L'JM t Ml 1 . L.. -I . l I. . J. 1 11. il 1 aj 1 11.. a . l . Jtf HANK SOTU LIST. rnvxsii.TAXiA. Ti c following list show the rum tit value of nil IVnusylvania Rank N.rtis. The most implicit r linncc may l placed siprni it, as it is t very ivnk csr fully Compared witii ai J corrvcted front Di.k- Hill's Reporter. lrnnkfl In lMillntlt Iplihi. Na.. Locatios. Vf,,r" " NOTES AT PAR. Dank of North America P.ntik of the Northern I.iliertie Commercial Dank of Perm'. . Farmers' and Mechanics' Bnllk par par par par par par par pur par pat par par par par par par par Kensington B.ink rt.iU.l..l..l,;. n,...L Schuylkill Dank S.,iithvark Dank . . , V intern Hunk , . Mechanics' Dank , . fount 1 linnlm. Rank i.f Chester County estrhcstcr Dank of Delaware County Chester II ink of (icrmaritown (Jcrmanlown Rank nf Montgomery Co. Noiris'own tVtylratown Dunk Dovlestown Eas'on Dank Ei.ston Fanners' Dnnk nf Bucks co Drblol I rWv of Bnnk of Pciiii'a. Office do do Cilice do do Office do do NOTES AT Dank nf the Unied States Harrisl'tiffO Thep LiiliCiiRti-r i dllicea Ke.nliiig ( do tint Enston J issue n. DlS( t) I N T. 1 J'liilad. Iphia fl.'iuCO r.iink of l'cnn Township . . A Urard Dank . . . 40aU Manufacturers' & Mechanics' Dunk . Itlal.r Movaineliaing Dink . . 12 Dunk of l'eniinlvania . . 7u.S Miners' Dank of Pultsvilk Put'aville C.i7 Pmik of Lenistown Lewitown 12 Hank nf Middlctown Middletown 4 It. nk of Nnrlliund'ctlund Nurihiimliciluud 4 I 'ulutiihia Dunk & Undue co. Cdlumhia ;rlisl' Dank Carlisle Exchange Dunk Piltel.urp 11" do hraueh of Mnllidavaburit 3 ! V'armrrn' Dank uf I.hik iistei Lancustci a Lnrrra-tpr County Dunk Luiiciiater 2 Fainieis1 Dank nt Heading fttadinp; 5 Hanirhuig Dank Darriliurg f,a7 Lnncna'cr Dank " Lnncahtcr 2 Lrhniimi Dank Lehani n 4 Meichanta' & Manuf. Dank Piitshurg 2 Hank nf Piltuhiirg" Piltohuig 3 'iiii Dianch D.mk Williamspnrt WyntniuR Dank i kihaue 10ul2 Nnrihaujitoii U ink Allcntown 17 Leik Cmintv Dank Heading Ollicft of Dank ol V. S. Pittsburg Do do ilo Erie Do do do New Brighton KeiiMnslnri Sav. Ins. A do Penii Township Suv, lus. do It'll k of Chainberbtirg Crnmbe rshurg C Dm k nl Celtji-burg Cittysbuig Di.nk of SuMjuehanna Co. Muntiose fs Erie Bank Eriu 7 Firmer..' & Diovera' Bank Vaynes-burg IS Fiatdilin Bank Waihinglu.i 3 Hum s!,ile 15 nk DoncMlale I J Mm onaliela Dank of B. Drowntville 4 York Hank Voik 6 N. D. The notes nf tbofic banks on which we omit quotations, and substitute a dash ( ) are not purchased by the PhiUh Iphia brokers, wiih the ixcvjlion of those which hae a Viler ol r fen nee. BROKEN BANKS. riilhidelphia S av. Ina. Philadelphia iliihuli'ljihia Loan Co. lo rVliu Ik ill Sav. lus. do failed failed fiiled failed Manual Labor Bunk (T. V. Dyotl, prop.) 'J'owanda Dank ' ''omairda futltll I Alli'ishany Bank of Ta. Bedford Hemer Hatiisburg asliingloit Belh lonlo l'ltliibuig 1'illstmr Fayette co. (ircciicast' llaiiiionv no s.de closed losed filled cloaed no sale failed failed fulled no na le Dank ol Heaver Dank ol Swalar Dank ol Washington Centre Dank Tity Bank Farmers' fi MwhV Batik Farmers' &. Mech'c' Dank Farmers' & Mech'ca' Dank Harmony lustilutc lluniiiiKdor. Dunk Juiiiuta Dank Lumliennen's Dank N.'iilirrn Dank of Pn. Ni w Hope Del. Bridge IJo. NoiUiumli'd Union Col. Dk. Nmth Westiirn Dank of Pa. Office o$diu)rkill Bunk Pa. Age. & Muiuf. Dunk i'.vet Lake Dank I'nion Bank of Penrfa. estmorelaml Dank Hunting. Inn no wile Jicwistonn nos.de Warren faded Dundnir no rule New Hope closed Milton tio sale Meadfillc closed I'ortCailun billiil -urlia4 fnib-d Montrose rlosed I'nionlown filled (Int'iialurg closed Wilkettharre nosale Wifkesbarre Biidge Co. (Xj' All notes puipoiting to be on any Pennsyl vania Batik not given iu tbc olnrve list, may bo set Jowu as frauls. WAY JI.ItSKY. P.m. k of Now BiunbViick Brunswick llelvideie Bunk Belvidere HurlnigHin Co. Batik Medford Commercial Bank Perth Amboy Cumberland Bi.k Bridgcton Fuinier Bank Mount Hully Farmers' and Mechanics' Bk Hal, way Farmers' and Mechanics' lik N. Biunsniik Farmers' and Mtrtlmnw' Dk Middle town Pi, fai!.d ( par 2 j p-,r j pur , 1 failed ! 3 ; f ranklm Dank o! N. J. Ji rsey I'lly fail, d la did fulled failed laded llolioken Ukg. Ltuzillg lo llobokcii jersey City Dank Jersey City MichuuUa. Bank Putterson ManiiUiiAjr.T.' Bank Belleville Morns Company Bunk Morristown Moiuiionih lik ol N.J. Fin hold Michaniis' Bank Newdik Mvcliui.io' and Muiiuf. lik Trenton Munis Canul and Li kg Cu Jusiy City J'ost Notts failed 1 1 pin t o k.,le 1 Niwaik Bkg & Ins iUi Ni wink New Hoj Pel liiulge i'o Lainbeitsvill.i A. J. Maiuil.ic. and Lkg Co lli.l i km N J Pmlecli D & Loli.huldlk Jersey Cily Orange Bank it.Mnge, Vaterson Dai k Paiers, n fa, I, ,1 la.k',1 fail, d I par V" I Pi oples' Dunk do Piiiieiton Bui.k Piim-clon ull III Buliklllj Cu Nail III Male Dalik Newufk Male Bank I .bratu tlilow II S ale Bank 4'aiialni Mule liui.k uf Morrib Morrislowti .Slate Bank 'J'i.jimii fjirai mid PhiUfl MiMiuf "o Sub m .Siisi Hank New ion Tm iiioii Banking Cu 'I'lenluii I i. i. n Hunk I mi V OblrfnliUi Dai Vlllg Co. liail.ei.nek lll l.AD iti:. BkcfW ilmet llramiy h ii.i V 1 11,111 i l'si k nl HrUwuri iliuii gioii iui k nl Smyrna Smyrna Do liaiH'h M,II.ik1 Fa iih i' Lk of Stale i f lU i Dov. r Do tram l V iliiiinwton Do tuMtK-tl Ceo.gitown Da llaiiih Newcmale Union Bank iliiiiiijjton cry Umler S'a I p.l I lalit .1 l.uiiit 4 v 1 1 " j.ur r -r par par par par (rj tin all tanks ma Veil thus () there are 1 i thai voui.ti rleit or ul eied iioUa of U various dr. uuUiUiauoui, iu ciKuliitloo. ' '! '! '.! H J I The first mclhtul fur the AMilion of Disease is to cleanse mud purify the Body. WltH.HT'K IMI !' V KURT A II I, I? IMLL.S Of THK VWri American College of Health, Are now acknowledged lo be the drat Medicine in dip World for the cure nf EVERY VARIETY OF DISEASE. TTtJEUAUSE ihey romp'etrly cleanse ihcs sto Jtj J) mai lt nnd bowels from th. re billions and rnr rt'l't humor which ore the cbufc not only nf Headache, Ciddinr, I'ntpiliition of the Heart, IVns in the Duties, Rheumatism nnd (Soul, hot every malady incident to man. SAID INDIAN VEt.ETAPI.E PILLS are an rain cure f..r in- leiTii pent, 'emitted, nervous, inllamatoiy and pu'rid Fevera. Iirc.iuse thrv rlcnnae the piMlv frrm lhoe tiimb d liuinora, which, w hen Cntifinrd to the circu- lntien, arp the cause of all kindi nf FEVEIIS, So, a'sio, when the same impurity In de nailed on the rreniiiiai.e and muscle, catisng puns, inlutnv lions and swellings called HHEDMATISM, COl T.Ac. right's ludiiiii Vegetable Pills may lreliid en a always iprtain io give relief, and if perseveiptl w iih, nectitdlug lo ditirlinus will most ossnudly, and without fail, make a perfect cu c ol the above painful n aladies. From three lo six of said Indian Vtgelah'e Pills l iken every night go ing to bed, w ill in a shmt time so completi ly rid the body from every thing thai is opposed to health, that KlictimntUm, (Soul, and pain ol 'every descrip tion, will be literally DRIVEN FHOM THE lit). DV, For the s.une reason, when, Irom sudden changes of atnio-phere, or any other cause, the per spiration is checked, and the humors wh eh should pas oil' bv tin- skin are thrown inwardly, causing HEADACHE. (ilDDI.NEss, nausea 'and sick uess, am in tlip bnin s, waiciy and ii. flamed ees, soro throat, lioarsene s, coughs, consuni tion", rheumatic pains in vaiious parts of ihp body, and manyotlnr sympioms rf CATCHIMi COLD, Wright's Indian 'ttt table l'i'ln will inniriublv give in niedi te n liet. From llnee to six of said Pills taken every tiinbl on going lo lied, will in a short time, not only remove all the above unpli aant syni turns, but ihe body w.ll, in a short time, be restored to even rounder heal h than It fore. ASTHMA, on DIFFICULTY F BliEATH- lNt. Wright'n Indian Ytgclnble Villa will loos I en nnd Car y off, by the slon.uih and howeis, Ihor.e I Innah phbgmy humors which slop up all the air cells ol the lungs, and. are the cause, not only of the j above disiressing complaint, but when neglected, ! often terminates in tllut mo ediiaillul malady caled j CONSUMPTION. It shou'd be also leineinhi ir.l ; thai UriyA's Jtidinn Ytreluhle Vils are a certain j cure for PAIN I.N THE SIDE, Oppression, m.u- I sea. niitl sickness o-s of nppitiie, roKlivenr sit, a ; j yellow tinge of ihe ikin old eves, nnd every other , I symptom f a ti rpiil or diseased state of the liver; j ( because they purge from the body those impurities which if di posited upon this important ergan, are j ihe cnu-e of eery variety of LIVICK COM- j PLAINT. Whin a nut inn is convulsed ly riot-, i ouihrcika and relrlliiin. the only means of prevent- : j ing the dreadful consequences nf a CIVIL W'AU, j ) is tn ex el all traitors, and evil disposi d em s from ( the country. In like manner, w In n pain or sick-1 ness of any kind, indicate that the body is strug- I gling with iiiten al foes, the true reimdv is lo E- ! PEL ALL MORBID HUMORS, (Traitors to j hcalih and life,) Health will be the certain result, j That the principle i.f curing di-ea-e, by cleansing I and pnulvir.g the body, is strictly in accordance with the laws which govern the animal iconnmv; and if properly cariied out by the Use of the above j named WIJIOHT'S INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS, w ill ceitainly result In the complete Abo. I'tion of Disease ; we offer the following testimoni als, from persons of the highest re.-pecliihiluy in New Yoik, who have iceenliy been clued of (he ii.. it ol. rlu. ale complaints, solely by the use of Whiuhi's lnix ViorrmiK Pills, of the Xorth Auuricun CMge nf lltaUh . Jamaica. L. I., Jone'.l'h. 1P1I. Doctor William Wright Dear Sir Ft is with great sali-f.ietion I inform you of r.iy having lipcn entirely cured of Dyspepsia, of live years standi! g, by the use ol your vnti Vkhita mi.k Pills. Pn vious lo mee uig with your celebiutul rmdi cine, I b id bicu under the hands of several Physi cians, and had tried vaiious medieim s; but ull to no rllccl. After umi g one "5 rent box of vour Pills, how ever, I xpi riei ccd so much bei elil, dial I icmiIh d to perseveie ill the use i.f tin m accoidnig 10 directions, which I am happy to state, has result ed iu a perfect cure. Ingratitude to you for the great benefit I have leeeived, and abo in the hi that others similaily u Mil nd may lie induced lo make tiiul of your cmr.i.inlumy medicine, I send you Ibis stnteniint w iih full libeity to publish the same, if you think pr. per. Yours. Vc. New Yoik, June IU, 1811. CJ. C. BLACK. I Mr. Richard Dennis, aguit for Wright' Indian ! Vegetable Pills. I Dear Sir I have been afflicted for several years ' with inward weakness and general debility, necntn- paniid at times with pains in the side and other distressing-complaint. Attn having ir-ed various j mrdirines wi'luu.t etlicl. I was iersiiailed by afiieinl I to muke trial ef Dr. W light's Indian Vegetuble Pills, which I am happy to siatp. have relieved me i in a most wi nderful manner. I have used the me dicine, as yel but a short time, and have no doubt, by a perseverance in ihe use i l the medicine error- j ding lo directions, iht 1 shall in a short time be 1 pcrti cly ie-loie,l. 1 most willii plv rrci ninxnd said Pills to nil per sons niuiUily iitllnted, and in dip full lieliel that the s-'iue U'lietieial resuitswill follow llii ir u-e. I re nitin jouis siiACiely. HF.NKY A. FOOTE. Wa.warsing, l.'Uter co. N. Y. Nw Yoiik, Sept. 20. I fill. This is to certify thai I have used Wiuuirr' IviMAV Vli.lTlBir. Pu is Willi ihe grca'esl ber.e 111; bavii c trrirelv cured my-elfnf tie frujiniit al ol S11K Heaibnbe, l i w hi b I bad pievioiislv leui n.ljcit. ANN MARIA THOMPSON, ' 3'.i2 ti'rienw ich rini, N. Y. To Mr. Richnid Dim, is, Agent lor Wright's In dian VlfcCtable t'ids. V.I I T I .V. As there arp al Ibis lime ninny w ii ked (ersons bi si v i 1, i. ni: ed in si lug n r. iu.li rfeil medicine tin ib r ti e name of iff Indian Vegetal le Pills and as il e-e 1'. s 1 rale n 1 11 are so ullerlv rei kli s of em- s. nuei n s, ibMt ni ii y va'ual'le 1 ves may lie b t In cii. s, 1. 111 nee uf using ileir ilresdlul coiupound-, be 1 uhl.c are caul lot ed against puifliu-ii.g any I 'j Is. 111. U ss on ihe 1 ii.es of die boi s ihe follow ii g . leing is f tin. I : vvnt.ll I's INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS. (Indian Vurutirr.) Ill TUX MiHTH AW1MICA1 COIItl.E OF llttLTM. A nd s'se to le especially cartful ugaiuit purcl a--n v s.nd n.e, icine of any js rson i iccpt the regu- I .1 a, lvrrl.se. I ,''en's. M.i.XIS VOX MHiTllfMlUKI.AM) CU, J'i nunjleaiiia. II. H. Masser, Suidmry I'svne A Rose, Nor- II nnib. rl and Jacob llaae. Sliauiokill Ssinin I Jlcib, Mahnnoy Bverly A D. Ili .i, Autu.la He 11. t A Foilmer, Milton Ireland A' Meitiil, M Eivei.sti le r fer A Deaimund, Tuihulsvillc J nits Pen!, I'otlsgrove II Kluse, Sn il. fs'ow n II. II. Ki.uM, P. M.. Elisburg P. O. Win. lai coring, P M, Union Corner. 4 Uliee mid timer . I lb pot for llie sale of Wr.n't JmJitin Yitieinlle I '', N bolesule m il Rei.ii.No. Itia RACE STREET, PHILALEL rillA. Jduv 21, 1 142. ly 2 ROSE OINTMENT, roit ti:tteii. RING WOII MSI, riMPl.KJS ON THR FAfK, AND OTHER t't'TANKtH'S V.RtlTIONSl. The fiilfiitnitig eertifica'c describes one ej the mm! txtrtttirdinary cures ever effected by any application. PiiiLAiirtrntA, Kchttiary 10, IR.1S. TOD twenty years I was severely afflict) d with -- 'I'f.ttvk on the Fnci and Head: the d'srasc cnnimi'iicul when I wna seventeen yrars old, and continued until the Full nf 18;16, vnivinp; in vio lent e, hut without rtrr disappearing. During most uf the time, great part nf my fnci' was rnverrd with the eruption, frequently ailcudcd with vio'ent iteli ins; my hpad swiped at linn a until it felt aa if it Would hurst the swelling wna ao g'eat, that I cou'd , fcatci ly net my hut on. During the long period j that I waa afflicted widi the diaeaap, I naeil n grpat i many a plication'', (nnvni; them g. vpral celeliralrd prep nations) as w, II as taking inward remedies, including a number of bollii a of Sieiiim's Viinarea. lCxIract uf Sarsnparillti, Ac, In fact, it would be liupiestl'le to enumerate all the meilicmes I nnril. I was also under the Care of two of ihe most dis linguished physician of ibis city, but without re ceiving mi ch benefit, and I despaired of ever being cured. In the fall of 1S:I0, the disea-e at the time being very Vio'enl, I roinmrnrrd using ihe Af Ointment, (prepared by Vaughaii A Divis.) In a few ii plications the violent itching ciased, the swelling abn'ed, the 1 nip lion becan to disippear. and bifi Te I had lls-ed a jar the ill-ease was rntuely cuiiil. It has now been nearly a yiar nnd a half since, and there is not n vestige of Ihe disease re maining, except Ihe scars from the deep pits formed by the di-eae. It is impi ssible for me to descrtl" in a certificate the severity of the disease and my soil. ring, but I will be pie sed to give a fuller ac count to any person wuntii g further satisfaction, who will rail on me. Al the lime I rommenre I using the Rose Ointment I would have given lulu ibeds of do lies to be rid of the disease. Since in sing it, I have recumnieiided it lo sever il persons, (among them my mother, who had the di-easc bad ly on her B'm.) who vvi re a I cured bv it. J AMES DU KNELL, N... lot;, Race St. (Jj The Rose Ointment is prepaied by E. D. Yatighan, Sou h E isl corner of Third and Race streils Pbiliidi Ipl.iii, and sold on agency iu Sunhu rv. bv H. D. MASSED, " May l lih, I S 12. Asrnit. Itooc Ciiilmciit, foi Tt'lld. a moor or its r.rncACY. I'm 1 Aim riii a, May 27lh, Hdst. rPHIS js to certify ll at I was severely a 111 net with Teller 111 Ihe hands and bet for upwards of forty years ; the disease was attended generally with violent iti lung and swelling. I npphed to number of pin sici ns, and used a great many p li ra'iois wnli. ait ilVrrting a cure. About ayiar nine, I applied li e Rose Ointment, which entirely stopped ihe itching, and a fi w applications immedi ately cund ihe di-ease, which there has been no return of. although I had never ls'en rid of it at any time for forty years. RICH A If 1) S.VA.E, Eleventh, llow Spruce Street. fXj The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. D. Vauthan. S nith East corner of Third and Race Streets, Philadelphia, and Sold 011 agenrv in Sunbu rv.bv H. B. M'assEK, ' May 14ih, Atnt. IVaEDICAIj approbation Of lite lUtSl. OI.TMI-:.T,fr T'tter. VLTHtlUtiH the superiority of the prepaiation over all otlu rs is fully es'ablished, the proprie tors lake pleasure in laying before the public ihe following certificate from a resectable physician, a graduate of the University of Pennsv Ivauij. llr. Baugh, having found in this lemrdy that relief for a tedious and disagreeable affection w liich the means within Ihe range of his profession failed to all". ml, has not hesitated to give il his approbation, alth. ugh ihe prejudices and interests of that prolessun ate 1 pposed to secret Remedies. PiiiLAin inn , Sept. 10, lS:lfi. I was recently troubled with a tedious herpetic eruption, which coveied nearly one si.'e of mv face, am! citeudcd over the ear. Mr. Vnuuhan. propni -lot uf the Rose Ointment, olsciviug mv fai t, insis ted on my living his preparation, ol which he han ded me a jar. Allhouuh in common with the mem bers ol my profession, I discouim nance and disap prove ol the numerous nostrums palmed upon the public l y inoi nit pn n riili r-, 1 feci in jus ice bound to en 1 1 t Hie Ri se-Oiiitim lit tioiu tha' c a-s of ine d cines. and to give it mv uper . halloo, as il enure lyiured ihe eruption, uhboiigii II hid resisted the umi . I applications. DAN I. II.U (.11, 1. 1). iXj' The Rose- Oiutmei t is prepared l y E. I!. Vuughan, South East comer nl Thud ai d R o e Stieets, Ptiiladetphiu, and sold on iura nrv in Sun bury, by 11. B. M.!-sF.R. May'l 1th, IS 12. Ani. BOLTON &. CO. (ciK i al ittiiiis!iii .lici t Iiant.x, 7' or the Sale nj our, dram, Sua, Vc-, It sFECTFULLY inform their friends and the Merchant generally, dial they have ta ken 1 hose large and commodious Wharvr s. with I wo Dmk, 1101th of Chcsnnl street, on the Di law ire, together with the store No. 19 South Wharves, wheie ihev would he pleased lo receive consign ments of (irain, Fl ni. Seed, W hiskey, Iron, Ac. Ac. Being also well prepaied to forward all kinds of Merchandise by the Schuylkill win! Union, or by the Chesapeake and Tiile Water Canals, us tow- j liouts are kept ixpicssly for the purpoe of lowing j Units by ei I er route. j Men hauls will plcse be particular to send their I goeds destined by either canal-, 1 1 No. 10 South ; Wharves, between Maiket and Chesnut sine's, 011 1 Ihe Di law are, w nil iliicctious ai comp m v lug them i which route ihev wish them to be shipped. ' (J.J' Plaster am! Suit for sale, al the lowest mar ket piice. BOLTON cV C". ! March 10, lSPJ. No. 10 Sotiih harves. A II j IMM1I.V lAPilMIOR, (l TWO lull Ml..) M)N TAIM.Nll H e Old uud New Tistament. with piac'ii'.d eio. ili. ns and eipl mat. ry rioies, bv Thomas William, Author of "ihe Acr of Infi ll, hlv," 4,l)ii bun irv i f ad Religi us Dciiomuia- tiolis," vVr. 'l o vv Inch are .nU'e.l the n f. lenei s and Iiiaruinal u-ading ef I lie Polig'oit Bi! le, loge In r u Ull Ollgilial Holes ami sebvil ls flolll llaVli l's Con prebei.sive Bible d n bei slamlsid works introductory and com hiding r. roaikson each book of the u j nnd new Tc-iuini nt, und a vi.hiable rhro. liolngiial im'e x. The whole raiefully ren.ed and ad.i ted lo Ihe use of Sunday School-, Bible classes, and Chrislisns generally, tinUlisud irillt tiiirns and cin'wr nj,', edited by ibe R. v. W chain 'at- ton.aid iil.ished bv Cuso, Tllfuny iV Bull. hum ; Hartford, Conn., 1811. This woik Iias Uen highly recommended by the foil wing, huh. eg nlher distinguished divines; Rev. Stepl cii Ri mil gb li. pastor i f ti e Medio disl L'piscopal CI un h, Brooklyn. Rev. W. C. Diownbe, pualor if the Middle Dutch ( liuiih, New Yoik. Rev. Lemuel Miller and A. Alei inder, Piofef ols in Prim etnn Thcologir .1 Senunarv, N. Jeisey, Rev. ". P. Cravith, I resul. nl ol Pciiiny Itania College, at (ieilvsl.iiig. Rev. '. W Sel.a.ll. r, pastor of the Lutheran Chilli h, Harilsburg, Pa. Qj- For tale by H. B. Masai r, Aeent for ihe PaiL.Ii Lcis. Jan. S'Jih 161V1. WEAVER'S HOTEL, A'litibtrry, JWnrlhumhrrland l'mintjff I'riiiiMlvitiilit. flHE subscriber, rcspeclfully informs the public L that he lias removed to Rial large and com mo. dinua Tavern Stand, at Ihe eorner of Market and Fawn streets, (sign of the Duck ) formerly occu pied by Jonas VVeovcr, and lately by Daniel (ijli on, where he is now prepared to accommodate all who may favor him with a fall. By Uriel atten tion to business, and his utmost endeavor to render satisfaction to all, he hi)ie lo receive a liberal share uf public patronage. CHARLES WEAVER. Sunbury, Match 12th, 1842. 4Mlttl4 l l iUl I1 ltltTiV. rPhe public will please observe that no Branilieth -- Pills are genuine, unless the box ha three la hels upon it, (the top, the side and the bottom) each containing a f.ic-siinile signature of mv hand writing, thus II. D n a iih ktii, M. 1). These la. hels aie engraved on steel, beautifully designed, and done at an eipensc of over f 2,0(1(1. Thi refore it w ill Ik? seen that the only thing nrcessary to pr. euro the medicine in its purity, is to observe these labels. Remember the top, the side, nnd the bottom, j I he billowing tespective persons are duly auhi.ri zed, and hold cehticates or AGMTCV, For the sale of ISranilreili's Ycueluhle Universal ' nih. Northnmbeihr d rounlv : Milton Mackey A Chamheilin. Sunbury II. H. Masser. M'Ewcus--ville In land A Meixell. Norihuiut eiland Win. Forsyth. Georgetown F. Midlmg.-r A Co. Union C iiinty: New Berlin John II oilman. ' Schnsgrov-c Ever and Schnure. Mid.Melmrg Isaac Smith. Deaviriown .1. A F. Diugamnn. Adamsburg H. iV A. Smith. Milllinsbiug j Swopp eV L aird Haiti. ton D.iniel Lung. Free-' burg (J. ft, F. C. Mover, (enlrevihc Stailey j v: Lenharl. Lewishurg Walls Ac Green. ' , Columbia county : Danville E. D. Reynolds A Co. Dervvick Shuman A. R ttenhousp. Cm ! tawissa C. A. A' C. (!. Drohts. Illoomsburix '. John It. Meyer. Jeisey Town Levi Disi I. Wa ! shington -Roht. MiCay. Limestone -D. L. ' Schmrck. 1 Observe that each Acent has an Engravid (er- f lilicale of Agency, containing a re pres. lit n lion of ! Dr DKAN DUE I'll'S Maliubicmrv al Sing Sing ' and upon which w ill also he seen enact copies ol the uric labels titw ttsctl upon the Ifrandrtth J'i' liiixru. Philadelphia, office N'n. 8, North Rth street. D. DltANDKETH. M. D. January 1st, 1S12. ; nit: AMERICAN MEDICAL UEHAIIY A Mil i iii:i.M(;i(i:it. a ONCEN I RA TED Rnoid .1 Medical S,i. nee ami Literature, by Koblev Diihb hson. M. D., Prolcssor ol the institutes ol Mediciie, etc., : iu .Ii llri son Medicul College of Philiidelphin, pub lished monthly by Adam Wuldie, No. 4li (.'arper'-li-r street, Philadelphia. Subscription price, 5 a yi ar. Suhscriplions for I lie above woik received ly the sub-mlier. 11. B. MASSED, " Dec. 11th, IS 1 1. Atnt. uy&. xk. si! ja yOR sale a small Punii, coiila.ning about one hundred and ten sens, more or le s, situate iu Point township, Norihuml erland countt, about two mile above Noithumbeil mil, on (he main road leading from that place lo Danville, adjoining lands of John l.eghou, Jesse (.'. Hortoii and others, now in the occupancy of Samui I Payne. About forty acres of said tract are (hand, and in good state of cultivation, on which there is a small barn rrech d. The properly w ill Ik-sold unreasonable terms. For further naitimlnrs. nelsons are request ed to apply to the cul seiilnr. II. B. MASSER, Asjenl. Nov. 27lh, 1811. if Sorihiirv. Pa, l'MTI. i i) i:vi :r.s, LAST MAKEIl, io. 7 1 ("allowliii! Street, I'liihulehihia. No. 7 1 ("allowl.ii! Street, l'hilailel ( I hree ttiM.ri e'i c S4Ctntl.j AgjUOE Findings always kepi on hand, which he oilers for sale on the loe-t terms. Countri Merch mis are purlii ululy to c ill and judge loi themselves. Pbiladelphia, Novem ver 13. I W 1 1 . I y . CD E3 fSe OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. m;w knclam) on. company. No. 'J!l North Water Street, I'ltila. ANUFAt.TUIiERS and dealers in Oils of every description both for burning ami maiiiitaciiiring purposes, which will he sold much lower than ihey can lie procured e'sewhere, and warranted in quality to coiinl any in the city. Any oil sold by the company not proving as icprcsc ntcd, may be relurned without any ripens to the pur- ..t. ...... I .Ill I , .1.1 baser, and the money will be refunded Their stock now in store consists of the follow ing oils, viz : 30,tHK gallons Winter Bleached Speim't r Oil, fiOOll do do C. lories Oil, 15,(1(11) do Fail und Spring Sperm Oil ltl.000 do Winter s, a Eh pb int, 20.(1(111 do do P.e.sed Whale Oil (illOO do Summer do do do : 15,1X11) do Common W hale Oil, (HI Barrels supenoi Stra 'a Oil, 3110 do Cod Bank Oil, 60 do Nea's Fool (),l, 75 Casks Olive Oil, Tanner's i lit. C" j This Company has a number of Vessels en- i gaged in the Cod Fisherv, and 'Fanners may rely upon getting al all tunes (til us pure as imported, l'lola.hl,hl.l, Nov. 13, Iftll. ly. G. V. &, L. 2. ; OFFER FOR SALE, at the South East Cor- j ner of I'iflh uml MurLct Mr eels, Vhiludt I- ph i a Mens' Calf-sJiin IWits, stitched warranted, i do do do peuged do 1 do do do water proof, double oes and double upiers. do ('idl-skin do do do nailed ami uprs. j do Heavy Water Leather Boots. I do do Neat do do. j do High quarter shoes. Calf-skin. ' do do do Crockcrs do do Fine Monroes warranted ! no Kip do do do Calf do dii do Coarse do do do do Shoe do do Fine do d do Kip do do do Calf and Siil Skin Pump. do List Socks with ami without sole. do CarK-t do do do do Patent Warranted Wuti r-proof Moccasins. Ladies' do do do do Ladies' tanned India Rubber slim. Cent'i incus' do Our shoes. Wiih every other desr ipiiou oUhxiI and shoes. Fur l'as ol evi ry description. Travell ng Trunks ol t viTy description, A eneii. .ii Tr.iv, Ding Dags. Patent I ii, in F.laslic Shoe Plucking. Bonnets of all kinds. Palm Leal 'Hut. Philadelphia, NV ember Id, Ull. ly. CHPbTGCLITE POLIOS. A N article uneeiualled for cleaning and giving a J- highly durable and most brilliant polish to sil "' tJ,crmnn Silver, Dross, Copper, Britiania ware, Tin, Steel, Cutlery, and for restoring the lustre on varnished carriages, &c TRtf IT. Prepared and sold at wholesale and retail, by the Ruscjiiehanna Chrysolite Poluh Company, Owcgo, Tioga county, N. Y, WM. FORSYTH, Agent for Northum'd, H. B. MASSEK, Agent for Sunbury. Novemlier 20lh, 1841. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BOOKSEL LERS AND STATIONERS, io. U"Z Chesntit .Street, below 4th, l'hiladclphia. T"EEP constantly on hand general assnrt a mpnt of Books and Stationary : commisina Theological, Law, Meiliral, Classical, Miscellane ous and School Books, Day Book, all sizes, Led- I gers, do., I atiuly Bibles, Pocket Bibles, Wiilint I Pars, Wrapping Papers, Ac. At., which they nf i fer lit (he le. west liiiroatn Ominiru Vt.... I, !-.. fessional Gentlemen, Teachers, and all others that j may favor ihein with their custom. I Philadelphia, Not'mber CI. iHlt. ly. -Tlic-linol Wt iivfi' A: Son, i norE MAKEns & smr citanelers. A'. Kl iXi.rth Water Street. l'hilad( t'iia. AVE coiistaiitly on hand, a general assort ment of Cordage, Seine Tw ines, Ac. viz : I ar'd Ropes, Fishing Rones. White Rones. Manil- la Ropps, To ar Lines for Canal Boats. Also, a complete assortment of S, inc Twines, Ac. such as Hemp Shad and Herring Twine, Desl Patent Gill Net Twine, Cotton Shad ami Herring Tvvii e. Shoe Threads, Ac. Ae. Also, Bed Onrds, Plough Lines, HattersFran. Cotton and Linen Carpet Chains, Ac. ull of which they will dispose of on rrasunuhle trims. Philade'phia, Novcml er 13, 1.1. ly. .liiiiih I'lisliiiitli . 1 ) EsI'ECTFI.'LIjY inlorms their Iru nds and 1 ncipiuiiilnncea ge lerally that they still con- linue lo keep al the old stand. No. 210 Nuilh 3d slrr, t, Philadelphia, all mils of TonAcct) sm .- ,4r si:cai:s. Which they will aril n the mj '. uicommodbtini. ami leasoiial le terms. N. D. All Hoods sold will he guai mlced and all outers promptly itbndeJ to. Philadelphia, Nc.vemhrr 13, I pv 1 1 -l y. PSTSPb' CClTCV.2Pb, Wliolusale ami Kctail .SIkic, lluiinet, and l'altn l.v.if Hat Warehouse. A'u. bO Surth 'id nlreet. a few dmjrx utiove . liri, Vhiladi Ifdiitt. A LSO Trunks, Cuipct Dags and Vnlires. of ev 1 rr.v ilescnplion, all of which he offers for sale on Ihe most reasonable terms. Philadelphia, November 13, IS 11. ly. J . W . S W A IN, I'mhrella and Parasol Mainifarturer. So. 37 Sooth Thud ttrret, two dimes hrnlr tht ''ilil Haiti, Vhilndi liihia. IOUNTRN Men hauls and others are solicited to riamine his ausorti.icnt before purchasing I Philu 'el hii. Novender 13. IRtl. ly. 1 & A. 11 () VOU JIT'S China. Class and Liverpool Warehouse, 1 Mti Kit Xnrlt Third trrtt. third t'inr It law Yiue ft ret I, Vhilaili Ijihia. I " "INHERE they ronstiintly keep on hand a large ! ' assortment of China, (.lass and Liverpool Wore, w hich they will dispose of on the most ici- soiial'le lerms. Mill .'dclphia. November 13, 1S-1I. ly. j " fin:6i'ii,rs ( L i.r. Manufacturer and Importer of Sad ., dlery, Hardware, i;r. 5 Snulh Third ftreet. four tfimrs beton' Market I Vhiludt lil,ia. T" EEP constantly on hand a large nnd general assortment Conch Lamps, Carriage Bauds, Axle Arms, F.liptir Springs, Patent Leather. Ac. Country Merchanls and saddlers w ill he supplied at nil tunes en Ihe most reasonable ti mis. Thrv will find it lo their advantage to call and examine his assortment before purchasing elsewhere. Philadelphia. November 13. I S-4 1 . ly. IIHVXOLDS, Mel'AIU-ANl) vV CO Wholesale Dealers in Foreign Ihitish and American lry Ctxnls. Ao. l(ir Market street, Vhiliidelphia. COUNTRY Merchunls, and others can be sup plied nt nil tunes with nn extensive assort- j lm.t f ,t,c n.Hl tn, ni fashionable tioods upon the most reasonable lerms. Philadelphia, Novcml er 13. IStl. lv. i.owi:ii cv iiAurvON. lm'orters and Dealers in Foreign and lomeslie. I latdu are, No. 171 Noiitii '1'iiiiit. S'raitT, I'll t la nr.Li'ti i a. YVHERI ' find a E their friends and ( ustomers w ill always a l.iruc noil geiieiiil a-soitrneiit ot roreign and Domestic Haijivjie, whichthcy wi'lsillat the lowest prices, i'hiledclphia, November 13, ISII. ly. j:siii:uick, iianski.i. v c o-. WHOLESALE CRY GOODS STORE. No. ltifi l-'J Market Street, l'liila. (ll,h.w fifth S,,utltide ) A I. WAYS keep ou hand a full and general as 2k. si rtment of lo-iery, Luce, and Fsncv (ioods, t ountry Mcichanta are respectfully request jJ to give tin m a rail and examine for tht in elves. Philudelphia, November 13, 1S41. ly. sn:uiNc, coon & co. No. las Matket Street, rhi!ailcl.hia. tNVITE the atlrnlion of (.'ountry Merchants to their extensive assor.'mrnt ol Driiirh French and American Dry (ioods, w Inch ihey offer lor sale on the most reasomible terms. Philadelphia, Novemlier 1:1, IM1. ly. McCALLA & HERSE, Nu .!, .ui III S( oiiil sll ( I, (eoHsi.H urcooAtu'a ali.kt.) here ihey contlanlly keep on hand a gei.ir d assorinieut of .. CliCTKS, CASSIIMESTS, VEP'xiNOS, And a zrtt variety oj artiekt if u ,Ujierwr vjuahty, which Ihey nlle, i0 di.poe of up.in the ninct reu.oiiahlu l rm. COUNTRY MERCHANTS and oihers will find it to th.ii advantage lo call and examine tbiir stork before purchasing elsewhere. Philadelphia. Nov. f., 1H1I. If WIIOLISALE PIIOE, BONNET, Cap utiu VtJm i-ert- lint Ktnrr, No. ItlSorrii 4th Stbii.t. PHILADELPHIA, A A rHFRE an eitu.sive a-aoitmei t of ibe above ariicles are cn.Mantly kept on bund, li lc at the most rcasonuble lermu. May CO, 1811.- ly. AN unparellelrd remedy for common Colds (.'otighs, Asthma, Influenza, Whooping CourIi, Dronrhitis, and all disease of the Breast and Lung, leading lo consumption t composed of the concen traled virtue of Hon hound, Donset, Blond Koat, Liverwort and several nlher vegi table substanre. Prepared i tily by J, M. Wisslow, Rischeatcr, New Voik. The innocrnre anJ nnivrrsallv admitted prclorol virtue of the Herbs from which the tSahnm of Horetitmntl is made, are too generally known to re quire rerominriidaiion t it is therefore only necessa ry to ohs-rrve thai this Medicine contains the wholj of their Medicinal properties, highly concentrated, and so happily combined with several other vege table Mihaiariccs, as to render it the most speeily, mild and certain ri mrdy, now in Use, f. r the com plaints al ove mentioned. The Balsam removes all imflammation and sore ness of the Lungs, loosens tough visid phlegm, en abling the patient to expeclorote with ease and free dom, assuiges rough, relieves alhmatir. and diffi cult respiration, heals the injured parts, opens the pores, nnd rmnpn" the disturbed nerves, and gives strinmh to the Under lungs, and thus produces a sj eedy nrul lasting cure. I.Vfllt ATIHIIF. ISTHK HASVST C n t M K 1! MaW. Wc are not among that class nf Editors who fur a few dollns will, (at ihe expense of truth and hiv nps'y) "cinck up" an article nnd bring it into rapid sale; neither ate wp witling to lemnin silent, slit f having tested the utility of an im rovement or dis covery iu scii lice or sit. Our readers w ill recollect we told them we were tinw-i II w ii It a sore Ihroal and violent ci Id some few weiks nco. Wi ll, we pur chased two bottles of WINSl.OW'S BALSAM OF HOl.'EHOI N D, and so sudden was the cure, that we forgot we ever had a cold. Those who ore nffiirird. may try it upon our recommendation. l.t ui.-to 1'i legrtijdi. For sale by HENRY VO.YTHEIMEK, Sunburi, JACOB BRIGHT, ymlhumberlund. Also, ly Druggists pener.llv ihrouuhoul the country. (j Pi ice, fit) cents per bottle. August Mth, 1811 ly. LIST OF BOOKS toll SALK II T NTHON'S Classical Diciionary; Lrmprier' do.; Ainswnrtli's do ; (Johb's do.; English and (ierman do.; Anthon's Casar; Anthon's (.rammer; Antheii's Cireio; Mair's l.aiin Header; Pgill.y 's do.; Andrew' Latin Lessons; Dnnnegan's Lexicon; Fisk'sf.re. k Exercises; Davies's Legendei; (iraeca Maj.ira; Adams's Roman Antiquities; Pinnock'a (iojdsmith's Ei gland; do. Crceec; Lv ell's Elements nf (.eulogy; Mrs. Lincoln's liotanv; Elements of Dotany; Bridge's Algebra; Porter's Rhetorical Rea der"; Eimrson' (ieegnihy and History; Olney' do ; Parley's do.; Smith's Crammer: Kirkham's do.: Kav's Read, rs; ('obi 's do.; Cobb' Arithmetics.; Pike's do ; Eimrson's do.; Col b's Spelling Dooks; Town's do.; Cobb's Table Dooks; Evangelical Fa mily Library; Cottage Dible ; Family do ; Collater al do.; Small Bibles ami Testament.-; Patkei'a Ex ercises on Composition; Fruit nf ihe Spirit; Baxter's S .inl's Rest; American Revolution; Marryatt's No vi'.f, Mrs. Phelps on Chemistry; Iliad; Catechism of American Laws; Letters on Natural Magic; Che misliy for Beginners; English Exercises adapted lo Murray's Crammer; Sequel to Comley's Spelling Book; Armrican Class Di.ok; Daboll's Se'hoolmas ter's Assistant; A ureal variety of Blank Books, Ac. August 28, 1841. ATTENTION." j . s i ii i: i jo i: s , 1 EtjUl'.STN the utteiition of his country frimds who are in want, lo his vcrv largp stock of Ca'prtiugs, Oil Cloths, Mailings, Rugs, Bindings, Stan Rods, Ac, Ac, that hehusjusi opemd, at his warehouses. No. 18 North 2d street, nnd No. 2 Church Allev, next door to Christ Church, Phila delphia. " July 31, 1811 ly. SPANISH HIDESV " TANNERS' OIL AND LEATHER. D. Kl 1! K 1 A T 11 1 C K oc S O N, A'. 21, Kw lh Third .street, (Br.Tvr.t:x mahkf.t An rnissi-T STtirr.TS,) PHILADELPHIA. I T AVI' for sale a large and excellent assortment of Spanish ll:dix, Vatna Kips, Tanners' Uil, A'., at the lowest maiket prices, i ithc r for cash, ic exchange lor Leather, or upon rrnlit. Cnnsigiinii nts of l eather received for a tle, ol purchased nt the highest maiket prices. fjj- Leather stnied free of iharge. April 17. 1811. ly. Another ltccrnt Teat Of thr unrU-allid virtue of Dr. Ilarlirh's ('ohijiiniiiil S'rrns thening and Liirman Apt lit nt fills ! Mripn cr tkn irim' i-mviii ri nr.n. W AS nffhcli .1 with the above complaint fir ten years, which it. capacitated me al intervals lor the period of sit yeirs from attending to mv bus in ss. I am now restored lo perfect health tl r.uiih ihe fnqu. ut use of the above medicine. Mv symptoms were, a sense of oppres-i m a'ter ea ting, p un at the pit of the stomach, loss r.f ap r ti'e, sublines. ataiatiou of the heart, snd great d.bi hlv. I am wil ing lo give any iiifonmili.in to the Billeted r. sp cling the ben liis received from Ihe use i fill. Harlich's relebrated Medicim. Any (a rson vvi-hirg information r.mrerning Ihe i iTiriey of ihe Midieiiie, can by ilneciing to me at the BS.sl i. Ilice, DowuiiigloWli, Ctie-ter rounty, igneit Wm. HrMinicKs. Priiicq al 'iTice. f,n the sale of the a'uive rued -cines, i- at 19 Norh Eiuhlh st eel, Philadelphia. HENRY YOXTHE1MER. Oct. 1.1th. is Ii. Airnl- olds, 4. oil". lis ttinl llit-ir I'alal C'on setptciK cs. 'W'WTDEN we l l,l,l the bills of mortality, and V V 'he v' uund-er thai die of thai fell de. siioyir Ciiint'i l ti'tin, we cannot but hel for those wl o in. ii r ri th. ir I ss, when we know that secular demoiislralion are daily made vi-ih'e t;v the '.iiVilie that D.. Dm can's FxiHctoriiil ,,,dv wdl in nine cases out ,,f t. ,i coir.. ',.,, y (f ,d.iHte ih. first -ympt.msot that '.. dncase. W.ll p,-icn . or the r t ear. -' fri. -., longer delay p-ocurmg in.s r.iedicoic, with tl e expectttion that the disease will nalnraUy rem. e its. If! The vast nun lier that die ani.u d'y of Consumpiion, and th v. ry many of our friend and acquaintances who are dangerously aflluted thai must ere long pay the di 1 1 of nature, should convince all afflicted that il is lies! lo he rid of the i-a ly and evil seeds a a on aa pos-ihle, fxloie Ihey lake nmt and "(Ary tSe. lifr," when in tl e bloom and beaulv of health. t I ZJL1 Always sk for lr. Dune.. n's Expoctorant Re. medv. i d l-e m i you obtain ii, aa there are soinn leisons base iiiough to palm some otlur medicine on ihose wh.i ie not on iheir guard, which thry buy st very tiifling priiv, at ihe same lime sell it al full pii. e, thus fliwing the afflicted of their M. m y and health. Priuc.p.l Oirice. 19 North Eighth street, wfcera li e ni. ihcir e is sold whoses.le an I retail. For aa'e al Ihe store of HENRY YOXTHEIM' n UH. 8.1., IS 13. Agent,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers