Jft A II It M E t ) On tire Cth Inst., by the lie. D. M. Halliday, Mr. JVathail Vooi.Tr.Toi to Mia Sarah As Thomas, both of Danville. On the 1 1th insl, by the Rev. John Dorrance, Mr.. Annimw T. M-Clistock, Altornry at Law, (i Miss AunrtTA linADLKT, daughter of the lute J Cob Cist, Esq., all of Wilkrsbarre. J DIG)), On Tuesday list, in thia place, WILLIAM DEW ART, egrd 34 years. At Lancaster, on Friday evening. May 7th, of hemorrhage of tin lung. JOHN CAMERON, Esq., aged 44, formerly of Harrisburg. PRICE CURRENT. Correcled weekly by Henry Yoxlheimer. Wheat, ..... 80 Rtr, ...... 60 Cor, ...... 40 Oat, ...... 25 Pork, ...... 6 Flaxskkd, ..... 100 Butter, ..... 12J Bf.f.swat, ...... 25 Tallow, ..... 12$ Dniau Applth, - . . . .75 Do. Pcachks, .... 200 Flax, ...... 8 IIecklid Flax, .... 10 Eons, ...... 7 IMPORTANT PROOF. Of the efficacy of Dr. Harliclis Celebrated Midi tines. r The following certificate was sent by Mr. E. B. Jlinman, agent at Cincinnatti, Ohio. There ran lc lio mistake in it, as tho parties are will known. Mr. Ezckicl Kiprilon, of Anderson township, Hamilton county, Ohio, was scveial days troubleJ with bilbus affections, acidity of the stomach, at tended with the usual symptoms of dyspepsia, and having made Uiul of various medicine without finding relief, was cured by the above medicines. Attest, E.1UGDON. Cincinnati, June 30ih, 1 810. VET LATER. Mr. Vance, of Washington county, writes as follows Dear Kir Dr. Harlich's pills are performing somo of the most wonderful cures in this vicinity ever heard of. They were introduced hero about six months ago, by one of my neighbors, who bought a half dozen packages from the Pittshnng oflice. I om aware of four cases in this place where complete cures have been per formed, one of severe rheumatism, two of dyspepsia, and one of a most shecking and aggravated ner vous complaint, of ten or twelve years standing. I send you enclosed five dollars; pleare to forward pills for that amount by tho bearer, William Ward, Attest JOHN VANCE. July 27, 1810. IV. B. The above certificates, compared with the very many already received, certainly must con vince ihose similurly afllicted, that they can yet be relieved by the use of these invalualdc medicines. Principal office, No. 19, North Eighth street Philadelphia. For sale by HENRY YOXTHEIMER. BENJ. L. THOIVIAS to BUCKS COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA, ANNOUNCES his intent'on of opening a Room for the reception of pupils in the Borough of Sunbury. Aware that self-praise is no recommcn Nation, he invites the attention of all interested, to the specimens of improvement made by bis pupils in Schuylkill county knowing that ''the tree must be judged by its fruits." fXy Tkkms Two Dollars per scholar, nnd no charge unless the pupil is satisfied with tho improve ment made. Sunbury, May 15th, 1641. 3t. Shingles. BETWEEN 800 and 1000 Shinies have been taken up adrift in the Susquehanna, by he subscriber?. The owner is requested to come orward, piove property, pay cl arees and take them may. SEUASTIAN HOUPT, CHARLES WATERS. Sunbury, May 8, 1811. 3t. LEMGIl TRANSPORTATION COMANY. HE subscribers respect fully inform the Public 'Jand Merchants generally, that they are now ready to eceive goods at their old stand, (Brock's Whaif,) t Philadelphia on tha Delaware, for Northumber arid, Berwick, Wilkesbarre, and all the iniermcdi te places, and forward them in first rate decked toals, via the Delaware and Chesapeake, and Tide Vater Canuls, and from thence up tho North iranch Canal to W ilkesharre, Dry Goods cntrus :d in their caic wilt be forwarded without delay. ABEL WILSON & CO. May 8, 1841. Ct J. IT S7 Clothing, hoot & suoi? STOUT.. LL kinds of Clothing, Boots and Shoe, and a - variety of other articles ran he had at the most duced prices, at the store formerly kept bv John ogar. JOHN C H A M Li E liL A I N, Snr. Sunbury, May 8, 1841. 3m. .TTENTION SUNBUUY GREYS. YOIT are required to meet for parade in Maikct-gquarc, Sun bury, at 8 o'clock A. M. of Fri day, the 2St!i day of May, inst., in Summer uniform, each Member to be provided with 12 rounds of blauk cuitridge. By order of Captain Dewart, J. II. ZIMMERMAN, Orderly Sag't. May 8, 1641. N Wedneslay. the 2Ut ult., by Mrs. DOR CAS GRANT, within the Borough, $'M in nk notes two fives and one ten. Any one who y find it, and deliver it, shall be reasonably re. rdeJ. Sunbury, May 1, 1811. Hosier llockufclltm 'n r.xtatc. vTOTlCE is hereby given, that the Register of 1 Northumberland County has tins day granted r of administration upou the eslutt of Heater ckafrilow, late of Rush township, dee'd., lo the scriber, residing in Augusta township. All tier having demands against said estate, are rcuuea- lo present the same, property attested, and thoMi O are indebted lo tuuka immediate payment. JAMES FORRESTER, kpril 24, I811.-Ct Adm'r, trrrrr nk JOIIIY SIXLIVAIY aV SOIV, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 20, Limit Street WiiAttr, BALTIMORE. HA VINO spacious warehouso, neat the Rail road, and ample wharf and pavement room for landing and receiving produce, respectfully solicit consianmcnts of flour, grain, whiskey, tobacco, Ac. With much experience in the COMMISSION BUSINESS, to which they arc promptly and ex clusively devoted, they are induced to believe they can Rive satisfaction to all who may employ them. I, literal adv.inccs made on Consignments, and information as to markets freely communicated when required. Refer to W. LORMANT A. 80N,? n,!.;,, HUGH M EDERRY, 5 Ba,limore' KEARNEY WHARTON, Reading, Pa. JOHN DOUGHERTY, Hollidaysburg. Pa. WAI.LINGFORD & TAILOR, Pittsburg, Pa. April 10 1841. FOR SALS. FRESH MILCH COW AND CALF. Inquire of the Printer. Sunbury, April 24, 1841. if. An Apprentice W A IV T H I . AN apprentice will be taken to t!ie Printing Business, a lad of from H to 10 years of a;je, with a good Eng lish Education, will hear of an excellent situation bv applying at this office soon. April if. 1811. In the Common IMras ol Worlliuiit lt liund County. Flemming and Thomas Pollock,") vs. Rule of Court. James Tharp. J r ULE on the the Judgment Creditors of defend- ant, and all others interested, to show cause by the first day of August term, 1811, w hy the pro ceeds of the sale of defendand's real estate should not be applied to they payment of the judgments of r lemming and Ibomas I ollork. SAMUEL D. JORDAN. Prothonotary's Office, J Pruth'y. Sunbury, April 1C, 184 1. 5 Ot Tr cxi n gz: n : . PERSONS knowing themselves to lc indebteil to the subscribers, fur coal or otherwise, will please call and settle the same w ithout delay, if they wish to save cost. J. II. PUKDY &. CO. Sunbury, April 10th, 1811. if. SPANISH HIDES, TANNERS' OIL AND LEATHER. D. K1HKPATHICK Sc SO 1 Vo. 21, North Third street, (BtTWIIX .MAtlKKT ASI) CHI8HCT tTRCKTS,) PHILADELPHIA. TTA VE for sale a large and excellent assortment of Spanish Jl,dts, Patna Kip.i, Tanutrt' Oil, YC, at the lowest rnaiket prices, either for cash, in exchange for Leather, or upon credit. Consignments of Leather received for sule, or purchased at the highest maiket prices. rry Leather stoied free of charge. April 17, 1841. ly. Osoc Hull 's rlato. "TkTOTICE is hereby given, that the Register of 1 the county of Norlhumlierland, has this day granted letters testamentary to the subseriU-i, upon the cktule of Osee Hulf, of Rush toiihip, in the taij county. All persons having demands or claims aguinst tho said decedent, are requested to make known the same to him without delay. HENRY HUFF, Apiil 17 Ct AJm'r, ILook Here. THIS MACHINE AGAINST WOULD. THE IMPORTANT TO FARMERS. AVENPORT'S Improved Patent Threshing Machine and Horse Power, which threshes uud cleans at the same time an invention for whieh Formers have long looked in vain, and which renders the above machine jierfect and past further improvement. Those who have been waiting for something better than heretofore offered for sale, will find this to he the article. Come arc it and jueVe for yourselves. The subscribers have pun based the richt of the above Machine and Horse Power, for the coun ties of NoHTHl'MBERLAXn, Ltcomiso, CuXTOrf, and Union and also, the privileges of vending them in any other places for w hich the right has not tieen previously sold. Tho advantages which this Machine lias over all others invented are many and obvious. One hoy and three men ran do all the threshing and cleaning ni 150 buthels of wheat in one day and this UKUally takes seven hands one day and three the next. For field threshing it takes the lead of any thing in this world no grain is scattered or lost. Such is the superiority of the Horse To'ver, that ihn e horses ran thresh as much with it as four ran with any other. The Machines and Horse Power will be sold together or seperale, to uil purchasers. Made und sold iu Milton, by tho subscriber. WW. WELCH, WM. II. POMP, HENRY FK1CK. Wilton, April 17,1811. itVCO.V.WIJ.VIKI TIO.V. THRESHING & WINNOW IXO MACHINE. Having hud in use, one of Davenport's Potent Tbrerhing and Winnowing Machines, and being reeatcdly culled upon for our opinion in regaid lo their value, durubilny and advantages, we make, free to state, that they riceed in our opinion, any Thicbtiing Machine we ever befoie witnewrd in use. They will thresh and clean, fit fur maiket 200 bushel of Wheat per day, and this with the aid of thrte hands Itesides the diiver. The Straw is i stai d oir from the groin on an incline plane, ex tending about 12 feet from the Machine. Scarce ly a grain is loM. What is of some iinj oiluuce slid greutly so, is the fact that no dust pases from the Machine to tha uisn who feeds it. The Hore power seems lo be perfection itkclf thren horea may work it witheani und their f.tet gait nets only be the ordinary plough gait. We mutt cheerfully rrroiuiuuid the Machine to Farmer they are manufactured in Milton by Mrr. Welch 1'uuiu andFiitk. PHILIP HII.GEKT. JOHN HELLER- ChilUquaque ULp., NouVd to, March SO, 1611. BR AD Y'S HOTEL. IiVIl-M:. lOI.I MIIIl c:ovxty, Peuns) 1 vaiuu. THE SUBSCRIBER jcspectfully informs the public, that he has removed from the town of Cultawina to Danville, and that he has purebkted in that place, the Large and Vomrnodiotit BRICK. HOU8K, AT TilS CO". OF MILL ASD MARKET STRtKTft, C Opposite the CourtHouse,J Vvliich he has fitlej up ry the erection of ADDITIONAL BUILDINGS, and extensive 8TAULIN0, for the Enter tainment tif Travellers end Visitors. He is now prepared to accommodate all who may favor him with a call, nnd ho would state, that no thing in his power shall be left undone, lo render his customers comfortable and happy while under his rare. His accommodations are ample, and his rooms furnished in modern style, and the proprietor is de termined that his entatilishmrnt rhull sustain nnd keep up with the growing reputation and impoitance of the town in which it is located. His Tabi.r wi'l be supplied with every luxury of the season, and tho br.tl and choicest variety the market can afford. His Uah will be stored with alt the best articles that can be furnished by mir cities, and tho whole will be such as to give satis faction to every one. Well knowing that an enlightened public will always judge for thcm-elves, he feels confident thai they will favor him with their patronage. SAMUEL A. BRADY. Danville, Jan. 30. To Tailors. SHOULDER MEASURE SYSTEM THE Subsciiber has been appointed Agent for the above System, for Northunilierlnnd County, which he oirers for sale to Tailors, who may de sire to possess the best and latest improvement in the art of cutting garments. The following two certificates o-c from a committee of Merrbant Tai lors iu Paris, who have examined the System, and highly approve cf tho same. Paris, Feb. 28th, 1810. Wc, the unden-igned, members of the committee nppointed by the members composing the " Philan thropic Society" of Merchant Tailors of Pails, cer tify that the System of cuttinrr, taught by Thomas Oliver of New York, United Suites, has Iwrn sub mitted to our examination, which system we recom mend as the best that has been submitted to us, in fuilh of which we have given him this certificate. M. FROUE. Pre.ident, M. LA F1TTE, V President. I Fubjoin a rertificutc from Mr. Cutter of Paris, formerly of Boston, whoso reputation is well cta blished both in r.urnpc and in America : Mr. Oliver, Dear Sir, the recommendation you have obtained from the Society of Master Tailors, is from the highest in this city, and I fully agree in the opinion, that your system is tho best that has ever been puhlij-hcd. lours truly, D. CUTTER. The subpcriber continues the business of TAT LORINO at his old ttand, adjoining Rliawn's store, in Sunbury, where he will accommodate all who may call upon bun in his line of business. Ho will regularly receive the Fashions from Mr. Oliver of New x ork, as soon as issued. The Spring Fashions have been received, and nro now for sale. WILLIAM DURST. Sunbury, April 10, 1811. ly LIST OF LETTERS, EMAIN1NO in tho Post Office at Sha- mokin, on the 1st day of April, 1841. Sumuel Thornton, Dudly Andreng, John Boyd, Jacob Smith, Nicholas Kratzer, Samuel M. turd nor, George Slappig, Jercnii.ih Wetzel, Thomas Morrow, Duniel J-ah.r, Peter Pcrsinne, Samuel R Wood. 5. WILLIAM FAG ELY, P. M. t! Ii e a i T i ii - w are. ANUFACTURED nnd sold by thesubscri- ler in Sunbury, of the best Tin, and the work wairanted, which he oilers for sale at reduced cash prices, now ss low at letnil as formerly sold by wholesale. (Jood Watering Pots, formerly sold at 87, now at cents; Large Uueketx, formerly sold at 75 and (12, now at Vi and 50 ; Gullon Collie Pot, formerly aold at f 0, and three quart at 50. now at 45 and 38 cents, and other articles of Tin-Ware in proportion. Stove pipe and stoves made and sohl cheap fur cash, die. N. 1). All persons indebted In the subscriber. and who wiHh lo save costs, aie requested to call and imke satisfaction, without delay, either with cash or by giving then notes. Sunbmy. April 10. HENRY MASSER. SELF-ADJUSTING LOG BRACE FOR SAW-MILLS. Bt Bexjamih N. Ccshwa. 'TMIE Subscribers having purchased the right for -- vending and using tho above valuable inven tion, for Northumberland County, oiler to dispose of the same to persons who may desire to purchase. 1 he ahove invention la now in operation at the saw mill of Mr. M'Carty, near Sunbury, w here it can lie inspected by owners of saw mills and all others interested. E, GOWN. March 27. tf. SAMUEL GOBIX The La t C'liuiitc TF persons who are indebted lo the subccriter on Bonk account, will call and settle the same he. fore the 10th of Apiil next, they can save some in crest as well as costs, as the books after that t ime will be placed in the bunds t f a magistrate for col lection. H. U. MASSE R. March 20. 1811. WARRANTED Brass Clocks. For Ill JioII.us, n .1 QUA L for time to any tulJ by Clock Ped uU litrs for $25, for sale by March U. H. B. MASSER. S U i Ii U R V GEORGE ROHRUACH & BROTHERS V17ISH to Inform their Customers and the pub- ' lie generally, that they have erected an En gine, and are enabled to do moro extensive t usi ness than heretolurc, and are reudy to make all kind of catlings commonly cast at Foundry, viz: STOVES, HOLLOW-WARE, PLOUGHS and PLOUGH CASTINGS of all (lesriiplions, which they will dispose of as cheap as they ran be bought elsewhere. Old Iron and 1-uuuliy produce will be taken in txehangn for castings. GEORGE ROM KU At II, JACOB ROHRUACH, Feb. 27. 3m. WILLIAM ROHRBACH. T h o in a n It ii m s c 1 1 , No. 208, Baltimore Street, A ftvodunrt west of Howard st. BALTIMORE. WWT-HOLES.M.E DEALER in Comln, But V tons, German and Fancy Good, and Im porter of Patent aud Shoe Thread. Spool Cotton. Suspenders, Tas, aud alinoet every description of Small Articles. Country Merchant and Dealer in general, are respectfully invited lo call and exa mine for themselves. Jan. 30, 1 y f? t ii' JT SHAIHOXXXf COAL. F a very superior quality, tan be had at any lime, by application to the subscriher, in lots to suit purrhnsent. They keep largo, rg, bruken, ana line coal, fit for burning lime. J. II. PLRUV 5c Co. Sunbury, Sept. 20. tf. tllliH'EMl'.S. A fresh supply of Grocciies just received and fr s 1I0 by HENRY YO.YTHIMER. Sept. 12, 1840. tf. l.lnmntS A f.n-h .111.111V nf Rrnndv. flln. Poit. Lisbon. Tei trifle. Madeira and Sherry Wines. just received and for sale by HENRY YO. I HI.ML.Ji. Sept. 12. 1940. tf. tll'&ijI.VS, A new assortment of 7-4, 7-8 nnd 3-4 yord wide Muslin, just received and for sale b HENRY VOXTHI.M ER. Sep't. 12, 1840- tf. CVIflt'OiV.S'. A new assortment of Calicoes just icccivcd and for sale by HENRY YOA.T1I1MKK. Sept. 12, 1810- tf. M itff.V. A good assortment of Bar Iron.juat received and for sate by HENRY YOXTHI.MER. Sept. 12, 1840. If. &.1iT. 250 barrels and sacks of Salt, just received and for sale hy HENRY YOXTHI.MER. Sept. 12, 1810. tf. t'l.Ol ttS. general assortment of Cloths and Cassimeics, constant y on hand ot thn store of HENRY YO.V1THMER. Sept. 12, 1810. if. ll'7A.Vir, ItVK, Tf.V and all other kinds of Gtuin and Seeds will be t iken nl the high est pricis in exchange for gon.ls at the store ot HENRY YOXTHI.MER. Sept. 12, 1810 tf. MACKEREL- A few barrels of Mackerel for sa'c at a low price by Sept. 12, 1840. II. B, MASSER, IRISH SALMON. Ol the best quality, con stantly on hand nnd for sule by Sept. 12, 1840. H. B. MASSER. MADEIRA WINE. First quality Madiera Wine, for sale low by Sept. 12, 1810. II. B. MASSER, FOURTH PROOF LI K A IN 1 1 .A genuine article always on hand aud for sale by Sept. 12, 1840. H. B. M ASSER. HOLLAND GIN, Of tho best quality ulwaj s on hand and for sule hy Sept. 12, 1810. II. B. MASSER. LOAF AND LUMP SUGAR. Alvs on hand and for sale by Sept. 12, 1S10. 1L B. MASSER. BOSTON SV KU P AfoLASSES. Oi a supe rior quality, for s.ilc by 81 pt- 12, 1810. H. B. MASSER, y E WG 4T.E AXS sUliA IFTi O LE M l LASSES. Of the best quality always on hand ar.d for sale by Sept. 12, 1810. H. B. MASSER, BROWN SUGAR. Of a good quality, for sale low by Sept. 12, 1840. H. B.MASSEK. Lltjt;OKS.rot "uil kiu.lsrid 'ol lhe Lest quale tics, always on hand and for sule by Sept. 12, 1840. H. B. MASSER. GREEN AND BLACK TEAS. Of tho best quality always on hand and for sale bv Sept. 12, 1840. II. B. MjASSER. COFF1.E. Java, Rio ond Lag una Coll'ee, cole stoutly on hand and for sale by Sept. 12. 1810. II. B. MASSER. SPERM OIL. Winter aud Summer strained Sperm Oil, of the best quality, always on hund aud for sale by Sept 121810. II. B, MASSER. STEEL. Cast and Blister Sleei, l. r sale by Sept. 12, 1810. H. B. MASSER. SPRING STELL. Ul vuiious sizes h.r Etiplic Spring, for sale by Sri. 12, 1840. II. B. MASSER. LARGE OUARTO BIBLES. For sale ut very rjdueed prictsby SeiL 12, 110. II.B.MA SS ER. BLANK BOOKS. Of "a kind, for s:.leby S,pt. 12, 140. II. B. MASSER. BLANK DEEDS. Hjmls, Mortg.mes, Vc for sale by Sept. 12. t40. H. II. MAssKR, "JUSTU'ES BLAN KS. b.rVale' by Scpi. 12, 1840. H. B. MASSER. ""CLOTHS", Blue, Black. Invisible "GrVcii7& for sule by Sept. 12. 1540. V. B. M tSSER, i:AfrSl.MERES AND SATTIN LTTS. F01 sole very low by Sept. 12. 1S40. II. B. MASSER. ""CARPETING. For tale cheap by Sept. 12, 1840 II. 11. MASSER. BLANKETS For sale cheap by Sept. 12, 1840. II. B.MASSER. TN BLEACH ED M CsLlNS. For by Sept. 12. lSln. 1'. 11. MASSER. COTTON Y A kN AND "OTToN LAPS For sale by Sept. 12, 1810. H. B- MASSER. IIL.r A.U I 111 lU.t 1 lllAfi. for sale by ''I'JL2- ,S1 II. B. MASSER. TO WING LINES, CORDS AND ROPES. I' or sale by Sept. 12. 1840. II. B. MASSER. TLtt HL7 -ETC-. U " TS hmby given, that interest will be charged by the subscrilH'r, on nil account for lime, thut have been standing longer than six mnmh. and that hereafter this rule will be strirtly adhered to. All person indebted, aie requested lo call uud settle their account. SEASHOLTZ cV BERGSTREsSER. Sunbury, Jan. 23, 1841. if. iiScri limit" k Aotitt. A T a meeling of the Merchants of the borough of Sunbury, 011 the Cth hat, the following wa unanimously adopted: Whereas no uniform rule exists among the mer chants of Ibis place, in repaid to the charge of illic it! on book accounts, therefore Retolvtd, Thai interext will 1 charged on all account that have been slmding longer than six months, and that hereafter all accounts in our books will l balanced every year, and thai interest will be charged on ull buljnces thut average more than six months .Limling. RrtofteJ, Thut the subscriber will strirtly ad heie lo the above lule, and that notice of the same be given iu the newspapers of this pl xe. HENRY YOXTHEIMER, JOHN YOUNG, JOHN BOG A It, H. B. MASER. LENJ. HENDRICKS, Jan. 23, 6m. JACOB KHAWN. A FEW Copies of "'"A I'uton Choral Harm -tV numy," consisting isacr. d Muse, wilhGer iiinn and Enuli.U luie to tucb lone. By II. C, Eyer. For s!o by January 30. II. U. MASSER, VTTEXTION MERCHANTS, &c. e. r. &. j. n. trick, WHOLESALE GROCERS, FORWADINO & rnoiitTK roMMissioir tr.aenST., Ao. 297, Market street, five doors above Seventh, PHILADELPHIA, OFFER fur sale, at tho lowest mirkol prices, a 0elirl:lt noporllncnt nf Trns. f'tifTie: Ktiimr Molasses, Wines, Liouors, Spiers, Tobacco, iVe. (!nDRTnr Piioim i! received and sold on commis sion. Meicliants, Hotel keeper, ond others, ill find it to tin ir advantage to cull and cxnniino our tfotk, In fore purrha-ing Iscwhrre. Mer.hant wihhirg their good ( Heeled in this city, by b avins sn order, will have them promptly forwarded, by the inoyt rxprditiolis line. r.hWI r. IB1CK, J 011 II. FRICK, Feb. 0, 1811 ly. aM,i.c;ii.i3i & .iisti Importers and Dealers in Foreign lln rdwaro, Corner of Pratt and Mcht ., BALTIMORE. COUNTRY MERCHANTS, and others, are respectfully invited to cull and examine their Stock of Good. Jan 30. ly TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS. THE Subscriber, Agent of Lyon eV llanis ITat Manufacturers, for New York, Phibidelphia, Baltimore and other lurce cities, wl oso Hats are highly commended for gnod color and durability. has on hand a hri-t rate ahsoitincul ot II A Jo ai.cl CAPS, fuitable for Soring do", wh eh will be s ld very low, fir cash or approved rredil, at the noted cheap store, INo. 40, iSorlh Ihirdslrett, opposite the City Hotel, rinhiilelphia. - OLIVER N. THACHER, Apent. N. B. Orders fur Hats in the ro'tiih. promptly attended In, The hihctt price in ri or tiuJe given fur tor tkms. Philadelphia, April 10, 1 S I I. ly OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. NEW ENGLAND OIL COMPANY. No. 29 North Water Street, Thila 7Q TTANUFACTURERS ond dealer in Oils of 1 w ii every dexcriptioil both fir burning and iiiuiiulacturing purposes, which will lie solo much lower than they can bo procured elsewhere, and warranted 111 quality tortual any 111 the city. Any oil sold by the company not proving as lepresented, may be returned w ithout any expense to the pur ibawr, and the money will bo refunded. Tin ir clock now in stoie consists of the following oil, viz: Htl (Hill nnlt.ina Winter nienrhnl Snpim" I 5 - " I Oil, a XT f.000 do do do do do do do Ci. lories Oil, Fail ond Spring Sperm Oil, Winter Sea Elephant, do Preyed Whale Oil, Summer do do do Common Whale Oil, 15,000 10.000 20.000 f.000 15.1.00 200 Barrel superior Straits Oil, SCO do Cod Bnuk Oil, 50 do Nea's Foot Oil, 75 Ca.ks Olive Oil, Tanner's Oil. fXj-This Company has a number of Vessels en gaged in the Cod Fishery, and Tanner may rely upon getting at all times Oil as pure as imported, Philadelphia, Nov. 7, 1S40. ly. TATTSITTIOIT. ffIIE special ottciition of buycis fiom the south L and wet, and for the slate trade, is respectful ly invited to the following assoilmrrt of GOODS, which the subscriler will dispose of at smh prices as will amply repay his friend for calling ind ex amining his stock. To CASH purchasers, at the present time, extraordinary inducements will be of fered. 200 pieces heavy variegated Spanish matting. 500 pieces Canton malting, assorted 1-1, 51 and C-4 white, checked aud flowered. 1000 hearth rua. a beautiful aorlment of Wil ton, Brusscl, Tufted, Tuikey.and Hemp rug. 200 piece woolen, wotsted, cotton, hemp, in grain, Venetian and block CurpelinB. An elegant vatielv of W illon, l'iusi ls, Sco'.ch and Eniisn, Venetian, D.unask, cVc. oVc. 1000 dozin nien nnd boys cap?, comprising a great variety of Fur, Seal, Nuliia, Muskiat, und Coney, Hair, Senlelto and Cloth Caps. 100 dozen Allicant Mat, aorlcd size. 100 do Manilla do do do CO do Sheep-Kkin do do do TO bale French Bj.keis, comprising every de scription. 00 pair Venciian Blinds, osb'd figuics and colors. 3000 pali tit do do do 1000 nckts Cabu or Satchel', ass'd, embossed leather, straw and oil cloth. fiOOd du7. 11 Combs, assorted tortoise shell. Bra ziliiuii doh'Tii, ivory, brass aud vtoud, comprising a lare assor'nunt c-f every variety. 3000 dozen Whips ussoited wagon, gig, car riage, sulky, planters, drover or riding, of gut, lea ther and thread, with German silver, gilt, ivory und bone mountings. 1000 dozen painted pail, Witson'a brnd. 1000 iie.t ced.r Tub aid Buckets; also, Cburn, Piggins, Water Can, ckc. The ahove together with an extensive assortment of fancy goods, Brittania aud Gnman silv. r waie, feather uud Iristle Brushes, Looking G!ais, Ma hogany and (iilt Flumes, of every size nod des ri tiou, are manulaitured, imported, and selected ex priMly foi the southern, western uud slate trade. J. SIDNEY JONES, No IS North 2d streit, Philadelphia. Philadelphia, November 7, 1810. ly. TAYLCn. XXFFEit FOR SALE, ut the South East Or llV tier of I'ifth aud Market Htects, PIuImLI plua Men' Calf-skin Boots, stitched warranted, da do do pegged do do do do water proof, douUe soles and double upcrs. do Calf-skill do do and upper, do Heavy Water Leather Boots, do do Neat do do. do High quarter Shoo, (.'elf-skin, do do do Crocker do do Fino Monroes warranted do nailod do Kip do d Calf d, do Coarse do do do Shoe do do do .lo d,l do do Fins do do Kin d do t'alf snd So! Skin Pump. do List Socks with und without soles. do Caipet do do d.i do Putenl Warranted Wutcr-pr.vof Moccasina. Ladies' do do do do l.a.h.V I mined India RuI Irho . ('enllemeiis' do Over sIhm-. With every other dese itin of boot and shoe. Fur Cap of every description. Travelling Trunk of every description. H.etidii Travelling Bags. PuteiitCum Elastic Shoe Blacking. Unmet of ull kinds, Pulm 1 .est Hat. J'hiLdelphia, November 7, le40. ly. CI TIT AUCTION AND COMMI&SXON STORE. Number 29 North Thitd Street, Pkihuletpliit PUBLIC SALES of Dry Goods, Har.lv.aro and Cutlrrv. Ibiuk?. St itimiarv. Cto'lii-iir. Boot. Shoes ami Hats, nnd in tbort Hlinnst errv description of gnn!, tire hiM at this establishment every evening Goods nre n!o Mil ;.t piiva'e .) during the day at thcavprnye sucl'on rices Siorc m?rper ami trailers will I.uJ It lollmr ruvuiitae by aitendipg the sab . C. MACKEY, Auctioneer. Pjiilmlelpbia. Novemb. r 7, 1K-10. J. W. iSWAIN, Utnlirclla und I'arasol iIainifdcti.rcr. Ao. 37 AW h Tint it ttrrrf. tiro doors below tie Cit,, llnnl. Philadih.l.ia. COUNTRY Merchant and otlius arc sn'li ;t"d to examine hi assortment lilore jn 1 1 :-ja-'u.- ilse where. Philadelphia. Novrmbrr 7. 1 10. ly JiK llh I l lMDIlUl f oil. if 3 ESPECTFLLLY inlorrns 1!.' ir fnends srvl JHi ncquointanccs grnerally that tiiey still enn tmuo In keep at the old stand. No. 210 Norill 3d streit. Philadelphia, all kind of TOIIACCO SAW AND SEC A IIS. Which they will sell on the most occoininodaling; and reasonable terms. N. B. All goevd sold will bo guaranteed, ond ol orders promptly attended to. Phtbidttphia, N'ovemlicr 7, 1840. ly. Wliolesalo and ltelail tlioe, llunnet, and I'alm Loaf Hat Warclionye. 1Y0. GO North 'id slrirf.a fun doors uliove .lrch, Pliilntliljliiit. ALSO Trunk!', Ca'pet I'a'jsand Va'icc.. of ev ery dcrciiptiiin, ull of which he lCis for sale oil the most H-asnliable trrins. Philadelphia, NovcnilK-r7, IS 10. ly r7& a. lrcTvuD 'F7 China, Glass and Li'.ipool Wnrclioio, No 1C4 North Third f'rret. ,'.',W door btlow Vine street, Philtuh-lphh. V7HERE they constantly k-ep on band a larg.i asKortmeiit of China, G!a.- Liverpool Ware, which tlrey will d:s;oso of on the most tei sonable terms. Philadelphia, November 7, 1810. Til EOl'I LUS"Cl'LK Alanufacturcr and Importer of Sad dlery, Hardware, &c. No. 5 South Third stmt, four doors below Market Philadelithiw TT EEP constantly on bund a Inrce nnd general assortment Coach Lamps, Car'iige Bain!, Axle Arms, l.liptic Sj rtnBs;. Pn"nt I.r-t'.cr. Ac. t'ountry Merchants u:ul tnddlers wi!! Lc s.i bed at ull time i n the most re.isonahlc li rrn;. Tl.ey find it to their advantage to c.iil and cxamii.e hi- assortment before purchusin? t teewhero. Philadt Iphia, Novemlier 7, 1810. ly. RC?B MAKERS & SHIP CHANDLERS. A'o. 13 North Wuter Street. Phiieble idiia. L conr.tnntly on liaoJ, a ge.ienl usorl nient of Conhire, Seine Twines. cVc, viz: 1 ur d Ropes, Fishing Ropes, White Ropes, Maui! la Ropes, Tory Lines for Cap.il B.ials. Abo, rt complete assoitineitt of Stino '1'uines, tVe. :-l-!i asi Hemp Shad and Herring Twine, Best i'atei.t Giil Net Twino, Cotton Shad nnd Herring Twii.p, r Thread. &c. eVc. Also, Bed Coid. Plough Liuej, ii niters. Traces, Coltun uA Linen Curpl Cl'.iin, &c. ull of which they w ill dispose of ou lets.v .V.a lei;n. Philade'phia. November 7, 1840. I j EYNl )L1)S7 AlcFA II I .AN L)X (v6. Wholesale Dcalies in l'orci;rn JJiitish and American Dry Goods. Ao. 105 Murkrt tt net, I'hiU.deljd.ia. CSOl'Vi'RY Merchants, nnd ethers run be sT.p J plied at nil times with an extensive a s. it nieut of the best und mo-l fjshioiih!v Gi od 11 the must reafonal W. t:.i". PUil.nle'phia, Nov. tuber 7. 1 S 10. lv. Wholesale Yarirty ard Trim:ti!! f?:oro Ao. 44, North Fourth ur Arch st., 1'!. ' ':.! '.a. ""niEI!E Country Men limits ar.d others ?n Ii supplied, at !! tiim s, with u laie ortmti.t of Hosiery, Glove', Merino, tJul'im, nnd W o t.i. Sl.nt ond Drawer-, Sp.iol Ct'un. P iter.t 'i hiead. Cotton t,i.!s, l.'u'.louB, Tapes, Bindings He.k and Eye, Pins, S.c. And a t'eneral vari.ty oi'u.e ful articles, whkhho otV.ra f . r sale at Inu Lwe.-t prices. Philadelphia, November 7, 1840. ly. Z w ..in. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL i'.OOiEI- LERS AND STATIONER . No. lii'i Cl'.cstnit .Street, Lciuw -itli. riiiladclphia. "TT" EEP ennstaniiy on hand a grner.d sr. i Merit of Rooks oi, 1 Stali. narv ; e.vr,,iisi: Tlieolegicid, Law, Medical, Classical. Miscei!nnc ous and School B.Mik, Duv Bn.ks', a'l size. Led Btr. do.. Fomily Rihle, Pocket B.ble, Wiiling Papers, Wrnppire Paper. A c. vVe., which tl.ey ef ler ot the lowest p ire to Country Me;.!nr.r Pro fessional Gentlemen, Teachers, and oil i d.era that may favor them with tl eir cmlnm. Philadelphia, November 7, I S 10. ly. i:siili7u7lL viiCLnsALE cr.Y ecorc r.Tons. . No. Hit'. l-'J .Market .''ttcet, l'liila. (in low Fifth Snuthtide ) ALWAYS keep on huiid a full and fcer.'ml a. scrtniint of llo.'icry, Lace, and Fancy Good, Country Mcrrhunt nro respectfully requested to give idem a call und examine fur tin m cl'.es. Philadelphia, November 7, ls'4;. ly. Isr j : 1 i 1 .( :7 c oou & Yx No. ICS Market .Street, Tliiladclj liin. BNVITE Iho attention of Country r.!.:nii to Uieir extensive assoetuu in i-f L'iiti.h Fr.i.c'i ii J American Dry Goods, which they off. r lorsuU on the most reasonable term. PhiUb Iplna, November 7, IS40. ly. l'irrEU 1 jewels, IiA5T BXAKBR, No, 71 Callow hill Street, rjiilaiiclj..Jiia, C Three diH,rs ubfue Stcond.J AIHOE Findings always kepi 011 Land, wl.i. h h elf. rs for sale on tho lonet lern.s. Connliy Merchant arc uiliLUtarly to c!l undjudjjj Lt theiiiseScs. Phils.lel.bia. NnvrmUr 7, 1S40. l v. LOWEll ATUAIv liOXr Importers and Dealers in Foreign ar.d- Danteslif. Haidwar1, No. 174 Nomtm 'i'Miwn Sr.iiT, PuiLAntirniA. V17HERE Ihi ir friend and tustomer wi'l uhray find lurge and general assorlment if Foreign, and D.iiiiratia Ilsidwdiv, which they wills 11 l Ilo lowest price. PhiltdelpUia, Novctutx j 7, 1610, ly,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers