( Communicated.) Mr. EniTon Permit me through the medium of your paper to recommend JACOB HAAS, of Shainokin, as a suitable person for Commissioner. Mr. Haas is not only a correct business man, but an industrious and economical farmer and mechanic. His election would, we think, give very general eatisfaelion to his neighbors, and the citizens of Shamokin ; and we are confident he would receive the almost unanimous support of the democratic purly of AUGUSTA. ( Communicated) Mb. Emtoh Permit me to recommend throur;h the columns of your paper, C1IKISTIAN DAU S II LAG, of Sliamokin, as a candidate for the office of County Commissioner, ot the next general elec tion. A SHAMOKIN DEMOCRAT. From the V. S. Gazelle. J. R. Chandler Dear Sir: In your paper of his morning you have two versifications of a por ion of "David," neither of them are exactly cor ed if my memory serves me. The following is .he true rending : Ye race is nolle For to be gotta By himme who fastest runnes, Nor Ye baltelle By Ye penpclle Who tihute the longest gunnes. The 11th verse of the 8th psalm by tho same au Lor was as follows : He digged a pilte, Dcepe he digged itte, He digged itte for his brother, But by hiseinno He did fall inne Ye pitte he digged for tothcr. P. (i. 2 Coal Trade. Amount of Coal carried on the Danville and otUville Rail Road to Sunbury for shipping, du L'lg the week ending on June 10, 810 Tuns. Per last report, 2,7'J5 Totil, 3,fi05 JOHN BUDD, w. m. PRICE CURRENT. Corrected weekly by Henry Yoxtheimer. Wheat, 80 T5rE, 50 Coax, ...... 40 Oats, .25 Pour, ...... 5 Flaxseed, ..... 100 Buttku, ..... 12$ Beeswax, ...... 25 Tallow, - 12 J DrtiRD Apples, - - .75 Do. Peacues, .... 200 Flax, 8 Heckled Flax, .... 10 Eons, ...... 7 FlCKNESS. ? THERE are many persons that we daily behold, .'hose count nances arid frail limbs denote n fll ic on which we find has principally originated from eglect of proper remedies at the commencement of ickness. At first the patient complains of bile on le stomach attended with tidiness; costivencss, Ac., e neglects to procure proper meJicine ; at lenlh he jinplains of pain in the side and stomach with iur eructations; his appetite becomes impaired, is rest troublesome, his mind harassed, and all lings around him appear not in their proper station, le still neglects himself, when in all probability ie disease may at lentil be so fast seated, that no edical aid will replace him again. At the first taik of sickness there should be " no time lost" i procuring Dr Harlich's tonmi'sii sthksijtii nino ai'Ehif.nt tills, which immediately re loves bite from the stomach, obviati costivencss. 'move disorders in the head' invigorate the mihd, rengthen the body, improve the memory, and en ven the imagination ; thug rebturing tho body ;ain to it h proper functions. Principle Ollke, No. 19) NORTH EIGHTH reet, Philadelphia. HENRY YOXTH ELMER. TrmvrioN sunbury greys. 'OU are required to niett for parade in Maikct-snuare, Sun bury, at 10 o'clock A. M. of Satur day, the 3J day of July, next., in Summer uniform, each Member to be provided with 10 rounds of blank cartridge. By order of Captain Dewart, J. II ZIMMERMAN, Orderly Serg't. June 12, IStl. JACOB MARTIN, Commission and l'orwardiucr IYaJUICUACTT. ESPEC'I'Fl LLY inlorms his friends and the Meii-hants generally, that be continues the nnmission and Forwarding Business, at hisware. use, foot of W illow at. Railroad, Dclawaic aud huvlkill. MiTt-hants having goods to le sh'rpeJ. W'H "nd much to their advantage, as to tiino and piicea fieight, to send their merchandise to the Depot, rmr of Front and W illow street KailroaU, as tney n then be sent either route by the Tide W ater innt, or Schuylkill and Union Canals, as boats II arrive und depart d.iily lor the Juniata and ifquehanna Canals by Tide-water in low of steam, via Schuylkill and Union Canals from Fairuiount m. Merchanta will please be particular to send all ods desiinrd for either route, to the large Di pot, tur of Front and Willew street Railroad, with ecltons accompanying them, which route they sh them to he slnireU. Coarse and fine (ShIi ant! Pla'ter at whcUsale ees, on the Dcluware or Schuylkill. Philadelphia, June 6, 1841. ly. CREDITORS TAKE NOTICE. That we have applied to the Court of Common Pleas of Nor. lniberlmd County, for the lienefit of the luws ide for the relief of the insolvent deUoisj and t tbe Judues of the said Court have appointed i first Monday of August next to bear is and our ditors at the Court House in Sunbury, when m 1 1 where you may attend if you think proer. BENJAMIN W1TMER. June 5, 1841. '."i t-.1 .."Jl - '.-.-- - - THE Sabsrrilier would respectfully olTir his pro fessional services to the ladies and gentlemen of Sunbury and its vicinity. He is prepared to at tend to every thing in the line of his business, ac cording to the latest improvements. Tcclll for shle by the dozen, or hundred dol lars worth, on accommodating terms, to suit the trade. A complete set of Vcntul liut rument $ for sale, including case. dj" Residence, for a short time, at Price's Hotel. A. VALLEUCHAMP, Surgeon and Mechanical Dcntiit. Sunbury May 29,' 1811. tf. S &, CTTmCXlTGS. WHOLESALE SHOE, BONNET, Cap and Palm Leaf Hat Store, No. 10 South 4tii Street, PHILADELPHIA, WHERE an extensive assortment of the above articles are constantly kept on hand, for sale at the most reasonable terms. May 29, 1841. ly. HAYS, ELLIOT, LVON & GOSH. "Wholesale Dealers, Iu Foreign, llritish and American Dry Goods, No. 12 North Third Strest, Philadelphia. COUNTRY Merchants can be supplied at all times with an extensive assortment of the above Corn), on the most reasonable and satisfactory terms, May 29, 1841. ly. Adtlick, Vaiiriuscii & Smilli. WHOLESALE SHOE, CAP, lionnet and J'alm Leaf Hat Warehouse, No. 1G7 Market Street, adote 4tu Street, PHILADELPHIA. COUNTRY Merchants are respectfully requested to call and examine thrir extensive assortment, which they will sell on the most reasonable tcims. May 21, 1811. ly. A FEW ounces of lVa-mit Mill Worm I'prfcS, warranted good, can le had by apply ing soon, to H. B. MASSER. May 29, 1841. LEUIG1I TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. . HE subscribers respect- -fitfi fully inform the Public anu niercnnnis generally, lhat they nie now ready to receive goods at their old stand, (Urock's W'liinf,) at Pbiladt'lpbia on the Delaware, for Northumber land, Berwick, Wilkesha'rc, and all the intermedi ate places, and forward them in first rate decked Boats, via the Delaware and Chesapeake, and Tide Water Canals, and from thence up the Norlli Branch Canal to Yf'ilkosbarro, Dry Goods rntrus ted in their caie will lie forwarded without delay. ABEL WILSON &, CO. May 8, 1811. Ct SPANISH HIDES, TANNERS' OIL AND LEATHER. D. K 1 R K P A T R 1CK &SO N, No. 21, North Third street, (BETWEEN MARKET iXl) CHISKCT streets,) PHILADELPHIA. TT AVE for sale a large and excellent assortment of Spanish Hides, 1'atna Kips, Tanner' Oil, rc, at the lowest muiket prices, either for cash, in exchange for Leather, or upon credit. Consignments of Leather received for sale, or purchased at the highest market prices. Q3 Leather stoied free of charge, April 17, 1841. ly. In (he Common IMcas ofWorf lium berluiitl County Flemming and Thomas J'olloci,) vs. S. Kule of Court. James Tliarp, T" ULE on the the Judgment Creditors of defend ant, and all others interested, to show cause by the first day of August term, 1811, whv the pro- coeds of the sale of defcndaiid'a real estate should not be applied to they payment of the judgments of I lemming aim J nomas I'ntioi k. SAMUEL D. JORDAN. Prothonotary's Office, ) l'roth'ii. runuury, April lti, 184 1. at THIS MACHINE AGAINST THE WORLD. IMPORTANT TO FARMERS. AYENPORT'S Improved Patent Threshing Machine and Horc Power, which threshes and cleans at the same time an invention for which Farmers have long looked in vain, and which renders the above machine perfect and past further improvement. 1 bote who have licen waiting for Fomelhing better than heretofore offered for sale, will lind this to be lle article. Come aee it and jutlce for yourselves. 1 he subrenhers have purchased the right of the above Machine and J torse Power, for the eoun ties of Noutml'm o crlak n, Lycoming, Clinton and Union and also, the privileges of vending them in tiny other places for which the right has not been ieviouly sold. 1 he advantages which this Machine has over all others invented are many and obvious. One boy and three men can do all the threshing and cleaning ot ISO bushels of wheat in one day and this UKUally lakes seven hands one day end three the next, i or field thrct-hn.g it take the lead of any thing in this world no grain it scattered or lost. Such is the superiority of the Horse Power, that three hotsrs can thresh as much with it as four can with any other. 1 he Machines aud Horse Power will 1 sold together or Kcperote, to suit purchasers. Made and sold in Milton, by the subscribers. M. WKI.UH, VM. H. POMP, HENRY FRICK. Milton, April 17,1841. MU:fKV.Vh.ViK1TIO.' THRESHING & WINNOWING MACHINE. Having hud in use, one of Davenport's Pali lit Threshing and Winnowing Machines, snd being reieatedly called upon for our opinion in regard to their value, durtHhiy aim advantages, we make, Iree to alute, that they exceed in our opinion, any J Inching Machine we evtr before vtitnesstd in ue. They will threth and clean, fit fr mullet 200 bushils of Wheat r day, and this wilii the aid of three hands besides the driver. The Straw is parsed olT Irom the grain on an incline plane, ex tending about U feet from the Machine. Scarce ly a grain is loot. What ia if some impoitunte and greatly so, is the fact that no duct passes from the .Machine to the man who feeds it. The Hore poer seems to be perfection ilelf three hor.es may woik it wilheaae and their l.stcit gait Hed only lie the ordinary plough guit. W e mutt cheeifully n commend the Machine to Farmers they are manufactured in Milloit fcy Mes.ru. Welch Pomp andFiivk. PHILIP 1111. GLUT. JOHN Jl HELLER , Chtltacjuao.ue tsbp., Noilh'd co, Maich 20, 1841. JOHN SUjLLIVAX fc SO, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 28, Lioiit Stiiiet WuiRr, BALTIMORE. HAVING a spacious warehouse, near the Rail road, and ample wharf and pavement room for landing and receiving produce, respectfully solicit consignments of flour, grain, whiskey, tobacco, A t, With much experience in the COMMISSION BUSINESS, to which they are promptly and ex clusively devoted, they are induced to believe they can Rive satisfaction to all who may employ them. Liberal advances mndo on Consignments, and information as to markets fieely communicated when required. Refer to W. LORMANT fc SON, ... HUGH M'EDERRY, $ alt,more KEARNEY WHARTON, Reading. Pa. JOHN DOUGHERTY, Hollidavshurg. Pa. WALLINGFORD &. TAYLOR, Pittsburg, Pa. April 10 1811. 1. IT E W CZ3 EEa CXD !0? 12 2D e BOOT Sc fcHOE S J Old.. ALL kinds of Clothing, Boots and Shoes, and a variety of other articles can be had at tho most reduced prices, at the store formerly kept by John Bogar. JOHN CHAMBERLAIN, Snr. Sunbury, May 8, 1841. 3m. Hester llot'kal'cllow'!) Kstale. "WTOTICE is hereby given, that tho Register of JLf Northumlicrland County has this day granted letlsrs of administration upon the estate of Hester Rockatcllow, late of Rush township, dec d., to the subscriber, residing in Augusta township. All per sons having demands against said estate, are reques ted to present the same, properly attested, and thoie who are indebted to make immediate payment. JAMES FORRESTER, April 24, 1811. Ct Adm'r, An Apprentice XV X X TFiD. A N apprentice will be taken to the a&ask rrinting jsusiness, a lad oi from 11 to 1G vcarsof ace, with a good Eng lish Education, w ill hear of an excellent situation by applying at this office soon. April 17. 1811. TO CLITEr.'S SHOULDER MEASURE SYSTEM rPIIE Subset iber has been appointed Agent for -- the above System, for Northumberland County, which he offers for tale to Tailors, who may de sire to possess the best and latest improvement in the art of cutting garments. The. following two certificates arc from a committee of Merchant Tai lors in Paris, who have examined the System, and highly approve of the same, Paris, Teh. 2Slh, 1810. We, the undertigned, members of the committee appointed by the members composing the "Philnn ihrophtc Society" of Merchant Tailors of Paris, cer tify that the System of cutting, taught by Thomas Oliver oT -New 1 ork, United States, has Wen sub mitted to our examination, which system we recom mend as the best that has been submitted to us, in faith of which we have given him this certificate. M. FROGE, President, M. LAFITTE, V President. I subjoin a certificate from Mr. ("utter of Paris, formerly of Boston, whose reputation is well esta blixhed both in Europe and in America : Mr. Oliver, Dear Sir, the recommendation you have obtained from the Society of Master Tailors, is from the highest in this city, and I fully ae;rce in the opinion, that your system is the bet that has evei been publbdicd. Yours truly, D. CUTTER. The subscriber continues the business of TAI LORING at his old stand, adjoining Rhaun's store, in Sunburv, where be will accommodate all who may call upon him in bis line of business. He will regularly receive the fashions from Mr Oliver of New York, as soon as issued. The Spring Fashions have been received, and are now for sale. W ILLIAM DURST. Sunbury, April 10, 1641. ly CJ li c a p T in-1 arc. ANUFA(TUREl) and sold by the subscri ber in Sunbury, of the best Tin, and the work warranted, which he otlers for sale at reduced cash prices, now as low at ictail as formerly ttdd by wholesale. Good Watering Pots, formerly sold at "87, now at 7ft cents; Large Buckets, formerly sold at 75 and (i'i, now at 02 and 50 ; Gallon Colfec Pots, formerly sold at 56, and thiee quart at 50, now at 45 and 38 cents, and other articles of Tin-Ware in proportion. Stove pipe and stoves made and sold cheap lor cash, Ac. N. B. All persons indebted to the subscrilier, and who wish to save costs, are requested to call and ninke satisfaction, without delay, either with cash or !y giving then notes. Sunbury, Apnl 10. HENRY MASSER. Self-adjusting log lrace FOlt SAW-MILLS. Br Blnjami N. Cl'SHWA. THE Subscribers having purchased the right for vending and using the above valuable inveii lion, for Noilhuiiibctland County, oiler to dispose of the siime to persons who may desire to purchase. Tbe above invention is now in 0 ration at the saw mill of Mr. M'Carty, near Sunburv, w here it can lie inspected by owners of saw mills and all others interested. IS. OOUIN, March 27. tf. SAMUEL GOBIN S U N 11 U R Y GEORGE ROHRUACH & BROTHERS VIISH to inform their Customer and the puli. ' lie generally, that they have erected an En gine, and are enabled to do a more extensive Iuhi net- than heretolore, and are reudy to make all kiuds of castings commonly cast at Fouudrys, viz: STOVES, HOLLO W.WARE, PLOUGHS and PLOUGH CASTINGS of all descriptions, which they will difpo'e of as cheap as tUry can be hiHiuhl t lsewhete. Old Iron und Country produce will l taken ;,n ixchang for castings. l.Mhl.IS 1(011 RUAt II, JACOU ROIIRMACH. Feb. 27. 3in. WILLIAM UOHKHAt'H. Tho ma tin (sell, No. 208, Baitimoih: SrsitT, A few doors aest of ll uwdtt. BALTIMORE. WHOLESALE DEALER in Com! s. But tons, Geiman and f ancy Good, and Im porter of Putent and Shoe TtircuJs, Spool Cotton, Suspenders, Tape, and almost eveiy descripliou of Small Articles. Gummy Merchants and Dealeis in geneisl, are resect fully iuvited to call and exa mine for tleoiselvo. Jun, 30.-1 BRADY'S HOTEL. DAXVILLK, OM MII1I A C'Ol'XTl', t'l'iins) ivania. THE SUBSCRIBER icspeclfully indnrms the public, that he has removed from the town of Cut tawitia to Danville, and that he has purchased in that place, fie Large and Commodious BHICK UOUbU, at the con?in or mill amii mahket str ekts, (" Opposite the Court-Housc,J s W liirh he has fitted up by the erection tfV.'' of ADDITIONAL BUILDINCiS, and j;j,extensive STABLIN'O, for the 1'ntrr. lj&tainmcftt of Travellers and Visitors. He is now prepared to accommodaie all who may favor him with a call, and be would state that no thing in his power shall be left undone, to rentier his customers comfortable and happy while under his care. His accommodations are ample, and his room furnished in modern style, and the proprietor is de termined that his etalilishinrnt t-hull sustain and keep up with the growing reputation and impottance of the town in which it is located. His Table will be supplied with every luxury of the season, and the bct and choicest vanity the market can afford. His Bn will be stored with all the best articles that can be furnished I if our cilirs, and tho whole will be such as to give satis faction to every one. Well knowing that an enlightened public will always judge for tliem-ekcs, ho feels confident that they will favor linn with their patronage. SAMUEL A. BRADY. Danville, Jan. 30. WARRANTED Brass Clocks, For i:i Hollars 1T7 QUAL for time to any sold ly Clock red. Hi lars for 425, for sale by March 13. H. B. MASSER. ill c reliant' ZVolicc. AT a meeting of the Merchants of the borough of Sunbury, on the Olh insl., the following was unanimously adopted : Whereas no uniform rule exists among the mer chants of this plice, in regard to the charge of inte rest on book accounts, tlieteforo llciolvtd. That interest will be charged on all accounts that have been standing longer than ix months, and that hereafter all accounts in our books will lie balanced every year, und that interest will le charged on all balances that average moie than six months standing. JtcSulied, That the subscribers will strictly ad heie to the above tule, and that notice of the same be civeu in the newspapers of this phre.- m.MiY AO.VniKIMEK, JOHN YOUNG, JOHN BOGAR, II. B. MASSER, PEN J. HENDRICKS, Jan. 23, 6m. JACOU K1IAWN. A FEW Copies of "Te f'lifwii Choral liar nwny," consisting of Sacr d Muse, with Ger man and English lines to each tune. By H. C Ever. For sale by January 30. H. B. MASSER, SHAXtZOKXN COAL. ifVF a very superior quality, can be had at any Jf time, by application to the subscribers, in lots to suit purchasers. 1 hey keep large, egg, broken, and line coal, til for burning lime. J. H. PURDY & Co. Sunbury, Sept. 2G. tf. MACKEREL' A few barrels of Mackerel for sa'e at a low pi ice by M'pt. 12, 1S40. II. B, MASSER, IRISH SALMON. Of the best quul.ly. con stantly on hand and for sale by Sept. I 2, 1840. H B. M ASSr.lt. MADEIRA WINE. Fust quality Madieia W ine, f..r sale low by K-pt. 12, 1810. H. B. MASSER, FOURTH PROOF BRANDY. A genuine article alwavs on hand and for sale by Sept. 12,'l810. H. B. MASSER. HOLLAND GIN, Of the beat quality .'ways on hand and for sale by S'pt. 12, IMP. II. B. MASSER. LOAF AN U LUMP SUGAR. Always on hand and for sale by Sept. 12, 1S40. If. B. MASSER. TosTON SYRUP MOLASSES. 01 a supe rior quuhtv, for sale by Sept- 12, 1840 H. B. MASSER NEW i)R LEANS' M.iTa If"! lG"l EM t -LASSES. Of thu best quuliiy always on hand ai.d for sale by Sept. 12, 1H10. H. B. MASSER, BROWN SUGAR. Of a pood qu ditv.tor sjle low by Sept. 12, 1840. 11. H. MAS.ER. 'LlyUbRS. Ol all kin.bT"iiiid ol the btl quali ties, alwavs on bund and fur sale by Sept. 12, ls40. 11. B. MASSER. ('KEEN AND BLACK TEAS. Of tho best quality alwavs on hand and for sale by Sept. 12, 1810 H. B.M ASSER- COFF1 "ET Java. Hio and Laguua Coffee, con stantly on hand aud for sale by Sept. 12. IH10. H. D. MASSER. fci'EK.M OIL. Winter and Summer strained Sperm Oil, of the Lest quality, ulwuys unhand and for sulo by Sept 12JS40. 1L R. MASSER. "eTEEL. Cast and Blutei Steel, tor sale by Sept. 12. le"40. H. B. MASSER. IMIINIS ftlEEL. Of Vaiious be tor Ehptic Springs, for sale by Seft. 12.1810. H. B. MASSER. TARGE yO AUTO L I IiLES. For aaki at very radoced prices by Sept. 12, 1840. H. B. MASSER. BLANK LOOKS. Sept. 12, 1840. -Of all kinds, for sale by 11. B. MASSER. BLANK DEEDS. bonds, Moitgage., Ac. tor sale by Sept. 12, 1840. H. B. MASSER, JUSTICES' ELANKS for sale by Sept. 12, 1840. H. B. M ASSER. CLO'l llS Blue, Llack. rmibiblGTeenTcVc, for tele by Sept. 12, DS40. 1J. B. M ASSER. CAsslMERES AND SaTTINLTTS. For sale very low by Sept. 12. 1810. H. B. MASSER. CARPETING. For sale cheap by Sept. 12, 1840. H. B. MASSER. BLANKETS For sale cheap bv Sept. 12, 1840. 11. U. MASSER. T N ULE A V 1 1 Eli MCsLIN S.- For sale by Sept. 12, 1840. H. B. MASSER. "COT'l US' Y A XNAN li i CO l TON LA 1'S Foi sale by Sept. 12. 1840. H. B- MASSER. 1 1 EM P A N D COTTON T INE. For sale by Sept. 13, 1840- H. B. MASSER. Tov ingTlnes, LORDS AND ROPES.- For sale by Sept. 12, 1810. II. D. MASSDK. ATTENTION MERCHANTS, &c. E. P. & J. II. TRICK, WHOLESALE OROCRRh, FORWADINO A; TMOItCCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 207, Market street, fire doors above Seventh, VlULADF.r.VlllA, OFFER for salo, at the lowest market prices, a Riueial assortment of Teas, Coffers, Sugars, Mulastts, Uej, Liiuors, Spin, Tobacco, cc. Ciiuntiit PiioincE received and sold on commis sion. Merchants, Hotel keepers, and others, will find it to their advantage to call and examine our tork, brforo purchasing elsewhere. Merchant wishirg their goi.ds collected in this city, by It aving an order, will have them promptly forwarded, by the most expeditious lines. EDWIN F. FRII'.K, JOUS 11. TRICK. Feb. C, 1841. ly. (;II.LI(,IA3I & JS SSOP. Importers ami Dealers in Foreign Hardware, Coi-ner of Trail and Light th., BALTIMORE. COUNTRY MERCHANTS, and others, are respectfully invited to call aud examine their Sun k of floods. Jan 30. I y TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS. '"PHE Subscriber, Agent of Lyon V l'jrria, Hat Manufacturers, for Niw York, Philadelphia, Ilaltimote und other larue cities, whose Hals ure highly commended for good culur and o'uruLilify, has on band a fir 4 rate assortment of HATS aii! CAPS, suitable for Siiriiigs.de-'. wh eh will be sold very low, fur cash or anmoved credit, nt the noted cheap store, 2o. 40, iSorlh 1 Inrd sticit, opposite the Ulty Hotel, riitlailelplua. OLIVER N. THACIIER, Agent, N. B. Orders fnf Hats ill the vough, promptly attended to,' Tho highest price in tuih or trade given for or thins. Philadelphia, April 10, IE41. ly OF EVERY DESCRIPTION NEW ENGLAND OIL COMPANY. No. 20 North Water Street, Pliila a IT ANUFACTL'RERS and dealers in Oils of w B every description both for burning am1 manufacturing purposes, which will be sold much lower than they can lie procured elsewhere, and warranted in quality to equal any in the city. Any oil sold by the company not proving as lepresented, may be returned without any expense to the pur chaser, and the money will be refunded. J heir slock now in stare consists ot the following oil, viz : 30,000 gallons Winter Bleached Speiru Oil, ; C000 do do do do do do do Colorless Oil, Fall and Spring Sperm Oil, Winter Sea Elephant, do Preyed Whale Oil, Summer do do do Common Whale Oil, 15,000 10,000 20,000 C000 15,1,00 00 Barrels supeiiot Straits Oil, 300 do Cod Bank Oil, 50 do Nea s Foot Oil, 75 Casks Olive Oil, Tanner's Ills. a c cr SThis Company has a number of Vessels en gaged in the Cod Fishery, and Tanners niBy rely upon getting at all lanes Oil as pure as imported. Philadelphia, Nov. 7, l.vlO. ly. ri-TTElTTIOlT. THE special attention of buyers from the south and west, and for the state trade, is respectful ly invited to tbe following asottment of GOODS, which the subscriber will dispose of at siah prices as will amply repay bis friends- for calling and ex amining his stock. To CASH purchasers at the present lime, extraordinaiy iuJucementa will be ot tered. 200 pieces heavy variecnted Spanish matting. 500 pieces Canton m illing, a.-soitcd 1-4, 5-4 and C-4 white, checked aud flowered. 1 1100 health ros. a beautiful assortment of Wil Ion, Hrussi U, Tubed, Turkey, and Hemp rugs. 200 piece woolen, worsted, cotton, h"mp, in grain, Venetian and block Carpeting. An elegant vnr.elv of W illon, Brussels, Scotch and Engiinn, Yeuetiun, DamasU, cVc. &c. loot) ilor.en men und boys cap?, comprising a gtrat vurietv of Fur, Si'al. Nu'ria, Mu.skidt, and Conev, Hair, Scule'te and Cloth Ct pa. 10!) dozen Ailicitil Mats, ass.. ned size. lt'O do Manilli do do do 50 do Swep-ekin do do do SO bah s Frtiitli P-jukeis, comprising every de scription. r.OO pair eneliau Blinds, ass d hguics and color?. 301,0 patent do do do 1000 hcsis Ca'ms or SatiheL, ass'd, eu.bo.-sed leather, straw and til cloth. 50110 doen t;oinlw, assorted tortoi.e sb.cll, Lra- .iliiaii do h, rn, ivory, brass and wood, comprising a lare ass,, rum nt of every variety. 3000 dozen Whips a-isoited w-gon, giy, car- liaue, sulkv, plaiiti rs, drover-, or lidiig, of c,ut, b .i- ther und thread, with Geitnau tiher, ilt, ivory uiiJ bone mountings. 10(10 ditten painted pails, W ilson a brir.d. l(i()0 nests ee-l.ir Tiibs aid Buckets; also, Chums, l'iggins, Water Can't, &e. The above together with an extensive assortment of f.iucy goods, Brittauia ami Genimn silver ware, feather und bustle lirustics, Looking lilasses, .Ma hrtgany anil Gilt Flames, of every site anddescrip Hun, ure maiiuui tuied, impnrtcd, and selected ex- pretsly foi the sjulhein, wietcrn and stute trade. J. MIJ.L.. JOAI.J, No 1 S Noilh 2d street, Philadelphia. Philadelphia, November 7, iM-VJ. ly.' G. V". & L. 3. Ti.YLC?s. A"feFFER FOR SALE, at lha South East Cor LV tier of Fifth and Market Sn eels, l'hiludec phia Mens Ualf-sktti Uoots, stitclieit warranted. do do do pegged do do do do water proof, double soles and double i) pei s. do Calf-skill do do , do nailed and upers. do Heavy Water Leather Boots. do do Neats do do. do High quarter Shoos, Calf-skiu, do do do Crocker do do Fine Monroes warranteJ, do Kip do do do Calf do do do Coarso do do do do Shoes do do Fine do do do Kip do do do Calf and Seal Skin Pumps. do List Socks with and without solos. do I'aipct do do do do Patent Watranted Water-ptoof Moccasini. Ladies' do do do do Ladies' tanned India Rubtier al.ocs. Gentlemen' do Over shoes. With every other desciiption of boots and ahoea. Fui Cops uf every description. Travelling 1'iunks of every description. Yeuetiun Travelling Bas. Patent Gum Elastic Shoo Blacking. Bonnets of all kinds. Palm Leaf Data. Philadelphia, Nvrtwbti 7, If 10. ly. CITY AITCTSON awd comi&issio: sTor.n. Number 29 North Third Street, 1'hilctMj f.iii aJUBLIC WALES of Dry Goods, Hutdwaro end Cutlery. Bonk.", Stationary, Clnlhiug, boots, Shoe and Hals, and in hnrl ulmnsl c "''ly description of goods, are held ct this i stuh'i liintot evi ry eeni.,g. Goods a,e aim sold nl piitate u during the d ty at the avcr.it,e auction prices. Store, keepers and trntlcs will lind it to their sdvniige by attending the sales. CO. MACKrY, Auciiorf-er. riiilndetphia, Novi mln r 7, iK i ). SriillLNG. COOH cV. CO. No. loti Market Strt-.i, riiilaucU.lii.:. NVITE tho attention of Cnrrt-t I!errn!.. to their extensive usortmnit i i,.in-h Fr.nrll und American Dry Go, ii, l.'.oi, thoy .,! for .la on the mot ri u.i.airdvie ti rtin. Phil..de!;.liift, Novr-mb-T 7, l v, TjTER "DEWEEsi No. 74 ('allow hill JNr'.'ct. i'i.i.'niioij Lis, C Three dons td -.re l-n,i,d. ) CHOF. Findings utwiys kept en lo iiil, v. bich V jJ ofii'rs for salo on ll.e lowest terms, ''.unity Merchants are pailicularly to cll andj i'o i. r themselves. Philadelphia, November 7, Iflfl.-' . LOWER !c EAi:UO., Importers and Denier.; ..i I oi u:..l Dainrsfio. H".t'i ' tv, No. 174 Nohti! 'I'n i mi fc':iiT.T, t ui irrrriii.-.. 117 II ERE their fiiertlj 8n? . Ust.-rr.crs v :"-Kvi.. ' f nd a large and general i.-s i irneni of I'l. f 'rit and Domestic Hardware, which tiiey wiiltchut thu lowest prices. Phibdel) hia, Nnvembrr 7, lv. jTvT"s"v"a1 ' ?f7 Umbrella and Parasol Manuficfurcr. .Vo. 37 Nuoth Third ttrcct, two Jur,rs IcLuj lie City Hotel, Vhih.lnph'u. iOUN'TRY Merihants snd others are Fo'icitcJ to examine his assoitmcnt before purc!;as::;ji elsewhere. Philadelphia. November 7. 1510. ly Js.t !'rriMiJ!s & on. "ETJlESPECTFULLY irimms tl: i fmni's ar.I Bi acquaintances generally thul ll ' v s'.i I cot tiuiie to keep nt the old stand, No. Mi! Nori!i,:4 street. Philadelphia, all k'luis of TOISACVO S.('FF AND SEGMl.Z Which t!o v w ill sell cn thu n.Dit uC" ".i;iiiod '. i und lensctiahlri lerinfi. N'. II. All eoiids sold will be guaranteed, and II orders promptly attended to. Philadelphia, November 7, 1 S 10. ly. Wholesalo anl Rclail .vhoe, lJo:i::t , and Palm Leaf Hit W Lixl.o.'se. No. CG Nurlh 2 triet,a fiw ucors uioxc .lich, Vliiladi 'I'n';.: ALSO Trunk?, Carpet Dugs and Vnlices.of i v ery disruption, all of which ho otli-iJ '..l sale on the most reas.inablo tcrrns. Philadelphia, November 7. 1810. l.,- vT a . if6TouT)T ' s Cliina,(i lass and Liverpool No 164 North Third stert '"..;'rf icor IUvVJ Vo e f!.e,i, Phil :!. ATITERI 'hey constantly h ep en h-'i.' a ' essortnieiit of Ci.lna, Glass nml Livci, ; Wart', which they will dispose of or !:a mrrt i. sonable terms. Philadelphia, November 7, 1810. Til EOP1 Lt'S" ( I' lt Manufacturer r..id 1'iijK.irtcr of ScJ. cilery, Hardware, &c. No. 5 South Third ttreet, f.ur rfui.rs below M:ir' ' 'n'.ut.V ')'. 'a' rr Z L.i.i constantly on iimui a large and ftr'ni1 assortment Coach Lamp- Carrin r '!. o-' '. Axle Anna, l iip'ic - run s. Pat. tit I.rf . . c. Country Merchants mid suddiers will le si:; i.! . '. all tunes on the mot ie.1501 able li im.-. " l.t "" 1 f.nJ it to their adv&. t.ie to c II rr I c- ami.ie assortment before purchasing elsi wheie. Phil.id. lj bia, No-iii.ber 7. 1 M0. I v. ;vJ.Vif2 V't1Vt V aV f-:rc8, .V.. 1 :t N.rth Wu.'rr ;.;i rC .'7 7. , a. iii" AVE coi s'nt ilv on hum! a p M lot ill of I -ni Seii c T i. , i in d hopis, i is 1,, la Rnpts, 'I'd?: 1.' c.mipli te a-scitii'.ci t a Uemp f I.ii'l end J'- r Net Twine, Coiti.i. t-1 i s. M . o r.-, , '.; Tw; -.I a:-! ! . !.. i,.ei t r, i mi.- . v-ir i . . . I'I.'Ul! !..i i , ' f; ' cf Of; fliai lUhio 'l'hrein!t, Vc. ivc. , I' I lultor.. Traces, Lot;.i,i oin! I " i.c. nil ufwh''.li llicj will disp-.v tl'lll.s. Phifide'phia, Novnd-er7, 1 rev: ':ir; y.A at Wnolcsulo Eoa'.i', in P.LAM .V- i ( i . i u 1 1 i . I''- ( 't. ..c-'. no J i :.' ! mi ivt'i'-nr I.; bU Lr.'. ir-to. v-. ( lliii n net Atiic: ii".:n J CO'UN'I'RY ;.:.rch p'ied at ii 'I 1 1 . . i jvj. lii.i .n..,: cf tint; hants ' i'f tin nt of the best arid i. osi l i the mot reasoiin' !.- ' iii.--. Philadelphia, Niivetnt er 7, V M.s Li h. ets Wliok'sa: j Variety ; No. 44, North Fourth n i'.ll J 1. 'll'u . 11 .'HERE Courilrv M !:;.! nni fbi i rn supplied, at -ll tin 1 With a laryc as-oitip. . of Hosiery, Gloves, Merino, t'i.;in. i.i.d . '. Shuts and liiuwers, S'io I Cot'on. l'utcnt T! f Cotton Cotils, iiu'iot's, Taj es, Lii.' ! ms, 1'V snd Eves, Pios, Ac. And a pcncr.i! vaii. :v ct i -ful articles, which he olllis lor tule at thj L.-. t prices. Philadelphia, Nnven.hcr 7, IS 10. 1 y. WIIOL:sI.E AND RETAIL i:uuKi:!.. l.ElIS AND STATIONER-4, No. Chosnut Slroet, U!ov I:! , PliiUldpl.ia. "TT" FEP constan'ly on bend a gner:d it'ivt. rjk inent nf Books . 'Hid Stationary ; ;)(! is 1 n 1 tieologicul, Law, Medical, Otas;r.d. M.scoi i i -uiik and Schoi.l Bool . liny Buolo, u!l ':'' 1 ' . sirs, do.. Family Bibles, Pocket Bildr, Wii::i Pajiers, Wra ping Pav-a, Ac, Ac, v 'ch ibe (er at the lowest p ices to Country .Vierir". ;'s l -f. ssional GVii'.lcmt n. Teacher.!, and aii ether1.' ....( mar favor them with ibeir rv.ii.m. Philaililphia, November 7.J "J-y ESin;iriClf, llANSELL CO.C wiicotrsAtE enr cccas sicr-r.. No. ltiti 1-' IMiirkct .Street, l'hiia. lUtlnw Fifth S, ,! h side ) I. WAYS keep on hand a lull auJ generi! sorliiiciit of Hosiery, l.a,e, and Fancy Hoi 's. Poul try Meichaiiia are lespccilully rinjueslcj u give them a call und eiamiua lor th -n-eNa. PhilaJelphtu, November 7, ls40-ly4
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers