' Sect. 22. No capias nr warrant to arrest to issue except as above. The remaining aeetlona provide fr various con tingencies, but by no means for all that aie likely to occur t and the act will no doubt afford plenty of work for the courts. Northeastern lloundnrr. We are authorized to ay that a conventional linn of boundary, with ill various conditions and 'equivalent, has been agreed on by the Executive and the British Special Envoy, wilh the unanimous consent of the Commissioners of Maine and M.issichu.olts. We congratulate oil parties upon this hnppy and lionoralilo rrsult. Tms. We have reason to know that the Commissioners of the two States of Maine and Massachusetts have signified their assent to a line of boundary between Miiino and New Brunswick. Every body knows that the territory in dispute embraces all the legion of the Upper St. John, ami the general understanding now is, that llU regie n is to be divided into unequal parts; the largest, and by fir the in nut valuable, to be assigned to Maine, together with considerations connected with the navigation of the St. Johns, (both sides ol the lower of which belong to England,) of the great est importance to the value of the timlier growing on it branches. Other important arrangements in dttVcrerit parts of the line, hitherto unsettled, in va. rious places between Maine end the Lake of the Woods, are rumored as likely to take place. We doubt not the Administration knows what it is about, and in due time we shall sec. Let it J 10 remembered, thut donors! Jarkson ofVered to give to Maixk oxk villi ox of acres of public land in 1832, as a loan to induce her to come to an agreement ; the land to be mjIJ by the United Stoics, and the whole proceeds to be paid to Maine, without deduction. And oilier indemnity, of rouisc to be provided for Massachusetts, which State own ed ono-hair the I ind. An agreement lo this affect, in substance, was signed, on the part of the United Siate, by Edward Livingston, Secretary of State. I.'Hiis McLanc, Secretary of the Treasury, and Le vi Woodbury, Secretary of the Navy, and on tht part of Maine by W. I. Pieble, Reuel Williams and Nicholas Emery. Madiminian, IIALTIMtlllK MAKKET, Office of tht Baitivioiik Amf.iihan, July 25. FLOUR- No transactions in City Mills Flour. The asking price is f 6. ."small sales of Susquehanna Flour at $G. "GRAIN -New Md. Wheat comes in very spa ringly. The small parcels which have reached the inaiket have been sold from 75 a 1 15 cts. according ly to quality and condition. A lot of 500 bushels Virginia new, not in grinding condition, was sold at 97 cts, A cargo of 1500 bushels old red, from Illinois, of very prime quality, was sold at $1,33. Sales of Md. Corn to-duy at 55 cts. for yellow, and 55 a 5C cts. for white. Sales of Pennsylvania yel. low at 66 a 67 cents. A sale of Pennsylvania Rye at 70 cts. We quote Md. to day at 32 a 33 cts. Sales of Pennsylvania Oats on Saturday at 40 cts. and to-day at 37 cts. WHISKEY". Sales of hhds. at 23J cts. and of bids, at 25 cts. There are no hhds. now in market, and the stock of bbls. is quite light. Braxiirkth's Pills. When groaning under fell disease, Who was it first procured u ease, With pills that could not fail to please ? 'Twas Drandrelh. Experience's test these Pills have stood, Add slander foul from Druggists rude; Still pruiscd by all the wise and good, Is Brandrclh. M ho is it health and strength produces, 1!v making pure o ur blood end juices, And saves us from M. L.s' abuses 1 Why Brandrcth. His Pilis, they make the people well, They ring the Doctois' funeral knell ; No Druggist shall my medeciiie sell, Says LI i and ret h. ijj- Purchase in Sunbury, of H. B. Masscr, and the agents published in another part of this paper. .Tf Jl IS It i K Ml , In this place, on Monday evening Inst, by the Rev. It. A. Fistier, Mr. Wiiliam Kuikiilk of Li verpool, to MissHi.srm Aw, of this place. n l i: i , In Point township, on Monday the 25th inst., Mr. JAOOH RKDLINE. aged 60 years. ";mmI litW-nt Fire fl'ompimy." A STATED MEETING of the Company will lie held on Thursday evening next, at 7 o'clock, nl the Court House. Punctual attendance is re quested. J. B. PACKER, July 30, 1842. Sccntury. .ool Will rirV-Company, " rPHE members of llie "(5 od Will Fire Coin - piny" are requested to meet at the Court House, on Monday Eveninc, August 2d, at 7 o' clock precisely. Panelual attendance is required. July 30. J. H. ZIMMERMAN. Sec. ATTENTiuX SUMJURY tillKVS. 7"OIT are required to meet for parade in Market-squa re, Sun bury, at 'J o'clock A. M . of Mon day, the IStli day of August next, in Summer uniform, each Member to be provided with 12 rounds of blank cartridge, By order of Captain Dewart, J.H.ZIMMERMAN, Orderly Srig't. July 30th, 1A42. AniEKEAS the Shamokin Coal V Iron Com- paiy did, on the 0th day of July, IM2, ixe. cute an assignment of all their properly to the sub scr ilver, in trust for the benefit of their creditors, all iieisons indebted to the said Sliamokin Coal and Inn Company are requested to make payment, and those having claims, In prrsent them without delay to John Nieholla at Hhmnnkio. or lo the sub.criter, No. 16 South 4th klnei, Philadelphia. B. 11. Y ARN AI.L, July 30th, 1S12. Awgntt. it m r PRICE CURRENT." Corrected weekly by Henry Yoxthcimer. Whkat, -110 RtK, 60 Cor-, 40 Oats, 30 PoKK, 6 Ft.Asar.Rii, ... 125 Huttsk, ..... 14 IlftKSWAS, 35 Tallow, 12J Din it u Arri.Ks, 75 Do. Peach ks, 200 Flax, ... -8 H K.cKLitn Flas, 10 Eons, ...... fi More TcMn of Dr. llaiilcli's t iic ltrulctl Medicine T IIHE following is cut from the "Jefl'erson Inqui rer, published in Jefle.son County. 1 he souiot editor of the Inquirer having been afflicted with the Dyspepsia for a considerable time, and nf ler trying miny remedies in vain, procurrd a pack age of Dr. Harlich's Medocine, which has had the happy ell'-cl, (under divine, assistance.) of nstniing me to good hi abb. In cons quenoc of the confi dence I feel in theit virtue, I have procured an a gency, and icceived fom the principnl oUb'e in Philadelphia a supply which I now oiler f r sale at mv dwelling, opposite the Hotel, High st'ect. .1. 'Hereon City, Dec. 10, 18-10. W. LL'SK. For Kale at the store of HENRY" YOXTHEIMER. July 30th, 1 SI 2. Aiuit. ALi.2;GS' ?L2; T FOR SALE. THE Subscriber ofTers for sale, on reasonable terms, an excellent new FLAT, HO f. et long, 3 feit deep, ami 11 feet wide. Pcr-nns wishing o pureha-e her, will please call on Mr. Eli Dinner, in Sunbury, or on the subscriber. WILLIAM CARR. Sunbuiy July 30th, 1S.12.3I. ias.nB 3 - T HAVE this day bought of JACOB HUNT, - of Cool township, Northumberland county, one Red I'nw, two Hogs, six Windsor Chairs, one Ma ple Table, and twelve yards Carpet, which proper ty I have loaned to him at my pleasure. S.JOHN. Slinmnkin, Ju'y ltth, 1812. 43 f SHK purehasers of property at the sale held by , L the assignees of Hiram Price, are informed ! that their notes are now due, nnd must be paid 1 forthwith, or they will 1 placed in the hands ol a ; Justice of the Peace for collection. CJKO. C. WELKER, C. W. HEG1NS. July Kith, 1S42. Assltinm. rvIEDI C AL CARD. V. S. ES.IGHT, 1 ESPECTFL'LLY' iuforins his friends in Sun- bury, Northuniberlnnd and vicinities, that af ter an absence of nearly three icars in Philadrlj hia, (the fountain head of Medical Science in the II nited Stale,) he has returned and located hims lf in Northumberland, for the purpone of practicing in all the branches of his ptofession. Having em braced the many advantages of the public and pri vate medical institutions in Philadelphia, he feels prepared lo enter I'pon the responsible duties of his profession, and would therefore solicit the patron age of a generous public. Northumberland, July 16th, 1842. 4t LIST OF CAUSES, IJ'OR trial in tho Court of Common Pleas of Nor thumberland County, to lie held at Sunbury, on the first Monday of August next, being the 1st. Joseph 1 rein Badger for Badger Elijuh Craufoid Com'th for B Sayie Henry Frick Andrew Turk vs .Martin A flock vs Hugh Bellas vs Jesse Paiker vs John Fiick vs Stephen Wilon vs John A Ll 'vd J.is. Barilet for E L Piper vs Henry Frick Thomas M Russel vs David Harlmnn Y'ates ct Mclnl) 10 John F Dentler Wm Fry E Y Bricht Henry II Burr William Moritz Luther Basset B I. (irovernor & wife J C B Noure (ieoige Shih y i'lun'th for E (iohin vs Edward Y' Bright vs David Watson v Wm A Llovd vs J C B Noume vs J no H Boyd vs O P Duncan vs Jim iV P Olierdorf v Daniel Snyder &c vs John Lloyd vs tienrge Long vs Heuiv Cooler et ul Nancy Hunter's ad's el al vs Daniel Rol'ins Roliert Miner vs Win Ilibler et ul Wilson for Bound now for Housel Henry Eckblet (ieorge Armstrong ilham Dale Tobias Huber &. Co Samuel (Sully Martin Weaver Hollihen & Easton v Wn, H Pomp vs B C ('layton vs The S Coal Company vs Charles Craig et al vs Kut7ler & Latarus va Rolx rl W Dunn vs D .niel Be. k vs John Miller Com'lh of Pa for A Jordan vs (ieo W Kiehl et al Same fr Bowiuun vs Same I Saute for V Deppeu A Co vs Same j (ieorge McCoy vs Robert McKee I Kase iV Co vs Thomas Asbbiidge i Com'rs of Norlh'd county vs I-a.ie Woolverton ! Robert Wiley & wife vs (ieo Snydi r's adin'r ' Jacob Klino H Wenck & J Hair j SAM I' EL D.JORDAN. I Prolhonot iry's Omce, Vroth'y. Sunbury, Jaly 10, IS42. 3 ltciiiaiiiiii TajlurN IXalc TTDTICE is hi lebv given, ib .t leli. r ol admin ( islration have been granted by the Rcgi-ler nf Northumberland county to the subscrilier, resi ding in Shmnokiu township, upon the i state ol Benjamin Taylor, dee'd, late of said township. All persons having demands against said estate, are r. queued lo present them, and those w ho are in debted to tettle their reiective dues with the sub scriber, at the hcusi of John Y'ordy, Esq., ou the 30th day of August next. SAMUEL Fl.RMAN, J uty 1 (ith, 1 S 12. Gt Administrator, Take Notice. YITHEREAS a certain Henry W. Camp has no- j ' ' nil. a ine pun ic not to nuy me reieoruieo Hathaway Hot Air Cooking Stove." Now this is for the information of all concerned, that all who buy of us, oi our reguUr authoiised Agents, shall be kept e'ear of all damages, and lhat, should we have the pleasure of seeing the regular author nf Cauip'a Caution, we shall tie very likely to find out hy what right he published the article. NATHAN MITCHELL &. Co. Lewisburg, July 9lh 1842. 3t Treasurer" Xolito. rPHE Merchants and T.iveinkeepers of Norihum A bet land county are hereby notified that their licenses are ready for distribution, and lhat I hey can I obtained at any lime at the Treasurer's olnce, Sunbury. They are lequested to come lorwaid and attend to them on or before IhetWlof August next, as it is the duly of the Treasurer lo return !l de linuent tavern keepeia to tht) court, lfoie the (iraud Jury i. dismirsed, (JEORUE WEISER, July 2, lb 12. 3t, Trtuwrer, DR. J. N. SUMNER, r?TTt- r nnivT T't-iTO'nriTerTi IK ESI'ECTFliLLY informs the public that ho has made Northumberland his permanent place of residence, and is ready to attend to any calls in the line of his profession. July 2, 1942. ly. "CREDITORS TAKE NOTICE, That we have ' applied to the Court of Common Pleas of Nor thumberland County, for the benefit of the laws made for the relief of the insolvent debtois j and that the Judges of the said Court have appointed the first. Monday of Augicl next to hear us and our ereililois nt the Court House in Sunbury, when and where you may attend if you think proper. JACOB MILHEIM, mirk. JOHN SMITH, of Georgetown, HIRAM PRICE, JOHN PAYNE. JACOB DEE TZ, SAMl'EI. DEETZ. July 0. ABRAHAM IIOLLOI'ETER. TO TIIC 1I 111.11'. WHEREAS Letters Patent were granted to Mr. II. W. Camp, in Oct. Wr, 1831, for anew and useful improvement in the descending Fi.rii Cookiii Stoves : I have understood one HATH AWAY' is using mv said improvement under the name of "Hot Aim. Stovks," which stove involves the principles secured to inc. This is to caution all persons against making, vending, or using said "II nl Air Stoves," n I (-lull prosecute all who in nny way infiingc my rights; and I hereby consti tute Joshua V. CciMi.r, Esq. of Danville, my law ful Attorney. empowering him to bring suits mains! iinv person who shall use mv improvements in any manner whatever. HENRY W.CA.MP. ' Owegn, Tioga county, N. Y July 2, 184 2. 3m. KniuiM's I). Jordan, o FFEUS himself to the Electors of Northum berland County, as a candidate for the ollicrs ol PIWmoSOTAItY AM CLF.KK OF 77: SFYF.lt A !j COI RTS of ssid county. He trusts, if elected, that hisexpe lieiice in the duties of said ntlices will ena'.dc him to give geuercl satisfaction lo the public. Sunbury, June 25, 1842. litior David I. liakt. INFORMS the public that he will be a candidate . lor the office of ! .v : K 1 F F of Noithutnberland County, al the ensuing election. , He respectfully solicits tho sull'r.iges of his fellow citizens, and should he be elected, he will endeavor lo discharge the duties of said olliee with fidelity, and satisfaction to the people. Shamokin, June 25th, 1M2. r.Filtl.ANI) COUNTY. rnllG subscriber refpectfully informs the electors L of NorthunibcibinJ county, that lie will he a candidate at the ensuing election, for the offices of Jlrgistrr, Recorder and Vletk of the Orphans' Court. He trusts, if elected, he will be able to discharge the duties of said offices to the entire satisfaction of ihe communiiy. JAMES BEARD. June 25, 1842. ' HOTEL. Sliamokin, uiiliumb?rlaiil Co., PENNSYLVANIA, fill IE subscrilH'rs respectfully inform the public I. lhat thsy hsve taken that Inrge and rnmnmdi ou HOTEL, in Shamoktntown, in tho centre of the great Coal Region, lately kept by Jacob Kr.im, wheie they are now prepared to accommodate nil who may fjvor them with their custom. By slricl attention to business, they hope to receive a hhiral share of public patronage. BATCHELOR At GOVE. Shnmnkintown, June 18th, 1842. TAILORING, ON HIS OWN HOOK. PETEP. GETTEPn 1F.SPECTFl LLY' informs hi friends and the public generally, that he has commenced the T a i 1 o r i ii if H " ' s in all its branches, in the house formerly occupied by Wm. Durst as a Tailor Shop, in Blacklierry street, nearly opposite the Pnsbyterian Church. He respectfully solicits a share of Ihe public patron- oge, and trusts by strict attention to business and reasonable cha'ges, he will be eiiulilcil to give gen t ral sstisladion. Sunbuiy, June 18th, 1812 ly c 3 C 9 E 15 -O" H -as s" 73 " e S Sana zr K s S3 C 0 n O 9 o C O a t a - w e . 4 O mi B B m t 5 -CO 8- . 3 H 7LCUP., BP.A1T, &3. . rSlllE sulwcrilur iesctfully intoiina the publiu L that she keeps constantly on hand for sale, at it, ii lowest cash nrices. at the lower end of Favn str,.t.ti Sunbury, FLOUR by the hundred, i'aarter, cVc, BRAN by the buhel, HEKiilM? by the do en, Confectionary, iVc. She ieK.r'Tr.Viy solicits Ihe patronage of her Incnds and ihe ivoblie geneially. UAIIBAKA WE1SER. Sunbury, June 1 1th, 18Vi. To Country MERCHANTS, rPHE Subscriber, Ageut ol Lyon & Harris, Hat Matiufai-turera, for New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and other barge cities, whose Hat are highly commended lor jgoerV foln and durTi.ilify, has ou hand a first rate asacrtm-'nt ol HA I'M and OAI'H, suitable for Sprins sales, wh ch will be sold j very low, f.M cash or appioinl credit, at the nited thrap torf, No. 40, Noittl Third sirorl, op'e the City Hotel, Philadelphia. ROBERT I). WILKINSON. Afenl. N. U. Onlers lor lists in ihe ruup,H, promptly attended lo. Ths highest i rice iu rush oi trade given fjr fur nkim. Philadelphia, June II, I843.--Iy rillLAIlKI.NIU, MAHIMi AD I'OTTSYILLE RAIL ROAD. AN FA'THA AC(H)MM()1)ATI()N LINK Will rnmmmcfi running hrlwrrn I'liilnilrlplita and i'otttvill on the following day andhom: Ojr Aivrt AFTV.n Moihat, Mat !), 1S42. Leaving Pottsville, on Mondays, Weilnesilavs and Fridays, at 8 A. M. Leaving Philadelphia, on Tuesdays, Thurwl iy and Saturdays, at lj P.M. Hour nf prtMintf Ucadiiii;. For Philadelphia, at 10A A. M. ? ... . , For Pottsville, at b P. M. $ 1 "-k,.V. I'.i it i: s. Iletween Poitville A Phibida. f3.no A f?.f0 Hetween Reading oV do. 2,25 Ai 1,7ft Between do iV Pottsville, 1,40 At 1 (Ml ExtrnsioN Ticrits ooon ion hkti'iikiiiii hkx r iv r. Iletween Pottsville V Philadelphia, f 5 00 Iletween Reading ,V ilo. M 110 Between do. iV Pottsville, 2 00 The other paseneer trains wilt as before, at the following h"iir : Philadflji(iiu mid I'ntttrillr. From rhilaoclMit i, at !.; A.M. 3 From Pottsville, nl 2 P. M. Hours of ntiiiaing linnhiiit. Daily For PoliHvilie, at ! A. M. Daily. f or riiiimicipiiin, at .ii r. ill. All the train will stop for way passengers at the Usual points. CTj' All passengers sre requested to procure their tickets before the trains stait. May Ul, 1842. tf. NEW GOODS. I !NT leeeived, a fresh supply ot cheap Dry floods. Groceries. Hardware, Ac. Superior Ladies' black kid (iloves, Colored do , Lawns, Chintzes, Mousselin de lames, etc. Cloths, Cssnitnorcs, Cashmercts, Linen Drillings. Muslins, Ac. Superior Pint Wine, Pure Sperm Oil, " Sperm Caudles, Raisins, Are. June 4th. 1842. H. B. M ASSER, .John r.isi'ly, T ESPECTEL LLY infonnstbe Electors of Nor- tbuinbe l ind county, that he will be a candi date for the office of CO It OX Fit. He promises, if elected, to exrrt himself to render general satisfaction, which his experience in the du ties of said office will enable him to do, having held it for the Irrm of three years lo the entire sitisuc tion of the public. Sunbury. June 4th, 1812. ALL persons inib bled to the linn of Lyon t Hairs-, under the agency of O.N. Tbacher, ( and Cap Manufacturer, No. 40 North Third, street, Philadelphia, are requested to make immcdi ate settlement of thtir account with the subscriber, their legally authorized agent, who ia fully empow eied to settle and collect the accounts of said firm. ROBERT D. WILKINSON, June 4th, 1842. tf dil- Fcli illowrer RESPECTFULLY informs the Elector of Northumberland county, that he will be a candidate for the office of SHERIFF, lie promisea, if elected, to discharge the duties of said office wiihar and fidelity. Upper Mahonoy, May 28ih,JS42. TO TllF FI.FCTOltS OF XOItTllFM H Fit LA XI) COIXTY. 1 IIE subscriber respectfully offers himself as a candidate tor the oftiee of commissioner:. and oilers, should he be elected, to exert himself to render general satisfaction. WILLIAM M. CRAY". Sunbury, May 28th 1812. TO TllF FI.FCTOltS OF XOllTllVM II Fit FA SI) COFXTY. fllHE subsTiter oilers himself to the electors of X Northumberland county, as a candidate for the office of rilOTIIONOTARY. Should ho 1 favored with a majority of votes, he will spare no exertions to render general satis faction. CEO. MARTIN. Sunbury, Msy 28th, 1812. U.S.MaiiCoacli roit ro n vi 1,1.1:. STICK TO THE MAIL COACH! HE Mail Coach for Pottsville leaves Northum berland every morning at 4 u clock, and arrives in Pottsville in time for the cars lo Philadelphia. Faunas low as any oilier hue. For scats, apply ul Mrs. Wellington's Hotel, N jilhumbeiland, or at Ceorge Wfilzel's, Sunbury, A. E. KAPP Al I'll,, Norlh'd., May 21, 1812. J'rnjirMor. Cj" Passengers coming from Philadelphia will p'ea-e secure their treats al ihe W hite Swan Hotel, Race St., before they leave the city. l'assei(;vrg coming in ibis line, have their seats secured. i, U1V Stage or Packet boat from this place. '1 b.ot j coming in Ihe other line may lie left behind. CLYDE & WIlilABXS' ItlaitU ItooU I'i.intiai tory, Opposite I'rUrr't I loti I, llAHiilSBURli. F1!IE" are prepared i, manufacture bfank woik I. of every i'e eiiption, ruled to nny pattern, such as Dockets l.ecords. D .y Bonks. Ledgers, Anes sora' ard '.j, .Hectors' Duplicates nf the finest quali ty lift'Hpei, in a style e'qual lo any nudelu the ci 'ies, t.f Philadelphia OT New Yoik. All dcsciipriniis of binding neatly executed. Scrap Books, Albums and Portfolios made to order. Law Bonks, Mush and Periodicals bound to any pattern. Old Hooks rebound, &e. Also files if paiiers bound. cry- Work h-ft at the effice of the Sunbury Ame- I rican, will be promptly hlteudid to. May Stst, 1844. ly. CfC)Ll)KN SWAN ana d . a 3 h Xo. t0 Xorth Third, abore Arch Slrct-tt IM 1 1 LA DELPHI A. l ( OMMODAI IONM KHU MttKMV rtRNUNS. CHARLES WEISS, laieol the "White Swan," and "Mount Vernon House," respectfully in forms bis friends and customers, lhal be has become the proprietor of the abuv-s well known Hotel. Country Meichauts will fnd the abuvu Hotel a central location, and the best of fare. Persons Ira veiling with private conveyance will find a Isige yard and good stabling foi horses, and the best of ostleis. Hoarding f I icrday. May Mih, 1642. tf. j J. 1MAYL AND, JR. & CO. SntilV nml Totincco Mutiulactiirers, Xo, 9!) Xorth West corner of Rare ami Third Strict PHILADELPHIA, rPHE undersigned have formed r Cn-partncrship under the firm of .1, MAYLAND .lit. A- Co.. as successors to the Isle firm of Jacob Atayhnd A Co., slid will continue the l usine-s at ihe i. Id esta blishment, on their own iiceonnt. In addition In their own close attention and experience fir many years, in the manufacture nf their celebrated sniill'-, cVc, Ihe long experience l the senior pailner of the late (inn, will also be devoted to the interest nf the new concern and ss no i xeilion smlraie will lie spared to insure their goods, a' nil limes of the ve ry best uuiihly, lin y solicit a continuance of the confidence of the fi.cmls and customers of the lute linn. THiMS ADAMS, J. MAYLAND, Ju. Philadelphia. May l ltb, n42.1v WAIillA.TF.n SI I'l.liloli I'D A X Y It TllF It M'.Ali SI'MII ItY. tj OMN ifv HENRY LANDAU, having rented Jp the Lime Kilns of Ili'ii'v Masser, in Snnbtiiv, have now for sale the Ust l.imc in this part of the country, und will coiitiiiuo lo keep constantly on hand liesli Lime for Pf istering. Building and for Liming land, on us reasonable terms as can Ire had iinvwhere in the neighlioihood. M.y 21, 1812. J. A- H. LAND All. 7 O 1 111'. Fl. FCI ' ") It S OF X I ) it 77 CM- HFItl.AXl) COI XTY. riVIE Subscriber iispoctlully nfl'crs himself as a J candidate f.ir the olliee of 1'KOTIIONOTAHY, nt the ensuing general election. Should he be so fortunate lo be elected, ho will endeavor to give general satisfaction lo all. May 21. JOHN EARNS WORTH. O & 5R ID e ll S. JOII PIMI, & I. T. TI(ITi:s. ESPECTFULLY" announce lo the citizens of Sunbury, and its vicinity, that they have this tiny entered into copartnership in the Practice ot Medicine, in all its various departments, and hope by this arrangement, punctual attention to business, and moderate charges, to receive a libeial share of public patronage. (Jfji Dr J. PEAL tenders his grateful acknowl edgements for the very liberal patronage heretofore received, and feeling confident lhat the new ar rangement, (the firm of Peal A: Trites,) will be conducive to the comfort and welfare of the pub lic, he most respectfully solicits continuance of ; their confidence. Sunbury, May 7lh, 1842. 6m. EAGLE a n qd ra7 Corner of Third and Vine Streets, WIlXIAMSrOIlT, PA. rilHR snbscrilier respectfully aniiirunces to the JL public, that be h:s o( ened a Hotel in the com modious brick building silua'le on the comer of Third and Pine streets, where ho will be happy to wait npou those who may favor him wit'i their company. The Eagle Hotel is la'ge and conveni ent, and furnished in the be-t mnlcin stue. It is provided with a laige number of well aired and comfortable sleeping apartments, rooms, private parlors, cVc Persons visiting Willismsport on bu siness or pleasure, may rent as-invd that every ex ertion will be used lo render their sijoum nt the "Eagle Hotel" pleasant and agreeable. His Table will be supplied with the very Vat the maikel af fonls, and his bar wilh the'ehoicest wines and other liquors charges reasonable. The Eagle Hottl nofscsses greater advantages in point ef location than any other similar establishment in theboiough. being situate in the business part of Ihe town, and within a convenient distance or the Court House and Willmnisporl and Elmira Rail Road Di put. Sufficient Stabling provided, and good and ttuMy ostlers always iu ii'lleiidance. Attentive, accommodating 'and hone-t Servants have been mployed, snd nothing left undone thai will add to ihe conifotl and ccotnRiodattuin of his guest. There will lie a carriage stways m allcndnnco nt the Boat Landing to convey passenge'rs to and froii the House, free of cbsrge. CHARLES BORROWS. May 14th. 1812. wiTheiliait &Tc o7, I'onmiiion V Korwartiini Morrltanls, Foot of Willow Street Hail RonJ, ox tiik iict.vWAsr, HAYINIS associated wilh them Joseph Barnet, lale of Easton, Pa., respectfully inform their friends and the public generally, lhat they hsve ta. ken tint large and well known store and wharf at foot of Willow Street Railroad, la'.cly occupied by Jacob Martin, where they purpo-ie doing a Cent ral Commission and Forwarding Business, and fiorn , the local advantages nf lb': place being Connected ; with all tltu public imp'.ovements lhat have their i outlet in the 'city, they flatter themselves they will i lie able to do husinesa to as great, if not greater ad ! vantage, and ur.ou as reasonable terms as any other ; house, and they assure their friends that any con signments rr.nde lo them shall have their strict at j teution, bjiJ no exeitiotis scared to give entire satis ' facl'on. ''iie are also rirenrired to receive and forward good to any -point on the Delaware and Lelnch rivers, between Maiich Chunk, Easton and Phila- dclj hia, Via Delaware Division and Lehigh Can.ds; also, to any point on the Juniata river, or North and Wist llram-hcs of the Susquehanna via Schuyl kill and Union, or tho Chesapeake and Tide Wittci Canals. For the accommodation of Boats coming or go ing via Schuylkill ami Union Canals, a Steamboat will V.i Lent exnreaslv for towini! hosts from the Schiivlklll around to the Delawkie and back, which will enable merchants tn have their produce deli eied ou the Delaware, and their good shipped al a navinu ot M lo 7S nor cent, o" the nriees fir hauling sciOss, wilh these advantage they re spectfully solicit a share of pstromu-e. W. HEILMAN iV CO. William Hellmsn, S ill i am W. Ke)S', ). Joseph Barnet. 3 PhiUd . M iv 14. 1X12 . y I 'ran lit . MiiMail., FFERS hiinself as a ctndiilan' lor ihe offices lit iristir litcitrdrr,and Clt ik vf flu- Of phan' Court, at the ensirtig gener tl flection. Should the pei-pt think him capable, no neglect mi Li" p nl shall pre veni the duties of said oificcs from being ierform ed st all time. M ay Uih XHi'i. to Tin: Fi.FcToits of Yrifrifi faT- HF.lt LAX I) COFXTY. 'PlIE sub-criler sesieclfully intoiins the i lectors of Northumberland county, lhat he will bo a candidate at the ensuing electi ui. lor the ntlices of Register, Rtcvrdtr and VUtk iff tht Orphans' Cvurl. Having bad considerable experience in public life, he tiua'i, if elected, he w ill Is" side to dischaige the dunes of said offices to the mute satisf.tetioii ol the community. FREDERICK I.AZAIU May I4lh, 1642. a. . MASSE?. ATTOKNKY AT LAW, 6UITBURV, PA. Husines iittended to in the Counties of Nor thuipl ciland, Union. Lycoming and Columbia, liefer lot Tim s Haiit & Co., Lo Win Ai Uinsorr. Haiit, ('uKMinni At Haiit, Vilad. llr trrotiia, McF'AWi.Arrn A; Co SpRstvo, 'Joou V On., TO THE ELECTORS OF NORTHUMBER LAND COUNTY. Tty HE Subscriber respectfully informs the Elec B. Iots of Nirtiliximbeilnnd county, that ho will be a candidate for the offices of lCfhtir, It-'cvrihr uud Clerk of the Orjiham' Court, at the ensuing crnfral tdertton. Should lie le f tected, he will exert himself to render general satis faction. Which fits long experience in tho duties i f a itl ofiiees, vfill enable him to do. M iv 7. lvDWATVD iTYSTER. TO TIIK FI.FCTOltS OF XOllfll- rMHKItl.AXD COL'XTY. t ln E subscriber lieing prevailed on1y bis friends. I respectfully it.fomis the public that he will be a candidate for Ihe odice of A).LMISSIONER. at the ensuing general election. He 'inomises, if elected, to fulfill the duties of sniil iillioo, with Caio and fidelity. JOHN YOUNG, May 7lb, 1812. "i" P.lfiVcT?rsZLE.' ,l)R Sale, a Fann containing nboul 81) aciis, more Or less, situate in Shamokin township. Noithnmlierlaud county, about seven miles from Sunbnrv, on the main roaibleading from that pl.n o lo Petersburg and Shamr.kintown, airjoining land.t of Wm. Farrow, Abraham Klase, Sauiui'lConsi r and Wm. Mart, on which there is a good larpe Brick Hone, With a well of never failing "water at the door, a large Barn in good repair, a good Or chard, nnd a good seat for a mill or any kind of water power. Nearly alt the land is cleared and in good cultivation, twenty-five 8cres of wltti h is good meadow. The Danville snd Pottsville Kail Road runs through said firm. It will be sold as the pros perly of Wm. Waters, dee'd. Any person wish ing to purchase enn do well, as -the terms nre rea sonable. PosscHsion and a good title -can be given next Spring. Tor further paitlc.ulais, ptrsonsaro cqiies't d to apply to ihe widow, who lives on ti n premises, or lo Godfrey ati rs or E. (neer.oiitjh. Esq. in Sun'oury. 'GODFREY WATERS, t:. R. WATER--, Fx'rsof Wut 'W ater. dcct. Mav 7-tf. Sii.t.l! Sliaii!! IRST Rate Shad nnd Hiring, fat., ni d r.f fir. : A flavor, inspected No. 1 in A pril. iosl recriveU. nnJ Kir sale ot the new st ire crt JOHN CHAMBERLAIN. Mnv7ih. 1819. HOUSE, Xo. 237, -Vor.rY 'Third, above Callowhill St., PHILADELPHIA, fill! E subscribers lakes pleasure in ecqns;ntir n JL their friends and Ihe public in general, lhat they have tnVenlhe large and commodious Hotel, recently built by the Messts. Halt, on the sar.ie site once occupied by the oM ustabli.hed Hotel known as the Uuli's Head, in Third slieet above Callow hill St. This Hotel is fmisie,l in the very best possible manner, and of the best materials. Its locntion is very desirable, particularly for country merchants ; the arrangi irl(-nis for heating and ventilating each room is such as to secure any temperature. The bfdroonir.f.re all light and airy, all furnished ilia nest sty so as to insure ronifort. T'nc receiving parlors are also furnished in a su per'o style, Ihe windows are on the French s'yle, foi mil g an entrance to a balcony in front, whuli ninkes a pleasant recess. Purticular attention has peen given lo Ihe beds and bedding, which, witli the furintrre, are en'ir Iv ih-w. f rom yea's" experience in hntel business, we IruM, liy strict assiduity to business, to mnke this house a desirable sli pping place. Our table w ill always le supplied wi'h the v ry best our maiket can afford, and nut br.rw i'h Ihe best liquors uud I wines of the most appioved brands. I . S. I here are tu st rate stabling lino carr agl house, attached to the hotel. Attended by ca el'u:l and sober hosilers, und our charges will be low, ii accordance Willi the present hard tiu.es, SHI LI Z A. DUitR Philadelphia. April 1(1. 1S42. SUSQUBHA NN A HOTEL, CATTAWISSA, COLUMBIA CC, I'FXXSYIAAXIA. HE subscrilM'r re-pectfully informs the publiu that he has purchased, and now occupies ths Large 111 U K avrm Stand, ami ;t ,m,ys Commodious Well known as the property, late of Theodora Wells, and formerly kept by Samuel A. Brady. He is now prepared to accommodate all travellers and visiters who m.y favor him with B call, and will use eveiy effort in his power to render eveiy ! convenience and comfort to his customers, while ! tinder his charge. His accommodations are ample, ; am) bis rooms well furnished, Hia stables enenj I ive nnd in good condition. His Table and Bah. will he supplied with the ! l est that the market can atford. By punctuality . and Hltci.lion. ho feels confident that he will meilt : the patronage of the public. I CHARLES IIARTMAN. "attswissa, April '.Mb, 1812, ItOltl.UT iKTI'.ll .V SOV, rAPEH MANUFACTUREBS, l.umbaitl Strut, Uatitiiwrr, HAVE constantly for sale, Printing Paper of all si7.es and qualities. Cap Writina Paper, rubd and plain, Letter Paper, white und blue, ruled ami plain. Hanging Paper, fine and common, Envelope Paper, do. do. medium, double crow n, crown and j exit sir.e. Y lapping Papers, Coloied Medium snd Koyal l'iers, Uounit, Ifimters and fsnsw llox Boards, Tissue Paper, sud all articles in their line, which they will sell on accommodating terms. ILgbest price given f r old rags. ROBERT CARTER A SON. March 19. 1842. E kton. M l. WHARTON'S n; r B3 n. Siiiibui') , XurlliuiiilH i laiul County, PENNSYLVANIA. flHE subscnlMT rtsptcilully inlorms ihe public, .1 that he has lemnved lo thst large snd comm. tlious Brick House, on Market square, opposite l e Court House, (formerly kept by Hira n Piice.) where he is now prepared lo accommodate all who may favor hiinwiiha call. Being lhailtui for past fsvors, he hopes by strict attention to business, lo leecnes liberal sbaie of public patronage. Ace, CHARLES D. WHARTON. Sunbuiy, Much Sib, le4J.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers