I aWHJ.' mm aw IIAXK XOTE I, I ST. The f..Iow!ne list h..w the rum nl nhtp of !l PennpyWania Bok N ,p a. The m 11 irrplicit re ianre mv he placed upon it. it l-'ftfr-i; tvfJ arpfully compared wiih hi d corrcc'ej fiotn ti- k ciell'a Reporter. Hank tn ritMatle.rrI.fn. . P"' f ;ur, location. Pm Lit. ft . far par par . p.tt . par pm pnr I" p-.i par NOTES AT PAR. Pnn!t rf NVr'li America . ?r( V -fthe Vo-t1 fT" l i'-r firn rVirpni-T'iil Fp k i-f Pp"T'i . r-n,t' nd '"' i'ii.V I5-,tk !''C"I1 P II W , , -vbn ihi'lP-o k 'ir.' b- r-.,k Wp'ri Cans. . , Mrel.s i IT nt I V.!'iiraifr. .V MrchprW Frt" Bank f ' Vr-tcr J oiu tv V aT.chf.ite r per pnr par par pnr pnr pit fynk of Dchwarr Cnw.ty Hank of (?rrmintin i, Bank of Moiitimmerv Co. DoylcMown Bonk Fa. 'on Bank Cl.f strr f !rrmar,Mvn Norrlt'ewn Poyleatotvn K nf ton Farmcra Park rf Trek. CO Pri-tol OfF of Bunk et l'.tu ' H at ri -hurgN There Co CO Co t'o do AT Stntea' I.anfericr oiTcca Rending ( Jo not Fn.'on J ir.jucn. D I S C O t: N T. ' Philadelphia 85 . . ptr 're X OTES of r Urii'e, i.miV- i f !' i n Townahii)" Oi'.rd Bin!. rovnn'i t!nirifr I)iit,k . H.vik f V riiiy ,vni:5i , . "'Ofiii' !! ii k of T'nitsvillc Pufiwlie V;."k ff J.-witiun Lrw i. t.'iwrj 'st-k f !ni.rr! wn Mitiolrtimn 1S-U4 . par par P- nk t-r "Vi.r'lininlie'lnnd 'VorihnmbrilatiJ jar i "olitn-.! ! nik A.'. IJntlgero. f'o!iin:liia r.rlip!i Bsi.k Or'is'e u 1 1 J Exrhnnge Bai.k1 I'o do I ranch rf FnimPts' Vr.irk of Lancnsti'i I.nncastrr ('runty B ink Farmers' Bunk nl l.'eodlr g Haitisburft Bank I ancni rr Bink Lehanon Bunk Mtrrhaiit' & Maniif. fciitik Biik of rittfluiTg Writ Branch B n k Wyoming Bunk ."Vortbtimpton Botik Cerki Ccuniv Bank CfEcp of Bank of U. 3. Do do io Do do do KentinKton Sav. Tne. A riitnl urg I'lillidavnburg f.nncas'.ci I .'.ncoaiff Brading j HrriRl'iirg Lancaster j Lflianrn lj Pioliurg 1 PiKxhuig 1 Willinttupnrl ?5 Wi'keilarr 3 A lleiilimii PraJing 70 Pit;t'Ctg failed Erie do JNe.t Brighton do do do Penn Tonliip 5f-iv. In. Bimk of CliamiHTshure ChnrnWubuig J?in3J HHr-k ot OrltV''rlUts 0'ttvsluro Bunk nf Sn-quelianna Co. Montroae Erie But k Erie FurmtTf & Drovera Bank 'nvprBliutg Franklin Bai,k M nstiington II inifdale Bnk HotiPhdali? Moi onRilieh Bank of B. BrnniuviUe Vntk Bank Yo,k fn 6 fvif if ' 1 1 N. B. The tiotp of thoc l-anka on which we omil qiiotntiuni, and mbMitutc a iinh ( ) re not purchafrd hy thu Pliilndclpt ia broker, wi h the excP tion of those whii h have a lettrr of ti ft nnco. BROKEK BANKS. Pbilnd. h hia Pot. Ina. Philaili lt hia I htirilr'i hi I.nnli Co. do rt u. kill Suv. !n. do failrd fiilf.l f.iled f.iicd i0:.S5 no hjle rh.n-d i.i.iffi! I.uli M rl .Pi li no n'j failed f..l.,l f ii'ni rn rs' M ii.ii',1 l,.l. -r Bunk (T. W Dyoii, prrp.) 1 1 vchi da I'iii-k I mini un Bniloril AMi'vt hi v ii.ii k i f Pa. B il k of Prmrr Bni.k of f'vinarn I'm.h ot Wiiil. i;ig,ton (i tr Bunk t ' i t V Bnk trn ,-r. A- Ve, p,.r k Farrrfr' A- Vi rl;Y." Pni U t'ii'n.rt"' & .Mi i h'cis'.i' ii k Ua'ITloi.v I; iitl.!.' Hii; tirp'or. Dnt.k Ji i -vi B-i k jmi ' i in. i '- li-i.k iN. ft in ;;. i. j'ni (. i-., i. lin.v v. r.-!i . pit i l'i i. n I VI. Hk. ,..t;i ", ,-!. t, ;) U i.i n. tlih'-t i 5. I V-t k Atr M .i .1 I .n, k Sl!fr I.k!- Bm k L'n un B -i k i f iV;u..i. Vi CFtii.ortiidnl Uiii k Wilkibbain- B. !.! Co. PflUfl I!nri'f! ii'if Bi II kt(iJl lii .1 f i e Pitl.l-ti.g P'.ti.l ut,; Fnyr'ii- co. f 'n i r.rat 1 i hi nmiv Uui liiii!. u I r. ). !p-, n i.r.,n l.-n."-.ff Do f-.i'.i fn.l:.' no m)v rlof Cit no fulr rluM il fiiiliJ rlw d f.ulrd rli'.Md Nn 1 M iinn 1 1 Mra i'l- In; ( . I t.n Car i !u A'l t.t . ff I'l.Vlil. Wll CUi 1 1 t.! i,rg V'l iikifib 'tli' liu till Qj" All ruitts j-iiii ( itirc to I f on any P. i vtyu Bstik m.l j'Viu :n th- i bovc .-i.m lif tt d0Wli ti I.-aLi's. Bankofpvr hru:..Auk BelvkJtte bbi.k Burlington Co. Burik Comirrcial Biii.k" Cumb. rl.inil B.u.k rmmerF' I!iik yaiau is' v.t.J V.i! ;!.!,' 1'k J'ts.lt.t :-.! !ct i '..: bumfs' .1 a .Vi.r. , .-.:.' li Frafik li l ( i k nl J. Ei bJ:i-0 litt&L i't i,9 Cu Jfiury City liji.k Mtchvuiik' Uii.k Maiiuf.n lcr. r' lim.k Murn Cou'iiy i.ii k M.ir.iiK Liin lik ui -N. J. MlChallllb' 13:.k ?.Uctiei:ir.' and .Mar uf. Ek ?.orri Cinal inl i!ks Co Ntwark Bku & Ir.a Co iS. w Ht r I VI BriJ(;r Co N. J. M.iiiu1..c. hi j lHa Co Erin. rv. irk Be!viJri MullutJ 1'nih Ar.i'oy l'tidcf Ion Mount llnlly li'ul.wv I pr fur pr N. I:t;i.si(k failed "!ii Jiiturtii Ft. 11 .'i i City J!. . ,.rn J. im y (;i:y Futii iaoii Jj.liiville ?.ioiritiiwri Fid-holJ i waik Trt-nton Jtiy City Newark fmlid iu I ii failtjil fiubd faili-il u fuilid j par r0 ftalu Eacnheruville I lobokfcn ffc.il. ti failed u fail.. I i pr pr N J 1'iou" ton A l.uuii .a:d I k JiTfty City Orange 15. n k rur.(te FttterKon Bai.k lVoplta' lliitik Pniicftoii l.'ui.k Salnn Bar.kin( Ci. Kittle Bnr.k fcilalt- Brnk btate Bui k t:;aie Bank of .Mjiris Hlute Bank iSiilcm and Fhilud Matiuf Co Sumhi Bank Trenton Banking Cu" l i.ii.n Bank W'aihiiigtuta Banking Co. Patt i.uii do I'rinretiin tfaltin Newark F.lirubfihtnirn I 'a m.!i n Mcriii-lown 'I'll litUi) bull in New ton 'J'lei.li.n Dnvr Uaf ktiitack i "; fai It'll fail ll J pr li fail. d Bk rf Wilm & BrHnd) wim.' Wi mington par par par par par par p,r r pr 1.1, cut of LMuwart Bank of Hji.j ria Do liunrh Wilrriiriglon Pirvii. Milloid Fa.u ir.' Bkof buterf Del Don I Do brri!, Do bmnch Do Irdiili TV. i Nil li f. ft' V. iln.inton Cfil rlO) N.col!d Vl ilu.oloO i ' I n'ii ir kpi) thus ("l lh.r.1 mr 1 It.or iouiiVi rfl ii or ul rii.il i. rtrt of TbiLin lit- ot.uVJiirjr, in hn.v.'.ii;n. Tic if, method or Mr AMition of Diseasa is In clran. t and fvrify the Body. WKTGHT'S IXniASi VECr.TABLC PltLS OF TftfT. yylf .tr,i?rtca Colteft rf tfrpt'i, A'f? T'O.s f t V notx to he ibe br.t Medicine in he WnrM fo the r'fi rf FTTT.V VAR'ETY OF DISEASE. "CTT'.T('t'3F 'hrv rnrrp'rtf'y rl no.. the at. :t humeri ".."r-cl.e. f.i ' iS s'p the fane not rirlv ifi i.'inr. Pa'pit .pori nf the He tt. 71 I Vo !, t! p, iv iV. V- p. roa fif.i tirnnt m nd C. n'. hut t ti rp-.n. PAID INDIAN t I iiil f jil h HI li" are a nt nm eti' l.-r in trim fe-, en' :'. r.rrvnv. infl im'itoiv ir.l pu'r.d Fever. I c rf tl.rv c"re tK p.n'v f em tho-p mnihid hi n"v. whieh, v hen e .fiFned to the cirrti I itinn, are iherntfeof a'l kimlinf FEVERS, o, n'fo, when the :,mrt noputitv in dej osiird on the n cmlnie o I t'ltm-'b', e iitiii ;ina, inditma tiona end rwe'Iinea r illed RI1 F.I' M M'lSM, KOT T, fir. V. riuhi's Indi.in V. cct:il le Filla mav it r.'litd r.n a n'wnya .rrtatn to cive ti lief, atul if pi rsevi ipil with, neroidlnc to direction, will most aaanirdly, ninl without f-.il. rrnke a perfect ru e of il e shove ptinfi I ti.iibo'ir-. From thne to six of Raid Indian V. i tnhlp Piila t.ikrn eviry iiiuht po t f to bed, vi l in a nhoit twna no comph-lcly rid (1 e br'v from i-i r ry th'tig that i oppured to health, t!'at hl r imnti m, (lout, ami pun i,f evrrv ileenp. tilt., w ill be lit. mlly DRIVEN FROM THE PC PY. For t'n-s me rrfl-,ui, when, (r.-tn r'uhlrn ch.tpcea of atrr o-f hi-te, or nny other r:uie, ihe r f - rjii'ati.ir. t? rhrtk-.!, nr.. 1 the humor, wh't-h ahould p- rfj' ! v the ehin ere thrown inwardly, cau'ini; i HEADACHE. lDT)!NT.f-9. tt.-tfp- 'and i,-k- i ni i a, j oil; in the h, tif. w a'riy and inf! uncd er.., aore t.iroat, hoaraenr f, ror.j-'-., ror-itmptirn, rheurp-itr paint" in virion, rait, of tbe hn'v, nnd manyrth r -vmp'om. rf CATCHING COJ.D, V'riglC Ii.dicn Yceeful't Pi'Ix will invorinbly I give irrrr.Pili ten lief. Fr.m three to aix of mil! J Pills taken rvev r.tsht on cmiiv to hrd, w ill in o abort time, not on'y tr trove ail the above unpl. as int Rjmitoma, I tit the body w ll, hi a ahort time, be v'tored to rvpn tounder bent htl an lefore. ASTHMA, on DIFFICULTY OF BREATH INT;. Wright' hid an Vrgrtable Pills will looa- j en und cany nfl" by the atomach and howeia, thone i tough phlrgmy humor-, which atop up all the air cells ot the lun(a, and are the cause, not only of the I hove disitcat'rg complaint, but wb.en nee'ened, ottrn terminate, in that ;ro cdirpdfnl n,a:ai'y called C0NS1MPT10N. It rhou'd he a'aoten embeil that Wright' Indian YecflvlJ Pilfi are a cr rtain cure for PAIN IN THE SIDE. Op, rcs ion, n ui am, and 8icknrM, na c f pppetiip, rostivenrsa. a yrllow tinpe of the rkin rit.d t-yea. and very . tl.tr symptom . f a ti rpid or d a-id .tatf nf the hvrr; lecau.e they puree from the body those itnpuritie w-nii n ii iiipo.nfii upon tin. ini(:rtnrit organ, are 1 the cau-e of eery variety if LIVER CUM-j PLAINT. Whrn a nntii.n ia eonintar.l ! iioi ! outbr. i.k. and n l ellinti. the only mean of prevent, ing the dreadfi l conarquenrra of a CIVIL WAR. ia t expel all traiiors. and evil d apoa.d on. a from the coiiirry. In l;ke manner, In n pain or nick nPs of any kii d, indicate that the boilv ia RtrtKr c!lii(t w ith titi r. mI fo.... the true ren edv ia to EX PEL ALL MnnRlfl HUMORS, (T.aitor. t.. ifiibh an, I life,) Health trill Ir the Ctrtnin rtsu'l. Tint tie p'in.ipl.' i f i urii.p ili-rap. bv .leHiiiiog and purify ii'p thu lio.lv, is atn.-ttv in ;.rcoi,l,i ie with the lan e which povrrn the an'inul irm oniy ; nni! if preperlv ranted out bv the u e of ibe H'.ove nnmed WRK'HT'S l.M'iN VEGETABLE PILL?, will reitainly mult In the compute ALo I tion of Dir-ens.' ; we offer the following: trmmnrii nla, from p.raoiir (,f tlip highmt te-pi-inl iliiy in New York, who have terentiy I'ern rut. d of the n.o.t obstinate con plaint-, mlely hy the itae of VTnieiiT'a InriiN VioarAtiiK Pma, uf the North American Cilligr cf Htu'th . X Jamaica. I.. I., Jur )!,. 1941. Dortnr Wil'ia n Wright Dent Sir It ia w th gre.-.t Fmi faeti.-u I inf. rm en of ;.iy havioi bei n ir.t-rely cinid of Dyipepiiia. of five yearn nuudii g. I v t!ie tite of your Inm . i VroiTpt.a Pun. Pri vinu- to ti-eeiing wi'h vnnt f e'el ral ,1 tn. ill cir e, I Irid b.en under the iiHi-.lr. of several i i"-i. niu! bad 'r-i ;! vmiou- n ediiii.F; l ot nil t- no ef-.Ti. A'l.r :.ii g m e 25 reft box of your i now v. r. 1 . jtp.n, i t eo ,,-. h I e. ef:t. ih il I T-;ii. o r.i y. r . .. le i. ir e le i.t It:, m aerinil.p..f lo i' r. 1 1 i i a. . 1 i. b I ' ii I n - v to p-te, t. i. eli- l III ( pi (111 r i Cr'-u "He ' to .1 f. io ii I , e l rra' l .-.i, ! that ( lb i make Iii ,! . i' nl b.,e d lo nid n -, y 1 .- it-'n-v lii'i'ieii e. I - I i ur . i i you ir. ' ,!( n. , in i. ; ' I n li i ! Iv I pi L i-ill Hi I, anme. il you think pr- pi r. Your-.-, Ae. New Vi-.k. Ji.te I ft, mil. (i.C. IlLACiC Vr. Riili.'rd Dei nirt, apent for Wr Ver-i'ir.bl.' Pdlc. I:i Jiau I 'fret Sit I liavrh.cn cfnioted fur aeiernl ye.-ira v i b irward wuimts and rental d.bi'ity, -ic om f a'.trJ at lime, with p..itia in the i-ide and other dietieevii g ri.n.pljii.ta. Aft.t havii, tr eJ vmioiiK no ilii t.-ira i-bout . ff, rt, I na, (-r-ii id. d by a fi irn I to make trial if Dr. Wiihi- Indinn Visitable Pilh, wb eh I am hnppy to Wnte, Su,. relieved ii.c in a nv st r.i n.leiful n-miit r. 1 iae uc,l the mo- d on ii. e, a yet lut u i-hoii t n.e. and l ave no doubt, ry a perpeier Hire in i'.e r,e c I i;u' nieUu-uie Hteor- ding lo liinrtiofs. that I ebkll i:i a nhnit li:i;C I t- pt : fi cily iP-l.irc I. I uiobt willit gly rcconiPiriid eaid pdla to :,!!p,r poii kimilirly i Hhelrd. ni.d in tlte full lli, il.ui the r ine I ei i tV.-inl r. su'tr vi ill I. ll. tv ll. ir Use. I re inrin jcuia sinccrdy. IlI'.NRV A. FOOI'E. Wa varfing, I'Utet co. N. Y. Nuv Yovk, frpl, en, 1S41. Thi tn rrrtify that I haip nsed Wmiili r'a Imhan VtovTABlE PllLa with the prraiest bene fit : havii.g trrirrlt rined myelf of the fr. qui t.t at taika ol Sick IU'ar!rbe, ti. hicli I hud previously beta subject. ANN MARIA THOMPSON. 393 Greenwich atreat, N. Y. To Mr. Richaid Dtnni, Agent for Wrtght'i In. dian Vegetable Pills. f J V Tl .V. Aa there are at thia time mnny wirKfd f ersona bueily tncaged in aelima a fount, rf. ii medicine un der the iimiip of li e liudan V, gri,.be PiiU and as these ilifpernte in. n are a,, uiietly rerkl. sk of con siquencea, that many valuable I ves n ny he b Ft in consA-ipience of uung II eir ilri-ndful coinp. ui ds, ih.i publ e are cautioned i.g .in't ptiicliaii,K anv Pi l, nn, I.m en the ii,!ol,f the bi is ihe following wor.liiig is found : V KKJii rsi I.NDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS. (liulain I'urativc ) or the rONTM a ni. ii re an ctiLLtna or iiuliii. An.l a'.e to le esjietiily ran ful kguinst pnri'ba siop at'd me 'icine of any prrun en. pt il.e re.'u l .r advrn aed even a A CEXTii FOR KOkTllVMBBRLAyD CO, Pennsylvania. IL B. Jlaiu.r, Suul nry Wm. Forsyth, Nor. thumberlarid Jacob II .as. Shanu kin - Saniui I Herb, Mahonoy Byrrly & P. Haaa. Auuu.fri Th. maa Follnifr, Vi't.m lre'.,i d it Mux. II. i M twoi itl'le E ii. I j er, Turbi.nvil r Juices hd. P.ipegroVe H. KIai, S nbrsiowu II. H. Kiabel, P. M.. l'!ji.rj P. O. Win. Li-enrir.,, P M. L'rii. n C.irtr. Cfl'.ee r.d Grner.. D. pot f,r th le of Wrigh 'i Ikd'tn Vfg'iu.yt Pult, Whr.l.i,! nt.il Retail, No ify KM f. cm.Etl. PHILADEl- ROSES OINT2VIB3MT, FOR TETTER. ntttnttORatn, mmmiw eit thr tack, and cnnnti rrTATots rntrrioNs tjj Tlit ffHnUi'tttr trrfificaie dttn-ile on nf tfit tfint rTfr;rnrdinay cirrtt crrr rjrcted l.y orty ttppVeatttn. pHttrTtiTtt. February in. 18.13. T70T1 tvre n'y yia 1 ma. ivrrely afflict d with TrTTti on ihr F,.ci and Mead: the d-e commrnpiil when I wni .evpntron yran nlj, an I co'Ttii.i-rd tn til the Full of 1S''R. v .m ii ft in vio. lonre r.it rri tiont ever ili.nru p irnii. Durintt ml i i't time, crpt pnri of my f'Ce -at rnvernl with thi rnintion. fr. qittly a trnji d with vio'rnt I'di- mp; try I evl at, Veil at timm until it r.-lt ra if it wnil.l l.i'r"t the "v. lhn vim k g o it. th .t I coa'd fcarri !y crt my hnt on. 1'iirin the loin p. rio I that t s nfflic'r d'wi'h lliP ilii'd.p, 1 napil ft crPnt mnny n plirsti..n--. Tain .nir, tlipm voml rcle'nat.'d prp itntion) ru v II ntl:il;ina inw.nd rrmi'iliof inrlmliiitr a nnn hcr ofhottlu of Sw.iim'.i Ptinnrrn. Fxtra t of S'ir-i,pr,ri!t'it. iVr. In ful ii w ii'il be impn':iil.t' to I'nnri'Pia'e nil tlie rrr lii ini-. I nanl. I wn. oliio iio.trr I'ip Cire of two of ihe mo t Ji- tincrt-lied physirinnt of tl.H ri'v, but tt'ith lit rr i rivin( in'. i Ii broi fit, nnd I di'rpairrd of rvri bcincr cio.d. In the fill of b?.C, ilm ilr rrp nt tin time hi'irf; vriy vir.'.nl, I rnmmrrirrJ ininc the Jlue Ohilmcut, (prrpuri'il by Viiu.'h:in A D.ivii.) In a f. iv npplirntiona the violent itrhine rricd, ihn pwi llit t aba'i-il. I1,p rni.tiun bf.?in to ili,i pe.ir, nml ! i h.Tc I h :d mrd n j ir the li -eac wn tntitelv cured. It ha row birn i.rrr'y n y.at and a Imlf 5inrp, (inj (tjere i not a vrtii,i nf imp iliwa-e re tn lit .inc. except ll.i sc.ira from thr ilerp pit. forme. I by tl'P di-'rare. It t imiv.a.iHu fir m to dracrite i:i a crrtifu ate the ev rily of the dine ise ati.l rrv ai.fl' riii?. but I will be pit if:il to r.ive a f r ! t r nc cor.nt to nny piTon ivni lii c funhnr atisfiction, who t ill e iil on me. At the time I ro nmrnce.l uiirg the I!. e ( 'iiitin. nt I wotild have rtwn h'.tn diet?, of do.hns.to be rid nf the digoir-e. t-ince ii sin it. I huve reconniirtidi d it to irvird persona, (ninrng t!iim my mother, who l.aJ ilif. ili i a-o bad ly on hi t 3'tn.) who wi re a 1 cured bv it. JAMES DURNEI-I.. No. 15(5, Race 5t. fjT The Roar Ointment i-i ptepsrul bv E. H. VaiuIiRn, Snu'h FuM comer of 'J'h'.rd and Pure Mum l, Philndvlpliia, anJ mid on apenrv in Suiibii rv. bv 11. B. MASTER, M ..y Mill. lSH. A?t;f. IJcc Ointriipirt, t'nv Teller. A PROOF OF ITS EFFICACY. Pint nt Lent , May 27t'.. 1S3"!. "pTIIS i to cer.ify t1 a I wa a-verr'y .iffl r'rd .L iili Teller in the hi.ru!:; and bet for ii.w rd. :.fci.' w a flfcr Jed q.tieri'lv an.! .ive!li:-,(j. I -ipj-l-ed to i ol forty yrarp ; the w ith vtn'ei.t iti h n;: t on,h, r of h v-ic- .na. 31-! tu: d ! cr; 'it n:;,i v ip;-!i- ra un s wi'b.-iit i fi. i-tmg a n re. A' out n y ar tit.ee, 1 r.p ! c.l t'.p Ron Ointment, wbieli cim !v topi rd 'he h in; r.i;.! a f, v up. . lie ti n nri: .t-.l. atily rttiol the di r.i-e, which there I, a. I-en no riturii of, iiihoui;!i I had I ru r b-ern rid of it at any time fut f. ity vn t. RICHARD S'.WAt.K. I'll vei. lb below fr'p'Ure Sirr.t Cj-The Ron Oiutmct it pr. p.ire.l by E. 11. VaUk-lmn. .S jU'h Ea-t corner if Tlid aid t.ie Stieeia, PhilaJelj l.ia, and 1.1 on a.-i vex in futilut. iv t v li. p.. mai:r. May 1 Mi. 19-1.1. Ac-t. mdicai appeoeatioit- Of the ROSF. OITMF.T,fir T-'Ur. i.i Mill till the tit. iioiitv of :he nrecata I- n over nil ether, ia fullv ra aMi -lie.l. die it i r e , ii tor. t;,ke pt, nr ure in h.y b.f.-re the u'-'ic the following err; .fira'e fr,,rn a re-' er tab'e ph o'o.. a g'ai'iiiite cf 'he I'l.i.ernity ol Penna Iv.iiha. Dr. Butitfl-, l aving f i.rul in thi. -emnly that relief f r a led), u. n'.d lii-i-.gri'ri.'.J. nl'i'i lion w hicli toe n v.Miin ti e r o te of t i. t r. f.ifi .n fut.! to nr..i, I as r..t h-ritated to cive it hi. approbation. bIiIi up i ihe pi.ju li, . a ni J ir.'i r,'' - of that fr.ifii.'n an- ppoFC.I to a.vret R, n.idies. Pi.n AMt.rvtA. P. f. l. 1"1P. I w r. i- r erui 'i. n. ul i, end i .. r .'. il , y LiMibod Witii n ii i i i : -- hi rj lie roe ed n, ailv ore vi e . f m f .re. Cr 'be far. Mr. Va.v.h:. i tnfnt- I- i ted f ll f Ro.e ( 'i. !,i r-.t, i ! i i n.; my fare, .ifi n n v t r i! 1 :j i ren i o ii i f v. h:i ! he tiuu- I me h i ;r. A.di. u. h in .o.-,-:i.r.:i wi:U ihe iiii-nu j i,vs .1 io V i r f.- -i !., I e !K;. ;lit liantr and lli'R.l- p,..ve ot the iiun.i r i s'.riim- p.ilini d upon thr pi bl".' 1 y b;i;. i am r. ti n.l. i , 1 f, .1 iu'jua in: b -und to exe. t th.- R. tl. C 1 i .t i . n; firm thai r a of me il i in. , and to ene it mv ippr balion, na it entiie lv i ti'i .1 ihe ( lupllou, alit... null il h id reri-ted the " I "1 1 bi.i-i , s. DAM. BA! OH. M. D. r.'V The R, Oil In. ri t in n..-n..r. .1 bv I' V. j 'ui.. Ii..-, Siiutli l.'a-t (.nil if Tl.ii J aid I'm Mvo, Pni'd'-'phi,,, si.d fl Id on np. oi' in S'l.n- l in-v. 1 v il It M -y ri! M .y 1 lib, If IX An,l. Srii:!i" iiinl Tdl acco Matiularttirers, .Vo. (Ml .Yori Yi ft ciriirr if llurv ami Third Stri i Ix. PHILADELPHIA. rI'M!E rr.d. r-itnej h ive formed a Cn-pirtnrraliip 1 under the firm of .1. M A L N I J n. A Co. as Mu-oesM.ir:. to ihe late fn in of ..-.;.' Atmhrild A Co., i,:id iv ill i- .oiione 'he I u.iiicw i ihe i.M ei.ii. I "ii.-ninei.t, oil Hier i.mii afr,n.ii'. In i.ildinm In ! 'heir i,n el,.se alt, i m at J rmetietice f .1 nn.ov y "', 'o t'.e mat t.t .et.ire ot tb.;r . eft br .t. d nn.ll' . lie., ' I.t iui. l ip, i.. uce of i'.e r. i.ior pa.t. et ol the i. '.e lirm, will ii..i he d( voted lo :ho interest of the n-w eni.ien: ai.i! ns i.o t re tirui and rjre wi l If s :-r. .1 lo ir.-uie thi ir goods, al u. l;:u s nf the if. ry bet qm.Vy, li,.y solicit CHitil:U4l:ce if the Chi..;. ii..e firm. uf ll.e f. cnJ Mi..! c;-1. iners nf the ..t THOMAS ADMH, J. MAVLAND, .In. Phi'idelphi., May 1-llh, mrt. ly 'jeexs eri r.nr' n-a jj Vurturut 'Ph -r.i ,rnd Vim- Stri rt.x, VvxiarAMSPcrkT, I'.v. THR K'.btrr.ber r, -(.(.petfidlv Honouuece to the ptilibMhai I f b a .,en,d a Hotel m th.-coin mndirus bri. k buildii g a til ate on the rniner if 1 hud and Pine iireie, where he w ill be bappv to .iit l p n ihokC who nuy fai'or him wit:, their oiopanv. The E..pte Hut. I ia la p,, a. id c. nv. ni ero, ni d fun.it.hrd ir. the le t in .'cm et.le. p i 1 1, tat.d wt'h u ..tge iiiirr.bir of will aoel prd c. inf it..! Flem ing tpaitiii.i l-, ronri.R, f rival-' Milors, Ac. P. i . oi is it.il -rig i.huiopporl on bu iii.is i i pa lire, ir. iv ic.l ae nr. d ih.,t ei. rv ex- itMoii will le u-ed lo r.nl.r 'heir s,j n st ih, "EiiKle Hot. I" lensai.t and i.jr.enble. HuTnbp will he nippli.d with the v.ry h a- the nnok. t nf. fori'a, and bis I nr w idi 'be el oin-si w iocs and .nb, r h.jiK.is tbarges re a .r:be. 'I h- l'a,:le Hon I pofB. tses greaior aihatiiapei in point of I, cation tluii any oihei aiindtr . Habli-bmenl in tin- borough, b(ing situate in the buaineaa p.-.n of the town, an.) within a convenient distance of the Cunt House and Wlihumsporl arid Eimira Rad Ro.d 1), p,,t. HufTicieut btabling provided, .nd good and trusty O'-llera ulways in at!riidxn.-c, At'.er.livr, arcoir rrodi ting ar.d hone-1 Si rnt hv t.tn (rr.sloiel. M.d roll ii g I. fi nrnhnr tin' wi:1 4dJ lo U:o cin.i'oit ...j ecc, rnaioJaiun of hia gt-. -Is. 'J lore will he a carriage tlwaya in atlei da. re at the Boat Landing to convey pSi, gcU l0 al;J f,,,,,, the Hou.e, fit of clia pp. GiiArvLEa LOBP.OWb. Ka. Mil. It3.- tf 21. B. lCASLl2CPkJ ATTORNEY AT LAW, tmiMXfTJV. TA. Bn-ifnea u'ltended tn in tteCmintiea of rCo thuml erland, tJiiion. tjrnmtng and Colomb:. Kef- tot lltflMUllniTftCii.. " liiiwan oV. Ba n ro? , HiWT, CrMMtsnn A Hatt. RrT-rof.tia, McFahumi t Co Brrtriso, Innti ft Co., Tdf'onntiy . c : TdT r t.i r r,i r t5 n THE fr'ulifrti! er. Aeent ..( Ivr.n A Il.r.ln tin m ,jm lul w AA n t - Mjniif.n lurr., for Ni wYml;, Phil idclj hia, B ilt'more and other lat ;c . iti. , -v ! ,m .Vt r"t hiidily cominr.nd. d ftr f,'i,o 7 c ami dur-thility. h.-s o t l-.on.l t lit A rat is ;.-itm -nt ol MAI'.-; it'id '.M'S. Mil!.' e fir MptJif R If, wl.'.li w-! be e .. very low, f.ii rnli or ., .ovnil crivhl, nl the tntf.1 cheap i.'i.re, Nn. 40, Ninth Tli.nl Vie-t, .i tosiv the City II. i. I. n.ibi.lelptr. RonniiT r. wii KiN.'-orj. a-.i. 'i. Tl. Oi.hn I. it Hiit-'ln ibe roii). h , pi'imptlv attended to. The hirhr. t li-e iii .,.., jr .uc niven f.ir I'ur "-,'n. PIila.lelphis, .lime 11, lrl.1-. y A I'L persons indibtcd to t!;e l.rin or Lyon A - 1 Hltr m, ntdor the ntl-'tiry oft). S. Tbailur, II it ami Cap Miniufurhii-irs, No. 4n N'orlli Third, Mre.-t. Pl:d:idi ldii, nr.- n-queMeil to make i in ti:c-.!i-tite n ttltiiii nt of th ir rot.ii"-' w i:h lliemb.-Tiil.fr, tin ir li r-f.l'y nu,!.ori7.,,l ;.p,i.,t, u li,i U fully miprnv rlrd to si t i le and roll-i t ti e neeount. of s-iid firm RORERT 1). WILKINSON, t 1,1. tri- . .i u ii n i i "i, in r,, ; j ,? GO LD K i S'WA jN Aii. Gl) Anri Third, vhnrc Arch Strut, rillLADI'Ll'IHA. AC "0t Moti At ions run m 1-i srv prcsiiM ( HHARLES WIUS. 1,,'eof ibe "W ,i e H.., :1,' Itll.l "Mount eriitin Hoes-.. rrcn. ,-ir,,l!.. in birnis hi. friend., nn, I rem, niera lint Ir U In r....,,. the iroprietor oflhc abov well known II . t. I. t'oun ry Meirhantt will f n.l the above Hotel a central I. cilion, and the be-t , f fare Feroin tra velling with private conveyance, villi find a huge yard niul pood ulablitic fot burnt.-', and the be.-t of osl'en. Uoaidino fl petduv, Vn 1 l:h, ie-15. f. Comnii.-sit.ii iS.- ronvaniin'x MtTt-ltants. I-r,t if U V,7.-- Stmt 7.V ..'', e.x th r. i i t. iwim, Tj WINO ri.-n, Old tih tin m J.wri h Rati rf. I ' 'f K.i--t P. i., r. f; e.tfolly inf. -tin t;-. ir fi e. .1- ci.il ihe pi.hiie eioera'lv, that they hav. t.i. k n lb t bi;'i mi. I xvi I blo wn More and i!u.f m f- t of Willow ft net R.i. I. .-..!, I.t. ty o.c.io;el by .In oh Martin, u line they pu-pn.e .h-ina u ! in! C. niioi-.i. n nod Fmw aniioj B.i-i:ie--, roi l f cm the l.u'i.l ii.li an'nee.i of il.r pi Co 1 i imr c.o to e;. i wiili. II lie ul be ii.-.o..M inei;! tli.it bnv, lb, it outel in the .iti, tin y Ih.tt. i i!i. to. I. t lit y v. iM I - nb'o to do I u'ii i js lo a-i p-e 1. if not (; eat. I id vni.tnpe, and upon a-; ten., nat.'e ti iiii a a..v ell . r h .use, am! iii. i (..soul,, th. .r f ..' l! i.t t.v coi- R 2, un nt. p: le to lb. m Fluid have ih. ir 't ct t Ii I, to li, nnj in. ex, ith n .pan J to give ei.'L.c. .,'.: f..f!.m. 'I In y are a!?o prrpir. .! to receive ai u i.xwtrd pn '.Is 'n oilv poini on the D li.w re r.n,! I eh i h river-, belive. n Miloch ' t ui k. piston and Ph. hi. ,'. l hi. i. Delaware li:v.-i n a.-d I.ehit!i Cm h; ' ! ai v cm , n 'I e Jttv ia ri-.i r. ,-r j, and Wi ki 1). arches ,v ihe t-n -qu. h nma v ia Prl.,i . kiil nid I'liion, in thn C! es-.j - -ki n.l I h.e '.itei C. ,:i,,'i. For ih" aerommodmioti of ii .'. e -n.-oj ir en. ii p via fVhuy kill nul I'nion C'irnl-. a Sir ndmsr will h k'plexpreMlv for toe. inj b ot t. .-in ihe Vebu kd i ton i d t the Del .wae and bn-k, wl.ieh will en Me m.-ieh:ii.t lo have then prod.;, e .!. li if e.l on the He Hivme, und their ooil- l loi. d al .i Holes ol .r)tf to7op.r c. i.t. ii" the pn.-.n f i I. .uiii a ne o . mi)i lh.se ndihitf.. tl.i y re h,m I it.ll'y Fo.o It a haie of or i: e. e. W. liKILMAN A CO. William K. ihnm, ) W lh.,:n W. K-jFC',; Jo.s-.ph R. tnet, 3 Philid ,M.,y 11, 1-tLI -ly BOSTON & CO. tii i :tl (r:iiii!iir il r 5i; t;'. 'or '.,,. ,f flnur, Hn.in, Sud, -V . 15 E.-PECTFILLV inform tin ir lii.tel end he Merchants cenerjlly, that they have la k. u tlu..-r 1 npe and eniomoilioi s l.niv s, i itti r.vo Doik.-, tioith of CheFimt t'.rnt, on the D. hi wire, l.'pether with the fU. io No. 19 Houtli Wlinii-s wl eie ibev won',! be plea-rd to receive consiirn lucnts of (Irnin, l'i, mi. !rri), Wl,i-key. Iron. A e. Ac. Being also well prepared to forward all kinds of Merchandise hy th. Schuylkill and Union, or by ihe Cbe-api ake nu.l Ti le Wutrr Cariuls, aa tow boats ere kept (Spim.-ly fot the urj o.;e nf lowing I oi'ls ! y i i I ei lou'e. Meleliat'tii wil' pie sc be pirtii id i" to send their rr," tin ilm ii.o,l by cither canal, to No. 19 Siiutli hnives, h.twtrn Market ninl Chestiut slr.c'., on lie DiLwiirp. w ith dir. i font necon.p in;, ing llieni wbii'i route ih.'V wish thcili to he Fhipjsrd. Plastir and fait for sa'e, nt ih- lowest mar ket rice. HOLTON A' CO. Ma 19, IS11. No. 19 South Whtivea. nokii'itT ( ui i iiit &. PAIVEII H A N U I. A C T U EE ila, t.oiiiLintl Mrrit, lluttiiuoir, I A V E c. ii.-tantly for s.!c, Priu'inj P. p, r ,f al. ' aizes ninl quahti. a. Cap Writina Paper, rub .1 ai d plain, Lriler Pap. r, white und blue, ruled and plain. Hanging Paper, fine and coii.uioti, Envelope Paper, do. do. inclirm, doub e cuiwn, crown and extra sued Wrapping Pa era, Colored Medium and Royal Rape, a, Bonu, t, Hmdi-ia' and Siia.v B u li .aids. Tissue Pap. r, and al milch a in their I. tie, which they will nil on .iicoinn.ida'.iiig linns. II ghc.t i.ce tiv.-u f t old r.is. ROllEHP CARTER A- SON, M .rch 1!. 1S1.1. Elkton. Md VN ai'iee unequalled lor cleaning and g vu g a liit'hly durable and most brillitnt polish to si. v. r, (i.-rrin-n fiKer, Brass, ('upper, liritt.uiia Ware, l .n. tit-1 1. I'ntbry, and for rcsioiing the lUkire on Varil sl.e.l caiiiuc.-, Ac, TRV I P. Pr. pan d til I sold at wholesa'e and retai', by the f u-qnehann Chrysolite Polith Coinpuny, OAego, 1'ioga county, N. Y. WM. FORSYTH, Aprnt lor Nnrthuui'd, 11. B. MASSE R, Ag.-nl for fcunhuty. November SOth, HIS. tTte iV "d i ; w e i :s. LAST TvSAICER, No. 7-1 Cai!ovhii! kSirtet, 'Jnlu(icl'liia ("Ihrte di.rt ahne Sieond J MOR Finding, always kepi on haiot, " t irh hi off. r fur s!e on the lowe terrna. Coin, rj Much mi. are prucui.ily lo til, and judge lor themselvea. PUadelpti. youaitr 13. 184!..-ly. O. y. r, L. B. TATLOE. .FFER FOR SALE, at the . mil E .t Cor H V ner ..f Fifth and Miskct llttet. taiLdcl- rh-u Mena'Calf-e' ln Boota, Itc!.eJ wi'tanteJ. do do tl0 pe.59.-J do do d- do w-a'cr proof, double tolea and doiihle nppcrn. do CuIf-.-kin do ,i Jj na;rj and upiern. do He.vy V.'ntrr I.fither Peot-. do do Keats do do do High qo.irlei Shnei. Celi'-.-Lin. dj do d Crmkera ti do Fine Morroc- wrrmntcd Jo Kip do do do Calf da J,) hi Cuar-e do d j do do thoei do do Fine do d) du 5'ii d do do Call'aiid Pen! 1'l.in Pint .pr;. do Li 1 Till I.i will, mhJ v.ilhol.t i,,!i.- h. Carpet do do do do I'nti nt WarnntPil V:.t. 1 or... 1 T. 1. lilies' do do ,t,, r.t Wll? .1,. l adi's tni.m .l India Rubber sloim. Crnt'eiiirii ;' do Over - hoi's. Vitli every other dr.-r.ipli.,i nfboo!. and ,I,ui'm. Fur CapK (if every deseriptinn. 'J'r.iv. li.iig 'J'rtinks of every df.;oripti..n, eti.-ti.iti 'Fnv. liiii) l!a;. Patent Cum Ebific Shoe II! n I.ln.r. RoiV.cts of ..II lind-i, Pul.n 1 e?f HaN. I'hil idolphi.i. Noieinlier 1:1. pply. V T 9-r i Vi "7" D UJ o ---. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BOOK.-;-, 1 l.ER.s AND STATION ER.'. i io. 1'2'2 Chrpimt f-'trorl, l.ciiiw Ith, ! I'JiilailfJj.hi:!. i Ur-f CPr.Ptantlv on loie.d a i'rner.,I ri::ut- ,1a Wk tnent of llook i and f tTitmnttty ; cotnprisit'g i 'I In olopi, a!. Line, M.diea', Cl.i.-sU al. M is( e'i,.e I ou. ninl t-Vhno! B.i.il:!., Day Bo, l,i, nil d ,-. Led I Per-., do., Family Rib!,-, P,:e!.el It ble--, W.i:ii,( Paper., Wmpping Pap, rn. Ac. Ac., which ihev of ler at the I,. ,,.-( piiceM lo Country Men ham's Pre j fenviotial Cviitleinen, 'i'enchers, n'ud nil i.tl.c.-j th il I may fivor d.eiii with iheir cu.tom, : Phidn d.jpliia, Nin inbrr 11. lMo. 1 y. Sliflrnel Weaver A: norc r-iAurns & snir crrAMCT.cnr-. X: K! X.rth Wutrr :.ul. 1 7: ; ,.', ,. I W pf AVE lons'otiily c:i 1 und. a g.-ner .1 r-tf.. M 31 nn lit of Corda-e, 'eii,e Twii.ta. Ac , h: I liu'.l Ropes, Fi-bing R..p... White Rope?, Mini! i li Ro,es, T()fk. Lin.sl.r C'tnal 1! ais. AN.., h r.,n:p:e:c u.iitio. i.t of h, ine Twine. A c. n:eh a. Hemp M.ad and ILtiiiig Twine, Best I'ar. nt Oill Nei 'J'wine, Cotton Mind and Heniins Tw ii p, f 'h,,,. 'I br. i c. Ae. Ac. Also, Red Co.d-. PI, uuh Lii.es, H .!:.' , i'r c c Cott-n and Linen C.,rpei Cli ,io; Ac. nil whi, li tii. r will dia;...- of cu ir.isoiul ;,. t.Tll.J. Plot pill I. Novmder 1.1, 1 5-S3. Iv. Jaeo'i l ilsnui'.Ii Stuj. Ei-PECTFI'I.LY i. fotioa t!i i. f 's nrd '.cionintpnc. s (.e irii.llv ib-it ilu-v ti I .- i. lo k.', t. hi ihe . -id Man i. No. 216 .Noi hSd tlllll sirr.t. I'blla.'.h.t i.i, ,.1 .lf tobacco i.M;-' ,-i.vr sr. caps. hi, 1. i!..y w.! j.! ni d ic na le tei ins. n the tn i . uiviiii:-tdat:i ( N. 11. Ad eo. il (,!d v 11 be gu.n intcej u,J . , rr.b r. p.on.i -,'y ,t:, ii, J u,. IJ.ii.ol. Iplna. ., U'ln'ei 1 J, If !?.'v. k. m-i s W ... t W y . w Wimlfsalc mid Hctail i,c, IJt.nne!, ninl I'altii f.caf H tt VVaiclmufc. Co X rth "d xlrrt'.a fitc tli ws t:': -.i ' A....-.V.7. A T.0 T.ot 'ts, Ca.iei iho.-s n d V..!i.c.of v. l''A. ery decnpti -n, !.ll of which be rfcn f,.i .'eeri the loom leas t,r.ile tertr p. Plol i.'elj bin. Nnvrn.bcr iX Pl?...-lv. t J . W . S W A I N . V.r.) ftl!.i on.! rarar. M'.iii.:-.-..:.-;-. 37 Aoo.'A T. a il tt- I I. P fo ',:d.. !, !. '. Clti. l.u',1. 1 10UNTli Meui.in.'s a. t e.s '0 ria.i I,..- hi li Is. w heie l'l.ila h-'n Ida. N.-r'. , nt b.f. i ri j a i r 11. b-ilC Iv. i I'. 6c A . II () V t) I l)T ' S 1 lhiia,(;liis: aii. F.ivcrj iTi.i Warilit n.c, X, lbl X,r!h Ti.i.-d f.tr, r'. third i':.;r !,L:r IV. r Unit, l'liihi,!'jhi.i. I ' HERE t'.i v ron.ttat.tiy keep on hand a large . a-soitiiient of China, (.hist ni.d Live, pool' Ware, which they will di-'pus," of on the u-ost in soiml le tonus. Philadelphia. November 11, 1I. tv. Tiiixii'iixs (Ti.i ; ."Maiiufactiii'Cf and lmporicr of Sad-' tilery, Ilanlw arc, j .Vu. 5 Sjk'.K Third utrnt, fnur dturs he!oii' Murhtt Phihidrli.l.i.i. EEP coi.sti.nlly on h mil a Isrjrr an.! pcti.-r.il assortment Coach Lumps, Carrina Binds, ! A xlo Arum, Eliptn Sprints, Patent Lrithrr. Ac. . j Country Merchaiitt and saddles w ill 1 upp!icd at I nil times rn the most tesoi.ah!e teiroa. They w i l ' j ll n.l it to their advantage to call end examine his ' j assorimml bt lure purchasiri.; elsewhere. ! PI: deiplua. Nou-rnl r 1 3, 1 K4 'i . -1 y . ; I iikyxolij.sT 3 iT r a i ; l a .mi vk Co ; i Wlnlcsiiki Dealers in Fcrt'i'jii 1'ritisli ! and Ainerioan 1 -ry CIooil-s. Ait. lf'5 Murhtt .((., Phi'uJt'j.hii!. ; COUNTRY Merchants, and utht m call be Flip plied ut all tiuiiwitli un ext-iisiic asaoit n.ent of ihe oedl and n:( .-I fa. liioll .'.-le (.ooJa Up, Hi ti e most reasonable ipipis. pi.; r 1.1. !-4': lv. LUVL.li 6c IJAIIKON, Importers and Denlt-rs in Foreign nr.d Domestic llaiduaic, No. 171 Nomtii T11 1 a 1. S'Tai ar, I mt iioti'iiii AT 7 H Eli E tin ir fii, nils and t tit-..mi is w ill u!iia . ' find a laree nnd g.-neial a-s.riiu lit of F.,r. .'.'u and Domestic Huul.taie, which ihey will sell ul the lov.-t pricea, Pl'.iled. I hia. November 13. 18P.. ly. KSllKiUC'lO'lANHr.I.L it. CO'S. WHOLESALE DHV GOODS STOnC. o. li(5 . Marh t Street, l'hila. (Ii h.w l-'fth S,.t,th tide ) A LWAYh keep on hand a luil and general as s. rtn.riit ol It. fiery, Li.ee, ai d F nc finode, Cnutitry Meirhanta are rrspeeifuily iepieol ;d to tive ih. in a ell ..n.l eiamine for tl rm elv. s, 1'bi' olelphia. November CI, 1 S-1S I v. SHORING, GOOD & CO. No. 13S AJatkt Street, PhiladeTphia. BNVITE the attention of C.w.t.y Merel .nt. their exieiikne a-or m.ni of Hi tih Frei rh and ArorlK-all Piy t'a.i winch IV Ifv lot sll on ihe niort r. aaoriabU iim. PtilidvlpLia.hirvcnjbw IS, 1MJ. If- WMTStOW'S BALSAM OP 1IORS3HOUND. A N onporellelrd remrdT fir eommon Col.l., Cnuphe, A-thma, Infliierta. Whnopinc Couch, Rronrhitia, and all di-ea-ea nf ihe Rrrast and Lung.., lea.'ing to coranrrptiont cnmpn.ed of thp enncen trtt-J virturi of Hon hound, Ron'i t. Illo.id Root, Liverwort an.l ecvcral other veprtahle nibftniicr. Tr-pn-ed ot.ly hy J. M. WiHaLo w, Rifcheater, Now Yoik. The innrrnpre ntid univerliv i.lmitted pectoral vn'iirr. of il, Hrrlia from which the Datum Hrnhv. nd i- mdr, are too generally known to to ijiiiie icomrr,(n,'aiion ; it ia tbeief.ire only uecrFM. iv to oieervc that thia Me litinc contains the who! of their Medicinal proj cities, highly concentrated, ai d fo happily combmed w ith several other vege table. Fubran -CH, a? 1 1 rrndrr it the most npeedy, i.W. i.nd crttaln rrm-dy, now in me, ft the coin ph.inis ubove mer.tiunel The Ii.it. im tr innvep all iiuflammrili,m and Kre-Ite.-i ot the Lilt pi, Io.wristouali viid phlegm, en, "I ling the patient to rxpertoiatc wi'li ease and fiee dole, n- uii;erf r..iyh, relieves rnhnintic and difTi rult r. piraTion, hralt the inj ir.-,! pans, opera the pi'ies, and rompar.i s the ili--,iirbed i,i net, and pivp, trciipth to the tinder lu.tg , and t!iu produces a ppeedy rind lasiiio mre. L'in a i nt i,r. ia thi. n asv.st r ni me tr Max. V.'e are ted among tint ebiss of Editors who for u few dollars will, (at the rspci.M of troth and fni in -v) o(.r;l(.. U((" U1 ;ir,i,.ie i.fjrjj, it into rapid -ale ; neither me we -Ailling to lemnin sileti'., :ifi( r I nil::; tete,l ibe utility of an iui ruvvment or dis-eov-iy in si i. i. re or nt Our readers will recollect we to'd them wc were u.vvcll with n nore throat an, I violent (.-oi l some few week.-: npn. Vi'ell, we pur chased two boti!e?i of V, INFLOW'S BALAAM OF IIORI'.lIor.Ml, und so sudden was. the riire, that wr f,... uo ,.Vl,r c ,1 Those who are afflicted, mnv try it upon our recommendation. I.i .e-ioi T. h 'rrn'h. For sale by IlI'.NRV YO.YTMEIMER, S,,,,!,,,,;,; J C01) RRllillT, X.rlhmnhi.hnui. Also, by Drio'-ists c-nenhy throughout the com. try. J'.iee, ,r,0 c. uts per bottle. August 1 Ith, li:.ly, '.el." L TiiZ m TT??OR hnle a s'ni l Farm, c.iiit .'.i inp abnnt me jj liui .hr lr.ndt.il aerr s. more or h s, situ ite f: !'. ii t t i-M'st. p. Nor l.iirnl ir land e, t:nt , nb. t two mi'.s i.l,' e Noil!. unit i-. o.d, on t!.. m ,, r". 1 lesdi.LT f.,ii, ij.a' T'laee to D.llVllle. a.o i;r linui- ol .1 ,bn I r hiM, i:o-v i,i the eceni -o t v ,'e s(. (.!. Horii.n an l , thcrs, of .aniu, I P-.vi.e -...i forty acre of sv, ti-iet ii'i'i'iainl, and in pood stilt ofru timiioii. ,m ; b ,h l' ere is n smnll bi.rn r., ! .!. 'I he pi-.petty will be ,..M on r. ns,n a1 lo te.-m?. I",.r f'.-nb.. i ( a o.: o'.,r, peis...::s lire reijuot- e,i ui n piy in t; e ,-t,' M , ib. r. II. 11. . . i A 'SF.R, Ar.tnt. Sot. b, ii v . P Nov. Cth. 1 ;t-: :f OF F.VI RV 1 -IlM'RiPl IwV. M7,V i;.(,I,.M) oil. ('(..MJ'.ANV. .Xo. 20 N..il!i ':it(M' Slivft. I'hil.i. A. T3 AM'bAO I l'i. !.': and ,!.-: 1-rs u, O.is of IV fS 'vrrv h -crii tion !,:li f..r hinti ng an. I I' ;.l!l fie er 02 run . wbn h will I c sold much rr lb o i. cu be o;H t- . or, ,t .'. I'V I p -ei ),, i d " ..-.M.v ' in i. I : I b, !. t1 :.y I. tt put y.,tp:,.v.: w 1 1 ii - Lit a:i c . li oi.. y w ni I e re. it Btolt CiW.e-. mev 1 in lied , h .ser, i.i i tl "i "ii i ir no oils, -, oQ,jOO O.i, Cilf.ti 1 l't.'.i'U '-i.'.! ('; ( f ' i) 1... ! U i( H II 3. 0 the k r. ibe follow it:g ;t-r :i.-i ,T t: Wiftt f Bl. a"!,.-.! lo do .W 4 '..I... .-,,. Full and S ruiii .j r inter a Mi. i I ... .1. Pie.j. d V. i. Voinl..: r il l ' Co.i.i-.ioti WI:A ".i, st.j , i i- r : I'm -, t n,. I ' l-'ni k 0,1. (; (il. -r it. "I 0:1, f V. , in illy i ,. .. ... ri.ib., . v I Iv. T' V. .J .11. . illl Vt .1 Xti l-Vl, : , .-1, I ii (l (-,.:. '1 n s u tfl. I.e. the;. tei. :!y k. cp m I. i:id a fi:ird a t"m i.t , f ci. oi 2:2, :s, ; ir:xnr.r;, vsstykgs .! .. ... ;-. ,' ." .i n,' if,:r! ..-..v tf 11 n:jt,-i, r qoab'.y, vh:;b'l.iy , :V r lo dirpose of i'p 01 li e m -rt leasotisblo t. rms. rf -OUN'I i.V MERCHANTS am! o-hers will find it to tl.. it udi .mt. (: to 1 ,,11 ai'd e.xau.ii.e ii-ir tH-k 1. 1' ire uni. using el -ewbeie. P. :!..,!. I, l.i.i. Nov. ti, ISC.'. ly I I. II suli. lit Xitl. -22 & L2 N'J JI'iN"iS C.,s: k'al licti,iiary; I., inpru r'a do.j A iii.s'.v, nth's do; CoM's b Ei tht'i and (ierman do ; Airhon's Ca sai; Ainhoti a (.rarnmei; AnibeiTs Ci, . .., Man's l.a. it, R'.'a.l. r; ( igi.l-y'a do ; An. hi v.'ii la in less 11s; D.nni g.n's Lex it or; Fitk'-a t 'ro. k II x. 1. fi s, 1 i.,v i, 's Le-.-ndt 1 ; li :a. 1 a M ij u ; Ad.oi's'e Ru.i!:i!i Attti'jfittes; Pinnock's (. :.I..ini;!i Ei gb.nd; do. ( tee; Lyeli' El. mctita ..t (ii.l.pv; Mis. Linn. h,'s liot.inv; J',1. nri,ia if li tany; Btidg.-'n Algitr.i; Poll, r'., Rl.i n.ii. al Ren ders; Em, rs, m' (IotyTiihy and Hist.ny; Oh ey'a Jo ; Put', y's do.; Smith's .loiiiniei: Kirkhain's do.; Kun'u Read. r; Cold ' do ; C. hb's A 1 ill no tii k; Pike's do.; Fillers, it's do.; ( ', I b'.s S . b If Hooks; Town's d ,; Chii's Tale. Book,; E i anpi l:e..l Fa ini'v Libiary ; Cu! .go Bib ; l-'amilv no ; C I1..U r al do.; Small Ril lea ut: J Ti -st -iinents; Paikri'b Ex eiei on Composition; Fiuit of it.c f j i.ii; Rax'ei's S nil'. Rest; An ericdii Rexolutii n; M.nivatt's No ib; Mis. 1'b.lpk oil CLi-miatiy ; Jb.,1; Cite, bu.111 i Ar. ir.i.u Law.; Lcitetson Natural Mc;i,; Che o.isl.y for II. cini.f 1 -; Enbs'u Ex. c:-. a:l pted !0 MjrmV Cr,.o.ni' r; b'ni:. I to Coml. y' ip. Ilii g 15. ok; A.'ii. rican Clata Book; Daholl's iichiiolniaa te,' AtsisUM; A preat varie'.y of Liana Bet k, etc. Ai gu-t ., li-.. ATTHMTIOIJ. j . si.m;v .1 o 1: s, TEtjl ES-1'S th. attei.ti-.il .-f h..e..u;.ti t'ienda - k Mlm.re j,, v.i.t, to his v. rv l.o-e atcrk nf Carpetinps, ()il Cloibs, Mulnngs, lings, Bindings, Stan Ro.la, dec , A C, lhal bel asjusi opimd, al hi warthcustk. No. 1 8 Ninth '.'ti st . . t and No. 'i CTnirch Alley, t.ixt doot to Cbnl Ct uub, Phda oelph a. JuK Ul, 142 ly. CrAKISlFHIaOES. TAMNERi,' CIJL AND LCATXIEH. D. K I K Kl'A T Ul OK cc SO';, No. 'il. AV...4 Thirdttrtet. ' 4 ' (lltWII.1 HAH HUT AMI CU .' PHII,DPL'.'llu". II A r. for a it.-. I ttp an.l pi cf pam,h l ve. Pn' n'p, t a'-onrnrn na Kpt. Ttinnert' Oilt Ac. at the I, .icbaogefo, I.. ,.n,.r r0,0IJ Cie., ( oii-igr;. llk ( f j IBfl.,ifd MJe w .. 1 . .1 1. 1 ... in t " as-o ai ine nigatki tna.'Ket pneea. fy Leather atatad free of tbarge, April 17, 1643 ly
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers