den dash of the flood swept her away, and she was engulfed. Mr. Flower, who was in an upper story of the mill, leaped from the window into tree) Sore he remained until tho torrent tore up the tree ind swept it onward. Hp, however, succeeded in jetting hold of the branches of another tree that esisted the tide, and he waa saved. Several bod in lave been found upon the shore and in the mes Iowa. Thia fatality It to be aicrihed to the un mrallelcj suddenness of the rise of tho water. It raa as if the earth had opened and poured forth ler secret flood, Scarcely was the piesrnce of langer known, before it was followed by the ab tence ol hope. Hundreds of hair-breadth escapes ire narrated. The who!c country is overspread ith gloom, and the consequences of last night's ulamities will Ion; overshadow the prosperity of lis lovely section of country." We learn further that five persons were drown d at Bancroft's, on Ridley creek. Fifty bridges i tho county, it is raid, can be counted destroyed, vgether with almost every milldam. Mr. Crozier's s is supposed to be from 50 to $75,000. Kitt's attern shop is gone, Mr. Denton's house, Wm. erlin's, Mr. Wm. Eyre's boardyard swept awny, whus, 1. ft Wm. Eyre's storehouse completely nptied. Jesse M. Eyre suffered great loss in ore goods. On Ridley creek we have heard of iur bridges being carried away, and a number of ouse. The probability is, there are many more, 'he railroad bridges over Kidlty, Crum and Darby e not gone.. The article in our paper of last week, headed Htm to make nn unproductive Fruit Tree bear" intsined several errors. The operation is to be rrformed in the month of ..4, and not in the vring, as we stated. The method is this Cut vo rings completely round the limb of the tree, a out four inches apatt ; then make a straight cut nm one ring to the other, and peel the b.irk com lelcly ofl". Replace the bark, and tie it on nicely ilh a soft string. Hauling Gaz. I1AI.TIMOUE HIARKKT. Office of the Daltimoiii. Amkiiicax, August 7, GRAIN. The supplies of Wheat are not very irge to-day, and there is a better feeling in the nurket, owing to the increased supply of water in ic mill streams and some demand for a nt ihlior ig market, We cannot, however, state a positive Jvance in .rice nnd therefore quote ns before, viz: ood to piime reds 95 a 93 cts. ami ordinary to ood 80 a 95 cts. Among the transactions to ay we note a sale of a load of prime North Caro mt at 97 cts ; two parcels of Virginia, comprising 900 bosh' Is, quality prime but not free from g r c and smut, at 95 els., and another parrel at 93 98 cts. Very little doing in Co-n. We quote t d. white at 53 rts ; and yellow at 54 a 55 cts. 'ales of Md. Oats at 21 a 22 cts. WHISKEY is do. 1. Limited sales of bbls. t 26 cts. and of lihd, at 25 cts. VON TIIF. AMI'.HH-AX. County Commissioner. Mn. Eihtoii : Permit us, through the columns f your paper, to recommend to the Democracy of us county, Mr. JAMES BUOY, of .Milton bor- ugh, as a gentleman well qualified to fill the of- ec nt l-iirsTT t M missiiiskh. I lie lork, no niht, are entitled to the man, and we know not ny cent leman more emintnily qoal lied to fulfil te duties of said ollice than M r. Duoy. He has ver been a consistent and active democrat, ond has one much In promote the interest of the party. I illon, we think, is now entitled to the man, and e hope the cnu.ity convention will award to Mr. uoy the nomination. DEMOCRATS OF THE FORKS. roil THE AMERICAN, Assembly. Mr. Ma-skr The Democracy of Norlhumbcr nd county will soon be called tiion to make mice of a candidate for the next Legislature, and thcie have been several worthy men presented r their consideration, permit us through the mn inm of your valuable pajier, to offer Eiiwarii Y. incu r, of the Borough of Sunbury, as a cundi ate for that important situation, la piesenl'tng Ir. llright to the Democracy of Northumberland ounty.wehsve no hesitation in saying, that n. long the 'tost of candidates that will tie brought ito the field, one to whom the interests of the peo k rould more safely be confided, cannot be found. Ir. Bright has resided for a longtime among us, nd is well acquainted with the wants and wishes f the people. lie is a man of excellent business abits. industrious and capable possessing a sound nowledge of the Internal Improvement System, nd If elected will fearlessly and faithfully perform iduty. MANY. FOR THE AMERICAS. Assembly. Mr. Eiiitou. Seeing that candidates for the ffi-rent offices are lieing hrouuhl forward, we nuldofler Mr. PETE It FURSEL, of Sunbury, r the Legislature. Mr. Pursel is favorably known the l it 110ns of this county. He has long battled 1 the ranks of Democracy, never failing tq ten- every assistance to further the interest and elfare of our party. Should oUr fellow citizens link proper to elect h!n to ,B ihcir representa tive, we are ct,I(1in ia wj n0( give tbem cause e&" 'weir choke. Democrats or Ai'uvsta. rOU THE AME1MCAN. Mrmbtr of Assembly. Mr. Editor : Permit me to recommend to the olers of Northumberland county, HUGH H. 'E ATS, E-q., of Shamokin, as a candidate for As Mubty. Mr. Tuts is an industrious and intelligent inner, and would, if elected, give very general satis- ction. MANY OF S1IAMUK1.N. t'ou nly Treasurer. o the Fleetort of Sorthumlterland Count ij: ELLOW CITIZENS : Through the solicit.- lion nf my friends, I have been induced to of r inyelf is a camlidaU for the olfice of THKASLJllKH. Should 1 be so fortunate as to be elected, I pledce iyself to discharge the duties of th ollice to ihe .st of my ability. JOHN SHIPE. August 12th, 1813. I HIE subsciiber will sell oflf bis stock of Ueaver, . Russia and P-iu.h Hats, of the best quality, st ry reduced prices. Sunbury, Aug. 6, l13. II . B. MASSER. Till KIDDLE II. JUVENILE DEPARTMENT. Answer to Enigma of last week. Jutt tnc rouTH, (MHTiEsr ncKnutn Ann SEVENTY SIT., GEOGRAPHICAL ENIGMA. I am composed of fifty-eight letters. My 8, 15, 40, 3, is a town in Peru. My 6, 37, 15, 7, is a county in New York, My 1, 16, 2, 0, 16, is a county in N. Carolina, My 6, 3, 9, 19, is a cape in the U. States. My 2, 9, 16, 9, 37,3, is a town in Mexico. My 14, 9, 11, is an island in the Pacific. My 16,5, 11, 37, 9, is a river in S. America. My 2, 3, 46, 3, 37, 1 is a desert in Africa. My whole is an excellent proverb; Oub Orisio of D it a mi mi's Vrohtaiilk U sivkrsai Pills. This medicine we acknowledge, in recommending to our readers, possesses wonder, ful efficacy in all nervous disorders, fits, head ich, weaknesses, heaviness and lowness of spirit, dim ness of sight, confusion of thoughts and wander ings of the mind; vapors and melancholy, and all kinds of hysteric complaints, gradually go olTby the use of thia medicine ; in siekness of the stomach, flatulences and obstructions, it is a safe, powerful and efficacious remedy. The first symptoms of its good effects are serenity and cheerfulness, and as a preventive, alterative and purifier of the blood, it has not its equal in the world. It is admirably oil cu'ated to afTord relief to restore a broken and de cayed constitution to its pristine health and vigor. 1'itblic ledger. djPurchase of H. B. Masser, Sunbury, or of a gents published in another part of this pape r. """"" irriTn, '"" At his residence in Northumberland, on Tues day last, JOSEPH EVE HARD, Esq., aged -bout S3 years. Mr. Evkiiard was a member of the Bar of this county. He was admitted to practice about a year since, and gave strong promises of success in the profession which he adopted. His death, which was sudden and unexpected, came like a shock upon his friends and acquaintances, who but a few hours previous had seen him apparently in all the vigor of life. He was attending the court at this pl..ce, on Monday list. At noon he called upon us, and requested us not to call up a suit, in which he was the opposing counsel, until next morning, as he was not well. He was taken home, but, alas! before next morning came he was prostrate and speechless, and in a few hours after, a corpse. His death was caused by appoplexy. In another column we have published the proceedings of the memlicfs of the Bur, of winch he was a fellow mem ber, on the melanchnlly occasion. On Thursday morning last CHARLES, aon of Mr. George Hall.of Dnui hin, Dauphin county, tor. merly of this pltce, nged one year. TRICE CUKHENT. Corrected weekly by Henry Yoxtfieimer, Wheat, .... loo Rtk, 50 Con, ...... 40 Oats, ...... 5 Pork, ...... 5 Flaxsfkd, ... . 100 Bl'TTKII, - . . . . 10 Hkkswax, .... 25 Tallow, .... 10 Diukii Apples, . . . 75 Do. PilAches, 200 Flax, ... -8 Hkckleii Flax, . 10 Euus, ...... 8 V-0L3EP.T & JAITITET, .r iirnii oiiimiKioii .iici-fiiuiifs, .Vo. 'J I Commerce St., btlow Fifth, FLEP constantly on band Imported Seenrs, 1 v Mrandies, Liquors, &c, at the lowest prices for cash. C.J. WoLnr.R-r. jr. Wm. A. Jamhkt. Aueust 5th, isn. fim ANBJItY Jt KOCAP, HAT CAP MANUFACTURERS, South Fust corner of Market and ith tits., lMilladolplila, "I ESPECTFULLY inform the public that they v will constantly keen on hnd a largs assort ment of Hats, Caps and Furs, to suit the fall trade of the be-t quality. By strict attention to bnsi ness, and by selling their stock at the lowest prices they flatter themselves in being able to give entire satisfaction. August 5, 1843 ly JAMKS S. SMITH'S Wholesale Cluf'R 1-stnhlisliniciit, No. Hi North Third Street, PHILADELPHIA, "TT1IERE is to be found the largest assortment ' of Clocl;, in die United States, among which are Fn:rr.stville. Hill's Goodiich & Co, Atkins, I'ortei Ac Co., Ives', Brewsters, and other Eight Day Brass Clocks; C. Jerome's Bristol Manufac turing Company, Atkins, Porter ft Co., Hill's, Goodrich ft Co., Forrest ville, H. Wilton's, and other Thirty Hour Brass Clicks; Boardman ft Welle's, Hopkins ft Alfred's, H. C, Smith's, and oiher Wood Clocks. Sole Agent for Crane's celebrated Ye ir and Month Clocks, as well as several of the above men tioned. Also : Church and Hall Clocks. Watchmakers, Merchants anJ others, will find it to their interest to call. Looking Glasses manufactured. Philadelphia. August 5, 1313. 3in Tinr.vsiup .ni:rrif;s. HIE Democratic citizens of Northumberland county are requested to meet in their several town. hips, on Katurday, the 12th day of August next, to elect ueleg ites to meet in county conven tion in Sunbuty, on Monday the 14th nf August next, for the purpose of selecting a suitable candi date for Congress, Assembly, Treasurer, Commis sioner and Auditor, and Delegates to the State Convention held in Harris'iura, to nominate candidates for the ollice of Can il Cominisktoiiers. By order of the Democratic. STANDING COMMITTEE. July 22.1. 1843. A Thrculilug Machine for Sale. nplIB subserilier offers f,.r sale a THRESHING L MACHINE, new and in good order, The Machine has been tried, and proves to b an excel lent one It wilt be sold at a reduced price, and warranted. Apply to II, U, MARKER, July Ut, 1813. TO THE VOTERS OF NOllT HUM DER-1 LAND COUNTY. PELLOW CITIZENS : At the earnest sobci--L tations of many of my friends, I am induced to offer myself as candidate for the office of V O UXT Y Til K A S UK V. H. Should I be elected, 1 wilt endeavor to discharge the duties of the office to the best of my ability. CHRISTIAN BOWER. Sunbury, July 25d, 1813. EXCH-AITGE HOTEL. Ccntie Street, opposite the Tow.n Hall, lOTTSTIlXK, PA. J . C . LESS I fi . .. UESPECTCULLY announces to , the travelling community that he has taken the larun and splendid estab lishment, the ExcHAftflK Horn, situa. ted nt the corner of Centre and Callowhill streets, nearly opposite the Town Hall, in the borough of Pottsvillo, which has been thoroughly repaired and materially improved for the accommodation of visit ors. The Hotel is forty ft. ftont on Centre at,, and one hundred and thirty eight ft. on Callowhill, three stories high ; it is admirably provided with Parlors, fitting Rooms. Heading Room, and Urge airy Chambers the most spacious, pleasant and conve nient Dining Room in the country a new and su perior Bathing Establishment J and every conve nience end comfort to render it in all respects a most desirable Hotel. No paiis or expense will be spared to furnish the Table and Bar with tho best that this and the Philadelphia Markets afTord ; and with a determi nation to devote his entire personal attention to the comfort and accommodation of those who may fa vor him with a call : aided by active, careful and obliging servants, he hopes to give generji satis faction. PRIVATE FAMILIES, wishing to visit this highly interesting and healthy Coal Region, will be provided with Parlors and Chambers, which he ieels confident will please the most fastidious, OrT" The Stabling attached, is large and well constructed, nnd superintended by experienced rind attentive Osiers. Horses and Carriages may be had at any timo to convey persons to any part of the country. nTj'An Omnibus runs from this Hotel dally to and from the Depot, to meet the Cars, for the ac commodation of persons travelling on the Rail Road. No charge for omnibus fare to this Hotel. Pottsvillc, J.ily 8. 1813. 6m Notice T () C () X T H A C T O li S. PROPOSALS will be received until sun-down of Friday the lt day of Scpteniber, 18-13, at the ton n of Sunbury, for the repair of the Mahan tango Aqueduct, on the SiKqiiehanna Division. Plans nnd specifications will be exhibited three lays previous to the letting. G. I.EISENRINO, Supervisor Susq. Div. Pa. Conul. July 8lh, 1813. 8t 07" Hack yumhers still Supplied. ,fj THE UNIVERSAL FAVORITE. CHEAPE3T MAGAZINE IN THE WORLD BLACKWOOD'S i ,ii in 11 ; n au z 1 1:. A X c w II e p r I t . Two hollars a tear niiiiucnnr j 18 CTS. II l'ulilisher of the Iew Worlil announces that be has commenced the Re-pub'ication of this most celebrated of the mtgnines, at a price which will insure it a very large cireula'ion. "Blackwood" has long stood at the head of tho pe riodical literature of the world, and it continues to maintain that distinction, without a rival. 1'rofes. sor Wilson, its editor (old "Christopher North,") is unrivalled as a prose. writer nnd a poet, and his contributors are among the first living authors of Great Britain, It will be issued in a doubts number of the New World, within 24 hours after the arrival of the English Steamer, and sent by the first mails to sub sriihers in all parts of the United States and Bri tish America. Terms. TWO DOLLARS per annum, for one copy Five Dollars for Three copies Eight Dollars for five copies and $15 for Ten copies payable in advance. Single copies 18 cents. Any Postmaster, 01 other person, who will ol tain 10 subscribe, and remit flft therefor, shall have un extia copy gratis. Suh'tect to newspaper postage only. Address J. WINCHESTER, July 1st, 1813. Publisher. John Klsclj's i:tute. TTOTICE is hereby given, that letters tcstsm- n- 1f '"ry on ihe estate of John Eiselv, late of Sunbury, NorlhunilM-rland county, dee'd , have been granted by the Register nf said county to the sub scriber. All those indebted to the above estate ore requested to fall and make payment on Saturday the 29ih of Jul v, 1813, at the late re-idence of the deceased, and those having cl lims will present thi ir accounts, well authenticated, for settlement. MARY EISELY. July 1st. 1813. Erteutrir. COUNTY TllKASUHICK. TO THE ELECTORS OF SOUTH I'M- ftEKL.Wn COUNTY. "H" EL LOW CITIZENS: I have len induced to oiler mysell as a camlnlate lor the ollice ot County TrcaMiror, at the coming election. Should you think me worthy of your support, and I should be so sue. cessful as to be elected, I will endeavor to give gen eral sa'.'ufactiotl to all who may be concerned. JOHN FAItNSWORTH. Sunbury, June 2-lth.l813. nil. M;iSMT has leinoved his store, into the new building adjoining tho old store, where ho has opened a new assnitment of Dry, Gootls, Oroceriet, Qiiccnswarc, Hardware, c. All persons having uns tiled accounts in his books, will .sve costs bv aitending to them soon. Sunbury, June 10th. 1813. Agent for the sab- of Sauihworlh Mauufac. luring Company's surr.iuoit wmtixc pavkms; Warehouse No. :i Minor Street, PHILADELPHIA. THE following kinds constantly on hand, snd for sale to the Trailo at the lowcM market pr ces 1 Fine thick Flat Caps. 18, 14, hint 1 II s , blue and white ; Eitra super, and superfine Folio Posts, blue and white ; Eitra iiprr Packet and Commercial posts, blue and white ; Elra super Linen Note papers, long j Jo. broad; iiieri'ine sn.l fine Counting house Caps, bins and whit ; Eitra super Congress Csps and Luttcrs, plain and ruled, bine and while NUm rfine French Potts, plain mid ruled ;Bui erfineSeimon Cap and Posts; Superfine end finu Caps and Po.ts, ruled and plain, blue and white, various qualities and prices. Also Bonnet Boards, 'IVtue, Envelope, Wrap, ping, and Hardware papers, tic, fie. May 87, 1813. Ton. UjL HIF.U ill t:H HIES for sale by Counterfeiters' DEATH BLOW. rPhe pulilic will please observe that no Brondrelh Pills are genuine, unless the box has three la bels upon it, (the top, the side and the bottom) enrh containing a f.ic-siinile signature of my hand writing, thus 1). Bh Aft tin ETit, M. D. These ta. bel.nie engraved on steel, beautifully designed, and done at an expense of over 2,0tl0. rhi reforo it will be seen that the only thing nrcexsary to pro cure the medicine in its purity, is to observe these libels. Remember the top, the side, and the bottom. The following respective persons are duly auhori zed, and hold CERTICATES Or AGENCY, For tho sale of lirandreth's Vegetable Universal Vills. Northunibciland county : Milton Mackey fc Chambeilin. Sunbury H. B. Masser. M'Ewens ville Ireland A. Mcixcll. Northumbeiland Win. Forsyth. Georgetown J. & J. Walls. Union County: New Berlin Bogar oV Win ter. Selinsgrovc fieorge Cundiurn, Middle burg Isaac Smith. Bcavertown David Hubler. Adamsburg Wm. J. May. Milllinsburg Mensch ft Ray. Hartleton Daniel Long. Freeburg &. F. C. Mover. Lewisburg Walls ct Green. Columbia county : Danville E. B. Reynolds Ac Co. Berwick Shuman vV IMtenlinuse. I,ri. tawissa C. G. Brobts. BlootiiKburg John R Moycr. Jeisey Town Levi Bisel. Washington Robt. McCay. Limestone llalliet ft McAinch. Observe that each Agent has an Engraved Cer tificate of Agency, containing a representation of Dr BltA.M)RETH S Manufactory at Sing Sing, and upon which will also be seen exact copies of the new labels now used uioit the JSrandrelh I'ill liores. Philadelphia, office No. 8, North 8th street. B. Blf ANDRETH, M. D. June 2 1th, 1813. II:irl, Andrews fc jl'Ucvcr, r orwardinu and iicncral rrodtipc COMMISSION M K ltd I AX I S, Second tl'inrf a hurt Hnrr SI . nn the Deluware, PHILADELPHIA. REFERENCES Henry Farnum ot Co. I.laivis, Trabue tk Curd, Bray, Barcroft.oV Co. iMuixville. Williamson, BurroughsTieo. Luckcy, ft Co. & Claik, I Cincinnati. Eckel. Spancler A Raguel Sr. John Smith, Esq , Reed, Bni. oV. Thoma, j Portland. Rogers, Brothers Sc Co. 'Joseph Souther, Esq., W. H.Thompson oV Co. j Hodon. Robert Srcen & Co. Illon. Wm. Bialer, J. oV J. Reakert, J Cintrfteld, Pa. Mulford oV Alter, 11 Hendricks, J. It. Wel.-h. E q. ' Sunbury, 1'a. Philadi Ijdiia ill. Hum' s, E-q. David R. Porter, Esq. .Itoliert Crane, Esq., Messrs. J.ct P. Martin, ' Jersey Shore, Pa. llarrlwg Vm. M'Kelvy c Co Wm. K. Holloacle, E Hiiomxbitrg, Pa VuU & (ircen. Lrivisburg, Pa, Lewis Hurford, Esq. Lancaster Jones, Murphy ft Co. E. A. Brown ft Brother. J. K. Moorehead, Esq. T. W. Kin iing & Son, Imk Haven, Pa. Pittsburg. Morgan ft Anderson, Steirettct Potter, Iswistown, Pa. lieo. Piesbury, Esq. I Joseph Paxton, Esq., V. Louis Columbia Co , Pa. June 3d, 1813. ly n IF Lou IMaMMiim-nl.) VILLIAM HCOTEP. EXPECTFUI.I.Y informs the citizens of J Sunbury and vicinity, that he has recently commenced tho ( A MX rI-M A K1XC. I'.USIXKSS, in oil its branches, in Maiket sueet, Sunbiiry, im- imdialelv In low the post olbce, where he will be to receive ai d execute nil orders in the line of his busines', w ith itroniiiiness and despatch, and in the best style and manner. His prices will be low, in accord hi ice with the times. Lumber uud Country Pr.lnee taken in Ex chaime. May Villi 1M3. fim ink. TfterrttT S3. HOVER, Mumifacttiier of Writini; nml linli-ili-ble Ink, No. ltVti .North Third Stroi t, bi. diMirs below K.100, (ivist rsido,) PHILASEL P II I A , 1y EsriHM'Ft'l.I.Y inloims country nii rchaiits - and others, that he ron-tautly keeps on baud a large stock of his superier Black, Blue nnd Red Ink, and nlso a superior quality of Indi I'il hi Ink. li s ink is put up in b tiles varying in size, from I to '.ii ounces, and will be sold nn reasonable terms. The excellent qualities of this ink has so thoroughly established its character, that il is now extensively used throughout ih counuy. Formic at the store of H. B. Mass,-r, Sun bury, Pa. t iy 27th. 1813. ly CITY 1 riJMITIlK UCTIOX, AND PIIIVATE SALES KOOMS, Nos. 'J'J anil III Norllt Tltiid Street, Nenr the City Hotel, PHILXDELPHIA. CC. MACKEY, Auctioneer, re-pectful'y in- vitfs the attention of iersoi-,s desirous of pur chasing Furniture, to his eitensiw (Sales Rooms, (both public and lNivate,) f..r every description ol llousitiold Furniture, win re can be obtained at nil tunes, u large asMilnient of fashionable and i II manufactured l'.-.lnni I Furnilure, Beds, M.itli.isses, itc, at very reduced prices, for cusii. (SJ" tKlns bv Auction, twice a wrck. May 27th. I St:. ly D AVID EVANS, i No. 70 South 'Ad stieet, fi'i'Ml ic Exchange, 1 I'llll.ADF.LIMIlA, j ( Formerlii of So. fl Smith Second strict.) Manufacturer nf Improved and Patent Fne and Thief-proof Chests and D.mrs, Water and Pro. vision Conh rs, and Fdterers, Kefiigera tors, Hoisting Machines, ftc, ftc, o ..- i ill rttimiii m iif ui ihr I WATER C 'ol id Filtcrers, R.Trigera. : :'t--J!Lior, both of the round and ... ' in rr-iM" "... 1 - incuts, nf the best luateiliU i ?oK; .;. and woikinanshin. Tho Chi'tts are imnulkcturt'd without pl ink of any description, of ihe best mutenal which is calculated to resist burcU'S ami heat as long as any inanufueturi d in ihe I'niled Stales a triul ol which he is willing to make with any other, pro vided tils trial be uiude of chests already sold to customers, and not u auuf ictuied for the express purpose of a triul. Purehast rs are invited to call before purchasing elsewhere. CAUTION' All persons are cautioned sgiinst making, using, selling or causing to be sold, any Keyhole covers f i Fire Proof Ches's ur doors of any kind, simi'sr in construction to my patent of July 10th, ISl I, i.k they will be ueall with uccord nig to the Patent Liw. May 7.h, IHt.t.-fni. LOITC-LET'S Cerent Went ern Indian l'nnat rii, Compounded cntirnly of Vegetable Substances ; Free from Calomel nnd nil other Mineral. For the history of this medicine, and its unrivalled and truly surprising success and popular ity, see large bills T is recommended as a general cathartic for family use in dyspepsia and all bilious diea- srs, it is invaluable for Asthma it is eonsiileied a specific, no caw having yet occurred which it has faibd to cure for common c- Ids. iinflammninry diseases, rheuma'ism, affections of the liver, cVe., and for females, it is a sale and excellent remedy. CERTIFICATE, From Dr. Silas West, of Uinghanipton, A'. Y. Mr. Loneley -Dear Sir: I have u-ed your Great Webrn Indian Panacea in my family, nnd have repeatedly prescribed it for patients under my care, and sin satisfied that it is always a safe, and in very many ensps nn invaluable medicine. It opern'es as a laxative without nausea, or pain ; and while it ef fectually obviates costivenera acts upon the stomach and liver as an nbeiative, coin cling acidity, and re storing the healthy condition of those orsans. Very respectfully vonrs, S. WEST. For sale by JOHN W. FIJI LING, Sunburv, JACOB B RIG 11T, Northumberland. May 20th. 18-13. ly ClIAltLKS W. lir.CilXS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AS token the oll'ice fonneily occupied bv the Hon. ( hailes G. Donm l, opposite the Court House. He will attend to business 111 the Courts of Northumberland, Union and Columbia counties. May 20th, 1813. COUNTY THK ASUHKIi. To the Voters of Northumberland County UTIKLLOW CITIZENS : Through the soli citations of many friends in various purls nf the county, I have been induced to oiler myself as a candidate for tbe office of T r e a surer. Should I be so fortunate as to receive a majority of your stilTrascs, I pledge mysell to disch.irgo the duties of said office with fidelity. THOMAS A. BILLINGTON. Sunbury. May 20th, j7D7Watcr;s, 1 ESPEC TFULLY informs ihe citizens of the orough of Northumberland, and its vicinity, that ho has commenced the Tailoring Husine, in a'l i's various brandies, in the shop formerly occupied by Henry S. Thomas, ilirectlv oppo-ite Forsvth's store. As he receives the New York nnd Philadelphia Fashions quarterly, he is enabled to do all jobs entrusted to him, alter the neutett and latest style, and upon theshoitest notice. Northumberland, Apiil 22d.l8-l3.--ly 5?.. JACOB 3. 1J353?k, 1 ESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of Sun- l-ury mi.l its vicinity, that he has taken the office formerly occupied by Dr. John Peal, where he will be happy to receive culls in the line of his profession. April22d, 1813. Daniel Yarick, BLACKSMITH, TTdsEGS leave to inform the citizens of Sunbury fij and its vicinity, that he has commenced the IHiACKSMITIlIX (1 1US I N K S S, in Maikit street, Sunbury, east of John Bogar's store, and directly opposite tho post ollice, where he intends to carry on tho business in nil its various branches, including, Turning, Making Mill Irons and llliptic Springs, loninif Ciirringfs, with Ex tension or Standing tops. Shoeing Horses, Vc. Dnlerswill be promptly nnd punctually attended to, and voik done ctteMp, lor caMi or country pro duce. Hoise Shoeing done at f I per sett. .Sunbury, April loth, ISl J. tim 15 o o t & Shoe 1Z-1TTJP.CTCB.T. II a r i i 11 I r i 11 , ESl'ECTFCLLY informs I. is fii.nds anJ old ciistoiueis, that he h,iJ remov.-d bis HOOT - SHOE ESTMU.lSllME.S T to the liaine build. ng ailj nnir,R bis ilwrlling house, between that and Dr. 1). T.Tiltes' otVice, h few doors west of his old estat lisbmelit, in Maiket stivel, where he intei ds to carry on the ubovc business extensively, in all its various branches. Being thankful for post f ivors, he h . us, by stiicl utleiition to business and liberal charges, to give general satisfaction ; and that he will continue to re ceive a liberal share of public putrjnage. April 8th, 1813. A ' CAUD7 " r. X. I. 11 , I hankful for past fa- vors, respectfully informs the inhabitants ol Nunbiirv and country around, that no has, taken bis residence nnd ollice in market street, in the east end of ihe building occup ed by John Ilogar's store, where ho will be happy to wait upon ull who fa vor bi'n w ith their calls. Sunbury, April 1st, It? 11 fim BIj ACKSftTITHIN Ct . J v it ,. jj v ' n) o r III U II Av S U II. Mill' su'scii'crs hereby 11 f rm ihe public, that I they have ui'ere l into partneisl in, in the niiACUSMITHINa BT7SINXS3, vvbcli wi l here .fo r be carr ed on at the old laud in Sunbuiy, under the lnm nl "'""'c1' Zimineiman Son," where, ihev will conduct the I'U-ine-s 111 all its vaiious I rain hi s, inclu ling Turn, in?. Making M II lens. Jemmy Curr.ogr. Shoe, ing .(-sis.'tVc. Older will be promptly and punc tually attend, d to, und w oik done cheap, lor cah or country pioduce. fXT" Shoiinu done lit one dollar per sett. (iEOROE ZIMMERMAN, J. H. ZIMMERMAN. Sunbury. Match 1 1 ill. ltsCl. Pi.?iTlTE?sOHI? 'PHP. subsciibeis, having enter, d into a parlner- ship ill the practice of the law, will be happy to atieiid to ull business entrusted to iheir care. Colle'lioiis will be promptly intended In. Tiny inav always lie found ut their ollice, ill Msikel striul. Sunbury, fonneily occupied by Win. Dt wart, dee'd.. as a stoie-rooin. WILLIAM L. DEW ART, CHARLES J. UUUNEK. Sunbuiy, Fib. 4th, lr5J;l. ly. A Vreiii upp ol ROSE OIN l .MLM . leceived and for sale by M. U. HAaaLii, Nov. 19th. IS 13 NAM'i imic ki:iiim,i;c:, HATTER, -K7-ERY liESPECTFUI.LY begs leove to in. y form his customers, and the public generally, that he still continues thu HATTING BUSINESS, in all its various branches, in the shop nearly oppo site the Buck Tavern, formerly occupied bv Hen ry Hans and himself, under the firm nf Haas ft Druckemiller, which firm li sheen mnlti-il'V diss. li ved. He hopes, by ii long experience 111 the iiImivh bnsinrsn, mid strict attention therel to render g' 11 eral s iti-l'aciiori, and receive a liberal share of pub lic patronage. Snnbtuv. Del. K,ih, 1812. ly. I IOUSK, No. 2:37, Xnrlh Third, above Callowhill S IMIII.ADKLIMIIA. 50HX DUNCAN, late from the Per,nslva. nia Farmer, nnd Samuel Pike. jr lae of A. no rienn Hotel, Columbus, t ihio. take pleasure in ac qoniniing their fiends and the public eeneriillv that they have laki n the large arid commodious IL'til, recently I liill bv tlie Messrs. II rl.nn the site once occupied by the oi l esbibli-hcd Hotel known as the Bull's Id ud, in Third ieet ibove Callow hill st. This Hotel is fini-hed ii the verv br-t possiblo manner, arid i f th-- be-t 1's lor:,tion is y i:i- r-hants ; r "I " neb The very ilesii.ible, p.rMeii!:!-' - t- r e.";. the in rut 11! 1 nil i-, . !' 0 1,,-,-n 1 -I room i mch " to .! -it i bt dli'OII!.s a:e 11' !, 'i! I 1 1 v' , tii rie-it sty , o a to p.. . 1 . M ! (. I'!.' .! I in a The r civ i a pir! :i' perb style, tbc wind a " forinii g tin en'ranc to b,,' mtikes a idea-tint recess, I' 'o I'lTiv-hc ! i o tlie I'm r:eii ov in froi.l. .-11- .! ' ll', whi. h 1 ntteii.ion has been given to tho beds an I bedding, which, with the furniture, are entirely new. l' rom years' experience in hotel business, wo trust, by strict assiduity tc. business, to make this house a desirable stepping place. Our tablu will always be supplied with the very best our market Can nir.ird. and nur bar with the best liquors und wines of the most appioved brands. P. S. There are first rate stnbhng r.nd carriago houses nttached to the hotel, (.Mended by ca .tfiil and sober hostlers, nnd our charges will bo low, in accordance with the present haid times. Philadelphia, Oct. 7th, IS'1'2. " UNION HOTEL, ((tvntral Stage Office,) im tu :rr etzz tst 9 LYCOMING COUNTY, IVmis) Ivaiiia. T IIE Subscriber rcsncctfullv informs his friends anil the public in general, that he has taken the above LARUF. AD COMMODIOUS HOTEL, I N T II E 11 O H O U G H O F M U N C Y, and that he is now well prepared to nccommod.ilo all who may favor him with their custom. His Slekpino Acahtmknts ore well aired, and comfortable. His Taiu.k ivn Bin will always bo suppliid with the best the market can afford. His SrAni.iNo, which is good, will be under the charge of good and careful hostlers. He feels confident, by strict attention tr busine-s, and an earnest desire to render comfortable those who may patronize him, that he will not fail togivo general satisfaction. II. U. WEAYEIv. Muncy, Oct. 1st, 112. tf. Dr. !. T. TlitCS, Respectfully informs the citizens of Sunbury and vicinity, that he has re moved his oll'ice to the budding Intely occupied by George Ilriuht, in market stieet, Sui.bury, whem he may lie found at ull hours, unlvss professionally engaged. 1)1!. TIMTES returns his sincere thanks fo' !. encomucemeiit he has icceived, in the line 1 I b s profession, in this place, and tiu-ts, by pron. i lention to the duties of bis pro'.cssiou, and r in able chaig'.s, that he will continue tJ rcc-. - Itlienl s, iiru of the iu!ilic patronage. Sui.'eury, Oct. 1st, lx-12. tf. r..l. I'OIU l-egs leave to teno.-r n :i'i lul 111 kn. w eilcini-nts to ihe ;en : :i : 1. v and siiirmiiiding cmintrv, foi llnni pi t em- o ment in the line ot I is profession ; and won the same lime am ounce to them th t he -t 1 Ht I in- tends to continue the practice id me li im- ill all its variousd. ii.irtmi nts. H- wo.-!.l, ih.refore, solicit a continuance! nfiln ir cont'i,b"i -e He tiny be found at nil tun - t b north 1 ast corner of H a k t V ui unless profes-ioiullv et i! '. nl patronai'e. ollice, at thu Dt cr streets', Sunburv, let. 1st. lf t -it, DU. J. N. SURG HO rl I ) I SI IIlTI : 1.1. Y I ., ui.i.le ,"N . place of lesi.tetiro. i ; c.ili- in the line ot r 1 .Inly IH 12. ly. sr..EPv, ilia! ho o . nl :. at.V TliK rillLAIiKLrillA. KCAlllMJ Mi '"' UsWlW) HAIL ROAD. SL'.M M CR A RPvAl i MM KNT. Change of Hours. OS AMI tlTKIl SlICBIllV, A fill I. I, ll:l, The pusseuger trains w. II have ut the following hours : Pl,ihid,phia und Pott-viUe. From, ut A. M. ) From P.ittsville, at . M. S Hours of I'lis.Hi'g Krndihg. For Pol'svi'le, al 'lJ A. M. For Philadelphia, at 7f A. M. 5 It. ith iiams na-s ut Polts'own. The 1 Daily Daily, lovvn tui 11 lueaKI i-ls at Re olioij, tlie up lnin at .Nor'ls- own, f ir which Ui miiiu cs oie allowed at tach stiitioii. 1.1 it t: v llt-lweeli Polt-ville .V Philada, f;l,M) A f 2.50 2,25 & 1,75 1,10 ft 1,HI II. t ween Reading do. llt-t wren do Poltilte, llv. 1 iision Tick ft noon roil Biri'iiNisoi 1 1 IK Ntxr !' H.-iween Pottsville tS; Philadelphia, Oil lb tween Reading A do. 3 00 Between do. cv Pottsville, S DO All the trains will ttop for way passengers st the usual points. $y All passengers are requested to proi'iim their tickets before the trains atari. M.y SI, UVi. tf- D July l. 1843. II. B. MASSER. FOR SALB AT THIS OFIMCE.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers