PRICE CURRENT. Corrected weekly by Henry Yoxtheimtr, Wiuat, DO Ktr, 60 Coair, ...... 4n Oats, . . .30 PoRK, ...... 6, . 100 Bcrrsn, ..... 10 Bkkswax, ...... 25 Tallow, 12$ Dniaii Aptlfk, ..... 75 Do. PCACHKR, .... 200 Flax, 8 IIkcrlcd Flax, .... 10 Eon, ...... 7 IMPORTANT jo Undersigned Inke pleasure in Kiibmitting . lo the pub ic the following Rcco irm ndations irPratt'i Cast Iron Smut Mill and Grain Ilullrr lo II dealer in Grain and mnnufactors of Flour, be ioving it to be superior to any tiling of Ihfl kind ver off 'red to the public. All orders addressed to 'ol. .1. M'Fuddcn, Lcwishnrg. Union county Pcnu ylvania. EBENEEZER SO.IJIRE, JACKSON M'FADDIN. Lewisburg, June 19, 1841. CEItTIFIC.ITESt Moat z" a Mill, Centre Co., March 30, 1811. J. M'FAnntu Sib: I cheerfully testify lo the nodnesa and durability of Pratt's Cant Iron Smut till arri Grain Hullcr, aa being; a fur superior arli- e lor the cleaning of smut and all other impuritira lat I have ever seen, and I have been engaged in io manufacture of Flour for a great many years, id have always tried to have the best apparatus fur lanufiicturing that could be got, and do say I lint the we machine is the best apparatus I believe now i use. Joan Muatz. IJlonmsburg, Dec. 20, 1810. Col. J. M'FAnni! Sin. ! In reply to your favor, eeived a few days since, I have only to any, that the ct of my having introduced into each of the four ills that I am concerned in, one of Pratt's Cast on Smut Mills, is the best evidence I can give you ' their utility, Yours truly, W, M Ivklvi. Milton, March 17, 1841. J. M'FAnntw Sib : I do hereby certify without IV hesitation, that Pratt's Smut Mill and Grain uller is the most perfect machine to cleanse grain smut and all other imperfection, that I have ever en, and I believe I have seen all the kinds that are iw used in Pennsylvania, and I must say that there nothing of the kind ever been invented that will mo in competition with it. Gao, Eckeut. Cot. J. M'Fadhijc Sib: During the past 24 nrs I have been constancy engaged in mamifac ring flour, and during tho Inst 12 years have been owner of a grist and flouring mill, and the contrivances In remove impurities from grain im decidedly of the opinion that Pratt's iron ma ine is superior to any with which I am acijuiint. , having used one in my mill about eighteen mths. FitKiiEiiicK Haas. Yorkshire Mill. Dec, 1840. I want in my flouring mill as good an apparatus Tire pare grain for flouring, as the best, and I want Iwtlcr than Prill's Cost Iron Smut Mill. It will uove smut entirely no mistake. M. Cleasos. Sunbury, December 22, 1840. 1 Hoi. .1. M'FAnniit Sir: I have in my mill one Pratt's cast and wrought iron spirul Smut Mills 1 Grain Huller, and am confident that in regard , limpliciiy of construction, and durability of mate I, it is superior to any I am acquainted with. Hfin Masskb. Ucnr Gap Mills, Dec. 22, 1810. "!ol. J, M'Tapm Sin: I hate in my flouring I one of Pratt's Cast Iron Spiral Smut Mdls, I I am decidedly of the opinion that it is the liest ;hine t" prepare grain for flouring tint I am ac .inled with, und as such cheerfully recommend it til who aie engaged in the manufacture of flour. Jacuo Lmsksrino. Aaronshurg, March 23, 1811. "nr.. J. MFamii k Sih: I lake pleasure in sny that Piatt's Cast Iron Smut Mill Hone of the , improvements for the cleaning of grain of all ds, that has yet come under my olserration, and I t believe it fir superior to any thing of the kind r invented. You may use my name in any way i think proper. O, P. Di'MAN. Union Mill, Jan. 14, 1841. Phis is lo certify that I have had Pratt's Oust and iught iron Smut Machine and Giain Huller in for better than 12 months, and find it to answer ry purpose that it was intended for. Smut can 4iken out of wheat I believe eveiy particle of in be taken out without breaking ibo grain of wheat. Jobs Planck. Aaransbuig, Match 23, 1841. "ol. M-Faiiiu Sih : I have lieen engaged in lufacturing Supeifine Flour for many years, and e at this time one ol Prult'a Smut Mills in each ly mills, and I do hereby recommend them as tho t valuable improvement for cleaning wbet of t and all other impurities, that I am acquainted t. J a mis Duncan. 'ot. M'FatiMS Sin: I have been engaged in manufacturing of flour for 28 years, and most rfiilly recommend the above machine, as being it the best apparatus for cleansing grain that 1 i ever ud or seen. I consider it an indispru : article fur uuy mill that pretends lo do any hu- Si, JoUH FlSHCK. .Imeduet Mills, Dec. 24, 1840. 'ol. J. M-rAimi.x Siu: Piatt's Cast Iron it Mill was introduced into my mill about three s since, and I believe il is the lft article of that I now in use. It will not only remove smut rely, hut is a most valuable apparatus to clean at aud rye of any character, and prepare it for ring. IIknjamih Boose. IsuitJiurg, Dec. 22, 1840. ol. J. M'Faiiiiih Sib: After a caieful and lid examination and trial of the machine, in re tocoustruction, ueulnesa and despatch in eie n, economy in price, and power lo set in 0e ii. I am fully convinced and sutisficd, thai the line above alluded to, is second to no one in J. Mohhow, Miller and Flour Manufacturer. Cattawissa, December 25, 1840. ol. J. M'Faiuiib Sin: Pratt's Cast and iught Iron Spiral Smut Mill and Grain Huller, nsider to be the best machine to remove smut other impurities to which grain is subject, that veused, or with which I am acquainted, in re lo durability of material, simpliciiy ufeotistruc neatness and despatch in execution. JosEru I'axtos. . B. The above machines are manufactured ut '.ewishurg Foundry, Union county and at the utiburg Foundry, Columbia county, Pa, ATTENTION SUNHURY UREV8. YOU are required to meet for parade in Market-square, Huti' bury, nt 10 o'clock A. M.of Satur day, the 8J day of July, next., In Summer uniform, each Member to bo provided with 10 rounds of blalik caitridge. JJy order of Captain Dcwart, J. II. ZIMMERMAN, Orderly Seig'l. June 12, 1841. JACOB MARTIN, t'oniiiilKKloti nl rorwnrdiiitf T) ESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the Merchants generally, Ihnt he continues the Commission and Forwarding Business, at his ware house, foot of Willow si. Railroad, Dclawaio and Schuylkill. Merchant's having goods lo bo shipped, will find it much lo their advantage, as to time and piices (if freight, lo send their merchandise to the Depot, corner of Front and Willow stn et Railroad, as lin y can then be scut either route by the Tido Water Canal, or Schuylkill and Union Canals, as boats will arrive and depnil daily lor the Juninta rind Susquehanna Canals by Tide-water in tow of steam, or via Schuylkill aud Union f '.inula from Fairmounl dum. Merchants will please be. particular to send oil goods destined for either roule, to Ibo large Depot, cornier of Front and Willw street Railroad, with directions accompanying them, which route thry wish them lo bo shipped. Coarse and fine Suit and Plaster at wholesale prices, on the Delaware or Schuylkill. Philadelphia, June 5, 1841. ly. pREnri'ORS TAKE NOTICE, That we have ' applied lo the Court of Common Pleas of Nor thumberland County, for the benefit of the laws made for the relief of the insolvent debtois; and that the Judges of the said Court have appointed the first Monday of August next to hear us and our creditors at tho Court House in Sunbury, when and where you may attend if you think proper. BENJAMIN WIT.UER. June 5, 1841. r ")"rj:t-irv'f Sr' r- f -yf, rPHE SHbseriher would respectfully off. r his pro fcssional services to the ladies and gentlemen of Sunbury and its vicinity. He is prepared lo at tend lo every thing in the line of his business, ac cording lo ihe latest improvements. Tt'l'lll for sale by the dozen, or hundred dol lars worth, on accommodating terms, lo suit the trade. A complete set of Itcntal Instruments for sole, including esse. (jj- Residence, for a short lime, niPriec's Hotel. A. VALLERCHAMP, Surgeon and Mechanical Dentitt. Sunbury May 29, 1841. tf. JOrllTS & CJ11I1TGS. WHOLESALE SHOE, BONNET, Cap and 1'ulm Leaf J hi Sore, No. 10 South 4th Street, PHILADELPHIA, "llf HERE 8n extensive assortment of the above ' ' articles are constantly kept on hand, for sale at the most reasonable terms. May 2D, 1841. ly. HA1TS, ET.iX.IOT, liTTOIT & aOSII. Wholesale Dealers, In Foreign, liritiih and American Dry Goods, No. 12 NonTU Tin ho SmrtT, Piiiladrlimh a. COUNTRY Merchonts can bn supplied at nil times with on extensive assortment of the above Goods, on the most reasonable and atibfuctory terms. May 29, 1841. ly. Addiclis, VaiiriiiM'ti iV Smith. WHOLESALE SHOE, CAP, Bonnet und J'alm leuf Hut Warehouse, No. 1G7 Mabket Stiiekt, aiiovk 4 ru SruKtT, PHILADELPHIA. COUNTRY Aicrchanls are resiecifully nipiested lo call and examine their extensive assortment, which they will sell on the inout rciisonublu leiii.s. Msy 21, 1841. ly. A FEW ounces of Pru-liul MIU lVoi'lil -'A- lpps, warranted good, can be had by "ly ing soon, lo II. b. MASSIiR. May 29, 1841. lEHICll TBANSPORTATIOS lUn. i 'THE sulwcriliers resiecl- -"if - fully inform the Public tTrind Merchants generally, " that thev are row rendv to receive goods at their old stand, (Rrock'a Whaif.) at Philadelphia on th Delaware, for Noithumber lund, Ucrwick, Wilkesbu're, and all the inteiniedi ate places, and forward them in first rate decked lloats, via the Delaware aud Chesapeake, ami Tide Water Canals, and from ttunee up the North Uranch Cniud to YV ilkesbaire, Dry GoihIk in dus ted in tiieir caie will be forwarded wiibort ib l iv. A DEL WILSON & Ct). May 8, 1841. Cl SPANISH HIDES, TAKNEItS' OIL ND LEATHER. D. K 1 11 K P A Till U K vv S U A, No. 2 1 , forth Third htreet, (ll'tWItl MARKET ASD CHtSRfT tTUEETS,) PHILADELPHIA. TTAYE for sale large and excellent asoitmenl AJ- of Ppannh Hides, J'atna Sips, Taunir' Oil, Sft., althe louest market prices, for cash, in exchange for Leather, or upon credit. Consignments of Leather received for suk, or purchased at the highest tnaiket prices. Leather stoied free of chaige, April 17, 1811. ly. In (lie Common I'leus oDVorthtim. Iterlaixl . oiinly. Hemming and 'J'homut J'ollotk,y vs. ClJule of Couit. Janie Tharp. J I I L'LE on the the Judgment Creditors of defend Bill, aud all others iuleiesleil, lo show cause by the first duy of August term, 1841, why the pro ceeds of the sale of defendand's real estate should not be applied to Ihey payment of the judgments of Flcmmiiig and Thomas Pollock. SAMUEL I). JORDAN. Proihonotarv's Olfice. i IwA'i, Sunbuiy, Apnl 16,1811. S at GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS( . No. 20, Lioht Stiiekt Wiuitr, D A L T IMOIIE. HAVING a spacious warehouse, near llie Kail road, and ample whaif and pavement room for landing and receiving produce, respectfully solicit consignments of flour, grain, whiskey, tobacco, tVc. With much experience in the COMMISSION BUSINESS, lo which they are promptly nnd ex clusively devoted, they are induced to believe they can givo satisfaction lo all who may employ them. Liberal advances made on Consignments, and information as to markets freely communicated when required. Refer lo W. LORMANT cV SON,? . HUGH M'EDERRY. ,jH'mo. KEARNEY WHARTON, Reading, Pa. JOHN DOUGHERTY, Itnllidavsbuig, Pa. WALI.INGFORD & TAYLOR, Itiburg, Pn. April 10 1841. . Ha od 1 oil u: ql a lltlOT : SJSOI2 STS5i:. A LI, kinds of Clothim;, Boots and Shoes, nnd a variety of other articles can be had at tlio most reduced prices, nl the store formerly kept by John llouar. JOHN CHAMBERLAIN, Stir. Sunbury, May 8, 1841. 3m. Hester Ho harellcm's IMaie. "J&JOTK'E is henby Riven, that ho Register of J Norlhumla'rland County has this day granted letters of administration upon the cstaU of Holer Rockalellow, late of Rush township, ilec'd., to tho subscriber, residing in Augusta township. All per sons having demands against said estate, are reques ted to present the same, properly attested, and those who uie indebted to muko immediate payment. JAMES FORRES PER, April 24, 1841. Ot ylV;(V. An Apprentice w a i t b: i . AN npprcntice will betaken to lite Printing Pusincss, a lad of from 1-1 lo KJ years of acre, with a good Eng lish Education, ill bear of an excellent situation by applying at this office soon. .April 17. llSli. TO g-r? . f cp CLXTEF-'S SHOULDER MEASU11E SYSTEJI 'T'HE Snbsniberhas been appointed Affenl for -- the above System, for Nnrthuir.bcr! and County, which he oifers for sale lo Tailors, who mny de sire to possess the lies! and latest improvement in the art of cutting garments. The following two certificates are from n committee of Merchant Tai lors in Paris, who hnve examined iho System, and highly approve of the same. PAms, Feb. 28lh, 1840. We, Ihe undersigned, members of the committee appointed by the members composing the "Hiilun throphic Society" of Merchant Tailors of Paris, cer tify thai the System of culling, taught by Thomas Oliver of New Yoik, United Stab s, has been sub mitted toour examination, which system we recom mend as Ihe best that has been suhmitti d In us, in faith of which we have given him this ceniln ate. M. FROGE, Pipsident, M. LAFITTE, V Piesident. I subjoin a certificate from Mr. Cutter of Paris, formerly of Boston, whose reputation is well csln blished both in Europe and in America : Mr. Oliver, Dear Sir, the recommendation you have obtained from the Society of Master Tailors, is from the highest in this city, and I fully agree in the opinion, that your system is tho lest that lias ever been published. Yours tiulv, D. t -,UT'l r.R. The subscriber continues the business of TA I LOWING at his old stand, adjoining Rhawn's store, in Sunbury, where be will accommodate all who may call upon bini in bis line of business. He will regularly receive the Fashions from Mr. Oliver of New Yoik, as soon ss issued. The Spring Fusbious have been receive.!, ami are now forsile. WILLIAM DI RST. Sunbury, April 10, 1841. ly t! It c a T in- w a r v . 9 p ANUFACTURED aud sold by ihesubscri XV 21 l' 'n frunbuiy, of the best Tin, and the work wairanted, which he oilers for sale nt reduced cash prices, now us low at letoil as formerly si Id by wholesale. Good Watering Pols, formerly sold ul 87, now al 7ft cents; Laigc Buckets, formerly sold at 75 and 02, now at C2 and &0 ; Gallon Coll'ee Pots, formrtly sold nt G, and tluee quart nl 50, now nt Ab and :is cents, and other articles of Tin-Ware in proportion. Move pipo and stows made and sold cheap for cush, Ac. N. B. All persons' indebted lo Iho ubsciiler, si. d who wish lo Hive costs, are rcqueshd to cull nnd satisfaction, without delay, cither with cash or by giving tlteii notes. Sunbu-y, April 10. HENRY MASSER. belf-adjustlm: i.uc brace FOR SAW-MII.l.tS. Bt Bexjami N. CrsuwA. rPIlE Subscribers hnvinj purchased the nchl for vending mid using the above valuable inven tion, fur NorthuinU iland Comity, oiler to dbpowe i f the same lo irronswbn inaydisiic lo purchase. The above invention is now in op ration at the saw mill of Mr. M'Caity, near Sunbuiy, w here it can be insMcted by owners of saw mills and all others inleresied. E. GOIIIN, March 27. if. SA.MLEL GOBIN. U j y GEORGE ROHRIIACH & BROTHERS "lnsH to '.nf 'rm their Customers and the pub- lie generally, that Ihey hove elected an En gine, und uru t nablid lo do a more extensive I ui than hireioloie, aud are ready to ni .ko nil kinds of castings comiiioiily cast at Feuiulrys, vi.: STOVES, HOLLOW-WAKE, PLOUGH and PLOUGH CASTINGS of alTlcscriptintis, which ihey wiil dispose of as cheap as Ibcy can be bought clsewhrro. Old Iron and Country produce will be taken in ixehange fir castings. GEORGE ROM KBAt II, JACOB RUIIKIIACII, Feb. 27. 3m. WILLIAM ROHRIIACH. T h o in a n It ii n h e 1 1 , No. 208, Baltimomk Si-mi at, A few doors n est of Howard ht. BALTIMORE. "WarilOLESAin DEALER in Co.nls. But V V '"I". German and Fancy Goods, ami Im porter of Patent aud SU. Thread., Spool Cotton, Suspenders, Tae, and almost every description of Small Articles. Country Merchants ami Dealers in, are iel)tfuy lviled lo eull ami exa mine for themselves. J ao. ly BRADY'S HOTEL. I.iVILI.i:, r'OM !rlltIl :oi.TV, 1'ruiiH ivaiun. fBlIIK SUBSCRIBER jespeelfully inform tlie .m. public, that he Ins removed from iho tow n of yattawmm lo Danville, nnd Ihnt he hns purchased in that place, the Large und ConimvdiouS 11 11 1 C IC U O V H K , at tub cottfctt or nitLf. An mabkut sTnrtTs, (Oppite the Court-1 lolisr, J I'ic'i lie has fitted up by Ihe erection f,ifk of ADDITION AL BUILDINCiH. nnd ;;j;yLexlensive STAB LINO, Tor llie I'.nltr. -'x2tainment of Trurrtlets end Yititors, He h now prepsicd to nccominndatc nil who rimy favor him with a call, nnd ho would state that ties, thing in his power shall be left mitotic, to render his customers comfortable nnd hnppy while tinder his care. His accommodation, nre ample, nnd his rooms furnished in modern style, nnd the proprietor is de termined that hi establishment shall sustain nnd keep up with the grow ing reputation nnd iiiipoitance of tho town in which it is located. His Ta n lk wi I be supplied w ith every luxury of ine si'nson, and the oesi anil choicest rnruti the market ran afford. His Baii will le stored with all the best articles that can be furnished by our ritus, and tho wholo will be such as to give satis faction lo every one. Well knowing Ihnt nn enliahtencd public will nlvvays judge for themselves, he feels confident that they will favor him with their patronage. SA.MLEL A. BRADY. Danville, Jan. 30. WARZtAKTZlD Ttiss Clocks, Tor Ut E!olI:ii', QUA T. fr time to arn soil tV Clock l'ed i J t'ir fur 'ir, for sale bv March 1:1. 'H. B. MASsER. itScrcl-.aisrs Police. A T a meeting of the Merchants of the borntieh --of Sunbury, on the Glh insl., the following was unanimously adopted : Whereas no uti form rule evists among the mer chants of lbi.4 pi ice, in reijaid lo the charge of inte rest on book accounts, therefore Resolrid, That interest will bf charged on all accounts that have been stuiding bmper tbnn six months, and that hereafter all accounts in our bunks will be balanced every year, nnd that interest will be charged on all bal nces that average uioie than six mouths st imling. Jtisofnd, Thai Ihe subscribers will strictly ad heie to the above lule, nnd notice of the same be given in tho newspapers of this place. HENRY YOXT1IEIMER, JOHN YOUNG, JOHN BOGAR. II. B. MASsER, Isr.N.1. IIENDI.'ICKs, Jan. 23, fim. J At 'OR liilAWX. A FEW Copies of Tir t'uion (norat irar motny," consisting ot Sacpd Muse, with Ger man ond English lines to each tune. By II. C, Ever. For sale by 'Jannnry 30. II. B. MASSER, " shaSsokin coal" F a very superior quality, can be had ut any time, by application to tho subscribers, in lots to suit purchaseis. They keep large, egg, broken, aud line coal, fit for burning lime. J. H. PLRDY & Co. Sunbury, Sept. 20. tf. MACKEREL- A few barrels of Mackerel for sa'c at a low price by Sept. 12, 1810. H. B, MASSER, IRISH SALMON. Ol the best uunl.ty. con stantly on hand and for sale bv Sept. 12, 1S40. JLJLMASSER. MADEIRA WINE. liisl quality Maditia Wine, for ssle low by Sept. 12, 1810. II. B. MASSER, 'FOURTH PROOF BRANDY. A genum; orticlc always on hand and for sale bv Sept. 12, '1810. II. B. MASSER. HOLLAND GIN, Of the best quality always on hand and for sale by Sept. 12, ISI0. If. B. M ASSER. I OAF AND LUMP SLGAR. Always on hand nnd lor sale by Sept. 12, 1M0. II. B. MASSER. BOSTON SYRUP MOLASSES. Of a supe rior iiiulity, for s.ilc. by Sepv 12, 1810. IT. B. MASSER, N E W"o"RT.E AN sS 1 (iAR "lIOl.sE.MO LASSES. Ol tho Uet ijuahty ulways on hand oi d for sale bv Sept. 12, IK 10. H. B. MASSER, BROWN Sl "(;.R. Of a good for safe low by Sept. 12, 1840. II. B..MAsER. " Llyl'ORS. 1) all kinds and ol the Ulviiali tics, ulwuvs on bund and lor side bv Sept. 12. IMO. II. B. MASSER. GREEN AND BLACK TEAS. Of tho best quality alwAvson hand und for tule by Sept. 12, 1840. If. B. MASSER. l-OFFI E. Java, bio and Lautrj Colli e, con stantly on hand nnd for side bv Sept. 12, 1840. II. B. MASSER. SPERM OIL. Winter und Summer strained Sperm Oil, of the lent quality, always unhand and for ssio by Sept 12. 1810. H. H. MASSER. "h'i ELL. Oast iiiit Ullatt'i Steel, ior salo by 12, 1840. II. B. MASSER. H'KlNli h'I'EI.L. Of vmuus sues lur Elipnc Si rings, lor sale by Se.-t. 12, IS 10. H. B. MASSER. LARGE "til'A in 6" BIBLES For sale al very rjduced piiees by Sept. 12, 1H40. IT. B. M ASSER. BLANK BOOKS Ofatl kinds," f ir sale by" 12, 1810. 11. B. MAssER. BLANK" DEEDS liTiiTds. Mortgages, Ve. for sale by Sept. 12. 1 8 10. II. B. M AssI R, Jl.sTICLs' BLAN KS for ia'ie by Sept. 12. 1H10. II. 1. MASSER. i: J . T1 1 s, Blue, G itetir &"cT, for sele by Sept. 12, 1810. . U. B. M SSER, CAsSlNl E I! ES A N"D SA'l'T IN E'l'l's for sale very low bv Sept. 12, 184t I. B. MASSE I. CA ii PE'I'I Nl!. f'oiTiile che upi-v Sept. 12, ISIO 11. 1). MASSER. BL AN KE'1S f0r iole cheap bv Sept. 12. 1840. 11. B. M ASSER. " IN BLEACH ED Ml SLINS For sale by ' Sept. IS, IHO. 11. b..massi:r. "coTlo.N YAKNMi cotToN Laps For sale by Sept. 12, 1840. H. B- MASSER. 1 1 E M P A N 1 1 Cl )T"f ON T W" LN E Yvr' sale by Sept. 12, 1810- II. 11. MAssEH. TOVvVng I LINES CollDS AND ROPES Foi mlo by ls.pi. 12, 1810. II. B. MASSER. ATTENTION M KRCl I A NTS, &c. E P. & J. H. FRICZE, WHOLESALE GROCERS, FORVVADINO c MioinM-n toimmssiow i;sciiaits, Ao. 207, Market street, fve dom above Seventh, tiro. ............ ' iiiiL.Aiiui.rinA, FFER for sale, at the lowest market prices, a geneial assortment o Mala, Wines, Luuors, Spices, Tobacco, c. Cot !iTiit PnniiM'R received mid sold on commis sion. Merchant?., Hotel keepers, and others, will find il lo their ndvniitimo lo call and examine our lod:, biforc purchiing elsewhere. Merchant wishirg their pond c. Heeled in this city, by leaving an order, will have them promptly forwarded, by the most expeditions lines. MiWIS F. mil K, JOHN II. imcic. Fib. C, 1841 ly. I5.1.IV(;iIAM &. .IIXM1. Imporlers nnd Dealers in Foreign I la nl wo re. Cfinirr of Vrntt and Light ., BALTIMORE C10UNTRY MERCHANTS, and others, nie respectlully invited lo cull aud examine their Slock of Goods. Jan 30 Iv to couwTny wrncruNTs. rriiE Subscriber, Agent of Lvoti & Hairis, lint x Manufacturer, for New York, Phil idelphia, Ilaltiinoio nnd other Inrge cities, wlose Huts lire highly enmmended for good CoUr und durability, bason hand n first rate assoitment of HATS nt':d CAPS, fiiitable for Spr ng s le , wh eh will be sbl very low, for cash or nmirovcd credit, nt the noted cheap orc, No. 40, North 'I'h.rd street, opposite llie City Hotel, riillai'elplna. OLIVER N. TIIACHER, Agent. N. B. Orders for Huts in Ihe rough, liromnllv attended lo, The highest price in eaih or trade given for For tkin.s. Philadelphia, April 10, I fill ly OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. NEW ENGLAND OIL COMPANY. No. 2U North Water Street, Pliila. W ANUFACTLRERS nnd dealers in Oils of every description both for burning and munulactoring purposes, which will 1? sold much lower tlisu they can be. procured elsewhere, nnd warranted in quality to cciunl any in the city. Anv oil sold by the company not proving as icpreseuted, may lie returned without nnv expense to the pur chaser, nnd the money will be refunded. i'heir stock new in store consists of the following oils, viz : 30,000 gallons Winter Blenched Spetnn till, ; omit) do do Colorless Oil, do Fall nnd Sj.rini! Sperm Oil, do Winter Sea Elej bant, do do Pressed W hale Oil, do Summer do do do do Common W hale Oil, 1. '),(.!!() 10.1100 20,000 botii) 15,l(0 200 Barrels supeiior Sjinits Oil, 3H0 do Cod Bank Oil, 50 do Nea's Foot Od, 75 Casks Olive Oil, Tanner's I bis. (j This Company has a number of Vessels en gaged in Ihe Cod Fishery, and Tanners may rely upon (retting at nil times Oil as puro as imported, Philadelphia, Nov. 7, Is 10. ly. ATTS1TTIC1T. THE special attention of huyeis fiotn the sou:!, and west, nnd fir the state Irai'e, is respectful ly invited lo the followina assortment of GOODS, which the subscril er will dispose ofntsmh prices as will amply repay his friends for calling and ex amining his stock. To CASH puichasers, at the present time, extraordinary inducements will be of fered. 200 piecos heavy variegated Spanish matting. .100 pieces Canton matting, nssoited 4-4, 5-4 and fi-4 while, checked and flowered. 1000 health mi, a beautiful assortment of Wil ton, Brussels, Tuft I'd, Turkey, and Hemp rugs. 200 pieces woolen, worsted, cotton, hemp, in grain, Venetian and block Carpeting1. An elegant variety of ilton, Brussels, Scotch and, Venetian, Damask, iVc, eVo. 1000 dozen men and I oys caps, comprising a gieal vam-tv of Fur, Seal, Nuiria, Muskral, and Coney, Hair, Senletle nnd Cloth Caps. Km dozen Ailicaut Mais, assorted sr.e. 100 do Manilla do do do fx) do Sheep-skin do do do b'O bales French Baskets, comprising every de scription. .1(10 pair Venetian Blinds, ass'd figuics ond colors. atH'O patent do do do llllll) l.ests Cabas or SaUhcU, uss'd, embossed leather, straw and nil cloth. SOIIO dozen Combs, assorted tortoise shell, Bru y.ihi.iii, ivory, brass and wood, comprising a largo assortment of eveiy variety. 3000 dozen Whips assorted wagon, gii:, car riage, sulky, planters, droveisor Tiding, of gut, lea ther nd thread, with German silver, gilt, ivory and bone mountings. 1000 do .en painted pail, Wilson's brand. 1000 tiesis cedar Tubs and Buckets; also, Churns Piggins, Wuter Can, iVc. Tho above together with an extensive assortment of fancy goods, Britiuuia aud Geiman stiver ware, b ather mid I rislle Brushes, Looking Classes, Ma hogany and Gilt Flames, of eveiy sire and descrip tion, are mauubielurcd, imported, and selected ex pressly foi the southern, vn rtern and stale trade. J. SIDNEY JONES, No 18 NoilhSd street, Philadelphia. Philadelphia, November',, 1810 ly. v7. &" L 3 Tl.'IliO. FFEK FOR SALE, nt the South Ea-t Oor tier of Fifth und Market Streets, I'hil'id'.t- phtu Mens' Culf-kiii Boots, stitched warranted. do do do pegged do d ) do do water pioof, doullo soles and doiib'e Uj pcrs. do Cull-skin dj do ( uj nailed and upper. do Heavy Water Leather Boot. do do IS cats do do. do High qn.irtci Shis, ('all--kin. do do do Cioikcrs do d.i Fine Monroes wuirautedj do K.p ii.) 'o do C.lf do d- do Coaisa do do do do Sho d. do Fine do dj do Kip do do do Calf ond Seal Skin Pumps. do List Seeks Willi un l without sole. do Carpet do do do do Parent WarranteJ Water-proof Moccasin. LudisV do do Uo do l adiis' tanned IuJia Rubber shots. Geiitltmens' do Overshoes. With every other desc iption of boots aud shoes. Fur Cajis of cv ry description, 'J'ravellnii! Trui k of every description. Venetian Traveling lUs. Patent Gum Elastic Slum Bbickine. Bonnets of all kinils, Pslni Leal 11 sis. lUdidiliUia.Novimbvr 7, 1840 ly j CIT1T AUCTION wvritjitiiiaoAiji,! MOKE Sumbrr 29 forth Third Street, l'hiladclphin IUBLIO SALES of Dry Goods, Hlw.r. and Cutlery, Books, Stationary, Clothinr-, Hoots, Shoca and Hats, nnd in short nlmnat eveiy description of goods, are held nl this eslnblishmeiit every evening. Goods are nlso sold st private sain ditrint; the day at the average auction pi icis. Store keepers and traders will find it to (heir advantage by attending the sale. t ., , . . . V l'- MACKF.V, Auctioneer. I hilndclphin, Novembi r 7, 1840. i2si lEijTcKri MNSEur&rcfrr WIIOLESAtE KY GOODS STCITE. No. Kid 1-y JVIarkct Street, Pliila. (I)efow Fifth ,'mith side ) ALWAYS keep on hand a lull nnd general n sortmcnt of Hosiery, Lace, nnd Fancy Goods, Country Merchants nro respectfully requested lo give them a esll nnd examine for tbcrn-clvcs. Philndelphiii. November 7, 1810. ly. simihinTT iKum T). No 13H Market Street, ritiladelnhia. NVITE the attention of Country Merchants to their extensive assortment of II, In. I, s-r, rl, mil American Drv Goods, which M.ev olCi-r for suln on the nuut rensonablo terms. Philadelphia, November 7, 1S10. 1 v. PETEU Di; V EclC No. 71 Cnllowl.ill Street, Pliiliiilcliiliia, ( i ii i ce tutors uiore iiror.a.J JllOE Findings always kept on hand, which hn oilers for sale cn the lowit terms. Counliy Merclnnls ore putlieularly to cull UTidjudo fur thcnivelveg. Philitdelliiu, November 7, 1810 ly. i.OVEilvSf EAKRON; Imj'ioi tcrs and Dealers in Foreign and Domestic 1 lai d wa re, No. 174 Non-rn 'J'hikh SrnKi.T, Puii.AnEi.rnrx. A YTHERE their friends nnd customers will nlvvays fiini n large nnd general u-sortment of Foreign nnd Domrslic llaidwarc, which ihey w ill sell at Ibo lowest prices. Philedelphia, November 7, 1840. 1 v. 1 TVS'VrA7 1 N , " Umbrella and Parasol Manufacf'or. .Vo. 37 footh Thitrl i tree!, f?i J-ns btloiv t.'e Cili, Hotel, Vhiladelpltia. COUNTRY Merchants nnd others arc sol''trd to examine his assortment before purchasing elsewhere. Philadelphia, Novrmbrr 7. 13 JO. ly .liM'ol I'risiitirfli S. Sim. ESPEC'I Fl ELY informs their friends nnd ri acipiaintances generally that they sti!l cci.- tiuue to keep at tho old Maud, No. SKi Nonh "d sired. Philadelphia, all kinds of TOIIACCO SiXVFF AM) SGAHS. Which they will sell on tho most accommodating and icnsoii.ihle terms. N. B. All eoods sold will be guaranteed, and ..II orders promptly attended to. Philadelphia, November 7, 1 10. ly. Wholesale and Retail Shoe, Punnet, and Palm Leaf Hot Warehouse. Ao. 60 forth CJ tlri f, a ft : o'oors above Jlixh, I'ltituthfl'lv.ti. A I.SO Trunks, Cariict Basis and V slices, of ev '"ry dmciiplion, nil of which he uli'i m for sale on the most reasonable terms. Philadelphia, Novemlier 7, 1810. ly p. & a. no yTTuIT t ' s " China, Class and Liverpool Warehouse, .YtflGl iYri Third street, third d.rrr brhto Yiue. islreet, l'hibiiiiphia. YXTHERE ''cy constantly kep on hni'.d a Inrgn " assortment of China, Glass aud. Livcrpo I Ware, which I'.icy will dispose ol'oa V.e most rei sotiublo ler'iis. Phih'.'ielphia, Novemlier 7, 'IS 10. TiiEopu.i's'cui;7; Manufacturer and Importer of Savi dlerv, Hardware, vie. .Vo. 5 South Third 'rrtt,favr doors bell w Market l'hiudiiiiiu- EEP constantly on hand a large nirl general as.-Ortincnt Coach Lamp-', Carriage Bands, AxloArms, Eliplte Springs, Patent Lfilher. Ar. Country Merchants nnd saddlers will besuppbednt nil time on the most icisonalde terms. They will find it to their advantage to call sod examine Lis aisoituient b. fore purchasing elsewhere. Philadelphia, November 7, 1 S 10. ly. .TStt liacl VToa vr" A: . (Y?i, ROrE MAKEIIS & SIIH' CIIAIViDLEnS. A'o. 13 forth Water Street, Fhiluth Irhia. A 1. constantly on hand, a general assoit ment of Cordage, Si ;.ie Twines, ec., : : i ui d Ropes, Fishing Rope, Whin Ropes, Manil la Ropes, Tow Lines for Canal Boats. A'-o. .i complete ussoitment of Seine TwiiiM, Ac, sveh as Hemp Shad nnd Herring T. ine, Best Patent C ill Net 'i'wiue. Cotton Shad and Herrinr Twine, Sh .o Threads, cVc. cVe. Also, Bed Cord-", Plough Lii.e., Halters, 'J'racis, Cotto i iml Linen Carpet Chaii s, Ac. nil of vvliieh tiny w ill eso of oil ressonallo teims. Philadelphia, November 7, 1810. p j: noi.i s, MeFA i: laMIXi 0. Wliolosule Dcr.hcs in ForciL'n Pritis-h and American Drv Hoods. v. 10,1 Market ttne'f, Fhi'odehhia. COl'N'J li V Merchants, and others Cnii be mp plied at nil tinis with an extensive as. it r.ient of llie best and most iuahioiiabic Goods tp. the most reasonable terms. Philadelphia, November 7, 1 R 10. ly. WJiolesale Variety nnd Ti imniiti;' Stot o .'o. 44, forth Fourth neur Arch it., Fhi!m..) .' Vi. "I 7 HERE Coiinl'y Menhants and olhcscu!. : 1 supplied, at ill times, with a (urge a.iseii; of Hosiery, Gloves, Merino, Cotton, nr.J Wa S, iits ami Drawers, Spool Col'on, Pi.tenl Tin Cotton Cords, Bullous, 'J'apes, iiindii' j, H nt - i and Eyes, Pins, eve. Ami a general van ty ul n c. fill articles, whicji he oilers for salo at iho luv. v. I prices. Philadelphia, November 7, 1840. ly. "jiijz & ?sCt:s:r, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BUu:i!;Ef I.ERS AND STATIONER, No. Chrsnnt Street, Lelo'.v 4;h, Philadelihia. "WT"EEP constantly on hand a geuerul asyoif. il'iA ,r,rn' Books snd Stationary ; compris rg Tlieol. 'gieal, Law, Medical, Classical, Miacellst e. ous and Srlionl Rooks, Bay Books, all liacs, l.( liers, do.. Family Bibles, Pocket Bible, Writ no; psiers. Wrapping Pajwra, &.C ic, which they if fer at tho lowest piices to Country Merchant's Yi j lessionul Gentlemen, Teachers, and all otliers th4 may favor them wild their custom. Philadelphia, November 7, lb 10.-ly. V
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers