- ridY.m-fM I Cj" ,Vl VccvW'eJ sevcTnl titimtji r of tli Afiff !"n Vu.tinl Lilt.iry nm! Intolligemor, 1y THE? AIfiRICATf. In riiiril In llin finance", he sivs: l'rom the report of tdo Secretary of lire J K .1 lev Do:' en, M. D , on iT tlio mot vultiriltio j Troastiry you will be informed of the condition 1 m c.l pu'ht.t.oiH of tfcs day, published .y A. j 0f tlio linuncc-i. The balance in Ihe Treasu j Waidic vf r'hiladelp.Vi.i. i ry 0I, tic jt 0f Ji,ary l,,st, 03 stated in the j lr,..n iV-ious of subscribing f,.r II, above r,.)()l t ,,f tiu Sccretar uf the Treasury, sub- vt ft '',MJ Sc'eci Cirrul..tin Library," n.iitcd to Congress ut the Cxtra Sowioii waa I ,in ,,J " c,lii"K --J e,li,"r of lnl'er' ; A!7,L!4r.,W. The receipts into the Treasury, J wl.o Iwlru, tti-iM-mrd ...n-m fr bath puhl.cstions. : dirr;n,f , rirst thrrtrr ofthis venr, from The J cess of any cllort thai this Government cm i make to increase cmmricrcial facilities, and to advance the public intcrci-t. This is the move to be regretted, and the in dispensable necessity fiir a ound Tiirreney be comes the more manifest, when vi; reflect on the vast amount of the internal commerce of the country. Of tin's wo have no statistics, nor , I CTj Giuhim's .Maomk. "- The llecemt cr j y A few wicks since wo p.opo ed the name of mm, hi r of this cxcell. nt periodical was duly rc Gctienil Caimrori as Stale Treasurer. We did o cental. As uud, iti emboli hed with two excel will oirt tliuiiy from a:iy one, and wiili but fiibt '. lent cripm.i'ii.;-., besides a pi its of the fashions. hoj.es lli.it tlio Ucnerul would bo willing to ucre; I This number hus a cnutin-ualiun of unto'ruphy or tin stat'on, if elected. J"C .w' t ol about sixty u uaies of lha most emi lie baa since authorized ui to :sav. tlmi .Hr re- '"'n: . if A::i licaii uracis, Ide in its operation makes tl Treasury notes j ns of intcrort, to meet it engagements witli which it may use along with the certilicates ol j punctuality. The failure, however, of any one deposit, and the notes of specie-paying b inks convertible at the place where collected, re ceivable in payment of Government due.. and, without violating any principle of the Constitution allorda the Government and the people such facilities a are called for by tbu wants of bot!i. Such, it has appeared In me f jntfu'ly decline! the intended honor, nod Ihnt h. iviuiol consent ta lie eonsidcrrd a candidate, f r il.ni iiice. Tho prtice of Slate Treasurer, ut t' e pro rut time, mutt bo one uf great riFj'ons b l.lv, finite liutt tho logifihiluio, in mukioR u cbo-e, v. ill f!i et some one fully compttent to the dia-vlia'j'i- of it impaitant dutio. The name of r.e:c r.i! (li.-tiuguished individuals have been mciitvi.ivi ie i-uiinoi ion with thin office, but there nro iioii- i.. l.tin wo would inure chutrfully conlid Ibe. juijior-iMilTiu;-', Ibun Id General Gamer ai. vj' I'erselit uhu do not tjke out their tieefise miiil April court, ncej not app'y at Jjm-.nw term, but thniild hand in their advertiKcmei'iG at ii .i thirty d.iya befoie tho firi-l day uf the turn of ibc ii'i'rt. 'J'ho publication must he made in a p.: er i:e.vcit lltu resilience of the apphcai-.t. r.iitj .'.ii ' i I l!:e daT. 'quarter, as estimated, will amount to STjyO,- j,j Oj- t;iili!r of :lie l).,ni!le Itil.J!i ricer . 7-3,73 ; thua making n to'al of f'l'2,i ,'",( 70, h.iH tin ii -pnkui f a. Kiate Treasurer. lie, how- 70 ; and leaving a deliciito be provided for, on ever, d r. h il in be unders'oo.l, that ha will not i the first of January next, of about if0-7,.V7,iM). be candid itc firtk.it olliee, but will accept the ; Of the loiin of twelve millions, nullioiitid by the c? k-hip of the House if tlecte l. Mr. Dest no : lu t eesst.m, not quite live ninl a half mill oti have doubt would m.ike an ellii ienl officer, ud n f ir u been taken. Longer time iu re onmii ruled fir the we nre concerned, wo would be pcrtcclly aatiiliod btdutK e. ull sources, amount to $'...-), l(i7;()7V!,o' estimated receipts fir the (imrth qttaiter; n aniouiit to S6,-i3,01)3,VW, ninoiititing'to f-'W,-l,U,lo7,77, and making, wilk the balance in the Treasury, on the firt of January last, 397ftWa Tho expenditures lor the Jirst andlio vn)e fproper,y c(irricJnnd i aggregate, to wfneli the fireign commerccof State to do so, idiotiM in no degree affect the creilit of tlio ret ; uud Ilia foreign capitalist will have nojn:-t tattt-e to experience alurma to all other State stocks because any nnd or more of the States may neglect to provide with punctuality ihe mean of redeeming their en gagements, liven such Slates, should there: . i . . i' . , ... t j , hi i deei.lcdly the beat I "lr 4nricm ot tma year, umoum w r; , . , t ;)n B u, there can bo no doubt, but that the amount of! BM retomtndations nnd in vtcw of them be any, considering the great rapidity wit!, transportation coastwise, by sea, nud the trans- 'i w.i, ue auom.ueo, wt.encvcr yot. m.y re.p.ire , ".c,t i.te.r re3ourc,;s . r,; ueve.,,, ,,,,. portation inland by railroads and canaU and by i(- ' f,ur c.-Mdeition. selves, will nt latl to have the mean,, at n Meamboats and other modes of conveyat.ee, o- 1 am not able to perceive that any Iktr and i vrry distant day, to redeem their ob gallons v,.r tbe- Kiirnmn nf our vast rivers and immense candid obicrtion can bo ttrred a-rainst the nbtn. to ,hc "ttcrmort n,.thmg ; nor will I doubt but ' . I I - I 1 1 .. .. I the principal outlines of which I have thus pre-!111111 ,n v,ew 0,ll,;lx """"" tented. I cannot doubt but that the notes 1 llns evermore governed the States, and Un wind, it proposes to furnish, at the voluntary ' tV,,l,,e of tl,ia L'nion w'11 ench n,", aM .i .i i i . i- . . . r i , , , i- i- V'sori ii every icinuina'c i-Aii'juiuin, oviui'j I u rvmnlrv. Utitk r-i it j-i uj-il-os lint mli-tnTit ntuuill ot tlio null he rreililnr. lemiorl in 1 1 , 1 1 nf ' . " i , , . e i n they will foreoo a futthral tooiplianco witli nt.i.f.it i the rf-viunifi iimiI its rnrt i linitoQ fit ilm-Mti!. u-i j a i In the absence of any contYrUing power o- ! bo maintained at an equality with gold and m1 i-pf lliid iiliinft. ii'liifti liiriii.r n fTfcr-i'l rrt- i vet". ef V vliero Xliev nrn reilolMti:ililo ill ' . " f. i, i i , i . .i i iin. I inland frontM"', ht proeresHtiir omiphtijii sumption of specie payments would at once i gold 8'm silver on ueniaml, at lite places otts- i 1 ' ' 0 1 J..al tm lli uu:n.rf m: til toll.iv their obligations. 'I lie fotlilie itiniis for the pro'rettfin of the cit'ea with hi election ; but we fear, none cjii cope sue crlu!ly widi iIk wire woikera te.idy on the pot. -Our ffiuid of the Danville Intelligencer al lude, uo prcsiuiie, to Ilia cule'daiioii of the II unis bit-f Intelligencer, o.i the nlaiiv advnntiges of itini i.n I ,oti-e power. Tliceiti.ors of the Int' lli (jetcir, however, do not insist on iio tripciiorjiy of hone ower, but conteiid that a qti.inlil.v '"'t citwidwir tO.UOO loan can be trn-p ited fi.'eajn.' by horfe power than by st. 'am, tvhicli c linovr to ' have the ellict of restoring a sound medium of j sue. They are receivable every when; in ; exchange, and would leave to the country but j payment of Government dues. The Tre.niry ; little to desire, what measure, of relief, falliiv j notes are limited to at. amount of one-fourth ,yiQjit friend of the llurriahurg Inteliicnrcr, ore not wholly sali-licJ with the explanations we pave them in ref.icnco to the cont of Itauspartstioti , I c eir ht-ous, fioin actual cperienec. ol end on 1 1 1 o rail road from this place to Miuuio kin. Tiny disclaim any design to disparage ci her tbe SI. uniiil. in ci al r gion i.r the liail KoaJ Compa ny, e Intelligencer baa alwis been an able ad ocnle of the improvementa f the state, and in fa nr cf tl pro(ic'io:i a:id etieeuragement of her luanufacluren. l'or this teatcii we Kit bound to sei the Intelligencor right in their statement in re (iard to the cost of lraiisKrisiion on this roul, a A chain af uiil tary ponig fiom Council Bluif.-i to the Pontic Ocean, for the protection f tlie fur liadi', i reroiiiinenili'd. Ti.c increase of the Navy ?s teeommenileil, the be.-t ineaus of pto'.ecl ng our toc'nlc fiom itr vnion. In reference to the I'oal Oflio Depirtmcnt, he sn : The rep rt of l!ie f'os'.iin-tcr Oeiter.,1, will c'shn yetlr particular Bliention, tut only IreCiU-e of ttio v.ilu -ibV suucslioii w hich it contain, but beeauad I - , -v.." .i.n , .. ...... v. .v. .......... .,, .. . ... . ,.,.., iiiin.,rt:ii re w ..rh. nt n tune.', a l.ie:i . ..,i .: l , t: i .. .... ... . . . ... i ,-i.jvio w u. oui. r miiMui IJUI.H.-OIOO.O..SIR j..;,!- . i,,c me opuiKius urcii ciiiertameit, ami IranKly at any inliire nay, il .-veins to m: mat no si.cn r( ,i( ,.,,,,,, i,r.,MC', f t,o public service, cy c.-'i.necled with our inanut.Vturcs. fr long ' expressed. I nppreheusioii can roas -.liable be entertained, rh,. ilirl0lM.,i cxii.-f transpoTtii.il the mail a. us llu! duties shall be laid with distinct re-, I uttist be nermined to add. that no scheme 1 t"'1'' H c;mlidence in tho repTcsentatiies f . tll(. 1r itll-: . ,! ,o,tte. neeearilv claims tho I'ltlKIUirVT'S S2i:SSAf.IX lorence o the wants if the Treasury, no well ()(- jrovernment policy, unaided individual ex- j iIk; States and ol 'the people, us well as ol the j,i,iic atenlioii, and ban awaken.-.! a corrcspond- Wti huve n it room for the entire Menage. AVe . founded olijv'i'tit can e.Mst KiunA liicm. Il . ,.rn c., j,,, mailable amelioratin" the pre- ! P'l'bj theuiselves, hall U- kis. Th weigh- ' ,,. s,.lici iiJe on the pan of ihe Uovcrnm. nt. Tim Comtiiercial modes 1 t'0"'1 considerations nl" policy reijilire that the transmission of the mail must k-cp pace with those In regard to the revision of the TarilT, he worn- ; within the limits of our constitutional compe- less ihvn the estimated animal receipts of the mends Bie it nimleMtionnnd harmony, ami mvs- j f(,Mry, ti,s lt benane this ( Joveriimeiit to a- ' Trcusury ; and in addition they re-t upon the Tho slightest duty upon sotue, might huvc the ' Jopt J It was my painful duty at your last ! "f the (iovi.Tntner.t for their redeiiitiott. efleet of cRiis-ihg jheir iinporiatio,. to ceti.se, ! session, under the weight of most solemn ohli- 1'' these assurances an; riot stiilicie-.tt t" wherttu others entering e.tensily into the 1 gntinns, tiidiller with Gotigress on the inea- ! "ake them available, then the idea, as it seems consumption of the country, might bear the ! sures which it proposed for my approval, and to lm' "! 'furnishing a sound paper medium of heaviest, without any Fen.-ible diminution in ! which il doitlless rcarded as corrective of ex- ' t'Stlmnges, may be entirely ubandoncd. the amount imported. So also the Government ! isiing evils. Siibsoquent relleetioti, and events If a fear be indulged that the Government iii.iv oo juMii. :o in so ui.-i.iiiiuii.uiii;:, ') i o- since occurring, have only served to confirm ; may lie tmnpteil to run into excess in its issties therefore lav before our readers im abstract of the ""gl't ' esteeulu' u " w aug- s,.,lt conditrun of thill-rs. uniinpor'aiit and le.a interesting pottioim of ii. . n.entation of the tak s ."-liuuld take place i-s j nfcxchatige and a good currency, are but the restraints now proposed to be thrown around Tiiose puns tehtiut; to the Cuirency, Tariilj and wouli! have the ell'i ct I'f a.unlling the land noeessarv means of roinnn'TTe and intercourse, the measure should not, fir light causes, Im- re utber important mutters-, wc give tho arguments of ' proceed-: distribution act of the last cession, ,,- .j,,, Jjrpt sources of wealth. Wealth can : mned. To argue against any proposed plan, the 1'ieaident entire. ; w hich act is declared to be inopera i.'ve the mo- j ,my ,e accumulated, by the emiings of imht-- ; its liability to possible abuse, Is to reject every Tho Mi st.(;o commences in the usual form, in . ment the duties ar? increased beyot!n' 'Ji'oer try, and the ta illirs of frtvalily and iiiithiiiir -'Xpcnn'nt, since o ry thing dependent on htt- alateiiiciit which though unintentional i:corict, vouchv.fmg i.i Heaven our tkinki fjr our healtli, ' cent, ihe maximum rate established by ihe )") be more ill-judged than to 1. ink to fieilitirs man uctioti is liable to al.'tise. Fileoit million I . . i, i ... , t . .. . .. - . ..... an I .... i,i i;ni mui uavc, u uiicomrnuieiej, a tendency m , wcll oe and aliunUanee. i t orn prr.ro TsC act. Some of the provisions ot tho injure the character of the road, and the iuterets j Ibfeience ii made, detailing time of ihe events i act, wiiich v. ill jro into efTefl ontliefldthof i.f Uieifhtmiki.i coal region. W'c can as uie ourj connected with ilieurrcHt t.uiJ trial of Mcl.coJ, uinl June next, may, however, lie f Hind esccoditi"-ly IVieiMl of the Intelliacncer, that we have hud nu j belief expressed that lie result must prove atis- inconvenient in practice, under any reel at kins il, s re lo deeeivo, or put forth any Ktatca ruts that , factory to (ircat iiritain. Some change is also re- Coii'Tcss may adopt. I refer more p;ir- wrre not strictly correcl. 'llie ttaUmenU we made J coliimnded in regard t.i rjch csc, i ticularlv to tiiat rck'tir" to tho home initiation. we know lo bo true to tho k'tttr. We hd not, of The cai li.re of (irouhan in alluded lo with ati- The fnltiimiiir nre the Pie.i.h'ti a vix ihkmi tw couiac, nuke any allowance for depreciation an. I . fjctijn at the resuit of bis dimi.-sii:. great subject of fne Cmrrury. The all uhsorlitig it, borrowing, or to a redundant circulation; for "f Treasury Rotes may be issued as the m vxt- . i C.l ..am.. .i: . : ' tt-i -ii !,. , n ,1 i-...s..t I. t-i lum-i.r In lir (r i l i " I In 11 If? tKlW.-TO. UISl.li:illll ji..-eoiiiai v ooniraiioiis. ' "i.i i .... .,i.ii....i, j........ ... .... p.- 1 . .. ,, ., , i i, , .... . , i .1 . i iiosscss a c aniilete inonopo y.mm the llepartment T .n n a,,, j .'i resources and t ie nei.nli. ! the Ifciurd ot ( ontro . under that sum. and we- I ' 1 ' 1 1 fiill of energy, atlil th" great and permanetit ' ry consiilerattoti will unite in leading them to facilities of iiiler-eoin linuie .lion ivh eli Hroeviry ,lay beciiining ejreater tlir..uh (lie bu I ling of rail roads, ami the uppliciti n of slemn power but it c.int.ot Is? iiismisedlli.it. in order I ) do s , the Post Office 1) pulni' ntis su j cted to heavy ct uetioiis. The lines f communication Uilween dis tant part of die l.'oion. are, 1 1 a reit extent, occu- I.. r. .1 - .... I, i rrni.nlu ,,i.ik I Knit llmis i-n if n-if't, ..ititi.ni l-i,s tt., ri.il.t I ' leiiit'tiv lor uie iivseui i . ..,,.-, . ...v . ....... ....j ...... .... .... , intiie.it, but meiely slated tho rimple facts, in rc- t The destruction of the Caroline is s ill open for ! topic of inieies'. distuned in the m.-s-ntje: liti. a to the actual cost of tiinsportaiion. In re. j future negotititiun, and if ihe ownei w.i g.iierned j t yeur late session, I invited vour attention Kard to the repuim of tho road, it in true that they j by hostile intent, he can expect no remuneration i 0 the condition of the currency nud exchanges, .t. , I. ...,..:. - . .1.... . f . o. , f... , i. ...i I .1... .1... i , ., , ni'i oo lui'iui. 1,11 aiiu t a .1 iiri . i OS in y I'luiici i i.ir iu ius. urn uoi.-ii uic .in i.j. .i.n ii.ai 1,11 ' quo ttrgeu me necesfctry -ot aiiiipting bitcn mca- i .1, .:im. ,,..,i , . kt.,,i,l 14yV.julii'huvicen. Hut it shuuM be icuie.nbrr- ; Bri'ish Govcinmer.t will sec the itrynriety of tc- suits 3 were connstent with the constitution- ' J. .. , " .. . i -, . , ...... . - . , . I , , vii require it, a plan ot finance which, wtule i-r . I tin I the Amr.ll lit nl ,iibm- reniiirpiV:.niM niil ... ' K :n I.. ...... t.,A ...... Lni ...I, ,..h I. a a uinn .1 ........i.i . ..... ' 1 1 .., .- .., - . ii..uiiiii.ii in iu.u.c nit I'linucrui "...i.. B1 cotnpeicncy 01 me viovernineni in oruer to ik-pcnds greatly upon tho amount of business trans- j set in the affair of Schlosscr. j correct the unsoundness of the one, und aa far acted upon it. The actu il cast of transportation, j Ibcrcretice is then maJo in regard lo tight of . 0(J practicable the inequalities of the other. -o m.'epu.dent ef the interest on the sto.k, and de- s. arch on the African feast by Uritish vessels. cln,ry can bc in theenjovment r.f.ts fit 11 metis preci .lion of engines, road and ears, is precisely j This will not be aubtnittcl to by this gov. rnntent, ! o- pro!ipi,rityf without'the presence of me whnt we sl iled. How much more the deprecia- and in all such casci d. nnnds will be -ron.rtly ; aiuin'0t--2xclmnjo. BpproTuioati.ij; lo tinifornihy lion will amount L than the cost of repxirs, we ' made upon the I'ritish Government, for lomuncra- ocvuju0- What is necessary as between the cmn. l say. In reid to Vr. N,rris', .latcmcnt j lion for ull vessels subject to such deleniion. j jifltrenJ 0 r(,rli,, is also imporlant .hat it....! JSPOO for depreciation, repairs, a,,J Attrnt,.., i, then dir.cl. d tn tho African Slave WCl.n ,hp inhnbitanls of dilVoront parts of !f:in roul in Ct'tuxrurtJ. It (Ju(' nil i ri iliiait of ntlirr ratioiin, . . . . 1 1. . r .1.: . .1. r,.r(lisehar.rinrrec,iniarv.,bli.r..t;nns ! MVS. but a discretionary power to be ffilen to pa u hy ia,lr,,e.s, wtven, in mo nature o. is therefore liable to hiavy and unreasonable ehnr- I'hi-evil is dest. n d to great increase in fu- 1 . . ...l ;...,.t,' ,ii..,iir., m-w 1 ei'otiie necrs. soui'ht in industry, ecotimv. the fbservaitceofi first vears of the existence of the late Ikink oJ , ' . " . e " .1 v to puaril against It. good faitli, and the favorable inlliit.'Mce ct time. . the lTu. led States, its circuiats-M. barely ex- ; ... . ... lii., ....... 1.1.1 1 ,. ft .. . , , The i'rei.leiit then cive his views on the suh- In pursuance of a pled'e "iven to yi.u in my ceeded sil,(HH,tHHI; and lor five ol its most -. 1 1 . ,. : icct of rem avals f.o:n olbce, as f.i.hivv-i : last message to t .ingress, which pledge I urge prosperous years, it was about opial to !(.,- J nn ,.,,!,., f.-.r .rii nnMir,,.,, ,-...nt vim i (MM.(HM): fiirtbennore. the authority oiven t.. I f' I t my duty lo brina under your cons'dera- the details t.f eny plan, the Secretary of the receive private deposites to a limited aiiiout.!, ' praniee whicl. has grown up in the admin- and to issue certificates in such sums as may be .ration of lite Govern. nent, anJ which, I am deep- , 1 . .... ,...1 1 n...t called for by the depositors, may verve to till up convince.,, our... the channels of circ ulata t, as greatly to dimiu- ' f ex. r. ise ,.f the power, which usatre, rather that, tsh the necessity of any considerable issue ot , ' ' '" V"'"J ,1;C f' of removing in- it throws around the public treasure reasona ble guards fc-rils protect ion, and rents on pow ers acknowledged in practice to exist from the Treasury notes. A restraint upon the amount origin of tin Government will, at the same , nf private deposits has seemed to be in.iispen ..... , ., 1 . .t -i lime, lemist. to the country a souu.l paper me- sal.iy necessary, iron. at. appreueus n.ougnt , .onf,,i,.. j . uf,m ,.xirci,e the removing ilium, a.Hl atlor.l all retisonatiie taciiuies lor j to ue wen louu.teu, it.ni it. any emerge... y ... . rasi of UIlfji,hru,.f, or inability, regulating the K.x changes. bet. submitted : trade, contiilenec luignt Is- mi tar shaken in l!ie eumhciils fr.im olliee, in order to substitute others more in f..vr with the dominant party. My own ' coii.li.tt, in ibis respect, has been governed by a e- 1. j of the same country : with the fust the precious ; metals costitute thecb.el lueiiiiini of circulation, and such aim tvotild be the cae as to the last. ! butti.r it.centior.i comparatively modern which 1 l.., fun,, 1 io nhii-ii i.Tfri.til nr..! silver, a ol the Int. !l gruci-r then procc, d as follows : ' Soain I. as f.nlc.1 to imv li e tn'ercst di e, cinder ; , ,' " , , . , i ' 1 ', , . .. . paporctrculat.oii. I .;. i.nt rep. so 'o t n.er into 'A.-- r.-.r ot'.v d.'stre is t:ie trutn, and as we ' the convention of 1 Mi t, f..r the si ttlerr.ei.t of elaiins ', 1 ' ' . , .'.....il 1 i -.. .. i 'i-. t n i- ... t , xrii.i, .... ,i t. . i . . I a comparative ana.lv.-is ot the iner.ts ot the two t l.-i.v lei'n.rse Mr. Xorrss is a good loiomu'ive ! I'he aniinisiiirrs appointed U survey the nmliii i , ti.at bo niust i.rces-aiily k:e.iv eo y i N.oth I'asl bounda-y, have nearly brought th. ir th.ng u e. t i' i J wi'h tianfp rtaiion. -Ocr l.'ci...'s lahois to a close, nnd will report dining the session. edited by th-copiioti, we ask our trivial of the American, cat.u.uly to unswer t!ic billo.viu,! .pier i.l Its : i i. .-in r ii ioi- . i .. i i.uii i . .. . -. ..ii, . , . .t I , , . ,. ... systems. Sue i belonged iurc pr.-perlv to the J . V IIJ.J l' i.n.inv.iu ...... . . u -... ..... i Helgium was mi nr ... i! ,i. iii nil eh its rxer. i-e appealed necessary, you will perceive in it a ph-l amendatory of the ' banks as to induce a w itl.drawal from thrtti e.t . () (WilUIltl Manr0 Blui fl,,, press thai spint existing laws in relation to th-i Treasury Ie- j private deposit", with a view t ensuve '10ir f ,lt.,;0 ..nrtizaiiship on iho part of hoblersj or olliee, parttr.e-nt subordinate in all respcts to the (inqtiestionable s.-tfety deposited with the Gov- - ot v withdraws them from the steady will of Congre.su directly, and the will of the ' eminent, w hich might proe eminenily tli.i.-i- allt j aiU-., ly hame of their ollirial duties, but 1 people indirectly selt-.-u.-t.'iiiimg, slo'iild it be trolls to the State I'anks. Is it objected that found in practice to realise its promises in the- j it is proposed t.) authorize the agencies lo ileal j ory-,t.nd repetilahle ut the pleasure of Congress, in Hills of l'.xchange ! It is un.-weied, that i It promises by efll't-iual restraints, and by in- tucl. dealings are to be carried on at the low- j vol.ing the true spirit of our institutions, to 1 (.t pr.-.-il.le pr. miuui are made to rest on an s,,,.r,, j,h,ts oi oj en wakings of political parlies. . ... I . : I. .1....,.. .,,-nr ..le.-. rxcris nil iin.iue uim inju ions i - lion--, and degrades ihe character of the Govern ment its. !f, inastmii h as it rxbihits the Chief M i e'stn e, a. b. ini a pii:v, thr. urr,h bis iiijents, in the ....r i. ..I . ..' !.. i r, .,1 ...-I i. ... ..I ttl.i ll'ir.lir kC-tlMll ,i,f, ,1 i.i inoe l.v that e.m.in- 1" " i"i- .' I "b" ' I i ..t.:i.., ..t...- i;...l :...,.. ll... . .t ....r.i... n . t. i ... . I I. i........ v- i.l l iw:. ...... . . . . . .... .it.. ms...ivmii!i 1 i.i iiniiri' Iml lit r.iki'riri' I. .i.i- U roiv Comp-my ever declared a 1;vi- ! TU Ttxm louiid .ry hue in -n fturrriauu'd. . ' i" ' J , , , I luctcd to carry it iiitor.xt rtiliei,,, Uit wliut may i . i ii . .i . . . .. .. . i i . i . . . . . - .i ....... t 1 1 ... ....... t . .. i ii..., it. .I ,i'i . j i.enu : ii:., uiii in or ineir r..uu, w nun ts .. ... .., ,t, .,.,,;,.....,,,, shU reJ as e om-inc 1 vono. uin ......... -. .i... v ,.. li.ial. it in Au,( i.uuiuerlaiiu eotinty, itieauHii btiiulii.gs and whittle, test only tl(ill.(R)U ! i Wai not the road in 1 1 J nriitwiAi i n. in- . IVxjs. i.i no n. .ii. I ihe territory considered ' I I....I ... I. k..,t..r ......irl.i"!....... to Louisiana and Aikai.sas. vM be mclu.IcJ In , lwr l""""" ' tltiiitng rep.-.irs, jiit re than J14 per mile ! j A conventijn hs been crmeluilv.i wt;h I eru, f -r Is it inleiid. d by the tl.regohig copy from the j tfie MtlK-metrt i f c.rtain claim- of o..r citisens u-company-s Units, to iucluuo, the interest ami j ., ... -,......... f a The claims of our citizens ssah.sJ Uruz?', for seearate the nurse from the sivoid; or more iinoiiestionable sound basis tire de.-ii:mi to i properly to speak, denies any olli. r control to re-eniburse merely the xp. nses which won d the President over the agents who may lie se- otherwise devolve uptm the Tieasury, and are in the strict subor liiiittioti to the decision of the be indispensably necessary to secure the fidcli- Supreme Court, in the case of the l'ank of Au- 1 . i nt lhsIi t.iriitila .i.l t.i' n in r.nr. 1 1 n 1 i. ttiL 1 n....t..., I'.irii, n ml ,ilt...r r,.i u irt i .l f-a.c: ! :...-..i i ...i.i .;,.i.t l.iio I.ivm. . '- " ' ' - x ..jSii.uuSi.i..i...i,. i IllVi inilll l u, ill,., ii. .iv ri'i.iii, ii.i.iJi ....... , i , , , . ,. ,. .... .. o. . .11.... , , , . i , . keeps lila inly apart ti'itu each olh. r, private and , and therefore avoids all cot.'licl witit Stale ju- the la-t ipi m,:l, happier w .ll.....t it. 1 he pr.-cltoal state-- , J ' i , ,,. .... ;,,;. Mv r. f .r her ine, . . . - I I ! 1MIUI1V lUlll'c" II tl.ll.llltMm O 111". t.Pl'IUUCIl- , I IUUIH "I.IVII I I"""" " j - - In le-p.st lo tl e r reise ol ll.H power, u.iimng sh .ubl be left lo .U-eieli.in which may safely be re gulated by law ; and it i of hih imp.rtance to le--train, ns fir u y ,i'..le, the s'imutus of peisonil iiverests in puhli.- ebrtiuii-. Cotisi.lering ihe grrnt iin-u ase which has been made in public offices, in .rter of i ceiilury, and the probability ol ... .1.. I I . t ..o,ic.i,i.r re..-,.', vie incur urn uatuu i. ..... ilejit'eciatieii of the cars and engine employed, on tin: read ' I W e shall 1 riiflv answer t ur f.i. nd : First that '' vapture-. &c, have not been settled nidivideriJ has yet been declared lioiil t that in a lev vears that i luanhasaveryd.llorent task to perh.r.u. lie , , .., Se,l ..ft !,J ..;a.t It l..Bv ,1... hki...r orieilces of vi.W ..ol.tieal conte ts, directed to. often to the has tolook at ttiKics a.- tliey are to take them j1 ' " " I,. .r!i,vi ,.f mainiii" olliee, by ihose who aro , . , , , , i. vernmeiit, with atrcuotes at prominent com- the States w ithout ititerleronce looks to too smie oo'.vi 1 1 ir-min,.., j as he linds them to supply ueticieiictes, ami lo ... , ... ; ... r.i i . i t ,..,; !,,., in o- ..I lainina it. bv tho-e who are out. I uder .. , , .... . L mercial points, or wherever t l.-e Congress I reasurv ot the I nton and while tiirni.-lnng '". '' prume . x-.esses a tar as in bint I es. I lie ts.-k . , . ,. , .. -, . . ., r . . l . , . ;,. the ii, llueuce of the-e ctnvictions, I shall cord ally 1 . d,..l I .l.r.ixt ..r vat.. L-....,iinir ninl i ..lutru.. ' eierv laei htv n ti e first, is caretlllot t ie III- " " . , .. ....... I luief.rr.ee to ihe FUiJa War, the p.ioctit ' cf furnishtng a ccrrevt.vc for derangements oi ' " , ! ..c... 1 ... n 1 o 'l ;. ,, ..,,.,t,.,l concur in any constitutional tneasur. for regul..- ..Mi i.u.c II IV 1 1 1 01 1 1 IU l" oi' t.i r, 1,1111 oi.usiiiiioi.li, 1 li.iesi I'I M.; ,U.-l. .fi.. ii.'u. w w - - part of tire .oad BJ ,, ' '., 1 1 ,, . , , I at the (ip"tlii(.n of the liublie creditor, of Treas-i bv law is aineiidable by law atiil is repoalah.e l.j.uig fr.m Ibis 1 lace 10 Shainokin will pays, 1 be war wuh the Indian trills on the pen-, "iy gi ear. iiipovvir v.x .iv.. ury otcs in lieu of gold and silver. It proposes bv law and wedded as 1 am to no theory, but bi.n.V.rnc di. dcr.d upon ihe iuvesimu.k The1 insult of Florida 1 dtning tlio fast summer 'o charter banking corporations, and wliicli, amount net to exceed piking solely to the advancement of the pub- in tih .1 the road to the C. t mines isfxacty tigh- j and fail, been prosecuted will, untiring ac!u ity hav :ng beea carried U. a grost . excess has lil.ed ,-fHHMMKVwilIl0Ul ,, cxct.M fane t ion of j lie good, I shall be amongst the first to urge ten miles, :nd is fj.ti.xl.d two miles through the I and zeal. A summer campaign was resolved . the c.n'litry Willi, 111 most of the SUU s, an ir- j jorrisUtive ()ivi.r It ,l)s) authorises the , its ropeal, if it be found no. to subserve the pur- roal rcgiiii. The whle cost Iho mud this itis- upon, as u.e i-s 11 one 01 i.riningii 10 a cj-w. ruleeinaine pape. , , Ueipt of individual deposits of gold and silver ' poses and objects for which it may be create rites at which biiU of exchange are negotiated between d llereiit uarts of tho country, lurni.-h an index ol'the vain" of the local substitute f r ' -rofd auds.Uer.wiii. h is, in many parts, so far t.mee, iiiib'.iiii'.g buildings, water stations. At , a- I Our brave clm crs and men who have l-eeu ch 11 i.li.U to ub ul i UlO.f Oi). in uur for.i.i r trtiiiiste 1 jrnged in that service, have sulv..red toils and of 1 no.oti 0, we diJ not include buMing. The : privations, and exhibited utt energy which, in wharves do not lelongtolhe f .irip any, but to the ; any other war, would h.e won tor thorn tin-r.reiator.-. N c cmiiut toy bow much more than ; fu.litig luurels. In de.-pite of the sicknetrS inci- S 1 1 per mile the road wa dej rceiaUd in Is 10. ' Jvrt to the rbui.ite, they have penetrated the depreciated, (is tu t to be received, except tit a Jt no doubt w-s si inching mote; but wc aic t ali- lastnoKsas f the Indians, broken up the. r en- large discount, in payment of debts, or in the fn J that :'.t)0 pei milt WluU cour all depric'jtion. equipments und hera-sed llcm uticeasiiigly. pttrcha-e of produce. It could ixrnertly be de Ki.me of curtuol cars l.aie l n siieu ea:l on the fv'u'libcr.t have been -captured, anil still greater sued that every bank nol possr ssiug the means iohJ, ami ab .ul ba'f l! ' time in c -nstai.t u and ,,un,Lers hive surrendered and have been trans- t 0f restiinption, shoiihl follow tho examine of the some way of other, requires a corrective. lie uniou.it and the yranting cert ill- Nor will the plan be submitted in any ovcrwee- cates of dciiosit, divided into such sums us may : ning confidence, in tho sttlliciency ot 11. y ow n ! he called for by the depositors. It proceeds a judgement, but with ii.ucli greater reliance 011 i step further, and authorises the purchase and : the wisdom and patriotism of Coii'.'re.-s. 1 eati 1 sale of Domestic Hills and Drafts, resting on a . not abandon the subject without urging tipo;: I tin;?, and by re-ulstm?, restraining the power of r.inoval. I Micgesl f.r your r.visi.1 -rae on, the propriety of Hniivinc. wbiiout further d.l.iv. some sprifie ap plieatii.i. ol I'ne fui ids .leiived under the will of Mr. Smith-. 01, o f r.imliind, f .r the diffusion of knowl edge, mi. I wh eh have herei. f ire, been v.s edin public stoi k, nntd such time as Congress should ihink pri.per to give them a specific .liiecti. n. Nor will you, I I'd confident, peimit soy sltement of tlie riiK'pal of the kv -y t. be tiirt.lv, should it turn out lha the si... 'as, in Inch the investments real and substantial basis, p table at sight, or ( you, in the ino-t eu.phathic manlier, whnt. ver ( ,ivi, l(i,n mt.t m,ve un.leigoi c a depreciation, h u ing but a short time to run, and drawn 011 j may be your action on the suggestion which I ,n ,.om.UMni ciwnei.d 10 your care the inte placos not less than ne hundred miles apart ; have felt it to be my duty to Milnnit, to relieve :U t f ln; i)j,tr;lti f ,f which yu are the exclu- wbiel. authority, except in so lor as tiny be i the Chi. t hxeeutne .Mag.sirate ny any nun s,0 j( Jlt, lt(11Ai Con i h r ng that the city is the necorsary lor Goverimieiit purposes exclusive ly, is only to bc exerted 11p.u1 the express condi- ail coiibtitii'Kuial ineans, trotn a controlling ,1. nee of ihe tioverniuetn, and f.r a Urge put power, over the public J rcasury. 11, 111 the ,, ,iu. year, of fotntiess and const.leiing also, the. but f..r ll.e .bularg.s, which wtrc intended for y0t.( toj,.'n then bretlu rn on the lands else- Into United Slates Hank of l'ennsyhaum, and lu.se powtr. would be sill ... good c.id.i.on. vi e , wlt.r. allottej tu tueti. by the t.overnmenl.- into lnp.Klatf.e, rather than by rotusing to , ot ,)C robite,l by .dan pro.Med, would you d.-.-.n it worthy of r.t of ,he pul be lluddings, snd .Le r.ro,r,y. have now, we l,h,v.-,ea.,d,J. sn.iTered .he si. ve ; am, troI . .,.,,. U rTl;;.rta,ned tint, under the do- toconlim.e embarrassments tn the way ot ; considerations, that separation is not as ,y ,.f alV.rdi.-g the... a- alHin.es ,-a,,fa uroUction. . ....... .,.,.,, ,,, - j . questions. With ll.e In il ig.i.rer, we bote the cr,.1(i.)ct ,r eallai.t 1 il'ncr, at the head of the solvent institut tons, thereby augmenting the troops 111 1 I.'l ii.a, Uiiil IMilililCSiilllO iiuu expen- . niincuiues ineiiieiii 101101 ...is.,.. ....... ... stve war ir de-fined to a speedy tor.niuttlioii. ; things Whether this Government, with due With all the olh-.r Indian tribes, we aie en- , regard to the lights of the State?, has any p iw i.nitt' ll.e bltssinus of peace. Our duty, as t.r to constrain the bank-1, cither to resume well as our best inteirrts, prompt us to Tihserve, , specie payments, or to lorce tr.ein into inmiua- I . . 1 1 1 a. r '1 1 cm m hit .1 . i.L tk.M i.l,.l.l,i 1 l.lb : .,. , . an innil.lt' U n n W I IL Id UJ L I w - in all our intercourse won in.-n. u.i.ij .....-.,,,,.-, .... - .rni... ..r i... ', V..s ,,,, 1 r.tl 1.1 a,l.-f.rr. io il.. connect on. , f !:.. cr en a-eimiits, the prncticecf strict your consideration. In view of the great ad- rates, am. 10 " , " ',.'"'' , ., ' ,li,d e.i..n our 1 iv.1.1 01. n. , 1. , y . d.in. the least lhissible sum. It uses the to the debts which many ot the SUtes ol the . . . , . .. .m 1 n r.i n 1 iiin .'ii . ill .11. imr.iiiii K. iii.l ' , - Coui.any limy seiel Kk,t '0 tons to m.ikit nevl yi tr, and thi re is nutl.11 g I ul the want of t'ui ils t 1 1 v. lit tl ( in doing so. When ibis is doi c, I' e load wi.lviild a divided of im (r ecu'., uft. i i'.e fraiingall cost and expense. Of this n are t I sl'.ed from ptist exjciMiice, which is wmih all Ihe theory in ( hint, lid ail. b ... ,1 . ..u ,.i'i. e KeSihinl ra.i.l wi , , ..1 .its' r r.fftsro. us well as llc cm calculations. Hail toads c ... never compile with oU.en. vo.encc canals in l.oavy Iran-port,.,,,.!. The In elicirn.. . ' """"' slid peisi-ls that hoisc power, in irsupnriiii l.s than SO.Ot'O mr.s, is cheaper iban steam. In a twtr, we rh II inenly ila't that a Rinllemati who f. llu -.,t f.i.tv tr.led l.ore DOWCr OH ih'lS Tosd, b. fore thei...riduetii.i cis.es... po.r.snd wl... has j pleted, undexh.btts U grand Udal of IT.tKiO, 1 bru. cennecudwid. .be orsinms ol Hm. rosd .iiic ! making an mmasr, over the Census ol 1S lis ronsl.ucion. informs us ihut horse paw. r .. ; of. UMlfiVl inhabitants, and rhuwing a ga... in nearly twice ss eips. sii s strsm. 1K11 wb. 11 lb ratio iXCCfding W 1 ' fct cent, for the last amount tisn poited diC ivtcetd 10,000 tvi.s ten year. In order to cover the expenses incident to the ( complete asyoi. may desire, you wnl doubtless, i, s.ms ,,. un.eas,.-.,,!, ,m, Congress should nlan. it will bo authorized to receive moderate i a"''- l ' 'at particular. For myself, I contribute toward- ihe. expense of an efficient po'icc. premiums lor certificate issued on depots, d.sclai.ii all desire to have any control over the and on bills boutlit and sold, and thus, as lar as public u.r.neys oilier man w 1.111 is msnsaoij JOHN TYLUtt. Wa-.Uijh.to?., I).cni'rr7, ISll. its dealiiios extend t furnish fueilities to necessary to execute the laws which you ...ay ercial intercourse at tho lowest possible , pass. The. Steam IVwer Editorial articles of the Sim b'jry American are strong, slid 0 the purpose. The advantages nf the Mumokin eg:on for coal op. rauons win I-',,,,., ,re i,h anv olhrr rej 1011 1.1 is I c c.msnni exercise 01 mas . vania-'cs w men ..1.; ........ . t- , - ... . . . 1 1. .1 ,..,i ...,;i. ' 1 0 and kindnes, Tl.e.e are Ihe ! 8,,mg tlie leas, of w hich is the author!,, con- State Banks at a du.ancc f-m the ? as . Union L e Co,, ra c.bn-d. . J mle h. , llle ,,MesnJ M .. t0 . ids of civihz-ition, ami thr.rtigh i turned in mt of their 'charters, toinakc loans the ti-t of then, alone, can the untutored child to three times the amount of their capital, there of theii.rest bo induced to list. 11 to its teaching. In u-i ii.ii to the last ecu-us, he siys : The (.-numeration of persons has been com- iiixiliarice, without in. ..parting any power to j they contii.uo to labor. Thai indebtedness a- ; cn!e oximbv t.i .V It is subjected to mch mount to a sum not less than f Jtm,H.0. "J.O, and ! Vlljei wj1Pie lo'o i,m. Monlours Iron K dne, and Dsn trade in its name. It is subjecte.l to mcli , mount to a sum not less man ana . ,a ..... ufctM, llosv U40j ,,- ' . ...! I ... .. . ' ..I.:.... I... l.nn., ..ntril.iitn.l 111 I .. .1... .1 ......... by often deriving three times as much interest ' g-iards ami restrains as nave sppeareu .u u.: ,v.. .... u.. v - .u. w ,ll0ti j ( in ,he jr,m ,t at,surd to tait ot tne onthesame amn.int of money asany individml necessary. It is the creature 'of law, ami ex- part, in works of inter-al impro;.t.mei,t, which j supe.ior advantages ofh.ese ,.wer in cor.ner.ioit permitted by law to receive, no "sufficient a- i ists only at the pleasure of the legislature. It . arc destined ',uprovu of jst itnxrtance in ul wbh the iinmnise roal operations of the Sham kin . . . I.. ... ..... ..11 n n iirtn.il kiu-riil linil. in !...... 1 ..n ..o . . I I 1.1. : ... ... '. .. fllia ,ii.,M ia liiit beun'ed for a long contll.ueil HIS- I is "o" w i". " - i i ..nutviy uuo..-.,ng tuoir prosperuy biiu weuiui. i reyi u, -irrsrin m... ,.u..-. - Sue!, suspension order to redeem ll.e notes at tlie puc- o! .oSUu j., t) ,)lu colltracted, the States are j far detant when l.ooo .f per u.ty, win ue w...- p. .logy can ,.,v. ...... itav.lle.ltS. P 1 . . .1... i nn ilnn.rr 1.. . ... 1 . i l.. ......... . .i ;.. il. . ........ .1.. in vii in Iv of Danville, snd we iroduetive of the jreaicsi iiet.-.tnt ni 10 n.c j 1"" - -- ... rcuuniiaiicy oi circu- , mono rcsiMjiiBiiuu. t..... ..u ...i..v, .nu e-- , , ... ... - j tl.o UcliiM that eucli Mate will tccl itsell hope in n our neigiii..rs oi -u..oury, is pr ... .1 .... ....... .' .. l:.t ll... nrr. . Int ton v '.. fit .. .... ............ i. ... ... .n.,.. I ., ..... Ii..- hi' elelill.ll .ri'll. l...i-u....i". .. , - -aui'lii-- ... ll II. ...... nil, r i ..ll,,,,.,.,,' i . - ., ' - . . . , .i-. I. . . . ... .- I i . .. i i n .... i.i.i..ii ! ... ..r l....... .11 I.I..I t..-iL'1-.li....T 1. hit... lUoolilsburJ. A.C., WiU metals, and riousiy iiaiaruin' imj p'e- .s aftr-ndeii hi i.o iniiaiioii ot pr.cvls vpin- : oi'ut.u oy en r oii-,uvisuuii iiui, iiui..., press
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers