'v Libiarv; (.'ott.lue Bibles; Family i!o ; Col!ter iil do.; siiall Bibles ami Testaments; l'alkci'ti. ilx erei es on Cott pnsili in; L'mil of the Spirit; Bux'cr'ii S.inl' Post; Aniera'an Rcvoltitnii; Mairyatt's No vi Is; Mis. Phelps i n Cheniistiv; Iliad; Calechisui of A nierican; I.etdrson N aluial M auie; l tie ii.inliy loi Beginners; llibsli Excicisi udapted lo Muriav's li'i.uniiier; Sequel to I'oiulcy'a Si.-llmg Hook; Amiricaii t.'l.i-- lh.ok; Datu li's Iri's As.-i.-taitt; A ureal variety il Blank Books, A.C. August ll:. ATTKNTIOII. ,i . 1 1 i: y j o i: At. J ElJl. Esi'S the attention of hi country fiicnnJ who are in want, to hi very laige stock of Carprtinga, Oil Cloth, Mailings, Rugs, Binduigs, Sl.ui Rods, Ac, Ac, that he has jul opened, at llie warehouse', No, 18 North d tiect, and No. " C'huich Alley, dcxl door to Chiist Chiinh, Phila delphia. July 31, IHU. ly. SPANISH HIDES. TANNEBS" OIL AND LEATHER. I). K 1 R K PATRICK e5c SO . An. 21, forth Third ttmt, (ail WH MARK XT ASP CHISXir ITBSCTts) PHILADELPHIA. HAVE for sale a large and excellent assortment ,'si.,..:. II, J.. IK.t.,.. A-.'... 'i: .. . iri.'H'", ( i.rnH flij', UlfJCr llf, , .c,., a, the low est market pric. eiihrr for caji, irj exchange for Leather, or upon ciedtl. Consignments of Leather received foi i-ile, oi purchased at the highest inaiket piicci. (jjr- Leather atcwed dee ol thaice, April 7, IS 13. ly
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers