Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, January 15, 1842, Image 2

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    f;- '.. ixi'it,c, imtenti-.! re pew injr the chatter
.i,..' hb .nU to rxpiro, .--1 ,, j . ; , ,.., ,
.'..( .!? m)?( riti(.n books buii.i :i tn nil, .! .i
i; id ii.lvniUiiM-eiiuu, let till share in Us enjoy-j
:'"iit. w ho may c!ioot:e tn do ;, ai'd if nnt'uil-
nuts. -jr. .us let all paHiciputo in; bearing the !
Li:i tl.eii. ' ' j
rH:r, it is not a lit lime to renew bvik i
t .i.irit-rs, or to establish now ones. Trie public
in ilk! if not Sotlu d'on th'S tiubjoitt, nor aill W n :
11 lily :ipi)l('CllitC tllU HJUIIUIloSs:, oriillbotllKili".,
ii r:n i.nikiiii' r-ystcm, limn a rrMiinptiou oi i
Hiccm payments lakes place Let thu rceum-(
ItifiilMns I linvc now Mibmittcd to you, lo
:ji;:..ii, r.nd let us waits, ycariit least tojuilj-e ;
"l 1 r results, fins experience will cm n.
fonally Hid t'uturo legislali m, aid perhaps rm- !
mi-u- from lathi rrrors. 'llio lii.story of Hn-
:cis!at.on of tin Connnonwiulili, in rtrnrl to -
4uiiks, in a succeE3ion of plantli!e tliefi"i ; let
ns i.erra:ier rest Hon itie mfid brtst- of en!ii;fit-
ih'ii e.perience. 'I'hen may we hope in ft.
:!ipctliL' rock, on wliipb-ivli oor bankK nre now
teinpniHrily ship recked. I hope nnd trn.-i
I'MM. it'.f ot all of them, arc able to rcciinif 5i o-
ilyi;irnt ; but it is iippnpMblo to kiinw this,
, p. . . .' . ..
or to coiili(!(! in llicir lihilily unU (lif jioMlii.ii to ;
do so, until we have the proof, w hich they iiloiic
r:an lurnisll. J ho public has censed tnyielil lis
r0.l t to tiny corporuie preirtiAiorn, wliit lL me
j'.it niippnttctl by corre.-iondiiir ud. 'Ilmve
iipi'-citled several tubtvn Conin cted willilhis
miiji.t t, us utllirding o;.conveiiient re
tfunce. 'I'he rncrul snhjeft of creating- ntul reciiln-
m corporutious, ik tx intniiately lilended with
th;il of the hanliinir institutions of the ('otnnion
weuiili, us to ciaim a place next in our eonsitl-
eriition. i have remarkei! in lornit r tnrsoiioes.
that l!io ci tuition of corporations liirall purposes,
fa been carried to u fearful extent urtlris
tStnte. 'Veitr iilier yesr -tipsy have been Hprinr
Inr up n round us 611 all sides,-end -c re 'rapidly
brcoinino; competitors with' individuals in h!l
furls ol business. When confined tu their le
ititnitte purposes, such as the construction of
cmiiils and railro-uls into our fertile interior,
i.nd rich niii'.erul lepioiiF, I kIiuII not utter n
word of complaint iitfl 1j this limit, strictly
M'lould liit y be restrained. The "iriCR ase of
c.irpcriitior.s is a urowin'' evil. I have o'
nnd na 111 cunl ioued the - Legislature n gainst
l!ie oiuiiting of enrporate privileges; 1 cannot ',
I s) Hronuly mipiiss tins caution upoiryoiir winch they perlorm their du'.ies ; yet under
minds JJ11 n fcrrinif to the acts ol the last the cvs-tin'ir laws he. poss-esses no power .l re
l.eiisl.ituro, we .find -the orunt of corporute . movinjr them, even tor tV imp-t piilpnble ilrre
pr.vileoes to have been free and nlmost itulrs- ) liction of duty, duniirr Hie time lor w Inch they
criminate. So much hi, I hut of 117 laws ennc- urn cotuniiss.oneil- I rt-rpfclfully et.imniiiil
led, inure than one third were cither nets of this subjc( t to your nlletition, anil t lint those
.ni'orporntiun, or acts eupplenientary thereto.
t 1 ...... 1 1 . . e. - .
I ncihcic to the (minion, heretofore exprrssvd, j
tiuit eoi '(.tirittiuns ouolit never to be .crested, I
where the object to be aecosiiplrhr'd is --within ) S(l flu'ns rci-prcls the c thee of Attorney (Jen- 1 f"' 'he ur ese (.f thii rngtnd itn mmri ding a
Hit; piohhhle reiicli tf individual exertion, 'liny 1 era!, it set ins pn , pi r that the tenure t-hould le- ; "ittrr tll'iciue n.ilnaiy .oi. in, aid ilicTesttlt of
I'U.-lve men from personal liberty, uml may nmin ns it is. It is in truth n coiuim.ii law ol- 'htir la! ( t w il sl-.onlv he V.-.l .'t li-ir von ; in ie
toiid, by undue combini:tioli3- and -concentrated I f'ci tlie n,( uinli nt is the Ji'oal ad iser ol the ! 1 '" l''' I I se ife.isi. it in s.y, ih..i li e
4ftifii,"to embarrass the opt rnt.on of oovern- 1 Covoinor, nnd heads ol tloparupt nt, nnd is the ! ,l,:"i,,n" " 1,1 cim m-ffii. con l iini.e; as it d.-v.
went, and inteilere with the uoimliir stner- I ',. ,1 !.;,ol hv .),i-!. -hecu rntivo I'.ir.rf.,.. . '' ' f,! '"' "'- M ' 1 " ' m-iItii IiUiv 1 wl-
t. i;,rnijf. i,ei mo .present .eiMinure s i me j
i:.iinp!c -of Twisting those inonopoliziiifr en-j
.... I .1 . . . . I . . . . t I
rreiielinieiits. If the proprn ly of ibis n urse
nscver doubtlnl the exprnence -ol a -fw !
years past has tlist-ipatcd all tloubt, nnd clearly !
mnrked out the oath of duty. I
On Uiis subject, there is another matter f
w inch bus been repeatedly brought under iny
notice. 1 allude to llio extension oi ttie suthor-
ity to create corporations for various purposes,
...wterretl on 'the courts f coimmiii pleas, by
tne 13th lhh, 5tk and Kith sections iftle
.K'Lof tire lathofOcVjlr, 1640,virtK.etl "An
.ct relating to orphans' ctsarts und fi- otW !
purposes." Chart-rs of niforioTali(m sre pro- j
I i ... .1.. .
iwnu mi ir uos i i,fii nppiit utio.i ri i-rrs rt- ;
.,...,, ., ..,.,,,
suhjected-loaity "Ih-r -ietraint or control, than .
-..., r. ..,.-,,...,1 V, .J. ..!.....
...... . ....... ..v,... ., r....- i ii, i;i ioi;iiisius ior ii.ose euirusuti wiin iiu
: directed to be given, but that m tf lit'!" j nioral tind nu trainiitj; if the risitc vrt r.t'i
avail There is no common f r llie j,,,,. 1'i'on this, nod ui'h.ii all other snhicct..
. .i. .. i .. l... . ..( .. .. i .. .. . i . . . ..i ; . . . . 1 . .. v
wi.oie ciaie, as wus nic ca-e wneu inese enar-
tors were to ne appiovtd i.y ll.e lloriicy i..ti-
riui. uuu ii ..- juujjes oi u,e si.p.cio.' couii, lino ,
tmroiicu in inc -tif-vTirneiu u ,-miiio, hi ir- MH Mt:ji :yiy remai k, tlmt 1 wi.l timet, vbocr
rcat of Government Undi r t!n old fyslcm, j f(iy co-. pii;ile in any nnd all im-aMires, which
there was uniioriiiity in the provisions contain- i s.!,a!. place the im aos'of anjnirin'r a MUii'd ai.d
edin t ic.-e elmiters, hut now, under ihis new i niacl.etil cniicalit ii wilhiu the reach if nil the
law, the discretion of tlif rent c urts may s- I chil.lieii of the Comliionweahh elt iitlu the
rrntKriihllv tlilter, nnd uliimate ronliisloii and
disorder eunr.ot fail tot'iiwie. These domestic
cornrinnions, as they may be lulled, nre vil'o,reat
fervid to the public, ti.t ii may be fairly rpres
liuwd wIk'VIiit it HI twt lictr.K t fioui their
uses, to Tender ilteir creation a tnatler too ten
tlv ami unchecki d. 1 invite nt.r nttenlmn to
this subject, k. id if you tliouiil Bovcewilh ine
in opiuiisi, rt will bo easy lo remove all x-Tmind
nf r?oinpluint iy rc.-tnrmc the power of oranting
these charters, to the bunds in winch it has
been safely Indeed, for upwards of htlf a rentu
ry, Tho drlny ativl irK'oiivenienc.'df the 'old
system, were fully couiiltTcnlnieed by the ccr
tuinty, consistency and iir.ilbrmt'.y of tho rnr
porate powers ac.d priviU-y; cnj.-iytd by the
corporations evented.
The Legislature, by the net of lfuh Jme,
ISoG, loiiferrcd etjiiily, courts of cunnnoii plriis
end district courts, in certain specified c -ses.
There lire also -certain other Tucliiienls, on the
same subject, in The "Iflth Miction of the net ot
13thJune, 110, ant! porhaps in other nets. Ii
is stated tliat snmt oflr" provisrons 'if thes" va
rious laws are incoi'L'rui'i-.s, tlmt the jurisdiction
conferred is not exprosly d. 'fined, tnd it Ins;
been decided by the supreme 'cmut, tlmt the
parties njrerieved have nn redress by npiienl :
from the inlerior ti ihunal to the Hiyrciue court, J
r.r by wiit of error from the latter ttit1l? firmer, i
If it be deemed a.lvisab e to retain the ft atures !
of there enactments in our jurisprudence, it
would seem requisite, that the evils complained
of, should tc reiiiovt d by U "i.-lative cnat tmei.t.
1 would hho recommend un cxiuiinntion into
the Mate and condition of lhe ext. ul I uhm s ol
lhe several judicial disliicts of tins Con inon
wealth, to that the timntjtit of labor of ll.e ft v
crul President Jmlops, t(.n ot w In ni me at
present cvcrburneui d, may Le in mhoi measure
'I hcre arc comp'aints of the crceii.u'Mion ot
business in the innr's of the city and Kiniiy ot
1'hiladelphia, and csoi cinlly of ihe (iifl't u'.ty of
rrucliinj.', in a 'ciisoiiabie im.e, tl e trial ,Y.i
Kbht Msi rims in ll.e so in ii e ft. int. 'I hi
hiet is taid to r.r'.hc fiom I lib time that the couit
.s necessarily (firmed to dnvt le lo the Iiiimih tr
i.i banc, wlitielhiy haxe 'o dt ciJ.i uppea!.-. aid
urt of error. suih t,-ii plmnls li
well founded or net, loin not pu piuid In .. v.
A careful i xainii nt.iii iii' e whole rtibjii t,
uid Mich cumin ( i.t.- us be f. und nicestii-
ry to meet unv evils thut may tx'st in the lid
it lli i; uittsusi,
lesptctfully ni'Miiluei.J. d. ,., , , p.rr. I., on tn.,1 ,.., i,e M-rr.. t i Is, s i I
ll is o'tcn nindc ll." subject fifrrii lainl. that .mskisile l-'ttTstiie inni i nnsiitut it pan t f
the det laions of the tupii me ( curt ai I .,t pub- I il-t- . jrr' hdofpowcr, 'Jlns t-oneuiienrt', in ails t f
lisht-d under the Mipeiv li s liok.rt.'r, ap- j 'rgyl Vi o. i nuutud Vi be ripr. s.l in i.n ap.i.H
pointed by authority ot law. I think it h u r. j h. on 1 1 the act picpo,l. heii be t.-t.seiu-thy
your inquiry, w lit I hrr the public interest '"t iy ll nn ibai iho rop.ta. d'r is wrmn.
would ret be pn inotid, hy pr, v.dio for l!.r p- ! '..u'Jlr o 1 1, hi It , eihe m tn an p-
rrintni'Vit .fsuchri llepoiter, who ehnll br re-
sp .t)f t. in" ; ublu-, lor iliv it in 1 1 1 1 1. r in which
in n tn.-
( "ompla nils cm i i li 1 1 1 a to bo nimle in ninny
counties lift In itumiirT offi-'lfrt i tiy jnrrirs. L' I
less sum; mldilim! jjiisinl Ik thrown (iron nil
Mils inestitmibii rioht, public ri.tifiilclicc in tin' i
Iniil 1 y jury w ill In- ilnium.-lii l. I Ins ,
i n;)r-t wise. iiiiiJ vi licitihle ol nil liimiii'i rtiiil nk I
rial iii:-tiluliiiiis. iinisl lie onnr.lril nranist lli"
Jiijijiy clli ri III hliifhts, mill this hill"; !'.l bnlw m k ol h cry. prutretci
tirntr-clt-il irnm urn--
ti,iii,,n to pui-piscs: in t intt mh'il by the consti-
Intmn.' 1 llu-ioli.rc recommend that tin- ju-
ror ho mii-uu'Iv s. b . tod by 'lire judocs nfi'lio
r..uH of common pit ic-, t r"..,ii.o two tfilnm,
to-i i,.r v.'rr:. (l.o t-hinli; mill Hint tin y l.r
druwn' !iv tlicin in op -n rourt, or llmt wiinr
t.tli-r pr.".i on I..; niiulr,' tlu.t the tiial hy jury
inny I o n'( cti'i! mid i Hi clnally mtiiiwI.
'I'lit' 1j v n 1 w to (dlhiU ml inlii ritaiu rs
in. pi i..iivi ly c;iil lor n vis mi, in order to insure
tlio collection of ninMy loin tlmt kuucc. I
res-pi l.o.iy, rvi oihiim nd the tnioplion ol tin
miiiliniiK'lil Mi.iflrd III II lolllicr lOlnlllliniCU- I
tlol'. to t n ii mi ' il in mi I he tin if-tirs nf willx to '
j - - - f - -
impure iil'all creditor? nml ttdmiiiii-tratoiK .on ;
onlh, n-l the lime.ol i; rs.nt jiijl- leflers, 'W hclht r
the Ohlate ofllieir tola lor, or inti Mute, w ill he, I
n 1 1. en opinion, the sul joct of the hi w rrhi- ;
live ro (K.iiiiinriii n.nei nniirch-, hiio hum rii" lie- ;
':sicr pne notice (full Mich to the Attorney i
lirnenil, or I nf deputy, w Iiom- (.nty it r-hiilrnc
to nilike n Ti rord lliereol. nnd dilutee the col-
lection, from tune to tine, of the iriienevs riri -
t-'wvz theielioin, nnd hand oer his iceord to his
sueeef Kir in " Hire.
The einhth Mrtiili of the sixth niTk le of the ll.-.l nil .l1iiir u 1
election i r ttppoii.tiuctit is not Iht rein proviiii (I ,
C.r -I,,. II I,.. ..,...i...l ,.r .1 n-l,.il .11.
r.rted hv lnw. There I,;,.-been no "l nislntive
iirtit.ii on thissnl i. cl. so hn ns rer-nrils ihe'i- !
ces of t'urvejor (jeneral, Secretary of llie l.ui d
Cfliee nnd Auditor (Jem nil, the adoption
.:. . . y . . ...... .... .
of that instrument. As the commissions ol the
pre.-ent iiictiiuhtids will expire on the ll!th day
of .Mny next ; it would seem to be a suitable
lime. liir proiilino by law, for the tenure i t
those ofiircs. Tliey, with llie St crelury of the
Commonwealth, et n.-tiUite w hut is usually i!e-
noniiiii.liHl the eal'inet, and the executive is
nnsw criihlu to public opmini fir ihe manner in
nllieers w ho nlnced, ns to tetinie, on Hi.! same
.. . . ... 1 ... . . ... ...
riiotin"; niTfie cuiis'tittrtion hits placed that of the
Seeretnrv ol the (.'oiiunoiveafth.
. -
purlbrmcd. j
'J'he duty will prolan" y tleoUe(ii vou to f
makeiire.vis'ion li.r the election of reprt sehtii- represent this Slate in the Wress of
the United States. As mkiii s Congress shull
I.m VO ill nihil lilt ill" Mill.., I'l Inlllni'llt. lid ,rd iL'.r It.
the last ccpmis- no tuno thall be lott to lav "the
same tiefn re on.
The report' of the Superintendent, ol Common
ghouls w ill put vou in possession of the slate
and.ctuidition ('four colleges, seatiamies, ft.
mult mh'msries il hcIms.Is. The epcral
,,Vil. of w hk h' we hive just catt-e o ennplaiii,
js i, 'uc-tiipet-'tirv ot nianv of those emph veil
s triiel.ers. '1 he" cniiim-iisatioii to Ibeui' is
... '
rrrnetallv low, lino et It Is "tiierallv
,;,.! many ..t limn can earn ns tei.ciiers . ini.e
p..'f-t.essioii of biowVd.-e nnd emmcitv to inipatt
'.. . .' ., .J .. .1 I
(tip.isvlnl w ilh the lin..ntal,t Wtoktl e.lucii-
t,P 1 ,it vefcr vou In toe report dt i u- :
ments l lucl. the Miji, I i lilt Pilclit W II lliraisli, j
tlo; cliurarier, and improve ll.e (jiuililicatioiis
of our tcachets, mid enlarge the i.M-tuluess, and
tiKfeasu the ticm-Jits to Ik; -deevt'd from tur
ci'llece--, neiuluuues and Miiiiimriis. A folilitl
edutl ion. under oront-r moral end i-elieious
trillion!;, is the best K'ncy a parent can be
quenth tn his child, ai.d the Ust pioi i.-mii a
pi. I r int can tnnl.n to wvtire tli pe'rinniHiici' id
republicanism in :ts punty. 'J tiour systetoof
common sclns'ls, a lone, can we look us ihe
means of imparim!- lln edueutioii'; and on this
system, et Insl, ns Ihe corner stone, must we
rest our free inslitiitrons, nnd our best hopes In
fr'e tlifin decend iitishakfi), tulhosc w hocoine
alter us.
The dut cf of the Sitperintendeit of I'ublic
S Ituro b'eome so iiier..os, ns to ik opv
f.liiio.-T the rntire nttt-nlion of the iiicninl ei.t,
and lo li aveliiin but little tiuie tntlt t te lothe
other duties of Secretary of the Cominoiiweallh.
I icja -t !'i lily r'i'i iiiuk i d this suhj.-ct to jnnr
consideration, and vhcthrrn rX!nrtl to the pid
I c i'ltt Ttt (Iocs not retpiire a si-parati. n ol the
duties of Superintendent, from that of Sccrctii-
' IV of lhe Ci.u.inoiiweallii.
I canin.i b.u ii-prui wl t I said in my Uft nnnu
"1 rm s.-ue, thai we aie u in d if a pioper syrlem
t f sehool b... ks, to tensed in our, nnd
h-rh .l.ttuhl be ron p bed hy cmnp. u nt priaons
fl ' '" ontli. n of ihe y, utbs of !'ci.iiilHiiia ;
'' roure, nswoud it i.d p.o, crly to in. pus
our y. if i w iih a ilop icgarl for lli, ir ewuL.rn
in, niM .Uh, " JiiVnr l i r lo iht ir I.e. lis. Hrr
p 1 on, we.d.h und n eing, i ee ; ihe i.ihoir I le and
lr.pj It in of .erljw; her unwuXtrii.g paliinl
iiin hi il d to'ion to re) ul.he .in r I in , I. s ; her ills
in pui hi d pl.ilai tint pv and l. I t toll inV, n tiile
I s r. in it r. unlit nl di gu e, to Ihe It.vp nnd ivn
t r 'i..n i f lo r ehi'.hi n. w In. sin -uld lie e. tly tuusl.l
to i;u.i,te I.t i git- it el arret, i, .
Tie ln o'V -tin tl s, .In, n 1 1' lhe fust attielt ol
il i- to st lul.oti tf ill k ('.-mieoiuialih rovi.'es,
II ut "r ti iy I ill. w l i, ll r,.. h.iV. ,,iki tl l.olll HuU
e l all It it s, nl. , I to lie (!, iim,,r. If heap-
r. ie he i i ll .ign it, I u il be eli.,11 i.ot appone,
bo sl.Jl r. to in ii. w ill. bis o' j. eiioiis, o ihe house
ro ti :r'. t i i.n.a i ,1, w I i. .tialltl.lir t I.t oljtr
ii..i a- I rge I pi ll ihr.r jou nnts ul d J.roet e.l In
t. e i .ii. r it " I he nvri. n iht u p'rofr. ds 1o pro
.t it... i n.i b hut. s i it I er i . ,l. .h.. II in I 1 1 eon. o a
,''. inlirs Ivto tl.iuli. of t oll I oioe shall on u
eol.lteipu i. nu;. s, i ne to hss the bill.,
Tl i- lot- i..n uu in t iled in our toiiKiiluiiori of i
.,,,1 m.dn.d in thai ol r3H, f urn a foinie. i
I on ol n ti-. , a- wi II lavot t .
ft w as hit ml.
r.' f r tin- po ic ii
.' ... I'l' 'f.
I irrj " u t -it m u iii'i r- i r ll g i
uo. ii. Tl r
u. J I r roll.
i M; !,.,. uI iIpii eii... ... .1 I .......
prof, lion lir rnn oi feci. TVi'iiing Ids P' cr nn.1
nnllnti' 'dinrily from the pemp (.f (hp wh le
Si to, din ii(lrrM.fiiinii of llie vi lo power, in 'V le
e-srntiady nttfmxfy, to ple-en'c the inlrrrst uflhe
Commonweal h, from llip ipi r ition ol ..,'hI ratiscs.
n-i . - - . . i..
m.rsnrvrr lesson, TiiTwupr. mducril tlv impn-
ninn of lies duty U in the T.x.i uiivc .t'ginull,'.
' ' rwui:h to say. 1 1t.-1 tl.r duly is ri,j..iui d iti ttnr
"panic l.'v. mid I lulu" wisely. It ha 'hern tiiv
II ih't of nil Miv I fcdi'tV-sots. I I.e.
",u' "" H'tflul neciisinlis, to cxeiel-e the -power
thus riuifi'tii d' I linvo nlmiys dnnp ro w jili ilur
itoilnrnii ii. and only wlit'iiito 'im ri,'ipi of life
j nrm t-rm fiiiiiihhril in mo n.tisf n t'.ry mid c. luhi- j
, fip r'SKotn fur Kiu'oiif. It i'-', however, n ptmrr '
1 v hii'h I hiivr nrvi r l.pit..ti d In iti hoc. w tn n du- i
. ty rniiiiiFd it nt my himdn lliuieu the list Ken- j
I iht' h nii.ii!rp, I wk ol ligrd tn cxerriw j
lli I'lUvrr oil. tier limn fiieicloforc. I did mi ni j
I liine. w ln n my rntiiliicl um n! out to undergo the I
j'Oilci.l if 't hlic oiuinii, nnd ilnro nrrntrd 'fo he n 1
ili-l ns'lion to miike IIip excrcife of lhi . wer, n 1
; iiupfTtniit M-molnf. tc llie pp. plp. 'I'lntt iue '.vns .
j had, olid the rruult lis ixrrnrd llip vim e ol'tlie
piihlic ii'im i', in n w;.y m l -cn-ily m'xuudr'ilo'id. ',
1 1 ...I it.,' fln'v. Ilum,..! l.v ll. .i, '
i, ...... P. r i.. ... i -i ...
i. .-p. ii.. ii.. . u'i.i , in ni .in it aim ii iih .iv ir
e,l, u, tl.r cuily Ii piflut.on' i t on the t-uhic. t of i
nur inlcniiil iin,ioM'nieiiln, w e hlmuld not now he
n, v. lied in di It tn ll p cin nl wr nrc, and thete 1
wi uld iiol hap 1 1 1 u inillim Kit dullat ex.endi d '
umiii nna 1 1 ! iii.iiui Mill ley, or of inn. or pul lie
ini oitimee. t ui u ;iin mid lei.diou irv. i.m ol in- !
ciciininiiiiicali. n iil..iie, wmi'd hae l-e.n c n- ' d, ai d the iiale avd frmn all daeirer tlf
'l'"B dt-foiomlly f.llinc lo unci In r turner
j " " ' f"11" '"if to n'fleci mi my pr. i!c
j ceois, t nt it our duly lo palhi r wi.'dom lo in ex
, I rl enee, nnd to av. id, as as p. sil If, the repe
' HII' 11 ll Tir.'!.
" " V rmi.ih'of lune a i il Aupust, nWt. fhe j
rmiim sm, ns 01 the m Pin elPiris w iiliin tins I oni-
T"' '"'l l 'r- by li t ir ow n I n initio,,. Ii
"""'"Tf. '11 In re a Til lime 10 lalir 0,
vtrv iini oMaiit, I lit much al usrd s'uh'p et. !
'One if our iixikI iinjnitnnl dotiis i- liirfciisli nnd j
em ournue the Iter midiaiy sp lit 1 nioi p nur ciii- i
.en soldiers. In war, ml in nil Irvine emerei n- i r n. re.y, cm. ny, .0 our j
. , , '' '
bono. In in iiisi.I . pi , lil criy fi. in d. -lruc
lion. Ii w 10,1 much the ol some, win, Mi. u tl
ki ow let cr, 10 d. cy a, tl untleirale our iinliti.1 and
vtdtiiiitirs. T.i. sc v
in ihe rev. lu n 11 und l .le war, with (irtat liii'ain,
tiiterliiti a very t'illi h i.t opiititiii. Let the orifiaiu
7ation cf M'ltmii t-r mil pan es le pioinoiei1. tit
Hit Ii. he lull i I til will it 1 1 , f i,id act iiiitrpii. tots,
h I Iht m tit lull all ihe l.lnc ll,, ) can - pare, I.t ihe
aeiiuisllinu of imhl iiy !i- i hue. inul ihi y vdl
ttlily filt'iirc ihe Aoice ol eriiMiie and ol p'.ju, and slrcny'lii ll ihe amis ol our national lic
it l;ee,
A col.vipli.D was he'd illi
last Si fnoll
n.'I.l. 1.1 I a. ...' I. .1 1... .-I.lill. .1 I.. ...1 .!.... I.
s- " .' .
l,'i !' !"'"' y- br !i;t rcpciful
h.-enht of lie sol, inn i.jne.i.n it the fill er tf
ot.r c, un ry , in tunc i f pi at t pr pa c fi r wai.
The pe '(.tic ! .uncj of lie M t'e is In ally com-
I'1' "ll ' !' " " " bating br. ukIh ihr xplo-
r ..tit.P lo a ch'se. As soon as ha field work can
l e it iluetd lo shape, ihe iMale ceologisl will, tins j ruirieg iinn.ei se d. bis in I c ciiiz. n-of oil ci !ia'e,
w inter, enter upon lire pre- aiatioiis of his penrial and aie now, in the hour of our nt ccs.-ilit s, feelini.
ii poil. ii.lei.t'cd lo cmhtMly the icsiills trt'll-e "(iJ-ole !e icavy lutiid of the creditor laid on all our n-M-nty.
V 4. .le t!.s"t'n 1.1 report i.- in prop rrss, ihr , siiurrrs.
engraving of tl e nipps and draw irgs. w hit h w ill 'I his oouhl not lo le. Il is unw. nhy t!.P go a
rniiie time, ai d the artni gen.cii's ol the tsintc , tta'e of I'tin slv..nia to tlepei.d on ll e',
af.rastlc aie in ic.itii.rrti, li.i(.l.t l e lures of ether slat, s ot of fmeiun c.-Uhtrcs, In sup
atl'ai.t ct oiolv eon in. nt t '. As a p. rlion ul ,c ' pit, In r citit n w iih those articles ti.r ihe vaii.-u-
woik t an ff lit lo jot s It f.rc the ineetu.g of ihe
j..tam ,., i, ;.. .dvi.,lle thst
.... ,.t,, i ,. , t J.i i..t......
"" I"l s
tl e Ill- it iy in oriant Mint y, t'etelep-
ing the aid ixtinl ol fur iu.ns-ore nni.tiul
re-oMTvt s, !.ai ioj; pio.-tt lilid iat!lMlv In its ,
con pit li. I , s. i, to! p. lit ) ami tvifioii y ceil.imly ic-
,,;,, th.t ihe r.Mi is fh.uld W unhtOicd and pnU
,l,.d noli ull d - ji I .
The (1, or in, ns ..iiioui.t of invest. .1 ill i lir
va.'i, us woiVs i f iti'eii nl t.i inni'.enl, a Jo on .-h-
es us lo tint, tn r nun si pwtr, to no, I, r du m
r. tli.r inc. '1 here is onemi.tlir c. mo et. d wi h
lb i ul jrel. to w li.tb 1 dcHrc in t all your t ane si
a tentioii. the cxp'i.. me t.l.v.ry C-Ar proves
more ( le, il the net. ti y if our act ion up. n ii
! 1 allude to it e lenoial of tbi.1. in tlons loon lie.
1 rbai H of 'h Ohtoimr. Tie g, in ra' goirm-
1 tiasev.ial limes tiirnr..! I s n tj.i.res mm
leemalcxirui.iiolibfpr.jct. ll is a n t a.-ure in
wlut li I'l l. l.-yb. 1.1. in is in. i-t ilet p'j , lit iiol alone
inn resled. 'll.e gin, I sod finning w t fli in aid
siinthwi strin slahs, rinbractig nearly ll.e ii lire
valley el lhe M s-ovi pi rod Us Ir I utanis, have a
din el mil ali.hi.g li.1t n ft III lis spttdy
li'on.aswtll as i'l liu-y hania. For ll imperial. I
naii. puiposts,ol lianspnnii g ihe mail, for liars-
lei ring annu s, i.ud roi ivy nig II r rtnnnfviis ol war,
it is nl iime i, .r. a lii. liunl. Ii.tlt rd it i d itssett
est ll to (it TV, Hint rati., md, and i ppeslt
to tvirv m'trcsi li nt shtmlil rou mai.d ihe rate ai d
guauhttolrp ol b, tli gi Vvininrtiis, in a iiiui,ei loH
si v irsis'i'i'.
( oi. tiding it, (as lhe leyis'alie piiardinns ol
; I't unsy Ivamtt,) we ur.' lo urge it upon
llie peneT il t o nit i t mi groin , In the unst just
ai d ui at.swt il k'. . Cut t ll, a the list igahle eon.
miu, . kliou villi our m-ptov. menus nt. Iron. i',tts
I urn lo I.ou sv II. , I. r a large .o.tinn of Ihe
Itdmnirbie iheihlueof those ill.) ri.xeuii nts l a
lumous t'pgiie, totem Imsinrss upon other le.
ilni.l and (tiivti roults, and, olr. ium', of.e
rates to Ihe seiiolis ilii-advulilage ot iht on uiin'ile,
ngiii-ulmnl, and liianulHiiuiliig cla-set ol our rtll
7. us. It is a mi liul.if uiid slaitlii.g f,ict, thai iioo
ranc. a on g. tls tu Ir iS'OV. od al li e ino.lii, a e
now tiki ltd in I in- c.l v ol l'hi'uilt l hia elt Bpt r
and uii'ie r., by : l.c way ol ..w V.ik e..i,,l,
i Lake IU ie ai.d iff Ohio cuul, tli.ii by tin- ihtril
; mitl n.iiuiul ioii r ihiottgh our t wn unprov. m, i,l
! in Piiul ii g. I le.iru tin- wt'o'c oiHieulty in
ibis pariu uii.r, l.i in lhe unci il.nnty i l ihe Udi
I gul f ti If "I ll.e Ul lir tri. 'J'Iiim u a larue
i ai me ol I usiiirta ilailv dililtd troll) nil put he
uopioM-nt t,i, umJ ll.e rohaliilily, nay Ihe
j ly is. Ill ,t as t. pi I r Inns ol I. nnj ..iluliou ore
i-slubli-ht'il til thit-e iniploU mollis, this
iiip.ioii 1 1 bu-lueia wdt le preaily ausiueiiletl.
j c aie nupt ial. velv rulltd upon lo look io
; tins mun i In fore II I- too hi .
j lit die e. inn til other slupilidous sys.
; It III iiii nut milt's, ill s s ate u mdiueil
lo int ur ilie umi lial liny she tli, 1, under aconite-
li.u tln.l ll.e li a de and ot ihe we, and
koiuh wi tlld Hll.n .1 mi ad. ttiale ll wa oil
ll r pile. til ts uiune thai lbs w.i.1,1 be s. t un tl
In hn. lhat al.eepeuv.l 'br h.ghwi'V to die se fioard
lot ihose licit ami vast humor it -g s. P.niisyl-
vui in now ii I es on lhe m-i,p ol u-tue, w bit h she
km ws will en ihi-. as en i II u' jecia ne.uuie In
iii-f s'ldi-s, in iliteiiiiiiiiue on a ineaMi.e t uli ui
l.d to alt. tptie the btlilt. M il-itl u w t ipli.HK tUm ll
I t I eilnei.-. Th- tr' win. h, duiiiix the in
pies of nin mull line of iiopioiiui. i, t.- I.o.n I hi
ad. Iphi l,i lllisluig. loolt'd tli Willi an iiiini.t
hi h h si. hi. I t in Mi N. Will not see ly Willi
I.t d lit. ll ml In ni It lott i i g Ibe i hnihti nl the llmi
.av,pal,e al all pla.lltal at kmiiis, and ll,u t inn-pnli-giha
mine hue ol niipiuvt ii.tiin lthti by
IVun-n K'mii i, now w hen rxpcripnrc liai i!piikiii
ftfiiii-il the riPPPMily of tW intt'sure, I Irmt Ifto
1.. uittluiure wi I i xcrt its. U'tiiu-t IToiIb lo-riig .'
tin iiilinnid gnvprnmrlit in this work, w hicli lain
ol.v ioohIv oi'io wnrr:Hih d by il (v iiri i t u i i na) power
find liy miiind 1'nlirv.
It Is pr.'pfr to iiirn'ion two mlipf nun.-iirii nf
infliiiinl jicy in c..iiiiiclii'r w iili stil.ji'rl, in
iKnli of which 'tills M .le h'ii n.rh on intrn ns 'tii
justify llie hilcrpOHition of the l.t'Ki-laiu p, I
Kprtik in ri'fpipnce to the tlnlilihiiipnl of Niilio'
oul'fitinlifi, nnd tlip roiixliiitliiiu of ft lrv Dock at
l'liilidi 1 1 1 1 1 a . 'I he firm of llii'V-Ino icccnlly rn'l th stliTifiiln of 'C'iiiRri'R, nnd n-eiim likely
to tie 'rrrttiVil with Ri'iirtal f.ivur. Nol'iUrpirj'iiK
the pliiim of othfr iediniw of the fouiitry, w( in .y
witlnut fcnriiif cri.lrHiliclion on Voty t.ttionnl
groiiiidn, urue in hrhiilf'nf lVrrnnyliiii the moM
conclusive rpaonns. Airtoiij them arc our pctifr .l
po.-ition, our rniiiigiiity to the MutinH'nl, on) inline.
roim inul pcificily nU' inland cniiniili cu'lifiiis wilh
nhin.t cry ki el it n f the I'liion, uiid nlmvc all.
II, e dcpimiis f rnnl to d iimi rcntined llirifiigTii.'iU
ur lii.rdi i-', tn an exlcot iitikiii.wn in nnv olhcr
(itiartcr of the woild. N'c h op in thc every ron-
.... il,!.. h.IvuiiImdp. In t. r. ..,,. .., .,m.,i i,r
'i i.. ,t. .n... i .i. w u . . .1 .
iiiim ill iii i.i in ii.n .-i'rtitii.iiiat mini- n. -
leeiion ol (J.tncre-s.sss sitr fur N:.lioit..l I'oumliy;
and the-came rcusi'im iti ipnii t of Inraii.m apply
wnh riiial fnrre inf.ivnr ol conhtfuitini a lry I tuck
at Mil adi l hia. In aitdiiimi t.i iheM', i Fnlcty
Irmn lit- mm ka 1 1 an ciictn', , 'II rc?;i -wao r nun
pin s. iis nccs -of prncuiirn; timlH-r ami
woikn.t o, all nnpne lo ei I. reu its elnims fpon j
the of ihe lieueial (I'liiiniiriit in llie iiiok1
c .1 vii.ehu turn.. I wi I the. rlnlly co op, rate with
you in (.liy manner dtinid n.o.-l itdvl.hli' in im-pric.-ing
iherf Cirfisidi isli.'iis upon ll.u National
4 ioiri linn lit. If .properly i le.-i l U'J, I do nut
ill il.U tiny can U' overlooked.
The rrct nl convulsii lis in curri.mnicTvial affairs
have 'tended In Ihe deep nnd l.i.iim injury of this
('oimi.onwi itlih. I fi Hr it will reip.ire yetia of in
dustiy, priidemeand inli ir:ly 'o wipe out llie s'ain
fr.'in cur 1 ?'UH lion, nnd Pi leplate us on li e solid,
nrni ly ai d proud f..oimi we oik e tx cupied in the
cMimutinn of the wmld. 'J'he 'wild and ht'mll.lut
snnil of sin t 11, ami Mm k L'-unlil ni has
,,.!,, !is(.r,(.,. , , j . ,, Bian,rj (.Ve,y
Hiliig trpei.iiing 011 nur Pu mis Inltl'ty with sus-
,.;ri, lim! .Jiu-tlil. Tins taint of cha'actcr has
,.x., ,,,,, m ,. , inil , ,.,, lf) h,,,t. rm.
.,,,, ...v., ; ,.,u j. ,.,,,1,11., I,.,.. 1
lined to Itio-r old . , W'hosp fn1l , iTnprn 'n ( ,., ,,r dis-
j bonrniy pave color lo ihe eh nee. The pnal ho 'v
' of our Cllltiis are free 'from di l.', h.iv.- neirr t ni;.i
' iinl in in noo frmy naik v teiil li.ii-., arc a' uu
: tlaiiilv si te an tvill eg In comply with ..II ll,, ir
I A lo-r.Kh olVrr, and lo Ihe cil 7, ns ol tveiy
j other ta'e orrountiv. Ii is Irue i ur si'naiimi :mil
! Ii ilits, I' I'd-mi ss Intve ni.ilt ied uk a ilt t'or N'.pe,
: and wihj'Cled us to re poll ihr nit-s, wht-'i miht
ta-ilv luwlrill avot.letl under a il Ih-rinl svliin
ol po icy. pint I toe lame ntiioi.ins ol leanti
lat lurttl fjiti ifs ot all k lids Ir. ttt iIh' i n-.tprn .Stirtes.
to c,Hitrine i r i It t s and I.. II (o (he rSt-7.pii ol
I llie souih nnd noLl'i wisi. c are le.Ue on Ihr
lailuie ot i l.r il. P'o.s In ,., for ihe i o:l,ni,,ilila s e
Ho l..i-c,l, a'nl si Id to Ihi ns and we i t l our -e lun-l
I av for those Wi xsr ouiil.. p cm t 111 v dis-
a . . . ..
j ( naigp in, hp tit Ms i it casli, or hy teil ui; lo l ie ea--
i ., ,,,, f4,.(ur,.,N ,., ai'l i-tMt m rw
: iiis n ry iron, m a iimu-ainl li ipes, w e
1 ., , ,M. al , n. ,. , ,,,., .,all(,. f..r ,l1P
Iilior bi.-l.iwttl in pa inuni.f .elnie,
' con e tit tor tabor we ouht In f if. i
. ourst les. lor linther, l,i is. shoes, Ac, I,
! and other d. mcslic maiiiifat tint s, we aie daily in-
j pui poses ol lite, w hit h tin y ran p.othiee tin nielvcs
sw.4l, as , htvplv. and as abuudnmlv s. anv other
,. u ... tl il.". .d ii.. i..i. iu..n.: .
.... .... TOW- -'"-- "'"
mg wiih, our bills with ixhaiink's.roal an.l
non ocosis t.ur Mmiins ah. un.ln i ivitli wa'rr
rower 1..r all purj.. es, ul.sllr;.-w,l .y (hat m sliv
I oilier colli. Ir ami isnr rillens stimulated l. in-
, t. noise ami po-sessmg means to r ii ill'.ciu .1,
; slionld awitinu in lis spirit t in.lepi i,d,
' wnieh disdain. t n .V ul the I aluU i f oih- l that
i w !.u h it ran fori i.-h wnh its t,w n. li is w iti no
!ti e!i gs of t my .mi . f I, eal jeah lisy ol olio rs, lhat
I bung ibis sul j.ti to our i otn e, tut wi.h un h
tn-i f. ertng nf s'a'e r.tlip, .lid t ge, t 'nusnmila run.
w hi. li .-lim.1,1 m- ne tswith a .lctt ltnin.tioii i.ot 1
, to be indebl. d lo toheis f.,r dn se solid an. I ust ltd I
mci.ns of 1 1, u.oiing trtir prospi rily nd iut'ept u- .
den, e, which naluie bus I oui.icuusty lavi.lrrd on
ot.i oimi cil lis.
Tl e t'tiy of t iirouiugiog n at.ufaeturing cslnl
lihments, lo r livtit tou-tlul (U'poM'S our coal
in it iron, nlnl li.diod lo si p ry utt t ur d.wuesiie
' vi un's, bus l too e one ol et, liaily inipi raliie ib
palion. 'J I e ci n n.t ri n.l chiiiioy under whith
up are sniltf uiu, has le.n so n ueh ht ithliiiid hy
the I'iriUli.tlaucts lo w Inch I have just udviittd,
m il ihe inutility of our c,i n lo t il, rin all tin ir
cm.lrac's lias Imii ,. gii'aily exaggeiated l y the
ml. n
d ai d n.alw leen In i,;n r .sihIis, thai re I
ti'Wil, hh ub.ic spoil, c ll upon Vis m.i-t
t inpl.titit a ly lo turn a ku.d and cht lulling yr to
ihr.r udvniii't niei.l. Kiery nieiouie ihut can ton
oil, e to ihi- ri d, "ill Intel my u.okt hr .rly
Mi, re. I ll io k ii mi " on st.hjeet should l e
ii. st. luted. N e Wai.l fit Is a-lhe la is of hc-l -
me t i e, innui nn lit. I.rt tin in l e diligently sought ,
.1 ...... r..i. rA .... r...,. i, . ...,.....i..
I n! o some ust ful li.ip.M'. It Ik lugh time Ihe
I. tgi-'ature of I't nnv V:o ij thould lenrii.l tr lhat
i i. ' i . , i . ..
II e not re-Is ol 1 em sy lianni uie roi t'olt d lo llinr
e penal cine. I is a s. uut of pride and glut lira-
II, , n lo, lhat In a Mna I anount ol ll.e in- lo other Malt s, whit h is now pr pi, g
Him ! I'u. .i, 'i i.ii,..i.Tn ,iir..T.u in
our own rilitfti.s. Nt nr'y eiviy dollar of ibis do-
m stir dt-hl has Inn paid. The turn
now doe, is for sales mailt' lo uirhusers in Ihr west
and uif -wrrt, for whom I't nusy ,hii ana are in
truth inciii) lo I repaideil as ihe guaiaitltus. This
tot uu. I i.te isrnlirily ,y ur dt-i rati
o's, who are ulitupug lo bo d die nt .sees of
I t nnsi Kama lo a i gul ut liny, a il she
wee. ihe w i v j ui l; liuiwt nl il.e I nioii lo It. at
limn her si a e of nil lhe In I Per und r, spoils lull
lira. 'J bis t ui jn I we owe llio ouis. In l-o as-: (t,, ju, to the I'rmce th: Join i!le, m llos
kuiue line 1 t.silioit. 'tun, wire clnthetl in tlresses that c.i-t fruni
Ptnini me, w i .l.r ns, in conclusion, in mge i t foiKHI. W hot shameful e!itraKi;air"e."
upon you a il.o.oiigh ro d muii Iiii g ii.tpiny into all j 'p. American should rVinr-mher llmt the uiiit
aluM..f ali.l all xpt tidit un a of ihe r, ,4trn aoanii of the rich "lies employ
public in.ii.y, whnh are n.,1 air. a.ty wairsntid ly j ,()t f., ltHir,llu imlu.-l7,ous. If the
t nhghiti.t.l prudt-nar. Jt.e condiiion of l i.' public w ,,.,, w,.ro vlosv nnd, tlu.u-.r.'a-u.y
hitu.nd. Hi,, at your hands -.., lhe p. tt. j .r,. laH,rm;J ,,,,,
pie con I,,!..,, ly ..uM. ih.l ll.toe lo who,,, have ,
collided lire glial. Iluni-lnp 'f 111. it Inter. ls. Will 1
1 fai'bfidlv peil. rin the du'y b.-ih of umring into,
1 and t o i.e u g ull the ll ry I'll il I.t exisl. tl
w ill ,lf, nl lite go al pi. astiic to co-o eiale w lib yu
in the r."npltiioii of litis s ilulsiv w.ik. We ii.av
I nn et l.r a tittre wrtli ,.l siarlts we will's
t n, ouu'ti it-sil ..nee en Ihe pint it these who a if
r i li I. ie-i. .1 in iKuttt vitr a u es t r rxlr.iv.i-
igaiitr; liil uliin.ielt , ne rant int I ' il lo tnuinph
on r a I .lit!!, nhie. un.l lo t a-rt tiilo t tie. lot, I pi e
tn al i't r ntoii lhe an ., I pl,neiplt ul eConoinv and
of ii in. lhe o I. It iri.e and s.. d bus en whnti
ll.ose vt Int utln n.l let tin- ull tils ol n pill, lean
itimniiiis i.-.-l lloli il.oins to popular
tin ee ui. I -union. UUU! li. I't U I UK.
1. 1 1 1 I lilt I M HI II.
.ill JajiU.H, J
ftrilnrrtai, 'January 1.1, !813,
y Our ncknowlodgPiiiPiilM ure due to the Hon.
.lumen Duchanan of the Senate, nnd the Hon. John
Hnydcr of the llouae of T.epr'e-entativra, for valui
hie ihtclimenfa, kii3 sla i to our liepieaei luiire, ),.
id B. .Mbiitgonlely and otlieis, for aiinrlur fhhrn.
tiovnnnr's IHrssnc
We lay Wf. re oor re 'dots thin wcik, the entire
mrK.Bue of (Jnv. I'orleT, to the PTr1u!"n f nlirtoal
all othri ma'.tt'l. ft Ii (hVidedfy the th diieurtieiil
of the kind that has emanated fr.'in t lie executive
di parlnient for ncmy years. The Governor recoin
tin lulu various ma.tcrs to the trtteiiii.'Ti trl llie 'l.c-
pilituri The most important the F.ile of llie
public improvement. We would r.ttl.i'f, 'mW.-h
fl( r see them leased for a term of je .r. Ift on'r
.i i 11 ion (In ir ultimate value is inealcul..llf, and
when iitn'Cc 'liipleti d, will yield a source of threat
revenue to the alato, if .noperly mimaced. In re
gard lo the carry ing of pa-sengers on the sli.te tail
ro.1.1 l y rniupiln'es it 'is sUrpiisiii) that fu'inii le
pislaturrs havr not l.nif; sii c prcvmied 111 s (I ver
sion of ll.e icvcmifs fio,.i the coll'.'rs of the sltte,
iii.-liad ofgrirtuhig ikem to a f. w privileged mono
polies. Tin '("Jovernoi also rerommends tlic h pointment
ofa report the decisioii? cf th Supreme
Cmirtt . m,.aUIC lhllt wi,l m"rt with ft,W
unaniiiioua approval, lie also recommends the
protection and litroffrirgiiitciil of itir m iiui'f n luies.
and what tiue hearltd IVi.iisylvuiiian will not
eheerlnllv r. sjioi d to it ? The lii'lle nest of repir
riiainrs ,.ca'etl in I'l ihidelphi i county, are v. ry pro
perly n Itol.ed, arid will meet wilh no eneouiage
i tn ii t am nig the hone-t ye. uianry of fei.n jnia.
j" The only iinpori ml i rivs from C.'rirpys, nt
ihe present trine is, that Ihe li ifirupl Mill is likely
lo be repealed. On a lest vote, a majority of " I
i ns f end favorable to a, nnd a t ill to thai
t If. el was lo he h ought in o i 'I'ue d la t.
(J ') The llartmioie AnieYiean appeared in n new
dns, on -tlr- 1st insl. Ti e Ameiicaii is one of
t!ie most hherul and aMy Coiidu, lt d journals m the
The Minersouriiul also sppciVed in an '
e,l ami roVm, si the t' lime. The
Jou'ii ,1 is all exei llint nnd tv-i II coiidut red pnper,
although s.Tnewhat too exr.usivf in its view,.. ( 1
this, Ip.wt'icr, the good people ol i'uiUvillo ami
vicinity need not complain.
(rj We arc please,', "fit see ihoTiiine of our mem
her, the I T on. John S,der, r corded am eg the
vo'es of tho c ill favor of the eiicouiagemcut and
piop-i lion of A in er ran in iliiil.o line. in th. late
lest vole in ('ougress en th" tulj el of the tu rill".
trr Jf'pudiulK-m.- this jrrt this slate is
' s,,,!,, t. Ihe core. The tw mi rrable 'eiiu in
J'hilad.l. hi.i county cx.vpied are hardly wouhy of
notice. We doubt if such a t' as a repudiator
can be found in all northern IVmis, Knnia.
Cjr The celebration of the opeuim; of lie Hail
Iload Potl-ivf.le to riiiudelpht i look pl .cti on
.Monday lust, J his road wnl Ik- a s, ct gie.t
rpnvei.ieme In (his setiion of ihe couiiliy, cseri
itlly dtitiiit; the w iiilt-r seas. , when Our v! cunt Is
of W iih I'liil idelphia aie tumplelvly
j locked up in icy f. lit rs.
l'j- The Western Mail was roblsjd on 'lhe rail
road hrturrn Phila.b Iphn and l.sncater mi fa-
turd.iV night last. The lock wis wrtiiched from,
' , , r, !
the lutjpsgerar, ami ull the nia'ls but lhe n .rri-bn.'i
mail taken nut. The I', r. (iazeiie says l lhe
I.V-s will lie but trifling. We have heard, however,
thn a broker from the city arrived at Nnrthum! eT
lund on e.lni -d.iy, un butims in
tim to the rohl't iy.
j- Tlie lit. Mr. ',lls Irinl f. lhe se
duel ion of Mi-s Sophia Mmdoik, letn.iiisied st
li.whester on Tursday la-l. The jury, alter an
a! seiiee of four h uns, retutited Virdul ugtiinst
Mr. Vuii7un.!t, for 3,0U.) tlumages.
I . , , , . . ,
(FY A'-rrt rf Hank th tcrrt. I'u ihe lfl h u St.,
j Ni, hol d fl ddte, Smiuil Jau.lon, Thorn is Duuhtp
j Jhn Audrew Mid Jost j ll Cowpetlhwaite, were
wjl DM ,hpChcr nf Mr.
Alls in Moingoinery, of a mm iraey tocht al And
d.fiaud the stockholders of the Ciiili d Ml.ttes Hank.
The tbiec firt gcnt'eiiicn appeuieJ ln-fore iho K
cordei, and g ie bail individually nt the sum of
f 1 11,000 for llnir apir.iraiife on 'i'harsday slit r
lioon. Short Sum i nn. The Sunhiiry An.rri.'.iil
sas, "Some of thr ladies who nttruded the
U ill all due tlvlt rence lor Hie opinions ol our
; lit tgl.lair of lhe Jouried, we Wg have lo di.oenl in
(), j,,,,,, hia , reni liVi" t f ibis sitl j. ct Sueh
,. ., i i I
. a,B'"';" U-1 "IT'' "' 111 '
dou I olnt Journal, lilt aie iiol at aft ad ipleil to III
plain i.'j nl ih a Iii Uugl.nd
there air llnnis'tii.U W hn live ft tin hand t mouth
i upon a sulitirnee, ami are Ihunkful for ihr
i smullesl favors reeeivnl fniin the s.ipera'.und.iii.v
ot their weahhy oppiesois. Ilh n, lhe ease i
int mil ililC iri.l Thiii intlti'geiiee in loitign im-
mI and Intu its, h .a t.i;eiidi'itd tl. i;i"' ol exira-
Vug.ttiir, I list has disiiied lh. louipry it uulhousol
dollurs imuaily, and lo which may ha i rihuted,
tnnri; than tu any other cans., the depressed anJ ru
inous stale of our afTur. Among thoe ladies,
thus extravagididy drcsd, we ijuuht if a single
dollar's wmth of imterial was nf American manu
laclnre. Thelf Very hnes, 'we preume, were of
French imiiortatiun. would have been lietler,
far lieiler for the country, IPeVery dollar thus expen
ded had heen "in the rYef hrmom of ihe ocean bu
ried." U'lnihul the 'fiire;(;n producer or nimufao
turcr, naps any prof't fioin such outlay 1 IKsiih's
the evil example se', sfch exfraV iu;.ifice is wholly
unlircomiiif t' e r. Fiiirjd'city of Am rlem
Indie's. Our frMnd of tfic Udnal hjJ licit. r put
on his uprri and try it again.
fXj' iiict'ivt ry itftic O'uvernmcii Jcwrh. TheRo
jeweln, which we're ali htl S fev w'o.k since, from
the patent oll'iee at Washington, were discovered
on Mniid iy Ij.-t, en board a vessel hound for Rich
inniid, Vs. They weri found in a l trielidik trunk;
lalielled ".limes Anson, Kichmoiid, V." Subject
ion that the Ireas'.iie was eonce.ile.l in this, the
o'.Ticeis hr ko it open, i;nd there found, carefully
wrapped Yip in a sliiiw mat, the cnally pe.itl nerk-
Iwe, rhe polden yimil l.ox studded with diamond,
fhr two 1 irt;r irarlii, ami ihe Ritltlen aword hrstlr,
wrliihlng two pounds and a hhtf. The rcwfird of-
feied was I'llOO.
'J'he properly was 'veined as follows :
The gold sniilVbux, fS.o'OO
The srahhaid, 3,00!)
I'cail iieckl.tcr, 2,0Ul)
f KI.000
X Tti'ttm't of rhe New York Herd, I is out irt
favor of the Mormon. Their system, hesavs, is
'. nint h la-lit r, mote oiim.,!. and It tier adapted to
modem eix'diZitllim, 'than Ihe liomish system, lie
'. a-ks, ' Htt -." Smili us ;wil a right In br.
CKimiihrid the Xfii'ieirnt of (!od us tie 1'npc nf
Ik ill ll:.
The New Vo k Tri'.une says :
I "ll -ppi-rirs tlmt ihr 'indopefnleirt orjrnnr.'fl
' ti'tn nft Ire t'allmlic l'!mT"h tn America' and
the Mormons, hoin very siiYirlar in spirit and
charncler, ate I'ls.ut to Im- or have been fused
. iiitn on"' but whrtlior "nnett or Joe Smith
is to he I'npe of tin; combined Church, is not
clearlv sla'eik l-t is a matter of much inter
est, tlit'.tih of no immfdi ate ipractical conse
tpienee, as tin two chiefs oo alnii together
most lovintly."
' F.irrf .it:o. The b,n 'a of, lie Plante 'a I) ink
i of Mis-is-ppi, i nd irsed ty toe t'uited Stales Hank
of 1't nnsi Iv mi , and by Kiehaitl Atsop, weie pro
i ic. ted for nnn p ,i m. nf on N.ifnr.'hy lo the amount
i ol s-m th us !,(l(til.(!('0.
. Tlie jironud on w hii'h Mr. Alsop refuses lo piy
is, ns We rspio.d, lhat the; have a seal on
' them, which peveurs him horn being leijally
hound .V. V. J.ur. Cum.
The New Y.nli l'v. ning PoWt 'cAn'l tins the f..
! InWinit p-.raptaph. Lnlcss ihe I'hil jdi lphi ms
: "mind eye," llie Vaukees will lie down upon
l hem. 1!, fore ificy aie aware of it, lliry will iraiis
: lerthe coal yards on the Schuylkill direct to some
' eligible on Massachusetts Bay. The Post
i s.tis
! " M" "l"y "f "'" k
"f Ue I'bi'ad. Iphia, l.eailmg and. i nlt-ville Kail
'"J "as l-e. ii puiciulstM ny some rmerprinn
I' -l5" '" - fu,ltU c'-
t'1'"' 1"",ll"'r ,r:" ' ' x'' hl,"c "f lhe nms,
siih-iithd dou' le tr tek rail r.,a Is i i t'.ie L'uited SiaiPH
t eit li Ids of Sjau . Iki I I'ojnty.' l';t t.
' Cuzf.ltt.
The (I n. M. C. K .-iers has been re-appoinlej
Judge of lhe Supreme Court, from the lirsl of ihe
piesuil ot.. trill. l'lultt. lihj.
.! lussi.ii., I'-ij., hss been nnanimniwly
tlicted C.i-hicr of lhe Pcuu Township
lhe place of J-oh Friek, tctij-ued. 7r7. CHZClte.
, . . , ..A r ,
Pisn-TowNsiiii' s'lHk was down lo a few
dais since-.
It wai s 'M to-day as high as f -li at
lhe Hiokti's IJ.nrd. I'hilud. fi'i.I.
The Mavorof Nnv Voik received his friends on
Ni w V. ar's 1 iv at lhe Cry Halls, and entertained
them with g.iod ratulits, moifltiu-il with lemonade
and cold wa'rr.
Ills i:eelli riry ftovrrnor Scw.ird, had !ns usual
levee on New Vcai's Day, and d speiied uiih
hiaudy and wine, supplying their places with le
mon .de tnd tpr.ttrr.
Captain Ut. i.toi has rereited his tivord and his
lari'llv been a. ipiil e I of the rharge of disoliedienre
ol' orders. The Secreiary of ihr Navy, in his let
lei lo ihe Cap! .in, uieitly tells him he is relieve I
front urieel uJ to immfiiie Aiiiiilfrpreinaiiilid.
Vhil Gazette,
Crict ami t iii. i.c T ti.r Hail Uoao. A
pim-rd mem., i id lit lhe l.i':islir)ire is us
Us oriuin we know not slating that lhe neat pro
Ills. .f the above l.'n t,l 'isr Ihe last five years hie
Is en,!.!i' p. r annnnioii an average, or l:l 1-1
pt r ci ail. per auntiin on lhe c .piah ami pen iug lhe
l.eii-l.itilrc lo r.-siriti lhe rate ol fire 1 1 two cent
per mi it and also lo ie.piire more ill in one ir .in
in .1 .1 , and 1. 1 ' ptescribe rgubitlous alntut slop
ping to uvi iif and diihar;;e pasteugeis. A'. V.
.f-iu): fiiM,
lit 1 1 a i . The im poils lo UuflVit dining the
! p-t ma. cm are enm.ii.,l at leu millions. The
, loniiage ng.-ier.d at lor l'u loin ll.msv w 1 I '.I'.i.l.
The .to ol tey ili -enpli,,i werr "J.ti !.", de
pit urea same making a loial rf i-nliie and de
pAflUies f ,r IS I I, ol fi.Vt'.l vesstls.
j lli iLiMa i'.ut Kit lining lhe xe.trlSII,
I th. ie were rrected in lhe city and li.c -rporal- J
i disii n i ol the conn-) t ;t 1 3 new buildings, of width
j ,lia. ,t4m ih.r.ty prop, r .;. i'.iu.. U.l&r.
fiiir Tii.kmsii ll.o. hate aheilv l'ei
.'auyl.te.e.l ibis aoltiinn in C.nciuuatl. t'tlglllliil
' hloe.heJ i'h.l a:.