1UKH KOTU LIST. rUVVSlXTAMA. The following list show, the current n1ttr of sll Penn) Irani. Dank Note.. The most Implicit re lisnce may be placed upon it, e it l ever) week carefully compared with at J corrected from Bik Ocll'a Reporter. ItnnUn In Plillntlrlpliln. Kami. Location. NOTES AT TAB. Bank of North America . Bank of the Northern Liberties . Commercial Hank of Fenn'a. . Fanrera' and Mechanic' Dank . Kensington Bank Philadelphia Bank Schuylkill Dank . Snuthwark Dank . Western Dank Mechanics' Dank " . Manufacturers' & Mechanic' Dunk IMSC. 1SJ I'HILAII. pnr par pnr nr pur pnr pnr par par !" par Country Hanks. Dunk of Cheater County Westchester par Dank of Delaware County Chewier pnr Dank of Germantown Germantown pnr Hank of Montgomery Co. Norristown par Doylcstown Dank Doylcstown pur Easton Dank " Easton pnr Farmer' Dank of Back CO. Bristol par Office of Dank of Per.n'e. Harrisburg These Office do do , I.ancnater I ofliecs Office do do Heading f do not Office do do Easton J issue n. NOTES AT DI8COUNT. Dank of the United States Philadelphia 49 Dank of Penn Township . . pnr GirardBank . 32 Moyomcnsing Bank . II Dank of Pennsylvania . 9 Muiers' Dank of PotUvillo Potisville 5 Dank of Lewistown Lewistown 6 Dank of Middlctown Midtlletown 3n4 Dnnk of Northumberland Northumlterland 3h4 Columhia Bank & Bridge co. Columbia lj Carlisle Dank Carlisle 3 Exchange Dank Pittsburgh I Do do branch of llnllidayshurg 3 Farmers' Dank of Lancaster Lancastei 1 Lancaster County Dnnk I.ancaater 2 Farmers' Bank of Reading Heading 1 Ilatrishurg Bank Harrisburg 3i4 Lancaster Bank Lancaster 1 Lebanon Bank Lebanon 6 Merchants' A Manuf. Bank Pittsburg 2 Dnnk of Pittsburg - Pittsburg 3 West Branch Dank - W'illiamsport Wyoming Bank Wilkesbarre 1 1 Northampton Bank Allentown 80 Berk. County Dank Heading Office of Bank of U. S. Pittsburg Do do do Erie Do do do New Brighton Kensington Sot. Int. A do Penn Township Sav. Ins. do Dank of Chamhersburg Chnmbershurg 3 Bank of Gettysburg Gettysburg 4 Hank of Susquehanna Co. Montrose 12 Erie Biink Erie 9 Farmers' A Drovers' Bank Waynesburg 8 Franklin Bank Washington 3 Honesdale Bunk Honesdule I Monnngahela Dank of B. Brownsville 4 York Bank Yoik 3a4 . IS. D. The note of those banks on which we omit quotations, and substitute dash ( ) are not purchased by the Philadelphia brokers, with the exception of those which have a letter of reference. BROKEN BANK 8. Philadelphia Sar. Ins. Philadelphia failed Philadelphia Loan Co. do fiiiled Schuylkill Sav. Ins. do f.iiled Manual Labor Bank (T. W Dyott, prop.) failed Towanda Bank Towanda ' failed Alleghany Bank of Pa. Bedford no tale Dank of Beaver Deaver closed Dank ofSwatura Harrisburg t inted Dank of Washington Washington failed Centre Bank Dcilefonte closed City Dnnk Pittsburg no sale Farmers' A Mech'cs' Dank Pittsburg failed Farmers' & Mech'cs' Bank Fayette cn. failed Farmers' Ar Mech'cs'tBatik Creencastle failed Harmony Insiituto Harmony no sale Huntingdon Bank Huntingdon no sale Juniata Uank lewistown no tale Lumbermeii't Dunk Warren fulled Northern Bank of Pa. Dundafl no sale New Hope Del. Bridge Co. New Hope closed Norlhumb'd Union Cot. Dk. Milton no sale North Western Daik of Pa. Meadville closed Oilice of Schuylkill Bank Port Carbon failed Pa. Agr. A Manuf. Dank Carlisle failed Silver Lake Dank Montrose closed Union Bank of Penn'a. Uniontown f.iiled Westmoreland Bank Greeusburg closed Wilkesbarre Bridge Co. Wilkesbarre no sale Qj" All notes purporting to he on any Pennsyl vania Bank not given in the above list, may be set . down as frauds. KEW -IXKSEY. Dalik of New Biunswick Brunswick failed Hclvideie Dank Delvidere I Burlington Co. Bank Mcdford par Commercial Dank Perth Amltoy 2 Cumberland Dank Dridgeton par Farmers' Bank Mount Holly par Farmers' and Mechanics' Dk Rahway 1 Farmers' and Mechanics' lilt N. Diunswitk failed Farmers' uud Merchantt' Dk MidJietown Pt. 3 Franklin Dank of N.J. Jersey City failed Hobuken Dkg A Graxing Co Hoboken faibd Jersey City Bank Jersey City failed Mechanics' Bank Patterson failed Manufacturers' Bank Belleville failed Morris Company Bank Morrislown 2 Monmouth Bk of N. J. Freehold failed Mechanics' Bank Newark 1 Mechanics' and Manuf. Bk Trenton par Morris Canal and lAg Co Jersey City Post Notes no sale Newark Bkg A Ins Co Newark I New Hope Del Bridge Co LamberUville N. J. Manufac. and Dkg Co Huboken failed N J Protecton A Lombard Ik Jersey Cily failed . Orange Bank Orange 2 l'aicrson Bank Patctson fuiled Peoples' Bank do I Princeton Bunk Princeton par Salem Banking Co Kalem pur Stale Bank Newark I Slate Bank Elizabeihtown 1 8; ate Bank Camden par Stalo Bank of Morris Monistown 1 State Bank Trenton failed Salera and Philad Manuf Co Scm failed Sussex Bank Newton I J Trenton Banking Co Tientnn par Union Bank Dover I Washington Banking Co. Hackeusack failed lEL.AWAItl. Dk of Wilrn A Brsiuly wine W i iuingtun par Bank of Delaware ' Wilmington par Bank of Smyrna Smyrna par Do blanch . Miltord par Farmers Bk of Stale of Del Dover par Do branch Wilmington par Do branch Georgetown par Do branch Newcastle psr Union Bsnk ' Wilmington par Under 6't 2 erj- On all tanks (naked thus () there sis n tbvl roonUrfeil or altered notes of the vaiious de al oxniji alio u, is circulation. The best mrthntt far the Abolition of Discatr it to t lrantr and purify the Body. WRIGHT'S I.VDI AS VIUJr.TAIII.K PIM.S OF Tim ,Wrth Jmrrletm Collet r or" ftealth, Are now nek now lodged to he the best Medicine in 'he World for the riue of T.Vr.nV VARIETY OF niSEASR. BECAUSE they completely ilcnnse ibe sto ma, h and bowels from th. se hillioti and cor rupt humors which are the cause not only of Headache, Giddiness. Palpitntion of the Hent, IVns in the Botics. Rheumatism and Cut. but every malndv inriiWt to man. SAID INDIAN EGETABI E PII.LR are eenain eur. f.r in teim feni, c mlitnl, nervous, inflnmhtory and pumd Fevers liecnuse they dentine the p.nly from thoe moibid humors, which, when confined tnthe circu lation, are the cause of all kinds of FEVEItS. Ho. also, when the same impurity is deositid on ti e membinre and muscle, causing putns, inflama lions and swellings called RHEUMATISM. GOI T, Ac. Wrichl's Indian Vegetable Pills mny be relied cn a atwnv ' ertnin to give relief, and if etseeied v ith, according to direction will mot ssFuicdlv, and without fail, make a perfect cue nl the above painful n.alndie. From three to six of alii Indian Vegetable Pills taken every tiiitht go ing to bed, will in a short time so completely rid the body from every thing that is opposed In health, tbal Rheumnti'm, Gont. and piin of everv descrip- ' tion.will Ih lit. rally DRIVEN FROM THE BO DY'. For the ime reason, when, Irom sudden changes of atmosphere, or any other ennse. ibe per spiration is checked, and the humors wh'fh should p'f i. IV bv the skin are thrown inwardly, causing HEADACHE. GIDDINESS, nmisea and sick ness, pain in the hones, watery and inflamed eyes, fore throat, hoarsene-s, rough, consumptions, rheumatic! pains in various psrts of the body, and many other svmpioms of CATCHING COLD, Wright's Indian Vecctahle '' will invariably give immediate relief. From thiee lo six of said Pills taken every niuht on going to bed. will in a abort time, not only remove all the above unpleasant j symptoms, but the body wdl, in a short tune, be restored to even sounder henl htban before. ASTHMA, on DIFFICULTY OF BREATH XC,. Wright's Indian Vigitufite Pills will loos, en wnd enny oil", by the slomsch and boweis, thocp tough phb gmy humor, which stop up all the sir cells of the lungs, and are the cause, not only of the above distressing Complaint, but when ncglccied, often terniinntcs in that mo edieadlul ma'ady ra'led CONSUMPTION. It shou'il b- a'sore i emberol thnt Wright's Indian Vrgetahle Pills are a certain cine for PAIN I.N THE SIDE, Oppression, nau sea, and sicknrss, loss of njipi tile, costivenrpn. a yellow tinge of the rkin nnd ryes, end rvery other symptom of a torpid or disrated slate of the liver; localise they purge from the body those impuriiies which if deposited upon this important organ, are the cnu-e of every variety of LIVER COM PLAINT. When a nnlion is convulsed by tint-, nil I breaks and rebellion the only means of prevent, ing the dreadful consequences of a CIVIL WAR, is to expel all traitors, and evil disposed ones from the country. In like manner, hen pnin or sick ness of any kind, indicate that ibe body is struc gling with internal foes, the true remedy is to EX PEL ALL MORBID HUMORS. (Traitors to heahh and life,) lltalth will be the certain result. That the principle of curing disease, by cleansing and purifying the body, is strictly in ncconb'nce with the laws which govern the animal economy ; nnd if properly csrried out by the use of the t-ove named WRIGHT'S INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS, will ccitainly result In the complete Abo l'tion of Disease ; we offer the following testimoni als, frcm persons of the highest respectabiliiy in New York, who have lecentiy been cured of the most obstinate complaints, solely by the use of WtiiotiT't Isnus VroETitiLR Pills, of the AorM American Colltgc af Htulth : Jamaica. L. I., Jtincflih. 1041. Doctor Wil'ia n Wright Dear Sir It is with great sati-faction I inform von of ;,iy having lei n entirely cured of Dysiepsi. of five yeart standn g. by the ui-e of your Nmu Vkijstahi.k Ph.ls. Previous to mee,;ng with your celebinled nv di cine, I had been under Itie hands of several I'hysi cisns, and had tried vsrion- medicines; but all to no ell'ect. After using one 2ft cent liox of jour Pills, however, I expirienced so much benefit, that I resolved to perseveie in the use of them according to directions, which I am happy to stnte, has result ed in a ierfect cure. Ingratitude to you for the great benefit I hsve received, and also in the hoie that othera similarly afflicted niny be induced to make tiial of jour extraordinary medicine, I send you this statement with full libcty to publish the same, if you think proper. Yours, Ac. New York, June 19, 1841. G.C. BLACK. Mr. Richard Dennis, agent for Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills. Dear Sir I have been afflicted for serr years with inward weakness and general debility, accom panied at times with pains in the -ide unJ other distressing complaints. Afo i having tried various medicines wi'lioutelTect, I was persuaded by a fiien I to make trial of Dr. Wiight's Indian Vegetable Pills, which I am happy to slate, have relieved me in a most wonderful manner. I have used ibe me dicine, as yet but a i-hoit tune, and have no doubt, by a perseverance in the use cftlie rm dici re accor ding to directions, that I shall in a short lime be perfectly restore I, I most willinglv recommend said Pdls to sll per sons similarly slUicled. and in ibe full Mil ( that the si me lienrfieiul resu'ts will f"llw their use, I re main yours sincerely. HENRY A. FOOTE. Waiwatsing, Ulster co. N. Y. Niw Yohk, Sept. 20, 1841. This is to certify that I have used Wsiiiht's Nuiaw VtntTABL. Pill with the greatest bene fit; havins entirely cured myself of the frequent at tacks of Sick Headache, tit which I has! previously been subject. ANN MARIA THOMPSON. 3112 Greenwich eircei, N. Y. To Mr. Richard Dennis, Agent for Wright's In diau Vegetable Pi Is. c.i r ti .v. As there are at this time many wicked persons busily engaged in selling a counterfeit medicine un der the name of the liolmn Vegetable Pills and as these desperate nu n are so utterly reckless of con sequences, that many valuable lives may lie lost in consequence of using their dreadful compounds, hs public nre cautioned against purchasing any Pill, sunless on the tides of the boxes the following wording is f un I : WRIGHT'S INDIAN VEGETADLE PILLS. (Indian Purgatire.) or thk shuts aviica cnitiei or health. And alse to especially careful against purcha sing said medicine of any person except the regu lar advertised agent. AG EM'S FOR KOUTHVMRFRLA KI) CO., I'vnusylvaiiia. H. B. Msser, Sunt'itry Wm. Forsyth. Nor thiimlarland Jscoh Unas. Shaniokin Samuel Herb, Mahonoy Bverlv A D. Haas, Auuusla Thomas Follmer. Milton Ireland A Meixell, McEweosville V. 8. I i er, Turhutsville James Reed, Potisgrnve H. Klase, Snvib rslown H. H. Ki.aM. P. M.. Elvsburg P. O. Wm. Lei-enring, P M. Union Corner. Office snd On er. I 1). pot f. r the sale of Wrigh.'s Indiun Vtgrlublt Pills, Wholesale and Retail, No. 169 RACE STREET, PHILADEL PHIA. May tl, 1843. ly HOSE OINTMENT, . , run tettkh. Rt.NUWOHMM, MMPI.M OH TIIK FACR, AND OTIIEH ft'TAMFOl'IV fcnt'I-lfllN (Xj 77if fulliiifing ctrlijica'e drsrrihcs one nftht mniit extraordinary turts trer effected by mny application. pHtiAi-rtritiA, Febtuaty 10. 1833. IJ'OR twenty yer I was severely afflict, d with TsTTF.it on the Face and Hends the disease commenced when I was seventeen years old, and continued until the Fall of 18:lti, varying in vio lence, hut without ever disappearing. During most of the lime, great part of my face was covered w ith the eruption, frequently attended with violent itch ing ; my bead swel'ed at times until It fell ss if it would hurst the swelling was so g-ent. thnt I coti'd scarcely get my hat on.. During the long periivd that I was afflicted Vtiih (ho disense, I tise.t a great many nj plications, (among them i'vernl celebrated preparations) a w. II ns taking inward remedies, including a numlier of bottle of Sioaim's Panacra. Extract eif Sarsupnrilla, Ac, In fact, it wonld lie imposfihle in enumerate nil the medicines I used. I v also under the care of two of the most dis tinguished physicians of this city, but without re ceiving much benefit, snd I despaired of ever being cured. In the fill of 1830, the disease at the time being very violent, I commenced using the Rose. Ointment, (prepared by Vanghan A Davis.) In a few applications the violent itching ceased, the swelling lted, the miction began to disappear, and ls-fore I had used a iar the disease wa entirely cuted. It has now I ecu nearly yar and a half since, and there is not a veltgn of the disease re maining, except the scars from the deep pits formed by the di.-ease. It is imp- ssil le for me to descril in a certificate the severity of the disease and my suff ring, but I will be pieced to give a fuller nc count to nnv person wanting further satisfaction, who will c;dl on me. At the lime I commenced using the R .sc Ointment I would have given hun dieds of dollars to Iw rid of the disense. Since U sing it, I have recommended il to several ersotis. (among them my mother, who had the disease bad ly on her mm,) who w- re a I cured bv it. J AMES DURNELL, No. 15fi, R ice St. rX3 The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. II. Vaughnn, Sott'h Ensl comer of Third and Race strei Is, Philadelphia, and sold on nitencv in Snnbu rv. bv II. B. MASSE R, ' May 14th, IS 12. . Agent. Koc Ointment, lor Tetter. a 1'Roof of rrs EFFICACY. Pn 1 1 siin.riiiA, May 27l!i, 1839. 'PHIS js to certify that I was severely afilicted with Tetter in the hands snd feet for upwards of forty years ; the disease was attended generally with violent itching nnd swelling. I nppbed to number of physicians, and usid a great mai y appli cs'ious without Heeling a cure. About ayar since, I applied the Rose Ointment, which entirely stopped the itching, and a few applications immedi ately cured the disease, which there has been no return of, although I hud never been rid of it at any time for forty years. RICHARD SAVAI.E, Eleventh. In-low Spruce Street. (Zj- The Rose Ointment js prepared by E. B. Vsuuhan, SjuiIi East corner of Third and Race Streels, Philadelphia, snd od on agency in Snnbu ry by H. B. MASS F.R, May 14th, 1842. Agent. MEDICAL APPROBATION Of the ROSi: OITMF.T,for Tetter. ALTHOUGH the superiority of the preparation over all others is fully established, the proprie tors take pleasure in laying before the public the following certificate from a respectable physician, a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Bnugh, having found in this remedy that relief for a tedious and disagreeable affection which the means within the range of bis profession failed to afford, has not hesitated to give it his approbation, although the prejudices and interests of that profession aie opposed to secret Remedies. I'HILAIiKLriltA, Sept. 19, 1836. 1 wss recently Iroubli-d with a tedious herietic eruption, which roeied nearly ooe sr'e of my f ier, nnd extended over the ear. Mr. Vauithan. proprie tor of the Rose Ointment, olweiving niv face, insis ted on my t'ying his preparation, of which he han ded me a jar. Although in common with the mem bers of my profession, I discountenance nnd disap prove of ibe numerous nostrums palmed iikiii the (oil. lie by bjuoiant pretenders, I feet in jus'ice hound to except the Rose Ointmmt from that c'a-' of me dicines, snd lo give it my approbation, as it entire ly tured the eruption, although it h id resisted the usual applications. DANE BAl'GH, M. D. fjj The Rose Ointment is prepared by U. C. Vanvhan, South East comer of Third and Race Streets, Philadelphia, and sold n sgi ncv in Sun burv. by H. B. MASSER. MayMth, 1812. Agent. To Count MERCHANTS. rPHE Subscriber, Agent of I yon A Harris, Hal Manufacturers, fur New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and other la rue cities, wloso Huts are highly coinim ruled l.ir gimd cd-it and duntl.ilitt, has on band a lir-t rale ussuilm-'iit t HA I'M snd ' A PS, sui'.at le for Spr ng a de, wh cli will I e sol J very low. fm cash or anpinved credit, at ibe mtid cheap stare. So. AO, North Tlnrd a'r." I, n p isj'r the City Hotel. I'liila lelpbia. Roiii:itT l. WILKINSON. Afcut. N. I). Oiden lor Hats ill the rune V prmplly tternle.l to. Tl.s highest rice i it runh tt trade given f ir Fin ikin. Philadelphia, June II, 1812 --ly CL1TDE & WILLIAIriS' lilauU Hook Muiiiifut lory, Opposite 1'ri mi's I lull I, IIAKKISHUKO. ritfll'V areprepirid to manufacture b'at.k woik .L of every desciiption, ruled to any pattern, suc h as Dockets ICecords. D,v Books. Ledgers, Asxi sors' nnd I'ollectors' Duplicate of the tinest quali ty of paoei, in a style tijual to any nude in ibe ci ties .f Philadelphia or New Yoik. All descriptions of binding neatly executed. Scrap Dtioks, Albums and Puitfolios made to order. Law Books, Music and Periodicals bound lo any pattern. Old Books rebound, Ac. Also tiles of pipcis bound. fjjf Work left at the office of the Sunbury Auie lies n, will be promptly attendtd to. May 211, 1812. ly. J. MAYLAND, JIL&lCO. Snuir nnd Tobncco Mnnulucturers, A'o. V'J Aori Witt corner of Race and Third Stretls. PHILADELPHIA. THE undersigned have formed a Co-partnership under the firm of J. MAYLAND.J. A Co.. as successors lo the late fiiin of Jacab .VayhmdA Co., and will continue the I utiiie at 'heol.l esta blishment, on their own account. In addition to their nun close attention and experience for many yeais, in the nianuf.icture of their ccfcbratid stiullV, Ac, the long experience of the senior paiti er of the late firin, will also be devoted lo the inleresi of the new concern snd aa no exettioit and care will be spared io insure their poods, at all times of the ve ry liral quality, ihcy solicit a continuance of the confidence of the fueiuls and customers of the Isle '" THOMAS ADAMS, ..... J- MAYLAND.Ja. Philadelphia, My I4ih, 1843. lj ATTORNEY AT LAW, suirnunv. pa. Business attended to in the Counties of Nor thuifl crland, Union. L coming end Columbia, liefer tot Tun w is II rt iV 1,'n.. " I.ow.n Al RittRox. Hart, CrMviisin A Ha mt, yPMlad. Rsttoi.ns, McFAHi ASin A Co Spr.ni sn, 'Jooti A Co., GOLDEN SWAN A'o. Cl Mortb Third, above Arch Street, PHILADELIMIIA. - ACCOM MOrtAHONSl WR SSVKNTV fs'RslO,!. pilARLES WEISS, late of the "While Wwnn," and "Mount Vernon House," respectfully in forms his friends and customers, that be has become Ibe proprietor of the ahov. well known Hotel. Country Merchants will find the above Hotel a eenlrnl location, nnd the best of fare. Person tra velling with private conveyance will find a Intge yard and good stabling for horses, atid the best of ostlets. Boarding f I pet day. May llih, 1812. if. LIttTE ! LIIYIE ! LIME ! riVIE su'jscriber are prcpnnd to furnish farmers J nnd others with any qtinntity of Lime of a very superior quality fr land, m p'ni'tering, at the fol lowing very reduced prices, viz: 8 els. per bushel for land Lime; 1 0 els. for the best qttnlity of plais t. ring Lirne, nt the kiln, below the borough of Sun bury. They will also deliver, at any place within the l orongh of Sonburv. Lime for bind, at 10 cents per bushel, snd Lime for plaislering at 12 J cents per hu-dicl. The subscribers hiealwas on hand, large quantity of Lime. Its quality is good, nnd their limestone is not equalled by any in the neigh borhood. SEASHOLTZ A DERGSTRESSER. Augusta. April 2d. 1812. BOZaTON & CO. Grneinl 'onuiilsloti Ir limits, Fur the Sale o f Flour, drain, Sied. Ac, Vc. KESPEtTFULLY inform their friends and - the Merchants gcnerslly. that they hae ta ken those large and commodious Whnrvrs, with two Dinks, notth of Chesnnt street, on the Delaware, tofcther with the store No. 19 Sotilli Wharves, where they would be pleased lo receive consign ments of Grain, Flour, Seed, Whiskey, Iron. Ajc. Ac. Deing also well prepared to forward all kinds of Merchandise by the Schuylkill and Union, or by the Chesn ske and Tide Water Canals, as tow boats are kept expressly fot the purpose of towing bonis by either route. Merchants will please lie particular lo send their comIs destined by either canals, to No. 19 South Whrves, between Market snd Chestuil street, on the Delaware, with direction accomp myiug ihcin which route they wish them to In shipied. Plaster and Ball for sale, at lh- lowest mar ket price. BOLTON A C . March 19, 1842. No. 19 South Wharves IIOIIUIIT C' ill'l i:it A M, PAPER MAIf TFACT UBEBS, l.ooibtirit Street, ttaltiniore, T 7 AVE constantly for sale, l'riii : iiiti P.ipr'r of si -A sirfnd onalitns, Cap Writing Paper, rubd arid plain, Letter Paper, white and blue, ruled and plain, Hanging Paper, fine and common, Envelope Paper, do. do. medium, double crown, crown and extra sixed Wrapping Papers, Colored Medium and Royal Paper, Bonnet, Binders' and Sttaw Box Boards, Tissue Paper, and all art cles in their line, which they will sell on sccominodaiiiig terms. Highest price given for old ru. ROBERT CARTER A SON. March 19. IMi. Elklon. Md ri.TKii Di;vi:i:s, LAST MAKER, No. 71 Callow biil Strccl, riiilaileljibia. C Three dinars abort Second. J 4 HOE Findings always kept on band, which he olU r for sale on the lowe-t terms. Country Merch ml are partiiul.rly lo till and judge for themselves. Piiiladelphi. Novern ier 13, 1842. Iv. os d ;:DL.fBw, OF EVERY DK.Nt.'RIPJroN. XKW KNCI.ANnoiL COMPANY. No. 5! North Wnlcr JStrci-t, Thila. MANUFACTURERS and dealers in Oils of every description both for burning and manufacturing purposes, which will be sob) much lower than they can 1 procured elsewhere, and Warranted in quality to equal any in the city. Any oil sold by the company nol proving as represented, may be returned without any expense to the pur chaser, and the money will la? icfulided. Their stock now i.t store consists of the following oils, viz : 30,1)1)0 gallons Winter Bleached Spetm" Oil, 600(1 do do Colo-les Oil, lft.ODO do Fall and Spring rspcrni Oil, 10.000 do W inter Se Elephant, 20.00(1 do do Pre.sed Whale Oil, 6000 do Summer do do do 15,000 do Common W hale Oil, 200 Barrels supeiioi Slra Oil, :tr-l do Cod Bank Oil, 50 du Nea's Fool Od, 75 Casks Olive Oil, Tanner's tils. 3 n E. (yj 'I'hi Company has a numlier of Vessels en gaged in the ('oil Fishery, and Tanners may rely Upon gelling at all times Oil ss pure as in. ported. Philadelphia, Nov. 13, 1842. ly. G. V."& LTE.Ti-7LCSL. o- .A rri- FFER FOR SALE, at the South East Coi ner of Fifth and Market Ulieels, Fhiladil- Mens' Calf-skin Boots, stitched warranted. do do do iegged do do do do water proof, double soles and double upiier. do Calf-skin do do and uppers, do Heavy Water Leather Boots, do do Neat do do. do High quarter Shoes, Calf-skin, do do do Crockers do do Fine Monroes warranted do nailed do Kip do do Calf do do Coarse do do do Shoe do Fine do do Kip do do do do do do do do Calf and Seal Skin Pump. do List Socks wilh and without sole. do Carpet do do do do Patent Warranted Water-proof Moccasin. Ladies' do do uo do Ladies' tanned India Rubber shot . Gentlemen' do Overshoe. Wilh every other desciiplinu of boot anJ shoe. Fur C of every description. Travelling Trunks of every description. Veneliun Travelling Bags. Patent Gum Elastic Shoe Flacking. Bonnet of sll kinds. Palm Leaf Hat. Philadelphia, NVemher 13, 1842. ly. CEF.7S0LXTE F0LIC1E. A N article unequalled for cleaning and giving a highly durable and most brilliant polish to sil ver, German Silver, Brass, Copper, Dtittunia ware, 'Pin, Steel, Cutlery, and for restoiing the lustre on varnished carriages, Ac. TRV IT. Prepared and sold at wholesale and retail, hy the Susquehanna Chrysolite Polish Company, Owego, Tioga county, N. Y. WM. FORSYTH, Agent for Northum'd, H. D. MASSER, Agent for Sunbury. November 20th, 1842. EsiVT BROTHER, - WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BOOKSEL LERS AN D OTATION E Its, No. 122 Cliesnut Street, below 4lli, Philadelphia. KEEP constantly on hand a general assort ment of Books and Stationary j comprising Theological, Law, Medical, Classical. Misccllnne ous and School Books, Day Books, all sixes, Led eers, do., Family Bibles, Pocket Bibles, Writing Psa?r, Wrapping Ppers, Ac. Ac, which they ol fer nt the tr. west price to Country Merchant' Pro fessional Gentlemen, Teachers, and all others that may favor them with their custom. Philadelphia, November 13, 1845. ly. Michael IVc.ivcr V Son, ROrn MAKERS & SHIP CHANDLERS. A'o. 13 A'ri Water Street. Philadelphia. HAVE constantly on hand, a general assort ment of Cordage, Seine Twine, Ac., vix t I ar'd Ropes, Fishing Ropes, While Ropes, Manil la Ropes, 'I'ow Lines for Canal Bunts. Also, complete assortment of Seine Twines, Ac. such ns Hemp Shad and Herring Twine, Ileal Patent Gill Net Twine, Cotton Shad and Herring Twine, Shoe Threads, Ac. Ac. Also, Bed Cords, Plough Lines, H alters, Trace, Cotton and Linen Carpet ('bains, Ac. all of which they will dispose of on reasonable teims. Philadelphia, November 13, 1 12. ly. Jitt nli Fi IkiiiuUi A Son- 1 Esl'ECTFULLY informs their Iriend and acquaintance geiernlly that they still con tinue In keep at the old stand, No. 246 North 3d slrei I, Philadelphia, all kinds of TUIIACCO &AI .'" AM' SEGARS. Which they will sell n the mat '. accommodatini and reason Ic terms. N. B. All eoods sold will he gun intced and all orders promptly atti nded to. Philadelphia, Nevemtier 13, 1842. ly. PETER COITCTER, Wholesale and Retail .Shoe, IJoniiet, nnd Palm Leaf Hat Warehouse. A'o. C6 AorM id street, a fcit doors abort .ircA, Philadelphia. A I.SO Trunks, Caipei Bags and V slices, of ev- ery desciiption, all of which he offers for sale on the most reasonable terms. Philadelphia, November 13, 1842. ly. J . W . S W A I N , I'mbrella and Parasol Manufacturer. Ao. 37 Sooth Thud street, two doors btluw the CH14 Hotel, Philadelphia. COUNTRi Men bants and others are solicited to ixaminu hi assurli.icnl before purchasing elsewhere Philadelphia. November 13. :42. ly. P. & A. UOVOUDT'S China, Glass and Liverpool Warehouse, A'o 1 04 North Third street, third dunr below Vine street, Philadelphia, "TTIIF.RF. they constantly keep on hand a Inrge assortment of China, Glass and Liverpool Ware, w hich they will dispose of on the must rei sonal.le terms. Philadelphia, November 1.1. 1842. ly. TIIEOIMLUS CULP. Manufacturer and Importer of Sad dlery, Hardware, kc. So. 5 South Third street, four doors below Market Philadelphia, KEEP constantly on hand a large snd general assortment Conch Lamps, Carriage Bands, A tie Arms, Elipttc Springs, Patent Leather. Ac. Country Merchants snd saddler will be supplied nt all times on the most leasonohle terms. '1 hey will find il to their sdvantage to call snd examine his assortment before purchasing clscn here. Philadelphia. November 13, 1S42. ly. Wholesale Dealers in Foreign British and American Dry Goods. So. 105 Market street, Philadelphia. COUNTRY Merchants, and other can be sup plied at all times with an extr usive assort ment of the iiesl and most fashionable Goods upon the most reasonable terms. Philadelphia, November 13, 1842. ly. Importers and Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Hardware, No. 174 North Thii Stki.it, Philadelphia Vl T II ERE their fiiends and customers will always find a larue ami general a-sorinicnt of Foreign and Domestic Hardware, which they will si II at the lowest prices, Phib delphia, November 13, 1842. ly. Kisi i i: n ick.I i ANsiii.ir&TcFisT WHOLESALE DRY GOODS STORE. No. luT. 1-',' Market Street, Phila. (Rilow Fifth South side ) A LWAYS keepon hand a full and general as JXk s rtment of llo-iery, Lace, and Fancy GihxIs, Country Merchant are resieclfully request d U give tin in csll and examine for thein-elves. Philadelphia, November 13, 1812. ly. sImuingood TsTco. No. 1SS Market Street, Philadelphia. INVITE the attention of Country Merchants to their extensive assortment ot Britith French and American Dry Goods, which they oll'rr for sale on the mo-l reasonable terms. Philadelphia. Novemlier 13. 1842. ly. IYIcCALLA & HERSE, At) 51, Aortlt Second ulrcit, (cobsil or COOMB ALLIV.) Where they conslanily keepon hand a general assortment of CX.OTHS, CASSIIrirHES, VESTINQS And a grsut variety vf articles of a superior quality, which they offer lo dispose of upon the most reasonable Urois. COUNTRY MERCHANTS and oilier, will find il to thi it advantage to call and examine their slock before purchasing elsewhere. Philadelphia. Nov. 6, 1842 ly J CHITS ft, CTJllIlTGS. WUOUSALE FHOE, BONNET, Cup and Palm Leaf Hat $tort. No. 10 Roht 4ra Stimt, PHILADELPHIA. Y7HKKE u eitoiisive aaaortment of ibe above article are constantly kept on band, for ssle at the most reasonable terms. Msy 29, 1812. I. WINSLOW9 BALSAM OT II ORE HOUND. AN unparelleled remedy for common Col.ls, Coughs, Asthma, Influents, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, and sll disease of the Breast and Lungs, lending to consumption ; composed of the rnncen trated virtues of Hon hound, Bonsr t, Blood Roof, Liverwort and several other vegetable substances. Prepared only by J. M. Wi.tstow, Rochester, New Yoik. The innocence and universallv admitted pectoral vittues of the Herbs from which the Dalnam eij Iforrhotmd is made, are too generally known to re quire recommendation ; it is therefore only neerssa ry lo observe that this Medicine contain the whole of their Medicinal propeities, highly concentrated, nil so happily combined with several other vege table substances, as to render it the most speedy, mild and certain remedy, now in use, for the corns plaints above mentioned. The Balsam removes all imflammation and sores ness of the Lungs, loosens tough visid phlegm, en aiding the patient to expectorate with ease and free dom, sisuagc cough, relieves athmatic and diffi cult respiration, beat the injured parts, opens the pores, and composes the disturlied nerves, and give, strength to the tender lungs, and thus produce, a speedy and lasting cure. IsnilATITl-DE IS TBI HASKST CRIME lit MaW. V c sio IPM among that class of Editor who for a few dollars will, (at the eVJ Cnse of truth and ho nesty) "crack up" an article and bring it into rapid sale ; neither aie we willing to lemain silent, after having tested the utility of an lm rovement or dis covery in science or sit. Our readers will recollect we told them we were unwell with a sore throat and violent cold some few weeks sgo. Well, we pur chased two bottles or W INiSLOW '8 BALSAM OF IIOREHOUNI), and so sudden was the cure, that we forgot we ever had a cold. Those who are afflicted, may try it upon our recommendation. Leieitton Telegraph. For sale by HENRY V OXTHEIMER, Sunhun,, JACOB BRIGHT, NrAurorVrW. Also, by Druggist generally throughout the country. fjfj Price, Ml cent cr bottle. August 14th, 1812. ly. run SALE BT 113. -Ljrs.5S35s302. . NTHON'8 Cljssical Dictionary; l.emprier's do.; Ainswotttf. do ; Cobb's do -, English and German do.; Ambon's Ca-ssr; Ambon's Crammer; Anthen' Ciccio; Moil's l.a'in Reader; Ogilhy's do.; Andrew's Latin Lessons; Donnegan's Lexicon; Fisk's tire, k Exercises; Davies's Lcgendci; Graeca Majora; Adams' Roman Antiquities; I'innock's Goldsmith's England; do. Greece; 1 .jell's Elements ol Geology; Mrs. Lincoln's Bmanv; Elements of Botany; Bridge's Algebra; Porter' Rhrtorical Re ders; r.mirson's Geography and History; Obey' do.; Pnr'ty'sdo ; Smith's Grimmer: Kirkham's do.: Kav's Readers; Cold's do.; bb's Aritbmetick; Pike's do.; Elm rson's do.; ('i.bb's Spelling Bimks; Town's do.; Cobb's Table Books; Evangelical Fa mily Library; Cottage Bible; Family .t; C.,otcr al do.; Small Bibles and Testament-'; Parker's E-erci-cs on (''imprisition; Fruit of the Spirit; Baxtei's S int's Rest; American Revolution; Marry all's No vels; Mrs Phelps on Chemistry; Hind; Cstechism of American Lsws; Letters on Natural Magic; Che mistry for Beginners; English Exercises adnpted to Murray's drummer; Sequel lo Comley' Spelling Book; Amirican Class llf-ok; Da Ih ill's Schoolmas ter' Assistant; A creal variety of Blank Books, Ac. August 28, 1 H 12. ATTENTION. j . s 1 1 i: v j i a i: s , I Et-Jt'ES'J'S the attention of hi country friends who are in want, lo hi very large dock of Carpeting, Oil Cloths, Mattings, Rugs, Bindings, Stair Rods, Ac, Ac, that he has just o nid, at his warehouses. No. 18 North 2d street, and No. 2 Church Alley, next door to Christ Church, Phila delphia. July 31, 1842. ly. SPANISH HIDES. TANNERS' OIL AND LEATHER. D. K 1 II K P A T 11 1 C K iS O N, A'o. 21. AoifA Third street, (hkTWEEN VIAIIKST AMI CIIESkt'T STIirtTS,) PHILADELPHIA. nAYE for s.ile large and excellent assortment ofianith lltdis, Patna Kips, Tanners' Oil, t., at the lowest mm kit prices, eiibr.r for cash, in exchange for Leather, or upon credit. Consignments of Leather received for rile, oi purchased at the highest niatkel prices, (J Leather stoied free of charge. April 17, 1812. ly. FC? S.LE. ITOR sale a small Farm, conliining about cue hundred and ten acres, more or le a, situate in Point township, Northuml crlsnd county, about two miles above Noithumherl.tnd, on the toxin road leading from that place lo Danville, adjoining lands of John Leghou, Jesse C. Ilorton and others, now in the occupancy of Samuel Payne. About forty acres of said tract are cleared, and in good Stat.- of cu tivation, on wh'ch there is a small barn erect, d. The property will lie sold on ri asonable teims. For further paiticulars, prisons are request ed lo spply lo the u! scrib. r. H. B. MASSER, Agent. Nov. 27th, 1842. if. Sunbury, Pa. Coiiiitrrfi'ltrrK' Death Iflotv. The pu' lie will please observe that no Brandreth Pill are genuine, unless the box haa ihree la bet upon it, (the top, the side and the bottom) etch containing a fse-simile signature of my hand writing, thus It. Bsasiibith, M. D. These la. iel-aie engraved on steel, lieautifully designed, and done at an evpense of over f 2,000. Then-fore it will be seen thai the only thing necessary lo pro cure the medicine in its purity, is to observe these Libels. Eememlicr the top, the side, and the bottom. The following resieriive persons are duly auhori zed, ami hold CERTIOATES Or -AGENCY, For the sale of Brandreik's Vegetable Universal Pill. Northiimheiland county : Milton Mucker A Chambeilin. Sunbury II. B. Manser. M'Ena villc Ireland A Meixell. Nor"thumleiland Wm. Forsylh. Georgetown F. Midhnger A Co. Union County : New Berlin John 11 oilman. Sehnsgrove Ever and Schnure, MruMk-fcarg Issac Smith. Beavenown J. A F. Bingamr. Adamsburg -H. A A. Swilh. Mitllinsboig SwopeALaird. Haitleton Daniel Long. Fiee burg G. A F. C. Mujer. Ccnireville Siailey A Lenhart. Lewisburg Walls A Green. Columbia county t DanvRte E. B. Reynotda A Co. Berwick Shumsn A Ritlenhouse. Cat tawissa C. A. A C O. Brobta. Blooinsburg John R. Meyer. Jeiwy Town Levi Uisel. Wa hington Rubt- McCy. Limestone D. L. Schniick. Observe that each Agent haa an Engraved Cer tificate of Agency, containing a representation of Dr BRANDRETH'S Manufactory at King Sing, and upon which will also be seen exact copies of ihe new lubtls new used upon the Brandreth fill Boxes. Philadelphia, office No. 8, North 0lh street. B. BRANDRETH, M.D. Junusry 1st, 1843,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers