A M ftirMak by Lightning;. The ship Westminster, on her late passupe from' London to New Vork, was) ttrnrk by lightning-. Thuoccnrrence is thus described by H p!ISSI'll'er. At 1 o'clock, of tlio 14th instant, I was t-tan-din.? in the round house with the door open, w itching the storm and music upon the migh ty works of God's hands as manifested in the warring clement. I could see the lightnings Hash through the clouds of spray, from the crest tt the waves, but the war of the florin preven ted tny hearing the thunder, Suddenly a ball el electric fluid burst apparently over the gal ley with report like that of a piece of ord nance followed instantly with such a peal of I thunder as made the ship tremble. Fortunate ly we had just hove the ship too, and the watch were all aft linnling tipon the main sheet they J THE AMERICAN. Saturday, Oec. 2, '.843. Fob 8ai.it.--. fresh supply of printing; pa per, vis. ! 100 re tins similar in sire and quality to the sheet on which this Is printed. AlsoCOreama of super royal, 21 by 58 inches, all of which will be l. it the. mill price. (7- V. ft. Paimm, Esu. at bis Real Estate and Piul nftW ISfn SO, Tina tlr..at ;l ,lot . ,1.1 . ! n. felt the shock, nnd described it as resembling (hoti.0,, , A tnJ ,0 (wie fJ f , the stroke of a billet of wood upon the lep. Captain Hovey was standing' upon the quarter deck holdingon with his right hnnd by the main tnpsail halyard, and was struck senseless upon the deck. lie however soon recovered his foot ing, but found bis right hand, arm and side be numbed by the stroke. I was about eight feet from him concealed from view by the angle of the round house, which was filled with sulphu rous gas, but I felt nothing of the shock. An Important Discovery. A means of in Mnnily stopping a hurse when he runs away has been discovered in France. It is aimple. A sudden transition from light to total darkness, h the principle. It is contrived, by means of a spring connected with the rcinc, to cover the horses' eyes. This was done in an instance when the animals were at the top of their speed, and the result was their instantaneous stop page ; for the light being suddenly excluded, horses no more rush forward, says the disco verer, without seeing their way, than would a man afflicted with blindness". The theory rf the invention ia so reasonable that we arc strongly disposed to believe in the utility of it, nnd we sincerely trust that we may not be dis appointed. Pithrior Bread. Melt 2 oz. of butter in a pint of warm water, then add a imiall tea-spoonful of yeast. Now beat well the yolks of 3 eggs and stir them in, then beat the whites to a Ft i If froth and tlir them in also. They must be the labt put in. licat the whole well to gether from 8 to 10 minutes, or until the mix ture will not adhere to the ppoon. Fill the pans about three quarters full and ret it to rize, which will take from 3 to 4 hours. It must be baked in tho pans in which it is set to rite, and is to be eaten moderately warm. A Di'tc'hksm County Lady. for all monies due this office, fur subscription or advertising. (Xj ArroijiTMr.jcT bt the, Attobwkt Gctta bal. G. W. Graham, Esq., to bo Prosecuting Attorney fur Union rounty, in the place of John Porter, Esq., removed. The appointment of Mr. Graham bus given vcy general satisfaction. 03 Ths construction of a Kail Road between Shamokin nnd Potlaville or Minervile, an a to form a continuous Rail Road thoroughfare from the Susquehanna at thin place, to Philadelphia, begins to attract considerable attention. The completion of this road in not only highly important to the Reading Rail Road, but will be of immense ad- Grrnl Doings ot tlie Union County Hireling. We were present at a large meaiinp, held at New Beilin on Tuesday lust, by the Democracy of Union county. The proceeding were of noordi nary character. Colonel D a a an n was appointed chairman, assisted by the uaunl num1r of officers. After several speeches had been delivered upon va rioua topic. Jacob Reichly railed upon John Por. ter, Esq., of the Ledger, for a speech. Mr. Porter, however, declined, alledging thai his democracy h d received such a shock rocently, (alluding to hi re nvvil from the office of Prosecuting Attorney,) thai be hardly knew where he atood. He then, in return, culled upon Mr. Reichly for a speech. Mr. Reichly objected, Hating Ihnt Mr. Porter had no right to make a motion, a he was no democrat. Mr. Porter, in h; reply, acknowhdged that hi de. mociacy ot I ile bud become somewhat alinltered and disordered, and (hut he found enme difficulty in determining exactly where he Hon!, or to what aide he belonged. The chairman here interposed, and suggest' d to the gcntlennn the propriety of to-sing up a rbip in order that he might determine by the wet or thy side lo what paily he actunlly dill be ll rig, or, in other words, that be m'gbl I e enabled thua to " define hU position." 'I'hia suggeition v a recti ted by tho meeting with rounds of ap pinnae. At itii-a stage of the proceedings the com mittce i mend and repotted a number of resolutions. A mot. g llieni w as one, approving (he conduct of the Hon. John Snyder, and elniming for Union rounty the next candidate fer Congress. Another, approving of a judiciuu tariff, and etill arm her, I approving of the removal of John Porter, Esq. as Prosecuting Attorney, and the appointment of O. jiisrEum. Kitilnrlnl, Conileneeil nnd Rrirrted. The British Government pav. Prince Alliert 30,000, ($150,0(10.) for his valuable services a husband to the Queen. An English piper gives an account of a tea par. ly of sixty old women, who were the mothers of eight hundred and sixty-nine children. In St. Louis, Mo., "John Smith," waa sentenced to ten y eats' c mfnicinent in the penitentiary, for stealing. Santa Anna arrived at Vera Cruz on the SOlh ult., with an army of 1000 men, and $300,000 to piy ofl" the troops. M issachusctts has more tonnage than any other State in the Union, anil even owns 71,100 tons of "hipping more than New Vork. To disMiude his followers from acts of violence, O Connell tells them Ihnt one live repealer is worth one hundred dead ones. Shipments of new Purk have commenced at Cin cinnati. A Relic. An Albany piper a'ates (list they have got a small piece of Joph's cojt in their Museum, abstracted by Mrs. Potiphnr. The Rsyou Sara, I.., Ledger says "There is a Cheap and Vol for in Postage. A large and mol respectable meeting of the ciii trns of New York, convened, pursuant to public no lire, in the Rotunda of the Merehanta' Exchange, and waa organised by calling Curtis llollon to the Chair, appointing W. W. Todd and others Vice Presidents, with P, M. Wclmore and Park Bcnja ruin as Secretaries. Mr. Park Benjamin read a preimble and reaolu tions which set forth thot Hie present rales of post age are oppressive and unjust, and should be changed for a system that would secure a safe and spredy and at the same time a cheaper and more equitable transmission of letters. He called for the altolisbing forthwith of the Franking piivelege, and recommended public meetings in the waida and towns, to petition Congress in relation to this mat ter. A memorial to Congress was adopted in the fol lowing form. 1. That the Rates of Postnge now imposed by the Government ate rxorl itnnt, oppressive to ibe peo le, and calculated to defeat their avowed object of miking the Post-office Department pay it own expenses, 2. That the franking privilege, as it is now au Ihorixeil and exercise.!, is unjust, unequal, anti-re. publican, and ought lo be utterly abolished, except negro womnn now living in this parish, who has ! as it mny be expedient to allow it to cover the attained the age of about a century and half. There is an Ameriesn Aloe, or Century Plant, now exhibiting in Richmond. Vs, The Compiler fnys, the stalk, which is now about IS feet high, is W. Gr.ilnim. En. in bis n'aee. After the reo- ! vantage lo Philadelphia, aa we will eudeivor lo i., ,;.. , r . n , n " lotions Were illnoaeil rtf. I.aiiIiii Homtnpl ftil.Irefi ed the meeting in a rpiri'ed dutch spee. h, at the conclu-ion of which the meeting adjourned. strictly official correspondence of the I'oat .office Department itself. 3. That not imt third of the correspondence of the country now pays postage in he mails, nor t ...:il .:i r , , t . i:,,u ... . .i ii i l i i "i" hiiiii nit mi's oi imisiiicc ore creai y reuueeu a little more than a month old, and haa nearly a . 1 " ' thousand buds and btossoma, each as it f.tdesleav. show hereafter. The Milton Ledger contains the proceedings of a suit, which the editor of that paper instituted agninst E. Y, Bition-r, Esq., for five dollars, for printing tickets in 1843. The Justice, Henry Frick, Eq., however, after hearing witness on both sides, decided, the plaintiff had no cause of action. The editor says, that "this, no doubl, was the result of justice and equity." We know nothing of the rase, personally, and cannot conceive the ground of eompluint on the part of the Ledger against Mr. Bright, unless it is beeause the editor hit lieen de feated on bis own dunghill. If there has been any error, he should blame the Justice or the witnesses, and not tho defendant. Since the above was written, Mr. Bright has re quested ui to aay lhat he never authorized Mr Porter lo print tickets, and thai he proved by one r.f the editors of the Miltonian, that he declared, at the lime he had hia tickets printed at lhat office., thai Porter should not print any ol his tickets. He also proved lhat Porter's tickets were not correctly printed, and could not be used. Soap-Stone Ghiddi.es. As the season of jianralvt is coming on, it may bo interesting to some of your readers to know, that a griddle made of soap-stone is greatly superior to the ordinary kind made of cast iron. They require lew greasing, and are not subject to the frequent changes of heat and cold which occur to the thin iron ones. They should be of any size re quired, and about I to 1 inch in thickness. I have one in use, and the cakes baked on it are better than from theordinary kind, and is giving greater satiblaction to those in the culinary de partment. Exchange. The editor of the 'Baltimore Farmer and (Jardener' isay, that the best remedy he ever tried in his family for a cough or cold, is a de coction of tho leaves of the pine tree, sweeten ed with loaf biiour, to be freely drank warm when going to bed at night, and cold through the d:iy. A Ci.i:rical SniFi.K. A Demnrara paper of the 10th ult., gives an account ol a tcujjle in a Catholic Church of that colony, between the Bibhop and a Dr. Clirton, also a Catholic. The Doctor committed a breach of canonical i tile, by bt-iiidtng within the railing of the altar while reading prayers. Tin Bishop collared tho Doctor and ordered a policeman to take charge of him, the result of all which was cross actions at law, and both parties were bound o ver for trial. (Jj Congress will meet on Monday next. A full quorum, it is thought, will lie present, when the Message of the President will be read I1 is s iid lhat the President will certainly recommend the annexation of Texas to the United States. This will be like throwing a fire brand into the House. The Southern members will generally favor the measure, whilst the northern and eastern members, with some from the west will never consent to it, especially as Texas would lecomea tlave state. ffj' PosTAor. Congress will be petitioned this wiutri from every siclion of (he Union, for a re duction of postage on letters and newspapers. The pre-ent r.itrs of postage are so Inch, aa to drive out of the rraile on our great thorougbfsrea, at b-avl two thirds of the b Hi r and pnpets. A large meeting was recently held t New Yoik on this subject. A ! uniform postage of 5 cents on all lettera not exceed, ing half an ounce was recomtnen led, and a half cent on papers The Hairislurg Union proposes rati a of A, 10, and 15 ets according to distance. We obj, ct to ibis, as those who live at a grent dis tance have greater necessity for frequent corres pond! nee and should not be taxed for it. In n gurd to newspapers, the postsge should not he more than a quatter ofa crnt, when carried with in the cotin'y. This rule would produce a gieater revenue than the pre-ei.t rates, since not more than one fourth of the papers now distributed enter the muil. ing a clear drop of honey, etc. The eanal boat Fur Trader, at Rochester, N. Y., to, k fue, and the body ,.f a Scotchman, named Howie, was found in the c.ibin, burnt lo a cinder. He had become intoxicated, and was thua unable In make his escape. The F.jprclt of Trrrar. The T.on.lon Athenav urn siys "A lad in good health, about 12 years old, awoke in the night, screaming from the vivid impression made upon his mind by a dream, in which he thought he was about to be murdered. The nextday hia hair began to full off, and in a fortnight he was quite bald." In his paer, Major Noh boasts (bat of the im mense numbers of Jews in New Yoik city, not one ha ever demanded oid, as a paupc-, from the over seers of the poor. The Springfield Gazette says freight car waa backed off the railioad track near the depot, i-ilo and tho franking privilge abolished 4. That a uniform charje of fire crwt,i, in ad j vance. on each letter weighing not more ihm hill' ! ounce theieafter, for all di-t.inces, would afford ai least aa much revenue, and be vastly more beneficial to the public, than the present exorbitant rate. 5. That the present arbitrary, capricious and ex cessive charges on the conveyance of printed mat. I ter olhrr than newspapers, in the mails, seers di. I rectly calculated lo drive awav custom from the j Department, when its plain interest should I.m.I it I (iicoutt and attract Inisine-s. as all of us are obliged j to do if we would live by it. We would, therefore. j requeal the adoption of a uniform rate of postage of I j one half cent on every newspaper, p. riodical, or ! linted aheel, conveyed in the mail, when the pist jageispaul in advance, and double that sum on eich sheet which nny be so conveyed, when it is not so paid in udvnce. C That the reduction of our rates of postage to sums computed, and payable in the Federal Cur. fj Dailv Papkr at Hahhisbc bo. The edi tors of the Democratic Union, published al Harris burg, will publish a daily paper during the session, which will contain the full proceeding! of the le. gislature. The following are the terms : Dailt during the srssion (Super Royal sir.e) $ 3 00 j r.Mi-wr.Rir " (Double Koyal size) 2 00 Wki ki.t permanent auhscrihers, (twice a wtek during the session) , . . , 3 00 Subscription left at this office, will be forwarded to the editors. HtNBT lli'KHLftH, Esq , of Hxrrisburg, is spoken of as one of the candidates for Clerk in the House of Representatives at Washington. X A new company ha heen formed for the purpose of running a line of Steam Packet Canal Beat on Ihe main line, between Pittsburg and Philadelphia. Tkey will run Ihiongh in 02 hours. fXj" Some villains r cently eel fire to (he Court House in Carlisle. The fire waa confined to the ro on in which Judge Hepburn had hi library, and did not materially injure the building. The Judges loss, however, in the destruction of bis book a mouiit lo about 1000. Ati empt lo Dtcor Slav. An attempt wa made in Washington city, on Friday evening, to decoy awuy right or ten slaves, and lake them to Canada. A coloied man, named Thomas Small, wood, ia kuppnucd to be the outhor of the attempt. A bundle of letter was secured, directed lo slave in Washington, dated at Torooto, and signed by negroes who once lived at the former place, but who have run away, from lime to time, and are now re aidenta there. One of ttics letters (the latest) ia datud 30tl October last, and advise them t escape from thi "laud if bondage" and go iheie and join ibem "on Queen Victoria' lands." The ufiicer took poMcsiiuji of the horse and wagon, as weH a all lb !!. The latter wcie all committed to jail. A F.maie Saiiuh The Bangor Whig eey On Tuesday morning there was found, upon the wharf near Ihe loll-briflge, a woman's entire clo. thii'K and scicral locks of hair. These article were soon identified as U longing to Mercy A. Worthing, a g'nl obout H years ol ge. It i uppoed lhat the asumi d ihe gnrh of sailor, and ha abandoned home and fiii tide and virtue, for a bleak ani vicious foyage on the tempest of life. Such e"tKe must inevitably bring with il a daily and h.xi'ly punish ment, anJ i most likuly to end iu iqwu diFgrsce, degradation ami ruin." Mr. Jane Vsndcrg'ift, advirtistng her hubud, Myii I.a'ge whisker are a sura indicalioit f a iuW Wu take the Ub wofJ U il. crj- A Thievish Doo. While in Philadelphia a few wet ks since, wa heard a singular financial operation talked of, which we do not iccollect to hve cen reported in any of the city pajiers. An honest porter bad Ifen sent by hia employer to the Bank of the Northern Liberties on some business. Or. his return home, when about a square from ll.e Bank, in Callowhill street, he looked around and observed a large pocket book in the mouth of bis dog. He took il from hint, and on examination discovered thai il contained a large iiumlwr rf Bank notes, supposed lo have been about f 10,000. Ho immediately returned the pocket bookand money to the Bank. The. only way ihe officer could account for ihe " abstraction" was, that the dog had entered the enclosure and taken the pocket book out of a large iron aafe, in which il had bceu deposited, and which had been lift atanding open. fXj Tha. The last new from Texas contra dicts the story that President Houston wa con- niving with the British Government, to throw Tesas into the bands of that power. The British, however, have laid a claim for 20 millions of acre of land, which they have determined lo resist. (J A Frenchmsn and his wife, lately attempt, rd to smuggle eight hundred gold and silver watches into New Yoik. A large number ofthem were ingeniously quilled in the petticoat of the I wife. The fiee trader at once set up the cry of j "a high tariff," when in fact, the duty on these I witches, wa almost nominal, only 7 per ct, " Immfnre Sacrifice. The splendid Mar ble Banking I louse and I aut, situate on Chesnut street, Philadelphia, belonging to the late Bank of the United States, was sold at Auction on Tuesday lust, by order of the Trustees', for jS'i'i, 0(H1. Hardly mfFicient to pay for the steps in front of the building." Hotttville Umpotium. fjfj" SoMaTiimn of a mistake, friend Palmer. The bit i.lone, rf the U. S. Bank, which hia a front of l.'iOfeit in Cbesuut street, would sell fur fl.10,. 000. The price a-ked for the whole i 5300,000. There ia some talk that the General Government is about to purchase it. The aile referred to ia part of the lot and matble building adjoining the Bank of the U. States. Jim in mi Raiihoao. The I. it Miners' Journal says that the President of the Coinp oiy, Mr. Cii- er, has g. ne to El gland for the purpose of Hoiking i.rr kcnn nts fur the iron ol Ihe fCcond track. This Tact, when taken in connexion with the receipts as .ul lishid from week lo week, argues a prosperous and encouraging state of existence for the company. NonntsTowx lij i iho ii. Norriatowii Railroad j shares have recently risen considerable in priie, wlin.li ia atlril'Uti il, says the Ledger, "to a ni'Muii that the It. ading Itai'ioad Company purpose to purchase the Nnrri.town road, or lo use it, and thus wholly avoid the Stale wo ks. Such an cm li)nni.l i the rend would certainly give the rhairs incressed value but that such an union is likely to uciur, our icailes are aa c ipable of judg ing a ourselves. Stum s thkCakal. We have been struck with a slut, tnent in ihe Lunc st. i (Pa.) Union, lela- j live 1 1 u voyngeof an iron strainer, t lie Pioneer, from New Yoik, v a Philadelphia, to Luiicdtttr, wihan assorted cargo, consigned lo John .N. Lane, Mei A Son, Jo rph Howil, and others in that city. The IV lieer left Philadelphia en Fri.lav, the 3d till., descended the Delawaie at ihe rule of ten km t- au In nr. pi.sscd 'hrough the I 'he.epeake and Delawaie Canal, cro-a d the bay to HavrcilcG race, ami ascended the Tide Water and Su-qui hanua Canal lu Columbia, at the raic of five knots, per burning the whole distance in Iwiuly-six hi.u.a. W e shall It 1 1 anxious lo know how this mode of navigation icsuhs on sec, nd ii th.id trial. the river, f ist Wednesdoy, kUling a calf and four j rency of this Union, is demanded by a just regard tut kies, and seriously wounding a venerable cuw. j lo national character, no less than lo the obvious i r.i. An E.iiibsh nnner. snc.kin, ofltussel's the v,v. cu.irn.en ' " l0.lft o i i i " calisi) attempt lo marry Shaktpeare's most tragic sc. nes to mtisir, suggests as a subject for the next adaptation, ihe President's message. The Wheeling, Va., Times say that a very in telligent Flench gentlemen, who is well versed in the silk business, intend going into Ihe culture of silk in that vicinity. The New Oilcans papers stite lhat one thousand I k gs of powder were recently seize I on board a vessel at lhat port, under an ordin ince of the city fur the preventation of fires. The fine for such vi olation of the law i. f25 ssr bun !rcd pound-'. At tins rate the owner cf Ihe powder ei7.e l upon will be compelled to piy a fine of about f 5000. 7. That the ienal enactments and denunciations, by which it is sought to compel the people lo sup port the Post office, when their own interest and convenience may be better subserved without il, are a' surd, lyrsnnical, inefficient for any good pur pose, and ought lo be abolished. Al the suggestion ot Lewis Tiipp.m, the Ge. neral Committe. was ordered lo be enlarged lo I twenty-one, the President of (he meeting bcintr Chairmin ; and said commit'ee was authorized to collect facts and funds, and do every thing in its power to promote the object of postage reform. Consequences of High Ptnge The Evening Express of yesterday thti. il- John Quincy Adams is an early liser. The i lustrates the operation of the present onerous edilor of the Cincinnati Message, of the 13th, J rates of postage : A Dishonest Postmaster Pnnleherl. E A.Crandall, postmaster at Cainak, fieo., has been convicted of faking money from a let ter directed to Jesae Uicketon, Carnak, Geor gia, and sentenced to ten ycart hard hilar in the State prison of Georgia. At the request of Ricketson, Crandall wrote a letter, consigning some cotton, directing its sale and the remission of the proceeds to Rickefson. The cotton was sold, and the money (some !14fl) remitted ac cordingly. Crandall, being postmaster, took the letter, opened it, and used part of the money. NVhen applied to by Bicketson, lie paid over tho money, but alleged that he opened the letter because it was directed to himself; and, to make this appear, he lore ofT the hack of the letter, directed the other half to himself, and appended lite Augusta post-mark in writing. Rieketson apneared contmt w ith the transaction at the time, hut subsequently went to Augusta and as certnined the facte. Other moneys having heen lost on that route, and the above facta coming lo the knowledge of Mr. Alexander, the general agent of thn Post-office Department, he at once had Crandall arrested and indicted. The spe cial agent, writing to the Post maslcr General, says "it is rrrtain lhat Crandali has stolen from the United Slates mailt), at his office, Camak, within two months past, over yj,(H)() that I am able to trace to him by conclusive circumstan tial proof. 1'liilad. LcJgtr. Joseph I.ong has espoused Jane Wrunn, in Petersburg, Vl. Hope they will find life in the I.iiit" Wrunn, pleasant and prosperous. II I.TI M OK K ."i Ut KET, Office tf the U vi timohk A m ebica.v, Nov. 27. Ff.OUli The muket for Howard street Flour continues without much alteration, and holder u nifornily ask ft 37 for good mixed brands, at which price we note a Sale or two to-day. The last set l ling teceipt piice was f t 25. We hear of no transactions in City Mills Flou'. Some holders ask f 1 37 J, and others arc wilbn? to sell at 51 23. GHAI.V The supply of Wheat has not been huge lu-day. The sales show no change it price. We ipiote good to prime al 83 a 03 cents, and in ( rior to good at 70 a SO els. Fauvly Flour white wheal is worth 05 a tOit cts. Corn is in ileur.i'vl. Sabs in-day al 35 :i 40 cts. for new whi.e and at 40 a 42 c nts fir ne.v yellow. Old is worth 15 a 1G cts. fof ve'low and 40 a 42 cents for wbito. We pi ile M l. Rye at 00 c's. Sales of O ils at 21 a 23 cents, according to pmhty. WHISKEY. The demand is limited. Small sales of bhds. at 22 cts. and of bhls. at 2.1 cts. Costaoiot. A person wh.'se blood is pure may enter the pc-t-house unharmed ; while one whose blood is eortupt wou'd inhale the contagion in the street. The virulence of ihe infection will depend not on the st ile of htm who imparted it, but solely on the sta'e of hit fluids who received it. The same is true of Infineon, and every other suppo-ed contagious disease. Jirnndrrth'h Tee. table 1'ttitrrxnl I'illt being a direct purifier of the blood, and a cleanser of the stomach and bowels, will be found singularly eircctive, not only in pre venting but curing diseases ; because Ihey remove from thcb xlv that which produce a fuul state of blood, b fore il has lime to produce gangrene or a ny o her fatal i fficts. Pur.h.iso of II. IJ M.tssrr, Sunbury, or of thn auents, published in another part of ibis piper. says 1 We saw John Cjuincy Adams at 5 o'c'ock this morning, from our office window, reading in hia room at tho Henry House. Til fciiaiuoklnwiMl Schuylkill llnll Itoads. Nr.w Rail Roars. We understand that the ci tizen of Shamokin and Sunbury have convened to gether and approprialed a certain sum for the pur pose of having a proposed route for a nil nal su. veyed fiom the former place to this district. We leuin that an engineer is already engaged, and sc cotdinii to his project Ihe proposed road will inter red t').' Mine Hill and Schuylkill Haven Road al the Broad Mountain. Il is asccrtcd by thtse enga ged in this unduiukiiig, thai the whole route can be couipleled w ith but 800 feet of tunneling. Miners' Journal, The object of the "new railroad," lo which ihe Miners' Journal refers, is understood lo b,i the for. "Wednesday was picket day fir the steam er at Boston. Many hundred- of letters went from this city to Boston, not one tenth ofthem through the mail, we are sure. How were they carried then ? Why, the banks or mer chants made tip a package, sealed it, and di rected it to their correspondent in Boston. Somebody took it on for '.'.") cents, it is proba ble. Who that gnmrlnxly is, every body knows, but it is not any body's business to tell. The package in the hands of the Boston correR. potident, he breaks it open, ond lo ! it is full of letters for the steamer ; and it is not the some body'ii business who brought it on, to know that there was in it a single letter. He took it as a package of goods, or of any thing else. The .Tf .1 li It I K It , On ihe 2fi h till., by the Rev. A. Briltain, Mr. Ju.he.vii H Sr. Cum lo Miss Jclia As Faux worth, both of August i township. I'l Turbiii township, on the lfth nil., by Ihe I lt-v. Jamea Williamso i. Mr. Si no Lacmtx, of Delaware township, lo Misa H a n h i kt Mahsii, of the former place. In Wi kesbarre, on the 10th. ult.. by Ihe Re. Mr. Cl.nton, Olivkh Watsovi, E-q., of Willi ims port, lo Miss M tin r. rr a, daughter of the late Judge Score, i f Wiikesharre. In Mibon, on ihe 231 nit., by the R.-v George H.ldt. Dr. Koni.nr M'Ei.hatii to Mis Siiiiaii A. Wrrt.s, both of Mooresbutg. On the 7ih ul'.. by the Rov. Mr. Ewinir. Mr; D.mkl G Yomis to Miss Mm ELiznaru Hort WKLt. both of Northumberland. At Philadelphia, i n the Hill ult., by the Rev. Dr. Parker. Mr. Hrvsr WiLKixa.of Baltimore, to Misa Habiukt llf.ent HS, daughter of Jaini Boston correspondent pays the Boston posttnas- ; Hepburn. Esq., of Philadelphia Sliy.l'ltK HI Tllfc NtW VuHK Cl'kTO.M Hoi'Hk Oiiicms. A tiiiuir of 118 valuable ciJJ and silver watcht, several boxes ofjwelry, and silvei spoons, lo a latge amount, was made on Monday, by a Custom House officer iu New Yo k. The ar. licit It longed to a passenger in the packet ship U tica, from Havre, Hi movement excited suspi cion, when be was searched, and watches, jewelry and spoons were founJ in his boot and pockets. Mr. Gail, jeweller, of New York, and hia wife, c. bin passengers, were ol servttd to slip into their stale room, which wa inatanlly searched. An under coat made for the purpose lo fit the lady, wa found with fifty watt he htudsomtly quibed in it, also, a bill for the grntleman, filled with watehea, all be longing to Mr. f J, it, end which would hav been smuggled on shore in a short lime. An Historical Society ha heen org nixed at Pittsburg, Pa., with the Hon. II anna r Denny for il PresiJtDi. j ter one cent for each letter, and the Boston t Kwtinastor is hound bv la w to despatch all these .nation of a connection l-etwecn the Phil ulefpUia U(J f n mais nowcan thc ana roiisviue raitronu aim tne nnannutin anu oun bury railroad. By way of Poltsvillc, th re is an interval of about tiflccn miles, between the present Western termination of the railroad from Potlsville to Ciratdville, and the Eastern teimiuntion of the, laiboad from Sunbury lo Shamokin. By the route lo Schuylkill Haven, it is alleged, that the interval lo f irm a continuous road, is seventeen miles from the Shamokin road lo the Western termination of, tho Mine Hill and Schuylkill Haven ladroad. Wbith route will be preferred ia altogether uncer lain, nor haa any Engineer expressed an opinion, il is believed, as the intended examination has not yet been made. 1'he inclined plane on Ihe old route by Pol'aville, ate objected to impediment lo travelling, und it is allrged that the route to Schuvlkill Haven may le conducted without such plant a. Were thi 7, by either route filled up, and another gap on the Wiltiamsport and Elmira railroad, there would be a continuoua railroad from Philadelphia lo the centre of the State of New York except the forty mile of eanal na vigation from Sunbury to Willtaiuiport. Our ci- tiaens cannot regard the proposed connexion with indifference. Were the interval between the Sha. mokin and Ibe Schuylkill completed, a continuoua railroad fiom Philadelphia would be within five or iz miles of our iron woika, and Ihe project long contemplated of constructing ihi short road lo the Shamokin road, would, probably, I soon accom plished. A statement of the probable cost and in come of this extension from Danville lo the Sha mokin Coal Region we published in thi paper a. bout iwe yeaia ago, to which article w will refer in a future number. Danvillt Dcmocrut, Post OfTice Department help this It cannot, j indeed ; anil thus business is now done be- tween all the large towns from Buffalo am! Bil j litnorc to Boston. But few pay postage, or i mean to piy postage as they hire been paying, ! much longer." Ci'Biot' Rklic. Our towninan, Fii.sm 11. Nichols, Esq. has in his possession one of the ce. lebraled Washington Pennies," an account of which his been going the rounds of the late pHrs. It hsa on one stde a likeness of Washington, and on ihe other side the American Eagle, with ihe dale 1791. But thirteen of Ihcso Pennies were eoi. ned, Washington having caused the die to be de stroyed, aa oon a one of the coin was shown lo him, with his own ltkencs upon it. 7t. Emp. On the 5th ult.. by Divid Marts. E-q.. Mr.Gso. Kju. to Mis Sahaii Swama, both of Rush town ship. On the 9th inst., by ihe same, Mr. Gun, Pr. sinii, of Columbia county, to Mis Mabi J'iicrs to, of Shamokin township. PK1CK CUUIIKXT. Corrected uvikly hi I It my Yiuctheimer, WllCAT, Kir, Cob, - Oats, PoBK, Flaxsckii, Bl'TTKB, Dt:.WAX, - Tallow, Drihi ArrLis, Do. Paachks, Flax, HkcKitii Flax, Euas, - K5 Ml 40 25 5 1(10 10 25 10 75 200 a 10 6 A Nice Toy. Among other pretty toys in Bon fanli' tore, Broadway, New Yoik, one ia spoken of as being lather a pretty affair the price being one thousauJ duliart ! It i in the form of a nufT box, which i made of fin gold, out of which, when it i wound up, jump a small canary bird, that ling a waltz and disappear. It i au Ingenious affair. All the wheel run on diamond'. AnvtBTisiMo. The Catskill Recoidsr says, with much truth : "Show u the man among u who ia continually complaining for lb want of trade, and at ihe same lima ia wondering"how the dickens" such and such places have so great a run of custom, wa will show you one who i too penu rious to spare ten or fifteen dollars a year for advertising. "Good Intent Tire Company.'' A STATED MEETING of Ihe Company will le held on Thursday evening next, at 7 o'clock, at the School House. Punctual attendance is re quired. CHAS. J. 15RCNER. Dee. 3, 1813. Secretary. NEW GOODS. fl-IHE subtcriljcr ha received a fresh upply of I Fall Goods, which he will sell chesp for cash or country produce. II. il. MAoSbK, Sunbury, Dec, 2d 1 8 1 3. FORESTVILLE Hit ASS sUlGIIT DAY CLOCKS. riHE subscriber ha just received, for tale, a few X of the above celebrated Eight Day Clock, which will be sold al very reduced price, for cash. Also, superior 30 hour Clock, of the best mike and quality, which will be sold for cash, at f 4 60. Alan, auperior Brass 30 hour Clorks.it f 8 00. Dec. 2, 1843. H. B.MASSER.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers