MANX. MOTE LIST. PEKK81XTAKIA. Tie f allowing lid show the current value of all Penneylvenia Bank Note. Tha moat implicit re Tinnee mi; be placed upon it, it Is every week carefully compered with at d corrected from Bi k hell's Reporter. DanAi In Philadelphia. Na... U..T.. NOTES AT PAR. Rank of North America . Rank of the Northern Liberties . Dank of Pannsvlvania Rank of Penn Township . . Commercial Bank of Penn'e. . Farmere and Mecbanica' Bank . Grerd Bank . Kensington Bank . . Mt.urecturers' A Mechanic' Bank Mechanics' Dank Movamensing Bank . Philadelphia Bank Schuj&iM Bank Southwark Bank . Western Bank Country Banks. far r par p.,r par par par par par par par par par par par Bank of Pittsburg Pillsbutg par par par par 3 par par Hank of Cheater County Bank of Delaware County Bank of Germantown llatik of I-ewistown Bank ff Middletown Bank of Montgomery Co. Bunk of Northumberland Westchester Cheater UermarrMwn Lewirtcmn Middletown Notristown Northumberland par Berks County Bank iieeding . f to 1 Columbia Bank 4c Bridge Co. Columbia par Carlisle Bank Cartiale 1 Dojlestown par Enelon par Pittsburg par Holhdsysburg 3 Bristol par Lancaater pat Reading par Harriaburg par Lancaater par Lebanon par Pittsburg par Pottsville par Altentown par Towanda Williameport par WtHceeberre ,par Harrisburg Tbeae Lancaater I offices Reading f do not Esston J iiauen. Doyleetown Bank Esston Bank Exchange Bank Do do branch of Fsrmeas' Bank of Buck! CO. Farmere' Bank of Lancaster Farmers' Bank of Reading Harriaburg Bank Lsneaster Bank Lebanon Bank Merchanta' A Manuf. Bank Minora' Bank of Potlaville Northampton Bank Tow and a Back Weal Branch Bank Wyoming Bank Office of Bank of Peiin'e, Office do do Office do do Office do do NOTES AT DISCOUNT. Bank of the United 8tatea Philadelphia Office of Bank of U. 9. Pittaburg Do do do Erie De do do New Brighton Kensington 8a. Ina. A do Penn Township Sav. Ina. do Bank of Chambersburg Chambersburg Bunk ol" Gettysburg Gettysburg Bank of Susquehanna Co. Moniioae Erie Bar.k Erie Farmers' A Drovers' Bank Wsynesburg Franklin Bank Washington Honradale Bank HoncsdaJe Monnngabela Bank of B. Brownsville Vork Bank York H i 10 i i N. B. The note of those bank on which we omit quotation, and eubstitute a daah ( ) are not purchased by the Philadelphia brokers, with the exception of those which bars a letter of reference. BROKEN -BANK 8. Philadelphia 8a. Ina. ThilaJrkhia failed Philadelphia Loan Co. do failed Schuylkill 8ae. Ina. do failed Manual Labor Bank (T. W Droit, prop.) failed Alleghany Bank of Pa. Bedford no aale Uank of Beaver Bank of Swatara Dank of Washington Centre Bank City Bank V omers' dc Mech'ca' Bank Farmers' dc Mecb'ca' Bank Farmer' dc Mech'ca' Bank Harmony Inatitute Huntingdon Bank Juniata Bank lombeHmii' Bank Northern Bank of Pa. New Hope DeL Bridge Co, Northunile'd Union Col. Bk. North Western Bank of Pa. Office of Schuylkill Bank Pa. Agr.4i Maouf. Uank BiKei Lake Bank Union Bank of Penn'a. Denver ctneed H arrisburg closed Washington failed Bellrfont closed Pittsbuig no sale Pittaburg failed Fayette eo. failed Greencaatle failed Harmony no aale Huntingdon no aale 1-ewistown no aale Warren failed DundatT no aale New Hope closed Milton no sale Mcadville eloerd Port Carbon failed Carlisle failrd Monlioae elosrd Uniontown failed Westmoreland JJank Grcenehurg closed Wirkeabarra Bridge Co, Wilktsbsrre no aale rry All notea purporting to be on any Pennsyl vauia Sank not given in the above list, may be aet down as frauds. Bank of New Brunswick Brunswick failid Belvidere Bank Belvidera Xpm Burlington Co. Bank Medford par Commercial Bank "Perth Amboy 1pm Cumberland Hank 'Dridgetnn pat Parmer' Bank Mount -Holly par Farmer' and Mechanics' Bk Rahway Spin Farmers' and Mechanics' Bk N. Biuniwirk failed Farmers' and Mecbanica' Bk Mid Jit town Pu 1pm Frank lin Bank of PC J. V eraey -Crty Hoboken Bkg A Graxing Co Hoboken Jersey City Bank Jersey City Mechanics' Bank Patterson Manufactures' Bank Belleville Morris Company Bank Morrslfbwn Monmouth Bk of N. J. FreenTdd Mechanics' BaiA Newark Mechanics' and Manuf. Bk Trenton Morris Canal and bkg Co Jersey City Post Notes failed failed failed failed 'failed par failed 3pm par no sale Newark Bkg A WCo Newark New Hope Del Bridge Co Lainoeilsville .N. J. Msnufsc and Bkg Co Huboken 2pm par failed failed 1 pm -failed 2 pm par psr par N J Protection dc Ixwibaid bk Jersey City Orange Bank Orange Peterson Bank Pater son Peoples' Bank 'do Princeton Bank Princeton Halem Banking Ce Sulem Stwta Bank rewsrk Stats Bank Elixabrthtown Hut Bank Camden Stale Bank of Morris Mnrri.towa eatla Bank Trmton Salem and Philad Manuf Co Salem Suaaex Bank Niwton Trenton Banking Co Trenton Union Bank Drr Washington Banking Co. Havkenstdk 3 pm -8 pm 3pm failed failed i-l"" 'Ipm failed Ir.LAARI. Ilk of Wilm A Brandy win. Wi:,nington psr Bank of Delaware Wilmington par Bank of Smyrna Smyrna par Do branch Millord par Parmcia' Bk of Slate of Del Doee par Da branch Wilmington par Do branch Gaorgrtowa par Do branch Newcastle par Union Bank Wilnungton par XT Under 5's fQ- Oa all banks marked thus () there are ei ther cooptetasil or s Iter ad Botes of the vansu de uoohatoi ana, in circulation. PROSPECTUS or THE DAILY KEYSTOXE. TERMS t go tbb stasia. The undersigned being fully aware of the im portance ol hiving Diily Democratic Paper, publialied al lha Beat of Government of Ponnsyl vsnia. during the sessions of the Leg ialature, In compliance with the r quest ol a number of their democratic friends, propose to publish the KEi STONE DAILY, during lha approaching session, on Royal Sheet al the low price of two uottsa for the session, or two cent per single copy. The great ol ject to be attained by the publication of a Daily paper at Harriaburg during the session of the legislature, is to give reports of the Debates in the two Houes, on all important public qaes liona, rrore at length th in ha heretofore been cue lomarv. and to art those reiiorte out before the pub lic, mo. a expeditiously than by the alow process of a scmi-we. kly ppr. 1 here la an anxiety in ido minds of the r ailing public to obtain the eailieal inrorniation in regard to a'l public movements t and aa the measures to be brought forward and dis cussed, at the appr. aching eeasion of our Legisla ture, will 1 of the first importance, to th people at large, we conceive that there ran be no mora eui'ablc lime than the present, for the commence ment of an rnlerpriae ol this kind. A one of the proprietors of the Keystone is a professional atenographer, and ha long been en gaged a a Reporter in Congress, in the Conven tion lo amend the Constitution, and in tne sixte Legislature, he confidently hopes that he will he enabled to Conduct the Legislative Department of the paper, in a msnncr entiiely satisfactory to thoae members whose rem.irk he may report, and toe public at Isrge. He will be assisted by cometenl reiioriera, and will at all tunes attend in one Mouse himself to ensure faithful and accurate reports of debates in the Legislature. The other proprietor will bike charge of ihe' Editorial Department of the naper. and as he has heretofore bad considerable experience in conducting a Democratic Journal, in another part of the Slate, lie hopes to be able lo make the Keystone acceptable not only to bia politi cal fiienda, but lo the reading public. We shall also have a correspondent al Waah- ington, who will give a daily avnnpsis of the busi nesa transact) d lit th National Legislature ; and an account of all the political movement, which may be made at the se t of the general Govern ment. j As we shall incur a heavy expenditure, o- ver and above our own labora, In gelling up our Daily, and in employing Rrpoitera, Correspondents, Ac. wa trust our fiiend throughout the state will exert themselves to give our paper aa wide a circu- ation aa poss.ble, Tiia very low rale at which we have placed our Daily, will make it necessary for ua to adopt the esse. ataTSM, ao far at least a it ia coneerned. and require payments lo be made to 11 during the first month of the session. The semi-weekly Keystone, (Double Royal aixe) will be publiabid aa uaual during lha saion al Iwo dellara. rry- Post Mas'ers and others sending us five subcribera accompanied by ten dollars, will be entitled to a coy for their trouble. ISAAU U. McM.l.t.l. J. M. G. LESCUKE Harriaburg, Dec. 4, 1641. PH03PECTTJS or TH DAILY ITATS GJkPITOXs OAZSTTII. THE editors of lha Stste Capitol Gasette, at the urgent solicitation of nurntrous Democratic friends in almost every country of the Common wealth, have come to the concluaion, to publish during the ailtinga of the approaching aeaaion of lha Lcgielature, the STATE CAPITOL GAZETTE, DAILY. The Dai 11 Gastte will be printed on a roy. al sheet of fine paper, which will be eutficiently large to contain full reports of proceedings of both branches of the Legislature. In carrying out our intention of publishing a daily paper at the seal of Government, we will of course subject ourselves to heay rxpenditurea, and will consequently eipect the Democracy of Pennsylvania to tally round ua, and austain ua in our undertaking. To enable u lo give full reports ol the proceedings of ths le gislature, we have made arrangements for placing in euch Houie a competent stenographer, the ability and professions! experience of one of whom at leoat, ta univcraally admitted both here and else where. In sddition to this, we have engaged, at a considerable expense, the valuuble aervicea of our Ute Washington Correspondent, whose style of writing, the forcible, energetic, and learleaa man Iter in which he laid bare tba doings of Federalism, and the faithful predictions which he gavs, during the extraordinary session of Congress, ia familiar to our numerous readers, many of whom have che rfullv admitted lo ua, in peraon, that '-Cleoo is one of the best political writers of Ilia day, and have urged us again to procure hi aid aa our cor respondent at the seat of the Gent ral Government. As regards the future course of ths Gaxette, we derm it unnecessary lo aay more than that il will al- way a be found, as heretofore, a warm supporter the great principle of Democracy, and battling filth Mly, for the welfare, promotion, and happiness of ike People at large. 1 he banking ayateni, as it la at fires, nt conducted, believing, aa we do, that it ia caliula ed to spread distress, mo-eiy and ruin in e verv community where ita polluting influence is felt, shall -continue to meet from the Gaxette the same di termined opposition it always ha met wim, until the hired roahtiona and combinationa of ban ko a, .peculators, and stock-jobbers, shall be made to feel that ths will of the people is scraKMX. Ha ving been the ardent and xealoua supporters of the re-election of our present worthy Executive, DaTID R. Poktsb, il shall be our pride and pleasure to give to liia administration a firm, decided and ho nest anpiMirt. In publirhing a daily paper, we are well aware of the heavy responsibility (bat will rest upon ua, aa Ha edicts and conductor a. We are firmly con vimed, however, that a Democratic daily paiier the eeill of government, ia much neerml, snd st th suggestion of our Demociaiic Triads, wa bateberii induced to commence tba'undeilaking, provided rrahOnal le encouragement ia given lo warrant The vny modeiate terms at which we offer our dai ly I'1!4' subscribers, must 'convince every one that the ol iect is riot to 'realize therefrom an extra vacant compensation for our 1st ore. On the other lisinl, a .ball be irfeclly (atisfied if our expenses do not lull behind our income. The lerrca of the Dsll'T GatXTTX are auch aa will compel ua to adopt the caea srsTSV, which rule will telncily adhered to. The semi-weikly Ktiti CsriTOi Gaxtrra (d uble r"Vl fhr) will lie published a heretofore, diirint! the silling of the Legislature. Any son aending ua five euUcribsre accompa nied b t n dollars, shall receive a copy for their frisuSU , grotit. Persm.a ,Mlncrniiig for either of the above pa lis, are r- quest, d lo send in their orders oYI or tie furs the !tii of December. TERMS: Dam Gaxarra for the ecsia S3 0t rtiHi-Witctr Osxitts, do. 3 rio HEM'OI'K A BRATTON, F4tor aid Frnprittori. Harriaburg, Dc 4, lltl. NcOAXiLA Sc HBXISO, So 51, North Second street, (CO..O.COOM.'..tW,.) Where they constantly keep on hand a general , assortment of CX.OTHS, CABMOmaUBB, VlMTTJCQat, And a grtul variety vj ante it $ nj a tupcrwr quality, which they offer to dispose of upon the moat reasonable term. COUNTRY MERCHANTS and others will find il to Iheii advantage lo call and examine their stock before purchasing elsewhere. Philadelphia. Nov. 6, 1841. ly A SPLENDID ASSOUTMLUKT or SfJjENjSKST- QgC3DCEnr?faa "ITU3T arrived from the city of Philadelphia, and P for ssle, at lha moat reduced prices. tVr cash, at lha new atora formerly kept by John Bogar, as follow ( Clothing of all sort and sixes, such as Warm Overcoats, Coittees. Pantatoone, Vests, Ac. Also, a large asaortment of Fine Calfskin and Wa terproof Boots, Ladies' Lare Boots, and a variety of other Boots and Shoes tor the winter, trimmed and unlrimmed Gam Shoes, and Men a, Boys and Chil dren's Shoes, of all sixes. JOHN CHAMBERLAIN, 8unbury Oct. 30th 1841.- if. MRS. BOLTON, Tft ESPECTFULLY informs her frie.Js and the MMj public generally, that she continues to keep that well known Tavern Stand in Market etrret. Sunbury, sign of the formerly kepi by John Bolton, her husband ; and by eudeavoring lo conduct the eatabliahment in a manner lo give aatisiacliuii to all, bopea to merit a liberal hale of public patronage. Sunbury, Octolrr 9th, 1841. ADAMS'S HOTEL, Sunbury, ur I humberland County, rEXmSYX.VAXrXA. THE subscriber hs rented that large and conve- A nirnl Tavein House in Sunbury, lately occu pied by Hiram frit, and iapiepared to aceomroo- ate all who will favor him with their cuatom, in a neat and comfortable manner. ROBERT ADAMS. Sunbury, Oct. S3d, 1841. SIIrlPSOlT & PP.7, T ESPECTFULLY inform the citixena of Sun bury snd vicinity, that thev bave lakn the Shop lately occupied by W m. Durat, where they will carry on the TJLTL.OnXHO BUSXXTIIS8, in all it varioue branches. By atiict attmlion and reaaonable chatgea, they expect to merit a abare of public patronage. Sunbury, Sept. 4th, 1841. MADEIRA WINE. First quality Madiera Wine, lor ile low by Sept. I, 1841. H. B. MASSES, FOURTH PROOF BRANDY. A genuine article alway on hand and for aale by Sept. 1, 1841. n. U. MASSEK. HOLLAND GIN, Of the beat quality alway on hand and for aala by Sept. I, 1841. H. B. MA8SEK. LOAF AND LUMP SUGAR. Always on hand and for ssle by Sept. 1, 1841. H. B. MASSER. NEW ORLEANS SUGAR HOUSE MO LASSES. Ol" the beat quality always on hand ar.d for aale by Sept. 1, 1841. H. B. MASSER, BROWN SUGAR. Of a good quality, for aale low by Sept. 1,1841. H. B. MASTER. GREEN AND BLACK TEAS. Of the beat quality alwsyaon hand and for aale by Sept. 1,1841. H. U. HAS8EK. COFFLE. Java, Rio and Laguira Coffee, con- atantly on hand and for aale by Sept. 1,1841. H. o. MASHER. SPERM OIL. Winter and Summer strained Sperm Oil, of the heat quality, always on band and for aale by Sept 1, 1841. n. U, MASSEK. STEEL. Caet and Blister Steel, for sale by Sept. I, 1841. H. B. MASSER. IRISH SALMON. Ol the beat quality. con- atantly on hand and for aala by Sept. 1, 1841. n. D. MASSEK. LIQUORS. Of all kirvla and of tho beat quali ties, slwsys on hand and for aale by Sept. I, 1841. H. B. MASSER. SPRING STEEL. Of varioua aixea for Etiptic Springs, for sale by Beet. 1,1841. II. D. MAHMEK. LARGE QUARTO BIBLES For aale at very reduced price by Sept. I, 1841. II. B. MA8SER. BLANK BOOKS.. Sept. 1, 1841. -Of all kinde. for aale by H. B. MASSEK. BLANK DEEDS. Bonda, Mortgagee, Ac. for aale by Sept 1. 1841. H. B. MASSER, JUSTICES' BLANKS. for sale by Sept. 1, 181 1. H. B. MASSER. CLOTHS, Blue, Black. Invisible Green, Ac, for sale by Sept 1, 1841. H. B. MASSER, CASSIMERLS sale very low by Sept. I, 1841. AND 8ATTI.NETTS. For H. B. MASSER. CARPETI NG. For aale cheap by Sept. 1, 1841. H. B. MASSER. BLANKETS For sale cheap by Sepi. 1, 1841. H. B. M ASSER. UNBLEACHED MUSLIN8. For ssle by 5.ePL.b.I?il: H. B. MASSER. COTTON YARN AND COITON LAPS-I For aale by Sept. 1 1841. H. B- MASSER. HEMP AND COTTON TWINE. For aale by Sept. I, 1841. H. B. MASSER. TOWING LINES, CORDS AND ROPES For aala by Sept. I, 1841. II. B. MASSER. WARRANTED Brass Clocks, For 13 Dollar, Ql'AL r time tn any .r by Clnrk rid lar for tbt for sale by eb 13. H. B. MASSER. list of noons, to sata at ' nr. Q3. sxic gsBaaDa. ANTHON'8 Classical Dictionary) lmprier'a do4 A ins worth's do l Cobb's do English and German do.j Ambon's Cesar; Anthon'a Grammars Anthen'e Ciceroj Man's Latin Header ngilhy'edo.) Andiaw'a Latin Lessons; D.mnegsn's Lexicon; Fisk'a Greek Exercises; Daviee a Leiendei; Graeea Majorat A dams' a Roman Antiquitiest Pinnock'a Goldsmith's England; do. Greece; Lyell'e Elements of Geology; Mrs. Lincoln's Botany; Elements of Botany; Bridge's Algebra; Porter'a Rhetorical Rea ders; Emerson's Geography and History; Olney'a do.; Parley's do.; Smith's G rammer; Kirkham'a do.; Kay's Readers; Cobl e do.; Cobb's Arithmetic; Pike's do.; Emerson's do Cobb's Spelling Books; Town's do.; Cobb's Table Books; Evangelical Fa- mily Library; Collage Bibles; Family do ; Collater al 004 Small iliblea and Testaments; Parker's t-x erciw on Composition; Fruit of the Spirit; Bsxter's 8..ints Rest; American Revolution; Msrrvatl'a No vels; Mrs. Phelps on Chemistry; Iliad; Catechism of American Laws; letters on Natural Magic; Che mistry for Beginners; English Exercises adapted lo Murray's Gratnroer; Sequel to Comley's Spelling Book; American Class Bk; Daboll's Schoolmas- ter'e Assistant; A sreet variety of Blank Books, Ac August 38, 1MI. Works ol Iature. IN a stile of health the intestinal canal may lie compared In a river whose watera flow over the ad joining land, through the channel nature or art has msde, and improves their qualities and to keep up tba comparison of the river, so long aa it runa on smoothly the channela are kept pure and healthy; but if by some csuse the course of the river is stop ped, then the wster in the canals is ne longer pure, but soon becomes stsgnant. 1'hers is but one Isw of circulation in nature. When there is a super abundance of aumoriel fluid (ecrocily) in ths intea tinsl tubes, snd costivsness takes place, il fl. we back into the blood veasels, and infiltrates itself in to iba circulation. To estsblish lha free course of iba river, we must remove the o'struUioii which stop its fiee course, snd tho a of its tributsry streetn. With the body, follow the same natural principal ; rimove, by thai valuable purgative medicine Aran drtthj Vnivtrial Vegetable Pill, which are an ef fectual aaaistanca of nature, the superabundance of humors in the intestine canal. By persevering in this prsctice, the wsy of ths circulation will then be restored to the full exrrctae of their natural func tions, snd a stste of health will he firmly ealablish ed Remember, never suiter a drop ol blood to be taken from you Evacuate the humors ss often snd as long as they are degenerated, or as lopg ss you are sick. Dr. Brandreth a Office in Philadelphia, ia al No. 8, NORTH EIGHTH street, where his pill. can be had at 35 centa per box, with full directions. (JjH)nly agent in Sunbury, is H. 0. Mssscr Eeqr. Sunbuty, Sept, 4, 1841. ATTENTION. J . SIBXEl JOSEf), REQUESTS the attention of hie country friends who are in want, to his verv Urge stork i f Carpelinge, Oil Clothe, Mattings, Ruga, Bindings, Stair Roda, Ac, Ac, that he has just oixnul, at his warehousea, No. 18 North 3d street, and No. 3 Church Alley, next dour to Christ Church, Phila delphia. July 31, 1841. ly. JACOB XftsAXlTXN, rmmlkalon and rorwardlng; ITWmCHAMT. RESPECTFl LLY in forma his friends and the Mstchants generally, lhat ha eontinuee the Commission and Forwarding Business, his ware house, loot of Willow at. Railroad, Delawaie and IkhuylsilL Merchanta goods to I shipped, will find il much lo their advantage, aa lo time and prices of freight, to send their merchsndise to the Depot, corner of Front and Willow street Railroad, as they csn then be sen' either route by the Title W ater Canal, oi Schuylkill and Union Canals, aa boats nil arrive and depart daily lor the Juniata and Susquehsnna Canale by Tide-water in tow of ateam, or via Schuylkill and Union Canala from Fairtnount dam. Merchants will please be particular lo send all goods destined for either route, to the large Depot, comer of Front and W-llow ulrerl Railroad, with directiona accompanying them, which route they wiah them lo he shipped. Coarse and fine Sail and Piaster al wholesale prices, on tbe Delswsre or Schuylkill. Philsdrlphia, June 0, IH4l ly. J0H1T3 &, CTJ2MX1TG3. WHOIE8ALS WHOXl, BOXOCBT, Con eno Palm lstaf Hat Store, No. 10 Soot 4ia St ax it. PHILADELPHIA, VITHERE an extensive avwortment of the above ' articles are cJi.etanlly kept on hand, for sale st the most reasonable u-ime. May 39, 1841.- ly. SPANISH HlaOES, TATfrnsBsf oa and leathxh. D. KIKKPATK1CK & SON, No. J I, No'th Third strut. (axTw.aa.TasncHS..cTTaTS,) PHILADELPHIA. HAVE for sale a large and excellent assortment of Spaniik Hides, I'atna Kips, Tanners' Oil, dc, al the lowrst market prkas, ruber for caab, if exchange for Leather, or upon credit Consignments of I-eather received for svle, o purchased at Iba highest maikel prices. (T Leather atoietl Irea ol charge, April 17, 1841. ly. ATTENTION MERCHANTS. Vc. B. F.&J.H.FXIXCXE, WHOLESALE GROCERS, FORWADING A enoDpes coHMiaaias vjsacaaaTe, No, 397, Market street, five doors abov Seventh, PHILADELPHIA, SUFFER for sale, at tbe lowest market prices, a genet al asaortment of Teas, Coffees, Sugars, Molasses, Wines, liquors. Spices, Tubaeco, 4;e. Cocktbt Paonvia received and sold on commie aion. Merchant, Hotel keepers, snd others, will find it to their sdvsatsge lo esU and examine our stock, before purchasing elsewhere. Menhant wishirg their goods collected in this city, by leaving an or.lee, will hava them promptly forwarded, by lha most expeditious line. iswii r, rsiri, sou a. raiea. Feb. 1811. ly. SELF-ADJUSTING LOT. BKACE FOR SAW.M1LLS. Bt Bxsjaxua N. Craew. f PHE Suhecribera having purrhaeed the right for vending and uaing the above valualJe inven tion, for Northumberland County, offer lo dispose of the same to persona whe may desire lo purchase. Tbe above rnvi niioo is now in operation at Ihe saw mill of Mf. M't'arly, cesr runhury, where it ran be inspected by enere of saw mills and all others interested. E. GOBI. March D.-tf. AMUEL GOBIN. NKV1KlsVMhttHiHl AN unparelleled remedy for common CoMs, Coughs, Aal!ima,Influensa, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, and all diseases of lha Breast and Lungs, leading to consumption; composed of lha concen trated virtues of Horehound, Bon set. Blood Root, Liverwort and eaveral other vegetable su!stanCes. Prepared only by J. M. Wisslow, Rochester, New York. The Innocence and universally admitted perioral vittues of the Herbs from which the Balsam of mm t. . ... - tiortnotma is meue, are 100 generally known lo re quire recommendation ; it i therefore only necessa ry lo observe that this Medicine containa the whole of their Medicinal properties, highly concentrated, and ao happily combined with several other vege table substances, as to render it the most speedy. mild and certain remedy, now In ue, f r the com' plaints shove mentioned. The Balssm remove all imflsmmation and sore ness of the Lungs, loosens tough visit! phlegm, ep aiding the patient lo expectorate with ease and free' dom, aasuagea cough, relievea athmatic and diffi cult respiration, heala the injured parte, open the pores, and composes the disturbed nerves, and glees strength to the lender lungs, and thus produces a si-erdy and lasting cure. IxoasTiTt rx is Tax bisist cbimk m Man. Wa srs not smong thst claaa of Editors who fur a few dollars will, (at the expenee of truth and ho nesty) "crack up" en article and bring il into rapid sale 1 ueither aia we willing to icmain silent, afur having tested the utility of an im rovemenl or dis covery in science or srt. Our readers will recollect we told them we were unw. II with a aore throat and violent cold soma few weeks ago. Well, we pur chased iwohotllee of WINSLOW'S BALSAM OF HOREHOUND, and so sudden wss the cure, that we forgo we evef had a cold. Thoe who are afflicted, may try it upon our recommendation. Lttntton Trlrgraph. For sale by HENRY YOXTHEIMER, Ounlnry, JACOB BRIGHT, ForthumbtrlatiJ. Also, by Druggists generally throughout the country. ijy Price, 60 cents per bottle. August 14ih, 1841. ly. BAYS, HXtXXOV. LYON A OOSH. WholcKale Dralern, Jit Foreign, tlriti$h and American Dry Goods, No. 13 Noam Taiao Stsxit, PnitarriPHta OOUNTRY Merchants csn be supplied al all limes w itt sn extensive assortn ent of the above Goods, on the most ressrnsblesr.dsslirfactory terms. May 39, 1841. ly. THIS MACHINE AGAINST Till. WOULD. IMPORTANT TO FABMEBS. D A V EN PORT'S Improved Patent Threshing Machine and Horse Poweavihieh threshes ami eleana at the same time an invention for which Fsrmers hsvclong looked in vsin, snd which tenders the above machine perfect and past further improvement. Those who have I een wailing for something Utter than heretofore offered for sale, will find this to be the article. Come se it sml fudge for yourselves. The subscribers hsve purchssrd the right of the above Machine and Horse Power, for the coun ties of NoaTat-MaxaLtan, Ltcomiso, Chstdv, and UbioK and also, the privileges of vending them in sny other plsces lor which Ihe right bat not been pteviously sold. The advantage wbirh this Machine has over all others invented are many and obvious. One boy and three men ran do all the threading and cleaning nt 150 bushels of wheat in one day snd this usually lakea seven hands one day and three the next. For field threshing it takes Ihe lead of any thing in this world no gram u scattered or lost. Such ia the superiority if the Horse Po"er, that thne horaea can thresh ae much with it as four can with any other. The Mathinea and Horse Power will l sold togrlhrr or aeperale. to auit purchasers. Made and sold in Milton, by the aul ecribet. W M. WELCH, WM. H. PUMP, HENRY J KICK. Milton, April 17, 1811. tioa: THRESHING A WINNOWING MACHINE. Having had in use, one of Da vrn poll's Patent Threshing and Winnowing Machines, snd leing repeatedly called upon for our opinion in regaid to their value, durability and advantage, vie make, free to elale, that they exceed in our opinion, any Threahing Machine wa ever before witnraaed in use. They will threah and clean, fit for market 200 buahrla of Wheal per day, and Ihie with the aid of three hands besides the driver. 1 he Htran is passed off from the grain on an incline plune, ex tending aheut 13 feet from the Machine. Scarce ly a grain ia lost. Wbal is pf some importance and greatly ao, ia the fact that Co dust passes from the Machine to the man w'.,o fveda it. The Horse power seems to be purection itself three horses msy work it with ease and iheit fastest gait mcd oniy oa Uie ordinary plough gut. v a mual cheerfully recommend the Machine lo Farmers they are manufactured in Milton by Messrs. Welch Pomp and Fiick. PHILIP HII GERT. JOHN B HELLER Chiliequaque Islip., Norlh'd CO, March SO, 1841. BRADY'S HOTEL. DAXY1LLE, COLi mil l f'OI ATI , Pennsylvania. FW1HE SUBSCRIBER teapeclfully inform the B public, tbsl be has removed from ihe town of Cuilaivit.a to Danville, snd that be bas purclitsid in that place, rAe Large and Vomtitudivus BRICK HOl'IK, it tsi roasia or mill tn xiitu stbxxts, C 0pP9l'te Court-House, J vvhich hs has fitted up ry Ihe erection or ADDITIONAL BUILDINGS, and extensive STABLING, for the Enter ilainment of Travelltts and Visitors. He ia now prepared to accommodate all who may favor him with a call, and ha woulj etale thai no thing in hia power shall be left undone, to rentet his customers comfortable and happy while under hi care. Hie accommodations are ample, and hia rooms furnished in modern atyre, and the proprietor is de termined that hia establishment shall sustain and keep up with the growing reputation and impoibtnce of the town in which it ia located HiaTaaia will he supplied with every luxury of the season, and the best and choicest Variety tke market ean afford. Ilia Baa will .e stored is ith all the best articles that can bt furnished by our tities, and the whole will be such as to give aalis faction lo every one. Well snowing thai an enlightened pnblic will always judgs for themselves, he feels confident that they will favor htm with their patronage. SAMUEL A. BRADY. Danville, Jan. 3n, Tatssg.iT ifrL "I'll ii COnsumpllon And ttleedlnp; at the Lunn rtirtMl. ity the use if Dr. Dunean's Bzhretorant Remedy, Ml ISS EMlLtNE YBAUER, aged IT years. XfJL "si taken when at lha aga of sixteen with a si ght cold, which sha neglected until the lung fell s prey lo that seeking destroyer, consumption, when application to a phy.ici.ih wa made, but to no effeot. Ha considered her case a hopeless one, and prescribed but little medicine for her. In lha meantime she dischsrged great quantities of blond, with much of thick phlegm and cough. Her bodily ft .roe at leng'h brcame reduced lo a living skeleton. Her last was anxiously looked for by ker fi ienrls, that her sufferings might end by the pang of d. sth. During the lime h r physicisa frequently called, snd as the lest reource, determi ned to text Ihe vir uoa of Dr. Doacan's Expicto saht IIkmkdt, hnTing notie d some extraordinary cure per firmed by the medicine in similar cases. He at oace obtained two bottles and administered it to her. The fourth day he found some change, which g ive hopes, lie continued giving lha medi cine for eighteen dsya at that time she Was render rd able lo be walking in her bed chamber, to the) astoniehment of her friends and relatives. Sha eon linued using the medicine for eight weeks, when she d clared herself entirely free from diseaaa and pain, and now pursues her daily occupation in per feet health. A small psmph'et nrrompanies this medicine, which gi'es s full description of disesses, ths msn nrr of treatment, dec. cVr. For aale in Sunbury, al the store of HENRY YOXTHEIMER. Jan. 6th, 1812. Apnt To th Public. DA. XtAXLICIFS 71X141 The (uperiority of Dr. HARI.ICH'S PILLS ver any other medicine that haa ever been offered to the public, is. that they rlranut and purify and ttrengthen. Theso are importent items, and their importance should not be overlooked. The system is liable, from improvidence snd nrglect, to accu mulate bile, and a vjiiety of diseased humors. To purge the system of the -a impurities, should be esily aitimled to. If it be neglected, the patient inav be aubjeeled lo painful disea-e and protracted suffering. THE GERMAN APERIENT PILLS are ad-nir.iMy suited In Ibis pui piss but m ire than this while they ctxaasa the sys tem ill. y rrairr the a loop, snd asaial nature kindly in her oHMtions. The CoMPovan Srat.!oTHr.siii Pills gives tone lo the stomsch, white tin y impart lo the wh-ile system ; hence they are a desideratum, and no family should re. main without them. In faet they are a sort of "Family Phvsirian," but unlik the "school men" for these Pi'l. may he ssf ly consulted in att. c.sea rhey miy be Ink-n without injury in any while they afford positive reliif ia many. Wa only ask f r a fair ttul of their merits, and are wilt ing to abide the isue. F. WOOLMAN, Burlington, N.J. Foi SjIc at the a:nre of HENRY YOXTHEIMER. Jan. 1t. Hl AR"t FcnmloH, are of Consumption, AN l not suffer ti e esrly seeds to knil its fatal threada in )iur system, but guard them aa you would the thiel al night. When yov find the fa tal enen y set king to destroy your health be imbi bing the evil seeds of s serious disease, RsMtnasa Da. IH jcav's EvrtcroaaiT Rrvtnr will im mediately destroy and remove them. Thousands of Tiur six die annually from the want of proper treatment. Had tho e known the wonderful effects of this medicine, and used it in time, many could have prolonced their days, and yet be dwelling a mopgst their dearest friend. Those who ate labo rii g under the influence of this disesse, lose na time in procuring Da. DUNCAN'S EXPECTO RANT REMEDY. It is ssfs snd effectual, and alway give n lief in the moit hopelese care. Il strengthens the wi ak snd debilitated relievea the pain in the hioast and side ; suppresses the dis tress ng cough ; a oppii g the hectic fever and night sacs', nnd fintlly (it ihe case be not loo far ad vancul) restoring peifct health. Tiill direr tions and a treatiae I given in a pam phlet, which accompanies the medicine. For n.le al the PRINCIPAL OFFICE.No. l North Eighth s reet, l'hiladel hia, Also a tbe store of HENHY YOX I HEIMER Dec. 2S, 1 S 1 1 . .dgenf. lore f 'oncliultc Proofs, Of the effxraey if Dr. I Utr tick's celebrated Medi cines. Dtiit Sin : I usa afflicted with a bilious and nervious disease to a very alarming degree, with nil tin- symptom which so frequently effects a re I ixed condition, vix : giddiness in ths head, violent tremors chillineiis, with a fixed pain in lha right side, complexion bail, and costivsnrss; indeed I wss in a in M mi.ierable condition. 1 had tried many remedies, but found no permanent relief un til I had purchu cJ Dr. Harlich's compound strengthening ami German aperient Pills, which from their supnior viitues, I wse completely cured, and am able to pursue my emplovment, free from pain and d.,e. (signed) JOHN BOLES. Dutwo Xcnia. Ohio June 7, 1840. Principle Office for tl.e United Slates, Na. 19, North EIGHTH STREET, Philadelphia. HENRY YOXTHEIMER, TW. l$ h HU. -1geU. Consumption! Consumption tt DK. DUNCAN'S KXi'ECIOKANT REMEDY fS an infal ible rvmtdy for ai raiting Pulmonary Complaints, (.'olds, Coughs, Spitting of Blood, dtlfieutly of Breathing, Bronchitis, soreness of the I'hrosl snd difficult Kxpeelorstioli, Weakne-ees, Drl il ly, Liver Complaint, and alt other aff.etione if u consumptive natuie. This medicine bas a de cided advantage over most preparations of tbe kind, as it rrgulstra the bowel, and strengthens ths con stitution t and docs not bind up lha system and encouruge intemperance, as meet ef the medicines do, by the f.itsl opiates alcohol combined in them. Such medicines have a great tendency to bring miai ry and distress, and even death upon many valuable citizena. We find by the wiekly recorde of the bilk of mortality, tbat Ibiee fourtha ef the humxn souls who so suddenly departed from their dee' est friendaand relations, have been swept off by thai fatal and fill deal rover, Coiitlnprton, when many could h-ve been saved if they had Used a proper medicine. Fellow bein;e who yet dwell with us, and are afllicttd with the firemoneiary .ymptonia of this disesse, procure Immediately Dr. Duncan 'a Expectorant Remedy before it be too late, and not be led to lehi ve that such symptoms will soon pass off without the usa of pioper medicine; by su h negligence, you may soon be led to know your folly. One hi tile may at tbe first attack, be aullicienl. PainpliUt giving a full Ireatiae, always accompany the medicine. Price, f I per bottle. Olrv-e No. Itt North Eighth at reel, Philadelphia. HENRY YOXTHEIMER, Dee Uth 1811. Agent. iiAZAn's UNITED STATES COMMERCIAL AND STVH31 1CAL REGISTER, Containing dec uments, facta and other useful information, llluatra live of the history and resources of the American Union, and of eich State; embracing commerce, manufactures, agriculture, internal improvements, banks, currency, finances, educauon, eke. Ac. Edi ted by Sumucl lluiurd. Publi bed every Wednesday, at 79 Dock ateeel. The price to auhscriber u f 5 ee annum, payable on the til ol J.iihisiv of each ) ear. No subecrip lioti received lor lea thsn a year. Subscriber out of the print rpj t nit s to psy in sdvauce.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers