fcuntn K KipcdUtonAmtrlean nati ves. I Tlic JS'ew Orleans papers received by yoster- k1)'s nrail brin unnlensont intcllipciicci enn- tlrntatofy 6f tlio 'report which find previously reached us,-of the captirro, liy Mexican troopa, i the expedition which left 1:cns somo few I moivths ago for the-city of Santa Co. In this "expedition were sevoral Anroriean citrons, who had joined it ifor business or recneatinn. -'I'lieciretiMMtaiices-wnder whicVthpy fi.1l into 'thc'hanfls of Ihe Mexicans iirctthtw succinctly : Willed in the Dee : I ''Sometime in 5rme last, a trading expedition , FUirt'.oc from Anstm for Santa Fc The object of the expedition, so fur as it was understood our citizens, was purely commercial. The tJovcrnmcnt of Texas, desirous .or.opomng communication wifh Simla Fe, and establish-'Migii-eoHnnercial intercourse with the citizens f that country, furnished the expedition 11 military escort ofscvejal hundred men to pro tect the truders from the Comanche and other Indian tribes, who iufcat the territory through 1 whioh it had to pass. A number ofthe citiretis .of the ITnrted States embraced an afpmrtuir.ity, apparently to secure, to visit Simla Fc some hs traders and others as gest of tin; escort hut having uo official or responsible connection whatever with tho military CNtublishmeiit. Vho expedition a!ter enduring great privations, 1 and encountering diflieullics tkatdeciniated its Milks, was captured without making U13 least losiatiiiicr, at Igon del Colorado, ami together with the American citizens accompanying it, t.ikcti to the city of Mexico there perhaps, to; meet a cruel fleam or condemn! to a yet more cruel existcucc ki imjihc of ibi! mines of Uic re public' The Bee contends that the capture of these American citizens is otto which calls for the interposition of tho United States, and adduces the two following examples : Mr. Ki:NDAM,of tho New f Means Ficayuue, joined the expedition as n guest of the officer in command. He went as a citir.en oftlic F nited Slates to visit a people interesting to his fellow-countrymen on many accounts, lie thought he had a right to go, without forfeiting the protection of his government. Should lie be siifl'cred to perish without any cflurt to save him ! A son of Gen. Caiman, of Kentucky, a youth of l!) years of age, was also a guest ot the e.a:dition. His father being a creditor of the Texan government, sent him there upon business. Jlo was invited to goto Santa Fe, ami did so as well from a laudable desire to sec tiiat country as to iinpreve his health by exer cise and the excitement of travel. Neither of these gentlemen had any connection with the expedition except as guests and citizens of the United Slates travelling under thecscortofa friendly power. They have doue iiothing to u ithdraw themselves from the mantle ol nation al protection. If Mexico should subject them to the death of robbers or rebels, she does not deserve the consideration due to an indepen dent civilized people, and ought to be treated as a combination of outlaws and barbarians. Wc can scarcely doubt that the citizens of the U nited States taken captives would be set at large at once upon the request of this govern ment, and we hope that an agent will lie sent to Mexico to request their liLeration,ordemaiid it authoritatively if tho government make any objection to giving them up. It were a wise course as a means of preventing future ditur liauces, fur neither the blood of Kendall nor that W young Com its will sink in the ground without calling for suniina-y aud ample ven geance.' It appears by a letter received from Chihua hua, that when the expedition approached with in n few hours march of Santa Fe, fiv e persons, of whom Mr. Kendall was one, were sent in ad vance to the town to inform the authorities of its approach, and assure them of its peaceable (Hirpose. These jiersons were immediately seized and three or four of thetn hint. The citizeuri then went out to meet the Texans and ussurcd them thut they were perfectly wil'ing to receive ithem u-,kjii condition tnat they would ! Mirrcndcr their arms before entering the town. meJicine reaches tho seat of the disorder hr The Texans, ignorant of the mcrifice of those j this rest sou, and for the prnHrty iodine possess who had proceeded tlieni, were iiuluced by the ; cs of dissolving the tubercles of the lungs it i;ca to adopt this advice. M'hen they had de-j must lie an t llicacious remedy for diseases if livered up their arms, they were seized, and j the lungs. T. J. L. S. alter tubmil.iir to tlie inut uppilling iiidigui- 1 ties, marciied off to abide tiie delerininaiion ol ' Santa Anna. Thiti is dreadtid news, and it is probably to true. The tm of Jt-ii. Com km was among those sent to Mcxs-o. Momio.MHM. It is stuledtliHt the Mormons arc making a location in the very lieartofihs city, ha ing taken a room in tin Assembly buildings, which they arc about to lit tip liir their mummery. It is strange hisw readily men lend themselves to the urnst r alien kit is impos tures ; but now a days 4vivk la haai i Li t ,' means 'long life to King Humbug.' Phikul. (Jazetto. lA.SktE I.nokkhtv. lie understand tl at . i .111 llil lliuus aiiu nuujr 1111.1 uu iiiv 11, inn i ow ly, has in progress, and waily coinpletcd, ' a loom that will knit a perfect slovkingiw ghv without a seam. The hxim maybe propelled by hand or foot power, or by water, and tliee.s-l will not exceed IjsIlO or K. What w ill our good old grand di lues suy to mchi'ii iuiiovalion upon their prerogative! 'A w.-st kiu your ma i hinery give us the good ohl vay.' Spring field (iaaellc. MiFOtB. Robert Cunningham !" JefS-rson county, Ca., was shot with a rifle by om-isflns negroes, while sitting in Jiis'.room reading, lie expired instantly. anillneConanmptton. ' The T-nnilon Medical Joupunl mentions iodine as a very valuable anil efficacious ircmotly in ca"-' of incipient -consumption ; and a writer in the Public ledger, lio, we presume is a phy- sician, cites the following instnucc as evidence of the beneficial effect of this medicine m oV senses of the lungs. The first case iethat ofu 3noV, who "had been afflicted four or five ycti'W with n very serious' cough Tho paroxysms (if eonghing wmild often continue for the space of ten or fifteen minutes, and were so violent as o!cn to cull forth the fears lioth !' herself and lainily, in re lation lolier btirtti:iga blood vessel. &he in itialed a tpjantity if the vapor f iodine, (this wiw about ayewr since) mid from tlmt time to the present, she bus not coughed as much alto gether, as she had freipiently done at one time, before hIic used the iislinc. Tlie next case is of a still more striking character. In conversing with nn eminent 'doiftist, ol Ibis-city, about the medicinal proper- ties of iodine in the disease of the Jungs, he cxlaiuie.l, 'l'nts is what -has been tiring me !' This led to tui imfurry -of tire naltrre Vhis com plaint, his words were as billows : '1 have been o.lllicted with consumption liir live years : about -eigLVjcn .umuLks inoo,lr. Coatee mea- wired nry side, arid (bund that it was contracted about an inch and a half; about half of my lungs is entirely gone, and owing to this, my loll side is considerably depressed; for the last five months I have been prosecuting aixilher busi- ness, in which iodine is used, awl during that tinte (without kioving the cause,) my health has hecii constantly iiuroveingand now I have no doubt but tbat the iuiialattort of the iodine has produced the happy result ;' in slrort, sa'ul he, 'I considered myself perfectly cured, and this is the only remedy I have used.' The last ease I shall mention, is that ofa tailor, residing in ."ith street. When I first recommended this gentleman 1o use roditio, he appeared to be in the la.-t stage uf amsiunptinn, his face had a Vivid appearance, and the color had left, his finger nails, and his t-trcngth had so tar failed him that he was unable to walk across the rootr, excepting with great difficulty; he used the iodine according to the directions in two weeks from the time he began to use the iodine, I met him near the Kxchange.on his road to the upper part of Kensington. He appeared to walk as well as any around him, his cough hud neatly leil him, his face had as sumed a natural appearance, and he expressed himself as being perfectly relieved; from that time to this, he has been gradually improving, and he now appears to bo in a fair way to have his health restored. These arc but a few ninoug the many in stances, in which I have recommended the suc cessful use of iodine, to persons predisposed to disease of the lungs. 1 have not the least doubt, but that the remedy will prove a most valuable one ihalat ion appears to be the most natural method by which the lung may be reached, and if iodine possesses the property of absorbing tho luliercles of the lungs, you have a remedy which at once touches the henrtof the disorder, and, as a consequence, ia most likely to effect a cure. The simplicity of its application is a great advantage ; it is this empty an ounce of iodine into an earthen or glass vessel with a wide aperture at the top, say a tumbler or flat dish place it in a room in which you may be near the stove, and during the day place your head over the dish and take three or four in halations of the vuKr of iodine, which rises readily From it at common tcnicraturc ; do this as otlcn as may be convenient, and tlie good result must follow. There is but little doubt that this discovery will prove of immense advantage to the alllic ted it certainly will appear to every reflect ing mind, to be superior in its application and principles, to the remedies generally used ; which must expend the grcatei-t proportion of their good qualities on tho stomach and body, while but a comparatively small portion of the Kli e Proof Itoofn It has heretotiire been thought iniiosi-ibb! to uuil.e shingle or board roofs lire proof, but it , will be seen by the following receipt that this can easily In: in eoinplished. Wc have the re ceipt from the inventor, Mr. lUiite, of the firm of2oore iV W hile, Calico Printers, oppisite ConshehiK'ken. Take whitewash and alum, ; and put one pound of the latter to one gallon of the toruier, and give the roof one or more coats, I and hot coals w ill havo 110 more effect tluil j cold ice. J t,M, Comi i.imim. The N. V. Commer- j vial soys i,,it tin; report of Mr. Forward, on the i Fx In oner, is the most powerful document , . ' . i ' tAnn-h lias been issue.) Irotii the I reasmy )e- Iact,(-iit mice the days of Alexander Hamilton. Mr. J. .M. Ilarthird, of Mississippi, says that il'ht wines any thing more uUnii Dr. llagan, lie ineiiiis in write it uin his hide. Friend H.irtfonl m , in.-, dirpoM-d to restore the customs of the o'.len tune, when men wrote upon blltkl1 skix. I -ouis ille Joottial. Si ii n.i. Kims Wilbur, of K. shester, had been unwell I'orsoiuo lime, and was asked to pay a sioull dclt. I k- sasl bu would pay all his debt ll.rt nl't i-l lim.i, weutlo hihimmey drawrr, tiAik a iln.liti ami Lutigiit o rope, with wbicit he hung hiu.or!'.'. Slnvery. The following extract shows, tlnrt the zeal of some British abolitionists for the emancipa tion of stives in this country, has caosed thetn to overlook hcirown .follow subjects. H'c do iriutspouk irrevorcillly, when wc' advise them to remove first the ketrm -from their own eye. The situation of slaves in British India is of the most 'dreadful character.. They arc treated more as brutes than htimn-n .beings, and yet (heir criiso lina not enlisted the 7.eal of those intrepid .advocates of freedom, who havo bo deeply ventured as to crass the Atlantic in or der to preach of the horrors crt" slavery in the free cities of this country ? Before making any firrther artemptt to interfere in the internal Tehittotsofour country it would be rm R-ell that they should look at home. It may fa that be cause the Indian slaves draw their descent fromthe-snmc Step of Japhet that we whites do, they arc tnvwort-hy of the attention lei-towed upm the descendants of him of wIkoii it was said, A servant of servants shall he bo unto his hretherti.' Slavery iy Isni. There is a coirse of. slavery followtxl tip by Indoolmrn fumaos of! disreputable thar.TCtcr, which has as yet cs- j enpodthe notice of many a scnitiiious impiirer I into the subject. Very poor natives are in the 1. .!.; ..Cnii;.,.. ,1..,;. e, ..,..! ;i.i... ....... Illll'ILI'l DLIIIU LUt. II .1 IIIIIIU VIUIUO II lift U M'l V " ' : inconsiderable sum to persons of the ebovede- j srriptinn, wlrj regard tlie.n as slaves, and treat , them with lire most revolting cruelty. These poor unprotected beings are numerous through out CalcuWii, and arc looked iqion by their merciless retainers as little if anything better than brute beasts. In the year l2r, one Ma ria Davis, an Anglo Indian of dissolute habits was tried and convicted before Sir Charles (irey, then Chief-Justice of Ilengal.on a charge of murder, inasmuch as the had destroyed a slave girl, thirteen years of age, by dragging her repeatedly up ard down a stone staircase by the legs, thereby maiming bcr head and face in a most brutal manner. The prisoner, in her defence, in a most callous manner, attempted to justify her conduct, by staling to the court that the decoased was 'her slave' and that blie I had a right to do as die pleased with her. 'I he : wretched woman was, however, ordered for i execution and the drop was accordingly erected for that purpose, but she eventually received a respite, and her previous sruttiisc wiis com muted to that of tran.-qiortHtioii for lile. Site was allcrwards exiled to the Mauritius, where she died. '1'h is is only one solitary feature of the baneful cficcU of slavery in tho la.-t Indies. FurrlK Items. A man named ('hampagne, a native of Pan, died there a few days since, agtxl one hundred years and six months. At Orleans, a nrgross, who came to Trance from St. Domingo oll.v the revolution in that island, died last week, aged ltKi. A needle, which was accidentally swallowed by Mr. John Bridges, a solicitor, living at Isling ton, when he was a ooy often, more than sixty years ago, made its appearance a little above his ankle two or three days ago. A confectioner in I'aisley has been fined 2s. fid. for throwing a quantity of w hiskey in the face ofa tec-totaller. On the 31st of October, the three hundredth anniversary of the festival of the Kcfbrmation wascelebratcd tit Witloinlierg. In thecveniug a number of the nsst res(K-clable persons in the ! town formed themselves into a procession, 11;! 1 i walked to the statuo of the great Reformer, ! Martin Luther, where they sang a hymn. An explosion look place in the coal mines of i P. Felix, (Hamuli,) near Ilrussels. last week, ! at the depth of 1, !."() Icet. Four dead bodies j and five wounded men were got up, but it is j supposed, that the twenty nine miners arc yet unuer n.c earui, w.icu.er in u.g or uea,. M uov known. t . 1 .1 .i ,:... . The rrime olheen stealinrr is rrcatlv on the increase in the agricultural district-!. The country papers mention several instances du ring the week, in most of which only such parts of the animal as the legs, shoulders, and loins wrro taken, the rest ot the carcasses benn? loll. The robberies aro obviously for food, and not for .silo. The jokers say that the younsr Prince is call ed the Hiike ol Cornwall because ho is a mixok. It is a curious liict, that children are the best judges ol character at the first sight in the world. There is an old Scotch pioverb, Hhey aru never canine that dogs and bairns diuiiii like,' and there is not a truer one iu the whole collection. Duncan Mtinmo, the oldest tenant of the ; They wanted their annuities to be paid iu pow Argyle estate, died in the llr-thyoar of his age, jcr Hmj cuj eatit but the President told ilium on the will instant, at his farm near luverury, j tlt,v naj better purchue aurieullural imple which he and his forefathers have occupied for j ment3 nml dnei-tic coiutor.s for their wives uUitit :K years. A Turkish advertisement iu the Djerideu Savudiss runs thus ; 'For sale, a black female rluvc, w ho i unique for playing the fiddle, lute, inandiua, aud duk-iinar ; and is, moreover, u beautiful dancer. Price 3,(KK) piastres., Cistaoainst Lihi-.ktv. The struggles a gainst liberty in France cost Pjiigluitd over onn thotisrud and eighty-two uiillioti hiiihU I be ing seven times the annual income of the coun try. The cost of the American war is est limi ted at one hundred and thirty million oun.ls sterling ! Making an aggregate of more than eleven hundred millions sterling. It is tlatrd in tho Ijondon Obsvrvcr that Mrs. Ituth-r, late (Miss Fanny Keiuble,) iu about to rc ijieHr it p"ti tht: tu(;' Oplnlnn of an Kngllalt fttatesman on Free Trail. Kol a great While ago, when proposition was 'brought before the Urilth llou e of Gammon.-, by Ministers, to reduce the duty upon French Wines, Mr. IIohkrtsow, a distinguished mrrrilwr of that body, gsve tho foTewirtg definition of the meaning of Pica Trade! 'ft wn idle fur us, ho 01111 nurd, to endeavor 'to pommflooiher'nufiofn tii 'join wmIi or in adopting fbc principles of whit was called Free Trade. Other nations knrw nn wall as the noble Lord op posite, and those who acted with him, that what we meant by Free Tr,n1o was nothing mnre nor lets, than, by tncnmi of the great advantage we en joyed, to get a monopoly of nil their maikcts for our mnuufnrtuKM, and 10 prevent thrm, one and all, from ever Wonting mnoulWturing nation-.' Let the American advutotea ot'lbe Free Trade fli,m pondi-r wriou1y vpon thi lurid Fin;liah ilrfinilion of their favorite theory. Let tlie Whig mn jority in ('ongrera drriile vbelher they are wil ling to allow the English tnaiiiil'irturers to get a monopoly of i.or maiket, and deprive the laborers of our -country of ihe 4ionegt fm is of their indus try. liinlun A1I119. Fninllj- of .Ti fT rorv. The globe, in mime icmnrks lel.ilive to the report that Mi. Clay a going to Cnla lor the tieiiefit of Iim health, givm the foflowing inlPTinting aceonnt t , t i I iV t r I fa memiwr of Mr Jetlurs.iii 1, f.nnlv : ,.Wc UlA (Ue M Nrtl,BI'nWr,ai,.l, he i, . . k , ... i( .. bujulllhm,iA, . he vhould MMt Cuba fT his liealib. wo cannot Bwe 1 a Mler proof that we do not I ear bin malice than j by r. commending him tj conai.lt Ihe distinguished Cuba physician, to whom uc feel that we are in- deliti d lor the fertuna'c result of our last vir.it to ! Cuba. He will find Dr. Me'Uham, of Havana, I 1 f f .-i 1 1 .r ir 1 a man ol gennu sn.l proloun.l tkill in his proles- i.m, f,nd adorned with many of the noble traits of , character which belonged to his near kinsman, Sir Walter Scott. And what wc know will be a stiJl greater motive wi:h Mr, Cray to mkc his arrpnin ianee.be will find him the husband ef Mr, Jefli-r-oll,s youngest grain! d.itiehier, 01. c nf the inM amiabK' and excellent of her family race, who, by Kume strange fatality, are all, fir the most part. banisl rd from the countrj- the iudi-peiidi-nre j which Mr. Jefferson declared and aldy contributed to maintain to seek their fortunes in plucis lying under the most despotic rule." Poon Ki.miai.l ! Among the prr-nn connect ed with the Texan S.inta Fe expedition, whieh has leen raptured ty the Mexicans, was Kend ill, the I riticifal editor of the New Menus I'itksyune. Wc "knew him well, Horatio." he was indeed a frllow of most excellent humor." His rwychek. bright eyei1, and ever joyous countenance, will change among the damps and tortures nf the mines; but those who knew him will iii-ver liotcn to a hu morous story or a biilliaut retort without thinking of him. Alas poor Kendall ! l'lnl. Cuz. IniA u South Cabolisa. The Chants ton Mercury states, accordiiig lo the report of the Indian Agent, laid before the I.cgi-lutuic of South Carolinu, that the Catuuba tribe, the only tribe of Indians inhabiting that state, has dwindled to 51 individual, of whom only six arc men, tho rest being women and children, Tho Common Council of the city of Montreal has i.dopted very loyal addresses t,j the tjin-en and lo her husband, "His Uoyal Highness, Francis Al birt Augustus Charles Emmanuel, Duke nfS.ixe, Prince of Saxc ('o'jurg and (Sollies, K. G. (J. C. U., Coloml of tho 1 1th Hussars," on the l rth of the young Prince and lair apparent lo the Driiish Crown. "TlIK llHI.AT.M.SS Of Etil.AMI.-" TIlC pejlll- Ution of (ireat Uritaiu ia lwenty.eiiht 111 llions, and ,.f ll-.em, twenty mi lions nuiy he said, in homely pluuse, to live froii. bund lo tuou h ly precarious labor, and with scanty aupplii-a of ihe n.cis-ariei of life. Thirty two charges of felony and one hiin- .1 m.l n ...I f. .r, t,t I'-.i ..ib prroc i.l ilrim Lou I ioil n ml 1 . ... , u.. . -.. ..... . - disorderly conduct came betore the U.rough a . . 1 1 I L I I 1 "'..isirares oi .uancasu-., ......., o, a ' 0 '' Tins is, in some measure, the result . ol tho frenzied desperation to which the ids- 'tresses of the people in the uiiuiutiiclunng ; towns have driven them. 1 Tim I nrriclmnrn nr' lndiami hne nissed a I ' joint resolution, und which, having been ap-j .i r... i. I it..,,, ti l.iti- ruw'l.m. i ' 11 ing the "sale of personal property on execution now lev.eu an.. a..M-n.seu, or w men ...ay uo iu- vied hereafter, and betore the first day of Feb- I -I .1 I . . , ..i U I - l ruary next, until some day to lie fixed by the proper ofiicer, and alter the first day of Febrtia- ry next. Some (ircen liny Indians have been at Wa shington, holding a talk with Captain Tyler." j rh-MniU (ochJ advice this, if Ihey would t but follow it. Nopers)it ever dares to mention the name of thcKuipcror of China indeed it is not ollen known. A literary man havingaccidently used the word "Ming," (which hapieiiod to be tho cmperur's name) he and his sons bullercd the penally of death, and his w ile and daughters were banished, w bile his estate were confiscated If you would reclaim the drunkard and make him a useful member of society, you must treat him with kindness teach him to feel that ho is a man that he has u place in society that UK IS Mil' AN OIK AS l' Slid tlilietecll litlieS Ollt ot twenty, he will bo won ovvrund Umud to the cause of irtue. Il.ills and burt will do nothing, while k induce and gtiud fVv-ling Will doeVi ry thing. THE A1VIERICAN. Salvrtlny January 8, 842, frjr Aft a.W MA4iYK'pnn JiiruAar, 1842. We ri.'glected lail wek to tiorice the receipt of ihis excellent publication. The laneory nnmlier contain ievenly-lwo pages of original reading mat ter, hy some of the bet writrrs in the country. Be 'des a mezzorrnt ami a line engraving, a plate of fishious and mil vie. This Magazine h,t made such rapid progress in its improvement, that it now deservedly ranks inon the very beat pctiodiculs in -the countiy. (yj- The Milloiri m h:i changed hantH Mr. Utown, fhe lte roprietiii , having sold out to John Frtek tnd FdwirrJ It. Hunter, by whom h will lc hereafter conducted, upon the same polftknl prin ciples. . , . 1 ; err The Miurrs Journal m inrorrret tti u - , , . , . . , , i st itement of the amount of roal slniiiied rrom tlie Klmmokin t'oBi regrons. Ihe amosiit liroughl to , this place, at the clo.c of the season, Wis o1? oil tons. 0llr -. .,,,,. of lh u oU,i,,rre Farmer. le r,.moVal of -.lames U. fl.W,' f.h : tltll:0 'ru,or. 'J hat man will succeed in g'n i wmki wi(hilU, tlo(lli, w. .w Wfn W(MM ! , . , fi. . ,,. .i... 1 i iriitliT linn tusnnntuuir any vniit i nt: tiunon wou, , unill,ini()us,v Rive , c,,Ctl.H,e lo t,at effert. M hry jp),m u d,cil,.jv Uufa,lumaUc to Ih- 00 i nf ,ie bookg uf ,heir , lU(r rrj The Reading H ol Uoad wi opened on j Saturday la t to Pottsvilhs In the afternoon the j officer pis rd over the road Tom Pottsville M I'hilaprlphi., in foor hiHirs end fifty eiyhl minutes. QTj'Tlic I'bil.idelph'a National tJaze'te was pub. lihed fur the 1 time oh Saturday last. I:s inte le tshavc lieen transferred to the Impiirer. QTj" A?i IteonTviTtiejsTioN Sktti.v.ii. Con gress has at last dtcided to refer the Tariff question to the Committee on Manufacture. This looks fa vol at le. Wc hope theie will not be found any one among the Pcnnsylvani 1 dvVgvi n oppn cd to a taiiff. Such a one as Will not only save, but en eoursije bvr manufacture. fj' The small pox is raging in some parts of I'h.ladel hia Willi g eat violeme, in uiuiiy in.t.nees in it-i worst and most horrible firm. (Tj U.S. Un ok Judgments on notes to ihe amount of $502,803, were lately obtained In Philidrlphi 1. rjj- The N. Y. Tribune of Saturday last, announ ces bC'cial more forgeries in that city. fXj' The Wire Suspension Uridge at Philadrl phU was made ready for crossing on Saturday last. Thousands were there w aiting f t tbe la-l lank, anxious to If Ihe first to cross ihe lii'idgi. An am bitious son of Erin wishing to honor his old horse, led him across the bridge, to and fro, and when as ked the reason, raid ' I5y the powers, I w oiled him lo be the fust baste over, but I loot, for a gieat many asses weie ahead nf him." rry- Coivhtios or Ji-mtick Wii.it. The tri.d of this individual in New Vo k bus resulted in his conviction. The jury, however, recommended him lo mercy. (j-.MaJok Amihk. Mi. Sparks in a recent lecture in New York, on the "Continental Con- grr,." related the follow,, g amcdoteof M .j .r Andre. Uurmg il.e Hovo'ut.on, Kivingt- n, a Tory, .ii.i....i in -.. V.k r. I ih Kov-I i " - i -I- ' - ! tiuzette. In it the unloitunate Ainlre s nim k lif- roic effusion ealld tho "Cow Chase," first a;qeured. .11 i.a lof Hal., U!ij mn 1. iniiiviiifT : ' ' 1 . I tremble while I show it, tar , j , lu, Mm0 w.lrl0r.j,ov.-r w ayne, , Should ever catch the poet." And what is remaiKame, iiiuciij-ion was puu ; bhed on the very morning Andre was capturid. j uri c.teen has been trying hard to make the ! woild believe that he was the ong nator of ihe cobl water system or Teninrsnce Sociilics. In an ad- I dress, published iu the la-t Calou Sintinrl, be ' inakea ihe t.,lloiin veiv modest announce i.cnl in teljtion lo this di.-tov, ij ; iMteeclusl, allll ,, : ),.,!,! the world stands idehted to Creen, who like nkwton, JtASf.it am kranki.ix, applied the smipte principle 10 uiu oniem oi m uisiau. I ecan lestilv to (he Lloctoi imrtli lit V to rohl . a . water during the warm summer months ; for we havo on several ocasions seen him at l'hil id.l hia, ; wbh hia head under the hjdrant, blowing and' spouting like a porpoise. These external cold wu- ' ter applications, the bar keeper informed us, were found lo be absolutely nece.saiy to keep the spirits cool within. The Docloi's precept i, however, i re excclliiit. rrj Dr I'll .lining, in a late lecture, thus discour se on the chilling effects of poverty on the mind. Young men anxious to aopjire knowledge, should alway endeavor to keep company with those from whom ihey ran rXieel to b arn. Contact is every thing, aided by perseverance. Aim for the icvp!e, if you should only reach lo the roof. "The poor havo no society beyond their own ; that is beyond those who are confined totlioir own narrow field of thoiit'l U W e all know that it is contact w ith other mini's, end cspo cially with the nftre active and soaring, from which intellect receives its chief impulse. I?w of us could escape tho paralysing influence of perpetual intercourse with tho uncultivated, sliiirgish, and narrow Hiinded, and hero we sec what I wish particularly to bring to view, how very poor i ihe boasted civili'Atton of our times which is built so much upon tho idea of proper, ty." A Drniorraiie troodi. We had ihe pleasure of insiecling a most mag nificent com l.rootn on Saturday Ust, at the Hotel of Mr. James K. Y in Selinsgrove. It was made on the farm of 'Cspt. Jsrob Hummel, of Union county, from materials raised by himself, and de rfUned as a pie,cnltoUav. ifNlrter, as a specimen of the skill of the honest yeomaifry of Union coun ty, in a branch of busine., hhbrtto -Confined al most r-xe'luslvery to -Our Yankee neigHboYs. The t.itt.rin is a sulit'titnlial old democrat, firm as a rock in his pr.iiri(.lcs. Ire lives on a 'fine farm oh the Susquehanna. He served one term in the If. gialatare served at the -head ef Iris-company durin 'the lat war and ra now, although -well advanced in yerfrs, drre of the most unccessfnl tranters in the country, having Viftedln a Irtmflng eTCorsion a few wci k inre, among a numlter of dAier deer, a buck that weighed 192 pounds when dressed, Canal loiiimissioncr. W'yi. F. I'a ki;a, Esq. has announced his deter minalioii to withdraw fro'n the Doard of Canal Commi-M iiicr. Mr. Pevkrt hks'bt'cn unqucslion uldy one of the mrt active arrd energetic Canal j Commissioners id-it Fcnn-yrvania ever had. Al 1 thi'Bgh there was some rlisnariifaelron cxpirssed at tire Mine of hra aintoiiitinent, we U-hevo it lias liecrt ' ' . ... . , genetallv Conci ded stnee, thut his wsa the best an pointineiil muOe l v tmv, Toiler. (Tj" The follow insf lm morons advertisement, which we clip ftnm a New Orleans pnper, waa wr,t,rn " m,!,,:,ll'! 8 num,,cr " " 1)r' Wm- M' Awl' tlrc" ' fUce' now of Columbus Ohio, and was trnt published in one of the pap. r of Ous place, Tlie t)niclimi AilvertlsMeikt Mini: A n v i:ktibh m iM- Rwnd away or I sdolen or was strayed, mine large plack horse, 1 apotit fourteen or fifteen hands and six inches j lire he has got font- plack legs 'two behind an two jR-fore, and he is plack all over his P"'y. lull he Ims cot some vitc spots upon his pack, when dc skin wns nif off but I greesed em, and tlm vi'.c spots is all plack ogain He lrots ami kautcrs and stimtimes valks and his legs and feet go on, von arter anoderhe has two ear upon isli head potli alike but one i placker dan toiler he has two eyes, von ist put out and toder ish pon do side of his head, and ven yo.i go fcxlrt side he vont see you ; ven he eats goo.1 deal h2 has & pig belly and has; a long dail dat hangs down behind, but I cut it shordt Hxlcr day, and now tis not so long vnt it wns-he ish shood all around, but his pchind shoes coined off, and now he ish only cot shoes pc-fore, he holts up his head and looks gaily, and ven he ish bin frighten, he jnomp apout like every ting in the vorld, he will ridemita. saddle, or a chase or a kar, or he will goby himself, without no pody but a bag on his pack vid a boy on it, he ish not very old, and his head ven he valks or runs goes before, and his tail stays behind, only ven he turns round and gets mat, nnd den his tail sumtimes comes first. Whoever will bring him pack shall pay five tollars reward, und if he pring back de tief vat stolem, ho shall pay pesides twenty tollars and ax no questions, S i'AKKEN l'O.NI)EllF.I.EDERSKIGH. Extract ofa litter h ll.t "Amerlran," daltil Harhishihii. J.m. 5, IStC. Mr. Snnwden was elected Speaker of the House, and Siioliin, of l.mcaster, Sjieaker of ihe Senate. Andrews is Clirknf thHoue; Clark, Sergeant at Ami; l.iuds.iy. Doorkeeper. The Governor' Mfss.ige will be deliveied to-morrow, at eleven o'clock. - - j Mr. HI. Lite's Prophetic Power, j ' hen Mr. Diddle, in the height of bis power, '' hvered the address iMyfore ihe literary wieiiM ol rruicetoii, in wtucn ne anuseo me oc ra-ion to insinuate abusA against (Jeneral Jackon and bis party, he closed with this paragraph : '-The avenging hour will at lust come. It can not be ih it our bee nation will long endure the vulgar dominion of ignorance and projligary. You w ill live to seettie laws re-established. The-e hanilitti w ill be se.iurged back t (heir cvcrns. The riiUrntiwy will claim its fugitive, and ihe only remembrance which histoiy will preserve of tin m is the eneigy with which you resisted and do frilled them," The conceited orator, who thus indulged himself in calumniating the purest men of his rounlry, t-ecuuse ihey resisted hi schemes for defrauding his principles and injuring tho nation, is now pre scntid to the country as a notorious rascal and (heal .i piesentinent which d ie not antic ipsle ; but follow--, the deti-ion of public opinion. S. V. Hrcitiiii! I'lut. Ti m n ask ChasmU. The following is an ex tract ofa liw of lasa(hiiseils. made in the year 1610, the object of which was to prevent "lbs keep, ing uf Chiistma ." MusttirlitiMth Imu (f 1646: "For pr, venting disoidns arising in eeral place within this jurisdict.on, by reason of some still obs.riug such r'esinst a wera uistiliouly kepi in older countries, to the great dishonoring uf tlod nd offence of olhera i m It is rheretbre ordered by the Court and the Au thority tht-ieuf, that whiiaoever hall l foouJ ob ervmg any such day is Christmas, or the like, eilhtr by forbearing lalmr, fraaling, or any other way upon any auch account, aa aforesaid, every such person, ro vhViidiug shall pay for every such offence, live shillings as line lo ihe County. I'nllril Mates lisuk. A new fealure has been added to ihe astounding disclosure that h ive attended and followed the downfall nf this Institution. Promissory notes to a large amount, included among th asset that have pac,l tub) lire hanJs of the assignees, are now saiJ j lw forgeries The dvctaistiun i maAe by Mr. Jalin M. Kiddle, who bit iu ucd by thd aasiguees, a the endorser
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers