II A IV K IV OTi: LIST. PENNSYLVANIA. Tho following Kst show the current valem f alt Pennsylvania BatA Notre. The most implicit re liance may be placed upon K, it i every wrrh cert fully compare with at -4 cowcsed fiom Bik (itU'l Reporter. Bantu la Philadelphia. Name. Location. p NOTE 8 AT PAR. fiank of North America . , Bunk of the Northern Libertiei , Hank of Prmavrvania . . Hank of Penn Township . . Commercial Bank of Penn'a. . Farmers an J Mechanics' Bank . Gi-ard Bank Kensington Bank , , Mai.uhKtorera' & Mechanics' Bank Mechanics Bank . . Movamrnsing Bank . . Philadelphia Bank . . Schtivikifl Bank Smithwark Bank . Western Bank . . par par par par par par par par pnr par per par par par 1 par par par par pnr 3 par Country Ilnitlm. Bank of Piitslwg i'iUebuiir Bank of Chester County Bank of Delaware County Hank of Germantown Dank of Lewistown Bank of Middletown Bank of Montgomery Co. Bnnk of Northumberland W'eatchcater Chester Germantown Lewistown Middletown No! ristown par Northiimbriland par Beike County Bank Reading i to I Columbia Bank & Bridge co. Columbia par 14 pur par pur 2J par pai par par pnr par par par par Carlisle Bank Carlisle Doylrstown Bank Easiou Bauk Exchange Bank Do do branch of Farmeas' Bank of Bucks co Farmer' Bank of Lanrastei Farmers' Bunk of Heading Harrisbuig Bank Lancaatcr Bank Lebanon Bnnk Merchants' & Manuf. Bank Miners' Bank of Potuville Northampton Bank Towards Bank Wist Branch Bank Wyoming Bank t Wire of Bank of Prnn'a. Office do do Office do do Office da do Doylcstown Eaaton Pit tabu i a; llullidaysburg Bristol Lancaster Heading Harrisburg Lancaster Iebanin Pittsburg Pot'sville AMcntown Towanda Williamsport par Wilkesbarre par Ilarrisburgt These Lancaster I office Reading f do not Easlon J issue n. NOTES AT DISCO UN T. Bank of the United States Philadelphia Pittsburg Erio New Brighton i'o do Chamliersburg Gettysburg Montiose Erie Waynesburg Washington Honesdale Brownsville Voik Office of Bank of U. 8. Do do do Do do do Kensington Sav. Ina. A Prim Township Sav. Ins. Bank of Chambersburg Bm.k of Gettysburg Bonk of Susquehanna Co. Erie Bank Farmer' &, Drovers' Bank Fiankliu Bank Honcsdale Bank Motion gahela Bank of B. York Bank i 10 24 i 21 4 N. B. The notes of thoc banks on which we omit quolationa, and substitute a dash ( ) are not purchased by the Philadelphia brokers, with the exception of those which have a letter of n Terence. BROKEN BANKS. Philadelphia Sav. Ina. Philadclj hia Philadelphia Loan Co. do chuylkill Sav. Ina. do Manual Labor Bank (T. V Dyott, prop.) failed failed filled failed no sale Alleghany Bank of Pa. Bedford Bank of Beaver Bank of Swatara Bank of Washington Centre Bank City Bank Farmers' & Mech'ca' Bank Farmers' &.Meeh'ca' Bank Famicra' A. Mech'ca' Bank Harmony Institute Huntingdon Bank Juniata Bank Lumbermen'a Bank Northern Bauk of Pa. New Hope Del. Bridge Co. Northumb'd Union Col. Bk. North Western Bank of Pa. Office of Schuylkill Bank Pa. Agr. At Manuf. Bank Silver Lake Bank Union Bank of Penn'a. Beaver Hiiriibburg Wanbington Dell, fonlo Pittsbutg Pittsburg Fayette co. Greencaslle Harmony closed closed failed closed no sale failed failed failed no sale Huntingdon no sale Lewiatowu no sale Warten failed DundofT no ssle New Hope closed Milton no sale Meadville clostd Port Carbon failed Carliale failed Montrose closed Uniontown fuiled Greenshurg cloed Wilkisbarre no sale Westmoreland Bank Wilkeabarre Bridge Co. All notea purporting to be on any Peiinsyl vama Bank not given in the above lut, may be act down as frauda. NEW JERSEY. Bank of New Biunswick Belvideie Bank Burlington Co. Bank Commercial Bank Cumberland Bauk Farmers' Bank Faruiera' and Mechanics' Bk Farmers' and Mechanics' Bk Farmers' and Mechanics' Bk Franklin Bauk of N. J. Brunswick Belvideie Mtdford Prlh Aroboy Bridgeton Mount Holly Rahway N. Biunaw'uk Middletown I't failid Spin par 1pm par par Spin fuiled . 1pm Jersey City failed faihd failed faihd failed par failed 2pm par no tale Hoboken Bkgck Giazmg Co Hoboken Jeraey City Bank Jersey City Mechanica' Bank Patterson Manufacturers' Bank Belleville Morris Company Bank Momstown Monmouth Bk of N. J. Freehold Mechanics' Bank Newark Mechanics' and Manuf. Bk Trenton Morris Canal and Bkg Co Jeiacy City Post Notes Newark Bkg & Ina Co Newaik New Hope Del Bridge Co LambciuuIIe N. J. Manufuc. and Bkg Co Hoboken pm par failed tailed 1 1 ni N J Protection &. Loiubuid Ik Jersey City Orange Bunk Orange Paterson Bank I'atetson Peoples' Bank do Princeton Bank Princeton Salem Banking Co Sjleiu Stata Bank .New irk State Bank ElulM-ihtown Stata Bank Cuideu State Bank of Morris Morrutown Satta Bank Tr uton Salem and Philad Manuf Co Sulem Susses Bank Niwiou Trenion Banking Co Trenton Union Bank Dsn r Washington. Banking Co. Haekenaatk Ui:i,Ai AltE. Bk of Wilin oV Uraiid) wiiu Yi iiiitigloH Bauk of Delaware Wilmington Bank of Smyrna Smyrna Do blanch Mtlloid Faimera' Bk of State of Del Doer Do branch A ilmington Do branch Georgetown Do branch Newra.lle Union Bank Wilmington fT Under 6'a f: pm ' par i par par : Spin Si tu i 2 pm , failed 1 fail.tl . IJp"' Vpm I,..,; I...I.J p.l pal par par r pal par pur par CQ On all banka marked thoa ( thera are i ibet counterfeit or altared notes of tho various de naffiialfiians, ia circulation. PROSPECTUS or THE DAILY KEYSTONE. TERMS $3 roil the axsaioii. The undersigned being fully aware of the Im portance of hvjng a Diily Desuocratic Paper, published at the Seat of Government of Ponnsyl vsnia, during the pensions of the Legislature, in compliance with the n quest nl number nf their democratic friend, propose to publish the KEY 8 TONE DAILY, during the atipiwachnig session, on a Royal Sheet at the iam price of two hollars for the session, or two rents per tingle copy. Ti e great object to be attained bv the publication of a Daily paper at Harrishurg during the session of the legislature, ia to give leporta of the Dcbalea in the two l(oiiea, on all important public qm linns, n.orenl U tre.vh than hae hrntofoi been cms liMiiary, and to m l those reports out before the pub lic, mote rxiirdnious'y lhan by the slow process of a srnii-wr-kly apir. There ia an unxiety in the minds of the r. ading public to obtain the eailirat information in rrgnrd to a I public movementa i ami as the measures to be brought forward and dis rucd, at the appr, aching session of our Legists Into,, will he of the first importance, to the people at large, we conceive that tbeio ran be no more sui'nble time ihsn tbe present, for the commence ment of an enterprise oi this kind. At one oft lie proprietors of the Keystone is a professional stenographer, and has long been en gaged as a Reporter in Confess, in the Conven tion to amend the Cot st tution, and in the Sthtc Legislature, he confidently hopes that he will be enabled to conduct the Legislative Department of the paper, in a roanni r entiicly satisfactory to those members whore remarks he may repot I, and t lie public at lurge. He will be assisted by competent ie oners, and will at all times attend in otio House himself to ensure faithful and ccu rate reports of debates in the Leetslaturr. 'J'lie other proprietor will take charge oftht'Editoritl Department of the paper, and as he has herctolore had considerable experience in conducting a Democratic Journal, in another part of the State, he hopes to be able to make the Keystone acreptul le not only to his politi cal friends, but to the reading public. We shall lira huve a correspondent at Wash ington, who will give a datlv synopsis of the bust ucte transact! d in the National I.cislature ; ai d an account of all tho political movements which may be made at the ae .t of the general Govern me tit. fXj- Aa we shall incur a heavy expenditure, o ver and above our own labors, in getting up our Daily, and in employing Repoilera, Correspondetils, &c. we trust our ft lends throughout the slate will exert themselves to give our pajicr aa wide a circu lation aa pons hie, Ti e very low rato at which we have placed our Daily, will make it necessary for us to adopt the cash system, so far at least ,a it is coineriied, and r quite payments to bta made to it during the first mouth ol the tension. The semi-weekly Keystone, (Double Royal size) will be published aa usual during the soaiun at two dollars. I'osl Masters and others sending ua five subi-crihera accompanied by ten dullats, will be entitled to a co y for their trouble. ISAAC . MrKINLEV. J. M. G. LESCUKE Harri.burg, Dee. 4, 1841. PPwCSPECTTJS OF TIIK SAILV STATS CAPITOX. GAZETTE. rl,Ht; editors of the State Capitol Gazette, at the urgent solicitation of numerous Democratic friends in almost every country of the Common wealth, have come to the conclusion, to publish, during the sittings of the approaching session of the Legislature, the STATE CAPITOL GAZETTE, DAILY. The Dailt Gaikttk will I piinled on a roy al sheet of line paper, which will be aufficiciitly large to contain full reports of procet dings of both branchea of the Legislature. In carrying out our intention of publishing a daily paiier at the seat of Government, we will of course rubject ourselves to heavy expenditures, and will consequently expect the Demociary of Pennsylvania to tally round ua, and sustain us in our undertaking. To enable us to give full reports ol the p'ooeedings of the Le gislature, we have made arrangements for placing in each Houe a competent stenographer, the ability and profeasional experience of one of whom at least, is universally udmitted both here and else where. In addition to this, we have engaged, at a considerable eiuense, the aluable services of our late Washington Correspondent, whose style of writing, the foicible, energetic, and fearless man ner in which l.e laid tare the doings of Federalism, and the faithful predictions which he gave, during the rxtraordinary session of Congress, is familiar to our numerous leaders, many of whom have cheerfully admitted to ua, in person, that "Cleon" ii one of the best political witters of the day, and have urged us again to procure hia aid aa our cot re-pondenl at the seat of the General Government. Aa regards the future courae of the Gazette, we derm it unnecessary to say moie than that it will al ways he lound, aa heretofore, a warm upporter f the great principles of Democracy, and battling faith ful y, for the welfare, promotion, and happ ness of the People at laigu. Tho banking system, aa it ia at present conducted, believing, as we do, that it is cab ula'rd to spread disliesr, miseiy and ruin in e very community where its polluting influence is fel', shull continue to meet i'tom the Gazette the same d, ternitned opposition it always has met wi h, until the hired roalttioiis and combination of ban ke s, (peculators, and atock-johhvra, shall be made to leel that the will of the people is acrasMC. Ha ving been the ardent and zealous supporteia of ihe re-election of our piesent worthy Executive, D vvin R. PuHTf a, it shall be our pride and pleasure to give to bis administration a lino, decided and ho liest support. In puhlisliing a daily pvper, we are well aware of tl.y hovy teapoiisihility that wi.l rest Umiii us, ua ita editors and eonduelois. We are funny con vinced, however, that a Democrslic daily paorr i.t the seat ot government, is much needed, and at the ri.gnestion of our lteinoeialie fiiends, we havw been induced to Coiiuueiite tbe undeitakiug, provided a reasoi at le encouragement is given to warrant it. The vi iy modeiste lei in at w hich we oiler our dai ly tir to subseiits ra, must convince every one liiai lite nl jeit is not to rcaltAV therilroui an extra', vngant roinpi nsa'ioii for our lst ois. On the other I. Mini, we shall l perfectly satisfied if our expense, do i ot tall Ik bind our income. ib.l I I l.e terns ot the Dn.r liizirrz are aiich aa wile. tun. I us to adopt il.e cash sistim, which hi i win he i-IlciIv. adiieied to. 'lb. sriii-vie kly eT at ("AriroL (izTT (I uhle ro , size) will la- published as heretofore, tliouia il.e sitting i.f the l.i gtslattire. An) peison sending us live sub criliers aeeompa me. I bv tin dollars, shall lect ie a copy lor their troutile, gru. Prisons ruUciihing for either of the above pa. I c '-, - ii.rnu in semi in ineir oiuer oil or ue toie Hie Until of Uecemher. TERMS i Dam ? (!aitt for ihe session f i 00 Sksi-Wmu Gazstts, do. 2 00 HEMLOCK cV BRArro.N. t'dituri and I'ropritlurt, liAiiisiiurg, irc. a, ioi. XKcCAX-LA &. Him.SE. Xo 51, Aiortli Second atrrct, (coaata o coosa'a Atttr.) Where they cou ran try Veep on hand a general assortment of CXjOTXXS, cassimebes, vsstikob, And a great varitltf of articlrt iif a wptrnir quality, which tliey oiler to dispose of upon the most reasonable terms. COUNTRY MERCHANTS and others will fitrd it to thrii advantage to call and examine their stork before purchasing elsewhere. Philadelphia. Nov. 6, 184 1. ly a sn.i:iii assoktmuvt"" or .J UsT arrived from the city of Philadelphia, and tor aate, at the most reduced pneca. for cash, at the new stote foimctly kept by John Bogax, as follows Clothing of all soils and sizes, such as Warm Ovetconts, Coattres. Pantahions, Yes. Ac. Also, a large assortment of Fine Calfskin and Wa terproof Boots, Ladies' Lare Boots, and variety of other Boots and Shoes for the winter, trimmed and untrimmed Gum Shoes, and Men's, Bos' and Chi drcn's Shoes, of all sizes. JOHN CHAMBERLAIN, Siuibury Oct. 30th 1841. if. MRS. BOLTON, tt ESI'ECTFULLY informs her friends and the JBLft public generally, that she continues to keep that well known Tavern Mand in Matkel street, Snnbury, aign of the formerly kept by John Bolton, her husband; and by endeavoring to conduct the establishment in a manner to give SHtistartioti to all, hopes to merit a lilieinl bnre of public palronaije. Sunbury, l)rtoln r fllti, 1811. Sunbtirj , orthimibrrland County, PENNSYLVANIA. rPHE subscriber has rented that large and conve - nienl Tavein House in Sunbury, lately occu pied bv Jliram 'lite, and ispepated to accommo date all who villi favor htm with their custom, in a neat and comfortable manner. ROBERT ADAMS. Sunbury, Oct. 23d, 1841. 5I1FSC1T & "RESPECTFULLY infoim the citizens of Sim. 11 bury ami vieinitv. that tbev have tuk u the Shop lad ly occupied by m. Durst, where they will carry on the TAILORING BUSINESS, in all its various branrhes. By sttirt sitintion and teasonnblft chniges, they expect to nieiil a share of piihlic patronaue. Sunbury. Sept. 4th, 1811. MADEIRA WINE. First quality Mat'icta Wine, for eile low by Sept. 1, 1841. H. B. MASSER, FO U KTH PROOF BRA N I ) Y. A genuine article alwava on hand and for aale by Pept. 1, 1841. II. B. MASSER. HOLLAND GIN, Ol the best quality alwaya on hand and for sale hy Sept. I, 1841. II. B. MASSER. LOAF AND LUMP SUGA R. Always on hand ami for sale by Sept. 1, 1S4I. H. B. MASSER. NEW ORLEANS LASSES. Of the best si d for sale bv Sept. 1, 1841. SUGAR HOUSE MO quality always on hand II. B. MASSER, BROWN SUGAR. Ufa good quality, for sale lowby Sept. 1,1841. H. u. MASTER. (REEN AND BLACK TEAS. Of the best quality always on hand and for sale by Sept. 1, 1841. II. B. MASSER. COFFI' E. Java, Rio and Laguira Coffee, con stantly on hand and for sale by Sept. 1, 1841. H. B. MASSER. SPERM OIL. Winter and Summer strained Sperm Oil, ot the U'sl quality, alwaya on hand and for sale by Sept 1,1841. H. B, MASSER. STEEL. Cast and Blister Steel, for sale by Sept. I, 1841. H. B. MAfcSER. IRISH SALMON. Ol the best quality, con stantly on band and for sale by Sept. 1,1841. H. B. MASSER. LIO,UORS. 6Fall kinds and of the test quali ties, always on hand and for sale by Sept. 1, 1841. II. U. MASSER. SPRING STEEL.- -Of vaiK.ua siies for Eliptic H. B. MASSER. Sprirtgs, for sale by Sert. 1, 1841. LARGE QUARTO BIBLES For sale at very reduced prices by Sept. 1, 1841. 11. II. MASSEK. BLANK BOOKS. Of all kinds, for sale by Sept. 1, 1841. H. B. MASSER. BLANK DEEDS. Bonds, Mortgages, Ae. for sate by Sept. 1,1841. II. B. MASKER, JUSTICES' BLANKS. for sale by Sept. 1,1841. H. B. MASSER. CLOTHS, Blur, Black. Invisible Green, tc, for aule by Sept. 1, 1841. H. B. M ASSER, CASSIMEKES AND SATTIN ETTS. For sale very low by Sept. 1, 1841. H. B. MASSER. CARPETING. For talo cheap by Sept. 1, 1841. II. B. MASSER. BLANKETS For aale cheap by Sent. I, 1841. II. B. MASSER. UNBLEACHED M L'SLINS. For sale by Sept. 1, 1841. H. B. MASSER. COTTON YARN AND CO'lToN LAPS For aale by Sept. 1,1841. II. B- MASSER. HEMP AND COTTON TWINE. For saTe by Sept. 1, I84L H. B. MASSKK. TOWING LINES, CORDS AND RO PEs!l For aale by Sept. 1,1841. II. B. MASSER. WARRANTED Brass Clocks, For 13 Dollars EOU.4L .r lime to any told by Clock Fed lart fur f 25, for aale by March 14. II. B. MASSER. LIST OF BOOKS, roa salb ar ' LX3. KJQS3S3ISm. A NTIION'S Classical Dtclionaryt Lemprier'a do.; Ainsworth'a dot Cobb'a do.j English and German do.; Anthon'a Cesar; Anlhon'a Grammer; Anthen a Cicero; Man Latin Readci; Ogilby ado.; Andiew'a Latin lessons; Donnrgan'a Lexicon; Frsk'sGreik Elerrraes; Davies's Lrvendei; Graera Majors; Adams'a Roman Antiquities; Pinnock'a Goldsmith's England; do. Greece; Ly ell's Elements of Geology; Mrs. Lincoln' Botany; Elements'of Uotany; Uridae a AlccUa; Pot1 a Khetorical Hea ders; Emerson's Geoaranby and HisKirv; Oluey'a do.; Parley's do.; 8milh's Grammer, Kirkham'a do.; Ka a Readies; Cobl 'a do.; Cobb a Arilhmelick; l ike a do.; Emerson s do.; Cobb a Spelling Books; 1 own s do.; Cobb a I ahfe Books; Evangelical r a- mily Library; Coitage Bible; Family do ; Collater- do.; Small Biblra and 1 eataments Parkct a Ex- ereia on Composition; Fruit of the Spirit; Baxter'a 8 .inl's Rest; American Revolution; MBrtvaU'e No vels; Mrs. Phelps on Chemistry; Iliad; Catechism of American Laws; Letters on Natural Magic; Che mistry for Beginners; English Exercises adapted to Murray's Grammer; Sequel to Comley'a Spelling Book; Ami rienn Class Bi ok; Dabnll's Schnolmaa- tei'a Assistant; A creat variety of Blank Hooka, cVo. August 28, 1841. Work ol ialure. IN a stite of health the intestinal canil may lie compared to a river whose wate a How over the ad joining land, through the channels nature or art has made, and impioves their qutdltrr; and to keep up tbe comparison of the river, so lung a it tuns on smoothly the channels are kept pure and healthy; but if by some cau.-e the course of the river is stoi peil, then the water in the carinlsi us longer pure, hut soon becomes slagiiKnt. 1 here is but cine law of circulation in nature. When thire is a tuner- abundance of humoriul fluid (atrocity) in ihe intes tinal tubes, and cortivei.ess tnkes phice, it f). ws back into the bloo.l vessels, and infiltrates itself in to the circulation. To establi h the free course of the river, we must remove the obstructions which stop its fiee couMe.nnd tho eol its tributary atieam. vv t Ii tlie IxMty, follow the same natural principal ; r move, by thnt valuable purgative medicine limit ditlhfi Vnivemul Ytgetablt. l'illn, which aran ef- ti ctual assistance of nature, the suprrahundanre ol humors in the intestine canal. By iTevcring in this practice, the ways of the ciiculation will then he lestored to the full exercise ol their natural func tions, snd a state of health w ill l-e fiimly establish ed Remember, never sollei a drop ol blood to be taken from you'Evaruate the humors a often and as long as they are degenerated, or as long as you are sick. Dr. Brnndrcth sOllire in Philadelphia, ia at No. 8, NORTH EIGHTH stteet, where hi pills can be had at 25 cents per box, w ith lull directions. (j Only oiicni in Sunlmry, is H. B. Masaer Esqr. Sunbuiy, Sept, 4, 1841. ATTENTION, .i . sib x i: y .i i: s , 1 ) EQI ESTS the attrntion of his country friends -IV who are in want, lo l.i very l uxe stork i f Carpetinga, Oil Cloths, Mattings, Rugs, Rinding, Stair Rods, &c, etc., that he has just opund, at his warehouses, No. 18 North Sd streit, and No. 2 Church Alley, next door to Christ Church, Phila delphia. ' July 31, 1841. ly. JACOB MARTIN C'4minlKMlon ami rorwurriliig iyjehchant, ESPECTFI LLY inform, hi. fried, and'the R M..,l,...l. ..n,l. llal l. -.mi Ihe Commission and Forwarding Business, at I. is ware house, fool of Willow at. Railroad, L'cljwato and ' t'chuvlkill. ! Merchants hov.ni, goods to le shipped, will find it much lo their advantage, aa to time and pi ices of freight, to send their mrrchamlis to the Depot, corner of Front and Willow atrret Railroad, aa they ran then be sent either route by the Tide ater Canal, ot Schuylkill and I'l.ion CauaU, aa bouts will arrive and depart daily lor the Juniata and Susquehanna Canala by Tide-w iilrr in tow of steam, or via Schuy lk.ll and Union Canals fiom Fainnvunt dam. Merrhanta will please be prrtieular to serd all goods destined for either route, lo tbe large Di pol, coriur of Front and W llow ulreil Railroad, with diricttoiia accompanying Ihcin, which route they wish tl.em to be Miiped. Coaisc and fine Suit and I ii.ter at Wholesale prices, on tbe Delswate or Schuylkill. Philadelphm, Juie o, 1841 ly. JCH1TS ?t. C"J11CI1TGS. WHOLXSALS r.HOE, BONNET, Cap arm1 1'alm Lruf Hut Swc, No. 10 South 4th Strkkt. PHILADELPHIA, "IITHERE an eitoiisive s wortinent of the ahove articles are distantly kept on hand, for sale at the most reasonable Icimu. May 29, 1841. ly. SPANISH HIDES, TANNERS' OIL AND LEATHER. D. K 1 lv 1 A T HICK & SO IN, No. 21. Nuith Third rtrret, (RETWKX9I SltlsIT 110 t'MMM'T aTBIATS.) PHILADELPHIA. nAVE for aale a large and excellent assortment ... ... .' n. . , s-,-f ot tpamn Jliat, rurna nip, iauntrt wu, dc, at the lowest inaiket price', 111 er for cash, ii exchange for Leather, or upon credit. Consignments of Leather received for ade, ol purchased al the highest maiket prices. Qj Leather stoied trie of charge. April 17, 1841. ly. ATTENTION MEUCHANTS, &:. E. P.ScJ.H. FRICII, WHOLESALE GROCERY. Ft)RW'ADlNG vV raoi'Lex ro!msnioi MsBchaxts, Ao. 297, Market ttreet.fre Ouurt aboie Stventh, VHILADULVHIA, OFFER for aale, al the lowest market price, a gonial assortment of Tea, Crffeti, Sugars, Mulatri, Winn, Liquur. Spict; Tobacco, -e. Coi'M BT Phoulik nceived and aold on commis sion. Merchant, Hotel heeiiers, and otners, win find it to their sdvamage to call and examine our lork, before purchasing elsewhere. Mrfi hanl wishing their goods collected in thia city, by leaving an order, will have iheiu piouiplly forwarded, by the liinat reditious line. tswn r. raira, jou u. ran a. Fdi. 6 1811. ly. SELF-ADJUSTING I,0(J BltACK FOR 8AW-MILLS. Br lUsjAMia N. I'rmwi, THE Subcrilera having purchased the right for vending and using the above valuable inven tion, for Norihumhciland County, offer to dispose of the aame to persons who msy desue lo purchase. The above invention ia now in oieration al theatw mill of Mr. M'Caily, near Sunbury, where il can be inspected by owners of saw mills and all other interested. E. GOBIN, MichS7 if. SAMUEL GOBIN. AN onparrlleled remedy for common Colda, Cought, Asthma.Influcnta. Whooping Cough, Bronchitia, and all diseases of ihe Breast snd Lunge, lending to consumption ; compofed of the concen trated virtuea of Hon hound, Bonsrt, Blood Root, Liverwort and several other vegrtable euhstnncca. Prepared only hy J, M. Wisslow, Rochealcr, New Yoik. The innocmre and universally admitted perioral viitue of the Heiba from which the Balaam of Horthouna ia made, are too generally known to re quire recommendation ; it is tbeirfore only necessa ry to obrv that thia Medicine containa the whole of their Medicinal prorties, highly concentrated, and ao happily combined with several other vege table substances, as to render it the most apeeily, miM and certain remedy, now in u.e, f r the com plaints above mentioned. The Balsam removes all imflammatlon and enre neas of the Lungs, loosena tough visid phlegm, err aiding the patient to expectorate with rase and free dom, assuages cough, relieves atbmntic and diffi cult respiration, heals the injured parts, opens the pores, and composes the disturbed nerves, and gives strength to the tender lungs, and thus produces a speedy and lasting cute. InOHATITI III IS THE BASEST CTIIME I Ml. We are not among that class of Eihtots who f.T a few dollars will, (at the expense of truth and ho nes'y) "ctack up" an article and brinit it into rapid sale; neither aie we willing to tetnam silent, afn r having tested the Utility of an im rovetneiit or du coveiy in science or art. Our readers will recollect we told them we were unwi II with a aore thtoat and violent Cold some few weeks ngo. Well, we pur chased two bottles of WINSLOW'S BALSAM OF HOIiEHOL'ND, and so sudden was the cute, that we forgot we ever had a cold. Thne who are afflicted, may try it upon our recommendation. I.eiculo- 'I'rlrgrnph. For sale by HENRY YOXTHEIMER, Sunbury, JACOB BRIGHT, yttrthumUrluna'. Also, by Druggists generally throughout the country. fjj" Price, 50 cenla per buttle. August 14tti, 1841. ly. XIAVS, ELUCOT, 1.VOaM & QOGII. M liolOKUle Uralerti, la Foreign, Hrilith and AnurUun Dry Uuods, No. 12 North Third Strkkt, Phi l v i i phi a C COUNTRY Merrhanta can bo suppled at all times w ith an exteiifive assortment of the above Goods, on the n.ost reus, liable oi.d satisfactory terms May 2'J, 1841. ly. this machim: ac::akst tiu; WUllI.l). IMPORTANT TO FARMERS. D A YEN PORT'S Improved Patent Threading Machine and Il.o-e Power, which threshes ami cleans at the same time an invention fur which Farmers have long looked in vain, mid which lenders the above machine perfect and past further improvement. Those w ho hnve I eeu waiting for somrthing better than heretofore otl'i red for sale, will find this to he the article. Come see it and fudge for youisclvrs. The suhscribeis have purchased the right of the above Mucliinc and Horse Power, for the coun ties of North I'M n i:h la mi, L comi so, Cii m rn, and I'diiijr and also, the privileges of vending I Un in " ull"r I'1! " I'ur wl"th ,U httf "" The advantages which this Mac!. me has over all others invented are many and obvious. One boy and three men run do all the threshing and cleaning ol 150 bushels of w beat in one day and this usually takes seven hands one day and three the next. For field threshing it t ikes the lead of any thing in this world no grain is scattered or lost. Such ia the superiority of the Horse Power, that three horses can thresh aa much with it as four can with any other. The Machines and Horse Power will l sold together or seperate, to suit purchasers. Made and sold in Milton, by the sul senders. WM. WELCH, WM. H. POMP, HENRY FUlt K. Milton, April 17, 1841. itEio.Jt.ni:.vv.i thus: l THRESHING & WINNOWING MA HINE. Having had in use, one of Davenpoit's Patent Threshing and Winnowing Machines, and being repeatedly called upon for our opinion in legard to their value, durability and advantages, we make, free to state, that they exceed in our opinion, any Threshing Machine we ever lefore witness! d in use. They will thresh and clean, fit for market 200 bushels of Wheal er day, and this with tbe aid of three hands besides the driver, lie Mraw is passed off from the grsin on an incline plane, ex- tcndini: about 12 feet from the Machine, fccarce- ly a grain ia lost. W hat is of some imi oitnn e and greatly ao, is the fact that no dust passes fiom the Machine to the man who feeds it. Tbe Horse power seems to be iirrfection nsell three horses may work It with ease and their fastest gait nted only be the ordinary ilocch bmi. Wa must cheeifully n commend li e Machine lo Farmers , xuy ale manufactured in Milton by Messrs. W elch ' ..... ...... . .... . . . . . p0mp and Flick I PHILIP HH.GERT. JOHN I) HELLER- Chilitquaque tshp., North'd co, Metc.'u 20, 1 841. BRADY'S HOTElT IA.TIl.I.i:, COM .11 III A COl.XTY, 1'taai) lv aula. HE SI'IISCRIBER lesperlfully informs the public, that he has removed from tbe town of uituwittU to Dunvillt, and that he has purchsseU in that place, the Lurge and Cvmmodiout U It 11 K HOIK 10 , AT TUt CORRtK Or MILL A.HU MARKET STRIsTS, COppotite tht Court-Huutf,J W hieh he has fitted up by the erection of ADDITIONAL BUILDINGS, and "tensive STABLING, for the Enter I I t2tainmcnt if Traveller end VUilort. He ia now prepared lo accommodate all who may favor him with a rail, and he woulJ state that no thing in his power shall be left t ndonr, to rendi r hi ru-toiners comfortable and ha py while uudri his caie. 11 is accommodation are ample, and his room lurinshet! in modern atyle, and the proprietor i de termined that hi establishment shall suatain and keep up with the growing reputation and impoitsnce of ihe town in which it ia locabd. Hia Tabl will be supplied with every luxury nf the sesson, and the bent and choicest variety tht mar kit tan afford. Hia Bar will be stored with alt the bent article that tun Ae fumithed by our titiei, and the whole will lie such a to give satis faction to every one. Well knowing that an enlightened public will alwaya judge for themselvea, be fvela confident thai Ihey will favor him with their patronage. SAMUEL A. BRADY. Danville, Jan. 30. To the Publics DIl. XIASX.147IPS HX.X.8 Tho superiority of Dr. HARLICH'S PlI.LS ver any other msdrcine that has aver been offered to the puhlic, ia, that they rteeive and purify and tlrtngthen. These am importent items, and theif importance should not be overlooked. The eyrtem ia liable, from ImprovKlenca and m gleet, to ac cu mulate bile, and a vsiiety of diseased bumors. To purge the aystem of these impurities, should bo early attmded to. If it be neglected, the patient may beaubjeeted to painful disease and protracted Milfcring. THE GERMAN APERIENT PILLS are admirably suited to thia purpose but more than this while they tLlAssa lha ays tern they rcairr the bioop, and assist nature kindly in her operations. The Cumrocnni SrMs.NOTHr.Jiiso Pill gives tone to the stomach, w hite thi y impart vigor to the whole sjttcm ; henco thryarea desi.leralum. and no family shoulJ re main without them. In fact they are a anrt of "Family Phvsician," but unlike the ' school men for these Pills may he safily consulted in Afcfc coai-s they may be taken without injury in any while they affotd positive relief in many. Wa only ark fir a fair tiial of tbcii merits, and are wills ing to abide I ho issue. F. WOOLMAN, Burlington, N.J. Foi sale at the atore of HENRY YOXTHEIMER. Jan. 1st. 1812. Agent FcmulCM, Itvwurv of Consumption, AN li not sutler t. e early srede to knit its fatal tin ends in yi ur system, but guard them aa you would the thiet at night. When you find the fa tal enemy set king to destroy your health bf imbi bing the evil seeds of a srrinua disease, R.MtMairt Dr. Di-ncar's ExrrcTORAST K'.miut will im mediately dea'roy and temove them. Thousands of your aix die annually from ihe want of proper treatment. Had tho-e known the wonderful rfTecta of this n rdicine, and used it in time, many could h ive prolonged their days, and yet be dwelling a mongst their dearest friends. Those who are lebo rit g under Ihe influenre of this disease, lose no time in procming Dr. DUNCAN'S EXPECTO RANT REMEDY. It is safe and effectual, and always gives relief in the mo-it hopeless casea. It streiiKtheus the vvesk and debilitated ; relieves the pniu in the breast and side ; suppresses the dit tuss.ng cons 1 1 ; s'opph g tbe hectic fever and night swea's, hiid finally (it the case be not too far ad vanced) restoring pciftct health. Full directions and a treatise is given in pam phlet, which accompanies the medicine. ForsLle at the PRINCIPAL OKFICE.No. 19 North Eighih a rcrt, l'hiladel hia, Also at the alote of HEN RY YOX I HEIMER D. r. 2 :., 1 84 I . Agmt. . loirt' t oiitliislve l'rools, Of the ej)icucy if lr. Hurlich't celcbratld Medi cinet. Dsar Sir : I was afllirted with a bilious and ncrviou disease to a very alarming degree, with all tho syinpti um which so frequently effects a re laxed condition, vix : pi.!diness in ttie head, violent tremors, chilliness, with a fixed pain in the right side, complexion hail, and costivenrss; indeed I was in a most miserable condition. 1 had tried many reinedie.4, but found no permanent relief un til I had pmclia-ed Dr. Hurlich't compound ttringtheniiig untt Herman aperient rill, which from their sopeiior vutues, I wac completely cured, and am aide lo puriue my employment, free from pain and disea-. (signed) JOHN BOLES. Dited Xema. Ohio June 7, 1840. Pin ciple Office for the United States, No. 19, North EIGHTH STREET, Philadelphia. HENRY YOXTHEIMER, Dec. 18th 1841. Jlgent. t oi.su in l ion ! Cousumpt Ion ! I DR. Dl NCAN'S EXPECTORANT REMEDY S mi infubible remedy for attesting Pulmonary Complaints, Colds, Coughs, Spi'.ting of Blond, difficulty of Breathing, Bronchitis, aoreneas of the I broat and diflicull Expectoration, Weskneaes, Debit iy, Liver Complaint, and all other affections if a consumptive natuie. Thia medicine has a de cided advantage over most preparation of the kind, as it regulates the bowels, and strengthens the con stitution ; and does not bind up the system ana encouragn intemperance, as most of the medicines do, hy lite fatal opiatea alcohol combined in them. Such medicinrs have a great tendency to bring mia ry and distress, and even death upon many valoahle citizens. We Gil J by the wiekly record of ihe bill, of mortality, that lines fourths of the human souls who so suddenly departed from their deaesl friend-and relati ns, have been eweptoff by that fatal and fell destroyer, Consumption, when many could have been anved if they had Used a ptoper medicine. Fellow beinge who yet dwell with ui, and are afflict' d with the premonetary symptoina of this d sesse, procure immediately Dr. Duncan's Expectorant Remedy before it be loo late, and not be led to Udi. vo that such symptom will soon piss off without the use of ptoper medicine; by su. h negligence, you may soon be led to know your folly. One bi tile may at the first attack, be sufficient. Pamphlet giving a full treatiae, alwaya accompany the meibcme. Price, f 1 perbotile, OihVe No. 19 North Eighth street, Philadelphia. HENRY YOXTHEIMER, Dec 1 1th 184t. Agent. Iypcpla &. lit pocl'.ondrlaclsiu. I'urtd by Dr. Uarlich'i Celebrated Medicine. MR. WILLIAM MORRISON, of Schuylkill Sixth street, Philadelphia, afflicted for sever al year with the ahove distressing diaeas aick-re- at the stomach, headache, palpitation ef the heart, impaired upiet',e, acrid eructationa, coldness and weakness ot tho extremities, emaciation and general tl-.otlily, di-lutbed rest, a pressure and "'..gnt al the stomach after eating, severe flying paina in the chest, back and aide-i, eoativeneas, a dishkr for society or convention, langour and la siiude ii pin the bast occasion. Mr. Moaano.t had applied to the most eminent physician, who considered it beyond the power of human (kill to restore him to health ; however, a hi affliction had reduced him lo a diplorable condition, having been induced by a fi.end of hi to try Dr, lUaLlca'a Medicine, as thi y being highly recommended, by which he procu id two packages for a trial ; before usi, g the second package, he found bl..isell greatly letievvd, and by continuing ihe ue of thrin Ihe disease emitrly dsspprared he is now enjoying all the blessings of perfect health. Principal office, 19 North Eighth treel, Phila delphia. Also, ful sale at be store of HENRY YOXTHEIMER. Dec 4 th, 1841. Ag" TH L TH W1L L VllE VIA I. Dr. Harlich's medicines are daily increasing in public favor, and waul from any but a fair I rial to establish their worth. We have a rommuniration in our column to-oNy fiom a person long afflicted, winch ia but one of many voucher for thia medi cine. Hjririt if the Time. II A A It U ' N UNITED STATES COMMERCIAL AND ST VI ISTICAL REGISTER. Containing doc. umeuts, f.tcla and othi r useful inf .imation, illustra tive of the histoiy and resource of ihe American Union, and of each State ; emhiacing commerce, manufactures, agriculture, iiilernal improvement, banks, currency, finance, education, &c. etc. Edi ted by Samuel liaised. Publi hed every Wednesday, at 79 Dock atreet. The price lo subscribera ia $i per annum, payable on tbe hist of Januaty of each year. No aubacrip linn received for leu lhan year. Subscriber oat of Ihe principal cities lo pay in adaee.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers