r Cvl" lilqnnr. ' The substitute in Great Britain of CoMec fi.r Vcerum! spirits, has increased it consumption to such an rxtont an to call the attention of government to tha propriety f reducing the duties on the importation of it, as i ne of (ho nt efficient means of producing mural rrfurui among the people. .The examination before a f sdiarnentary committee, of gevor.il keepers of modern Coilcc houses in JLcndon, give curi ous and interesting view of the progress of the ha Mr. of coflee drinking as a substitute for dram thinking. Itsccms that tlierc were not over Uvi or twelve of these coffee shops in lomioii, twenty five years ago ; now they number 1)0, j and they are increasing at the rate, of 100 a j year. Tho price per cup of Coffee is from Id uo'JJ. and one of the keepers who charges 1JJ I Tx-r cup, testifies UiUt he has fxoin 1500 to ImXI Cvrrt pttujtnc of the JV. 1' Kitnin rout. Lo.vooN, Nov. lth. AccovcMMK.ir or H kr Majs-ty Bihth or a I'ltiMCK J'he anxiously expected event ha taken place at last, her Majesty having on Tuesday, the yth of Novcniber, given birth to a Prince. , It may be gathered from all the accounts tlmt her Majety makes far leas fuss about herself than others nuke about her, and as far ns can be judge.', no peasant's wife was ever less troubled with whims and fancies. She walked w ith hi-r husband in tho palace gardens on Monday evening, did not give any one any trou ble until seven o'clock t n Tuesday morning, and before eleven was tho mother of the heir to the British dominion?. As an instance, too, of her firmness and free dam from a fleet lion, it m.iy be mentioned, that shortly alter her accom-hment, she remarked persona daily at his home. ' . t k . i t that she had not hoard the guns ol tho lower VI19Si.a III 4SUI1UUI1, ! BIIVW II VJ HIV VAIIIIIillSlilO td'anoihcr witness tho proprietor of an exten sive coffee house. The laboring man comes in the morning tt 4 o'clock, and has a cup of coffee and slice of bread and butter, for which he pay 1J ; and then again at eight, for his breakfast he has a cup of coffee, a penny loaf, and a pen ny worth of butter, which is 31 ; at one o'clock he conies again and has his coffee, his bread and meat ; at this hour of the day, there arc up wards of one hundred dining iu one room at a time. These coffee houses are now generally retorted to by all classes, and .it has become fashionable and customary, to drink coffee and ask a ;'. ti,l to drink it With you, in the place of liquor. The duties on coffee in England are very high ; the duty on colonial coffee being about 1CJ rents per lb., and on foreign coffee almost 30 n uts. F.ven at these high duties actipo! c )ff.'0 is sold at 3 ceuts, and the con sumption is t wenty-five millions of pounds annu ally. It is supposed that with a modi-rate re duction ofduties, the consumption would be in creased one hundred millions of pounds. Li Ireland the reformat ion hnsbecu still more extraordinary; through the exertions of I-'a-t .cr ilnlhew, the great Temperance Reformer, millions have taken the p'tdgc of total absti nence, and these reformed drinkers are aided in their resolutions, by the free use of Coffee in.-tea I of lriiibkey. In the districts of I re l.i nd imdertlie influence of Father Maihow, in ail the public houses, coffee is sold lubtead of w hiskey. We avail ourselves of tho subject and give a few hints from a noted writer, as to the most approved mode of preparing coflee. The ex cellence of this beverage depends in a great measure, on the skill and attention used in roasting coffee. If it be too little roasted, it is devoid of flavor, and if too much it becomes acrid, and has a disagreeable burnt taste; while r.astiiifr.lhc grains should be kept constantly agitated. Coffee vised as an infusion is decided, ly preferable to when used as a decoction, both i's regards flavor and strength. Coffee is gen erally used as a decoction, and boiled for some limp, under a mistaken notion that tho strength in this manner is best extracted, but the fact is the reverse. Tho fine aromatic oil which pro duces tin flavor and strength of coffee is ui pellcd and lost by boiling, and a mucilage ex traded at the same time which mukes it llut and weak. The best modes are to pour boil ing water through the coffee in a briggin or strainer, or to pour boiling water upon it, and s't it upon tho fire not to exceed ten minutes. These are the modes of preparing coflee adopt ' ed by the French, the greatest coflee drinkers in the world. Prepared in this manner coffee is one of the must cordial and delicious restora tives ; as most generally concocted with us, it is a nmscous nd prenicious drug. Macon Messenger. tiro a salute to welcome the young Prince, and being told that the omission arose from the fear of disturbing her, she replied they "would not disturb her,' and so tho guns were fired forth with. It formerly used to be the custom for the of- i fleers of the state to be huddled into the corner of the room where the birth took place, for the purpose of seeing that no changeling was sub stituted for the "true prince." Modern refine ment, however, has done away with this ridic ulous custom, and those important personages now wait in the ante-chamber. n tho lute occasion only the father, tho doctor, nnd the nurse were present. Tho young stranger is said to be a fine, stout little fellow. He is born Duke of Cornwall, and, as Duke, comes imme diately into possession of revenues to the a- Hiouut of 1-1,000! He is afterwards creuted "Prince of Wales," and "Earl of Chester." Ihe origin of the title of Priu:c of Wales is rather dubious, though the popular account is, that it arose from the circumstance, of Edward the First (known in his day as " Ling shanks," from tho length of his leg) having played off a successful trick upon the rebel lious Welsh. After having conquered the country, he sent for Queen K'eanor, who was enciente, to be confined tt Carnaevon Castle, in order that he might be able to present the s'.unly North Bri tons with a native prince. After summoning her refractory chiefs, ho asked them w hether they would be content with a prince born in the Country, "free from alt blemish upon his honor, and who could not speak a word of English," am', on their applying in the affirmative, the baby was produced, and created Prince of Wales. His motto is "lch Dien," (I serve) though others contend 6trenuosly for the words used by the polite Ed ward, when lie presented his son to the Welsh, "ich dyur." (This is your man.) Her Majesty is the first Queen reigning in her own right who has given birth to a Prince of Wales. Mary, Eliiabcth, and Anno not hav ing had that honor. Coiisnmpt Ion. In our obituary record of this week contains an item under this head, which is startling. Of the adult deaths, 18 out of 41 were by con sumption, or nearly ono half. Did the cholera, thesinnll pox or any other disease ol'a similar character destroy human life at the appalling rate which marks the footsteps of this archd- stroycr, no means would Ik; left untried to a- vert the calamity. Will not our Ikir readers take timely caution from audi a statement? The majority of those who die from this disease are females, and they themselves aid much In producing the result, by exposing their feet in shoes utterly unfit in many instances to wear in the house, still less in the screets, and by confining the free action of the lungs in braces which alike destroy health and the beautiful proportions which Nature has given to their forms. Philad. Cax. Dec. 0. t pnrpiMif. The Hon. Jsrne Buchanan tin aire ly THE AMERICAN. Satmrtlayt Orcnnbrr IS, 1841. for public documents. M.VNAOEMF.Vr OF TIIK PliRilliKVr'M HlitlSK. We learn thatthn alliiirsof the M'hito House Washington are all conducted by a colokld man, by the naure of Wilkin, whom tho Presi dent hires at a salaiy, with perquisites, of .SI 7- j 00 per annum, and who disburs all the cxpen- j ses of the palace. He has his oflice, where he j keeps his accounts, employs and discharges whomsoever he pleases. His son, much of a gentleman it is said, is employed at flOOOa year, and introduces all strangers to the Presi dent. His daughter is also employed at $t('0 a year. President Tyler h is in all H colored persons hired he has but two of his slaves w ith him as servant. UrMMANTi or tub IUu. Since the priind ball to the Prince in lloston was over, we fmd in one of the journals, excised for sale at auc tion, the following fragments used to decorate Faueuil Hall 500 yituK Kidderminster carpet ing, us-d in the Hall and drawi ng rooms ; fO0 yards Manilla hemp carpeting, used on the en tries and r-t.-iirs; It) innliojrany hair rlntli soIiih and a superb couch, made exptessly for the oc casion. It was placed in a spUudiil silk canopy under which tho Prince was received. Ten cut glass entry lamps tin J thirty pairs of splen did gilt candelebrus and girandole, new and el egant patterns. These articles were ail pro cured expressly for the ball. HOW Mt.N AKE MADE (I'lllW Mr. B. F. Mallet in a letter to the editor of the liostou Times, says: "I think all the papers ought to Le paid more liberally than they are. Thry make all the great m'ii in the country, by pol ling thein and reporting their spee lies, utten much belter than they can make them, thein sehes. Without reporters and newspapers, nine-tenths of our great men would be very lit tle ones, in the public eye, if it could see them all. A Wife Worth Havinc. U'e notice with peculiar pleasure, the recent marriage of Miss Charlotte Mitchell, ofCeorgia, to Win. lVat Wen liameJ f.r this exulied station. With a firm belief that ha will always be found supporting tho ' true intercuts of h-s native State, we shall must c'leeifully accord to him our humble ruppoit. It is hii;h time that we set up for outskIt, anJ en I courage and pro ect our own mmufai turet and ricutturid mtrret. The free traits doctine is so pi rf.ctly Utopian in it ch tractor, thnt we cannot j tx lieve any intelligent citizen of this Slate would ! seriouly advocate such a measure. Our acknowledgments a-e due to ihe Hon. ! 'J'3' Bri,,in her prohibitory duties is liter J.mes Uuchansn. And the Hon. John Snyder MV s-arvinK her laboring papulation, in older thnt she maySfeiid us tier cheap manufactures, j wrung from honest poveity by (he iron ImnJ nf rXj The proprietors of the New Woild will despotism, while she in return refuses to take a puMMi nn the first t,f January next, a I.cvisthsn single dollars worth of our agricultural products. Piclori.il sheet, containing a asl number of etcel- For want of a maikt t, pork is now selling in s .in lent rp(travii,Ks. Its size will be 4 feet 4 inches' of the states at 130 per cwt. and y. t there are time by C feet 7 inches, mnking 4S columns of four feet ! who advocate the absurd doctrine of frea Initio, e.t h in length. Kipgle copii 25 cts. or five and of receiving the product of the pauper l.ihor copies for $100. ' ers of England, at the expense and destruction of j our own ntariufai turcs. Let PrnnsylviinU lie true Cj There i but little doing in ('onjrrrss at ' to ber elf and no longer succumb t the inlcres'ed presrnt, the busy sessun will n.it commence until view of President irnkt rs, and sho cannot, with fier Ihe holiilsys. Tha President 'bies not enjiy J her vaM internul resources, fail to pnsiier. If how gotHlhenlih, The executive mari-i. n it is sniil is ever we should find ourselves mistaken and dis li rsled in sn uihenl'hy part of the city, in the ; cover that the views of Mr. Uu hannn are hostile neighboihood ef the lowlsnds ami the canal. , to wtit we, in common wiih a rickI mnj inly of - i ihe people of this st.ite, deem to lw In r true in- 03- The Philadelphia GsxeUe suggest, .hat j (p w0 .hat) m,wt c,.rlaillv frwjrJ fc, tho (Jrneral Covemment should withhold from' ,drne other comli.tatf l.e'oiiSirig to the party, v-h.se accord nice with our own. l'pn question, at a eosl ef riot much IcM, w preum, than 800 or 900 dollars. Thn MitnC Cultivator sn I several other papers of that St le, ere nut against travelling pedlars. This, we should think, might be calleJ "carrying the war into Af.ics." ion TH lMKaiC4S:, Ma. KniTon Permit me to call your readers' attention to thn importance of raising the Kiench Hugar Dre', and to assign my reason for entertain ing the op nion, that it will u!limately hecome one of the t pie ariictea of our country. You are a wsre that the climate of the West India Ulsnds, and those sections of our country where the Sugar Cane is raised, is too warm arid unhealthy for the white man to labor ; we must, consequently, look to the l'1-ck man for a rrguUr supply of sugar, un til we are enabled to obtain it from other source. I The negroes of the West India Islands, and in the S.'Utliein States, are indolent and unwilling Id I work, unless they are under the continual supervi sion ond constraint of a matter. They look, with anxiety and ieilt ssrirr-s to the period when they are to cnli themselves their own masters, and I bave no doul t that certain indiidu ds, who now pre te: d to be the only friend of the black man, will see l the time, when tlir.e will not he a single alave in name, either in Europe r America. I bave every reason to believe that ihe ni.itivea of the abolition its are pure, and ever phil inthrnpist should cer tainly a-siht them in theii I .'tors to ameliorate tho Vt.Li.ulf.i K-t ahnm nf llin auriitiid rvnmi ahiI "i i - - - i- . . views are ..... . r; . I I appropriate il lo me naymeni oi imrn.i on ner re. . . . lh nll, ,.,,, puuimd bonds. Thi-.ifitcoul,ll,e.ccomp.shed.! ry' Jhn u on (.rn,ral Ca-s. our whrth" 'boy will succeed in their object mmpig wotdd teperfecily right. VI,, rogu.a.re un- , ,e CoMrl of Ve.sailles. liut we have 1 ''-V ,"V"I? ,!,rm lWUr'1 "A r:c"",wJ b-' lh willing to psy, they should he compelled to do-. n ar,.1,.n.:,1Mll r,,. ,1... .,n,i ro..,loei 0fMi. '' 1' -cpuri. a certain degree of ,n- if there is any remedy lo co. rre ihc.n. ihlI.ljnlll. Ih... VVR .,,. oUtierA . , f ! telligenre t.v enjoy lil-rrty. and to bec -me fit to eu- i condition of the s'avrs ; but I doubt very much. Couuti rfrilK, of the di-rioiniiislion often doll r , on the West liriilich Hank, d ted A ilu-t 1st, IH3H, payable lo J. Kelluin, are in circulation. il jf In our p:ipernf the 4th uil , we stale.l that the Vslley Aiithr.itile r'urnme, near I'olisvilli- hal blown out, and that the riunut' r of thn rlal l-ili-nii-ot, a I lei abstracting $ l.Otill It. in ilin Maori' Hank, by mckiis ofadrouxht on New Yo k, drawn by bun elf, had decanted with ihe in i.ry. We hsve since received a letter from f'utl.ville, denying the truth of the above statement in rrg u I to the straction of li e money, or, that ihe perm alluded I'enrixylv.inia for a candidate in defciicc of tier own rights and interests. Liiitoritil Viscrllitnj. Dixon H. Lewis is a great man weighs 40 pniiinU. The papers hnvn tro-il haid to kill ti.rii, I but be wont stay kdli.-J; and is iain a cm.lidale j for oltVe. ! Miever.s relates in hi incident of lrsvi-1 in f'en- pt nulend the :Ta;r and du ii s of a family, which thn West Indis s aves do not posses'; and, unless j they are pi iced bevoi.d the ii flurnre of the whites, and userxtraurdin oy i xei lii. lis to advance in useful knowledge, thry will i-ink still deeper in wretched ri' si ami want. The Uritixh Government is now trjing her uiirent'ct .vis'rm.and Ism credibly in foimo.l from various -oorcf, that it has so far not succeeded. Ti e f iert ttion of sugar his dimin ished one half, and. it U the opinion of lhoe who to had left tho region. In ju.lice. therefore, to the j .he h Mf ,)(t,it f wh(, , f(Jrh ,,, rn Iral Arnrrics, thai lieef U s.-ld by tlic yard in tlar ; unders'an.l the ihar.cti r ami disposition of the ne- cuin'ry. U on.lr i how they would fell fau-a"-. ' gree, when they beeo ne cntiicly free, that the ex- ,, . , i f-i , poits i n will i-e r -lui-eJ ono third more. The pre- ( lur llem'H-rat.c fr.en-tsof nliiintii eour.iy nave i ' 1 , , . j . ,,. ' , ... 1 ent cor ditiou of llavli proves ibis asertin, and r a K...I .tn raonn m Potior Otl.lief 91 f.jooniliur''. J ' ' TrV llnlf-icuaonlii A nlmul by Water anil Mr ire. er-on implicated, of whom we lisve no (rsonal know ledge, we cheerfully m ike ihr Ihc o-r ec tion. '1 he blowing out of the (urn ice, the writt-i adds, was owing to ihe breaking of some of the m.ichinery, which is now l-ing repaireil, when the j furnace will again l put into blast. Editor who j have copied our remarks, will make the correction accordingly Cj" A fat . I an.l nn t ditri-rsing casua'ty oc currtd in I'hiladetphis lately. A horse rode by Jacob May land, Jr., ran off down Piflh street, and at the corner of Hac-e itmt knocked dow n a Mrs. Kicn tans, residing st the Corner of Kif h street and Mulberry sliey, and her ester, a Mis IIht riv, who were crossing the street at the time. Min DaSTRiM died in abiulh.ll an hour after- tington, Fq, The lady appeared on her wed- i wards, and Mrs. Richard was in such a situation a to giv hri friends no hope of her ncovi ry. Mr. Mayhmd wa thrown from his hor-tc at the same ding day dressed entirely in silk of her own manufacture cap, glove.-1, stocking and dress, The Sagacity of the Mammoth Klephanf, ' cl'm' t0 tllC )est P"I,CP- t-ir's '1 ("i hear j time, and sustained very eriou injury. (who is ottac'ird to the Manairerieand Circusl I "'"t-' huch a girl wonM be Worth more to a laioini-nt, had 200 lb. Saiisagrs atob n rut t.'. eel lor a few nighw ince. The Mini r' Journal was umnoi illy solemn last wetk. Is the edi'or bei-.-iiiiii reallv nenou". or has be fearful apprehrnsieii of li-.sjpioavl.ing "et. Nrgenient." A mi ding was held at Putt-vide on the fith in-1 prepantory to giving tlie rreijint, lit ecli:s a d oiruers of ti e I!eadmg Ka hoad Coin unv a ub. lie dinner and ball on the oprn ng of ihe road. We learn from the Journal that our fro ml J. II. tliinp bell, E?q , addressed the assoniMag ( in an eloqtirnt anil forri' Ic manner, setiing forth the preitt aJv.n Ispes likely l.i accrue lo the region by the comple tion of the road. Mr. t'mipln II h is but receni)f located himself al Pottsville, where he ha opened a law oliice. A young man of t len's and ex cellent moral dej orltnenr, he cannoi fail mreling sucrc' in hi proft-asion, anion; an eulightrncd communi'v. ' t'.e wreicln dm s of the Africans in their native t ronn'ry may be (u.th.r a ldocrd in convincing tve j ry rearnati!e man 1'iat tchtrt a religious, moral an I 'c enlifi : educaiion is wanting, thert m..n wdl lo-e j all energy aid aui'ition, b come dcba-el iu minj. aoj ioi-ap.illi' ol injoung civil uieny. The Wst India I lands may, therefore, be con sidered as tuit.ed, and all our supplies of sugar from that d reet oii ntc almj-t at an end. Sugir is no longer roiiaiilerej a luxury, but it constitutes one of our necessaries of life : for both the rich nnd the pool have it daily on their tables. It is, therefore, ii.di-pi nsably neces-a'y to obtain it from one source or snotl.rr, and if we fail lo obtain it fon ihe Wet ImltCK, we n-u-t i'eie wsv and mean to raise it among i iioihri. Our climate in ihe Northern States is loo n'J, o-id our summers too short to cultivate the sngvr cane with success, nJ in my opinion, there is no other way nf producing this v.iluible nnd indispensable article, than from the French Sog ir U--e. I h-vpe some ef your reader t will make the a'rempt, and if thev do not yrt posse- A Female Spouter. The Providence Journal gives the following account of Abby Kelly A notice wis posted laBt Sunday, headed "Heathenism of the United States," and calling a meeting at Masonic Hall, for the purpose of showing the difference betwecu true Christiani ty, and the prevailing religion of this country. Abby Kelly and several others, were an nounced to address the meeting. A crowded house, assembled at tho appointed hour in the evening. A man from New Hampshire, made a speech, in which ho .announced this city as a second Sodom; dcclurin? that the great ma jority were thieves, cut-throats, robbers, &c and that wiih tho exception of about one linn rired truo obnlitionists, the whole worse than heat liens. Henry Cloy, John Tyler, and other "distinguished gentlemen came in largely for the gentleman's aniiiblu remarks. 'J here was ronsiderihl . clapping and histing, and calling fir A'i'iy K-'lly, during his speech. Abby ul l' . -i; ,i i red. She is a fine lookin woman, with a clear musical voice, and is not afraid of i -iy body, either in pctticoi.ts or in pantaloons. Ivif -.van p.ot quite so full of brimsto.ie, e 'the other," b .t her rcmarkB were by no means complimentary to the gsl people of this eity nod State, whom ho seems to cousider at bfst, but scini-lirburianB. She detailed her trials and persecutions at Newport, where she stud bo was tihuo.-'t mobbed The trienn.al con vention of one of the churches cstne in for a goodly share of tnuledictions from one of the speakers, who said that tho President of the convention was a robber, the man who preached the sermon, a thief, and he who made the pray. t r another. The uudience then dispersed ve ry quietly. Levi Hutchins, ot "Concord, N. H. has raised Una season on fourth of an crt wl land .VKt bushels of carrot. has displayed itself during his lute visit to Rich mond and Ptter.-burg. Whilst the calvacade was crossing the bridge over the James River, the Elephant tjuictly placed his foot upon it floor, but not being satisfied with the shaking of the timbers, he withdrew from it, and imme diately descended to the river, for the purpose of swimming across. On a sign, however, from his rider, he stopped took him up with his prolwscis, placed him on his lieck, and then swam acras tho river. At Petersburg, he was chained with a leg to a post, in Powell's stable, which was consumed bv fire. As soon I as the flames began to spread, the animal find- ing his quarters most uncomfortable, exerted his enormous strength, pulled up the post which had been rammed down in very hard eround, released durance v ile," walked out of the sta ble to a respectful dietance, and then quietly turned around to witness the progress of the con flagrat ion. Richmond Inquirer. young man ju.-t starling in the world than a ' f7"p '"ink it a well e.t.ibln.heJ f.iei that wo- i thousand dollar farm, and a half a dozen pi- men possess more honor sn I honesty lhan men, ! Sti'p Unit null. The Hall given to the Prince ! tl e knowledge to extract msr from ihe beet, it mti, in New Voik, ciM anus to boot. Stai of Makkiaoksj in IxiMMlX, Runaway wives. Runaway husbands, Married persons legally divorced. Living in op'tn warfare, Living in private misunderstanding, Mutually indifferent, Regarded as happy, Nearly happy, Perfectly happy, . . . and a a cla-s, theiefoie, their ciedit stands de si rveJIv much higher. We seldom meet with s I Je Jomville, by Mrs $2500. j Read the article, "l,iTee r-. Liquor," in another j woman who is unwillinn t na, her debts, and who i column. .1 is w. n wormy ine aiu-nnon oi me pa- 1.1W ' doe. not . ml.avor to preserve inviolate her nh'iga. j "" 'hri-tian and philanthropist. ; ,J.,i4"i I lions. Whether this is owing to an innate piinci j The Secret ity of the Navy has issued orders j 4,17") implanted by nature, or to an absence of the j prohibiting -ny ol" the officer of ihe Navy from ; 17 U"i 1 """cs of dissipation and gambling, we h ill leave lo j newspaper or pamphlet warfare. Firing ot paper may be very profitably Ued to feed slock. (atliwisi, I be. 14. 1911. W. J. E. The Time. Toe New Yo k Exproa gives ihe following as ih rate at which ihe locomotive ran with the Message. Hours Minutes. :( :( 'I I ' the speculations of philosophers. ,r)5,;i4(l ' ' ! mriid to the Heading Railroad Company the ad i vantages ef low faie. Cut the Journal is incorrect j" The Miners' Journal very properly recom- 1M bullets, we presume, must now give way to rmtul. ' The practice of presenting snurJs, plat.', c:. lo 1 superior officers, cut of compliment, is al.j pruhil i-ted. The Post Master General has iHiie,l a circular I From Washington to Baltimore, I 1) i Ita'timore to Philadelphia, 4 Do Philadelphia to N. Hrunsw iek. 3 Do N. Urunsw ck to Jersey City, 10 35 13 60 63 Thadric Iturleson better know herabouts as j in.up,oting that .be company have no comja-titor. j i sharp terms, to resign or furn'sh the n giier of ai- From Noilhumlerliid and th'. place, neaily all i .i - . o: r v !.,.,.,. i...n;. ,n lh;t. Shad Burleson, is now Vice President ot the i .... ,. .. , , ". . I rivala and dejaiture of mail to the department t, Ml .1 oeilll.ia, Ol'rig.a, niiui ,.jr li.'is ' - Republic of 1 rxas. Hots well known on the ! .' ... , , . ,, 1 , . , , i vdle. I wo days are now occupiej in travelling (. hairp am canal, as a boatmanot lSs-l-fj. He . - ., i'i , m -u i i i i t ' ... 1 from Aoithumlicrlauil lo 1 liilailelptna, by way or 1 wasengageu in Dunning a noai ai mis piace, about that time. Kiem Washington lo Jersey City, 8 The Message thus reached Jer y ('ity from Washington, in eif.ll hour anJ fifty three minutes. ( Frem Hjtken-ak BrUlge lo Jersey City, th j locoin tivo ran three nubs in two minute anJ a Harrinhurg. The fa-c varies fiom $6 60 lo 7 60. i-i . .1 -i. t .in- loge.ncr win. 'rr,,. uaJ ,,. ,h. lar hubits, and tniscalcu'.utious in business lie I The I.Awr isTRiooir: -oi Polish Isnr PCNru.vrn. The filly-lirt struggle was the siege of Warsaw. The Russian unny, com posed of 100,110, attempted for two days to take possession of Wursiw, defended only by I iio.tHMI Pole. Appalling and melancholy wus the picture, when the suburbs of llursavv were consumed i i tlatnes by the Russian artillery, They opened batteries of 500 pieces ot cannon, which they played like an infernal orchestra u- round the tittering houses. Tlmt tremendous bombardment lasted two days; it seemed l.ke a canopy of destructive fire, which surrouuded and covered the Jt voted capital. The en trenchment of the fortifications was filled up with the dead rdii s of the Rusnians, who mounted upon 5,000 of their slain country men to the walls. Tho Polee counted 9.000 in killed and wounded. Next day, however, Warsaw was taken. Tlrs was the end of that ardent struggle ofthe Polish revolution, which lasted months. During this time the Poles fought filty battles; I'AI.OOO Russians, withfiOO artillery, had been sent against 70,000 Poles, and 120 cannon; iiOO.tHXI of Russians fell vie tiuis in the Polish territory. U arts I he bark ol a willow tree, burnt to ashes, and mixed with strong vinegar, and upplied to the parts, wi'l remove all warts, corns or cxcrvscences on any puilof tho body. Modcnte drinking is evinewhcrc between a fill's and a bnrrcl. iournev can lie lierfoiui.'.l on tliul route, in about became embarrafsed took the '-Sabine slide" i ,s ,j b1 lb. w,v, wi,h ,he erreption ofSfi entered the Texan army became a colonel, : mi!l., between Sha.nokin and Poit.v.lle, by railroad, and is now Vice President by over 2,000 ma- hf fjr fr(.m ihiu.VI.t.iH to Po uv.lle i icdu joi ity ! Shad was a "goa-heml," and right j .. , ,hree Joir( rrc.,mm,..ldl j by ,he Jour sort ofa Texan citizen we should think. Sam ' lia, j, ...-engers can Le car.bd from No.ihumber Houston, the hero of San Jacinto, is i-lected I J(ll allj rsfe , pbiiinhia, for J4 60. The President Whitehall Chroiiiclc. j ejceU.Dc, f ,ho ail road the expedition, cheap- We find the following in tho Philadelphia "cs and comfort of tho route, would have a ten ledger. It is a forcible temperance discour.-e, j 'ency lo divert nearly all the travelling, which i brief as it is: ' rapitlly increasing, in this directi,in. If the Reading 'NV hy don't you mine after cold victuals, us Railroad Company have ;.n eye to their true into i usual," said h lady to a boy who had for a long '; r,,"u. ,llry a'"101 fjil io P"ceie ih.se advantages. lime been a daily visitor for that species ot' charity. ''Father lias joined the Temperance I V2..i..lu anil U'f, ll:lw tt':irm Vir-tll.lls 11iU' u.:is I the reply. Bask of Esoi.mn. The number of person employed in one way or the other in tha lis k of England is s grea, that they may be uj to form a Intlo community thems Ivis. The number of clerks alme, though oeca-ionally varying i neer uipler 900. The nutnlier of engravers, printer of notes, in the constant employment of the Uai k is DS. The salaries of the Clerks vary fiom X600 lo 75 pet annum. The en'ire amount psiJ to the vaiious servant of the establishment, about 1000 in number, i upwards of X'iOO.000. .V. Y. (ia. Mr. Wis. Millik, the lA-cturcron tho end of the world, is at present defending his fovor- ite theory in Iloston. John IV. Crockett, eon of Col. David, has The Nut Pnsiili'iit. Some cf tho preis have abea.ly commenced sgitating the question of the next Presidency. I'he Albany Argtu puts forward Mr. Van Ruren f r a ttcvnd and Jinul period. The l ite preaiden- lial i lect on should Ira h Mr. Van Ifu.cn' (rri nil friends that h fin .1 period terminated on the 4th of March last, an I to bring him forward al thi lime, eann.il bj to subserve any good purpo. Those of the democratic party who voted against him at the last presidential election, and ihe num ber was immense, would not without great irluc lance now support him, however much their view may have changed in relation to the party now i i power. Believing that the claim cf Pennsylva nia have already liern pocponed much too long foi her own interest and honor, we should insi-l upon her right, and give our suj port lo one of her anna. Her alatrsmen are no less distinguished anJ ta'en ted than those of her aitier Slates, but her claims The Chine-e have strange ide s of medicine. j,jlf. They are said lo have considerable rk. ill in the ma- 1 - - -- - nsgement of fevers, but this is alxiut all. When a S. iu ii.kiix N vvkhtio. Inos An Wood patient is wmk, their inorance l. sd. thein t ad- r. Hoa rs. The following is an extract of a letter, minister pills made of the Loins of ihe ligtr. j i.veive.l by a gen I. mm of thi borough, from a Two member of the Tennessee legislature had ! correspondent HI England, extensively engaged in a fight in ihe House. After the adjournment they 1 ihe iron bu-inrs. The advantage of iron over f..ughl with pistols, without injury to themselves; wooden boU ore sir kingly set f onh : Miiieri" but a clerk in a store was (lightly injurtd iu ihe : Journal. knee by a ball fiom en of tin pistols. In Philadelphia, 425 new bui'dings have teen put up since Ihe 15th of Febni ry la-t. A juttgr rorivicrei.-oamuei .vicnenry, we ,, r, , ,linil Vr,r ,)e Schuylkill Chief Ju.lice of Harrison county. Texas, was cm- j j V1(. j,m CoiPp.nv tnli.ge iheir canal lo suit vicled on Ihe I0,h UU..011 a charge of having aided b)M,1 (f 0n Umt Ut,rn .j,,,,, irn j,,,,,,,, in stealing 10 a'ave. two hor. and a brid e and j llf w,)0(, for , mjlt.,ia flir lho;( boai., they will uu,e I nut he ablo to off. r ihe least cometilion with the The rsilrnad between Albany and B stnn ii now j Heading R lilrojd ("omp inv, when their road sha'l completed, and on ihe 10th inst. a locomotive ran j becirried up to Port Carbon I.o-io, Oct. 3, 1841. We -hii k ihsl iron is I kely to remain ststiona- I ... C ..n.A it..... .n.l a r . kl. ,..1 (..,1, ,ii,,t , ..in, 1,.. I r. a ,11.,, i.ui,iiid j time for exicuting an mil r ; a price are lower been appointed Attorney General cf Tounesee. I have been heretofore set -ide loso' ser. psi j An Iron boat bad- through for the first time. The distance is 200 miles time of mnn ng 10 hour. The plate of the (10 cnunterfi it note of the West Ilrsneh Bank were recovered lately at Phila delphia, by the police officer. The Grand Jury el Philadelphia bave pwentej several of the officers connected with the U.K. Hank. Mr. tavia recovered (1600 damage ef David L'echcV Co., for injuiie sustained by an accident on th Columbia Railroad, in their line of car. One cubic inch of water converted into atarn, w ill raise 16 lbs. 140 feel high, or one l n one foot high. Thirty building wer lately destroyed by fire al Albany. Two mcmheie of Congress disputed nearly a whole das about Ihe right 1 1 the seal lately nrcu- ly treated by eonatantly earning coal and pig iron, will last in this country 30 or 40 year ; whilst I am 10I.I that your coal boils will not list over 6 year. An t on boat, of the same outside dimen sion a a wooden bo. t, will carry 30 ton, whilst the wooden one will catry only 26 Ions large Ihisi in ihe nine proportion. An iron boat nf many year age will draw the same water as Ihe first day she waa launchid ; whilst a wood n boat, byimtibing the wa'er, will diaw at vi ral incbe more wa'er, at the end nf six or eight niomhs, than on the day she was launched. These are impor lmt rnnsiJerat ons in favor of iron over wooden boat," Mr. Joseph R. Chandler Kditor of the Uni ted States Gaiette, was on Monday re-elected Grand Master of the Grand lodge of tho Sutvj pied by John . tgeiwtit. The house de.idej ihe j of Pennsylvania Philad, Gni.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers