From tht Phi!. ldtcr. Terrible lefniM on the Mls alealripl..l.os of Thirty Lives. We learn from the New Orleans papTa nf the U instant, the particulars of a terrible steamboat accident, which occurred tithe s'rinV'oat Cbp per, No. 1, on the Mississippi, at tfiynu Sara, on iho 10h instant. The steamer p'icd ho'ween New Orleans and that place, and u commanded y Cnpt. Laurent. Whilo he waa backing out of the port to proceed to Tunica, her boiiera but at, tout ing off all her midship cabin, and caus rig her to ink Immediately to her hu-rcinn de.:. Captain l.aurmt, who waa on the '.(!. of the. ho't'crit- .!e.:k at the moment, a well a sevctal o:Iip's, e ca- pro by swimming, and were sated. The whole ! number saved was peihapa ail to ten. nn.l of thnre ! who t erished, between twenty nr.d thirty. The-e w re no nasrenpera on hoard at the, moment- Vr I await the arrival of other boats to five ua lb pa' tioulara of thi terrible disaster. The fallowing ia the account givi r.i ty the I. u ir-iana. Chronicle : Yivlctday, at a quarter pset C .Ve ck, aa th s'camer Clipper No. 1 wra Ix'n'.Fg out from her mooring at our landing, she IVw up with an x plosion that shook earth, air an3 heaven, ai though the walls of the world were tumbling to pieces about inir ear. All the boilers burat simultaneously machinery, vast frsgrr,nte of tbe boiiera, huge beams of timber, furr.'.ture ei-l human beings in evety degree of mutilation, were alike ahot up per f endicularly many bunJted fjtboma in the air. On reaching the preheat height, the varioua bodiea divereed like the jeta of a founts n in all dircctiona falling to the earth, and op?", t i;f ofbouara. in rome instance aa much as two hjrvJreJ and Cf'.y yarda from the ac-r.e of da:ruttion. The hapleaa tictima were acalded, crilsl.eil, torn, ronngied and acattered in every poaaible dirciiim ; many into the river, aome in the ttr.ert c?m on tho other ciJe of the Bayou, neatly three hundred yard; aome torn aaunder by coming ir contact i:h pirk eta and poatf, and otbora shot cinnoo be.Ua tlirough the solid walla of houses at a great distance from the boat All in front of the wheel houses ap peara as though swept by a whirlwind. Dut any thing like an adequate description of '.he scene ( wrsck and ruin ia utteiiy out of the question. What rrmaina of the hull has been rumly laahed to the shore, but it secma to have bro ken in two and partially sunk. She Lad just la Vea on board, at the Railri&d Depot, about eighty, it bales of cotton, nearly all of which, together v. iih the money chest and uiost of the cabin fcrnt lore, we arc glad to learn, has t-ecn saved. On reaching the spot under whip and pur, we immediately bent our steps toward the tempotory t.oapiial hastily prepaed for the reception of such as might be fjund to retain a spa k of life. The srt no was such aa we hope never to look upon again. The Coota of the two large warrrooma were liter ully s rewn with the dead and dying, and others pouring in aa fast m it was possible to convey them ; praying, groaning, howling and writhing in every postible contortion of physical agony, la the n.iJt of this confusing din, up to their arm-pits in oil and cotton bandages, we found our pmUewcrthf physicians, like good Samaritans, doing good, qui etly and silently, but with iho energy and activity apparently of fifty pair nf haode, now wshing a burn, now dressing a wound, and now splintering a fractured limb, lnil ed our citizens generally, e very man and mother's son, appeared on'y anxious m to how they micht ren ler most serviie to the poor sufferers, white and l.'irk, w.thuut Ji.-iiijc- tion. J The following are the ricf.l i.r.portiiit parti.', t.'ars, aa far aa we have been able to gather them : The crew conaiated of 1 captain, t mate, 2 clerks, 3 engineers. 2 pilots, 1 carpenter, 1 waichmin, t chambermaid, 5 tteward, 3 cooks, 15 firemen, 8 dick hands 43. I'tuf:igcrs.i: Thomas, xs;ng , P. D. Mon lamat, commission merchant, New Orleans, and one small hoy, wounded ; W.d San'.cr, second en gineer, thrown one huiid.-cd and fifty or two hun dred yards through th roof and gjbie end of the house Into the bick 3 ard against the f. nce ; ono aim waa torn off, and the freg-gent of bis carcass scattered over the tree ; Wm. Nelson, third en gi rl oer, free man of color, killed ; Arnault J. Lavuud, pilot, missing ; William Wall, pilot, killed; John Peterson, mate, badly acatdi d, though likely to re cover; Gibiirl Pord, carpenter, missing; watb men ki led ; chambermaid saved unhurt ; stewards all killed or missing 5 two of the cooks killed and one wounded ; eight fi:e;j-M killed or missing ; fj'jr deck htnJt k'llcj 0; It may V wril enough here to state, that all those wo have put down as to suing, are d iuhtlos dead, at every search has leci, ros.'e in tiie vicinity to recover their borlifs in vain. They have doubt less found a wsh-ry grave. The rem ins nf those pickeJ up on shore, were interred decently. The watchman a white man, was tbrosrn alive, 190 yards, through the solid wll of U ArV hotel, into a bed. lie retained his sent perfectly aome time aflrr, bat tbe poor fellow aspired during the evening, Tbe cabin boy was thrj-vn about two hundred yarda through the roof of a abed, and was picked up Id m mangled condition Ml. Thorna, a grocer of Bayou Sara, had but just taken leave of his wife and family and st' ppfd on board when theesplotion ot'curml. His wife and child, and another la 'y and child who happen ed to be with her, bearing the uproar, ran immedi ately to the front windows to ascertain tho cauae. They had scarcely done so, when, with a deafen ing crah, driving ia a third of the entire roof in its descent, lay a vast fragment of the both r on the very spot they had jubt quitted. P. fct. Since ihe above waa in type, we have learned the death of another of the fiiemtn. Tinptrantt. V has been truly said, that tern- erancepuls wood on the fire, fl'Urin thabatret, inctit ia tho tub, v ga' r th b -dy, and iuttl:ignce ia the luia. Tnx Cm Tfie.t CosrssTto, In New York, ! L.t .... i -t -.- P.! I.. -. .1.. ...!,.... I13U n Fiiarji uri'a'p till I ,J, ml itiv iTiniivtia of Judge O iklcy, submitted the day btfjre, provi ding that the delegate from tho diocese to the ge ncral convention Be requested to propose, fot adoption, to that t'ody, at ita re tt meeting, a canon, which hall, in stibatance, provide, that, when the Bishop shall re ceive fiotn any two presvyters objection, in writing, to the ordination of nny candidate for otdera in the Chuih notice of the time and place of the exam nation of such Candida's hull he given to atich pre byrerri, who ah ill therefore have the right to present ri1 tike part in, audi examination ; 'he avo.dence of any misunderstanding or mst.ikc, all questions put to anch can'e, and ,r mets nude by hiin, ahall be reduced to wri- ,mE The resn'u'i ins were lost by a vote of Clergy, .ye 19, nays $7 ; Parishes, nyes 37, mys 47. At the evening meeting, Mr. Duer appeared wiih n p'atect 9iint the hingoage In which the Bishop, iti hla address ta the convention, had referred to a religious weekly paper, printed in this citv, the Churchman. The Bishop ha.l commended the doctrines and temper of that paper ; the signers to the protest he held respectfully diasented from that opinion. He rend the paper. brief prn'est, and desired that it might be entered upon the minutes of the convention. "The Bishop expressed hie surprise that such a paper should have been presented. He knew of no rieht that the bad to off.r it. He should not allow it to go upon tbe of the Convention, end could only the person who presented it upon the suppoai tion that he was unconscious uf its impropriety. It must be withdrawn. In refusing it he hoped to be supported by the diocese, but if this hope failed Lira he relied upon a highei power. Mr, Duer at tempted tea apeak, but aome confusion took plac, and hisses, mingled with applauses, prevented bim from being gene-ally beard. The Bishop reproved the disorder, and I'eliverrd short nildreas, in which he alluded to the discussions of the convention, quite as animated, be ass, as waa con-istent with peL-e and concord. The decisions of the conven tion he hoped would be arquicsoed in, and the har mony of the church prcsrrvid. The convention. efcr rn anthem and prayers, adjourned without dav.-'-PAiVa. Ifher. The Very Last Duel of all. Juhn Mungoand Theopolutj Boon, two strap ping- nrjjropF, undertook on Tuesday afternoon, taseltle anafbiirof honor in the fashionable way, by a report to the Jmllo. Boon was- the challenger, and of course Mungo had a pre Ecnpuve rigni 10 we cnotce 01 weapon, lieinf of the etirrier'u opinion that there is 'nothing like leather," he chose emehides. The paitics met with their seconds in an open lot near the junction of B.oad and South streets. Boon's second objected to Alungo's pants which wero made of thick kersey, and moreover were pla ted or patched in a way that made them as oh durate as the hide of a rhinoceros; whereas Boon's inferior person was covered merely with a thin pair of drillings. As it was found im possible to reduce the two antagonists to equal Urine by getting another pair ol pants to match either Boon's or MungoV, one of the seconds Euggcfted that they thould fight anna culottes; a proposition which met with iti it-ediiite favor, and both chivaliic grntleincn forthwith strip ped for the cotitcet. At the concerted ignnl the fight commenced, and it was ft-arful to see how the instruments of flagellation were plied by both combatants. Boon keeps a school for young gentlemen of color ; Mtingo is a drayman; both were versed in the Hogging business, therefore, and made every stroke teJI. Twenty or thirty lashes were given on each side, when Mungo luid in such a scorcher that Biton could stand it no loneer, but ingloriottBly fiVH, the vic tor hard slier him. Three times) they circled the lot like Ht ctor and Achilles around the wall of Troy, w hen the vanquished Boon jumped the fence and flew at full speed down Broad street towards the city, the conqueror close at his heels, plying the lash moat industriously. Two 6uch opparitions in such ungraceful dishabille, naturally attracted much notice, and finally a police officer took the further wtttement of the dispute into hit own hands, stopped both fiipi- live and pursuer, made them return to the field of battle, resume their unmentionables, and then conducted them to a place where much hot blood ia regularly coolod down. On hear ing the statements of the facts yesterday morn ing, the Mayer ordered the two duellists to find their bail for their better behaviour. Ne verthfclefs, their selection of weapons will fur- nibh a good hint to other brave youths who have a serious rpanel to dispose of. Evening Mercury. Novrx Mode or me Law. At a camp meeting in MaaeachusettH, an ingenious mode of evading tho law egaimt retailing li quor was devised. A boat waa drawn up in the canal at South Iladlcy, ami it was given out that she intended to make a trip at six' and a quarter ccntt each person. When the boat was full it would sail down a few roils, unli! it got into the next county, when alien borird were served with a glass of drink. The bout would (lien return tor another load. Vtrtv SiNori.AR. There is now living in Harrison county, Ohio, says the Carroll Free Proes, a married ldy, who preaches a kernn.ti at Iter residence evry other Sabbath day. While thfi paroxysm is on, the ia wholly inxn kible to all surrounding objects, but readily ro fer to subjects dieiikri:d by her in previous discoursea. She has preached nearly ono hun dred ertno:in, periodically. Very singular case hdi-cd. THE AMERICAN. Saturday, eTrl. ? 1843. Democratic Ticket Tor NorlIium berluutl Comity. For Citit CoMMtisiostae. JAMES CLANK, JESSE MILLER. WM. D. FOSTEH.jr. Fon CoAnr., JOHN SXYDEIl. For AsaxMiiir, EDM ARD Y. BRIGHT. For CoMMtror, JAMES BUOY. For Tansciita, JOHN FARNSWORTH. For ArrniTon, ABRAHAM SHIPMAN. fXj For Sat. A fresh supply nf printing pa per. vit: too reima similar in site aril quality n he ehert on whirh thi printed. Also 60 reams nf super roval. 21 bv 2fl inches, all of which will be aol I at tbe mil price. (J V. B. PatMt.R. Fao.. at bis Tfwil Estate and Coal office, No. 69 Pine Street. Philadelphia, is aa thorised to act Agent, and 10 receive and receipt for all monies due this office, fur subscription or ad' vertislng. CT" Naw York Ehmkih, by Wm L MeKenxie.Wn hare rrceived the first numbrt of this piper, published in a quarto form. It contains a numler of well written and forcible articles. It ia bitterly severe against Van Duren, the Banks and tbe British fj All kin. Is of stores will, no doubt, 1 put in to circulation just 1m f.ire the eh-ci.'n. One thing sh. uld be remembered, and that is, t! at the whole ticket is in favor of protert ng Ameri.-an Industry the farmers, mechanics snJ laborers. Sin d Jr. Bright, Famsworth, Buoy and Miipmsn are all in favor of fustaining the prt sent tariff. 0 Nr.wsrAPFn Poktaos. W't hope the next Congress will tke the subject of postaee into con sideration. Newspn per postage particularly requires super vi, ion. The postage on papers should not exreed a half cent within the bounds nf the state, and where the paper is n.'t caninl out of the coun ty, the pos'sge should not rxreed half that sum. If these rates were adopted, no papera would be car. tied outside the mil. and the aggregate amount of postage in the end. would be as great aa at present, while at the same time, it would be conferring a grent benefit on the reading community. T he P. O. D-'paMment would sustain no inju'v, aa at b-ait J of the papers published sod dis'ribii'ed in the court lies never enter the m il. C.'Un'fy e htori, in par ticular, are deeply interest d in thia matter, and should U'ce the memhere of their respective districts in have such s modificaton in the pns s?e lirr, made. It wouM enable them to compete more successful ly with the city puMsh r', w hose overgrown sheets are aent to the utnamt corners of the State, subject on'y to the urns poa ae that a mighbor must pay, who hvea but a few milea fiom the publi-her. In the neigliboihood of iht- ci y where the popula I inn ia tin se, a carter ia s ht In the country this csnnot bo done. Hence the disadvantage we labor under. This is a messure in which the people and the Piess are deeply interested, and we Iruat the Press throughout the country i!l speak out on thia sul jeet. rjjTI;e editor f the Miltou Ledger thinks we are as able to conduct a German paper as an English one. We are murh obliged 10 honest for Ihe eomp'tmrni, at the same time we eonfe-s, we do not deserve it. Although from our infaoev we ' i- ped in ( Jennan," ami have been ab'e to rea l and epetk that beautiful, thouch much neglected lan- gusee, from boyhoods earliest d.-.ys ; yet we bsve not paid as much attention to ita culture aa we should have liked. But some ill natured persons may say, 'ht a compliment from an editor who never wrote a ernibn paragraph in bis I fe, (for bombast will never pa-e fur sense,) ia worth bul litl'e. 60 we think, ton. but still, the good inten tions, even of s dunce, r-hno'd not pass unnoticed. (y The last Mdt.-n Le 'ger contains a letter, which the honett and cor.teienti editor of lht paper publishes as coming from Upper Mshonny, 1 he good people of Mahonoy will, no doubt, ha e riiilereh!y amused, when we inform them that a IrurdUit yung whig from Northumberland ia ihe writer of lhal letter one who knows aa little a- botit the irople of Mahonoy aa he do. a about the principles of democracy, and who cares as little e lioui tlie one as (be otner. 1 bo wr.teayj, "we will givd Forsythe a strong pull here," (Upper Mahonoy.) Now, Ex-SheriffGoader and Ex-rnem-bcr Montgomery could tell, if they would, that For. ythe will not get mora than ten votes in that town ship. To be r&rlicularly Rrmrrobfreil, That Wilbam Forsythe wss PRESIDENT of the county convention that nominated Eowaao Y. UaieBT, and rnooro himself to support him, and ure every honorable means to secure bis election, snd be him.elf is now running in opposition to the man he plrdged ttinclf to support! ! ! What do you think of uih a man's honor 1 What ia his ( beige worth 1 Mow much confidence could you place in tuch a man as your representative 1 Let the Demoerary-!tl the Louett jeoauory of tbe comitv aniwsr, !. '. 'J.'i'.' . 111 . 1 1 .i'p1. . J'U 11 V." To the Tolls!! To tbe Tolls!! ! Let every Freeman turn nut and exercise the privilege of deciding who shall represent him. Let none stsy at borne uni'er the belief that ht vote Is of no importance One vote has often decided tho most important eonteat. One vote may n?xt Tuesday de cide whether our COUNTY Is to be DIVIDED nd OUR TAXES DOUBLED. Every tax-pay- er baa an immediate Interest in this question. Come to the Polls then, and let your cry be NO DI VISION OF TIIE COUNTY NO INCREASE OF TAXES, to BtvRicn n act of SPECULA TORS. Down with the SPECULATORS AND DISORGANIZERS. fj David B. Montgomery and Ex-Sheriff Oass- br last wek pissed down the rivoron the Union county aido, got into the Mahonoys, and endeavor ed to corrupt aome of the steadfast old democrats. After miking three or four unsuccessful attempts, they tlnptif. The Ex-heriffis, proba' ly.the worst man that Forsythe could have aent. They have lost all confidence in him, and would hardly be lieve him when he told the truth. Aa for Mont gomery, every body knows that he ia opposed to the ticket, becauve he was not placed upon it himself. A moft excellent teason If not a patriotic one. Yet these fellows call themselves democrats, and have the impudence to cll on real democrats to help them bri sk down the democratic party. rXj" Who is Wm. Forsythe, that he should be permitted to break down the tirket which be him self helped to form, and which he publicly pledged himself to support t Thia question shoulJ be re eotved in the minJ of every democrat, who is really a democrat in principle. Does any one suppose that Forsythe carea any thing for tho party to which he profetsti to belting ts it not aa evident aa the un at noonday, that all he circa for. is, to get him self, or his peculiar friends into office 1 Does anv one suppose that he would have deser'ed from the ranks of the fsderal party, which hia own friends acknowledge he did, if it waa not lor the aake of of fice ? If Mr. Forsythe's eopv.'raion to democracy, hid been re-al, he would have shotvn it by hia con duct, which should hive been a disposition on his part to decline, rather than seek office. But no sootier had Mr. Forsythe pushed himself into the ranks of tbe party, than wc see bi n push ng bim. self forward as a candidate for office, and when he finds he cannot succeed, he is the fir.t man to offer himself aa a volunteer candidate, to break down tlx ticket. I-t it not an insult to the ilemocra:i.' party, to offer them audi a man as a candidate to breakdown the regularly fortn-d tick't, a ticket too, that every hoi.estjnd honorable man acknowledges, was aa fairlv formed as ni y ticket that was ever offered to the pi opto of ibis county? Can any honest di-iuferetcd democrat support such .1 man, when they are made acquainted with all these facts? We think not, and tbu result of tho election, on Tuesday next, will show these office hunting pa lent democrats that the pcoplo know them too well to suppurt them. The Reason Why. The people generally were, for some time, at a lose to know why Wm. Fur-ythe was su anxiaua to be e'ectrd to the Legislature why it was that certain persona from iho uppr end of the coumy, between whom snd Wm. Forsythe there had here tofore existed a deadly political animosity, we e apen ling their lime ami money in traveling the county to advocate his election; and why, loo, For. sythe w as spending Ai oifrt money so freely in hire- ing other to ride through the county ! ! But the whole matter is now explained. ''The thing's out." Msny a fortune ties been made by the formation of new counties, and a few town lots will fully in demnify a representative for the trouble and ex pense of hia election. No Division o !ltv County. The sttenipt to dismember this county by ihe for mation ot a new county, meet with no fav.ii from a large majority of the people. On this sid of the Susquehanna it has cused a general burat of in dignation. The people w ill not submit to be sad. died with additional laxea fir the benefit of a few speculator. There is no nece-aity fur a new coun ty. Oi l Noilliuml erland baa been cut and carved enough, in all conscience, already. Il is time that ibis qui a ion should be settled forever, and, if we are not mistaken In tbe a'gn nf the times, the peo. pie will effectually settle it next Tuesday, by over whelming Forsythe, ihe diciiion candid ite, with uch a defeat aa will teach speculators and disor. ganiiers a useful lesson. The Whigs aud tbe Tariff. We cannot see how the whins, whose principal opp si i 'ii lo ihe election of the lion. John Snyder s grounded n bis supposed hostility to the pre. enl Tariff, (which, however, is not the case,) can conse entiously support Wm Fo'syihe, who be. longs to, and has always acted in conjunction with 1 lie small aqoad which corrpo es the Anti-Tariff party in ibis county. E. Y. Bright, on the olher herd, bss alwsys been an open and avowed fiiend of the Tar.ff, and im fovor of protecting the inte- rcots of tbe farmer, mechanic aud laborer. A Sign. At a gathering in Lower Mahonoy laat Tuesday a vote was taken between the candidates for As I senility. Bright had 30 and Forsythe NONE. "Don't ttll any body tbat we vtitp Election coring against tbe Ticket," Was theremaik that David B, Montgomery made when he and Sheriff Gossler were in Upper Maho noy, about ten daya since, electioneering for For sythr, against the Ticket. The rcmatk wss made to a ceitjiu iiifluential democrat whom thev tricj lo corrupt. We thought il ht-. to put it q;, re cord, It at it should te forgotten. In Shamokin, Gossler tuld one vt Forsythe's own friends, that they would give Billy a majority of 1000 on their aide of the river. Ha waa laughed at, and told thai they ouly polled !10i) latt year, and if ha got the 's.'K-aji.i. u i.ii. . ' . .i half, it w u'd do. In this place, he told an Anguiita farmer, that B.lly wou'd have 1500 majority on that aide, and was again laughed at, and told, that that waa just two hundred more than they ever polled. The Forsythe men nnly claim from 4 to COO, and we are sure to give Bright from 800 to 1000 on thia side. That Ex-ShoiitT la a smart fel low, wonderfully amart ! t Extract from a Itltcr from n fi iend in Shamnkin lownmip. 'Paxittos, Oct 3d, 1843. "There was some dissatUfae'ion with the Ticket here few weeks since ; but things are all right now. The Democracy of Shamokin have made up their minds to stick to the Ticket. You msy look for a majority of about 200 for Bright, and the rest of the Democratic ticket." "Jacksojc toitssiiip, Oct 4, 1 S 13. "Mtsnns. Msssra & Eisri v t thought I would writo you a lino to bt you know something about the election here in this plare. Forsythe snd Geo. Kiehl of Sutihury wss down ibis week, but they got poor encouragement. They sail hard things aguinst Bright; but they always talk so on the o. titer side of the river against our candidates. Me and my neighbors thought that three two men were not ihe kind of men to blackguard Bright. They ought to sweep befoie tbeir own door. Forsythe said be was not going for a new countv that it waa all electioneering scheme. I asked him what Montgomery waa el ctiontering for him for, when he and all hia friends had opposed Montgomery last fall. That a man would rot spend his lime snd his money for no'hing. This stumped him, and he went off People hore are all opposed to a new county, and you may depend Bright wdl hae, at the lowest, 150 majority. So much from yours, roil Tar. iMtntcatr. Ma. Editoh r I have lately offured myself as a tolcntei vrnro citrnioiTC fo? tbe Assembly, at the approaching election ; but the delicate alate of my health at present admonishes me that it would be more prudent to withdraw my na'ne from before the public. I would, then fore, through your jour nal, beg leave to announce 10 the puM c rind my friends generally, that I hrrel.y withdraw rnv name, and do not intend remaining a candidate for election. Kiuncn CLEAVER. Sham-Jim, Octobor -Mi, 13 13. MISfELLWY. F.itllorlut, Comleiiaetl ami Selected. Within the l ist six m nlhs, 515 murders huve been committed in the United Ht itcs. It is said there are f rty five Jiifun n: kinds of oysters ! The Chelsea, Eng., ou'-pnsioncrs, number 75,000. 47,000 are fit for active se, vice. False dies or moulds, intended for casting PpanUh dollurs, were lately found in St Louis, A shark, 14 feet in length, a:.d weighing 301 pounds, waa caught in Chester river, below Chea ter town, Md. A duty of 3. sterling per quarter, on wheat im ported from the United Mutes into Canada, took effect there un the 5:h inst. Mr. Buxton statea that 150,000 slaves are still annaa'ly taken from Africa, of horn 00,000 are imported into Brazil. Had. The Pennsylvania Su e iV'.t. a'r- ady more than 10,000,000, is increasing at tho rata of over 2,000,000 per annum by ihe interest. Tho Prices Current sheet announces the won derful fact, that lead ia hravy and has a downward j tendency. How are feathers. j Culorthf the Ocean. The most prrvailir.g e dors 1 of the ocean are the stars and strips. Ueauiiful . colors they are, ton. 1 1 A new C' ffeivpot haa been invented to preserve the aroma uf tbe cuff, and thus m ike a saving of at I least fifty per cent, in its preparation. Mr. Barlow, of Canandiigui, the man who saw ed the first field of wheat in Western .New Voik, was at the .Agricultural Fair at Rochester. John Terry accidentally killed hime'f, in New York, on Wednesday, by taking in mistake a dose of corro.ive au'ibmate. A negro woman, in Msrioo county, Mo., now in the lliib year of her ago, has Is'ely had f ur new teeth. "Better halt than tre-." The M ulison News (Ind..) announces the marriage of Dominique Rages, and Catharine Antoine, both parties being over seventy. fyito Wages. In the country parts of Canada, sayathe Montreal Herald, thousands are glal loget woik st iAK dollars a mtath. Tht Lss of Property at Port Leon, by the late storm, is earimated at $150,000. Bast Money.-' The Char's ton Courier ssys, that a ni'mber of new Mexican dollara, containing much alloy, and light of weght, were offered at one of the banks in that city last week. Buttons. The Northampton Courier eaya "A teamster of this town, a few diys since, t ok tkret tons Buttons lo Hartford, to supply orders, and thut he has orders foi twenty torn mure !" A whole family were poisoned on Monday, by soup, in which il was afterwirds ascertained there were numeroua worms, knows aa the "p rsley worm," which is of a poisonous character. A cow drifted down ihe Pototu j for about two miles, on Sunday, during tba freahe, tnJ wa, ,hen rescued by meio of ropes. eiUt fell considerably cowed jWf when lien from the water. In SeriCI couuty in the State of New York, K'oie than one thou-and acres of land have been put under flax, merely foi the purpose of obtaining act J to make oil. Agricultural. At the recent agricultural meet ing in Palaware, a plough diewn by four osen turnej a greater number of furrowa in a given lime, tbau any obi of Cf'.etn plough drawn by burses. mitt1. A Shocking Mnrder In fteltlmore. A revolting murder waa committed in Baltimore, early on Thursday evening, in one of the most pub lie streets of that city, on the persan of Miss Ma ria Burk, a young woman of irreproachable charac ter. Tbe deceased, aged about twenty-eight years, left the dwelling of Mr. Poultney, m Mulbury 1., to bting home Mr. Moale's daughter who had been spending the afternoon at Mr. P's. When in Mul bury street, only a few yards east of Poultney's house, a man suddenly approached her, and aJ dressed some insulting language to her. Alarmed at being thus accosted by a stranger at night, aha shrunk back, and inquired of him what he wanted with her. To thia the ruffian replied that he pur. posed murdering her. Then, stepping behind her, he atruck her a powerful blow with a club on the right side uf the head, which felled her to the ground, and fled. In her f ill she injured herself aeverly on the left side of her head and neck. Aa soon aa she recovered sufficiently, she crawled to Mr. Poult, ney's steps and rang the I ell. She wast-ken in ly the servants. Slie lingered in great agony un til four o'clock next morning, when ahe died. Sus picion has attached to nobody, as no mot've to such a featful act on the part of any one could ba conceived. A reward of five hundred doll irs has been offered by tbe Msyor, f r the epprehen-ion of the murderer. I.ntjixn Lynching. In the Dubuque Express we rind an account of an Indian having stabbed her brother, a boy of twelve years of age. for somct slight provocation. Her husband, known in his tribe as the Black Wolf, and another In dian, the Prophet, took the woman out of her lodge, and beat her to death with their war club. The chiefs of the tribe held a council, end, after some deliberation, they acquitted Black Wolf and the Prophet of all censure." BAtiTIMORK MARKET. OJictaflht rUi.-ri'soaa Aitaici. Oct. 2, GRAIN. Wheatsarenot plenty Sa'es of good to prime rede in good order have bien made at 80 to 86 cents, snd one parcel of very prime at 89 cents. We quote wbilo wheats at 91 a 95 eta, for co. d to prime. Sa!es of Mil. whim Corn to.d.iy at 4.1 a 4 1 cent, nn l Md. yellow Bt 47 a 4S cents. A sale of Penn. yellow on Siturday at 19 cents. P. rina. live was a .Id on Saturday at -r I cents. Sales of Md. Oats to-day at a So em's. WHISKEY-. Saba to-,lay ofbllda. at CI cts. and of bills, at 25 cts. Extract ftoni London paper. "We're not ourselves, When nii'ure, being oppressed, c.ominand tho mind j To atilfir with the holy." I Thia ia a truism conceived by the mas'or min i j of Sliakspe irc, which neither sophistry nor argu 1 ment can ri fute. To ull thone who are suffering from bilious attacks, indigestion and flatol ncy, we would with great sincctity ric iininciid, a a never failing remedy, HraitUrrth's Vills. Tho testiin ni.ils we have had submitted to u- in favor of this admiiaMe medicine, fully justify oui spe.ikinj uf these Pills in terms of the highest praise. Londuti Fier 'ir.. (Tj" Purch se of II. B. Masser, Sutidurv, or uf iigenis pu'.iiis'ueJ in another part of il.U papr. PRICE CUIIUENT. Currtftrd wt k!y by Henry Yojcthrtmtr. Whut, .... 85 Rri, 5 Con, ...... 40 Oats, ...... 25 Pork, - 6 Ftust'iri, ... .100 Mutt en, - - 10 Mki.swai, .... 56 Taliow, - - - !t Dm hi Aeri.K, - - 75 Do. l'lAiiiKs, - - S00 Flax, ... - H H i.cKLEii Flax, - ' 10, 6 In the faitrt of riii'ii I'len f .VorfAm;!. berlamt Count y, .V. 10, tWivemhrr Term. Man Smith, by h-r next mith, bv h-r next J. II, ri'y G.hs n, S Tlitr liiend, US SiibpiEU rr. l',r Divo cc. Rolierl Smilh, ' flHE said defendant i heieby rciui-ed, to be anJ J appear lieloie ttie Jinige 01 ir.e ionri 01 .mi nion I'le.iaof Northumberland enin' a Court of Common Plea lobe hi IJ st Sunhurv, on llie first Mond iv in Novem'oer nei', to suawer Ihe complaint ol the said Mary, FELIX MAURER, S'uri. Sheriff's Oinee. SunUiry.Oct. 7lh. 1R43 4t. S NOTICE. 3 hereby tiven, that I have purchaaed. at 1 site held bv Tbos. A. Rilliiiu'on, constable of Sun- bury, 011 the aOth of September last, the following articles, sold aa the properly of Henry Haunaluch, which property I have loaned to said Hsunabach until I aee fit lo remove them, vit 1 One half do n ehaire, I corner cupboard, I bu rem, I taMe, I wood alove. 1 wheelbarrow, 2 sbo. vela, I spade, I cart. 2 setts ot wsg n harness, I settofhuggT harness, 1 sell of plough gaars. 1 lot of old chair", I rutting box. I gray mare, ! bay horse, 5 buaht-U of n its, 1 sm ill lot of hav and alraw, WILLIAM KRIEGHBAUM. Sunbury, Oe. 7, 1 M3. 3t. Jacob Hallch, lc M, .VortAumtcrfariii Cour.ty, ts. IN Ihe Orphan Court tM Crtunly, August term '.00. q m,i1)n f Charlea W. Hegius, 'q.,tho Udnrt grant a rule on the lnira and legal I "Pr.-entstives of Jacob Mdtch, late of Augusta . i.- , , 1 - , 1 w 11 sit 1 i, .1 oiiouiiiiie.i mu cnuiiiVi urt u-, i )iei at our next Orphans' Court to be held at Sunbury, for said county, to it t 011 the first Monday of No vember ncx', and accept or refuse Iho real estate of said deciaseJ, st the valuation, or shew csuse why the same should not be sold. Extracted from the record, and certified September 25th, A. D. 1 8 13. EDWARD OYSTER, 8vpt.30ih. 183L 51 Chrk. O. C. nil. MA.S.r.U, again, and for the Ut ume, calls upon all who ate indebted to him, on book account or otherwise, la come forward and make atttlemenl. Those who neglect tbia no tice will bave their accounts placed iu lbs banda of I Justice, fur collection. Sunbury, Hept. 30th H.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers