7 0 77 C0MMVX1TY. . THE aorrrsa which hn attended the n nfV. H'irl'cJi't Herman Aperient and Comptntnd cigtfiitihig Tunir Pith, Is truly natc.nl. Iiii'lt- ft " lo'vain boast to say thii medicine has proved l happy i flirts in the cure of a vaih-l of diseases ! which th human frame in liable, to bo vastly su I riot to the ninny preparations In-fure the puhl c. Many nf thise preparations are compounded by in- ivi.luals who an positively ignorant of the myst. F.i i f ihe human aystcm. ond mere pretenders to i, e licul knowledge. Dr. Harlich, however, is cole h ated nmoua; the Grrman faculty as a man of llie t -priest scientific attainment, and rqttully ilinlin rmshed throughout Europe, na a successful meilictil I tar'itioncr, spent most of the years of a useful life in ihu eouisittnn of such knowledge as might prove I t nt fil ial to his fellow rrcnturcs. In the pills which I c invrnled, and which brnr his name, the public irn assured of an article that posses- more than tiulinary virtues. From the acknowledged talents f 'hia inventor, nothing less than a good article t ould be expected ; and the experience of ninny y.irs has nll'unlt'd demonstration of the virtues of In medicine. InGctmnnyand other parts of Kit r, its r. potation is established. In this country i wuich it ho but bei n recently introduced, it is t i idly gaining the must substantial reputation. The r -.inn rout" i-rt tirnles of cures of the most obstinate t' e Rfs t Heeled by the us-e of Harlich's Tills, which t. e pionri. tor is constantly receiving, is proof ot die l i t. Day after day lie n reives new testimonials i if iJie'r eflicacy, ami wick after week increase the demand fir tin in. This is not mere assertion; in i.i r.t ialilo crrtilirates are open fr the lupjir ctiou nf 'le pu'ilic, ami the doubts of any who are skeptical, in Ic icniiived by examining them at the ollice uf the proprietor. Wr take the liberty, then, of sus?r-linp; to every liiiuily, th'it they maUe use of Dr. liailich's Pilis. l i t them keep a supply constantly on hand, to he id when occasion demands, and they will riceite il l- most unequivocal proofs of utility. Mtdicul i 'uitr. I'lincinal ollice for the T'nitid Slates. No. lit Nort'i kighlh stlt-et, Philadelphia. Western Depot. No. 41, SSt. Clair street, Pitts Inn. J1ENRV YOXTHELMEI!. May 1, 1 $41. .fsail. HEPATITIS, UK L1YLU CVMP1.A1XP. Livrr complaint is described to be of two forms, viz ; Ae.tic and Chronic, which ired.lUrnil in ih. ir ml and character, and are product d from tile op i'.c Liver, which is diseased on the surface ol in li e ci litre. In the former, the patient is uttarkrd wiih Midden pain, in the region of the I.ivcr, m severe loat even the led clothes are insupportable ; the pa t ; nt cannot bear to turn or lay on his left side from i , r.'sii:,;c exerted in that position of the iiiflaint d i t '.nil. The latter may go on in surh a manner tat the first symtnma of Liver Complaint are those vl.ich muik ihe oceurrriire of suppuration. The Acute und Sub-scute varieties, ulim bl olwuys coin-:n- lice with ao'ne chilly feelings succeeded by brat ut tuo km, fevered tongue, having a yellow bh a u arsnce. Ii regular state of the bowels, co-tivent ss. t ouiilcncaiire changes to a pale or citron color, or ciiovv like those hlllicted with jaundice, dilliculty of l-iraihing, disturbed rest, attended with cnup.li, fc- v -iiK cvn.f.-.ir.a !rw Ami ., ...!,. . I .1. ll li . r l,-;n,u,l,.,U,i ...;. i i...i. I i.lorivi, th J pMKiit passes many bad nlits and is fr.;tv ntly troubltd with Diaxibaa, Tcuaen-us and I les, nausea and vomiting, and has a coioi.lcral iliiist. Lcn tha inflammation affects the H'nto i.eal coal of the Liver the pain is much more intense and loo foer higher than whin confined to the Li' r. In clironic alTections it is uncertain in its tci iiiimttion ; the pain is intense, attended occnsiuii.il ly with feverish symtoms, a dry and parched skin, nregulHr bowels, sallow counteuuiice, fnqeunt at l icks of juui tlice, the tongue is scarcely ever free from yellow fur, the appetite bad, and a cuiruplion titlarks the face and bark, bvhintl the shouldets, &r. Dn. Hamlich's Compound iSliengtlaniiig Ton ic and Aperient (ierni.ui I'lils, will, in a liinjurity f lascit, rod ore a prifrrt cure, and if used at the very onsit uf ulllietioii will in every cite arre.-t the 'i-case. This is not meiely theory but fuel, wliich - in be ublanlialtd by the lestimoiiits ol vaii.nis persons who have wimes-cd the astoiiUhing rlVirts ol l' is iiivuluable medicine. The diet muM l ut- . ..I..",. .-.'ft,.. ..;....t ,.-o. ..., i.,.i A-M.t. ....i tended to, snJ thcwdiiii lath mil t nt be lop led- ) ti whsn the patient can have access lo it. Full j i lid i xplieit d rections arc dt lined in the meiliinl I ainplet which accompanies the niidicine, and can !e obtained gratis of any of the irgulurly appointed .iceiits who s II tlilii mcilii iue. i'riucipal Uil'o-e and ("tin nil J)cpot for the 1'ni- 0 d lati-Nisat No. I 'J North Eighth tticei, 1'hilu--'.Ijil.ia, where all communieuiions for Agencies, Adi rtising and Medicines mu.-l be addressed (posl paid,) which will mi it with iioiiirdiale alii nlioii. liENKV VOXTIILI.MLR, May 1, ls41. Aiiint. J'UIXVWAL hEASVMi Why Dr HARLlCH'S CoiiiHiund Strt ngthen ing and ('ermnn Apriient Pills ure used by all ilas rs ii people, in priliu nce lo other Mulieinis, le f. use they ate pn pared from a j:ure tztt net uf 1 nbs, a w hob some u.edu ipe, nul.l in in, opeijlioii and phasmit in its. tiled the most c Ham pitseivir t l hewllh, a and t ilectusl cure of l)y sj t psu oi lmligei-iion, and all eU uiach compluinls, a j n-btrvrr an J pmifici of the whole system. because tiny Mioihe the nine of seiotibilily and ioitify the In IMS of inolioii, iinpailing to their im M -uil!e fluid its liotiue lone, thus jiving blienglh lid ilearucss ol nnlid. because Ihey i.cter il t fctroy ihe coals of the sto lon h ar.d bowtU, us nil slioug puigulivts do. l.et'MUsC telenet; and iXpcilcuce liach us lhal no nue purgative alol.e will cure ihe diseusc of Ihe I tnath and Ileitis. rakuess is Ihr Miumrv i -i-'e of a host oi d;scasck, und, by rontu.Uallv ie - tin g lo Ihculic pitigjilus, ou tiiakt i ho distuhc ii.. 'b worte, liisUi.il nl tetter. Pecause Dr. llailiih's Medicines ate put i . up on ll.e common sepae j rinrij Ir, to "tk ti:st- und s ii i gthen," v httli is the only cuuiso to puisue lo tli l a cuie. Lastly, I iiiinse these Midicines reslly do cute the dis- H-i lor whit Ii thry are it rollout nded. Piinripal I I i. lor llit) I'liitrd Hates, is ut No.lt Noilh Ltl.htti etiert, J hiladrlphiu. 1ILNRY YOX'IHEI.MER, V y I, 1H4I. Aiit. t LEA Mil: AXU kTLLMi'JHLK. Tbo orily sure and best course to pursue in cu ri: i ii .sts, of wha'cser nature thry lin.y I t , is : fist, to cleanse and puiily tbc tUinurli ui.d bow rts ly gejitlr aHiirnu; srrondly, o give stiri.fcth n tl tone to tln.tf tt I dei organs by ihe rue ol i-n 1.1 1 It i. us. Ibis niiHie la abvsys : ur.uid l v luulai lirians, whirh ibry will know tot u. v ...... .w. ... .. ar , ,r, ,,., , it if. Dr. JIasluu s Coiniuitd Mn rigtlu nua t.t a.. .v . tlV.-.s . n. .1.. . Ti tiic slid Alftiirfit tills, siu a sure ii'.cduine n . . ... - . I . I It: id f. iul ..I i. .-I Th C . final, A . k. I. I p lis ore to cli orist the sloir.st h suit mti sum s, sl it 1 whit h ibt) 1 1 ln t und lirni,ering Ti nit ill. kif Usrd. to give slrri lh and Woe In th. so 1 1- I. . r.s wbirU lequiie Itlidti Irratiiuiit. Niuily tsu- II. iids f the diseases wbirh we daily In hold, me diseases of the ntnous .ystiin, and by ctmliuu sl y using drastic jitintrul purgalivis the sudi rrr wiil coon find himself a being loo much ruined to remain long in existence. Full and ixplitii di reciiens both iu LngUsli and GeinioJi, ueitvmpiiiiy this litatict Tha (bote midicine for sale l Ihe Drug Stora ol UfcNl.R YOA llltlMt b, My i, mi. . Atnt. T 1 a 11 n i o r ( a i o 11 li i n c TO HA I.TIM ORB. (VIA HliF. WATUn C .fl..) IWirtinutrr fiot of Ctir.nut Street tt the Ptnv rtflrania Vunnl. A BOAT li-Bvrs Ihe wharl of the ubscribrr evr ry moil ing at 8 oVloi k, ruiinilig through to liutti inore in lluee days, ('onsignnirnts ol pr.xlute, iron, eVc, will receive a despnich by this line, which has not hitherto hern i quailed by any other. Kate of freight as low as by any o.her ngulur I. nr. llefi-rences! JOHN W.BROWN, m.:OK & HKRR, Irinliimo.e KKR.NAN STI I.I.N ICiER, Ba"",,0,e J.& A. II. 1IKKR. J Goods init titled for 1'ittsburg, pr any point on the Pennsylvania Canals, will I e shipped wi'hout del.iy on their arrival nt Ilarrisburi;, as this con nects with the North Anuriion line of Poitahle lloals to Pittsliurj daily, antl with the fntqui hnn. na P.itket Line to Northumberland, Williainspurt, WilUcslmrie, and nil iuterineiliale hires, GKOKliU W. I.AYMi. Ilnriisbu.g, J?ept. !, ItS'iO. AVr!? ol' .nfurc. IX a st ite of Ilea th the imrrtinal canal may le compared to a river hoe wstina flow over thestl ioiniii!; land. Ilifmigli the rh.1111.0U njtine 01 trt has inadr, anil iinptoves their qualities and to ket p up li e coiitftariion of the liver, o long as it runs on smoothly the channels are kept pure und healthy; but if by toine Cf u-e ihe ourm of Ihe liver is sltip il, then tlie water in the canals i no longer pure, t ut toon hrcomes Mnciii.nl. There Is Uil cue law of ciiculation in nnttiA When there U niri- ahuiulance r.f hnmnri.il lluitl (srrority) in the ihtes tiual lulu, antl co-tiverra- takes idsre, it fl. ws back into I'irt IiIooaI M? e', ami infil.r.iti s it-ell in to the. circulation. To tabli-h the free courtte of the river, we must remove the olslrutt ons which Ktop its fiee eourve. tuiil tho col its Irdiulaiy otitMiii. With the body, follow the same imtntnl prinripul ; r. move, by that valuable puigslive mi Jit ii.e Ilratt t.'i tl!ijt I'nirtrMtl Vigrlalde Pith, which nre on ef f dual oist nice of nature, the Fupmhunilaurc of humors in the intestine rat al. Ily n'r.rvering in this practice, Ihe n ays of the rirrubition will llit n be ic.-lort-d to ll.e ft, II exercise of llietr natural liinc tious,aud a f-tiite ol health will Ic fiiinlv rril li.-h t il lit ineiiilit'i , never t-titVi-i a diop ol blond to be taken fiom jou- llvanr.le the lionioisi.t ufteii iil.d as ViUi us they are degenerated, or us loi'g us you are mi k. Dr. ltrandielh's OfTire in Philadelphia, is t No. S, NORTH KU.IITH Mreel, while hi pilUcan be hud at -..r reins pel bov, with full ilirrctious. Ofj Only oueni in fcMitil'iiiy, is II. b. Muriter Btijr. !"Ulilnny, fept, !l, lr1 10. C ci lil.tntr. of Acik y. THE following are the doty apt ointeil aeci.ts in thi ir respective rounlit s. for the talc ol Iliundrali YtL'tla!,,- Vnivrruil PiHx. iS'orihiinilieilai d countv : Viltmi M:n-kry cV ('h.iiiibeihn. i"tinl'ury II Lt. Mat-ser. M'Enri.s--villi- OctUlis, (iiecn & Walls, (.teoigrtuwii I". .MMnigci V ( o. I mon om ly : I.ewiM.ure V.ills V rSeil.tr. Miniiiil.uri! IVIIiiiaii V lierklv. Acw- Heilin John M. Ilt-iiler. S'elins giove Eyie A; Co. Mid dlt hurg l.-aac Sniilh. Lycoming couniv: Williamspor John tSniith. Newberry M. & .1. C. Funvton. Muncy W. A. Petrican. Jersey Mlore James H. II. pburn. t.'olumbia county : Danvillis T. A. E. U. Rey nolds. Catlawit-sa C. A. Hrobts. Hirwu-k Shu inan A: Ritteiihntife. ISIoomthurg-John R. Meyer. fuiibury, Sept. n, 1S40. LIVER COMPLAIST, Cund h;i tin u.se if I)r. lltimeii's CiiMrormi ri.MITIIK.MMl AMI Al'LHIlXT 1'lLLS. Mr. William liiriiAitns, I'iilburgh, Pp., en tirely cured nl t ho above uViiecMiig iIim ai-e : His syiiitoiiis wi re, pain and wt ight m Ihe It ft iii!e, loss ol appetite, vuinitii g, and eruct tiion, disten tion of the sti-marh, siik beatlaehe, fuiretl tongue, counli nance thai grd to a rilion col..r. tlillii-uliv it brra biug, di-tuiUd rest, ultt iuled with a cough. g'eul dtbility, with other i.j int.. lis iridic., ting great driangrmi iit of the linn lions of ll.e liv, r. Mr. I it il a it li m had ll.e a. line ol st-Mr.il pliysciniis, but retrived no relief, until using Dr. Haiilicm's Mid ieine, whith It niiiiiated in i lit etu.g Hifect tuie. Principal Oliice, 1S Ninth Eighth Mieet, Phila delphia. Also lor s .li- at ihe ihuu s on- i f HENRY OATiiEIMr.R, May 1, 1811. Agml. THE CM SE ( 11SEASE. Neatly all clasi-es of ili-ea'p, arc caused by some obstruction in ihe sistiin, which pruenl ihe ie;u lar and uholt s. nie operation t.t llie nunn.il funi liulis. This stale of ihe system, is dvi-asc, whit h is manifested in a v.irit-y of I'oiuis, nu.ie or less mal'guanl in their cbanictcr. To restore the system to a slate of health, thru, ii is only iiirt .sary to re move the cause of di.-ej.e, and ihe end is m .-om. plished. The rnuse is ul s riini. n sornewhi re. I bis can be ri mined by puigation, nhii h is ihe nr.lv iiuuns that should be nsor ed lo, liteause.siigjesiiil by reason, and ly iinluie. Dr. Iluln b's Mieigih ruing and (ieiinan Apeiieut Pills, aie allowed bv lb J lliousauds who hae used tin in, lo be the best purgative n.eduii.i- in existence, because, ihey not only n move all obstructions, uiul purge ll.e s s telii 1 1 its impurities, 1ml, because, and which is t x lieint ly iinpi-rtanl, slienml.t n and give pro ei lour to ihe Momiuli, and produce a hudiliy action of nil ihe pans, bi sides, tht v ure so iniitl and emtio in tt.i ii opi ra'ion, i.t to rendi i ihi in st all Unit s a pn lt clly sale mid il.-; iral'lo itiot.ly. The ulllrlid would do wi ll, tin n, to puirhuse u box or two tit Ibis invaluable tin tin lot-, und (.-ivr i a t.nr trial, in. stead nf tit shut, ing their sy.lnns with till icpcaitil doses if laloiiul, and oll.il dlos, so injurious to huiitsn hie utid ba pilit ts i he abate niidi eine tor sleal ll.eDrnq sloie ol HENRY Yl'X'i'll Ll.MLK, May I, IS1 1. .,,,. SICK JIEAl'ACHE. Is a very Common alliition. Ju ailaiks are veiy ei-ie, and thuiai teiiird by spasmodic pains, bl, m tng lioin oit ju.l til ll.e loud to ibeolhir, fie quriilly et.iiiiin-i.ring in ihe uioining, ntiei di d with sit kl.t. k of the kltinaih, lluusea. Iiiuiings, and solin liii.llt, toinilil'g, gitlihi.i a, uhd rohltisliiu nl sight, oVc tc. This di ntase is piotlured lioin i nous causes, peil aps the most ruinmini, is a dr ranv mi nt ol the stoii.ai h and tlijtsliw organs. t l-.MAI.l.w ur, most suljert to llii.-. sllttlioli, pur- litn'uilv ll o.- who le , lich-t (',,, ail u sitliiilaiv lite. Dr. Jl,.r- lnii;l:aiiiit; 'tunic om 'air- ; ,IIIIU j .,, r.fni kie waiiamt-d lo mu st Ibis I ,,.,..1.1..' .... ,i, .... . .. . . . , w...,,t,utK. ...a, ....a.rill'I.lirI.lll.:ill Hid b. it!, 1 tir.lv H i; the blond, ki.d uii.ovn.? all 'li'ios.d and txciemenlut'ii" hunioik lioin Ihe liter ant intrsliitf a. by ll.e Use, lii.-l, c.f u It w Juses ol the Apeiiei.H,,iikii FiIIh, utlerwards lo or lime do,.-, ol ihu t,tsluu,t.g Tuiue Pith, which are u.rd lo sn, ,1(.,u. ULj uivigoiule Ihe utrrou fyt., give u,uv to ll.e stoinurh and oigans of ingestion, ihusimpsniig to ,hn, kublile fluid its p.lsuuc V.6..I ,bi. aaiituog been.ir.ly lemovcd. j his is Iho only n.,,,1. u, ,oljl ,i annoy mg coinpLmt, ,nd h.s U-e kiunded with si its in ilit usklids ol tssrs. Punplfl t''i"l.' gent ial difertion., m.y J,, laiiitd ialis, al No. 19 North Eighth hil. ilelj.huj. HENRY YuX H1EIMLR. May 1, 1141. Axon. BRADY'S HOTEL. IMTII.M COI.I IIII.i fOI'XTV, mill") lvanla. THE SI'RlSCRIDER lespectfully inform the public, that he has removed from the town uf Citltawini lo Ihmrillt, anil III nt he has purchased in that place, the Large and Cumtmidwu II KICK U O V K , at the roiif tn or mill vn mahkkt STar.KTS, CO)isite the C'ltirhlliiUf, J Which he h.i lilted up bv the erection t.'.V!jf of ADDITIONAL mnLDINfiH. and extensive STAULINO. for the Enter- JlLj&ztfiinment rf Travelerr end Vi7or. He is now prepaird lo accommodate all who may favor him with a call, and be would state that tie thing in his power shall be left t miotic, to render his rtistomers romfnrlnble and happy while mulct his care. His accommodations are ample, ami his rnomn lurn'shrd in modern style, mid the proprietor is de trrminrd lint his etlaUishmr tit shall sustain and krrp up with the growing reputation and impoitanee nf llie town in which it is loctnl. His Ttair will be supplied with every luxury of the season, and the Ar.i and chain st writ Iff the. rinrktt can i.' ftird. His II t it wi l be stored with till the lest urtiritt that cut le J'urni.-htd hi mir citit, and the whole will be such as to g:ve satis faction to every 1 ne. Wei! knowing thai nn en'iphtened public will alwavs jiittin for ihem elves, he feels confident that iIm j- will favor him with their patronage. KA.MI EL A. bRADY. Danville, J in. HO. WAXIRANTED ass Cvioelis. lor tit INtH.tiN 7 QVA I. fur lime In inn .., hi Ch.rk Put- A turn fur f'iit, lor , for sale bv March 1:1. II. IJ. HAKIi. ilEorthaiil? (iic. AT a merlin!; of the Metrhanls nf ihe burnish of tui. bury, on the Uih inst.flhu fallowing was UliiiliiiiioUsly adopted : Wlu rtHs no umfi nn rule exists among the mrr rhnnia of ll Is plire, in it-tiaid to the rhaige of llitu- icst on book nrioums, llii itlon- Ji inltd, 'J'bal inteiesl will be charged on all aernunls tli.it have been stiuiliug b-nger than six in. titlis, and that lit-roii llt-r all aciounts in our books will be lalanet-d 1 m ry year, ami t 1 tit inleiest will be charged on nil bill uces thai iiveragt- Itioie than six months st tu.liug. Ittn lird, That Ihe siibsciibers will slriclly ad lieu- to the iil-ovc Ililc, in id that nolne of ihe same lr given in ihe nt w.-i t.t rs ol this plat e. HENRY Mi.VHiEIMER, Jt!l YOl'NO, JlMIN bOC.Mt, H. II. MAS-Kl!, P.ENJ. HENDRICKS, Jan. U.I. fim. JACOB RHAWN. A FEW Copus of "''lie I'uio L iiitni," coiiMsting of Saer 1 n ( hnrul llitr- d Muse, wiih tier- man and English lines to each tune, by II. C, Eyi r. For s.i!e by January SO. II. B. MASSER, SK AMOK IN COAL. F a very superior quality, ran be had at any lilllf I iv a nnl ii-iil ttt I.. lliM .,t,a.rilk.rd in l.ttu -.-s- , -j , ...... lo suit purchasers. They keep large, egg, broken, and line coal, lit for burning lime. J.H. PLRDY A Co. Sunbury, Sept. 21). tf. MACKEREL- A few b.trrrls of Mackerel for k.i'e at a low pr.ee by IRISH SALMDN. Ol ll.e best quul.ty. con shin'lv on hand and lor kale by epl. 12, lsio. 11 B. MASsER. MADEIRA WINE. Fnsl quality Mai'i.ia Wine, for site low by Sept. IfHU. II. B. MASTER, FOI.'RTH i'ROtiF liRANDY. A g.num'c ailirle alwavs on hand and for sale by Sept. 1 2,' 1 Hill. H. B. M.SM:R. HOLLAND (UN. Ol the brst quality always on bam! anil for sale by JSepl. I21S40. II. U. MASSBR. LOAF AND LUMP MO A R. Alw ay sJii hand ilol fur sule by S. pl. 12. lS-to. HB. JSsER. LOSTON SYI.TP MOLASM:s. Of a supe lior qtialitVf for sale by S. pl-JI2, 1 H it'. II. B. MASSER. NEW ORLEANS M (JAR IIOli: MO LASSLS. Of ihe Inki imality always on hand ai d for sale bv S.pt. 12, 1810. H. B. MASSER, BROWN SCOAl:. Of a good qual.lv. for sale low by Sept. 12, 1810. H. It. MAS.-ER. " LIUJ Oi,S.--Ol ull kin.ls'ond ol the Let quali ties, alw:is on hand and for sale by Sept. 12, IK-lil. II. B. MASSER. (.KEEN AND BLACK TEAS. Of the" best quality alwavs tm huiid and for sale by Sept. 12. IS40. II. B. MASSER. ( ( 'l'1'l E. Jav-i, liij n mi Laguiu Colli. r, cou stanllv on hand mid lor sale I y S. pt. 12, ls4d. 11. 1). MASSER. M'LHU OIL. Winter and Suuuiii r straiiird Sm-iiii Oil, ol the I est quuhly, alw a s on bund and for sale bv Sept 12, IP40. II. B. MANSER. "ft'l EEL. Casl"uml IJIl I. 1 Sin I. ,.r sale liy S.pt. 12, IS4U. H B. MASSER. sl'lilNli s ri;TL7bf Vuiiouk .i. s Iwr LupiiL Sj rings, for sale by Seri. 12, ia i(b II. B. M ASSER. I.AROK'Tjl AIUO UlULEsV lVr ka!c st very rjdoced pin is by Sept. 12, islll. II. B. MASSER. BLANK LOOKS. lit ull kinds, for sale l'y S.pl. 12, IK-,,). , II. M ASM'R. 11 LA N K ill. E I is-li'mils. Jim igaues, Ac. "for sale by Sept. 12, IMO. H.B. MASSER, " J I STIC IS' bLANKS. tor sale bv " t-Vpi.l-J.lH4i'. II. B. MAtssBR. t'LOTHs, blue, bTa"iXniil7bifrOieen, ftH Skle by Sept. 12. 110. 14. II. M SSER, l AsaI M LRES AN D saT'ITN LTTs. 1 Jr sab1 vein low bv Sept.' 1 2. l(-4 IL B. MASTER. " CAR PI ft I NTj7 F01 sale's he.ip ls Sepl. 12, 1K40. II. B. MASSER. BLANKETS For sale rbeap by S...l. 12, IMO. 11. B. MASSER. f'N B I E A C 1 1 EDM I . S Ll N For kale by Sept. 12. 1MI. H. B. MASSER. CoTTOtNTY A RN AN D CO'iTiJN LA F01 sule by SepPJ.JMiX If. B- MASTER. jieTip'and (orroN rw ine7 F.r ni by bepl. 12, 1840- II. B. MASSE It. "TtmiMj" LINE.S, C4JRD? AN D ROPEsl--Fo ssle by rpi. 18, 1810. II. B. MASSER. Till! RliW WttltJM). 1 THE I.AltCEST, CHEAPEST, HAKDSOM EST, .IXn MOST CttMI'HEIlEKSIVK KEUSl'APEK IS THE LMTED STATUS. KHITRn T r A R K KKKiAMIII AMI I PIS S A II ft ft 71 T ITU multiplied rrsourreg for rendering the Nrw WoRLii more valuable than ever as a compendious newspaper and repository of elegant literature, we enter upon the second volume (t.iiio) on the 24th of October, diessed in a heaiililul garb of tuw tiiie, cast expressly for the purpose. It will lliert foie lie a filling lime lo commence new subscriptions, as well as for the renewal of those which may then expire. Duiing the first year of the existsnce nf the Nrw Woiilii, it has acquired a reputation and circulation superior lo any weekly paper in the coiintM ! and has furnished tints subscribt rs, iluiing thai period, (besides a I the current news of the day, domestic snd foreign) new nml valuable works by Talloiird, D'Isriif-ll, Thomas Moore, M.ss Mil foul. Mrs. Jamrscn, C. D'nkrns, Aiiiswmth, Knowles, llulwt-r, Mimyat, and olbets wmks which in Lou don could not be purchased for lilTv times the amount of the subsciiption price of the Niw Woild, In addition lo works of interest by these i-iiiiiient authors, it has contained Ihe cream of the peiioiltcal liieialuieof the day, ss well as original aitieles from the pens of some of the most popular w titers of America, among whom we may mention Miss Sedwitk, Orville Dewey, Professor Longlel bw, Ihe author ut "Yankee Notions," Simius, stn t-l, et c. Ac. In po lin ks we shall, as hitlirrlo. maiulain an in me. I neutrality. Oui columns as heietolnre will be until it riionable in a moral point of view. In cruieiMii we shall, in justice to the public, manlain a perftP.t iii.lepeinlei.ee, even Ihoiih wo incur Ihe veiigeneo of uil tho iIiiiicps Wr shall, in conclu sion, t-.itt.fstly tliivr t.i rt nder uur sheet not only worthy of Ihe unparalleled lavour it hasi-iniaiiced, but of a continual. y extembng nn illation. While we coiiiiiitie lo furnish with all possible promliiiidc llii- ii.osl ullractive lilrr ture ol the day, we shall, us our means enlarge, ulVord that c-inpeusatioii lo naiite antbors, which may induce tbem to in ke the New World the medium lor pnsenluig to the public their best proilu lions. Our excellent Lon don corirrpoiuhnt w .11 be continued, and due al- tenlion will be paid lo the conn ic.al, agricultural uinl news depHilmeiits nfolii paper. A UP AUTO EJJtllOX Of sixteen huge pagis was couimrnrt.l on tl e sixth of June last, in oi.lcr to n.ret thewislus ol large niiiiibrr ol subsri ibris, by giving th.m its lich uml varied contents in a suitable lorin foi 1 1, ding. This we have done w ilbotil having enhanced the price, so that new suh-crili. rs, anil t tlieis on the nnetvul of pievnms subsi riptions, can lake thrir choice be tween the lti nlo and Folio l -rui. but a It w sets of the (jiiailo, l oin No I, turn iiimtiu on hand iu the nlliec, and we shall tlurelore, not be able long to supp'y tin in. TEEMS; Tit it lk Dollars a year in advanre, for either edition ; oi Ft v i. Doll us for two rop:i s. In till rases letters must U- lire, or post aid, oi lin y will remain ileid iu the posl-ollice. (ij- All Poslmasleis who will ucl for us nre our autlioiizcd Agents, and may rt l.tin 25 per cent on the iiibscii) tioii pi ice, (r:h) for roiuui ssions, il u--mitlid iu Nt-w-Y'oik or Eastern u oi,ey ; or TO cents on each, if in notes of other solvent banks, whith may l u at a discount here. fXj Editors and Pul hsh. is who desire the con tinuance of an exchange, will please ropy the above three or more limi s, or olhrrw ise i.otiic the conlents, and tend us a iiiurhid pna r. Letteis rela ite to ihe editorial departn cut mu-l be addiesscd In Pa iik IIi.vjami cV En s Saiioln r, Editors: ihose relalive lo the buisness dtp.ttl niuii, to J. WINCH ESTER, Publisher, No. 31) Ann street. SOMET II I N G NEW!!! THK ( UKAI'Isr AMI Ml.sT r a 1 v . i: x s v 1 1 i: it JIOW PI' HLISIIKII, Only $1 311 ,rr Aimiiiiit rpiIE OCEAN AND WEEKLY CLIPPER, one of ihe l est and cheapest iiewsp .pers in this rnuntry, ronlainii g all the rh. it e Rradiug Matin nf the six duily papers, iui lulling the "CLIP PER'S LOU," is published cieiy Saturday, at i 1 ,'.0 per annum. Cj- I'lie-OCEAN" is under the rditnrlnl charge of John H. II i.u it r and Jou Wi i.ls, Esqrs., the former well known as id, tor, proprn-lor, or prinri pul rontril.nlor to every litciary ubhctlion i.-sutd in this tiiy for the last fifteen ytais; and the latter, long n contributor lo various prriiabcals, but more pultlit ly known since his connect, on with the "Bal timoiik Citri-itii." Tbc extraordinary surccss whith has attended tho establishment of the balti mote Clii er, now numbering a larger list of sub scribers than ony oilier newspaper ever published in Maryland Ihe dally applications for a weekly paper, to send, by mail, lo roonliy subscribers und Ihe many facilities, possessed I y the under signed, for this undertaking, have indued tbem to spare no exMiisO in getting up a paper which can not fill to hi- a welcome visitor into every man's family. ll is printed on entire new type and fine white paper, antl will compare, for htuuly of wiokman-bh-p and extrllcnce of trailing mailer, with, any pi riodical now published in tli L'uitetl Slates. Ti.rtMs: Fir Miil Suiisctileis, l fit) per an Hum, iu cuirent money, forwarded (fn-t ol i Apt use) til li e publishers. rrj- Post mast, r disposed In act as Agents for the O.tiiii, will r.c.ir lite coj i, s weekly, per an num, 'or five dollars. Payment abv.ivs lo be made iuuilvai.ee. Additss bl LL ei Tl "I 'I'I.E, Prinlcrn, bail looie, ,Md. IS Att A it U ' S CMTED STATES COMMERCIAL AND Sl llSllCAL REOISI ER. Containing doc liuieuls, I acts ami nth. r Useful I. . f 1 1 lit I i ill . illustra tive i, tin-hist. ny and rt-souices of ihe Aim. nan 1 nion, and ot each Stale; rmlnarii g commerce, in iiiulacluiiv, ugiituilure, inltrual iinprovciuenls, b..nks,curiei cy, In.ame., education, cVc. tVc. Edi ted by Samuel Hazaul. Pul U hi d every Wednesday, at 7!l Din k street. Tl.ti piiee lo subi-cribeis is f5 per aiiiiuui, payable on the tiisl ol Januuiy of e u h ypar. No subscrip tion it t enrd for leas than a year. Sul sciibrrs out i t th.- prim ipnl riti. s to pay in sdvanre. aTuT ' isr l . (T Fx j( T TH iTvrjT FOR MAW-MILLS. Bt Bkkjamiw N. Ci-shwa. rPIIB Subscrili-rs bsviug purchiikt-tl the right for vending antl using the sl'ove valuable inven. lion, lor Noilbiin.U ilsnd t'ounty, oiler lo ili-poru of ihe same lo prisons who may dcsiiu to pun lust-. The above invention is now in oieiaiiiiii at thesiw mill nf.Mr. M'Cuity, near Suubuiy, w here it ran he inspected by owners of saw mills and all olheis interested. E. OOblN, March 27. tf. SAMI'EL GOBIX. T Ii o in a h li ii h H c 1 1 , No. Sod, Balti Moaa SratiT, .4 few do4$ uet tf HuMirdit. BALTIMORE. VMrHOLESALE DEALER in Combs, But If Ions, Geiman and Fancy (loods, and Im porter f Patent kiid Sin Threads. Sptml ( Vtttii. buspiiiders, Tapes, and blm,i.,t vu.ry ,, ,i,,tu, 0 Small Arlidra. ChiiiIiv Merehanls and Drains in geneial, are r. ictful.y inviu-d lo cull and eva mina foi theuike.t, Jan. 3U. ly THE CULTIVATOR, A Vonnotidtitton nf Hueti Cultivator and the Ce ntue Parmer, WILLIS flATLORn 1HD LUIHtR TUCK F.R, miTORS. li-OHr liiH of Vol. N, Tor IN 11. 'T'HE Cultivator was established to Impiove and -- elevate the Agriculture of the country; lo give a ptnjM-t tone lo the morals and mind of the Far mer; to show him the dignity ami impoitanee of his profession; to store his mind with useful know ledge, and ronviure ht.n that while all classes are and mu-l be more or less d.'iendaut on each other, he alone of the w hole ran make uny near approach lo independence. If there is one thing more than iinnlher, which in this country gives a man superi ority ovei his fellow turn, M is know ledge ; and this knowledge, knowledge whirh is as essential to the surrres of the fanner as to other men, il is the design of the Cultivator to aid in imparling. fjj-Thr volume for 1841), is filled entirely with Original Ctinimuniiutiimx, rmhiaring articles from about 300 Cm respondents, from almost every state in the I'nion. If an increase of subscription bevond anv prece dent in the history of Agricultuiol Journals, if the almost unanimous voice of the public press in our fa tot, if the multitude of piivate yet flattering tes timonials we have received, added lo a circulation amounting the first yrar lo Twuti-two Tiiou sam ii, may be admilltd as evidence, then we have reilaiiily most abundant reason to be gratified with ti e success winch has attended the 1'iiionoflhe Cullivati r ami tbc (iei:e-sc Farmer. No expense hs been or will be spared In render the Cultivator worthy of the patronage it has received. In the number, variety and excellence . if its lliuotrtiliuiix. it is without a i i v ,i I nt home or abroad, the last vol ume being embellished with nearly Ore Hundred Engraving, illustrating; the improved breeds ol Hot sis, Cattle, Shirp. Swine, Buildings, Implements, .V, m.ikii g Ihe Cultivator, all things considered, it is beh. eil, the Cheapest Agricultural Papir ever published in ibis or any ulht r country. Tlrvis Out Jhilitr cr annum Six copies for f 5 tin- money lo It hun ted in advance, free of postage. A commission ol 20 -er cent, will be al-lir.M-d to Aceuts who obtain 2,r or more subscri-t-t-rs, and 25 per cent, to those who obtain 100 or nit-re. Ail subscriptions to commence with vut uiite. Postmasters and gentlemen disjo-r.l to lend their inlluenie to aid ll.e rau-e of .'.giitulture, aie re spcctluliy r- quested to act a agt nis. Address JEsr-E 111 EL tV CO. I'lthlishirs tf the Cttttirtitnr, Albuni, iY. V. BOSTON NOTION, 77; I. A liC EST . 7M CHE A PEST KE US PA PE It IX THE W OULD. TBIIE spirit of the nue is utilitarian. Improve K mi nl is st amped upon the face of every thing. All the useful ails are piogr- ssiug with unp.rrailel ed rapidity, and the Art of Printii g is coming iu lor Us lull shaie t f the common improvemui.t. De'.crni cd not lo be outdone in any tiling that per tains lo his profes-ioii, w here there is a lair cloture for exeiiioii and enti rprue, the undersigned has de termined upon issuing a sheet twice the size of the liostt.n Weekly Tim. s, (and is lo lake the place of that paiit-r,) and w ll contain eighl columns more mailer than the brother Jonathan. This she.t wi l be called Ihe BOSTON NOTION, and il is ditcrmincd that it shall sustain a cognomen so lull of meaning, anil so interwoven with the estab lished character of our Y'ankrcciiy. It will be the I.AUIiLST Nl.WSPAPLn H THK WollLII Willi 110 exception and will be piinled on a sheet thirty, seven by liliv-two inrhrs. ll will be filled entirely with r-.-adiug matter, ami will contain Time Thou sand Eight II uiulit tl und Eighty Eight 6quare ini lies, oi Tweiry-Seven square f. et of print in line type! and a single iiuuilier will contain more read ing than an ordinary hook of Three Hundred pages. These dimeiis.oi.s will enable the publisher In thaw largely upon the most popular periodicals of the day, both American and Foreign ; and us the si-lections will be made with gieat care, il is bclit v r.l this paper w.ll be a welcome Notion to evtry family, liesldis a lull synopsis of thccurieiil news of the day,; as published iu the Boston Daily Times,) it will c main Poetry, Populir Tales, Tin airii al Criticisms, Po'iec and other Court Ri Hirls. Humorous Articles, &C. eVc. The whole wo Id of Literature w ill be ransacked lo fill it. 1'ioni ihe study of the philosopher down to ti e police courts, through all regions ol reason, poetry, romance, wit, and the ample lecord uf folly, wc slni I glean fiuin ihe past and the present and lioin all na'ioiis, to piesenl as pleasing und useful a combination of recorded thought und current hi. I.. IV, as ihe world can supp'y o- indusliy pioduce, '1 his is our "Boston Notiom." This great amount of wisdom and fun of wit and philosophy ol novelties and antiquities we aie able, lo oiler, weikly for tlx clnts per copy, only nix rents! and we can doit because of Ihe facdi i a of our press ond uilice, and the connection ol daily and ei kly publications. ForTHsns imil lahs wc can sell a teal's volume, equal ill quantity of matter, with ctery vanity a'so, to Fifty-two Yol ume nf Novels, such as ure issued from the press of this day. Fifty-two large Volumes for Thice Dolus! Effected nil by improved iii.ehinery , und by a deuriuiiialiou that we will not bo oulduiie iu t'lileiprize Mid ust lulllcss. '1'i.Ii.MS: I'ii Kin Dollars a year, always in ailvai.ee no ordeta, no malt. r from what source, will be all. iitlt d to unless accompanied with the CAsll. Single copies six mils rarh. Po.-t Ma.-teis or olhers remiltir.g Twrnly Do! lais slia l l ave l'.ight copies sent to such persons und places as llu-v may designate. (iEORliE ROBERTS, Publisher. corc W I ..ni ii, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MER CH ANT, Cnr.R!i-T SriiXL-r Wharp, Habkissi ro, IS prepared lo receive Goods and Pioduce al the new winehouse, which his arrangements will ena ble bun to (inward wiih dispatch to Philadelphia, Pillsburg, ilhamsporl, ilkcsbune, Columbia, Lam-asler, or any o:her point nn Ihe Peuiisvlvania and I'nion Cnnuls, and llie P. nusylvauia aiid Har-ri.-buig and Lancaster lad roads. Goods from Philadelphia lor Harris! uig, Carlisle, ( liiimbi isbuig, cVc. &c, foiwuided wiih cure and et etlilion. Coal, J lasti.r, Silt mid Fish, constantly for sale. Sept. bSriuoval. BOOK-BIN D E R Y, THE undersigned have the gratification of in forming the public, that notwithstanding U cy wire so unfoilunate as lo hate Iheir bindery l.uint down, iu Manh last, Ihey have ojiened a very extriisite one, iu LiH ust slut I, in the nrw building duecily opposile Git-mi's Hotel, sinl aie piepand lo extcute all wink in their line wiih ile.psicii, and in a su peiior style. Their U CLING APPARATUS and other Mai hint ay nre new, and of the first oidt-r and latest improt. mi ills; and they feel a couti pence in thrir facilities for giving perfect satbfar lion lo all who my lavor lb. in with their orders. Banks, County olliees, Merchants, Mechanics and others, can la) supplied with BLANK BOOKS of every drscnpiioii, whith lor lieslntks and dura bility, will lie equal to any made by the Coiled States. 1IICKOK A CANIINE. JI.UiRlsut'KG, ispi. y. sll n All's .llAf.AZIIMi, Awn th r Indlrn' nu1 .on4lemrn,i W orld of IJtvrutiu-e mid 1 anlituii. (77ie Cutlet and the Gentleman' United.) A NEW Volume, under the above tide, of the well established and fashionable Magazine, The Philadelphia Casket in conjunction with ihe Gen'leman's Magazine, whirh has been every where pronounced the most readable and popular of ihe day, will he oacned on the First of January, 1811, wiih an array of Contributors secured by the union of talent and fame, which no periodical in Ihr coun try can boast or pretend to rival. The December number will, however, he a spictmen of the new volume. The Volume will be opened wiih a new and beautiful type, the finest white paper, and with the first of a series of embellishments unsurpassed by any which have yet apia-ared in any Magazine, The style of i legaiice, ihe beauty and finish of these illustrations, and theextrnsive improvements which will be made in Us typographical appearance, and ubovo all, ihe tone of its literary department, by the bril iant array rf contributors, whose articles have enriched the pages of each iiuinU r, will give il char acter, second to no Magazine iu the Union. The character of the articles which shall aps-ar in ila pugss, will be equally removed from a sirk'y senti mentality, und (mm an all, i tat ion nf morality, but wh.le a true delineation ol human naluie in every variety of passion is aimed at. nothing shall be found in its pages to cuusc a blush upon the cheek of the most pure. The Literary character will be suflii-irvtly gnar anteid by the reputation of bo h Magazines tloii united, tor years past, ritcis of ihe first rank have been regular Contributors lo their pages, an.l the tales and sketches published in thorn have teen wiil. ly copied mid rend, and the linn and indepen dent tone of the ciiiit-isins, upon the current lilt-ia-ture ol tho day, has been eveiy whee nppiovcil and couimecil. d. The li t of contributors embraces thu names of imul of the principal wiiters iu Atonic, with a irsprrtalile number ut English authors. The scries of vi ell known nautical papers, enti tled ' Ci uiifing iu the last W ar," have had a i tin, lint quailed by any si ri. s published in uny Maguzine lor jcais. The author promi.-es to open the first of a new seri. s of Tab s ol the Sea, and Irom hi- known ubihlies as a depii ter of sea scenes and hie, much may be relied upon from him iu maintaining the popularity of the Magazine 1'uicrs may be expect ed dining the volume, al.-o fiom the author of tho well known arm li s, entitled "The Log ol Did Ironside.-" The uulhor of "Syrian Letters," will olsi lend his poucilul und grateful pen, to Buslain mid increase the reputation of the work, The valuable aid of ti.e au hot of "Leaves I uml a Lawyci's I'm: Folio," bus . Is.i b. en sinned, and we may expect something slid n.oic thrilling Irom llie capacious stores whirh a long lilt- in the profession h..s eua bled him to niiiirt, An iicchb onal Chil-Chat wil! -Jemmy Slum," and "Oliver OMIellow," is als-. proiui-ed ; with a variety t f choice articles in pro. and verse, from var'n us w riters of cclebiiiy.as con tnbulors to the prominent Magazitu s of Ihe coun liy. The editors of both M..g-iines continue thei niviits under the new airangi niei.t. With sue an airay of la'eut a M:iga.iiie of uiuiv.illeil ailia lions, may safely In- promts. .1 the coming volume. FASHIONS AND ENGRAVINGS. In compliance w ith the almost unanimous wis of our laity subscribers, we shall the ensuing mi uniefuriii.il tbem with a beaiitilnlai.il correct plat of Fashions Monthly, a It-ature, it is believed, lb will neither be unwelcome nor unpopular. Tl Fashion plates shall be draw n from original desigi from Paris and London, ami nny ulwuts be d pen. led upon as the pievailing style iu 1'bil idelpb and New Voik, for the moil h in which they aie ; surd. 7Ve if jnthlicntitm. The woik will lie publis rd on the first of the month iu rvtry quart, r oft I nioii. '1 he most distant suliscrdier will cons qtiriitly receive it on that day, as well as those wl reside in Pliiladelphii. lu all the principal c In agents have Is i ll established, to whom the Mag zine is forwurded, prior lo the limit of is.-uing it, that they may be delivered lo resident subscnb. by the 11 rat of the month. Tkhms : 7"irrr Ihdlarl yet annum. Or ti copies ; early for live do l ira, invariably in ailvar post paid. No new subscril-ei ierriv.il wiihout I money, or the name of a responsible agent. F the accommodation of those who may wish lost scribe for cither ol llie following Philadelphia per dicals, (Lis liberal proposal is nude; Five dull cum nl money, lice of postage, we will forw; Graham's Mag zinc, and Godey's Lady's Book, one year. Address, post paid, GEO. R. GRAHAM South West corner of Clutnut .V Third st.. ph The llrotlirr Joiiallinn. THE largest and most beautiful newspaper in world larger by Ally square inches than i other newspaper in the I'niled Slates. Publisl Saturdays, al lt.2 Nassau atlret, New Vi Price three dollars a yeai two copies fur live . lais. The proprietors of this mammoth shet the ' Greut Western" among Ihe newspaper have the pliiKiiie of S reading before the read public a wet kly peiiodical conluiuing a greatt mount and variety of useful and interi sling I celluny, than is lo be lound iu any similar put. I lion iu ll:e woild. Each liumU-r uf the paper contains as large amount of leading mailer as is found in volu of ordiuary duodecimo, which cost 2 ami it than is ronluinrd in a volume of living's Col bus or Bancrofi's History of Ameiica, which :i a volume and all for Three Dollars a year. 5 two copies will be forwaided one year, yr copy Iwo years. Since the publication of nut original rospri ihe Brother Jonathan has been EN LA lit. ED Its size, amply I t lore, has la i n so much im rra that murh more than ihe f.uinrr qu iniiiy of most iiileiestiug la. iatuic ol the day is t-iubiar. lis iinineiise capss.ty. S. lei t ons fu-iii ull llie i prominent and ct h brand wnlers of the day n in swelling itk content-; and w hairier is new, i or laie, is ime.hatcly Iransferied lo its columns, ihe routiibutions to ptriodicals ol Americau wr of r. pule appear iu lis pages; aa.l Ihe issues ol foreign pn ss aie laul umler contuiiu'ioiis, us as reft ne. I in this country. To ll.e miscellan und Litciary lb p irtim nl, ihe closrsi htiriitii paid; and in ull tin- selt clious uml original font, lions, sunt caie is dctolcd to avoid all lint touch upon the opinions of any parly in tclit politics. Ex eiiunre having taught us thai wc hud n ed out a pa h lor oursele, iu which all sort people tl. lights to billow, the Biother Jonu shall continue, as it In-gnu, to be s bold, gi weighty, light, giave, iner.v, serious, willy, sin dashing, mirresug, iisj.in.l, aid incolnpa lit-Mspaper. Il shall l a slupi ndous minor w In all the world w ill slann i, llrclrd. ll shall tain the most Uesutilul uf Novels, Koinances Siories lor both si Acs Faiiy Tales lor Kit. he marvellous Legends for auliquarii-s Pa nudes for wit mongers Nuia and raisins for s winded readers-Serenades for musical lovers nets I'm Ladies Si uliioenl for old baclit'lork-tislii-s for polilit ians and Lectures, Seiniou., ' ci.iiis, Epigranis. c Ac, &.c, for all the w, Letteis should be sddicssed lit WILSON v COMPANY. Puhluhtrt tj the bruthtr Juuuthuii,"
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers