IIAKK AiOTU LIST. Tlii" fallowing list shows the currant value of sll Pennsylvania Dank Notes. The mnt implicit re Ihinre mny I placed npon it, as it i 'rrry wet k rsrrfuily compared with and corrected from Bick nell'a Reporter. Hanks In riillndrlpliln. Namf; Locatio. IIC. tt rniLAii. par par par t par . par ; p.ir par . par par pat par NOTES AT r An. Ratik rf North America . Bank of the .Northern Liberties . Conimcrciru' Bunk of Penn'a. Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank . . Kensington Bank a Philadelphia Bank Schuylkill Bank Snuthwark Bank - . Western Bank . Mechanics' Batik . Manufacturers' cfc Mechanics' Bunk Country CuitkN. Bank of Chester County Westchester par Batik of Delaware County. B.ink of (iermantown Bank of Montuomery Co. Dnylestnwn Bank RaBion Bank Farmers' Bank of Burks co. Office of Bank of Penn'a. Oflice do . do Office do do Office do do Chester pur Uermantown par Norristown 1'"' Doylestown par Easton par Bristol par Harrisburg These Lancaster I nflices Reading do not Easton J issue n. NOTES AT DISCO 17 N T. Bank of the United States Philadelphia 49 i 40a 15 11 6 Potlsvillo 6 Lewistown 7 Middletown 3 1 1 Northumberland 3a4 Bank of Prnn Township Oirard Bank . Moyamcnsing Bank Hank of Pennsylvania Miners' Bank of Pottsville Bank of Lcwisiowo. Rank of Middli-town B mk of Northumberland Columbia Bank dc Bridge co. Carlisle Bank . . Exchunge Bank Do do branch of Farmers' Bank of Lancaster Lancaster County Bunk Farmers' Rank of Reading Hairisburg Bank Lancaster Bank Lebanon Bank Merchants' & Miinuf. Bank Bank of Pittsburg Vcst Branch B.ink Wyoming Bank Northampton Bank Berks County Hank OHice of Bank of U. S. Do do do Do do do Kensington Sav. Ins. A Penn Township Sav. Ins, Bank of Chambershurg Bank of Gettysburg Batik of Susquehanna Co. Erie Bank Farmem' ft Drovers' Bank Franklin Bank Honvsdale Bank Monnngahela Dank of B. Columbia Carlisle Pittsburg Hulhdaysburg Iiiincastet Lancaster Beading Harrisburg Lancaster Lebanon Pittsburg Pitlshuig Williamsport Wilkesbario Allentown Reading Pittsburg Erie New Brighton do do Chambershurg (iettysburg Montrose Frio Wayncsburg Washington Hoitcsdale Brownsville 14 3a4 2 3 3 3 1 3a4 8 C 11 28 4 4 10 7 8 3 i 4 3a4 York Bank York N. B. The notes of those hanks on which w e omit quotations, and substitute a dash ( ) are not purchased by the Philadelphia brokers, wiih the exception of those which have a letter of reference, BROKEN BANKS. Philadelphia Sav. Ins. Philadelphia Philadelphia Loan Co. do Schuylkill Sav. Ins. do Manual Labor Bank (T. VV; Pyntt, prop.) failed failed failed failed failed no sale closed elided failed I'h'SI'd lio Mile failed failed failed no sale no sale no sale failed no sale closed no sale closed failed failid closed failed closed Tnwanda Bank Towauda Alleghany Bank of Pa. Bedford Bjnk of Beaver Beaver Bank ol Swnlara Harrt-sburg Bank of Wubhington Washington Centre Bank Belh foiite City Bank Pitlshuig Farmers' & Merh'cs' Bank Pittsburg Farmers' At Merh'cs' Bank Fayette co. Farmers' & Mech'cs'&Bank (Jreciicastle Harmony Institute Harmony Huntingdon Bank Huntingdon Juuiula Bank liewistown Lumbermen's Bank Warren Northern Bank of Pa. Duiidatf New Hope Del. BriJge Co. New Hope Northunib'd Union Col. Bk. Milion North Western Bank of Pa. Mcadville Office of Schuylkill Bank Port Carbon Pa. Agr. 4k Manuf. Bank CarlUlo Silver Lake Bank Montrose Union Bank of Pt-nn'a. Unioutown W rstinurcland Bank Crceiisburg Wilkcsharre Budge Co, Wilkiabane no sale Qj All notes putiorting to le on any Pennsyl vania Bank not given in the above list, may be set down as frauds. MTtv ji:iim;y. Bank of New Biunswick Brunswick Belvidere Med lord Ptrlb Amboy Bridgeton Mount Holly Railway N. Biunswick Middletown 11 failed I par S lSrlvuleie Bank Burlington Co. Bank Commercial Bank ' Cuiiilxrlitnd Bank Farnn rs Bul k Fur nit rs' and Mechanics' Bk Farmers' and Mechanic' Ilk F armers' arid Merchants' Bk Franklin Bank o! N. J. par pur 1 failed 3 failed laih d failed failed failed fail, d I par Jersey City Hobukeii BI-tfA. Crazing Co Hohokcti Jersey City Bank Jersey Cily Mt-chaliiis Bank Patterson Manufactures' Bank Btllcvillo Motrii Company Bank Morrisltiwii Monmouth lii.il.N.J. FiccholJ Miilianii' Blink New atk Mechanics' and Manuf. Bk Trenton Morns ('anal and lAg Cu Jnscy City Post Notes 110 kale 1 Newaik Bkg V Ins Co Newark New Hope Del Bridge Co Jaiiil.eitvile N. J. Manufac. and Bkg Co Holaiken N J I'rotecton A. Lombard Ik Jcrry Cily Orange Bank Orange Paterson Bunk Putcison failed failed failed 1 li par par Peoples' Bank do I'linu Ion Bunk Princeton Salt in Banking Co Salem Stall) Bank Newark Stale Bank LlnaU-thlown State Bank Caind. u -lute Bank of Morris Mnnisiowii Suie Bank Tunt.m Salem and Philad Manuf Co Sab in Susses Bank JNiwloii l ienluii Bai.king Cu Tici.t.m Lilian Uai.k Dover tVatdjingtuu' Banking Co. JlutltiiHjtk i)i:i.ivitti:. 3k of Wilm & Brandy wine W i mington Uai k of Delaware Wihniiigtoil Oank of Sin)rns Smyrna Do branch Miltord Farmers' Bk of Male i f Del Dovn 1 par ' failed lull. . I par fail.d p,r par par par par par pir pr par Do branch Wilmington Do branch (ieoigetuwa Do Irani h Newcastle ''nion Bank Wilmington TT I 'nder 5's 'f On all lank nia'kei thus () there are ri her coui.t.iKit or ul'ered liylrs tf ths vmious de iouiiu4tiom, iii circulation. U.S. Mail Coach Flt rOTTKVlfsM?. STICK TO THE MAIL COACH I fpHE Mail Conch fur Pottsville leaves Nor I hum .1 berlnnd t very morn 1 no nt 9 u'eloi k, and arrives in Potts ille in ibe i veninc. v ' FarK as low as any othi r line. For scats, apply nt Mr. WiihinittonV Hotel, N)iihiinibeiland, oral George Weilel's, Sonluiry. A. E. KAPP A CO.. Norlh'l.,My2l,lM2. Proprietors (jT Passengers coming from Philadrtphin will pica -e secure their scats al the White Swan Hp'rl, K ice St., before ihey leave the city. Piissrt'gors romiiia in this line, hnvr tlo ir srali srcinrl in any Mi lie or Packet boat fiom this place. 1 hose coming in the other line may be left behind. CIiBE WILLIAMS' It la nk IZook Manufactory, Opporilr I'rinrc'g Until, HAUniSIlURG. riHF.V are prepand to manufacture, blank woik .1 of every description, ruled to nny pattern, such as Dockets liecords, Dy B.oks. Leilgers, Asses sors' and Collectors' Duplicates of the finest quali ty of pajier, in a style equal to any made in the ci ties of Philadelphia or New York. All descriptions of binding really executed. Scrap Hooks, Albums nnd Portfolio made to order. Law B.ii'k-, Music nnd Periodicals hound to any pattern. Old Books rebound, &c. Also files of pnpeis hound. rXj" Work left at the office of the Sunbury Ame rican, will be promptly attended to. May 2lsl, S48. ly. gcHTdeIn swan -Yo. (j'J Xorth Thirit, above Arch Slrctl, IMIILADKI.l'IIIA. accom Mon.viinxs roR ievety rr.it wins. CIIAULES WFISS, late of. tie "White Swan." and "Mount Vernon House," respectfully In forms his friends nnd costemers.that he h n- become the proprietor of the nbovs well know n Hod I. Country Merchant will fnd the above Hotel n rrntt 11I location, nnd I he best of fare. Persons tra velling with private eoiivevnnee will find a large yard and good stabling for horses, and the best of oslleis. Boarding pi per day. May Hth, 1842. If. J. MAYLANB, JR. & CO. Snull' and Tobacco jNlaiiutacUirers, A'o. U9 Xorth Yesl corner of Race and Third Streits. PHILADELPHIA. rPHE undersigned have formed a Co-partnrrship under the firm of J, MAYLAND Jb. & Co.. a successors to the late firm of Jiirah .Mintund V Co., and will C Hitirnio ihe business at thcolil esta blishment, on their own account. In mldiiion i iheir own close attention and experience I'm inanv years, in the manufacture of their refebrated snull'-, &e., the long experience of the senior partner of the late linn, will also le devoted to the interest of ihe new concern nnd n no exerlion and care will be spared to insure their goods, nt all times of the ve ry best quality, they solicit a continuance of the confidence of the fi cuds and customers of the lute firm. THOMAS ADAMS, J. MAYLAND, Jn. Philadelphia. May 11th, 1812. ly MERCHANTS house. A. 237, yortli Tliiid.in'iov'rCi.tloirlill St., I'llll.AlMU.l'IIIA. TTOHN DL'NCAN. hi'e from the Per,nsva IP nia Farmer, an I Samuel Pike., jr., la e of A mi rican Hotel, ('oluuil us. I h:o. lake le istue in xc q juii.'ting their fiiends and the pnhlie ceuer dlv th it they have taken the large mid commodious !: I. rcctiitly built by the M.-ssrs. II .it. on tin- sai.n site once oci lipiril by the old elablirhed Hotel l,i un as the Bull's Iliad, in Third stieet uhuvc Callow hill St. This Hotel is finished in. the very !st possible manner, iiiid of the hct n.i.teria's. lis loeatiou is very desiiable. particularly foreountiy rm rrhaiils; the arrnnpe menis for heatir.g and ventilating mcli room is such an to secure any leiiipeiattire. The bedroomsare all light nnd airy, all lumishcd in a neat style, so as to insure totidort. The receiving parlors are also furnished in a su perb style, the windows are on I he French style, forming an entrance to u hnlcony in front, whuh mskes a plean&iit recess. Pinlictibir attention has hren given to the bids and bidding, which, with the furniture, are cniiitly new. V rom yea's' experiei.ee in h.itel business, we trust, by strict assiduity tc business, to make this house a desirable sic ppinj place. Our table will always le supplied with the very lust our inxiket call allord, and our harw i'h the best liquors and w ines of Ihe most approved loan. Is. P. S, There are first rate slabllna i.r.d cnni ipc houses attached to the hotel, Lttrri.led by ea ll'-ll and solvr ho-llers. nnd oin charges will !e j, in accordance with the present haul times. Philadelphia. Oct '(ill, 112. Tus"QUB II A N NS JIOTKJ,, CATTAWISSA, CCll'SIEIA CO, 1T..X.XSYIA Al.. fTSIlE sidisciiher re-pectfLlly informs the pul lie B that he has purehasi d, ad now octup.es tbe large. and Pommodiov III UK MOl 'iI'M'I'iiiei n St:inl. Will known as the propir'y, late of Theod.r. Wills, and formerly kept by Samuel A. !lrdv He is now prepared to nreotnmo.late nil tiaieller niul visi'.c.s who may favor him i'h u rail, and 11 use ivriy clVort in his power to render every convenience and oonifoit to his customers, while under his charge. His nernmino.lations are ui b', and his rooms well furnished. His stul.le- exteu ive and in good conditioii. His Tintr. and Baii will be supplied illi ihe lest that the rna'k. t can atVord. By pu' cloaliiy an. I attention, he feels cm lident that he wi I inent the patronage ol the public. I HAUI.ES HAIM MAN. Catawi-a, Apiil !Mh, 112. ' j ! ; ItOltl KT ( Alt I I It Ai. NOV, I A r II MANUrACTUnCBS, l.imibard Ml ml, HulUmwre, HAVE colilantlv for sale, Priuiintl Paper of ah sizes and qualilit s. Cap Writing Pupi r. nil .1 ar.d plain, Letter Paper, wl.ito mid Hoe, ruled and plain, Hanging Paper, fine and common. Km dope Paper, do. do. medium, douh'e now n, ci. w n and extii sized Wrapping Papers, Cohncd Medium and 1,'oyal Papcia, lie, nut, Binders' nnd Stiuiv Box Boards, Tissue Paper, end all art i In in 'heir line, whuh they will sill on arc. miiiudaing 1. rn.s. ILghc-t pi no given f i old ri. KULLUl' CAIUXK A SON, March 19, 1F4?. Elkton.Md The bent method for the Aholition of Disease is to cleanse and purify the ttody. 1VK1IIT' ixhiax vuuirrAiii.K pills or TIIR .AVrfk Jlmtrttan Collrre of tttatih, Are now acknowledged to he the best Medicine in the World for the cure of EVERY VARIETY OF DISEASE. BEOAL'SE they completely cleanse the sto ma, h and how els from tin se hdlious and cor rupt humors which are the cause not only of Headache, Ciihlines.s, Palpitation of the Hti.rt, Pa;ns in the , Bones, Rheumatism and ttoui, but rvi rv malady incident in man. SAID INDIAN VF.OETABI E PILLS are a certain cure for in tcinvtieiit, icmitted, nrrvnus, inflnmi.toiy and putrid Fevers, because il.ey cleanse the p 'y frein those moibid humors, which, when confined to the circu lation, are ihe cause of all kinds of FEYEIJS, So, also, when the same impurity is depositi d on the n.cnihiaiie. and muscle, causing poos, inii.un.i lions and swellings called IMILXM ATISM, COl T, Ac. Wright's Indian Vegetal le Pills may Itreliid on as always erlaiii In give r. lief, and if prrscvered with, ncroidlng to directions w ll mosi assutetlly, and without fail, make a peifecl cu c of Ihe above painful n.nladics. Fiom three In six of said Indian Vegeluhle. Pills taken rviry riiuht go ii g In bed, will io a shoit time so completely rid Ihe body from every thing that is oppesed In health, that I5l. eumatism, Gout, sod pain of every descrip tion, will be lin rally DHIYEN FliOM THE BO DY. For the sunn iav-"ii, when, from sudden change of atino-phere, or any other cause, the per spiialion is checked, and the humors w Inch should pass off by lh' skin are thrown inwardly, causing HEADACHE. GIDDINESS, in.usea and sick Hess, pnin in the bom s, waiery and ii. flamed eyes, sore throat, hoarseness, coogl.s, ronsiini lions, rheumatic pains in various parts of the body, and many olh.r svmptoms of CATCHING ('OLD, W'ri'fcht't Indian Ytc,ttMe i'i'n will invariably give immediate r lief. From three to six of said Pills taken every night on g ing l.i bed, w ill in a shoit time, not only remove all il.e above unph as nit sniplms, but the body w ll, in a short tune, he restored In even sounder hr.d liil nil ta'fme. AHIMA.om DIFI ICI LTY oF BliEATII ING. Wright' lnditin Ytgituldc ViUs will loos en Mini ca.r y oil", by the sion.ach nnd ho.viis. thofse lough phi. g my humor-, wl ich stop up all the air cells ol Ihe lungs, and nro the emise, not only of ihe above distressing coiuplauit. but w hen n giceted, often terminates in ll.nt mo edn a.ltid malady called CON'WL'M P TION. It slum d b. a'naici rmbeml that Ui"ir''s Indian Yrattohtr ' are a certain cure for PAIN I.N THE SIDE. Oppres-imi, nuu sea, and sickness, lo-s of nppi ti e, coslivenrsa. a yellow tinge of Ihe .kin ni.d lyes, nnd i vi ry other symptom t a torpid or diseased state of the liver; I realise Ihey purge from the body I lose impurities which if ihposilcd upon this important organ, are the cau-e of eery variety of 1.IYEI5 COM PLAINT. When a tuition is convulsed by riot-, outbreaks and rebellion the only menus nfprevent. ing the dreadful consequences of a CIVIL W A I!, is to rxpel all Iraitms, and evil d sposid oin from the rouiurv. In like manner, w In n pain or sick ness of any kind, indicate Ihnt the body is strug gling Willi nit. r. id foes, be true retne.lv is lo EX PEL ALL MOHBID HI MObS. (tiu'uora lo health snd life.) Ilialth will be the trrtuin rtsult. That the piiin iple of curing disease, hy cleansing and purilyiug the body, is strictly in scconhinre with the laws which govern the Bn in.d icoi.oniy; and il properlv carried out hv the n-e of the a' ove named V BIGHT'S INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS, will ceitainly result in the comph le Abo btion of Disease ; we oiler the following test inn mi nis, from persons of the highest re pectalnlity in New Yoik, who hnve lecentiy been ruieJ ol the n.osl obslinute coinp'aints, solely by the us.- ol Wan. lie's Ihhav Ku.tahi.e Pills, of the A'oi7i Ameritun Culligi of lkuiih : JiMitri. L. I., .lure nh. 1P11. Doctor Wilia'ii Wright Dear Mir It is with great sati fai-lii'ii I inform you of ;,iy having been ninety cured of Dyspepsia, of five wars standii g, .y the use ol yom Imuci Vh.i null. 1'ii.i.s. Previous to mee"ng with your Celelnatid nodi cine, I had la en under the hands of several Physi cist:, and had tried vaiious nitslieiiie ; hut all to no rlli-et. After uii.g one 25 cent box of jour IMIs, howi vet, I expiiieiiced so much U'i clil, th at I re oU.dlo perseveie in the Use of Ihi m aceoi.ling to directions, which I am hii py In stnte, has re-tilt-ed in a perfect cure. Ingratitude to you for the greut belli fit I have received, and also in tlir hope that others similarly nuTict'-d may he induced In make t'ial of your -x'ridini'T inedicine, I send you this stateiuilit widl full hhe iy l' publish ihe same, if vnu think proper. Yours, A c. New Yoik, June I'J.Hll. G.C. BLACK. Mr. Richard Dennis, agent for Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills. Dear Sir I hnveh. cn nfilicted for several years with inward weakness and gem ral debility, arenm pauied nl time w nh pains in the side and other distrrssii g complaints. Afl.l havine tried various medicines wi'honl fill rt. I was persu ided by a fiieiid lo make trial rf Dr. Wiighl's lodian Vegetable Pills, which I am happy to state, have relieved me in a niosl woiid. rfu) mariner. I have used the me dicine, as yet hot a slim I time, and have no doubt, by a perseverance in ihe ue ef Ihe mcihci.ie accor ding In ilnei turns, th .1 I shall in a short time he peil. c'lv ie-loie l. I most willu glv recommend said IMIs lo all per sons sinnUily slllieled, ai d in 'he full beliel that the s niie beneficial results will f..,,w Iheir use, I re main j ours siuccri ly. HI'.NIiY A. FOOTE. Wa.warsiug, Ulster co. N. V. Niw YoiiK.Sepl. 20, l41. This is In ccrlifv ttnit I have used W amH i's I.IA!V Yni rHH. Pills with 'he grea'cst Im-i.c-lil : haviog en irelv cured my-elf of t' e frequent at larks of Siek Headache, In hit h I has) p'eiiotmlv been subject. ANN M A I! I A THOMPSON. ' HH2 Greenwich stri. N. Y. To Mr. liichni.l D. nni, Agent for Wright's In dian cgetaMe 1 ids. C.I f TI .V. A there are at this lime inanv wicked persons hnsl'v rii!Hgcil in st Ping n c. ill icit', v uiedicilie uu it. r I lie name of the Indian Veget il.le Pills and as ilie-e de irate nun are sn uneily reckless of con si quei'Ces, ihat many valuahhi Iks may la h si in consequence ul using ll eir dreadful compounds, In. pul. I t- nre rau'mned nguiist puu-ha'-iiig any I'i I. noilos on the i ides of llm hexes the tollovvii.g wording is f- un I : bights indixn veimitable pills. (Iiit'iltit l'iiriiitire.) or th rt mhi r ii iHiew ionics or iifaltii. And alse In l e espeei illy ra.efnl against purcha sing slid meoiciiie of any pi ioii exc. pl the regu lar advertise! agents. Adl.XlS Foil SOIlTill Mtif:ill.ASi CO, I'tinitylvo uiii. H. B. Ms-cr, Sunbury I 'sine. A liose. Nor llii.mbeil.ind Jaeo' Haas, S1 am. .kin Sainm I Herb, Mahonoy Bverlv cV D. Ha 'S, Augusta Hein. r A: F..I mer. Milion Ireland A- Meixi ll, MeEweiisvi'lr H fer cV Deann.-nd, TuibiiUvil'r J inies Heed. Pntlsgrove II Klase, Noihrsion H. H. Kinelxl, P. M.. Elishnrg P. O. iii. Lei-enring, P M Cnion Comer. Oltice snd General D. pot f,.r the sale of Yr:f;ht't lndinn Yrrtnhlr Fills. Wholesale soil Betail, No. lti! RACE ST MEET, PIHLADEL. PIHA. May V?l, Jtf43. ly nosr OINTMENT, roil TirriT.n. R1NOWOHMS), riMPI.t:! ON TUG TACK, AND OTHI It ... rtlTANEOfSJ ItllpTlKNS. ' tXjT The fuHntL'inq eertijira't decrihe one nflhe most extraordinary cures et'rr effected Ljf any application, .. PMiLiUKtrnii, February 10, 18H3. IJ'OH twenty years I wa severely afflicted with Tsttfh on the Face and Iliadi thn disease, commenced when I was seventeen year old, and continued until the Fall of 18 IC. vaiying in vio lence, but without ever disappearing. During m it of the time, great part of my face was covered w ith the eruption, frequently 'tended with vio'enl itch ing; my head sw'el'ed st times until it felt ns if il would burpt the swelling was so g c it, thai I could scarcely get my hnl on. During the long peiind Ihat I was afflicted wiih the disease, I lise.l a great many n plication-., (am ng thrm s. vend celebrated prep nation') ns w. II a taking inw ml remedies, including a number of hollh s of Siraim'e Found a, F.xlrart of Sarsnpnrilla, &e. In fact, it w..utd he iinpo-sil le to enumerate all Ihe medicine I used. I was also under the cire of two of ihe nmt dis tinguished physicians of ihi- city, but without re ceiving mech benefit, and I despaired of ever being cured. In the f.ll nl IS ffi, the d sea-e at the lime being very violent, I commenced using the Hose Ointmrut, (prepared by Vaugtlan ti Davis.) Ill a few applications the violent itching ceased, ihe swelling abated, the ru.iion began to disappear, and laforc 1 had used ajar ihe di-ease was entirely cuied. It has now been mar'y a y.ar and a half since, and there is not a vestige of Hie disease re maining, except ihe scar from ihe deep pits formed hy the di-casc. It is imp sstl le for me to doaeril-e ina cirlificate the severity of the disease vol my snffi ring, bul I will le p!e ed lo give a fuller ac count to anv person wanting further satisfaction, who will c.ll on me. Al the time I commenced using the R. e Ointment I would have given hun dreds of do lais In he rid of ihe disease. Since n sine it. I have recommended it to several persons. (among them my mother, who bad the di-asc bad ly uu bet a.m,) who w. re a I eureJ hv it. J AMES DI'KNELL, No. 15B, Knee St. nrV The Hose Ointment is prepared hy E. B Vnu.:hai'. Sou h East comer of Third snd Pace lie. t-, Philadelphia, and sold on ngencv in Smdiu. ry, hv H. B. MASSER, May I lih, lfi 12. i4ge ltoc (tiiiliiiciit, lb i' 'I'flltr. A PROOF OF ITS F.FFIVACY. Paii.tlii l.riii, Mav 2?lli, 1S:)0. 'PHIS is to certify that I was severely afflicted with Tet'er in Ibe hands and f. et for upwards of forty years ; the disease was at'cti.lt d generally Willi vio'uil itching and swelling. I applied to j number of physicians, and us. d a great many uppli ra ions wiih. tit itTeeting a cure. About a y. ar since, I npphed li e Rose Oiiilmeiit, wfiich entirely stopped ihe itch rig. nml a lew application' imtne.l nti Iv cured the disease, which there has been no return of, although 1 had never la-en rid of it at any lime for forty year. RICH Mil) SAVAt-E, Eleventh, U-lnvv Spiucc Street. rj- The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. B. Vauuhan. S julh East corner of Third and Race Streets, Philadelphia, and sold on ngencv in Snnhu ,y l.y II. B. MASTER, Mav 1 1th. IS 12. Act. MEDICAIj ArrnOBATION Of the llOSi: OI.TMi:.'F, for Titter. VLTIIOl'GH the superinrilv of ihe prepnin'i..n over all otlu rs is fully es'abli.hed, the pr pr e lors lake ph asure in laying la fore the public the following certificate from a re-peelahle physician, a graduate of ihe I'nivcrsity of Penns) 1 ania. Dr. Baiigb, having found in ibis icriirdy thai relief f r a tedious and disagreeable alTe. lion w hich the means within the range of his profession failed to afford, has not In-shitted lo give it his approbation, nbli ugh the prejudices ni.d interest- nf that pr. lc-si.in ate ppo.-ed to sicret Remedies, PiiiL4i.l i.piii , S, pi. 10, tSHfi. I w as recently troubled w it.i a ledious lierpelic rrupii. n. which coveed roarlv one si 'e of my f.ce, mid exlend. d over the ear. Mr. Vaughan. proprii lot of the Rose Oinlinenl, oWiving my lace, insis ted on my t'ying his preparation, of which he han drd me n jar. Although in common wiih die mein beis of mv profession, I discount! nnnre nd disa pn vo ol the numerous nostrum' pa'med op.ni the public hy inoiaul pr, lemkr-, I feel in jus ice bound lorxc .pt tlie Rose Oil. tun nl limn ihat r a-sof ine d cims. snd to give it mv spprohutinn, as it cnt'oe ly lUrid the eruption, alth.-ug'i it hid resisted the u'.-u.d ..pphciiimis. DAN L BAI (.11. M. D. q'Jj- 'I he Rose Ointment is piepared hy E. B. Vsuuhali, .woiilh East corner el Third and Race Stieets, Philadelphia, and sold mi ag. itev in Snn hmv.l v H. B. MA-SER. May'l 1th, IS 12. d-"!'- BOLTON Be CO. ; ii i al onimlssioii 3I'i- iiiiuls, For tin Sale, of Fluur, tiroiu, Snd. U-. '- 3 ESPECTFI'LLY inform iluir fiiends snd J2tj. the MerrhBiils generally, that they have ta ken those large and commodious Wharvi s, illl two D.aks, timth of Ch. snul street, on the D. lawire, together with the stoie No. 19 South Whirves, wheie ihev woitltl he pleased In rect ive consign ments of Grain, Flour. Seed, Whi-key, Iron. Ac. iVc. Being also well prepared to forward all kinds of Merchandise by ihe Schuylkill r.nd I'nion, or hy the Chesnprukc mid Tide Water Canals, as Inw hoals nre kept expressly foi the purpose of towing heals by ti I er route. Mciihnhts will pie se be particular to send ttieir go. ds tlesiined hy either canal-, t. No. 19 Smith Wh ines, helwten Maiket and Chesnul sine's, on the Dtlaware, with directions in romp mv ing them which route they wih Ihem to la shipped. aj- Plaster and Salt for sale, at tin- hiwe-t mar ket price. BOLTON vV C'. March 19, 1RI2. No. 19 Snuih Wharves- WHARTON'S u n cd r u" a: jr Sualury, .oi IIiiiiiiIk-i laatl l ouuty, PEHNSVLVANIA. rilllE stihscrihtr n-snt etlully inlnrius the public, I. ihat he has ieuiove.1 to that largo and commo dious Brck House, on Market stpiare, opposite Ihe I'ouil ll.'U-e, (formcrlv kept bv llira u Pure,) wtirre he is now prepared lo tier n'mntlatr all who iiv.y favor film wi'li a rail lleing trtui klul lor past f .vnrs, he hope hy slrirt altention lo business, to receive a liberal share of public patronage. Ar. t'H Mil.ES D. WHARTON. Sunbury. March nth LIME ! LIXVIS ! LIME ! 'I HIE sub'i ribers are prcnitr. d lo furnish farmers and others with any quaruilv of Lime of a very supeiim rpiahtv f r land, ni p'ui-'cririg, al Ihe fol low ing v. rv reduretl prirrs, vitr. : 8 ris. r boshj-l for 1 aed Lime; 111 rts. f. r the hesl iptalnv of plii -t, ring Lime, al Ihe k Ins, below the tmrough of Sou hurv. They will also deliver, al any place w ithin the I orotigh of Sunbury. Lime for land, al 10 cents .ci biisht I, sml Lime for plaislerii.g at 12 rents per hu-hel. The suhariihers h ive alwa s on hand, a large rpiaiuity of Lime. Its jnnliiy is gid, sml Iheir limestone is nut equalled hy any in the ni igh hurhood SEASHOLT At BERGSTRESSEH. Augusta, April 2d, Iff 2. " H. B. ll,5SE?s, -ATTORNEY. AT LAW,' euiiBURY, rA. Business atlended to in the Counties of Nor thuml crland, Union. Lvcoming and Columbia. ICcfcr f n l Tun has IlnT fc Co., I.nwrtt At Binnnsr. Habt, Ctxntxiu (c Haiit, yr.'ulad. Rr.Kor.ris, McFAitt.AJin oV Co Sprnio, Onon At Co., weaver's Hotel, Sunbury, mVbrthvmberltma) Count vf I'l'IIIINjIVHIllU. f jHE subscriber, nieclfully informs the public wl that he ha removed lo that large and commo dious Tavern Stand, al the corner of Markrt nil Fawn slrerts, (sign of ihe Buck ) foimrily occu pied by J.ma Weaver, and lately hy Daniel Gib son, win re he is now prepared to accommodate all who may favor him with a call. By strict atten tion lo business, and hi Utino-t endeavor In render satisfaction to all. he hopes to receive a hla ral share of public patrnnage. CHARLES WEAVER. Sutihuiy, Mauh 12th, 1812. C'ouiitrrf-lfri-N' Iralli IIIom. rPhc pu .lie will please observe that n.l Braiuheth Pills are genuine, unless the box has three Li bels upon it, (the top, the si.le and the holt. mi) e h containing a f tc-simile signature of my hand writing, thus U. BAJinMSTii, M. D. These la lel'aie engraved on steel, heaiitif'nlly designed, and done at an expense of over 2,111111. Thi refore it will he seen that the only thing nrcessary to pro cure ihe medicine in its purity, is to observe these labels. Remember the top, ihe side, and the bottom. The following respective persons are duly aulu.ri zed, and hold CERTICATES OP AGENCY, For the sale of Itrandreih's Yegetalite Vitirersal Fills. Norlhumlreiland eountv i Milton M ickey At Cliaiiiheilin. Sunbury H. B. Masser. M'Ewetis ville Ireland &. Meixell. Noilhiiiii!iland Wm. Fnrsvlh. Oeorgetnwri F. Miilhrnrer A Cn. I'ninn f!.nnty: New Berlin J din Hoffman. Selinsgrnve Ever and Schnure. Miihllehiirg Isaac Htnilh. Beavertown J. iV. F. Bingaman. Adainsluirg H. V A. Smilh. Mitllinslung Svvope A; Laird Haitletnn Daniel Long. Free burg O. ct F. O. Mover. Cenlrevil e Stailcy tfc Leiiharl. Letvi-hurg Walls cV ti'ern. (-olunibia conmy : Danville E. B. Reytmlds vV Cn. Berwick Sliiiman A. K.ttenliouse. Cat laivissa C. A. cV '.(. Bmhts. If loornslmri? John R. Mover. J.-isey Town Levi Bisel. Wa Khiutlou Roht. Mi Cay. Lime-tone -D. L. Xehrneck. Observe that each Acer.t has an F.ngrav.d Cer tificate of Agencv, continuing a representation of Dr BRANDRET H'tS M inufaclorv al Sing Sing, and up. in which w ill a 'so he seen enact copies ol the new labels m w used upon the ISrandnth 'ill ttiises. Fhdtdciphia, office No. 8, Nmlh 8ih street. B. BliANDRETH.M.D. January 1st, 1842. FC?. SALE. ETOR sale a small Farm, Containing about one hundred ami ti ll aens, more or le a. situate in Point township. Norihuml crland colinti, about two nubs ahnve Noilhumheil mil, on the main r..ii. I leailing from that place to Danville, adjoining land-, of John l.eghnu, Jesse G. lloiioii nnd others, now in the occupancy of Samm I Payne. About forty acres of said tia. l areclrai.d, ami in good slat,- of cn tivali ni, on which there is a small l am creel, d. The property w ill be sold on r. asm able teitns. For further paiticulars, prisons arc request ed to B ply to lite su! scrih. r. II. B. MASSER, Agent, Nov. 2iih. 1S12. if Sunbury. Pa. LAST MAKER, No. 71 Ciil!nyliii' StriiM, riiiladclj-liia f I hree omits olmve Sreoml.j tllOR Findings ntwsys l-ept on hand, which hi L oilers for sale on Il.e lose-t terms. Country Merrh inls are particularly lo t ill and judge fm themselves. Philadelphia. Novem er 1.1, 1812. ly. -S.r-Stfsjs; DEMRII'I'ION. OF EV ERV m:v i:m;i,.M) oil company. .'i. '2'.) North Wntcr Strei-t, l'liila. MANI'FAC'I I REUS nnd dealers in Oil of rvtrv description both for binning and manufacturing purposes, which will he sold lunch lower than they ran be procured elsewhere, and vv.inaiiiej in qualitv In equal any in the city. Any oil sold by the company not proving as irpresi tiled, may be returned w ithout any expense lo the pur chaser, nnd the money will la- refunded. Their stork now i.t store consist of the follow ing oils, viz; 30,000 gallons uiler Bleached Spctm' Oil, ClKIO do do do do do do do Colo. less Oil, DS.ItllO 10.000 20.(100 filttlO 15,000 Fsll slid Spring Sperm Oil, Winter Sea F.h haul, do Pressed Whale Oil, Summer do do do Common Whale Oil, 200 Barrels supeiim Stia.'s Oil, 3110 do Cod Bank Oil, 60 d.) Nea's Fool O.I, 75 Casks Olive Oil, Tanner's Oils. CTThi Company ha a number of Vessels rn gaged in the Cod Fishery, and 'Fanners mny rely upon prtiing at all tunes Oil as pure as imported. Philadelphia, Nov. 13. 1M2. ly. G. "7r. ?zTlT bTt.ylc.. FFER FOR SALE, al ihe South Easl Cor nrr of Fifth and Market Street t, Fhiladtl- phia Mens' Calf-skin Boots, slitrhed warranted, do do do pegged do do do do water proof, douhle soles and double upa'r. do t'all-skio do do and upper, do Heavy Water Leather Boot, do do Neat do do. do High quarter Shoe. Calf-skin, do do do Croakers do do nailed do do do do do .1,1 do dn do do dn Fine Monroes warranted Kip do Calf do Coarse do do Shoes Fine do Kip do do do do do do do Calf snd Seal Skin Pumps. List Socks with and without solrs. t'arprt do do do Pairnt Warranted Water-proof Moccasins, ' do do do do I. olic Ladies' tanned India Rubber shot s. Ct nlleniens' do Over shoes. Wi'h every other desc iption of boots all ' shoes. Fur Caps of every desrription, Travell ng Trunk of every description. Yenriian Travelling Bais. Patent Cum Elastic Shoe Blacking. Bonnets of all kinds, Palm Leaf Hats. Philadelphia, Nveraber 13. tH42. ly. CEILVrSOLXTE rCLIfiS. AN srlic'c unequalled for cleaning and giving a highly durable and most brilliant polish to sil ver, Gcrmnn Silver, Brass, Copper, Briliania wnre. Tin, Stiel, Cutlery, and for restoring the lustre on varnished carriage, Ac. TRY IT. Prepared and sold al wholesale and retail, by the Susquehanna Chrysotito Pulieh Company, Owcgo, Tioga county, N. Y. WM. FORSYTH, Agent for Nnrthum'd, H. B. MASSER, Agent for Sunbury. ; Novrmber SOlli, 1842. KAT'foTBP.CTHEPs, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL" BOOKSEL LERS AND STATIONERS, No. 12ii Chcsnut Street, below 4th, Philadelphia." ' KEEP constantly on hand t general assort ment of Books and Stationary ; comprising 'I he ologicnl, Law, Medical, Classical, Miscrllnnc nus anil School Books, Day Book, all sizes, l.(d errs, do.. Family Bibles, Pocket Bibles, Writing Paa-rs. W rn ping PaM-rs, Ac. Ac, which ihey of fer nl the h west prices In Country Merchant's Pre fessi.iual C.nllomrti, Tenchcrs, and all others thai may favor thrm with their ruslnm. Philadelphia, Nnimler G. IS42. ly. .Tlitlincl Weaver & Non, ROrE MAKERS & SHIP CIIANCLERS. An. 13 AVri Water Street. Philadelphia. "If B A VE cons'nnlly on hand, a general assort fj g merit of Cordage, Seine Tw ines. Air., viz : I ar'tl Ropes, Fishing Ropes, While Ropes, Manil la Ropes, Tow Lines for Canal Bunt. Also, a complete assoitment of Stine Tw ines, A c. such as Hemp Sliad nnd Hi rring Twine, Best Pntent (fill Net Twine, Cotton Shad and Heriing Twii.e, Shoe Threads, &c. Ac. Also, Bed Cords, Plough Lines, Halters, Traces, Cotton and Linen Carpet ('limns, Ac. all of which they will dispose of on n asouahle teirn. Philadelphia. Novrmlier 13, 112. ly. Jitf oh rilMiiutli & Son 1ESPECTFI"LLY infoints tlnir fm mis nnd srqiininlnnces ge icriilly that Ihey still run linun In keep nl the old stand. No. 246 North 3d street. I'll ilmli Iphia, all .lids of TOliACCO SM ,rF AM' SUGARS. Which they will sell the nut '. accomumdatini' and reaSoiia lo terms. N. B. All goods sold v Ii he guintitccd and ll or, I. rs promptly tth nded In, Philadelphia, Nevemher 13. IS 12. 1 y. rETEF. CC1TCVEP.., Wholesale and Kctail Shoe, IJonnet, anil l'alm Leaf Hat Warehouse. No. 60 AWA 2 street, a few doors ubuve .irch, Philadelphia. I.SO Trunks, Caipei Bags snd Volirrs. of ev ery de.-eiiption, all of which he oilers for le on the most reasonable term. Philadelphia, November 13, 1 S 12. ly. i.W . SWAIN, rmlirella ami l'arasol Aliinitfacturer. So. 37 Sooth 7'hitil flrret, lien doors btloW the Citii I loli I. Fhiladi Ipliia. C0CNTR Men hauls and oiheis are solicited to examine his assnili.it nl hi fore purchasing elsew here Pl.ila 'rlphia. Noveniler It. :i2. ly. lr.& A". It O V O ITil S China, Class and Liverpool Warehouse, N'olG I Xtrlh Third street, third tbmr Lilotv Yine street, i'hilai.'ephia. "I'I 7 HERE ihey constantly keep on hnnd a large ' assorlnielit of China, Class and Liverpool Ware, which they will dispose of on the mosl re i s.mable term. Philadelphia, November 13. 1848. ly. Tin:oriLrs ct'Li'. Maiuiraotiircr and Importer of Sad dlory, Hardware, iS:c. No, It Suiilh Third streit. four doors Wow Markrt Philadelphia. T EEP constantly on ln.nd a large ntul general assortment Coach Lamps, Carriage Bands, A tie Arms. Eliftic Springs. Pali nt Leather. Ac. Country Merchants snd saddlers w ill he supplied st nil limes on the most leasonahle terms. They will find it In their advantage to call snd examine his sssnitnient before purchasing elsewhere. Philadelphia. Nnvemler 13, 1H42. ly. REYNOLDS, JUclWULAND vV CO Wholesale Dealers in Foreign Dritish and American Dry Coods. A'. 105 Market tt reel, Philadelphia. CO ENTRY Mrrch nits, and others ran be sup plied at all limes with an cth ns'ne assort ment of the la st and most fashionable Goods upon the most leasonahle terms. Philadelphia, Novrmler 13, 1 s 12. lv. LOW Lit & DAIlltON, Importers and Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Haidwarc, No. 171 Noiith Tiiian Srai:iT, PniLArrLrMu. "IITIIEUE iheir fiii mis arid iiistomer w ill always find a large ami gi neisl a-snrimcnt of Foreign and Domestic Haidivaie, which they will sell al the lowest prices, Phdedelphia, November 13, 1842. ly. LSI 1 Ll 1 CK 1 1 AN SELL CI VsT WHOLESALE DHY COODS STORE. No. ltiti 1-a Maiktt Street, l'hila. (Retow Fifth South side) -A I.W AYS keep on hand full ami cencral as s rttnent of Ho-iery, Lace, and Fsnry (iomls, I'niirlry Merchant are respectfully request jd lo give th. m a rail and examine fnr lhein-ev,. ' Philadelphia, Novrinhrr 13, 1842. ly. .srHmxe cood 7c. co." No. I.'JN Maikrt Street, Philadelphia. INVITE the attention of Country Merchants lo their extrusive assortment of British French and American Dry (ioods, which they ofl'cr for sale on ihe nio.-t r ssmudile t rnis, Philadelphia. November 13, 1842. ly. BIcCALLA 6c HERSE, No ."il, oilli .VftoitU silrt't-f , (t'oitsm vrrmmi'i illst.) . Where they constanily keep on hand a general assortment of CLOTHS, CAS&IMEIIES, VESTINGS, And a ,,iyi, variety afartielts of a superior quality, which liiey oiler lo dispose of upon the most reasonable I. rma. COl NTRY MERCHANTS and oihrrswil lind it to ituii advantage lo call and t xamiuo iluir stork befor purchasinc elsewhere. Philadelphia. No. 6, 118. ly WHOLISAIB BHOE, BONNET, Cap om' l'alm laf Hal SAre, No. IOSofth 4th Stb:t, PHILADELPHIA, A A r HERE an er tensive ansnrlmenl of Ihe above articles are cnistanlly kept on hand, Cut sale at the must reasonable terms. May 5!, HiH5.iy. t
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers