. I mi urn r i . . . ' .T:. . i, i i ii f.Mer frnm Oregon, i ('nniitrllnn tirtvvrrii ill I ml nml Doily. We have had the pleastireof conversing with I Ainu illustration of the. necessity of duly at WiMiaiu Sutton, a resident of Oregon Territory, ' tendimr l. the state of the vitnl powers", and to mid who !ell the (settlement at Wallamot Fulls th-i influence of the mind in disease, ond after about Ihi; middle of M;i y. IIi; was three months ;opi-rct inn, M. Sorro mentions tho case? of a re- in reaching the lott'emcitt on the Missouri, mid was the hearer ofn petition to the Ainerirau government Jroiri the residents of Oregon Ter ritory, asking tho povernment to extend the .' "a ;imvpiiiiii-ii iv liws nnd jurisdiction of the republic nvi r that lilt eresl inrr Irrrttnrv. Ms 5 nnl the rrirnvnii e - - - ........... , . .. . 11 ii iiiiuu eiihuiii v uniini.i u Ult il- of cmigranU on the route, which his before been i ul dejection. Surprised at thia change, M. noticed by u., as also two similar parlies, Imund ' Serro ijuestioned the patient, and ascertained for Oregon. Fie "peaks of tho settlement as ' that he was oppressed at the thought of not bc piosperonsand healthy ; that tho soil, although ingnblt (i,r the future, to provide, for his hun ted, equal' in fertility to ours, yet producing sure j ily. He thercfire represented the circumstance crops of wheat, barley and oats. EniirrnnN '',r commander of the division to which the with moderate expectations, industrious, (Vncnl : patient belonged, .-.ml brought him back the ns tind moral, are likely to do well. No money furnnee thai he would not be deprived of his in circulation, but trade is by birtrr ; no law phtce. immediately,' gays M. Scrro, 'hiscotiti lor the collection of debts, hut debts always paid. , tenance brightened op, the ptilsc became warin A town is growing up at the falls of Walla met. cr, tho natural warmth of tho skin was resto IV. Mclaughlin, the British commander of fort . red his strength appeared to increase visibly. Vancouver, claims tho site by riy lit of disco- ond he progressed, w ithout any further obeta very, or as having established a post there sonic cles towards recovery. Thus, gentlemen, 'con years since. He has laid out a town, nitd is j tinned M. fVrrc, in his address to the students,' now celling lots, giving deeds, Ac. lie warns 1 yon ree that the merit of the surgeon docs not American citizens not to interfere w ith his merely emisist in knowing how to perform ope t'lhims. The American settlers are very much ', rations. Suppose this patient to have been tin perplexed by his interference on the South . der the care of a good operator but inattentive .. t.l o i rni . hpii . . nti.n. . . . i. i -.. ruiu ui uiu livur. ino anamci iiirnisiics an immense water power suitable for machinery. , 'I'u.rt nr'iLit n.t.l cn... ...ill. t... .1.! : 1 . '!. . "uj.mi ....u out. nuns till; ley una lime Hum j vii.-t;.iii;iii. wuiiiu oe, lliaillC WOtllil .it that place ; one owned by Mclaughlin, who, j have certainly died. Medical Tiium. by moans of his great wealth, is determined to ' - break down the American owners of the other j 1;I0T? ron. Mrnicw. Ii nrosrs. In i com .nills. The settlers are natient. exi)eriin(r ih nmnicati:i recently made bv Dr. Iloulton. he United States to protect the rights of her own citizens in her own territory. Wheat, which is the principal crop raised for sale, is worth n bout richly cents per bushel at fonrt Vancou ver. Thia price is not paid in money, "but in I'oods, at a low rale. Money will not purchase goods as low by CO per cent, as wheat or bca ver skins. Mr. Sutton is so well sntifieil will. I - w. ........ ... i , i'uuvii io cu wi'il ril irilL'li Willi the country, that he designs to return and spend his days fhere. If emigrants should continue ; io pass into uregen tor a few years a rapidly as they have the present year, the people will noon be able to protect themselves from the ra pacity of the British Hudson Bay and North western Fur Company. The settlement has now a military company, well commanded. Springnil (.) Journal of the Vlh instunt. A .rrille Fnflory. A correspondent of the Rflchester Democrat ways, that o factory to make mi:i:ii.i:, lias been established at HarcrstraK, Rockland Co. N. V. It is thus described : " I saw needles in various stages of the pro cesses by which they are made from tho wire, prepured on the samo premises; and was sur prised at the facility aflbrded by the curious machinery which human ingenuity has invent ed to lessen manual labor and multiply the re sult of the numerous operations. The wire is first cut into lengths, which will make two netilles each. Die depressions where the eyes -j are to be made, and where the groove, are to ! I... I. 1 ;.. r...:-i..i .:- i be lomid in the finished article, are stamped in both nee,llea by a single stroke of a machine, with which a single hand can turn on":0,(HHI in a dny. It is then turned over to a boy, who with another machine, punches the rye, and again another separates the two needle., and smooths away any irregularities left or made by the other processes. But the eye of the needle is ttill rough, and must be bored by ano ther process, which leaves it ao smooth as not to cut the thread. After this a man grinds a handful at a time on a common grindstone, hold ing them in his left hand, and giving them a perpetual rotary motion w ith the riirlit, eo that ...i.- .1 r ... , , .1 "im-.i mi- ujrvruiion is unknot:, iney may 1)0 round as well as sharp. Thev arc now to be Vasehardenci.' and finally burnUhed, all of uhich is done by simple processes, in whirl, immense numbers can be subjected to the opc- ' latum at the same time. M'aalilngtnn l'rnnlrl. The Hudson, M. V. Columbian states that Captain Joseph C.Jenkins of that place has one of the eoi.oer r.m, n.h l... .i. it o t:. i during the Presidency of W ashington. There I are two of 1 hem in thia city. The proprietor ol this paper carrici one au a pocket piece, and the other one is in the possession of James Mitchell, Fs., of the Northern Liberties. On one side it t portrait of "Washington, IV esident, l91," and on the reverse the American Fugle, eight stars, and the word One Cent." It is said that only thirteen of them were struck, when, in deference to the feelings of Wash ington, who never permitted his name to bo thus conspicuously placed before the public, un less some national benefit would result there from, the face of Liberty was substituted which is still the device on American coins. After 1 these had been completed a specimen " ' shown (ien. Washington,. d when he perceived I ,o bJ'0"-d "pt.on. Taking the Mu hisown features stamped upon it, he ordered i ""V '', " " coml,u,c'1' the die to b destroyed and the pieces already ! Wr ''. !'aS uM. 'el CJtiMcd cvc M l" of btruck to be eopprfstied from circulation. Tliis incident portrays in living colors the highdisin icrcsledne6s of the Father of hi Country." rhiluj. I'urum. 1.0 from Diseased Pot tof.s. The Cti ca (N. V.) Gazette notices the appearance in that neighbor!! of a singular disease among the potatoes, which has already destroyed thousand of bushels. The kind culled pink. T anw oentai.im. A young lajy aston eyes are alm.wt universj'.ly affected. The , ihcd a party, the other day, by askm lor disease first manife-is itself by a black spot on j "the Un of u diminutive argeoteous truncated the Burfi.ce of the potato, which rapidly spreads cone, convex on its tuu.ini", and itmi-ptrforu-till the v-liole root becomes soft and wimblei i tid with f.yn.u..:irii t) ii.dcutativnf," or mother Many frrmcr have lest thtir euure creje. words t.'i.u.ble. cininiit.il fencing -master, whoso arm w as ampu tated in cnnscipionrc of an arcident. Tho o pern) ion was well performed, and every thing appeared to promise f uecess, when, on the same j ri - " " "iuirMT r ui.rr-i.., wnvri, on mesume j evening, the pitieut, who had hitherto shown ' (rro.it firtitii.-c l..tl ilna ..i.Ia..I t..i ... '" 1 i'-i;is, or noi cnuuweii witli senn- hility to feel for the peculiar position of this ool- I it....- I T . r- ......-.....,......,. .......t.l 1.- .1 I . . I states that all roots should betaken tin at the time their leaves die, as they then abound with the proper secret ions of the plant. This rule has no exception ; it applies to the roots of trees, shrubs, herbs, root-stalks, bulbs, eormi, and tubers ; and it includes that curious plant, colchicum, whose (lowers only appear in the autumn, and its leaves and fruit tho follow in it " ' -" 1 1 ii i. tilt km ir , sl,r'"o n,"l summer. P.ienninl roots must be ,:1'iCn "i in t,lP firs-tyoar o! their duration, as when the leavesdecay inthe second year, their roots ore either decayed or merely dry woody fibre. Roots mtendod to be preserved should be dried as Boon as possible alter they have been dug up ; the large roots, especially the more juicy, dry better in their entire state then when sliced. Midii-nl CaicHe. Hoimoiis ok Smokino. An acquaintance, w liohaslbr years been alternately a smoker and rhewer of tobacco, tells us that, although in good health and prosperous in his affair', lie was frcqnontly low-spirited, he could never tell why. Besides he was troubled withtwich ing in the corners of his eyes, which some times extended to the corners of his mouth. At latt he began to accuse his beloved cigars as the cause, and with much effort broke o(T from smoking and chewing. The consequence is, that all the disagreeable things he endured have disappeared. His spirits arc uniformly llllnvnnl imionlna k . .... j , .......wio .pim. .u u, ICIIOWS who smoke in Broadway, spoiling the common ..' " j""m .M...-..IIO .jinn, .-is io i;ie iciiows air of heaven, we wi.-h spacms would seizeall uicir moutns sotiint they could not hold a cignr. A'. 1. Jour, of Ctnnmrrcr, Cheat Ai srnuN Raii.koai. Baron Solo mon Rothschild, of Vienna, foumler as it may be said, of the Emperor Ferdinand's Railroad, which will go from Vienna to Lei psic, in Mo ravia, lias just made a proposition to the Co vernmcnt to prolong this railway from thence to Oderberg. situated at the extreme froljor ot Moravia. In this. cae, it will branch out to the Railroad ofPrussian Silesia, nn.l l1,rr ;!! then be an uninterrupted line of Railway from j ' lenna, ny Silesia ami er in. to St.nfin n ...t ! lenna, ny ilesia and Berlin, to Stettin, a port r.i t i . , - , . t,,0 La,l,C' n,,d 1,1 projecto.1 railway , nT 7 riwin'C PVCUt0,, I . . 1,0 llie I"-'U1S of j',inin"T ,l,c Hic to At'rinia. There is no doubt but the propofiton of M. RothschilJ will be accepted by the government. AutriiMKTicw. Fxirin.-io.v How easy it i ! is to speak of millions and billions, yet how d'ifli- ' cll,t ,0 conceive what even a million is. But . ' . U d c,uloavur to olwervo some idea M.jju.jr nuiiiuvr. ruMipote wesiieaK oi i the national debt of threat Britain ; the words i expressing the round sum of eicht hundred mil lions are already spoken, but who can form a ! conception of that amount ! We know howe- j ver what a dollar is. We know, too, what min- ' utes, hours and years are. Then we may form ! some idea of the amoui.t, though a remote one, j when e discover by calculation that the debt i is considerably more than a dollar per minute irom tiie time our tiiBt parents were in l'ura dise to tho present day ! more than sixty dol lars per hour through all the ages of man's ex istence ! A billion however, is a far more iu- ' I One EitillOM flf cumn.le A Doini.r. Meamno. A French pi icst who was exceedingly corpulent, coming late one c vening to a fortified town, asked a countrymen whom he met, 'if he could get in at the gato !' 'I should think you might,' replied the peasant, surveying his proportions, 'foi I saw a lead ol hay go in ibis mi, ruing. THE AMERICAN. Htttimtat, .A'nr, 25, 1813. ffj' Fit a Sh E. f,0h, 8,,,)v of printine pa ptr, vir: ICO r mis Riinilar in nizc nnd qu-ility In the sheet on wbi. ti Ibis i printed. Also f,() reams if Mtprr rnval, 21 by 2H inthrs, all r which will I c sol. I at the iniil piire. C 7' I'u.hkii, Fsa. nt bit !'r;d FMnle snd ' fCTiec, N.i. .VI fine f!ncl, Phil nVlpbi i, is sii ihorised In act in Aernt, nml to rrrritr itn.1 rorfipi for all loriicn 1 n c ibig ofTiee, for siitwripti.iu or a.l- vrrtisniir. j fXj' Tni nr. will Ip divine eric,i in ibn I,n. i tin ran riitirch. in lbi phre, on Sunday afternoon i the Cilth Jist., U ? oVIerk, by the I.Vv. Mr. '.Ila. j Mill. j t l Qif Pi nr. We uiiileist.md ilmt 1h np-.T step si-hooli.ni.p, MPir the rri,lincp of Mr. Josrp'i j rhnii,-,I.iin, in I ish Vnllpy. Sh-tmoVin li.vnliip, ' was Intally destr.i; e.1 by fire, nn tbp Hth ir.st. j The I.j roniinjr nuztttr. j Cm.. CjtiTiK has rptirod fmni the editorial r. j pervisinn of thi rnry and intrrrtttiiif; sheet. Wp : rcprot the of the Colonel's iiirxhiiiiKtiMe fund of nit, huni.ir nml rditorial t.ilenl ; l ot wp liopp, ' that like Hip pn-lins orb nf d;.y, hp will rone ilhi j mine mime oilier spherp, and poml forth his daz'inj; ' uyv Ilaintct A. K'prr, F.-q., who has t .k ii ihntpp ! of ihp paper, h;is 1srt nn.l talent for tbp 1 us inv-, and long i-vperieiire in the rnndiiPt of a pnldic jour- j mil, Binl xvitl n d.mbt c.iiitiniip to m ike the d'j .pile an iotere.-tnif ind nelromc li-itor. Piuptiiitiii run Tin: CotiTKT. The IV niorrary i f the "Star of ihp N.nth" nrp preparing fit the Prptidenthd eiwitf ?t in eirerst. On Tups diy pmiiIih lasi, ll.P D.moirits of Ianilli-f iimt-il :i l'enioroitir A-sni-inion for the p'irpoe of fur I Ik rinfi t' f up rrrcs of tbp party in Ihe coinicv Presidential and ! nbpiintorinl c.mtt't, by untied and elVi.-i.-nt nciion. Several spoiled addrrist-s wpre niailp. officer rhcuen, and the ntTiir conduct ed with an hnrmoiiy and rnthuinsm which augurs well lor our siere-s. 'J'tie associ.itioti i liaa-d upon (lipoid and well tried ptinriples of Demorrary ; ir risppnivc of thp nipn who rniy be r1iis.-n n tbp instruments to carry out those prim iples in Un practical operations uf the government. In this thpy arc vpry ciilT rpnt from "CI iy dolts," wlnvp oti'y principle i lo.ilty nnd adh. s:on to one man. By the way, arc not thpsp whttr the samp, who. in 1R:12 ncrused Itip llemocrary of "miti worship," in rlcvnlmg tlip Hero of New Oilcini to the Prcii demy for a second t. ru ! CTj Tii or n i.k ! tiik Cuimx-There it a rumt.r of coiisiilciu! le .lis-cns on in ("apt. 'IMrr' i nbitut, yowiiiR cut of the qnrstjon of nMUPxine Trx.-s to the Fii"he. Tt-p ci uu wishct to ip. rommi-o.l the mra hip in hit annual inri;r to congress, and JuoVc l'',ur, ihe Secrcln y, ci,h with him, while the other incniVrs of the cabinet aic iliTi.lc.llv opposed to it. The pretencp for such a rcc imincii.lati .n is, ih.it CrPit Britain it enden vorioK to rn't-otii'p f or tbp pnsysi,in (,f 'I',.,,,, 'I'Iip Madisoiiian, (her tpt.iin' nin.an. is hlowin? loud blast on tbp tuhj et, in niiii, ip iti-.ri of the Pirsident' icooiiim. udatiou ; t'Ut h wi'l fail to r:ii nnvalirm. At any other tinip the South would be re .nly to seizp upmi nnv prp'pnre for hi I.VKiiif the Soiitlicru boiinJary of the Cni.in, tmt dip itgita i mi of the question just now might intcr feie wry injitiiou.-ly with the m-.pects uf Mr. Cal houn for the I'rcsi.h nrv. We 0; ine therefore, that Mr. Calh ujii'i friends will 'let'iti it their policy not to have Ihe ml jeel asitatrd :.t the apinoachiiig tea ion, ni.d the Tj Icr ii.rn in congn-ss am to i few to rai-c pun a brrte about it. Cj Mik k Wai n, tlip p.litor of th f'ubtcrr.ine an, New York, uhoe comicti hi f.i 1 . 1 v-1 and nrhtet.ee to the pi hp tonliaiv for three month we no I tec. I last week, attempted to commit suicide as l.c a being ninovcd to It uokwell". Lland. A I i'W.i taking h partiig inlcrviriv wi h bin wilo.be dow fioiu bis lerkct a flu- b irnllpd pistol, and siiiod h At his l ica-1, but oi.e of the Jt.vpirs iinne -d. aiily :c . d it, uJ pifMi.teJ l.im tr. n firing. Sub r.jiii ii lv, i' liny were convejin him fiom the shore to tie I-laiol, he jumped into the liver, niJrnt'y wiih the intention of dro.tnii.g him-c!f, but was t. ken cut ot ihe water before he could cf ffit hi pnrp. se. lie .ajs bo will iiitr have the K'UiiJ al.ve, Tbp remote Ivniioiy of Win-oii.-iu i. brjiin.iiig to furnish it eliarc l" l!ie Mirplu pro.luct ol Agii lultutc. The quaotily of urjin wheal iaied in tliat territory this year, is variou-ly eum.ilij at from lOO.UOO to HOtrOOO I Usiu Is. Tnt Phiiam vimia Pihi mi n. The (irind Ju ry of tho Courl of iMitrr SeitijiiK, ju view of the frequent diturbancrs among some of the firemen of Philadelphia, have tendrrej a formal priscnl metit against nine or ten of tl. companiea as public nuisaiu'M, anj rep oiumrnj that the doun of the (aid companie le closed by the proper authorities ; or that other decisive mp.imrra bo taken by the ci. vil authorities to prevent the recurrence of such out rages in futute. They also recommend to the Com mi. oner ol the Mural district anJ ( the City Council to wilhhi'l l the appreciation to each ami every company which may t engaged in not ii.g, belienojj that if this coune is adopted, with out partiality and wrbnut fnvor, keeping a single to and good or3. r, that it will have the desind effect in restraining the btllipiff t.l pr.apen. ii.ift (f cca tororor. KISfEllW. Ftlllnrlal, t'omteitunl nml airlerlril. flocks nrn poiitft up businesa improving times prettini; belter. Everything begins to wear a pr.ispproiis aspect. A fellow in Kpntitrkr, with a railway imagina tion, wants to know how long it will be b.-fore they open the equinoctial linp. A stattiPi f Franklin, f.nstinR f 1.1 00(1, has bppn plaep.l in Ihe Court lloitsp at ("hnmbpri-liiirg, Pa. 77; c.Vntirir;t',,w.,,r.lgof fo,,rthnn:,m .leaihs from ihp yellow fever have occurrcJ in (Guayaquil, A.durjni; the past yrif. Tliiny.onp bonis have been built in Cincinnati tills mason, ofnn segregate tonnage of I I.ti;.!, on.l tor ()- 000 a cost Sport;,,!? I'.ilntvritinnrt A nrgroman in Mc Inlosh county, fia.. lately rlmf, pon tl,. flIlr buck with their horn.t firmly locked, o.nl cut their throat.t wit!, hi, pn.V,., fcuji;.. j at. . , . ,. . A Si iiiiiioIp InJian, ll.ttt. Colu-CheP, half bro- j hcr to (Wola. ha, recently been Mtece.sfully ! iiprTi!, Ifirill'""1""'' l,n:i"i"t'",i,y ,0"' ",0"" ! 'r j A. M. Cill.m, Fsq , F. S. Consul nt San Fran ! ciseo. nrrivo.l in Npvv (), loans on the 7ih inst . on : his way to Washington. Col. Honton it out in the Mis ouri .n in favor cf tbp annexation of Texa. Tlrcre are Iwpniy.five r.V.lon fartorips in the ' Siatc f North t;arolina, with a capital of $1.(1.10,. ! OtlO. ' The attempt to teppal the art of the liM T.oRt1s- ! "u-e of Yennot.l. vi,.,,ilv .bolt hing (.,,,!,, , Punishment, has been signally ,, f.a rd. ' The P.- l ' 1 1 v! i .i i- i i , ! J lit Lev K. V. ul.Li . Lthorv, an Fngbsh e'er- , , , ' cvniin. who hivtv mi. a a o...l r i. joining the Koman Catholic-:, has returned to the Church of Fnglaml. iSolomm Shoeiri ikpr, who w as convictp.l of the murder of bis broiher, before the Snpienic Court of Ohio, atZ itiPsvillp, the I st iut., will bo hum; on the 12l!i of J iiniiry iieit. fWrVe.-Forty building hive been erected hi the borough of Carli-le, within the last twilw - months. .; Cut Ihtrrt of PiMsburR h ive struck for wanes, an.) the owner of the mines advertise "1000 c.nl ,li,Se,s wanted." r.art.,ptnl;r in CuwuLi. According to the jne. l c papers, severe bock of nn earthquake was ! hit at Cnpe-Santo on the 10th inst. A gold mine has b.en lately discovered in Hall county, Op irgia, out of which two baud obtained, in one week, about eighty pennj weihtt of ihe precious nrelid. TIip gold founil in (hi mine is very coarse, the panicles weighing from one graia to flip penny weights. It is said that a line of packet bhivs is about to be e taLli-hid between New York and Antwerp. It is fai.l that Daniel Webster, retained as eoun. Fel for the heirs ol Mr. (iiir,td,is to receive a lee of 30,0H. Professor Owen rl.tain.d some years ago tbp .... ri c. c v -7.o.it- i r ..... ...... be nsce.la.ned that the livmg specimen, were . x- ; i..--ii iianieio.-. i.i m .lew ,.-a:il'lo Jo;. irolll W llctl (ecu feet high. : CheK.uul.4 ate very plenty this season, in lbiston, ..-I ..ii., i ... i i ... i and sell. low us one dollar and ''"'y Mr , ,'u-'"-1- j .. project is nn foot to unite die fini sh provinces j in America under one colonial government. j . I 1 be i'f.,rmii!im, swoin lo by Pied. Pond1 ,. , . ., ,, . , llughcs, on whiih Daiii.l O Ooiiml wis nrrcted. makes aix soli.) minimis of the Iloslon Pilot. It is ; a very rem.uk able document. Ii is feared that a targe number of boa! will bp fioren in on the F.rie OauriL Seventy. five boits . were di t.iined ut Fultotivi'le on the 10th inst., on ' account of the ice. j One Ihmisa d one hundred and eighteen hon-es j has Itfcn rrrcied in Uostou fonn January to No- ' vvHilier, 113. ' ; i l .i - .vi ! specie i arming abundantlv m Ni w Oilcans, T....UJ -,;it; ,i- i ii " .ii . 1 I welvtf million ol dollar aic ei peeled dunng the ,nollli, ', James McUormot, and Oracp Mirk have been 1 ; convicted of tbp murder of Mi. Kinnoar, at Toionto. i , , , , v mo, m July list. II ah are seiitcnird tube executed, , '. . ivu.c.i . on the tt.-t instant. ! Phc winter sesiinn of Priiuton, N. .1.. College, j commenced on Thursday last, ami the rlti-s ha an j accession of upwards of seventy new siu.loti's. J l.issi-fti Tranp:rl. The tion-pott Premier a lo t in the .Sr. Laurence last woik. She h id j on boaij a legimcut of l!rit,.-h troops, iiumbeiin; wiih their wive and children three, bundled, all of ; whom were haved. j Ju ''.(-;;. The h.M!-P of Ir. Wrav, at Pit's- ! burg, aeniercd on Sunday night, and ?I27, I, j longing to the Mission y S.K.iety, of which he was j in auror, were stolen. ' , . I At l.illle bock, Ark., a lar-;p three story biktk 1 . , , . .1" t.VIBI OUl lilillll anil UCSIIUtllUII UHII1 mi; iiiv-iiiv llflr. lulu.' r tntn I . . .. 1 . 1 . .. ... .1... n. ...... I - . I. ' J - '.. ..i....-i.i. i .'ii' l ' on no, a wn k oi (wo since, giving notice lo all it tenants to quit; fortunately it fill ol the time when all who did bu siness in the house hud left it for cupper. The Nantucket Tvlcgiaph states that the whole quintity of whale oil imported this year, is very near 100,000 bbls., and such has been the demand that 15,000 bbl. constitute Ihe whole present stock. Marshal Rirtrand, accompanied by his son and several other gentlemen, arrived in Washington from Yirginia on Saturday. Flats. The editors of the Whig and Sentinel, at Vicksburg, amused themselves on the morning of the 21th Oct., by exchanging shots with rifles at sixty paces. On Satuiday th 4th instant, as lb atesmboat Rowena was going; into the harbor of fet. Louis, Missouri, a csrton wai fired r.ff, which rursterl, killing tc rr.sn, a.id semly m undirg e;ictl.r In Mianoitrl, a family of mover were aitrprispd by a band of villains, who manacled the whole fa mily with chains and cords, so as to prevent their "cape, and then robbed them of some JIOO in sprcie. There nre now living thi9 pari sny, te o,,r. maatown Telegraph, thrre brothers and a sistnr, whose imiird nges nmotmt to three hurid.c.1 and twenlytthrpo ypars. Thoy have all livcj quiet, temprrale lives. The (iovemor of Canada, Sif Charles Metcalf, since his arrival in (hut province, from Fncland, hni made charitahlo donations to the public inttim. lions, iVc., amounting to between tSflOO and IfillOO. ! ;. 4 ., i , tii. I "'"'1'r"''"'' Jnsrp!i Conway, Fs-q . a .lis- ...... ..sum ciii.rii oi iiiiimi, on me 2oth nit., fr from the hurricane r 'of of the steamboat Mare.lgni an, npar Memphi, Tenn., on to the lo ver einrd ' ftn.l hroLft blB licrtr lltirlior lit Aliiir'itnii t'.i A ......... I i -S it........ i nun rem . en.PrP.I into by the nu hmi.ip. ofAlhnny city I Pa., with Mr. John Findsav, for the construction ! oU " -l'r, and Canal H.i, ,o ficili- tale the transmission of merchandisp from can d to ' 'raniboa's. Tho work iti be finished by tbp tM ' ot septcmher, 1S11, and it to cost, at the nrire eon. ' tr ic'c ! fur, about f, 37,000. Anntlitr . Tbp anthracite iron furnace, at Matich ("hunk, Pa., belonging to Messrs. Uauch. l (uilp:," which his been idle for the lat riR,,"'on month, has been obtained, and in soon to ' I1" in blast. ' Th "I'rrali"n f.vin? the siihcl.iM.in nrteiy.bas ' ,'" 11 lf-""" ! I'y lr. Mercer, f lloston, i ,he 're-r,u'r ,)f "umber of (he in i.-t respectable ,M,-Vsi,'ia,,s ""J -"u-geon of that city, and wa con. i i i . . i . ',!,irJ "avc been done very qu tklv and 4i Iful- . ' i ' ,m st. mil- , j - - - qJ- AnarsT.-Thc Philadelphia mn of Mon ! '''' mei.lion tlss arrest in that city of two pertons ! j ehaigcd with bcinp conrernej in the pre.it Treasu 1 '' note robbery which look place in New Orleans some timp since . The Chronicle has the follow. ! ' '"B l,:""l,l',rs : 1 "'"""'""' .rnst. For si.me months past.! j r',lK,'-r J ones Young has been actively engaged : ! i cinb-Hvoritig to tirret out and apprehend the' i men, who, about eighteen months since, robbed 1 ! ''" '-"'''"ii 1 louse, at Nt; w ( Irlorms. of upwards 1 I V, !' cn.lcelled Treasury Notes, j It will be recollected that the word cancelled, I wis by some chemical preparation removed from ll;,,pf'. ami thpy were allerwards put in cir dilution and money obtained for them. l rom inl'onnatioii receiveil hv ',.on.i he learnt that two of the nrincinal men cnnrprun,! in the robbery, would arrive in this city on Fri day night, from New York- Preparations were accordingly made to arrest them. As pooh as the ferry boat hauled in at Walnut street wbnri officers William Young and Russell, ami Kid.rc- j ly f alt. more arrested a man, who calld him- ' sdt Carral, but whose right name is James A. ! 15. Watson. j 1 le w as taken to the Police office and secured for the night. Farly on Saturday morniiiL', nn- i other of the gatiL' named Henry P.i ittonf v. a.a 1 arrested at tin; Western Hotel,' Market street, i lie also was taken to the Police otltce. The prisoners were both taken before Jmk'e IUii- Hal!, wlio delivered them i ito the ctisti. ,t. it .. . "epuiy .Aiar.-iiai, u Acii, to be taken to W ashmototi, and from thenee to Now l .rl...,,,a I "s'io. woo ii issriiu, receive.l .v;tti,i)iitl ns Ins ; siiare of the robbery, lives with bis family in 1 ir....il -a.,1.. :.. I?..!.' .r. " . Wats -''' i-ivic, in Di.ii mure. .wo ve t loii.-rini ,,,,11, helon;:,,, to ot.e of the parties, has been iitiached in 0110 i,f tl,(! Jkniks in the Western ' colllllr'- An l.'.iiuliie of Healriietlon. i About a year ago, or more, nn arcount was i.ul- i , , . .. . , , ..r...... iii .or I'.ii.eia ui a icrrio e eBi?rne oi nmmtr. tion, iiilernled for harbor defence, invented, were ti. ve, by Mr. Hobpit I,. Stevens, of New York, nnd , w hich was called a bomb proof and s'eam floating Lalierey. We now learn from tho New Yotk Sun . that one of these tremendous machines is being 1 cotmlrucud by the (sYncral (iovernnient at Hobo- k''"' l",Jl', ''''rc,'1,n Mr. Slovens, which will j '"' ,detcd before two w three years, and will cot "early a mil. ion of dollars. A basin or coffer- dam Kas been constructed for tho purpose, the in- ' 1 ' ' Icriorof which is to be 300 by 130 feet. In this l'Jn i to lie built a ball and bomb prjof s cam floating battety about dO feet wide by COO feet : i . . n i ,i i I . . long, propelled on the screw plan, and capable of i i o n .i , , i.lrls governcj w ith all the ease of a steamboat, i i . in. . . rt. tc.lt j W .)C ,10ttr,e least of its good , , qualities. It i us jip.-uliar iN)iiHtruction, mure than strength of build, which will render it impervious alike to cannon ball nnd bomb shell; the inpidity ,.f u jovements will en ible the commander to take advantage of any dcsliable position in an action. 1 The armament will be heavy, but the light draught "I water w illenabla it to approach any desirable : point without ditTiculty or danger. When finish- ! ed, the collcr-dani will be dug away, and this thing l,f lite m ve 0111 ol" iu i ci n,,t ht)wing tlip U'itl m,'jn w''"hy it move, and without a sin- , "ld l"1''"" '"'"3 ai'oul whll ' ri,,il.V ' lVOVVtl'lv'l steiin en trine is at woik within, and hun- bred of person are safily conca!tJ (Ik'id, leadv i , . ' " i along-ule, or mile olV. Il i intended that the , modo of constructing this poweil'ui engine of death ! shall be kept strictly ptivate. ATTiMrTi.il Motisit. We learn fiom the New Orleans Courier of the fith inst., that a mutiny broke out on board the ship Nicholas Diddle, of New Yoik, for New Orleans, on the 55th of Octo ber. One of the steerage passengers, who imagined that he had been grossly insulted by the cook, made a violent attack on that person, and inflicted sever-. ' al wound upon him with a hatchet. The excite ment soon became general, the cabin passage,, taking sides wiih the officeis of the sb.p. ,,) lrioM, in Ihe steerage being of course disposed lo aid their comraJes. The offender, 'through the prompt con duct of the mate, was soon secured and placed in irons; but the passengers wrre obliged to remain under arms for forty eight hour. He will t nnd in Niw Oilisn. Confession of at Murderer, Stbiwhk I)rrriopvtfiT.It will be rocnflert ad that dining last winter or spring s hnriible mui dor or several members or a lamily took placa in Wnrrpn county, New Jersey. A man mmed Car. pr was arrested and put upon his trial for these murders, but on sccount or the juiy in his case not being sble to agrpp, ha was set at liberty. Some circumstances have since transpired, that may lead if true, to the puni-hment of tho real participator in this awful irsftpdy. They are these : On Wedneiday night last a mm named Augus. Ins Millet, wptit into a fiermnn boarding house in Nrw Market street near Pp;, and got into a con-t-ovrrsy with one of the bonders named William II' yer ; afterwards he rptnrned lo his own stop, pimi plarp. which it nrpms was in this r-amo neigh b.trlmod, end on the last night he enme back and renewed tlip mbje.-i ofthe prppp.ling evening. Thpy became much exciicd. when another mint, Adam FeicblrnfeMt interlpred and ciusida rpconcilia tion to lake place between them. Miller then took the latter aside and told him tint he was one of tbp men who committed the a hove murdpr, that hp had killed Mr. Parke by cut. ting hi throat, and that Heyer was his acrom lire nnd had destroyed the life of the child. He said that by giving him up hn could make f 1000, but LcBged him to say nothing about it until he got an n tthcr night's rest. I immediately told 1 lever the statement which ho had made, and Heyer then wr-nt for a watchman and had him arrested. Hp w as taken to the Northern Liberty police of fice, where he con fosse I his participation in the murder, nnd statp.l that hp bad an accomplice, but would not implicate Heyer. He refused to givo nnv particulars in regard lo thp manner that these iiufoitiiiiatp individuals were put to death. Ha was this morning brought before Mayor Cannon, and by him committed for a further hearins. No additional partieuhr were elirite.l from him. 'Phc ainir abonothcr is a singular oiip, and might induce supposition that thp man i insmc ; but thorp nre not the slightest indications of it. The object in making the confiKsion, he ta!ed. was on account of the disturbed state of his mind not havinc. Is en able to obtain any rest since the commission of Ihe dreadful deed. 'A7. M, miri. The ' Mi boku" I), mhi. noiisle J icobi. the man who, on Friday, aceu-ed himself ofthe mur der of the Ca-tnrr Family in Warren county, N. J , mi le a r-tjtrnwnt on Siturd.iy. in which be to. tally dvnied all he had previoudy said. Kegivo as a reason for having uttered lie self accusation, that bo was at times subject to hypoc.mdiia, under which be w.-w laboring at the time of thp quarrel with II. yer. That foeliru grateful M l.ii .htenfel.lt for bavins made up the disnirreemetit. nnd having no di-position lo live, be hid accused himself of the ciiuic to him, in order that ho ( I.oicht. nfcldi) might obtain the reward of f 1000. He was never in New Jersey but one, and that wis in cro.-siiig the Sta'e while enming from New York to Philadel phia. 'A V. S. f,Vr. , TllF. NoilTtl r.ASTS UllVNllinT. TllcfioS- (on Courier says that the survey of the I,'. S. II. .miliary line according lo the treaty of Welling ton, has been condiic'ed during the past reason will cre.it industry nn.l success. The fiound.ny has alf-idy I n survey,t nnd ma ked from the monument at the source of the Kiver St. Croix, to the outlet of I. ike P, k uagimook, on ihe Hi ver St. Frami.s. This portion i f our frontier rmbi . cos iho whole of Madawi-ks settlement, which is by far the mn-1 populous portion ofthe line, un il it r.-acln ihe fronti. rs of Vermont and New York. Moiiu m li s of cast ir .n have been ereote 1 along the great er pirti.m of the meridian lino, at ihe distance of ot.e mile npar'. The termiuii of the straight line between the ou li t of I,. ike Poken tgnmook, and ihe Northivrst branch of the St. John, hive lippii deter mined astronomically, in luitudo and longitude, and thp creator put of thp river St. John, above the mouth of the St, prancis, has al-o been accurately furvcye.d. 'I'lss labor of the commission w ill proli. ubly close about ihe middle uf the present month. SieniLFKr. The O.rman Lutheran Church, comer of Fourth and Cherry srnvt, was entered ori Tue-day niyht, by breaking a pane of glass, a-jd robbed of an alter cloth of red velvet, and some gold tassels from the pu'pit. The robbers tried to open iho fue proof in the vestry room, by filing olT the hinge and by trying to break through the brick, but did nit surceeJ. The key of iho bai which contains the silver communion pla'e. was found on the fl mr among the rubbish. There wn left two hatchets and 3 file on the altar, wh ch certainty will lie del vcred to the owner, and some riwaul bc.-ides, if be or they claim it. I'h'.Ui. V. .v. Gi.zdte. CornTitni tti r I'imfs. Wo were shewn, last evening, a comiterfiit ten cent piece, (several of which are said I t be in ciieul itionl dated lH. It was taken with several others fr.rn a sol.ber at Fort Moultrie, who is said to be the counterfeiter. Some of his comrade detected and informed against him, an I hid htm in custody on Tuesday, to ba brought to the city for trial, but he made hi escape that night- CkarUitun Courier, KmitNs or CuMHOitoas Pohteh. We underi stand that it is the intention of Major General Ft. lerson to issue an order for the olgnt:.rg of n Fiist Division to hold themselves n readi-,4fa to. dot honor, to the remain, of Commode )0ner. which are daily expected at this ; ,n0 Vt S, Mt Truxton, from Coit-.antinonle. Ths bodv will re. main on shin oard until the fuucril prcparaiionr arc "iue, when (hry will be taken to Kt. Steohcu" (Vt. Ducscrait ,) i-tiurcn, ami be Oepo.-itcd in .1 vault; snJ when s place of final sepulture shall have been prepared at the Naval Asylum, the body will be privately csiricd thither, snJ laid at rest. I'. S Gazrtu. Homt im.-FJwrd Jourdsn, a eoloird man, killed bis sitet in a quarrel, la,, wtek, It Totts v!!e .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers